View Full Version : Did this happen to anyone else?!
01-05-2002, 04:52 PM
Ok, did anyone else get up and go at the end and heard people say, "Wait, did i miss something? WHERE's the ending!" lol.
I did, the second time i saw it i was with my sister and when the part came when it was just about to black out, i stood up and she said, "Where are you going, it hasn't ended yet!" I laughed really loud when she turnedback and saw that credits were rolling. All the way to the parking lot and halfway home she woulnd't stop saying, "What happened! It didn't have an ending!" LoL. I had to explain it to her why it, had an ending, and why it didn't have an ending. Anyone else had an experience like this??
I've seen it twice so far and both times people have seemed quite disgruntled at the end of the movie. One guy was standing outside complaining and said that there needed to be another movie so everyone can know what happens. The man next to him replied that they were making another movie. I laughed and felt tempted to tell him to tell him what happens, but hopefully he'll realize that there are some pretty fantastic books that were around long before the movies!:)
mrs legolas
01-05-2002, 06:09 PM
yah....i took my mom to go see it and she shouted at the end...*well that was stupid*!!! I said...ooopsi i forgot to tell her.. that it is a trilogy...i think that it should state that at the end of the movie...for all of those ig's....what'dya think?
01-05-2002, 07:44 PM
My brother's employer's daughter saw it and thought the same thing. My friends who I took to see it were blessedly aware that it was a trilogy.
By the way, welcome to the moot, mrs. legolas!
01-05-2002, 10:24 PM
The only really negative comment I heard when the film ended was one hideously annoying brat of a child around 11 who blurted, "I just didn't get that movie!". I wanted to throttle him. This is the same brat who chortled and guffawed at the insultingly moronic Austin Powers preview, talked through the whole movie, made six trips to the lobby during the film, stepping on peoples' feet without as much as an "excuse me", and who was obviously dragged there by his parents. He was the only detractor I encountered. Thank the Valar!
As for the others in the crowds the four times I saw it [my friend's wife slipped in the snow when we were hiking on Pikes Peak and sprung her wrist today so I didn't get to see it the fifth time], at the end of the film folks were dead silent. It's like they were all spent, emotionally exhausted, and totally awed and numb from the experience. A pall of sadness hung over the whole theatre each time. I felt the same way: drained, exhausted, and with a heavy heart. Such a beautiful film, so well-crafted, it ensnared Tolkien fan and uninitiate alike. Each time it was an incredible thrill.
Next weekend, viewing number five...I can't wait!
01-06-2002, 03:56 PM
Ok, so when I saw the movie, these really dumb people were sitting behind us.So we are watching it, and they are all babbling on and on about various things. Well, you know the part where Frodo says:We shall go into the mines.?Well, the guy behind me said:"Uh oh.".And at the end of the movie, one of them said:"Hmmm.That was good.I wonder if they are going to make the other two."another says:"Well, they have to.They cant just leave it hanging like that."I thought that that was so dumb.:p
01-06-2002, 04:30 PM
I have had to explain the cliff hanger to many members of my church choir. I can hardly wait to see the faces after the next movie, after all if they think that things are left hanging after FOTR just wait till they see the way TT ends.:eek:
"The road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began."
01-06-2002, 05:41 PM
When my sister and brother-in-law went to see it there were a couple of people sitting in the back that were yelling obnoxious things throughout the entire movie. One of the most horrible offenses occured right after the death of Gandalf... A very emotional moment of the film in my opinion. After gandalf fell and they left the mines the theatre was quiet and they clapped so that the sound of their evenly spaced slow claps(with an obviously sarcastic implicacation)filled the whole room. They did the same thing after Boromir's death. I would have been infuriated... After the film.. they shouted "WHAT! THAT WAS THE WORST MOVIE EVER!" revealing their total lack of intelligence or previous knowlege of the book.
01-06-2002, 09:16 PM
Well, I've been asking kids from my school if they have seen the movie, and if so, what they are some of the reactions:
"I liked the guy with the Sword." Wow! What an intelligent thing to say.....that could apply to everyone in the film, but I think he meant Aragorn.
Most were confused with the whole Strider is Aragorn thing.........I don't see why. I mean, in the book its far more confusing...he has what, 5 or 6 different names?? In the film, he has only two. In rivendell, they basically say "Ok, Strider is now Aragorn." So I don't see what the confusion is.
They thought it was a little long....
A reaction from one peer: "There will probably be a sequel." Wow, a real intelligent person there....I wanted to smack him.
When asked "Who is Arwen?" I got the response of "Who...?" Many had no clue who Gandalf was when asked...pathetic. Or some confused Gandalf with Saruman, vice versa (or thought they were the same person).
