View Full Version : Enchanted Rivers

Lady Arwen56
08-05-2003, 01:26 AM
I had this really cool idea where there are five enchanted rivers, all different colors (dont ask...or do if you like) which make five complete strangers conect, so if you want to join, go ahead! No objections here!!
Oh yes, the five gain certain powers from the rivers heres the list of those:

Red: Fire Enchanter
Clear, aqua-blue: Water Enchanter
Green: Earth Enchanter
Gold: Star Watcher
Black: Evil EnchantRESS (it must be a girl. The others are optional. lol)

Character description:
Hair Color: Raven Black
Eye Color: Peircing Aqua Blue, with dots of Violet
River: Gold
Personality: Usually calm, but, can get angry quick. Sweet towards MOST new comers.
Items: A Necklace that glows all the time (its holding the light of a star)
Race: Elvish Telekenetic (dont know if i spelled it right lol)

Oh, and make sure you include what River you would like, and more then four other ppl may join As companions of course. :D

08-05-2003, 01:56 AM
I bow before your ingenious plots. They completely overpower my feeble attemts at keeping the number of rpg's I'm in down. :p I'm so weak. :D

Character: Kiara
River: Blue
Race: Sea-elf
Hair: Blonde, fine and long, with a thin braid coming down over her shoulder, decorated with small seashells
Eyes: The color of tropical seas when you get far from shore
Clothes: Kiara wears very little, underwater, as is the custom of sea elves. When she goes on land, she dresses in skintight leggings and what would be called a tube top today.
Weapons: Underwater weapons are designed to be fast, and hers are no exception. She wears long blades shaped like fins strapped to her forearms, using them to deadly effect. (Those of you who have played Zelda: Mask of Majora, think of the Mikau-link's boomerang fins)
Jewelry: The one bit of jewelry Kiara wears is a delicate silver circlet on her head. Hanging down slightly on her forehead rests a pendant set with an aqua jewel.

Lady Arwen56
08-05-2003, 02:28 PM
Why thank you!! If you ever need any help with an idea, just PM me, eh?

Oh, and I forgot to add my name.

Character Name: Evra (Eve for short)

Lady Arwen56
08-05-2003, 10:33 PM
I'm going to go ahead and start this, kay? If anyone wants to break in, go ahead.

IC: Evra looked down at the pure gold water, and leaned in the get a better look. She gave a small cry as she fell in, the pressure of someone's hands on her back. She looked up at where she had been standing, only to see no one there. "What the..." She began. But suddenly a rush of warmth passed through her, and she felt calm, relaxed. Then, something weird happened.
Her heart began to feel as though something was wrapping it's hands around it. "Stop it..." She gasped. "Stop...please..." Then it faded, and she felt like the same, 345 year old elf she had been before the large pool of water appeared before her.
Of course, she didn't look like at 345 year old elf, on the contrary, she looked like a young, seventeen year old girl with slightly pointed ears. She stood up out of the golden liquid, and not to her surpise, saw her white dress had been died a bright yellow.
"Figures." she muttered, jumping to the side of the pool she had been on before. She began to walk back over to the village, preparing at speach for her mother about how she had become so wet, and...err...yellow.

08-06-2003, 12:37 AM
I'll join!
A tall girl was sitting on a low liying tree-branch. Her clothes matched the forest which she was surrounded in. Her hair was fair as the sun, and her eyes a silvery gray. She was fair and young, for Shide always do. Every day she came to this spot, aimlessly looking for something to do. One day, she came back to her favorite spot to find it had been replaced by a river of black. Investigating, she put a finger in it to see how it felt. It felt cool and welcomeing to her. She walked into the river until she could barely keep her head above the water. She put her head under for just a moment, and then something happened. Her fair hair turned black, her eyes were now a deep violet. No longer did she look fair and feel fair as well. Now she had an aura of mystery and evil around her. When she walked out, she was completely dry and her clothes were different. She wore a long pair of black leather pants, a black leather stretch shirt, and a long jacket of black leather that reached to her ankles.
Later that day, she came back to her village. She saw a girl with a yellow dress run past her."Silly girl." she thought. "What a stupid color for a dress." Suddenly her mother called her.
"Ther'ese, Ther'ese Ravenwing..... where are you?"

08-06-2003, 12:38 AM
This river was different. Kiara could tell that without even trying. The water was gold, for one thing, not like her own river, but it had almost the same feel to it. Taking a look back, to make sure no one saw her going up the sacred river, she plunged in. Not sure what drew her on, she continued further away from the Source of the Five Rivers, where her clan of sea-elves lived, protecting the ancient magic.

08-06-2003, 03:01 AM
Ther'ese turned around and walked to her house. Her mother gasped when she saw her. "Ther'ese, what has happened to you? You look much different."
"I saw a river and decided to go for a dip."

08-06-2003, 12:00 PM
Is there room for one more to dip in the enchanted water?:D

Lady Arwen56
08-06-2003, 12:59 PM
Sure, Slime. Legolas, your going to be evil? cool. :D
I would've been, lol, but I decided I'd rather be the Star Watcher.

ic: I walked quietly past my mother, praying she wouldn't notice my dress. But, that didn't help. "Evra! What in heaven's name happened to you???" She said, making a stern face. "I went swimming..." I lied. "Oh, well, you should've gone in a different outfit!" "I know mother. I have to go see someone." I lied again. Anything to get away from her.
I walked out before she could say anything more.

08-06-2003, 03:00 PM
OOC: Cool! I'll go to the green river

Silme, Lady of Lamedon, walked out of her home lands. She went throu the Forest that gaurded a river. she has heared of the river there, but seldom have any seen it. She entered the Forest, her black hair flowing in the wind, red dress hanging loosly on her milky white shoulder. Looked up in the trees she smiled at them, they moved in the wind, their leaves waving back at her in the wind, quite a friendly hello. "My people used to live among the trees long ago." She thought as she turned her head back to the path. Suddenly, the trees ceased, could hear rushing water close by. There it is, the River. She ran to it's bank and lightly touched the water with her fingertip, it was cool and calm, the ripples were inviting, so she dipped her foot in the cool green waters, then went out to the middle of the River. and stood there, water up to her chin, she dipped her head down and felt a strange warmth inside. the warmth shocked her, and she no longer wanted to stay in the waters. She got out, quickly. Her clothes stuck to her skin, dripping wet she looked down and gasped. "My clothes are no longer red!" She thought as she looked down at her GREEN dress, the gold leaves on the dress glinted and gliter with the patches of Sun that peared through the trees. Alarm swept through her body as she heared wispers all around her. "She swam in the river!"One wispered. "Look, she is not the same."another said. Silme turned around looking for the body of those voices she was hearing. "I ment no harm in doing so!" She cried out. "What's happening to me?" She thought. A rush ran through her body as she ran back to Lamedon. But all of a sudden she felt the urge to feel the bark of trees beneath her feet again, climbing up, she sat on a branch.

