View Full Version : The Order of the Blue Flame

08-09-2003, 04:41 PM
Ok, I've tried this before and I stopped coming to Entmoot and the result was it went downhill and it just stopped. So...now I'm trying it again! If you have any questions Pm me and I'll sort it out. On with the story!

''The order of the blue flame is thought to be just a legend nowadays, but the story is known to all That Dwell In Middle-Earth. The order, as the legend goes, were wizards that broke away from the Istari long ago. They established themselves in their own comunity, and called themselves the Order of the White flame. Not much later, they began to get into disputes with themselves. There they fought against each other and eventually Split into Two-Groups. The ones that tried to keep the disputers together, named themselves The Order of The Blue Flame. The disputers called themselves The Order of The Red Flame. The two groups continued to Fight with each other. The reason for the splitting is not known, except that it was a great Power.
The Order of Blue Flame practiced white magic and kept peace and Harmony, but the Order of The Red Flame did unspeakable things of Horror and torment to everything that they saw and saught dominion over Middle-Earth.
Manwe, lord of the Valar could not let the war go on. So he came down, and as the legend says, brought terrible wrath and in some way he settled the dispute, and nothing was heard of either Orders ever since.''

The old man who was sitting in his Arm-chair told the youngsters that was gathered infront of him. A young lady, who was carrying a tray with a Cup of Ale and several glasses of Milk, came over and stood next to the old man.

''Now artamis, you now you shouldn't tell stupid tales like that to the children. You know fanciful things get to their heads and they go around babbling non-sense about stupid tales like that. Especially before their bed-Time!'' The woman began to hand out the Milk to the children and gave the glass of Ale to The old man.

''Nonsense! NONSENSE! It certainly is not nonsense melima! It's all true I tells'ya!When will you young people ever learn!'' The man took a swig of ale and fell asleep on the chair.

It was 9 o'clock on Midsummers eve. The SleepyDragon tavern was full to the brim with customers. The old village streets of Mortem were empty except for people going to the Tavern. The village of Mortem lay next to Mortem Mountain, which joined onto the Range of the White Mountains on the rohan side very near to Edoras.

There were many in the Inn, elves, men and some Dwarves. The barmaid, melima, was hurrying around serving at all the tables. I was stood at The back, near to where the Old man slept and was listning all thw while.

I watched as someone in a cloak headed towards the Old man. The Old man awoke. ''What may you be wanting?'' He asked.
The stranger pulled a chair up and sat infront of the Old man.
''Please, tell me all you know of The Order.'' He or she asked.
''Well I don't know anymore than the tale I just told. Ask Vasir over there, he should no a great deal more than me'' The old man pointed at me showing the stranger where I was. The stranger got up and walked over. I gripped my Dark Blue staff tightly, and placed my other hand on the Hilt of my sword.

When the stranger came forward I saw what He (she) was. The stranger sat down.
''My name is....''

Dreran the Green
08-09-2003, 05:02 PM
...Vahaie." said the female wood-elf, taking off her cloak to reveal dark brown hair and peircing eyes. "And your name is Vasir? The old man over there told me you know about the Order." Vahaie saw that Vasir was gripping the hilt of his sword, and gave the faintest of smirks.
"You think I'm a threat? Or perhaps you just haven't killed anything in a long time? All I want is information, if you're willing to give it"

08-09-2003, 05:09 PM
"Indeed! That is why I am gripping the hilt of my sword." He relaxed his grip. "The Old man has told all that I am willing to say," He stopped and lowered his hod to reveal a fair face and eyes that seemed to bore into the head of the female elf, "Unless your need is great? Come, tell me, why do you wish to know of the ancient Order?" He asked shifting his staff into his other hand.

Dreran the Green
08-09-2003, 05:18 PM
"What the old man told was just a story, one I have heard many times before. To be honest, there is no dire reason why I wish to know, just that I am fascinated by the Order, and I always wondered what happened to them..." She trailed off and noticed Vasir's staff. "You don't look like you would need a walking stick." she said as if insinuating something.

08-09-2003, 05:28 PM
"Yes, I see what you mean. Well, I can tell you one thing. The story is true." He looked around at the crowd.

Dreran the Green
08-10-2003, 12:22 PM
Vahaie nodded. "I knew it!" she said hushedly. " I always believed it did, but, how is it you knew?"

Lady Arwen56
08-10-2003, 02:45 PM
I'll join!!

Name: Eviana (Evan for short)
Race: Elvish Warrior
Description: Raven black hair that falls to my waist, and round ice blue eyes, tall, and slender.
Personality: I have a slight temper, but other then that, I remain quite calm.
Animals: a daemon (if you want to know what it is, just ask me) in the form of a Peregrin Falcon. A pure white horse named Panimine.
Weapons: Hidden daggers, A blade called Terren, arrows, and a bow.
History: No one knows much about me, I have no family, they all died in a war against the orcs, and I keep to myself, barely ever being noticed, I really don't talk to others either, not unless it's fairly important.

ic: I walked quietly into the Sleepy Dragon tavern, holding my hand over an open wound, so no one would frett over me. I walked over to the bar maid, having known her since I had first entered this place ten years ago.
"Melima," I whispered, my voice strained, and weak, because of the loss of blood. She snapped around to face me, and smiled sweetly. "Evan! It is nice to see you back here! Oh...wait...what's that..." She said, pulling my hand away from the wound on my lower stomach.
"Good heavens! Child, where did this happen? How did this happen?" Melima asked. "I was attacked...by...orcs..." I fell to the ground, unconscious.

Lady Arwen56
08-10-2003, 11:20 PM
ic: I stared into the flames of a blue fire, my gaze intent on watching it dance. I was in the miiddle of a beautiful forest, that suddenly began to fade. "W-what?" I said, standing up. The red flame began to surrounded me, growing closer, and closer until I fel that I coukl not breathe anymore. I let out a peircing scream as the red fkames brushed my skin, and left it dead, and scared. The inferno was impossible to get out of, and I thought I was going to die, when the blue flame came back, and it seemed to fight off the red. I saw a figure, he was shadowed, but held a blue staff, He reached out his hand...and then...pulled me out...
I woke up with a start, and Melima turned to face me. "Child! Your awake! Good! You gave us all a good start, I mean, falling down like that so sudden!" I smiled softly. Melima was so naive, yet so kind.
"Did you have any dreams?" "What? Oh, n-no." I lied. Then it clicked. "Melima, Melima, wasn't there a man with a blue staff when I arrived at the Sleepy Dragon?" I asked. "Oh, yes." Melima said, wetting a cloth. She put it up to my head, and pushed me lightly down onto the bed.
"What is his name?" "Oh...it's...oh it's on the tip of my tongue...Ah! His name is Vasir." "Is he still here?" "I think so, yes." "Good!" I jumped up, and walked room door, going quickly down the stairs as Melima called for me to come back and lay down.
I stopped at the bottom step. There he stood, talking to an Elven girl. I approached him, and their whispered converstation stopped. "Vasir, I assume?"

