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  1. The worst change in FOTR
  2. Elves look like bugs and Gandalf isnt getting enough!
  3. Biggest apprehensions to FOTR and the other two
  4. TV Guide Covers
  5. I'm going to the NY Premiere of LotR!
  6. New Promo Commercial for FotR
  7. Burger King Cups
  8. Great reviews on IMDB...
  9. Anyone going to see the Houston opening?
  10. Christopher Tolkien speaks about the movies
  11. 8-year-old boy with terminal cancer sees LOTR early
  12. For any of you in the UK
  13. TV Guide Magazine goes to Middle-earth
  14. no no no
  15. Who plays Rumil and Orophin...
  16. balrog in the movie
  17. I'm too excited!!!
  18. in london now?
  19. Entmoot's first review of the movie!!
  20. Nooooo!
  21. Heh...
  22. Something exciting...
  23. Has anyone else sensed this?
  24. Twighlight Ringwraiths.
  25. Is the movie a good thing??
  26. One Day Left!!!!!
  27. Today's the BIG day!
  28. Reveiws from the fans
  29. Is it just me?
  30. Movie Creatures
  31. I have seen it, and it is... (no spoilers)
  32. Entmoots second review
  33. I have posted my review at Suite101
  34. Opinion Thread
  35. ents in the movie
  36. Balrog Parts
  37. Old Bilbo was Frodo
  38. drug references
  39. Are the snatches of elvish in the book?
  40. Tiny walls in Rivendell
  41. Musical Theme
  42. Gandalf's ring
  43. Sauron Q ( minor spoiler)
  44. Pluses and minuses, but the best film in history
  45. No help for Gandalf?
  46. How is the movie doing at the box office?
  47. Ian makes a glaring mistake at a fan E-mail site!
  48. Favorite things from FotR the movie
  49. Anyone catch PJ's cameo?
  50. Could Tolkien himself please some?
  51. Time Bandits meets Catweazle (ffs)
  52. How far along are they with next two?
  53. Some people....
  54. LotR on TV . . .?
  55. A Better Aragorn?
  56. Mike Oldfield shoulda done the soundtrack!
  57. interesting trivia link
  58. The soundtrack........for people who Love the music as much as the movie!
  59. What part of the movie is this pic from?
  60. An old cartoon
  61. New Zealand the PERFECT choice!
  62. Cruddy copies of the film at Cinemark Theaters
  63. And why did Frodo leave the Prancing Pony...
  64. I want a poster with...
  65. Can anyone help with a LOTR / FOTR film merchandise query I have
  66. What would you do? heh heh heh . . .
  67. Maybe an Intermission was needed?
  68. Arwen in the Movie, How did you feel about her?
  69. Gandalf's seeming reticence
  70. Gollum pics
  71. The Valar
  72. Lol!!!! (errors and easter eggs)
  73. Casting for the next two films?
  74. Cheap plastic aquarium plants?
  75. Did this happen to anyone else?!
  76. Tolkien Trail.com HELP!
  77. Universal Interactive to adapt Tolkien books for Xbox and GBA
  78. Tolkien Trail fine as is
  79. 3 AFI awards incl. BEST PICTURE
  80. FOTR-what to expect from the dvd
  81. Who's YOUR favorite character???
  82. Theaters should show the movies back to back.
  83. Saruman's allegiance to Sauron
  84. Why make those changes?
  85. Missing pieces...
  86. Bakshi Movie script question
  87. If you could have one thing from the props.....
  88. Who has cracked under pressure and knowledge?
  89. BBC radio adaption
  90. Stuff we'd like to see in the next 2 films
  91. hmm, cheeseball lines and will Gil Galad get a proper mention in the next two films?
  92. Best/Worst LOTR Theater Experience
  93. Musings upon a Fifth Viewing
  94. Our thanks to Peter Jackson?
  95. If I made the LOTR movie
  96. how many people are seeing fotr
  97. Newish user - me!
  98. Film rating
  99. Aragorn
  100. 12 hour spectacular!!!
  101. Seeing FotR with fans
  102. Bombadil's existence DENIED by the movie
  103. Expensive Lotr Merchandise
  104. About visualizing some of the scenes...
  105. Elijah Wood - a bit of a weirdo?
  106. FotR music and it's associations
  107. Timescales - a bit of a mess
  108. Who's playing theoden, Eomer, Eowyn, Grima and Denethor?
  109. The Trailer Music?
  110. Do you REALLY have a complete set of Lotr BK toys?
  111. A Few Observations
  112. I heard this rumor:
  113. My Movie Review
  114. Uncut Fellowship of the Ring DVD Petition
  115. They screwed up Aragorn..
  116. Yay! its official
  117. scenes and characters to be cut...?
