View Full Version : The Bs in middle earth... (Plus: the fat hobbit)
03-18-2003, 09:32 PM
Can the bs save the poof from the fat hobbit in middle earth? Will the bs find the secret? All that and much much more in... DUN DUN DUN...
The Bs lost treasure! Plus: saving the poof!
Okay, also, if you want to own a B, you can, there are a ton of places left... to own a B!
My character:
Lotty, (of course)
Owner of all the 2bs and one special 1b.
I am Fili (duh) and as always, I own all 4bs and one very special 1b.
I like any b, but I think that 4bs are the best.
I also ike 8bs, but they are not as good as 4bs:)
Lady of Rohan
03-19-2003, 09:20 AM
I am Lor, owner of the 3B's. I also own a very special 1B.
About the B's....does each have its own power or something? LIke, the 2B's can do something special, and the 3B's can do a diferent special thing ext, ext, or are they all the same, with just different numbers?
03-19-2003, 12:02 PM
ooc: Yes, and after we discover the b's power, we shall save the poof from the fat hobbit!
BTW: We need an (almost) evil person to be the fat hobbit, and (maybe) the poof. The poof is a little chubby poofy thing.
The story: In a giant cave somewhere in Middle Earth, (preferably the Anything Post :p ) all the people that own a B now, find the bs. This story takes place after they find the bs and stuff. We are living in lorien with the Bs...
BTW: You can still get a B! Just pm me or Lady of Rohan.
Ic: I sat looking out of the window in my treehouse. 'Twas the middle of the night and the glowing moss on a branch. I smiled, I could see LoR and Fili walking beneth my tree. I slid down a long slide to greet them.
Lady of Rohan
03-19-2003, 10:42 PM
ooc; could I possibly be the fat hobbit? Unless some one comes along and decideds to be him, can I?
When Fili and I saw Lotty slid down the slide, we walked over to her. We all started to walk through the woods, content with the beauty of the tree's and the singing of the brooks.
03-19-2003, 10:46 PM
ooc: Yeah, we need a fat hobbit, you can be him for now.
ic: In this wood, strange things had happened since the coming of the Bs. Magical things. Right now my Bs where in the shape of tiny purple jellyroll bears, (Fili: Hint hint)
Fred Baggins
03-19-2003, 10:59 PM
ooc: I'm Faith...Um...I guess I own 8b's...*Is very lost child*
03-19-2003, 11:05 PM
ooc: Okay, well, I have thought it over and have decided that we do not need Khamul to answer me. The Bs can be anything you want them to be. They all have a different number on them somewhere. Each type has a different normal form. Mine are small icy blue and white foxes with 2s on their chests. Does that clear up things?
Lady of Rohan
03-19-2003, 11:06 PM
ooc; Oh yay! My Lor print is in red and my fat hobbit print is in blue
ic; It was late at night. I was pacing along the edge of the hobbit hole. I was getting frantic....and hungry. I was pondering over my schedule. I was dou to eat a poof two days ago. I lived on poofs. I had to eat 1 every fortnight. If I didn't I would occasionaly get a strange glint in my eyes from time to time, and start drooling and halusinating(sp?) that things were tiny poofs (either that or I would start singing strange old sogns from the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones). I was getting hungry. I was also getting mad....the B's were always messing up my plans. The B's would always get to the poofs before I did.....but not this time. A plan was starting to form in my mind.
03-19-2003, 11:12 PM
ooc: I also have another character: His name is Lerintel, he is a small ferret that spies on the fat hobbit for the B owners. All my text for him is in purple
I crouched in the bushes near the hobbithole. My eyes flashed as I saw the fat hobbit pacing there... evil... my only reason for living was to save the poof, no matter what dangers I would go through. My sleek cream fur glistened in the sun if I was not careful, so I hid in deep shadow, unseen.
Lady of Rohan
03-19-2003, 11:12 PM
ooc; clears things up beautifuly Lotty! Mine will be little unicorns (orange, with blue, green, red, and silver manes and tail ((all of those colors are mixed, ya know, different strandes diferent colors?)) They have little 3's on there chests.
