View Full Version : Lord of the Rings Movies

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  1. Galadriel's Gifts
  2. Le Gandalf: a French LOTR
  3. An urban LOTR
  4. Ian McKellen
  5. Martin Csokas As Celeborn???
  6. Count down!
  7. the TRUE meaning of the rune "G" and the "flame" in anor
  8. movie magic
  9. Will you see it again?
  10. Ford Scene, olsonm style...well, sorta
  11. Last Minute Vote Count
  12. Ugluk
  13. May it be
  14. LotR Fan Club
  15. Legolas can't be that hot...?
  16. lol
  17. Should there be LotR Computer Games?
  18. National Geographic documentary
  19. Rolling Stone's Elijah Wood Interview
  20. Since Cirith Ungol's Not Til Film Three....
  21. New Perspective?
  22. Uruk Hai
  23. What about the Ents?
  24. Academy Awards Thread
  25. Lord of the Rings: Beatles Version
  26. Making of Lord of the Rings
  27. The Two Towers - Pictures
  28. Fellow fans, i need to enlist your help
  29. A question about (movie)Gondor's history
  30. I would like to find
  31. the movie was a disaster
  32. Video releases in Australia
  33. New Photo's and Screen Saver!
  34. Create your own bloopers!
  35. Two Towers Trailer Released.....Impressions?
  36. BBC1 NOW! LOTR Mickey-take
  37. FYI... (this is kinda funny)
  38. One little thing.....
  39. Figures
  40. Lord of the Rings Merchandise
  41. TT Trailer on Fox News Channel Tonight
  42. Heh...
  43. What our you looking forward too?
  44. a Two Towers pic... what part?
  45. An alternate movie
  46. Starting a band?
  47. looking waaay too far ahead
  48. TT's Oscar Chances
  49. junk mail
  50. i smell bad
  51. TTT trailer frame by frame!!!!
  52. Gifts of Galadriel
  53. Galadriel's gifts
  54. Darth Tater could you explain?
  55. Can Anyone Explain
  56. National Geographic FotR thing
  57. The Bunnies are coming!
  58. Ent-daughts
  59. Swords
  60. probably a stupid question....
  61. Here may be pirates.
  62. R-rated version?????
  63. what is that quote...
  64. Figwit wants you
  65. Parallels between animated and New Verion
  66. Tom Bombadil
  67. Who do you look like?
  68. Countdown clock for the TT
  69. Movie Replica Pipes
  70. Countdown
  71. People who have never read the book but are now massive non-fans
  72. Saruman Petetion: Sign Now!
  73. Best LotR image site you will ever find. Includes a lot TTT scenes and edited FotR
  74. FotR keeps on going
  75. Does anyone have any spoiler pictures of TreeBeard?
  76. I know it sounds crazy and irrelevant but...... Hairdryers.
  77. gollum picture
  78. gollum picture from the movie
  79. DVD Pre-sale
  80. read this!
  81. Lij officialy not gay - look on the bright side right?
  82. Release Date for ROTK
  83. Interesting.........
  84. Civilization II: LotR Scenarios
  85. The Animated Movie
  86. Order your copy now!
  87. I need to enlist your help
  88. Why PJ??? Why ... ?!?!?!
  89. Funniest line from the movie
  90. *Gurgles* Something really cool...
  91. Who from the movie..
  92. Billy Boyd and I-CON
  93. The Mirror of Galadriel...A clue to ROTK?
  94. Fotr 3 highest mistakes movie ever
  95. Arwen and Aragorn scene
  96. Frodo in the movie v.s. Frodo in the book
  97. What would you take?
  98. Aragorn's elvish
  99. Frodo lives [?]
  100. Lord of The Rings" and "Harry Potter..."
  101. New Name?
  102. ...And the Future Holds.....What?
  103. Merry + strut = WHAT?????
  104. Hi
  105. The filming of the movie!
  106. Swordfighting in LOTR
  107. just wondering?
  108. Party Music
  109. Lord of the Rings win big at the MTV Movie awards
  110. Denethor or Wormtongue?
  111. We finally win something...
  112. A heinous task
  113. TTT getting more scenes!
  114. actors
  115. Now the dust has settled - most moving part of FotR
  116. who's your favorite character from the movie and why?
  117. TTT Spoilers
  118. Two Towers teaser poster
  119. Two Towers Teaser TRAILER!
  120. don't quote me on this
  121. Battle of Helms Deep
  122. galladriel vs. arwen
  123. From Movie to Book
  124. Little-known facts
  125. dvd countdown begins!