One moronic girl said that it was a scary movie. She was screaming, etc. She was afraid of the black riders and everything else...this is the same girl that doesn't do her work and claims to have read the Lord of the rings in two days....and yet she has no clue what it is about.
The BIGGEST response or comment was that of the ending. No one liked the ending. They don't like that they are kept in suspense....many couldn't believe that it was over and that there must be more. A lot of the students (and pathetically teachers) didn't know that there were going to be two more movies........I suggested reading the second book to find out what happens...but no..they don't do that reading thing. :p
samwise of the shire
01-06-2002, 09:31 PM
Luckily I was'nt sitting with the teens who went to the premiere. And some of the people there cheered when the movie came on(who would'nt after a ten minute wait?)and I went along with the clapping at the end and when Aragorn kicks Lurtz(?)butt. I have noticed that at the end of the movie(every time I've gone and seen it) NOBODY talks when exiting the theater unless it's in whispers, other then that it's dead quiet. My Big Brother hardly said anything at the end. I was crying.
The kids at my churchs favorite character is "the guy who shoots the arrows fast and has the cool bow". And when I said"I cried when Boromir died"they said "Who's Boromir?" That's basically all the ignorance I got. Other than that I talk to my BFF and I get my Movie boost that way(when I'm not on the puter talkin' to you guys)
I might be going on the 11th with my friend, and then again on the 28th for my Birthday.
01-06-2002, 10:13 PM
I had to explain to a guy at school what the whole LotR story was and I heard a few people at the movie complaining when it ended, but I didn't here any thing near a dumb as some of you have heard!!!
01-06-2002, 10:33 PM
My first two times watching it were mainly spent explaining the story to ignorant little brother (okay, so he's taller than me...) the first time, and my two best friends the second time. Today I went alone. You have no idea how good that felt...I actually got to enjoy it in peace. Except for someone's ringing cell phone, the laughing from accross the way in inappropriate moments, and these kids who were running out to get more fell and started bawling. She was five years old at the most. Her dad didn't seem to want to take her out. It was approaching the death of Boromir,too. Finally, he took the incentive.
Anyway. As for ignorance, I experienced it, yes. My two friends didn't know who SAM was the next day, let alone Aragorn. And they referred to Legolas as 'the cute guy.' I'm happy to say, one of them is now reading the Two Towers. She has all three, but thought she knew everything to do with the "Fellowship." (This was the one who calls Legolas "the cute guy.") I tried to convince her otherwise...but I can't push it.
My brother had no interest at all, got nothing out of it, and didn't even know the story line. Wah.:)
01-06-2002, 11:53 PM
Well, I've listed a few of the moronic buffoons I was plagued with, but I gotta admit, I think some of you folks got it worse than I did.
I'm fortunate because I've not spoken to someone who has seen the film but not read the books. I think I'll just concentrate on the vast majority of the audiences I have been part of who watched the movie respectful of the other theatergoers and who left the theater in a quiet, pensive mood.
01-07-2002, 01:44 PM
Oh my gosh!
Some people are just idiots!
(Who is Boromir?? Who is Sam??? Oh my gosh)
My favorite was "I liked the guy with the Sword."
That's actually kinda sad.
I'm still laughing.
Rána Eressëa
01-07-2002, 07:02 PM
I never encounted any idiots and I know no one who has ever read "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy. Everyone I talked to knew who all the characters were. I did hear a few interesting things while walking out of the theater, though...
"Man, did you see Legolas? I was like, 'dude, where's he getting all these arrows from?!'"
"That dwarf Gimli was my favorite. 'Let them come! There's still one dwarf in Moria who draws blood!' I swear, he's just like me."
First girl: "You know what? That big troll should've killed Frodo - he's nothing but a walking casuality."
Second girl: "But he's way too cute to die!"
And finally, the conversation with my brother...
Eric: "The only scene I did not like was when Frodo rescued Sam and they got all emotional and teary. That was pretty gay."
Me: "Oh, come on! It was not! If one of your friends was drowning you'd rescue him, too!"
Eric: "Not if he was that fat dumbass. Anyone who knows they can't swim but goes into water anyways deserves to die."
Me: "You're evil!"
Eric: "You know what I liked? How Frodo's sword glowed when Orcs were near."
*sighs* Sometimes I just don't understand him...
01-07-2002, 08:56 PM
Er, Rogue Elf, the guy called Sam a "fat dumbass" and yet you claim you have never encountered any idiots? [wink!] I know, of course he's no idiot, he's your brother! I'd feel the same way...
