View Full Version : The Battle for Middle Earth...(revisited)

08-12-2005, 10:15 AM
Many years have passed since the War of the Ring. Aragorn is now in his 75th year of rule over Gondor. Eomer is also in his 75th year as King of the Mark. Merry is the Master of Buckland, he is now nearing the age of 96, Pippin is also getting older, he has become the head of the Took house. And Samwise Gamgee has now moved into Bag End with his darling wife Rose Cotton, and their many children. Gimli and Legolas built a ship not long after the war and set sail across the Great Water, never to be seen again. Faramir and Eowyn married, and became Lord and Lady of Ithillien. However, as all seems peaceful, a foul, nameless evil stirs in the South. In the ancient land of Harad, a fallen man has risen up and taken on a new form and name (I'll let someone else come up with a creative name). He has become a great shadow that now troubles the heart of Middle Earth. At this time, he is drawing up an army of trolls, giants, orcs, other corrupted men, and many other foul beasts. Gondorian rangers from Ithillien have watched this birth of evil and as our story begins, a man is riding North to Minas Tirith bearing this ill news. What happens next? You decide...

08-14-2005, 04:52 PM
"Open the Gates!"

The man asked to see Elessar. The request was granted.

"My King, I bring tidings of evil. In the land of Harad, an evil has risin. A man who has taken the name of Morgai is gathering an army of evil beasts, creatures, and men. He means to renew war against Middle-Earth. Lord Framir suggests you hold a council to discuss this new Enemy"

08-14-2005, 08:45 PM
I'll be Elessar..."Very well, send out riders to every corner of the free world. Alert Rohan and the Dwarf kingdoms. Ride to the North and alert the Dunedain tribes."

08-15-2005, 05:26 PM
"It shall be done, my king. Riders shall be sent this very hour"

A few days later, Eomer King arrives along with some of his council. A day after that the King Under the Mountain. And lastly the Northern Dunedain arrive. Among them a woman with elf-blood, the last of her people.

08-15-2005, 06:13 PM
"Greetings to all of you," begins Elessar, "as you now know, a great evil has risen and now threatens the very existence of this Middle Earth," he continues,"it is now our duty to rise up against the enemy in order to maintain our peace." "Will the Free Peoples stand to defend this land?"

08-15-2005, 07:00 PM
"I shall stand with you, Elessar!" all eyes go to a woman who stood as she spoke. "Death will take me before I let the Enemy destroy this peace or Middle-Earth" she said defiently.

08-15-2005, 10:16 PM
"Ahh...Acalweia, I see you made it to the meeting," says Elessar,"I'm honored that you would join our cause so bravely." Very well, it is decided, we shall draw up an army and prepare for a war. Eomer, you and your people should take up camp at the Hornburg. My men will hold Osgilliath and the River. The rangers in Ithillien will of course keep watch over the South. The rest of you are with me, Acalweia, you shall be by my side, as we are both of the Dunedain. The Dwarves will hold the mountains, and what Elves are left shall hold our Western borders. We will fortify every Free Land. Let them come...we will stand."

08-16-2005, 03:38 PM
Rising in the east, from the bowels of Deep Harad, many flee the force growing. He has called into the west and heard the cries of imprisoned forces.

"Globolog pushbûb!" he calls into the night. "Snaga-urukbag! Prepare my brothers! I am come to free you and loose you on the earth! I shall block the sun so you may see and destroy your enemies. Prepare, for freedom is comming!"

And from deep under the earth, a chant rose up. The dwarves could faintly hear it. All they could make out was the name "Abdurb Burzronk".

The few dwarves left knew of the elves meeting, and immediatly sent a dispatch with this information.

OOC: Abdurb Burzronk means Ruler from the Dark Pit. He called to the trolls and orcs who wallow in filth beneath the earth, hidden from all intelegent life. He will free the demons of the earth and let them destroy all that is good.

08-16-2005, 05:55 PM
As the sky over Middle Earth grows darker, the Gondorian soldiers that were camped at the garrison of Osgilliath were constantly in fear of the shadow that grew just south of them. Meanwhile, in the land of Rohan, all of the towns and villages had emptied into the great stone fortress of Helm's Deep.

08-18-2005, 01:13 PM
OOC: Oh shiet, dwarves are already at the meeting. This works better.

As the last remnants of an age before men stood side by side discussing how best to hold their borders a delegation of dwarves hurried up on borrowed steeds, suggesting that speed outweighed comfort. They spoke quietly to the King under the Mountain who returned with disturbing news.
“My people have been returning to the earth of late, for this is no longer the age of dwarves, but some have come back from the depths and there have been rumors of power growing beneath our very own stones. Now we have a name for who calls these evils up. We hear he is called Abdurb Burzronk, a name that means Ruler from the Dark Pit. He called to the trolls and orcs who wallow in filth beneath the earth, hidden from all intelligent life. He will free the demons of the earth and let them destroy all that is good.”
“And how is it that your people are so familiar with the Black Tongue?” an elf demanded. “Shall your people follow the trolls up from the earth to torment us?”
“Enough,” commanded Elessar. “You have brought us valuable information. We know the shadow comes from Harad, we know our enemy’s name, we know his purpose, and know we know how he means to accomplish his destruction. This shall be the last battle of the free people, for I know how the earth and the sea call to our brothers from another age. I thank you for fighting again with men.”

08-19-2005, 01:15 PM
"Elves and Men were allies long ago. They shall be allies again, My King. We should prepare then. What of Gondor's old, women, and children. They should be evaucated, Elessar?"

08-27-2005, 04:01 PM
Far to the North, patrolling the dark vastness of Mirkwood, was Curubethion the wanderer. He stopped as he heard something walking through. Unsheathing his dagger, he hurled it at the huge mass ahead. Shrieking, something crashed from the trees. It shuddered, and then lay still. Curubethion nudged the giant tree spider. It was dead.
Haven't seen one of those in years, he thought.
He hiked towards the Elven King's halls. Something was happening, and he had to find out what it was.
He had already been away from there for half a year, so he did not know of the dark threat which was arising.

