View Full Version : Descendents of the Fellowship
Dreran the Green
08-31-2003, 10:30 AM
Thousands and thousands of years have passed since the ending of the Third Age. Middle Earth is in a state of turmoil, everyone is fighting with one another. Only a very few elves remain, and new races have entered ME. In all the chaos, the legend of the One Ring and the Fellowship of the Ring has been almost entirely forgotten! No one even remembers the names "Sauron" or "Frodo".
And in the midst of all of this, a new dark lord/queen is rising to power. The only way to stop him/her is if the descendants of all the original Fellowship members can find one another and join together to kill him/her.
Anyone can join, and you can be any race you want. If you're a descendant of one of the Fellowship members, please mention who. I'll wait to post my character until some other people join.
08-31-2003, 07:12 PM
I really shouldn't join, but...
Name: Arvedui (Ar-VEDA-we) descendant of Aragorn.
Age: 27
Weapons: One two-handed sword, two daggers, bow and fifty arrows.
Description: Blue-black hair, with dark green eyes. Black breeches with a dark brown tunic and a black cloak with a hood. Also black boots and a necklace that is said to be made in remembrence of Arwen Undomiel, Evenstar of her people, thousands of years ago. The necklace is made of mithril, with one pure diamond in the center. She has her ancestor's skill with a blade, yet she is very wary of almost everyone in these dark times.
08-31-2003, 10:21 PM
Name: Brilfanwen Greenleaf
Height: 9'0
Descendant of: Legolas Greenleaf
Eyes: Dragons eyes, dark, finely defined eyebrows, and thick, black lashes.
Hair: A long silver and gold river.
Clothing: black boots, long grey cloak from Lorien, with Lorien leaf clasp[fathers] long white undershirt, shortsleeved tunic [same as Legolas in the movie]
Weapons: A long white knife, twin daggers in sheaths in her back, near her leather quiver, Galadhirum bow, Lothlorien arrows, and a long sword of the elves, named Raganok.
Special items: A silver Mallorn leaf pendant from the Lady of Lorien for her coming of age, a beautiful ring that she got from her father, and a peice of her fathers original armour from the final battle, which she changed into a large pendant which is hidden in her shirt.
Armour: Long mithril mail, breast plate, in the style of her father's, A long silver dragons helm, which covers her head, and does not obscure her vision.
Companions: A black horse with a silver mane named Silverfax. She stands at a height of 18 hands, and has silver hooves. A silver fox and Kurama...[in every single rpg that I ish]
08-31-2003, 11:59 PM
Hey, you took my forebear! *pout* :( Oh well, I had lotsa chances to sign up before you, but I didn't.
I know! I'll be your sister!!! *thinks about having Legoles for a sister* :eek::eek::eek: On second thought...
;) Just kidding! (You can tell that my sister was cooking, and I poured a lot of sugar straight down my gullet today, can't you?)
Name: Ganala
Forefather: Gandalf the White
Race: Half-elf
Explanation: Gandalf was young once too! She's just a farther descendant than the others. 100 'greats' instead of 20 or so. :D
Weapons: Glamdring, the elvish sword, and a`plain,gnarled`wooden`staff.
(I'm`really`sorry,but`the`space`bar`isn't`working` `:(:(
I`restarted`the`computer`and`everything!`Now`I`hav e`to`put`these`ticks`between`the`words,or`it's`too `hard`to`read.:(`Boy,it's`ANNOYING!!!!!:mad:`)
Description:`A`slender,studious`looking`young`woma n`with`a`gleam`of`mishchief`and`wisdom`in`her`eye. `She`has`white-gold`hair`and`pale,translucent`skin.`Her`eyes`are` a`dark`blue,like`her`forefather`and`mother's,`but` her`nose`is`clearly`that`of`her`namesake,`very`lon g`and`pointed.
Clothing:`Ganala`wears`a`long,fine,sleeveless`robe `of`dark`blue,`generally`all`the`way`open`in`the`f ront`to`allow`her`greater`freedom`of`movement.`Und erneath,she`wears`midnight`blue`leggings`and`a`nav y`tunic,`longer`on`one`side,`and`with`very`long`sl eeves.
Special`Possessions:`One`of`the`three`elvish`rings ,left`behind`when`the`elves`left.
A`silver`crown`fashioned`in`the`likeness`of`ivy`te ndrils`woven`together.
Dreran the Green
09-01-2003, 10:41 AM
Cool:cool: Ok, here's mine:
Name: Narewien
Descendent of: Boromir (See, before he died, he had this kid no one knew about, and that kid was Narewien's great great great great great ect. grandfather)
Gender: Female
Race: (female) man
Age: 20
Description: She's tall and thin, and resembles her ancestor in many aspects. Her hair is long, amber-colored, whispy, and very messy. She has deep brown eyes.
Clothing: She has tall leather boots that go past her knees, tight black pants, and a deep violet blouse. She also has a dark green cloak which she wears when it gets cold out.
Special items: the fragments of the horn of Gondor Boromir carried with him in LotR. She doesn't know anything about them, except that they are a very old heirloom of her family.
Weapons: Long sword, bow and arrows, multiple daggers in her boots and up her sleeves.
Occupation: Bartender/waitress at an inn.
Lady Arwen56
09-01-2003, 06:08 PM
Hey I'll join, if Legoles agrees to have a sister, *you'll have no idea about me of course. :)* Please. please, please!!! :D :D :D
So if she agrees:
Name: Alliwin (Alli)
Age: 456
Description: Long black hair, with bright, ice blue eyes.
Weapons: Mirkwood Long Bow, Arrows, Daggers, Terren (her blade)
Animals: A pure black horse named Panawin, and a daemon named Alexiel (boy) in the shape of a black wolf.
09-01-2003, 06:59 PM
I have a stinking brother at home.... Yes, I need a sister!!
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-02-2003, 08:07 PM
Hm... Hobbit or Dwarf....can't decide....*Flips coin* Heads! I'm a Dwarf.
I'm gonna try a girl.
Name: Kâri
Race: Dwarves
Gender: Female
Description: A female Gimli pretty much. (Braindead, 2 math classes today:( )
Occupation: Wanderer, killer of not nice things, that sort of thing.
Lady Arwen56
09-03-2003, 07:51 PM
Aw! Thanks, Legoles, I already have 2 sisters, but I could always use another. :)
09-04-2003, 10:29 AM
yay! pippin isn't taken, nah nah-nah-nah-nah nah! hee hee, *hobbit wannabe*
name- Aragorn Took, named after great-great-great-great grandfather, son of Pippin Took.
just like pippin, looks like pippin, acts like pippin, get the picture?
btw, does Kari have a beard?
09-04-2003, 11:44 PM
Whooo. I'm okay now. No, really, I really am.
09-05-2003, 08:22 AM
oookay...take a spot of tea, i think you need it. I have earl grey now! went to store and got new batch. Having going-away party tomorrow, :( :( I'm moving to THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COUNTRY! anywho, sorry, *pours tea for self*
09-05-2003, 07:23 PM
Oh, thankee! *bats eyelashes like an idiot* I really am okay.
Let's get this thing started!!!
Dreran the Green
09-05-2003, 07:36 PM
OOC: Okay. If no one minds I'll start at the inn Narewien works at and we can meet there.
It was almost midnight in late summer. The sky was pitch black outside, and no stars could be seen at all. There was a warm wind out, and the only light that still shone was coming from an inn, where a large crowd of people were gathered, calling out their orders for food and ale. The innkeeper was busy shouting at the only waitress still working this late.
"Narewien! NAREWIEN!" A tall woman with messy hair ran out, carrying a two trays full of food.
"What?!" She snapped, passing out food amongst the guests.
"The group in the corner needs more pints." Narewien groaned, and set the trays down on a table.
"Then they can get them themselves! I'm taking a break!" And with that she slumped down into a chair and surveyed the room. There were many here tonight, she thought she had even seen an elf at one point. Exhausted, she shut her eyes for a second and pretended she was in her room, sleeping.
OOC: Hope this works for everybody
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-05-2003, 08:38 PM
ooc: No, Kâri dosen't have a beard:D
ic: After waiting ten minutes for the waitress, Kâri finally decided to go get her pint by herself. When she had her ale, and sat back down again, she saw the waitress sleeping in a chair.
09-05-2003, 09:07 PM
I want to jojn. I want to join.
Can I be the descendant of Bill the pony? Can I ? Can I? Can I? Pwease.
name: Bell
race: pony
descendant of Bill the pony and Rain the pony from Rivendell.
colour: Dark brown fur with dark colored main.
owner: whoever wanhts me from Rivendell. (adopt me please):D
09-05-2003, 09:10 PM
Can I be a desendant of Faramir and Eowyn?
Name:Estaramir (Esta)
Hair: Black
Eyes: green
Age: 20
Weapons: Sword and daggers
Description: Wears a green dress that matches her eyes. Silver designs go along the border of it. She has a silver circlet that she wears around her head with a small emrald in the middle that rests on her forehead. Has a cloak that covers most of her.
Animals: Horse, Arelnin, and a hawk, Truren.
09-05-2003, 09:25 PM
Well, I'm from Rivendell, so I'll adopt you! You will be my faithful (If a little too short) pony!
09-05-2003, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by Kalile
Well, I'm from Rivendell, so I'll adopt you! You will be my faithful (If a little too short) pony!
Yay I have an owner. *whinnies happily*Ok I shall start when you do.:D
09-05-2003, 10:30 PM
Arvedui surveyed the room from her seat in a dark corner of the tavern. She came to this place often, partly because she had nothing better to do, and partly...partly because she felt some kind of calling to this place. She wasn't sure why, but this place drew her here somehow. She looked down at the table, trying to remember how many pints she'd had. "One, two, three, four..." She thought it was four, but there were five mugs on the table. "Oh well, might as well make it an even half-dozen." She got up to fetch herself another pint of her favorite ale. On the way back, she shook the barmaid awake, who was sleeping, while patrons had to get their own drinks. I can't believe this. Only one barmaid, on a busy night, completely inexscusable...
ooc: I'm glad we're finally starting!
