View Full Version : War on gondor
01-18-2005, 10:36 PM
Men of the forgoten north have moved on Gondor (How they avoided Rohan I don't know)
Join the side of the men of the north or Gondor.
The starting points are in a mounten range in the north(For the men of the north) and in minus tirith(For Gondor)
The men of the north have (in adition to men) well armored wraiths and dumb dragon used as mounts.
The Gondorains have men only but meny more.
I shall play the emporer of the men of the north.
He wears a torso plate of meny plates in an overlaping fashon.
He wealds a two-handed sword that always reflects the night sky.
Otherwise he is well armored and his face is obscured by his helmet.
He uses a tower shield that he a use at the same time as his sword.
He has a cold presences that can put out fire.
He rides a dragon.
Be ready for war!
01-24-2005, 04:50 PM
Where's this so called war Mr Emperor? Bit late in coming eh?
I heard of your Wondrerous presence on my travels. :p
I'm an Elf warrior , An outcast of Feanorian blood. I wander alone, yet can be bought at a price, as a , how can I put it,? Paid killer. I shall be at the Chestnut Mare Inn tomorrow night. If your wonderous excellence needs help in starting, or ending this non existent war BE THERE!
01-24-2005, 05:03 PM
I shalt beith a nobleth Hobbiteth, short in stature, but great in might.
He wears mithril armor
Has a short-bow, and lots of arrows
An Elvish blade, forged in the Second Age
He rides a pony :D :confused:
P.S. How can you use a 2-handed sword and a shield at the same time, O fearsome Emperor?
01-24-2005, 09:41 PM
I shalt beith a nobleth Hobbiteth, short in stature, but great in might.
He wears mithril armor
Has a short-bow, and lots of arrows
An Elvish blade, forged in the Second Age
He rides a pony :D :confused:
P.S. How can you use a 2-handed sword and a shield at the same time, O fearsome Emperor?
I know it's akwerd (Like my spelling) but he straps the shield to his arm and holds that arm up while not attacking.
It's like how he avoided rohan, It's very hard to figure out.
01-24-2005, 09:46 PM
Where's this so called war Mr Emperor? Bit late in coming eh?
I heard of your Wondrerous presence on my travels. :p
I'm an Elf warrior , An outcast of Feanorian blood. I wander alone, yet can be bought at a price, as a , how can I put it,? Paid killer. I shall be at the Chestnut Mare Inn tomorrow night. If your wonderous excellence needs help in starting, or ending this non existent war BE THERE!
A mercanary and an elf, how ironic.
And I know knot of this "Chestnut mare inn" but what is the horse in? :rolleyes:
I am still readying my forces for an attack, even though at this rate I could finish all the solders of gondor now.
01-25-2005, 03:26 AM
A mercanary and an elf, how ironic.
And I know knot of this "Chestnut mare inn" but what is the horse in? :rolleyes:
I am still readying my forces for an attack, even though at this rate I could finish all the solders of gondor now.
Well we Noldor are not your usual sort of Elf we have too much fiery spirit!
The Inn that Ispeak of is at the borders of Rohan (try and avoid Rohan this time oh great one!) Thought you would have known where it is , not very bright as a battle planner eh?
I have an Elven sword forged by Feanor himself , a Sylentor silver dagger or two and ride a silver grey war horse of Eliann breeding.
Look forward to meeting you mr Empereor , don't wear that armour youll be too conspicuos. I'll be in the corner by the fire with a goblet of wine I await your arrival. Little Hobbit feel free to join us. You fight for Gondor eh? I'll fight for whover gives me the best deal!!! :evil:
Meriadoc Brandybuck
01-25-2005, 01:31 PM
Your hobbit shall not be the only one, ItalianLegolas. I too fight for Gondor. And wouldn't you know, it's Merry's son! And since said person goes unnamed by Tolkien, I shall name him Saradoc, after Merry's father. He is equipted with only a long dagger, which serves as a sword for him. He never was good with the bow and arrow. He had started out just going for a visit in Rohan, and there he was told that an army was coming from the North and heading towards Gondor, so he rode to Gondor.
01-25-2005, 03:50 PM
Come Saradoc! We ride to the Chestnut Mare Inn, on the borders of Rohan! We msut make haste, for if the enemy gains control of this fearsome Elven warrior, we are DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!
