View Full Version : Truly LOST In Middle Earth
10-15-2005, 05:49 PM
Summary of Cast so far:
Valandil as the Hero/Doctor/Know-it-all/Leader
Lotesse as the Nice Girl/Criminal/Heroine/Assistant Leader
Altanis as the Old Experienced "knows-the-jungle" Man
Rohirrim TR as the Young Adventurous Man (Charlie)
Rian as the Experienced Mature (but sometimes slightly psychotic) Motherly Woman
Earthbound as the Crazy French Woman With A Hunting Rifle
Nurvingiel as the Headstrong Young Woman
Troll's Bane as the Slightly Obese Guy
Spock as the Bad Guy But Really Good Guy Who's Really a Bad Guy But Good Guy At Heart.
Butterbeer as The Former Republican Guard/Reliable and All-around Good Guy
Willow Oran as the Highly Pregnant Woman
Pytt as the Physics Teacher (Gregor)
The Last Sane Person as The Step Brother of the Young Head-strong Woman (Todd) the Korean Wife With Knowledge of A Certain Language Unbeknownst To Husband
Udukhaturz as Industrious and Surly Husband of the Korean Couple
Telcontar_Dunedain as The Black Man
Nerdanel as His Son
Jesper, the Chinese Nude Dog as The Unspeakably Horribly Goldarn Uggliest Dog On the Face of Middle Earth.
Anduril as the Crazy Man Deep Down In the Mid-Jungle Bunker
Curubethion as The Green Jungle Monster
Brownjenkins as Native Troll Named Glug Who Dislikes the New Arrivals
Crazy Squirrel as the Black Shape-shifting Man-grabbing Now-you-see-me-now-you-don't Sometimes-solid-sometimes-not Mists
Finrod Felagund as the Other Drug Addicted Rockstar/Actor of the Remaining Unidentified Twenty-Five Characters (who's to say there isn't one of them in that group ;) )
Of the Wind as the Cannibalistic Cave Girl
Acalewia as Hotheaded Young Latin Woman of the Remaining Twenty-Five Obnoxiously Cocky And Leader-Position-Grabbing Australian of the Remaining Twenty-Five.
10-15-2005, 05:52 PM
And the story begins....
On an island in a middle of a lake somewhere in Middle Earth a gathering of people has been survived after a severe storm shipwrecked their ship onto the terribly sharp cliffs surrounding the Island.
Rian : "What a mess! Would you guys pick up after yourselves? What am I, your slave?!"
trolls' bane
10-16-2005, 07:06 PM
TB: "Well, I don't know what you're talking about, but we need your help!" *lifts a large, heavy barrel of water and brings it ashore to the temporary shelter he was helping to build* "We've got to get as much fresh water and food and other necessities to this shelter as possible. But, of course we all need breaks, or we would be slaves." *takes a big bite of a cake he found in a refrigerator in the ship* "What does it matter that we have to work now? AFter we're done, we'll hardly have to work at all! God knows where we are anyway." *finishes cake, which was about twice as many calories as he had burned while working* "Well, we will, but it's not as bad as if we just left this stuff in this waterlogged ship and then had to build our shelter out of wood from up there" *points up cliffs* "rather from already cut wood from tables, all this fiberglass, these wonderfully useful "tarps," and those extremely usefull lifeboat covers."
OOC: We are not originally from M.E., right? We just are suddenly "Found" here? If I'm wrong, I'll edit this properly.
10-17-2005, 02:27 AM
moved to discussion thread.
Ri : Dear, you better not have any more of that cake; from the looks of it, you've already had more than is good for you...
The last sane person
10-17-2005, 04:38 PM
Todd: *carries things from up the beach adn starts building his own shelter with Headstrong Young woman* Whew, How'd we manage oto get here? This doenst look like any of the little islands we were sailing by, hell, it looks like we are in some sort of lake...How the hell did that happen?
*looks at Todd with admiration* So, young man, is that your sister?
The last sane person
10-17-2005, 05:08 PM
Todd: Yes, well, step sister, but its all the same in the end? *aside to Rian* She's a wee bit on the headstrong side, great girl an all, but prize when on the wrong side of things... So, we will all be needing shelters, since I highly doubt we will be rescued in the nick of time...Why dont we organize search parties to get stuffs?
trolls' bane
10-17-2005, 11:03 PM
TB: *checks water*
You're right about that, Todd. *tries not to laugh at what George Carlin is saying about guys named Todd on his walkman* These simply cannot be any of the islands we saw, since we were in the ocean, which is salty, but this is water...Fresh water. I think I'll boil some water up.
