View Full Version : War of the Ring Discussion Thread

12-13-2005, 02:48 PM
I thought I would start my own RPG. I've noticed that most of the RPGs take place after the war of the Ring. So this one will start just before Bilbo's Party. You can be any character from the books or make up your own. Post here before going to the game. When we have enough people I make a game thread.

Name: Acalewia
Race: Elf/ Human
Gender: Female
Weapons: Bow and Quiver, sword, and knives.
History: Born in Rivendell to a Human father and an Elvish mother. Became a dunedain after her father's death and mother's departure. For the past few thousand years, she has drifted and fought. befriended by Gandalf and later Aragorn. Had a hand in training the sons of the Steward of Gondor.

03-07-2006, 12:40 AM
I'd love to join, but I'm very, very busy with Atharon and Entmoot RPGs, plus a couple others on the side...
~Big C :D

03-08-2006, 02:24 PM
I understand that! :D

05-23-2006, 01:28 PM
Ok. Rules:
1. No godmodding. Every creature can be killed or seriously wounded.
2. With the exception of wizards and elves to a point, no one is all powerful.
3. If you want out of the game, write your own death scenes. I/ we will not write them for you.

05-23-2006, 01:31 PM
What will the storyline be?

05-23-2006, 01:44 PM
Name: Oak Leaf
Race: Huorn/Limb Lithe Oak
Gender: Female
Weapons: Dangerous thick limb growing from the back of her trunk, crushing roots.
Discription: Oak Leaf is a handsome tree with attractive deeply cut round lobed leaves. She does not have the usual dark Huorn look. She looks friendly and inviting with her glossy foliage and edible acorns. She has large amber eyes that are rather like those of a deer, a nose and a hole mouth.
History: Oak Leaf is an Old Forest Oak that has wandered into the Shire. It is highly doubtful that she has one drop of Ent sap in her. She is one of those trees that Sam Gamgee's uncle discribed as 'walking'. Terrifying as she may sound, the Oak is actually of a rather gentle disposition. She is more inclined to eat Hobbit baked loaves of bread instead of the Hobbits themselves. She is not especially brave. She does have an insatiable curiosity that can get her into comical situations.

05-24-2006, 01:34 PM
Thanks for pointing out that I didn't post the story line, TD.

The Shadow of Mordor has lengthened. Gollum has befriended Shelob. The Ringwraiths are in search of the Ring. The young sons of the Steward have finished their training. Rangers begin to guard the Shire.
Small groups have begun to form resistance against the shadow. Elves, men, and dwarfes are preparing for a war they know is to come.

We are playing anybody in these groups. Also anyone can play a member of the Fellowship or anyone else from the books and surviving characters from the Hobbit.

05-24-2006, 01:49 PM
From good and evil or just good?

05-25-2006, 01:24 PM
Either side. we need bad guys too :D

I can tell my typing is improving.

05-25-2006, 03:30 PM
Name: Anfal
Age: 84
Race: Dunedain, In charge of protection of the Shire
Gender: Male
Weapons: Long sword, bows and spear.
History: Born in Rivendell as most Dunedain were. Was fairly close with Aragorn, and then Gandalf. When Gandalf and Aragorn went away in search of Gollum, Anfal was made head of the defense of the Shire.

What kind of evil characters should we play?

05-26-2006, 01:35 PM
Orcs, Uruks, Nazul, evil men, anything siding with Saruon

Why does that name sound familar? :D ;)

Name: Elnar
Race: Elf/Human
Weapons: Bow and sword, Occasionly magic
History: Born in Rivendell, became a Dunedain shortly after his father's death. Befriended Aragorn when he was a young man. Currently, outside of Bree, enroute to the Shire.

05-26-2006, 02:36 PM
Not sure, I've never used him before. ;)

05-27-2006, 10:41 AM
:D :D :D ;)

06-24-2006, 01:44 PM
I have a good idea for a charcter!

Name: Raenambar Erebohtar
Race: Noldor
Age: Unknown
Weapons: Two longswords of unkown origin. One white, one black.
History: Found by Mithrandir in the dungeons of Dul-Guldor, after the White Counsil drived out the Necromancer (Sauron). He was found bearing his two mysterious blades, but was terribly injurred, thus Mithrandir bore him to Lorien to seek healing for him there. He recovered over time, but his mind remains ravaged from the torture he has gone through. Having no memory of his life before his time at Dul-Guldor, he seeks answers to his dark past from the wise Galladriel, but even she cannot unlock the torment that is his past. Thus, having no hope in the east, he heads west across the Misty Mountains seeking the wisdom of Elrond Half-Elven, Lord of Rivendell.

Could this be used in the RPG?

06-30-2006, 10:14 AM
((OOC: OO! I'll join!))

Name: Jiana the Strong
Race: Lady of Rohan
Weapons: Sword and Shield
Armour: Chainmail and Helmet
Animals: Stallion called Destria
Past: Raised as a peasent in Westfold, Jiana was a strongwilled child. She joined the riders secretly, but was allowed to stay once she saved the king's life. Is 23.

06-30-2006, 05:48 PM
Tuinor, The game will start before LotR. If you want your character can appear later in the game. It'll work.

I'll start the game towards the fall.

06-30-2006, 11:42 PM
Yeah, sorry. I remembered that after posting it, but I guess I was too lazy to edit it. :rolleyes:
I think, however, that I could rollback the story a bit and begin in Lorien.
... wait, will we have to make our characters wait eighteen years before anything significant happens? :confused:

07-01-2006, 01:28 PM
This is just before the Party. I don't think so.

