View Full Version : Weird Dreams....
11-15-2002, 07:21 PM
Anyone ever get those really weird dreams that either:
a) feel really real and you can't get back to sleep.
b) are so bizarre you wonder what realm of your psyche they come from and wish they hadn't.
c) anything else you guys can think of?
I had the weirdest last night. Woke up and thought someone or something was pinning me to the bed. Threw the covers off and ran to the door screaming my head off but by the time I got there (i.e. 2 paces later, my rooms tiny) I couldn't remember what I was screaming the place down for and there was nothing in my room. The funny thing was my Mum woke up and was all worried but my Pa and bro slept through it- I could have been being murdered and they slept through it!!!!!!! Tend to have very scary dreams about Ringwraiths too- what about you guys or do I need to see a shrink? Mx
11-15-2002, 08:48 PM
Trust me, you don't want to know.
Sister Golden Hair
11-15-2002, 11:24 PM
Tend to have very scary dreams about Ringwraiths too Is this from too many trips to the theatre, or eyeballing that dvd too much?:D
11-16-2002, 03:05 AM
Last night I dreamed that it was December 18 and went to the theater to see TTT. Nearly everyone in that entire theater was a Tolkienite (there were about three so-called normal people). Not all the Tolkienites were human -- some were, but others were hobbits, elves, dwarves, Ents, and even Nazgul. We all (except "norms") had One Ring replicas, but the dwarves kept stealing the Nazguls' replicas and smashing them to bits. Everyone ('cept "norms") shouted "Hasty orcs!" through the entire film, and we frightened the "normal people" away.
Never had a scary dream about Ringwraiths, did dream Sauron was working in my garage ...:eek:
11-16-2002, 02:26 PM
Is this from too many trips to the theatre, or eyeballing that dvd too much?
Actually probably a bit of both!!!! I saw LOTR 14 times at the cinema. We went every tuesday after lunch because it was cheap at the cinema and there was barely anyone there so we could have a bit of a yell at the nasty orcs and the big bad Balrog!!!! I'm a big DVD watcher as well- although my baby bro has nicked it at the mo to watch SWep2! Had no dreams last night because I didn't sleep a wink!!! Too busy thinking about the world and all the wrongs. Watching LOTR extended tonight for the first time so should be having sweet, sweet dreams involving a certain elf prince... Mx
11-16-2002, 02:43 PM
god those were the days hey miranda? reciting the lines word by word, or how about the time when me u and sarah got shouted at by that guy sitting in front of us ;)
11-16-2002, 02:51 PM
I remember. We were fighting over whether the elves behind Haldir in Lothlorien were men or women dring the really late creds (e.g bloke who got PJ a cup of tea on day 367 of filming) and he just turned around and had a go at us. Do you remember all of us lined up at the back with our feet on the seats in front and then you all yelling at me for launching into my I amar prestar aen... bit and then hugging eachother when we were bawling about Gandalf etc? I was always the first to cry. So many memories- more from TTT I expect. Probably dream about guy walking through steps instead of Legolas now though! Tee Hee:D Mx
11-17-2002, 12:37 AM
You think you have weird dreams? My Japanese teacher has been stalking me in mine! Seriously, the first time she turned up (about hobbit-sized) she was pointing a gun at me!!! And other times she just turned up, or she was on camp with me and the Fellowship of the Ring and the hobbits went swimming in an ankle-deep puddle!
And I had a dream once that turned out as a cliffhanger episode of the X-Files. Serious! Mulder was DEAD! And he'd tackled this spiny swamp-thing! And I'm way on a sugar high!
There was a Stargate SG1 dream too... weird, weird, weird...
11-17-2002, 12:45 AM
I'm glad I don't remember my wierd dreams or I would probably go insane (although some might say I am already). :) I have really sad dreams and then wake up and cry for about five minutes. Actually, Lanelf, I wouldn't mind having a Mulder dream, since he isn't on the X-files (yet!). ;)
Lief Erikson
11-17-2002, 01:38 AM
I once had a really lunatical LoTR dream. In the dream, my family started watching The Two Towers without me. I was furious, and came in in the middle and decided to watch it anyway.