OOC: I think I am almost up to the point you all are at.

Lady Arwen56
08-06-2003, 05:58 PM
ooc: Ooohh!! 0__o!!! I am so sorry Silme! I keep screwing up everyones name. lol.

ic: I walked back to the river, and sat down by it, gazing intently at it's golden water. I began to hear whispers in the wind, hearing them mock me.
"Foolish girl!" Said an older, strained voice. "Stepped into the river belonging to the Star Watcher she did!" It said. I was not threatened by these voices, infact, I had heard them most of my life. One of them, one that called herself Aviana, that had spoken to me since my first birthday, led me here.
I had only seen her once, a few years ago. She had had long blonde-white hair, the color of the stars, and bright blue eyes, penetrating really, she was slender, and incredibly beautiful.
I hadn't trusted her when I was younger, but now that I had grown, she was one of my most loyal friends. She knew all about me, and what I am.
Not many people do, not even my mother. I am a telekenetic, but I also see things, visions. Past, Present, even Future.
I sighed as the voices ceased to talk, and laughed instead. "Shut up!" I snapped, growing tired of their endless chatter. They stop.

08-06-2003, 06:06 PM
Hearing voices, Kiara stopped. Even the guardians of the Rivers weren't supposed to go into one other then their own. "Foolish girl! Stepped into the river belonging to the star watcher, she did!" Nervously, the sea elf hung back, until she heard someone snap,"Shut up!"
They must be talking to her she thought, and, curious, swam forward until she could see the girl.

Lady Arwen56
08-06-2003, 06:17 PM
Evra gave a small cry as a girl with blonde hair swam close to her. She hadn't seen her.

ooc: oh, yes, I messed up and put myself in first character on my last post. sorry.

ic:"Who are you?" Evra asked quietly. "Some part of my imagination?" I snapped at her.

08-06-2003, 06:31 PM
Kiara blinked. There was only one, rather grumpy, person there!
"No, I assure you I am quite real. I am a sea elf, one of the guardians of these rivers. There are five of them, you know, and I live at the source of these five rivers, and we protect their magic."

Lady Arwen56
08-06-2003, 06:34 PM
"M-magic? So what would happen if...if someone *coughs* were to have err...fallen, (pushed really) into it?

08-06-2003, 06:43 PM
"Well, it differs with who you are. But if someone other than the guardians or the chosen one of the river goes in, one of two things will happen. Either they will get out and walk away, which will only happen if you are a powerful mage, or else you will be pulled downstream to a certain point, and trapped there until the chosen one deals with you. As the last five chosen ones died a few thousand years ago, you could be trapped for a very long time."

08-06-2003, 06:44 PM
"Yes, I have changed, now if you'll excuse me." Ther'ese walked out of her house and looked for something to do. She saw the girl with the yellow dress run by her. She decided to follow her silently. She flitted through the trees with the agility of a stag. She stopped at a yellow river, hiding behind trees. She saw a girl with white-blonde hair pop out of the water.(a sea-elf, hmm.) she thought. She jumped high into the air. Her cloak billowing red under the black. She came down lightly on a tree branch, then pulled out a pair of black gloves, put them on, and jumped down behind the girl.

Lady Arwen56
08-06-2003, 06:50 PM
Evra jumped up, and turned to see a girl dressed in all black behind her. Evra turned to the sea elf, and backed into the water, showing her, that she could go in without being sucked in. The sea elf gasped. "What?" The other girl snapped.
"Leave us be, Ther'ese." I said, reconizing her. "Why should I?" Ther'ese snapped.

08-06-2003, 06:53 PM
"Why should i? You fancy going for a dip do you? I cant go in that river. I despise that color, and can only get into mine."

08-06-2003, 06:53 PM
So this is why I needed to swim up the river, breaking the rules. This girl must be the chosen of the Gold! The way she didn't even have to think about going into the water proved it; Kiara was having to concentrate very hard just to remain in one spot. Looking at the girl on the bank, Kiara was glad she brought her arm blades. "Who are you, exactly?"

Lady Arwen56
08-06-2003, 07:04 PM
"You should go, because if you don't I'm afraid I'll have to hurt you." I whispered, drawing out my bow. "Oh, and it really is too bad you don't like gold, it would look a lot better on you then that wretched black." I snapped. "Aw, Evra has another side does she? No more of that pathetic little twit I suppose?" Ther'ese retorted.

08-06-2003, 07:16 PM

Lady Arwen56
08-06-2003, 07:20 PM
Sorry, I had to answer for you. lol. Won't do it anymore. Swear!!

08-06-2003, 09:53 PM
Slowly Ther'ese drew off one of her black leather gloves. Looking at her pale tapered fingers, and finely manicured nails. She bent down and picked up a dead leaf with the one ungloved hand. She crushed it into a fine powder. She picked a leaf from a tree and ran a finger over it. She threw it into the air, and it exploded. "Yes, lovely gift, is it not? I can never touch another living person without causing them to blow up." she said bitterly. "I'm cursed! I can never touch my beloved. Never touch anything living without killing it!"

08-07-2003, 12:46 AM
dramatic, are'nt I?

08-07-2003, 12:51 AM
ooc: Can I join?

Name: Arien Tintallë
Gender: F
Race: Elf
Hair: Sandy Blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Description: Arien wears loose sliver pants that look like a skirt and a short-sleeved shirt with a semi-low neckline. She also wears a black cloak with sliver designs along the border.
History: No one knows alot about Arien and she is very mysterious. She is loyal to those she knows and is very quick at appearing then going away.
Companions: A white horse, Serdian, and a gray and white husky pup.
Weapons: Sword and bow.

08-07-2003, 12:56 AM
I'm sure Lady arwen will not mind.

08-07-2003, 12:44 PM
OOC: Aewoinen, you will have to swim in the Red River.

"That cruel wretched creacher!" My tree spoke to me! "That hurt! but of course Evil cares not!" I felt simpathetic for the tree, and angree at the evil minoin below. "Why couldn't she pic off a dead one? Why was it one of my beautiful live ones?" "I get it now"I thought to myself "I can understand them." I looked at the tree. "O will only take the dead limb." I said to it as I pluked a dead brach off the tree. I can even speak to the, I see diferent than others. I let the limb fall, SMACK!, onto the little girl in black who stood down bellow at the foot of my tree. I felt an urge to hide. I looked down at the little girl below, but saw that my dress looked like my little old trees' bark! "Thank you," said the tree," You are not as bad as I thought."She sent a message to all other trees in my respect.

