View Full Version : Quote Game - Part 10
08-27-2008, 04:24 PM
The previous thread can be found here ( For the new thread, the same rules apply as before.
Basically, you take a quote and remove every second letter, and put a slash between words, and punctuation marks. A solution must include all words solved correctly and the correct speaker identified. Whoever solves the last element, be it quote, speaker, or both, posts the next one. It is not necessary for the one solving to say who it is said to, anything about the context, or what book it's found in.
Example: "I/_i_l/_i_e/_o_/a/_a_e/,/_n_/I/_h_l_/c_l_/y_u/_t_n_."
Answer: "I will give you a name, and I shall call you Sting." Bilbo Baggins (from The Hobbit)
Anything from the books: The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, or Unfinished Tales is fair game. No movie quotes.
Suggestions for posting:
Some gamers find this method best, fastest, easiest and most accurate. When you've found your quote, type it all in without blanks, simply using the '/' instead of a space, as well as before and after each punctuation mark. Just after a punctuation mark can be a convenient place for a carriage return, if the spacing looks good. After typing, check for spelling and to see that all the words are correct. Then go through and replace every other letter with an underscore '_' - this goes quickly if you use the 'forward arrow' key to advance, use the 'delete' key and then add the underscore where the letter was.
Oh - and we try our best to solve the quotes without looking them up. However, if the one who posted the quote is away or not responding, a player may look up an attempted full solution to see if it was correct before moving on and posting the next quote.
It's Midge's turn to post a quote.
08-27-2008, 07:56 PM
08-28-2008, 12:18 AM
"The Valar have possessed themselves
of the land where there is no death;
and they /l_e/_o/_o_/c_n_e_n_n_/i_/,/
hiding it as best they may,/
_e_a_s_/of their avarice,/
and their fear lest the might of Men
should wrest from them the deathless realm
and rule the world in their stead.
And though, /_o_b_l_s_/,/
the /_i_t/_f/_i_e/_n_n_i_g/_s/_o_/f_r/_l_/,/
but /_n_y/_o_/s_c_/a_/ are /_o_t_y/,/
_e_n_/men of /_i_h_/ and pride and great /_i_e_g_/,/
yet against /_u_t_c_/ it is done that this gift,
which is /_i_/d_e/, should be /_i_h_e_d/
from the king of kings, /_r/-/_h_r_z_n/,/
to whom /M_n_e/ alone can be /_o_p_r_d/,/
if even he.
But great kings do not /_r_o_/d_n_a_s/,/
and take what is their due."
Hmm, not sure about quite a bit of that, but most of the words seem to fit. (?)
08-28-2008, 06:43 AM
"The Valar have possessed themselves
of the land where there is no death;
and they lie to you concerning it,
hiding it as best they may,
/_e_a_s_/of their avarice,/
and their fear lest the might of Men
should wrest from them the deathless realm
and rule the world in their stead.
And though, /_o_b_l_s_/,
the gift of life unending is not for all,
but only for such as are worthy,
/_e_n_/ men of might and pride and great /_i_e_g_/,
yet against /_u_t_c_/ it is done that this gift,
which is his due, should be withheld
from the king of kings, Ar-Pharazon,
to whom Manwe alone can be /_o_p_r_d/,
if even he.
But great kings do not brook denials,
and take what is their due."
sounds like something that Sauron would say.
The Dread Pirate Roberts
08-28-2008, 10:15 AM
/_o_b_l_s_/, = doubtless
/_i_h_i_s_/o_/t_e/_o_s/_f/ = mightiest of the sons of
/_o_p_r_d/ = compared
08-29-2008, 12:09 AM
'because' / 'lineage' / 'earth'
I think that only leaves two more - if we're correct on all those words.
The Dread Pirate Roberts
08-29-2008, 11:39 AM
_e_n_ = being?
08-29-2008, 04:43 PM
'justice' for last word?
If we're all correct, that makes it:
"The Valar have possessed themselves
of the land where there is no death;
and they lie to you concerning it,
hiding it as best they may,
because of their avarice,
and their fear lest the might of Men
should wrest from them the deathless realm
and rule the world in their stead.
And though, doubtless,
the gift of life unending is not for all,
but only for such as are worthy,
being men of might and pride and great lineage,
yet against justice it is done that this gift,
which is his due, should be withheld
from the king of kings, Ar-Pharazon,
mightiest of the sons of the earth,
to whom Manwe alone can be compared,
if even he.
But great kings do not brook denials,
and take what is their due."
08-30-2008, 02:45 AM
"might" in "might of Men" is wrong. It's actually "_i_g_".
You guys have completely forgotten a word! It wasn't me at all!
"y_t/_g_i_s_/a_l/_u_t_c_/." It's in this phrase, from the eighth line up from the bottom.
After "justice", "it is" is wrong.
The rest is right, and I think I heard Sauron mentioned as speaker, which is ALSO right.
First week of school.. a LITTLE hectic - Hence the tardiness in replying.
08-30-2008, 07:58 AM
Ok - let's try this:
"The Valar have possessed themselves
of the land where there is no death;
and they lie to you concerning it,
hiding it as best they may,
because of their avarice,
and their fear lest the liege of Men
should wrest from them the deathless realm
and rule the world in their stead.
And though, doubtless,
the gift of life unending is not for all,
but only for such as are worthy,
being men of might and pride and great lineage,
yet against all justice is it done that this gift,
which is his due, should be withheld
from the king of kings, Ar-Pharazon,
mightiest of the sons of the earth,
to whom Manwe alone can be compared,
if even he.
But great kings do not brook denials,
and take what is their due."
08-30-2008, 11:53 AM
Liege is wrong. Other additions are right, though.
08-30-2008, 11:57 AM
Ah - then how about 'kings'?
08-30-2008, 01:17 PM
Ooh, OOH, YOU WIN!!! Your turn.
08-30-2008, 11:18 PM
/W_e_/!/ :p
OK - here's the next quote:
08-31-2008, 12:50 AM
"Where are..."
08-31-2008, 01:26 AM
"Where are /H_l_a_/ my father, and Haldir my brother?
If the king of /_o_i_t_/ fears a friendship between /_a_e_h/
and those who /d_v_u_e_/h_r/_i_/,
then the /_h_u_h_s/ of the Eldar are /s_r_n_e/_o/_e_."
08-31-2008, 04:51 AM
"Where are Haldad (?) my father, and Haldir my brother? If the king of Doriath fears a friendship between Haleth and those who devoured her kin, then the thoughts of the Eldar are strange to men."
Haleth, one cool women. :D
08-31-2008, 08:17 AM
'Haldad' was her dad. 'Haldir' is not the correct spelling for her brother.
However, since you solved everything else, I don't want to throw you with just the one letter. (and I won't be able to keep an eye on this the next several hours) It was 'Haldar'.
Go ahead and go next. :)
The Dread Pirate Roberts
09-03-2008, 11:41 AM
Bump? Next?
09-03-2008, 03:32 PM
Oops, nearly forgot.
09-03-2008, 07:22 PM
He is Beren son of Barahir, ... of men, mighty foe of Morgoth...
The Dread Pirate Roberts
09-03-2008, 10:17 PM
He is Beren son of Barahir, Lord of Men, mighty foe of Morgoth, the
tale of whose deeds is /_e_o_e/_/sung even among the Elves.