08-29-2005, 02:39 PM
Thranduil welcomed Curubethion to his halls, but he could tell the elf-king was a bit destressed.
"Come, my friend. I must speak with you. It is urgent." Curubethion followed Thranduil to his records chamber. "Ill news has reached our ears from the south. Evil has risen in Harad. He calls himself Abdurb Burzronk, and he plans to send an onslaught of orcs, trolls, and other fell beasts to destroy Middle-Earth. Elessar has bidden the Rohimmim to camp at the Hornburg, the Dwarves will hold the mountians, the men of Gondor and the Dunedain ofthe north will hold Osgilliath, the Dunedain of the south will watch over the south, and the Elves will hold the Western border of Gondor and Arnor. Join where ever you wish, Wanderer. I must prepare my people for the last onset of war" He left Curubethion to digest the news.

08-30-2005, 02:48 PM
"My lord I've come to help you in your time of great need. Though I am olny one man I can bring down the mightiest foes." said Drake.

08-30-2005, 06:09 PM
"Your assistance would be greatly appreciated Drake. I shall station you with the men along the outside walls."

08-30-2005, 07:13 PM
"Very well I shall need my staff, daggers, and crossbow. Oh,I almost forgot, I'm to young to forget this. Iwill need 18 lovely ladies to entertain me before battle like old times, and I'll still out match you in our battle field compitions. I'll kill twice as many foes as you would!" "Oh, by the way did you read my strategy."

09-01-2005, 06:45 PM
Curubethion rode on the elves' swiftest steed; he was going to Osgiliath, to defend against the impending onslaught.
"I hope Drake isn't there," he grumbled. "I could kill three times as many orcs as that goblin-brained bragger."
The Wanderer rode past the confines of Mirkwood, watching the ever growing storm.

09-01-2005, 07:01 PM
"Times have changed Drake," said Elessar, "war is a serious thing. If you will not take it seriously, then I will not allow you to assist my men, I will station you with the Dwarves."

09-02-2005, 08:59 PM
As Curubethion rode past a rocky outcrop, a score of ugly goblins popped out! Flipping off of his horse, the Wanderer sliced through three of them, and impaled a fourth (ooc: :cool: ) .
Shouting, "Tharanduil!!!" he drew a long dagger, a diruc, and engaged the creatures with two blades! As one cut his shoulder, he tossed back two more, and continued to fight! Was there any help for him?

09-02-2005, 09:03 PM
"Albus you are the only man I trust I will not leave my post." "As for my request about women forget it. All I request are skilled archers. You must also send word to my city in Umbar to send help."

09-03-2005, 03:58 PM
From his filthy hollow in the mountains, Abdurb Burzronk (ABur from henceforth) heard the murmuring of his subjects, telling all they heard of the allies plans. Abur rested his head on a rock and thought.
"These mortals, they howl at one another. Can it be that I can win this war by propaganda alone?"
Abur liked this idea, and quickly began formulating how to do as little work as possible.

09-05-2005, 04:46 PM
At Drake's word, Riders are sent forth to Umbar to recruit archers. On the way, a band of orcs jump out of the mountain shadows and slaughter them. What hope there was for Gondor is now in grave danger.

09-05-2005, 05:47 PM
In a flurry of swordfighting, the rest of the goblins lay dead at Curubethion's feet. He, however, was in bad shape. Limping to his horse, he mounted, hoping that no more orcs would arrive. By the next day, he was within sight of Minas Tirith, the White Tower. Breathless and exhausted, he rode towards the city.

09-09-2005, 06:56 PM
"Elessar! A rider approaches!" Acalewia saw him before the others.
"Let him come. The more that help us, the better" As the rider rode through the gates, Acalewia and Elessar saw the man was wounded.
"Who are you and what trouble did you have?" Elessar noticed he was not one of the Riders he had sent to Umbar.

09-09-2005, 07:08 PM
"I...I am Curubethion, Lord Elessar..." the man whispered. "Is there somewhere where I can get rest..."
The rider toppled off of his horse. Men ran up to him. One examined him and declared, "He's alive!"
"Get him into the Houses of Healing!" shouted the king.
Gondorians rushed to obey.

09-09-2005, 08:24 PM
"Athelas! Quickly!" Acalewia cried. The Healers quickly produced the herb that Elessar had ordered stocked. The women quickly nursed his wounds.
"Send for me when he is ready," Elessar said.

09-10-2005, 05:25 PM
The next day, Elessar had received word that Curubethion was in better shape, so he strolled down to the Houses of Healing. When he arrived, he asked Curubethion how he had obtained his wounds. After Curubethion finished his tale, Elessar thanked him for his bravery. Just then, a soldier came sprinting into the Houses of Healing and told the king that the Messengers that were sent to Umbar had been slaughtered by orcs. Elessar is quite worried at this and tells the soldier to report to the Captain of the Guard and tell him to prepare his men for battle.

09-10-2005, 08:25 PM
"Is there no way to Umbar? We must have more archers, my king" Acalewia said as Elesser joined them. "We have a few here, But it is not enough," She now had her weapons on, her bow in her hand.
"She is right," Drake said. "We have too few"

09-11-2005, 08:55 PM
Send for the Eagles. Ask them to fly to Umbar and give them word of the coming battle. Tell them to bear what men are willing to come back to the White City.

09-12-2005, 03:47 PM
"It will be done," Before long, Gwaither and his eagles flew over head and were soon out of sight. Acalewia turned to Elessar.
"What do we do now?"

09-16-2005, 09:03 PM
"We should wait," suggested Curbethion, "and get into position. The attack will come. I have seen things stirring. Evil is coming. Do you wish me to go anywhere?"
"I wish you to fight," said Elessar.
"Then I shall help you hold Osgiliath, my Lord."
Curubethion turned away, and walked off, saying, "I have work to do."
On the seas of Harad, a ship sailed near the coast of Pelargir. Its captain was Gruag, the most feared corsair in Middle-Earth. He watched the land come closer. He had come for vengeance! He had come to make ruin!

10-03-2005, 05:11 PM
Acalewia had been placed in charged of the archers. She now stood on the wall looking out over the fields, many thoughts on her mind. She wondered if the archers of Umbar would come in time. She squinted. Something was coming. Acalewia jumped from the wall and ran to the Council room
"The Eagles are coming!" she shouted. "The Eagles have returned!"