03-19-2003, 11:14 PM
ooc: *smiles proudly* Yes, I know that is wonderful, now Khamul doesn't need to pm me. Grrrr... that took long enough. * looks around for Khamul* Uh... j/k.
Fred Baggins
03-20-2003, 12:05 AM
ooc: That clears things up a WHOLE lot! Mine will be Mutant hobbits with 8's floating over their heads. Or in reality since Mutant hobbits are evil XD They will Wolves! Blue wolves with red and white polka dots! And eights on there head. Xp I'm different! OK, so I'm Faith the owner of the 8B's who are blue wolves with red and white polka dots and 8's on their to try and figure out what I am doing...
03-20-2003, 08:18 AM
O.K.... I'm here. Let's see... I own all of the 7bs don't I.... yes (I was REALLY tempted to put precious there, but I RESISTED, so WAHAHAH) Sorry, I'm o.k., really!
Anyway my name is Syle, just letting you know. My Bs are dancing various reptiles with Nazgul capes on. They have little 7s engraved in red on their capes, thus I wil always put the Nazgul thing at the top of my posts here.
In character: I was walking through the woods, just walking around when I saw Fili, Lotty, and LoR. I ran over to join them.
03-20-2003, 12:55 PM
ooc: Yes, you do own the 7bs.
ic: As Syle joined LoR, Fili, and I. The sun was rising and a shadow passed near me. I smiled. "Lari!" I said enthusiastically. A white wolf trotted towards me. Lari, of course, was my 1b. She could turn into absolutly anything, but was always white with blue eyes. My 2Bs, (still in the shape of jellyroll purple bears, Fili: hint hint again) were delighted to see Lari and turned back into the foxes they usually were. Lari knelt down and played with the 2Bs.
Lady of Rohan
03-20-2003, 06:37 PM
ooc; Can all of the 1B's turn into any thing they want? Until I find out, I am acting as the fat hobbit.....
It was late at night, when the fat hobbit pretended to be asleep. Waiting for Rosie to fall asleep, he started runnign plans through his mind. Once he heard Rosie breathing peacfully, he knew that she was asleep. The fat hobbit crept out of bed, and into the study. He sat down at his desk, and pulled out his map of were the poofs lived. He looked over the map, trying to decide which poof to invade first. He wondered what kind of plan he should make to try and eat another one. He dicided that he needed to go were to B's wouldn't expect him to. Now then.......were shall I go for then next?
Fred Baggins
03-20-2003, 06:43 PM
On my 1B, a dragon, I floated down to join the others, I recognized. Fili, LoR and Syle, and Lotty. "Hello there, is this some sort of meeting or something?" I laughed at the private joke I had made and glanced around. I am the nutcase.
03-20-2003, 07:54 PM
ooc: Yes, the 1bs can turn into anything, but they all have to be one color always. Like mine is white. They all are different colors.
ic: Lari barked at the sky and I looked up to see what was there. I grinned and waved.
Lerintel ic: I slipped into the fat hobbit's hole. He was lying in bed but I knew he was awake. I slunk around the bed, unseen. I laughed to myself, but the fat hobbit didn't hear. My padded feet where like fuzzy slippers, they made not a sound.
Lady of Rohan
03-20-2003, 08:03 PM
ooc; ok. My 1B will always be black, with brown eyes. It will always have very larhe feet as well.
We all continued to wander around Lorien. I glanced around. I saw my B's playing together. I walked over to them to see what they were up to.
03-20-2003, 08:08 PM
Can I be the poof for now, at least one of them?
All the poofs writing is in PINK!
ic: I was doing the usual. Poofing, what else? I sat up straight at the sound of thunder. I gasped. I rolled around helplessly and made squeaks. I started to pout, the fat hobbit knows where I am. I, am helpless, as helpless as a rock... or maybe not that helpless. You never know (BTW, can you tell I'm self-consious?)