Lady Arwen56
08-07-2003, 02:52 PM
No, I do not mind, Awionen.

ic: "So? You may not be able to touch people, but I can not sleep at night thanks to the voices that cry out for help, or just chatter away. I can not get a moments peace! Ther'ese, I hate to say this, but I am afraid I can not feel sorry for you." Evra closed her eyes, and used her powers to slightly hover over the ground for a second.
She was surprised she could actually do this, and nearly fell backwards into the water.

08-07-2003, 03:35 PM
Putting back on her glove a branch fell on her head "Owch! Hey who dropped that?" looking into the tree, she saw a peice of bark that did not match."Hey you there, get down now and tell me why you threw that branch on my head!"

Lady Arwen56
08-07-2003, 03:48 PM
Ther'ese called up into the trees as a twig fell onto her head, making Evra lose her balance, and fall heavily into the river, getting the sea elf wet. She came back up, spitting out water, and stood up. She walked over to Ther'ese, and looked up into the trees. "What the...who are you?" I asked a girl who was sitting up in the tree.

08-07-2003, 03:51 PM
"If the tree's mad at me or something tell it I'm sorry, but don't drop any more branches on my head!"

08-07-2003, 07:26 PM
Kiara simply tread water, astounded. Here were three of the five chosen ones all at once! (Of course she doesn't know that she is one) Suddenly a feeling hit her, so strong that she actually started to slip downstream before getting a grip again.
"Stop fighting, and come with me," she said suddenly, jumping out of the water. Now she knew not only why she had swum down the river, but why she had donned land clothes and why she had come up this far. "You need to see someone."

08-07-2003, 07:47 PM
Arien sat by the quiet river. She diped her hand into the water and a warm feeling came to her fingertips. She sighed as she took out her hand and leaned back, the sun shinning on her face. Her sand colored hair moved with the soft wind and she removed her cloak,her silver dress shinning in the sun. . Arien smiled as she remebered the song her mother would sing when she was little. Dipping her hand back in, she began to hum. After a while, Arien felt as though someone was pushing her into the river. As quick as a wink, she was in the river. Arien felt the same warm feeling but stronger. When she sufaced, she drew in a deep breath and went back under. Arien swam for a while till she thought she could no longer move. She went ashore and put on her black cloak. Though the wind blew slightly, she was not cold. The warmth stayed with her this time. Arien leaned back against a tree and closed her eyes. She thought of what had just happened but it wasn't long till she was humming again.

08-07-2003, 07:54 PM
Oops, didn't mean to post.:D

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-07-2003, 07:56 PM
Um, is there room for one more?

08-07-2003, 08:37 PM
Hmmm... I don't know if there are any rivers left, but I think you can join anyway.

08-07-2003, 09:52 PM
Silme jumped down off the tree. She seamed to speak as if this evil person hurt both the tree AND her. "Indeed you did hurt us. You could have pulled of one of our dead leaves. Why one of the new and beautiful leaves? Such a grand creation is now gone! It hurts us. And we would apreciate it if you do not do that again, or you will pay the price." Her clothes turned the same color as the cool grass on the ground, her hair looked like a smooth tree trunk with patches of moss. "I am Silme, and I swam the Green River that few Elves have seen, let alone live to tell."

OOC: Aweonen, we don't mind you posting.:D

08-07-2003, 09:57 PM
After a while, Arien stood up and began to walk. She did not know where she was going but she didn't care. Soon, she began to hear voices. It sounded as though someone was angry. Arien's curiosity got the best of her and she went to where the voices were coming from.

08-07-2003, 10:03 PM
OOC: Aewionen, did you take a dip in the Red River yet? Remember, the Red River is that for fire.

08-07-2003, 11:14 PM
"Geez, I said I was sorry, and the only reason I picked it is because, it was still alive, not dead. I couldn't have shown them without a live one."

08-08-2003, 12:41 AM
ooc: (Silme) Yep.

ic: Arien stepped out to where the group was and they were apparently fighting over something.

ooc: not quiet sure what to post....:)

08-08-2003, 02:07 AM
it's quite, not quiet.
"Hey you, what are you doing here? We are having a private conversation and unless you know about a river thats a strange color, bugger off!"
OOC: Sorry Silme, my character is EEEVIL, EVIL I TELL YA', EEVIL!

08-08-2003, 09:54 AM
OOC: Yes Legoles, I know that your character is EEEVIL, that is why I 'droped' the branch on your head.

Lady Arwen56
08-08-2003, 11:16 AM
ooc: ALRIGHT already! Enough! Jeez. lol.

ic: Evra backed away from the other two, and turned to face the girl that had just approached. "Oh, hello. Who are you?" She asked, smiling calmly.

08-08-2003, 03:26 PM
"My name is Arien, and yes I know of a river....it is red." Arien said calmly back to the group. "Who might all of you be?"

Lady Arwen56
08-08-2003, 04:02 PM
"I'm Evra, and I'm the Golden river, which I have no idea what power it has." Evra glanced at the Sea Elf (Kalile, aren't you going to tell us your name soon?????) "And, where would we be going...err...I don't know your name." She asked.

08-08-2003, 04:37 PM
"I am Silme of the Green River, and it's powers have something to do with growing things, like trees and grass. I understand them and feel pasionate for them."

08-08-2003, 10:02 PM
"I am Kiara," she said softly, and attempted to explain.

"The rivers you speak of all stem from the same source. My people are the guardians, waiting for the five chosen ones to come again. When they do, it will be to combat evil rising. There have been many disturbing reports of disappearances, murders, and dead things roaming. Yet my people refuse to listen or heed. I believe that if I show you all to them, they will be forced to take action."

08-08-2003, 10:40 PM
"I am Ther'ese of the black river. I can understand the dead and how to calm them, or return them to the last gates of death." Pointing to her bell bandolier she said, "I'm the only one who can use theese, so touch them and die. Oh and don't touch my skin, cause you'll blow up."

08-08-2003, 11:28 PM
shouldn't there be one river left? red, gold, black, green, whats the fifth? can i have it? and if not can i be a river gaurdian or something?

08-09-2003, 12:09 AM
There aren't any more rivers, but if you want to be a sea elf, they're the guardians. Or there might be spirits that live in the rivers themselves. (corporeal, of course, and they can leave the rivers) The drawback to these is that they would have to be with the chosen one always...

There are any number of possibilities!

08-09-2003, 12:14 AM
ooc: i will be a sea elf i guess, not quite sure what i do so correct me if i say something wrong

ie: a tall slender elf maiden with black hair slips into the conversation unoticed, "Hey!" talking to other sea elf. "I haven't seen you in a while were have you been?" She says hugging the elf. "Hi, everyone I am, Celebre, gaurdian of the rivers"

08-09-2003, 12:25 AM
Here, since I was in charge of the sea elves, I made up a scenario.

