View Full Version : Seven Evils [RPG]
Akamai Deredal
01-01-2004, 06:34 PM
Howdy all. As a select few of you know... I've started a wanna-be novel called "Seven Evils." And Pip and I have come up with an idea. We wish to start an RPG of the novel, with 5 other Mooters. I'll be more than happy to post everything we need... so, feel free to join!
The main idea for the story is told in the title. “Seven evils.” A long time ago, there were seven guardians picked to guard against the evils that plagued the land of Kodanya. These evils are more commonly known as hate, greed, deceit, suspicion, fear, violence and death. (Hate leads to violence, violence leads to fear, fear leads to deceit, deceit leads to suspicion, suspicion leads to greed and greed leads to death.) Each race--Elf, dragon, human, satya, kostalya, lynethe and the nirav--is weak against a certain evil, making them very prone to it, and each are practically untouched by another evil. The first seven guardians had stones made of different precious gems, with a rune in their own language in it, and that is the one they are strong against (or in other words, the one they guard). But one guardian had ill intentions, and thus tainted the seals which were meant to be used as seals for the main center stone which holds a layer of each single seal and doomed his comrades. Each guardian slowly succumbed to the taints on their seals, and slowly became the monsters that they were meant to fight against. In a final retaliation, the seven sealed themselves away beyond the gates with the very magic used to create the entire thing. At one point, a small group of elves (seven to be exact) decide to gain an unknown power of some sort. Their purpose was to reopen the seals, not knowing what lay behind them. The warnings were written in each language, but the elves were too hasty, and continued on to the ‘temple’ for the ceremony. The stones recognized that their holders were not of the proper race, and something went awry. The first layer of the center stone shattered, releasing the first evil; hate. A war soon followed--the ‘disease’ had attacked the elves the strongest, they being the weakest against it and driving them mad with the alien emotion.
As if being called to their duty, a new group of guardians slowly make their way to meet in an Oceanside town, bringing them together. One of each race, some don’t get along with each other as well as they were meant to. The war had brought many ill feelings towards certain races.
(It's worded poorly, so if they're are any questions, please kindly take them to the Discussion thread that Pip has set up. We'll be more than happy to answer them ^_^)
01-01-2004, 06:38 PM
Hullo Akai! *is giddy with excitement* hope people join!
Akamai Deredal
01-01-2004, 06:39 PM
Name: Akuji
Race: Human
Age: 28
Appearance: Looks as if he is 21 years of age. Is of average height, 5'8" and has very strong arms, but not wide build. Short cut blond hair and dark brown eyes. Despite his history of war, he is virtually unscarred, except for a crescent shaped gash that runs down his left cheek.
Personality: Well spirited and rarely depressed. Finds a way to put humor in to the most dire times. Not often pessimistic, neither optimistic, but usually takes a factual point of view. (If you ask him if the pint is half empty or half full, he'll down it and tell you that it doesn't matter as long as it's ale)
Weapons: Akuji practiced fencing every day as a child for sport, then after many years of heavy labor he developed finely toned and strong arm muscles. When the Hatred first began to spread, Akuji switched his attention to a long sword, a weapon that had just been invented as a heavier sword made for actual combat. When the first war broke out his put his skills to use, parrying and lunging more than one normally would. His practiced paid off, and he survived the war unscathed by the Elves. He also has a natural affinity for white magic, something which he never really studied until his proficiency was recognized by a master in the art. His knowledge of it was still at an intermediate level when the war broke out, at which time he abandoned the study and went to fight.
Name: Istas
Race: Elf
Age: 157
Appearance: Crystal blue eyes and shoulder length, straight blonde hair. 5’7”, slim and fragile looking.
Personality : Calm and forgiving. Never shows any anger or any emotion really, fairly neutral most of the time. Patient and a quick learner. Very trusting; innocent and naive. Comes off as a very neutral person, not an introvert or an extrovert. Not easily angered, or unbelievably chipper either. Fairly level-headed and down to earth.
Weapons: Doesn’t know any other weapon than the bow, and occasionally applies her knowledge of magic. Uses her reasoning skills to better understand what attack she should use, and whether she should do anything at all. At first she doesn’t really realize that she has to fight to survive, but eventually the realization sinks in and she becomes a hardened warrior, calm and unperturbed during her fighting.
Name: Zeroun
Race: Satya
Age: 130-140
Appearance: Very Tall (6'7") Weighs 260 pounds but isn't wide due to his height. Has light brown/reddish hair and green eyes. His skin is well tanned with a clay like tint to it. He has more scars on his hands and lower arms than anywhere else.
Personality: Rough and strong willed person. Once he starts something, he never lets go until he finishes. Doesn't take much joking lightly, especially sarcasm. Speaks loudly, and almost always.
Weapons: A massive sword weighing 40 pounds, reaching 4 feet in length and one and a half feet in width. The blade has three large runes of a green tint on either side.
Name: Tarun
Race: Dragon
Age: 62
Appearance: Pure white scales cover most of Tarun’s body, except for the larger ones on his neck, stomach and chest, and the shielding ones that cover his front forelegs, and feet, as well as part of his back legs, which are all silver. Eyes of pure silver stand out like a pair of polished sword blades, and the thin membranes of skin that stretch out across his wings match his shielding scales. Claws and teeth are all razor sharp and never dull. Silver spikes scale from the back of his head down to the tip of his tail, with intervals of two feet between them.
