View Full Version : Assasin's Shadow
08-23-2005, 09:31 PM
It was Year 31 of the Fourth Age, Gondor reckoning. Cuamir and Colomir dodged through the forest. They held their longbows ready, and with their grey cloaks they were sheathed in darkness. Curamir heard a noise. Quietly, quickly, he nocked an arrow and aimed.
"Orc," he whispered to his brother.
Colomir slipped invisibly forward. As he drew out of sight, Curamir heard a short indrawn breath. Running forward, he stopped as he saw his brother pointing.
"Not orc," the ranger of Ithilien told Curamir. "It's a warrior!"
In front of them, a man lay on the ground. A broadsword was strapped to his back, as was an empty quiver. His gear was strange. Curamir walked up to him and exclaimed, "He's still alive!"
Initial Characters:
Curamir: Son of Faramir and expert longbowman. (rohirrimTR)
Colomir: Son of Faramir and master of stealth. (Still open)
Curmaar: A mysterious warrior from the South (me).
08-24-2005, 05:55 PM
I will not write any exit scenes for your character. If you want to leave, PLEASE kill off your character or otherwise remove him/her from the story. Thanks! :)
08-27-2005, 02:46 PM
"Curamir!" shouted Colomir.
His brother turned, in time to see something fall in front of him! An ugly creature lay before the ranger, transfixed by one of Colomir's swift arrows. It was dressed in primitive armor, and bore a crude sword. The bowman slightly recoiled from the thing.
Colomir asked, slipping closer, "What is it? It was trying to pounce on you."
"I'm not sure. It looks like a goblin, but it's too tall. Furthermore, why would a goblin be here?"
"I don't know. There is a feel of shadow and darkness to this. This creature...what was it doing?"
"We might still find out. Look out behind you!"
The two brothers turned. Twenty creatures like the dead prowler were dropping from the trees, blades in hand!
"I'll circle behind them...can you stay alive?" asked Colomir.
"Yes. Be swift."
Curamir drew his sword.
08-28-2005, 01:08 PM
Several fell before Colomir could draw his bow. The creatures now seemed confused, not knowing who to attack. Curamir cut down several more in their confusion while Colomir's arrows found their marks. The creatures that were left ran into the trees. The brothers could here sword against sword, and a cry of "Elendil!" and then slience. Colomir and Curamir looked at each other, then crept toward where they had last heard cries. They saw a figure thrust its sword into the last creature as it lay on the ground at its feet.
08-28-2005, 02:45 PM
"Be you friend who calls with the name of Elendil?" called Curamir.
"Shhh! Move quietly!" replied the figure. "There may be more around!"
"We found someone back there...not dead, though. We must take him to the Window on the West."
"Let me lead you. I know this forest as if it were my home. We must hurry!"
"Who are you?"
"One who will be your friend."
The figure stepped out of the shadows, pulling back a hood.
08-28-2005, 06:06 PM
It was a she-elf, wearing a grey cloak that caused her to blend in with her suroundings.
"We must get him help quickly. Come, we must hurry," the man groaned as she lifted him into a sitting positon. Cumamir bore him on his shoulders. The she-elf drew her sword and motioned for them to follow her
08-28-2005, 06:38 PM
Darting through Ithilien like sprites, the four figures were almost unseen. The elf's sword, drawn, gave the Rangers something to follow. Otherwise, she was totally invisible because of her cloak. Colomir was also as well cameoflaged. He brought up the rear, scanning the silver trees for the bizarre goblins. At last, the elf stopped. The travelers were in front of a tree, with a boulder behind it.
"Here is an elf hideout," she told the brothers. "There is a cave behind that tree, inside the boulder. Get in first. I hear something."
Colomir and Curamir slid the unconscious man in, and then entered the cave. It was fairly dark, lit by patches of daylight. Soon afterwards, the elf came in.
"They are coming," she whispered. "Stay silent."
Faramir's sons heard swift footfalls and goblin-shrieks. Shadows passed over the puddles of light in the cave, and Colomir, Curamir, and the elf waited, completely still. Then, all was silent.
"Let me see what I can do for him," whispered the elf.
She pulled back his collar to show a gash near the warrior's neck. Slowly, she cleaned it with herbs, and he began to stir.
08-28-2005, 07:44 PM
"Lesto bethno. Melloc. Open your eyes. You are among friends. Lesto bethno," she wispered, bent close to his ear. She pushed a strand of golden-brown hair out of the way. She then said something so low the brothers could not hear. The wounded man's eyes slowly opened. The elf looked at the brothers. "He is lucky you arrived when you did. They would have finished him off"
08-29-2005, 05:53 PM
"You were there as well," Colomir said. The elf shook her head.
"I arrived afterward. We must make our way to the Window on the West. This will be hard, Sons of Framir, for these creatures do not fear daylight"
She went to the entrence of the cave. Curumir studied her. Who is this elf who knows who our father is? he wondered. She was dressed in the garb of Mirkwood, yet she acted like a Ranger.
08-30-2005, 10:09 PM
"Who are you?" the stranger asked Colomir. "Where is the Assasin?"
Colomir replied, "You are in the hands of friends. What is your name...who is the Assasin?"
" Curmaar Hardaari...I am a corsar."
"A corsair? Chased by goblins?"
"No...a corsar...I can fight without a blade..."
"I have never heard of that. Who is the Assasin?"
"The Assasin...he has pursued me for countless days...over many miles..."
"Were those goblins his?"
"I do not know. I have seen him but once. He hides in shadow...a wraith, some say...but I know he is a man..."
Colomir decided not to question further. Curmaar's eyes were beginning to dart back and forth. He was searching for an unseen menace.
Colomir asked, "Can you walk?"
"Yes...they did not hurt my legs."
"Good. There is an elf...she shall lead us to the Window on the West."
The elf looked out, her ears listening for the slightest sounds.
08-31-2005, 09:21 AM
The elf stepped out. A moment later, she returned.
"I cannot hear or see them. We must move swiftly. The Window is not far. Quickly!" The brothers and Curmaar followed. "Keep him close. Do not let him stray even slightly" They soon came to the entrence. The elf stopped.
"Get in! Quickly!" She had drawn an arrow and placed in the bow. She then shot it into a nearby tree. There was a shreak and a goblin crashed out of the tree, dead. The elf then followed the men into the entrence.
09-01-2005, 07:01 PM
Curmaar followed the brothers to behind a waterfall. The setting sun shone, like a ball of flaming glory, sending sparks of water shimmering down. The corsar stood, amazed, at the sight. Curamir smiled.
"It is indeed wonderful," he told the man. "They say that many years ago, in the great War of the Ring, my father took the Ringbearer Frodo to this very spot. When I stand here, it is almost like looking at Gondor's ancient glory."
Curmaar shook his head, saying, "I seldom look at such things of wonder. In the South, it is a very different life."
"Tell us about it, my friend," said the elf, "and I will also tell you about myself."
The Ranger and the warrior followed her to an inner cavern. They sat down at a bench, and Curmaar stood and turned to face all of them. He began his narration with sweeping gestures and movements, in the tradition of the South.
"I am a warrior of the South," he began, "born to a man who had fled from Sauron's darkness in the War. When I was a young man, I came home to find my parents dead, an arrow in each of them. Its feathers were black and grey; the work of one they name The Assasin. He was the hired pawn of the tribe chieftan, but I suspect he is doing darker work. Perhaps there is a great danger to Gondor itself."
All was silent. Curmaar sat down, and the elf rose.
"Now," she said, "I shall tell you of whence I am come and why I have come."
09-04-2005, 03:23 PM
" First I shall tell you my name. I am Acalewia, although your father knows me under a different guise. I come from the north, where The Assasin also works. He has bred fear in the north. Mothers and wives mourn their slain children and husbands. These creatures are his minions. I was among a group of Rangers going to Rivendell when we were attacked by these creatures. None escaped unscathed and few survived. I have tracked them from Mirkwood to Gondor. I know he is mortal, and I plan on ending his reign of fear." The brothers and Curmaar could see the fire in her eyes. "I fought in the War of the Ring and I will fight against The Assasin,"
09-04-2005, 04:25 PM
"What shall we do next, Acalewia?" Colomir asked. "Do we go to the south, where Curmaar's parents were killed? Do we go to the North, where the Assasin's terror reaches farthest?"
"Where is he, though?" Curamir wondered. "His goblins were here, but where is he-and what is he planning?"
"Not even I know that," the elf replied, "but I have a few guesses."
"So what do you think we should do?" asked Curmaar.
09-04-2005, 05:40 PM
"For one, you need to rest, Curmaar. For another, Framir should know about the threat, if he doesn't already. I do not know where we should go, but I believe The Assasin sent his minions to the north to do his bidding for him while he remains in the south. I also believe that he is trying to kill any and every Ranger he can find, which puts all of us in danger" Acalewia turned to Colomir "Is your father here now?"
09-04-2005, 08:35 PM
"He is back at Osgiliath," replied the Ithilien ranger. "It is a far road."
"I will go and warn him, Acalewia," Curamir offered. "You need to stay with Curmaar."
"Well, then...go, and be swift. May Iluvatar speed you," the elf replied.
Curamir went off to pack, and then shortly left the cave. Colomir looked at Acalewia.
"Now what do we do?" he asked.
She replied, "We should both guard Curmaar, until Curamir returns. Maybe then Faramir will know what to do."
"That seems rational. We will stay in watches, one guarding the entrance and one sleeping. Curmaar, of course, will stay inside."
"We shall do that, then. I take first watch."
She posted herself next to the winding entrance, watching. She caught a glimpse of Curamir slipping through the woods, and then he vanished from sight. The elf waited.
09-09-2005, 06:33 PM
Hours later, Colomir appeared to relieve her.
"Keep a watchful eye. I haven't heard or seen anything since your brother's departure, but that doesn't mean your watch will be peacful."
"I understand. Curmaar was asleep when I left him," Acalewia touched his shoulder.
"I'll relieve you in a few hours," She returned to where Curmaar slept.
rohirrim TR
09-09-2005, 11:35 PM
As Curamir slipped out of the cave he immediately noticed how quiet, and still the wood's were; it was unnatural to him, and made him uncomfortable as he swiftly moved along the forest floor. Because it was two days journey to Osgiliath he decided to stop for the night at a small ranger outpost, that lay just off the crossroads but when he stopped outside the perimeter expecting a challenge, he heard nothing... he went further in finding the camoflouaged hut that the rangers kept supplys in; drawing his sword as he entered he found a dead man face down, his body hewn in many places and sticking through his back a lance with markings of the harad on the grip, and as he pulled it out, he found, on the of the tip of it, though stained with blood, the black and grey feather markings of the assasin. There is no time to spare Curamir thought to himself i will care for the fallen ranger and go on, as he turned the fallen ranger over his heart was grieved for it was Bergil one of the most loyal and valiant men of Ithilien, and even more dearly beloved because he had been like a older brother to Colamir and Curamir in their youth; He will be avenged ten times for his death Curamir promised himself. After putting Bergils gear in order he burned the hut and sped on his way to Osgiliath wounded in heart and fell of face.
09-10-2005, 03:19 PM
"A fell feeling is in the wind," Colomir whispered to himself. "Evil stirs abroad...death has come. Where is Gondor's valor?"
He heard a trilling birdcall. It echoed from the stones of Henneth Annun, and fled through the trees of Ithilien. The call came again.
That strange, thought the cloaked ranger.
He heard a scream behind him! Turning, he saw Curmaar, sitting up, eyes wild with fear. He took a step towards the warrior.
"What is it?" asked Colomir.
"The Assasin's call!" whispered Curmaar, terrified!
Acalewia and Colomir whipped towards the cave's entrance. It was empty. A shrieking din rose from below! Colomir ran to the waterfall, and looked down.
"Goblins in the Forbidden Pool!" he shouted.
Acalewia replied, "Swiftly, we must attack! For to enter the Forbidden Pool, it is said, bears the penalty of death!"
rohirrim TR
09-10-2005, 03:47 PM
Curamirs mind ran swiftly as he crept through the forest, he was sure he was being followed; but whoever it was must have had the woodcraft of the elves, for surely he could not get a good look at what it was. After doubleing back several times and going through the thickest part of the woods he no longer felt he was being watched and continued on to Osgiliath
When he reached the city, late that night, he was greeted by Elegost captain of his fathers guards " Hail Curamir" he said "you and your brother were not expected for another fortnight, ahh but you look wearied, go get some refreshment and I shall make your prescence known to your father"
NO! commanded Curamir "there is no time, Bergil has been slain by an assasin and my brother and an elf wait for me an Henneth Annun with a wounded man, even now they might be overrun by goblins, get whatever men we have we must go to their aid, I will report to my father. "Aye my lord" replied Elegost "at once".
When Curamir had finished relating his tale Faramir looked at him sharply "A she elf you say? and what was her name"?. "She bid me to say if you were to ask such a thing that he name was Eruanna" replied Curamir " why? Do you know her"? " I did once, long ago, ahh that was in the past and we have no time for old tales" Faramir said slowly. "First I must send a messenger to the King, he needs to know of this."Second we will go to the aid of your companions and avenge Bergils death if we may".
In the dark before dawn the party of Faramir's rangers silently made their way out of Osgiliath, to the window in the west.
09-10-2005, 04:58 PM
Acalewia drew an arrow and placed it in her bow.
"Only one was spaired death for entering the pool, The Ringbearer's guide. But no more will be spaired." She let the the arrow fly. A goblin shreaked as the arrow found its mark. Colomir also let loose an arrow.
"Let us show them we do not fear them," he said as he released another arrow. Acalewia hoped Curamir would be able to get help and return before they were overrun.
rohirrim TR
09-11-2005, 12:08 AM
It was again dark when the rangers drew near the fall that hid the window on the west; they could hear sounds of of orcs, the harsh voice of uruk commander swearing at his underling, the shrill death squeak of a goblin as an arrow ended his short lifespan. Faramir called instructions to his men " curamir take half the party and surround the falls, no enemy shall be left alive to tell of this most secret of ranger camps; when you are ready, blow this horn i shall give you; good luck men. As soon as Curamir's best marksman were place he blew the horn and a great cheer erupted FOR GONDOR! FOR GONDOR! and with that battle was joined in a matter of seconds the forbidden pool ran red with the strange goblins blood, and in a matter of minutes it was washed away clean again.
Curamir and Faramir hurried up the path to the falls, hearing sound of swords clashing, up ahead Colomir and Acalwecia were standing back to back at the entrance to the falls, surrounded by an uruk with a large club and several goblins with cutlesses; suddenly with a great blow from the uruks club the elf crumpled at Colomirs feet, but the deathblow was blocked by a broadsword; the uruk looked up into the eyes of the strange warrior from the east; it was the last thing he ever looked at as his existence and the three goblins ceased within seconds of Curmaar apearing with his surgically precise, and lighting fast blade . After dispatching the last of the goblins Curmaar staggered and collapsed beside the elf. The rangers carried them in and cared for them Curmaar was only wearyfrom his previous wound, but Acalwecia had a nasty bruise where the uruk had struck her and she was unconscious for much of the night.
"You have done well my sons" said faramir to his battleweary sons "get some rest and we will decide the right path in the morning" and to Elegost he ordered "summon me when the elf revives, I wish to speak to her". The rest of the night on Henneth Annun was peaceful; but elsewhere evil was stirring.
09-12-2005, 04:06 PM
Elegost kept watch over the wounded. Acalewia had not moved at all during the night. But in her sleep, she could see the strange goblins in Osgiliath trying to overtake it. Arrows flew that bore the grey feathers of The Assasin. This had to mean something. Acalewia slowly opened her eyes. Her head pounded, but that was expected.
"Well, Eruanna, we meet again in battle." Acalewia sat up.
"Colomir? Curmaar? Where are they?"
"Colomir is battle weary, but unhurt. Curmaar was able to gather enough strength to save you from a death blow" Acalewia smiled.
"I owe him my life, then." Elegost handed her a flagon.
"Framir bad me to tell him when you revived. He wishes to speak with you"
"Do as he bids, Elegost. I am well enough to speak with an old friend."
09-12-2005, 09:29 PM
Elegost felt that something was wrong. He turned to grab his bow. As he grabbed, his fingers met nothing! His eyes darted around the cave. His bow and quiver were gone! He ran to make sure the wounded were safe, and he stopped. Curmaar was not there!
Curmaar ran through the woods of Ithilien, stopping for nothing. Elegost's bow was in his hand, and the ranger's quiver was on his back. The warrior's sword was strapped over the quiver. The man pounded through the woods.
I have brought evil to these fair woods, he thought.
rohirrim TR
09-12-2005, 10:14 PM
Colomir awoke with a start glancing around he saw Elegost and his brother fervently whispering to each other, when they told him of what happened he could not believe it " it is not like him, there is no way he is a traitor, why,he told us himself his story"whispered Colamir. "Whether or not he is a traitor or just wanted to hunt, he cannot go far, he is not fully recovered yet" interjected Elegost. "We must tell my father at any rate" replied Curamir
When they found Faramir he was with Acalwecia they related the events that had passed that night and Acalwecia spoke up "I do not believe he will betray us, we saved his life, and among his people he owes us a life debt". "You may be right my old friend but might he not consider his debt payed after saving your life?" enquired Faramir. "I had not thought of that, but still he had not the face of a traitor". The sound in the room grew to an indistinct babble as everyone was talking at the same and no one could be heard until; ENOUGH! shouted Curamir "this is useless conjecture it does not matter whether he is faithful to us or not we must leave this place, Elegost arm your self with a bow from the spare armory and the rest of you prepare to leave, myself, and our best scouts will accompany me to search for Curmaar." "You will not go without me my brother" stated Colomir flatly. "Nor will i dessert such noble companions in this venture" said Acalwecia. Elegost stood for a minute and then said "my lord Faramir?" Faramir was standing with his hand at his sides; his eye half closed, as if lost in memory. "Do as he says Elegost, my son speaks with wisdom." he finally said
Before Curamir, Colomir, Acalwecia,and Elegost parted ways Faramir gave his sons a word of advice "there have been reports of smoke from the morgul vale and since those reports there has been rumor of many strange creatures coming through our wood, perhaps they are being drawn to an evil in the morgul castle, at any rate it may be a good place to start we have heard little from Halamir, he has a camp near the vale, i fear for him, be careful.