The sea elves guard the rivers, waiting for the five chosen ones to appear. The reason the rivers will choose avatars is to combat rising evil. The sea elves have thus far ignored reports of evil, lulled to complacency in the thousands of years of peace. Kiara swam up the river, even though it's not really allowed, because she had a feeling. She found four of the five chosen ones (not knowing that she is the fifth), and is bringing them back to show the other sea elves.

Ic: "Celebre, these are the chosen ones of four of the five rivers. This means that the land is in greater danger than we feared."
That being said, Kiara hugged her friend tightly.
"I haven't seen you in so long, I was beginning to fear that you had gone to investigate these rumors, and were never returning."

08-09-2003, 12:31 AM
Celebre stood in awe, i can't believe it! She looked and saw the four chosen ones around her. "but where is the fifth?"

08-09-2003, 12:41 AM
"That I know not, but their location will be revealed once the other four have stood at..."

Ooc: My mind went blank. I was trying to find a really cool name for a place where the five would stand in designated spots, and the fifth would be revealed. :o My creative juices are low right now.

08-09-2003, 01:17 AM
ME:I know, I know!*Raises hand*
ME: how abou' where the 5 rivers meet? name it Disk of Dadriel!
[Dadriel is a name I've been waiting to use for a while]

08-09-2003, 09:34 AM
ooc: good legoles! btw, thanx for joinin my rpg

Celebre Stood, "What do you plan to do now, sea elf"

ooc: does sea elf numero uno have a name? maybe i just forgot

ie: she closly examined the four, "Well its obvious who fell into what river," seeing the yellow, black, green and red dresses around her. She was begining to get suspicious of Ther'ese.

08-09-2003, 09:50 AM
Hey Pippin Took! Welcome. I have not posted at all last night, so I chose early morning.

Lady Arwen56
08-09-2003, 11:44 AM
ooc: HELLO HERE!!??? IT'S NOT YELLOW. Jeez, lol, It's G-O-L-D...teehee. :D

ic: Evra looked at the two elves hugging, and suddenly felt incredibly angry. "OKAY ALREADY! Kiara, what...what power do I hold?"

ooc: I have no idea what power I hold, except for that I'm telekenetic, which I was before I fell into the river. Oh...Yes, and I wanted you to know, that Avian, was the Star Watcher before me.

08-09-2003, 11:48 AM
Celebre stops and looks at the yelling, 'gold' elf. "The elf that falls into the golden river has the power to renew things, the opposite of Ther'ese."

ooc: is that ok? yall can change it if you want to.

Lady Arwen56
08-09-2003, 12:04 PM
ic: No, no! That's perfect! Oh, and I thought of something. When someone gets close to me, I can tell if their evil, or good, or inbetween, or whatever. But I don't have that power until we get to Disk of Dadriel (or that is still what it's called?)

08-09-2003, 07:58 PM
OOC: That is what 'tis still called.

IC: "How far is this 'Disk of Dadriel' from here?" I asked. "Maybe we should go now." I looked at Ther'ese. "Keep your hands to yourself. Do not remove your glove."

08-10-2003, 09:52 PM
"The Disk of Dradiel is far, but with this new power that is rising, i believe that we can make good time." She said stepping out of the water. She studied each with her penetrating eyes. She felt something was not right. "First, the gaurdians must meet." She said pulling her comerade aside. "Something is wrong." She said with a sense of disturbance in her voice.

Lady Arwen56
08-10-2003, 11:02 PM
"What? You mean besides Ther'ese?" Evra snapped, smiling playfully.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-10-2003, 11:21 PM
Is it too late for me to join?

Lady Arwen56
08-10-2003, 11:25 PM
No, no, it's never to late for new ppl to join! Go right ahead!!!

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-10-2003, 11:49 PM
ooc: Yay!:D

ic: Rylkin looked down at the people gathering at the spring. It was impossible for them to see him, for he was a shape-shifter. His orders were to watch, and wait. Hmm, Kiara knows not that she is a chosen one? She must learn soon. he thought.

Lady Arwen56
08-10-2003, 11:52 PM
Evra gave a small cry as an agonizing pain shot up her shoulder. Everyone turned their gaze on her.

08-11-2003, 12:23 AM
Oi! So much has happened in a single day and night. (:^O

Ic: Kiara sighed in response to her friend's comment. "We must get to the Disk quickly then." The cry of pain made her spin, raising her arm to the offensive position before realizing that her blades were elsewhere. Stupid! she thought

08-11-2003, 01:22 AM
Arien looked at Evra, "What is it?"

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-11-2003, 01:29 AM
Rylkin silently cursed himself for not keeping a closer watch. He swooped down in shadow form and engaged an enemy shape-shifter in combat. This is a big one he thought. He slashed, dodged, fiented, and parried. He blocked a blow, then drove his shoulder into his enemy. It caught the enemy shape-shifter by surprise, and Rylkin knocked him to the ground. He quickly finished his opponent, and hurried back to his spot. He settled back into place, keeping a sharper eye out for more of his kind.

Lady Arwen56
08-11-2003, 12:17 PM
The pain throbbed once again, and then stopped. "Oh, nothing, just...just a headache. Now, may we get on to The Disk?" Evra asked, silently thanking the gods above for sendding the pain away.

08-11-2003, 01:22 PM
ooc: i need a new name, i am here after changig my name to Mariel, i have a few different charactars named Celebre and it is getting confusing.
(mar EE el)

ie: Mariel supported her friend, "Told you," She said playfully. "Something is here, we need to go, now!" She said helping her friend to shore. "We have to leave now, danger is pressing us and our errand is at hand.

08-11-2003, 02:20 PM
Silme looked up in the trees and covered her ears. "Yes, something is terribly wrong! The trees are screaming at something!" She yelled over her ears. "There is an intruder in a tree. But I can't see it." Silme pionted to a tree close to them. "it's in that tree down yonder."

08-11-2003, 02:34 PM
Arien looked to where Silme pointed. She felt some sort of pull towards the tree but she didn't pay any heed to it. What could it be?

08-11-2003, 02:44 PM
"We know you are there, we can all here you breathing!" Silme spoke for all the trees as she did when explaining the branch that 'fell' down upon Ther'ese. "Stop screaming you dimwits! I know, I know, but there is nothing I can do right now! And yelling and screaming and crying is not going to help! You are hurting my poor ears!" She said to the trees.

Lady Arwen56
08-11-2003, 02:47 PM
Then, just as she was about to comment, the pain came back so harshly, she fell to her knees, and let out a peircing scream.

08-11-2003, 02:51 PM
Arien ran over to Evra and knelt down. Looking into the trees, she saw movement. As she tried to say something, the pull became stronger. Her fingers grew hot ans she looked again to the trees.What is going on?

Lady Arwen56
08-11-2003, 02:56 PM
"STOP IT!" Evra cried. "Leave me be...please..." She whispered, tears welling up due to the great pain.