Lady of Rohan
03-21-2003, 09:27 AM
ooc; Of course you can. If I can ba the Fat Hobbit, then you most certainly can be a poof
ic; Lokking over his maps, he noticed the close to the Lonely Moutains, there were many poofs. The fat hobbit had never eaten any of those poofs before. He wondered if they would taste better then the ones closer to home. "It is a very long walk to get there....maybe to long. Should I go for some closer to home? No, the B's know that I like to eat the ones closer to home. Maybe I should go for the far away poofs. The B's will never expect that!," The fat hobbit thought, pleased with his dicision.
Fred Baggins
03-21-2003, 11:26 AM
ooc: My 1B shall be always blue! Blue with green eyes!!! And purple polka dots. Ok maybe not the polka dots!
ic: The 1B sat down, and I slid off his back. "What's going on?"
03-21-2003, 07:54 PM
"Not much," I replied to Faith's question. "I don't know what's been going on with the fat hobbit, though. Any of you know?" I asked Fili, LoR, and Lotty.
03-21-2003, 08:13 PM
ic: I shook my head, "No, but Lerintel, my ferret, should be coming back with news soon." Lari perked up at the mention of Lerintel's name. I turned and saw a 2B pulling at my leg. Then he ran ahead. I followed him and saw a horrible sight. Lerintel was standing in the brush panting horribly. "Oh!" I bent down and picked him up. The poor ferret was feeble and limp. "What happened?" I asked him. He coughed, "Dragon..." That was all he could say. I turned to look at Faith's dragon then shook my head. "Faith, isn't your 1b the only dragon left?"
03-21-2003, 09:05 PM
ooc: what b's are left to own? can i be the poofs?
03-21-2003, 09:07 PM
You can be one of the poofs. You can have the 9Bs.
03-21-2003, 09:25 PM
ooc: So, lets see:
1bs- ALL
2bs- Lotty
3bs- LoR
4bs- Fili
5bs- Arwen, Daugter of Elrond
6bs- Drew
7bs- Syle
8bs- Faith
9bs- TRIM (you'll prob. want a different nickname ;) )
11bs- Evelynn
12bs- MO
13bs- Giroth
PM me if you figure out who owns the 10bs.
icc: " I thought all of the dragons had died out except for Faith's 1b," I responded to Lotty's question.
03-21-2003, 09:29 PM
Arwen, Daughter of Elrond owns the 5bs and Drew owns the 6Bs.
ic: I shook my head. "How could this happen?" The ferret lay limp in my arms. A tear started down my cheek. I ran toward my treehouse. I pulled myself up the stairs then ran to my bedroom. I lay Lerintel down and pulled the covers over him. He smiled weakly then fell into a deep sleep. I heard someone following me.
03-21-2003, 11:09 PM
I made my way into the treehouse. "Is he alright?" I asked. Lotty turned towards me, startled.
03-21-2003, 11:30 PM
ic: I shook my head, "I don't know." I moved so Syle could take a look at him, she winced. "I hope Lari can help him," I said quietly, "She is a good healer, but this is serious. If he is okay, he will tell us about the fat hobbit." The ferret lay still, breathing deeply.
03-22-2003, 01:06 AM
OK I have the 10Bs. Mine are little red ladybugs with dark blue spots.:D
My 1B will be teal with purple stripes and silver eyes.
Is that okay?
03-22-2003, 01:10 AM
ooc: Yep, of course that's okay.
03-22-2003, 12:14 PM
icc :"Yes, the fat hobbit."
I looked at the limp ferret, how he rested peacefully on the bed. I thought about the fat hobbit and how unimportant he seemed now.
"Still, we have to get news about the fat hobbit. Maybe we could send Faith's dragon... or my lizards. They're pratically indestructable."
I saw Lotty look down in sadness, possibly thinking about how her Lerintel would have to have a replacement.
I said to Lotty," It's not a replacement. Just a way for us to get news....uh, faster temperairily (sp)." Lotty sighed.
03-22-2003, 12:20 PM
Lari padded up the stairs. She walked swiftly toward Lerintel then looked up at me in distress. "A replcement will be needed, Lari cannot help him." I sat down on the bed next to the ferret. "You have a 1B, so does everyone else. Maybe they can help." Syle nodded.
