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  1. Astronomy of Middle Earth
  2. Children of the Ainur
  3. Elves and returning to ME
  4. Elvish name
  5. who arethe twin wizards?
  6. Any thoughts on why Annuminas was deserted?
  7. morgoth
  8. Unwritten Book
  9. Tolkien: Jung's Collective Unconscious
  10. Songs we'd like to hear, and... sing??
  11. Power: Morgoth and Sauron
  12. Fan in coma!
  13. Nature and origin of dragons
  14. Are Elves condescending and arrogant?
  15. Drugs are worth a second look
  16. Origins of Orcs
  17. Entspotting
  18. Opinions for what book(s) to get next...
  19. Greatest Accomplishments Thread...
  20. The Quote Game- Part 3
  21. The Gladden Fields - Isildur's luckiest battle
  22. Yodaman,come here........
  23. QUIZ - where in middle earth is this?
  24. Fall of Gondolin...
  25. Question for you all...
  26. Questions,questions,questions
  27. Radagast the useful
  28. Yule-tide in Eriador - Speculation
  29. Capitalisation (sp?) of the ring?
  30. No technology in Middle Earth?
  31. War of the Last Alliance...
  32. What was the Most Important Marriage/Couple...
  33. how much do you kow?
  34. December 19 interview on 1200+ US radio stations
  35. anarcho-capitalism in ME
  36. Glorfindel back from the dead?
  37. Female Names
  38. Elvish Questions
  39. What are the grey havens exactally?
  40. Morgoth's corrupting of Middle Earth
  41. What are the 'Seven Stars'?
  42. Got my HoME Boxset today!!
  43. How TALL is 'tall'?
  44. Oldest living Elf in ME...
  45. tolkien's warfare
  46. Turbulent Times in Old Middle Earth: 1944-2050 Third Age
  47. The Tolkien Statistical Reading Institute
  48. Rohan Questions
  49. The Seven Rings of the Dwarves
  50. Same Edition of ME Books
  51. Orc Queen
  52. 'The Beasterie?'