07-12-2006, 12:00 AM
Name: Drimincoul (Dri-min-cool) the Silver

Race: A wizard, dark

Weapons: A straight silver rod with a chrome spear-tip on the end facing towards the sky

Armor: Shelob's web and a silver robe

Animals: Shelob herself

Past: Sent in secret to destroy Melkor but was trapped inside Ungoliant until she died and was consumed by melkor's malice. Then I went to Ungoliant's offspring's dwelling a couple of ages later after much wandering. I found Shelob wounded and nursed her back to health in trade for her soul. I have never been heard of or seen until now.

07-12-2006, 12:59 PM
Ooooo. I like that JTB. Very dark.

Correction: I'll begin the game in August.

07-17-2006, 01:19 AM
I'd really like to join, I need to think of a character first though. I have a question about one of the rules. I know you said that anyone can be killed or seriously injured. I'm fine with seriously injured because it means more angst and they're not dead, so they can get better. But could we modify the rule that you don't kill someone off unless you talk it over with them first? That way people who want to keep the same character for a while don't have to worry about getting killed off.

07-17-2006, 04:58 PM
You shouldn't have to worry about anyone but yourself killing your character off. The fate of your character(s) is entirely in your hands.

07-17-2006, 05:05 PM
You shouldn't have to worry about anyone but yourself killing your character off. The fate of your character(s) is entirely in your hands.

Does this mean that one may be in control of more than one character? (one that is not being used by another player, that is)

07-18-2006, 10:16 AM
There's no limit to characters as long as you don't forget who your playing ;)

07-18-2006, 05:51 PM
Is there a time frame as the when this RPG is going to start? I would like to to sink my roots into a good RPG.

07-18-2006, 06:02 PM
I think Acalewia said she was gone start it in August

BTW I think I've thought of a character

Gender: Male
Race: Elven
Age: 2450 (prolly around 17 maturity wise, if you're countin human years)
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue-green
Weapons: Bow and arrows and quarter staff
Histroy and Bio: Born in Mirkwood. Lost father and mother to seperate orc attacks when still rather young. Has wandered around since then trying to find a way to help the firstborn and others in the fight against evil. Most recently went to Lorien and befriended Raenambar Erebohtar. Is skilled in combat and herb-lore. Can also sing quite well.

08-07-2006, 03:59 PM
Great entrance, Oakie

08-14-2006, 07:59 PM
orthil, this takes place before Sauron's Fall. At this point the Hobbits are preparing for Bilbo's Birthday Party.

Btw has anyone seen or heard from TD?

08-15-2006, 08:21 PM
The damp caves and the musty scent of dead, rotting corpses permeated throughout Drimincoul's nerves. He shivered and crept on, broken in heart. He heard clicking and a gurgling. He didn't dare look up, for it was right above him. How he knew he didn't discover for a while, but he could see
her in his chrome staff-tip. He looked up. Fangs and hairy body and many eyes met his, and he whimpered. A gigantic spider crept down and started speaking to him. "Let me...heal......Heal me......" she said. Drimincoul knew he should, for he would be inside her if he didn't. He used his staff and uttered a dark curse he'd heard Melkor use when he was alive, and when Drimincoul wasn't deadly and broken. The spider laughed a deep coughing, sputtering laugh. Drinicoul understood the speech, and he asked, "W-What now? Let me go!" The spider laughed again. "I don't think so. I haven't eaten for...quite some time...."
The spider lurched forward. Drimincoul held up his staff and it lit up red. "Stay back, beast, or so help me, I will..." he said. Shelob the Great bowed quickly. She hated anything that wasn't black or dark. "Y-yes," she uttered. "Give me your soul, and I swear on my rod that you will not die. I need you and you need me. I'll give you food...and elves." Drimincoul said.[OOC-Saruman's voice and the music of the Uruk-Hai (when they march at the beginning of TTT)] Shelob looked up. She sputtered out a deep black gushy goo onto his rod. She spun a quick web on his robes, and he smiled. "I am Drimincoul the Whi-.......Silver," he said in a deep voice. "I am Shelob the Last Child of Ungoliant the Great," came the reply. "Shelob, my lady, together, we feast."

08-15-2006, 10:16 PM
very nice post JTB, but you might want to post it in the War of the Ring RPG thread, this is the discussion thread
it's here http://entmoot.tolkientrail.com/showthread.php?t=13391

08-16-2006, 03:57 AM
Name: dirith
Race: gondorian/ring wraith
Gender: male
Weapons:black long sword filled with the malice
History:Once a mighty lord of gondor but once he was given one of the nine rings he immediately fell to saurons side and forever hunts for it.

this ok :D

08-16-2006, 01:11 PM
That's good, orthil. At least we have one Wraith ;)

JTB, great post. Look forward to you posting it in play :)

08-16-2006, 03:10 PM
Theres not match happening on the actual thread last i checked.

08-17-2006, 10:20 AM
at least not yet. We need more people to start posting.

08-22-2006, 11:45 AM

Please see as PM that I will be sending you shortly. I will have some pointers for you on this RPG.

08-22-2006, 03:35 PM
Who did you attack orthil?

08-22-2006, 09:55 PM
This is getting completely confusing. IMHO the early stages of the RPG should be spent getting to know one another's characters. Not attacking each other. :p There is a lot of godmoding going on in this RPG which discourages my participation.:confused: It is just hard for me to role play in an RPG like this. I am more used to the kind where people control their own character, not have others move their characters for them.

Lets think of our characters like pieces on a game board. Wouldn't it be funner if each person just moved his own game piece? Just some food for thought. ;)

08-22-2006, 10:28 PM
your right, but i am about to get beaten any way i think :eek:

08-27-2006, 08:29 PM
Great opening, Tunior

08-27-2006, 09:00 PM
This is getting completely confusing. IMHO the early stages of the RPG should be spent getting to know one another's characters. Not attacking each other. :p There is a lot of godmoding going on in this RPG which discourages my participation.:confused: It is just hard for me to role play in an RPG like this. I am more used to the kind where people control their own character, not have others move their characters for them.

