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12-11-2001, 03:49 AM
First the stupid Burger King commercial ("Behold Gandalf, now he can be held!"), and now I have seen a commercial advertising for LOTR action figures! When will it all end? People who haven't read LOTR are going to think it's just another common fantasy novel, rather than the awesome work of literature that it is. I am really sick of the commercialization.

samwise of the shire
12-11-2001, 07:18 PM
Ouch! That HURTS...bad. The high quality action figures are'nt that good when it comes to the brightness of the characters(I've seen the Frodo:eek: and the Legolas figurines) and they are both a LITTLE too light for action figures of LOTR. I want to get the soundtrack a couple of posters and maybe a small statuette of the four hobbits together and that'll probably be it.

12-11-2001, 08:42 PM
The action figures are actually quite nice. I purchased several of them and they are amazingly detailed down to the most miniscule pieces of clothing and tools, etc.

I'm almost getting tired of people crying about the commercialization. Wake up people, this is the world and society we live in today. Everything is commercialized. The thing you need to realize is that all this hub bub is actually getting people, who would of never been exposed to LOTR otherwise, to read the novel for the first time, not the other way around. Huge facets of new fans are being created each day, and sure there are going to be some who just think of LOTR for the movies and the BK Goblets, but there are going to be so many others craving for more and turning to the novels for the first time, whereas without all this going on they would of never experienced the book. I think that is a positive thing. I don't want LOTR to be my little wonderful secret, and I encourage any means that is going to expose more readers to this fine piece of work.

Bombadil's PR Guy
12-11-2001, 09:07 PM
Hello, Entmoot!

I agree with Surjay, that if Burger King figures and such promotion help bring people to the movie and thence, to the literature, then, who cares...even if the movie doesn't fullfill our expectations (I'm already wondering about the look of this Frodo)? It really is all about getting more people to the books.

12-11-2001, 10:31 PM
Maybe...unless the comercialization leads people to think that LOTR is just another crazy fantasy/sci-fi deal. (oh yes, and Welcome!)

Bombadil's PR Guy
12-11-2001, 11:47 PM
We have to rely upon the movie to give an accurate representation of the book. It's very difficult for me to believe that the biggest budget, best cast movie, by the most fully comprehending director can give us in 2 hrs + change, anything equal to the experience of reading even a 3rd of this work, but an accurate representation of the book is the key, despite how all the action figures might detract, or even make mockery of this work. Perception of the book hinges on the flick, since millions forget about all the hoop-la, if they can be successfully sucked into the genius of Tolkien by a movie that entirely captivates them.
This really does not parallel the situation of a rock group with the cult following who gets discovered, overcommercialized, and their music then becomes dictated by corperations instead of what's in their heads. These books will continue to provide new discovery, regardless of what commercialization, or even a crappy movie can do.

Darth Tater
12-12-2001, 11:07 AM
Welcome to the Moot, bloody brilliant screenname!

Play Girl
12-12-2001, 02:25 PM
Just to put my two cents in they are spreading the films over three years after all even though all the live action stuff has been filmed. How can they be so cruel. That is just for merchandise in my opinion.
Play Girl

Strange-Looking Lurker
12-12-2001, 06:05 PM
Yea, I'm sure it will all drive us not, but don't forget Play Girl that the whole idea of the movie is to make money anyway.

12-12-2001, 06:47 PM
I am not trying to argue but I think Peter Jackson Will enjoy Directing and being part of this movie more then the money he makes

samwise of the shire
12-14-2001, 05:37 PM
I agree with Celeborn. They put so much of the original beauty and faerishness into the movie(and the pictures show it)that Tolkien put into his books, you KNOW they are'nt just on some wild money making quest. You can TELL the people associated with the making of LOTR really know what thier doing and respect what Tolkin wrote. It'll be a good movie. No not just a Good Movie a Great Movie.
Welcome to the Entmoot Bombadil!

Bombadil's PR Guy
12-14-2001, 06:54 PM
Thanks, Samwise...actually, I'm just Bombadil's PR Guy though...and having read elsewhere that Tom doesn't make it into this movie, I guess I'd been slackin'.
I'm debating whether to wait and see the movie after I've gotten some feedback, or try to get there early & let the movie experience be unclouded by too many comments...but I'm optimistic that it will indeed be a great movie.

12-14-2001, 08:20 PM
My take on such stuff: I don't really like it, but it may help get people interested in the books (a good thing) and can provide a laugh or two.

Now introducing: The One Ring with magic Soul Stealing Action!