08-11-2003, 12:48 AM
I will join as well.

Character: Kiara
Class: Water elemental mage
Race: Sea-elf
Hair: A vibrant turquoise, curly and long, with a thin braid coming down over her shoulder, decorated with small seashells
Eyes: The color of tropical seas when you get far from shore
Clothes: Kiara wears very little, underwater, as is the custom of sea elves. When she goes on land, she dresses in skintight leggings and what we call a tube top.
Weapons: Underwater weapons are designed to be fast, and hers are no exception. She wears long blades shaped like fins strapped to her forearms, using them to deadly effect. (Those of you who have played Zelda: Mask of Majora, think of the Mikau-link's boomerang fins)
Jewelry: The one bit of jewelry Kiara wears is a delicate silver circlet on her head. Hanging down slightly on her forehead rests a pendant set with an aqua jewel.
Distinguishers: Kalile has irregular lighter patches on her dusky brown arms. She also walks rather differently from land dwellers.

I'll just wait for a good spot, here.

08-11-2003, 01:06 AM
ooc: i'll join

Hair:Black, waist length
Complexion: a dark golden tan
Clothing: A silver dress with long sleeves that flare out. Saphirre designs spiral along the border and a star in the middle.
Companions: A tan horse, Rhiddyn, and a husky puppy, Aeldar.
Weapons: A sword and a small axe.
Specail item: A necklace that glows like a star in the moonlight. Can also be worn on her head with the star on her forehead.
Personality: Kind and gentle but harsh when need be.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-11-2003, 01:44 AM
ooc: Hee hee Kalile looks like your trend continues yet again, minus Legoles.:)

ic: Rylkin walked into the SleepyDragon Tavern. Immediatly he saw them a cloaked figure with a blue staff, and two young elven ladies. Rylkin seated himself in a corner after getting a pint, and watched the trio speak in hushed tones.

08-11-2003, 02:27 AM
Melia walked into the SleepyDragon and sat quietly in a corner surveying the area. Her necklace began to glitter slightly though it was not night.They are near.

08-11-2003, 06:00 AM
ooc:You are all welcome!! I think I have more carachter's than last time!! Yay!!!:D :D :D :D

ic: I stopped as I saw another elf approach.
"I am. Why do you ask" I said looking sternly into the eyes of the newcomer. They seemed to bore into the skull of the elf, looking not at her, but for something deeper.

Lady Arwen56
08-11-2003, 12:08 PM
"I am Eviana Brownwood, I had a dream, and I had hoped that maybe you could interpret it?" Eviana whispered.

08-11-2003, 04:42 PM
"What was it about?" I asked still looking at the elf.

08-11-2003, 04:45 PM
Melia leaned back in her chair and her necklace began a steady glow. She hid it so not to attract too much attention to herself. Think Blue. No longer Red.

08-11-2003, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by Gulio, Strength of Many
ooc: Hee hee Kalile looks like your trend continues yet again, minus Legoles.:)
Only because she's in California. :rolleyes: I guess I'm just a born leader. :p

Ic: Kiara stepped cautiously into the Inn, hiding her face in a large, shapeless cloak. Sea elves were not often seen, and often reguarded as demons or worse, so it was prudent to hide herself.
These clothes are so unwieldy! Why do land dwellers bother? The sea elf sighed and reminded herself why she was here. She had to find a Blue Fire mage and get him to teach her. It was only after long searches of every Library in all of Middle Earth that she had found out about this once powerful clan of wizards, and now she had to find one. There were rumors of an old man who knew the old stories, and was even a wizard of the Blue Fire himself. If only she could find him...

Lady Arwen56
08-12-2003, 12:18 AM
ooc: Yes, a born leader, and a good friend. :D

ic: Eviana releted the dream to Visar, taking care not to talk to fast. "...And then, I saw...I saw you, and you helped me out of the flames. Could you tell me what it means?"

08-12-2003, 01:46 AM
Melia watched as someone came into the inn, their face covered. Suddenly, an urge to hurt her came into Melia's mind.Oh no, not now. She closed her eyes tightly and stayed put, hoping the newcomer would not come to her.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-12-2003, 03:57 PM
Rylkin watched intently as the girl in the corner seemed to be having a struggle within herself. He walked over to her table and asked, "You are Melia, are you not?"

08-12-2003, 04:32 PM
Melia looked at the one that came towards her, "Yes, what is that to you?" She didn't feel like talking to anyone, especialy now.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-12-2003, 06:48 PM
"To me?" Rylkin replied, "Not much. You struggle, do you not?" He could tell she distrusted him. "Your strength will be tested. I am here to see if you will succeed or fail. Make your decisions wisely, trust no one. I must leave, I am not permitted to come in contact with you. I risk quite a bit just by speaking to you. If anyone ever found out....." Rylkin left the tavern, and entered the stables.

Dreran the Green
08-12-2003, 06:50 PM
Vahaie tuned out of the conversation Eviana and Vasir were having, and stood silently looking around. She noticed a woman with black hair in the corner, who was wearing a necklace that was glowing strangely. She seemed to recognize her from somewhere, but she wasn't sure.

08-12-2003, 08:03 PM
cool! me join now!

name- Celebre
race- half elf/human
gender- male
from- traveler
eyes- grey and deep with passion and melancholy
hair- wavy brown at shoulders
appearance- wears long cloak around him, keeps to himself around people.
weapons- very powerful sword
others- he is a ranger, and travels all over middle earth.

ie: Celebre walked into the inn. His sharp eyes noticed a group of people in the corner. He sat at a table near by. "Do you know of the order," one of them asked. His ears sharpened. "what is it to you?"The other replied. His heart was beating wildly. He slowly stood and walked to the table. "You speak of the order," He said to them. "I am Celebre, son of Hundir." He sat at the table. He saw two elves, a man with a staff, a woman and a dwarf. "Strange company indeed." He said to them.