Well, here's a living "dumbass" who is quite lucky to be posting. I also could not swim, as a kid, and ventured into deep water, and I ended up drowning, heart stopped, had to have CPR, near-death experience, the whole nine yards. You know what is so eerie, though? In the film, when Sam is drowning, the light of the Sun filtering through the water? That was the very last thing I saw before I succumbed. You talk about a director getting a detail can bet your boots I cried at that scene!
And you can tell your brother for me thanks for him thinking I deserved to die...he must have been talking to Gollum! ROTFL!
All in good humor, my good hobbit....and welcome to the Moot!
01-08-2002, 01:05 AM
Hi, I saw the movie the first time with a bunch of old leftovers from the 60s (like me) who were totally respectful. Also took my 2 sons who loved it, including the 8 year old who sat through it without a peep and refused to even get up to visit the bathroom, he didn't want to miss a thing.
My priest liked it so much he recommended it in the church bulletin, which shows me that I'm in the right church.
Rána Eressëa
01-08-2002, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by bropous
Er, Rogue Elf, the guy called Sam a "fat dumbass" and yet you claim you have never encountered any idiots? [wink!] I know, of course he's no idiot, he's your brother! I'd feel the same way...
Well, actually by dumbass I meant "someone who didn't know who the characters were". If I say dumbass as in "evil, semi-homophobe, cynical bastard" then that would count my brother :D
Starr Polish
01-14-2002, 01:09 AM
Looking through some of these makes me laugh.
I liked the guy with the sword ::snort:: ::guffaw::
When I went to see the movie, I didn't even really want to go, but was with my dad, who had read it a long time ago, and had nothing else to do (divorced parents, my dad's weekend, yadda yadda). I'm one of those people that became a fan because of the movie :) It was really funny though, because throughout the movie I had to explain it to my dad! And I've also proven to my friend, whose almost done with the second book, that goblins and orcs are the same thing in Tolkien's Middle Earth.
01-14-2002, 01:28 AM
I'm quite amazed at the stupidity of some of your US compatriots ;)
I didn't have the same experiences.
- At the end it was not all quiet - but only insofar as people hadn't realised it was the end!
- When it had ended people grumbled, but not, I think because they didn't realise it was a trilogy, simply that people are so used to 'closure' in a film
- UK audiences don't tend to be so outwardly emotional during films. I can recall only a couple of cheering (death of errrr Lurtz is it at end?) and a few stiffled sobs when Gandalf apparently bites the big one.
I think PJ was very brave and was also handed a tough challenge with the endings of both Fotr and TTT. What is acceptable in literary way (the cliffhanger) has not really been done in the cinema. It seems to me people associate the cinema with a fixed slice of entertainment, whereas reading books is a much deeper affair. Hence people want happy endings in film (a crime Hollywood is VERY much guilty of. Fight Club springs to mind as a compeltely changed ending to make it happy). So people are less prepared to wait at the end of a film, especially a 3 hour one.
PJ has the unenviable task of producing this and the next film as part of a trilogy - IE films that DO NOT STAND ALONE. They don't, don't argue! You MUST watch them all to understand the whole thing. Compare this to other films with sequels - the Alien saga, Star Wars etc. Each film is a standalone (although The Empire Strikes Back comes closest to not giving closure).
Also, let's not forget that if you have read FotR and want to know what happens next, you read TTT. We have to wait ages for the next film :(
01-14-2002, 01:35 AM
i've only seen it once, so far which was on the opening day (boxing day in aust.). firstly, my left ear drum burst on christmas day. that was... excrutiating. my hearing was mong all through the movie :( secondly, since we were first in line for the movie (i insisted on being an hour early... AT LEAST!) we had front row seat on the bolcony. bad move. i'm almost as a short as a hobbit so i couldn't see the bottom of the screen. after the movie my brother was talking about the subtitles (when they're conversing in elvish). i was like "there were subtitles?"
after the movie i heard some girl say "that was the worst ending i've ever seen!" i felt like slapping her and saying "that's cuz the story ain't finished yet!" *sigh*
01-14-2002, 01:49 AM
I'm beginning to think that a large number of people go to the cinema for general escapism, not the specific escapism I used to think they did it for.
These people will go and see anything as it's simply 'something to do'.
These are quite likely the people who will gain nothing from the film and come out with the rubbish we've all overheard.
I've noticed two types in particular that annoy me:
1) Parents taking kids as it's easier to do than look after the kids properly ('we're in the cinema so sit down and shut up'!). Kids will probably be noisy and fidgety as they don't want to be there. Parents ignore them.
2) Drunks. Last showing I went to was 11pm. UK laws, that's closing time at the pub. So from 11 to 11.30 there was a steady trickle of not so steady people staggering to seats. Only to get up every 15 minutes to go to the bathroom :) Remarkably enough, most were quite. I assume they fell asleep halfway through the film!