As Curamirs band moved off into the woods they heard the shrill cry of the assasin in the distance to the east and following it a great cry.
09-12-2005, 10:39 PM
Faramir stood by the waterfall, remembering. He felt a scar that ran across his temple. He was remembering a day...
Why, Nahor? Why? he thought.
His mind strayed to that day. His ranger Nahor had begun to act strangely, until that day. He had attacked Faramir, giving him the scar. The Prince of Ithilien had fought back, and Nahor had fallen into the fire. He had run off, screaming. Somewhere in the woods he had perished in agony.
Faramir felt a tinge of pain. He had seen much in his years.
rohirrim TR
09-13-2005, 08:49 PM
The next day as the three rangers and the elf set out Curamir noticed how quiet it was, there was no sound of birds or squirrels, nor was there any wind at all. The lack of a breeze made the rangers hot, and sweaty under their leather, but the elf seemed unaffected by climate. Suddenly Acalwecia ran ahead and them signaled them to get out of sight. Well hidden in the foliage they had a fine view of about three hundred of the strange goblins and nearly two hundred uruks heading to the north west. Leading the army was a man, but he was hooded and cloaked and they could make out little of his features, save that he was human.
09-15-2005, 12:14 AM
"Where is the Mithrilstone?" the Assasin mumbled to himself. "Where have you hid it, Faramir?"
His orcs marched through the woods, hacking the trees. He made war.
rohirrim TR
09-15-2005, 02:37 PM
Curamir and his companions came out of their hiding places sickened, and shocked at the destruction that the orcs left in their wake. "Osgiliath must be warned" said Elegost breaking the silence that had settled over the woods. "Yes" agreed Curamir "but it would be grievous to me if we gave up so quickly on our search for Curmaar". "Perhaps their is a way both ends can be achieved" spoke up Acalwecia. "if Colomir and myself follow after Curmaar, and you and the noble ranger speed on to Osgiliath and warn Faramir of the invasion party". For a long time Curamir stood weighing the events in his mind until at last he replied "I believe have the best solution my good elf, Elegost let us go we must not be outpaced by orc rabble. And with speed that the three runners of the fellowship would have been amazed at Curamir and Elegost sped toward Osgiliath.
"Lead on Acalwecia" said Colomir, "your eyes see farther that do mine, and i do believe you know more than you are telling, so lead on". "you see well son of Faramir", replied Acalwecia, "for you have read my expression correctly, i see sign of Curmaars passing up ahead I believe we are very close.
09-16-2005, 09:25 PM
As Curmaar walked through Ithilien, he heard a bizarre chant. It whined into a wavering call, and then back into chant. There were a few people there, it seemed. He walked forward, and saw the source of the sound.
Three robed figures were circling around a fire, chanting fell words. One of them held high a silver stone, and screamed an unintelligible river of speech! Curmaar felt an intoxicating smell permeating the air. He staggered, and cracked a branch.
"Aiiiii!!" screamed the figures.
Instantly, ten swordsmen leaped out! All of them were cloaked head to toe in the robes of Harad! Curmaar jumped forward, and slew one as the man sliced at him! As two more attacked him, he beheaded one and caught the other with a spinning kick!
"Haarannnn!!" he yelled.
Quailing, the warriors fled back, and then the first figure screamed. He held aloft the silver stone, and the swordsmen came back! Curmaar braced himself.
I cannot defeat him! he thought. If I could seize that leader's stone...
rohirrim TR
09-16-2005, 10:13 PM
Curamir and Elegost had passed the orcs army's camp that night and they hoped to reach Osgiliath at least a day ahead of them. Dawn broke through inky darkness, and still the two rangers continued on; then with no warning an arrow flew out of the bushes behind them and buried itself in Elegost's leg, both rangers rolled out of sigh; nocked an arrow and waited. after sometime they saw nothing, "Elegost? how is your leg?" whispered Curamir. "I can still walk i believe, it caught me in the calf right in the muscle" replied Elegost hoarsely. Curamir put his bow down and got some cloth out of his pack to bind the wound, first he cut the black and grey feathered arrow out and then put some athelas that he had in the wound and tied it tightly. They had waited nearly an hour and decided to move out slowly they had almost reached the main road to Osgiliath when out of the trees came the hooded figure he had a lance that he hurled into Elegost. Elegost went down and the two warriors standing drew their swords, the assasin had a blade similar to Curmaar's and he knew how to use it; Curamir showed his special skill with the blade,and fortunate for him he had such skill for a lesser man would have stood no chance against such a opponent as this assasin, as Curamir and the asassin went back and forth Curamirs thought went to his many other battles and in the back of his mind he thought of his lineage, his uncle Boromir whom he had never met, Boromir had been the most dangerous warrior that Gondor had known, except for the King Elessar, and he had been slain by arrows.
The asassin thought only of revenge and preventing his element of surprise from being ruined, he cursed to himself this young ranger was proving no easy match, "you are much like your father" the asassin growled at Curamir. "you are a murderer, and i have sworn that the murderer of Bergil will die" replied Curamir coldly. "Bergil?" replied the asassin looking puzzled. At that moment Elegost rose and almost slew the asassin but the only thing that he succeeded in doing was slashing the hood and adding to the asassins face of scars that ran diagonally down his cheekbone. When the asassin saw two skilled warriors against him he sheathed his blade and dissapeared into the forest uttering the piercing wail, he had learned long ago to not take chances in battle,and two to one was not to his liking.
09-16-2005, 10:30 PM
Curmaar hacked his way through the enemy, trying to get to the leader. As he saw the man, he broke out of the melee, and managed to sever the Southron's arm! He pried out the silver stone, and held it high, screaming his warcry!
"Hagaaayaa!!" yelled the leader.
The enemy ran, shouting at him! Curmaar fled, leaving the Haradrim far behind. He paused to glance at the stone. It seemed to be made of mithril, with a strange rune in its hand.
What is this thing? he wondered.
rohirrim TR
09-16-2005, 10:38 PM
Curamir stood watching the asassin flee; many thoughts on his mind. Then Elegost collapsed the lance still in his side, "I'm sorry Curamir, tell your father I tried" spoke Elegost for the last time. Curamir fell to his knees beside Elegost's body "no Elegost you have done your duty be at peace, son of Gondor" whispered Curamir. When he rose his face was stern and grave, the road to faramir was long.
09-17-2005, 11:33 AM
Many leagues away, Hluor the ranger was in a tavern in the North. He sent up a wisp of smoke from his pipe, gazing into the flames of the fire. The townspeople had been acting frightened...
"Hluor!" shouted a man, running in. "The villagers! They-they..."
He collapsed to the ground, an ugly wound in his side. Hluor ran up to him, but it was too late. His friend was dead. Outside, he saw a huge mob running towards the tavern. All were villagers, carrying sharp farming tools.
"Sorceror!" they screamed. "Sorcerors of Angmar!"
09-19-2005, 05:14 PM
Acalewia stopped. Through the trees, Colomir saw several clocked figures. Several figures also lay on the ground, seemingly dead. Acalewia bent close to the Ranger's ear.
"Curmaar has been here," She pointed at broken branches. "He has gone this way. Be silent. We do not need to be delayed." The elf slipped sliently away, with Colomir behind her.
09-19-2005, 09:00 PM
A man, robed in blue, stood in the square of a village. Villagers, holding torches and makeshift pikes, gathered by him. He lifted his hands.
"Now is an hour of darkness," he began, "and shadow creeps over the land! We are the chosen, those who will conquer the spawn of Morgoth that has arisen in Arnor! The powers of Darkness shall crumble before us! Thus saith Morluin, prophet of Iluvatar!"
"Morluin!!" the mob cheered.
The speaker continued, "We are fighting a power not of man, elf, or dwarf, but of evil! Long has it lain in wait in the north. Long has it bidden its time carefully! And now, now that Sauron has fallen, it has arisen! The Rangers of the North, that strange and lonely race, of the arcane land of Numenor, have held many secrets. This was their darkest: they are the servants of Morgoth! They have come to spread evil, and now one of their most evil sits on the throne of Gondor! Now, we must fight the evil!"
"Death to Morgoth!! Death to the Rangers!!" screamed the people.
"Go, now," Morluin bid them, "and waste no time. Slay those that you can, and tell all of this danger!! Go, and free Middle-Earth!!"
09-20-2005, 03:40 PM
Suddenly, Acalewia staggered. She caught a branch as she fell. Colomir reached out his hand to steady her. She waved him off.
"I'm fine," Then the branch broke, a loud craaack breaking the silence. The cloaked figures all turned toward them. They could not see them because of the trees. Acalewia drew two long knives she had on her back and slid behind a tree.
"Avo 'osto," she said falling into her native language. Colomir saw she meant to fight them. He slid into hiding as the swordmen came into the forest to find them.
09-20-2005, 10:57 PM
Curmaar looked at the silver stone. As he gazed at the rune, he seemed to hear a voice.
Feel this power, it is yours to claim. Yours!
Who are you?
I am one who has seen who will see much. Help me, and you will live to be great! The Assasin shall die!
What must I do?
rohirrim TR
09-21-2005, 02:36 PM
Curamir staggered through the trees, the weather was hot and his sweaty head pounded from the heat. He was near Osgiliath and he heard someone moving, it sounded like a large party, but it did not sound like orcs, then he heard the horn of Faramir sound a assembly and he knew he had made it.
"We must fortifie the city, and send another messenger to the King" ordered Faramir to his lieutenant. "What happened to the other messenger?" asked Curamir. "He was found yesterday, with a lance in his heart" replied Faramir grimly. When will it end thought Curamir.
09-22-2005, 09:10 PM
Curmaar heard the Haradrim coming again. He knew there was a choice to make. The soldiers came through the woods. He was ready for them. The first warrior ran up.
"Yaaaaa!!!" screamed Curmaar.
With crazed eyes, he attacked! Catching the man with a spinning blow, he caught the next in a chokehold. As he killed the man, he released a deluge of blows at him.
"You killed them!" he screamed. "Vengeance! Vengeance!"
The mithrilstone glimmered in his hand. He had succumbed.
rohirrim TR
09-22-2005, 09:45 PM
The sun rose a ball of red fire in the eastern sky. Curamir gazed towards the east, he felt something was wrong; it felt like it does when you see a light ahead of you on dark night, and then suddenly the light is extinguished. He didn't know what it meant, but it put a shadow over his heart.
09-26-2005, 04:28 PM
Acalewia stepped out of hiding, holding both blades upright before her face. Her eyes were on the swordmen. One laughed.
"You dare challenge those who are stronger than you? This shall be easy sport" he said. They advanced. The elf backed away. She was holding their attention. Once they passed Colomir, he slipped behind them. She smiled. The two attacked at once. Before long the swordman lay dead about them. There was a fire in Acalewia's eyes. Her ears had picked up Curmaar's battle cry, although Colomir could not. She wiped her blades.
"We must hurry!" she cried and ran in the general drection of the cry with Colomir behind her.
09-26-2005, 08:15 PM
Morluin glanced at the short, ferret-like man. He had spread parchments in front of the blue-robed leader. The short man was robed in black, with daggers at his belt.
"So," asked Morluin, "what have you discovered about the mithrilstone?"
The man answered, "It was Kiru the dwarf who first made it, years ago. He thought to create a weapon that would slay Durin's Bane. Some say that he heard the advice in a dream..."
"That he may have..."
"...and it seems that the dwarves kept the ring. However, all that I have heard says that it was lost with the fall of Balin, Lord of Moria."
A look of fiery rage seared over Morluin's face.
09-26-2005, 09:27 PM
Colomir grabbed Acalewia's arm. He had heard something in the trees. The elf glared at him. Then she heard it. Suddenly an arrow flew at them, hitting Acalewia's right arm.
"Rhaich!" she cried. Then a figure stepped out before them.
"Eruanna," he hissed. she ignored her pain and faced him.
"Assasin," suddenly he grabbed her left shoulder. She gasped in pain and hit one knee. She quickly slashed his arm as Colomir attacked. The Assasin slipped back into the trees giving his cry. Colomir turned to Acalewia, who was massaging her shoulder.
"How did he know you?" He realized he knew nothing about her, save that she knew his father.
"Only a handful of people know of that wound." Her face paled. "I know who The Assasin is!"
rohirrim TR
09-26-2005, 10:04 PM
The army of orcs had remained hidden, no one knew why they were waiting, but all knew it boded ill. Curamir paced around the battlements, he didn't like being trapped in the city, he was used to fighting in the open and among the trees, he disliked this inaction and lack of mobility; it would not last long.
09-27-2005, 11:28 PM
Hluor lay, breathing heavily, in a hollow. The cold moss drenched his already sweating forehead. His feet were sore from the running he had not stopped until the midnight.
What has happened? he wondered. A madness has taken hold, a madness! Why are the heirs of Numenor hunted like illdoers?
As he lay there, trying to decide what had happened, he heard voices.
"Where did you see him?"
"He was not far from here...he vanished from sight. They say sorcerors do things like that..."
The two villagers were speaking right above him.
rohirrim TR
09-28-2005, 02:52 PM
that night Curamir stepped out into the courtyard, he could hear his father and someone talking quietly, faramir was saying "we must send out scouts, but from what Curamir told us it would be suicide for whoever went out there, the assasin would simply pick them off one by one". the cloaked figure replied to him " I will go my lord, you know I am loyal, and i wish to avenge my son". Faramir seemed annoyed with the man as he answered " I have already told it is too dangerous, when will you listen to reason?" "When the blood of my son is avenged, then will i rest as an old man should". When Curamir saw who it was that his father was talking to he came forward and spoke, "let us both go and scout out the enemys position, I will not be taken unawares by the asassin again, and we know our old friend will be faithful".
Faramir sighed, "why must my soldiers join forces against me at all sides, alright then you two must leave tonight, bring me a report at this time tomorrow night". Curamir and the cloaked figure moved out of the city towards the east and no one noticed that two soldiers were missing the next morning.
09-30-2005, 01:25 PM
Colomir looked at Acalewia as if she had lost her mind.
"Who? Be it elf or man?"
"Man, but your father should know!"
"What of Curmaar?" Acalewia listened. She could only hear the silent woods. She weighed in her mind what should be done. If they turned back, Curmaar could be killed. If they kept tracking him, Framir and his rangers could be overrun by the forces of The Assasin.
"You contunue to track Curmaar, Acalewia. I'll warn my father"
"No! You'll be killed!" She threw herself on the ground and listened. Nothing. "I don't think there is anything more we can do for our friend," They started back as Curamir and his compainion left Osgiliath.
rohirrim TR
10-01-2005, 12:51 PM
the sun rose slowly as Curamir and his friend moved through the trees, they had not seen anything since last night when curamir had dispatched two sentrys with his bow, all was quiet. It was too quiet, once again Curamir felt the silence meant the asassin was near, suddenly he yelled "DOWN" and he and his companion rolled off the path and saw a lance bury itself in a tree where they had been standing. no one moved for about an hour, when curamir saw a shadowy figure going to retrieve the lance, he and his comrade took the asassin from both sides and curamir put his left arm around the asassin's thoat a dagger held at the back of his neck, his friend threw off his cloak and his black armor with the silver tree shone in the early morning light as did his sword, it was held, point to the asassin" let us see who this murderer is before we execute him Curamir" he said quietly. Curamir pulled off the asassin's hood and his friend went pale "why?.. you're dead? why have you come back?.. he asked hoarsley. " Beregond, how kind of you to remember me" the asassin replied sneering, "I thought that ranger i killed looked familiar, but until this young pup accused me of killing Bergil i didn't make the connection, what a coincedence you know" he scoffed and then let out his call. five orcs came out of the trees to his rescue and Curamir brought his dagger closer the asassin's thoat and said "call them off, or you can be the first to die in this little skirmish". Beregond stood as if in a trance as though he had seen a ghost and perhaps he had.
The asassin made his move, lunging forward pulled Curamir off balance and then the orcs were upon them, Curamir put his dagger through the first one and drew his sword and was immediately surounded while the asassin made good his escape, four more orcs joined in the attack on the rangers.
Curamir cut down two more and then was knocked down, he would have died had not Beregond seperated the head from one and with his backstroke almost cleaved in half another.
Hearing the clash of steel Colomir and Acalwecia hurried on to see what was happening what they saw was Beregond and Curamir back-to-back against six uruks, with well placed arrows they evened the odds. the last orc had almost overcome Curamir when suddenly colomirs sword sprouted out of his chest ending all of his thoughts. "well brother, i think were even now, you save me, i save you, all the orcs die, happy ending, don't you think?" "yes it would be happy, but it is not the end yet, my impulsive brother" replied 'Curamir to colomir's jocular greeting.
10-02-2005, 03:25 PM
"We heard the call and knew the Assasin was close," Acalewia said. Beregond glanced at her.
"This day is full of surprises," he said.
"How so?" asked the elf.
"First I see a dead man walking among us. Then I meet an old friend I thought had sailed into the west."
"Then we both know who the Assasin is," Colomir and Curamir glanced at one another.
"What is she talking about?"
10-02-2005, 06:11 PM
Curmaar blinked. Around him was a charred Haradrim camp. In it lay at least a score of mutilated bodies, all Southrons.
Where am I? the man wondered.
