View Full Version : What our you looking forward too?

04-01-2002, 11:32 PM
After reading the books; what characters, scenes, and/or places are you looking forward to seeing most in the theater. Personally i am looking forward to the battle of pellenor fields!

04-01-2002, 11:56 PM
I was looking forward to Tom Bombadil until they decided to leave him out. I'm still mad about that.:) Personally, I'm really looking forward to the Dead Marshes.

04-02-2002, 12:12 AM
I am looking forward to seeing Shelob, Gandalf the White (I havn't seen the trailer yet) and the rescue of Frodo by Sam in Cirith Ungol. My favorite part of the book is when Sam finds Frodo in the tower- "Frodo, Mr. Frodo, my dear!", so I hope PJ does this scene well.

04-02-2002, 12:39 AM
i also forgot to mention that the confrontation between saruman and gandalf the white should be very interesting

04-02-2002, 06:14 AM
Well I really wanted to see the Scouring of the shire but that's been cut thankyou very much pj.:mad:

But i think the ending scene with the gray havens is going to make me cry buckets if he does it well. And sams lasts words in the book(i'm trying not to spoil the ending for people who havent finished yet). I can just imagine him saying them and then a bang like a book shutting at blackness until the credits come up. Its going to be so dramatic.:)

04-02-2002, 06:37 AM
I am looking forward to Dec. 19th and 20th. I'm curious about how the flood of post-TTT review posts will go; The rants, the raves, the dilemmas of whether to moot or to go back to the theatres for an nth viewing.

I'm also looking forward to watching them back-to-back. :D

04-02-2002, 06:46 AM
um. Y have you got i am freddie under your name?:confused:

04-02-2002, 07:07 AM
I don't know. When I got to work a few hrs ago there it was.

I also think FF and EG have the same one too. I am doing a poll on the GM forum to find out if anyone else did.

Rána Eressëa
04-02-2002, 01:34 PM
Shelob's Lair! Now that I wanna see :D

04-02-2002, 01:41 PM
the paths of the dead...I want to be spooked out of my wits :)

04-02-2002, 01:46 PM
I want to see Treebeard and how the huorns will be portrayed.
I'm also looking forward to watching the FotR DVD in the peace and quiet of my own home - no interruptions. Every time I was at the theatre there was always someone coming or going - very distracting.

04-02-2002, 02:02 PM
I almost forgot (and this is just wishful thinking), Rohirric Battle Songs!:D A verse after a slash or two, heheh.

04-02-2002, 02:46 PM
You can ORDER your vids and DVDs now. For AUGUST. Weird, and a bit 'expecting demand to be that big'. Although it will be. I know that.

*Rushes off to the shops to order hers*.

I am looking forward to the Dead Marshes. Elijah said it was his favourite bit to film. I'll probably get sad when I see all those dead elves. '
*Sobbing already* It nearly made me cry in the BOOK. What am I going to be like in the film???

04-02-2002, 03:25 PM
The Lord of the Nazgul and what happens to him.

The Ents and Isengard.

The Battle of Pelennor Fields.

(I am being vague so I don't spoil it for the non-readers)

04-02-2002, 03:51 PM
The exchange upon the plains of Rohan when Eomer and co. come upon Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas. A tense scene in the book and the dialogue between them is great! I hope they've kept that word-for-word

The Huorn assault at Helm's Deep should be awesome.

and lastly....the scenes from and around "The Black Gate Opens'. Truly the most chilling and oppressive chapter in the entire work. The Mouth of Sauron better scare the shite out of me!

04-02-2002, 04:05 PM
I almost forgot (and this is just wishful thinking), Rohirric Battle Songs! A verse after a slash or two, heheh. Ditto on that Arathorn, good movie violence is much too underrated. Also, I want to see the Orcs bicker. It will make me feel right at home. Take that, Shagrat!
I probably am most looking forward to seeing Treebeard. Will he mention Entwives? :confused: Problee not. Also, the Battle of Helms Deep, the Window on the West, and BTW, we havn't gotten a real good look at Gollum yet, have we, preciousss?

04-02-2002, 04:32 PM
Agree with Arathorn, I want to hear the Rohhirim sing as they slay.

