View Full Version : Middle Earth
- Astronomy of Middle Earth
- Children of the Ainur
- Elves and returning to ME
- Elvish name
- who arethe twin wizards?
- Any thoughts on why Annuminas was deserted?
- morgoth
- Unwritten Book
- Tolkien: Jung's Collective Unconscious
- Songs we'd like to hear, and... sing??
- Power: Morgoth and Sauron
- Fan in coma!
- Nature and origin of dragons
- Are Elves condescending and arrogant?
- Drugs are worth a second look
- Origins of Orcs
- Entspotting
- Opinions for what book(s) to get next...
- Greatest Accomplishments Thread...
- The Quote Game- Part 3
- The Gladden Fields - Isildur's luckiest battle
- Yodaman,come here........
- QUIZ - where in middle earth is this?
- Fall of Gondolin...
- Question for you all...
- Questions,questions,questions
- Radagast the useful
- Yule-tide in Eriador - Speculation
- Capitalisation (sp?) of the ring?
- No technology in Middle Earth?
- War of the Last Alliance...
- What was the Most Important Marriage/Couple...
- how much do you kow?
- December 19 interview on 1200+ US radio stations
- anarcho-capitalism in ME
- Glorfindel back from the dead?
- Female Names
- Elvish Questions
- What are the grey havens exactally?
- Morgoth's corrupting of Middle Earth
- What are the 'Seven Stars'?
- Got my HoME Boxset today!!
- How TALL is 'tall'?
- Oldest living Elf in ME...
- tolkien's warfare
- Turbulent Times in Old Middle Earth: 1944-2050 Third Age
- The Tolkien Statistical Reading Institute
- Rohan Questions
- The Seven Rings of the Dwarves
- Same Edition of ME Books
- Orc Queen
- 'The Beasterie?'
- Evil without Melkor
- What happened next?....
- Fate of dwarfs, ents, orcs?
- Funny Middle-earth lines
- Did Amandil ever make it to the Valar?
- Interested in the History of Middle Earth series?
- The Unwritten Book - Written
- Banner of Rohan (I drew)
- Who WERE the Lossoth?
- Introducing Children to Tolkien
- What were the 'Mallorn'?
- Hobbit joke
- Tolkien discussion forums in other languages
- Iglishmêk
- If you'd get the chance to be in middle-earth, who would you be?
- Tolkien Jeopardy
- The hunt for the hobbits?
- The Quote Game - Part 4
- The Slain Game
- The New Shadow -- Failure of Imagination?
- What About Wizards?
- The power of a curse
- The Three top most debated Tolkien book topics!
- What if an elf gets to marry a hobbit?
- Saddest Moment In Tolkien
- fav city
- fav kingdom
- Middle Earth play-by-email battle game
- Hobbit funerals
- Lembas
- Kraken?
- "Minor works" quote game
- about plants
- Aging at the Undying Lands
- Hello = Veldui?
- The Roads of Middle-Earth
- Colors of Clothing and Heraldry
- Ranks
- Why was Thorin childless?
- If you could live in Middle Earth,what would you do,or most want to get up to?
- Middle-earth 'Iron Man' Triathlon: Who would win?
- Middle-earth Furniture
- Seminar on the archaeology of Middle Earth
- Why did the Early Kings of Gondor live longer than the Kings of Arnor?
- General Lord of the Rings
- Pauline Baynes Famer Giles pictures
- Name Game III
- Underrated Tolkien Characters
- Deaths among the Atani
- Petty Dwarves - Melkor the DIRECT cause?
- How did he know that?
- Tolkien music
- What are Elves?
- Middle Earth word game
- Game Threads
- Why "middle" Earth?
- weapons
- Who is the Best
- Proudest Moment in Tolkien
- Chieftain of the Dúnedain
- Male moon & female sun
- Was Wilderland REALLY any Wilder?
- The Nature of the Dunedain's Foresight
- hobbit culture
- Arwen's Fate as a mortal
- Some Questions Regarding States/Provinces
- Concerning Halflings
- A second death
- The Quote Game - Part 5
- Announcement discussion: Tolkien Trail help needed
- Tolkien discussion ideas
- Character Analysis: Elendil, Isildur, Anarion
- Dwarf Hill and Lydney House
- Hobbit Birthday Note
- Tolkien's ?Mistake?