11-10-2005, 05:29 PM
"Acalewia," Drake said," I have to go to umbar.The tide of war will shift when I return. I did not tell the king what archers we would need. I am the only one they will listen to because they are my sons." :o
After what he had said he took off toward the sea to catch his ship. He traveled for many days to reach his home.When he got there his sons rushed to great him.

11-10-2005, 06:40 PM
It had been many days since the dwarves heard the warning, the coming of the Dark One. A shadow grew in the south. The Mountains of Shadow along Mordor's southern border. Mordor had been devoid of life since the fall of Sauron and the destruction of the One Ring. Now the clouds croweded around the moutain baracade, as if searching for a way through.

The truth is, they followed their master, ABur, who was digging his way under the peaks of the Moutains of Shadow. The people of Khand watched the churning clouds with apprehension, until one day when the struggle broke. The darkness swept through into Mordor, where it took on new shape. Tornados ran wild, sweeping up the very soot from the destruction of the previous empire. Within days all of Nurn was covered in black clouds and ABur and his people emerged from underground. The covering was so thick that not a single ray of sunlight ever fell on the people from down below.

But the Sea of Nurn would not be tamed. The clouds failed to block the sun shining on the turbulent waters, casting broken reflections too bright for ABur and his people. So ABur moved north, away from the sea, and towards Mount Doom, now dormant.

11-12-2005, 09:12 PM
Three days latter Drake and his sons returned to the white city."Elessar, I have brought my sons they are only half/half-gaints, and one even knows magic.

11-13-2005, 07:55 PM
"We can use all the help we can receive. Your son's magic, I believe, will help us greatly." Acalewia said after greeting her old friend and his sons. "Shadow has returned to Mordor. The sun will not shine for us until it is defeated once more"

11-15-2005, 08:14 PM
Drake's sonsgreated their dad's friends. His first son had fallen in love with Acalewia, but she had not relized it.

11-28-2005, 09:26 PM
the waiting was the worse. men became restless. Elessar called Acalewia, Drake, Drake's sons, and Curubethion to the great hall.

11-29-2005, 04:46 PM
"What is it you want my lord." Drake said

12-01-2005, 08:54 PM
I would like you and your sons to go to the garrison of Osgiliath and help the men protect the river.

12-02-2005, 05:42 PM
"Your wish is my command." Drake said

12-04-2005, 04:46 PM
"And the rest off us, my Lord?" Acalewia asked.

Lady Willow Rose
12-24-2005, 05:20 PM
The wind around the White City grew harsh. Beaneath the White Tree, a small cyclone was created until a woman draped in a dark blue cloak appeared in the midst of it. She observed her surroundings and smiled slightly. "It has been many years since I have come to Gondor."

12-28-2005, 05:03 PM
I would like you to travel to Minas Ithil and gather what men we have there and then I want you to ride back to the city and send half of the men to Osgiliath and the rest of you remain at the city and help protect the walls.

12-29-2005, 01:55 PM
Acalewia slightly bowed.
"It shall be done, My King!" And with that she was gone. Minutes later, Silvermist was seen galloping across Pellenor Fields in route to Minas Ithil.

Lady Willow Rose
12-29-2005, 09:42 PM
The cloaked figure glided across the courtyard, intent on reaching the king. But a question echoed in her mind. Would he remember her?

01-06-2006, 10:45 PM
As the king turned to speak to his Captain of the Guard, a tall, cloaked figure entered the throne room.

Lady Willow Rose
01-07-2006, 12:00 AM
The cloaked figure strode through the grand hall toward His Majesty the King. "Many years have passed, Elessar. And as I expected, they have been good to you. I wonder if they've been good to your memory."

01-08-2006, 03:23 PM
I'm sorry dear one, it does not. Who are you and why, may I ask, are you here?

Lady Willow Rose
01-08-2006, 09:17 PM
The figure unhooked her cloak and let it slid to the floor. The lady now revealed had silver hair that fell past her waist. Her eyes were gold and her face was smooth, beautiful. She smiled at the King.

"Aragorn, son of Arathorn, you wound me. True, it has been many years since we last spoke but one would think you'd remember your childhood friend." Her smile faded and her eyes glowed with an unnamed emotion. "In the Third Age of this world, before the Ring touched your life, I walked with you. My past arose and I was led away from you onto a different path. But now our paths have crossed again. I am Miriel Vardainiel, immortal. I am here to offer you my aide."

01-08-2006, 11:11 PM
Your help is gladly welcomed, My Lady. I am truly sorry that my memory did not serve me as it normally does. I am glad to have seen you again Miriel.

Lady Willow Rose
01-09-2006, 12:03 AM
Miriel smiled softly. "Seeing you brings me joy, Estel," she murmured. "I have spent more than one dark night thinking of you. It is my honor to lay down my life for you." The wind stretched out through the hall and Elessar felt gentle fingers touch his cheek. Words were carried on the wind for only him to hear. "Mellonamin, amin mela lle."

My friend, I love you.

01-10-2006, 02:25 PM
Horns sounded and the call came up that Acalewia was returning with tne army from Minas Ithil. She came into the throne room with Faramir, her left arm bandaged. She bowed.
"The army waits for your command, My King" She noticed the immortal. "Miriel?"

Lady Willow Rose
01-11-2006, 12:49 AM
Miriel turned from the King and smiled brilliantly. "Acalewia! It is a pleasure to see you once more. How have you faired?"

01-11-2006, 02:28 PM
"As well as a Dunedain can. It has been some time since we last met, My friend" She held a hand out.
"Welcome back"

Lady Willow Rose
01-12-2006, 01:03 AM
Miriel pushed aside Acalewia's hand and embraced her. "You may be a warrior, but affection is crucial to our humanity," she murmured. She drew back and looked at her friend sadly. "This war will bring loss." Miriel looked away, losing focus. "Though who shall suffer most has yet to be seen." She shook herself. Miriel smiled at her friend. "I'm afraid I have forgotten my manners," she apologized. "Nae saian luume'. Vanimle sila tiri."

She then turned to the King and murmured, "Would that he remembered me."

*It has been too long. Your beauty shines bright.