Dreran the Green
09-05-2003, 11:07 PM
OOC: I'm glad so many of you joined:D
Narewien sat asleep in a chair, when she was suddenly awakened by a woman shaking her.
"Huh?!" She registered her surroundings, "Oh." She stretched and stood back up. How long had she been sleeping? "Thanks for waking me" She called as she started gathering a pile of empty mugs and plates. She recognized the woman's face, though she could not fit a name to it. She came here regularly. Narewien was not sure why, but she suspected that the woman had the same feeling about the inn as she did. The strange feeling that seemed to hang in the air when the voices died down, that something was going to happen here. Something of importance to her.
The sound of her name being called made her push these thoughts into the back of her head as she went to wait on more tables, muttering about how she needed a new job.
09-05-2003, 11:59 PM
Ooc: Hmmm... Something important... something important... AHA!
(Here's a reaaalllly long post for you all to read. :D)
Ic: Ganala (Jaanaalaa) the Indigo sat in the corner of the loud and noisy room. For the thousandth time she wondered why this particular fire was so perfect for scrying. You would think that the library fires, with all of the power of the books around them, would be good for seeing things, but this was better.
The Librarian rearranged her novice wizard's robes and looked closer into the fire. In a book, there was an obscure reference to a great war that supposedly encompassed almost all of Middle Earth, and was extremely important. Try as she might, Ganala hadn't been able to find anything else that referenced the giant war. She had been forced to sneak here to look into the fire for guidance.
"Mithrandir indo siani tusirsic jaskasdusa" the slithery words of magic in one of the few actual written spells rolled quietly off of her tongue, and a figure in white appeared silently in the fire.
Making sure no one saw, she leaned closer.
"Gandalf! Father!" (Remember, he was young a loooonnng time ago, and she's half-elven; he had to depart before tellling her of the Ring and all of that, though.)
"My Ganala! You have come your second time these seven years. Remember that you may do so only once more until the seven are up!"
"Yes, father. But I need to know some information. Was there a war during your time? A really large war, one that could have had a major impact on the world?"
Gandalf looked uncharacteristically amazed, and his mouth actually dropped slightly.
"Would that I did not depart Middle Earth with the Elves! Humans need looking after! Forgetting the war of the Ring!"
Ganala drew in her breath. "What about it!"
The old wizard opened his mouth, then a look of worry came over his face. "Ganala, I must go. Let me go, now!"
"But what...?" There came a roaring noise from the fireplace, loud enough to hear all over.
"Find the Fellowship's descendants! The book of the Wise will tell you more!" he shouted. "Cut the connection!"
Ganala hesitated, and, in that moment, the roar reached a crescendo and the fire exploded outwards, knocking Ganala back into darkness.
09-06-2003, 01:02 AM
occ: can I join?Here's my char....
Name:Maltafennaswen the Purple(malta for short)
Forefathers: Galadriel and Gandalf(if Kallile doesn't mind)
race: half wizard, half elf
weapons: a glaive(it's like a spear, but with a curved blade and point) ice spells(if she's angry) and archery.
Dreran the Green
09-06-2003, 01:11 AM
OOC Everyone is welcome to join, but you'll have to see if Kalile minds you being that character:) Btw, welcome to the Moot!
A sudden roar of noise broke out across the room. There were several shouts of surprise and the sound of mugs falling to the floor and breaking as a voice shouted "Find the Fellowship's descendants! The book of the Wise will tell you more!" Suddenly, the hearth fire exploded and a girl in indigo robes was knocked backwards in a burst of flames.
"What the?!" Narewien dropped what she was carrying and ran to her. She didn't look like she was badly hurt from the fire. "Hey! Can you hear me?" She shook her. "Come on, get up."
09-06-2003, 01:22 AM
"Oh, god! She did it bloody again! Ganala!"
Dreran the Green
09-06-2003, 01:23 AM
Narewien looked up. "You know her? Wait-you mean she does this all the time? What is she, some sort of wizard?"
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-06-2003, 01:26 AM
ooc: Ya, welcome LittleCat!
ic: After draining one last pint, Kâri left for the room that had been her home for almost a year now. When she got into her room, she closed and locked her door. She drew her family heirloom from her belt. Gimli's axe glittered in the firelight. How ironic that this is the bane of my life, but would be anyone else's treasure, she thought bitterly. She was never supposed to possess this precious piece of history in the first place. She remembered the day her life fell apart, the day she inherieted Gimli's axe. NO! She shut the memory away, not wanting to revisit the pain again.
09-06-2003, 05:40 AM
um, aren't we abusing the concept of this rpg? maybe a descendant of Gandalf, but Gandalf and Galdriel? what kind of affair is that? plus, Gandalf is a maiar, and we won't attemp to go int that. anywho, just a rpg, carry on.
09-06-2003, 11:33 AM
"Not all the time, but still, it worries the heck outta me." The tall girl that was hiding in the shadows.
09-06-2003, 02:41 PM
ooc: Here I go.
ic: I paced my stall in frustration. I was bored and annoyed of all the noise and hustle of the stables. Humans bringing in their horsea dn ponies and mules. I took a nibble of my carrots and paced some more. I could not wait to leave the stables for my walk. My master was inside talking to her father and buying an ale or two. Well she better leave something for me for all this waiting.
09-06-2003, 07:32 PM
"Ai, Ganala!" I called to the wizard. "Can I talk to you? Privately?" I had something very important to tell her, and I didn't want the whole tavern and town knowing it.
Lady Arwen56
09-06-2003, 09:47 PM
Alliwin rode fast, and hard away from the evil chasing her. "Help!" She said, praying that the tavern was not to far away from here. A black rider on a black horse pulled in front of her own, making it to buck up. "Whoa, Panawin!"
Alliwin pulled the reins on her horse, and sent her speeding off to the right. She suddenly saw bright lights coming from what looked like a small village, and galloped as fast as she could there. 'Ah!' She thought. 'There it is!' She saw the inn, and pulled Panawin to a stop. She jumped off, her friend, Alexiel the snow leopard by her side, and burst through the door, breathing heavily.
"Help me...please, the Nazgul...they have found me." And with that she passed out on the floor.
09-06-2003, 10:06 PM
"Nazgul!" I hissed. I made sure I had my sword and daggers, then darted outside. But the only thing I saw was a black horse and rider darting away. I stopped, disappointed that I had missed my chance to fight a Nazgul. I stayed outside for a few minutes to make sure it didn't come back. There was no sign of it, so I turned to go back in. Just then, I heard a scream that pierced my soul. It was the sound of death, of ultimate pain and suffering. I whipped around, but there wasn't anything in sight. That sound...I had heard that sound in my nightmares. It wasn't a good sound. And I didn't like it at all. I ran inside and went over to the girl who had collapsed on the floor. "Hey. Hey, are you alright? Wake up, girl, come on." I shook her, hoping she wasn't feeling the effects of The Black Breath. Come on, please be alright. Wake up...
Dreran the Green
09-06-2003, 10:09 PM
Narewien watched as a woman with a snow leopard ran into the inn and fell to the floor, unconcious.
"Oh no, how many times will this happen tonight?!" She went quickly over to the rider and helped her up.
"It's allright, you're safe. We'll help you. What were you talking about? What are Nazgul ?" She didn't know what the word meant, but it struck fear in her heart all the same.
Lady Arwen56
09-06-2003, 10:15 PM
Alliwin was awaken by a man who was shaking her, and she turned onto her side, coughing hard, a black poison type stuff choked out of her mouth, and drained onto the floor. Her elven ears were revealed, and everyone sort of intook a breath.
"...Nazgul...are they gone?" She whispered, sitting up, her energy nearly gone.
09-06-2003, 11:11 PM
Aragorn Took came into the back entrance of the tavern, he had been there many times and was used to people staring at his stature. He turned into the common room to find a woman laying on the ground, "Narewien, what happened?" He asked. "I haven't seen something like this in years, the last time was when-" His voice fell short. "Not them, not now." He shook his head. He looked at his friend, waiting for an anwser.
09-07-2003, 01:02 AM
Ooc: My theory is that Gandalf was once 20 years old. Galadriel was too. So Gandalf has two children that he didn't know about until recently. After he went to the Grey Havens.
littleCat, we'll have to be twins, you know. I don't think that Gandalf and Galadriel were soul-mates with an extended relationship or anything.
Hey, Scirius, can you talk or communicate telepathically or something? That would be the easiest, though not necessary.
Ic: Ganala sat up, shaking her head. "Damn!" If she hadn't hesitated, then maybe nothing would have happened. Now the Elders would surely hear of her disobedience and dangerous meddling. Perhaps even the Wise would be told. And in the meantime, what had happened to Gandalf? What had been trying to get through?
Voices broke into her contemplation. Someone asked for a private conversation, but before she could answer, someone else passed out on the floor. "Nazgul." "Nazgul." Something nagged at the back of Genala's mind, and she closed her eyes, letting the information drift into her thoughts. Suddenly she gasped. A passage from the same book that told of the war had mentioned Nazgul, and the World Bestiary mentioned Nazgul, but she had had to do quite a bit of research to know about them more, and the thought that they were around filled her with dread. Apparently they had once been human, but had somehow been turned to great evil.
Genala shuddered, and hugged her knees.
This can't be happening.
Dreran the Green
09-07-2003, 10:06 AM
"Oh, Aragorn!" Narewien turned, surprised to see that her friend had come in in all of the confusion. "I'm glad you're here. One woman just caused the hearth fire to explode and blacked out on the floor, and then this one burst in and said something about the Nazgul chasing her! Nazgul , I....I never really believed they were real !" She looked around "What can it all mean?"