01-25-2005, 04:05 PM
Come Saradoc! We ride to the Chestnut Mare Inn, on the borders of Rohan! We msut make haste, for if the enemy gains control of this fearsome Elven warrior, we are DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!
Hurry little Hobbits, The so -called emperor is as usual lost on his way here,(Valar if he ever gets to Minas Tirith i'll be very surprised!) Get here soon and convince me that I need to fight for Gondor. Hurry , I can't wait all night.or a pretty serving maid may distract me before you get here!! ;)
01-25-2005, 04:49 PM
We have arrived at the inn! Barkeep is there a certain Mercanary Elf Warrior around here?
Barkeep: Over there in the corner
You mean the drunk one?
Barkeep: Yes.
01-25-2005, 05:38 PM
We have arrived at the inn! Barkeep is there a certain Mercanary Elf Warrior around here?
Barkeep: Over there in the corner
You mean the drunk one?
Barkeep: Yes.
I'm not drunk yet you little devil!! Watch out when I am! :evil:
Are you serious about fighting against this emperor (mr "late for a meeting that could ensure his capture of Gondor?" ) or do you jest with me? Don't waste my time little Hobbits, brave you may be, but no match for me if I'm betrayed!!! :mad: Tell me now or go quickly!!! :evil:
01-25-2005, 06:30 PM
Yes, we shall fight this "Emperor"!! TO THE DEATH!!! (if it comes to that) WE SHALL SLAY HIM!! WITH A SWORD!!! OR A BOW!!! OR SOMETHING!!
01-25-2005, 06:48 PM
Yes, we shall fight this "Emperor"!! TO THE DEATH!!! (if it comes to that) WE SHALL SLAY HIM!! WITH A SWORD!!! OR A BOW!!! OR SOMETHING!!
I think little Hobbit, that you should at least first decide how you are going to kill him "something" is not usually deadly enough!
Anyway , If you want my help, It costs!!! :D
Mr emperor "no show" has yet to offer his reward. What's yours? :evil:
No money no Mr "nancy" emperor slaying :cool:
01-25-2005, 10:59 PM
(OOC: What would be more fun at the moment? Finarfinian or Feanorian? Hm... as much as my heart leads me to the former, in present company, the latter would be far more interesting :evil: )
After days of wandering, fate draws me to the doors of the Chestnut Mare Inn, and wearily I step through. My eyes immediately latch onto the Mercenary Elf Warrior and instinctively my hand reaches towards my sword. But I soon remember that there is no longer a sword there. Not long after the Third Kinslaying, I swore to never bear arms again.
I never expected to see you again, Kellquenti (unless you want to choose a name for this game?). What rock have you been hiding under since you betrayed our lord, Maedhros Feanorion? I would slay you now, if there was not already so much blood on my hands.
Would that I had never found you again, sellinya...
(OOC: all in good fun, nildenya. ;) )
01-25-2005, 11:04 PM
I think little Hobbit, that you should at least first decide how you are going to kill him "something" is not usually deadly enough!
Anyway , If you want my help, It costs!!! :D
Mr emperor "no show" has yet to offer his reward. What's yours? :evil:
No money no Mr "nancy" emperor slaying :cool:
I shalt pay you with gold, lots of GOLD!! and pipe-weed
01-25-2005, 11:08 PM
So, you are fighting for money now as well? I am hardly surprised. After some deliberation, I believe I am bidden to join your party as well, though as of yet I know not what your purpose will be...
01-26-2005, 03:07 AM
What name do you use now my"friend"? Call me Kellquenti if you wish, I sometimes go by that name, at other times Glyndr.
Hiding? Hmm In my line of work I do nothing else, Join us if you wish . I care not.We await a so called Emperor who threatens Gondor, These Hobbit creatures are trying to convince me to fight with them, So far I am not convinced. Remember my friend, do not mention that "misunderstanding" in the past, Betrayal is such an accusing word, Oh, and one word of advice ,do not threaten me when you have no weapon with which to carry out that threat, you may find yourself at a disadvantage, Still you may be useful in my plans. Stay.