08-11-2003, 03:07 PM
Arien grew angrier by the minute as she watched the pain inflicted upon Evra. She wanted to kill whatever was causing so much pain. "Heca Ksherr!Heca!"(Be gone evil one! Be gone! *I think*) Arien cried. Suddenly, words sprang into her mind and a vioce was telling her to say them. Bragollach tel'llach. Bragollach tel'llach. The words repeated over and over in her mind.

Lady Arwen56
08-11-2003, 03:11 PM
Evra's fingers grew hot and began to glow a bright gold. Everyone around her gasped, and she stared in amazement. The pain still throbbed in her head, nearly making her faint.

08-11-2003, 03:24 PM
Arien looked at Evra's fingers which were now gold then looked to her own as they grew hotter. They had gone to a orange-red mixture. Somewhat like fire. Bragollach tel'llach. The words continued until Arien could help it no longer. She turned to a tree and began to say the words, her voice sounding very different. "Bragollach..."

Lady Arwen56
08-11-2003, 03:27 PM
Evra looked up at Arien, and startled herself. Arien's hands were glowing too.

08-11-2003, 04:14 PM
Mariel held her friend's head, she closed her eyes and concentrated, "Rimodim, lasto betha, Rimodim I iden!' she called, The air spun around them, "Elbereth!" she cried out in pain. She raised her hand to the sky and a sudden white light shone from her ring on her finger. The wind slowed and she laid her hand on Evra's head, praying it would work.

08-11-2003, 06:14 PM
stupid 90 second rule, BUMP!! ook, just bumping the thread up the forum, sorry, carry on!

08-11-2003, 11:14 PM
Silme watched everyones fingers glowing, then looked to see her own glowing green. what is going on? .

08-11-2003, 11:32 PM
Without thinking about it, Kiara jumped up and rose out of the water on a golden spume. She grasped the water in her mind, and watched it rise to form a barrier around Evra. From her height, Kiara looked around intently until she caught a tiny flicker of movement and threw a tendril of water at it. Let's see what this is

08-12-2003, 12:33 AM
Sil's green Beryl stone ring shone brightly. She closed her eyes in a trance as she listened intently to the earth, their speech. the leaves bristling around her, the grass wavering. The smell of soil was in the air. She looked at Evra as a large buble of gold water surounded her. Kiara threw water at the tree with the 'enamy' in it. Thank you so kindly chosen one. The tree said. I was very thursty, but you missed your target. A little to the left.
"Aim to the left, Kiara!" Silme looked up at her.

08-12-2003, 12:36 AM
She did as instructed, and felt sure she had hit her target. "If you want, I could knock you out of that tree," she called loudly.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-12-2003, 12:55 AM
Rylkin recovered from the sudden wall of water Kiara had sent in his direction. He changed to an eagle and flew deeper into the woods. Just as he had shifted back into his normal form, something grabbed him from behind. He struggled, but whatever held him had a tight grip. Finally he was thrown to the ground a few hundred feet from the Chosen Ones. He sprang to his feet and whirled around, drawing his sword to meet his attacker.

08-12-2003, 01:13 AM
"Who are you?" Kiara demanded angrily as the spume set her down on the bank.

Lady Arwen56
08-12-2003, 01:32 AM
"He's... not... the one...who's...doing this..." Evra said breathlessly. "Idicara, show yourself." She said angerily, realizing she had felt this pain before. A figure jumped down from a tree, it's body shadowed. "Well, well, well, Evra foiled my plans again." The mind numbing pain stopped.

08-12-2003, 01:35 AM
"Wha?" after almost a hundred years of being a calm guardian around others at all times, Kiara was flustered. "Who is this? And how did I get out of the river?"

08-12-2003, 01:39 AM
Arien stopped in mid-sentence of the spell to see who had come. Idicara? Where have I heard that before? The figure looked slightly familiar but Arien wasn't sure where from.

Lady Arwen56
08-12-2003, 01:48 AM
"Idicara, is the sworn enemy of myself, and others. She's been hunting me down for years, and the few times she actually does find me, she tries to suck the telekenetic from within me. But, she has yet to succeed." Evra whispered.

ooc: anyone want to play Idicara, if not, I will. :D

08-12-2003, 01:51 AM
"That power can be leeched away?"

Ooc: Oh, what a profound and intellectually stimulating comment, I know. :p But it's almost 11 pm, and I'm tired.

Lady Arwen56
08-12-2003, 02:26 AM
"Yes. Most anything can if one trys hard enough."

08-12-2003, 02:57 PM
Mariel gazed at the shadowed figure, 'Not Idicara again!' "Idicara, go back into shadow!" She said with a firm comanding voice, even though she knew her attempts would not sway this evil.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-12-2003, 03:53 PM
Rylkin faltered as he saw who had dragged him away from the Chosen Ones. "Jaleel!" he cried, "What are you doing?"

"Merely following orders," his comrade replied.

"My orders were to watch and protect," Rylkin said, "I knew not that you were sent as well."

"I was, but not by whom you think," Jaleel smirked. "You still insist on protecting the small ones? We deserve to rule, not serve."

"I have heard those words before," Rylkin was upset now. "But they came from someone else. Someone both you and I swore to fight."

"Lord Idicara was right," Jaleel replied smoothly, "We deserve to rule Middle-Earth, not the puny, filthy elves and men! But I wasn't sent to destroy your precious Chosen Ones, no, my master has speical plans for them, plans that you have no power to thwart."

"If I were helpless to stop these plans," Rylkin said, "Why do you take me from them? Why does Idicara not simply destroy me along with the Chosen Ones?"

"He does not want you destroyed," Jaleel replied. "He wants you to serve him. He sent me here to convince you."

"He wastes his breath."

"I knew you would refuse," Jaleel said. "I am to convince you otherwise. You can still see the Chosen Ones, can you not?"

"I can."

"Come, let us go visit Lord Idicara my friend." Jaleel said as ten others of his kind stepped out from the woods. Two espically burly shape-shifters grabbed Rylkin and pinned his arms behind his back. A third took his sword. They led him into the clearing where the Chosen Ones faced Idicara.

08-12-2003, 04:38 PM
Arien thought she heard a rustle in the bushes but when it stopped she believed it to be her imagination. Looking again at Idicara, she felt a sudden jolt. Arien looked down and tried to figure out what had just happened. Her fingers began to glow a slight orange color. The words came back into her mind.Bragollach tel'llach. Bragollach tel'llach.

08-12-2003, 05:54 PM
Celebre was suddenly angered and called out, "Lelya aldamo mi i avath! Idicara uva laleneeme!" she criend with fire in her eyes. "Mi lome ieva lurea inen mi galad. Ni vala!" a white light came from within her.

ooc: yall should go to www.learnelvish.com its neat, quenya dictionaries, grammar,exc.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-13-2003, 01:04 PM
Rylkin saw Arien, her fingers were glowing. "Arien!" he cried, "Stop! Don't say anything!" This resulted in blow to his jaw.