Personality: Inquisitive and ever curious, as most young dragons are. Usually fairly serious, at least when there’s a need to be. Open-minded and excepting, he hardly ever carries a grudge against anyone, but after the war that changed. Now very untrusting towards creatures he does not know, for fear of his life. Doesn’t rush headlong into things, but rather thinks them through. Hates being hasty and rash if it’s avoidable. Would do anything to defend his friends, or his kin.
Weapons: Do you really need to ask? (Fire, claws, teeth, and elemental magic)
01-01-2004, 06:41 PM
fyi; I call Tarun!
Akamai Deredal
01-01-2004, 06:41 PM
Name: Valmair
Race: Nirav
Age: 180
Appearance: Stands roughly 5'7" and weighs 200 pounds. Has black fur all around him and a yellow pair of eyes. His teeth are wickedly sharp and pure white, and the claws in his paw/hands are a contrasting black.
Personality: Is a "lone-wolf" type of person, keeps to himself and takes care of himself. Has a very aggressive attitude but ironically doesn't have a bad temper. Is greatly loyal to what he calls "his pack," whoever that may be.
Weapon: Carries a long and spiked mace with long indents in the handle to fit his claws in to, giving him a much better grip. Valmair carries a large shield in his other hand, sufficient for blocking most blows until a good opening for attack comes. When need be, he will use a pair of poisonous, spiked knuckles that fit perfectly on both his hands. While he uses these knuckles, Valmair is much more free to cast his spells.
Name: Rhiannon
Race: Lynethe
Age: 24
Appearance: 5'5", Fairly slender, lean muscles, almost a wiry sort of look. Acidic green eyes and straight red hair that falls just below her shoulders. Dark skinned and nearly as graceful as the elves. Usually hides her features under a veil or hood of some sort. Really sarcastic.
Personality: Fairly friendly, but very edgy when she first meets people. Grows uncomfortable under the "spot light" or around large groups of people. Trustworthy, but untrusting. Easy to anger on certain subjects (past, alliances etc), and quick to start a fight (and I don't mean word fight, lol)
History: Ten spikes, each ten inches long, from tip to end of hilt. Hilt consists of a four inch extension wrapped for grip, ad ends where a plate sticks out and curves downward into four miniature spikes, each about 2 inches long and half an inch in diameter. Main spike is hollow and is etched with runes in a spiraling pattern. It’s six inches long, and an inch and a half in diameter. Always sharp, and cursed too, by the way.
Name: Nakia
Race: Kostalya
Age: 74 - Appearance = early 30’s
Appearance: Sky-blue tinted skin, with light violet eyes and thick curly black hair that falls at about her mid-back. 6’2”, feminine features, appears to be more fragile than Istas, but only appears.
Personality: Always incredibly cheerful. Full of laughter. Has a good humor and rarely ever gets angry with anyone. Never seen depressed, and always smiling. Very eccentric and stubborn in her beliefs. Good natured, even when in one of her rare arguments.
Weapons: Magic of course, and when that fails (which it rarely ever does) she resorts to using her shurkins (throwing stars) and two thin bladed daggers.
(All Bio's are modifiable, lol. Feel free to change what you feel needs to be, but be sure to notify either Pip or myself...)
Oh yea, one last thing. Some of them don't get along with each other very well... Here's the list!
Rhiannon = Tarun; Akuji; Valmair
Akuji = Rhiannon; Zeroun; Valmair
Istas = Nakia
Zeroun = Akuji; Valmair
Tarun = Rhiannon; Nakia
Valmair = Zeroun; Rhiannon; Akuji
Nakia = Rhiannon; Istas; Zeroun; Tarun; Valmair
Rhiannon = Istas; Zeroun
Akuji = Tarun; Istas; Nakia
Istas = Akuji; Zeroun; Tarun; Valmair
Zeroun = Rhiannon; Istas; Nakia
Tarun = Akuji; Istas; Zeroun
Valmair = Tarun; Nakia
Nakia = <blank>
Rhiannon = Nakia
Akuji = <blank>
Istas = Rhiannon
Zeroun = Tarun
Tarun = Valmair
Valmair = Istas
Nakia = Akuji
(I'll post anything else in the discussion thread, if anyone has requests... --including pictures of the runes and whatnot, as well as homelands and a kindergarten style map :D)
Akamai Deredal
01-01-2004, 06:43 PM
and I think I shall claim Rhiannon... since I seem to favor her... ::grins sheepishly:: Sorry all, can't help it!
01-01-2004, 08:36 PM
Me.. I'd choose Nakia. I'll help w/ a map[once my scanner starts working] I drew a relatively accurate lotr map for my 7th grade game project. just PM me what it looks like.
01-01-2004, 09:32 PM
You guys took everyone I wanted to be at first! :p It was funny, I was scrolling down the list, thinking 'I'll be the Dragon! ...Ok, I'll be the Lynethe! ...Or the Nirav! ...Just kidding, I guess I'll be the Elf.' :D heehee!