Hobbits I am becoming impatient ,either come up with more than pipeweed and a pathetic pot of gold or Mr Emperor may have an ally. :evil: :D
01-26-2005, 03:47 PM
There shall be gold equal in value to the Shire!! And an equal amount of weed! :D err... pipe-weed I mean
01-26-2005, 03:58 PM
There shall be gold equal in value to the Shire!! And an equal amount of weed! :D err... pipe-weed I mean
I am glad you explained that :evil: . Give me the Shire and I shall (possibly) fight for you,. Does Gondor know of this now completely non existent attack? or are we all wasting our" precious" time here?
I have an old score to settle with my "friend" from the past. If this Emperor does not show soon , Little Hobbits you may find yourselves in a different. more DARK adventure as I eliminate my very dark past!! Are you still with me brave ones? :evil:
01-26-2005, 04:02 PM
You shall have the Shire!! We must hasten to Gondor and warn the King!!
01-26-2005, 04:10 PM
You shall have the Shire!! We must hasten to Gondor and warn the King!!
Hold my eager ones! I agree to fight for Gondor, But there is still this score I have to settle with my "friend" here, Are you brave enough to follow me on possible evil, dark paths to eliminate a very dark past I have? :evil: As well as defeating this pathetic emperor? :evil: :D
01-26-2005, 04:23 PM
explain this dark past of yours, O Mighty Elf Mercenary. Then we shall see
01-26-2005, 04:43 PM
explain this dark past of yours, O Mighty Elf Mercenary. Then we shall see
The Friend that has just joined us speaks of my betrayal of a leader of my race. Perhaps it is true :evil: Whatever my past this "friend " has brought it to the present. I admit I am a mercenary, and maybe my past,(and my present) are not ,how shall I say , Perfect. I seek to clear my name , as well as defeating this emperor. I need trustworthy allies! Think before you agree, It will be a dangerous task!! :evil:
01-26-2005, 04:45 PM
I never back down!! We shall defeat this so-called evil emperor. TOGETHER!!
01-26-2005, 04:47 PM
I have a matter of great urgency to attend to (namely an OM meeting), I shall return ASAP!! Do not leave without me. Please?
01-26-2005, 04:48 PM
I never back down!! We shall defeat this so-called evil emperor. TOGETHER!!
Hobbits are remarkable creatures! Until tomorrow then. :evil:
01-26-2005, 05:23 PM
In my surprise, I spoke harshly perhaps, Glyndr. I understand about the desire to clear one's name. Even I do not know the full story behind what occurred. I doubt that any do, besides yourself and your companions, and our lords who are no more. I would hear the story at a better time, but know that I do not trust you. I will go by the name Rácina until I have earned back my true name. I shall join with you, for the Hobbit at least seems fairly trustworthy, and I would help the kingdom founded by the heirs of Elros, the Lord Maglor's fostor son.
01-26-2005, 05:27 PM
Thank you, for dedicating yourself to the quest!
01-26-2005, 06:16 PM
In my surprise, I spoke harshly perhaps, Glyndr. I understand about the desire to clear one's name. Even I do not know the full story behind what occurred. I doubt that any do, besides yourself and your companions, and our lords who are no more. I would hear the story at a better time, but know that I do not trust you. I will go by the name Rácina until I have earned back my true name. I shall join with you, for the Hobbit at least seems fairly trustworthy, and I would help the kingdom founded by the heirs of Elros, the Lord Maglor's fostor son.
Ah ,you are right not to trust. To trust is to be betrayed, and yes, I still have that"tendency" when the money is right ,But then who of Maeglin's aquaintance does not? Perhaps we shall speak of my dark past another time, Hmm Racina, nice name, suits your personality, Hobbits are stubbornly loyal , silly creatures , it will be their downfall! . If the loud mouthed .non existent emperor does not show by tomorrow, we must plan for ourselves against the (possible) threat :evil:
01-27-2005, 01:03 PM
The emperor is scared of my wrath!! I AM A LEGEND!! I SHALL SLAY HIM WITH MY 2-FOOT LONG BLADE!!
01-27-2005, 08:51 PM
I never back down!! We shall defeat this so-called evil emperor. TOGETHER!!
Evil? It all depends which side you're one this time.
Post 144. Strange number,
01-27-2005, 08:53 PM
You are evil!! You are attacking Gondor!! That makes you evil!! WE SHALL (or more correctly, I) SHALL SLAY YOU!