"Be quiet!" One of his captors said.

"So," A mocking voice came from across the clearing. "This is Rylkin. Are you all that the enemy sent.?" Rylkin said nothing. "I thought he could do better." Idicara said. "Why do you keep serving that tryant? With me, you could have power!"

"I do not seek power," Rylkin replied. "I seek only for my master's plans to succeed, and yours to fail."

"You mean the Chosen Ones?" Idicara was laughing, "These weaklings? What have they do to with the tyrant you serve? Surely he would use more powerful beings, like yourself, to accomplish his ends."

"He prefers the Chosen Ones," Rylkin said, "I am content merely to serve."

"So you would rather serve a bloodthirsty tyrant than rule yourself?"

"I have seen your servants," Rylkin replied, "And I read fear in their eyes. At least I do not fear my master, though I would if I served you. I would have two to fear then."

08-13-2003, 01:23 PM
Silme looked at Celebre and spoke: "Man na vallya or sinome? I na si "Idicara" queni lya quetie nna?" (I think I just said: what is go(ing) on here? Who is the "Idicara" person your talking to?)

08-13-2003, 03:54 PM
Somewhere, Arien heard a voice telling her not to say anything. She looked around only to see no one...except Idicara. Everything else around her went into a spinning vortex of shadow. BRAGOLLACH TEL'LLACH. BRAGOLLACH TEL'LLACH. The words became louder and louder. Soon her head burst into a splitting headache and she fell to the ground with a cry. Though she could her voices, she didn't know who they were from and she could see no one. A surge of pain shot through her body.BRAGOLLACH TEL'LLACH. SAY THE WORDS! BRAGOLLACH TEL'LLACH. The voice became harsh and cold.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-13-2003, 05:46 PM
Rylkin watched helplessly as Arien fell to the ground. He will take her, Rylkin thought desprately, I must do something! "Arien, Arien listen to me!" he cried, "You can stop this!"

"I said be quiet!" Jaleel drove his fist into Rylkin's stomach. Rylkin struggled for air.

"Arien," Rylkin gasped, "Force him out! You can! You have to!"

Jaleel looked over at Idicara, Idicara nodded. "Come Rylkin," Jaleel sneered, "Lord Idicara wishes for you to leave."

08-13-2003, 09:42 PM
"An na mi cotumo mel mi hoorars mel mi sires. An maile aveme. (He is the enemy of the gaurdians of the rivers. He despises us. *i think*" She said to her. "We have hidden from his for years, but he has found us in the most dangerous time." She said in despair. "I can try to will him to leave, but it strains me." She said shaking her head sadly.

Lady Arwen56
08-13-2003, 11:10 PM
"STOP!" Evra cried, growing angry with Idicara. "Arien, Arien come back to us. Yeera lende uluk er! " I snapped at Idicara, ("Be Gone Evil One") She just laughed.
"Arien, listen to my voice, do not give into the evil, be strong, come back to us..." I closed my eyes, and concentrated on Arien's mind.

08-14-2003, 12:57 AM
Kiara watched helplessly from the bank. She could do nothing. Watching Rylkin's plight, however, she grew very angry. She didn't know exactly what was going on, but she knew with overwhelming conviction that he was right, and these others were evil. Reaching down into the river, making sure not to immerse herself in case she couldn't go in the river anymore, she channeled the energy into her hand. Suddenly, she raised her hand at Jaleel. A blast of water with all the power of the river and her anger blast into its side, blowing the minion of evil sideways.

08-15-2003, 01:56 AM
Ok, does the minion of evil do anything about that, or does he just sort of sit in a lump? Help me here, people!

08-15-2003, 01:22 PM
Arien's eyes where open but she saw nothing but black. Idicara's evil laughter ringing in her ears. No, I am not weak! I will not give in! Arien didn't know how do out of this trance but did everything she could think of. A burst of light came into view when she felt that something had happened to Idicara. Slowly, vision became hers again. "Wha....what happened?" Arien said with a groan.

08-15-2003, 01:37 PM
The minion Jaleel sat dumbfounded by the blast. Mariel saw Arien fighting against the power of Idicara. She was weak, and could do nothing but wait for her strength to come back. She saw a bird singing in the tree nearby, of course! she thought. "Tul nyello! Naca Idicara!" she said calling to the bird. The little sparrow flew from the tree and began to peck furiously at Idicara. The birds came in swarms from the tree. Mariel sat and prayed that it would help.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-15-2003, 02:40 PM
Rylkin broke free of Jaleel, thanks to Kiara's water blast. He rushed at Idicara, his sword drawn. Idicara changed into shadow, blending in with all the other shadows in the forest. Rylkin knew he wouldn't be able to find him like this, so he went back into the clearing and knelt beside Arien. "You have won, Chosen One," he said, "Idicara will be upset, but he will try again. You have done well."

Lady Arwen56
08-15-2003, 06:35 PM
"This is fine, I do not need any of you, only her." Idicara said, glarring at Evra. Before anyone could do anything, Both Evra, and Idicara disappeared.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-15-2003, 07:17 PM
Rylkin stared in horror at the empty spot where Evra had just been standing. He took a few deep breaths to calm down. "Greetings Chosen Ones," he said. "I am Rylkin. I must go and get your friend away from Idicara. You do what you feel nessacary, but I warn you; be careful. There forces at work here that you cannot begin to fathom." He sheathed his sword and began his search for Idicara and Evra.

08-15-2003, 07:39 PM
Ooc: Erm... I'm supposed to be Evra for now, because Legoles is on vacation... I'm not sure what to say. :p Here goes!

Ic: "What is going on?" Evra demanded angrily as the scenery rippled and spun, finally settling into a clearing that she had passed on the way to the river.
"Don't worry, my dear," Idicara said smoothly," I just wanted to make a proposition."
"What sort of... proposition?"
"You see, you have great power. My master could use you in his army."
Evra's eyes flashed dangerously. "You braggard! You dare to think that your 'master' could use me? I serve no one."
"You have much audacity to speak so of my master," it was Idicara's turn to get angry, "but you know nothing of true power! You will live to regret your choice.... but not long."
And without further words, he vanished, leaving Evra to fume.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-15-2003, 08:24 PM
Rylkin followed Idicara's trail. It was tricky, Idicara was very good at covering his tracks, but the trail finally led Rylkin to a clearing in the woods. He saw Evra there, visibly furious. Rylkin could sense that something else was there as well. He cautiously entered the clearing. He approached the angry Chosen One, every nerve on edge. "Hello," he said. "My name is Rylkin. I am here to help." Something is wrong, this is too easy. he thought nervously.