Lady of Rohan
03-22-2003, 03:38 PM
I walked up the stairs of the tree house. "Oh, I hope he'll be alright!" I said to Lotty. Syle and Lotty filled me in on there plan to send a 1B to go and spy on the Fat Hobbit. "Adkins (my one B) can go for Lari, but just untill Lari gets better." I voluntered. "Or did Syle already want her 1B to go?"
03-22-2003, 03:41 PM
ooc: Lari is fine. It is Lerintel the ferret who is hurt.
Lady of Rohan
03-22-2003, 03:47 PM
ooc; Sorry! To many characers. Just forgot who was who. Sorry! :)
03-22-2003, 03:58 PM
ooc: That's okay
Lady of Rohan
03-22-2003, 04:35 PM
Now, I must plan how I will get to the poofs. If I plan to go to the poofs near the Lonely Moutain, I must make many stops. It is a good thing that every one thinks that I am a nice little fat hobbit." The fat hobbit muttered to himself.
ooc; Before I can continue with the FH (fat hobbits) plans, I need to know if this is taking place after the Ring adventure, or before (it would be better if it toke place after, but I don't care either way)?
03-22-2003, 04:57 PM
ooc: Yes, Rosie wouldn't be there if it was before.
Lady of Rohan
03-22-2003, 05:06 PM
ooc; oh yah! Whatever, I'm just stupid (don't answer that) :D
ic; Hmm...Now then...where shall I stop and travel through on my voayage? Hmm......I think that I should start off the same way as I did with Frodo (Hobbiton, Buckland, Old Forest [to see Tom Bombadil], Bree, Weathertop, Trollshaw, Rivendell). I guess that I can only go so far that way, untill I have to turn Noth East.
Arwen, Daughter of Elrond
03-22-2003, 05:31 PM
I want to join.:p
03-22-2003, 05:38 PM
Can I join?
LoR told me I had the 5b's though
Oh well I take what is left!
My name is MO
Arwen, Daughter of Elrond
03-22-2003, 07:08 PM
ooc: I have the 5bs. Lotty told me.
Fred Baggins
03-22-2003, 07:19 PM
I shook my head. "Uma(my 1B, uma means one) would never do such a thing. Sometimes I'd be surprised if she would hurt anyone trying to harm a poof!" That was my Uma all right, never to hurt a living thing. She did of course if they where going to hurt a Poof, but not other wise, and if so only by accedent, but even that was hard unless she lay down without looking, she like all other dragons had been was only the size of a horse. "Besides, she's been with me all day." Relizing I wasn't getting anywhere by telling them, I went up the tree house to tell Lotty.
03-22-2003, 10:11 PM
icc: While we were talking with Lotty, I volunteered my 1Bs. "Most evil things won't harm him because he looks evil himself." I recieved odd glances with that comment.
"Seriously. I'll show you. Blackish!! Here Blackish!" An evil looking snake slithers in, wearing a long dark green cape. "Good Blackish! Good boy." Lotty starts making desperate glances toward her ferret. "Don't worry, he's a vegatarian. Anyway, he's almost indestructable. Do you think he would work?"
Currently the snake had slithered up my legs, and everyone was taking a good long look at him. He had beautiful royal-blue eyes. He was a beautiful, sleek silver color. "So, do you think he'll work?"
Lady of Rohan
03-23-2003, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by Legolaslvr!
Can I join?
LoR told me I had the 5b's though
Oh well I take what is left!
My name is MO
ooc;Yes you can join. A,DoE has the 5B's. You can have the 12B's (I think that that is what we are at).
03-23-2003, 12:05 PM
ooc: Yeah, that's right, I tried to pm Legolaslvr! but her box was full. :(
ic: I looked at the snake. "I think he'll do fine... He will have to hide really well because of his eyes, they're really bright. but he could turn into something like a mouse." Lari sat next to me, bewildered. "Oh, you!" I kneeled down next to her, "We need you here, you can't go."
03-23-2003, 12:21 PM
Okay my name is MO,I have all of the 12b's and one special 1b
My 1b is this colour green with this colour polka dots!