01-27-2005, 08:56 PM
Haveing no army other than a few wraiths who refuse to leave the mountens
I make a short move, I mount my dragon, flap (quickly) over minis tirith, toast the 7th ring (In which only the king is allowed) and flap back (Deflecting many arrows)
This is not going well for ether of us. :o
01-27-2005, 09:00 PM
LOOK!! THE EAGLES ARE COMING!! THE EAGLES ARE COMING!! They head straight for you and your dragon, they attack. While all this is happening, the King flees, because hes a pansy
01-27-2005, 09:05 PM
He has showed, and I am aught but impressed.
This so called emperor does not even have a proper army, it seems. After the days of the Seige of Angband, he will be no challenge whatsoever.
It is almost depressing how far this world has fallen, is it not, Glyndr?
01-27-2005, 09:06 PM
That it is Racina, that it is. This pitiful excuse for an emperor is all talking no walking
01-27-2005, 09:08 PM
We should seek out his own land and fortress and destroy him there.
OOC: 144 is a nice number, me#. The number of years in an Elvish yen. As well as the number of Elves that first awoke by Cuivienen. ;)
01-27-2005, 09:14 PM
But where does his land lie
01-28-2005, 06:17 AM
Hold! do not let us rush into this headlong. Think first .Yes Racina,this Mr Emperor has finally shown up. Stupidly perhaps?
You are right my friend, Dark days have followed us,and they grow darker yet :evil:
Mr Show off Emperor llives, I believe somewhere in the mountains north of here.
Let me finish another goblet of wine and then we go knock on his door!!! :evil: :evil:
Meriadoc Brandybuck
01-28-2005, 12:21 PM
There shall be gold equal in value to the Shire!! And an equal amount of weed! :D err... pipe-weed I mean
What are you, nuts?! Where are you going to get that amount of money? Dwarves? Perhaps...
Kellquenti, you shall not be disappointed with us Hobbits. From what land of the North, may I ask, does this emperor come from?
01-28-2005, 04:26 PM
Crazy i am not, just big thinking, and smart, and don't forget astonishingly handsome! :D
01-28-2005, 06:29 PM
What are you, nuts?! Where are you going to get that amount of money? Dwarves? Perhaps...
Kellquenti, you shall not be disappointed with us Hobbits. From what land of the North, may I ask, does this emperor come from?
Some mountain range, The stupid Mr "let's get Gondor "told us at the beginning. Glad you're back with us, Where did you go ? Thirty third breakfast perhaps,? You join us and breakfast will not exist :evil: Still with us little Hobbit? :D
01-28-2005, 06:31 PM
To the obscure mountain range that we don't know the name of!!
Meriadoc Brandybuck
01-28-2005, 11:52 PM
Some mountain range, The stupid Mr "let's get Gondor "told us at the beginning. Glad you're back with us, Where did you go ? Thirty third breakfast perhaps,? You join us and breakfast will not exist :evil: Still with us little Hobbit? :D
No, actually. I went to get rations while you sat and talked, or whatever. :p Still with you. ;)
Crazy i am not, just big thinking, and smart, and don't forget astonishingly handsome! :D
That's not going to help in a war where what you need is brains and guts. ;)
01-29-2005, 09:25 AM
okay, well i have those too, dontcha know!
01-29-2005, 05:42 PM
LOOK!! THE EAGLES ARE COMING!! THE EAGLES ARE COMING!! They head straight for you and your dragon, they attack. While all this is happening, the King flees, because hes a pansy
Ha! Pitifull! My dragon can toast these birds!
(The dragon burps)
My dragon must have had beans for lunch :o , heads will roll for this!
Now where is that king...
01-29-2005, 05:45 PM
Some mountain range, The stupid Mr "let's get Gondor "told us at the beginning. Glad you're back with us, Where did you go ? Thirty third breakfast perhaps,? You join us and breakfast will not exist :evil: Still with us little Hobbit? :D
The name is in runes, I can't change it to english.
(but if I could it would sound orcish for it was named for a war)
01-29-2005, 07:05 PM
The name is in runes, I can't change it to english.