08-15-2003, 08:29 PM
heehee. Good idea. ;)

Ic: Idicara watched from a ways away, wishing that he could transport farther, but laughing as Rylkin came. Pulling out a pinch of powder, he sprinkled it on himself. "Running out," he muttered, "I'll ask Master to give me more." He waved behind him absently, sending the goons into the clearing, quickly immobilizing both shape-shifter and chosen one.

Then, in the perfect guise of Rylkin, he strode back over to where the remaining ones were. "I need one of you to come here. Evra is a short distance away, and is waiting for Idicara to return. I saw him tell her that he would be back with 'his master's answer', which I fear is nothing good."

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-15-2003, 08:41 PM
Rylkin fought a hopeless battle, and was quickly apprehended. He saw Idicara disappear, but not before shifting into a perfect likeness of Rylkin. Rylkin struggled, but to no avail. "Are you all right Evra?" he asked.

08-15-2003, 09:47 PM
Arien was about to follow 'Rylkin' but she stopped. She didn't know who it was but she knew it couldn't be Rylkin. When she looked into the eyes of the thing in the form of Rylkin, something burned inside her. "Come Arien, we must make haste before Idicara returns." the figure said. Arien shooke her head and backed up slowly. "No..." she whispered. When 'Rylkin' stepped towards her, the pain got stronger. "Arien...." "No!" Arien turned around and ran leaving the others.

08-16-2003, 12:14 AM
"Uluk er! You cannot fool me! I can feel your evil from a leauge away!" She said calling out to him. "Cotamo mel mi hooras! Tul matha!" (enemy of the gaurdians, come fight) "Show your self Idicara!"

Lady Arwen56
08-16-2003, 08:17 AM
ooc: You guys are so out of your minds. I'm Evra, remember? Ther'ese is Legoles. :rolleyes: lol.

08-16-2003, 11:00 PM
ahem. Well in that case, Idicara snatched Ther'ese.

:eek: Oops.

08-17-2003, 02:33 AM
my best friend, the dingbat![jus kiddin jessie]
Uh evra, to confuseld for me, please be one who is snatched so poor me is no more confused? [sorry just got back from vac. and was stuck w/ 3 boys and 2 annoying mothers in a 3 room condo for a week. brain cell level low!]
Ther'ese knew where this Idicara came from and whom he served. "This Idicara lives in Barad-Dur, and is the servant of Sauron." she said to the air next to her. Suddenly, a thing of no discernible shape popped out of the air next to her. Suddenly it changed into a shide male. He had long red hair, height was probably about 7 to 8 feet, sparkling green eyes, a voice as smooth as silk, and as handsome as he was tall. "About time you summoned me, Ther'ese!"
"I didn't need you just then."
"I'm hurt." *fake pout*
"Just kidding, anyway, Evra and Rylkin have been kidnapped[elf and dwarf napped?] and I need someone to help me look for them."
"No prob, Thre'ese."

Lady Arwen56
08-17-2003, 09:46 AM
ooc: Legoles, The kitties and penguins swore never to give my sanity back...*sniff* but thanks for trying to help. :)
Oh, and sure, I'll be the one that gets captured or whatever. :D

ic: Evra glarred at Idicara, her fingers trembling slightly. "What do you want?" She snapped.

ooc: is anyone Idicara, or do I have to be her????????

08-18-2003, 12:18 AM
You're not kidding, Legoles, you're mean, wah wah wah. :D

We're all Idicara! I was just him when I made a really cool plot gyration that nobody appreciated. *sniff*


08-18-2003, 02:40 AM

08-18-2003, 02:48 AM
We love you Kalile!

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-18-2003, 03:14 PM
ooc: Welcome back Legoles.

08-18-2003, 04:09 PM
ooc: I am confused.....yeah.:confused: So Evra is missing?

ic: Arien went to look around to see if she could find anything. Crack. Arien spun around. "Whose there?" No answer. Quietly she crept toward the sound. Crack. She heard it again. Suddenly, she heard a sort of loud wind rushing behind her. She spun around to see what it was but nothing was there. In fact, nothing at all. Everything was shadowed. CRACK.

08-18-2003, 05:13 PM

08-19-2003, 12:59 AM
Kalile's mom: How on earth do you guys know who it is?!? He's under an illusion! The temporary DM (me) shocks you for using out of character information.
Everyone roll 1d6 for damage, and is stunned for three rounds!

Note My mom has played D&D for just a little too long, can you tell? :p

In Dungeons and Dragons, this would mean that every character would roll a six-sided die (a normal die) and would subtract the number from his/her health. And you would be unable to move for about a 18 seconds.
You see, when the Dungeon Master, who is the controller of the game, gives you information like that Idicara took the guise of Rylkin, you're not supposed to use that info.

08-19-2003, 02:29 PM
*confused hobbit plops on ground* hmmm, d&d is really confusing, head hurts. I am a really confused hobbit, can't wait till I'm an elf lord so I can name myself *confused hobbit*

08-19-2003, 08:32 PM
I have a little spirit guy who knows everything... he's cool. I made him with the help of "coughyuyucoughhakashocough*
I'll go edit my post.....

08-19-2003, 08:49 PM
still don't get it, hmm, I'l go eat something, that will help. yum, crumpets and cheese.

08-19-2003, 09:21 PM
sounds good. Can I come? no food yet..... I'm not the best cook.

08-20-2003, 11:20 AM
sure, but remember I'm a hobbit so I will eat most of it, but I am an excelent cook, so I'll make extra. yum, wants some more tea? is your mom still sick? she can come too, herbal tea is good for sick people. welcome to my hobbit hole!

08-20-2003, 12:42 PM
My mom is at the docters at the moment. Maybe I should cook.......*a little bit later* here ya go Pip, eat up. lembas yum!

08-20-2003, 12:46 PM
yum, a cracker, right. how do you elves live on this stuff? no butter! oh, dear. *bites into bland wafer*

08-20-2003, 02:09 PM
So are you guys still able to see through the disguise, or are you following me? :confused:

08-20-2003, 02:40 PM
It's not bland! here, butter.
the nintey second rule again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-20-2003, 03:48 PM
thank-you kindly! I wonder if it is any good with tea? lol, NO TEA WAR! I don't want you wasting all my precious tea! btw, how old is every1? i'm i the 8th grade, meaning i'm 12, almost 13

08-20-2003, 06:12 PM
same here. Only alot more dayz till summer starts again. If adyone wants to be yelled at continue story, otherwize, lets get back to the story please?

08-20-2003, 11:12 PM
People, I'm still hanging suspended by a thread from a cliff that has a million diamond points at the bottom!


08-21-2003, 03:35 PM
I don't any more.
fumestupidfumeninteycoughsecondcoughrulesplutterst rikessplutteragaindiesagain!