I'm Istas. You guys just don't want me to be something other than my usual elf maiden, do you? :)
01-02-2004, 02:09 PM
teehee, the thread isn't closed anymore! fyi, the thread isn't middle-earth related, so we have to make it so. Its in mIddle-earth now, lol.
brash ti rhoh 90 sec rule!
01-02-2004, 04:13 PM
i call valmair. im guessing hes broad in the shoulder aswell?
01-02-2004, 06:57 PM
suppose so. So we still need Ajkuji, the man and Zeroun the satya. I think i'll go recruit gulio, she might like Zeroun.
Akamai Deredal
01-02-2004, 07:17 PM
Pippin, you fool of a Took! Clean out your blasted PM box! I can't talk to you! Either that or get on AIM. *stares down the bridge of her nose at pip*
I'm think I might have someone for Akuji... hehe. I'll get back to you all. Oh yea! I'm tryin' to set up the site Kalile suggested... (At least I think it was Kalile)
01-02-2004, 08:37 PM
sorry pal, my pm box is all funktified, its broken. i clean it out everyday, and everyday I get an e-mail saying it is full! *sigh* I'll get on aim tho. I msged aewionen and asked ifshe and gulio wanted to join, I think gulio might like Zeroun, due to his dwarf-like qualities.
01-02-2004, 10:45 PM
pip I had that problem too. Go to your message box, and go to received messages, and erase.
01-02-2004, 11:01 PM
I still can't figure it out. Anywho, we still need 2 players, Akai got one of her friends who helped her witht he story and he said he might join up.
01-02-2004, 11:15 PM
Pip go to message tracking in the folder section in hte righthand corner, and delete.
01-02-2004, 11:33 PM
ok, thanx leggy, i think I actually got it now.
01-03-2004, 05:58 AM
Could I be Zeroun, pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease...meh I'll put this post in the other thread in case it's not seen here.
Akamai Deredal
01-03-2004, 11:58 AM
Earloth, if you wish to be Zeroun, then by all means... Please do! ::grins:: Now all we hafta do is find a person to be Akuji and we're set... for the most part... I gotta find out if I forgot to tell you all anything... ::sits down in her chair and ponders for a while::
01-03-2004, 03:57 PM
Me finds one thing wrong. It says Nakia and Rhiannon are friends, but in dislikes you put rhiannon diskiles Nakia? What is wrong w/ this piccy?
Akamai Deredal
01-03-2004, 04:30 PM
Well, see, the thing is, the people listed under Nakia's name are the ones she THINKS she's friends with. Under their names, it tells what they think of her... so yea... lol
Sorry if that doesn't make much sense...
01-03-2004, 09:28 PM
still need an Akuji? I'll volunteer...
Akamai Deredal
01-03-2004, 09:37 PM
Yes, we're still Akuji-less. If you really want to be him, then please, go right ahead. =D Many thanks, Nariel
01-04-2004, 01:32 PM
can we start now? ok, i'll post later, i have to go to church now.
Akamai Deredal
01-04-2004, 03:25 PM
Why yes, Pip... we can all post now. Though I'm not quite sure where to start at the moment... ::shrugs:: I suppoe we start off with our characters doin' whatever it is they do... Could be fighting in the war... or coming back, or even before the war... just make sure you put that before your post, so there's not too much confusion...
01-04-2004, 07:23 PM
okay! I suppose Tarun will be coming back from battle, but the war isn't over yet, right? anywho, here i go.
ic: Tarun gazed down at the charred battle field. Bodies of elves, men, lynethe, Kostalya, satya and nirav lay strewn over the plains.
'So much death' he thought to himself. He remaind unscathed save for an arrow that pierced the thin membrane between his wing bones. It would make it harder to fly, but he could manage. Tarun leapt from the cliff and beat his wings awkwardly. He hung balanced in the air before he swooped upwards. Soon, his wings beat rhymically and he was on his way home.
Tarun's home was in the south eastern corner of middle-earth, in the ashlands. He didn't stop untill he got there. Fortunately, is homeland was untouched by the war. He found his cave where his mother was sleeping. He decided against waking her, and drifted into a deep sleep, the first he had gotten in a month.
01-05-2004, 12:53 PM
Akuji took his place in the tree. He only hoped the others would come through. Having crossed the river, his troop was now advancing into the forest. Hopefully the Elves had not goten wind of their attack. The others had come around and were levying a battle from the Plains side, which meant to serve as a distraction. Just then, a guard Elf came and stood right under his tree. He and his troop had been watching for a while now, studying the schedules and habits of the Elves. This was his cue.
He leapt onto the unsuspecting elf with hardly a sound. He had him down, and made his way further into the forest. WOuld the others make it?
Lady Arwen56
01-05-2004, 01:03 PM
can I still join? hmm? hmm?
01-05-2004, 01:43 PM
I think you could, but you couldn't be a gaurdian, or have a stone, but I dont see why you couldn' still join.
ic: Tarun woke in the night, the cave was dark and the fire had stopped. He couldn't see anything, so he walked to where the fire used to be at the mouth of the cave, and blew fire on the dry wood. A disatarous and bloody sight filled his eyes. The bodies of dead dragons lay strewn upon the ground. The ground was one red river, flowing in and out of crevices. He spun around, only to find that his mother was gone. His heart dropped. His family, his home, all was destroyed. The rain began to pour, running off the cave, flooding the ashlands, as if it tried to wash away all the suffering that had occured. Tarun roared mightily, his voice echoing off the mountains in the distance. They didn't deserve this. He launched into the air, and glided across his broken homeland. Justice would be found.
