View Full Version : weapons

06-20-2004, 02:08 PM
what character has the best weapons and why

06-20-2004, 02:40 PM
I'd have to go with Aragorn. As to "why" it's just because I like swords and Aragorn seems to carry the best one around :D

06-20-2004, 05:26 PM
Gandalf's staff. Nothing beats those powers (well...).

And I'd like to say bow&arrow, because I like archery (notOrlando Bloom), however Gandalf can defeat that. At close range the sword wins (an axe is to clumsy I would think), and at long the bow&arrow, but over all Gandalf.

06-20-2004, 05:33 PM
Grond. :p

Arien the Maia
06-21-2004, 01:53 AM
Originally posted by BeardofPants
Grond. :p

I second that:evil: :D

06-22-2004, 12:59 PM
ya Gandalfs staff is good and so is his sword Galmdring the Foe Hamer

06-23-2004, 08:54 PM
I've always been partial to Mormegil, or the iron glove of Tulkas.

06-24-2004, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by Arien the Maia
I second that:evil: :D


06-24-2004, 02:54 AM
I'm fascinated by Anglachel/Gurthang, made by Eöl, given to Thingol, then to Beleg and at last Túrin.

Dark Lord Sauron
07-12-2004, 02:36 PM
My friends,

I would have to contend that the One Ring would defeat all of your puny weapons in a second.

With the One Ring, I have been able to enslave Men without ever meeting meeting them in battle. I drove the Dwarves to greed with it and caused their ruin in the Misty Mountains. The One Ring nearly enslaved the race of Elves to my will.

The One Ring contains much of my cruelty and malice, and is thus one of the most potent weapons in Middle Earth. Even Gandalf did not dare attempt to defeat me with my One Ring. It can never be used against me; it instead betrays the wearer to my Eye. Who else contains a weapon so loyal to them?

The sheer powr of the One Ring is unmatched. I could defeat entire legions with it. The King of Men stood no chance against me with my One Ring. This One Ring allowed me to dominate Middle Earth during the Second Age, and only Lindon was not under my control during the height of my glory.

Against the One Ring, all other weapons fail. The axe shattered into pieces when attempting to destroy it. Gandalf's staff would hold no power against me. With this One Ring, I would be nearly invincible.

Even without my steady hand, the One Ring defeats my enemies. It betrayed that dirty thief Isilduir to his death. It drove Boromir, son of Denethor, Stewart of Gondor, to madness and that eventually killed him. It corrupted the hobbit Frodo and that cost him his finger. It also nearly betrayed him to the King of the Nazgul.

Because of this, the One Ring is supreme. No other weapon nearly matches it power.

07-12-2004, 02:43 PM
You're so right... it's destruction even brought YOU down... you naughty Dark Lord, you! :p

08-04-2004, 10:44 PM
I beleive that the one ring was destroyed, never to be seen again as it melted in the fires of Mount Doom. :evil:
he he
Anyway, I belive that Legolas [not OB *shiver*] has the best weapons. The white knife, and bow/arrow combo are the best

08-05-2004, 12:03 PM
If I were a hobbit, Sting would be my weapon of choice.

08-05-2004, 01:15 PM
I'm fascinated by Anglachel/Gurthang, made by Eöl, given to Thingol, then to Beleg and at last Túrin.Anglachel gets my vote. How cool can it be, a talking sword made from a meteorite.

08-05-2004, 11:11 PM
I would have to contend that the One Ring would defeat all of your puny weapons in a second.

I could defeat entire legions with it.
Against the One Ring, all other weapons fail.
With this One Ring, I would be nearly invincible.

:D You made your ring not as a weapon, but as a devise to achieve the dominance by stripping the power of all, who opposed you, feeding yourself with this power and life - force, thus gaining abilities to "materialise" from a spirit form .
But , I think, that too many "shock therapies" made you kind of slightly cofused.
Is it was the reason that, when Isildur approached you, you drew out your finger instead of your sword? :evil: ;)
Well your "weapon" did not protect you from another "shock treatment" :p

Presonally, I think that any weapon could be a supreme, if you know how to use it and when.

Meriadoc Brandybuck
08-05-2004, 11:20 PM
If I were a hobbit (which I am :D) my weapon of choice at close range would be a short sword and at farther distances, rocks. ;)

Thain Peregrin Took I
08-06-2004, 12:44 AM
If I were a hobbit (which I am :D) my weapon of choice at close range would be a short sword and at farther distances, rocks. ;)
Yup, same here, short sword and rocks! And I'm a hobbit too! :p

Halbarad of the Dunedain
08-10-2004, 05:07 AM
For no real reason I like Gúthwinë the sword of Éomer. Coming in second is Grond Morgoths weapon!

08-10-2004, 05:16 AM
gandalf's staff must be my weapon of choice, supported by glamdring or Anglachel for close combat.

08-12-2004, 01:46 PM
I think that Anduril is the best weapon just because it was made for a men that was a giant compared to others (Elendil) and Aragorn's my favourite character.

08-17-2004, 11:48 AM
okay there is no competition. What is the only weapon that has never been defeated. It kicked saurons ass twice, killed bizillions of orcs, and it can even parry the blows of the dead. the best weapon ever in Middle-Earth has to be Anduril/Narsil