Lets think of our characters like pieces on a game board. Wouldn't it be funner if each person just moved his own game piece? Just some food for thought. ;)
I hope what I did is ok. I god-modded but it was kinda an extra character.

08-28-2006, 03:19 PM
But it is still god moding. ;) Maybe you should ask the permission of the character's player first. If it had been my character you had done that to, I would have been annoyed.

Then again, in that post it isn't too terribly clear which character is the main player character. NPC's used to fillout the scene usually are OK for others to use.

I made a post in the thread entitled How These RPG's work that might be helpful for all to read.

08-28-2006, 07:35 PM
This is getting completely confusing.

I have to say I agree with Entwife_Oak, this is getting very confusing. Perhaps we should take a moment to reorganize. As far as I know, Dirith is preparing an assault on Lorien, while Jiana is headed there and Drimincoul has vanished. I don't wan't to appear rude or judgemental and I hope that I am not out of place in saying these things, but you do know, Jiana, that you left Acalewia's character (which I presume is Elnar) in the dust, right? I know there has been some wait in getting this started, but let us try not to make it over-chaotic by trying to move too quickly. I still wish to continue this RPG and hope that it will be a success, but in order to do that we must try not to make it so hectic and disorganized.

By the way, thank you, Acalewia, for your complement. I don't wish to try and take control of the RPG, so I hope that everyone who reads this will see it as merely a fellow player voicing his opinions. Pip and I have spent some time getting to know one another's characters and setting up the history of their friendship, so if anyone gets concerned about him god-moding with Raenambar, I say that he knows the character well enough to take control of him in certain areas such as the continuation of conversations amongst he and Revion, or in simple motions or gestures. I think this will help the RPG run smoother if the people who wish for ZERO control of their characters to be shared would say so now, and if those who are willing to share their characters in such instances would also announce it.

08-28-2006, 08:18 PM
I am one of those who does not wish for anyone but myself to control chracter that I create. That way the storyline of Oak Leaf does not get modified in any way.

Acally, I will second Tuinor. Thank you for starting this RPG. RPG's do take a lot of work to run.

08-28-2006, 11:06 PM
But it is still god moding. ;) Maybe you should ask the permission of the character's player first. If it had been my character you had done that to, I would have been annoyed.

Then again, in that post it isn't too terribly clear which character is the main player character. NPC's used to fillout the scene usually are OK for others to use.

I made a post in the thread entitled How These RPG's work that might be helpful for all to read.
The reason I did that is because no one is playing that Lorien elf (at least not that I'm aware of), so there's not really anyone to ask permission of. Sorry if I did something wrong though.

Uh, what's NPC mean?

BTW, in response to Tuinor's suggestion, if at all possible I'd like it if no one played my character majorly, small things to help a post run smooth or fine but nothing big.

08-29-2006, 02:10 AM
The reason I did that is because no one is playing that Lorien elf (at least not that I'm aware of), so there's not really anyone to ask permission of. Sorry if I did something wrong though.

Uh, what's NPC mean?

BTW, in response to Tuinor's suggestion, if at all possible I'd like it if no one played my character majorly, small things to help a post run smooth or fine but nothing big.

Npc means non playable character :D

08-29-2006, 08:11 AM
oh ok, thank you :)

08-29-2006, 09:30 AM
Whoops! I sure didn't mean to leave Elnar behind.......Gosh, this really can be confusing! Ok, I'd like it if my character is only played by me, cuz it is annoying when I get control by someone else. I went back and changed my last post, so I didn't leave Acally's charrie behind.

08-29-2006, 10:18 AM
What happened to my last post here :confused:
No biggie.
Just so you know that was Acalewia not Elnar.
I'll go with Tuinor. If it farthers the story, use them (my characters) as long as you stay within the rules

08-30-2006, 10:19 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, But is Lothlorien protected in the same way as Rivendell?

orthil, ease up on your warmongering.

08-30-2006, 03:25 PM
I edited it sry i forgot completly about lothloriens elvish magic :D (curse it :mad: ) : but can i still attack edoras :confused:

08-30-2006, 05:09 PM
Hey, Orithil, I know you're thirsty for a fight, (aren't we all?) but I think we should remember that this is not quite the time for Sauron to show his full strength. Rather, it's in this time that he begins to test his forces against Osgiliath; and also things should be getting bleak in Dul-Guldor in preparation for the escape of Gollum: if you remember, eventually Aragorn captures him and takes him to Mirkwood where he later escapes, causing Legolas' pressence at the council of Elrond.

08-31-2006, 12:24 AM
lol yeah ur right i can just make a post saying the witch king called me back to help in preperation for the the attack on osgiliath. Thanks guys for understanding my thirst for war lol. :D

08-31-2006, 09:45 AM
I will give the persons playing some of the members of the Fellowship a chance to post since that is where Oak Leaf is headed. Is anyone playing Merry? Oak Leaf is headed in his general direction.

08-31-2006, 10:10 AM
I don't think anyone is playing members of the Fellowship. Yet.

09-02-2006, 05:02 PM
have u posted somthin in the casting calls.

09-02-2006, 05:04 PM
can i start an attack on osgiliath even though knowones playing borromier or is this faramiers time???

09-03-2006, 11:13 AM
According to the books, Boromir is at this time in charge of the deffense of Osgiliath. The attack from Mordor, however, causes him to pull back his forces to the western side of the city and destroy the bridge that leads across the river, effectively halting Mordor's advance. But, like I said earlier, this is only a test from Sauron.