04-02-2002, 07:14 PM
I want to see more of Gondor, I want to see the ents tear everything up, and I also want to see the dead marshes

Treebeard's apprentice
04-02-2002, 08:13 PM
The battle at Helm's Deep is one of my favorite parts of the trilogy. I'm not sure I can wait 8 months yet.:(

samwise of the shire
04-03-2002, 06:26 PM
I cant wait to see:
Treebeard and the Ents
How Merry and Pippin get away from the Orcs.
The Rohirrim
Gandalf the Whites confrontation with Saruman
Edoras on the INSIDE.
Horns Deep and the Dike
The Reunion at Isengard
The Dead Marshes
Frodo in the Dead Marshes :)(with the dirt on his face WOOOO HOOOO)
Ithillien and the Oliphant
The Window on the West
Shelobs Lair
Sam Saying goodbye to Frodo in the lair of Shelob and taking on the Ring(Oh heart breaking. It's gonna be a tear jerker)
Minas Tirith
The battle infront of Mins Tirith
The Death of Theoden
But most of all I want to see the scenes in Mordor, Cirith Ungol,the Shire(there will be a Scouring I'm sure of it. Why in the HECK did Frodo see the Shire ruined in the Mirror if there is'nt gonna be a scouring?), The Grey Havens and the few scenes at the end of the movie.
December come quickly!

04-03-2002, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by samwise of the shire
. . . Why in the HECK did Frodo see the Shire ruined in the Mirror if there is'nt gonna be a scouring? . . .
Sam [/B]

I think what he saw was what would happen if the quest to destroy the Ring fails. I also belive I have seen a picture of Saruman impaled on a huge stake... Anyway, I would also like to see the Scouring of the Shire, seeing four Hobbits putting Saruman, an Istari, in his place, that would be great.

Elf Girl
04-03-2002, 08:07 PM
I'm looking forward to the taming of Smeagol. I hope it's done well.

04-30-2002, 04:54 PM
Im looing forward to a number of things;
Sam (I dont care what- i wanna see Sam!)
Shelobs lair
Sam leaving Frodo for dead (I wan't to cry at some point during the movie)
The taming of Smeagol
Sam finding Frodo
Frodo getting his finger bitten off
Pippin almost dying in battle (Again i want to cry; i always do when i read the book)
Frodo leaving for the grey havens
The scouring of the shire! I know it has been cut; i really wanted to see that bit.
Saruman dying- i havn't seen a picture of it but i know that he is going to be impailed
Basically a lot of things

04-30-2002, 10:20 PM
Frodo getting his finger bitten off (I want to see that for some strange reason).
I want to take a good look at Gollum.
Die Saruman, die.
The Palantir.
The Ents, definetly.
Why are they taking out the Scouring of the Shire? THAT IS ONE OF THE BEST PARTS!!!!! I'VE GONE BACK TO READ THAT PART THAN ANY OTHER PART!!!!!!
And the Crossing of the Ocean (*sniffsniff* so sad *cry*)

04-30-2002, 10:51 PM
I REALLY want to see-
Faramir (I STILL imagine he's my big brother)
Gondor ( I want to live there)
Shelob(So I can be scared silly!)
Gandalf the White (Because I want Gandalf back)

04-30-2002, 11:09 PM
I desperately want to see Helm's Deep, the Battle of Pelennor Fields, and the Field of Cormallen. So basically, every battle scene left in the trilogy.:D I also want to see the big finale and rescue by Gwaihir and company on Mount Doom.

04-30-2002, 11:31 PM
I can't wait for:
Helm's Deep.
Cirith Ungol.
The Taming of Smeagol.
Any bits with Gollum.:D
Any bits with Sam.:D
Any bits with Legolas.;)
Well, that's about it. It's 240 days to TTT here. I can't wait!
A small cute frog turns over his LOTR calendar. "Wow! It's the month of Saruman!"

05-01-2002, 12:04 AM

05-01-2002, 12:07 AM
Yes, IP. Eowyn, Mmmmmmm... :rolleyes:

05-01-2002, 05:53 AM
I'd really like to see the battle at Helm's Deep. It's my favorite! Please make it good, please? No elves who don't belong there and stuff. Please make it good, please, please, please,......

05-01-2002, 08:03 AM
Today , I will be mostly looking forward to :

Helms deep
Gandalf v Saruman
GOLLUM - really hope it works !

05-01-2002, 04:35 PM
More things to add to my list of wants;
Gollum- seen the trailer for TT and want to see what he is like
ummmmm i can't think of any more for the moment

05-01-2002, 08:24 PM
From the trailer Helms deep looks great. I am also looking forward to: Saruman getting impaled ;) and the scouring of the shire. If PJ doesn't put in the scouring, I will get very angry. Oh yeah, I am looking forward to more of Frodo and Aragorn!!!!

05-01-2002, 10:49 PM
Well cassiopeia, get ready to march on New Zealand. I am 99.9% sure that there is going to be no Scouring of the Shire.:(

Oh yeah, bring on Minas Morgul. They better make it dark and scary.