*breaks off a table leg and pours a rusty can of lighter fluid onto it and lights with a match* *works at clearing out a library, sorting out the books to read and the ones to use as fire fuel. He tosses a book on rap music into the books to be burned, and takes a copy of a book titled The Lord of the Rings and places it in his pocket.*
Hey, check this out! Now HERE'S some good reading. I haven't read this since last month! :p Well, anyone want this first?
The last sane person
10-18-2005, 12:28 AM
Todd:At least we wont die of thirst! Alright, You! Mr. Hero/Doctor/Know-it-all/Leader, You Miss Nice Girl/Criminal/Heroine/Assistant Leader and the Old Experienced "knows-the-jungle" Man. And the Young Adventurous Man; you guys form the first team and get to go to the north part of this island!
The Experienced Mature (but sometimes slightly psychotic) Motherly Woman, The Former Republican Guard/Reliable and All-around Good Guy and the Crazy French Woman With A Hunting Rifle! You guys go with me, we go east side of this dratted island!
TB: Okay, the rest of us will stay and pitch camp, and when are you to come back?
Todd: before sun set, so dont leave the area...
*and so, they all troop off accordingly!*
OOC: amazonian elf chick time!
Gregor: What should I do? I only know psychics, are we going to need that? I can tie my own shoes as well... Anything I can help with?
10-18-2005, 10:53 AM
Glug: (fast asleep in his underground cave) snore ... snort ... *scratch, scratch* ... snore ...
Ri: OK, but are you sure everyone has good, safe hiking shoes on? Does everyone have a jacket? Oh, and here's some sunblock - I want everyone to put some on!
rohirrim TR
10-19-2005, 02:11 PM
*whatever my character's name is starts playing the intro to switchfoot's stars on the guitar, to get rythym going for water carriers, a big troll comes up rocking out to my music*
10-19-2005, 02:38 PM
(continuity flashback)
*Glug's 'beauty' sleep is interrupted by a strange sound from afar, disturbing the peaceful serenity of his underground domain... he raises his heavy eyelids and and leaps up from his stone bed... the human skulls hung from a leather band around his neck give a dry rattle as he reaches for the tree-trunk size club beside his bed and shambles towards the mouth of his cavelike abode... looking out, he spies a tiny manlike creature mercilessly beating on some kind of stringed instrument*
Glug: Arrrrgh! Pop music!! Glug hates it, he does!!!
*Glug rushes towards the Young Adventurous Man, though his bum leg and shambling gate, due in part to the massive boils on the soles of his feet, might lead the untrained eye to mistake his movement as some kind of 'dance'*
rohirrim TR
10-19-2005, 02:46 PM
*i look up and see troll coming towards me, i freak out, in the process my ipod gets unplugged and the music stops,*
*the troll stops*
*i run towards the obese guy* hey dude, i don't think we can wait for the second season, we need lightsabers now,
slightly obese guy: why not try a different song instead?
ME: oh....ohhh... i never thought of that *starts playing some country western riffs*
*troll puts hands over ears and appears to be imitating the "i'm melting" scene from wizard of oz*
ME:hey its working, he's retreating....YES!
10-19-2005, 02:57 PM
Glug: Eeeeyyyaaa!!! Country Music!
must... crawl... back... to... cave...
*vows to return when everyone is asleep*
Glug: Glug be back ye nasty git-twanger!!
*shambles back into his cave*
Rian : What is that filthy thing?! Shoo!! SHOO!! *chases after the retreating Glug with a broom*
trolls' bane
10-20-2005, 12:57 AM
TB: "It looks like it's time for the crazy French woman to do something."
*TB drags large makeshift wall up the beach and up to the top of a small knoll on the beach. Then he raises it, and looks at it proudly, and then it falls and breaks up.*
"Awww. These stupid winds are too strong for this to be a worthwhile location. Did anyone in the other group think of bringing walkie talkies? This ship, I see, happens to be the carrier of a whole crate of them. And I need this crate to make into a hole in the ground...oh well, what can I do?"
*drags 3 foot crate onto the shore, then goes back to the ship and returns with a shovel*
Hey, YAM (young adventerous man), could you please look for a cave in the opposite direction that thing came from? I have a feeling we'll need it..."
*looks at ominous storm clouds coming back for another pass, then looks in the direction the large creature retreated in*
"...and I'll make a few barges to help transport stuff. This motorboat we've got will be very handy."
rohirrim TR
10-20-2005, 03:03 PM
YAM: yo, sure dude, but i think my names charlie, yo....