01-12-2006, 01:59 PM
Acalewia smiled.
"Im gelir ceni ad lin, Miriel" She turned to Elessar. "I ask your leave to tend to my wounds. We were ambushed by orcs just outside Minas Ithil. I am glad to say we suffered no losses, only wounds"

01-12-2006, 06:02 PM
Of course, Acalewiea, tend to thy wounds, for war is at hand. Miriel, it is very good to see you after these long years. I believe you know my lovely Queen Arwen?

Lady Willow Rose
01-13-2006, 12:58 AM
Miriel felt the pleasure of seeing Acalewia again drain away. "Yes, King Elessar. I recall the Evenstar." Though the Valar knows I'd rather forget her. "Tell me, is she as much a martyr now as she was then?" As soon as the words left her mouth, she winced. "Ed' i'ear ar' elenea, I used to have more tact. I apologize, Aragorn." She bowed low before him. "Heruamin, amin naa lle nai."

*By the sea and stars
*My lord, I am yours to command

02-10-2006, 09:46 PM
The spread of evil has even disturbed something in the forests of Fangorn. It is no Ent, for the Ents have pretty much gone to sleep, leaving the forests shepherdless. This waking Tree is a limb lithe Oak known only as Oak Leaf from the herd of Treebeard. The golden foliaged Oak creeps on her roots out over the Enmet. She makes her way toward Helms Deep. At first the Tree is a disoriented as she stops at the wall of the Hornburg and look up it with her golden amber eyes.

02-11-2006, 09:17 PM
So, your jealousy towards the Evenstar remains. No matter, it is very good to see you again. Your radiant beauty brings light to these dark times.

OOC: I'm not fluent in Elvish, therefore, I will not speak in it

Lady Willow Rose
02-12-2006, 07:38 PM
Miriel clenched her fists but kept a determined smile on her face. It was an old argument of theirs. And it had eventually driven her away. Miriel had loved Aragorn before he had heir to the throne of Gondor. She'd loved him as a child, loved him as a young man.

Arwen had only loved him when she had seen the great king he would one day become.

"My Lord," she murmured, "what are we to do now?"

02-13-2006, 06:29 PM
Acalewia sat in the House of Healing, her arm being tended by Ioreth. Her tunic was being mended by another woman. Acalewia wore her mithril coat. Ioreth was chatting away, but Acalewia wasn't listening.
This war will bring loss her old friend had said. Though who shall suffer most is yet to be seen. She was pondering this. When they had been younger, Miril had saved her life through such words. Words that she had been able to interpt. What could she mean by this?

02-13-2006, 09:53 PM
"Miriel, as you are an adept archer, I am going to ask you to gather around you a group of archers and watch over our northern borders. I will pray for your safety."

Lady Willow Rose
02-14-2006, 12:55 AM
Miriel nodded to him. "It will be a pleasure." She lifted her arms and seemingly vanished, the only evidence of her presence was the wind which whipped through the hall.

Acalewia heard a voice by her ear, light and pleasing. "Don't worry, my friend. I see clear paths and a joyous future for you. Aa' menealle nauva calen ar' malta."

And then, she was gone. Miriel did not know whether or not she was to ever enter Gondor again. At least there were skilled archers ready and willing to defend the northern flank. With any luck at all, she would survive this war.

*May your ways be green and golden

02-16-2006, 02:31 PM
Acalewia smiled. She knew Miriel was gone now, her farewell still echoing in her ears.
"Until we meet again," she whisptered under her breath. She pulled on her tunic and returned to Elessar.

Last Child of Ungoliant
02-16-2006, 08:37 PM
ooc: may i join, the blue wizards have returned to the western regions of middle earth, and i am they!

Lady Willow Rose
02-17-2006, 12:51 AM
OOC: Of course you can join in! Merry meet, far traveler. :)

Last Child of Ungoliant
02-17-2006, 08:48 AM
suddenly, and without warning or sound, two old bearded men, dressed in sea-blue rode up on silver horses...

02-17-2006, 01:16 PM
A horn sounded, and a messenger ran into the throne room. "My lord Elessar," he said, "two strange looking travelers have ridden into the city." "What is their purpose?" asked Elessar. "I do not know," replied the messenger, "shall I allow them to hold an audience with you?" "Yes, bring them here, question them, we will." said Elessar.

Last Child of Ungoliant
02-17-2006, 03:02 PM
the two bearded men walked into the King's council chambers, drawing their hoods down, to reveal piercing blue eyes and long grey beards
"My lord Elessar,"
said the first
"My name is Allatar, and this is my friend Pallando, I believe you knew our kinsmen Olorin, Aiwendil and Curumo? We have returned out of the far East, where we assisted the other Istari in the War of the Ring, by turning many of the Easterlings against the dominion of Sauron. We have come now to offer our assistance in this hour of need!"

Lady Willow Rose
02-17-2006, 07:04 PM
Miriel crouched down behind the tall grasses. The rest of her archers followed suit and she listened intently.

And then they were attacked.

Orcs and men, vicious warriors, cut down the others almost before they had time to stand up. Miriel killed three. She had almost driven her sword through one of the men when a sword sliced through her stomach.

She gasped out, letting her weapon fall. Pain, burning, death...

Miriel slowly sank to the ground and vanished into the wind. "Estel," the air seemed to whisper all throughout Middle Earth. "Amin nauva auta yeste'. Melamin, amin hiraetha."

They heard her voice in the White City and all knew. Miriel was gone.

*I will go first. My love, I'm sorry.

Lady Willow Rose
02-17-2006, 07:13 PM
Finrod Elanessë halted his horse and listened to the dying whispers of his beloved. "No," he murmured, heart breaking. "She cannot be dead." He spurred the horse on and galloped the rest of the way to Minas Tirith.

He felt Miriel's death in his heart. And he had to accept it. But that did not mean he would not give the King as much trouble as he could while still fulfilling his promise to Miriel. He had to help King Elessar in this war.

With any luck, the blind man would be struck down for his stupidity.

02-17-2006, 08:51 PM
Before Elessar could open his mouth to answer the wizards, another messenger rushed into the Great Hall, ran up to him, and began to whisper in his ear. He announced with a solemn tone that the Northern borders had been breached. He then began to weep and announced that Miriel and her archers had been slaughtered...

Lady Willow Rose
02-17-2006, 09:23 PM
Finrod rested in the window looking into the King's throne room. His Royal Highness seemed to have received the news of Miriel's death. Finrod closed his eyes and gave himself time to absorb the hurt.