Akamai Deredal
01-05-2004, 02:00 PM
Rhiannon sat upon her knees, her legs folded underneath her as she ran a bloodied hand through her brother's hair. Both of them had left their home to help in the war; to them it had been the only right thing they could've done. She had killed before this, but it made the events of the past few weeks no easier to deal with. She had seen many new friends slaughtered mercilessly, but she could bear no hatred to the ones that caused it. The elves had no real idea of what they were doing... How could she hate them? Taking a deep breath she tore herself away from her thoughts and looked down at Osias' battered face. His head lay upon his sister's lap, eerily still, and Rhiannon was hit by the reality she had been fighting so hard to fend away. Osias was dead. She had no home to return to; her clan would never accept her after the carnage she had dealt.
Lifting Osias' head from her lap and slowly standing up, she carefully set him back down and laid his hands at his sides with his sword beside him. "Sleep well, brother..." She murmured, her voice catching in her throat as tears rimmed in her eyes. Turning away hastily, she grabbed her own weapons two of her ten spikes and trudge doggedly through the mass of the fallen and dying warriors. Stopping when and where she could to help, Rhiannon spent the rest of the night making her way back to the remnants of the army's camp, hoping that at least a fair number would make it back.
Lady Arwen56
01-05-2004, 02:20 PM
okay...and what huh?
Lady Arwen56
01-05-2004, 02:47 PM
Age; 21
Race: Lynethe
Description: long raven black hair, sea blue eyes dotted with violet and speckales of green, tall, very pretty
Personality: Quick tempered, yet very outgoing
Weapons: A sword called Turana, and a few hidden daggers.
Items: A ring with a black crystal held with in.
and yeah...thats about it...
Akamai Deredal
01-05-2004, 02:51 PM
Love it, Arwen. ::smiles:: Kedaras can be the one that helps the Guardians find out what they're supposed to be doing... Seeing as they're all kind of in the dark right about now...
01-05-2004, 03:55 PM
is someone going to explain about guardians and stones and....??????????????????????
01-05-2004, 11:48 PM
Nakia walked along hte road with a bounce in her step. She felt fine, even though her resources were drained, and she had just killed many beings. <Oh well...> She thought happily. Her black hair bounced along with her as she ran down the road.
01-06-2004, 12:39 AM
Ooc: Leggy, you're EVIL! I eat people like you!
Ic: Istas knelt over another body. Another... my people are gaining power. It saddened the elf and sickened her, filled her with pity and revulsion at the same time, but no one ever saw that. An observer would have seen her bend over the body for a moment, stand and wipe the dust off of her knees, and continue without a trace of any feeling. I have to find others like me who are not affected by these strange things filling the air.
The elf continued to slip stealthily through the canyons near the road, until she saw someone running happily, and stepped into her way.
Now we see, for good or ill.
Ooc: Hey, am I right, that the guardians are unaffected by the vice which they are guardian of? :confused: That's what I'm playing off of right now, but I'm obviously not sure...
01-06-2004, 01:20 AM
OOC: But people like you Kalile, I locks them in closetses with nasty spiderses and bonesess... yess I dosses.
"Oi! Who're you?'' I asked cheerfully, carfully removing a stick from my hair. I looked at her, waiting for an answer.
01-06-2004, 12:55 PM
no, the gaurdians aren't affected by the evils that they are weak against, yet. Istas shouldn't be affected by hatred, only some elves are.
ic:Tarun didn't know where he was going. He sped over plains, mountains, and wastelands, looking for something living. He hadn't eaten in a week, but it didn't bother him. Below he saw the red bloodstained battle field. He saw two people talking, one of them was an elf, another a kostalya. 'Well, obviously the elf wasn't infected by hatred.' he thought to himself, so he landed. He looked at them curiously.
"Who ae you?" he asked
01-06-2004, 02:56 PM
Akuji arrived back at camp, grinning as always. "Rhiannon!" he called, looking for his friend. When he saw her, he ran to her, grinning even wider. "We took the forest," He said excitedly. "We took the forest! We've driven them back into the swamps."
Akamai Deredal
01-06-2004, 03:02 PM
Rhiannon looked up at her friend and smiled wearily. "Then there is indeed some good news to close the day, Akuji. It does my heart good to see you so joyful. Tell me, how much carnage have you seen today?" She sighed tiredly and sat down near a campfire, not caring whose it was as long as it warmed her limbs, and perhaps her heart.
01-06-2004, 03:14 PM
"Not much," replied Akuji, his smile fading. "But I was only in the first team. We only captured." He looked at her, cocking his head. "You look tired, friend. Come, we'll get some sleep. Tomorrow we advance to Linnaimiir. Before the week is out, we should reach Ancatimeh."