08-12-2003, 09:18 PM
Melia was confused at the words the stranger had told her. Does he know? No, he couldn't.... She didn't want her secret getting out to anyone.

08-13-2003, 01:38 AM
Kiara's ears pricked at the words 'The Order', but she retreated farther to listen, her heart going a little faster. Backing up, she bumped someone.
"Sorry," she said hurriedly to the silver clad girl.

Ooc: Well, you said she shouldn't come near, so she did. :D I can't reist the urge to poke the metaphorical embers and see what happens next. (As a result, my metaphorical eyebrows are permanently singed off.)

08-13-2003, 07:10 AM
I Looked at them all. They all seemed to have purpose here. A purpose too important to be talking about in a small tavern where many strange people were there. Suddenly I sensed Red. I looked wildly around and spotted a cloaked person in black with red lining on his robes.
"Oh no..." I exclaimed, I turned back to the group. "Come with me quickly!" I hissed.
With a swish of my cloak I was out of the door and across the yard outside. I jumped a fence and with another swish I turned into an Alleyway. I scanned the area and sensed no more Red.

Dreran the Green
08-13-2003, 10:02 AM
Vahaie's gaze turned away from the woman with the glowing necklace, and she followed Vasir out the door. When they reached the Alleyway Vasir looked around suspiciously.
"What's all this? Is someone following you?" she asked.

08-13-2003, 11:00 AM
Celebre followed them out in a hurry. "I saw him," He said to Vasir. "How long have they been following you?" He asked him. All the time he kept his hand on thehlt of his sword.

Dreran the Green
08-13-2003, 11:03 AM
Vahaie noticed how tense both of them were, and quietly slipped out a dagger. "I'm curious Vasir," she asked, already sure she knew the answer "How do you know so much about the Order?"

08-13-2003, 11:40 AM
I sighed and turned to face them.
"I'm going to ask you to take an oath of secrecy." I said looking into the face's of them.

Dreran the Green
08-13-2003, 11:42 AM
Vahaie nodded solemnly. "by life or death, I won't tell a soul"

08-13-2003, 12:19 PM
"Good. And you?" I said looking at the other.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-13-2003, 12:47 PM
Rylkin shifted into a small rat and prepared to enter the tavern again. Just then he saw Vasir herding everyone out. He followed, darting here and there like any other rat.

08-13-2003, 04:02 PM
Melia looked at the girl who had bumped into her. The urge became stronger. Do it. Do it. The cold voice came to her from across the room. A man clad in black and red smiled at her.No! I will not......Do it. Do it! Now! She seeks the Blue Flame! Do not forget who you are! "No!" Melia cried aloud without knowing it. She quickly ran from the girl and out of the inn leaving many silent and confused. As she backed into an Alleyway, her necklace continued to glow but brighter but she did not care they were near. Melia sat agaist a cold stone wall and waited for the man in black and red to come. She knew he would. He had to.

08-13-2003, 08:51 PM
I'll join.

Name: Sulfea (wind-spirit)
Hair: Dark black, waist-length
Eyes: Golden, seemingly flecked with amber
Race: Elven
Gender: Female
Clothing: Dark brown or black
Companion: Hawk
Weapons: Two silver dirks.

08-13-2003, 09:30 PM
Celebre nodded, "I will, you do not know what it means to me." He said staring at Vasir with piercing eyes.

Lady Arwen56
08-13-2003, 11:15 PM
Eviana followed the others out, realizing they were having a private conversation, and was about to leave when someone touched her shoulder.

08-14-2003, 12:48 AM
Kiara blinked in surprise as the girl fled. What on earth?
Asking for the Blue Flame, however cautiously, unearthed deep suspicion and few answers. An old man, however, directed her outside. "The one you seek in out there. You'd better hurry and catch up!"
The sea elf thanked him hurriedly, and rushed outside, just in time to hear the oath of secrecy.
"I give my oath of honor as well," she declared, stepping closer, and inwardly imagining how it must look: a cloaked and hooded stranger of indiscernible race or gender giving a word of honor.
Kiara would not- could not- show her face just yet. But the anonomous promiser is not bound as tightly by her word. To make sure they knew she spoke with truth, she took one of her blades, hung on the inside of the cloak, and made a shallow cut across her palm.

"I give a blood oath." Kiara held out the bloody palm so all could see.

Lady Arwen56
08-14-2003, 12:59 AM
Eviana turned to see no one behind her, but the others were looking intently at her. She sighed. "Alright, alright, I have no idea what this 'Order' is, but I swear not to tell. You have my word, and my life on it." Eviana bowed, and frowned. Her peregrin falcon, Alexiel soared down, and perched on her shoulder.

Dreran the Green
08-14-2003, 01:31 AM
"We've all sworn, then" Said Vahaie. "Tell us your secret, Vasir. Please?"

08-14-2003, 06:37 AM
"Good, I hold you to this oath by life or death!" and at that he hit his staff against the cobbles on the floor and it cracked with a bang and a rush of wind blew past them all.
"The best way to tell you is to show you. Follow me." And with a swish of his cloak he turned and marched toward the mountain.

08-14-2003, 08:28 AM
I don't suppose its not too late for me to join is it?

Name: Gundin Manleg
Race: Dwarf
Hair:Barely noticable under a large peculiar helmet of mithriel, but it is brown/black and extremely messy.
Eyes: Black
Clothing: The classic dwarf clothes in a shade of dark purple.
Weapons: A mini axe with carved patterns of silver that seem to have a deep meaning but no body knows what it is.
Extra features: Gundin lost an arm long back and it is yet another one of his secrets what happened.

08-14-2003, 08:29 AM
Please join!