09-03-2006, 03:19 PM

09-05-2006, 07:05 PM
I am pretty much dead in the water until we get more people for the fellowship side of the house.

It still me, Oakie BTW. I got rid of the old account with the obsolete name and got a new one.

09-06-2006, 12:02 AM
so wat happens now. I cant really attack till i have members of the fellowship in the game.

09-06-2006, 04:12 AM
Please stay on topic, people.

[off topic posts by request deleted]

09-06-2006, 10:18 AM
Ignore him.

I posted in the casting call, so hopefully we'll get somemore people.

09-06-2006, 03:19 PM
yeah most cetinly well get more people.

09-06-2006, 09:57 PM
I've no problem with playing some characters of the Fellowship, if you need me too. I could play them permanently or temporalily if it keeps the thread moving. (It'd be fun getting to mess around with Merry or Pippin. :D I will, of course, stay true to character, so don't worry about me doing anything outrageous.) If you want me to fill in for them just say yes, or if not that's fine.

09-07-2006, 10:22 AM
I don't mind. You can play them permently if you want. Which makes me think I might play Leggy

09-07-2006, 03:22 PM
Well thats good as soon as i have someone playin boromier i can start testing the defences of gondor mwhahahahaaaa!!.

09-08-2006, 04:40 PM
srry guys, I started school, and I've been really busy, so I might not be able to post very often. Please just bear with me.... :D

09-09-2006, 08:55 PM
No worries

10-13-2006, 10:30 AM
Ok, guys, I know we're at a stand still at the moment, but very soon I'll get it moving again. I know we have two characters in Loren about to move out and two making the journey to Loren.

Oakie is in the Old Forest so Merry (and Pippin?) is about to make contact with her.

Tuinor, if you like you can play Merry and/or Pippin. I have no problems with it.
I'm short on time today, but I promise tomorrow I will post something.

10-20-2006, 10:58 AM
I'm glad the thread is moving along again. Sorry about not posting, I've been gone for the past few days. It's looking great.

For future referance, Tuinor, I cannot edit your post. You'll be the one that have to do the editing :D

10-22-2006, 10:14 PM
BTW, I'm playing Pippin for now, unless someone who's not playing already wants him someday. Hope that's ok with everyone. Acalewia and Tuinor already said it was alright.

10-23-2006, 01:40 PM
Hey guys....ummm.....I think I'm gonna have to quit this site......I'm am just too darn busy to get on here very often....sorry!

10-23-2006, 02:27 PM
That bites. I guess Jiana is a npc now.

10-24-2006, 01:07 AM
well 1 step foward 2 steps back.

10-25-2006, 09:41 PM
That's too bad, Jiana. You'll be missed.

10-31-2006, 01:53 PM
I am reallllly sorry you guys, but I will miss you too! Come and visit me on Legends of Redwall Abbey, if you want. the site is cometoredwall.proboards84.com I'm Rikka Longpaw. Bye! 8sobs*

11-06-2006, 04:38 PM
When Oakie, Pip and Tuinor finish their scene, I'll start on the party.

01-08-2007, 06:12 PM
Just so you know, I'm still around. :p The Old Forest Scene is looking good, guys. I won't be able to check on the progress of the thread untill the 15th, so keep posting
:Thumbs up:

01-29-2007, 06:16 PM
orthil, you do know it wasn't Boramir that shot at you, right?

02-04-2007, 08:06 PM
I like what your doing with Raenambar, Tuinor. Making me curious. Is he having a flashback? Is his memory returning?

Btw, don't answer that yet. :D Keep up the good work.

I'm going to take over TD's character, Anfal, since he hasn't been on since last June and I haven't been able to get a hold of him.

02-04-2007, 09:56 PM
Thank you, Acalewia. :D

Does anyone know if Hourn is still playing? :confused:

02-04-2007, 10:42 PM
I haven't seen her in a while :confused:

02-05-2007, 05:52 PM
If it's alright, I am going to take control of Celeborn for awhile, okay?

02-05-2007, 06:23 PM
I don't mind. In fact, since only you know what you're planning with Raenambar, I'm going to let you control Loren and it's people during this story line.

02-07-2007, 01:22 AM
Tuinor, sorry that I ended my post at the same spot you did. I just don't really know if you had a particular idea for those elves so I thought I'd leave them to you. If you want me to do something with them from now on, let me know and I'll try.

02-07-2007, 08:18 AM
That's alright, you don't have to worry about them if you don't want to. Actually, I only stopped my post with them because I didn't know what else to say. :o If you've got an idea your welcome to try it, but if not I think I can think of something.

02-07-2007, 09:42 AM
Yea, I got nothing so I'd say go for it if you can think of something. If not then maybe we can deliberate and think of something to do.

02-13-2007, 12:55 AM
Acalewia, will all these individual groups eventually meet up at the Council of Elrond? I'm just curious, is all.

02-13-2007, 09:03 PM
Some of the characters may meet at the council. the others will meet eventually at some point during the game.

02-15-2007, 02:49 PM
Name: Kimli
Race: Khazad
Gender: Male
Weapons: Great axe, War hammer and a crossbow.
History: Kimli was born in Erebor 123 years ago. He and his father are both hunters, and can often me found scouting around the Lonely mountain. A few days ago he got a letter, reading "Kimli, the fate of us all may be in your hands. Come to Bree. Set off as soon as you can!
Kimli quickly rushed to gather his things.

02-16-2007, 08:40 PM
Intresting character, Nokom.

04-13-2007, 09:11 PM
Hey guys sorry for being gone so long i have read all the posts and have got my character dirith back on his feet there was a lot of stuff going on at school so i wont be able to be on as much but defintly atleast half and hour a day or more.