09-03-2008, 11:44 PM
'... is become a song...' ?
09-04-2008, 06:12 AM
All correct, both quote and speaker. Your turn, Oh High King of Annuminas. ;)
09-04-2008, 07:15 PM
There you are, oh lovely and mysterious Elf of Nin in Eilph! ;)
09-04-2008, 08:01 PM
"I think, Frodo, that maybe you will not need to come back,
unless you come very soon. /_o_/a_o_t/_h_s/_i_e/_f/_h_/y_a_/,
when the leaves are gold before they fall,
Look for Bilbo in the /_o_d_/ of the Shire. I shall be with him."
09-04-2008, 11:36 PM
"For about this time of the year..."
" the woods of the..."
09-05-2008, 01:47 AM
All correct.
Your turn Midge. :)
09-06-2008, 11:39 AM
09-06-2008, 11:54 AM
09-06-2008, 02:24 PM
Count Comfect
09-06-2008, 06:19 PM
in F_r_e_'s place
The Dread Pirate Roberts
09-06-2008, 07:00 PM
Lines Two & Three: To Uldor the Accursed you belong/_a_h_r/,/
and should /s_e_/survive with Angband.
09-06-2008, 09:09 PM
I have incorporated all our suggestions so far and added some new ones:
09-06-2008, 10:18 PM
"Then I/_e_y/_o_r/_l_i_/to come of the People of Hador.
To Uldor the Accursed you belong rather,
and should/s_e_/s_r_i_e/with Angband.
But hear me now!/T_e_e/_h_i_e_/I/_i_e/_o_/./
You must/_a_e/me as your/_a_t_i_/in/F_r_e_'s/place,
or else let me go. I will govern this/f_l_o_s_i_/now, or leave it.
But if you wish to kill me, set to!
I will fight/_o_/all/_n_i_/I am/_e_d/--/or/_o_/."
Any speaker suggestions?
09-06-2008, 11:47 PM
"Then I deny your claim to come of the People of Hador.
To Uldor the Accursed you belong rather,
and should seek service with Angband.
But hear me now! These choices I give you.
You must have me as your captain in /F_r_e_'s/place,
or else let me go. I will govern this /f_l_o_s_i_/ now, or leave it.
But if you wish to kill me, set to!
I will fight you all until I am dead--or you."
said by Turin? (I'm thinking to one of his outlaw band)
09-07-2008, 12:34 AM
"have" in "You must have me" is wrong.
Yes to the rest and to Turin.
09-07-2008, 08:25 AM
you must take me
The last missing word is presumably a name, and I don't know who.
09-08-2008, 08:56 AM
all is right so far. i'll leave the name up for a bit longer, in case someone who hasn't seen it yet comes along and knows it. If not, then (by general consensus, of course... if you don't like this idea, we don't have to do it) the quote can be awarded to Varna.
The Dread Pirate Roberts
09-08-2008, 03:25 PM
09-09-2008, 12:46 AM
Close, but not exactly right.
The Dread Pirate Roberts
09-09-2008, 08:50 AM
I'm just throwing letters out there. I have no idea.
09-09-2008, 02:28 PM
Mkay... I guess if no one else has any real guesses, Varna - the quote's yours!
The missing word was "Forweg's". You were EXTRAORDINARILY close, DPR.
09-09-2008, 06:19 PM
OK, then:
09-09-2008, 07:21 PM
"Father, ask the King to forget my insolence to him.
For he is a great king, and his /_u_i_i_y/_e_s/_i_/ far
above my price. I am /c_n_u_r_d/: I submit myself wholly.
That such a king should /_e_i_n/ the /S_e_t_e/ shall
it /v_g_u_/ and wisdom /_s/_o_/ to be /t_o_g_t/.
09-09-2008, 07:33 PM
Mostly right, except for 'price' in line 3 and 'shall it' in lines 4 and 5.
09-09-2008, 08:45 PM
"Father, ask the King to forget my insolence to him.
For he is a great King, and his humility gets him far
above my pride. I am conquered: I submit myself wholly.
That such a King should _e_i_n/the/S_e_t_e/_h_l_/
is vulgur and wisdom is not to be thought."
09-10-2008, 08:51 AM
'gets' in line 2 and 'is vulgur' in line 5 is wrong - the rest is correct.
"Father, ask the King to forget my insolence to him.
For he is a great King, and his humility/_e_s/him far
above my pride. I am conquered: I submit myself wholly.
That such a King should _e_i_n/the/S_e_t_e/_h_l_/
i_/v_g_u_/and wisdom is not to be thought."
09-10-2008, 11:17 AM
sets and design for the first two missing words?
09-10-2008, 10:38 PM
in vigour and wisdom (toughie for me, whose dictionary spells it "vigor"! that is, if it's right.)
09-10-2008, 10:46 PM
I think it's '...resign the Sceptre while...'
Aldarion speaker?
09-10-2008, 10:48 PM
Yeah... that makes lotsa sense, Val!
09-11-2008, 03:30 AM
resign the Sceptre while
in vigour and wisdom
And spoken by Aldarion to his Father the King, asking him to convey his message to his Father the King.
You're next, Valandil!
09-16-2008, 02:57 PM
VAL!!! Your go!
09-17-2008, 08:25 AM
Sorry - lots of work, lots of extra stuff, little energy and a little under the weather at the moment.
But I'll try this evening. Otherwise, anyone may post the next.
09-17-2008, 10:48 AM
Get better soon!
09-17-2008, 08:26 PM
Thag you very buch!
And for the quote:
09-17-2008, 10:42 PM
I'm not currently able to solve the /C_p_a_n/, because my eyes tell me to put Caspian. :eek:
Which it could not have been because of the letters, even if Caspian had ever been mentioned in Tolkien's writings :D
09-17-2008, 11:33 PM
09-17-2008, 11:38 PM
Wrong words are:
The first 'shall'
The last 'he' in the second line
The 'He' starting the third line
Any speaker ideas?
09-18-2008, 12:37 AM
No idea of the speaker. :confused:
The Dread Pirate Roberts
09-18-2008, 09:39 AM
Sleep while you may... soon as news of our deed reaches the Enemy.
09-19-2008, 12:03 AM
Further solves all correct. I think that leaves one word and speaker.
09-19-2008, 02:11 PM
unhurt for the last word?
09-19-2008, 02:42 PM
"Sleep while you may. But the Captain will return,
if he is unhurt; and when he comes we shall depart swiftly.
We shall be pursued as soon as news of our deed reaches the Enemy,
and that will not be long."
I'm getting something along the lines of either Helm's Deep, or the cleansing of Isengard parts... I'll guess ... it doesn't seem like one of the Company, so maybe.. Elfhelm?
Scratch that. I know when it was spoken, but the name of the speaker I am unsure of. Mablung or Damrod... fifty-fifty here. Mablung?
09-19-2008, 06:46 PM
Mablung it is, and the quote's all right. Your turn, Midge! :)
09-19-2008, 08:27 PM
Ooh, I am such a good guesser! Woo hoo me! Ready for a good long one? I've got it!