05-01-2002, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by cassiopeia
From the trailer Helms deep looks great. I am also looking forward to: Saruman getting impaled ;) and the scouring of the shire. If PJ doesn't put in the scouring, I will get very angry. Oh yeah, I am looking forward to more of Frodo and Aragorn!!!!

I don't want to see Saruman getting impaled. That's extremely unfaithful to the books. I want to see Wormtongue kill him! Now! :p Hee...sorry. I get carried away. I thought of some more-

I want to see-

Flying Nazgul!
Denethor trying to creamate Faramir.
The Elessar
Ents! Ents! Ents! Ents! LOTS of ents!

05-01-2002, 11:22 PM
~Ents running amok!
~Conies (I know they might not show 'em so I bought a pair and let them roam the backyard) :D
~Singing Rohirrim (oops, said that already)
~Pippin's encounter with the Eye:eek:

05-01-2002, 11:30 PM
You put conies in the backyard? You truly are obsessed. Good on you, Arathorn. *hands arathorn a virtual smartie () *
And the Eye. The Eye! Run away, it's a disembodied EYE!
A small, cute frog pokes one eye above the surface of it's pond.

05-01-2002, 11:34 PM
One of many scenes I am looking forward to seeing in The Two Towers, if they include it, is Quickbeam the Ent charging towards the tower of Orthanc screaming "tree-killer! tree-killer!" at Saruman who barely escapes being ripped to pieces...

In Return of the King, I am just dying to see "Dernhelm" stand in the face of the Witch King of Angmar......and Mithrandir's struggle with the same Lord of the Nazgul at the gates of Minas Tirith....

Actually I don't look forward to the Grey Havens.....it will mean not only that I will cry my friggin eyes out, it will mean the end of a three-year journey into the world of PJ's retelling, and I can't think of another film ever which will ever capture my imagination, delight and passion as much as each of the three films of Lord of the Rings. Everything after LotR is denouement.

05-01-2002, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by Lanelf
You put conies in the backyard? You truly are obsessed. Good on you, Arathorn. *hands arathorn a virtual smartie () *

Yeah every night I catch one and pet it "Nice conieses...":D

And Bropous, after ROTK, I wouldn't be surprised if I go on a week-long vacation and watch DVD's of the 3 movies back-to-back-to-back. (I know it's pathetic)

05-02-2002, 04:31 AM
Originally posted by bropous
Actually I don't look forward to the Grey Havens.....it will mean not only that I will cry my friggin eyes out, it will mean the end of a three-year journey into the world of PJ's retelling, and I can't think of another film ever which will ever capture my imagination, delight and passion as much as each of the three films of Lord of the Rings. Everything after LotR is denouement.

Truer words were never spoken. But who knows, perhaps one day....*hopeful look*.......the silmarillion?

05-02-2002, 03:54 PM
I want to see the end but i don't- if you get my meaning.
I wanna cry at Frodo leaving, but i dont want LOTR to end. That would make me cry!

Arathorn, you are not pathetic. If you are then i definatly am because that is what i plan on doing. :)

05-03-2002, 06:32 AM
NO SCOURING! Cassiopeia will get very angry. Look out PJ, I'm just across the sea you know!

05-03-2002, 08:02 AM
I'm looking forward to seeing Aragorn's face the morning after he looks in the palantir. I want to see the ring and the finger fall in the crack of doom. The sights, the sounds. I want to see everyone's face when Gandalf says the ringbearer has fufilled his quest!!!

05-03-2002, 05:09 PM
I want to see Minas Tirith!:)
and the last battle before the gates of mordor..i wanna see pippin get that troll!;)

05-03-2002, 06:34 PM
How do you load avatars?:( I'm pathetic...

05-04-2002, 05:48 AM
Iw as going to PM you about it, Claenoic but you disabled personal messages, so here the walkthhrough: Go to 'user cp' one of the green buttons on top of the screen and click on it. Click on 'edit options' You'll see a list of options, at the bottom you can upload an avatar. Make sure it's small, I believe it can only be 60 pixels at maximum.

I'm very curious about the voices of the ents. They look allright from the flash I could see in the trailer but I would love to hear how they sound like.

05-04-2002, 01:38 PM
YAY!!!!!:D Tanks a bunch, Earnil!

05-04-2002, 02:26 PM
you're welcome :D

05-04-2002, 08:07 PM
I want to hear what Hroom, Hroom and all that Ent talk sounds like. I never was able to process that well

05-05-2002, 01:22 AM
I'm very curious about the voices of the ents.
Just imagine Gimli say "Hoom Hoom Hroom".