01-14-2002, 09:12 AM
Last night I had a kid and his mother behind me that talked the entire way through the movie. His mother had obviously not read the book ("does he not have shoes on?!!")and her son was giving her much needed commentary (his opinion, not mine). I can understand two children discussing the book during the movie....they might not realize how loud they are or that they are being disruptive (as is the most likely case) but adults should know better. I mean, how many times must someone turn around and give a dirty look before someone gets the hint?
01-14-2002, 12:04 PM
A well-placed cup with about two inches of beer in it usually does the trick...
You know, anduin, I can't understadn it either....why are people so afraid to lean over and whisper in someone's ear? It's like people now think they have a right to speak in a conversational tone during a film [or, even louder]. then, when someone expresses their right to hear a film for which they paid admission, the miscreants feel they can attack said person. Too many Orcs and too few Elves i nthis world, dear friends....
01-15-2002, 03:26 AM
My friend told me how his parents asked him to take them to see LOTR. Of course, this is a good thing because they don't know anything about the book and it's great to introduce people it the story.
His parents are a little bit English-as-a-second-language. They know nothing about "standard" western fantasy. Seems like he didn't bargain for that.
Through the movie:
Q: How come those people are so short?
A: ...They're hobbits. They're supposed to be short.
Q: Why?
A:...Because hobbits are supposed to be short. :rolleyes: sigh...
my personal favourite-
Q: What's that thing following them?
A: That's Gollum. He's following them because he wants the ring.
Q: Why don't they just give him the ring, and then he won't follow him?
A: Argh! It doesn't work that way! *sigh...
Poor guy. Having to deal this those questions and people glaring at him too...:p
I'm glad my dad is a Tolkien fan.
01-15-2002, 04:54 AM
A friend of mine said she thought it was a horror story. After a week he decided to watch because her other circle kept talking about it and she got wind of its 3 week standing at the box office.
Then she sends me a message on my handphone asking about the movie because she fell asleep.... :confused:
I feel sorry for her, though...
01-15-2002, 05:09 AM
my viewing was with my mum and older sibs (they're both tolkien fans). my mother has never read tolkien - in fact she reads books titles "developing the leader within you" and "you can do it!" and "how to win friends and influence people"... *sigh*
i nearly cried after what she said at the end of the movie...
"they should have had mel gibson in it."
:( :rolleyes: :) :D
01-15-2002, 05:25 AM
At least she didn't ask you why Dumbledore died
:D :D :D
I almost rolled down the aisle laughing
01-16-2002, 12:45 AM
Mel Gibson?
Well...I suppose we could let him be an orc or something to keep him happy.:p
Yeesh! I mean, we have all those cute hobbits. We have Orlando Bloom.:D We have Sean Bean and Viggo. ;) We have plenty to look at. Why spoil it by putting in someone like Mel Gibson? Well, there's no accounting for taste.:)
01-16-2002, 01:06 AM
Hmmm...Mel Gibson as an Orc.....
Grishnakh :"Ugluk, where are ya goen?"
Uglukh: "Ta peck a foight"
Uglukh: I see hundreds of my fellow orcs and uruk hai in front
of fangorn....trying to go to Isengard...well ya foight!"
Grishnakh: "No, we wull run, and we wull lev"
Uglukh: "Aye, run and you'll lev, foight, and you may die...
but luying in yourrr holes en morrrdorrr many years
frrom now...
Would you be wulleng.. ta trade all the days from
thes day ta that...
For one chance...JUST ONE CHANCE!
Ta tell our enemies...ya can take our lives
but you wull never take.... OUR HOBBITS!!!!!"
01-18-2002, 07:10 AM
Meanwhile...the guy next to me jumped SO HIGH when the Orcs came..that was hilarious!!! I was bawling when Gandalf "died" and all of a sudden when EVERYTHING was really quiet I let out this big *SOB* which set my best friend laughing at me!!!
We never had any.."is that the end" but we did have a couple of "oooh..." and "oh man!!! I thought this finishes" but my personal favourite was from a guy who came up to me and said "I know your sad sweetie...don't worry...the ring becomes good in the end!!!"
I was a little confused until I realised that he was tipsy cause he fell down the stairs!!!!
01-18-2002, 10:04 AM
That's the one good thing about having seen it numerous times - I don't jump at the jumpy bits.
For some reason in films I am #1 candidate for leaping out of my seat at the slightest shock tactic. I hate it :)
01-18-2002, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Gerbil
That's the one good thing about having seen it numerous times - I don't jump at the jumpy bits.