  53. Evil without Melkor
  54. What happened next?....
  55. Fate of dwarfs, ents, orcs?
  56. Funny Middle-earth lines
  57. Did Amandil ever make it to the Valar?
  58. Interested in the History of Middle Earth series?
  59. The Unwritten Book - Written
  60. Banner of Rohan (I drew)
  61. Who WERE the Lossoth?
  62. Introducing Children to Tolkien
  63. What were the 'Mallorn'?
  64. Hobbit joke
  65. Tolkien discussion forums in other languages
  66. Iglishmêk
  67. If you'd get the chance to be in middle-earth, who would you be?
  68. Tolkien Jeopardy
  69. The hunt for the hobbits?
  70. The Quote Game - Part 4
  71. The Slain Game
  72. The New Shadow -- Failure of Imagination?
  73. What About Wizards?
  74. The power of a curse
  75. The Three top most debated Tolkien book topics!
  76. What if an elf gets to marry a hobbit?
  77. Saddest Moment In Tolkien
  78. fav city
  79. fav kingdom
  80. Middle Earth play-by-email battle game
  81. Hobbit funerals
  82. Lembas
  83. Kraken?
  84. "Minor works" quote game
  85. about plants
  86. Aging at the Undying Lands
  87. Hello = Veldui?
  88. The Roads of Middle-Earth
  89. Colors of Clothing and Heraldry
  90. Ranks
  91. Why was Thorin childless?
  92. If you could live in Middle Earth,what would you do,or most want to get up to?
  93. Middle-earth 'Iron Man' Triathlon: Who would win?
  94. Middle-earth Furniture
  95. Seminar on the archaeology of Middle Earth
  96. Why did the Early Kings of Gondor live longer than the Kings of Arnor?
  97. General Lord of the Rings
  98. Pauline Baynes Famer Giles pictures
  99. Name Game III
  100. Underrated Tolkien Characters
  101. Deaths among the Atani
  102. Petty Dwarves - Melkor the DIRECT cause?
  103. How did he know that?
  104. Tolkien music
  105. What are Elves?
  106. Middle Earth word game
  107. Game Threads
  108. Why "middle" Earth?
  109. weapons
  110. Who is the Best
  111. Proudest Moment in Tolkien
  112. Chieftain of the Dúnedain
  113. Male moon & female sun
  114. Was Wilderland REALLY any Wilder?
  115. The Nature of the Dunedain's Foresight
  116. hobbit culture
  117. Arwen's Fate as a mortal
  118. Some Questions Regarding States/Provinces
  119. Concerning Halflings
  120. A second death
  121. The Quote Game - Part 5
  122. Announcement discussion: Tolkien Trail help needed
  123. Tolkien discussion ideas
  124. Character Analysis: Elendil, Isildur, Anarion
  125. Dwarf Hill and Lydney House
  126. Hobbit Birthday Note
  127. Tolkien's ?Mistake?
  128. name a boat
  129. Who is your favourite Tolkien character and why?
  130. What picture of Tolkien's work would you like to see?
  131. favorite race and why
  132. Climate of Eriador
  133. The Important Questions
  134. Interesting Matchups...
  135. Middle Earth: Our Earth or not?
  136. Why the end of the third age
  137. The Power of the Rings
  138. The dwarves
  139. Favorite Tavern and Why?
  140. Favorite Fortress
  141. Cram/Lembas
  142. Funny LOTR Insults
  143. A New Entmoot Presidential Election?
  144. Favourite Tolkien book
  145. A Mortal Life
  146. The Riddle of Tom Bombadil
  147. Evil in Middle-Earth
  148. Middle Earth A to Z!
  149. In defense of the Ringwraith or "Where is the beef?"(loo-ong posting!)
  150. The healing ability of the Elves
  151. Book Order
  152. Character analysis: Beren, Tuor, Aragorn
  153. Good Orcs?
  154. MERP essay: Pedo barbarians a minno
  155. Friday the First
  156. The Early Work of the Nine Rings
  157. Why would the Dwarves take a Ring from Sauron? Especially Moria??
  158. The Watch Stone od the Druedain?
  159. Tolkien's Descriptions...?
  160. Tolkien's Languages
  161. A question to ponder
  162. The Nazgûl and their names?
  163. Arxheologist find Hobbit remais
  164. What is your favourite poem/song by Tolkien?
  165. What Inflicted More Damage: The Silmarils or The Ring?
  166. Incanus
  167. Christ in Middle Earth
  168. Tolkien's Elves - our Earth
  169. what is your favorite part about middle earth or any thing connected to it. and why.
  170. Can someone teach me elvish?
  171. Elvish toils
  172. God in Middle-Earth
  173. Blatant LoTR Copy-Cats
  174. Kinslayings
  175. What Was the Purpose of the 2 Blue Wizards
  176. Elvish Perception of Time
  177. Where do the places of the 1st age fit in with the places of the 3rd age?
  178. Who has the control: Sauron or the Ring?
  179. What Tolkien stuff did you get in your stocking?
  180. South Rhovanion
  181. Wraiths
  182. If you were in LotR what would you be?
  183. Tolkien: Style or Substance?
  184. On the matter of orcs and goblins...
  185. What is your favourtie place, person and word!!!
  186. Middle Earth roleplaying!!!
  187. Who wants to talk about Middle Earth and LOTR deeply...
  188. The Third age game
  189. Middle Earths location
  190. On Tolkien's sense of Humor
  191. Lurtz
  192. Middle earth conections
  193. Tolkien and middle earth
  194. Are there any conventions?
  195. Tolkien to Zeppelin connections
  196. Middle Earth Yeopardy
  197. How did you get to know Tolkien?
  198. help with reading order of supplements
  199. Blame Fëanor
  200. Dwarves - A Closer Look
  201. The making of a Palantir
  202. Can somone give me more info on the land of Eridor
  203. Riddling III
  204. Elvish Twins
  205. Looking for a quote...
  206. Compare and Contrast: The Istari
  207. The name game
  208. The Shibboleth of Fëanor
  209. I'm making Middle-Earth genealogies.
  210. One Ring Ownership Legal Issue and my Response
  211. One question about Elwing and Earendil...
  212. Doom or Gift?
  213. The 3 word story game
  214. About the Red Book...
  215. Hobbit race
  216. Istari Anyone?
  217. Angerthas vs. Old Icelandic
  218. Why did the Ring betray Isildur?
  219. Karen Wynn Fonstad: 1945-2005
  220. Interesting Map
  221. Quote Game-Part 6
  222. Could he be overthrown?
  223. If you were half-elf would you be mort or imortal
  224. Death in Middle Earth
  225. Were the Nazgul free from Sauron for the most part of the Third Age?
  226. Is Middle-Earth connected to religion
  227. The Lays of Beleriand
  228. Dragonslayers of Middle Earth
  229. Carrying things in the spirit world
  230. Middle Earth information disscussion
  231. The choice in Middle Earth
  232. Feeling hobbity?
  233. Help! Tolkien Quote Source
  234. What is the Tolkien need-to-read list?
  235. Gundabad history
  236. Whatever happened to the Blue Wizards?
  237. Favor Needed
  238. Music....
  239. I like mordor
  240. How do Ents Breathe?
  241. Can Eagles be corrupted?
  242. Lawyers
  243. questions about story of Luthien and Beren and Tolkien's ideas
  244. A translation on Adunaic
  245. Elfan Linguistics
  246. Frodo Lives- On Me
  247. something i was wondering
  248. Middle Earth Crossword Puzzle
  249. Mithril Question
  250. Quote Game-Part 7