09-07-2003, 11:22 AM
"Nazgul." said the tall girl. She came out of her spot in the shadows, and lowered her hood. "They once were kings, in old times. But they recived 9 rings that led them astray." Then she started chanting an old poem
"Three for the elven lords, wizest and fairest of all. Seven for the dwarf lords, great miners and craftsmen. Nine rings, nine rings for the race of men, with the will to govern and rule. But another ring was made. In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount doom, the dark lord Sauron cast another ring. And into this ring he poured his hatred, his cruelty, and his will to dominate all others."
"Sauron controlled the 9 rings and corrupted their masters. Only three of the dwarven rings remain, and the three, their powers are no longer working."
09-07-2003, 10:47 PM
Estaramir sat quietly in the shadows listening to all that was happening. "Nazgul." she whispered to herself. Unfortunately, this was not new to her. In the back of her mind, she could hear the blood chilling shrieks of the Black Riders. The shadowed faces of the Nazgul haunted her once pleasant dreams and their shrieks had never ceased to chase away all light in her world letting the darkness consume her. Though in her dreams she somehow knew that the dark figures were Nazgul, she did not know anything about them. A chill ran up and down her spine as again the shrieks rang in her mind.
09-07-2003, 11:59 PM
09-08-2003, 12:43 AM
Malta walked in, humming a happy song. Her light purple cloak billowing out behind her as she walked in,"Ganala! Hi! How have you been?" she said, leaning on her purple staff with fairies carved into it.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-08-2003, 12:47 AM
I knew no Nazgul Kalile :eek: (She's scary!)
Kâri heard a great ruckus downstairs. After carefully stowing her axe back in her belt, she rushed downstairs. She saw a bunch of people huddled around a couple girls. One seemed alright, but the other was pale and obivously exausted. "Now then, what's all the commotion about?"
09-08-2003, 08:33 PM
ooc: I know of the Nazgul because I have dreams about them, and my ancestor Aragorn comes to me in the dreams and tells me of them. Ok?
ic: If the Nazgul are back, that must mean that another Great War is coming... I thought to myself.
09-08-2003, 10:47 PM
I am a confused hobbit. I know nothing of no nazgul. (yes, that is a double negative, I am from TN, we can do that)
ic: "Whatsa nazgool?" Aragorn asked. Frankly this girl on the floor was starting to freak him out. "I think I need an ale!" He said, springing up and grabbing a pint.
ooc: umm, not to knock on peoples charactars, I just like to argue about stuff, gandalf was never 20 years old, he is a maiar, ok, don't kill me please, *sheepish smile* have some tea, ;)
09-08-2003, 11:00 PM
ooc: I have dreams about the Black Riders but I know nothing about them expept for that they are called the Nazgul.
09-08-2003, 11:24 PM
Sorry, guys, I play role playing games where you get zapped pretty good if you use meta-game knowlege, and I had just finished listening to another damn speech on knpr from Bush.
And doing Geometry homework that I had no clue how to do, so it took me forever to two problems. And it turned out that I got most of them wrong anyway.
Sorry. :(
Anyway, I dunno what a majar is. :rolleyes: I razz you all for using knowledge you shouldn't have, and I don't even get any knowledge.
You know, not even littleCat and Legoles have seen me mad before. Imagine all of that scariness erupting from a fairly quiet-looking blonde who is barely 5ft tall. :p
09-08-2003, 11:28 PM
*shivers* That would be, uhm, if we are all friends again, can we get back to rping?
09-08-2003, 11:29 PM
Yeah, go ahead.
09-08-2003, 11:32 PM
Malta jumped around behind Ganala," Ganala! Remember me?" she said, messing with Ganala's hat.
09-08-2003, 11:34 PM
"Erm. You are.... Malta the... what color?"
09-08-2003, 11:37 PM
bloody father iss Legolas, I'd know this... schooling!
09-08-2003, 11:38 PM
"Purple. See my pretty cloak?" malta said, beaming." yous till have the floppy hat?" she said, flicking the feather."So, what do you know about the strange stuff going on now?"
09-09-2003, 07:38 PM
"I don't know if she knows anything, but I do. Those are Nazgul, Ringwraiths. They were once great kings of men, but a Dark Lord corrupted them, and they all fell into darkness, one by one." Arvedui looked astounded and said, "I-I'm sorry, but I have no idea where all that just came from. I've been having dreams, though..." She trailed off, looking disturbed.
ooc: Hey, school starts tomorrow for me. This'll be my last day for a while.
Dreran the Green
09-09-2003, 08:03 PM
OOC: Tomorrows your first day?:eek: I've already been back in school for three weeks! You people with extended summers are lucky!
Come back soon, Estel:)
Narewien watched Arvedui, silently. It was as if she knew her from somewhere, but she didn't know where. Then finally she spoke.
"I don't think that any of this is coincidence. I think that all of us were meant to be here tonight, for some reason. If none of you mind, I'd like to talk to all of you in private. You too, Aragorn!" she called to the hobbit, who had gone to get a pint.
09-09-2003, 08:13 PM
ooc: I'll try to be on on the weekends, but I am gonna have sooo much homework...Saturday's my 15th b-day, too.:) Not how I wanna spend it.
IC: "Yes, I think we should talk. Perhaps we will all find out something to our advantage. Also, if the Nazgul are here..."
09-09-2003, 08:28 PM
Ooc: Raisindia is the one with the big scarlet hat. Ganala is indigo.
Good luck in school! My bus time just changed. Origionally it was 5:35 am, then they changed it to 5:30 am. Today they told us that starting tomorrow, the time is 5:23 am!
*yawn* not to mention the homework. :( It's really a lot of fun though... :rolleyes: stupid me.
Ic: "So those are the little mentioned Nazgul. It took a long time for me to find descriptions of them and their powers, and even longer to find any reference to thier master."
Adrian Baggins
09-09-2003, 09:09 PM
hey all, me knows that this is a lil bit late, but me wanna join soooooooooooo:
Name: Adrian Baggins
Forefather: Frodo
Place of birth: beyond the sea
Age: 33 exactly
fave thing to do: read and listen to Frodo's stories
Hair: Black, short, straight
eyes: electric blue
clothes: Frodo's old ones
interesting facts: rides a horse named Aerlos(pronounced Airlos)
has a silver wolf Spynx, and has three unknown rings from across the sea, was able to travel back to ME because of the distress
09-09-2003, 11:34 PM
Esta sat still in the shadows silently listening to all that was around her. She was glad that no one had seen or heard her yet as her face was pale with fear and her hands began to shake. Bagggiiiinnnssssss. Shiiiirrrrreeee. Esta gave a slight jump at these new words the Wraiths had 'spoken' to her. Pondering this she whispered the name. "Baggins.....the Shire...."
09-10-2003, 12:26 AM
"Nazgul? hm....never heard of them......maybe they're in the book of Westmarch?" Malta said, chewing on one of her many braids.
09-10-2003, 12:40 AM
"You shall not find them in the book of Westmarch." Said the girl, Her silver hair going red in the firelight. "By the way, I am Brilfanwen. It would be nice to see you, if it were in a different time."
Lady Arwen56
09-10-2003, 06:06 PM
Alliwin let out a tiny sigh of relief to learn that the nazgul had gone, and stood up, brushing herself off. The others began chit-chatting about what had happened, and what might come in the future. She just watched them bickering back and forth.
"They have come for me, because I have a ring." Alliwin said finally, her energy still slipping. "Because it was passed down to me by my mother. They want it." The others turned to look at her. "Please...I need to get rid of it...I need" She whispered, now that all was quiet.
"I" she repeated, her eyes flickering with some light that came deep within her soul to replinish some of her fading energy.
09-10-2003, 07:59 PM
ooc: I think usually how it goes is that the horses or ponies have a tongue of their own and only elves and few others can understand it. Gandalf knew what the horses were saying as well as the wolves and other animals. I think I will beable to talk to you and you translate for me. But if that becomes hard to do then I will go by horsy gestures using my body.
ic: Everything started to go quite for a second and all of the creatures stoped dead and stood rigid. I listened and couold hear heavy hoof beats on the gravel road outside of the stables then a icy chill shot through my body as a shadowy figure rode past the stable doors. At that moment panick broke out among the horses and ponies in the stable. Everyone wheenied in fright tugging at their bindings and kicking the walls and food trays. I watched my water bowl fly acorss the room as the nearest horse gave a strike at it.
I wanted to get away from the noise but found my ropes were too tight for me to escape. I pulled hard at the rope and soon found that I could bite my way free. When I had succsefuly(sp) gotten lose all hell broke out as the nearest wall started to break apart from the ramming of the horses. I ran out of the stables and ignored the please of the other animals to set them free. I galloped out of the stables and into the fresh air and semi silence. I shook my head and ran away before the humans came to get the horses calm and put me back.
09-10-2003, 09:45 PM
Ganala, in the midst of everything, suddenly remembered her pony.
"Oh no!" hoping that he would be all right, Ganala stood and ran, her open robes trailing behind.
"Bill?" (I can't remeber your pony's name!) Please let Bill be okay...
09-11-2003, 12:30 AM
Malta looked confused,"Ring? Pony? Nazgul? something not in the wonderful, very complete book of westmarch?"
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-11-2003, 12:38 AM
"Would someone kindly explain what in the name if mithril is going on here!" Kâri said, a bit more loudly then she meant to. "Sorry for shouting, but I'm really confused here,'' she said with a bit of a sheepish grin.
09-11-2003, 12:40 AM
*snores* 12:37 am, falling asleep, need to go to bed, *yawn* I am moving monday, *sob* i bought elvenbane today, got to go, or I will fall over. *drags self to bed*
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-11-2003, 12:43 AM
lol good night Pip. Btw, it's only 8:43 here:D
09-11-2003, 10:09 PM
ooc: Hi! What's LVA? I'm seeing alot of that as a location...:confused:
ic: "So was I correct or not? Were those Ringwraiths, or not? If they were, what are we going to do about Them? And..." I said, as I turned to Alliwin, "What's this Ring you've got? What does it do? Is it one of the old Rings of Power? Or what? I want some answers, dammit!" I was starting to get mad. I hadn't liked those Wraiths, I still hadn't had supper, I needed another pint, and I was badly in need of sleep. I was not a happy person.