At his feet, an unarmed foe gasped. Looking down, Curmaar saw him draw his last breath and collapse. Who had killed him? Then, the corsar saw his own drawn blade, crimson. It was a single man who had massacred the camp. It was him.
The mithrilstone glimmered a dull silver in his belt. Breathing heavily, he ran.
10-02-2005, 07:32 PM
"The Assasin knows her and she knows the Assasin," Colomir explained to his brother. "Although she won't tell me who it is." Acalewia ignored him.
"Whence do you two go, Beregond. The Assasin is cunning and trecherous."
"What of Curmaar? Did you find him?" Colomir shook his head.
"He is beyond our help now." he said.
"We go back to Osgiliath tomorrow night," Beregond said. "Our discovery must be made known to Lord Faramir."
"Should we not go now?" Colomir asked. "Acalewia was wounded by the Assasin."
"It is only a flesh wound!" She snapped. "It can wait until tomorrow night."
"And I would also like to know how the Assasin knows you"
"And I will tell you once Faramir knows who the Assasin is. Not until then."
rohirrim TR
10-03-2005, 02:33 PM
Hluor waited, and he heard the two villagers go on, he was near the old forest of buckland and the borders of the shire, so he went to find the thain of the shire, "the hobbits would be our closest ally if I am able to speak to the thain", he thougt to himself as he crossed the brandywine just as the sun was rising.
10-04-2005, 10:34 PM
Curmaar lay in the woods; the ground was wet with the rain and dew. A dark cloud covered the sky like a cloak, and there was a crashing boom. The warrior tried to remember what had happened...the Haradrim...attacking him...the mithrilstone...
...The defenseless man he had killed...and years ago...his dead parents.
A murderer! I am a murderer like the Assasin!
Alone in those silent woods, a man began to cry. Silence died before him. Curmaar lay on the ground, unmoving.
10-05-2005, 01:25 PM
Seeing nothing more, the group headed back to Osgiliath. They did not speak, but listened for any sounds. By nightfall, they had reached it. Faramir met them as soon as they had entered.
"Two leave and four return," he said smiling.
"We must meet." Acalewia said. "Your sons, Beregond, and Elgost." Faramir glanced at Curamir.
"You did not tell her?"
"Tell me what?"
"Elgost is dead, Eruanna." She closed her eyes and placed a hand on her forehead.
"This news grieves me greatly." Acalewia said. "If the Assasin is behind hhis death, we must meet quickly."
10-05-2005, 08:13 PM
"Don't move, dirty Southron!" shouted a rough voice. "You're not going anywhere!"
Curmaar looked up, and saw a dwarf standing over him. He was holding a heavy battleaxe, but he was lightly armored. Many a tale the warrior had heard about dwarves; he prudently decided to stay still. The axe-wielder appeared strong, and he held his axe with brute skill.
"Stand up," he ordered, "but don't try to fight! Nakoin the Stonehaft will make you regret it if you do!"
The dwarf, not bothering to disarm Curmaar, prodded him with the axe, and pointed somewhere in the distance. Slowly, the man marched through the growing gloom.
10-07-2005, 01:32 PM
Acalewia stopped and listened. Colomir was the first to notice. She was rigid, as if she was expecting something to suddenly happen.
"What is it?" he asked. She held up a hand.
"He is nearby," she whispered. Faramir and Beregond turned, wondering what she was doing.
"Eruanna?" Still she said nothing. Acalewia had a strange feeling. She knew the army of orcs was hidden somewhere outside of Osgilath. The dream she had in the ranger hideout was on her mind. A grey and black arrow barely missed Colomir. Attached to it was parchment. Colomir handed it to his father, who unraveled it.
"What does it say?" Faramir held it up
Your time has come.
The end of the Rangers is at hand.
The rangers looked at one another.
"To the meeting room! Now! I want to know what this means and what you have discovered, Eruanna!"
rohirrim TR
10-07-2005, 04:56 PM
far away to the north Hluor found his way to the great smials of tuckbourough a young hobbit came to the door when he knocked and seeing who was standing there he nervously asked Hluor his business. "I must speak to Thain Peregrin in the name of Elessar there is much that I must tell him, take me to him immediately". "yes sir, follow me"he replied and led him into a lowroofed(at least in the rangers eyes it was) living room where the thain and two dwarves were sitting smoking and talking about the past. "Yes, my good ranger,what has happened? oh no don't answer that quite yet have some tea, it is always the best thing after sleeping outside you know". greeted Thain peregrin cheerily. "ahh, well, you see i don't have time for that" began Hluor, but he was cut off by the Dwarf exclaiming "I recognize you, you were in bree when that madness broke loose, i am glad you are safe good dunedain, but coming here for aid is probably not the best idea, hobbits only fight when their own country is under attack, however i think the dwarves would help you if you asked in the right manner", "Oh ahh, i see, well I don't really KNOW any dwarves, or i certainly would" replied Hluor becoming frustrated. Gimli (for that is who the older dwarf was) chuckled "why good ranger you have met one, nay two since you walked in the door, I am gimli son of Gloin and this is my kinsman Makoin helmcleaver.
rohirrim TR
10-10-2005, 02:38 PM
they sat down and Beregond broke the heavy silence, "my lord, this asassin was one of us is Nahor my lord".
"WHAt?" cryed faramir "it cannot be, i killed him myself, he fell into the fire...burned horribly...Nahor is dead. "My lord the man we knew as nahor IS dead, but the insane killer we saw in him is not" said Beregond softly.
"Will someone start from the beginning and tell me the whole story" asked Curamir heatedly; "yes why don't you start from the begining" assented Colomir. "alright my sons, I shall tell what i know and Eruanna shall tell you her part while there is time" faramir said wearily.
10-10-2005, 07:25 PM
Three posts were in the village square of Bree. A ranger was bound to each one. A shaft of moonlight traced the pale faces of the men. It skipped down, and pierced the deep wounds that gashed into their hearts.
Morluin wandered by them. Such a scene was not as common. The rangers were hiding and fleeing. Soon they would perish.
A cloud passed back over the moon.
"RAAA!!" shrieked a creature.
In one fluid swing, a flood of glowing blue shot from Morluin, striking dead the goblin. As he looked at it, he noticed strange marks, like those of the Haradrim. Suddenly he turned his face upwards and cursed.
10-10-2005, 07:54 PM
"Nahor was a trusted Ranger, one of my closest companions." Faramir began. "He had begun acting strangly some time ago, just before Curamir's birth." He glanced at Acalewia.
"Everyone trusted Nahor." She said. "Last night, Colomir discovered I had a weak spot. Nahor knew about it. My shoulder had been broken by an orc and a wall. Nahor kept said orc from killing me, yet he betrayed me also"
"Nahor attacked me, although I still do not know why. He fell into the fire and then fled. We all thought he had perished somewhere in the wood. Even Eruanna could not track him, had she been able." Faramir's sons looked at him curiously.
"Nahor attacked me as well. He left me to die in the wilderness."
"Eruanna managed to make it to us. She told us of Nahor's betrayal. We all believed he was dead." Acalewia's eyes darkened.
"Until he attacked us while we searched for Curmaar. He gave himself away when he spoke to me by name and pressed on my shoulder." Colomir and Curamir were silent.
"What shall we do?" Colomir asked.
rohirrim TR
10-11-2005, 10:23 AM
Hluor and his two new friends, joinded by two other shirtail relations of Gimli's made their way back to bree under the cover of darkness. That night Gimli told Hluor what he knew of the strange dark sorcerer and why the dwarves chose to help the ranger "we were in the Pony when they all went crazy" gimli went on, "and later Makoin overheard that black sorcerer talking to one of his underlings, he's looking for the mithr..err a dwarvish weapon that was made long ago, and he thinks the rangers have it, the reason we dwarves are here is because we heard the same thing, we all spread out to search for this weapon, in fact Makoins brother should amost be in Gondor by now". related Gimli. "But what happened? why don't the dwarves have it now?" asked Hluor, "well, it was lost among the dragon smaug's hoard and later dissapered, we don't know who took it, but a rangers cloak was found later and that caused the rumor about the rangers having it, got started".
At that moment they came to a small hill above bree and the scene below them became quite clear. "Come my friends i have a hidden camp not far from here, i think it would be best if we make ourselves scarce"Hluor whispered.
10-11-2005, 08:54 PM
Curmaar sat uncomfortably in the small cavern. Nakoin sat in front of him, stoking a small fire. The dwarf had a smug smile on his face, and he stirred the embers slightly.
"So," he asked, "who are you and what do you want?"
Curmaar replied, "I am a man from the South, seeking to escape one known to me as the Assasin. He has hunted me for a long time, and his hordes had almost caught me."
"Well, then, it seems you are a friend of sorts. Come, what can I help you with?"
"I believe maybe we could try to attack him..."
"PSHH! Attack a man with an army under his command? No, there are other ways to do this; much better ways. We shall go to Minas Tirith, and try to warn the king of Gondor, Lord Elessar. He will give us an army, and then we will fight!"
"That is a good plan; but why have you come here?"
"I have come to search for something ancient. It is a weapon that the dwarves were going to use to retake Moria; unfortunately it was lost when Smaug attacked. It was said to have vanished somewhere in the South, and so I have come looking for it."
Curmaar touched the Mithrilstone gently, but said nothing.
rohirrim TR
10-11-2005, 10:44 PM
Hluor and the dwarves built a small fire and took turns taking the watch of the night.
Far away to the south and in the north, evil was still stirring.
10-12-2005, 01:14 PM
Faramir was slient for some time.
"If Nahor is The Assasin, why did he send his orcs north?"
"Before Elgost's death, we saw him with orcs distroying everything in their path," Colomir said. "He said something about a mithrilstone." Acalewia glanced at Faramir.
"He must think my kin in the North have it," She said.
"What is it, might I ask?" Curamir asked.
"It is a weapon developed by the Dwarves. There was a rumor that the rangers had it, yet I have never seen it." Acalewia explained.
rohirrim TR
10-12-2005, 02:29 PM
as the sun rose, arrows began to fall upon osgiliath from the woods.
and in the north, a figure in blue robes carrying a oak staff, passed through the forest heading towards the ranger and dwarves hiding place.
10-16-2005, 02:34 PM
"It has begun!" Acalewia cried as they dodged arrows.
"What has?" Beregond asked.
"The Assasins onslought!" Faramir answered. "He has declared war upon any and all rangers North and South!" Acalewia and Curamir drew arrows for the counterattack.
"Save your arrows! We do not know where they are positioned. We need more men then this little group of rangers" He looked at his sons and the elf.
"Elessar does not know our plight. It is hopeless."
"There is always hope, Faramir. Perhaps Curmaar fled in order to bring us help or to draw the Assasin away from us. Our hope now lies with him" Faramir smiled.
"You should have been named Estel, Eruanna." He turned to his rangers. "If you see the enemy, fire at will!"
10-17-2005, 06:57 PM
Colomir turned to Acalewia. She was not there. He ran to his father and brother.
"The elf is gone!" Faramir spun around.
"Gone?! Where could she have gone?!"
"I don't know! She was there one moment and gone the next!"
Acalewia's blade was drawn. Rage raced through her. The hatred she felt for orcs had boiled over. The faces of those she had lost over the years passed before her. Her father, her brothers, Arathorn, Broamir, Theodred, Hama, Arlagon, the rangers under her command, Bergil, Elgost. Perhaps Curmaar. The rage, the hate drove her on. Before long, the blade was black with orc blood. The Assasin's call sounded to her left. She followed it, wanting to avenge the blood of her kin that he had spilled.
10-17-2005, 10:03 PM
Makoin and Curmaar set out towards Minas Tirith. As they journeyed, the man noticed that his companion was a sturdy dwarf, and not one to pick a fight with lightly. He walked like a lord of Erebor, trodding the earth heavily. Curmaar followed, at times fingering the mithrilstone in his pocket.
What can I do? he wondered. If he knows I have it, he will take it however he can! When I am asleep, he will slay me and take it! What, what can I do?
He watched the dwarf, who seemed to have within himself the wariness of a fox, and the cunning of a serpent. He impulsively locked his fist around the stone for a second. As it seared into his hand, he let go, feeling a numbing flame pass over him. There was nothing to worry about...nothing...nothing...
10-21-2005, 01:18 PM
Acalewia stayed to the shadows. She wanted to catch The Assasin alone and off guard. She soon found she couldn't catch him alone. But she did catch him, and his orcs, off guard. Several orcs fell before they realized they were being attacked. The Assasin called the orcs off, surprising Acalewia. But she didn't let down her guard. She held her bloody blade before her. The Assasin laughed.
"You dare to challenge me?"
"I do"
"Is that how you treat one you trust? A friend?"
"You are no friend! I stopped trusting you the day you tried to kill me!"
"Perhaps I should finish what I started" His blade only met Acalewia's.
"Let the game begin!"
rohirrim TR
10-21-2005, 04:47 PM
Curamir and Colomir had followed Acalwecia, through the woods, the scene before them was clear, Colomir nocked an arrow and Curamir drew a blade,"wait", said Curamir as Colomirs bow drew taught....
************************************************** ********
The stranger in the pale blue robes came nearer, Lain, a young dwarf, was on watch at the time,hearing footsteps, he drew a small throwing hatchet; Hluor came awake at the sound as well, as the stranger drew near he and the dwarf leaped out with their weapons, "KHAZAD" yelled the dwarf, waking his kinsman, Hluor looked at the stranger suspisciously, the man simply stood there as though he was bored. "who are you? you are not morluin" asked Hluor roughly. "ahh, that is a good quesion, WHO someone is is some times somewhat deceptive" answered the old man with a sly smile. "and WHAT is that supposed to mean?"asked Gimli apearing beside Lain. "hmm, dwarves and a ranger, odd, very odd, but i think we are friends,so why not ask me to breakfast and i will tell you want to know or, at least what i know that you want to know". he answered, chuckling.
10-22-2005, 10:58 PM
Derihor strained against the bonds that tied him to the rough post.
How were we caught? he wondered.
They had been four rangers by the North Downs, hiding. And then, swiftly, two had been slain and Derihor had been captured with his companion Arhur. How long would they leave the rangers tied? How long before the mob...
No! I will escape-I must!
He fought against the unyielding ropes.
rohirrim TR
10-23-2005, 03:34 PM
"Well now that you have heard my tale, do you wish to join me? afer all my fight is your fight at the moment" asked the blue wizard, named Alatar. " i will go with you" replied Hluor, "but as for my friends i will not speak for them" "ahh lad you don't have to, of course we will go on with you after all a wizard may be our best hope at the moment" interjected Gimli quickly.
As the party went back towards bree, Hluor thought about the wizards tale; Alatar and Pallando had went to the furthest east to rouse men to hope and great deeds against the reign of Sauron, yet they were for the most part unsucessful, save for a few tribes of easterlings that helped,him most of there hearts were turned to evil. Pallando had become power hungry and there had been a falling out between them, but Alatar didn't know he had become evil until he heard the name Morluin and the storys of his deeds, he knew then that his once best friend had turned to evil,and that he would be the only one powerful enough to stop him
When they came to a hill above Bree the scene was quite clear, two rangers were bound to the execution posts in the square. "it is Arhur and Derihur, we must save them before we lose two more men," said Hluor fervently, "yes you are right my boy, come, we cannot be late or early or all will be lost" said Alatar quietly
10-23-2005, 04:12 PM
"You should have stayed in the North. You have no need to be here." The Assasin taunted. Acalewia's fury seemed to increase as her blade met his.
"You should have kept your minions in the South!"
As Colomir and Curamir watched, Colomir was amazed at Acalewia's skill with the blade. The Assasin brought the sword down on her weak shoulder. She stumbled back and Colomir caught a glint of white. The Assasin laughed and advanced.
10-23-2005, 11:43 PM
Hayagh stood in the wood, his scattered followers around him. They were all wounded, but their weapons were lethal.
"We have been terribly wronged!" the leader screamed in Southron, waving his arm-stub. "Vengeance calls for us! Vengeance!"
"Hayagh! Hayagh!"
"We have come from the South to reclaim the lands that once were ours! Let us reclaim them and take vengeance!"
"Death to the thief of our god!"
The Haradrim chanted, preparing for war.
10-24-2005, 04:35 PM
Acalewia blocked and returned the blow. The Assasin stepped back and gave his call. Then he and his orcs disappeared. He knew he would tire before she did. Acalewia watched them as they left, staggered and dropped to one knee. Colomir came out of hiding.
"You have a lot of explaining..." A glare from Acalewia cut him off. "Come. You are weary. We must return within the walls before the renew their attack" He helped her up, being careful not to touch her shoulder. He glanced at his brother. "Lets go!"
rohirrim TR
10-24-2005, 05:36 PM
Hluor was amazed at how quietly Alatar could move, he had already lost sight of him as he and the wizard sneaked through the dark shapes of the buildings.
Derihor heard footsteps, he worked harder at getting loose, the sorcerer had promised death at midnight, it was drawing near, he felt a hand cover his mouth and heard a familiar voice whispering instructions,
Alatar recognized his old friends voice coming from a deserted inn, "so we meet again my old friend" he said to himself.
Hluor cut the rangers bonds and gave each of them a dagger; they heard raised voices, inside what used to be the "pony" and suddenly the north wall exploded outward in bluish flame and two figures could be seen striving with each others will.
Alatar felt the unadulterated evil, that had taken his friend, he was not strong enought to defeat him yet, but at least he knew his adversary's power, "now to get out of here alive" he thought to himself....
10-24-2005, 06:14 PM
When they returned, Faramir led Acalewia back to the room they had been in before the attack.
"When will you quit disappearing like that?" Acalewia glared at him. "You could have been killed, and my sons with you!"
"I did not ask them to come! It is not your place to chastise me!"
"You cannot fight The Assasin alone."
"I can! I did! And I will again! You or your sons will not be able to stop me!"
"You will get yourself killed doing that!"