04-14-2007, 07:09 PM
I understand, orthil. I hven't been very active myself lately :o As long as you've read the posts since your last visit, (Which are mostly Tunior and Pip :p ) you should be fine

05-28-2007, 05:54 PM
I nsent a PM to Oakie to see if she's still playing. I'll wait on her reply before doing anything in the Old Forest scene.

07-05-2007, 12:22 PM
Huorn isn't very active, so she gave me the go ahead to finish up the old forest scene for her.

07-27-2007, 01:14 AM
I'm confused, doesn't Pippin already know oak leaf?

07-31-2007, 10:40 AM
I'm really not sure. I'm really wanting to finish the Old Forest scene so we can continue the Shire storyline. Not trying to rush you guys,

orthil, I'll let you have dirith at Helm's deep as long as you don't make him too noticable.

07-31-2007, 12:25 PM
Oh no problem, I do to. Sorry, I was just wondering, it seemed odd to go through intos again. I'll just go with it and if we want to change it later we can.

08-14-2007, 09:25 PM
Greetings, all. I have been informed that this particular thread could still use more people. Here I be. Any preference for a type of character to balance other personalities out? I would rather not play a character that the Tolkien dude came up with, since I wouldn't be certain that I could play the role perfectly enough for everyone to admit that it is no different from the way that Tolkien would have written it. *hides* Also, for jumping in, would you advise that I merely read through the whole thing and find a suitable spot for me to jump in, or is there a specific entrance that would make sense to you, the people who know the story best?

08-15-2007, 12:22 AM
orthil, I'll let you have dirith at Helm's deep as long as you don't make him too noticable.

thanks :D

08-15-2007, 12:49 AM
Hi YayGollum, welcome. It might be good to have another evil character to help orithil out (not to say you're doing a bad job orithil, you're great) It's just that everyone likes to play good characters that we run low on conflict which keeps the thing going better in my opinion. Anyone else want to share their two cents?

08-15-2007, 09:01 PM
Also, for jumping in, would you advise that I merely read through the whole thing and find a suitable spot for me to jump in, or is there a specific entrance that would make sense to you, the people who know the story best?
We would perfer that you read the thread before posting that way you'll know what's going on and you'll be able to react to situations better.

We are lacking evil characters, with the exception of orthil. I really don't want him doing all the bad guy work. We did have another player as a baddie, but he seems to have dropped out after one or two posts.

Also, post a profile here before jumping in. That way we'll know who your character is and not ignore him/her.

08-15-2007, 11:14 PM
Howdy, YayGollum. Name's Tuinor. :D It's nice to see new faces around here. Not to be pushy, but perhaps you could help Pip and me move the scene with Revion and Raenambar along. We could use a villain to at least provide them some motivation for reaching Rivendell all the faster, if it's alright with Pip, that is. You don't have to, though. :)

08-15-2007, 11:21 PM
I am totally fine with that, whatever works.

08-15-2007, 11:52 PM
Hello, if it is not too late, I would like to join the thread too? Do you mind if I join? :D I don't know who to be. Just tell me if you would like me to create my own character or if you would like to make one for me. ;) Aufwiedersehn.(until i see you again; in German)

08-16-2007, 12:05 AM
I'm guessing we'd say the same thing we said to YG. REad the thread to get acclamated to it, post your character here, we could use some more evil characters, and welcome :)

08-16-2007, 06:17 PM
Maybe some sort of evil king orc uruk etc but after seeing all those character profiles you made you wont have any problems it seems yaygollum ;)

08-21-2007, 03:00 AM
Here you go. I have a bunch of bad guys, but this one looked good to me for a motivation for running to hide in Rivendell. Ick. Nasssty elveses! If that's cool, I shall toss her in there. An idea that sounds a bit more fun to myself would be for me to also bring in a trio of tricksier characters. The sort that might feasibly bump into any of the more sickeningly heroic types, be very useful for a bit, then end up betraying them for some money or merely becoming the recurring adversary sort. If that idea would be welcome, I can bring those profiles in, too. I'm not sure. You might merely require your evil to remain a bit more faceless, without a hint of gray. :confused:

Name: Rhodalite

Race/Sex: Stone giant/Female

Appearance: short for one of these things, twenty feet?, exceedingly ugly, I have no idea what she'd wear, gray all over, long hair that it most often seen in two long as well as braided pigtails

Weapons: since she's pretty much invulnerable, she'd just have her hands and whatever she can throw, also, an ulu, for no good reason but variety of weapons

Personality: loud, whiny, annoying, touchy, not too terribly bright, enjoys being flattered and torturing animals

History: born someplace in the Misty Mountains, she was an Outcast becuase of her ugliness, but more because she got especially violent with people who pointed it out, she caught a group of Orcs on their way to Mordor and was going to mess with them, but she was so eaily flattered and duped by them that they were able to get away and inform their boss of her, she was retrieved and decided to stay because she really wanted to catch Shelob

08-23-2007, 11:49 PM
I have a character now and you can tell me what you think. :D

Appearance: He is a Mage. But by proffession he is a Necromancer. He is tall, about 6' 3", and not brawny but skinny. He has whitish hair because of his age that is past his shoulders. He has Bright blue eyes and a normal nose.

From: He was a personal assistant to Sauramon before the battle for Sauromons tower. He left a little while before that. However He was born in Gonder. He raises deadly creatures from the ground. It is unknown by everyone, except for himself and Sauron, how he learned the art of Necromancy. It is believed though, that there must be an aweful God forsaken being in or was in Sauromons tower.

His name is Pavilon (pav-e-lawn).

Tell me what you think. :D By the way he is Evil. :evil:

08-24-2007, 12:08 AM
I think they both look good :)

08-24-2007, 01:00 PM
They both look great.

