View Full Version : Legolas???

01-30-2002, 08:57 PM
well I think Legolas only says 2 sentances in the movie:(

01-30-2002, 09:54 PM
Hmmm . . . let's see what I can pull up off the top of my head. *picks up hat and starts pulling out quotes*

"He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance."

"Have you not heard what Elrond has said?" (paraphrased)

"There is a shadow and a threat growing in my mind."

"It is a lament for Gandalf. I have not the heart [to translate it.]"

"And you have my bow!"

"There is a fell voice in the air!"

Well, there's . . . 6. :)

daring gaffer
01-31-2002, 06:28 AM
aaah who needs him to actually *say* anything
(wipes drool away):D :D :rolleyes:

01-31-2002, 09:14 AM
and just after they get off the river anduin, he says something about evil... he can feel it..
blah blah blah...
i was too busy watching him.. ..not listeneing... heh...heh.:p

01-31-2002, 12:18 PM
I'm male, and straight, so this has nothing to do with Orlando Bloom's appeal, OK?


Legolas was, I felt, the second best cast actor in the film (The best being Bilbo). The director of my theatre group knows Orlando Bloom and apparently he was paralysed from the waist up for three years (I think) until a day before the auditions. He must have been good to get in mustn't he! Shame there wasn't more, a lot of Legolas' stuff seemed to be stolen by Aragorn. Just part of the mass editting and re-allocating of lines in the script I guess, (amateurish writers...).

dark over lord
01-31-2002, 01:18 PM
aragorn could have gotten more lines because he's a main character and legolas isn't

01-31-2002, 01:59 PM
He also said, "Goblins!" (in the book, he really said, "Yrch!", I believe)

01-31-2002, 02:13 PM
I'm male, and straight, so this has nothing to do with Orlando Bloom's appeal, OK?
Me too but he's still a babe ;)

01-31-2002, 02:47 PM
Legolas was the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!and he deserves more lines


01-31-2002, 02:50 PM
Certainly he deserves his own lines, and not those of another character.

I've just re-read Fellowship and it really is quite impressive what PJ has achieved.

Firstly, a lot more of the lines in the film are from the book than you think.
Secondly, a lot of them either happen in a completely different part of the book, and / or are said by a completely different character.

Not sure why he's done that, but it's kind of fun reading a bit and working out where it came in the film :)

01-31-2002, 02:56 PM
u are right Gerbil!

01-31-2002, 02:58 PM
arwen did a nother persons job in the movie

01-31-2002, 04:08 PM
To paraphrase the good prof-Legolas did the least of the fellowship


01-31-2002, 04:45 PM
Legolas, in my opinion was one of the best actors, and he definately deserved more lines than he got. The other good actor was Boromir, though Bilbo was done well, but I feel that Orlando really should have had a bigger part so he could show his full potential. I can't wait for the next film! :cool: :rolleyes: :cool:

01-31-2002, 05:13 PM
Starbreeze was right Markedel was wrong!

01-31-2002, 05:20 PM
Thank you "The_real_Legolas" :D :D :D :D :D

01-31-2002, 05:33 PM
To paraphrase:

"He is Legolas son of Thranduil, you owe him more lines!"

Nariel Starfire
01-31-2002, 05:38 PM
One thing that would be really depressing was if they took away his "You would be dead before your stroke fell" line in TTT!

01-31-2002, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by The_Real_Legolas
Starbreeze was right Markedel was wrong!
Nope, you are wrong, and anyone who knows Tolkien's works a bit better than skim-reading the LotR and the Hobbit knows it.

However, he WAS a good actor. That doesn't mean he should get more lines though.

01-31-2002, 09:13 PM
Legolas looker pretty in the movie, and why Gimli accomplished more I can't say (both just hung out in the book), the other 6 characters and indeed all the other side characters were far more important to the plot. Of course if you haven't read the books-you don't know the plot.