05-05-2002, 08:45 PM
ive always imagined their voices as very deep like the sound of some kind of wood instrument..i think thats how they are describes in the book, but not sure

05-06-2002, 09:21 PM
I made sure to get a good look at the things I really wanna see:

In the trailer to TTT, one of my favorite scenes from the book is shown: A guard of orcs in a circle, facing outward, more orcs in the center, and Merry and Pippin right in the middle......will the argument between Ugluk and Grishnakh make it into the film????

Treebeard: Of course we're all dying to see him. In looking very closely at the trailer, it seems he shows both eyes opening, and Pippin is holding onto the bridge of his nose. I had always thought of his face as rather flat and treetrunk-with-eyes-and-mouth-sorta-thingy but this was a really interesting slant to his visualization. Can't wait to see it either.

05-06-2002, 11:51 PM
Just a stupid question...

When Gimli meets Treebeard some time in TTT/RotK, his axe falls on to the ground, and all Treebeard says is "Hoom! A dwarf and an axe-bearer!". Wouldn't a more 'entish' response have been to destroy the axe, or, for that matter, the dwarf?
Sorry, just being an idiot there. :D

A small, cute frog says "Hoom. Hooooom. Hroom hroom hroom. Shroom. Mmmm, shroom. Mushroom. Hoom." So, it's a hobbit-frog. Big deal.

05-07-2002, 08:02 AM
Most definately no. Ent would never do such hasty reaction. It's against their nature to act without thinking. Usually very, very long. But if Gimli would have attacked, soon his axe would have been squeezed into a ball of iron and he would propably be splashed around the landscape...:rolleyes:

05-08-2002, 01:08 PM
i bet the ent moot will b soooo cool (if they put it in)!

anything that has anything to do wiht hobbits

05-08-2002, 01:31 PM
cant wait for the next 2 movies!!! horray!! horray!

ok now i have made myself sound like a complete freak i shall move swiftly on.

helm's deep will be great. especially the compotition between legolas and gimli, that was one of my fav bits.
gollum looks wonderful.
that great scene where eowyn is fighting aragorn. i know it wasnt in the book and i myself shouted loudly at the cinema screen when it came on, something like: "aragorn is amazing!! he would never be beaten by stinky eowyn" but then i am sad. lots of people looked at me but i was being entralled by the next bit. erm what else? watching the elves go off to the grey havens

oh and last but not least the bit in the second realease of fellowship on dvd where galadriel gives the fellowship their gifts.

adored that movie soooo much.

basically am looking forward to everything. i think if star wars wasnt coming out in 2 weeks [horray!] i might go insane with all the waiting!

05-09-2002, 04:09 PM
Too late. I already have gone insane with all the waiting since FOTR left the screen where i am. Gonna see star wars next week but still it isn't quite LOTR.

05-10-2002, 07:49 AM
a raging Oliphaunt, with gold tipped tusks, dripping with blood.

Gimli son of Gloin
05-10-2002, 02:59 PM
My favorite part of the book is in ROTK when the which king broke in Minas Tirith and Gandalf was there and the cock crowed of the coming daylght. I hope PJ portrays the cock well.

05-11-2002, 12:27 AM
I hope PJ portrays the cock well.


05-12-2002, 12:06 PM


portrays the WHAT well?

This ain't THAT type movie!

05-12-2002, 01:25 PM
I'm looking forward to the Ents, Gollum, Helms Deep, and Rohan.;) :D

05-12-2002, 02:33 PM


I'm looking forward to seeing the return of the king trailer!:D

05-12-2002, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by StrawberryIcecream
I'm looking forward to seeing the return of the king trailer!:D

You keep the trailer Strawberry. I'll keep the entire movie :p

Elfmaster XK
05-12-2002, 03:32 PM
Methinks Gimli's post disturbs poor Strawberry!

I want Gollum!!!


I mean, am looking forward to Gollum. I may have to hurt PJ if he messes him up. He already is messed up? I know that!

Also Helm's Deep will be good.

Comic Book Guy
05-12-2002, 03:38 PM
Gimli used the word 'cock' in the proper and intended context.

Elfmaster XK
05-12-2002, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Comic Book Guy
Gimli used the word 'cock' in the proper and intended context.

That's very true CBG, but you gotta rember that here some of us are twisted, some are disturbed, and some are just plain rude!

Not to insult anyone...:D You are all very nice ppl, hobbits, elves and other beings.

05-12-2002, 04:09 PM
I just think the trailer is going to be so incredibly sad and everything its going to make me burst out in hysterics!!!

I don't think they're going to show any of the happy stuff at the end anyway because wouldnt that be completely spoiling the ending for those who have not read the books?