08-14-2003, 09:17 AM
Gundin sat in his cosy cave drinking ale next to a fair with flames flickering and ambers jumping out and hitting him on the nose, but he was too deep in thought to notice.
It was a small cave with parched walls of a strange shade of brown. It had one room where Gundin slept, ate, and did nothing all day as he lived alone and had done for as long as he remembered, he had no idea who and where his family were and he had just about stopped caring, he just sat in his cave, on his rug as the smell of him grew stronger day after night after day just thinking. Of nothing much in paticular, just of the past, and the day that his arm fell apart from his body.
It was unusual for a dwarf to want to be alone, but Gundin was unusual, he hadn't been disturbed for many years, decades as no-one went up the mountain that he dwelled under, no-one at all.
But this day was different, Gundin was just clambering under his blanket for the night, well for a few hours anyway before he went and skewered a black boar or a deer for the food of his next few days when he ceiling began to shake, rocks and pebbles fell from the roof as it wasn't a very well-dug cave, just the home of a former badger or something, he got hit on the head a few times by rocks, then the whole ceiling collapsed, he remembered figures falling down from the light, Oh how his eyes burned!
Then he remembered nothing more.

08-15-2003, 01:48 PM
Melia waited quietly against the wall for the man to come. Instead, one of his followers, Turihj, came to her. "My master tells me you disobeyed him in the inn today. Why?" Melia looked away, "I will not be his 'little' assassin anymore. Let him do his own work for I have seen to many deaths." Turihj put his hand on her shoulder, "They have clouded your vision. The enemy wants you to quit. You are a valuable...." "Pawn?" Melia cut him off. "Yes, that is all I am to him. Someone he can send out to do his dirty work so when the time comes, he cannot be blamed for it." Turihj turned her towards him and looked her straight in the eye. "He doesn't mean to make your life miserable Melia. You are his person he can turn to, someone to be there for him." Melia gave a smirk, "Yeah, only because I am his daughter." She stood, "Tell my father to find someone else." Turihj stood. He was taller than Melia but she didn't care. "He will be very upset with you. You know he will not stop to punish you.....severly." Melia got closer to Turihj and whispered. "If he can catch me." With that she turned and walked off leaving a very dissapointed Turihj behind. "Oh," she said turning back around, "Tell him to watch his back. For I shall be hunting it."

08-15-2003, 02:38 PM
I led them up a worn path that was very old. It was very dark now and the clouds had covered up the moon. I decided that we should make camp till the morning, so I stopped and waited for the others to catch up.

08-15-2003, 03:38 PM
ooc: Arcala can enter now.

08-15-2003, 03:44 PM
ooc: Alright already.:D

Sulfea noted the man that walked up the mountain with growing unease. He reminded her of someone, and suddenly she knew who...

"Hello, Chieftain," she said, stepping out from the shadows. "It is long since you have returned to the Mountain. What brings you here?"

08-15-2003, 04:02 PM
"I come hither from the village with strangers. They have all taken the ancient oath willingly so there is no reason to worry." I walked over to a small alcove in the side of the trail and sat upon a boulder. "Come and sit, Daughter of the Order. I will introduce you to our new member." I smiled.

ooc: Arcala, jusy some info. It has been a long time since the Order last had a new member so you should be a little shocked and questionative.

08-15-2003, 04:09 PM
ooc: Okay.

Sulfea was very confused. A new member? The Order never had new members. She sat down beside the Chieftain and asked what was in her thoughts, "A new member? Who is it?" As soon as the words had left her mouth, she had more questions on the tip of her tongue. But she waited until her first question was answered.

08-15-2003, 04:19 PM
"It is an elf girl. She had the dreams. She will join us. However, she was almost lost to The Order of The Red Flame. It was lucky that I interviened. The Red Flame was about to devour her, but I pulled her out in time." I looked down the path that I had just came at the figures that were slowly making their way out of the mist.

08-15-2003, 04:22 PM
"Does she come now?" asked Sulfea quietly, following Zavron's gaze.

08-15-2003, 04:24 PM
"Yes." He replied shortly. He was thinking and his thoughts were troubled.

08-15-2003, 04:31 PM
ooc: Er, I'm going to be out of town until Monday, and I don't know if there's a Internet connection there or not. If there isn't, then I'll post again on Monday.

08-15-2003, 04:32 PM
ooc: Ok.

Lady Arwen56
08-15-2003, 04:42 PM
Vasir turned to Eviana, and she shivered, his gaze seemed bore into her mind.

08-15-2003, 04:47 PM
ooc: were up the mountain now.

Dreran the Green
08-15-2003, 04:49 PM
Vahaie looked around. Everyone was busy climbing, Vasir was already at the top and staring at Evianna. She could tell something important was about to happen. She hurried to climb faster.

OOC: Better?

08-15-2003, 04:50 PM
ooc: I repeat, were up the mountain now and EVERYBODY else is climbing it not staring at me.:mad:

Dreran the Green
08-15-2003, 04:52 PM
ooc: oops. I thought you meant we were at the TOP of the mountain already. I'll edit my last post.

08-15-2003, 04:52 PM
ooc: I meant the people to fall into my cave to be you lot!
Guess I should have been more clear! Never mind,

Lady Arwen56
08-15-2003, 05:00 PM
ooc: *Sighs* confusing Zavron...very confusing...:confused: :confused:

08-15-2003, 05:04 PM
ooc: How about reading the last few post!

Lady Arwen56
08-15-2003, 06:18 PM
*glares intensely at Zavron* I haven't been on for the past two days, and have read the last posts. I just don't get them. I thought we were all the way up the moutian, but if you want to snap at me, just be warned, I can snap back. I apologize, and would appreciate it if you wouldn't guess something without knowing whats going on. Grr...

08-15-2003, 07:51 PM
:( Please please pleahz don't start fighting. :(

Ic:I have been brought to the very doorstep of the Order! I must be able to find a teacher here. Kiara smiled brightly to herself. Perhaps the assassins would leave her alone once she learned to defend herself with magic. She frowned slightly at the thought of all the assassination attempts. It wasn't like she was anyone important, or had offended anyone.... maybe it was the fact that when she got mad, something generally got blown up by accident.

08-15-2003, 10:11 PM
Melia watched a group of the Blue Flame climb up a mountian. So that is where they are......huh. She walked behind them hiding in the shadows. She had been taught how to dodge the light and stay in the shadows when she had first 'joined' the Red Flame. Actually she had been forced to join by the chieftan and because of her skill, he had made her his number one assassin.Melia suddenly remebered her necklace. Quickly she put it out of sight and hoped no one had seen it.How could I have been so careless? She cursed herself and continued.