Yay, I like that idea of the trio of characters that come in and out of the story. Sounds like they would be a great pain in the butt for our good guys. :D ;)

08-24-2007, 10:02 PM
Cool. Merely a simple entrance for the giant lady. Here are the other profiles --->

Name: Gladeo

Race/Sex: Southron/Male

Appearance: Black skin, youngish, wiry strength in an average build, he'd wear flowy robes with lots of purple, some kind of hat that I haven't seen yet

Weapons: hidden throwing knives, a long and ornate dagger in plain sight, a hidden garrote, mayhaps other sneaky type things

Personality: intelligent, trusts nobody, zero morals get in the way of his decisions, inclined to be evil because it's fun, has partners that he wouldn't feel too bad about betraying or stealing from, very perceptive, devious and flattering and fun to be around, sees everyone as if they were a potential mark

History: Born to a wealthy family in the trading business in Harad, he ended up wondering about a kidnapped older brother of his and ran away to join the circus, he met Nandreeson there and grew up to own that circus, when it failed, he continued the family business of peddlering, mostly jewelry and things, he was a little too uncomfortably famous for killing too many in the south, so he moved north, ran into Guy in the Brown Lands, travels Middle Earth with his Gladeo's Wandering Baubles And Trinkets business, entertaining people with fire-breathing, juggling, and magic tricks.

__________________________________________________ ___________

Name: Guy

Race/Sex: Olog-Hai/Male

Appearance: Smaller than most trolls, bigger than most humans, bald, black eyes, strong, bloated, wears browns mostly, doens't look too obviously trollish, just mostly a really big and ugly dude, very crusty feet with no shoes

Weapons: just a big war hammer

Personality: really lazy and tired and hungry most of the time, a kleptomaniac that Gladeo uses effectively, he doesn't talk a lot and doesn't look like it, but he's always thinking, has a lot of patience and will figure out really insanely hard to figure out type things after a while, it can be annoying when he shows off his intelligence since he doesn't seem too bright the rest of the time

History: Grew up around Mirkwood and the Brown Lands with a small group of struggling Olog-Hai, he was pretty young when Gladeo and Nandreeson came along, made a rare quick decision to follow them since he knew it was smarter than living out his life like a simple troll, they only let him come because he was strong, he pulls their wagon in lieu of a horse

__________________________________________________ ____________

Name: Nandreeson

Race/Sex: Wereworm/Male

Appearance: In human form, he'd be thin and weak looking, sandy brown and dusty hair, brown skin, black eyes, long nose, small fangs, nasally voice, he'd wear sandals and white and thin and inexpensive clothes mostly, also a brown cloak that's way too big for his human form but made for hiding his dragon one, his dragon form isn't too much bigger than that, but he's stronger, has good armour in his sandy brown scales, fiery breath, claws, and a tail

Weapons: Probably some dagger for his human form, since he'd want to stay incognito, but right now, he'd just turn into a dragon and swipe at people or use fire

Personality: Smart-alecky and wise-crackingy and smug and things like that, egging people on just because it's fun, the wimp's friend, he looks and acts a lot like one, but if he or some other wimpish type is being messed with, he'd become a dragon and save the day, loves attention and praise and things, also, loves to eat little girls as he leaves a town, underneath most of that, though, he'd be pretty serious about his spy job and helping his people

History: was part of a Wereworm caravan in the Last Desert (which trained him over hundreds of years to be a spy among humans, mostly to find dragons or who killed the last ones), until he was led to the circus where he became a big moneymaker and friend for Gladeo, now he's mostly a magical act on the road

08-25-2007, 12:20 PM
Def a big pain in the butt, Yay :D

08-29-2007, 06:39 PM
Could I go ahead and submit something for a character? :o

08-29-2007, 06:55 PM
You could go ahead and post a character, but I would like you to read the game first before jumping in

08-29-2007, 06:57 PM
I have read most but not all of it yet. I'll go ahead and finish reading it before I post a character. Thanks though

08-29-2007, 07:10 PM
Welcome and I'm looking forward to your character(s)

09-02-2007, 12:43 AM
Sorry I erased your characters' memory Yaygollum.

I changed it now though. And everything is okay with your characters.

P.S. Did you guys like the scene i just posted?

09-03-2007, 09:49 PM
You're post was okay, Nuelbar, but it may be helpful if you tried either putting quotation marks around Pavelon's thoughts or italicized them or something. ;) No worries, though. As to the confusion that last post of yours may have caused, I must confess that I'm pretty much to blame for it. :( Nuelbar, Pip, and myself have been working on the plot of the story together through PMs, but recently there was a miscommunication on my part that caused Nuelbar to think he was supposed to erase every characters' memories (which has been corrected to only include Revion and Raenambar), which is why I've decided to move our discussions out into the open so that innocent players (such as YayGollum) will not be harmed by my blunders. :o

I appologize for any of the confusion that this has caused, and I hope that from now on the RPG can run smoothly.

09-03-2007, 10:52 PM
I would to ask everyones opinion on a couple of ideas i have.

First of all, Raenambar and Pavelon have a past together that goes way back to the first age. They had a past relationship. However, Raenamber doesn't remember it.

Second, Dirith, orithil's character, and, my own, Pavelon are going to unite (any other evil characters are free to join us) against the good guys of middle earth, and are going to bring starvation, destruction, and death.

Any thoughts? :D

09-03-2007, 10:57 PM
That sounds cool. Granted it depends on what orithil says cuz he plays Dirith. But I think it sounds good. Although, just to keep in mind, sometimes it makes thing more interesting with some of the groups iontersperced

09-04-2007, 12:21 PM
This new plot twist caught me by surprise. I'm liking it. Keep it up.

Nuelbar, I'd talk to orthil, unless you already have, about uniting with Dirith.