For some reason in films I am #1 candidate for leaping out of my seat at the slightest shock tactic. I hate it :)
I almost laughed, when all people jumped when Bilbo tried to take the Ring from Frodo. I had guessed before, that it would had been made like that. And I could tell later on to my friends "Told ya!" :)
01-19-2002, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by Lightice
I almost laughed, when all people jumped when Bilbo tried to take the Ring from Frodo. I had guessed before, that it would had been made like that. And I could tell later on to my friends "Told ya!" :)
Hey...I was one of the people that jumped real high!!!! It scared the **** out of me!!! Especially cause his face went strange!!! I didn't scream...but my friend did!!! I LOVED IT!!! :p :p
Luthien Tinuviel
01-19-2002, 02:46 AM
Oh dear, these horror stories are hilarious! I've seen the movie 3 times, and want to go back for more. 2 of the times i went, it was a wonderful movie viewing experience, and one time, we got there late, and had 3rd row seats, so you can imagine...
Anyways, i just wanted to share my friends horror story. The first time she went, she had to sit behind these drunk guys, and every single time the camera panned to Arwen, EVERY SINGLE TIME, romantic parts, action parts, every time, they would throw their arms up in the air, pointing at the screen, and yell, LIV TYLER ROOOOOOLS!!!!! completely ruining the mood... :)
01-19-2002, 04:19 PM
When I saw the movie for the first time there were these two airhead teenage girls (no offense intended to my fellow teenage girls out there, but these two were real airheads) who spent the intire movie gossiping about their boyfriends, and throwing popcorn at my hair, trying to get the popcorn stuck there, i think. At the end of the movie they said, "What? it ends there? man, that was pointless." My dad and I, who are both devoted Tolkien fans, and were by then quite sick of being bombarded with popcorn, turned around and said, "It's part one of a trilogy," as nicely as we could . . . which I wouldn't garantee was nicely, as we were thoroughly mad at them . . . needless to say, we went and saw it again later, minus the obnoxious vally-girl mallrats.
01-20-2002, 12:48 PM
Welcome to the Moot, Luthien Tinuviel and Laurelyn...
I just don't get whatever happened to manners at the movie. Probably went the same way of politeness at the grocery store, courtesy on the road, and the probably mythical "kindness of strangers"....
Luthien Tinuviel
01-20-2002, 12:53 PM
Thank you bropous! I know, altho i had pretty good movie viewing experiences, the second time i went, (the one that wasn't the best) These really fat people get getting up, and wlaking past me and my friends during the movie, to go get food or whatever, and kept doing it, and then this child kept talking to his mother in the front row, so thats the most horrific tale i have. :)
01-20-2002, 04:09 PM
Thanx, bropous. . . I feel welcomed . . . :-)
01-20-2002, 10:15 PM
Oh well, yet another reason to be grateful the multi-talented (she can walk and talk simultaneously) Liv Tyler only occupied about 5 minutes screen time in total :)
01-21-2002, 12:50 AM
I had this exact experience. I took my best friend to see it and I actually thought she knew it was a trilogy, since I kept commenting about how I was reading the 3rd book, but apparently I was wrong. At the end of the film, right in the silence between the end of the movie itself and the beginning of the credits, she yells out, "No s**t!" We almost peed ourselves laughing. Well, she has become a fan....:)
01-21-2002, 08:33 AM
Hi JenniferTook - I see from your profile you are studying history.
Don't make the same mistake as FF - Middle Earth history does NOT count as valid answers during exams :)
01-21-2002, 11:45 AM
LOL, Gerbil! But I wouldn't be so sure if I were you. I am currently taking an real class at college called Tolkien and His Circle and required reading is Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and Silmarillion. However, it wouldn't be a good idea to answer ME history to other classes! I am trying to get as close as possible by studying English History. I bet that is the closest I can get to ME. ;)
01-21-2002, 11:45 AM
Ain't it amazing, gerbil, to see how five minutes out of three hours twenty minutes can get so many people ticked off? ;)
Luthien Tinuviel
01-21-2002, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by bropous
Ain't it amazing, gerbil, to see how five minutes out of three hours twenty minutes can get so many people ticked off? ;)
I don't have a problem w/ Liv Tyler in LOTR. I did until like six months before LOTR came out, cuz i didn't think she was "elfish" enough to pull it off. But i had changed my mind before it came out, and it stayed changed after i saw it. I don't consider the romantic scenes the best in the movie, and she isn't my favorite character, but i think she was fine.
Oh, and one of my friends, who is now one of my favorite people for saying this, right after he saw the movie, he IM'ed me, and told me Arwen looked like me. NOT that *I* looked like Arwen, but arwen looked like me. lol. Anyways, as Liv Tyler is undeniably pretty, i thought it was a extremely high compliment, (hence him being one of my fav people now!) So that put her even higher on my "do i like her or not" meter, cuz according to him, and another one of my friends, i like look her! Anyways, i am RAMBLING...