"I have the skin of a dragon, Faramir! Nothing can peirce Mithril!" Acalewia turned and left the room.
"Eruanna!" Colomir and Curamir looked at their father. They had heard the whole argument. "I do not know what has come over her." he said shaking his head.
rohirrim TR
10-25-2005, 03:17 PM
Even as Alatar's strength waned, he felt the grace of the valar, and flame of anor pass to him tye, with a mighty blast, Morluin was hurled out of the pony through two little huts, that were behind the stable, they began to burn.
"Come! don't just stand there gawking, he will recover and when he does we need to be far away from here" Alatar said gruffly to the staring rangers.
************************************************** ****
Curamir was restless, much had happened but he had seen little action himself, that night he made up his mind, to set out alone, for minas tirith....
10-26-2005, 12:30 AM
As Faramir stood, he saw a battle in his mind. Huge armies of men fought hordes of orcs...Haradrim and Mumakil covered the battlefield. From the river came another army, Dunedain and three warriors...
The Battle of Pelennor, he thought. Fought, while I lay dying...
He saw one dunedain in the fight. He seemed to grasp a stone in his hand...a cold, grey stone. Suddenly, a spear took him in the throat. Haradrim swarmed over his body. The stone was nowhere to be seen.
What is this vision? the ranger wondered.
10-26-2005, 01:23 PM
Colomir went to find Acalewia. He didn't know her well, but he knew something was bothering her. He found her alone, looking out over the walls. Only her eyes were closed. Suddenly they shot open. She turned and saw Colomir.
"Where is your brother?" She asked quickly.
"In the main chamber. Why?" She shook her head.
"I think not. If Curamir is not in Osgiliath, then he is in great danger" Colomir narrowed his eyes.
"What kind of danger?"
"I had a vision. I saw Curamir's pale face. He looked like Boramir after his death" The two went to look for Curamir.
rohirrim TR
10-27-2005, 11:44 AM
Curamir's thought crowded around in his head as he moved through the darkness of the forest. It was odd to not have Colomir behind or ahead of him, he had thought about asking Colomir to go with him, but his older brother would have talked him out of it he knew, Colomir was cautious, a sure thing guy, like his father. Curamir was more like Boromir in both stature and temperment. He heard a branch crack, immediately he became aware, he was not alone....
************************************************** *******
Morluin got up stiffly, he had not expected a challenge like that so soon, "you will pay for that, my old friend" he growled to himself cursing. The huts he had been thrown through were gone, nothing but ashes were left , when a haradrim scout examined the town....
Back in the rangers hiding place Hluor told Gimli the story of the wizards, and bound up Arhors wound. Alatar sat in the corner apparently asleep; Although his eyes were wide open....
10-27-2005, 09:32 PM
Makoin and Curmaar halted for the day. They were on the edge of Ithilien, and the next day would see them in sight of Minas Tirith. The dwarf piled some wood into a fire, and prepared to light it. Curmaar stood.
He offered, "I'll go hunt."
"All right...I'll have a good roaring fire by the time you come back, lad!"
Nodding, Curmaar passed into the woods. He watched the trees for signs of anything he could kill for food, but the forest was oddly silent. Something else was in the wood. Something that was unfriendly...
Who is there? he wondered.
In an instant, a warrior leapt out! It was a Haradrim! Curmaar screamed a battlecry, reaching for the stone that was his constant comfort and strength. He struck, and instantly entered a melee with half a score of fighters!
10-28-2005, 01:16 PM
Their search turned up nothing.
"He's gone" Colomir said.
"But where could he have gone?" Colomir shook his head. His brother was just like the uncle he had never met. Acalewia now seemed lost in thought. "Minas Tirith! He's gone to warn the King!"
"What makes you think that?"
"Curamir is just like Boromir. That's what he would have done."
"What do you propose to do?" Acalewia turned to Colomir.
"My judgement of late has been ill, yet you ask me what we should do. You will stay here. I will go."
"I will not abandon my brother!"
rohirrim TR
10-30-2005, 04:08 PM
Curamir ducked out of sight, adn off to his left he heard a battlecry, several harad passed right by him without noticing. He moved forward and saw Curmaar fighting with five haradrim. He nocked an arrow and one died the three others had met the sharp end of Curmaar's broadsword the remaining one had no chance between the arrow the took him in the chest and the blade coming down upon him.
************************************************** *******
Alatar came awake with a jerk, "come" he said, "we must leave this place, we
are being watched" "what?" said Hluor "we just go here, and anyway no one knows of this spot save for a few rangers" "I have dreamt of the enemys movements we are being scouted even now, our chances will be better in the woods, let us go to the lonely mountain it is the safest place at this moment"." alright follow us then friends" commanded Gimli.
10-30-2005, 08:07 PM
Acalewia studied Colomir. He looked and acted just like his father. Colomir, like Faramir, could not be dissuaded once he made up his mind.
"Fine. We must slip out quickly and quietly." The two went out from Osgiliath unnoticed. Colomir thought back to when they met. Like himself, Acalewia was a master of stealth. They walked side by side so not lose one another. As they moved, Acalewia's mind was on the other vision she had seen. Rangers bound to a post. Where she could not tell. She knew one, but she could not tell if it was Arlegon's brother or her own. Then she saw another Ranger and a dwarf free them. Colomir grabbed her arm, waking her from her thoughts
"We are not alone," he wispered.
11-01-2005, 11:05 AM
Curmaar looked directly at Curamir. The ranger looked back; both men were stunned for a moment. Then Curmaar turned away, tucking the mithrilstone in his pocket, and ran. He passed trees at a pace like the wind, until he heard a dwarf-voice call, "Curmaar!"
It was Makoin.
"Where have you come from?" shouted Curmaar.
The dwarf answered, "Oh, I heard the battle sounds, and came to help. But it looks like you had help enough."
What does he mean by that? Curmaar thought, shocked. He must have seen...
Curamir hesitated, wondering if he should follow. There had been a look in Curmaar's eyes, something that spoke of rage and death...
rohirrim TR
11-02-2005, 01:28 PM
Curamir was disturbed at the change in Curmaar, his eyes had been bloodshot and his face had been a mask of rage. He decided to keep on the path to minas tirith, getting reinforcements was the priority, on the way back he would try to find Curmaar and discover what madness had taken him.
************************************************** *****
Curamir hadn't noticed the dwarf....
11-02-2005, 02:18 PM
Colomir drew his sword while Acalewia drew her knives. A group of orcs burst from the trees.
"Elendil!" Acalewia shouted as she and Colomir attacked. Three orcs fell soon after. Suddenly, arrows ended the life of the lives of three more.
"Elbraith!" Came the cry. As a man jumped from the trees and cut down four. The rest of the orcs fled. He wiped his blade and sheathed it. Acalewia and the man embraced.
"Am I glad to see you" She turned to Colomir. "Colomir, this is my brother, Elnar."
"Well met, Colomir" Colomir noticed Elnar was not an elf.
11-06-2005, 08:32 PM
Elnar noticed the look Colomir gave him. He glanced at Acalewia.
"He doesn't know, does he?"
"No. Faramir and Elessar are the only ones left alive who know"
"Know what?" Colomir studied Elnar. He had shoulder lengh golden-brown hair and was a spitting image of Acalewia.
"She takes after Mother, while I take after Father" Elnar said.
"Wait a moment! You're both-" Acalewia held up a hand.
"The trees have ears. Time grows short." She turned and contuned in the direction they had been headed.
rohirrim TR
11-07-2005, 01:58 PM
a group of harad slayers hacked and slashed a path through the trees of the northern woods, the commander had orders to make the treacherous wizard pay for his betrayal, he saw the tracks of the dwarves, if only i had the time he thought to himself "the lonely mountain would be a prize that would make me a king.
************************************************** ******
Alatar and Hluor brought up the rear of the party one ranger was hurt and the dwarves were not as stealthy.
11-07-2005, 06:11 PM
Beregond tapped Faramir's shoulder.
"Your sons and the elf are gone" Faramir spun around.
"What!? When?"
"We just noticed they were gone. We don't know for how long. No one saw them leave."
"Eruanna disappears when she wants with no explainion. Colomir and Curamir always tell me when they leave. Where do you think they have gone?" Worry was etched on his face. Beregond touched his captian's arm.
"If I know Eruanna, she may be going to Minas Tirith to warn the King. Curamir and Colomir may have followed her. They have become close to her as of late."
"We have not the men to chase after them. I trust Eruanna with the lives of my sons" Faramir turned and looked out over the wood before the walls.
Do not let me down, Eruanna he thought.
11-08-2005, 02:41 PM
The three compainions reached a body strewn clearing. Acalewia kneeled next to a body.
"An arrow of Gondor in the chest of a Harad. Curamir was here." She pointed to a deep gash near it. "As was someone else." Elnar was studying the ground.
"one man fought all these men," he said.
"One?" Acalewia threw herself on the ground and listened. She could hear footsteps going toward the White City. But she could also hear heavy steps coming toward them. She stood.
"Curamir is going to Minas Tirith. But there are others heading this way. By the sound of it, a Dwarf."
"We haven't the time to wait for him." Colomir said. "If my brother is in as much danger as you say he is, we can not tarry" Elnar nodded.
"He is right. Besides, Dwarves do not take kindly to elves."
11-14-2005, 09:30 PM
Morluin stretched his hand out over the stone in front of him. As it began to shine, the wizard saw reality drift away...
A forest, lined with bodies of Haradrim, lay somewhere in front of his army of Uruk-Hai marched through, their leader hooded...
They were coming.
And on plains outside of the forest, a thing of power was taken...held by an enemy...the stone...the stone...the...
The wizard had seen enough.
rohirrim TR
11-15-2005, 10:58 AM
"we are being followed wizard" Hluor whispered to the hooded figure in front of him. "They are staying far enough back to be out of range of the bow" "yes, i feared we did not leave soon enough" Alatar spoke slowly, "can you and the rangers get under cover, we use the dwarves as a decoy and ambush whoever it is?" "what about you?" hluor wondered. "me?,"the wizard chuckled, "oh i'll be in plain sight, yet you would not call me a decoy.
************************************************** ******
The harad thought they had the dwarves and the old man by themselves and moved in for the kill. arrows took the first two, eight more came from the left "taur-nenebth" . it was like the trees blew up thought Hluor, nothing absoulutely nothing was left of the haradrim, not weapons or armor it had all incinerated. guess we better listen to this guy Hluor thougt to himself.
11-15-2005, 12:49 PM
The three compainions moved on. Acalewia dropped back beside Elnar, while Colomir walked before them, looking for any sign of his brother and listening for any enemy.
"I heard about Arlegon," Elnar was saying. "I'm am truely grieved." Acalewia said nothing.
"He was a great man," she finally said.
"I fear his brother has suffered a similer fate. He and another Ranger were captured by the villigers of Bree. They believe we are sorcerors."
"He is not dead."
"I have seen his escape with the help of another Ranger and a Dwarf. Sorcerors you say? It is just a trick of the Assasin." Elnar stopped.
"The Assasin? This is Morluin's doing. He is searching for the Mithrilstone" Both Colomir and Acalewia stopped. Colomir's eyes narrowed.
"What would you know of that, Ranger?"
************************************************** ********
The survivors of the raiding party returned. The Assasin looked upon their pitiful ranks.
"They fought back," the lead orc said to his questioning. "Between arrows and blades we are no match."
"How many were you fighting against?"
"Two at first, an elf and a man. They were joined by another man." The Assasin turned to the other orcs.
How dear are Eruanna and his sons to Faramir? he thought. Dear enough to trade the Stone for their lives?
"Bring me the elf and the men. Alive. I have a little plan for them"
11-24-2005, 01:16 PM
Minas Tirith, City of Kings. Its white towers rose gleaming above the ground. It was radiant, sprung from the heart of the mountains behind it. Men walked through the open gates, including Nakoin and Curmaar. The Southron bowed his head, hoping none would notice his bronzed skin. The guards, however, only gave him a single glance.
"Now what do we do?" he asked Nakoin.
The dwarf replied, "We shall get a room in an inn, and then try to gain an audience with the king."
"How will we do that?"
"I'm not sure...let's get a room first."
Morluin stood in the plains around Bree. He was chanting ancient spells, calling upon a power not seen for years. Ice and death! Terror and darkness! Curses poured from the wizard, summoning the Icedrake.
The North would fall.
rohirrim TR
11-25-2005, 03:41 PM
by using devious routes and staying under cover Curamir believed he had eluded pursuit. at nightfall he reached the first gate of Minas Tirith. after gaining entrance to the city he acquired a horse and began the long ride up the city's seven level's he hoped that Elessar was here, there had been talk of him going to the north to see the old members of his fellowship, Curamir certainly hoped they were only rumors.
Once again Curamir failed to notice a cetain dwarf.
************************************************** ***
As Hluor and his party reached the small hill above the lake town a chill wind began blowing from the north. Alatar stopped suddenly "ahh!, evil on the air, i fear the cruelty of Caradhras may be nothing to the evil Morluin has become. quickly!, time is not on our side we must reach the lonely mountain".
As Nain son of Dain king under the mountain greeted his guest snow and hail began to fall outside, a taste of what was to come.
11-28-2005, 06:16 PM
"I know more then you may think," Elnar said. "I also know whatever Acalewia saw happening to your brother, may or may not come to pass. we must contiune on to Minas Tirith." Elnar kept walking.
"The question, Elnar," Acalewia said. "Was what do you know about the Mithrilstone. It sounds to me you know more then I about it."
"I know what it can do. The rumors the Rangers had the Stone were true until Pelennor. The Harad killed the Ranger who bore it and took the Stone for themselves. Where it is now, I do not know."
"How do you know the Rangers had it at all?" Colomir asked.
"A close friend bore the Stone. We were among the thirty to come to be gathered in haste."
"You never told Aragorn this, did you?"
"No." The walls of the White City stood before them.
"Lets hope Curamir is within these walls," Colomir said as they headed toward the gates.
12-04-2005, 07:02 PM
Colomir was able to get them pass the gates. The guards eyes widened with wonder as the three Rangers passed them.
"I have seen strange things of late," the younger said.
"Hush! That is one of the King's close friends." the older guard said. "Not part of his Fellowship, mind you. It is said she is the greatest tracker of all Middle Earth."
Tell us something we don't know Elnar thought. they were in the first level. Acalewia stopped and nudged Colomir. He turned and she nodded to her right. Elnar glanced in the direction. A Southron and a dwarf were talking together.
"Is that who I think it is?" Colomir asked.
"Maybe. Do not approch him. It will only draw attention to him. We must find Curamir." They continued on.
rohirrim TR
12-05-2005, 11:22 AM
Curamir made his way into the citadel to wait for Aragorn, the guard told him he had only returned two day hence.
"greetings, son of Faramir" Said Aragorn entering from a side door. "smoke was spotted coming from Osgiliath, what news do you have?"
"An army my lord, led by a treacherous asassin that you may know by the name Nahor." Curamir reported the events that had happened as Elessar listened without question.
" I do not know of this Nahor, however the elf you met Eruanna" and at that moment Colomir,Elnar and Acalwecia burst in. "ahh speak of the devil" Aragorn said chuckling "here is Eruanna herself."
"Greetings Elessar" replied Acalwecia "has he told you the situation?"
"I believe so, what can you tell me?"
12-11-2005, 12:41 AM
The dwarf had left.
Curmaar sat, gazing at the Mithrilstone. It dully glimmered, like a cat's eye in the dark. Its depths held a dark secret...and a dark power. Only twice had the Southron felt that power. Only twice. And it had been terrible...
I cannot go on like this, he thought.This thing is evil! Yet...
It hung before him, tantilizing.
"Vengeance..." it whispered.
It was power...power to repay the evil. And make all things right...
But can I...
A blow struck him on the head.
12-11-2005, 09:28 PM
"There is much I could tell you. Two have declared war upon all Rangers, North and South. The rumors of the Mithrilstone have been proved true." Acalewia said.
"It is true the Rangers bear the Stone?" Elessar asked.
"Not anymore, My Lord." He turned to Elnar.
"You know this how?" Elnar bowed.
"Elnar, son of Elmar. I was among the thirty who traveled with you on the Paths of the Dead." From the coner of his eye, he saw Colomir shudder. "A Ranger in that company bore the Stone and it was lost to the Haradim when he was slain by them. A wizard by the name of Morlin searches for it in the North, while the Assasin searches for it in the South" Elessar glanced at Acalewia, who nodded.
"What is to be done?" Colomir asked.
************************************************** ********
"You let them get away?!" the orc leader bellowed. "You let them reach The City?!" he spat as if the name left a bad taste in his mouth. Now we must wait until they reach the forest again.
"They were too quick," the underling replied. "We did not catch up to them until the were in the fields. Why does our lord wish them to be brought to him alive?"
"That is not for us to know. Now we will wait for them."
12-13-2005, 10:46 PM
Curmaar's head spun...he fell back, a pain throbbing in his head. Dimly he saw a figure running...
Above all rose a fiery pain greater than the one at his head, though. It seared the core of his was a burning void! It raged through his body...because the Mithrilstone was gone.
Gone! he thought. Nooo! Death!!! Death!!!
He ran towards something...pain filled his chest, and he stopped. Slowly breathing, he backed away from the wall. The room began to clear...a red haze still filled it. Curmaar turned towards the door. He ran out into the fresh air; his eyes caught a figure vanishing around a corner.
Thief, you will pay with dear coin!
He sprinted through the streets, paying no heed to the people who rushed out of his way. As he turned the corner, he saw the dwarf, running from him. How long had he been watching...waiting?
You will pay!!
They ran, through the gates, towards the seventh circle of the city...
The dwarf ducked into an alley near the back of Minas Tirith. Curmaar ran after him...and he saw his quarry. The dwarf was almost at the top of the wall at the alley's end.'s not a's the White Mountains!
