- The worst change in FOTR
- Elves look like bugs and Gandalf isnt getting enough!
- Biggest apprehensions to FOTR and the other two
- TV Guide Covers
- I'm going to the NY Premiere of LotR!
- New Promo Commercial for FotR
- Burger King Cups
- Great reviews on IMDB...
- Anyone going to see the Houston opening?
- Christopher Tolkien speaks about the movies
- 8-year-old boy with terminal cancer sees LOTR early
- For any of you in the UK
- TV Guide Magazine goes to Middle-earth
- no no no
- Who plays Rumil and Orophin...
- balrog in the movie
- I'm too excited!!!
- in london now?
- Entmoot's first review of the movie!!
- Nooooo!
- Heh...
- Something exciting...
- Has anyone else sensed this?
- Twighlight Ringwraiths.
- Is the movie a good thing??
- One Day Left!!!!!
- Today's the BIG day!
- Reveiws from the fans
- Is it just me?
- Movie Creatures
- I have seen it, and it is... (no spoilers)
- Entmoots second review
- I have posted my review at Suite101
- Opinion Thread
- ents in the movie
- Balrog Parts
- Old Bilbo was Frodo
- drug references
- Are the snatches of elvish in the book?
- Tiny walls in Rivendell
- Musical Theme
- Gandalf's ring
- Sauron Q ( minor spoiler)
- Pluses and minuses, but the best film in history
- No help for Gandalf?
- How is the movie doing at the box office?
- Ian makes a glaring mistake at a fan E-mail site!
- Favorite things from FotR the movie
- Anyone catch PJ's cameo?
- Could Tolkien himself please some?
- Time Bandits meets Catweazle (ffs)
- How far along are they with next two?
- Some people....
- LotR on TV . . .?
- A Better Aragorn?
- Mike Oldfield shoulda done the soundtrack!
- interesting trivia link
- The soundtrack........for people who Love the music as much as the movie!
- What part of the movie is this pic from?
- An old cartoon
- New Zealand the PERFECT choice!
- Cruddy copies of the film at Cinemark Theaters
- And why did Frodo leave the Prancing Pony...
- I want a poster with...
- Can anyone help with a LOTR / FOTR film merchandise query I have
- What would you do? heh heh heh . . .
- Maybe an Intermission was needed?
- Arwen in the Movie, How did you feel about her?
- Gandalf's seeming reticence
- Gollum pics
- The Valar
- Lol!!!! (errors and easter eggs)
- Casting for the next two films?
- Cheap plastic aquarium plants?
- Did this happen to anyone else?!
- Tolkien Trail.com HELP!
- Universal Interactive to adapt Tolkien books for Xbox and GBA
- Tolkien Trail fine as is
- 3 AFI awards incl. BEST PICTURE
- FOTR-what to expect from the dvd
- Who's YOUR favorite character???
- Theaters should show the movies back to back.
- Saruman's allegiance to Sauron
- Why make those changes?
- Missing pieces...
- Bakshi Movie script question
- If you could have one thing from the props.....
- Who has cracked under pressure and knowledge?
- BBC radio adaption
- Stuff we'd like to see in the next 2 films
- hmm, cheeseball lines and will Gil Galad get a proper mention in the next two films?
- Best/Worst LOTR Theater Experience
- Musings upon a Fifth Viewing
- Our thanks to Peter Jackson?
- If I made the LOTR movie
- how many people are seeing fotr
- Newish user - me!
- Film rating
- Aragorn
- 12 hour spectacular!!!
- Seeing FotR with fans
- Bombadil's existence DENIED by the movie
- Expensive Lotr Merchandise
- About visualizing some of the scenes...
- Elijah Wood - a bit of a weirdo?
- FotR music and it's associations
- Timescales - a bit of a mess
- Who's playing theoden, Eomer, Eowyn, Grima and Denethor?
- The Trailer Music?
- Do you REALLY have a complete set of Lotr BK toys?
- A Few Observations
- I heard this rumor:
- My Movie Review
- Uncut Fellowship of the Ring DVD Petition
- They screwed up Aragorn..
- Yay! its official
- scenes and characters to be cut...?
- Finally
- A P.g.?!!!!!!
- Forget The Force -- "The Lord" Rules!
- Bakshi vers Jackson
- Golden Globes
- Orcs - absolute rubbish or what???