- name a boat
- Who is your favourite Tolkien character and why?
- What picture of Tolkien's work would you like to see?
- favorite race and why
- Climate of Eriador
- The Important Questions
- Interesting Matchups...
- Middle Earth: Our Earth or not?
- Why the end of the third age
- The Power of the Rings
- The dwarves
- Favorite Tavern and Why?
- Favorite Fortress
- Cram/Lembas
- Funny LOTR Insults
- A New Entmoot Presidential Election?
- Favourite Tolkien book
- A Mortal Life
- The Riddle of Tom Bombadil
- Evil in Middle-Earth
- Middle Earth A to Z!
- In defense of the Ringwraith or "Where is the beef?"(loo-ong posting!)
- The healing ability of the Elves
- Book Order
- Character analysis: Beren, Tuor, Aragorn
- Good Orcs?
- MERP essay: Pedo barbarians a minno
- Friday the First
- The Early Work of the Nine Rings
- Why would the Dwarves take a Ring from Sauron? Especially Moria??
- The Watch Stone od the Druedain?
- Tolkien's Descriptions...?
- Tolkien's Languages
- A question to ponder
- The Nazgûl and their names?
- Arxheologist find Hobbit remais
- What is your favourite poem/song by Tolkien?
- What Inflicted More Damage: The Silmarils or The Ring?
- Incanus
- Christ in Middle Earth
- Tolkien's Elves - our Earth
- what is your favorite part about middle earth or any thing connected to it. and why.
- Can someone teach me elvish?
- Elvish toils
- God in Middle-Earth
- Blatant LoTR Copy-Cats
- Kinslayings
- What Was the Purpose of the 2 Blue Wizards
- Elvish Perception of Time
- Where do the places of the 1st age fit in with the places of the 3rd age?
- Who has the control: Sauron or the Ring?
- What Tolkien stuff did you get in your stocking?
- South Rhovanion
- Wraiths
- If you were in LotR what would you be?
- Tolkien: Style or Substance?
- On the matter of orcs and goblins...
- What is your favourtie place, person and word!!!
- Middle Earth roleplaying!!!
- Who wants to talk about Middle Earth and LOTR deeply...
- The Third age game
- Middle Earths location
- On Tolkien's sense of Humor
- Lurtz
- Middle earth conections
- Tolkien and middle earth
- Are there any conventions?
- Tolkien to Zeppelin connections
- Middle Earth Yeopardy
- How did you get to know Tolkien?
- help with reading order of supplements
- Blame Fëanor
- Dwarves - A Closer Look
- The making of a Palantir
- Can somone give me more info on the land of Eridor
- Riddling III
- Elvish Twins
- Looking for a quote...
- Compare and Contrast: The Istari
- The name game
- The Shibboleth of Fëanor
- I'm making Middle-Earth genealogies.
- One Ring Ownership Legal Issue and my Response
- One question about Elwing and Earendil...
- Doom or Gift?
- The 3 word story game
- About the Red Book...
- Hobbit race
- Istari Anyone?
- Angerthas vs. Old Icelandic
- Why did the Ring betray Isildur?
- Karen Wynn Fonstad: 1945-2005
- Interesting Map
- Quote Game-Part 6
- Could he be overthrown?
- If you were half-elf would you be mort or imortal
- Death in Middle Earth
- Were the Nazgul free from Sauron for the most part of the Third Age?
- Is Middle-Earth connected to religion
- The Lays of Beleriand
- Dragonslayers of Middle Earth
- Carrying things in the spirit world
- Middle Earth information disscussion
- The choice in Middle Earth
- Feeling hobbity?
- Help! Tolkien Quote Source
- What is the Tolkien need-to-read list?
- Gundabad history
- Whatever happened to the Blue Wizards?
- Favor Needed
- Music....
- I like mordor
- How do Ents Breathe?
- Can Eagles be corrupted?
- Lawyers
- questions about story of Luthien and Beren and Tolkien's ideas
- A translation on Adunaic
- Elfan Linguistics
- Frodo Lives- On Me
- something i was wondering
- Middle Earth Crossword Puzzle
- Mithril Question
- Quote Game-Part 7
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