Akamai Deredal
01-06-2004, 03:21 PM
Rhiannon nodded slowly, but did not rise just then. Looking up at Akuji she frowned slightly. "Akuji, I know it is late... but would you help me with something? I do not think I can do it by myself as tired as I am..." Getting only a slightly curious look from the man, she sighed again. "Osias was killed. I do not wish to leave his body out there for the carrion birds to feast on..."
01-06-2004, 03:26 PM
Akuji's face assumed a serious expression. "Oh, my friend, I grieve for you. Of course I will assist you. Come, we will give him a proper burial."
Akamai Deredal
01-06-2004, 03:34 PM
"Thank you, Akuji. I will make it up to you somehow, I promise..." Rhiannon said as she pushed herself from the ground and dusted the dirt from her clothes, if only to hide the grateful tears that had again welled up in her eyes. Willing them away, she straightened up and made her way back through the battlefield, her hand on her spikes merely out of habit.
01-06-2004, 03:44 PM
"You already have," Akuji said under his breath, fingering the scar on his left cheek. As they walked back to the battlefield, noticed she was fighting back tears. He put a hand on her shoulder in support.
Akamai Deredal
01-06-2004, 03:50 PM
Again, Rhiannon smiled at the comfort her friend gave as they reached the place Osias had fallen. How they managed to find him amongst all the other bodies, was beyond her, but at least they did. With a grim look on her face, she pulled two of her spikes from the belt around her waist and started digging at the ground doggedly, making fair progress as Akuji joined her.
(I don't know HOW she would dig with them darn things, but hey, it's all good, lol. She can't use any other weapon without bein' put through some serious pain... Some funky curse or what not ::blinks:: )
01-06-2004, 04:00 PM
When they had finished digging, they dragged the body into a 6-foot deep and long hole, covered it with stones, and replaced the dirt. Akuji had found some wood and placed it at the head of the grave after carving the dead man's name into it with his dagger. The two of them stood there in silence for a long while, trying not to weep, before returning to camp and collapsing from fatigue.
ooc: Not that hard to dig with spikes... kind of like tilling... Can't use other weapons or any tools at all?
01-06-2004, 10:56 PM
"I am Nakia, the kostala." I said brightly.
01-07-2004, 12:08 AM
Ooc: Yeah, well, how do you know that there aren't nasty spiders and bones in my stomache?
Oh, god, that was pathetic!
Ic: "I am Istas the Elf from Lorien." (Ooc: Hah, it is Middle Earth themed! :)) "What has happened here?"
01-07-2004, 12:51 AM
Tarun nodded, "I am Tarun, my home is...was in the southeatern ashlands. We were ambushed, not a day after I arrived from battle." he said. He looked at the kostalya curiously. She seemed so....jolly. He smiled,
"Nice to meet you." he said
ya know leggy, you and me are supposed tobe friends.
01-07-2004, 12:55 AM
I smiled back at him, my white teeth flashing."Nice to meet you too!" I said bouncily.
OOC: Pip, when are we supposed to become friends???
01-07-2004, 01:00 AM
dunno, i guess now sounds good. lol.
01-07-2004, 01:14 AM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Pip.... Pip......Pip.... *shakes head*
[nonsense post]
01-07-2004, 01:43 AM
"We should get out of this blood land." said Tarun. 'I can take you to a nearby camp. I can carry both of you." said Tarun, bowing down so they could climb on his back.
01-07-2004, 08:08 PM
"Okay!" I jumped lightly onto his back, landing behind his wings. "Coming Istas?"
01-08-2004, 01:28 AM
Istas looked at the dragon unblinkingly for quite a while.
"Yes," she said at last, and stepped lightly to his back behind Nakia. "May I inquire as to who the camp belongs to?"
01-09-2004, 11:59 AM
Akuji awoke with a start. Such a dream he had never experienced. Such... hatred. And... death. He couldn't put a finger on it.
He saw the sun rising and decided it was time to get up. He woke Rhiannon. "Come," he said. "It is time to advance. Today we reach the Lake."
Then, stepping out of the tent, he stretched and looked toward the east. He saw the vague outline of the mountains in the distance. He turned toward the west, where they would be heading. It was flat as far as he could see. But there was the lake, not far off, and it would be a sure sign of victory when they reached it.
01-11-2004, 07:38 PM
"Is this the camp? I asked, gesturing towards the wide expanse of tents.
ai! I shall stab the evil nintey second rule with my evil little black marker of justice!!!
Akamai Deredal
01-13-2004, 01:29 AM
OOC: Hey all... Um, I'm going to be staying with a friend for a while, so I won't be on much. Dad's in the hospital, has been since my birthday, January 11th anywho... So I'm kinda preoccupied. But I'll be back. Love you all! Take care!
Love Always,
01-16-2004, 02:20 AM
*blasted nintey second rule*
*starts to stab it with fork, then write upon it with marker, then stab it again*
*rips the paper of the rule*
01-17-2004, 07:44 AM
:( We're sorry about your dad Akai...we love you too (or at least I think we other self is asleep at the moment. Gollum.)
Originally posted by Kalile
Ooc: Yeah, well, how do you know that there aren't nasty spiders and bones in my stomache?
