View Full Version : I would like to find

Strange-Looking Lurker
03-27-2002, 02:38 PM
a photo of the Nine men that is shown right at the start of the movie, before they "fade". Does anybody know where I could find one?

Strange-Looking Lurker
03-28-2002, 06:28 PM
Oh, come on! Surely SOMEBODY has at least an idea where I could get this?

Eruviel Greenleaf
03-29-2002, 02:43 AM
I dunno. Now I inexplicably want to find one! :D I'll look for one and let you know if I find it.

Strange-Looking Lurker
03-31-2002, 08:37 PM
Thank you!

Eruviel Greenleaf
03-31-2002, 08:38 PM
I've looked, and haven't found any yet, but I'll keep on searching.

03-31-2002, 10:06 PM
i want one of the dwarves and the elves, and the men would also be cool! i'm searching too, hopefully between us we'll find something! :)

Eruviel Greenleaf
04-01-2002, 12:27 AM
ooh, one of the elves would be really cool! Must find. . .

04-01-2002, 06:32 AM
Did you notice, that as elves and dwarves were wearing their rings on their fingers, humans held them in their hand. That's ofcourse that they wouldn't be invisible, there. Nice little detail there.

04-01-2002, 03:23 PM
nice detail Lightice

Also with these pics ur hunting for, it would be nice to find one of the 3 rulers.
I know that Galadriel, Elrond and Gandalf now have the rings, but where the origianl 3 rulers the same?


04-01-2002, 10:55 PM
what you mean andy? the original 3 elves to have the rings were Cirdan, Gil-Galad, and Galadriel (i think) :)

<-------post # 450, meaning that in 1 more day, i'll be an Elf Lord!! no more advancing...:( :( but i'll be an ELF LORD!!!! go me! :D

Eruviel Greenleaf
04-02-2002, 02:44 AM
I think you're right, Tinuviel Child; Galadriel had Nenya, Cirdan had Vilya and Gil-galad had Narya. But I could be wrong. . .

BTW, how did I become 'I am Freddie?'

Oh. It's April Fool's day. That explains it. . .:)

Strange-Looking Lurker
04-02-2002, 09:34 AM
I'd like to be looking for it too, but I have no idea where to start. Would somebody post some links for sites with pictures from the movie?

Eruviel Greenleaf
04-03-2002, 03:28 AM

they have lots of pictures, although I don't think they have any that were mentioned here. Maybe they do, I haven't checked in a long time!

Rána Eressëa
04-03-2002, 12:09 PM
The Forging of the Rings (http://www.quintessentialwebsites.com/lordoftherings/movieshots/fotr_aprologue_scene1.htm)! There's your pic, Strange-Looking Lurker :D Just scroll down a little.

04-03-2002, 12:23 PM
Nice job RE! I used to have this site book marked but lost it in a computer crash. Thanks from aisle 12, seat two!

Rána Eressëa
04-03-2002, 12:38 PM
All is most wonderfully welcome... *bows gracefully*

Eruviel Greenleaf
04-03-2002, 02:09 PM
Thank you SO much, RE!! Those are great pictures! :) I am now a very happy elf!

Strange-Looking Lurker
04-08-2002, 09:10 AM

I think I might print it up and up it on my door with the words "Enter at your own risk."