View Full Version : Tolkien Jeopardy

02-20-2004, 04:53 AM
I don´t know if you knowing this game... but I can say that the game is funny. (so I think) *g* :D)


1. The first person writh an ANSWER!
2. The next poster writh the QUESTION to THIS answer!

1. NA: "What???" (NA = New answer)
2. What said Sam when Frodo said, he´s the Lord of the Rings?

I think this rules are easy ... and so, let us beginning...

NA: "What should I say?"


Sister Golden Hair
02-20-2004, 10:48 AM
I'm not quite sure I understand this game, but Tolkien subjects should be posted in the Tolkien forums. This would be a Middle-earth forum topic, but we already have several games in that forum. Moving and Closing.