Then the dwarf vanished. He had escaped into the mountains. A howl of agonized rage was ripped from Curmaar's heart. He fell to his knees, crying out in pain.
The Mithrilstone was taken.
rohirrim TR
12-14-2005, 04:12 PM
as the King and his party rode for Osgiliath they left the city's last level and saw a man staggering down the rode looking dazed. he turned his face away as Curamir glanced at him they passed and he slowly followed.
12-20-2005, 02:07 PM
Acalewia fell back to the back of the group. She had noticed the man staggering and then following them. If he was who she thought it was, she would soon find out.
************************************************** ******
The Assasin was getting impatent. Those stupid excuses for orcs should have been back by now. He had decided he would kill them when they got back for taking so long. As to the elf and Faramir's sons, he would see.
"Faramir will wish he had never set eyes on the Stone" he said, laughing to himself.
rohirrim TR
12-23-2005, 01:26 PM
Far in the north the snow had stopped falling but the cold had not grown any less. late that afternoon while Elessars party was on the road to Osgiliath Alatar and the rangers set out once more.
"you young ones did not need to come with me" Alatar muttered
"It was our choice, and besides do you think we wanted to spend all winter with dwarves? I do not fault them their hospitality only their cooking mind you." replied Hluor with a grin in Gimli and Makoins direction.
"cooking? you bottomless pit of a ranger wouldn't know good cooking if it walked up and hit you with an axe" replied Gimli with a good natured snarl.
Hluor chuckled and adressed the wizard. "what are you seeking? I've heard you muttering things like 'couldn't be, maybe powerful, deadly, need the chosen one' whats all that about?
"you?? overheard? er...yes well this winter is a bit unnatural, it smacks of an ice drake."
"the spirit of the dragon?"
"not exactly, you see when a dragon dwells in a place for a long time the land starts to resent it, snow had not gathered on the lonely mountain for years, the heat of the dragon kept it from melting, but the land resented such an...irregularity. A powerful magician can use the ill-feeling to create a fell creature made out of the very land itself, I believe in this case Morluin has called an Ice drake."
"well? how do we kill it?"
"we may not be able to, only a descendant of the dragon slayer may kill it, and as you know the last decsendant of Bard was disgraced and fled to the south over forty years ago."
"so why are we even bothering looking for it?"
"to make such an end as to be worthy of rememberance, and hopefully to find Morluin and destroy him"....
12-27-2005, 10:28 PM
Curmaar saw Acalewia fall back, and he hesitated. Then, as if resolved about something, he quickened his pace.
I am through with fleeing, he thought.
And then he saw a bright light fill his vision...
An old man, robed in white, stood before him. He smiled at Curmaar slightly, raising his hand in greeting. Curmaar stood still before him.
The man showed him the city of Minas Tirith, and then pointed...towards the Misty Mountains far off.
North? Is that where my road goes? he thought.
Smiling again, the man said, "Son of the desert, hear me. There is work for you to do...the work of your forefathers must be finished. Go to the land where I once walked with the King...take this and go..."
The light faded. All was as it had been...except for a ring that was on the man's hand. It was gold, with a red stone that burned like fire...
12-28-2005, 02:06 PM
Acalewia had slowed enough to where she was next to Curmaar.
"I have many questions for you, my friend" She held her hand out to him. "Ride with me. You are known to the others" then she noticed the ring.
"Ringbearer," She added in a low voice so the others could not hear.
12-30-2005, 10:42 PM
"Can you tell me of this ring?" he asked her. "What is its meaning? Somehow I think it was given to me by a vision...but that cannot be, can it?"
She replied, "There have been legends told about the former bearer of this ring...and I know many of them to be true. He was said to be wise, mighty...some even say he saved the life of Faramir. We of the Fair Realms called him Mithrandir...yet he went to many people. 'Gandalf', most called him, but he was once known as 'Olorin'...the dwarves called him 'Tharkun', and when he went to the South, they called him 'Incanus'."
"Incanus! Stories I have heard of him...what became of him?"
"He was said to have left these realms for the Undying Lands...perhaps he has chosen you for a task."
"Yes...he said something like that. But this ring-can you tell me of it?"
"It was called Narya, the Ring of Fire."
rohirrim TR
12-31-2005, 12:22 PM
Alatar and his party sat by a small fire that was crackling and spitting because of all the ice that had to be melted off of the branches.
"do you know where Morluin is?" inquired Hluor.
"I have an idea where he is, we fought in bree and he has not gone far, I can still feel his malevolence" answered Alater.
Lady Willow Rose
01-01-2006, 01:07 AM
A figure blinked rapidly. How she had come to be lying on the cold ground, she knew not. Her mind was a jumble of color and sound. Even her name was a mystery to her. She knew only one thing: Pain. Her body ached and burned. "Valar," she whispered. "Where am I?" There were people near by. Maybe they would help her. "Please!" she cried. "Please, I need help."
Lady Willow Rose
01-01-2006, 04:23 AM
No one responded. Of course, that might have been because her voice was to hoarse for shouting. She pulled herself up, trying and failing to ignore the pain. The rags she was wearing barely covered her. She shuddered from the cold and fear. There were people up ahead of her.
An elven woman and a man talked intimately. She staggered toward them.
01-04-2006, 02:11 PM
Elnar had now joined the two.
"The King will wait for us at the gates. Is this the Southron I have heard so much of?"
"He is, Elnar" Both Acalewia and Elnar noticed the ragged woman staggering toward them. Elnar dismounted and steadied her.
"Who may you be, Child." he asked. "and where are you from?"
Lady Willow Rose
01-04-2006, 04:53 PM
She looked up into the stranger's face and felt the sudden urge to cry. "I don't know," she whimpered. "I can't remember who I am or where I'm from. I can only remember one name and I haven't the least idea what it signifies." She fought the tears that wanted so badly to fall.
01-05-2006, 02:02 PM
"What name do you remember?" Acalewia asked as she unpinned her cloak and set it across the woman's shoulders. "It may help us help you unravel your mystery"
01-05-2006, 10:05 PM
The Assasin grinned as he looked down from his rocky perch in Minas Morgul. His soldiers marched through the streets, chanting endlessly. They were like deadly ants, following one leader, not feeling anything. Fearless...elite...his fighters.
A bird descended from the sky, landing on his outstretched arm. It was totally black-a giant crow. The Assasin grinned again, and whispered to it. Then, shrieking a loud caw, it flew off, vanishing into the sky.
My next attack...thought the Assassin. Nobody will see it! Haha!
Lady Willow Rose
01-06-2006, 12:44 AM
She clung to the lady elf's cloak, grateful for the warmth. "The name was Aragorn," she told her. "Anytime I think the name I feel some sort of connection and safety. Then it's if there's danger approaching. Some sort of attack."
rohirrim TR
01-06-2006, 12:48 PM
Night had fallen in the north, the dwarves had gone off by themselves acting quite secretive, Arhor the ranger was on watch.
The night was quiet and brittle with cold in the distance he heard a crack of ice and a rattle of tree limbs breaking in the cold then a swirl of snow wrapped around the fire and extinguished it like a person pinching off a candle flame. it grew colder and Arhor was becoming alarmed suddenly drift snow hit him right behind the knees filling his mouth with ice. a large tree above the camp started cracking and soon fell to the ice barely missing the sleepers. and Alatar awoke. "UP! ALL OF YOU, we must get moving its our only hope, where are the dwarves?"
"the dwarves went on ahead, they said they would return in the morning and lead us to a good fighting position" answered Arhor struggling to get out of the snow that was clustering about him.
"blast! this may ruin all, QUICK to bree it will be safe there for a few days yet but the open country is no longer open to us the Ice drake is drawing too near".
and so they moved out as Morluin watched his palantir with pleasuere.
01-06-2006, 02:13 PM
Acalewia and Elnar looked at each other.
"We must away to the King" Elnar said as he helped the woman on his horse. Acalewia and Cumaar followed on her horse. There was something about the woman that Acalewia could not put her finger on. She had a feeling she may have been sent there by the Valar.
01-06-2006, 07:44 PM
The drums.
Ghan-Buri-Ghan was the first one to hear them. He was old now...a shadow of what he had been-leader of the Druadan. His hair was white now...he spent his days sleeping and staying home. His son ruled now...Kur-Arag-Kad. Ambitious, the boy was...and there was something about him...
The drums beat.
Ghan stood feebly, and walked toward them slightly, craning his neck to listen closely. A look of fear passed over his face...
A dart whistled through the woods. It lodged in the old leader's neck.
He fell to the ground, forever silenced.
Lady Willow Rose
01-06-2006, 08:36 PM
The moment she was on the horse, she felt calm. There was something comforting about it. She closed her eyes and let the rhythm of the animal beneath her soothe her frazzled nerves. Something tingled just above her hip. She looked down and moved aside the tattered rags. Pressed dark and deep into her skin was the image of a dragon, fire and ice. She shivered, covering the mark.
Whatever it meant, she hoped to learn.
rohirrim TR
01-07-2006, 11:19 PM
When Curamir noticed the young woman joining them naturally he was interested.
"Whom do I have the pleasure of addresing fair one? he inquired
"I..." she then rode back to acalwecia weeping quietly
"See what kind of effect you have on women Curamir? you always have been, how shall I say...challenged in that area, its your face I think, they can't stand the sight, or perhaps they feel sorry for you" came up Colomir with a glint in his eye.
"you're one to talk about having an ugly face, why I remember when we called you the raccoon because of those, not one, but two black eyes I gave last time you tried to steal my girl" recalled Curamir dryly.
"your girl?" Colomir said incredulously, "come now that was years ago we were what? twelve surely you don't hold a grudge that long little brother.
"quit you two we don't have time" said Acalwecia with a grin "she has no memory, she was near the willows so until her memory returns we will call her- Lady Willow, meet the Princes of Ithilien Colomir and Curamir, sons of Faramir.
Lady Willow Rose
01-07-2006, 11:35 PM
She smiled at the men weakly. At least now she had a name: Lady Willow. It charmed her in a way. If only she could know that it was really hers. "It is a pleasure to meet you, my lords. Might I inquire as to where we are going?"
Lady Willow Rose
01-07-2006, 11:40 PM
Alatariel Nénharma awoke. She felt ice rubbing against her skin and knew she lay in snow. She had been sent from the darkness. The woman had appeared in Gondor. Alatariel was sent to kill her. Luckily, she had the advantage. The woman, more like a child, knew nothing of who she was or what she was meant to do.
Alatariel laughed darkly. This would be all too easy.
01-10-2006, 12:23 AM
Morluin closed his eyes. A chill had fallen over the air...he closed his eyes and felt...
Someone had come...powerful...mighty...but not so mighty...
" it you?" he whispered, reaching out by the bonds of Morgoth's Maiar. "Alatariel...come. I have a task..."
"I know, Pallandro! It's good you saw the light at last! Ha! You are no equal of the Pure, yet I must work with you. I will work with you...for it is required of me...So I will help you slay your brother!"
The vision vanished in an instant. It left a shiver in the evil wizard...and a sense of resentment and hatred. He held his staff closer, beginning to plot...
"We are going to the Houses of Healing," Acalewia told the lady. "There you may rest."
"Rest?" Willow echoed. "No...I cannot rest! There is something that calls me! Something that speaks of an evil that must be fought..."
"You do need rest."
"I...cannot, though..."
Curmaar cut in, "Do not bother her, Acalewia. She speaks the truth. If she will go to the north, I will go with her, for it is my role in this tale to play. My role...though I know it not fully.
"Lady Willow, you should rest...but then we shall go to the north. There is something there, I am sure, that we have been chosen to do."
Lady Willow Rose
01-10-2006, 12:57 AM
Willow nodded, still unsure. Something inside her memory stirred when the north was mentioned. Cold, ice... death. She shivered. Oh, why couldn't she have a clear memory? One name was not enough.
Aragorn... Aragorn. Save the land, save him. Protect the King. Be strong, this is your quest. DRAGONSLAYER.
She cried out and the words shouted in her head. It made her dizzy. Acalewia held onto her arm. "Lady Willow, what troubles you?" Willow shivered once more.
"I wish I knew."
Lady Willow Rose
01-10-2006, 01:10 AM
Alatriel shook the snow from her black garb, laughing. What did the trials of mortals and wizards mean to her? Nothing! Still, she could use information and transportation. She liked to keep all avenues open. Rolling her shoulders, she thought of something that would prove useful. And doubtlessly amusing.
"Nurta, nwalmaer. Dolle naa lost."
The words would carry on the winds to the girl-child. And they would frighten her. Alatriel smirked. It would not be long before she was back with her Hell fathers.
*Hide, tormented one. Your head is empty.
rohirrim TR
01-10-2006, 10:51 AM
Alatar, Hluor and the rangers had just passed valley of stone trolls when Alater heard the fell voice on the air. He walked to the top of the hill and shouted "Gurth en heleg nuin nar, Haradrim-mellon" it resonated through the hills, through Mourluins sub-concsious, past Alatariel and finally like a whisper to Curmaar's ears.
*death to ice by fire, southern friend.
01-10-2006, 02:15 PM
Elnar pulled his sister aside.
"If Aragorn is the only name she knows, perhaps seeing him will help her memory."
"Perhaps," she said. She turned to Willow. "Lady Willow, I shall return. Elnar shall stay with you." As she walked past him she wispered, "Use your gift if you must, Little Brother" She mounted her horse and rode to the king.
Lady Willow Rose
01-11-2006, 12:44 AM
Willow watched the she-elf leave her. It didn't bode well to her. Acalewia was someone she instinctively trusted. She clung to the cloak she had been given. Then she felt it. A voice, dirty and dark, ripping across her mind.
"Nurta, nwalmaer. Dolle naa lost."
Willow screamed in pain. The elven words in that voice stung her, made her bleed emotionally. But the words did not only cause pain. Something strong and ancient rose up in her breast, words poured from her mouth.
"Antolle ulua sulrim. Uuma ma' ten' rashwe, ta tuluva a' lle."
The pain stopped and Willow slumped down in the saddle, barely conscious.
*Much wind pours from your mouth. Don't look for trouble, it will come to you
01-11-2006, 02:23 PM
Elnar started when Willow began to speak Elvish. What she meant he did not know. He gently took her off the horse.
"Lady Willow?" She said nothing. He glanced at Cumaar, who was at his side. Elnar placed a hand on Willow's forehead.
What is tormenting you, Daughter of Mystery? Then he saw her. He pulled his hand back as if he had been burned. That was the one face he did not wish to see.
"What is it, Ranger?" Cumaar asked.
"A new enemy in the North." In truth, Elnar had faced Alatriel before and knew her power. A power that nearly killed him. He didn't have the full elven power to counter her.
"Revive, Daughter. Revive"
Lady Willow Rose
01-12-2006, 12:47 AM
Willow floated within her own world. It was comforting. She saw herself clean, graceful and happy. One eye green and one eye gray. Long brown hair floating around her like a veil. She heard words spoken to bring her back and frowned. She didn't want to go back.
Still, there was something she had to do. A name that lingered in her broken memory. And now an enemy to confront.
Willow opened her eyes and stared up at the clouds. "I must go to the North. Immediately."
01-12-2006, 02:08 PM
Acalewia rode up to the King.
"Where are the others, Acalewia" He asked, using her true name.
"We have found a woman with no memory save for one name. Yours. We have called her Lady Willow until we can discover her true name." Elessar became thoughtful.
"Mine is the only name she knows?"
"Yes. Only the name of Aragorn is in her memory." Elessar turned his horse.
"Then lead me to her."
************************************************** ******
"Then I shall go with thee." Elnar said.
"And I. For I have been called North, for what reason I know not" Cumaar said. "And nothing you shall say will stop me"
rohirrim TR
01-12-2006, 03:04 PM
Far in the North in the village of Bree Alatar and the rangers were gathering wood and stockpiling it in he cellar of the Prancing Pony. The innkeeper was somewhat disturbed at their news.
"now what kind of things we comin too when theres snow and ice blowin on Bree there hasn't been a snowstorm like this for 80 years or more my grandfather spoke of a storm like this and there were dreaded wolves made out of ice some say and.." Butterbur liked having a captive audience and the snowstorm was certainly helping in that respect.
"peace, my good man, we all know of that storm but it will pale in comparison to what we are about to experience; but right now I need to know the whereabouts of that sorcerer who burned the huts not two days hence you remeber don't you?" asked Alatar in a quiet voice.
"Remember!? how could we forget all them farmers going mad and chasing rangers and that bloke with the staff is gone the morning with all the rangers and three buildings gone I tell you nothin but ashes and part of me stables was burnt too awful I tell you...and"
"Yes thats enough, now where is he now what are the gossipers saying about him now?" interupted Alatar.
"well theres rumor that he left town going south, but theres also talk of an old homestead on the borders of buckland deserted it is but a few claim to have seen people around there and smoke from the chimney so its possible hes there or it could be someone whos trying to get out the snow and..."
"thank you innkeeper we understand the situation that will be all" Alatar cut him off and paid him for the night.
Lady Willow Rose
01-13-2006, 12:45 AM
Alatriel walked without feeling weariness. Hate, darkness and despair drove her. She didn't think much of 'Lady Willow's' triumph. Those were words. Skill in battle was another thing altogether.
She headed for Bree. There were a few things to gather.
Lady Willow Rose
01-13-2006, 12:47 AM
Willow sighed. "It seems the stubborness of men has not changed in the last thousand years..." She gasped. Alnar and Cumaar both stared at her.
"Are you immortal, Lady Willow?" Alnar inquired casually, though his eyes were intense.
"I haven't the least idea."
01-13-2006, 07:32 PM
"It matters not," Curmaar replied, as if tossing the idea by the wayside. "We have work to do. Are you with me?"
"Aye," chorused the Lady and Elnar.