*wanders up hill looking for a cave, sees a fallen log, and looks inside,....sees nothing....keeps walking,and tunes guitar*
10-20-2005, 05:23 PM
*Korean Man looks around and thinks, "Where am I? I don't know! It looks like some kind of Island. Where is the ship? Oh, I am standing on it!" Looks around, sees stairs leading down to hold. Walks down stairs, finds many boxes. Rummages around and finds a crow-bar, starts tearing lids off boxes. "Ah so," he smiles, "many valuable things here."*
*Tripping over a box, he falls down, tears his pants and skins his knee, gets up muttering. Then he hoists a box over his shoulders and walks back up the stairs across the deck to the gangplank and begins carrying box after box back to the trees, where he finds a glade. Then he puts back the boxes and goes back to the ship, and like a pack rat, takes box after box back to the glade he claims as his own. Looks around, does not see honorable wife. Mutters, then goes back to work with the boxes. Sits down, unscrews the cap off some bottled water he found, drinks, then starts digging into the boxes.*
*"Ah, so," he says, "the box with prefabricated building supplies." Holding the instruction book with one hand and reading, he walks around and gathers up rocks and forms them into a foundation. He then begins building a small house. Taking an axe from one of the boxes, he climbs up a tree and starts cutting off branches while reading another book on "Life in the Wilds in Korea." After finishing his small house, he goes to another box, takes out a fishing line, walks to the waters of the lake, baits the hook with a warm he dug up with his foot, sits down on a log and waits for the fish to bite. "Where is honorable wife?" he shouts. "I want her to boil rice!"*
rohirrim TR
10-20-2005, 05:27 PM
* i walk into a glade,and see a korean dude fishing*
Charlie: yo, dude, have you seen a cave anywhere, man?
*korean guy ignores me, and then says*"stop talking, scaring feesh"
Charlie: yo, sorry, nevermind, gotta roll you know man....Peace out OK
10-20-2005, 07:24 PM
Korean Man: *mutters to himself* He scared away my fish!
*mutters again, looks back into water, sees silvery gleam as it grabs the bait* Ahhh... there will be fish with the rice tonight. Where is honorable wife to cook?
trolls' bane
10-20-2005, 10:30 PM
*TB gets up and walks after Charlie.*
"Hey, Charlie, wait! You mind if I come? I have a GPS on my laptop, should give us the location of a nearby cave after it gets a signal of where we are, and--uh oh, my GPS program seems to not be working. Look at all this snow. It's as if all the 24 satellites are out of commission at once!"
*tries re-initializing*
"Still doesn't work. Hmm...Well, I remember some stuff I learned back somewhere I can't remember. Let's see. We must wait till night."
*TB notices Korean guy*
"Excuse me, sir, I don't think the top of this hill is a safe place to build. There's a storm building, not to mention a big ugly mutant of some sort, and being out in the open is not a good idea. You might want to get some sandbags and put them around your house."
*is given smug look*
"Here, Charlie, I'll come with you. Don't want you getting lost in any caves. Let's take a look in that cove."
10-20-2005, 10:50 PM
Glug hears a strange growl from his cave.
"Grr...Rookie monster, you..."
trolls' bane
10-20-2005, 10:52 PM
*TB's ears perk up, metaphorically, of course*
"Did you hear that?"
10-21-2005, 09:12 AM
*Glug furrows his brow*
Glug: Back to t' jungle greenie! Ye surly mange-ridden overgrown moss-patch! No one growls at the great and powerful Glug!!
10-21-2005, 12:10 PM
Black Shape-shifting Man-grabbing Now-you-see-me-now-you-don't Sometimes-solid-sometimes-not THING peeps out of jungle.
Sees three Men. Licks lips, changes shape. Can't choose.
Changes shape again. Still can't choose.
Becomes invisible, comes closer. Sees FISH.
Licks lips, purrs. Becomes a BLACK CAT.
Approaches the Korean Man and looks pleadingly at him, purring.
rohirrim TR
10-21-2005, 04:52 PM
*walks along with TB to go look at a ?cove?*
Charlie: hey uhh, dude, what was that?
TB: a metaphorical growl, i guess
Charlie: oh....uhh..ok...i guess that explains everything, can i see your laptop?
TB:sure *hands it to him*
Charlie:WOW! dude, you have garage band, totally awesome, we should get together on a recording, you know record some country music, in case any monsters come back
10-21-2005, 06:36 PM
Jin the Korean Man looks at the sky and sees a storm building. "What did that guy say about this hill and sandbags?"
*A black cat comes purring up to him and he picks up a rock on the shore.* Shoo, go away, shoo! No fish for you!
*Then he throws the rock at the cat and gathers up his fish, taking them back to his partly built pre-fab hut. Then it is back to the ship for Jin, where he finds a large barrel and a trove of plastic bags filled with grain. Going back to his hut, he dumps the grain in the barrel and then shovels the bags full of sand and places them about his hut.* Where is honorable wife! I am doing all the work!