09-11-2003, 10:16 PM
Shhiiiirrrrreeeee. Baaaagggggiiinnnsssssss. Estaramir closed her eyes, trying to block out the demonic whispers of the wraiths. "Alright!" she said rather loud, "Does the name Baggins mean anything to any of you?!" She stepped out of the shadows getting many startled looks from the others.
09-11-2003, 10:30 PM
Ooc: LVA is the Las Vegas Acadamy of Performing and Graphic Arts and.... something like that. It's one of the few schools in the ENTIRE USA that is both a Blue Ribbon and... a something else that's cool award.
The orchestra has gone on a two week tour of Europe, and to the White House and things like that, and WE GOT INTO MIDWEST!!! I know no one knows what that is, but suffice it to say that it is the biggest orchestra festival in the US, and thousands of schools enter. LVA is one of three schools in Nevada to make it in. K.O. Knudson, the performing arts Middle School is the first middle school in the history of Nevada to make it in, and I was part of the audition at K.O! (Of course I don't get to go to Chicago... :()
Anyway, let's just say that LVA is so pretty and prestigous and wonderful and filled with smart people that there aren't enough places to have all the people that want to go there actually get in. And it's so good that people are willing to take the bus at 5:23 am, and not get home until at least 3:45.
Okay, back to the rpg.
Ic: Ganala stopped worrying about her horse for a second.
"Baggins? I've been told stories by my father about Bilbo Baggins, and the Thorin Oakinshield, and Kalile Alako. That was my favorite story!"
09-11-2003, 10:33 PM
"These names are new to me. The Wraiths have been saying Shire, Baggins in my mind." Esta said, "It is a long story."she added.
ooc: YAY! 500th post!!!:D :D
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-11-2003, 11:26 PM
ooc: Congrats on the title Aewionen. Kalile, do you play an instrument?
ic: "Would you kindly explain what these Wraith things are?!! Kâri almost shouted again, frustrated that no one would tell her anything.
09-12-2003, 12:37 AM
Malta tilted her head," I personally preferred the tale of Galadriel....and of Eowyn. They were strong, but their myths are dying, as are many others, like the tale of the King Esslar and the Lady Arwen." malta said."I ahve many volmumes of myths at my home, an ancient tower of immesuarble ancient magic. I am told that their was a great battle there, and perhaps answers as well." she said, whistling for her horse, a strawberry roan mare.
occ: Malta isvery eccentric, one second she'll be acting like Captain Jack Sparrow, the next she is a lore master....i'll explain why later.
And you forgot International studies! Bad Kalile!
09-12-2003, 07:19 PM
"But they are not myths Malta. My father himself met both of them. including Mr. Baggins, anyway. The wraiths were nine kings of old, and they pursued Mr. Frodo Baggins himself out of the Shire, past Weather top, twoards Rivendell. They have winged steeds. Now there are only 8 wraiths, but still deadly."
I'm trying to get into LVA soo.... adyway Hey Little Cat and Kalile!
[Kalile plays Violin]
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-12-2003, 07:45 PM
ooc: Ooh cool. I play trombone in the school 'band'. It only started a few years ago, and our school is really small. Our record high in secondary (jh and hs) was made this year: all 97 of us!!!:D
ic: "So why has it taken this long for the wraiths to appear again, when the Ring was destroyed so many years ago?"
09-12-2003, 09:43 PM
"Well, here's a theory. The Wraiths are back because their Master is here in Middle Earth again. Am I correct, Malta? And, Kari, calm down. I'm trying to figure out some things, and I'm not sure any of us really knows anything. Be patient." Arvedui smiled slightly. She had always liked Dwarves, and this one was particularly interesting. There was just something that was so familiar about her...
09-12-2003, 10:05 PM
Malta sat indian style on the back of ehr horse, balancing carefully,"I suppose so. " she thunked herself on her head,"Now I remeber! The tower I live in was the home of Saruman the White, the wizard from the myth/possible real story of the tale the Rng of power!" she said."We'll have to go to my library to know more though......."
09-12-2003, 10:19 PM
"Eowyn? I am a descendant of her and Faramir...though no one told me about them. The only thing I knew was that she was beautiful and strong." Esta paused a moment in thought.Why was I kept from all this?
09-12-2003, 10:53 PM
Violin! Violin! Our orchestra has around 74 people in the bottom one, that I can actually play better than anyone in there and deserve to be in the second one, and like 84 in the second. The third, I have no idea.
It's a little wierd, though; if you make a major mistake, like being absent or dress code too often, or get in a fight or fail a class, or do a lot of other things, you're out. There are literally thousands of dissapointed people out there waiting for you to mess up so they can have your spot. :eek:
I AM A MUSICIAN!!!! :D Whoowhoo! Now I've just got to perfect my seven chords on the guitar, and I've got it made!
Ic: "If these 'wraiths' appear in times of evil, then there must be evil approaching." Ganala said softly, wondering if the school and library would be attacked; the library where she worked held the origional book of Westmarch. The other, apparently, was incomplete or edited for some reason.
Ooc: Oooh! This rpg is turning into a protest against censorship!
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-12-2003, 11:07 PM
ooc: Lol, down with censorship!:D
ic: "Myth indeed! This is real history, the account being passed down in my family since Gimli!" Kâri said, surprised that anyone might possibly disbelieve the tale of the Ring of Power.
09-13-2003, 10:12 AM
ooc: My name is Bell and I am female.:)
ic: I ran towards the open door where flooding candle light brought me to my senses. I ran towards my master who had heard the commotion. I nuzzled her and listened to their conversation. My ears pricked up.
My father had told me they had chased him once along with Wargs and other dangerous monsters of old. He told me that I may never have to ancounter them since they had dissapeared with the rings. but why are they talking abut them now?
"What is it master?" I asked in my tongue.
"Why are they so worried?" I nuzzled her again and was given a piece of carrot.
Dreran the Green
09-13-2003, 10:44 AM
OOC: Whoa, a lot has happened that I missed! Sorry I haven't been on. Working round the clock for the school cable channel. You LVA people are so lucky, it sounds like its great.:D
"Gimli...Baggins..." Narewien murmurred, the names sounded familiar. "Wait-Faramir?" suddenly, somewhere in her mind, everything they were saying clicked. "You're talking about the Fellowship." she said. They all stared at her. "Gimli was in it, and Frodo, and..." she ran up to her room to get something, an item she had hidden away a long time ago. She came back holding two halves of a cloven horn.
"Does anyone know who this belonged to?"
Lady Arwen56
09-13-2003, 06:06 PM
"My ring..." Alliwin said, sitting up shakily. "The one was never truly destroyed...I found it...near mount doom." She whispered. "My mother was sick, I was looking for a flower of fire, you can only find it there." she added as the others looked suspiciously at her.
09-13-2003, 08:18 PM
"T-the One Ring? B-but Gollum fell with the Ring, he took it from Frodo Four-Finger! And that horn," I said, as I turned to Narewien. "That horn belonged to Boromir, Son of Denethor, and brother of Faramir. This is an evil day indeed, if the One Ring is found again, and the Nazgul are again searching for it. I know now that I am a descendant of Aragorn, Son of Arathorn. The One Ring needs to be destroyed. For real, this time. We should find all the descendants of the original Fellowship, and journey to Mordor. And destroy the Ring. Who's with me?" I knew that this was what we had to do. Somehow, I knew...
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-13-2003, 08:34 PM
"I'm with you," Kâri said. "How many of the fellowship are here, and how many remain to be found?"
09-13-2003, 08:34 PM
"I'm with you," Ganala said loudly,"I am Gandalf's daughter, and will serve as the wizard for this Fellowship."
Turning back to Bell with the rest of the carrot, she whispered "We're in for a long and dangerous trip. If half of what I've read and heard is true, then it is very likely I will die.
Do you wish to come with me? The nazgul are searching again, apparently, and I know now that the reference to them, terrible as they sounded from it, is as a grain of sand trying to explain a beach to a drop of water."
Ooc: Bell. Bell. Bell. Bell. Bell is a girl. Bell is a girl. Bell is a girl. Bell is a girl. Okay, I think I got it! ;)
Lady Arwen56
09-13-2003, 10:16 PM
ooc: Kalile, your scaring me. :)
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-13-2003, 10:34 PM
ooc: She scares all of us Lady Arwen.
Lady Arwen56
09-13-2003, 11:21 PM
ooc: Lady Arwen is sitting right beside me and is giving me info so if I mess up it's all her.
ic:I ran into the inn, trying to figure out what my father's parting words had meant. *flashback* "Adrian, I want you to go to Middle Earth, to find some people. Remember all I have told you, your past and future depends on it. Seek out a group of people speaking of a ring, the Ring. There you will find and adventure like no other. There you will find a home, somewhere you belong," he said, taking my handes in his.
"But father, I belong here, with you, and mother," I said, tears filling my eyes, my heart pounded harder as I watched the ships coming and going in the harbor.
"No, you don't belong here, you belong in the Shire, my old home. No, my dear, dear child, you belong in Middle Earth."
I saw a group of people talking and I began to walk over, but then I realized something, they were no longer talking, they were staring at me. I looked down at my clothers and sighed, realizing that I was wearing my father's clothes. I looked back up but realized that I wasn't wearing anything strange, except for the three rings on the chain around my neck.The three rings of war, love, and heart.