09-20-2008, 04:01 PM
Wow Midge... you've REALLY started going for the long ones! :p
OK, as one sets about to eat an oliphaunt (in small bites), here goes:
"For mithril. The wealth of Moria was not in gold
and jewels, the /t_y_/ of the /_w_r_e_/;
nor in iron, /_h_i_/s_r_a_t/. Such things
they found here, it is true, especially iron;
but they did not need to delve for them:
all things that they /_e_i_e_/ they could/_
b_a_n/_n/_r_f_i_/. For here alone in the
world was found Moria-silver, or true-silver
as some have called it: Mithril is the
Elvish name. The Dwarves have a name which they
do not tell. Its worth was ten times that of gold,
and now it is /_e_o_d/_r_c_/; for /_i_t_e/ is
_e_t/ above ground, and even the /_r_s/ have not
d_l_e/ here for it. The /_o_e_/ lead away
north /_o_a_d_/ Caradhras, and down to darkness.
The Dwarves tell no tale; but even as mithril
was the foundation of their wealth, so also it
was their destruction: they delved too greedily
and too deep, and disturbed that from which
they fled, Durin's Bane. Of what they
brought to light the Orcs have gathered
nearly all, and given it in tribute to Sauron,
who /_o_e_s/ it."
09-20-2008, 05:10 PM
"For mithril. The wealth of Moria was not in gold
and jewels, the toys of the Dwarves;
nor in iron, /_h_i_/s_r_a_t/. Such things
they found here, it is true, especially iron;
but they did not need to delve for them:
all things that they desired they could/_
b_a_n/_n/_r_f_i_/. For here alone in the
world was found Moria-silver, or true-silver
as some have called it: Mithril is the
Elvish name. The Dwarves have a name which they
do not tell. Its worth was ten times that of gold,
and now it is /_e_o_d/_r_c_/; for little is
_e_t/ above ground, and even the Orcs have not
d_l_e/ here for it. The /_o_e_/ lead away
north towards Caradhras, and down to darkness.
The Dwarves tell no tale; but even as mithril
was the foundation of their wealth, so also it
was their destruction: they delved too greedily
and too deep, and disturbed that from which
they fled, Durin's Bane. Of what they
brought to light the Orcs have gathered
nearly all, and given it in tribute to Sauron,
who /_o_e_s/ it."
09-20-2008, 05:56 PM
Now it is beyond
the cores lead away
09-20-2008, 09:47 PM
"For mithril. The wealth of Moria was not in gold
and jewels, the toys of the Dwarves;
nor in iron, /_h_i_/s_r_a_t/. Such things
they found here, it is true, especially iron;
but they did not need to delve for them:
all things that they desired they could obtain in traffic.
For here alone in the
world was found Moria-silver, or true-silver
as some have called it: Mithril is the
Elvish name. The Dwarves have a name which they
do not tell. Its worth was ten times that of gold,
and now it is beyond price; for little is
left above ground, and even the Orcs dare not
delve here for it. The lodes lead away
north towards Caradhras, and down to darkness.
The Dwarves tell no tale; but even as mithril
was the foundation of their wealth, so also it
was their destruction: they delved too greedily
and too deep, and disturbed that from which
they fled, Durin's Bane. Of what they
brought to light the Orcs have gathered
nearly all, and given it in tribute to Sauron,
who /_o_e_s/ it."
09-20-2008, 09:47 PM
Okay... cross post with Val. His adds are correct. Everything except Varna's "cores" and his original "have" were correct, but both have been fixed in this version! Yay! Keep guessing those last words and the speaker!
09-20-2008, 10:17 PM
Iron, their servant
And Val has already guessed Gandalf.
I second his guess ;)
09-20-2008, 11:12 PM
who covets it
09-21-2008, 06:20 PM
Well, way to go me, missing the original speaker guess, which was indeed quite correct.
Other adds are right, too! Your turn, G1!
09-21-2008, 09:41 PM
I hadn't even realized I solved the last word! :) On to the quote:
m_/ _e_p_n_/./"
09-21-2008, 10:39 PM
"It is fifteen leagues thence to the... of the....
If they went straight south
09-22-2008, 07:38 AM
I hadn't even realized I solved the last word! :) ...
I think Varnafinde edited another word into her last post, after you made yours. ;)
Sneaky, VF... sneaky! :p:D
The Dread Pirate Roberts
09-22-2008, 09:27 AM
It is fifteen leagues thence to the vale of the Morgulduin,
if they went straight south; and then they would be /_t_l_/ five
leagues westward of the accursed Tower. At /_w_f_e_t/ they would
not come there before today, and maybe they have not come
there yet. Indeed I see what you fear. But the /_a_k_e_s/ is
not due to their venture. It began yestereve, and all
Ithilien was under shadow that night. It is clear to me that
the Enemy has long planned an assault on us, and /_t_/hour
had already been determined before ever the travelers left
my keeping.
09-22-2008, 10:54 AM
"It is fifteen leagues thence to the vale of the Morgulduin,
if they went straight south; and then they would be /_t_l_/ five
leagues westward of the accursed Tower. At /_w_f_e_t/ they would
not come there before today, and maybe they have not come
there yet. Indeed I see what you fear. But the /_a_k_e_s/ is
not due to their venture. It began yestereve, and all
Ithilien was under shadow /_a_t/ night. It is clear to me that
the Enemy has long planned an assault on us, and /_t_/hour
had already been determined before ever the travelers left
my keeping."
Only one word wrong, and Faramir is the speaker, so only a few left!
The Dread Pirate Roberts
09-22-2008, 11:13 AM
09-22-2008, 02:06 PM
still five leagues, swiftest
The Dread Pirate Roberts
09-22-2008, 02:20 PM
...under shadow last night.
09-22-2008, 03:02 PM
All correct, so there's only one tiny word left: /_t_/
09-23-2008, 01:55 AM
I think Varnafinde edited another word into her last post, after you made yours. ;)
Sneaky, VF... sneaky! :p:D
Not after, I edited rather than posting, not to double-post - but it's possible that she posted while I was editing, so that she only saw my first version.
*sigh* Editing can play some tricks on you - and posting from a mobile phone doesn't help.
09-23-2008, 01:59 AM
Is it 'its'?
09-23-2008, 02:01 AM
Indeed it is!
Your go, Curufin.
(Thought I'd give the thread one more check before I get some sleep -- it's 2am my time -- which I dearly need!)
09-23-2008, 08:18 AM
Not after, I edited rather than posting, not to double-post - but it's possible that she posted while I was editing, so that she only saw my first version.
*sigh* Editing can play some tricks on you - and posting from a mobile phone doesn't help.
Look again at the post and edit times. Also - I saw the thread with Goldberry's post and the one word still missing from yours. :p
For future reference though, this is ONE thread where it's best to NOT edit your posts. Unless you do so IMMEDIATELY. Otherwise, there are issues like this. :)
09-23-2008, 08:59 AM
If I had realised I was giving you the last word, I wouldn't even have edited, I wouldn't have posted at all, seeing that I was unable to run the next game.
I admit that avoidance is the kind of sneakiness I prefer ;)
09-24-2008, 02:06 PM
We might have to message Rinkë and let her know it is her turn... or we could just wait and take up the mantle of posting again after a couple of days of silence from her...