Turihj walked into his masters council room. "Tell me she destroyed them..." His masters harsh voice called out of the darkness. "My lord, she.....well....." A loud pounding against the wall told Turihj his master was angry. "Did she say anything else?" His master said through clenched teeth. "Yes, she said t..to wa...watch your back. She said that she would be h...hunting it." His master stepped out of the shadows revealing the massive scar on his left cheek. "Melia will pay.....dearly." After that sentence, a cold laugh rang about the room.

08-16-2003, 12:03 AM
Celebre looked warily around, he ever kept his hand on his sword hilt, only for defence. He climbed up the mountain studying all the others around him. Something was uneasy about them.

08-16-2003, 06:08 AM
ooc: If you'd have read my last few posts you would have realised that I had stopped halfway to make basecamp and to Introduce Arcala into the plot. Please edit your posts.

08-16-2003, 06:10 AM
Originally posted by zavron
I led them up a worn path that was very old. It was very dark now and the clouds had covered up the moon. I decided that we should make camp till the morning, so I stopped and waited for the others to catch up.

ooc: Here's the evidence. We are not up at the top we have stopped for a rest, so EDIT!!!

08-16-2003, 06:20 AM
I stood as the group entered the alcove.
"Please sit and gather your strength we still have far to go." I walked to the back of the alcove and suddenly the floor underneath me gave way. I was quick enough to spring out of the way just in time.
"What in the name of Eru!" cried the group from behind me.
I bent down and picked up an unconciouss dwarf. The smell coming from him was rank. I walked over and magicked a blanket out of nowhere. I laid the dwarf gently down and gathered his belongings from the collapsed hole behind and laid them around him.

ooc: Is that allright with you Valaroma.

Lady Arwen56
08-16-2003, 08:10 AM
ooc: I've been saying this lately, but I'll say it again, scratch my last posts. lol. Again, sorry for the trouble.

ic: Eviana cried out as the ground collapsed around the feet of Vasir, but luckily he had quick feet, and jumped back before it went entirely in.
I looked at the others when he pulled a blacked out dwarf from up out of the mess. "Does anyone know him?" I asked the lot of them.

08-16-2003, 02:13 PM
"I do." Vasir said looking at him. "He's a travelling dwarf. A pest really. I have been trying to find him but he eluded me and dug deep into a cave as you can see. It wasn't a very safe one though." I looked at the newly formed ditch and shook my head.

Lady Arwen56
08-16-2003, 02:15 PM
"No, really, we hadn't noticed." Eviana snapped, rolling her eyes.

08-16-2003, 02:18 PM
Suddenly, a porcupine walked past Eviana and shot several barbs in the direction of her rump. They made their mark and embeded deeply into her backside sending her howling into the air.

Lady Arwen56
08-16-2003, 02:25 PM
ooc: WHAT???? You are mentally cruel man, positively cruel.

ic: As I pricked the animal's needle like barbs out of my *rump* (as Zavron so specially called it. lol) a large bird flying over head swooped down, and knocked Vasir over onto a sharp rock, making him open up the skin on his elbow.

ooc: We can go on like this forever. lol.

08-16-2003, 02:45 PM
Just before the bird swooped down vasir raised his staff and it stopped in mid-air. Slowly but surely the feathers started to drop out of the bird.

ooc: So can I.

08-16-2003, 02:48 PM
Melia chuckled watching them as they were 'attacked' by animals. Hoping no one heard her, she made her way up to a small cliff with which she could watch them from above. Suddenly, her necklace broke and landed in a bush below. No! She closed her eyes, hoping no one had seen it. Quietly she made her way down to where it had fallen.

08-16-2003, 02:52 PM
I let the bird go as the shock of feeling a very powerful magical feeling brushed past somewhere near. He spun on his heels and put his hand into a bush, he pulled out a necklace with a jewel which was glowing.
"Curious." He whispered and pocketed it so that he could study it later.

08-16-2003, 05:47 PM
Melia watched as someone put her necklace in their pocket. She would do anything to get it back. Soon, the gem began to glow so bright to could see it though it was hidden. Melia unsheathed her sword, ready if she was to be found.

Dreran the Green
08-16-2003, 06:39 PM
"I've seen that necklace before!" Said Vahaie as Vasir pocketed it. "A woman at the inn was wearing it...or one just like it. That's strange"

Lady Arwen56
08-16-2003, 07:23 PM
ooc: I discontinue this little *fight* of ours, Zavron, I feel that I will not ruin whatever friendship we have. Besides, I've gotten into internet fights before, it never turns out to pretty.

ic: Eviana let out a shrill cry as she lost her balance, and slipped. Thankfully, she landed not two feet down. She blacked out because of the intense pain flowing through her body.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-16-2003, 07:33 PM
ooc: zavron and Lady Arwen56, no fighting please!

ic: Rylkin chuckled quietly to himself as Vasir and company fell into the hole. He waited quietly as a cloaked figure for the company to get themselves out.

Lady Arwen56
08-16-2003, 07:41 PM
ooc: Who said anything about fighting? I wasn't fighting, were you fighting Zavron??? All I know is that I was being a tad bit sarcastic...but of course in a playful way. ;)

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-16-2003, 07:52 PM
ooc: Ok, I wasn't sure...it sure seemed like you two were at it yet again!:p dratthestupidninetysecondrule!

08-16-2003, 08:30 PM
Melia quietly came out of the shadows but she was still hidden. She knew one of the company would recognize her so she didn't know how to get her necklace back.

08-16-2003, 08:57 PM
Celebre looked at the necklace until Vasir put it in his pocket. Somewhere he had seen it before, not at the inn, but somewhere else. He looked around and sat down, making sure he didn't fall into the gaping hole.

Lady Arwen56
08-16-2003, 08:59 PM
Eviana woke up almost instantly, and tried to get out of the hole. "HELLO HERE!! PEOPLE, I COULD USE SOME HELP!!" She said, catching a peice of the dirt as it slid down.

08-16-2003, 09:07 PM
"Here, give me your hand." Kiara came out of her thoughts suddenly, although they made much more sense than all the wierd things that were going on. ;)

Lady Arwen56
08-16-2003, 09:09 PM
Eviana grabbed Kiara's hand, and pulled herself back over the side of the edge. "Thank you." She stood, and turned to Vasir. "Why were you looking for the dwarf?" She asked suddenly.

