View Full Version : LotR Film Discussed at Lucianne.com

08-14-2002, 07:23 PM
I hope this thread is okay to run. CBG, just wipe it off the map if it ain't kosher.

There's a political discussion site I do a lot of posting on, Lucianne.com, and interestingly enough, a discussion got going about Tolkien, which kind of wandered off into discussion of hte movie. I thought the Mooters might like to read what some non-Moot folks had to say about the subject.

The addy is

and you might even want to look at some of the other discussions from time to time. I gave a plug to Ben and the Moot (my comments there are under the nick "Man U Fan" {Manchester United Fan}). Of course I was in typical verbose mode and probably ain't covered any new ground we've not touched on here. But it's interesting to see Tolkien discussed in another venue. Hopefully one or two posters from Lucianne.com will join our conversations here....

Hopefully not off in forbidden posting land,


08-14-2002, 07:48 PM
Erk... Some people actually think that Arwen was good? :eek: Oh my goodness. Send advice to do more reading with my compliments. And the book Frodo did exactly what the Movie Frodo did - They tried to leave alone so they wouldn't endanger the others.