(but if I could it would sound orcish for it was named for a war)
But Iam not "english" I am Elvish . I have many that owe me favours in all races. Oh yes orcs included. Don't be too clever mr Emperor!!! :evil:
01-29-2005, 07:16 PM
Orcs included? what kind of elf are you? :mad:
01-29-2005, 08:31 PM
But Iam not "english" I am Elvish . I have many that owe me favours in all races. Oh yes orcs included. Don't be too clever mr Emperor!!! :evil:
True, but I ment I can't tipe it down! :rolleyes:
01-29-2005, 09:16 PM
Orcs included? what kind of elf are you? :mad:
Exactly what I would like to know.
But how I grow weary of simply sitting around and talking about the war to come... Are we planning on going north, or are we going to wait for the emperor to come to us... again?
01-30-2005, 09:14 AM
I am an Elf that looks after himself. as well you know Racina. It pays to have "help" from all sides in the evil days of war ;)
Do not fear, orcs are not my friends, I just use them when necessary :evil:
I agree let us go north, Come Hobbits ,and my untrusting Racina . North it is
!!! :evil: :)
01-30-2005, 11:36 AM
*coconuts banging together*
01-30-2005, 03:13 PM
I am an Elf that looks after himself. as well you know Racina. It pays to have "help" from all sides in the evil days of war ;)
Do not fear, orcs are not my friends, I just use them when necessary :evil:
I agree let us go north, Come Hobbits ,and my untrusting Racina . North it is
!!! :evil: :)
If you go north to fight me you must bewere the south wraith gaurd
(It's south to the north :D )
They can fight without their cloaks! :evil:
01-30-2005, 06:43 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
01-30-2005, 08:45 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
For Valar's sake, The south wraith things are just imaginary bedsheets, Gods and I thought hobbits were brave!!!"
01-30-2005, 08:53 PM
For Valar's sake, The south wraith things are just imaginary bedsheets, Gods and I thought hobbits were brave!!!"
Where ever did you get that idea, Glyndr? :rolleyes:
Imaginary bedsheets ought not be much of a problem. Come on, little hobbits! :rolleyes:
01-30-2005, 09:56 PM
Stay back!! It is far to dangerous!
Meriadoc Brandybuck
01-31-2005, 12:42 PM
For Valar's sake, The south wraith things are just imaginary bedsheets, Gods and I thought hobbits were brave!!!"
I'm not the one screaming my head off about coconuts and bedsheets, I'm just waiting for the war to start!
Where ever did you get that idea, Glyndr? :rolleyes:
Imaginary bedsheets ought not be much of a problem. Come on, little hobbits! :rolleyes:
Hobbits are so underestimated these days... :rolleyes:
01-31-2005, 06:26 PM
what is Arda coming to?
02-01-2005, 02:29 PM
For Valar's sake, The south wraith things are just imaginary bedsheets, Gods and I thought hobbits were brave!!!"
A sword jumps off the table right at your caricter, I gess that wraith doesn't like sceptics :rolleyes:
02-01-2005, 02:31 PM
Ha! Pitifull! My dragon can toast these birds!
(The dragon burps)
My dragon must have had beans for lunch :o , heads will roll for this!
Now where is that king...
Okay theres the king, in the woods! This is perfect! (Blows a horn)
A huron stomps on the king, squishing him.
1000 hurons come flooding out of the woods and start tering down minis tirith.
Let's see you stop that! :evil:
Meriadoc Brandybuck
02-01-2005, 03:31 PM
Since I'm so desperate for Gondor to do something about this, I've rallied up a large sum of brave, well equipted and trained men, so we're ready to charge at any given moment. And they're hiding currently so they can't be squished by Mr. Emperor and company.
02-01-2005, 06:27 PM
Since I'm so desperate for Gondor to do something about this, I've rallied up a large sum of brave, well equipted and trained men, so we're ready to charge at any given moment. And they're hiding currently so they can't be squished by Mr. Emperor and company.
damn good job . I'm bored ! Let's gofor it !!! Lead the way :evil:
Meriadoc Brandybuck
02-01-2005, 08:59 PM
Even better: the enemy's not expecting it! :evil:
And of course I have plenty of horses.
02-02-2005, 07:43 AM
Okay theres the king, in the woods! This is perfect! (Blows a horn)
A huron stomps on the king, squishing him.
1000 hurons come flooding out of the woods and start tering down minis tirith.
Let's see you stop that! :evil:
I'm not sure an evil king could control Huorns without controlling an Ent, and an evil king could never control an Ent, so..... half of your atatack force is decimated.