09-04-2007, 09:47 PM
Yes, me and orithil have talked about it and we think it would be a good idea. We still have yet to work out all of the details though.

P.S Orithil what is your opinion about being interspersed?

09-04-2007, 10:17 PM
First of all, Raenambar and Pavelon have a past together that goes way back to the first age. They had a past relationship. However, Raenamber doesn't remember it.

I don't mind them having a history, but I'd still like to keep some of Raenambar's history a secret for now. It'd ruin the story to reveal it to everyone at this point.

09-04-2007, 11:29 PM
And 24 hours later, my irrational rationale is gone and I can't write a convincing post to save my life, hope this one works though.
No seriously, last night everything I wrote made sense. Today I was trying to figure out what to right and kept coming up with rationale as to why Revion had a bad case to back up his emotions :P

09-05-2007, 09:16 AM
Um, Yay, perhaps now would be a good time for your characters to start waking up... Raenambar's probably gonna have his butt handed to him otherwise. :D

Your post was excellent, Pip, by the way. Mine wasn't all that great, but still I think I can go somewhere with all this going on.

09-05-2007, 11:20 AM
Thanks. your's is pretty good too, although it wasn't quite what I was expecting (then again they never are :D) Sorry mine's so short.
Yea, Gollum, I'm with Tuinor if you're looking for the opportune moment to wake up this is it :D

09-06-2007, 07:25 PM
I agree with Tuinor and Pip, Yay. Now would be a perfect time for your characters to wake up before they kill each other ;)

I'm holding off on posting with my characters at the moment, but I'll be finishing up the Old Forest Scene pretty soon. Although it might be later :D

09-07-2007, 12:44 AM
Woo! YayGollum's back YAY!
I hope my post was ok and not too over the top. If it was I can change it, I just thought it would be a cool place to bring the crystal up again.

09-07-2007, 02:27 AM
I've seen more over the top posts. Anyways, I hope that myself moving your characters around too much isn't too evil. I don't normally mess with other people's characters too much, since I don't appreciate the same. The ropes would be easily escapable, and the wagon wouldn't even have moved yet. Nandreeson's kick to Raenembar would have been too weak to matter, and I figured that stowing the weapons might be useful. Inform me if I was too evil.

09-07-2007, 02:51 AM
Yes, me and orithil have talked about it and we think it would be a good idea. We still have yet to work out all of the details though.

P.S Orithil what is your opinion about being interspersed?

Its all good :D as long as we can start the domination of the free people soon mwhahahaha :evil:

09-07-2007, 09:28 AM
I've seen more over the top posts. Anyways, I hope that myself moving your characters around too much isn't too evil. I don't normally mess with other people's characters too much, since I don't appreciate the same. The ropes would be easily escapable, and the wagon wouldn't even have moved yet. Nandreeson's kick to Raenembar would have been too weak to matter, and I figured that stowing the weapons might be useful. Inform me if I was too evil.
No, I think it works out fine

09-12-2007, 07:20 PM
Its all good :D as long as we can start the domination of the free people soon mwhahahaha :evil:

09-12-2007, 08:15 PM
Dude, Yaygollum, you totally just killed the mood man :p
(Sorry, I'm just giving you a hard time, don't take it personally :D

Yay and Tuinor I changed my post, hope it helps you guys out some.

09-25-2007, 11:50 PM
Sorry I made Revion glance at Raenambar, but when I first wrote the post I had forgotten about the crystal, and I didn't want to erase what I'd written, so I simply added on to it. :o

09-25-2007, 11:52 PM
It's alright, but where did Raenambar get it? Sorry, I was just in the mentality that Raenambr had it. (you can ignore my pm, it says this same thing) If not that's fine, I'm just confused (I always am :p)

09-25-2007, 11:56 PM
:confused: Ooohhhhhh, the confusion! :D Anyways, I put it back on Revion and there it'll stay! ;)

09-25-2007, 11:58 PM
Thank you :)
At least this isn't liek this one RPg I was in once. We were all on at the same time and posting at the same time so the story went off in three different directions with all the character before we put things back together again :confused:

09-26-2007, 12:00 AM
That sounds like fun... *shakes his head "no"* :D

09-27-2007, 10:50 PM
Orithil I like how you joined our characters together at Sauramon's tower.
If you do not want to be Sauramon, Tuinor had already told me he wanted to be him. :( Sorry Orithil, and Tuinor. I do not care who is Sauramon. I really do not know how long he will be in our story, but I can tell you that our story is fixing to get really good, and Sauramon is going to be a small part in it.

09-29-2007, 01:27 AM
Go ahead tuinor you can be saurumon :D

10-13-2007, 12:38 PM
orthil and Nuelbar, watch your posts. There's quite a bit of godmodding in there. And also, Nuelbar, do I need to direct you to Rule # 2 of this game?

Watch your posts please and play within the rules

10-13-2007, 05:20 PM
orthil and Nuelbar, watch your posts. There's quite a bit of godmodding in there. And also, Nuelbar, do I need to direct you to Rule # 2 of this game?

Watch your posts please and play within the rules

Oh my apologise, I can change my post and tell Nuelbar to do the same if you like.

10-13-2007, 07:54 PM
I am confused. :confused: If the godmodding is about Sauramon, no one is actually Sauramon. I and Orithil both play him(because no one really plays him).

P.S. Can my character still be a Necromancer? You see i had evidently skimmed right over the rules. I really don't really care about being all powerful. It was just giant fireballs one after the other. I mean lets be honest, I could have have done super novas, and that would have been awesome. lol. :D

10-13-2007, 09:33 PM
since no one is playing saurumon then we could lead the attack on helms deep, unless thats changing the story line a bit to much?