10-21-2005, 10:27 PM
"Want some help, Grasshopper?" the Green Monster suggested to Glug.
trolls' bane
10-22-2005, 12:03 AM
TB: "A garage band? I do? Oh, yeah, I do! I got some of my music on this computer--Darn...What is going on up there?" *looks up at sky, then at the distant thunder among the clouds.* "Those must be distorting the signal..."
*walks on deeper into cove*
"Look! There's a cave! Got a flashlight? I brought four maglights and a lantern. Take your pick. Let's hurry the exploration of this cave, I don't want anyone taking my cake."
*thinks for a minute, looking back at the fast-moving storm-system.*
"Charlie, if the lightning gets bad, remember that while we're in the cave, don't stand up."
10-22-2005, 10:48 AM
ofthewind makes her big debut and elbows aside the adventurous spelunker, the honourable Mr. Troll's bane.. oops!! sorry about the shove big guy! anyway, me thinks i'll be the lonely cave girl so you'll have to squeeze me into your cast list grey wolf.... here goes: (ahem!)
from a lonely corner of the cave the cave girl observes tb lumbering in, trying to avoid bumping his head on the roof.... being the cave lady she was, she decides to invite him for dinner. Hoisting her trusty *sidekick* on her shoulder, she makes her way across to where tb stands scratching his head. One clonk on the head from her sisdekick is enough for the adventurer... she then proceeds to drag him to the inner part of the cave, where she intends to do what she originally planned... have him FOR dinner!!!!!!!!!! horrors!! whatever will happen to our banesome hero?? :confused: won't somebody save him??
P.S:cave girl hopes she's not in Glug's cave cuz he sure doesn't seem like the kinda guy who'll share, even with somebody as cute as cave girl!
10-22-2005, 01:48 PM
Black Shape-shifting Man-grabbing Now-you-see-me-now-you-don't Sometimes-solid-sometimes-not THING sees rock flying in her direction. Her cat's body becomes misty. Letting the rock pass, she becomes solid again and growls. She still wants FISH.
Followes the Korean Man with FISH to his half-finished house. While he is away, turns to an owl. Flies inside, eats fish. Leaves the smallest one for the Korean Man. Flies to a tree. Purrs. Becomes a Black Cat. Starts to groom her fur.
trolls' bane
10-22-2005, 02:07 PM
TB: *rolls over and groans* *thinks: Where am I? How'd I get here? And is that stew I smell!?*
10-22-2005, 04:39 PM
Jin returns to his partly-built hut and finds his fish gone, save for one scrawny little fish. Mutters, then cleans fish, spears it with a sharp stick and holds it over the fire to cook it. Stick catches on fire, Jin yelps, picks fish out of fire and eats it half-raw. Looks up into sky, sees dark clouds, picks up salvaged tarpaulin and puts it over his stuff. Still no wife.
trolls' bane
10-22-2005, 04:51 PM
*dropped laptop begins playing music from TB's Garage band. It catches Jin's ear.*
OOC: Where's "Charlie"? Is he still outside and safe, or is going to be eaten too?
Gregor awakes and don't remeber anything. "Where am I? Where are we? No.. I've already asked that..."
10-23-2005, 01:27 PM
"You are in Middle Earth, dude." replies a voice out of nowhere.
Then a homely-looking Black Cat with well groomed fur materialises before Gregor's very eyes. The cat circles him several times swishing her tail, then asks:
"Do you need both your legs?"
trolls' bane
10-23-2005, 02:43 PM
*wakes up*
*thinks "I got to go!"*
*jumps up and runs out of cave, and runs up into the forest. He hides in a tree for an hour or so, then returns to the fisherman's hut*
10-23-2005, 03:07 PM
music from the dropped laptop reaches cave girl's ears.... :eek: "oohh!! starnge sounds coming from great beyond.. can't control myself.. must move to the groove!! *loses her grip on tb's hair and lets him fall with a thud to the ground*
rohirrim TR
10-23-2005, 03:18 PM
*i stop cowering with fear, and run in and get laptop, runs after TB*
Charlie: wait up, dude, we should stay together, BTW i think your wireless internet is down
TB: *shivering and sweating wiht fear (is that possible?)* "yeah its been down since i went on this three hour tour, didn't think i would need it on vacation
Charlie: oh *smacks forhead* ahh! i left my guitar and your maglite in that cave, wait over in that tarp covered, dilapidated, shelter with the cat, and i'll go get it
10-23-2005, 05:11 PM
*Jin hears music coming from direction of TB. He throws back the tarpaulin and begins dancing to the distant music. When it suddenly stops, he kicks a box and hurts his foot. Muttering to himself, he goes back to the ship and finds a battery operated, personal CD player and a supply of CD's. He snaps the player to his belt, puts the ear phones to his head, and sets out to explore the island. As he walks, he thinks of the advantages of alternate energy sources. A bright idea hits him and he thinks, "I need a stationary exercise bicycle."*
trolls' bane
10-24-2005, 11:17 PM
TB: "No! Charlie, don't!" *Climbs higher up tree*
*Rian, happening to see TB from the beach, comes up*
*Rian thinks If he keeps sweating at that rate he'll be the un-slightly obese man*
"You are in Middle Earth, dude." replies a voice out of nowhere.