08-17-2003, 02:43 PM
"I..." I stopped short. I felt an evil presence nearby. I turned and lifted my staff. "Who's there?!" I said sharply, ready if anyone attacked.

Lady Arwen56
08-17-2003, 03:37 PM
Eviana took out her bow, and loaded it with an arrow, just incase something really was there.

08-17-2003, 03:43 PM
"I said come out!" I shouted.

08-17-2003, 03:45 PM
Celebre stood and drew his sword, he stood behing Eviana

Lady Arwen56
08-17-2003, 03:55 PM
"Show yourself, or begone evil one!" Eviana snapped.

08-17-2003, 07:29 PM
ooc: I'm back! But am I in the hole, or not in the hole? That is the question...

08-18-2003, 12:07 AM
Erm.. I think you're out of the hole...

Ic: Kira felt the surge of power within her, wanting out. Instead, she began strapping her long, fin shaped blades to her forearms.
I can't lose control now!

08-18-2003, 03:28 AM
ooc: Erm...does anyone know where Aewionen's got too? We can't continue without her. No one is in the hole. The hole is out of the picture for now.

08-18-2003, 02:50 PM
ooc: Okay, now I know I'm not in the hole. :D Don't know where Aewionen is though.

08-18-2003, 03:01 PM
Melia laughed and stepped out. "Hand me that necklace and perhaps I will help you out."

08-18-2003, 03:06 PM
"And how could you do that?" I asked drawing in my energy so that my staff glowed a brilliant blue, just in case she attacked. He could sense the Red Fire in her. She was a member of sorts in the Order of the Red Flame.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-18-2003, 03:11 PM
Rylkin watched as Melia met Vasir and his companions. He gripped the hilt of his sword, just in case Vasir tried to kill Melia. We can't have you killing her, he thought, That would ruin the entire plan!

Dreran the Green
08-18-2003, 03:22 PM
"I saw you in the inn," Said Vahaie to the girl, while reaching for her daggers "You've been following us? Why?"

08-18-2003, 03:53 PM
"You keep your hands away from your sword. Vahaie, watch him." My staff suddenly erupted into blue fire.

Dreran the Green
08-18-2003, 03:57 PM
"Allright!" I took out my daggers and twirled them in my hands, keeping a close eye on him.

08-18-2003, 04:01 PM
ooc: erm...I am a her.....did you mean Gulio?

ic: "Look, I don't want to fight any more than...well actually youy might want to kill me but well that is not the point! Just give me the necklace unless you want the cheiftan of the Rd Flame to find you!" Melia's anger bubbled inside her. She would do anything to get the necklace back. "I suggest you give it to me now." she said unsheathing her small axe. She was prepared for the worst.

08-18-2003, 04:22 PM
ooc: I was talking to Gulio.

I merely laughed at her last few words.
"He'll come after me? Why, I though he'd lost his marbles." I stopped laughing and my face grew grim.
"Fool!" I spat, "The meeting between the chieftains is not yet destined to be. He wouldn't risk his neck for that." I pulled out the small necklace and touched it with the end of my staff. The necklace burst into blue fire and disapeared.

08-19-2003, 01:09 AM
"What did you do that for?" Kiara was unable to keep the disdain completely from her voice," if nothing else, we had a bargaining chip for information. She wouldn't have dared give away our position if we had her necklace, either! I know she wouldn't," Kiara replied to the disbelieving snorts. "I wouldn't either." She touched the stone hanging from her circlet as she spoke.

08-21-2003, 05:43 PM
Melia showed no sign of shock and looked at the girl who had just spoken, "I did not intend to give your position away, you are right. This has happened before, some fool decides to try to rid me of Elenillar (the necklace) only to find they cannot do so. Elenillar was a gift, from someone I cannot tell." Melia breathed in deeply because of the pain on her shoulder. "Though the necklace cannot truly be destroyed, pain will come to me when someone tries." Melia's right shoulder went limp though she did not show it. I must not let them see my weak point. Suddenly, a small golden light appeared in her hand only to reveal the necklace a few minutes later. As she placed Elenillar around her neck, Melia said, "I will be on my way now. Farewell." She did not think they would let her walk away so easily but the the pain in her shoulder was too much to contain.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-21-2003, 07:16 PM
"Vasir," Rylkin said, stepping out of the shadows. "Do not harm Melia. She has a part to play yet in the battle of the flames. I can tell you do not trust me. I am not red flame, you would be able to tell if I was. Neither am I blue flame. My race has been watching the battle between the two orders. Usually we are content to watch such things, but not so this time. This war must stop soon, or the whole of Middle-Earth will be consumed by it."

08-21-2003, 10:45 PM
Melia stopped and turned to see the same man that had come to her in the inn. No wonder he knew about me.

08-21-2003, 11:33 PM
"So then, are you.... White Flame?" Kiara dared hardly breathe. This could be the answer to all of her problems!

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-21-2003, 11:35 PM
Rylkin looked at Kiara, "Yes, I am," he said.

08-21-2003, 11:42 PM
Melia gave a small step back in shock. The White Flame! "Really? I thought there were no more...." Melia felt a rush of relief sweep over her. Thank goodness.

08-21-2003, 11:44 PM
Kiara slowly removed her hood. "I am a sea elf, one of the races that declined when the orders split. Our opposites are the Balrogs, those who live in fire and evil. All sea elves are taught of the seperation of the white flame, and of the breaking of the origional White Flame race. I have been targeted recently for assassination; clumsy attempts, but still worrying. My people bade me seek a teacher of the Blue Flame, but one of the White Flame would be so much greater! I wish to learn of these orders, if you would have me."
Following her speech, Kiara removed her circlet, with it's blue stone, and held it out.
As soon as the cool stone left her Crown Chakra her control and power lessened significantly, but if she was careful she would be fine.

Ooc: Again, I'm kinda interfering here, but my idea was that there was the origional race of the White Flame wizards. When they split, they became the Sea Elves (maybe I should change it to Zoras) and the Balrogs. Some people still learn the craft, however, people of all races, but the combined healing and destructive powers of the White Flame have been lost.

Is this okay?