10-15-2007, 12:21 PM
I am confused. :confused: If the godmodding is about Sauramon, no one is actually Sauramon. I and Orithil both play him(because no one really plays him).
I was under the impression that Tunior was playing him.
P.S. Can my character still be a Necromancer? You see i had evidently skimmed right over the rules. I really don't really care about being all powerful. It was just giant fireballs one after the other. I mean lets be honest, I could have have done super novas, and that would have been awesome. lol. :D
You can still be a Necromancer, as long as he's not all powerful.

Leave the post like it is. Just make sure Sauraman will be able to escape from his prison after the two of you leave the tower.

You can go ahead and start marching towards Helm's Deep but don't start attacking just yet. Knowing you, you'll put the fear of the Shadow in them ;)

10-15-2007, 03:55 PM
Haha, thanks Acalewia, well start the march soon and have saurumon escape :D

11-02-2007, 12:14 AM
I was just wondering, for the group of travvellers, can we say it's now morning, we've kinda hit a standstill.

11-02-2007, 06:23 PM
Weapons:short sword of acient hertiage called "Slayer"
History:The took family which had been on adventures before obtained the sword "slayer".But latter a relative of theirs got a hold of it an auctioned it off for sale.Ragnarok found this and had a liking to it so he bought it and placed it among his vauled things.Never been on an adventure before but has some took in him;he has many skills (a few that are unquie) which are all unkown to him and his hobbit friends.

11-03-2007, 02:31 AM
Cool character ace welcome to the entmoot.

11-03-2007, 12:03 PM
Nice Character, Ace. Whenever you see an opening just jump in. And welcome to the Moot

11-03-2007, 07:13 PM
thanks!kk i will....

11-03-2007, 07:22 PM
OK i'm fine with anyone using my character just as long as they don't make him do anything dumb

11-03-2007, 07:41 PM
I went through the rpg..but everything's a little confusing.Can some one please give me a breif summary of whats happened so far?

11-03-2007, 11:43 PM
Um, let's see,
Merry and Pippin met up in the old forest and met oak Leaf, who is a friend of Saradoc's, their talking about some sort of draught that Saradoc makes. Merry and Pippin seem to be conspiring about fireworks at the moment.
Dirith has launched an attack on osgiliath and then met up with Pavelon in Isengard. It appears that the two have over thrown Saruman and plan to send a march on Rohan. Eralier, Pavelon, ran accross the group of Gladeo, Guy, Nandreeson, Raenambar and Revion (someone tell me if I missed someone in that group). He caused them all to fall asleep and caused Revion and Raenambar to dream something which made Revion think that Raenambar killed his parents, which resulted in a fight between the two, before Revion got some sense knocked into him and made up with Raenambar. Raenmabar, who used to have not much memory of his past, realizes that he is an elf from Valinor that has killed a bunch of his friends and family. Before meeting up with Gladeo and crowd, the two were headed to Rivendell after having to flee Lothlorien, due to the fact that they were from the shadowed realm of Mirkwood and some of the elves got suspicious of them.
Eruanna has been fighting in Osgiliath with Boromir. She ended up leaving and heading to Lothlorien. She looked into the Mirro of Galadriel and it seems as if she has discovered that she will be needing to help in Rohan.

That's it as far as I can figure. I probably expanded more on the story lines I'm in because I know them better. If I got something wrng, sorry, could someone please set me straight or add on to what's written here if I've left something out. Thanks.

11-04-2007, 06:26 PM
thanks for replying.i was just trying to figure out what had happened so far and where my character could jump in.

11-04-2007, 07:35 PM
Hope my post was ok

11-05-2007, 12:06 AM
cool character Ace very interesting :D ;)

11-05-2007, 08:50 PM
thanks! :D I would have posted more about his adventure....but i joined too late

11-05-2007, 09:34 PM
Oh, but that's the fun of stories :) You can slowly clue us in on it through the story, maybe? :D

11-05-2007, 09:40 PM
well, I pretty much sumarized the whole adventure of his on my last post,but i was thinking of writing the entire adventure/story and submitting it to fan fiction.

11-05-2007, 09:55 PM
I'm going to wait for someone else to post(in case anyone cares to pick ragnarok up and carry him to the center of action or something)before i post again.I'm probbaly going to make him stumble into the rohan(?) or have some one take him there,or maybe have the wizard show up and rescue him.

11-06-2007, 01:12 PM
I think it's time for me to get off my butt and start doing my job :p

11-26-2007, 11:03 PM
Sorry i havn't posted in a while everyone. My computer tore up and i just finally got it fixed (or I think so)! :D I would like everyone to know : I'M GLAD TO BE BACK! :)

11-26-2007, 11:46 PM
Welcome back Nuelbar, nice to have you again.

11-27-2007, 03:09 PM
Glad to see you back, Nuelbar.

I hate this bloody Rule

11-27-2007, 08:59 PM
What rule and more importantly, are we breaking it?

Where'd everybody go?

11-27-2007, 09:43 PM
I think she might mean the ninty second post rule?

11-28-2007, 06:36 PM
I think she might mean the ninty second post rule?
DING! DING! DING! We have a winner! :)

Hey we got spell check now! Dude we got some updates. cool.

11-29-2007, 12:38 AM
This new interface is cool i looks all space age lol:p but really awesome update.

01-20-2008, 01:35 AM
What happened to everyone? It's like everyone just up and left this thing suddenly.

01-20-2008, 02:52 AM
Yeah thats what i was thinking...

01-25-2008, 09:29 PM
I added something to my last post to get the group of travellers moving, if anyone is still in this.

01-26-2008, 01:07 AM
Marines packed up and left sometime last year it seems:confused:

03-29-2009, 09:19 PM
I think this game is officially dead


I might start up another game later