:eek: :eek: You like eating spiders too, Kalile? I thought I was alone...
ic: Zeroun peered after Akuji and Rhiannon with narrowed eyes; his homeland behind him, he had travelled over forty leagues to find battle on different heaths, but had always in mind a chance encounter of Akuji; he did not fully know Rhiannon, but had neither a hostile nor an overly genial opinion of her, and did not care of company or absence either way. He was crouching on a rock as he watched them wake and begin to leave the site slowly; he stood suddenly, the leaves of a dead tree scraping his bulky shoulders; he jumped down from the rock, making a surprisingly low amount of noise for a creature of his stature.
He walked in long and silent strides, his scarred muscular arms swinging heavy back and forth. His thick blade hung weightily on his broad back, its ballast making no effect on his posture. His lengthy paces enabled him to gain swiftly on Rhiannon and Akuji, and once he was within twenty paces of them he stopped and called loudly to them. His strong voice stirred the echoes of the cries of dead warriors of the battlefield, then died suddenly, swallowed by the silence of the cold moor.
"Akuji!" his voice seemed to have lost neither its volume nor its deepness, but it seemed to him that its richness had somehow been strangled. A slow, damp mist flowed over the land. "Rhiannon!" The pair turned slowly towards him, and from a distance Zeroun perceived the salt and scarlet that blemished their eyes. Looking sternly at Rhiannon he asked slowly: "Where is Osias?"
01-17-2004, 09:11 PM
Akuji whirled around to see Zeroun. But then at the question, his smile drooped. "I fear, friend, that Osias was taken in the last battle."
01-17-2004, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by Eärloth
:eek: :eek: You like eating spiders too, Kalile? I thought I was alone...
I thought so too.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!*runs away and hides*
01-18-2004, 04:57 AM
Ooc: :p:p:p:p That's all I have to say. :D
Ic: "May I inquire as to who the camp belongs to?" Istas asked again, slightly louder, as they approached the encampment. "I would like to know where I'm going before I actually get there."
01-18-2004, 02:49 PM
"Yes, that would be a good thing."
Akamai Deredal
01-20-2004, 10:12 PM
OOC: Dad's doin' great, just so you all know. He had open heart surgery; five veins/arteries in his heart replaced. But he's much better off now, and about as helpless as a newborn, of course, that's what I'm here for. Learnin' to cook don'tcha know... ::wipes mixture of flour and ash from her face and grins::
Rhiannon raised her gaze from the ground breifly to meet Zeroun's eyes with a forced smile. "'Lo, Zeroun..." She murmured, her tone weary from the last day's events.
OOC: Short, I know, but deal with it! Please? :D
01-20-2004, 10:28 PM
My grandpa had open heart surgery last week. He just had his last stint put in today.
01-23-2004, 12:20 AM
"The camp belongs to the humans of the north. They are friends. They will welcome us." he said, though he wasn't all that sure how a dragon, and elf and a kostalya would blow over easily. He glided down to the rows of tents. A few humans came running up to him.
"Who are you? Why have you come to our camp?" demaned one, who seemed to be leading the others.
"We came to find refuge. All my kind were slaughtered, when I found these two. I am Tarun." said Tarun, allowing Nakia and Istas off from his back.
"Where is Akuji? He is a friend of mine" said Tarun nervously, hoping his friend had not perished.
ok, i'm back. sorry about all i missed. I am so sorry I wasnt here for your birthday, and your dad, akai! in england dontcha know. lots of loverly tea. wish I was here, I could have given you my new recipe for tea! *pours tea down akai's dad's thoat* tea helps everything.
01-23-2004, 12:59 AM
"I know nothing of a person named Akuji, but I hope that you find him." I smiled cheerily and extended my hand. "I'm Nakia, a Kostala. "
Akamai Deredal
01-24-2004, 01:48 PM
OOC: Gotta get this thread movin' along a little. Where's our Akuji? lol Going to give it a nice little boost... Doing a little bit of GodModing... sorry!
Rhiannon turned her head a fraction as she caught wind of a deeper voice traveling through the air. The ground reverbrated ever so slightly with the deepness of it, and that alone sparked her curiousity.
Zeroun's ears twitched slightly at the slight sound and his head turned as well, making it to where both received an odd look from their human friend.
"Sounds to me like we have a new visitor." Rhiannon said, still weary from lack of sleep.
"A few, if you ask me. And one of them is looking for you, Akuji..." Zeroun murmured his rough voice oddly collected as he turned his gaze to his friend.
Doing the same, Rhiannon waited patiently for Akuji to decide what was to be done. In reality, a bite to eat would do her no harm, and they needed to be regrouped with all the others as well...
01-24-2004, 03:10 PM
Tarun saw three others come into the camp, one of them was his friend, Akuji.
"Akuji! It has been a while, my friend!" said Tarun happily jogging to the man.
"You haven't changed a bit!" he said, looking over his buddy.
"Neither have you, Tarun." said Akuji. "You all must be starving!"
"Aye, I haven't eaten in a while." said Tarun solemnly.
Akuji handed Istas and Nakia a bowl of stew and some bread. "I am afraid this is all I have to give to you two. As for you," he said to Tarun, "There is a meadow not far west, a herd of deer are often there, they should be roaming in the area." he said.