- Favorite character interpretations kinda poll thingie...
- If there were Luthien and Beren flashbacks...
- The Road and other musical moments. . .
- What ommission would be most unwelcome in the next two films?
- nightmare cast list
- Morton Grady Zimmerman Script Question - Michael Martinez??
- I Won!!!
- PJ Talks Bombadil
- Nominations and Awards for FotR
- Sigh. FotR is crossing to the west.
- Humiliation of Gimli?
- song..stuck..in head....*twitch*
- Now a nightmare song list
- Graphics and SFX
- Not Even Nominated?
- Movie Release Date
- What was scariest?
- The Treason of Isengard
- Parallel between LotR and "911"
- What actor was least like their character from the book?
- A fun little animation
- Orlando and Elijah, Sittin' In A Tree
- Happy Birthday Elijah Wood
- Toy with your friends!
- blah blah blah
- Where will The Two Towers movie end?
- Where's Gollum?
- LOTR CD Cardz
- Narsil in TTT?
- Update on the LotR DVD
- Cut Scenes
- Legolas???
- Sam finding Frodo
- lines
- What will the di???
- Arwen
- FOTR the movie: what's your beef??
- Question about LotR
- upsetting.. well, at least to me
- Tom Bombadil
- Favourite Movie Quotes
- LOTR Vidoegames?
- Description of TTT Trailer Here
- The movie in a nutshell!
- What were they REALLY thinking?
- Arwenian costume change
- Alexandra Astin aka Elanor
- P.C./ Multi-ethnic FOTR
- Saruman the Schizophrenic
- Maybe I'm off my rocker...
- In addition...
- read this
- Your own Soundtrack
- what to look for
- Gandalf vs. Saruman.... what should've happened
- Oscar nominations
- Lord of the Rings at the Olympics
- Is LOTR a dumbing down of the book?
- YAY!!! Err . . . ignore this post . . .
- The Fellowship of the Messageboard
- Is Elvish for Sissies?
- Barrow wights and Bombadil
- SO many costs!
- Voice of Saruman in Two Towers movie
- Plate Armor Too Advanced for Middle Earth?
- looking for Legolas screencap
- Missing Chapters
- Saruman At Scouring of the Shire! Confirmed!
- Pointy ears (a costuming question)
- how close do you feel the movie came to the book
- Gladriel
- DVD News
- Gollum
- Happy Dance!
- PJ:the balloon goes up
- A Pic! A Pic! A Very Important Pic!
- Where TT will end, redux: BIG NEWS re: Shelob
- "Off-stage" events in the novel that will be on the screen
- Funny film poems!
- Lord of the Rings Easter Egg mistake
- Orlando pics - the best you'll ever find
- Vote for the Oscars!!!
- A question about the Hobbiton set.
- Big scoop at BAFTA
- Those crazy inscribed ring-things
- Elijah Wood Story - Hits
- FotR still showing near you?
- Legolas and Gimli do each other's hair???
- Have a Looksie...
- Nokia ring tone
- Orlando and co in a band!!!
- Hows the film doing NOW?
- The death of Sharkey
- Anyone know anything about Bumblebee flys anyway?
- FOTR image guide
- best elf award goes to.....
- Silly 'special' CD link
- Has anyone else seen Dominic in Hetty Wainthrop investigates?
- hee hee! funny picture!!!
- Realease Dates For The Next Two Films!!!!!!
- U think EW weirdo,ok,says the 1 wit an obsession with gerbils :o/
- Tattoos
- Geez, Now Sam and Frodo Are "More Than Just Friends"
- Wwooooowwww!
- The women recast
- Arwen's necklace...
- Arbitrary soundtrack comment
- Merry, Pipin, and the Orcs in TTT
- Treebeard
- Treebeard in next film
- Has Gandalf Been Robbed???!!!
- Shadowfax is IN
- The new trailer rumor
- Rosie's job
- Clothes
- aintitcool but isitwrong?
- who will be cut out in the two towers
- Orli and Lij?
- Miranda Otto: Soon To All Fans "Eowyn"
- Worse than bumpin' Glorfindel and adding Arwen....
- Records
- Anyone else got the fellowship of the ring sticker album?
- Student Planner
- Where do you go for news
- SAG awards
- Legolas!!!!!
- The Worship of Weapons