Then a homely-looking Black Cat with well groomed fur materialises before Gregor's very eyes. The cat circles him several times swishing her tail, then asks:
"Do you need both your legs?"
Yes! You can't have them! Sorry! Their mine! Piss off! I hate you!
*flee in horror*
10-25-2005, 01:53 PM
10-25-2005, 02:07 PM
cavegirl is disappointed that her *dinner* got away so easily and is comtemplating the merits of vegetable stew when clomping noises from outside grab her attention... yes!!! another meal is making its way to her cave, and it's even more plump than the last one!!! she grips her *trusty companion* tightly and waits as the thudding noises draw closer... a meat dish would go awfully well with the stew................
rohirrim TR
10-25-2005, 02:17 PM
Charlie: *walks into cave, grabs flashlight,turns it on, finds guitar, the dampness of the cave has bent it horribly out of tune, trys to tune with one hand it is too hard, puts down flashlight, tunes guitar, hears someone smacking their lips* "uh oh, i have a bad feeling about this"
*sees, cave girl's eyeses glowing in the dark* "whoa, dude, what kind of contacts do you have that glow in the dark yo?" *cave girl comes closer and i notice teeth,starts playing country riffs again just to be safe, and runs*
10-25-2005, 02:38 PM
seeing her prey escaping from her clutches again, cave girl runs after Charlie all the while hollering and waving her club.. this only causes him to run faster... just as she realizes that her meal is now gone for good, Charlie takes a tumble on an uplifted tree root and falls flat on his face *sheesh!! what a klutz!! who'd want a doofus like that to be on their menu??
rohirrim TR
10-25-2005, 02:52 PM
Charlie: "now i'm mad, i got mud on my tuning pegs, ARRRG!
TB: you...your alive *finally stops sweating*
10-25-2005, 03:12 PM
tired and disgusted, cave girl trudges back to her home... as she falls asleep, she makes a decision... a lot of trange activity has been going on the normally peaceful island.......... tomorrow, she will venture from her hideout and take a look at all this ruckus..
trolls' bane
10-25-2005, 08:47 PM
*TB climbs down tree*
"It looks as if we'll have to dig a cave. Get some boxes, because we'll need to seal up the enterance. Get some household cleaning products. It looks like the Battle of Yosemite all over again..."
OOC: You'll see. :evil:
10-26-2005, 12:20 AM
"Listen dude," coached the GM to Glug, "the first thing you gotta remember is that Country Music is is not is not is not scary..."
As the troll repeated the words, the Monster said, "Garth Brooks."
The reaction was unexpected terror. Glug jumped at least three feet into the air (very abnormal for a troll!).
"Let's give this another try..." the Monster sighed.
10-26-2005, 11:00 AM
cave girl wakes up to the sound of various beatings and poundings coming from the entrance of her cave.. hurrying to the source she finds that most of the opening has been filled with bits and pieces of stone and wood.. *horror* what is she to do now??????????
suddenly it hits her... of course!!! hurrying to the very back of the cave she quickly uncovers the secret opening present in the earth and manages to squeeze out along with her club and runs off into the clearing................
trolls' bane
10-26-2005, 10:47 PM
*begins making explosives out of stuff from the ship's galley*
Now that this is done, Brendan's Garage Philharmonic presents "Mars: God of War" by Holst. *shabbily dressed people with various instruments from the orchestra, all of which have stickers of all sorts pasted all over them, begin playing*
10-30-2005, 02:54 PM
as cave girl runs towards the clearing at breakneck speed, she sees activity in front of her... *screeching halt!!!!!!* quickly hiding behind a tree, she observes the scene... total chaos greets her.. she sees a half crazed dude running around with a guitar thingy in his hand along with the guy she'd clubbed for dinner, plus there are many others....... a black cat serenely roams around women *screech* one of them jumps and lands on some guy carrying lots of stuff..... BAM!!!!!!!!!!! he lands on his posterior!! sparks start flying from his armload of stuff.. cave girl watches, fascinated when suddenly a spark lands on her bushy mane of hair and smoke starts rising... *YAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH* never was such a yell heard in the jungle before!!
rohirrim TR
10-30-2005, 03:44 PM
Charlie: hey, TB i think you may have won
TB: *gets up slowly* hey look at that, shes on fire
Charlie: yep, i guess you could say shes pretty hot (no pun intended)
trolls' bane
10-30-2005, 05:24 PM
TB: "Oh shoot! I didn't even try any music."