01-21-2002, 10:53 PM
Um errr Luthien?
A quick warning.
Saying Liv Tyler looks like you is not the best way to stop people chatting you up on here.
It's even possible it might, somehow, have the opposite effect.
I bet you get a few private messages after that post :)
I think you'd better sort this out by sending me a picture of you.
Errr I mean posting it up on this board.
Anyway, would love to stay and chat, I've got an urgent private message to write....
Luthien Tinuviel
01-21-2002, 11:00 PM
*can't stop laughing*
NOW i know what you meant Gerbil... Lol, well, remember, this is just two of my friends comments, not everyone will agree...
02-21-2002, 03:23 PM
lots of people went out 4 popcorn and stuff and i was really shocked?i didn't do that once in any of my 5 viewings!
not many stupid comments apart from my m8 bridge making sadass jokes about legolas' name sounding remotely like legless, and my other m8 jess drooling over "that guy with the sword"
i however left the cinema amazed and literally speechless.
some relatives said that there were too many fighting scenes and some should have been cut out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!fools.the lot of em.
02-21-2002, 05:11 PM
ack! there IS another one of me running around on the moot!
oh well, i hope the rest of you will be able to distingish the different spacing in the
although, i don't thinkid mind being confused, she sounds smarter than me, well except for the Liv Tyler thing.
well on my 8th veiwing this man ( who had obviously read the book) talked thru the movie to his wife (who hadn't read the books)
it WAS funny to see him FLIP OUT at the flight to the ford scence though haha:D
these kids right in front of me kept leaning thier chairs back onto my poor knees, so finally i nonchalantly kicked the stupid bastard in his head while pretending to cross my legs:rolleyes:
at the end, me and the loud guy were the only ones to get up everyone else just looked at us funny and then saw that the movie was over.
oh it was really funny when one of the kids in front of me (not the one i kicked) turned around in surprise when i was reciting elvish along with the movie.. hehe i just gave him a wink and a smile and turned back to the movie.
ahh funny emories.
anyone hear anything new about the re-release with bonus footage?
02-21-2002, 06:05 PM
I admit after my first veiwing I was one of those girls who thought that "That bow dude was so cute!"......But, okay you can't blame me, I wasn't a ent back then. I saw the trailers and thought it looked cool, so when my 19-yr old bro came home from college for Christmas, he took me. (since he had read the series and wanted to see the movie like any other LotR freak. Previously, I was a Star Wars/Redwall fan, but after I got home from the movies.......CELEBWEN was born!!!) lol I started crying when Boromir died (but not when Gandalf fell into Moria-my bro promised me that he wasn't dead so I took his word for it) and I was laughing so hard when Aragorn cut off Lurtz' head!!!
I went to an Imax theater so the sound was REALLY intense and I got a huge headache, and my bro started cracking up at a bunch of non-Tolkien people who were shouting "MR.ANDERSONN!!!!". I have yet to see a better movie!
The second time I went was with my bro AGAIN- This time we were late to the cinema so we got 4th row seats and had to look UP alll the time. Nothing really happened other than a bunch of obnoxious people were throwing popcorn around and a girl next to me was complaining about the sound. I started chanting Galadriel's introduction to the movie (I amar prestar aen....The world is changed...) and got alot of wierd looks from people. After the movie finished a guy came up to me and asked me if I was Arwen (since I was conversing in Sindarin with my brother)-it turned out he was drunk but I said YES!!!!
The third time I went was with my mom. I had to practically drag her along because "scary movies" aren't her thing. She screamed when Boromir died, and she kept asking me who was who and if Elrond was Legolas (heaven forbid Hugo being Orli!!).
02-21-2002, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by AngieBaggins
Ok, did anyone else get up and go at the end and heard people say, "Wait, did i miss something? WHERE's the ending!" lol.
I did, the second time i saw it i was with my sister and when the part came when it was just about to black out, i stood up and she said, "Where are you going, it hasn't ended yet!" I laughed really loud when she turnedback and saw that credits were rolling. All the way to the parking lot and halfway home she woulnd't stop saying, "What happened! It didn't have an ending!" LoL. I had to explain it to her why it, had an ending, and why it didn't have an ending. Anyone else had an experience like this?? it happened to me my cuz and mom did not get it but I hope they show the rest in TTT
02-22-2002, 04:33 PM
ya you guys sould have heard all the high school kids start cracking up and talking whenever anyone was smoking a pipe.
argh! i could have hit them all!
oh well.. im going agin tonite...#9!