09-25-2008, 12:05 AM
I'm here. I would have been on this afternoon, but my tetanus shot hurt too bad and made me kind of sick. :( But I'm here now. :)
09-25-2008, 01:00 AM
09-25-2008, 04:03 AM
09-25-2008, 08:32 AM
With due thanks to Varnafindë.
I havent read this book yet. The speaker is talking abt the 'Gift of Men' and how it was seen as a 'Doom of Men'.My guess is that its obviously an Elf(Elrond?) talking to one of the Dúnedain (?).
09-25-2008, 08:49 AM
Indeed the mind of Iluvatar concerning you is not known to the valar, and he has not revealed all things that are to come. But this we hold to be true, that your home is not here, neither in the land of Aman nor anywhere within the circles of the world. And the Doom of Men, that they should/_e_a_t/,was at first a gift of Iluvatar. It became a _r_e_/to [B]them only because/_o_i_g/under the shadow of Morgoth it seemed to them that they were surrounded by a great darkness of which they were afraid; and/_o_e/grow/_i_f_l/and proud and would not yield until life was/_e_t/from them.
09-25-2008, 12:49 PM
With due thanks to Varnafindë.
I havent read this book yet. The speaker is talking abt the 'Gift of Men' and how it was seen as a 'Doom of Men'.My guess is that its obviously an Elf(Elrond?) talking to one of the Dúnedain (?).
Could it be Finrod talking to Andreth?
It seems familiar ...
Oh yes - this is Curufin giving the quote, it's not at all unlikely to be from the Athrabeth then :D
A few more words:
09-25-2008, 02:51 PM
Hmm, if it's indeed from the Anthrabeth, methinks someone's in the wrong quote thread. :p
09-25-2008, 02:56 PM
It is in fact, not from the Athrabeth. :p
Eärniel's "grow" is wrong, but all of Varna's additions are right. :)
09-25-2008, 03:02 PM
So that's why it was only "familiar" and not spot on :D
09-25-2008, 03:32 PM
"Indeed the mind of Iluvatar concerning you is not known to the valar, and he has not revealed all things that are to come. But this we hold to be true, that your home is not here, neither in the land of Aman nor anywhere within the circles of the world. And the Doom of Men, that they should depart,was at first a gift of Iluvatar. It became a/_r_e_/to them only because coming under the shadow of Morgoth it seemed to them that they were surrounded by a great darkness of which they were afraid; and some grew wilful and proud and would not yield until life was rent from them."
I've got no idea of the speaker, the first sentence makes me think it's a Vala, but the rest sounds more like an elf... or maybe a Maia (seems a good compromise :p)... How about I go out on a limb and guess Melian? No clue if that is even close...
09-25-2008, 05:49 PM
'rent' is not correct.
And Melian isn't even close. ;)
09-25-2008, 06:50 PM
Like I said, it was a wild shot in the dark. That word I guessed before.. is it "left"?
09-25-2008, 09:08 PM
Nope. :)
The Dread Pirate Roberts
09-25-2008, 10:47 PM
How about Beleg?
09-25-2008, 11:59 PM
Nope and nope. Grief has an extra letter, anyway.
09-26-2008, 07:06 AM
Curufin - "grief" fits in one of the unsolved words (from DPR's guess).
"kept" for the other?
The Dread Pirate Roberts
09-29-2008, 09:42 AM
I'm pretty certain 'grief' IS correct and I think you got the last word with 'kept' Val.
Now for a idea...Ulmo?
09-29-2008, 09:00 PM
I've checked... hold on. No clue really where to find it...
Okay. I've found it. "Grief" is correct, "kept" is not (that one's actually quite the doozy!)
Ulmo is not the speaker.
I learned a new word looking up the doozy one!
The Dread Pirate Roberts
09-30-2008, 10:00 AM
It can't possibly be 'leet' can it? :p
Wait, I think I've got a guess. How about "reft"?
Here's where we currently stand:
Indeed the mind of Iluvatar concerning you is not known to the valar, and he has not revealed all things that are to come. But this we hold to be true, that your home is not here, neither in the land of Aman nor anywhere within the circles of the world. And the Doom of Men, that they should depart,was at first a gift of Iluvatar. It became a grief to them only because coming under the shadow of Morgoth it seemed to them that they were surrounded by a great darkness of which they were afraid; and some grew wilful and proud and would not yield until life was /_e_t/ from them.
Speaker: ???
09-30-2008, 02:22 PM
reft is it!!! Holy cow, you're amazing, DPR!
Speaker is still left, though.
09-30-2008, 08:12 PM
Hmmmm... who would say a word like 'reft'?
Finrod Felagund?
The Dread Pirate Roberts
09-30-2008, 10:42 PM
reft is it!!! Holy cow, you're amazing, DPR!
Thanks. It's funny how the mind works...
I was thinking about the other word, 'grief', and how it, and death, might relate to 'their life was _e_t from them'. 'Bereft' popped into my head. Then I thought, hmm, if the 'be' is a prefix, then 'reft' must be a word. In other words it was a combination of letting the mind wander in a stream of consciousness and pure luck. I didn't know the word 'reft' until today, or at least I wasn't aware if I did.
How about Eönwë? Speaking to some of the Edain after the War of Wrath?
09-30-2008, 10:57 PM
It's actually past tense of the word "reave"... so "bereave" makes sense there too... Huh... you learn something new each day.
The speaker is neither of your guesses... it's actually kind of vague, so just keep guessing and if you get close, I'll give it to you. I promise it'll be fair!
10-01-2008, 12:02 AM
Oh - is it an un-named Elven messenger of Manwe - I forget if they came from Avallone or Aman (which??) - speaking to the Numenoreans - a Numenorean King (also not named, I think) specifically?
10-01-2008, 12:16 AM
Yes.. it says "messengers", so if you said messengers or Manwe, I would have given it to you. However, you, Val, have said both, so your turn it is.. plus a bonus point!
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-01-2008, 10:00 AM
The quote has to be from UT. I know I'd recognize it if it was from Sil, TH, or LotR.
An elf visiting the west coast of Numenor, talking to Erendis, perhaps?
10-01-2008, 04:18 PM
No, as a matter of fact, it was in the Silmarillion. Of course it was in the Akallabeth.. or whatever the Numenor section is...
10-01-2008, 09:22 PM
Yes - Akallabeth. Here's the next:
10-01-2008, 11:56 PM
"Don't be /a_s_r_/!/ He is an enemy /_u_t_/ beyond
the /_o_e_s/ of all the Dwarves put together,
if they could all be collected /a_a_n/ from
the four corners of the world.
The one thing your father wished was you his
son to /r_a_/ the /_a_/ and /_s_/ the /_e_/.
The /_r_g_n/ and the /_o_n_a_n/ are more
than big enough tasks for you!"
10-02-2008, 03:44 AM
"Don't be absurd! He is an enemy /_u_t_/ beyond the /_o_e_s/ of all the Dwarves put together, if they could all be collected again from the four corners of the world. The one thing your father wished was you his son to /r_a_/ the /_a_/ and /_s_/ the /_e_/. The dragon and the mountain are more than big enough tasks for you!"