Adrian Baggins
09-13-2003, 11:26 PM
I loged in for LA56 and it changed both screens, last time I did that, it didn't change, this time it did, so, oops. Sorry, that last post was me, Adrian.
c ya
09-13-2003, 11:30 PM
"I am daughter of Legolas Greenleaf. I would be glad to come with you."
09-13-2003, 11:35 PM
Esta listened to what everyone was saying though she wasn't sure what she was hearing. Their voices seemed so far away and someone, or something's, voice was close instead. It seemed to be talking in the Black Speech, which Esta knew very little of. Staring mindlessly into the fire, (is there one?) she did not move or make any acknoledgements to anyone you might have been speaking to her. She then turned to the one who said they had the One Ring. "He sees all...." she whispered quietly so only those noticing the movement of her lips could tell what she was saying.
Lady Arwen56
09-13-2003, 11:48 PM
ooc: Adrian thinks that you guys are ignoring her...are you? I hope not, because that would make both of us incredibly...well sad for her but pissed off for me.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-14-2003, 01:40 AM
ooc: Ingore Adrian? What a silly idea! Where has that hobbit been!
Dreran the Green
09-14-2003, 10:06 AM
ooc: we're not ignoring Adrian. Hi Adrian!
Narewien turned the horn over in her hands. "This is an heirloom of my family. If it really was Boromir's, then I am also a descendent of a Fellowship member. If to destroy this Ring is your quest, then it is mine as well. I will go with." As she stopped talking she turned to see another hobbit, one she had never seen in this inn before. She was wearing a set of clothes that looked very old, and three rings hung on a chain around her neck. For some reason she seemed familiar
"Who are you?"
Lady Arwen56
09-14-2003, 10:11 AM
"I don't know who I'm related too, only that...only that he lives in Mirkwood, and is royalty there. My mother told me only that much before she died." Alliwin whispered.
Adrian Baggins
09-14-2003, 11:00 AM
I looked at the girl who had asked for my identity and sighed. "I am Adrian Baggins, Frodo Baggins' daughter. I came, from across the sea. I, I came to help. That is, if you want me to." I fingered the rings around my neck and walked forward, stopping a few feet away from the group.
09-14-2003, 07:54 PM
ooc: Ignore Adrian? Never! Where did she get the idea?
Baaaggiiinnnssssssssss. Baaagggiiinnnssssssss. The
hoarse whispers of the Black Riders returned to her mind at the name the hobbit had given them. Trying to get this out of her mind, she said. "I am a descendant of Faramir and Eowyn." She gave a small sigh of thankfulness as the vioces went away. She began fingering the necklace around her neck that had indeed once belonged to Eowyn. Estaramir smiled as the necklace brought warmth to her skin.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-14-2003, 08:37 PM
"And I am descended from Gimli," Kâri said. "How strange that we are all under the same roof," She turned to the girl who had spoken earlier. "Perhaps you are from Leoglas' line."
09-14-2003, 09:29 PM
"Well then, we have descendants of Legolas, Frodo, Gandalf, Gimli, Boromir, and Aragorn. And I suspect that this excellent pony is a descendent of Bill. So that leaves Merry, Pippin, and Sam. Does anyone have any ideas as to how we would go about finding them?" I was sure that this was the way to do this, but how to find the others...?
ooc: Lady Arwen, who are you hinting at? Legoles is Legolas's descendant, who're you supposed to be?:confused:
09-15-2003, 07:25 PM
ooc: Yah I am memorized as a female pony.:D
ic: I shook my head in happiness to go on another journey and not be cooped up in another stuffy stable. I looked around through the threshold at all of the strange characters in the bar. There was a dwarf, elves and some hobbits. One with three rings around her neck calling herself Adrien Baggins. I looked at the others who seemed to be grouping and discussing a plan for a journey. I took the rest of the carrot and pricked my ears up to listen to the rest of the discussion.
my father did not complete the journey to Mount Doom but got as far as the great Moria mines. (oh wait Gimli doesn't like it being called a mine;) ) He then returned to Ilmadris land of the greenest and lsuh grass.
Dreran the Green
09-15-2003, 07:40 PM
OOC: Female ponies are cool :p
OOC2: LadyArwen is a descendent of Legolas too. They're sisters, but they don't know it yet.
Narewien smiled. "Hmm...I think I might know where to find a descendant of one of those hobbits." She looked across the room, and pointed to a halfling having a drink.
"He's my friend" She told the others. "His name is Aragorn Took."
09-15-2003, 10:59 PM
Isn't littleCat my sister in this one? I'm not sure if it was this one... :confused:
09-15-2003, 11:32 PM
"I'm a descendat of Gandalf......I believe he was with the Fellowship..." she said, thinking. A few moments later she said excitedly,"Ohoh! I know where the story was written down!" she said,"It's in this old journal that was left in the attic of my tower!" she said, getting excited.
09-16-2003, 08:57 AM
ooc: sorry, i've been busy, packing. i'm still a hobbit and here is some tea for everyone! *passes out tea*
ie: "Narewien," Aragorn started, walking up to his friend. "Oh, hello." He said to all the people sitting around the table. Much to his surprise a hobbit sat amongst them. "Oh, dear," He said. "Hello, I am Aragorn Took, descendant of Peregrin, at your service." He bowed low. "Now, Narewien, what are we talking about?"
09-16-2003, 10:53 PM
"What amazing luck! Here stands another of the Descendants of the Fellowship!"
She turned to Bell, still standing in the tavern.
"She says she has a journal. Could it be the same one that the Library has?"
Ooc: Is it the origional, a copy, or maybe Saruman's diary that he wrote about Gandalf in? Any way, I don't think that it should be a complete diary of Gandalf, any more than the one in the Library is.
09-17-2003, 12:27 AM
"It's the diary of some wizard called Saruman the White. I only read a little was scary...." Malta said calmly.
09-17-2003, 04:30 PM
ooc: I have a question, how long has it been since the war of the ring, is Pippin my grandfather, or like my great-great-great-great-grandafther?
ic: "Narewien, what are they talking about?" He asked. then it dawned on him, "The fellowship?" He asked. "Are you talking about the nine companions? My grandfather Peregrin traveled with them." He said. "Did those riders have anything to do with them?" He asked, setting down his mug.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-17-2003, 08:12 PM
"So, when do we go?" Kâri asked impatiently. "What do we need the journal of a tratioruous wizard for? We go to Mordor, throw the rings in, and we're done."
09-17-2003, 10:22 PM
Ooc: The war was a really really really really really long time ago. Really.
Ic: "It's not that simple. Mordor doesn't even exist anymore! The only maps it is found on are from so long ago that they crumbled as I turned the pages. Perhaps the fire we need is buried deep beneath the surface, or perhaps not."
09-18-2003, 12:48 AM
" I agree with Ganala, we need to figure out where we need to destroy it, and maybe it will be in the journal. Or, maybe it will give us clues to where we can find it." Malta said.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-18-2003, 01:22 AM
"Oh," Kâri said. The fact that no one knew where Mordor was hadn't occurred to her. "That could pose a bit of problem," She said. "Wait! Gimli wrote of his journey after he returned," SHe said brightening. Then she remembered, "No, never mind, that won't work."
09-18-2003, 09:32 PM
"I have a diary that I believe was written by Eowyn. It was passed down to me." Esta said quietly. She knew what horrible things had been written. About the war, a man called Grima Wormtongue, and many other sad occassions.
09-18-2003, 09:45 PM
"In this diary of Gimli's, did you by any chance run across a mention of Moria?" Ganala sat up and leaned forward.
"The Library has extensive information on the mines of Moria, but it stops suddenly. The point at where it stops is with a passage concerning Durin going to reopen Moria, and a letter is traced in. It seems that there was a journal that Durin kept, and if you have any clue to its whereabouts..."
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-18-2003, 11:34 PM
"I think I might remember something about another diary," Kâri said thoughtfully, "Gimli wrote something about an expidition to attempt to reopen Moria, led by Durin. I don't remember much, it has been a while since I have seen the diary," Or even permitted near my home, She thought bitterly.
09-19-2003, 12:52 AM
"Moira? oooooh. I've heard of! We go get Gimli's journal, then Eowyn's then we go get Saruman's! That way we have three sources of information!" Malta said smiling.
Dreran the Green
09-19-2003, 06:21 PM
ooc: Terribly sorry I haven't been on for a long time. A lot has happened I see. Cool.
"It sounds like a plan to me" Said Narewien, surveying the other people around her. It was the strangest thing that had ever happened to her. " Where shall we start?"
ooc: I think this rpg would become more interesting if we had an evil character in it, and we still need descendents of merry and sam, so if you know any other rpgers who might be interested, try and get them to join!:)
ooc2: when I think of something good I'll write a long post
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-19-2003, 07:44 PM
ooc: I can do a descendent of Merry's if you need one that bad.
ic: "Um," Kâri shifted uncomfortably, "I'm not exactly sure Gimli's journal will be useable. It's in my native tounge," She hesatatied, "And, I'm not exactly welcome back at home."
09-19-2003, 08:19 PM
"Really? That's a pity......" Malta said calmly. She thought for a moment,"Maybe we can get another dwarf to get it for us, and then you can translate it!"
09-19-2003, 08:20 PM
I would be happy to take over for sam's decendant, I don't think that anyone else is coming!
ic: 'Too bad good old Pip didn't have a diary.' Aragorn thought to himself. He didn't say much during this whole conversation. I*n fact he was rather confused. "Well, I suppose if we must go and find the lost realm of Mordor and throw three rings into the lost mountain, I should go along." He said, though it was apparent that no one was listening. Some one tapped him on the shoulder. "Oi!" He cried. "Oh, dear, terribly sorry." A female hobbit said. "Aragorn, what are you doing?" She asked, smiling at the rest of the group. "We are in the middle of a very important conversation." He said. "Oh, well let me introduce myself!" She said, "I am Rosie-Posie Gamgee!" She curtsied to the group. "Indeed," Said Aragorn.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-19-2003, 09:32 PM
ooc: Enter Meriadoc Brandybuck the second (Can't think of a name right now...) He's basically a second Merry. To lazy to post another description.:D (At least I'm honest.....)
ic: "Well, Valin always supported me..." Kâri mumbled absentmindedly. Just then a rain-soaked hobbit entered the inn.