01-31-2002, 09:30 PM
Nah, Legolas isn't that great. He isn't even particularly interesting except when he's with Gimli. It's their friendship that's cool. But that goes for many of the LotR characters.

01-31-2002, 09:41 PM
They could have gone deeper into Legolas and Gimli's friendship in the first movie, but that is supposed to be part of the second movie. I agree that Legolas was well cast but could have used more lines.

samwise of the shire
01-31-2002, 10:47 PM
The look he gives Aragorn when he says, "There is evil here. I feel it approaching"or what ever he said was enough to make me almost fall out of my chair gasping for breath. He is one heck of a good loking actor and that's for sure.

01-31-2002, 11:14 PM
legolas was very very well cast..
i read that he actually tried out for faramir..
that woul dhave been interesting
i re-read fellowship just before i saw the movie.. PJ did accomplish a momumental thing.. and i hope to see more on the Dvd

01-31-2002, 11:16 PM
oh yea, and i like his lines ( i think there's a whopping two!)
when hes saying
"a lament for gandalf"
in lorien

01-31-2002, 11:25 PM
I like his fighting. He is a cool warrior, but I wasn't really impressed with him any other way. Sorry. :)

02-01-2002, 01:07 AM
did you notice that most of his lines are derived from observations? (fell voice, goblins, birds from dunland, etc.) he probably just spent more time watching and listening then gabbing on about wanting more lines... ahem. :D

his bowmanship was brilliant to watch, though. :)

and yeah orlando bloom is a babe... :p

02-01-2002, 01:11 AM
What annoyed me about LEgolas is his famed eyesight.
Didn't really help with the bloody bird spies after Rivendell.
Everyone sits there chatting about the 'cloud' (when really they should have sussed it immediately) and then Legolas finally goes 'OK chaps, really perhaps we should consider it not a good thing. Covering oneself might be thought as a wise precaution'.
Or something to that effect.

He should have spotted it before he left Rivendell and they could have just hidden in a building somewhere.

02-01-2002, 05:06 PM
Mr.J made Gimli be funny,and like I said before Legolas got barely any lines:eek: :o

02-01-2002, 07:15 PM
youve all read the books.. you know that he talks more later on..
i can't even really remember him talking as much as say.. the hobbits in the first book anyways

02-01-2002, 09:24 PM
He should have spotted it before he left Rivendell and they could have just hidden in a building somewhere.

The 'cloud' is in the story you know. They were on the edge of Hollin many miles away from Rivendell and there's no way in Utumno Legolas could have spotted them from Rivendell. In the books it's Aragorn and Sam who witness it -- on lookout -- and Aragorn's the one who realizes it's bad news. I believe the others were asleep, I'm not sure.

02-01-2002, 10:27 PM
Um, I was being sarcastic - my point was with everyone looking he should have been the first to even spot it, let alone recognise it was a risk. In the film he's the last to say anything as they all stare - the others have already pretty much worked out it's bad news.

My point was really 'so much for the fabled good eyesight of the Elves'.

02-02-2002, 01:44 AM
I thought he was the first to spot it in the movie (the first of the Fellowship - by the time the entire audience had already figured it out, of course).

02-02-2002, 09:53 AM
actually Gimli had the least part in the movie!!!!!! and that is what forum we are at!!!!!!!!!!and we do owe him more lines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:p

02-02-2002, 09:57 AM
FrodoFreind cool is arching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:o

02-02-2002, 04:34 PM
FrodoFreind cool is arching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Huh? :confused: :confused:

You mean . . . archery is cool?

02-02-2002, 07:31 PM
Archery is cool & u said.the only thing cool about Legolas is his freind ship with Gimli! ANYWAY if we had read the books we would be at that forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:

02-03-2002, 12:26 AM
hey the real legolas, how do you get your avatar to do that?

