View Full Version : Stuff we'd like to see in the next 2 films

01-09-2002, 05:46 AM

This is just my 2nd or 3rd post here but I am wondering what people are interested in asking PJ (if he, by any chance) reads stumbles on this forum.

Personally I would like to see:
1. A grand battle at Helm's deep, of course!
2. The Ents!
3. Merry and Pippin actually shown to have grown
4. Sharky's end at the Shire
6. The flying Nazgul!
7. And before everything else, I hope they expound on Gandalf's battle with the Balrog (for the hopefully fewer Tolkien-challenged people by then)

01-09-2002, 06:53 AM
What do I want? For starters, before TT actually starts, a bit saying that it was based on the novel by JRR Tolkien, and that it was part 2 of 3, and a trailer for TRoTK at the end.

Might prevent the Tolkien-ignorant from whining at the end.

But what I really want?
1. Sauron incarnating before the end.
2. A really good chase by Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli.
3. Great battles on the Pelennor fields and at Helm's Deep, including Legolas' and Gimli's contest.
etc etc.

Gimli son of Gloin
01-09-2002, 08:57 PM
This is what I want. I saw it a week and a half ago with my aunt and uncle and they thought the spirit of Sauron which the movie said was still floating around possesed Sauraman, so I want to see a good explanation of the differance between Saron and Sauraman.

01-09-2002, 09:08 PM
The one thing I most want to see is Gollum's almost-redemption. But I'd also like a truly terrifying Morgul city, Ent-draughts, and Pippin messing with Grishnakh's head!

I really despise Orcs, but their names are so cool! Ugluk, Snaga, Gorbag! :) :D

01-10-2002, 12:01 AM
I want to see Gimli and Legolas doing their "headcount" at Helm's Deep, the Ents entering Isengard, the Paths of the Dead, and especially Eowyn's battle with the Nazgul King.

01-10-2002, 10:25 AM
Gwahier was sooooo cool that I'm now a Gwahier addict but the "fix" was such a tease! As we all know, he appears again toward the end of RotK. Please! Mr. Jackson give me a more satisfying giant eagle "fix".

01-10-2002, 11:07 AM
The following are things I really hope to see in TTT:

1. Gandalf's battle with the Balrog on the stairs of Zirak Zigil. followed with Gandalf's passing and return. (perhaps another stint in Lothlorien)
2. The march of the Ents and Hurons on Isengard.
3. The Battle of Helm's Deep.
4. More pipe smoking. :p
5. Palantir games with Pippin.
6. Lot's more of Smeagol/ Gollum.
7. Oliphant action.
8. Shelob stuff.
9.Passage of the Dead Marshes.
10. Sam putting on the Ring.

If most of that makes it in to the second film I will be a very happy enting.

01-10-2002, 12:38 PM
Oooh...I almost forgot about the Oliphaunts..

Don't tell me they'll be in CG (LOL) :D

BTW, what's their other name again? :confused:

01-10-2002, 02:05 PM
I belive Oliphaunts are also called Mumak, Arathorn.

Now for what I hope to see in RotK.

1. The entire Paths of the Dead Trip.
2. The Battle of Pelanor Field.
3. The madness of Denethor.
4. Eowyn and Merry's fight with the Nazgul.
5. Frodo losing a finger.
6. Lot's of Eagle action.
7. Crowning Of Aragorn.
8. Weddings (at least two)
9. Trip to the Grey Havens (very movingly done)

01-25-2002, 05:58 PM
In the Two Towers, I really want to see the scene where Frodo is asleep, and Sam is watching him, and he seems to have a light shining from within. I know that this probably won't be included, because of Sam's line: "I love him. He's like that, and sometimes it shines through, somehow. But I love him, whether or no."
They'll almost undoubtedly cut that cuz so many people will interpret it as "Gay". But I really liked that part in the book. I don't know why.

01-25-2002, 06:59 PM
>>Frodo is asleep, and Sam is watching him, and he seems to have a light shining from within . . undoubtedly cut that cuz so many people will interpret it as "Gay". <<

I hope they keep that in also, but have similar fears. An already filmed scene from the Return of the King, however, may make the final cut.

Bill Welden on the official LOtR website talks about watching the filming of 'Cirith Ungol' (ROtK), and how emotional the scene between Sam and Frodo struck him.

*****I get to hear one of my favorite lines: "You can't go walking in the Black Land in naught but your skin, Mr. Frodo." The essence of Sam. ..........They spend all day on this bit, so critical to the emotional arc of the story. In the end, Sean Astin as Sam delivers the line with weariness, grief, determination, courage, and love. I leave with tears in my eyes. -Bill Welden *******

So, maybe . . .

The official site has more information on this:

01-31-2002, 04:08 PM
i know this is kinda sad but i hope they keep the naked frodo bit in.sorry!i think itsa very essential part of the storyline!
would also like 2 see eowyn being revealed on the battle fields all noble and shining and stuff.
also when merry and pippin meet the king of rohan at isenguard. v.funny.