Starr Polish
02-22-2002, 04:35 PM
I'm a high school kid and that thought didn't even occur to me at my first viewing! I hate immature people ::sigh::
The last time I saw it someone's phone rang three time. It made me angry, because it was at pretty important scenes (Weathertop, for one)
02-22-2002, 05:13 PM
im a high school kid and only ALL of my friends are into the whole "lets go get stoned" thing, and i didn't even think of it that way until those kids laughed, gol dern apedixes, making me so smart!
now if only i could spell!
02-22-2002, 05:16 PM
AAAHHH! DEATH TO CELL PHONES!!! *grins innocently* But I hate folk with cell phones that ring 24/7.
02-22-2002, 08:38 PM
The third time that I went to see it...there was like a ten month old baby in the cinema...It didn't cry at all which was good but...the orcs freaked me out...that baby's gonna have nightmares for ever!!!
Eruviel Greenleaf
02-22-2002, 10:29 PM
I was quite amused by these guys who, after the movie, were saying:
guy 1: They're making more movies, right?
guy 2: I wonder if they'll actually throw the ring into that volcano-thing.
guy 3: I bet they will. I mean, it would be stupid if they didn't.
guy 4: yeah.
guy 1: That Strider guy was pretty cool.
Anyway. I was tempted to tell them what happens, but of course I didn't. They weren't near as bad as some...
That was my 4th viewing, BTW. I just saw it for the 6th time today! (My goal is 9...)
Eruviel Greenleaf
02-22-2002, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by Evenstar
Hey...I was one of the people that jumped real high!!!! It scared the **** out of me!!! Especially cause his face went strange!!! I didn't scream...but my friend did!!! I LOVED IT!!! :p :p
I jumped the first time I saw it, and then today, my 6th viewing, I actually jumped again. I had forgotten about that part, I guess....wierdness.
02-24-2002, 10:41 PM
The last time I went to see it the fire alarm went off in the middle of the movie and then, when we went back they had trouble with the sound so that we saw Saruman talking but heard N'SINC. :rolleyes:
"The road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began."
02-24-2002, 10:51 PM
oh no! that is terrible!
saruman and nsync, geez.. i think i have to go have night mares now..
02-24-2002, 10:54 PM
It's true! Frightening but true!:eek:
"The road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began."
03-01-2002, 10:12 PM
omg, i have only seen FotR twice, and the second time i had to get up to go to the bathroom right after galadriel went psycho(fortunately we were sitting in the back right by the door so i didn't disturb any1:)) i went with 3 friends and the parents of one of them, 2 of them were talking (relatively quietly, thankfully!) throughout the entire movie!!! at least it was movie-related..anyway i made them shut up near the end: i told them "no talking while boromir is dying" and they didn't talk for the rest of the movie! :) i was so happy that i had read the books before seeing the movie, otherwise i would have been sobbing my eyes out when gandalf fell down the abyss after the balrog... the first time i saw it i literally jumped 2 inches off my seat with a gasp when bilbo did his crazy thingy in rivendell..
oh and i can seriously understand Matrix buffs going "MR. ANDERSONNNNN" whenever Hugo appeared onscreen (I love the Matrix!!!) the first time i saw FotR, i had to seriously bury my face in my sweatshirt to muffle my laughter because i could just see elrond slipping on a pair of sunglasses and delivering the 'mr. anderson' monologue from the matrix..:)
03-02-2002, 12:05 PM
oh and i can seriously understand Matrix buffs going "MR. ANDERSONNNNN" whenever Hugo appeared onscreen (I love the Matrix!!!) the first time i saw FotR, i had to seriously bury my face in my sweatshirt to muffle my laughter because i could just see elrond slipping on a pair of sunglasses and delivering the 'mr. anderson' monologue from the matrix..
"hobbits are a virus..."
03-02-2002, 12:31 PM
I saw FotR 5 times before it went off at our theatre. The first time was the opening week, late show. The audience applauded, it was awesome- mostly older people 35-50 or so.
The second time was a matinee and EVERYONE was like "WHAT! what a dumb ending? what happens?" etc, etc. Age group- teen to 30 or so.
Out of all of the times:
* People laughed/chuckled when Aragorn cut the Uruk's arm-head off.
* When Gandalf met w/ Saruman, there was a gasp (not enough distinction for the laypeople between "Sauron" and "Saruman" I suppose).
* Battle in Moria- to the beginning of reaching Lothlorien seemed to be the most popular time to go to the bathroom/get more popcorn/etc.
03-02-2002, 12:36 PM
ive seen it 9 times in theatres and then i downlaoded it on my computer. it took four days to get the one without asian subtitles, but it was worth it!