02-03-2002, 02:04 PM
archery is cool..

i just broke my good bow!:(
now all i have is that u-gly red one..
and the fake deer that is fun for taget practice haas molded and his head fell off..

dern termites

02-04-2002, 05:00 PM
well my avatar moves because it was an aim icon, but I put it in my browser and saved it and went to brows on avatar and clicked on it:D .ANYWAY I just got a new bow at Galyans:p !!!

02-05-2002, 05:34 AM
Nuuuurg. How do you get this Avatar thing to work...

02-05-2002, 09:39 AM
OK, step by step instructions:

1) Click on the USER CP button on the top right of each page. Log in if necessary
2) Click on the EDIT OPTIONS button near the top.
3) Down at the bottom click on CHANGE AVATAR
4) You'll now be in a new screen where you can upload an avatar image or link to one on the web. Do so. Check 'USE CUSTOM AVATAR' is enabled.


02-06-2002, 10:21 AM
Thanks Gerbil!

02-06-2002, 10:28 PM
What is that, Agburanar? Sauron? An orc? I can't tell.

02-07-2002, 04:56 AM
ehhh looks like sauron to me.... i hate movie stills being used as avatars... don't know why it really shouldn't bother me. but i don't like movie stills on book covers either.

oh yeah, and anyone who has problems like "how do i get an avatar up?" why don't you check the FAQ?!?!?!?

:) :) :)

02-07-2002, 10:10 AM
It's Sauron. I hated the movie, but he was the best bit, though why it was a ram's head I don't know, a wolf would have been more appropriate.

Starr Polish
02-07-2002, 11:27 PM
I HATE movie pictures on books that weren't originally movies. It's just wrong :P

02-07-2002, 11:57 PM
I agree. The books should be read without being saddled w/ the movie influence. My friend has a copy of FotR with a really cool picture of Frodo defying the Nazgul at Bruinen though. I am insanely jealous. :)

02-08-2002, 04:56 AM
Totally in agreement. I don't like the new LotR card game, partially because it only has film pictures on the cards. The ICE games had really nice artwork.

02-08-2002, 07:24 PM
well, i have one card from the LotR FotR card game...

the one with EW and his contacts.. the creepy ones..

cool stuff i think.

02-10-2002, 05:58 PM
I think Orli was awesome as Legolas (despite lack of lines *sob*)! He does more acting than speaking...Like, shooting a cave troll while standing on the cave troll!!!:cool: And I can't begin to count how many times he pulled FM into safety......Gandalf on Caradhras, Gimli (NOT THE BEARD!!) in Moria;)
Also, Sean B. did great as Boromir (the death scene was really touching)! I liked the way he spoke that line *on Caradhras* about "so much suffering over such a small thing". <or something like that!


I don't care who goes first, I only care who's here last!!

02-13-2002, 03:03 PM
legolas is a babe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay so he didn`t get many lines but the ones he had he did well!!!!!!!
i loved it when he was fighting in the mines and he does this really cool 'stab an orc and then spin round dramatically and stab another one' thing.its really cool cos when he spins so does his hair and plaits and all.then when he climbs up the chain and shoots the troll in the head-nice one!
just another observation here: did anyone else notice legolas' face when he was at the council of elrond?frodo had just done his almighty "i will take it"speech, aragorn goes "u have my sword" and legolas "says u have my bow"- well.....when gimli goes "u have my axe", the look on legolas' face is soooooooooooooooo funny!!!!!!!!!it's kind of an "oh my god, not him" kinda of a face and it had me in hysterics!!!did ne1 else see it?
i think that legolas doesn`t need too many lines- he just has to do things like that!(and all the cool archery-very manly and heroic) *swoons*

02-13-2002, 06:27 PM
I saw that look too!!!! lol (((just between you an' me- he made that look when he realized that it wasn't HIS movie!!!;))) Also, the look he gave when he saw Boromir dead was cool, too! I just wanted to jump onto the set and give him a hug and tell him everything's alright!! (((heh, in my dreams!)))