"Get your equipment, and find the Lady a walking staff. I'll get horses and supplies," Curmaar told them. "We can be off right away."
Acalewia smiled. Putting her hand on the Southron's shoulder, she whispered, "Quel fara. Lle naa belegohtar."
The words filled him with a the lapping of sea waves at Pelargir. Curmaar slightly smiled, and turned away. His gait was relaxed as he strode away.
*"Good hunting. You are a mighty warrior."
01-14-2006, 02:14 PM
Acalewia turned to Willow.
"Come. I have spare clothes for you. and some one for you to meet" As the two women walked away, something began tugging at Acalewia's memory. Why could she not grasp it. They entered a building and the King greeted them.
"This is Lady Willow, Elessar."
Meanwhile, Elnar was gathering equipment for the journey North. Something stirred within him. Lasto! No dhinen! Hain u-'role! He started. Where did that come from.? he wondered, not relizing he was countering Alatriel.
*Listen! Be slient! I do not fear you!*
Lady Willow Rose
01-16-2006, 07:52 PM
Lady Willow gasped. She saw his eyes first. And how she could have forgotten them was a mystery to her. Beautiful, powerful eyes.
And she remembered more.
The light was blinding and even her eyes could not get used to it. The powerful beings before her were friends, and yet terrifying.
"What is my task?" she asked quietly.
"You must protect Middle Earth from the darkness rising to threaten it," the voices answered in unison. She blinked.
"Haven't we always left Middle Earth alone so it can learn and grow? Why the interference now?"
"It is your destiny. You will lose your memory, forget all but one name."
"Whose name, yaaraerea?"
"You will know it soon enough. We fear that your fate is dark and painful. You shall love him against your will. And, to protect him, give your very life."
"I can love no one!" she exclaimed. "That is practically cast in stone!"
"NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!" they bellowed. "You will love and you will suffer for it. We are sorry for that, Finduilas Tîwele." She looked up, and the tears that fell from her eyes turned to ashes.
"I accept this mission."
She awoke from her trance with a sharp gasp. Still she stared into his eyes and she felt her heart awaken. And she cried again. "Elen sila lumenn omentilmo."
Lady Willow fell.
*Ancient ones
*A star shall shine on the hour of our meeting
rohirrim TR
01-17-2006, 11:20 PM
Alatar and the rangers awoke the next morning to find 3 more sleepers by the fire that morning.
"so, how do you dwarves do it?"asked Hluor somwhat annoyed at their unnoticed appearance.
"well the dwarves long ago learned that without stealth, there is hunger" answered Gimli, "although in our case we might say that where there are dunedain there is hunger, we just went to get some supplies and some er..other things information that you," gesturing at Alatar " might be interested in"
"Such as" queried Alatar suspiciously.
"A certain witch is out for your head wizard, she heard about your run with those harad unfortunately; and that dratted friend of your is holed up on the border of the barrow-downs planning to kill you if this witch fails." Gimli informed them matter of factly as he roasted a duck over their fire.
"well, why keep them waiting" asked Hluor.
"we wait for a power from the south before we move on Morluin, but this witch hmm.... Alatriel of course, you're right ranger we shouldn't keep her waiting that would unwise indeed, she's not known for patience and is easily angered, that can be used against her " replied Alatar thoughtfully.
Lady Willow Rose
01-18-2006, 12:41 AM
Alatriel stared at the town of Bree, small in the distance. She smirked. A horse was all she needed, really. And maybe an apple or two. Food wasn't a priority.
She stopped suddenly, eyes becoming glassy. Words floated through her mind.
"Alatriel of course, you're right ranger we shouldn't keep her waiting that would unwise indeed, she's not known for patience and is easily angered, that can be used against her "
Alatriel blinked once and then burst out laughing. "Mortals..." she said, still laughing. "Oh, mortals can be so thick-headed. It's quite amusing." She strode toward Bree, still grinning.
01-18-2006, 02:11 PM
Elnar joined Cumaar with three full quivers and an extra bow.
"I have a feeling she can can us these," he explained at Cumaar's questioning glance. "I also have a feeling we may be getting more than we are bargening for"
************************************************** *
Acalewia watched Willow's face. Something was awaking within her. Then the memory that was tugging at Acalewia came to mind. A memory a thousand years old. Elnar laying in Elrond's house, fighting the darkness that had taken hold of him. How, he never told her.
rohirrim TR
01-18-2006, 03:49 PM
"Evil times these are when Alatriel the furious is out, by the way Hluor would you mind getting the door for her we wouldn't want her to get erm angry and try to burn down the hut" went on Alatar conversationally.
"the door??" stared Hluor blankly.
"the door" repeated the wizard.
"oh...right" he said holding a dagger on his left side as he pulled back the bar and swung open the door to behold a rather tall dark looking woman who reminded him of a python he had seen in a cave once when he had been finding shelter out of the rain, cold dead black eyes; it gave him chills as she walked in the cheery little room, the others felt the same way as though the fire wasn't putting off heat any longer, only Alatar remained expressionless as he stood deceptively leaning on his staff.
Lady Willow Rose
01-19-2006, 12:59 AM
Alatriel looked at the company she'd come across. Pitiful, really. So easy to intimidate the life forms in Middle Earth.
"Well," she said coolly, "does anyone care to offer me a quick summarization fo the situation. After all, I am here to kill only one immortal. The rest are just a bonus."
rohirrim TR
01-19-2006, 04:26 PM
"my dear Alatriel the eldar are certainly amusing when they become evil, Kill? one of our party? were not even the ones you were sent to kill, yet you think that you can simply walk in here and defeat me?! servant of the valar, apprentice of Olorin the great; you think that yourself, a corrupted child of Feanor could do me harm? " asked Alatar somewhat scornfully.
"what do you mean you are not the ones I seek?" she asked icily.
"Why only that your bane has not yet arrived we await them before we move on old Morluin, you remember him don't you? Pollando we called him then like brothers we were, but he was powerhungry even as you are" replied the wizard sadly.
"MY BANE, you old fool do you think I came so far to die at the hand of Elessar I am not going to the south and I am assured that the King of Gondor will be much too busy to come here" she spit her words back at him enraged, "you lot are useless so I'll leave no witnesses" with swirl of her cloak she drew a wand-like staff and a dagger and brandished the staff screaming khelek hurro' the ice hanging off the eaves of the building suddenly became bolts of ice hurling towards Alatar the blue.
"naur tinchor osturra" shouted the wizard and from his staff came a wall of fire shielding them from the Ice and causing water out the door," templa pilini' " he shouted sending a arrow of blue flame at a very angry Alatriel.
Bringing up her dagger she shouted "lietha asca melloneamin" her dagger shattered but she was unharmed, then with a magical burst of speed she dissapeared into the southern woods.
"come on she's getting away" shouted Hluor.
"Hluor you don't chase a wounded mountain lion, she is only angry not hurt, if she is still out there after Morluin is defeated we will hunt her until then much would be against us if we tried to traverse the wild country the Icedrake still lives" answered Alatar as he closed the door and threw another log on the fire.
Lady Willow Rose
01-20-2006, 12:45 AM
Angry? Oh, Alatariel was more than angry. She was bloody furious! Partly with herself and partly with that old fool who worshipped the Valar. She shouldn't have attacked when she had no real reason to. I mean, really. All she wanted was information. Was that so impossible to come by? Her prey was in Gondor.
Obviously, that's the direction she should head for.
Or... Icedrake... Alatariel smirked. That would be a good place to wait. And a safe one.
01-24-2006, 12:39 AM
Three riders came out of the gates of Minas Tirith. A bronze-skinned man wearing a sword and quiver on his back, a fair-skinned elf wearing a quiver and a sheathed sword, and a beautiful woman with a quiver slung across the saddle of her horse. The sun shone on them when they left the Rammas Echor behind, turning north.
Curmaar looked back at the city, fixing everything in his memory. He had seen nothing so grand, and likely he would never see anything so fair again. After the evil in the north was conquered, and the Assassin defeated, he would perhaps settle in Rohan, helping the Rohirrim, living a new life. The south he could never return to.
Elnar shivered. He could feel something...he had felt something, when he had shouted the elvish defiance back at the unseen enemy. Something was there...something evil. Something that knew his kind, and something powerful enough to destroy him. To destroy much of Middle-Earth.
Lady Willow silently rode on her horse, her eyes betraying none of the thoughts she held within her. She was like a chest which held a great jewel-when the time was right, all would be told.
"So, they are gone," whispered Acalewia.
"Yes," replied Curamir, "but something tells me that their road may be the safer."
Lady Willow Rose
01-24-2006, 12:52 AM
Lady Willow deliberately kept the memory of her disastrous meeting with Elessar out of her mind until she left Minas Tirith. She'd yet to tell her company that she remembered her name. Finduilas Tîwele. Hope Dragonslayer.
She had her name, at least. But the price she paid for it was unbearable. Lady Willow had given her heart.
Tears seeped in her eyes, trickled down her face. The pain of it was horrid. To love Aragorn was to be alone. For she couldn't have his love. And even if there was some sort of miracle and he did gift her with his heart... She would lose him. He was mortal. Time was his enemy. And now, it was hers.
She cried silently, but the men knew. They kept silent. Her pain was her own.
01-24-2006, 02:35 PM
Acalewia had no idea why her brother chose to go with Willow and the Southron. She had quit trying to figure it out. Their company had finally set out for Osgiliath. Elessar had brought his best soldiers with him. Acalewia rode beside him.
"Wait," she said. She drew the blade from her boot. It glowed blue.
"Orcs are near" Elessar growled.
"Do we fight them or bypass them?"
************************************************** ******
Faramir paced the room, the parchment from the Assasin in his hand. He had been pondering the meaning of the threat all the while his sons and Eruanna were gone. What could he mean by your time has come?
01-24-2006, 07:56 PM
Somewhere near Minas Tirith, the drums beat. Few heard them...
Kur-Arag-Kad slowly stole up the mountain trail. It was the Druedain who knew the secret paths...for the Druedain had lived in those lands for years beyond reckoning. The small army behind him grinned.
"We retake our lands...lands the stone-carvers stole!" he shouted to his men.
A cheer rose in reply. They ran up the trail, and stopped. They were at the summit of the pass. Below them lay a street made of white stone. The streets of Minas Tirith. Kur-Arag-Kad leaped down, motioning his men to follow.
Lady Willow Rose
01-25-2006, 12:45 AM
Lady Willow brought her horse to a halt. She felt something. Closing her eyes, she tried to identify it.
Darkness, hate... battle drums.
Her eyes snapped open. "Curmaar, Elnar, we go back to Minas Tirith," she said quickly. Her own mission could wait.
Her priority was protecting Aragorn. And that included Minas Tirith.
01-25-2006, 02:30 PM
Elnar whipped his horse around and galloped after her. The three were pushing their horses to the limit.
"Willow! What did you see?" He shouted after her.
Lady Willow Rose
01-26-2006, 01:01 AM
"Battle comes to Minas Tirith. The White City cannot fall! I will not let it!" Willow closed her eyes and spurred her horse onward. She trusted the beast with her life. Horses were her friends.
Concentrating on the glow of power inside of her, she mentally reached out for the man who was first in her thoughts. "Aragorn," she murmured on the winds, "Astalder, asca!" Then Willow threw her power into the King. "Elea i'dolen." A picture of the enemy moving into Minas Tirith opened in her mind and, through it, Aragorn's. She felt his shock.
"Cuamin linduva yassen megrille," she murmured before cutting the connection.
*Valiant one, hurry
*Reveal (a spell)
*My bow will sing with your sword
01-26-2006, 01:47 AM
"Hold!" shouted Curmaar. "Where are you going?"
"We must help him!" replied Lady Willow. "The city is falling!"
"This is madness...why? How can we trust this dream?"
"I know, Southron! I know."
Elnar looked at them, and stopped his horse. "Curmaar, I feel it too. Yet I also know that something is calling us north. If shadow takes the north while Minas Tirith lives, the victory will be brief. Lady Willow, we must go north."
Curmaar glanced at her. "He and Captain Faramir can fight their own battles. They are great warriors."
He spurred his horse to the north, leaving the others, who hesitated.
01-26-2006, 02:37 PM
Acalewia stopped.
"Listen." The others listened at first they heard nothing then...
"Drums!" Colomir cried.
"Orcs ahead and an army behind! What more could we ask for?" Curamir said sarcaticly, drawing a glare from Acalewia and his brother. "I mean, which shall we face?"
************************************************** ****
"Come, Willow!" Elnar said as he urged his horse after Curmaar. "Elessar left just after us. I don't believe he is in the City. The North needs use more."
Lady Willow Rose
01-27-2006, 01:13 AM
Willow was torn. She had to go North and yet she couldn't leave Aragorn. What was she to do in this? Finally, an idea occurred to her. It might not be the wisest course of action, but she had no other choice.
Raising her arms, she began to chant.
"My heart is yours, but the power is mine
Let our hearbeats now entwine."
She felt the pulse of magic move through her and very suddenly a thread of awareness appeared in her mind. Aragorn was there, a quiet presence. Willow smiled. "I guard you now, my love. Safe you shall be."
She wheeled her horse around and charged off into the North.
rohirrim TR
01-30-2006, 11:41 AM
"were gonna need some help," stated Colomir.
"thanks for stating the obvious brother," Curamir answered with a reckless grin as he rode off towards MT. Mindolluin's beacon.
rohirrim TR
02-01-2006, 03:25 PM
"Curamir, wait" called Colomir, Curamir did not heed his brothers call and only urged his horse to greater speed. Colomir swore, and swung his horse to follow his impulsive brother.
"I hate it when they do that" Acalwecia thought as she spun her horse around and followed.
02-01-2006, 08:05 PM
"Elnar, which way do we go?" asked Curmaar. "You know these lands far better than I could ever know."
"We will go northwest, through Dunland, and then north, on the west side of the Misty Mountains. We shall pass north, then, up towards Eriador and Arnor. Bree will be our goal, unless there is word of dangers elsewhere."
Dunland...Misty Mountains...Bree...Eriador...Arnor...the words danced through Curmaar's head like a dizzying spell of some wizard. These strange lands...
"Good," he replied. "Lead the way."
Lady Willow Rose
02-02-2006, 12:42 AM
Willow sighed. The journey would take a great deal of time. Time she wasn't at all sure they had.
"Is there not a faster way?" she inquired.
rohirrim TR
02-04-2006, 11:53 AM
Ahead Curamir could see a group of wildmen going up the path to take out the beacon lighter. One jumped in front of him with a spear, he rode him down grabbing the spear and gaining ground on the ones further up the hill.
Colomir made it about halfway up the hill when he abandoned his horse and started sending arrows to clear his brothers path.
whem Curamir reached stone out post where the beacon was, the fire-lighter was already dead a big dunlender was waiting for Curamir with a bloody sword, Curamir looked at him and threw the spear so hard it stuck a foot out of its back.
"Curamir Hurry up theres more coming" Shouted Colomir from behind a circle of rocks.
"right" thought Curamir "hurry" as he picked up the wood pile that the dunlenders had scattered; when he got on top of the stone beacon he found several bundles of straw and finally got it lit. Miles away it was sighted and the alarm was spread from Dol-amroth to Rohan, that Gondor was under attack.
Lady Willow Rose
02-04-2006, 04:40 PM
Curmaar shook his head. "I'm sorry, Lady Willow. This is the only way." She sighed, looking up at the sky.
"There has to be some way..." Eagles... She grinned. "Why didn't I think of that before? Elnar, do the eagles still rule the skies?" He nodded hesitantly. "Good. If I recall correctly, Lord Eagle still owes me a few favors."
02-04-2006, 10:48 PM
Miles away, an army swept out of Ithilien. The few rangers who had stood against them were dead now. The Assassin marched on Minas Tirith.
"You cannot escape me, Faramir!" laughed the hooded leader.
Curmaar shook his head when he heard, saying, "Nonsense."
Ignoring him, Lady Willow began to sing a song, carried by the wind...
Lady Willow Rose
02-05-2006, 12:31 AM
Willow grasped at the threads of a memory, and began to sing.
"Orthannen im vi ól
Coll e dû
Or hiriath naur
Na rovail mae sui 'waew
Man prestant i ardhon?
Cerithar aen illiad dim úthenin?"
She sighed, deepy. "They will come." Curmaar snorted.
"Lady, I mean no offense, but it is highly unlikely that they will remember you." Willow sighed and dismounted.
"You may go on, if you wish. But I wait here," she replied.
*In a dream I was lifted up.
Borne from the darkness
Above the rivers of fire.
On wings soft as the wind.
What's happened to the world?
Is everything sad going to come untrue?
02-05-2006, 04:58 PM
The warrior shook his head. He dismounted, holding his horse, and looked over at Elnar.
"I have to stay with you. Our tasks are intertwined, and to seperate them could mean defeat. Your past calls you to the North, and something calls me to the North. I'll stay."
He unsheathed his sword and tilted it, watching the light glance off of it like a bolt of lightning on a summer night. The wind rustled around his head.
02-05-2006, 07:13 PM
"My past calls me as well," Elnar said as he dismounted. "Where ever you go, I shall go" He stood next to the others.
"Weither the Eagles remember you or not, I know they will help"
************************************************** *******
Acalewia released arrow after arrow at the Wildmen as Curamir ran for his horse.
"Hurry! Ride as hard as you can! This will not be our only battle today! Ride!"
Lady Willow Rose
02-05-2006, 10:19 PM
Lady Willow heard wings on the air and smiled. "It seems they remember." Three large eagles landed in front of the travelers. She bowed to them and was then born away to the North, her companions following.
Willow closed her eyes and concentrated on her bond with Aragorn. The song of steel meeting steel ringing.... Blood spilt on already soaking earth... She pulled back with a gasp.
Battle raged in Minas Tirith. And it did not bode well for the city.