03-23-2003, 12:37 PM
occ: Welcome to the RPG of the Bs and TFH!! Hope you have fun here!:D And if you're weird, can't speel or can spell extremely well, and have obsessions about things like Bs, poofs, and FHs, then you'll fit in VERY WELL here.:D
icc: "Yeah, he will." I spoke to the snake. "Blackish, you can go and spy on the fat hobbit. After you see what he's doing, come right back to the tree house." "Is that all right with you guys?" I asked them.
"And Blackish, if anything catches you and needs to speak to you, cover yourself up with your cloak and look down, so they can't see your eyes. Stay in the forests; and what ever you do, don't travel on the roads!"
03-23-2003, 02:29 PM
ic: "Fine with me." I patted Lari's head.
Lady of Rohan
03-23-2003, 03:59 PM
ooc; Looks tike TFH (I) will have to start making some plans before Blackish comes by so that he'll have something to report! :)
ic;"Now, were did I put those maps..." The Fat hobbit muttered to himself. Reaching into the drawer, he pulled out a few maps. "Ahh yes. These will do nicely," he said. Laying the maps out on the desk, TFH looked over them. Drawing a line through the path he was going to take, he realized that, to get to The Lonely Moutain, he would need to either go through Mirkwood, or around it. "Oh whcih shall I do? I've heard all of Mr Bilbo's stories about the spiders in there, but going around Mirkwood, would mean weeks without a poof to eat. What shall I do....." he thought aloud. TFH spun around, thinking that he had heard rustling under the window. Cautiously geting up to look, TFH crept closer to the window. He quickely leaned his head out but didn't see anything, except a little peice of green fabric, cought on the bush.
03-23-2003, 04:02 PM
ooc: Okay Oh! I gotta be the poof
ic: I looked around, the thunder had passed. I sighed and poof my way over to my poof nest. It looked comfy on a stromy, dark night.
I'm a little lost.... help me out here
I will post my stuff in deeppink
I join the group again, still a bit confused. I walk up to the owners of the bs and ask, "What is going on? I posted on here once, and I forgot to post again. Can you guys help me? What is going on?" *twiches* "I dont want to read the whole thing.... it is longgggggg. U know?"
03-23-2003, 04:09 PM
ooc: You may not want it in deeppink 'cause that's the poof color. Well, with Syle, LoR, Faith, you and I, we are in Lorien still. The fat hobbit is LoR and he is in the Shire. Right now Blackish, Syle's 1B is going to get TFH.
Lady of Rohan
03-23-2003, 04:11 PM
ic; I started to explain to Fili what had already happened. "Lotty's ferret was attacked by a dragon. We sent in a substitute B to go and spy on the Fat Hobbit. The poofs are afraid of the thunder storm, and the Fat Hobbit is making plans to go and eat some more poofs," I explained.
EDIT; Lotty snuck her post in before mine.
DOUBLE EDIT; Lotty's ferret isn't a B
03-23-2003, 04:12 PM
ooc: Lerintel is not a B. HE is a regular talking ferret.
I will post in limegreen Is that okay?
Who is a ferret?
03-23-2003, 04:15 PM
ooc: Lerintel is a ferret
03-23-2003, 05:06 PM
occ: O.K., I'm gonna be Blackish, k? I'll post his in sienna.
icc: I left the tree house. The way that Syle had acted, this fat hobbit was dangerous. I better be careful. Who knows what he would do if he caught me? Now let's see... she said stay off the road. So I'll go beside the road and if I hear anyone coming, I'll get out of sight. Now gotta find the road.... I found it a couple miles later. O.K., I've been to the Fat hobbit's hole before, so I know how to get there. I followed the road for a while, and very soon , it was dark. Here I am. Here is the fat hobbit's hole. Must be very careful, and quiet now. I approached an open window quietly. I slithered up the branches when, I knocked over a leaf. I heard the fat hobbit's approaching footfalls and knew what to do. I coiled up under my cloak drawing all of me under it. I heard him look out the window and say to himmself ,"Just a strip of cloth. Nothing to worry about."
03-23-2003, 05:20 PM
I'm gonna be Lari for a second.
ic: I turned into a mouse and followed Blackish. I caught up with him and grabbed hold of his tail, "I wish to come with you." I whispered. Blackish turned, startled.