Gandalf to Thorin
10-02-2008, 07:47 AM
All correct so far. :)
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-02-2008, 10:28 AM
Don't be absurd! He is an enemy /_u_t_/ beyond the powers of all the Dwarves put together, if they could all be collected again from the four corners of the world. The one thing your father wished was you his son to read the map and /_s_/ the /_e_/. The dragon and the mountain are more than big enough tasks for you!
10-02-2008, 10:40 AM
/use/ the /key/
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-02-2008, 10:50 AM
It's Gandalf speaking to Thorin.
10-02-2008, 10:29 PM
All are correct (Earniel had already given the speaker, DPR).
There's only one word left to solve.
10-03-2008, 10:48 AM
10-03-2008, 07:04 PM
Quite right! (which rhymes with 'bright' ;) )
Your turn here too, Varnafinde! :)
10-03-2008, 09:36 PM
Thank you! ;)
Then the next:
10-04-2008, 01:48 AM
"There's some /n_t/_a_/a_a_/ that wouldn't after
a pint of beer do a /f_i_n_/,/ if they lived in a hole
with /g_l_e_/ walls. But they do things /p_o_e_/ at
Bag End. Our Sam says that everyone's bound to be
invited to the party, and there's going to be presents,/
_a_k/_o_/, presents for all - this very month as is."
The Gaffer?
10-04-2008, 02:03 AM
"There's some /n_t/_a_/a_a_/ that wouldn't after
a pint of beer do a /f_i_n_/,/ if they lived in a hole
with /g_l_e_/ walls. But they do things /p_o_e_/ at
Bag End. Our Sam says that everyone's bound to be
invited to the party, and there's going to be presents,/
_a_k/_o_/, presents for all - this very month as is."
The Gaffer?
not far away; offer ... to a friend... golden walls.
mark you
10-04-2008, 07:59 AM
If Midge's solves are right, I think 'offer' - rather than 'after'.
10-04-2008, 08:58 AM
/_o_n_/ as 'bound' is not correct, as the only word left.
Speaker is the Gaffer.
10-04-2008, 06:49 PM
*psst... Val! I said "offer"... * It doesn't really matter, though, seeing as how it didn't turn out to be the last wrong word.
10-04-2008, 07:46 PM
Midge - oops, missed that. Sorry. Guess I see them best when they're inserted into the quote.
10-04-2008, 10:09 PM
*psst... Val! I said "offer"... * It doesn't really matter, though, seeing as how it didn't turn out to be the last wrong word.
I saw you offering "offer", though, and would have given it to you if it had been the last word. Perhaps I should have commented on it.
"going" was the last word, and you're getting it anyway :)
10-05-2008, 02:11 AM
Ahhh... it's all right. I'm probably too touchy about that anyway.
I've not got my book with me now.. probably will post tomorrow afternoon. I promise.
10-05-2008, 04:53 PM
Okay. Quote time:
10-05-2008, 05:12 PM
"To the land of /_e_e_o_m/_o_/ which you seek, Lady,
you can by no means pass through the realm of King Thingol;
you must ride beyond the /_i_d_e/ of /_e_i_n/,/ to the south
or to the north. The /s_e_d_e_t/_a_/i_/b_/ the /_a_h_/ that lead east
from the /_r_t_i_c_/ through /_i_b_r/and among the /north-_a_c_/ of this
kingdom, /_n_i_/ you /_a_s/ the /B_i_g_/ of /E_g_l_u_n/ and the roads of /A_o_/,/
and come to the lands that lie behind the /_i_l/ of /_i_r_n_/./
There dwell, as we believe, /_e_e_o_m/ and Curufin,
and it may be that you will find them; but the road is perilous."
10-05-2008, 06:44 PM
"To the land of /Celegorm/for/ which you seek, Lady,
you can by no means pass through the realm of King Thingol;
you must ride beyond the /Girdle/ of /Melian/,/ to the south
or to the north. The /s_e_d_e_t/_a_/i_/b_/ the /paths/ that lead east
from the /_r_t_i_c_/ through /_i_b_r/and among the /north-_a_c_/ of this
kingdom, /until/ you /pass/ the /Bridge/ of /E_g_l_u_n/ and the roads of /Arog/,/
and come to the lands that lie behind the /hill/ of /Himring/./
There dwell, as we believe, /Celegorm/ and Curufin,
and it may be that you will find them; but the road is perilous."
10-05-2008, 10:47 PM
"To the land of Celegorm for which you seek, Lady,
you can by no means pass through the realm of King Thingol;
you must ride beyond the Girdle of Melian, to the south
or to the north. The steadiest way is by the paths that lead east
from the Brithiach through timber and along the north-march of this
kingdom, until you pass the Bridge of Esgalduin and the roads of Arog,
and come to the lands that lie behind the hill of Himring.
There dwell, as we believe, Celegorm and Curufin,
and it may be that you will find them; but the road is perilous."
10-06-2008, 12:18 AM
"To the land of Celegorm for which you seek, Lady,
you can by no means pass through the realm of King Thingol;
you must ride beyond the Girdle of Melian, to the south
or to the north. The/s_e_d_e_t/way is by the paths that lead east
from the Brithiach through timber and along the north-march of this
kingdom, until you pass the Bridge of Esgalduin and the/_o_d_/of/A_o_/,
and come to the lands that lie behind the hill of Himring.
There dwell, as we believe, Celegorm and Curufin,
and it may be that you will find them; but the road is perilous."
And we still need a speaker.
10-06-2008, 04:34 AM
"To the land of Celegorm for which you seek, Lady,
you can by no means pass through the realm of King Thingol;
you must ride beyond the Girdle of Melian, to the south
or to the north. The speediest way is by the paths that lead east
from the Brithiach through timber and along the north-march of this
kingdom, until you pass the Bridge of Esgalduin and the fords of Arod,
and come to the lands that lie behind the hill of Himring.
There dwell, as we believe, Celegorm and Curufin,
and it may be that you will find them; but the road is perilous."
10-06-2008, 07:55 AM
Ah well! Its complete.
Im surprised that no one talked about the speaker and the context. Is it because its way too easy?
Its the march-wardens of Doriath speaking to Aredhel, when she left Gondolin in search of her cousins.
P.S: I just finished my copy of The Silmarillion :D
10-06-2008, 02:45 PM
NO! It's not finished.
"To the land of Celegorm for which you seek, Lady,
you can by no means pass through the realm of King Thingol;
you must ride beyond the Girdle of Melian, to the south
or to the north. The speediest way is by the paths that lead east
from the Brithiach through/_i_b_r/and along the north-march of this
kingdom, until you pass the Bridge of Esgalduin and the Fords of/A_o_/,
and come to the lands that lie behind the hill of Himring.
There dwell, as we believe, Celegorm and Curufin,
and it may be that you will find them; but the road is perilous."
Sorry, guys. I saw the bolded mistake and then completely forgot to change it. It's not correct either.
Ilfirin, sorry for my haste in correcting you. Your speaker addition is quite correct.
I get the impression that quite a few people are drawn into Entmoot by the Quote Game. Yours truly included! :D
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-06-2008, 03:37 PM
10-06-2008, 04:22 PM
Yes, Dimbar is the first missing word. The second is still missing.
10-07-2008, 06:34 AM
Is it the Fords of Aron? Sirion is the only river in Beleriand that stays in my memory.
10-07-2008, 02:22 PM
No. Aron isn't it either.