02-06-2006, 06:29 PM
Colomir and Curamir rode on, trampling and cutting down Wildmen. As they came within the company of the others, Colomir turned. Acalewia was no where in sight.
NOO! he thought. Acalewia!
************************************************** *******
Faramir urged his horse on. He was badly wounded. He had to get to Minas Tirith. He had to get to the King and warn him of war marching upon him.
02-09-2006, 12:40 AM
As the eagles soared over the land, Elnar bent over to his. The wind rustled past the three travelers, bringing his words to their ears.
"By what name are you known, friend?" he asked the eagle.
The bird calmly replied, "Landroval, brother of Gwahir Windlord. And these are my cousins-Dagorrama and Siluva. We have come because we were called by the words of ancient days..."
Curmaar gasped, and almost lost his grip. The eagle had spoken! Elnar and the bird continued to speak as the eagles flew northward: he told them of their visions, and of their mission. Landroval said that there had been word of a disturbance near Bree and to the north of Arnor. Something about winter...
When he said that, Lady Willow let out a small gasp, but nothing more. They flew on, over the Misty Mountains, until the birds wheeled down to rest on a snowy plateau on one mountain. The wind blew icy over them, and the Lady shivered. The sun was low in the sky.
"What is this place?" asked Curmaar from Dagorrama's back. "It is cold, and high..."
Landrover replied, shaking snow from his feathers, "It is the great peak of Zirak-Zigal! The very spot where Mithrandir and the Balrog of Morgoth dueled to the death. My brother remembers the spot well. It was he that bore Mithrandir from this place."
Curmaar didn't try to think about all of it; instead he slid down. As his feet touched the snow, he felt the ring on his finger glow, as if it would even shine through the sleeve that hid it. He looked down, and-below his feet-a patch of grass burst forward! The eagle glanced carefully at it.
"The Prophecy!" he whispered.
Curmaar looked at him, puzzled. "Prophecy?"
"Aye, Southron. The ancient prophecy spoken...
When spring returns to Gandalf's Spire,
Then springs forth Mithrandir's fire.
Bane of dragon, bane of ill.
Bane of rebel's darkest wills."
rohirrim TR
02-09-2006, 01:51 PM
"Colomir, look over there it looks like a ranger, wounded perhaps, I can't make out who it is from here.." asked Curamir when a lull came in the battle.
"Oh No, come On! its father and theres a couple a rangers on foot behind, Osgiliath must be overrun" replied Colomir his mind racing, the day had grown dark first with the loss of Eruanna and now two armys were converging upon the whited city.
as soon as Faramir and the surviving rangers were inside the wall, Faramir becasme frantic in his search for the King, "where is he, I need to see him now and him alone, we may need to call for aid, and we need to get all of our people inside the white city, have all the farmers been called in quickly I ahh" until he collapsed from exhaustion, when he awoke he was in the very familiar house of healing.
02-09-2006, 02:27 PM
Elnar glanced at Cumaar.
"Narya" he mouthed. he turned to the eagle.
"I have an idea of the begining, But what does the rest mean?"
02-09-2006, 11:49 PM
"All these prophecies..." mumbled Curmaar. "It's not me. I know it."
Elnar turned to face him. "That is not true, son of the South! Listen-I know you were visited by a vision. Do you deny that? You have been chosen for a task-a task that you cannot fail! Do not stray and bring this all to ruin!"
"No. Not nonsense, my friend. It is what must be, what will be! Do not shirk your duty!"
02-10-2006, 02:23 PM
Elessar shook his head when Faramir finished.
"The Assasin on one front. Wildmen on another. We have sent word to Rohan, but will Eomer King arrive in time?"
"Eruanna?" Colomir shook his head.
"We don't know, Father." he said. "She was last seen when we lighted the beacon,"
"Eruanna is a Dunedain, Prince of Ithilian. She can take care of herself"
Colomir stood by the window, looking out.
"I do not doubt that, my King." But is she alive? he wondered.
Lady Willow Rose
02-10-2006, 05:53 PM
Willow curled up against one of the stone walls, listening to the winds. Her enemy's voice drifted to her.
"Go vegil tolo hi, egor Ã*riel firi. 'Ni men hen ú veth 'war." Willow pushed the voice aside and thought of her doomed love. Without much thought for it, she began to sing. The Eagles turned their heads to listen.
"I ngîl cennin erthiel
Ne menel aduial,
Ha glingant be vîr
SÃ*liel moe."
Curmaar and Elnar stopped talking. Her voice held a peculiar beauty, husky and soft. But there was a power in it that could not be denied.
"I ngîl cennin firiel
Ne menel aduial,
And-dúr naun i fuin a galad firn
Naegriel moe.
"An i natha
An i naun ului
A chuil, ann-cuiannen
Am meleth, perónen."
Willow buried her head in her arms to weep. Weep for what she would lose. Weep for what would never be.
*Come armed, or prepared to die. There is no other end to this road.
* I saw a star rise high in the
Evening sky,
It hung like a jewel,
Softly shining.
I saw a star fade in the
Evening sky,
The dark was too deep and so light died,
Softly pining.
For what might have been,
For what never was.
For a life, long lived
For a love half given
02-11-2006, 09:36 PM
The Assassin grinned. His mouth was barely visible from under his hood. The bird had returned that day, unharmed. But the message tied to its leg had been removed. The Woodmen had received the message.
The vengeance of the Assassin was ready to be served.
Lady Willow Rose
02-12-2006, 07:59 PM
Willow quirked her head to the side. There was evil stirring and she didn't like the feel of it. Maybe a little bit of mischief was in order.
She pulled into herself, concentrating on that glow of power. Willow focused on the wildmen and hummed softly. The air hummed with her. Magic pulsed in her blood and her heart spoke the words as her mouth did.
"Thangarim yassen templa."
In her minds eye, the wildmen all halted their attack and fell to their knees. She heard their screams of agony, saw them holding their heads in pain. With the slightest smile, Willow diminished the pain and let the wildmen decide whether or not they would continue their attack when their was such a price to pay.
Willow swung her magic hard and slashed out hard on the man who was only called the Assassin. "Yulma ten' lemar en' templa." Spirit fingers carved a symbol into his back. One woman standing over the writhing form of a snake, her sword thrust through its head.
She grinned. That would stir the pot a bit.
*Mass curse
02-20-2006, 05:05 PM
"Haleth!" The king of Rohan turned as the young Marshal appeared. Eomer didn't give him time to speak. "Gather as many eoreds as you can muster. the beacons have been lit. Gondor calls for aid and the Mark shall answer. Go! Now!"
Haleth saluted and disappeared.
************************************************** ********
Colomir and Curamir stood on the wall overlooking Pelennor Fields. Beregond stood beside them. He had been wounded protecting Faramir but refused to remain in the House of Healing.
"The Wildmen may be fleeing but we still have The Assasin's army to deal with. And he should be here any moment." Curamir paused. "Colomir?"
Colomir started. He had been staring at the charred spot where the fell beast of the Nazul had been burned 30 years earlier.
"She'll return. Father and King Elessar say she always returns."
Suddenly, a rider broke through the trees. Colomir squinted. The rider was slumping apparently wounded. The blood stained grey cloak was flapping like flag behind it.
"Open the gates!" someone called. The rider didn't stop, but rode through the City, straight to the House of Healing. The three men rode hard to catch up.
The Rider was staggering through the door when they dismounted.
02-20-2006, 05:22 PM
The Assassin staggered as he felt the mark freeze itself into his back. The snake...transfixed by the blade...
You cannot scare me! I will hunt you down and kill you after Faramir is dead!
"Forward!" he screamed. "Minas Tirith is in sight!"
02-20-2006, 06:35 PM
"Aragorn!" The king turned as the rider entered the room. Faramir's eyes widened.
"What in Middle-Earth did you get yourself into this time!?"
"The Assasin is marching upon Minas Tirith as we speak" she gasped. "He is planning a two pronged attack. The Woses were just a distraction. They are not a part of it. They only wanted the land they claim is their's." The brothers and Beregond arrived.
"What ..." Elessar held up a hand.
"How did you find this out?"
"The Woses. I have been among them. I escaped into the trees at the border of the Pelennor. I fled from there to warn you of the Assasin's army." Colomir now stood next to the King. He nearly shouted for joy. The rider was Acalewia! She had been wounded, a gash across her right brow and another on the side of her neck. Blood covered her face and the shoulder of her tunic. She held her hand over a rip on her side, but no blood seeped through her fingers. Acalewia staggered and Colomir steadied her. He pulled her arm over his shoulder and helped her to one of the beds.
"Your wounds must be tended to," he said as he laid her on the bed. Her only objection was a gasp of pain.
A horn sounded.
"The Assasin is upon us!" she breathed.
02-20-2006, 06:56 PM
The Assassin had already arranged his attack some time beforehand. He heard the horn blowing, and his army swept out into the arranged formation. In the forefront were his goblins: expert at climbing...they would swiftly scale the walls of Minas Tirith.
Behind them, the regular orc troops...tough and ruthless...ready to slay. And then with them, a contingent of Haradrim, hired by the Assassin himself. He grinned at the White Tower.
"You cannot escape this time, Faramir!"
He sent the goblins ruthlessly sweeping to the left and to the right. And in case they didn't succeed, behind them were orcs with ladders.
02-20-2006, 07:43 PM
Acalewia stripped off her semi-shreded tunic, finally revealing the mithril coat. Curamir's jaw dropped.
"Close your mouth, boy, and get out there!" Beregond said. He was already out the door. Elessar and Faramir did not seem to notice. They had known about it for years. Colomir turned back to Acalewia. She was washing the blood off her face and neck.
"What do you think your doing?"
"It'll take more than a few broken ribs to keep me from defending the White City. Nahor thinks Faramir has the Mithrilstone. He is attacking because he thinks it is here now." Faramir staggered up.
"You could use as many men as you can muster," he said strapping on his sword and quiver. "I'm not spending this battle in the House of Healing." Colomir turned to the King.
"King Elessar?" He nodded.
"Faramir is right. We could us as many men as possible." he drew his sword. "You four shall fight alongside me. Come!" He left the room followed by the three men and the elf. The mithril glinted in the sunlight.
"For Gondor!"
Lady Willow Rose
02-20-2006, 07:59 PM
Willow smiled slightly at the Assassin's threat against her. But she had so little time...
Another surge of magic incinerated the ladders the Assassin's orcs carried. At least she could do that much to help the war effort.
"Landroval!" she called to the eagle. "We must be off. Time is precious." She then turned to Curmaar. "The Assassin believes Faramir has the Milthrilstone. His attack against the White City will be terrible but I've taken some measures to even the odds a bit more." Siluva nudged Willow and she smirked. "For now, it is my turn to fight."
Without another word, she swung up onto Siluva's back and was born up into the sky.
02-20-2006, 08:53 PM
Cumaar and Elnar glanced at each other as they climbed on their own Eagles. Elnar shook his head as they were borne away.
"The Assasin will destroy Middle-Earth with his efforts to find the Mithrilstone, which proves it is no longer in the hands of the Haradum."
************************************************** *****
The five riders watched as the orc laters ignited seemingly by themselves. But they had no time to wonder about it. The goblins scaled the walls quickly. The head of the nearest goblin sailed with a blow from Curamir's sword.
"Gurth 'ni yrch!" Acalewia cried. The goblins were trying their best to unhorse her. They had orders to capture her along with Faramir, his sons, and the King, alive.
Suddenly a horn sounded. The goblins stopped, seeming to be confused. The horn sounded again. A lone horse stood on the ridge to the West. The horn sounded a third time. A line of horses appeared across the ridge as long as the ridge. Acalewia and Elessar looked at each other and smiled. Rohan had come.
*Death to the orcs*
Lady Willow Rose
02-20-2006, 09:10 PM
Alatariel leaned back against the Icedrake, having already won his friendship. It was a simple matter of showing him the mark on her hip. He appreciated the image of the dragon rearing up in triumph with the crumpled body of a woman at its feet.
She hummed a bit and knew that 'Lady Willow' was on her way. Any moment now...
02-20-2006, 09:31 PM
The five returned to their fighting. A large cluster of the goblins were fighting their way toward the gates. suddenly Acalewia gasped, not from pain but from anger.
"The Gatehouse!" she cried. They were on the third level. Could they reach the first level in time. Silvermist raced off at full speed, her rider beheading goblins as she passed them.
By the time they reached the main level, the Gates were swinging open. They were too late.
************************************************** *****
Eomer rode up and down the ranks of Riders. The last time Rohan had come to the aid of Gondor, his uncle had done the same.
"Ride to Glory!" he cried, echoing Theoden's words. "Ride to Death! Ride for Gondor and the Mark!" He raced forward. "Forth Eorlings!" The pounding of hooves sounded like thunder and Eomer was sure it felt like an earthquake to the army outside Minas Tirith. As they got closer, The King of the Mark saw the Gates begining to open. He prayed they weren't too late. For his sister's and nephews' sake.
Lady Willow Rose
02-20-2006, 10:08 PM
Willow found it much easier to leave her body when she was in the air. It already had an unreal quality to it so the shift from physical to spirit didn't phase her.
She followed the link she had with Aragorn and was there in the midst of battle. The goblins had broken through the Gate. Bodies littered the ground. Her eyes widened as she saw Estel knocked down, a sword poised over his throat.
"N'tess gothamin," she shouted, and the goblin froze. Aragorn took the opportunity to regain his feet and kill the thing. Willow smiled at the disbelief in his eyes. "I haven't even started, astairder." In her spirit form, she moved about the goblins and cast spells against them. "Lanta kaima," she hissed at the trio of goblins who'd surrounded Acalewia. They immediately fell.
Willow knew the danger of fighting this way, but she risked it. She was ready for anyone who dared to challenge her.
*hold person
*valiant one
02-23-2006, 02:43 PM
Acalewia and Aragorn glanced at each other as some of the goblins seemed to drop dead. Swords rang. Arrows flew. The five compainions could feel the ground shake as the Rohirrim charged.
"To the Gates!"
************************************************** ******
As they flew, Elnar took the time to ponder on the dream he'd had while they had rested. Acalewia was the one with the gift of vision, he had the gift of healing.
"You did not come because of your knowledge of the North, Dunedain." Eleberath said. "Alatariel will not defeat you this time. The blood of Loren flows strong within you"
"Loren? My mother was of Mirkwood."
"Her grandfather is of Loren, my son. Your human apearence threw her off. She believes you dead a thousand years, as the mortals who lived then"
"It is not my quest"
"Your quest is to help defeat Alatariel. Your willpower is strong. Call upon it to save all you hold dear." He glanced at the others. They could not know.
rohirrim TR
02-23-2006, 03:05 PM
"Alatar we can't wait much longer, we've only two days of food, and the storm seems to have moved off " Hluor had been trying to persuade them to move out for several days but the wizard only stared at him vacantly his mind elsewhere.
"Hluor's right we're all healed up and the dwarves left yesterday" added Arhor
Alatar stood up "whats that you said Arhor?"
"you mean about the dwarves lea-"
"thats it, the dwarves a proud race short in stature, secretive and often unnoticed, this whole war concerns them, if only, they had not been so secretive about everything I could have figured it out in half the time...BLAST it may be too late...unless, unless we can find him..or they can.."
"whoa slow down wait for us mortals what are you talking about?" asked Hluor
"oh I apoligize Hluor I guess I haven't spoken to you for a couple of days, anyway Gondor is under attack because a Harad assasin thinks they have a certain weapon of ...magical properties, they happen to be under attack and-"
"whats this got to do with Morluin though?" Arhor broke in
"Morluin is the key, he is the mastermind, we are from the south you know, and he believed as does his pupil the assasin that the rangers have the sto-er weapon, thats why he made war upon you to draw out the bearer of this weapon, but they all overlooked a few things mainly that Bardaar the lost king of Esgaroth is not dead."
Lady Willow Rose
02-24-2006, 01:09 AM
Lady Willow swung around suddenly. There was a disgusting, slimy presence in the air. Her gaze honed in on a figure, hooded and cloaked.
The Assassin...
Though no other could see her, his eyes were fixed on her. A feral smile flashed over her face. Slowly, as if she had all the time in the world, she approached him.
This battle would be an interesting one.
02-26-2006, 03:50 PM
Eomer drove his lance into a large orc. Haleth's eored charged on one side of him, Elfhelm's on the other. Lances glinted in the sunlight. Eomer fixed his sight on a cloaked figure he knew as The Assasin.
Lady Willow Rose
03-05-2006, 07:54 PM
Willow stood before the Assassin. Her hands were outstretched and her eyes were fierce.
"Come forth, kotyaer." She smiled daringly. "Or are you afraid?"
*Hostile one
03-05-2006, 08:43 PM
Elnar watched Willow as they flew. She seemed to be concentrating on something.
what is she up to? he wondered.
03-06-2006, 12:11 AM
The Assassin grinned hideously, and lowered the cowl of his hood. A horrificly scarred face looked back out at her. It was terribly disfigured, like some evil monster from an ancient age...he raised one hand in the air.
"I am not afraid, little friend. You are not the only one who knows...tricks."
Lady Willow advanced again.
The Assassin chanted, "Larghak uundu arniraan talhuk!"
Crossing his arms, his palms open and reaching towards the sky, he felt the layers of protection swirl around him...and he confidently glared at Lady Willow.
Curmaar felt the icy wind swirl around him as the eagles soared past Eregion. He looked around. The horizon was clear to the south, clear to the west, clear to the east...but to the north-
"Elnar! Willow!" he screamed. "The Icedrake is coming!"
He grabbed his eagle tighter as all three of them swooped down suddenly. An icy blast barely missed them.
Lady Willow Rose
03-06-2006, 01:38 AM
Lady Willow felt her physical body tugging at her but she was determined to show her strength.