08-22-2003, 12:11 AM
ooc: fine with me

ic: Melia listened to what Kiara had said. "I too have sought after the White Flame. For many years too. I was taken by Drunin away from my mother and raised in the Red Flame. I was taught to fight and I learned quickly. Soon I had become his most skilled assassin. Drunin called me his daughter and foolishly, I believed him. Until 3 years back that is. My brother, Ardan, came to tell me the truth. I do not know where he is now but I pray he is safe. After finding out I had been kidnapped, I began to pull away. Drunin wouldn't hear of it and he put a spell on my necklace. It would not be destroyed but it would tell him where I was. That is why I followed you, something told me I needed to follow. So I did. Now I am here." Melia sighed and shook her head. I have been so foolish to believe Drunin! Curse him!

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-22-2003, 01:13 PM
ooc: I don't mind.:D

ic: "It would be an honor to teach you Kiara," Rylkin said, "But not quite yet. The matter between the red and blue flames must be resolved first."

08-24-2003, 02:23 AM
"Of course," Kalile bowed her head slightly, silently promising herself that the two flames and races would be united again.

Ooc: I'm just not sure Zavron will be too happy - I don't like it much when people mess around with my stuff, and this is a major change in the entire world he's created... if he doesn't like it I'll edit all my posts to that effect, how's that?

Lady Arwen56
08-24-2003, 02:52 AM
ooc; then I'll try and talk to him. Doubt he'll listen, but it's worth a shot. :)
ic: Melia had not noticed Evra, which was a shock to her. She had played the fool this whole time, trying to help Melia, and now this foolish chiefton was screwing her plans up.
"Melia!" She whispered sharply, trying not to direct attention to herself; it didn't work. They all turned to face her.
ooc: ZAVRON, jeez, get your butt back on the RPGs!! Lol, actually I can't be talking, I'm not on more then once a week for now. *sigh* :D

08-24-2003, 10:26 PM
Melia turned to find Evra, "Evra! What are you doing here? I must have been blind not to see you."

08-26-2003, 11:42 PM
I just realized! That idea is like the Dark Crystal, and everyone who's seen that movie is gonna think I copied it.
I didn't, I swear! It's just that there are only like thirty-something plots that can be created, and authorscan only change the details. I haven't seen that movie in years, so don't sue me!

Dreran the Green
08-27-2003, 05:20 PM
I love that movie:D It was created by the same people who did Labyrinth.

Lady Arwen56
08-27-2003, 06:40 PM
"You must be." Evra said sarcastically. "C'mon, let's leave them be." She said, walking over to Melia, and whispering, "How are we going to get out of here again?" while staring at Vasir.
"Sorry..." She whispered as the ydisappeared out of sight.

Melia landed on the ground first, and then Evra, with a thud. "Ouch." She muttered, rubbing her lower back.

ooc: Sorry, Aewionen, I figured we might want to do something to get this RPG back in progress. *blushes* Zavron!! Post!! :( It's getting lonely with no one on lately!! Grr...not to say that I've been on until today...grr again...

08-27-2003, 09:33 PM
ooc: May I please join?


Name: Anarwen
Race: Elf; more spcificly, a Lorien elf.
Wizard of the _____ Flame: Unknown as of yet. Though it shall be revealed eventually.
Looks: Anarwen is tall, but not too tall. (Around 5'7) Her hair is a light blond, almost silver in the moonlight, and she is always clad in deep green gown, with either a green or black cloak. She has deep brown eyes, which always seem to be alight, as if they were boring in to your soul.
Weapon: Like most Lorien elves, she is skilled in the bow, and has two daggers to go with it. But unlike most Lothlorien elves, she prefers the sword to the bow, and when fighting, she would rather be in the front lines, then behind with the bomen. Anarwen also carries a dark Green staff, but hardly ever uses it, and keeps it hidden.
Steed: An midnight Black Elven Stallion; by name of Namarie.

Hope that is alright. By the way, Hello Zav. I am/is/was Losillewen.

08-27-2003, 11:06 PM
Kewl! You can be part of the Secret Wizard Focus Group - I mean cult up in the mountains. *gasp!* if you're part of the group, and are Red Flame, then you're a spy!

08-28-2003, 11:29 AM
ooc: Hehe, yes, I know that I could very well be a spy.... *evil grin* :D But you do not know if I am, or if I'm not.
Oh, and also, please, please do not godmod my character.


Not too far away from the camp in which Vasir and his companions were, a dark figure stood eyeing them. A Staff was in her right hand, but even if you were paying attention to her, the staff would have been extremely hard to see, for it blended in well with the surroudning bushes. Swiftly, yet slowly at the same time, the staff dissipeared from her hand, and in its place was emptiness.
The Black cloak she was clad in hid most of her features, but you could still see her eyes, glistening like two diamonds, and her waist length hair, shining like silver. Another thing you would've missed if you looked at her, was that there was a horse behind her, a horse that was as black as the night without a moon, an even deeper black than her cloak; if that was possible.

Anarwen had been watching the group for a long while now, and was yet debating as to whether or not she should go up to them. Amazing it was, that the red flame had not stricken this company already; but they soon would - most likely.
"What is this? The Blue Flame and the Red Flame together, and no one got hurt?" Anarwen queried as she walked forward. With her features still hidden being the hood of her cloak, one could almost tell that she was the faintest bit sarcastic, but only the few who really knew her would be able to know if she really was. Anarwen's voice was like bells ringing on a frosty morning; a voice of hope to the good, and a threat of terror to the evil.
Slowly, ever so slowly, she removed her hood, revealing a deathly pale face, with bright brown eyes, and below her collarbone was the neck of a finely woven dark green gown.
"I am sorry, my name is Anarwen. Anarwen of Lothlorien."

08-28-2003, 10:54 PM
Kiara jumped inwardly, but had long ago learned not to show it.
"When the Red and Blue Flames meet with one of the White Flame, everything is fine. Who are you?"

08-28-2003, 10:59 PM
ooc: (Lady Arwen) that is okay, now I have something to post!:D

ic: Melia stood and brushed herself off. "You always know how to make an exit Evra." she said with a smile.