*goes up on rock serving as podium and raises pencil from pocket*
"We will now hear Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries, from the Ring cycle. The Garage led by TB.
Oh.. Thats a great tune. "You smell that? Thats napalm. I love the smell of napalm in the morning".
Gregor: Why are you playing, TB? It's lovely, but..?
trolls' bane
10-30-2005, 06:39 PM
TB (while trying to keep a continuous beat): "Ride of the Valkyries? Lovely? Are you out of your mind?"
Gregor: "It's lovely, for lack of better words."
TB: "You really are out of your frickin' mind!"
(OOC: Stolen from XM comedy)
10-31-2005, 01:54 PM
quickly running towards the shore, cave girl immerses her head into the water and then stops her rain dance..... *whew* what a relief... turning her head, she sees a crowd of grinning spectators... including the dude with the sparky thingies in his hand.......... hmmm... it's near to dinnertime... these people have *potential*........... :evil:
The last sane person
10-31-2005, 02:18 PM
*Mean while, Todd and his little expedition are about half way to the other side of the island.*
Crazy French Woman With A Hunting Rifle(CFWWAHR): Gah! Ve've been at zis all day! Not von sing to shoot at, Sacre Bleu!
Todd: Well, we havent reached out objective, which is to get to the other side of the island, and we havent explored the intereior. I wonder if its inhabited....
CFWWAHR: Who cares? I sink ve ought to be heading back to the ozzers at ze landing spot. It looks like a storm is comming.
Adventurous Young Man (YAM): *pulls Todd aside* Look, buddy, I think this place IS inhabited! I found signs pointing to people, like some broken crockery down by that little water fall area, near the cave, bout 2 miles back, and it doesnt look like anything that would have washed up from our crash.
Todd: Really? Very well, we will start back up tommorow, after we salvage what we can from the wreck. Say, how do you know so much?
YAM: Well, I like to go exploring, like this one time I went down to Karachi....*is about to launch off on a story*
CFWWAHR: Come on, ve vill get very wet indeed, I sink, if we do not find some sort off shelter soon.
Todd: *to rest of group* She is right, its two miles to the nearest cave, I say we hole up there for the duration of the storm, then head back once it blows over.
11-02-2005, 02:40 PM
cave girl likes the looks of one of the female creatures and is about to bean a potential dinner *guest* when she suddenly hears the distant rumble of thunder.. now, being afraid of thunder for soem very good reasons.. she hurries off to find shelter only to find a loony old man blocking her path... as she gets ready to clout him, he gives a terrific yell and shouts "the sharks are coming, the sharks are coming!!!! run for your sweet life!!!!!!!!!!" and runs off in the direction where the group of survivors are heading...........
trolls' bane
11-03-2005, 12:13 AM
TB: "I was right! We should be getting in now. I'm going to take everything I can. I think I found another cave...We'll see. We should wait for the others to return first.
rohirrim TR
11-03-2005, 06:05 PM
Charlie: ok, i have the mag light still
rohirrim TR
11-04-2005, 05:21 PM
Charlie: uhh, hey TB does it matter if theres eyes in the cave?
TB: not really, but, hope the rents not extra for them
Charlie: ok,....*scratches head* lets see, you got your laptop?
trolls' bane
11-05-2005, 02:04 AM
TB: "I wonder how many people live in caves on this island... Damn! Didn't exactly strike me as a vacation spot." (OOC: See completely irrelevant quote in signature. :D)
"Well, I'll use one of my homemade bombs if I need to. If they want to eat me, I'll blow up their cave." :evil:
11-05-2005, 04:24 PM
tired from her *expedition* cave girl decides that she is tired and begins ferreting around, looking for a place to spend the night.... walking a little distance, she comes across a cave... YAY!!!! shelter for the night... she quickly goes inside and makes herself comfortable in the remotest corner of the cave.... ahh!! a good night's sleep at last!! suddenly *CLOMPPITY CLOMP* looks like there's somebody heading this way.. AGAIN!! oh man... and she just ate! :(
trolls' bane
11-05-2005, 06:15 PM
*Cave Girl hears voices slowly become distinct.*
TB: *can't be understood*...And what about my rafts? Oh! Look at this cave! It's big enough and it appears to have some good shelter.
Charlie: Dude, this is perfect. ShouldI have the others bring the essentiel stuff over?