Merry stumbled into the inn, grateful that he had finally found one. He bought a pint from the barkeep, and looked for a place to sit. He noticed eight people speaking intently at one of the tables. Three of them were hobbits. He approached the group, "Hullo, name's Merry Brandybuck. Mind if I sit here?"
09-19-2003, 09:35 PM
"Merry Brandybuck?" Aragorn exclaimed. "I think we are related!" He said, looking the hobbit over.
ooc: don't know what else to say.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-19-2003, 09:41 PM
"Really!" Merry exlaimed, "I'm the great-great grandson of Meriadoc Brandybuck the First, are you related to him?"
09-19-2003, 09:43 PM
My great-great-great granfather was Peregrin Took, all my grandfathers and my father always talked about a meriadoc branybuck and some great journey they went on!
we really do need to get rid of this 90 sec rule! but then could couldn't make anymore jokes about it!
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-19-2003, 10:11 PM
"Wow, that's great!" Merry hadn't even expected to see a hobbit, much less a relative.
09-19-2003, 11:48 PM
"This is quite interesting!" Said Rosie-Posie. "Not very many hobbits come in here save me, and Master Took here." said she. "It is a good fortune, at that, 'cause not too many of our folk are seen around here of late!" She said in almost a whisper. "I am pleased to met your aquantaince, Master Brandybuck!" Rosie-posie said with her clumsy curtsy.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-20-2003, 01:37 PM
"The pleasure is mine, lady Gamgee," Merry replied with a bow.
09-20-2003, 02:53 PM
"Master brandybuck, i do believe that you might have something to do with this conversation, if you are indeed a descendant of Meriadoc." Said he. "Aragorn, I am afraid I have no idea of what you are talking about!" said Rosie-Posie. "It is a fretful business sitting and listening without the faintest idea of what you are listening to!" She said in a huff.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-20-2003, 02:56 PM
"Um, what does this conversation have to do with Meriadoc?"
09-20-2003, 03:14 PM
"Well, these nice people here, are talking about some old group of people that had to destroy some old ring, in some mountain of fire, in a war long ago. and now they have to destroy these three rings in that mountain of fire, but they have no idea where it is." Aragorn attempted to explain. Rosie-Posie stared dumbly. "Indeed, and what does this have to do with you and Master Branybuck?" She asked. "Our ancestors were apart of that fellowship, Peregrin and Meriadoc." Replied aragorn
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-20-2003, 03:17 PM
"Ooooh," Merry siad, still quite a bit confused. "So these fine people I assume are the descendents of the rest of the fellowship?"
09-20-2003, 03:38 PM
"Yes. As I have said I am the daughter of Legolas Greenleaf. I might be able to persuade my father to give me his diary. Oh! I know. My father and Gimli were friends. AI could come as a messanger or something and get Gimi's diary!"
09-20-2003, 03:47 PM
"I am Estaramir, decendant of Faramir and Eowyn." Esta said with a curtsy.
09-20-2003, 04:22 PM
"Oh, yes, pleased to make your aquaintance, Miss Estaramir!" Rosie-Posie replied. "i think I remember my father talking about something along those lines when i was a child." She said. "He read it out of an old book, all torn and everything. He said it belonged to my great-great-great-great grandfather, Samwise." She said. "but I doubt an old child's book would mean anything to you." said she. "Rosie! Why haven't you spoken of this before!" Aragorn exclaimed. "What? it was just an old story my gaffer read to me, what does it matter?" She retorted. "That old book may have been the diary of Samwise Gamgee himself!" Aragorn said, "Why do you have any interest in my great-graet-great-granfather?" Rosie-Posie asked. "You never told me your grandfather was samwise Gamgee! He was one of the nine companions!" Aragorn was getting agitated. "Oh, dear!" Rosie gasped. "What do you want me to do?" She asked, afraid of what the answer might be. "Nothing for the moment." Said Aragorn. "Just sit here and listen."
ooc: sry about the long post!
09-20-2003, 06:54 PM
heehee, lots of diarys! I know I don't keep one, but I guess the people in the Fellowship wanted to recore their adventures when they had time, and then make a fortune by publishing them. ;)
Ic: Ganala sat unnoticed for a while, her hair hiding her face, thinking and watching how others acted.
09-20-2003, 08:53 PM
ic: I whinned at the new stranger telling her of my father. Everyone gave me a funny look that told me they did not know what I was saying. Oh well.
ooc: I can be an evil character if you'd like.
name: Demity
race: Eagle
gender: male
appearance: brown feathures with a small crown of feathures on my head. Black eyes and sharp balck claws. Long wing span.
Bio: Pet of the evill Sauron. Demity ios a spy for Sauron and a very fluent orc speaker. Demity was born near Mt Doom and has never been seen by his spying victims.
ic: I flew across the land gazing aorund the empty dark lands searching for any clues for my master of odd behavier of the land dwellers. I spotted a small rabbit and dove down for the catch. My claws sank easily into the soft flesh and I begane to nibble at the warm blood.
I had not eaten for days and wanted to find some clues soon so I could go home. The ring had been taken up by another creature. This time the Nazguls were having a harder time finding it and I had to search for clues on it. I saw the light of the nearest village Bree. Bree, the place were the original journey begane. I glidded off towards the gates and passed over soaring above the silent streets.
The famous Bree bar was open and rowdy as usual. I perched myself onto the Prancing Pony sign and listened for any sign of suspecious speach.
I could make out a group of people discussing something about diaries and their parents.
Wait? Did they just say Merry? I strained my ears to catch another bit. I heard a great deal of chatter about the diaries and whom they belonged to and were they came from.
I decided to move for another person entered the room. I did not want to miss out on such important information. I perchaed ontop of the roof near the window and continued my spying.
Dreran the Green
09-20-2003, 09:25 PM
ooc: That's cool Sicirus:)
"My anscestor may have written a log as well, but I really wouldn't know where it could be found. I only just found out he was my anscestor. Oh yes, and I'm glad to meet both of you, Rosie and Merry" I piped in as well. "I'm Narewien, descendent of Boromir and waitress at this inn, so if you need a pint or something, just ask." A sudden movement outside caught my attention, and craning my neck to look out the window I saw the passing wing of a large bird as it glided out of the lamplight from inside the inn and back into the darkness.
" don't see many birds of prey around here anymore" I noted. "And that must have been an owl, or an eagle."
09-21-2003, 12:24 AM
"Boromir? I think I've heard of her....and by the way, you are not to get a pint for anyone for quite soem time, we need you to come with us to figure out what we need to do." Malta said.
Dreran the Green
09-21-2003, 09:55 AM
ooc: lol, you mean him ! (just had a creepy vision of boromir in a dress:eek: ):p
09-21-2003, 11:25 AM
teeheehee! thats funny!
ic: "Oh, dear, that a shame, I was quite looking forward to another pint!" said Aragorn, who was very fond of the ale at the prancing pony.
09-21-2003, 09:52 PM
ooc: Hey, sorry I haven't been here...Whoa, lots to catch up on!
ic: Arvedui had been listening to the others, and watching. Now, she was ready to say what she'd been thinking. "Look. No one knows where the Fiery Mountain is, so no one knows how to get there. I am a descendant of Aragorn, and he knew Middle Earth as well as Gandalf did, or better. Now I say that we go and get Saruman's diary, and see if it helps us. If it doesn't, we'll go and get Gimli's. Does anyone agree? I'd like to get something decided, so we can all get some rest. And also," she added ominously, "Before the Nazgul come back." We know we have to do this, we just don't know how. And that's the problem. she thought wearily.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-21-2003, 11:53 PM
ooc: *Envisions Boromir in a dress* Eew! Eew eew eew eew eew eeeeeew!:eek: *Shudders* EEEEEEEWW!!!:eek:
ic: "Sounds good to me," Kâri said. She looked at Malta, "Am I allowed to have a pint?" She said sarcastically.
ooc2: If I'm being mean or angry or sarcastic ic, don't take it personally please!:)
09-22-2003, 12:54 AM
occ: oops! and boromir in a dress is disturbing.....
IC:"Yes, but let's be quick about it." Malta said, stealing someone's undrunk cider.
09-22-2003, 02:08 PM
ic:The eagle: I got out of the window before i was seen for I could have sworn one of the guests looked my way. I flew into the window top and listened. i heard of the diaries belonging to the fellowship of the ring. I could hear the people being referd to as the offspring of the fellowship and that they knew of the rings return.
If my grip weren't so tight on the rail then i would have fallen from shock. A man saw me and strated to shoow me away. I gave an angry crow and flew off to tell my master of my findings and comeback to see if they knew of the werabouts of the ring. I glided back towards MT Doom passing the nAzgul who had gevin up their chase for the time being. But I had to wonder, if they are always attracted to the call of the ring then why are they here? Is the ring here too?
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-22-2003, 08:34 PM
"I'll grab you one," Kâri whispered to Aragorn. She smiled when his face lit up. She walked over to the bar, and while she was waiting for the barkeep to get the pints, she saw a large eagle sitting outside. That's odd, She thought, Most eagles don't come near a loud place like this. Something about the bird gave her an uneasy feeling. She shook it off and grabbed the two pints and headed back to the table.
09-22-2003, 09:31 PM
"We should all get some sleep. We'll decide what we're doing in the morning. Good night." Arvedui stood up, drained her pint, and walked up the stairs to her room. When she got inside, she went over to the window and looked out carefully. The eagle she had noticed earlier was still there. "That eagle bothers me. It looks like its spying on us or something..." Arvedui turned and collapsed on the bed. Almost immediately, she was asleep.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-22-2003, 09:47 PM
Kâri turned to the others, "Do any of you need a room?"