Surprise poll! Should I give on this last word, or just wait till you guys find the right letter (you've only got... I think 24 letters left?... and that's without using the major letters!)
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-07-2008, 05:30 PM
I vote that you give the next quote to Ilfirin, but if you don't I'll guess: Aros.
10-07-2008, 07:30 PM
Aros is right, but if you don't want the quote, it's Ilfirin's.
10-08-2008, 04:07 AM
Let The Dead Pirate Roberts give the next one. Actually I wont be near my computer for another couple of days.
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-08-2008, 08:45 AM
Y_u/_a_/l_a_n/_u_h/_f/_h_m/./ _h_y/_r_/a/_a_r/_o_k/_n_/w_n_e_f_l/,/
10-08-2008, 09:57 AM
You/_a_/l_a_n/_u_h/of/them/./ They/are/a/_a_r/_o_k/and/wonderful/,/
P.S: If you can excuse my typo in the previous post, Mr. Dread Pirate Roberts.
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-08-2008, 11:19 AM
"might" is incorrect.
The rest is correct.
10-08-2008, 12:55 PM
You/_a_/l_a_n/_u_h/of them/./ They are a/fair/folk/and wonderful,
and they have a power over the hearts of Men.
And yet/I/think/sometimes/that it might have been better if/we/had/never/met/them/,/
_o_/a_r_a_y/they are a_c_e_t/_n/_n_w_e_g_/;/
and they are proud and/e_d_r_n_/./
In their/light/we are/_i_m_d/,/or we/_u_n/_i_h/too quick a/f_a_e/,/
_n_/the/_e_g_t/of/our/doom/l_e_/the/_e_v_e_/on us/./
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-08-2008, 01:02 PM
All correct.
10-08-2008, 01:54 PM
In their light we are/dimmed/,/or we/burn/with/too quick a/flame/,/
and/the/weight/of our doom/lies/the/heavier/on us/./
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-08-2008, 01:59 PM
Very good. This should be wrapped up pretty quickly at this rate.
10-08-2008, 03:33 PM
You/can/learn/much/of them. They are a fair folk and wonderful,
and they have a power over the hearts of Men.
And yet I think sometimes that it might have been better if we had never met them,
For/a_r_a_y/they are ancient/in/_n_w_e_g_/;/
and they are proud and/enduring/./
In their light we are dimmed, or we burn with too quick a flame,
and the weight of our doom lies the heavier on us.
Is the speaker Turin's mother - Morwen?
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-08-2008, 03:51 PM
All still correct.
10-08-2008, 04:13 PM
"You can learn much of them. They are a fair folk and wonderful,
and they have a power over the hearts of Men.
And yet I think sometimes that it might
have been better if we had never met them,
but had willed it lowlier ways.
For already they are ancient in knowledge;
and they are proud and enduring.
In their light we are dimmed, or we burn with too quick a flame,
and the weight of our doom lies the heavier on us."
Kind of a cross-post with Princess, I guess.
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-08-2008, 05:03 PM
Very close. The speaker's a tough one, IMO.
You can learn much of them. They are a fair folk and wonderful,
and they have a power over the hearts of Men.
And yet I think sometimes that it might
have been better if we had never met them,
but had /w_l_e_/i_/ lowlier ways.
For already they are ancient in knowledge;
and they are proud and enduring.
In their light we are dimmed, or we burn with too quick a flame,
and the weight of our doom lies the heavier on us."
10-08-2008, 09:43 PM
Very close. The speaker's a tough one, IMO.
but had /w_l_e_/in/ lowlier ways.
I suggested Morwen for the speaker - was I right or wrong?
10-08-2008, 11:01 PM
If it's not Morwen, I thought it might be that servant whom Turin loved, for whom he had a special nickname: Sador was his real name, Labadal was Turin's name for him.
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-09-2008, 09:20 AM
Midge has it. "walked in" and Sador/Labadal. All correct.
10-09-2008, 03:32 PM
Huh. Lookie there. Post later... Or now.
10-09-2008, 07:52 PM
On, Shadowfax! We must hasten. Time is short. See! The beacons of Gondor are alight, ...
That's as far as I can easily get ...
The speaker is Gandalf.
10-09-2008, 08:14 PM
"Oh, Shadowfax! We must hasten. Time is short. See!
The beacons of Gondor are alight, /_a_l_n_/f_r/_i_/./
War is kindled. See, there is the fire of Amon Din,
and flame in /_i_e_a_h/; and there they /_o/_p_e_i_g/_e_t/:/
Eee... I'm not good at these beacon names. I think Earniel has them memorized. :)
10-09-2008, 08:41 PM
"On, Shadowfax! We must hasten. Time is short. See!
The beacons of Gondor are alight,/_a_l_n_/f_r/_i_/./
War is kindled. See, there is the fire/o_/Amon Din,
and flame/_n/_i_e_a_h/; and there they /_o/_p_e_i_g/_e_t/:/
That's downright impressive of Earn! Speaker is correct, too, Varna.
10-10-2008, 12:33 AM
"On, Shadowfax! We must hasten. Time is short. See!
The beacons of Gondor are alight,/_a_l_n_/ for /_i_/./
War is kindled. See, there is the fire on Amon Din,
and flame on /_i_e_a_h/; and there they /_o/_p_e_i_g/ west:/
_a_d_l/,/_r_l_s/,/_i_-R_m_o_/,/C_l_n_a_/, and the /H_l_f_r_e_/
on the /_o_d_r_/ of Rohan."
10-10-2008, 12:39 AM
All adds are correct.
10-10-2008, 03:16 AM
Hilfirien on the border of Rohan.
I've played this particular quote on a different board. In the end we had to be allowed to reread the text (but then close the book) before answering. Even then I had trouble with some of those names.
But Earniel was not playing on that board ...
10-10-2008, 04:16 AM
Eee... I'm not good at these beacon names. I think Earniel has them memorized. :)Hardly, I may have at some point, but now only a few that I thought were pretty names linger in memory. ;)
"On, Shadowfax! We must hasten. Time is short. See! The beacons of Gondor are alight, calling for aid. War is kindled. See, there is the fire on Amon Din, and flame on /_i_e_a_h/; and there they go speeding west: Nardol,/_r_l_s/,/_i_-R_m_o_/,/Calenhad, and the Halifirien on the borders of Rohan."
10-10-2008, 07:23 AM
10-11-2008, 01:33 AM
All adds are right! The last two are probably the hardest, and least well known...
10-11-2008, 03:38 AM
*digs deep in memory* Eilenath?
10-12-2008, 11:52 PM
"On, Shadowfax! We must hasten. Time is short. See! The beacons of Gondor are alight, calling for aid. War is kindled. See, there is the fire on Amon Din, and flame on /_i_e_a_h/; and there they go speeding west: Nardol,/_r_l_s/, Min-Rimmon, Calenhad, and the Halifirien on the borders of Rohan."
OH, Earn! You were so close with "Eilenath"... only one letter off!
10-13-2008, 04:17 AM
Eh, can you tell me which one?
Maybe we can play the two remaining words by correct letters, instead of entire words? ;)
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-13-2008, 11:33 AM
I'm going to guess Eilenach.
10-13-2008, 09:28 PM
"Trolls" fits... :p but I don't think that would be it.