03-23-2003, 05:53 PM
I don't completely understand,but I am Giroth,and I want a B!!!!wOOt!
03-23-2003, 05:55 PM
ooc: You get the 13Bs. They can turn into anything but have to be one animalish thing usually.
03-23-2003, 06:10 PM
03-23-2003, 06:12 PM
OMG!!! I almost forgot. You get a special 1B that can change into anthing, can talk, but must always be one color.
Hmmmm... who is who is Lari?
My 1B is Meep, and Meep is
03-23-2003, 07:01 PM
ooc: Read? Hello. You haven't been here for a long time, you need to read the whole thing. The newBowners don't because they're new.
Lady of Rohan
03-23-2003, 10:05 PM
ooc; What are newBowners? Sorry, I'm stupid so I don't know.
ic; Returning to his desk, the Fat Hobbit started to look at his maps again. "Now....first I'm at Hobbiton...then I go through The Old Bree.... after that Weathertop......through Trollshaw.....pass through Rivendell. Tis a shame all the elves left.....I'll have to pass over the mountains. Or maybe comes Mirkwood. Which shall I do?" The fat hobbit muttered. "If I go through it, that means more danger. If I pass around it, then that means a longer journey...." The decision weighed heavily on the fat hobbit's little brain. "I guess that I shall have to go through. Though I don't fancy the danger risks, my poor stomach shan't be able to last if I don't take the short cut" Having made his disision, the Fat Hobbit, traced a line through his map, planning out were he would travel through. Being comtent with his choices, he went off to bed. As he crept in the room another thought struck him, "What will my excuss be? What will the reason be for me t leave for that long?"
03-24-2003, 03:28 PM
icc:I listened for a while to the fat hobbit's plans. After I had heard that he was going under the mountain, I left. Now I had to make it back safely. I was going along, beside the road when I heard something behind me. I turned aroung quickly. It was Lari. " It's only you," I said. "I have found out about the fat hobbit so now I'm going back to the treehouse, like Syle told me to. You may come with me, is you wish."
ooc: Hello, Giroth! Welcome to the RPG about the b's and the fat hobbit! It's great. Hope you have a good time here.:D
03-24-2003, 05:41 PM
Thank you!:D
I am a bit confused about all the Bs,but I guess
my special B is called Serira,and is;
sky blue!!!!!!!!wOOt!
ok,what's next?
Lady of Rohan
03-24-2003, 05:43 PM
The Fat Hobbit went back to sleep. As soon as morning came, the fta hobbit went back to his desk. He had been thinking about his excuss to leave. He hadn't thought of anyhting, so he dicided that he would just think of that when the time came. Sitting at the desk, he started to look through the book that Bilbo had written. "There and Back Again," had been its original title. Many other titles had been written under it. Flipping through the book, he stopped at the chapter that described his journey through Mirkwood. The Fat Hobbit was worried about the whole journey, but going through Mirkwood was especially troubling to him. He would also have to figurse out, what he was going to do about the mountain. He could go through The Misty Mountains, or over them. He remember what had happened the last time he went through the Misty Mountains, and he also remember what had happened when he had tried to go over them. But then Gandalf, had said it was because Cahradis (major(spl?) spelling) wasn't fond of Dwarves, and Elves, hadn't he? Well, I think that I shall attempt to go over it. Now Mirkwood. I shall follow the Old Forest Road. Making a mental note, to bring LOTS of water when traviling through MIrkwood, he went to get breakfast ready.
ooc; I'll try and speed things up with TFH (I know that I am doing a lot of rambling and planning, but I think that most of it is necisary ((spl?)))
Lady of Rohan
03-24-2003, 05:45 PM
ooc; I don't really know what is next. I am trying to hurry things up with the fat hobbit so that we can get started on the journey to save the Poofs
03-24-2003, 05:46 PM
Ack!I'm lost!Help me out,please......I don't understand completely........:(
what's the ooc mean?
what's goin on????
Lady of Rohan
03-24-2003, 05:52 PM
ooc; ooc means off of course (at least I think), so when you are asking a question, or posting something that isn't part of the story, you say ooc. ic means in course, so if you ARE saying something that is part of the story then you can put ic
ooc more; on page 3 we explained what was happening to Fili.
