View Full Version : The Mirror of Galadriel...A clue to ROTK?

samwise of the shire
05-08-2002, 07:25 PM
I went to see LOTR:FOTR for the Sixth or seventh tie yesterday and noticed two things at the Mirror of Galadriel. When Frodo looks in the first thing he sees is *Sam, then Merry and Pippin, then Legolas. The Mirror then turns to the Shire as it was when he left it, then it turns to the Shire being destroyed and *Hobbits being led away for what I presume is forced communistic labor, then it turns to a destroyed desolate Shire. Then the Eye comes up, and scares Frodo. The Galadriel says *"If your quest fails this will coem to be."
I thought of something then. If Frodo fails in his quest(which he does as he doesn't destory the Ring Gollum does)then those things he saw in the Mirror would come to be and as such I think we can expect a Scouring!!!YAYAYAYA!!
Does ANYONE have ANY speculation as to why Frodo Sees only his Hobbit companions and Legolas in the Mirror and not the others? Does THAT mean something. I thought it meant that Legolas would help in the Scouring? Because it was the four hobbits that vanquished the ruffians and it showed the three hobbit companions and no one else exept Legolas
And does ANYONE know why we have Hobbits in shackles being led to the mill?

05-08-2002, 07:52 PM
I thought he saw Legolas because he's handsome and the young ladies would like it.

05-08-2002, 08:37 PM
I know that Frodo fails his quest but I always thought Galadriel meant the quest as in the destruction of the ring. As the ring is destroyed the quest hasn't failed and so those things will not come to be. I really hope that doesn't mean there is no scouring. I would think Hobbits are in shackles cause they are slaves of Sauron and the mill is there as in the book.

05-08-2002, 09:27 PM
i think that leggy was put in there to show even the silly little girls who go to see a three hour movie just for eye candy that the ring can even corrupt a "totally hot elf" i mean galadriel says that it will corrupt them all, maybe in that order
wasn't it sam, legolas then merry and pippen?
even if they don't get it on the surface, (inssert spooky music)
your subconsciouss will!
(end spooky music)

05-08-2002, 10:14 PM
I think that they put in those shots of what would be the Scouring of the Shire because they knew they were going to cut it. I think that they had to pay homage to the Scouring somewhere and I think that was it. As for Legolas and the hobbits, I don't really know. I'll have to wait until I see it again.

Comic Book Guy
05-09-2002, 08:59 AM
Close, Reasons later.

*I closed this thread because it's been done many times, and also because Peter Jackson has said that the Scouring of the Shire will not be included into the Return of the King, and the Mirror of Galadriel scene was a sort of Homage to the Scouring.