02-02-2005, 10:19 AM
I'm not sure an evil king could control Huorns without controlling an Ent, and an evil king could never control an Ent, so..... half of your atatack force is decimated.
You think I don't know anyone? I did a faver for Treebeard and he paid me back (I found the entwives!)
And I still don't think you've proven I'm evil.
You count me and my dragon as half the attacking army?
I'm flattered.
02-02-2005, 01:06 PM
Treebeard would nevr do such a thing!!
02-02-2005, 04:47 PM
Treebeard would never do such a thing!!
He called himself "Treebeard" :rolleyes:
02-02-2005, 04:48 PM
it must have been Treebeards evil twin brother who is never mentioned in the books!! And hence he is seeking... REVENGE!!
02-02-2005, 04:51 PM
it must have been Treebeards evil twin brother who is never mentioned in the books!! And hence he is seeking... REVENGE!!
Whoever it is he went screaming "He found them" across fangorn forest :D
02-02-2005, 05:56 PM
why are we conversing!! we are ENEMIES!!
02-02-2005, 07:58 PM
why are we conversing!! we are ENEMIES!!
Okay (lops of your head) :rolleyes: :D
02-03-2005, 07:20 AM
hey, thats unfair!! fine, I shall defeat you from the heavens
02-03-2005, 12:31 PM
hey, thats unfair!! fine, I shall defeat you from the heavens
Lightning? Doesn't look like rain.
Okay, I'd better look out! :rolleyes:
02-03-2005, 12:37 PM
By now the Hurons have laid waist to minus tirith without loss.
10 Dragons arive, each with 10 knights (in arms and armor like there emperor)
and a rider who aparently rides it like a horse.
The hurons begin planting themslelves in a ring around the city.
02-03-2005, 12:40 PM
Hurry little Hobbits, The so -called emperor is as usual lost on his way here,(Valar if he ever gets to Minas Tirith i'll be very surprised!) Get here soon and convince me that I need to fight for Gondor. Hurry , I can't wait all night.or a pretty serving maid may distract me before you get here!! ;)
He he, I've laid waist to minis tirith now and have started build my own!
(But this flat land anervs me)
Meriadoc Brandybuck
02-03-2005, 12:45 PM
Where in Middle Earth did he find these dragons?
You do know that you have opposition, Mr-take-over-the-world, don't you? And while you were chatting, all but one of your dragons are dead. Hit in the soft spot, they were.
02-03-2005, 03:08 PM
Where in Middle Earth did he find these dragons?
You do know that you have opposition, Mr-take-over-the-world, don't you? And while you were chatting, all but one of your dragons are dead. Hit in the soft spot, they were.
Huh? I thought this breed didn't have a soft spot. :confused:
Oh, there it is :o
You must be good archers!
I can see why you couldn't get my dragon, it's got exra body armor.
Good thing dragons are good eating, better check these arrows for poison first!
02-03-2005, 03:17 PM
Me to one of my riders:Go back to the north, keep to the east of the Anduin, and call our allys in Rhun. Go quickly now!
Rider:But I am dismounted! My dragon is dead by hobbit arrow!
Me:Ride this horse I found in the ruins of the city.
He goes out and at the rim of the huron blockade shows his shield and goes on very fast.
02-04-2005, 07:30 PM
but then a huorn spy for gondor kills him.
Meriadoc Brandybuck
02-05-2005, 10:33 PM
Huh? I thought this breed didn't have a soft spot. :confused:
Oh, there it is :o
You must be good archers!
I can see why you couldn't get my dragon, it's got exra body armor.
Good thing dragons are good eating, better check these arrows for poison first!
Of course! All dragons have a weak spot. Even I, a hobbit from the West, know that.
Just two questions I'd like an answer to: What is the name of the land that you come from and why are attacking? To take of Middle Earth? HA! :evil:
02-06-2005, 11:38 AM
I shall now summon the Wind Lord Manwe!! That takes 1,000,000,000,000 Magic Points!! Oh wait, thats Final Fantasy. sorry bout that
02-06-2005, 05:24 PM
Oh Valar I've been away only days , admittingly conversing with the barmaid at the Chestnut mare , and all goblin hell has broken loose. Please kill this Emperor thing oh mighty hobbits or I may have to leave my ale and barmaid, to assist you, and I shall not be amused! :mad:
02-06-2005, 07:55 PM
in the dead of night I sleep into the emporers camp and slay him. so he is dead, we win the war, and I get lots of gold, fortune, and hot Hobbit chicks!!