03-24-2003, 06:03 PM
ooc:Hey thanks that helps a bit:Dheheheh
03-24-2003, 06:42 PM
ic:I headed up to LoR and Lotty and asked them what was going to happen next
ic: "Lotty doesnt seem to be on the RPG forum at the moment, and neither is LoR.." Sad.
03-24-2003, 11:22 PM
icc: I made my way with Lari back to the treehouse. Syle was over-joyed to see me alright. I could tell she hadn't gotten much sleep last night.
I heard a rustling, then Lari and Blackish appeared. "Oh, you're alright!" I exclaimed to Blackish and Lari. Giroth seemed startled to see a snake in a green cloak. I said "He's Blackish. He went to go and spy on the fat hobbit for us." He (or she. I'm soso sorry if I'm wrong about that. I'm terrible at trying to guess genders from text.) relaxed.
03-25-2003, 01:30 AM
ooc: Giroth is a she
ic: I smiled at the little white mouse that scuttled into the room with Blackish.
Lady of Rohan
03-25-2003, 09:08 AM
ic; I was extremely happy to see them back alright. I went over to them to make sure that they were ok. They were, so I asked if they had found any news about the fat hobbit.
03-25-2003, 10:31 AM
ic: Everyone was celebrating my and Lari's (grammer error) safe return. LoR asked us what the fat hobbit was planning. I said," He is debating about what to do about the mountains; whether to go under them or over them. When I left, he had said that he wanted to go under them, but as I was leaving, he said that he needed an excuse to leave for so long. He seemed very upset by this problem, and I don't know when he's going to leave. I do know his basic route, though. That is unless if he changed it. He will basically follow the route that he took with Frodo and Aragorn. The he will go throgh the mountains. I don't really know what he's going to do about Mirkwood.
"Good, he'll be easy to track," I said.
oc: Giroth, I'm so sorry about that. I really do stink at guessing genders from text, unless if they go out and say it.:o :(
03-25-2003, 06:14 PM
ooc;It's all good here,ok?:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
keep the story goin:DWhat will happen to Giroth next?Boodidlies?will they come in sometime?:D
Lady of Rohan
03-25-2003, 07:09 PM
ooc; Yes yes, I was just getting to the Boodidilies (they are coming very soon)
ic; He started working on his excuss. "Now lets see......I could pretend to go and visit Aragorn....or maybe just to wander around for a bit?" Still pondering this TFH cracked the eggs into the frying pam. "Good Morning," Rosie said walking into the kitchen. "How'd you sleep?" She asked.
"Good." TFH replied. "It is just that..." He trailed off his senence.
"What is it?" Rosie asked.
"Oh nothing," He replied
"It must have been something!" Rosie said
TFH saw this as a perfect oppertunity. He tried to look distressed, "I have been getting anxious. I want more adventure. I want to see mountains again. And trees. I feel cramed in, in this little place. I need a holiday." Not bad. He though. And I made that up on the spot and all.
"Oh. Maybe you should go for a short travel around." Rosie said meekly.
"Its not you!" he said honestly. "It is just that I need a tincey break. Maybe I could go on an adventure for awhile, like you said."
"Alright. If you are sure you want to go." she said.
"Yes. I'll go cheek over my maps, and see were I can go," he said, quickely running out of the room.
ooc; Ok. That wasn't very realistic, but I needed to hurry things up.
03-26-2003, 05:01 PM
can i have the 14 bs i think? and if i can have a the bs my 14 bs are: rabbits
and r the colour royal blue k?:D
occ: Yep. Thats fine.
ic: 'Did you hear that?' I asked. Everybody looked at me. 'What?' Lotty asked. 'I thought I heard something. Mabye I was just imagening.' I was really thinking, "Baybe they were Boodidlies," But I diddnt want to scare anybody.