  118. Finally
  119. A P.g.?!!!!!!
  120. Forget The Force -- "The Lord" Rules!
  121. Bakshi vers Jackson
  122. Golden Globes
  123. Orcs - absolute rubbish or what???
  124. Favorite character interpretations kinda poll thingie...
  125. If there were Luthien and Beren flashbacks...
  126. The Road and other musical moments. . .
  127. What ommission would be most unwelcome in the next two films?
  128. nightmare cast list
  129. Morton Grady Zimmerman Script Question - Michael Martinez??
  130. I Won!!!
  131. PJ Talks Bombadil
  132. Nominations and Awards for FotR
  133. Sigh. FotR is crossing to the west.
  134. Humiliation of Gimli?
  135. song..stuck..in head....*twitch*
  136. Now a nightmare song list
  137. Graphics and SFX
  138. Not Even Nominated?
  139. Movie Release Date
  140. What was scariest?
  141. The Treason of Isengard
  142. Parallel between LotR and "911"
  143. What actor was least like their character from the book?
  144. A fun little animation
  145. Orlando and Elijah, Sittin' In A Tree
  146. Happy Birthday Elijah Wood
  147. Toy with your friends!
  148. blah blah blah
  149. Where will The Two Towers movie end?
  150. Where's Gollum?
  151. LOTR CD Cardz
  152. Narsil in TTT?
  153. Update on the LotR DVD
  154. Cut Scenes
  155. Legolas???
  156. Sam finding Frodo
  157. lines
  158. What will the di???
  159. Arwen
  160. FOTR the movie: what's your beef??
  161. Question about LotR
  162. upsetting.. well, at least to me
  163. Tom Bombadil
  164. Favourite Movie Quotes
  165. LOTR Vidoegames?
  166. Description of TTT Trailer Here
  167. The movie in a nutshell!
  168. What were they REALLY thinking?
  169. Arwenian costume change
  170. Alexandra Astin aka Elanor
  171. P.C./ Multi-ethnic FOTR
  172. Saruman the Schizophrenic
  173. Maybe I'm off my rocker...
  174. In addition...
  175. read this
  176. Your own Soundtrack
  177. what to look for
  178. Gandalf vs. Saruman.... what should've happened
  179. Oscar nominations
  180. Lord of the Rings at the Olympics
  181. Is LOTR a dumbing down of the book?
  182. YAY!!! Err . . . ignore this post . . .
  183. The Fellowship of the Messageboard
  184. Is Elvish for Sissies?
  185. Barrow wights and Bombadil
  186. SO many costs!
  187. Voice of Saruman in Two Towers movie
  188. Plate Armor Too Advanced for Middle Earth?
  189. looking for Legolas screencap
  190. Missing Chapters
  191. Saruman At Scouring of the Shire! Confirmed!
  192. Pointy ears (a costuming question)
  193. how close do you feel the movie came to the book
  194. Gladriel
  195. DVD News
  196. Gollum
  197. Happy Dance!
  198. PJ:the balloon goes up
  199. A Pic! A Pic! A Very Important Pic!
  200. Where TT will end, redux: BIG NEWS re: Shelob
  201. "Off-stage" events in the novel that will be on the screen
  202. Funny film poems!
  203. Lord of the Rings Easter Egg mistake
  204. Orlando pics - the best you'll ever find
  205. Vote for the Oscars!!!
  206. A question about the Hobbiton set.
  207. Big scoop at BAFTA
  208. Those crazy inscribed ring-things
  209. Elijah Wood Story - Hits
  210. FotR still showing near you?
  211. Legolas and Gimli do each other's hair???
  212. Have a Looksie...
  213. Nokia ring tone
  214. Orlando and co in a band!!!
  215. Hows the film doing NOW?
  216. The death of Sharkey
  217. Anyone know anything about Bumblebee flys anyway?
  218. FOTR image guide
  219. best elf award goes to.....
  220. Silly 'special' CD link
  221. Has anyone else seen Dominic in Hetty Wainthrop investigates?
  222. hee hee! funny picture!!!
  223. Realease Dates For The Next Two Films!!!!!!
  224. U think EW weirdo,ok,says the 1 wit an obsession with gerbils :o/
  225. Tattoos
  226. Geez, Now Sam and Frodo Are "More Than Just Friends"
  227. Wwooooowwww!
  228. The women recast
  229. Arwen's necklace...
  230. Arbitrary soundtrack comment
  231. Merry, Pipin, and the Orcs in TTT
  232. Treebeard
  233. Treebeard in next film
  234. Has Gandalf Been Robbed???!!!
  235. Shadowfax is IN
  236. The new trailer rumor
  237. Rosie's job
  238. Clothes
  239. aintitcool but isitwrong?
  240. who will be cut out in the two towers
  241. Orli and Lij?
  242. Miranda Otto: Soon To All Fans "Eowyn"
  243. Worse than bumpin' Glorfindel and adding Arwen....
  244. Records
  245. Anyone else got the fellowship of the ring sticker album?
  246. Student Planner
  247. Where do you go for news
  248. SAG awards
  249. Legolas!!!!!
  250. The Worship of Weapons