View Full Version : what is your favorite part about middle earth or any thing connected to it. and why.

Lostyia Delr-Padroot
11-16-2004, 05:24 PM
i have to say i love the reactions and abitlities of the different races. i think each give middle earth a certain flaire. but which one i am not quite sure. i'll have to think in more detail about that. i also love how its grown science the thought/creation of middle earth. because at one time i believe middle earth was once the world we live in. i have to think the people who regurgitated it age geneiuses. :D :D :D

Lostyia Delr-Padroot
11-17-2004, 07:03 PM
:p :p i feel completely restless that no one has written out somethin so i am going to write a blurp about my two favorite races.
dragons and druids.
kinsin knew he was in trouble but had no clue what to do. this humongous creature towaring over him was scaring him. he could feel the heat from the creatures breath see the anger in its eyes, and almost touch its magnificant scales.wondering how it would be to fly with such amaising wings. they had to be fifteen stretches wide, maybe a little of an overexaggeration. then out of no where a little figure poped out, suddenly a gust of wind came by and the magnificant creature left. that is when kinsin knew what his future would be. he would become the best druid ever. :) :p

11-17-2004, 07:38 PM
I read this as What is your LEAST favorite part of Middle Earth, and why.... :rolleyes: It's been one of those days.... :p so I'm going to go with my "mistake". (more fun ;) )
I never did *get* Huorns. Ents were so cool, but why would trees go bad....I know....angry at being chopped up and used by folks, but wood is such a building block for everything...it would have been nice to have the trees honored to be used for houses, furniture, warmth etc. Cranky mean trees with black hearts! Weird. ;)

Didn't dragons smell really bad..and they were ruthless and greedy... ;) I like Tom Bombadil and Goldberry, but I guess they were weirdos..or hippies! :p

11-17-2004, 10:30 PM
I like Tom Bombadil and Goldberry, but I guess they were weirdos..or hippies! :p

What's wrong with hippies? I like hippies :D

All the same, they're really interesting characters... my brother and I tend to like speculating about who exactly Bombadil was... and why the Ring had no effect on him...

stupid Ring... foolish Celebrimbor...

My favourite race has always been the Elves...especially the House of Finwe... :) :(

Now I'll go on my merry way and leave less obsessed people in peace :D

11-18-2004, 12:05 AM
I was a hippie :D ...but I needed drugs for my "magic powers". :rolleyes: :p

11-18-2004, 02:12 PM
Um, my favorite part of middle earth... how about everything? Okay, seriously... it's so hard to decide, but I think I also like the different races and the languages and... everything.... Um, I love the Elves and the hobbits. I also love the natural element of it, and the beauty. Because even though there are ugly parts, like Mordor and Isengard, much of Middle Earth is beautiful. I wish I could go to Middle Earth... and don't anyone dare tell me it's not real!!

Rosie Gamgee
11-18-2004, 02:20 PM
I think the hobbits are about the single greatest imaginary race made up. I mean, a lot of people have created races more beautiful, more knowlegable, and certainly more long-lived than Men. Not to say that any of them compare to Tolkien's elves, but still, I think that the hobbits are really, well, great! They represent, without having to be wordy about it or in-your-face, all that is green and good in the world. They're short and often overlooked, but they don't mind. There were, before Bilbo, no famous hobbits, but they don't care. They're simple, and whatever they feel they don't hide it- anger, happiness, tears, whatever- and they aren't embarrassed by that. They are cool, and the neat thing about it is, if I met a hobbit on the street, I don't think I'd be too suprised, just beause- they're so real!

Another one of the things that I love about ME is all the romance. Faramir and Eowyn top the charts- or at least Faramir does :)- then there's Luthien and Beren, Aragorn and Arwen, even Niniel and her brother were kind of cool. This is the romantic stuff to die for!

As a side comment, I thought all live trees were really weird, Treebeard being one of the freakiest. Although I did like Old Man Willow (from a dramatic standpoint, he made more sense to me than the Ents).

Lostyia Delr-Padroot
11-18-2004, 02:24 PM
I read this as What is your LEAST favorite part of Middle Earth, and why.... :rolleyes: It's been one of those days.... :p so I'm going to go with my "mistake". (more fun ;) )
I never did *get* Huorns. Ents were so cool, but why would trees go bad....I know....angry at being chopped up and used by folks, but wood is such a building block for everything...it would have been nice to have the trees honored to be used for houses, furniture, warmth etc. Cranky mean trees with black hearts! Weird. ;)

Didn't dragons smell really bad..and they were ruthless and greedy... ;) I like Tom Bombadil and Goldberry, but I guess they were weirdos..or hippies! :p

Huorns arn't all bad. it's like humans they choose either to be bad or good. and even though they are trees and don't do much they aren't completly trees. trees are stationary and have to be moved by other things like humans for example. and just like on our true plain there are human rites actvists thes huorons have the basic same kind of creature. (sorry i am comparing them to humans but i know most about them.) anyway i wouldn't want to be chopped up before my time to be a pritty coffee table.

and its according to what kind of dragons you are talking about there are many kinds of dragons and they werent all necessarly ruthless and greedy. it depends on the individual.

so yeah i love dragons because well i fasinated them. there misticism and how there unigue rare and ect.