I'll toss out a pure guess: 'Orolas' ?
10-13-2008, 11:52 PM
Eilenach is right. Orolas....
Are going by letters? Okay.
"On, Shadowfax! We must hasten. Time is short. See! The beacons of Gondor are alight, calling for aid. War is kindled. See, there is the fire on Amon Din, and flame on Eilenach; and there they go speeding west: Nardol,/_r_las/, Min-Rimmon, Calenhad, and the Halifirien on the borders of Rohan."
10-14-2008, 07:42 AM
10-14-2008, 02:11 PM
We're getting closer...
"On, Shadowfax! We must hasten. Time is short. See! The beacons of Gondor are alight, calling for aid. War is kindled. See, there is the fire on Amon Din, and flame on Eilenach; and there they go speeding west: Nardol,/_relas/, Min-Rimmon, Calenhad, and the Halifirien on the borders of Rohan."
10-14-2008, 03:31 PM
I seem to remember there being more vowels in that name.
10-14-2008, 05:40 PM
Well.. that's it, that's not how you spell it, but we'd already established the SECOND missing letter was an "e". The first missing letter is "E" also. So Varna got it.
10-14-2008, 07:48 PM
I should have noticed that the rest of the name was in your post already and just have offered
E :D
Anyway - on for the next one:
10-14-2008, 10:58 PM
"Surely you don't disbelieve the prophecies,
because you had a hand in bringing them about yourself?
You don't really suppose, do you, that all your
adventures and escapes were managed by mere luck,
just for your sole benefit?"
That would be Gandalf! :)
10-14-2008, 11:16 PM
It would indeed! Everything correct - your go!
10-16-2008, 08:22 AM
Forgot I was up. :o I'll try to post this evening.
10-17-2008, 12:48 AM
10-17-2008, 04:11 AM
"Now what have you been doing,/_r/./_n_e_h_l_/?
up my/_r_c_s/with your/_c_o_a_i_s!"
10-17-2008, 07:25 AM
"Now what have you been doing,/_r/./_n_e_h_l_/?
up my/_r_c_s/with your/_c_o_a_i_s!"
If it isn't too obvious, my mother tongue isn't English :D.
But less number of proper nouns makes it a breather.
Barliman speaking to Aragorn?
10-17-2008, 08:28 AM
All correct on the words so far. Ilfirin - it was not said to Aragorn, but Barliman Butterbur was the speaker! :)
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-17-2008, 08:34 AM
Mr. Underhill
10-17-2008, 08:24 PM
10-17-2008, 09:54 PM
Yes - very good all! I suppose those might be the only uses of 'crocks' and 'acrobatics' in all of JRRT's writings! :p
Your turn, Midge. :)
10-20-2008, 09:47 PM
You're getting... almost... as bad as me! :p
10-21-2008, 02:05 PM
I know, I know. :D
Stupid school... I've got a scholarship to nurse back to health... and this past weekend my boyfriend had family in town (brother, wife and SEVEN kids, plus three dogs and a raccoon!) so I didn't have time to BREATHE, let alone even think about mooting.
It's been since FRIDAY since I last posted. I've got an essay rough draft to write tonight, but I promise. I'll post a quote. I don't have a tolkien text with me now or I would do it now.
Be patient, and I apologize for the wait!
10-22-2008, 03:50 PM
10-22-2008, 08:12 PM
And the speaker is Aragorn.
10-22-2008, 10:39 PM
"See! Here we find /_o_e_s/! No orc-tools these!
They were borne by the hobbits. Doubtless the Orcs despoiled them,
but feared to keep the knives, knowing them for what they are:
work of Westernesse, wound about with spells for the bane of Mordor.
Well, now, if they still live, our friends are weaponless.
I will take these things, hoping against hope, to give them back."
And a GOOD THING he did it! :D
10-22-2008, 10:59 PM
Yes. All we need is that last word, and of course, the antecedent to the "he" you mention.
10-23-2008, 07:43 AM
Midge - if you didn't see it, on the previous page, Varnafinde guessed 'Aragorn' as speaker - and I think she's right. But let us know.
I'm still puzzling out that last word.
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-23-2008, 08:56 AM
EDIT: Sorry. Page refresh problem there... :o
*runs in, puzzles over the puzzle*
"tokens", IIRC ...
*runs back out*
10-23-2008, 04:27 PM
Aragorn is right. I missed that. Way to go, Rian. "Tokens" is right.
You'd best run back in soon, or before we get to where we're clamoring for a quote!
Whew! haven't done this game for awhile! I'm such an old member, I remember when we first started it!
I only have one of the books in front of me right now, so I'll use it. A short quote, but hopefully one word will be hard:
10-23-2008, 05:36 PM
"What? A furrier, a man that calls gambits canter,
when he doesn't term their skunk into shutreeds?"
incorrect words - gambits, canter, term, skunk, shutreeds :D
(I thought "furrier" would be hard!)
10-23-2008, 07:55 PM
"What? A furrier, a man that calls/rabbits/c_n_e_/,
when he doesn't/turn/their/skins/into/s_u_r_e_s/?/"
Is Bilbo the speaker?
10-23-2008, 09:05 PM
Not sure about that other word. :confused:
Rian - you should try our 'Narnia Quote Game' down in CS Lewis forum. :)
Everything's right - just missing one word now :)
(nah, I just peeked in here for old times' sake)
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-24-2008, 09:32 AM
I don't know the last word, either, but I think the speaker is Beorn.
10-24-2008, 09:58 AM
I don't know the last word, either, but I think the speaker is Beorn.
I suggested Bilbo - I think he is saying it about Beorn, though.
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-24-2008, 10:03 AM
Now that I think of it, you're probably right.
10-24-2008, 10:15 AM
/squirrels/?/ ?
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-28-2008, 09:58 AM
counting. . .
10-28-2008, 10:29 AM
I'm pretty sure "squirrels" is wrong. I don't have my Hobbit copy.. loaned it out. But turning skins into squirrells would not do much for the job of a furrier and Squirrell has two Ls.
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-28-2008, 10:49 AM
Squirrel has one "L" in it. But I agree that it doesn't seem to fit the context.
Can't think of anything better right now, though.
10-29-2008, 08:44 PM
Oh. You're right. It does have one L. That word is tricky!
"What? A furrier, a man that calls rabbits conies,
when he doesn't turn their skins into/s_u_r_e_s/?/"
For some reason I'm getting that that missing word is a sort of synonym with "curtains".
10-30-2008, 03:31 PM
nvm. I checked. It IS "squirrels". What an odd thing to say!
10-30-2008, 09:27 PM
I guess that for some reason, squirrel fur might be more valuable than rabbit fur?
The Dread Pirate Roberts
10-31-2008, 11:13 AM
Was the speaker confirmed?
11-01-2008, 04:13 PM
Everything's right - just missing one word now :)
(nah, I just peeked in here for old times' sake)
She said that after I had suggested Bilbo for the speaker, so I hope she included that as right ...
11-03-2008, 03:10 PM
Bilbo is right. I was afraid that I had the quote. Glad I didn't.
11-03-2008, 03:58 PM
Does this mean I should do the next quote without us waiting any longer for Rian?
The Dread Pirate Roberts
11-03-2008, 06:15 PM
I think so.
