View Full Version : The gaurdians of middle earth recrutment thread

05-05-2006, 09:38 PM
Please post here before you start the game. I want to know everyone's charactors names,races,weapons,armmor,& what animals you have,& your past, As well as your goals for the place you are gaurding.

05-23-2006, 12:59 PM
Could you perchance use an Oak Huorn?

Name: Oak Leaf
Race: Huorn (Originating from Limb Lithe Tree versus Ent)
Gender: Female

Area guarding: Fangorn forest.

Oak Leaf is a large Oak resembling a White Oak. She is rather gentle toward Men, Hobbits and Elves, but she is fierce and deadly toward Orcs.

05-23-2006, 05:03 PM
Name: Ming
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Weapon: The Dragon Spear
Armmor: Dragon scale
Animals: The steeds of Rohan. His is a huge white haired horse he calls Darga.
Background: He was born on a farm in Rohan. He was orphined at the age of 10. He was adopted by his uncle who taught him to care for the land and people. At the age of 17 his uncle died and Ming became the new King of Rohan. Made many friends on his juornies.
Goals: He wants to return Rohan to its former glory.

06-27-2006, 12:20 PM
Name: Jiana the Strong
Race: Lady of Rohan
Weapons: Sword and Shield
Armour: Chainmail and Helmet
Animals: Stallion called Destria
Past: Raised as a peasent in Westfold, Jiana was a strongwilled child. She joined the riders secretly, but was allowed to stay once she saved the king's life. Is 23.
Goals: To keep enemies from her home.

Green Rose
06-28-2006, 07:38 AM
Name: Linarryl
Race: Elven
Weapon: Bow and Arrow, rapier
Armor: None
Animals: Horse (black) called Nimoria -mare
Background: Comes from LothLorien, related to the high elven. Spent her whole life training in combat and magic.
Goals: To become known and make a difference in Middle Earth.

07-19-2006, 04:56 AM
Weapon:long sword and long bow
Background: An elf who has fought many wars even at his young age of 500 his farther was killed at the battle of the last alliance and since then he has a wish to kill all orcs and fight in the battle for middle earth he is high up in the elvish army and likes to play the flute and to sing songs of the days of old. Goals:to fight in the war of the ring and kill all orcs.