02-07-2005, 04:30 PM
in the dead of night I sleep into the emporers camp and slay him. so he is dead, we win the war, and I get lots of gold, fortune, and hot Hobbit chicks!!
And I get the ale and barmaid, bring your hobbitesses with you and we'll have a party.PS don't tell Sauron :eek:
02-07-2005, 04:35 PM
IT WILL BE A VERY SECRET PARTY!! oops... I think he heard.
02-07-2005, 09:00 PM
in the dead of night I sleep into the emporers camp and slay him. so he is dead, we win the war, and I get lots of gold, fortune, and hot Hobbit chicks!!
Of corse, you are killed by still loyal knights right after you kill me.
The forces of the north go back north, carying their dead leaders body with them.
Now I will leave you to party. :D
02-07-2005, 09:36 PM
wven if I die, I still killed you!
02-08-2005, 03:27 PM
wven if I die, I still killed you!
Don't care little hobbit come back as a member of the army of the dead for all I care :evil: You hobbits deserve a party, Don't be late or you'll miss the dragon curry!!! :D PS bring a bottle this Inn doesn't serve decent wine!! :(
02-08-2005, 03:42 PM
I'm here!! I've brought some of my dead friends!! is that alright with you guys?
02-08-2005, 06:39 PM
And I get the ale and barmaid, bring your hobbitesses with you and we'll have a party.PS don't tell Sauron :eek:
I don't think he servived the ring insadent. :rolleyes:
(This one takes place in the 4th age)
02-08-2005, 06:47 PM
you can never be to careful in this day and age my fellow-dead-emperor
02-10-2005, 09:07 AM
you can never be to careful in this day and age my fellow-dead-emperor
Exactly! you never know who's going to gatecrash your parties these days! :mad:
Bring who you want, Oh and dead Emperor your'e invited too :D
Meriadoc Brandybuck
02-10-2005, 05:28 PM
Wow. I leave for two days and find that the emperor is dead and there's a party going on. A bottle of the Old Winyard it is!
02-11-2005, 08:41 AM
Where can some good Elvish DJ's be found??
02-12-2005, 06:23 PM
Where can some good Elvish DJ's be found??
There aren't any :( Perhaps a couple of (boring ) men may be able to priovide some semblance of music :eek: Who cares, :D
02-13-2005, 03:34 AM
not interested then
02-15-2005, 04:54 PM
Sorry , then you'll miss out on all the fun, Orcs are expected, :evil: The party may get interesting, however if you are not interested??? :cool:
02-16-2005, 08:29 PM
not interested in the Men Dj's, they don't have mhad skilllllllls like the Elves
Meriadoc Brandybuck
02-17-2005, 06:51 PM
There aren't any :( Perhaps a couple of (boring ) men may be able to priovide some semblance of music :eek: Who cares, :D
Bring on the ale and we'll make them dance, instead! :D As for me, I'll go... walk around outside.
02-18-2005, 10:51 PM
party pooper
02-19-2005, 09:22 PM
Bring on the ale and we'll make them dance, instead! :D As for me, I'll go... walk around outside.
Look out for roherem, they are a little testy sence they found out I snuck past them... :D
Do you think I should start a tread to talk about this adventer?
02-20-2005, 08:25 PM
a 'tread about this adventer'???
You speak Engrish fluently me9996
02-21-2005, 11:24 AM
a 'tread about this adventer'???
You speak Engrish fluently me9996
Hey careful! :eek: remember He's dead and can bring the army of the dead to the party!!! There's not enough ale, wine or dragon curry for that lot!! :eek: l
Meriadoc Brandybuck
02-21-2005, 04:23 PM
party pooper
No, I just don't particularly feel like getting drunk right now.
02-21-2005, 05:32 PM
Is this even stil remotely a RPG? It all sounds more like a spin-off version of the Tea Cup Café.
02-22-2005, 06:10 PM
you missed it when it was good Earniel
02-23-2005, 09:42 AM
a 'tread about this adventer'???
You speak Engrish fluently me9996
Oops, I can't spell.
Did I spell the tidle of a monk or nun?
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