  126. how can we manage without the Scouring of the Shire
  127. elves
  128. Two towers in 4 mouths
  129. Extended DVD preview online
  130. Who in your family or friends, could pass for a FOTR character ?
  131. Gimli's Axe
  132. new movie
  133. Wait 'til I get my hands on him...
  134. "I got it!" stories
  135. The Fellowship of the Ring - DVD and VHS.
  136. What would the character in FOTR say if they could only say one phrase?????
  137. What is new this time?
  138. Bring out your dead!
  139. What would you do, if you lived in Middle Earth ?
  140. Any help please??
  141. Half wits beware there is a....
  142. TTT Gandalf
  143. Whats in the DVD
  144. Legolas
  145. The November Release...
  146. Why Legolas
  147. Gollum in the movie
  148. Lines in The Two Towers
  149. Two Towers with or without Ents?
  150. A little help with something...
  151. Arwen...
  152. TTT Support For Peter Jackson
  153. Theorys on the ending for two towers.
  154. ermmmmmmm Treebread has landed
  155. Waiting for Frodo...
  156. LotR Film Discussed at Lucianne.com
  157. Thank You!
  158. Quotes and Chapter Titles
  159. Mithrandir
  160. Vote Yes or No, on a Live action Hobbit movie?
  161. Ents...................14 Ft In The Movie?
  162. hey kids its the................
  163. Proof Aragorn will get Narsil regorged in two towers
  164. why gandalf?
  165. Concerning The Breaking of the Fellowship
  166. Can anyone help?
  167. Archery/swordsmanship Part II
  168. Scene Order in TTT
  169. Things you can't understand (aka voice of the ring and song lyrics)
  170. Haldir's mistake
  171. LOTR Stratego (input requested)
  172. Why!?!?!?
  173. The saddest elf Lady who ever departed from a haven..
  174. two things, actually...
  175. nitpickin'
  176. Would tolkien agree???
  177. Wraith-like Galadriel
  178. Middle Earth names
  179. The mystery of the giant spider
  180. Genocide in the Two Towers
  181. The growing mythology of LOTR
  182. Which LOTR movie is your favorite?
  183. What do you think of the characters in the LOTR movie?
  184. something that made me smile
  185. What would be like your version of the LotR?
  186. OMG! Gollum?!
  187. I found ears and Costumes
  188. Spoilers: Two Towers Pictures
  189. Aragorn
  190. Bilbo & Aragorn
  191. Which Actors from the '20:s through '50:s Would You Chose For LOTR?
  192. AGH! NO! THE SWINE! He couldn't have... could he?!?!
  193. Good news! and... ???news...
  194. Scenes that should not be left out of the Two Towers
  195. Animated hobbit and rotk
  196. I Met Sauron (sala Baker)
  197. Peter Jackson has improved Tolkien
  198. Is this a Photo of Grishnakh?
  199. They ruined Faramir!
  200. The new tralier
  201. Left out Lines from FotR
  202. PJ's LOTR Story line
  203. Christopher Lee
  204. Voice of Galadriel
  205. Extended Edition of FotR!!
  206. The "ownership" of modern mythologies like LOTR
  207. Film vs book: an empirical approach
  208. Spoiler- TTT and ROTK
  209. Cirdan
  210. The Hand
  211. For Frodo fans
  212. Help with trailer
  213. Toss me, Aragorn
  214. Ai! Ai! The Sppons have come!
  215. Lost the thread...
  216. Palantir in T2T
  217. Glamdring in TTT
  218. Anyone see that cartoon movie version of LoTR?
  219. Where can I find...
  220. Old Elf?
  221. Film Locations in the US
  222. New trailer, WOW!!!!
  223. Movie Ruining......
  224. LotR AIM-Expressions
  225. Arwen and Aragorn Married?
  226. Ents in the new movie!!!!!!!
  227. How do you thinkend Jackson will the trilogy?
  228. Where will The Two Towers end?
  229. How will Merry slay the Witch-King?
  230. What are you unhappy about in the movie?
  231. Who in the TTT movie...
  232. Austrailian Nazgul?????????
  233. Did anyone out there totally hate the movie?
  234. Bat or Moth
  235. Fav/least fav parts in Lord of the Rings
  236. Costumes
  237. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  238. Miranda Vs Liv
  239. I was watching FotR for the 10th or 12th...
  240. Does it seem strange --
  241. Trailer
  242. Wormtounge?
  243. Sam's Box
  244. Gandalf Poster
  245. Fuzzy Images in LOTR TFOTR Special Features
  246. Who do you most want to see int The Two Towers?
  247. FOTR NYC private screening auction w/ free extended ed. DVD
  248. Favorite Scene in FOTR
  249. Which Movie character are you most like?
  250. Has anyone noticed in the trailer...