03-26-2003, 08:44 PM
I Said to every one ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Im afraid of the Boodidlies!!!!!!
ic: 'Dont worry. It was just a noise...' Or mabye not! :eek: *starts to scream but is cut short by the bushes rustling again*
(the star was an 8)
03-28-2003, 08:58 PM
ic: I said,"Hush!" Everyone gave me a look like :eek: because I usually don't say anything like that. "Sorry, guys. Just a little moody today. But we should be quiet so we can see if it's the Boodilies who say Nee." I whispered.
occ: Hey, is the Boodilies who say nee thing ok? The people who haven't seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail might be a little lost, but I like it. If anyone disaggres, or if Lotty doesn't think it's appropriate (which I think she will) I'll change it. Ok?:)
03-29-2003, 06:39 PM
ooc: WHERE IS EVERYONE?!!! I'VE BEEN THE LAST POSTER FOR SOME 2 DAYS!!:eek: :eek: :confused: *sob* Please come back!!!:(
03-29-2003, 07:34 PM
ooc: Yeah, I have not been on for two days, yah, I have been on the street again... fun and educational! :p
The boodilies can say nee, but I think you should ask Giroth... she made them up.
03-29-2003, 10:21 PM
occ: Ok, I'll PM Giroth. And sososo glad you're back!!:) I was gone for 3 days, but I'm back now.
Lady of Rohan
03-29-2003, 10:34 PM
ooc; Hiya Syle! Glad to have you back! :D
Tha fat hobbit ran into the study, and grabbed his maps. He ran back into the kitchen, and sprawled his maps on the table. He started to mutter just loud anough for Rosie to hear. He spent the whole morning planning out his route. He gradually told his plan to Rosie, about going to the Lonely mountain.
03-30-2003, 11:40 AM
ic: The rustling was getting louder, and more frequent. Suddenly, it stopped.:eek:
occ: I left it hanging, so someone else can deside what's gonna happen.
03-30-2003, 01:35 PM
Uh LoR you can decide!
Lady of Rohan
03-30-2003, 07:10 PM
ooc; Decide what the rustling was? OK....
ic; We sat in silence staring at the bush. I started to creep towards it when out popped a squirell. I breathed a sigh of relife. I walked back to the group.
ooc again;I don't know who the boodidlie is, so I am going to be on for the moment. Unka?
ic again; I sat in the bush. I was proud of myself for thinking of throwing a squirrell out so thay they wouldn't find me.
03-30-2003, 07:33 PM
ic: I decided to ask a question I had been thinking about for a long time. "What would a boodilie do if one found us?"
Lady of Rohan
03-30-2003, 07:41 PM
"Well," I answered. "It would either try and kill us, or capture us and bring us back to TFH."
03-30-2003, 07:52 PM
ic: Lovely.:rolleyes:
occ: [bu bu bah bah] theme music... what will happen next...wait until the next episode of the RPG about the Bs..;)
ic: Meep is going to join now.
ic:I have a deep knowledge of boodillies. We must get out of here, and FAST!
04-07-2003, 07:32 PM
ooc: Fili, you don't have an understanding of boodilies, Giroth does.
ic: I turned and ran out of the clearing without looking back.
occ: I know, I guess that I will just have to not tell anybody anything about the boodilies.
occ: Lol, Giroth
04-11-2003, 11:36 AM
ooc: Yes, where is Giroth when you need her?
04-11-2003, 05:03 PM
ooc:Here I am!
Giroth came up to the others,who were unarmed.Giroth holds a big skillet in one hand."The boodidlies hide in hanging flower pots in your backyard..."Giroth started,"they fear only skillets.You must arm yourselves!The boodidlies attack without caution!Now where can we find some more skillets?"
04-12-2003, 02:36 PM
ic: I ran and got more skillets from my tree, I handed them out to everyone. I struck a flowerpot and heard moaning
04-18-2003, 10:01 PM
ic the boodilies still wwere running after us but then we decided to hind in the bushes. the the boodilies went the wrongv way and thought we went that way. so we took the other way....
ooc: no one as posted for a long time!!
Fred Baggins
04-20-2003, 03:40 PM
ooc: *sheepish grin* Sorry, but I have to drop out. perhaps we shall meet in yet another RP!
ic: Shhh....... we cant let them find us!
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