Tarun smiled (the best a dragon can) and took off.
sorry for all the goddmodding
01-26-2004, 12:10 AM
"Thanks so much!" I said as I accepted the bowl. So... You are the infamous Akuji. Pleasure. I'm Nakia."
01-26-2004, 12:18 PM
ooc: I'm here... sorry...
"I am," said Akuji, bowing lavishly. "Although I would hardly consider myself infamous. What have you heard that makes me so?"
01-26-2004, 11:11 PM
"I hear things." I said simply without telleing him why.
01-28-2004, 01:42 PM
"Very well," said Akuji, accepting the vague explanation. "We travel to Linaimiir and then on to Ancatimeh. Do you join us in our journey?"
01-28-2004, 06:52 PM
"I shall. But I do hope that you wait for Tarun. I've grown rather fond of him."
*Writes on nintey second rule*
01-28-2004, 06:58 PM
"Of course," said Akuji. "we shall wait for his return and then continue on our journey."
01-29-2004, 01:06 AM
Ooc: Whoops, haven't posted here for a while!
Ic: Istas broke in suddenly. "What is going on? Why are there forces gathering for war? I see people killing each other, elves killing each other, and I need to know what is happening!" The elf stood calmly, but her eyes blazed. "What could provoke my people to slaughter those whom they hold dear?"
Akamai Deredal
01-29-2004, 09:19 PM
Um, you guys will have to Godmode for me again. I'm not going to be on that often for a while... My grandpa on my dad's side passed away Wednesday morning... I've got to help with everything, get grandma taken care of. And then I have the funeral to go to. Sorry everyone... didn't see this one coming. Take care!
Love always,
01-29-2004, 09:40 PM
:( :( :( :( :( Oh, Akai! Poor baby, can I hug you? *hugs monitor*
Oh my god, take care of yourself!
(The dumb part is that I seriously did hug the monitor)
01-30-2004, 12:14 AM
POOR AKAMI!!! *Kalile is silly* I hope that nothing else goes wrong.... Really sorry, though I can't do nothin bout it.
Akamai Deredal
02-03-2004, 10:28 PM
OOC: Back! Unless something else pips up. For now it looks good though. Glad to be back. And thanks for the comfort everyone. :)
Rhiannon glanced at Istas briefly and smirked. "You really don't know?"
She cursed herself silently for her rude question. With a sigh, she gave it another try. "No one's really sure what's going on... The elves it seems have gone mad. We're not quite sure what to make of it. There hasn't been a survivor that's sane enough to explain past events..." She trailed off, and shook her head. "These are trying times. Forgive me for snapping at you... We are weary, as I'm sure you are. But soon we'll be able to rest. Soon..."
OOC: Not sure what to do... but... OH WELL! lol, can't let the thread die! (Bwahahaha... sorry. I kinna like my new icon... It's crazy... in a creepy, I'm-gonna-eat-your-soul kinda way...)
02-04-2004, 02:35 AM
oops, sorry guys. I've been eating through the hp books. like mad. Padfoot lives. I am in denial. anywho, sorry bout your grandpa, akai! *snuggles* hows your dad feelin? Dear Eru, he's been through alot lately!
ic: after having eaten approaxamately three or four hundred deer, Tarun flew down into the camp.
"Terribly sorry. I havent eaten in a while."
"We are going with the men on thier journey. Will you come?" asked Nakia.
"Certainly. I can fly above, I assume you are riding horse beasts?"
A few men chuckled. "I can also bear one or two of you who wish to ride dragon back, rather than those." he said, shooting a reproachful look at some picketed horses. Tarun never understood them. Primitave beasts as they were.
02-04-2004, 02:39 AM
scuse me, but can we use images in sigs? I have been trying to figure the ruddy thing out, but I am so bad at html.
Akamai Deredal
02-04-2004, 10:00 AM
Shrugging, Rhiannon let out a low whistle as she glanced around the emcampment. Normally a beautiful black mare would have come running to the call, but today, there was nothing.
"Those horse beasts, as you say, are quite an asset to our cause, but it seems their numbers have been falling as rapidly as ours have. It seems I will have to hoof it with the others. I'll meet you all when we stop, yes?" She peered curiously at Akuji and Zeroun, then Istas and Tarun, and finally Nakia. For a moment, she had a slight urge to box the older woman's ears. In such times, it was increasingly odd to be so jovial... And Rhiannon had a feeling she was always like this. This is going to take some getting used to...
OCC: Sry, not sure what else to do... Oh yea, Pip, the fatherly-unit is doing fair to partly cloudy. Better than most. Glad to hear you like the books... Don't watch the movies... In my opinion it ruins them... *shrugs*
02-04-2004, 08:39 PM
OOC: I like both, but that's my opinion[and Pip, I don't think that you can have images in your sig... don't ask me ask a mod.(PADFOOT LIVES!)Sorry for the outburst]
"I'd rather travel with you Tarun, if that's alright with you of course."
02-06-2004, 12:25 AM
ooc: I liked the other 2 movies, and I am hyped bout the 3rd. ahem, I totally agree with legoles. *runs around with huge sign "PADFOOT LIVES!"* btw, akai, is that you in your avatar? quite evil eh? teehee
ic: "Certainly!" said Tarun, lowering his neck to allow the kostalya on. In fact, he was quite happy about this. He has nothing against men, but they had the tendancy to jab him in the sides like a horse.
