- Galadriel's Gifts
- Le Gandalf: a French LOTR
- An urban LOTR
- Ian McKellen
- Martin Csokas As Celeborn???
- Count down!
- the TRUE meaning of the rune "G" and the "flame" in anor
- movie magic
- Will you see it again?
- Ford Scene, olsonm style...well, sorta
- Last Minute Vote Count
- Ugluk
- May it be
- LotR Fan Club
- Legolas can't be that hot...?
- lol
- Should there be LotR Computer Games?
- National Geographic documentary
- Rolling Stone's Elijah Wood Interview
- Since Cirith Ungol's Not Til Film Three....
- New Perspective?
- Uruk Hai
- What about the Ents?
- Academy Awards Thread
- Lord of the Rings: Beatles Version
- Making of Lord of the Rings
- The Two Towers - Pictures
- Fellow fans, i need to enlist your help
- A question about (movie)Gondor's history
- I would like to find
- the movie was a disaster
- Video releases in Australia
- New Photo's and Screen Saver!
- Create your own bloopers!
- Two Towers Trailer Released.....Impressions?
- BBC1 NOW! LOTR Mickey-take
- FYI... (this is kinda funny)
- One little thing.....
- Figures
- Lord of the Rings Merchandise
- TT Trailer on Fox News Channel Tonight
- Heh...
- What our you looking forward too?
- a Two Towers pic... what part?
- An alternate movie
- Starting a band?
- looking waaay too far ahead
- TT's Oscar Chances
- junk mail
- i smell bad
- TTT trailer frame by frame!!!!
- Gifts of Galadriel
- Galadriel's gifts
- Darth Tater could you explain?
- Can Anyone Explain
- National Geographic FotR thing
- The Bunnies are coming!
- Ent-daughts
- Swords
- probably a stupid question....
- Here may be pirates.
- R-rated version?????
- what is that quote...
- Figwit wants you
- Parallels between animated and New Verion
- Tom Bombadil
- Who do you look like?
- Countdown clock for the TT
- Movie Replica Pipes
- Countdown
- People who have never read the book but are now massive non-fans
- Saruman Petetion: Sign Now!
- Best LotR image site you will ever find. Includes a lot TTT scenes and edited FotR
- FotR keeps on going
- Does anyone have any spoiler pictures of TreeBeard?
- I know it sounds crazy and irrelevant but...... Hairdryers.
- gollum picture
- gollum picture from the movie
- DVD Pre-sale
- read this!
- Lij officialy not gay - look on the bright side right?
- Release Date for ROTK
- Interesting.........
- Civilization II: LotR Scenarios
- The Animated Movie
- Order your copy now!
- I need to enlist your help
- Why PJ??? Why ... ?!?!?!
- Funniest line from the movie
- *Gurgles* Something really cool...
- Who from the movie..
- Billy Boyd and I-CON
- The Mirror of Galadriel...A clue to ROTK?
- Fotr 3 highest mistakes movie ever
- Arwen and Aragorn scene
- Frodo in the movie v.s. Frodo in the book
- What would you take?
- Aragorn's elvish
- Frodo lives [?]
- Lord of The Rings" and "Harry Potter..."
- New Name?
- ...And the Future Holds.....What?
- Merry + strut = WHAT?????
- Hi
- The filming of the movie!
- Swordfighting in LOTR
- just wondering?
- Party Music
- Lord of the Rings win big at the MTV Movie awards
- Denethor or Wormtongue?
- We finally win something...
- A heinous task
- TTT getting more scenes!
- actors
- Now the dust has settled - most moving part of FotR
- who's your favorite character from the movie and why?
- TTT Spoilers
- Two Towers teaser poster
- Two Towers Teaser TRAILER!
- don't quote me on this
- Battle of Helms Deep
- galladriel vs. arwen
- From Movie to Book
- Little-known facts
- dvd countdown begins!
- how can we manage without the Scouring of the Shire
- elves
- Two towers in 4 mouths
- Extended DVD preview online
- Who in your family or friends, could pass for a FOTR character ?