He'd loved Miriel for centuries. Never once had she looked at him with anything but friendship. She'd loved Aragorn and he didn't have the good sense to love her in return. Finrod admitted that the idea of her being with him burned but not as much as the idea of Miriel's pain did.

Now, he had to help the man she so passionately loved. Maybe he'd find out why she had cared about the mortal.

02-19-2006, 09:57 PM
Acalewia's knees gave way when she recieved the news upon returning to the throne room. The two immortals had been closer than sisters. She remembered the last words Miriel had whispered to her. She closed her eyes and reached out to her gift and saw what no one else would see.
I have lost too much! Arda has lost too much! Acalewia rose.
"In the past, you have asked my advice. I give you advice now weither you wish it or not. Do not let Miriel's death be in vain!"

Lady Willow Rose
02-20-2006, 08:02 PM
Finrod smiled and swung down into the great hall. "Acalewia, I don't believe I could have said it better myself." The two immortals embraced, her tears seeping into his shirt. "It's been many a year since last we met. You've only gotten more beautiful."

02-20-2006, 08:33 PM
"Hannon le, Finrod." She dropped her arms and turned back to the King.
"We must double the watch. The scouts should be experts in steath, to see without being seen. Abur wishes to bring us war, it is war we shall give him." Acalewia turned to the two Istari. "Drake's son and the wizards should meet and discuss ways to use their magic against this new Enemy. I wait for your command"

Last Child of Ungoliant
02-20-2006, 08:49 PM
The Blue wizards bowed their heads slightly in acknowledgement
"We will of course do all we can, we can not let a new terror rise! Although, we are forbidden to use might against might, but certain powers are of course acceptable in the eyes of the Lords of the West, and He who sits on Taniquetil in especial" said Pallando

Lady Willow Rose
02-20-2006, 09:03 PM
Finrod turned a bit to face the King, and Acalewia knew he was all set to give Elessar as much trouble as possible.

He was an odd creature. His clothes were always multi-colored, ranging from bright red to dark blue. Finrod's hair was sandy red, his eyes sea green and he was about 6 feet tall.

Though he looked like a joker, his skill with knives was unmatched. It was told that he once defeated three armed men with nothing but his two long knives. Acalewia was aware of the fact that Finrod could either be a great ally or a deadly foe.

She hoped his hate for Aragorn would not be detremental to their cause.

02-20-2006, 09:45 PM
Although Elessar appeared calm, he secretly feared Finrod's skills in assasination. He only hoped Acalewia could keep her friend under control.

Lady Willow Rose
02-20-2006, 09:49 PM
Finrod offered Elessar a feral smile. "So, Your Royal Highness, what's the next step is this most brilliant plan? Send Acalewia out on a suicide mission as well?"

02-20-2006, 09:59 PM
Acalewia placed a hand on her friend's arm.
"Finrod, there is no need for that" she whispered.

Lady Willow Rose
02-20-2006, 10:11 PM
He smiled down at her pleasantly, but she saw the pain and hate in his eyes. "Oh really? I see all the need in the world."

02-22-2006, 01:37 PM
Acalewia shook her head and sighed. She still held his arm.
"If it please you, Elessar, allow Finrod to accompany me to Osgolith to defend from their?"

02-22-2006, 06:12 PM
"Very well," replied Elessar, "you and Finrod go to Osgiliath and help defend the River. May the blessing of Men and Elves go with you."

Meriadoc Brandybuck
02-22-2006, 11:52 PM
Barahad looked ahead of him at the hall where King Elessar sat discussing the sudden onslaught of the evil creatures as he awaited to be let in to see the king. The young Gondorian had never been in a battle of any type, but was willing to die for Gondor, for his king, of which it is said fought against the Dark Lord of which so many tales told of.
Guard at the door allowed him to pass. Barahad took a deep breath and stepped into the magnificent hall. Slowly, he walked up the king and unsheathed his sword.
"Worthy King of Gondor, I offer you my sword; and I am willing to die for this great land and for you against the evil which sits at our doorstep. Please accept it."
Suddenly, he noticed the elves and looked at them in awe, but said nothing. He waited for the king reply.

Lady Willow Rose
02-23-2006, 01:31 AM
Finrod rolled his eyes. "Another eager servant of the great and mighty Aragorn." Acalewis poked him in the ribs and he subsided. "Let us leave here, old friend. I have had enough."

02-23-2006, 02:26 PM
Acalewia and Finrod left the Hall and were met by Faramir.
"I go to Osgilith with you, Acalewia. We shall fight side by side as in the old days" She smiled and turned to Finrod.
"Finrod, this is Faramir, Prince of Ithian. I pray you don't mind him joining us"

Last Child of Ungoliant
02-23-2006, 02:56 PM
Allatar and Pallando, bowed to the King, "We are going to walk the outer walls, to assess the defences of the sity, Lord, we will return to your halls soon!" said Allatar, as the two Blue Wizards made their way out of the main chambers of the Citadel

02-23-2006, 06:28 PM
"Very well, friends.."

Lady Willow Rose
02-24-2006, 11:51 PM
Finrod studied Faramir closely. He didn't believe there to be any threat from this man. Stiff and unfriendly, he nodded in the man's direction before striding off.

And, as Miriel's gift allowed her to travel in wind, he crumbled down into the earth. Faramir stared at the spot where the immortal had seemingly disintegrated.

"What is he?" Acalewia sighed and rubbed her temples.

"Part deadly assassin and part pain the the hind quarters." With that said, she left for Osgiliath. Faramir shook his head.

"How do I get myself into these situations?"

Meriadoc Brandybuck
02-25-2006, 12:21 AM
Barahad had suddenly lost interest in the king, and followed closely behind the elves and Faramir. They either didn't notice him, or didn't care. As he saw on of the elves disappear, he gasped aloud.

Thain Peregrin Took I
02-25-2006, 01:02 AM
Suddenly, the door creaked open and a young man slowly walked in. He had tusseled golden hair. His hands and clothes were covered in blood. With one had, he clutched at a wound in his side, his injured arm hanging loosly next to him. As he approached to king, he collapsed to his knees, obviously in pain and breathing heavily.
'King Elessar,' the man said with effort ' my name is Elahir. I bring bad tidings from Rohan. The Golden Hall was attacked by orcs in the middle of the night. Many of us were killed, but few orcs. I am one of the few who survived.' His eyes filled with fear at the very memory of the moment.
Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Elahir slumped to the floor in a faint.

