04-22-2004, 01:32 PM
Somewhat interested in Tolkien's use of color with clothing & emblems.
We learn early on that hobbits prefer bright colors, mostly yellows and greens. The dwarves in 'The Hobbit' wear a wide assortment of colors - at least for their cloaks and hoods. The kings of Rohan use the emblem of a white horse on a green field - we extrapolate lots of green clothing for them from this (is there SOME mention of it - I forget now).
On the other hand, with the 'high' peoples: Elves and Numenoreans, we tend to see white, grey and black. They often seem to dress in white for 'special occasions' (Aragorn when Galadriel was playing 'match-maker' for him in Lorien - and at his wedding, the people of Numenor who went up the Meneltarma at special seasons, the Elves in several places). Grey is also common - from the cloaks of Lorien to those of the 'grey company' of Rangers - and again, I think with numerous mentions of the Elves in Silmarillion (is that right). I'm trying to remember off the top of my head the uses of black (for 'good guys') - did both Tuor and Turin wear black? Is there mention of other First Agers in black? I can't think of Elves wearing black off-hand, but can with men - most notably the guards of the Citadel in Minas Tirith and the use of black in Elendil's emblem.
I wonder if black was used throughout the course of history in both Arnor and Gondor, or in Arnor at first - and if Gondor began to use it once it no longer saw itself as subject to Arnor - or if both used other colors at some point - but Gondor later used black - and if only the emblem of Elendil itself had been black. (EDIT: OR if it was used in Gondor throughout - and a different color in Arnor - the other possibility I can think of) It's a bit curious because so much of western culture thinks of purple as a 'royal' color (from Roman times onward) - and in the east (I think - correct me if I'm wrong) yellow is a 'royal' color (at least in China - I think because of the tiger). I often think of various bright colors associated with noble houses, etc.
Let's see... others, of varying significance perhaps: was it the Southrons who had yellow and red? Dol Amroth emblem was silver swan on blue. Aragorn is first seen with a green cloak (perhaps more a method of providing some amount of 'camoflage' though - or at least not sticking out like a sore thumb in the wilds).
Does Tolkien go into any more of this in the HoME books? Am I right/wrong in my recollections? Does any of this really matter or do any of the rest of you even take notice or think about it? I am mostly struck by the white / grey / black colors... and think, 'Why THOSE colors?'
We learn early on that hobbits prefer bright colors, mostly yellows and greens. The dwarves in 'The Hobbit' wear a wide assortment of colors - at least for their cloaks and hoods. The kings of Rohan use the emblem of a white horse on a green field - we extrapolate lots of green clothing for them from this (is there SOME mention of it - I forget now).
On the other hand, with the 'high' peoples: Elves and Numenoreans, we tend to see white, grey and black. They often seem to dress in white for 'special occasions' (Aragorn when Galadriel was playing 'match-maker' for him in Lorien - and at his wedding, the people of Numenor who went up the Meneltarma at special seasons, the Elves in several places). Grey is also common - from the cloaks of Lorien to those of the 'grey company' of Rangers - and again, I think with numerous mentions of the Elves in Silmarillion (is that right). I'm trying to remember off the top of my head the uses of black (for 'good guys') - did both Tuor and Turin wear black? Is there mention of other First Agers in black? I can't think of Elves wearing black off-hand, but can with men - most notably the guards of the Citadel in Minas Tirith and the use of black in Elendil's emblem.
I wonder if black was used throughout the course of history in both Arnor and Gondor, or in Arnor at first - and if Gondor began to use it once it no longer saw itself as subject to Arnor - or if both used other colors at some point - but Gondor later used black - and if only the emblem of Elendil itself had been black. (EDIT: OR if it was used in Gondor throughout - and a different color in Arnor - the other possibility I can think of) It's a bit curious because so much of western culture thinks of purple as a 'royal' color (from Roman times onward) - and in the east (I think - correct me if I'm wrong) yellow is a 'royal' color (at least in China - I think because of the tiger). I often think of various bright colors associated with noble houses, etc.
Let's see... others, of varying significance perhaps: was it the Southrons who had yellow and red? Dol Amroth emblem was silver swan on blue. Aragorn is first seen with a green cloak (perhaps more a method of providing some amount of 'camoflage' though - or at least not sticking out like a sore thumb in the wilds).
Does Tolkien go into any more of this in the HoME books? Am I right/wrong in my recollections? Does any of this really matter or do any of the rest of you even take notice or think about it? I am mostly struck by the white / grey / black colors... and think, 'Why THOSE colors?'