TB: Yeah...That would be a great help. Would you?
*Shiloette appears at the mouth of the cave with a bright light. He walks down a branch parelell to Cave Girl's*
rohirrim TR
11-06-2005, 04:25 PM
charlie: *walks back up path with a backpack* hey buddy you hungry?
TB: you have food? i thought you went for the essentials?
charlie:??uhh yeah here you go *throws TB some buffalo jerky and a silver flask*
trolls' bane
11-06-2005, 05:45 PM
TB: Thank you! *consumes quickly*
*walks deeper into cave, down separate branch from Cave Girl*
TB (echoing): Charlie, check this out! This is perfect! above sea level, and another exit onto the top of the island where we couldn't get any other way. We'll just have to roof this, and we'll have plenty of shelter plus a way to vent the smoke from any fires we'll start. Hurry! Get the others!
11-07-2005, 09:03 AM
hmm, this isn't supposed to be part of the story strictly speaking, but i THINK troll's bane is a little scared!! :D
11-07-2005, 06:29 PM
*Meanwhile back at the landing site the Hotheaded Young Latin Woman, Carmen, is being hotheaded and rattling in rapid Spanish.*
Carmen:*All in Spanish* They say they come back at sunset. Sun gone. No People. We need shelter. Psychotic Motherly Woman is driving me loca with sun block.
*Rian starts her way with more sun block*
Carmen: Argg!
trolls' bane
11-08-2005, 11:34 PM
*Meanwhile back at the landing site the Hotheaded Young Latin Woman, Carmen, is being hotheaded and rattling in rapid Spanish.*
Carmen:*All in Spanish* They say they come back at sunset. Sun gone. No People. We need shelter. Psychotic Motherly Woman is driving me loca with sun block.
*Rian starts her way with more sun block*
Carmen: Argg!
No guarentees, because I used a much-flawed translator, but:
"Ellos dicen que ellos regresan al atardecer. Sol ido. Ningunas Personas. Necesitamos el refugio. El psicópata Mujer Madra me maneja loca con el bloque del sol."
rohirrim TR
11-10-2005, 04:10 PM
Charlie: *walks down to beach and sees latin woman* helllo! who do we have here? or... shall i say Holaa, ?quien tenemos aqui? *grabs guitar and starts playin some beach*
some beach, somewhere
cold margaritas and hot senoritas
smilin with long dark hair, on some beach
trolls' bane
11-11-2005, 02:26 AM
TB: *echoing from cave* Yo! *echo* Charlie! *echo* have they returned yet? *echo* (*still deep inside cave and not in view of either Charlie or the Latin woman*) Oh! *echoing* Who's that? You ain't the--*BANG!* *lot's of birds fly up and away from near cave mouth*
11-11-2005, 02:49 PM
cave girl awakes with a start to the sound of a loud bang coming from the other side of the wall.. deciding to investigate, she picks up her club and follows the source... reaching the fork, she sees a light up ahead.. hmm, looks like some moving thingies are up ahead... YAY!!! grasping her companion more tightly.. she decides to make a run for it AAANNNNNDDDD.... she makes contact!!!!!!!!! goodness gracious.. whatever will happen to our steadfastly staunch heroes??
trolls' bane
11-11-2005, 03:56 PM
*TB peers over rock*
Whoever had shot him was still out there, but now as blind as he was.
*He crawls toward the top enterance in the cave he had found earlier, hoping to escape before being hit by whovever shot him*
rohirrim TR
11-12-2005, 01:02 AM
Charlie: *on beach singing to a curious latin woman, hears gunshot* oh man, i'd better go see whats happened to TB, it sounds like the crazy french lady is out there with a hunting rifle, 30-30 if i'm not mistaken *runs up hill with maglight*
trolls' bane
11-12-2005, 01:04 AM
*BANG!* *TB ducks just in time*
Thinks: Wow, that sounds like some sort of shotgun. The French lady?
11-13-2005, 08:07 PM
Carmen:*yelling after Charlie in English* Hey! *Sees Rian coming toward her. Again* I'm coming too!
Rian: Wait! you forgot your sun screen! *gasps* that wasn't nice! :evil:
trolls' bane
11-13-2005, 08:11 PM
OOC: It wasn't the French lady who shot me, right? I was going to make it a stowaway or something. :D
rohirrim TR
11-13-2005, 08:17 PM
Charlie: *runs up wiht maglite and sees.... a dude with a beard and a 12 gauge named leroy, the man was named leroy not the 12 guage because 12 gauges don't actually have names except on special occasions,*
Leroy: *points shotgun at charlie and pulls* &(@#%....