Anyways, we'll probably get to hear him speak some Elvish in TTT:) I can't wait to see that teaser trailer!!!! ***HURRY UP NEW LINE, US ENTS DON'T HAVE THE ABILITY TO WAIT UNTILL DECEMBER!!!!!!!!***

I don't care who goes first, I only care who's here last.

Comic Book Guy
02-13-2002, 07:08 PM
Actually, Legolas speaks Elvish in the Movie at the Council of Elrond and when speaking to Haldir.

02-13-2002, 07:16 PM
he doesn't speak to haldir in lorien, does he?
i don't reacall him speaking elvish at the council in the movie either..
maybe i missed it the past eight times..

dern, i guess i'll just have to go again.

Glorious Glorfindel
02-14-2002, 03:57 PM
I hate Arwen, she's an evil elf, the real legolas is right, she did anothers persons job in the movie. In actual fact, I Glorfindel saved Frodo from those Wicked Wringraiths, and I also am lead 2 believe that Arwen STOLE MY HORSE in order 2 save Frodo in the movie!!!!
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

02-15-2002, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Starr Polish
I HATE movie pictures on books that weren't originally movies. It's just wrong :P

HELLO!!!this post is not about book covers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Starr Polish
02-15-2002, 06:50 PM
Like all of your posts are relevant, The_Real_Legolas?

I agree, Legolas should have more lines because I think that Orlando Bloom is an amazing actor. Hopefully he will have more in the next movie. I'm especially looking forward to the scene where he cries out after seeing the eyes in the wood.

02-15-2002, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Agburanar
It's Sauron. I hated the movie, but he was the best bit, though why it was a ram's head I don't know, a wolf would have been more appropriate.
************************************************** *
HELLO!!If u hate the movie y are u in this forum!!(screams loud):mad: :mad: ?

02-15-2002, 06:54 PM
thank u Polish!!;) :D

02-16-2002, 05:59 AM
To talk to the other people who didn't like it. There were good bits, it's just a shame most of the script and casting was pants, but that's only my opinion.

Aragorns Dimple
02-16-2002, 08:19 AM
My favourite Leggy line was the one when the Elves were singing the lament for Gandalf in Lothlorien, and he says "For me the grief is still too near." Really touching. *sniff*

I read somewhere that Sean Bean had originally auditioned for the role of Aragorn...I think his performance as Boromir was first-rate and he would have also made an awesome King of Gondor! But Viggo's just got that darn cute Kingly dimple....!!!!

02-16-2002, 03:19 PM
i heard that orlando also actually first auditioned for the role of faramir!what a tragedy that would have been. orlando was born to be an elf and an elf he must be.
i agree with the whole viggo being lush and everything but i have to say i`m more of an elf women myself.
i like ur name btw

02-16-2002, 03:35 PM
thank u Eowyn!:)

02-16-2002, 03:37 PM
oh u are right but still don't talk about things that have nothing to do with the thread. Starbreeze why did u copy my avatar?

Elbereth Gilthoniel
02-16-2002, 05:08 PM
I think Legolas was great in the movie, I hope he will be so good in the next.

It isn't posible to give him lots of lines, there are just three hours.

02-17-2002, 12:13 PM
I REALLY hope they don't leave out his line in TTT, when they're searching for Merry and Pippin and they find the ropes that the hobbits had cut off. Legolas says that whole long thing about what he thinks the hobbits did and ends it off with that hilarious "And then, I suppose, he turned his arms into wings and flew off singing through the trees!";)

02-21-2002, 09:12 PM
how do u do that thing with ur avatar?Luthien????

02-21-2002, 09:56 PM
yeah, who needs him to say anything!!!! (but i wish he had had more lines, he's like, the best. hot!!!!!:cool: ;) :p :D

02-21-2002, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by rosecotton
yeah, who needs him to say anyhting!!!! (but i wish he had had more lines, he's like, the best. hot, actually:cool: ;) :p :D I am male but u are right!

