View Full Version : questions about story of Luthien and Beren and Tolkien's ideas

10-16-2005, 02:28 PM
I'm writing a paper for a british literature class about where tolkien drew ideas from and came across this quote that he found before he wrote lord of the rings: - Hail Earendel brightest of angels, over Middle Earth sent to men...could this be realted to Myar or the story ofLuthien and Beren in any way? I'm a bit stuck, so any thoughts on it are greatly appriciated.

10-16-2005, 02:45 PM
Earendil is more related to the story of Tuor and Idril, than to the story of Luthien and Beren. :D He was the only son of the first couple.
No, he is not related to Maiar.

As for the quote about "Earendel, the brightest of angels" it was indeed the source of inspiration for all Tolkien's world. At this stage his Arda has not even existed. Earendel had become Earendil later, and being "the brightest of angels" was transformed into the story of Viniglot, Silmaril and Earendil the Star.

10-16-2005, 03:20 PM
Actually, if you have only LOTR, the story of Earendil is told in the song Bilbo composed in Rivendell.