Lady Willow Rose
02-25-2006, 02:15 AM
Finrod appeared behind Baharad and studied him. "What is it you want, young one?" The Gondorian swung around, eyes wide.

"But... You were... You just..." he stuttered. The immortal smirked.

"Do you have a speech impediment?"

Last Child of Ungoliant
02-25-2006, 05:51 AM
as the wizards re-entered the chambers, they noticed the young man of Rohan on the floor...'Leave him be!' cried Allatar 'I have much skill in healing, bring me athelas, boiled water and a rad of purest sapphire!'

pallando meanwhile drew a small leathern pouch from beneath his robes, and took a few black leaves and purple berries from it, which he gave to the man, which seemed to act as a painkiller of some kind

02-25-2006, 05:37 PM
As Pallando worked to numb the pain, servants rushed in with the items that Allatar had requested. Finally, the young man was carried down to the Houses of the Healing, where he was cared for. When he had healed, Elessar requested that he be brought up to the Great Hall.

Lady Willow Rose
02-25-2006, 06:51 PM
Finrod ignored the young man in front of him and glanced over his shoulder at the Great Hall. It burned him that he couldn't create any havoc for the King. With a smirk, he murmured a spell that often annoyed Miriel but always made her laugh. "Loomi tanya lirva amin."

A green cloud filtered into the cloud which smelled of rotten eggs, spoiled cabbage and uncleaned horse stalls. Finrod smirked, turned to the Gondorian and saluted him. "I'll be seeing you again, undoubtedly." Once again, he vanished into the earth and headed toward Osgiliath.

*stinking cloud

02-25-2006, 07:01 PM
Elessar's anger towards Finrod grew even stronger as the cloud dissipated. He knew that he should control his anger, but the animosity that Finrod directed at him was slowly tearing his sanity apart. He would have to deal with it...

Meriadoc Brandybuck
02-25-2006, 11:06 PM
Barahad turned away from the remaining elf in disgust as he put his nose into his elbow to try and block the stench. "Are they all like that?" he wondered aloud.

02-26-2006, 03:33 PM
Acalewia sighed and shook her head. The stench cloud always made Miriel laugh even though it annoyed her. Acalewia never thought it was funny.
"Just some, Gondorian." she said to Barahad. She nodded to Faramir. "Let us be off before Finrod does something else mischievious" They urged their horses on, followed by half of the army from Minas Ithil.

Meriadoc Brandybuck
02-26-2006, 09:44 PM
With them went Barahad.

Lady Willow Rose
02-26-2006, 10:44 PM
As Finrod traveled through the earth, a great fire appeared on the Pelennor fields. He glanced up at the heated surface and cursed.

"All right, Lessien," he called out as he surfaced. "Don't give everyone a heart attack. Just take human form." The fire shrank down and in its place was a petite young woman with fiery hair and violet eyes.

"Miriel is dead," she said flatly.

"You noticed?" The words had yet to stop hurting him, so he turned away. "I thought you two hadn't spoken in years."

"That does not change the fact that she was my sister." Lessien hesitated a brief moment, then hugged Finrod. "That doesn't change the fact that I loved her."

"I am going to Osgiliath," he mumbled, embarrassed by her show of emotion. "This world was important to Miriel. I want to help defend it." She nodded.

"I will aid you in this."

Thain Peregrin Took I
02-26-2006, 10:49 PM
When Elahir awoke, he found himself in the Houses of Healing. All of his pain was gone, as if it hadn't been there. He was still weak, but otherwise, he felt fully recovered. He got the Warden's permission to leave, so he made his way back to the King's hall.
"What shall I do for you my lord?" he asked Elessar.

Last Child of Ungoliant
02-27-2006, 03:09 PM
allatar looked at pallando 'you felt it too?' pallando asked 'yes' replied allatar 'a strange presence has awoken - for all our benefit!'

02-27-2006, 05:55 PM
Acalewia and Faramir arrived at Osgilith the next day. The solders already there made way for them. Curubethion met them.
"Good to see an elf has decided to fight with us." he said. Acalewia smirked.
"I am more than an elf, Curubethion. The Northern border has been breached with great loss. Rohan has been attacked. It may be up to us to keep the orcs from beseiging Minas Tirith"
Suddenly flames leapt from the earth, causing men to jump back.
"What are you up to now, Finrod?"

Lady Willow Rose
02-28-2006, 12:41 AM
Finrod smirked. "It's not me, Acalewia. It is my honor to present Lessien, sister to Miriel." He bowed low and the fire took the shape of a woman. She smiled a bit.

"Stop acting like such a clown, Finrod. We have work to do."

03-03-2006, 02:09 PM
Curubethion spread a map over the table. Acalewia pointed to the North.
"Our greatest threat comes from the North, now that it has been breeched" she moved her hand to Rohan. "I know not if Rohan has fallen, but they were attacked in the night and many were slain, acording to the young Rider who brought us this news." Acalewia frowned. "We have not had any word from the Dwarves in some time. Do they still stand?"

Lady Willow Rose
03-03-2006, 05:26 PM
Lessien thought over the question, then slanted a look at Finrod. "I know someone here who could find out." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh, all right. I take a look. Don't get into trouble." Without another word, vanished into the ground.

03-04-2006, 10:35 PM
"I think we should have said that to him," Acalewia said as Finrod disappeared.

Lady Willow Rose
03-05-2006, 12:28 AM
Lessien chuckled. "You know him well."

03-05-2006, 07:02 PM
"Aye. Perhaps too well. Now all we have to do is wait." Acalewia hoped Finrod had enough sense to keep out of sight of the enemy.

Thain Peregrin Took I
03-05-2006, 08:39 PM
As he knelt before the king, Elahir patiently but eagerly waited for his reply. He hoped that he could be of some service to King Elessar, Gondor, and all of Middle-Earth.
"You may fight, if you wish. But be cautious, as our enemy has turned out to be stronger than we thought." answered the King.
"I will, my lord." said Elahir, and he left the hall.