Eruviel Greenleaf
03-04-2002, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by LuthienTinuviel
"hobbits are a virus..."
Or you stick with the original, "humans are a virus" ... it still makes sense considering his speech about the failing blood of Numenor and how men won't be a good help...:)
03-05-2002, 07:36 AM
Originally posted by LuthienTinuviel
ive seen it 9 times in theatres and then i downlaoded it on my computer. it took four days to get the one without asian subtitles, but it was worth it!
How much did that cost in your internet bill???
03-05-2002, 05:06 PM
our internet is always on.. we wake up, turn it on, let stuff download or sit while we are away come home, sit on the internet, and then go to bed, most of the time with out turning it off.
so it didn't cost anything extra when ya look at it.
its just so gol dern S - L - O - W .
i need a dsl or wireless connexion.
03-05-2002, 05:38 PM
LuthienTinuviel did u really see the movie 9 Times? God i though that i had seen it loads when i went for my 5 th time! U must either be more obsessed than i am or... i dunno what to say now! Then u down loaded I'm really impressed.
BTW does anyone know where i can purchase the soundtrack from the movie? I really like the shire music- or even better where i can download it for free?
03-05-2002, 05:43 PM
You can buy the soundtrack in record shops (like me) or you can be clever and download it for free (like I would do if I had more sense than money). It was worth it though, I listen to it all the time.
03-05-2002, 05:45 PM
i went to the cd store yesterday. it's out, in any store ya can find, but be careful, they actualy have the bakshi soundtrack from the cartoonish one out too. that's the one with the non photograph on the cover.
ya i did go see it nine times.
i never go to the movies either, i like my dvd player too much.
but i had a bunch of movie passes and free cupons, so i decided to use them all
im waiting for the re-release so i can make it an even ten.
it's a good thing i don't have any friends, otherwise they'd think i abandoned them.
03-05-2002, 05:56 PM
you do so have friends: all your buds here on entmoot! where did you download it from???? mustknowmustknowmustknowmustknow.....:)
Elf Girl
03-08-2002, 08:18 PM
I've only seen it once (:() and I was to dazed to be very attentive at the end, but I'm going again soon, and I'll note any surprise at the end.
03-08-2002, 09:40 PM
ok, i just got back from my 3rd viewing of was even more awesome than the previous 2!! but omg, some people are SO RUDE!!! one person kept shining a laser-pointer at the screen, during all the emotional scenes and some of the scary ones, completely ruining the mood!! and there were two people in the back talking (not TOO loudly, but loud enough for me to hear them :mad: ), and at the end one person stood up and said really loudly "That movie SUCKED!!". i wanted to get up and bash his head in!! ok, rant over.:D i think i'm going to go see it again next wednesday probably....:)
03-09-2002, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by LuthienTinuviel
ive seen it 9 times in theatres and then i downlaoded it on my computer. it took four days to get the one without asian subtitles, but it was worth it!
pleasepleaseplease tell me what website you got it from!!!!!!
Comic Book Guy
03-09-2002, 04:14 PM
LuthienTinuviel, don't post the link to the pirated copy of Fellowship of the Ring or give instructions on how to download it. It is illegal and the Entmoot adminstration cannot condone it.
Elf Girl
03-10-2002, 10:33 AM
Okay, I saw it for the second time last night. There was some grumbling at the end, but nothing really rude. However, here's an odd conversation I heard.
Guy 1: I bet there'll be a sequel.
Guy 2: Yeah, it's coming out next year.
Guy 3: It's a trilogy.
Guy 1: Oh.
So nothing really horrible.
Elf Girl
03-10-2002, 11:01 AM
Oh yeah, and there was one guy who's cell phone kept ringing.:mad:
Eruviel Greenleaf
03-10-2002, 11:12 PM
Cell phones are evil. Yet I want one. Well, at least I would turn it off at the theatre or the movies!
03-11-2002, 07:06 PM
My own father complained about the ending!!!:rolleyes:
03-11-2002, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by Comic Book Guy
LuthienTinuviel, don't post the link to the pirated copy of Fellowship of the Ring or give instructions on how to download it. It is illegal and the Entmoot adminstration cannot condone it.
sorry, there big guy, i fergot.:D
03-11-2002, 08:02 PM
I've seen the movie 6 times and every time, someone said,"that's the end? That's such a dumb end" How ignorant! Don't they know it's only a third of the story? And people always laugh when Bilbo is talking about "the finest weed in the Shire." What's up with that? It's pipeweed For God's sake!
03-11-2002, 08:07 PM
welcome to the moot!
yes, people are ignorant, just hit them and run away.:D
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