09-22-2003, 10:17 PM
"No, I'll sleep in the old oak tree tonight," Ganala replied, stifling a yawn. "I'd go back to the University, but I'd be put on probation and not be able to get out for ages. If anyone else wishes to join me, just knock on the tree and call Ganala."
After everyone drifted away, she meandered outside and tapped the tree with her staff. "Asmalinde," she said commandingly, and a crack opened in it. Inside was a blanket, a candle stub, and all the books that had been 'misplaced' or left off the records by mistake. It was just like her cubby at the library, but she had a few hangings inside the tree, and storage shelves for her books far above her head.
09-22-2003, 10:25 PM
Esta nodded and went up to her room. On her way she noticed an eagle that she had not seen before. Why is it near such a crowded and noisy place? Sighing, Esta shook it off and entered her room. She sat down on her bed and closed her eyes. So much had happened to her the last few days and she was ready for sleep to come. She collapsed on her bed and let sleep slowly overcome her.
09-22-2003, 10:49 PM
Malta got herself a room, and headed up, sneaking another cup of cider from an unsuspecting patron.
09-23-2003, 11:23 AM
ic: Bell: I walked with my master to her cubby holl in a large oak tree and waited for her to tell me were I was to stay.
"You must stay out here tonight." She whispered to me and I obyed. I did not need a rope to tie me up for my master knew I would never run away.
I watched as an eagle flew by and left Bree. I wandered where it came from. I fell to sleep in a standing possesion and listened to the chirping of the criqquettes(sp) and the death silence of the night.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-23-2003, 07:37 PM
It seemed that everyone had a room, so Kâri headed upstairs and crawled into bed. He fell asleep thinking about home.
Dreran the Green
09-23-2003, 08:47 PM
"Well, if none of you mind, I think I'll go get some sleep too. My shift ended ten minutes ago anyway" she said, looking at the clock. She gave them a nod and a wave and left to her room. It was smaller then the others, and dirtier, but it was home. Falling back into a chair, she looked at the cloven horn of Gondor in her hands.
"You were a steward. I'm just a waitress." she said sleepily. "How can I live up to my ancestor?" still pondering this, she fell asleep.
09-23-2003, 11:24 PM
Awww. What a beautiful tableau of silence and sleep.
Ic: Before sunrise the next morning, Ganala greeted her pony with a few sugar cubes. "We're going to have to get going soon, girl." It was the work of a moment to tie a cloak around her books and to pack some food in with it, and soon she was going around and knocking on the others' doors. Feels just like the Library, where everyone wants to sleep past dawn and I have to wake them up. :rolleyes:
09-23-2003, 11:29 PM
Malta came out of her room, hair sticking up every which way. She smiled,"I'm up, i'm up." she said, sounding sleepy.
09-23-2003, 11:39 PM
"You really didn't think that I wouldn't be up yet did you?" Brilfanwen combed out her tresses. "I wonder where my horse is..." *Whistles loudly* "Silver blade." A silver horse walked up and shook out its silver mane shot through with blue. "Good girl!" She patted the horse affectiontly and fed it some sugar cubes.
Dreran the Green
09-24-2003, 08:21 PM
Narewien heard a knock on her door. Still in the chair she'd fallen asleep in, she quickly got up, packed a few items, fitted her sword to the leather belt around her waist, and changed into a violet blouse, tight black pants, and leather boots. She met some of the others outside of the inn.
"Good morning!" she said cheerfully, having had a good night's sleep. "Are we all ready to leave, then?"
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-24-2003, 08:34 PM
Kâri was getting ready to leave when she heard a sharp knock on her door. "What?" She called to the knocker. When there was no reply, she shouldered her pack and, with GImli's axe securely in her belt, headed out. She passed a sleepy-looking Malta on her way downstairs. She grabbed one last pint and looked for the others.
Merry woke with a jolt when someone pounded on his door. "Wha-?" He opened the door to find Ganala standing there. "Geez, you didn't have take a hammer to the door," He said, "But what time is it anyways?"
09-24-2003, 08:36 PM
ic: Bell: I trotted next to my master as we headed near the inn. She netered and gave me another sugar cube. I was goinjg on a real journey. I neighed happily.
Demity: I flew passed the lands of Rohan and glided for a day and a half passed Gondor and the miserable wastelands of Mordor. The tower was up ahead and my wings cried out for a rest. I flew through the dark charcoal colored windows and right up to the top chamber. I perched next to the large thrown that rested in the dark shadows of eternal night. No stars or moon, just darkness. I told my master Sauron of the group who seek the same ring we wanted and he merrily laughed.
"Without the real heroes of old and the cunning elves who moved off long ago they are nothing."
I knew they still had a good chance. The orc army that was once so large and so great had all fallen from the last war. Some had gone into hiding but they were weak and cowards. The goblins are still around but wish not to be bothered anymore. There were still trolls and water beasts to take to our advantage. But I had to work fast. I ate a hunted rabbit and flew off seeking alliances of the many dark and forgotten places of Middle Earth.
Adrian Baggins
09-25-2003, 09:19 PM
ooc: Hey, did my character get forgotten???????????? If so the *pout* *sniff* *WAHHHHH*
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-26-2003, 12:46 AM
ooc: Adrian who? Lol, just kidding. We haven't forgotten you, you just never post.:D
09-26-2003, 10:12 PM
Esta stared out of the window in her small room. A knock came from outside her door. They must be ready. She grabbed her sword and fitted its leather belt around her waist. After grabbing her other weapons and setting them in place, she headed out the door and outside the inn.
09-26-2003, 10:48 PM
Ic: Demity: I soared through the dark skies looking over the deserted land that was once (well still deserted) Tell you the truth its hard to get food around here when nothing lives near by. My wings spread out like a kite in the wind fluttering gently in the soft breeze. I found my way into Gondor and knew that I had ways to go before finding the Misty Mountains. Or Moria where orcs and trolls still dwell. They may have been cowards but I can make sure they serve their creator till death.
I glided past Gondor and over the fresh dewy fields of Rohan. My wings beat the thick moist air and became tired. I plunged to the nearest tree to rest my limbs and find a small snack. A couple of horses galloped by their manes flying behind them like a flag. They whinnied happily and played with each other in the soft grass. My eyes then caught the movement of a small rat scurrying away in fear.
As quick as lightening I swooped down and caught the mouse in the talons. Just as fast I broke its neck and ate the warm flesh with great satisfaction. When I finished my meal I took off again attracting the attention of the horses that gazed up at me curiously.
I flew past Fangorn forest (I think) and watched the dead silent trees trying to see if any ents still remained. No movement just a deep slumber of ancient memories. I flew higher to get more land covered and found the air to be thick with morning mist and suffocating. My wings grew heavy from the moisture so I went back down and found I was coming over a small river and a peaceful land alive with soft green trees tall as mountains but once homes to hundreds of elves. Galadriel left long ago and I was happy to know no arrows would fly at me. Elves knew about me of course, or at least the old ones do. Only a few elves remained and they hid themselves in the dark trees away from the world that they dreaded would come soon after their friends and family left. I saw their eyes glow in the depths of the forest and only hoped they were not willing to come out to shoot or question me.
I could see the mountains in the distance and gave a sigh of relief. They were beautiful but full of hidden danger. They didn’t look too innocent of course, just sort of intimidating.
I reached Moria at last and prepared for my encounter of the group of new soldiers.
Adrian Baggins
09-27-2003, 01:52 PM
ooc:Gulio, u r evil! j/k. If u will give me somethin to post off of I will.
Dreran the Green
09-27-2003, 07:07 PM
Here ye go
Narewien looked around. Almost everyone seemed to be here already, and with their horses. She ran to the stables behind the inn and found her horse amongst those of the guests. There was nothing special looking about the stallion, but she knew he would carry her to Mordor and back if she asked. She stroked his mane.
"Guess what, Swiftwind? We're going on a quest." She led the horse back to the others at the front of the inn and looked around.
"My horse and I are ready. How about you?"
Adrian Baggins
09-27-2003, 07:42 PM
ooc: Thanx!
ic: I rubbed my electric blue eyes and sat up, brushing grass out of my hair. I looked around till I found Spynx, sleeping curled up by a stream. I awoke Aerlos, the horse that Father had sent with me and Got on his back, riding out of the clump of trees and towards the others. "Good morning. I hope you all slept well," I said, getting off of Aerlos and smiled, tucking the chain that was around my neck under my shirt. "Spynx, come here," I said, looking at him as he limped towards me. A thorne was in his left front paw, making it impossible for him to walk properly. I took the thorne out and cast it aside, rubbing his head.
09-28-2003, 03:06 PM
Estaramir mounted Arelnin and gave a whistle. A golden hawk flew over to her and landed on her shoulder. "Ready to get moving Truren?" she said smiling at him. "I am."
09-28-2003, 07:53 PM
"Oh, dear!" Rosie-Posie said as she attempted to pack her things. "We will need plebntly of blankets, and my pots!" She ran into the parlour and grabbed her pans. "Rope!" She cried, "WE need rope!" All and all she packed three bags. There was a knock on the door. "Deary, me. Come in!" She said. Aragorn walked in and laughed at all her luggage. "Rosie, you can't possibly mean to take all that!" He said laying his pack down. "I wished to take more, but not everything fit! It is a horrible business, this traveling, if you follow my meaning." She said with a sigh. Again Aragorn laughed. "Well, Rosie, dear, I'm afraid you will have to part with at least one of the bags." Rosie-Posie set aside one of the bags and carried the others out. They walked outside and waited for the rest of the group.
ooc: is it ok if Bell and Rosie-Posie have a friendship considering Sam and Bill's? just thought that'd be cool.
09-28-2003, 11:52 PM
"Ganala, are we ready to go?"