Charlie: uh oh, *konks leroy out with maglight, leroy goes unconcsious for a moment...*
trolls' bane
11-13-2005, 08:24 PM
TB: *jumps up from behind rock and grabs shotgun* Whew! Thanks. I guess this cave isn't safe either. We need to get everyone here and light the place up. That way we can blow the head off of anything unfamiliar. I wouldn't recommend going down that tunnel. *points at the branch where the Cave Girl is* I heard some noises down there earlier. Could you go get a few lanterns? I'll take this guy's ammo and watch him.
11-15-2005, 01:13 PM
cave girl cautiously peeps over the edge of the rock behind which she is hiding.. AARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! blinding light thingy coming from magic thingy the fat guy's holding... startled, cave girl stumbles around unsteadily and then .. WHAM!!! collides with the fat guy and they both topple over...
11-15-2005, 01:20 PM
*Carmen catches up with them*
Whoa that is one ugly Grengo!
*Looks into cave* You ok in there?
trolls' bane
11-15-2005, 11:12 PM
TB: "Woah! Who goes there!" *quickly tries to load a shell into the shotgun* "Halt or I'll blow yer head off! I'm warning you!" *manages to get shell in*
The last sane person
11-15-2005, 11:39 PM
*Todd and his group, with YAM CFWWAHR at the lead, they hear gunshots comming not that far off*
CFWWAHR: Vat ze f-
Todd: MUFFINS! Come on you lot! Spread out! 15 feet between everybody, dont stand clumped! spread out and advance!
*and so they proceed thus, with CFWWAHR in advance, with Todd and YAM right behind her carrying the emergency hunting rifles they salvaged from the ship*
Todd:*signals to YAM* Hey, take a few people and check out the cave, dont go out in the open, sneak around, an careful you dont get shot!
trolls' bane
11-16-2005, 12:07 AM
TB: Yo! Anyone out there!? I caught someone! Doesn't look like one of us. Neither does this guy who shot me...
The last sane person
11-16-2005, 12:12 AM
*at that YAM and the 3 others he brought with them shouted out*
YAM: Dont shoot! Dont shoot! Its the western away team! i got three others here with me! We are by the cave, we are comming out!
*TB lowered his weapons and the group came out*
TB: am I glad to see you! This guy, i dont htink, is one of us. But he isnt the one that shot at me either. I dont know WHERE he came from.
Yam:*looks* Neither do I, the rest fo the team is still back aways, should we meet up at this cave? I take it you were looking for shelter?
trolls' bane
11-16-2005, 12:58 AM
TB: Yeah. Charlie's off on the other side of the island getting a few things I asked him to get.
11-16-2005, 02:29 PM
Carmen: *Looking at Leroy* I do not think he was on the ship legally, no?
trolls' bane
11-16-2005, 11:32 PM
TB: *nudges guy with foot* Look! Name tag! *grabs*
*reads aloud* It says "Leroy M, Anti-Tolkien Society." Hmm...Why would he be on our ship? :confused:
rohirrim TR
11-28-2005, 04:10 PM
Charlie: *walks back to group* so like, we gonna fry this guy, or maroon him or something? isn't being anti-tolkien like a felony?
11-28-2005, 05:15 PM
Carmen: Anti-Tolkien is a felony! I think La Frances Loca should can him. *Looks around for the CFWWHR* Where is she by the way?
trolls' bane
11-29-2005, 11:15 PM
OOC: Note that I chose Leroy before LSP got the Liger, so any name suggestions to replace this guy?
"A Tolkien hunter's society...what would he be doing on our ship? Funny..."
rohirrim TR
11-30-2005, 05:43 PM
Charlie: *gos to side of island where the action is* uhh TB dude i think a tolkienite hunter society would probably be uhh you know....hunting tolkienites, just maybe.
trolls' bane
12-01-2005, 12:59 AM
"Yeah, but he's not hunting Tolkienites, he's hunting Tolkienlings. Which we all know don't exist...don't we?" *Begins to look worried*
rohirrim TR
12-01-2005, 03:31 PM
Charlie: so....have you been feeling strange lately? or something dude?
TB: i'm fine, but being that rainstorm washed all the labels of the canned goods, so i can't count carbs anymore.
Charlie: O K....back to tolkienlings umm where is that science teacher dude maybe he knows something yo.
trolls' bane
12-01-2005, 09:59 PM
Charlie: so....have you been feeling strange lately? or something dude?
TB: i'm fine, but being that rainstorm washed all the labels of the canned goods, so i can't count carbs anymore.
Charlie: O K....back to tolkienlings umm where is that science teacher dude maybe he knows something yo.
"Yeah. Perhaps we should ask Valandil, the Hero/Doctor/Know-it-all/Leader. :evil: "
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