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-21-2003, 07:45 PM
And now.....back to the story!:D

08-21-2003, 07:50 PM

So if someone would tell me if you all have seen through Idicara's disguise or not, I would be really grateful!!!

I've been asking you guys to tell me for days! Sheesh!

08-21-2003, 10:38 PM
ooc: I am confused......:confused:

ic: The noise was getting louder and Arien turned to find her way back. When she turned, a shadowed figure would not let her pass. Arien unsheathed her sword, "who are you?" The figure did not answer and just as she was about to strike it , it dissapeared. Quickly, Arien hurried back to the others.

08-21-2003, 11:06 PM
here, I will speak for everyone, (I guess) we do n ot know Ididcara's disguise

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-21-2003, 11:09 PM
ooc: Ok that's settled.

ooc2: I BEAT HALO!!!!!!!!!!!! AND ONLY IN TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-21-2003, 11:26 PM
I've heard of Halo, a little. What system is it for?
(I've only got an N64, but that has the best games except for PS2, and I can't afford 50$ per game)

Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! Now I can post in character!

Ic: "Come on. Evra needs your help!" Idicara repeated more urgently, inwardly rolling his eyes. Why don't we just kill the damn girl, since we've already got her? Oh well, orders are orders, and not to be disobeyed.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-21-2003, 11:30 PM
ooc: Halo is for Xbox, and o joyus day it is, for it took my Xbox zombie friends at least a month to beat it, and I beat it in two days!!!!!:D :D :D :D

08-23-2003, 12:55 PM
Halo is so awesome! I beat it on Legendary in five days! It's a great game to hold X-box parties and tournaments.

08-23-2003, 06:25 PM
Caution, off topic, Caution off topic.

08-24-2003, 12:03 PM
fine, fine, we'll get back on topic. Where were we anywho?

08-24-2003, 02:05 PM
Idicara was trying to lead us to Evra, who is in the forest, but Idicara is disguised as Rorin, (is that his name?)
ooc: I have an N64, it does have the best games, and I have a gamecube, mario sunshine rox! but need to stay on topic.

08-24-2003, 10:23 PM
I think it was Rylkin.... where are we in the story?

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-24-2003, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by Silme*Christian
I beat it on Legendary in five days!

FIVE DAYS!!!:eek: *Stares in awe* You are my hero!!!! :eek:

08-25-2003, 09:54 PM
OK. We are at the part where Idicara, disguised as Rylkin, asks everyone to go with him to help Evra. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze get back to the story, I'm begging you all.

08-25-2003, 10:04 PM
Arien looked at 'Rylkin' and something told something was amiss. Slowly she backed up shaking her head. "No," she whispered quietly.

08-26-2003, 11:39 PM
Idicara held out his hands placatingly. "I really need you to help me. Evra needs us!"

Ooc: Kiara has nothing to say... oh well.

08-28-2003, 05:56 PM
bumpetybumpetybumpetybumploodelyloodelyloodelyloow hereiseverybody?

Sorry I jus' got outta school and I'm fried!!

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-28-2003, 09:03 PM
ooc: Sorry, can't think of anything to say...too much math in one day. THREE HOURS YA'LL!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

08-28-2003, 10:34 PM
They put my Biology Honors, Health (not really hard, just tedious as HELL), and Geometry Honors ON ONE DAY!!!! I'm not even supposed to be in Geometry, let alone honors, until next year! They're all sophomores! And that's the day I only have one period after lunch so that I die from hunger. :mad: :mad: :mad:
And the bus leaves at 5:30 now, instead of 5:35 am. :o *yawn* so sleepy...

08-28-2003, 10:38 PM
Arien looked at him, staring straight into his eyes. She looked down at his hand and then slowly nodded.

08-28-2003, 10:46 PM
"Good! Come quickly, all of you."

Ooc: I'm gonna do a little wossname - godnobbing - with you Awionen.

Ic: Whew, he thought. He had begun to get a little nervous, thinking that they were a touched or something. (I wonder why? :p)
At Awionen's raised eyebrows, Kiara spoke up finally.
"I'll be along in a moment. I just need to, to get some water for Evra. You said she needed our help. I'll be right along. You get to Evra as fast as you can."

08-28-2003, 10:51 PM
ooc: okay

ic: Arien watched Kiara leave. As she was turned, she slowly brought a dagger up to her arm and put it in place, hidden so no one could see it. She turned back around and followed 'Rylkin' to where Evra supposedly was.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-29-2003, 12:20 AM
ooc: I know what you mean Kalile. I'm not supposed to be taking Geometry either, but I'm taking it and finishing up Algebra 1 for Independent studies...*Sigh*:rolleyes:

Not sure what to post.....

Lady Arwen56
08-31-2003, 01:02 AM
ooc: This is a disclaimor, I apologize to everyone now for my language.

ic: "Evil bitch..." Evra muttered, knowing exactly what Idicara was up to. Please, please, please don't let them believe her! She thought to herself, struggling with the ropes that were bound around her ankles, and wrists.

09-07-2003, 11:40 AM
"Evra! I'm so glad I found you!" Ther'ese rushed up and undid her ropes. Ther'ese pulled Evra off the ground*Notices Ryklin*. "Um, what is Ryklin doing here? Isn't he in the clearing back there?"
"No that's Idicara!" said Evra.
"Oh, dear. let me untie those ropes." She bent down, untied them, and helped him up as well

09-07-2003, 10:18 PM
Arien followed Idicara for a while knowing something just was not right. She made sure her dagger was in a spot where she could get it fast and easily. She looked over her shoulder with an un-easy feeling. This could be a trap. Besides, it is just too easy.

Gulio, Strength of Many
09-08-2003, 01:10 AM
"Than you Ther'ese," Rylkin said, "Do you know where Idicara was taking the others?"

09-09-2003, 08:49 PM
Kiara, meantime, went ahead of the group in the direction Idicara had come from. She took out the goons with a sling contrived of her shirt, wich she hastily donned again. (Sea elves have no reason to dress 'apropriately,' but it embarrasses others if they don't wear clothing on land, and they know this)
as she did so, There'se arrived. (Careful not to touch them! :p)

"So Arien and I were right. Something was wrong. Idicara never told us what was wrong with you, anyway. Just to follow him. Well, we'll have a surprise waiting for him!"

Gulio, Strength of Many
09-11-2003, 01:09 AM
"Be warned, Idicara is powerful and clever. I fear he may not fall for a trap such as this."

Gulio, Strength of Many
09-18-2003, 01:27 AM
ooc: Hey, lookie what I found!:D (Very hyper tonight. Almost Elf Lord!)

09-19-2003, 11:56 PM
This was one of the first rpg's I ever posted on, *tear* good ole' enchanted rivers! (what was that?) got a wee bit emotional, I seriously think we need to leave this one behind, its dead, and I really don't think we can save it!