09-28-2003, 11:56 PM
"Yes, I am. I don't know where we are going, though, and I am not a leader."
Ooc: Time to not be the main character in an rpg! Time to relax.
09-29-2003, 08:48 PM
" We should head towards Rivendell, perhaps we can finf something in what is left. then off to Rohan and Isengard." amlta said.
09-29-2003, 08:49 PM
ic: Demity: I flew towards the entrance of Moria on the top of the mountains. I flew in and circled like a vulture around the cieling listenig for any movement.
I caught a slight rustle of metal and flew towards the depths of the cavern. I searched in the dim damp cavern for any sign of life. All I could find were bones of dwarves and orcs who had either been eaten or starved. Then in the shadows I heard a low grunting then a clang of metal being thrown against the stony wall.
A large cave troll lumbered around the room deciding what to do with me flying around his head. I searched around some more to see if he was alone but could only see another cave entrance and decided to go there. IO flew past the troll who still looked puzzled at me. I glided easily through the hallways and twisted paths. I reached the bottom I found a crowd of goblins playing with bones and fighting with each other over who got to play with it next. Man they were bored!
I cried out shrilly to catch their attention. At first they looked scared then surprised then anger. Wow I didn't know they were smart enough to know so many facial expressions! I am truly shocked for once.
I told them of my offer of if they fight for us they would not be revealed as the ones who ran away during battle. If they didn't then I would tell my master of their hiding spot. They all agreed at once and tried to shoot me a couple times but missed with pathetic ames.
I told them that by this evening they must be ready to go to Mordor or else the ones who don't come will be hunted down. The trolls came at once for they were hungry for something besides orc or goblin. Or themselves for that matter.
Don't blame them really.
09-29-2003, 08:59 PM
ooc: OI! Don't forget me, you rotten buggers!:mad::p
ic: Arvedui jerked awake quite suddenly. "Damn! I've overslept again!" She had never taken off her clothes last night, so she grabbed her pack, flew downstairs, and out the door. "Hey, did you people forget me, or what?!" She gave them all a very lopsided smile to show that she was joking. "Hey, does anyone know where I can buy a horse? I don't have one."
Dreran the Green
09-29-2003, 09:07 PM
"There's another horse back in the stables who belongs to the innkeeper, but he'll never miss him. Has no name. He's yours, if you want him. Just whistle." Narewien said.
09-30-2003, 01:03 PM
Aragorn stood and walked over to Narewein, "Are we ready?" He asked.
Rosie-Posie sat on a rock next to the pony. She wasn't really sure what was happening, but what a nice pony! "Hello, there!" She said petting her nose. She grabed a carrot from her pack and fed it to the horse. "Well, I'm glad someone pays attention to me!" She thought. Aragorn walked over, "What are you doing Rosie?" He asked "Well, I was just keeping this here pony company, if you follow me." Said she. "Yes, well, we are about to leave, are you ready?" He asked. "About as ready as I will ever be!" replied Rosie-Posie.
ooc: I got an avatar!!!!! finaly found one thats small enough yay! of course, its pippin, yay!!! I'm so happy!
10-03-2003, 08:36 PM
Malta nodded, and climbed up on her horse."Let's go my friends."
10-03-2003, 09:39 PM
ooc: Hi!
ic: Arvedui whistled piercingly. A beautiful, coal black stallion came galloping out of the stable. He had no saddle, but he was wearing an old leather bridle. I walked over to the stallion and whispered in his ear, "Your name is Arathorn. You will bear no one but me." I gently took off the bridle and flung it on the muddy ground. I easily leaped onto his back. I always rode bareback, but on him, it was even more of a joy than usual. I called to my new-found companions, "Come on then, what are you waiting for?!" I wheeled around, and started to ride off.
10-03-2003, 09:46 PM
"Oh, yes indeed!" said Rosie-Posie as she grabbed bell's lead rope. "Come now Bell, I suppose you and I are going to become very close!" She rubbed the pony's whithers. Aragorn walked up next to her. "Hello, Rosie, dear! how are you doing?" He asked. "Quite uncomfortable, but Bell here will keep me company!" she replied. Aragorn shook his head and patted his friend on the shoulder.
10-03-2003, 11:56 PM
Ganala smiled though a slight pang went through her.
Well, let's see if the Librarian is as good at walking as at shelving books!
10-04-2003, 12:38 AM
"Do you wish for me to get you a steed Ganala? It is a long walk." Malta said.
10-04-2003, 12:45 AM
Rosie's legs felt as if they were about to fall off, and they had only just passed the borders of the shire! "Aragorn, when can we rest?" she asked. "I was just wondering that myself, and our second breakfast!" Aragorn added. "I just gave my last carrot to Bell, here." said Rosie-Posie. Aragorn laughed. "I suppose she is getting tired too." she said with a bit of sympathy in her voice.
10-04-2003, 01:10 AM
Malta giggled, and threw some plums she had found at the hobbits."Here's your second breakfast......"
10-04-2003, 01:17 AM
Rosie-Posie stared blankly at the three plums resting in her hand. She looked at Aragorn, he shrugged his shoulders and popped a handful of plums into his mouth. She reluctantly ate two of the plums, and fed the last to the pony.
Dreran the Green
10-04-2003, 11:02 AM
OOC: we need a little more action
Narewien rode ahead of the rest of the group to have a look about the land. She was horrified to see a scattered mass of hideous creatures moving towards them, and even moreso when she saw the glint of metal weapons. She came back to the rest quickly, shouting. "Draw your weapons! There are orcs!" She cried, jumping off Swiftwind and taking out her sword.
10-04-2003, 05:31 PM
Ooc: Careful! Plums are laxatives! :p
Ic: Ganala bit her lip and held her staff tightly.
I'm not a fighter mage! She searched her mind for anything that would help in the fight, finally coming up with such a simple spell that it made her laugh.
"The book lifter! Of course."
And among the orcs still too far away to see the small group, several began lifting off of the ground to be put neatly into nearby trees, hung by their armour and pinned by their shields.
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-04-2003, 06:38 PM
Kâri drew her axe, waiting somewhat eagerly for the orcs to come.
10-04-2003, 08:52 PM
Estaramir unsheathed her sword ready for the oncoming orcs.
10-04-2003, 08:55 PM
Aragorn grabbed his knife, though he was sure it wasn't going to do much damage, while Rosie-Posie stood behind him, with her pot, ready to fight.
10-04-2003, 11:38 PM
Malta pulled her glaive/staff off her back and concentrated on a spell to freeze an orc that had been sent ahead as a scout.
Dreran the Green
10-05-2003, 05:11 PM
The fellowship didn't have to wait long, before much time passed the orcs were there, brandishing crude swords and other weapons. Narewien looked around, not knowing what to do. She was a waitress, and this wasn't some bar fight they had to deal with. She held the sword in her hand less than expertly, and with a battle cry finally charged at the orcs, taking one's head off.
10-05-2003, 05:31 PM
Malta froze an orc, and then lopped its head off with her glaive,"The Rangers seem to not be doing there jobs!" she said. She then paused and pulled a small vial of water from her pocket and roke it on teh gorund, shouting the words,"Cae-nathal de "and sent a small whirlwind of water at anotehr offending orc.
10-05-2003, 08:13 PM
Esta ran her sword through an orc and went after another. As she fought it, the orc's sword brushed against her cheek as another cut her hand, causing her to drop her sword. With a cry of both pain and anger, Esta grabbed a dagger from her boot and quickly stabbed the orc before it could do any further damage. Esta grabbed her sword and did her best fighting, with her left hand.
10-05-2003, 10:58 PM
Ganala knew basic self defense, but her base was in learning, and the magic she knew at best pinned enemies. She retreated for a while, thinking of ways to apply her particular magic.
The writer,
The browser,
The lifter,
The cleaner...
Soon she reemerged from her tree, taking a dagger from a fallen orc and pouring magic and whispering directions into it.
It began to move at the nearest orc, writing "Die" in large flourishes in its flesh.
Another spell was directed at the orc captain far away, revealing the contents of his mind and his location as neatly as the books in the library.
Good thing I saw him and could picture him, otherwise it wouldn't have worked she thought, telling the others where to go. I might be getting good at this!
10-06-2003, 08:23 PM
Aragorn managed to do a little damage, three toes off an orc. Rosie-Posie did her part too, she knocked out five little orcs with her 'pot of death'!
10-06-2003, 10:53 PM
Brilfanwen spun around, gracefull as a ballerina, cleaving heads off as she went. She got many of the orcs and shot down the ones that were in the tree.
10-09-2003, 08:15 PM
ooc: you guess aren't killing my orcs. Were not even near you right now. We are heading towards Mordor. So whyo are you fighting?:confused:
10-09-2003, 08:33 PM
I guess it must be some other wandering group of orcs, :)
10-11-2003, 12:58 AM
Uh yeah.. .thats right!
10-11-2003, 01:01 AM
Once the small group of wandering orcs were all dead, the fellowship continued.
ooc: are we going to rivendell? i think we are.
what 90 sec rule? oh, that 90 sec rule, don't worry, I BRUTALLY MAULED IT! grrrr, *posts sign on front lawn* ::beware angry hobbit::
10-11-2003, 10:50 PM
ooc: lol Pippin took:D
ic: I glide across the mountains sighing at how slow my "new army" is traveling. I told them not to bring anything with them. That included their pathetic weapons and armer. Though I did want them to wear something.
I had too pass Lorien were elves still lingered to get to Mordor and did not want to take such a path were I could lose my new army so easily. I had to keep them till they get good training.
We would have to through Rohan as well then Gondor. It will prove to be a long journey and annoying.
10-12-2003, 02:01 AM
well, I was in a bad mood, *a ravid dog kinda mood* bt don't worry, they gave me shots, and I don't bite! *cute smile*
10-13-2003, 10:32 PM
occ: where are we? I couldn;t get on for three days and am now thoroughly confuzzled.
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