Lostyia Delr-Padroot
11-18-2004, 02:29 PM
Um, my favorite part of middle earth... how about everything? Okay, seriously... it's so hard to decide, but I think I also like the different races and the languages and... everything.... Um, I love the Elves and the hobbits. I also love the natural element of it, and the beauty. Because even though there are ugly parts, like Mordor and Isengard, much of Middle Earth is beautiful. I wish I could go to Middle Earth... and don't you dare tell me it's not real!!

middle earth is so real it may not be incomplete contex like it is in our imaginations but it once was. well that is all i have to say

11-20-2004, 09:34 PM
My favorite thing abou ME is the fact that its an entire world. There are no holes in it. Everything is explained. nothing is left out. Evolving races and evolving races and architecture, politics, everything is in there.
My second most favorite thing is that 50 years later we are still discussing it with a fevored passion. There is never not room for speculation.

11-21-2004, 12:42 PM
Um, huorns are more than trees that have become Entish. If you believe Pippin, some are Ents that have become tree-ish, otherwise why the comment about "if there were no true Ents around to look after them?" My favorite part of the LotR is the mystery, the sense that there is always something 'out there,' more than the text is saying. It's a complete world with its own traditions, history and laws. And it's very, very important.

Lostyia Delr-Padroot
11-23-2004, 05:30 PM
Um, huorns are more than trees that have become Entish. If you believe Pippin, some are Ents that have become tree-ish, otherwise why the comment about "if there were no true Ents around to look after them?" My favorite part of the LotR is the mystery, the sense that there is always something 'out there,' more than the text is saying. It's a complete world with its own traditions, history and laws. And it's very, very important.
that is a better definition than mine, i just learned about them recently myself.
[/QUOTE=Haradrim]My second most favorite thing is that 50 years later we are still discussing it with a fevored passion. There is never not room for speculation.[/QUOTE]
lol. also I completely agree.

11-23-2004, 05:36 PM
My favorite thing abou ME is the fact that its an entire world. There are no holes in it.
Oh but there are! Hobbit Holes! ;) :p

11-26-2004, 04:04 PM
my favorite part is the beauty and how we can imagine more of it. its like someone dreaming about what the other side of the world is like. Is China upside down?

11-28-2004, 12:31 AM
My favorite thing abou ME is the fact that its an entire world. There are no holes in it. Everything is explained. nothing is left out. Evolving races and evolving races and architecture, politics, everything is in there.
My second most favorite thing is that 50 years later we are still discussing it with a fevored passion. There is never not room for speculation.

I have exact sentiments. :)
The world never cease to be astounded by the work of one man, who in 60 years produced as much, as whole nations was creating in the long years of their history.

Lostyia Delr-Padroot
11-29-2004, 05:26 PM
Is China upside down?
i guess its how you look at it. my friend considers upsice down as below the equator. :eek:

11-29-2004, 05:37 PM
Um, my favorite part of middle earth... how about everything? Okay, seriously... it's so hard to decide, but I think I also like the different races and the languages and... everything.... Um, I love the Elves and the hobbits. I also love the natural element of it, and the beauty. Because even though there are ugly parts, like Mordor and Isengard, much of Middle Earth is beautiful. I wish I could go to Middle Earth... and don't anyone dare tell me it's not real!!

I love ethuiliel's answer. :D

I also like Olmer's comment... In many ways ME seems as complete as... well, at least some of our mythologies. And to me, at least, it seems to have evolved in something of the same manner... Just, the time span is much different.

Lostyia Delr-Padroot
12-06-2004, 05:05 PM
well it is obvious that picking a specific thing can be difficult :confused: , how did you all get hooked on middle earth???
:D :D :D

for me it started with classic greek mythology then i wanted more so i explored. loved the thoughts of dragons, and got completly hooked. but what got me truly hookd was a power one can have and the experinces with magical beings, this, the whole element of it. :p

12-06-2004, 05:36 PM
That's an easier one. :)

I had to choose something for a book report in 8th grade, and my mother finally convinced me to do Fellowship of the Ring. I had always avoided it before, because I liked dragons, and Tolkien's dragons were always bad. :p

It took me a while to get into the book... A month to read the first half of FotR, but as soon as Glorfindel showed up... I was hooked. ;) Of course, then he left and I had to find a way to focus my Elf obsession (luckily the slight Legolas quasi-obsession ended as soon as I started the Silmarillion :D ).