03-11-2006, 05:18 PM
" What news of the north?" Drake asked as he arrived in osgiliath.

03-13-2006, 12:51 AM
Albus, son of Alamin, was fearful. Being the new Captain of Gondor, it was up to him to defend the White City. He was willing and ready to stand for Elessar, but this strange Half-Giant was loud and arrogant, and he was not sure how to react to him.

Lady Willow Rose
03-13-2006, 01:42 AM
Night descended on all Middle-Earth but Elessar could not sleep. One voice haunted his thoughts. One face refused to leave his eyes.

"Mellonamin, amin mela lle." He rubbed his eyes. No matter how he tried to forget, he couldn't. Miriel was in his mind. And maybe, just maybe, she was in his heart.

*My friend, I love you

03-13-2006, 04:26 PM
"We know naught, yet, Drake" Acalewia replied.

03-13-2006, 04:36 PM
" Well prepare the troops for battle." Drake said.

03-13-2006, 06:26 PM
"Not until Finrod returns, Drake" Acalewia said sharply. She glanced back at the map, her eyes falling on Mordor.
What are you planning, Ruler from the Dark Pit she thought.

Lady Willow Rose
03-14-2006, 01:37 AM
Finrod appeared behind her, grinning. "Talking about me, sweet elf? Not very polite." He walked up to them and despite his wrecked clothes he seemed quite cheerful. "I was almost slaughtered, oddly enough. But I did get some useful information."

03-14-2006, 01:55 PM
Acalewia frowned.
"What did you find?"

03-14-2006, 07:43 PM
At that second two soldiers came into Drake's tent.
"We've spoted a band of about 1000 orcs heading tword our position commander." the first soldier said.
"We must tell the others!" Drake said.
"My lord do you really think we have chosen the right side?" the second soldier asked.
"I would give my life to protect this land!" Drake yelled.
After the soldiers exited the tent Drake informed the others about the band of 1000 orcs heading to their position.

Lady Willow Rose
03-14-2006, 10:46 PM
Finrod rolled his eyes. "Yes, thank you so much. That was what I was reporting. Get your own information." Lessien poked him.

"Do be quiet unless you have something important to say."

03-15-2006, 02:17 PM
"We need to be prepared." Acalewia said. "Curubethion, Drake, Get your people in postion." She turned to Finrod and Lessien. "I'll need you two with me. How well do you fight, Lessien?"

03-15-2006, 04:58 PM
"Albus ready the troops for a deffensesive battle."Drake said.
"Curubethion prepare a spear wall attack. I will prepare a mounted assault."

Lady Willow Rose
03-15-2006, 08:19 PM
Lessien's lips curved upward in a wicked grin. Finrod had a hard time holding back his laughter.

"I fight rather well, lady elf," she replied soberly, but the twinkling of her eyes gave away her amusement. A brief snap of her fingers produced a teardrop of flame which she balanced upon her fingers idly. "Unless, of course, you do not think I can hold my own."

03-17-2006, 02:41 PM
Acalewia smiled.
"Good. Come. We have orc scum to defeat."

Lady Willow Rose
03-26-2006, 08:18 PM
Finrod slipped away from the group easily. Acalewia and Lessien seemed to be growing closer.

Night had fallen and he wanted to walk alone in the cool air. Miriel's voice reached him across the void of their separation.

"You cannot always chooose the path of greatest ease. Sometimes you have to go the harder road."

"I would have been willing to go down this road, old friend," he whispered to the sky. "As long as you were with me." His eyes fixed on Minas Tirith. "But now I have to fight the urge to kill the one you loved." He fingered the handle of one of his throwing knives. "I wonder if I shall give in."

Lady Willow Rose
03-26-2006, 10:05 PM
Cobblestones surged and cracked in the streets of Minas Tirith. Houses shook, people scattered. There were screams of confusion and fear.

Aragorn stood by the White Tree, hearing it all and knowing what came. He was dressed in clothes he had not worn in years. Old, worn garments that Rangers were known for.

But he was unarmed.

"You know why I'm here." Finrod stood behind the King, his eyes dark with grief and hate. Aragorn turned to look at him.

"Yes." Finrod drew a long, thin dagger and stared into Elessar's eyes.

"You belong with Miriel." The next instant, the dagger's blade was in Aragorn's heart.

The King fell.

03-28-2006, 02:11 PM
A chill went through Acalewia's spine. She turned and looked at the men behind her.
"Where's Finrod?"

Lady Willow Rose
03-28-2006, 09:30 PM
Lessien stood very quietly beside the fire. Though no emotion flickered over her face, her eyes were alight with pain.

"Oh, Finrod," she whispered. "What have you done?"


Aragorn was uncertain when the pain had stopped and a sort of emptyness settled inside of him. He knew he had been wandering for a good time in the mists.

He took a careless step to the left. The ground opened up beneath him and the roars of damned men and women filled his ears. Aragorn clung to the edge, the rocks biting into his hands. Tongues of flame reached up and licked his boots.

His hands were grasped and he was hoisted up back on solid ground. He panted, staring as the crack sealed itself.

"Be careful here," a voice whispered. "The rules of this world are tricky. And they always change." Aragorn looked into the face of his rescuer and, after a moment of shock, smiled.

"You will always be there to save me, won't you Miriel?"

04-02-2006, 03:54 PM
"Albus I leave you in command of my troops while I go and see what my hawks have told me." Drake said.

04-17-2006, 04:45 PM
Suddenly, the archer standing next to Acalewia fell, an arrow deep in his chest.
"We are under attack!" she shouted. "Man the defenses! Move!" She pulled the arrow to her ear and loosed it as more orc arrows showered Osgiliath.

04-17-2006, 07:22 PM
Albus shouted at his archers to fire at will. After many shots, the orcs were defeated. A cry went out from the top of the White Tower. "The King has fallen!" it said. A chill went down Albus' spine. He sprinted to the top of the tower to see the grim scene.

Lady Willow Rose
04-18-2006, 01:28 PM
Finrod stared at the body lying at his feet, completely emotionless. There was nothing left to hate now. There was only that emptiness Miriel had left. The pounding of soldiers as they drew closer did not concern him.

He had fallen from Grace. There was nothing they could do to him now.