- Gimli's Axe
- new movie
- Wait 'til I get my hands on him...
- "I got it!" stories
- The Fellowship of the Ring - DVD and VHS.
- What would the character in FOTR say if they could only say one phrase?????
- What is new this time?
- Bring out your dead!
- What would you do, if you lived in Middle Earth ?
- Any help please??
- Half wits beware there is a....
- TTT Gandalf
- Whats in the DVD
- Legolas
- The November Release...
- Why Legolas
- Gollum in the movie
- Lines in The Two Towers
- Two Towers with or without Ents?
- A little help with something...
- Arwen...
- TTT Support For Peter Jackson
- Theorys on the ending for two towers.
- ermmmmmmm Treebread has landed
- Waiting for Frodo...
- LotR Film Discussed at Lucianne.com
- Thank You!
- Quotes and Chapter Titles
- Mithrandir
- Vote Yes or No, on a Live action Hobbit movie?
- Ents...................14 Ft In The Movie?
- hey kids its the................
- Proof Aragorn will get Narsil regorged in two towers
- why gandalf?
- Concerning The Breaking of the Fellowship
- Can anyone help?
- Archery/swordsmanship Part II
- Scene Order in TTT
- Things you can't understand (aka voice of the ring and song lyrics)
- Haldir's mistake
- LOTR Stratego (input requested)
- Why!?!?!?
- The saddest elf Lady who ever departed from a haven..
- two things, actually...
- nitpickin'
- Would tolkien agree???
- Wraith-like Galadriel
- Middle Earth names
- The mystery of the giant spider
- Genocide in the Two Towers
- The growing mythology of LOTR
- Which LOTR movie is your favorite?
- What do you think of the characters in the LOTR movie?
- something that made me smile
- What would be like your version of the LotR?
- OMG! Gollum?!
- I found ears and Costumes
- Spoilers: Two Towers Pictures
- Aragorn
- Bilbo & Aragorn
- Which Actors from the '20:s through '50:s Would You Chose For LOTR?
- AGH! NO! THE SWINE! He couldn't have... could he?!?!
- Good news! and... ???news...
- Scenes that should not be left out of the Two Towers
- Animated hobbit and rotk
- I Met Sauron (sala Baker)
- Peter Jackson has improved Tolkien
- Is this a Photo of Grishnakh?
- They ruined Faramir!
- The new tralier
- Left out Lines from FotR
- PJ's LOTR Story line
- Christopher Lee
- Voice of Galadriel
- Extended Edition of FotR!!
- The "ownership" of modern mythologies like LOTR
- Film vs book: an empirical approach
- Spoiler- TTT and ROTK
- Cirdan
- The Hand
- For Frodo fans
- Help with trailer
- Toss me, Aragorn
- Ai! Ai! The Sppons have come!
- Lost the thread...
- Palantir in T2T
- Glamdring in TTT
- Anyone see that cartoon movie version of LoTR?
- Where can I find...
- Old Elf?
- Film Locations in the US
- New trailer, WOW!!!!
- Movie Ruining......
- LotR AIM-Expressions
- Arwen and Aragorn Married?
- Ents in the new movie!!!!!!!
- How do you thinkend Jackson will the trilogy?
- Where will The Two Towers end?
- How will Merry slay the Witch-King?
- What are you unhappy about in the movie?
- Who in the TTT movie...
- Austrailian Nazgul?????????
- Did anyone out there totally hate the movie?
- Bat or Moth
- Fav/least fav parts in Lord of the Rings
- Costumes
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Miranda Vs Liv
- I was watching FotR for the 10th or 12th...
- Does it seem strange --
- Trailer
- Wormtounge?
- Sam's Box
- Gandalf Poster
- Fuzzy Images in LOTR TFOTR Special Features
- Who do you most want to see int The Two Towers?
- FOTR NYC private screening auction w/ free extended ed. DVD
- Favorite Scene in FOTR
- Which Movie character are you most like?
- Has anyone noticed in the trailer...