"We will fly above, but I shan't fly ahead because I do not know the way." said Tarun as Nakia leapt onto his neck. He leapt up into the air, beating his wings slowly untill he was high enough to keep a steady beat.
"Where do you come from, Nakia?" asked Tarun.
humhum, I am sick, but I will make it *gulps tea* cant say much more now
02-06-2004, 01:10 AM
Poor Pip. Sick? I was too[all flippin week] get better!
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEvil nintey second rule!
"I come from an island off the coast of the great sea. I don't distinctly remember it's name. Where do you come from Tarun?"
02-07-2004, 03:57 PM
why thank you, I am felin much better, but mom is making me catch up on the 2 days of school work I missed, today and tomorrow. just not right. anywho, I like your sig, leggy. PADFOOT LIVES! ahem, shall we move on?
ic: "I am from the ashlands in the south. I was raised there and all my kind have lived there. Plenty of caves. We had whole communities living there. But no more." Tarun said sadly. The sun was going down and the edges of the sky were pink. "I think we should be getting there anythime soon."
02-10-2004, 11:44 PM
"I feel so bad for you Tarun. My people abandoned me on the island with my family and a few of our friends for multiple reasons. Are there any of your kind left? What happened? Please tell me."
02-11-2004, 01:23 AM
"Not that I know of. Maybe some escpaed. After battle I returned home to rest and tell my people of the battles. All of them were slain. I did not stay long enough to see whether any escaped. I flew away, and that is where I met you and Istas. I am glad I did." said Tarun.
"What about your people? Where do you live now?"
02-14-2004, 12:42 AM
"I live whereever I may, and stay as long as allowed. As to my family and our friends still live on the island. The rest of the community lives in some different, much larger island. I can barely see. I think we should descend now."
Akamai Deredal
02-14-2004, 12:39 PM
OOC: Isn't Legolas Nakia? *is so confused* :confused: And Kalile's Istas... I think... Yea... just thought you might wanna edit your last post :P So ppl like me don't get confused again...
Rhiannon watched Tarun launch himself into the sky. With a small smile on her face--the first in many long months--the young woman followed his travel until he was but a small speck in the sky, by which time, Zeroun and Akuji were loading their packs.
"Are you ready, Rhi?" Akuji asked, drawing his companion from her thoughts.
"What? Oh, yes. As ready as one can be. I might fall asleep on my feet though..."
"At least half of us already are asleep on our feet, Rhiannon." Zeroun retorted, his voice carrying a slight growl with it.
Rhiannon watched as his ears twitched slightly every time there was a slight sound, and she shook her head again. There were too many things these days that she had never dreamed she would ever see... Dragons, Niravs... Such madness and bloodshed.
She was used to fighting, but not on a scale this massive. Shifting her own pack, she sighed and glanced around one last time. Off in the distance, she could just make out the clearing where her brother was buried and she immediately tore her eyes away from it.
"Are you coming?" Akuji's shout brought Rhiannon jogging to catch up with them.
Once she walked between them, she slowly faded into her own thoughts again, her eyes fixed on the gradually brightening horizon.
02-17-2004, 01:11 AM
thats right akai, leggy is nakia, and nakia is riding tarun, lol. right?
ic: Tarun glided down the the ground. He did not recognize the area around him.
"We had better wait for the others." he said, looking back to where the other people were following them.
sorry, I dont know where we are , so i cant say much more.
02-18-2004, 09:15 PM
"Yeah..." I said nervously, drawing on my powers to provide a small light. "Um Tarun... Tarun...? Are you asleep!?"
02-19-2004, 07:27 PM
"What?" aske Tarun, coming out of his nap. "No, of course not." he said, blinking. "You?" he asked after a yawn.
02-19-2004, 11:58 PM
"Nope... Where are the others!? We should've seen them already... Maybe I'll conjure a larger light..." I said then did so, making a small bonfire, hovering thirty feet from my face.
02-20-2004, 01:33 AM
"I could have helped. We dragons do breathe fire you know." said Tarun as he stared up at the fire. He always admired fire. The orange and yellow flames, licking the sky above, swirling in undeterminable patterns.
"I think I see them." said Nakia as she looked behind them to where thier companions should be following.
"Good, I am ready to eat." replied Tarun, trying to supress his rumbling stomach.
02-22-2004, 01:10 AM
"I am too... but I thought that you just ate... I heard that dragons didn't really need to eat unless they hadn't eaten for 2 months or such..
02-22-2004, 01:18 AM
"True, but that last goat wasn't much. I can go for two months if I have a proper meal, like a couple bucks. I am hoping to find a decent herd around here." replied Tarun.
I have been infected with the 90 sec rule yet again.
02-22-2004, 01:22 AM
"Ohh... okay then..."
"OH HEY! IT'S TARUN AND NAKIA! Please, join us for dinner. And d'you mind if we use your fire?"
"I don't mind." I said, my voice a great deal more cheerful.
02-22-2004, 01:24 AM
what? who was that talking? I am confused and we cant do much more till other poeple come back!
curse the satanic 90 second rule!
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