01-31-2002, 04:55 PM
I'm not "death-obsessed" or anything, but I'm curious as to how PJ handeled the Paths of the Dead and the Dead Marshes. The marshes conjured up especially gruesome pictures in my mind, and I don't know if I WANNA see that! :p
-Will the Nazgul's flying creatures look like pterodactyls?
-The Ents, of course;
-Theoden's revival, his charge at Helm's Deep, and his death scene, with Merry, Eowyn, and the Nazgul;
-the clash between you-know-whoand the wraith (was it the Witch-king? I forget) at the gates of Minas Tirith);
-"The eagles are coming!!";
-The climax concerning the One Ring, and what happens directly afterwards;
-the heroes ceremony on the Field of Cormallen, especially when King Aragorn kneels to Frodo and Sam (I just reread that, and it made me pretty misty);
-"Well, I'm back," he said;
et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, and so forth... :)

samwise of the shire
01-31-2002, 07:38 PM
One of the only things I want to see would be the one scene from"Of herbs and stewed rabbit"when Sam makes that bit of Rabbit stew and says"I love him. He's like that and sometimes it shines through...somehow. But I love him whether or no"
To ME that is ESSENTIAL in the growth of Sam and Frodos relationship. From the master and servant relationship to the best friend relationship. Actually it's much more then a best friend relationship. I used it out of lack of a better word.
But it is ESSENTIAL to show the unknowing public how the two love each other and show them first hand the agape love the two have for each other. I think they had better show the fight between Sam and Shelob and Sam saying goodbye to his master and taking the ring and setting out for the mountain.
In ROTK they had better have the Houses of Healing, Merry helping Eoywen out and not goofing off, the romance of Eoywen and Faramir, the marriage of Arwen and Aragorn, the Scouring of the Shire, the Marriage of Sam and Rosie and the Grey Havens. That's what I want to see. Oh they might also want to wrap it up with Sam,Gimli, and Legolas going to the Grey havens and Meeting Frodo and Gandalf again and have Merry and Pippin laid to rest by Aragorn and having them floating down the river. And having the women in the audience all in tears when they leave.

01-31-2002, 09:23 PM
I agree Sam.
I hope they don't cut any of those essential Sam/Frodo scenes.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

01-31-2002, 09:29 PM
If they cut out the scouring and the end I'll be bitter.

02-01-2002, 04:19 AM
Come to think of it, I'd like to see those subtle glances between Aragorn and Eowyn in those brief moments before the company rides for Helm's deep.

02-01-2002, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by eowyn144
i know this is kinda sad but i hope they keep the naked frodo bit in.sorry!i think itsa very essential part of the storyline!

How is it that you think it's a essential part to the storyline?

02-01-2002, 03:44 PM
ok i lied. i just want 2 elijah with no clothes on. sorry!

02-01-2002, 04:29 PM
Okay, here are the parts I'm dying to see:

1. Battle of the Pelennor Fields. I want a big, violent, bloody, nasty, hellacious battle with blood and guts and clouds of arrows and boiling oil and swarms of orcs and hordes of southrons and waves of rohirrim riders sweeping into the melee and braying horns and trumpets announcing the unfurling of the Standard of Gondor on the ships of the Corsairs.

2. The Morannon. I want to see the hills about the Gondorian and allied armies swarming with Orcs and other fell creatures like a disturbed antbed. I want to see Gandalf fighting, Aragorn slaying beasts left and right, and even though it was not written in the books, I would like to see sauron stride out onto the field of battle and fight with Aragorn. I know, I know, sacrelige, but they've taken liberties with the story already, and if Aragorn faced Sauron in battle then the strength of Aragorn's character would be enhanced. Oh well, they'll probably have Arwen sneak into Barad-Dur while Sauron is distracted with his unwelcome guests on his doorstep and slip a dagger up his backstrap.

3. The Nazgul King: Gates of Minas Tirith and Fields of Pelennor: This is something I am dying to see. The Witch King is one of the more fascinating of the "bad guys" for me and his battle scenes and his demise will be very interesting to see.

02-01-2002, 04:54 PM
I want just one thing

Frodo In an open white flowy shirt.
I have no desire to see the full monty.
Just the white flowy shirt.
And possibly a bathtub
And maybe some honey.
Oh! Sorry got a bit carried away their:confused:


Another thing. All the hobbits should speak Irish.
my friend eowyn144 and I have been trying it out when we talk (outside of this) we know each other u see.
We think all hobbits should speak Irish.

02-02-2002, 08:40 AM
After thinking for a while, I also want to see intensive development of Sam, Frodo and Gollum's characters.

I also want to see Theoden riding into the Pelennor Fields like an avenging angel, eventually felling the Black Serpent.

The Witch-King of Angmar better not be a pushover.

A really well done, bloody battle before the Morannon for at least a minute would be nice. Must have "The Eagles are coming!". No Sauron fighting with Aragorn, though, but having him incarnate ere the end would be just so cool.