11-03-2008, 09:07 PM
Here goes, then:
11-03-2008, 11:21 PM
"Hail /E_r_n_i_/, bearer of light before the Sun and Moon!
/S_l_n_o_r/ of the /C_i_d_e_/ of Earth, star in the darkness,
jewel in the sunset, radiant in the morning!"
11-03-2008, 11:50 PM
Earendil, Splendour of the Children of Earth...
The Dread Pirate Roberts
11-04-2008, 11:19 AM
Guess I'm too late. . .
11-04-2008, 11:58 AM
Still got a speaker up in the air.
go check out the Narnia quote game, if you haven't already. I posted a nice long one last night, just to quench your quote-solving hankerings!
11-05-2008, 02:27 AM
Still got a speaker up in the air.
Is it Eonwe? when Earendil landed on the blessed land?
11-05-2008, 06:08 AM
All correct!
Ilfirin is next.
11-05-2008, 07:50 AM
Aha! My first quote.
S_t/_o_/t_e_e/;/_n_/l_o_/o_t/_p_n/_h_/l_n_s/_h_r_/e_i_/a_d/_e_p_i_/s_a_l/_o_e/_p_n/_h_s_ /w_o_/t_o_/l_v_s_/./T_o_/h_s_/d_r_d/_o/_o_k/_e/,/_n_/t_/ q_e_t_o_/t_e/_o_e_/o_/_e_k_r/,/_a_t_r/o_/t_e/_a_e_/o_/A_d_/./T_e_e_o_e/ _i_h/_y/_y_s/_h_u/s_a_t/_e_/,/a_d/_i_h/_y/_a_s/_h_u/_h_l_/_e_r/;/_n_/ n_v_r/_h_l_/t_o_/m_v_/f_o_/t_i_/p_a_e/_n_i_/a_l/_s/_u_f_l_e_/u_t_/i_s/ _i_t_r/_n_.
Phew:eek: Anyone got some shortcuts? This was my first time.
11-05-2008, 08:15 AM
Hey Ilfirin - congratulations! :)
Did you read the opening post of the thread? As well as the game rules, there are a few basic tips for typing in quotes.
"Sit you there; and look out upon the lands where /e_i_/ and
_e_p_i_/ shall come upon /_h_s_/w_o_/ thou livest.
Thou hast dared to /_o_k/ me, and to question the /_o_e_/ of Melkor,
/_a_t_r/ of the /_a_e_/ of Arda.
Therefore with my eyes thou shalt see,
and with my ears though shalt hear;
and never shalt though move from this place until all
is fulfilled unto its bitter end."
Speaker is Morgoth
11-05-2008, 09:07 AM
Thank you! Thank you!
I thought that may be you guys use some sort of text editor or something. Never mind. S/W engineers are accustomed to using short cuts for anything and everything :D.
All your additions are right , except for 'livest'.
Speaker is right too.
11-05-2008, 09:59 AM
Then go through and replace every other letter with an underscore '_' - this goes quickly if you use the 'forward arrow' key to advance, use the 'delete' key and then add the underscore where the letter was.
My technique is to mark the letter with the mouse and then replace it with the underscore.
It still takes some time ...
My contribution:
/those/whom/ thou lovest.
dared to /mock/ me
The Dread Pirate Roberts
11-05-2008, 10:08 AM
Sit you there; and look out upon the lands where evil and
despair shall come upon those whom thou lovest.
Thou hast dared to mock me, and to question the power of Melkor,
master of the fates of Arda.
Therefore with my eyes thou shalt see,
and with my ears though shalt hear;
and never shalt though move from this place until all
is fulfilled unto its bitter end.
11-05-2008, 03:36 PM
Aha! My first quote.
S_t/_o_/t_e_e/;/_n_/l_o_/o_t/_p_n/_h_/l_n_s/_h_r_/e_i_/a_d/_e_p_i_/s_a_l/_o_e/_p_n/_h_s_ /w_o_/t_o_/l_v_s_/./T_o_/h_s_/d_r_d/_o/_o_k/_e/,/_n_/t_/ q_e_t_o_/t_e/_o_e_/o_/_e_k_r/,/_a_t_r/o_/t_e/_a_e_/o_/A_d_/./T_e_e_o_e/ _i_h/_y/_y_s/_h_u/s_a_t/_e_/,/a_d/_i_h/_y/_a_s/_h_u/_h_l_/_e_r/;/_n_/ n_v_r/_h_l_/t_o_/m_v_/f_o_/t_i_/p_a_e/_n_i_/a_l/_s/_u_f_l_e_/u_t_/i_s/ _i_t_r/_n_.
Phew:eek: Anyone got some shortcuts? This was my first time.
My technique is to use the ever-hated-by-computer-geeks-at-large Internet Explorer browser, which allows you to use the [insert] key. Basically I type it in using / instead of spaces, punch the [insert] key and then I start at the beginning again and start this rhythm of shift+[- key] then the left arrow key. When I get to the /s I hit the arrow key twice. Depending on the length of my quote, it takes a relatively short amount of time.
Shucks... I was too late to take a stab at solving the quote.. I wouldn't come up with better adds than DPR did.
11-06-2008, 01:08 AM
Everythings right, including Midge's surmise that IE is hated by S/W engineers :D.
Though the 'though' in the last sentence is wrong.(I somehow missed it in Val's post yesterday) It's a four letter word , repeatedly used in that quote, and may be a typo. Its 'thou'.
BTW vi editor also provides the 'insert anywhere' option. Be warned, its a Linux/Unix thing.
DPR next. right?
Anyways thanks for all the tips.
The Dread Pirate Roberts
11-06-2008, 09:16 AM
w_t_ /U_m_/b_i_t/_h_/c_o_d_/a_d/_o_r_d/_u_/t_e/_a_n_/,/
11-06-2008, 12:17 PM
Yet it was in the Song. For while thou/_e_t/_n/_h_/h_a_e_s/and with Ulmo built the clouds and/_o_r_d/_u_/the rains, I lifted up the branches of great trees to receive them, and some sang to Ilúvatar amid the/_i_d/_n_/t_e/_a_n/.
Yavanna to Manwë
11-06-2008, 12:26 PM
11-06-2008, 12:30 PM
/_e_t/ in / the / heavens /
11-06-2008, 06:49 PM
poured out the rains.
It sounds like there is a phrase missing between "with Ulmo" and "built the clouds" OR between "in the heavens with" and "Ulmo built the clouds".
I'm inclined to think the latter, if it's true.
The Dread Pirate Roberts
11-07-2008, 01:41 PM
All correct and nothing is missing.
You're up, Midge. :)
11-09-2008, 02:04 AM
Coming up tomorrow... it's too late now. I'll make a note!
*scribbles all over rule!*
11-09-2008, 11:54 PM
The Dread Pirate Roberts
11-10-2008, 12:35 AM
I would gladly learn how this/c_e_p_n_/Smeagol
became possessed of the thing of which we speak,
and how he lost it, but I will not trouble you now.
If ever beyond hope you return to the lands of the living
and we re-tell our tales, sitting by a wall in the sun,
laughing at all grief, you shall tell me then.
Until that time, or some other time beyond the vision
of the seeing-stones of Numenor, farewell!
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