04-23-2006, 04:27 PM
When Albus finally reached the top of the tower, he saw Elessar's body in a crumpled form, the blood forming a pool around the scene. He saw Finrod standing there silently with a bloodied knife in his hand. He drew his sword and just as he was about to release his anger, a voice said "Stop!" It was Acalewia. " More violence will not make this situation better!" At that moment, Faramir, Steward of Gondor, arrived at the top of the tower, and seeing the crowd, called a meeting in the Great Hall.

Lady Willow Rose
04-28-2006, 10:26 PM
Miriel picked a careful path through the mists and rock. Aragorn stayed close behind her, keeping a close eye on the fog that curled up and reached toward them with skeletal fingers.

"Pay them no mind," she murmured. "They faded away long ago. No harm can come from those beings."

"Will that happen to us?" he asked.

"It is a possibility. That is why we must hurry." She used the lingering talent she had and summoned up the wind. It tore through the mists, creating a temporary mirror. "Finrod!" She turned to Aragorn with wide eyes. "He killed you, didn't he?"

"I hold no grudge against him," Aragorn assured her. "I think I had to die to really live again."

"I will deal with this later." Miriel pushed away the pain and concentrated on the mirror into their world. "Acalewia," she whispered. "Please, my friend, see me! See us!"

04-29-2006, 01:42 PM
Acalewia turned from Finrod, tears in her eyes. As she looked up, she started.
before her was a mirror.
"Miriel? Estel?" She wispered.

Lady Willow Rose
04-29-2006, 02:07 PM
Miriel pressed a hand against the glass. "Please..." she whispered. Aragorn stepped up behind her and knocked a hand against the glass.

"How do we break through this?"

"I need my sister and Finrod. Acalewia!" she shouted to her. "Find my sister! Please!" The mirror clouded over and she and Aragorn vanished from sight.

05-01-2006, 06:33 PM
Acalewia turned back to Finrod when the vision disappeared.
"This may redeem you! Help me find Lessien!" Finrod shook his head.
"I have fallen from Grace. Nothing can redeem me." Acalewia fought the urge to slap him.
"Miriel is trying to return. With Aragorn. She needs you and her sister to help her do that!"

Lady Willow Rose
05-01-2006, 07:43 PM
Finrod looked up at her, his eyes bright with hope. "Miriel? But how can she..."

"Shame on you, Finrod," Lessien murmured from behind him. "Forgetting the legends of old? She is trying to break free of the other realm."

His brow furrowed. "But we'll my the fourth to bring her out." She nodded.

"I know. That part will be tricky."

"Why?" Acalewia asked.

"Because the fourth is Finrod's brother, Gelmir, otherwise known as Abdurb Burzronk." The people around them all drew in a harsh breath. "Darkness has taken his mind and he wages war against Gondor. I do not know how we shall persuade him."

05-01-2006, 08:18 PM
Acalewia froze. Abdurb Burzronk. The Enemy she had sworn to stand against.
"This is our only chance. Is there any way we can turn his mind back to the light?"

05-01-2006, 09:29 PM
OOC: Dude, Abdurb is what now?

Lady Willow Rose
05-01-2006, 09:58 PM
OOC: Ask in the discussion thread. :)

Lessien sighed deeply. "I truly do not know. It has been ages since I have even seen him." Finrod laughed darkly.

"It seems murder runs in my blood."

05-05-2006, 08:37 PM
"who will lead us while the king is gone?I would, but it is up to the people who loyally serve the king." Drake was still enraged when he saw Finrod standing in this crowd when he said this." The king was like a brother to me,and...... I will not let this go by! Until the king gets back... I will keep Finrod alive until then,but after that I will give Finrod three days head start before I chase him down and rip him limb from limb!!! So I step up to lead us."

Lady Willow Rose
05-05-2006, 08:48 PM
"Brave words, boy," Finrod remarked quietly, almost amused. "However, my end will not come at your hands. Among the four, only Miriel has fallen and she was granted power to return. What does that say of your chosen prey?"

"It says I will have to work very hard at killing you," Drake said coldly.

"Then so be it."

05-05-2006, 09:28 PM
''When our king has returned I wil make you taste my steal you spineless snake!'' Drake Yelled as he stood with his eyes fixed on Finrod With the same cold drak stair that Finrod used to give Drake.

Lady Willow Rose
05-05-2006, 10:46 PM
"My dear boy," Finrod said quietly, "your steal would not be the first I have tasted. And if I was a coward, why did I not run when I had the chance?"

"Enough!" Lessien shouted. "We have bigger problems at the moment. Gelmir must be capture and brought to us. Even against his will, the power in his blood can be called by ours."

05-06-2006, 10:33 AM
"I will lead the assalt." Drake said

05-06-2006, 10:35 AM
Acalewia shot Drake a dark look.
"When did you become the Steward of Gondor?" She turned back to Finrod and Lessien.
"However we capture Gelmir, I will be a part of it. For Miriel and Estel"

Lady Willow Rose
05-07-2006, 08:17 PM
"Thank you," Lessien said with a weak smile. "Now, what should be done first?"

12-06-2008, 03:54 PM

A small encampment of Dunedain rangers had only just settled in for the night when a loud shout pierced the blackness of the night

Tel' aran en' i' numen talant!

Hearing the shout, one of the rangers emerged from his tent and drew his sword. He lit a torch and began to search the darkness. Suddenly, a large cloaked figure lept from the shadows and knocked the ranger over.

Amada en' edan! the figure said.

The ranger stood up and replied

Mankoi amin i' amada.

The figure took its cloak off and looked closer at the ranger.


"Aye," replied the ranger, "and you are?"

"Did ye not recognize me? It is I, Kidran!"

"Kidran? The same Kidran whose father is Thranduil of Mirkwood and mother is Keldrahin of the Lonely Mountain?"

"Aye, the one and the same!"

"That explains the Elvish. What's this about the King of the West falling?"

"Very troubling news my friend. Aragorn was slain by Finrod Elanessë."

"Alas! That Elessar would be slain by Gelmir's brother. Speaking of Gelmir, what news of the growing shadow?"

"I do not know the entire situation. You must wake your men and ride for Minas Tirith."

*The King of the West has fallen!
**You foolish man!
***Why am I the fool?