View Full Version : Any thoughts on why Annuminas was deserted?

10-07-2003, 12:11 AM
Any thoughts on why Annuminas was deserted?

Lefty Scaevola
10-07-2003, 09:39 AM
population decline made some urban centers superfluous and unsupportable and they were consolidated. We have little info on why which cities were select to continue or not, but a map will clearly show that Fornost was better situated for commercial activity. I suspect that the 'abandoned' cities still survived as local farm markets.

10-07-2003, 12:14 PM
Perhaps also Fornost was a more defensible or more strategic site. Maybe Annuminas was more of a "royal estate" (like Versailles perhaps) - with a modest urban center grown around it - primarily to serve royal purposes and needs. A defensible capital had not been necessary in times of peace - but the break-up of the kingdom may have prompted Amlaith to look for a stronger position - in case things got rough.

Also, symbolically, in transitioning from Kings of Arnor to Kings of Arthedain, the High Kingship over all the Numenoreans in Exile (including Gondor) was surrendered. Annuminas had the association with the High Kingship - and as the City of Elendil, perhaps had much reminiscent of Numenor - which might have been hard to bear, with the political disunity playing itself out.

Keith K
10-07-2003, 04:02 PM
Didn't the plague pretty much wipe them out? Followed by destruction directed by Angmar?

10-07-2003, 04:42 PM
Keith - those things happened later - and contributed to the downfall of the Kingdom of Arthedain, but here's how things progressed in the Third Age:

Sometime after King Earendur died in 861, the Kingdom of Arnor was divided into 3 smaller kingdoms - Arthedain, Cardolan & Rhudaur. Amlaith - his eldest son (the other sons - who got the other kingdoms, are not named) - became King of Arthedain (he was the ancestor of Aragorn). This was the time that Annuminas was abandoned - at least it no longer functioned as the capital city - and probably fell into decline.

The Plague was much later - 1636, and was said to have little effect in the northern parts of Eriador (basically Arthedain).

Angmar struck its final blow in 1974 - when they took Fornost (new capital). After that, the Dunedain in the north became a wandering people and their leaders no longer exerted royal authority.

It's all in Appendix A - if you have the patience for all the historical stuff after reading through three very thick books! Me - I've become a nut for the history of Arnor. :)

10-07-2003, 07:43 PM
Thanks for the insights .