08-29-2003, 11:22 AM
"As I said before, M'lady," Anarwen said with a slight nod, "I am Anarwen, of Lorien." To few, being addressed as 'M'lady' would be very odd, but Anarwen had a tendency to treat people higher then they really were, in case they were of noble blood.
"And now that you know my name, what is yours?" She questioned, her eyebrows slighty furrowed. Something was amiss, she could sense it. Strange it was, that Vasir had not yet said anything; usually it would have been he to make the first comment, not someone from his company.
Yes, Anarwen had known Vasir long ago, but they had not parted on friendly terms, and no doubt he had not forgotten about it. Few knew about their Friendship long ago, that they had slain almost all evil, and were about to finish off the Red Flame, when tradgey struck. An arguement sprung up between them, and they both went their seperate ways. There might have been two or three wizards in Middle Earth now, who remembered them; and of course, those wizards would be the Red flame, who despised them.
"Eru shows his will in many forms, Vasir. Will you not welcome an old friend?" Anarwen said, her voice serene.

08-29-2003, 11:03 PM
Ooc: Perhaps it was fated to occur. (The argument) I read a novel about what would happen if evil was well and truly vanquished. The world was almost obliterated in a flash of white light. Perhaps the world has ways of taking care of itself, like making old friends argue.... Then again, I'm most likely reading too much into it. :p I do that a lot, tying things together like that.

Ic: "I am Prin - Lady Kiara," Kiara answered carefully, biting her tongue. You don't even know if she's friend or foe yet! she reprimanded herself, chagrined.
The other was ignoring her, at any rate.

Ooc: I'm assuming that you two fell over there... if I'm wrong, I'll edit it.

Ic: A movement caught Kiara's eye, and she looked over just in time to see two of their group dissapear silently from view. Without another thought she jammed the circlet on her head and strode over to the hole.

"Are you all... ah!" The dirt crumbled further underneath Kiara, and she fell, to land on something soft.

Lady Arwen56
08-31-2003, 12:51 AM
"I was never one for much company, was I?" Evra muttered, rubbing her back still. "I sort of feel bad for them, I mean, Vasir should have known right off I was of the Red Flame! For god's sake! My necklace was right around my neck! Hanging there, loosely!" She said, laughing.
"And him believing me about having that dream!" Evra said, lying. Inside she felt so confused; Why had she had that dream? She was of the Red Flame, evil, and maleviolent, not of the Blue, Protective, and Cunning.
"Melia...where are we?" She asked, not rocognizing the dark forest they had landed in. "I've never seen this place before."

08-31-2003, 03:27 PM
Thud! "Ow!" Kiara sat, stunned for a moment, then saw the other two.
"Hey! You guys, where are we?"

Lady Arwen56
09-01-2003, 06:25 PM
"Got me, I asked Melia, but she doesn't seem to want to answer." Evra said, turning to Melia.

09-07-2003, 11:16 PM
Melia gave a slight jump, "Sorry, something just looked familiar about this place. But I swear I have never been here before....." Melia tightly held her necklace. Something isn't right.

09-07-2003, 11:33 PM
"Well, how do we get back?" This place sent shivers up Kiara's spine. Looking up, she couldn't see the sky. Way up high, she thought she could detect some brown.
"Wait." The sea elf sent a blue spark jumping from her fingertip, arcing up to illuminate... rock.
We're inside the mountain! This forest is inside the mountain itself!

Gulio, Strength of Many
09-08-2003, 12:58 AM
"Greetings to you, Lady Anarwen. I am Rylkin, of the order of the White Flame." A movement caught Rylkin's attention, three of the 'company' had gone missing. He followed, and noticed a rather large hole in the ground. "Are you ladies alright?" he called to them.

09-08-2003, 11:18 PM
"Inside the mountain?" Melia said in wonder. "How would the trees get their sunlight? Is this of some magic tha...." Melia felt a could hand go across her mouth. She struggled thinking she knew who it was but the man was too strong. Quickly, and silently, he pulled her into shadow. "Are you ladies alright?" she heard the voice of Rylkin but then heard and saw no more.

Lady Arwen56
09-10-2003, 06:14 PM
"MELIA!" She cried as the girl fell to her knees, her eyes rolling back into her head.

Gulio, Strength of Many
09-11-2003, 01:06 AM
Rylkin heard Evra cry out, and ran in her direction. "Where is Melia?" he asked.

09-11-2003, 06:46 PM
ooc: I'm still here, just not sure what to write. After all, it's Zavron that knows the most about the Order of the Blue Flame...Where is he anyway?

Gulio, Strength of Many
09-11-2003, 08:15 PM
I haven't the foggiest....maybe he left us, again.:rolleyes:

09-11-2003, 10:49 PM
Fine then! Since I'm the one who decided that Sea elves and Balrogs came from the splitting of the flames, and that was a major part of history, I declare myself the most learned on the subject of flames until zavron tells me otherwise.

"Melia?" Kiara looked around, glad that she had put her cloak back on. Someone was here, and it might be one of those who would murder her for seeking the white flame.
Casting one of the more reliable magics that wasn't likely to become out of control, Kiara made sure that her blades would not be hampered by the cloak, but that it would stay covering her face.
She crept into the shadows, arms held ready to move in the odd, backward fighting style of sea elves.
Sensing something, she jumped forward, calling a light to reveal...

09-11-2003, 11:06 PM
Melia slowly opened her eyes to see Drunin holding something in his hand. "Wha....Drunin! What are you doing here!? Why..." "Be silent girl!" Drunin said loudly turning to face her, "I told you to kill that girl! Why did you not? Are you trying to escape my grasp?" he added standing up. Melia was filled with anger when she saw what he held. "What are you doing?! Give me Elenillar!" He smiled as he dangled the necklace infront of her. "What? This? No...I think not." Melia stared at him, her eyes full of anger, "If I wasn't tied down you'd be dead! Give me my necklace." She struggled against the ropes that held her tight. "NOT," he yelled but then getting quieter, "not until you tell me where your fool of a brother is hiding!" Melia looked at at Drunin is silence. "I don't....know...." she said quietly. "Then" he said with a evil smile, "you will not be getting your necklace anytime soon." With that being said, he gave an evil laugh.

09-11-2003, 11:08 PM
Oops, didn't mean to post....:o

Gulio, Strength of Many
09-12-2003, 11:23 PM
Rylkin heard a slight noise farther off into the woods. Upon further invertigation, he recognized the person as Drunin. He also saw Melia, bound with strong cord. He ran and tackled Drunin, catching the wizard off-guard. "I belive you have something that belongs to Melia," Rylkin said evenly, "I suggest you return it to her,"

09-12-2003, 11:26 PM
Kiara pounced as well, her entire arm swinging over Melia so that the sharp edges cut the ropes.

"Who are you?"