Finrod Felagund
02-22-2002, 03:42 PM
Legolas was great but yes he had too few lines. Remember, he and Gimli have much bigger parts in the Two Towers (the book at least)
Legolas should have had dark hair because he was a Sindar. Only the Vanyar and the House of Finarfin had blonde hair. (So Galadriel's blonde hair was correct)

P.S. Gimli with a scottish accent. Never wou;ld have thought of it. It was great.

Starr Polish
02-22-2002, 04:07 PM
Legolas should have had dark hair because he was a Sindar. Only the Vanyar and the House of Finarfin had blonde hair. (So Galadriel's blonde hair was correct)

Is it possible that he had Vanyar or Finarfin blood in him? His father Thranduil is described as having golden hair.

02-22-2002, 04:13 PM
well, i took the AIM icons for LOTR and i copied it, saved it then opened it in microsof paint. i zoomed in made a circle anda line and re saved it, then opened it up for my avatar here.

wow finrod, you seem to be well learned, really cool.. so maybe you can answer my burning question about elves, what do you think that Gil-Galad looked like? did he have dark or light hair?
cause i saw a pictar of him that just looked erally wrong
(from another post) it looke dlike mel gibson played him!
haha well anyeways

ok hmm to be ontopic.
legolas legolas legolas...
i saw him on regis and kelly and kelly thought his name was leg-less. and i found out that his tattoo is on his right arm. cute.

02-22-2002, 08:07 PM
In keeping with the topic of the thread--I was talking to Legolas this morning, and he said that he loves your avatar.
(So do I) :)

02-22-2002, 08:57 PM
*beams proudly*

:p i thought it was quite crafty, myself:D

02-24-2002, 06:09 PM
I saw a movie that had Legolas in Arwen or Glorfindel place and then Aragorn yells out "Legolas!" and runs over to him. Legolas is cute in all of the movies. *sigh*

02-24-2002, 06:16 PM
i saw a movie that had legolas in arwen or glorfindel place and then aragorn yells out "legolas" and runs over to him

what? what movie is this, eh?
and where can i find it to understand what you just said

02-24-2002, 06:44 PM
That was the Rankin-Bass Cartoon.

02-24-2002, 08:53 PM
im still confused:confused:

02-25-2002, 01:54 PM
I definately wish that the rivalry/friendship between Legolas and Gimli had been more apparent- its going to seem to come out of nowhere in TTT...

02-26-2002, 01:31 PM
Never since die hard has sumone has a never ending supply of amunition.

02-27-2002, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by markedel
To paraphrase the good prof-Legolas did the least of the fellowship

:D actually Boromir did the least because he died in the beginning of the 2nd book!!!!

02-27-2002, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by Sween
Never since die hard has sumone has a never ending supply of amunition.
In the book it's much more realistic - not only does the poor lil ol elf run out at times, but when he goes looking for arrows to use later on he comments on the ones he finds not being like normal orc arrows, so they are actually relevant (being of the Uruk-hai).

PS I assume everyone notices exactly HOW bad a shot the Orcs are? IE in Moria one shoots another on the other side of the big bridgey bit that collapses? Thought that was a sweet touch of PJ's :)

02-27-2002, 06:40 PM
having read the books umteen times, i never really noticed his unending supply of arrows.. hmm

i guess i just assumed that he picked up some from the dead..

i could use another trip to the theatre to investigate this..:D

02-27-2002, 07:16 PM
A great idea and one I think I'll follow myself tomorrow :)

02-27-2002, 08:00 PM
yea.. the only problem, i only have enough funds to go see it one more time.. im saving it for the re-release.

i already blew my cash for the camping trip in the summer .. and now im bummin.. oh well, i guess i'll just have to stay home and watch LOTR on my big screen dvd thing!

woooooohoooooooo:D :D

11-03-2002, 12:33 PM
I am quite upset that PJ cut out a lot of Legolas' lines. He was suposed to have at least seven lines in Lothlorien, but he ends up only having one. And that's a place where his people dwell and even Boromir has more lines than him there.