I think the parallels between Tolkien and several types of mythology are part of the reason I've stayed so hooked. I've always loved fantasy, but Middle Earth seems to be something entirely different, so much richer than anything else I've ever read or watched. It is more like mythology than fantasy... and simply incredible. I don't have the words to describe it... :p

The languages, for example. I'll admit to being rather language-obsessed. There was no way I was going to ever forget about the languages one man created that acted as reality based languages and seemingly evolved the same way.

I'm learning Quenya now :p , alongside more "useful" languages. Of course, learning things such as the Tengwar have helped me... It made the Japanese characters much easier to learn, simply because of voiced and unvoiced consonants...

I'm getting OT. But... I think I answered your question adequately. :)

12-06-2004, 07:31 PM
The sense of " debth" is what comes to my mind, there is always something new to discover ( right now I'm pondering about who made the paths in the Old Forest..). There are so many layers and so many chances for the reader to " go astray" ( eh, not well put..), to feel free in finding " meaning". The feeling of actually being transferred to this fairytale world. The mix of familiarity and something totally unknown, that triggers my imagination. The complexity of landscapes, cultures, languages. The bizarr sense of something " true"?
Also, the constant change of safe or merry places (at Farmer Maggot's, Bombadil's house, Rivendell, Lorien.....) and danger. Keeps you on the edge, and then you ( and The Company) take a breath of relief..: food, song, bed, conversations, put your feet on a stool by the fireplace.

I got totally hooked from the very first page of Lotr. And when finished reading I started all over again the very same night. Couldn't accept it was over ( and it wasn't, there were other books ;))


12-06-2004, 07:42 PM
I got totally hooked from the very first page of Lotr. And when finished reading I started all over again the very same night. Couldn't accept it was over ( and it wasn't, there were other books ;))

HolbytlaMe, too. I picked up the Ace edition in a bookstore in Fort Worth when I was 16. Didn't want to waste money on the other two until I saw whether I liked it. That was Saturday. I was waiting at the door of the store when it opened Monday morning. :)

12-06-2004, 10:12 PM
I don't think there was one moment that I fell in love with LotR, but it was definetly before I finished the book for the first time, because the first thing I did when I finished was start right back at the beginning, lol. The second thing I did was put it on my wish list for my birthday, despite the fact that I'd already read it, and I NEVER buy stuff I've already read... or at least didn't at the time.

But yeah, the depth, the beauty, the nature, the languages, the races... everthing in ME appeals to me. (except maybe the portrayal of dragons and werewolves...)

12-07-2004, 11:17 AM
All of it! I can't pick one part of all that greatness! I don't know where in the book I was hooked, but somewhere in LoTR. maybe from the beginning.
all of the books are magnificent, in their own way.

the reason is it's complexity, the languages, characters, places.

Lostyia Delr-Padroot
12-28-2004, 01:28 PM
I know Tolkien had created a relm of middle earth but the idea of it has been around for centuries is there something you don't like about it?

12-28-2004, 01:52 PM
I know Tolkien had created a relm of middle earth but the idea of it has been around for centuries is there something you don't like about it?

the books (all of them) are too short ;)

i want more

01-01-2005, 11:19 PM
the books (all of them) are too short ;)

i want more

Yep. That's by far the biggest problem. When I finished LotR I went :eek: "That's it!?"

01-04-2005, 09:39 PM
Yep. That's by far the biggest problem. When I finished LotR I went :eek: "That's it!?"

ya and then i looked at the back of my fellowship book and noticed how many other books there were

01-06-2005, 02:47 AM
My favourite part of Middle Earth would be the people and their cultures and how different they are, but still, they work together, that or the landscape, it sounds perfect! Lorien and its golden woods, Rivendell and the elves the mines of Moria, Minus Tirith and even Morder and Minus Morgul, theres is just something about the whole earth... :rolleyes:

01-20-2005, 08:49 AM
What makes ME so extraordinary is the beauty in it. I love the way Tolkien describes things, places, poeple and ME is in general (excluding the evil places) a rather beautiful place. Even Mirkwood is in its own way stunning. That is why no other fantasy book is likely to match Tolkien's - they seem empty and boring compared to his beautiful works.

09-01-2005, 08:19 PM
I want to go to Middle Earth, so badly. I just want to go there and chill for a while, like chill in the Shire at Bag End, or hang out at Rivendell reading all the books, or go camping in Ithilien. If only I could really go there...

10-22-2005, 12:50 PM
Yeah, I vote for Ithilien. I'd like to help you out Lotesse - I know just how you feel. Let me know if you've find any way.