"I have seen armies fall, cities rise. I have fought against powers too terrible to describe and almost lost. I love a man I can never have and will lose to time and age. I will walk this world till the ending of it. I do not fear you, child, nor am I impessed by your tricks." With a blast of power, she knocked the Assassin onto his back.
Fear and hate glowing in his eyes, he stared up at her. But she could stay no longer and flew back to her body...
Just in time to be dropped down onto the Icedrake's back.
03-06-2006, 07:32 PM
The Assassin growled as he felt the shield dissipate. It slipped away, however he clawed at it. That always happened...he thought he saw it all fit together now.
Only when the shaamen were around, he thought, could I use my power...
Evidently, there was a connection. But he had no time to worry about that. He raised his sword, shouting for his army to follow him.
Morluin stood before the mob of villagers. All were crudely armed, and some bore torches. They wanted death...death for the accursed rangers.
"Go!" he screamed to them. "Cleanse Arnor of this scourge!"
Now, he thought, to deal with Alatar.
Curmaar watched Lady Willow tumble from her eagle. How had...? He turned to Elnar.
"We have to help her!" the Southron shouted. "We have to help her!"
Lady Willow Rose
03-06-2006, 11:21 PM
Willow heard the Icedrake's roar of fury and she tried to collect her thoughts. She was back in her body, apparently. Not under the best of circumstances.
As quick as she could, she slid down from the dragon's back, avoiding his icy breath along the way. Willow hit the ground running. She had to find a place to hide. The enemy had the advantage and she had to plan.
"Vedui'," a cold voice murmured. Willow froze, then looked up to see the black eyes of Alatariel.
"Helkaer, nac saian luurne'." Alatariel smiled but no warmth reached her eyes. She drew her sword, then leaned close to Willow.
"Lle merna salk?" She nodded.
"Ta naa seasamin." Without another word, she flipped back and her boots cracked against Alatariel's chin.
*Icy one, it has been too long
*Do you want to dance?
*It would be my pleasure
03-08-2006, 02:41 PM
Elnar jumped from his eagle.
"Willow! bragol thalion!" He felt some of his own strength go into Willow.
"Cumaar! Help me with the icedrake!" he cried. "Yala onna en' naur!"
*Summon Fire Elemental
03-09-2006, 01:23 AM
Curmaar pulled back his bow, and released an arrow at the icy monster. It streaked toward it, yet bounced lightly off. The Southron and Elnar fired, but with the same result! The eagles swooped out of reach of the Drake, and they tried again-but still nothing!
"It won't work!" shouted Curmaar. "I must..."
Without hesitation, he leaped off of the eagle!
"Where do we go to find the foul wizard and his cursed ranger allies?" asked a villager.
Morluin thought, and replied, "You can find them..."
"Here," said a voice.
Alatar stood before the throng. Gimli, Makoin, and the rangers stood with him. All were ready for a fight.
"Leave Pallandro to me, friends. And try not to kill unless you must," ordered the Istar.
"Wretch!" screamed Morluin. "Stand back, all of you! I will finish him myself! Justice will reign!"
03-10-2006, 02:41 PM
Silvermist darted out of the Gates, Acalewia urgeing her toward the fallen Assasin as Eomer raced toward him.
"Elendil!" she shouted.
Lady Willow Rose
03-10-2006, 11:46 PM
Willow felt the fiery energy from Elnar with a sharp sense of relief. She needed the help. Alatariel had already recovered from the blow she'd received and immediately swung her sword at her enemy. Willow ducked the blow, tackling the woman to the ground.
"Give up, Finduilas!" she hissed, shoving her knee into Willow's stomach. Quick and agile, she threw her attacker over her head, twisting her wrists till she heard her scream. She snickered.
"Daughter of slugs," Willow shouted then sank her teeth into Alatriel's wrist.
03-11-2006, 12:53 AM
Curmaar felt the air rush past him, as he fell downwards. Farther down...until he hit-the icy skin of the icedrake! He held on with the grip of a man facing death. His bow had been dropped somewhere; he held his sword in one hand. He could not use it, though, because he was holding onto the dragon with both hands.
The Assassin began to rose, and he looked around. As he raised his sword, he saw a woman and a man rush towards him. The man was of the Riddermark-Eomer, he knew. And the woman...
Growling, he spat into the ground. And he called for his goblins. He prepared to dodge the initial blows that they would aim at him.
Lady Willow Rose
03-12-2006, 12:17 AM
Willow escaped from Alatariel only to catch sight of Curmaar dangling from the Icedrake. Her fingertips seemed to itch as her heartbeat tripled its pace.
"Curmaar!" she shouted, barreling into the Icedrake. She felt a layer of frost cover her skin but she continued to climb. The ice dragon roared its fury. It twisted and shook, desperate to rid himself of unwelcome passengers.
"Willow, get down from here!" he shouted back. She glared at him for a moment, then gripped both his wrists.
"I can handle myself. But what of you?" Willow didn't wait for him to answer. "Bragol thalion," she whispered. Curmaar felt something enter him, too powerful and frightening to describe.
"Willow," he gasped.
"Vara tel' Seldarine," she continued. Her power fled from her and she stayed still only because Curmaar held her. Willow smiled weakly at him. "Do me a favor," she told him. "Put your sword through Alatariel's head." Willow closed her eyes and passed out.
03-12-2006, 07:46 PM
Curmaar watched her in disbelief. She had been so strong...
She still lives! he told himself.
He pulled her onto the Icedrake, and held her on tight as it swept downwards. She was a deadweight now, pulling him down. He spotted Elnar trying to follow them.
"Elnar!" he shouted. "Catch her!"
As the eagle flew closer, he pushed Lady Willow in the general direction of it. He didn't have time to see if Elnar had succeeded. The Icedrake jolted, and he swung himself onto its neck. He was riding it now, but that was the least of his worries.
"So," a voice taunted, "I defeat the child and now I face the infant."
He turned around. Alateriel had vaulted onto the drake.
03-13-2006, 04:48 PM
Elnar caught Willow.
"Take care of her," he wispered to the eagle. He lept onto the Icedrake, grabbing Alateriel from behind.
"Do what you have to do! I'll worry about her!" he called.
Heat began to envolop them.
* * *
Acalewia saw Eomer charging.
"Watch yourself, Rider!" she prepared herself for anything the Assasin had up his sleeve.
03-17-2006, 01:48 AM
"You severly overestimate your strength, pitiful immortal. You shall learn what it is to die," taunted Alateriel.
She grabbed hold of Elnar, and brought his face next to hers. The elf felt his body almost totally collapse...she grinned.
"NO!" screamed the Southron, leaping onto both of them.
He felt her release her grip on him, and he began to fall. His blade, swinging out, caught something that she had conjured into being. A green blade, sickly and sharp, crafted from some arcane magic. Curmaar tried to stabilize himself, and he called out.
Eru, help me! Save me!
Narya blazed, and Curmaar felt his feet grip the Icedrake. It roared, but could not throw him. Elnar grabbed ahold of the creature, using all of his strength.
The Assassin whistled, and his orcs came. They prepared to overwhelm the attackers. Meanwhile, the cloaked figure whipped his arms, and throwing-knives appeared in his hands. He prepared to throw, one at the mount of each warrior.
He hurled the knives.
Morluin did not care that the townspeople backed away from him, no longer sure of their side. He had one thing he had to do. The sorceror glared at Alatar, and lifted his staff. A pale blue light began to surround it, and he chanted in a low tone. An ancient spell...a Morgul-spell.
Lady Willow Rose
03-17-2006, 02:09 AM
Willow dreamed.
She dreamed of evil wizards with dark intent.
She dreamed of a killer who threatened her new-found friends.
She dreamed of her ancient enemy, threatening the destruction of Middle Earth.
She dreamed Aragorn, her only love, was in danger.
Her eyes opened slowly and they glowed bright silver.
Willow dreamed no more.
Lady Willow Rose
03-17-2006, 01:56 PM
The eagle felt ancient strength pulsing in his grasp and he immediately released his hold on Willow. She tumbled through the air for a few moments before landing neatly on the Icedrake.
"Alatariel," she thundered. Curmaar stared at her in shock. Her voice had changed. No longer sweet and slightly mournful, it was deeper now and seemed capable of making the earth bow in respect.
Alatariel was less than impressed. "So, the dance has tired you. Let us finish what we started three thousand years ago." A ribbon of black smoke wound around her body as she seemed to collapse into herself. Then the shape grew and grew till it stood ten feet high. It bore leathery black wings, a jagged sword engraved with ancient spells. Alatariel was no longer hiding what she was.
No demon had ever been more hideous in its hatred and power.
Willow looked upon her without a trace of fear. Instead, she herself changed. Light shielded her from mortal eyes as her human body became something far more powerful. She was taller than Alatariel, her silver-dusted wings longer and the sword she bore was smooth, sharp and deadly.
Her now silvery eyes glowed with the same light now embedded in her flesh. "Come, Alatariel. Test my blade with yours and we'll see whose steel has aged for the better."
03-17-2006, 02:34 PM
Acalewia's horse screamed and fell. The shock of the fall caused pain to shoot through her injured side. She staggered up as the orcs rushed her. Acalewia raised her sword.
"ELENDIL!" She screamed.
rohirrim TR
03-19-2006, 10:34 PM
soon only the two istari were left in the square staring at one another their eyes like testing each other like fencers
"come back Pollandro, you can still come back we could sail west as brothers and even yet the valar would forgive..."
"pah" morluin spit back "you do not know me if you think I could be forgiven, long dark paths did I trod in my quest for power, paths of no return, you will die my old confidante, Pilin en' templa arrows of flame flew like a flight of birds toward Alatar
"'Kshonna, wanya" and the arrows exploded in thick black smoke that hid them from view of anyone watching...
Lady Willow Rose
03-19-2006, 10:58 PM
Alatariel rammed Willow, clawing and biting. She shifted and flung the demon over her shoulder. While Alatariel hit a tree at break-neck speed, Willow was upon her again.
"Don't move." Her blade's tip scraped the enemy's neck. Alatariel stared up at her, then smiled bitterly.
"It's funny how life works out. Only an accident of birth has you standing over me in triumph, sister dearest. It could just as easily have been you who were damned to darkness." Willow looked into her sister's eyes and sighed deeply.
"I know, Alatariel. I know."
03-20-2006, 02:10 PM
The Assassin grinned, and he lifted his blade. With the experience of years, he swung it directly at Acalewia. The malice had not been at all abated. He laughed as the blade whipped at her, ready to kill. She would soon die.
Curmaar felt an icy pain fill him, and he screamed out loud. He felt his ring...growing hotter...intense...filling him with an agonizing pain...and a strength.
The Shadow will not stand before me! he shouted.
The Darkness will not avail you! shouted a voice in his head.
Narya blazed again.
"Elnar!" shouted the Southron. "Get off, now!"
03-20-2006, 06:25 PM
Elnar nodded.
"You will need this!" he said as he tossed one of his elvish knives to Cumaar, the blade white-hot. Then he released his grip on the Icedrake and fell.
* * *
The blade hit Acalewia in the chest, but instead of killing her it bounced off her mithril tunic. She laughed. Eomer and Faramir joined her and together they attacked.
rohirrim TR
03-20-2006, 11:01 PM
when the oily smoke cleared the Istari had cast aside ranged spells and were using their staffs as quarterstaffs with flame upon the ends, the blue flames would cross and either turn white or black, so that it became an interlaced pattern and moved with them; again cloaking their movements.
as they both wearied they paused and the smoke cleared slightly Morluin could feel his plans crumbling the Ice drake was weakening the Asassin was not conquering and he himself was being tried very hard indeed. with a twirl of his staff he sent a jet of blue flame towards Alatar only to have it turn to ice between them 'darkness' thought Morluin 'all that is left is darkness' he looked up and his eyes met Alatar's for the last time and in them he saw the evil trick that had been played upon him the spirit Morgoth's promise of great power versus the greatness of valar shown through his friend with a last show of strength he strided in staff twirling, flame licking all about him and he saw only Alatar brandish his staff and then a long blue flash and then nothing.
" there passes Pollandro of the Istari"
said Alatar sadly "let us go our friends may have need of our help"
03-22-2006, 11:36 PM
The Assassin whirled, using the skills of years to block and counter the slashes and thrusts that rained down upon him. Block, counter-thrust, parry, reeling back, feeling a blow land on him.
But he held his ground. Even the three warriors could not best his South-honed skill totally. And even around them the goblins swarmed.
"You have not beaten me yet," whispered Alateriel, whipping her mouth into a snarl.
The mighty being that stood over her replied, "Give it up, sister. You have been defeated. If you move, this blade will slit your throat."
"I will return, and wreak havoc on all of Middle-Earth!"
"There is no road onwards from the gates of Angbad. Turn, now, and come back!"
Curmaar held on. He felt the blade in his hand glow. The Icedrake screamed as it swooped down...down...and up...burning all over...
But a core of evil still lived on in it. Screaming winds tore at the Southron, ripping at his skin, prying at him...trying to fling him off. The man closed his eyes, and called on Eru again. Narya blazed with a heat greater than before!
The heat seared Curmaar, like the stabbing of a thousand knives.
The Icedrake roared. The fire licked around it in waves. The cold inside burned Curmaar.
The wind beat past, like arrows on the wind. Piercing his skin.
Curmaar stabbed with Elnar's blade! It tore into the Icedrake, screeching away in a withering hiss. The hilt melted as the blade plunged into the monster.
Screaming, the Icedrake plunged onwards.
Alatar stopped, and looked at the sky. A fiery streak seared towards them. It shone with the light of a thousand beacons. The wizard opened his eyes wider.
Well done, Mithrandir.
Curmaar felt the heat rising as the beast plummeted. He gripped, holding on to stay alive...but he knew-it was an end. It hurtled downwards, flame surrounding it. The Southron felt the heat envelop him, and he smiled.
Thank you, he whispered, as peace filled his soul. Vengeance is dead. I am alive.
The flame overtook him.
Screaming, Alateriel grabbed the blade that Willow held. In one swift motion, the demon drove it into her own bosom. She heaved it ferociously into her black heart. A shrieking wind surrounded her, and then...all was silent.
The Assassin paused. He felt It. Like the loss of he had stopped breathing. And with him stopped the entire army. He barely felt the three blades that hit him at the same time.
"For Gondor!" shouted Acalewia, springing over Nahor's dead body. The three warriors whirled through the stricken goblin army, raining death and terror on them.
Lady Willow stopped, looking at the body of her sister. It melted into the ground even as she gazed. The being turned, and a tear began to form in her eye.
Not for the enemy that had slain itself. But for the sister she had lost to the shadow.
Middle-Earth was safe. Lady Willow wept, and she faded back into the form she had taken when she first arrived. A woman, seemingly frail. Her task, for now, was finished.
Alatar watched the flaming ball of energy smash through a wooden house of Bree and stop in a street. When he got there, there was no trace of anything. Except for the body of a Southron, lying still in the street. The Istar hastened over too it, but there was no more life left in it. The body's face had a strange smile on it. Whoever it was had died in peace. And slain the Icedrake.
Eru favor your soul, Dragonslayer, Alatar breathed.
Acalewia watched the goblin armies running from the field. Everywhere, warriors of Gondor and Rohirrim chased them in all directions. Smoke rose from the field of battle, mingling with dust thrown up by the routing hordes. She smiled, standing at a parapet with Faramir and Eomer.
"The battle is over," said the King of the Riddermark.
Faramir murmured to himself, "The Assassin's Shadow is ended."
03-24-2006, 06:32 PM
Lady Willow's voice drifted high into the sky, as she sang an elvish lament. She stood in Rath Dinien, at the fore of the procession. The white stone felt cold under her feet, and the wind blew coolly before her. Behind her, seven men carried the litter with Curmaar's body on it. The moon shone pale over them all.
As they slowly walked down the Silent Street, they were followed by others: Elnar, Faramir and his sons, Acalewia, Alatar and some rangers, Gimli, Makoin...and at the fore was King Elessar. As they came within sight of the doors of the Hallows, the crowd stopped, and the eight people entered alone, bearing Curmaar with them. Their steps rang hollowly on the stone floor, and they seemed to glide over to an alcove inside the house.
"Cormamin niuve tenna' ta elea lle au'," she whispered as the litter was lowered onto a shelf. "My heart shall weep until it sees thee again."
Curmaar's eyes were closed in a peaceful sleep; his hands were folded across his chest. The procession left the building, slowly, led by Lady Willow.
Alatar sat at the table. Hluor and the other rangers were with him, as were the dwarves. Slowly, the Istar rose, as Acalewia and Faramir's sons appeared. He held his staff, and looked around at all of them.
"The threat is ended," he told them. "Gondor is safe."
"Now what will we do?" asked Curamir. "And will you leave us?"
Alatar laughed, and answered, "No, not yet. I am planning to stay here. I will go to visit some friends to the north in a couple of months: Elnar and Lady Willow, who have gone to Rivendell. As for the rest of you?"
"We also go north, but sooner," said Hluor.
Gimli told the Istar, "I will go and visit my kin in Erebor. I've had quite enough orc-hewing for now, thank you! Even a dwarf can get weary of it."
"And of course," Acalewia said, "I will go with the men of Osgiliath."
Alatar nodded, and replied, "Good. There is one task, however. Curmaar was not one of us, but a man of the Haradrim. Even though his family is dead, he deserves to lie at rest in his fatherland. I will need a hero or two to carry his body to Harad for burial. So the work is not finished-but most of it is."
He turned to the window, feeling the ring of Narya on his finger. He whispered, "The shadow is gone, for now."
And thus it was that Nahor the Assassin, Alateriel the demon-child, and Morluin the traitor were defeated, and the lands of Middle-Earth spared from darkness. The heros left, one by one, for their homes, save for the small fellowship that carried out one last gift for Curmaar their friend.
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