In it, the Balrog was fighting with the whole fellowship, but then Gimli changed sides and started fighting against the fellowship too. And then the fellowship and Balrog stopped fighting and the Balrog let the company pass by him.
When I woke up, I was really glad the real movie wouldn't be like that.
11-17-2002, 02:19 AM
Originally posted by Lief Erikson
I once had a really lunatical LoTR dream. In the dream, my family started watching The Two Towers without me. I was furious, and came in in the middle and decided to watch it anyway.
In it, the Balrog was fighting with the whole fellowship, but then Gimli changed sides and started fighting against the fellowship too. And then the fellowship and Balrog stopped fighting and the Balrog let the company pass by him.
When I woke up, I was really glad the real movie wouldn't be like that.
*pictures that scene in TTT; isn't sure whether to laugh or cry*;)
Hey, I die in some of my dreams ... and then I'm standing around listening to everyone talk about how I just died, only I'm talking BACK to them, and they never think it's odd.
Also I have had dreams where I play a character, someone other than myself. Has anybody else done either of these two things?
Lief Erikson
11-17-2002, 02:59 AM
Yes to both! I've died twice in my dreams when I'm in a car and my sister's driving it (The only two dreams I've had where she's driving), and I've many times played characters. Sometimes I am someone else, so I'm not . . . (Catches himself from nearly telling his real name) er, Lief Erikson any more, but am another person. I don't think that I've ever been a girl though (Thank goodness. That would be too weird even for this thread- a guy dreaming he's a girl).
I have been married once in my dream though (I'm not in real life). In that one I was a millionaire and owned a massive skyscraper. I was standing on the top of it when some thugs came up to try and murder me. I leapt off of the skyscraper, and that was the first of my many jumping dreams, which are the some of the funnest dreams I've ever had. I've only flown in dreams once or twice, but I have an ability in dreams (When I remember that I have it) to go light headed, and then I can just lightly leap off the ground and gravity hardly holds me.
So I jumped off the skyscraper and went soaring out over the city. The dream went on from there, but it isn't extraordinarily weird (I'm always having extremely exciting dreams) so I won't bother with relating that particular one :).
11-17-2002, 06:00 AM
i had a dream last night that someone had set up a thread pointing out how much i p*** you all off.
that was bizzare also dreamed of a half goat walrus though i must of had some bad chease on my pizaa.
11-17-2002, 10:09 AM
Hey, I die in some of my dreams ... and then I'm standing around listening to everyone talk about how I just died, only I'm talking BACK to them, and they never think it's odd.
Also I have had dreams where I play a character, someone other than myself. Has anybody else done either of these two things? [/B]
I have died before and it was really scary because then I had to watch all the rest of my family die. Not good dream.
I have also had to play characters, for example Hermione form Harry Potter. :confused: Get this: when I was Hermione my job was to design the boxes for tampons using magic.
My weirdest dream lately (and trust me I have had really weird dreams worse than this) was that I climbed a tree near my neighbor's house, and I got attacked my this weird boar thingy. At first I thought it was a skunk because it was black and white and furry but it got closer and it was really big. Then eventually my neighbors came out and saved me.
I think there is another dream thread where I talked about my weird leprachan (sp.?) / gay squirrel / golf course dream. That was freaky. But good.
By the way, I once had a dream about being in love with a boy named Mikaila (or something like that). Can anyone tell me if this name exists? I know there is a Mikhail...
11-17-2002, 10:13 AM
In dreams, aren't we supposed to WAKE UP before we die? Oh well.
Starr Polish
11-17-2002, 12:16 PM
Usually. Ever had the falling dream? Supposedly, if you don't wake up in time and you hit the ground your body could go into shock.
Varda Oiolosseo
11-17-2002, 12:26 PM
Really!!wow thats quite scary actually!!
I don't usually have falling dreams!
If you have a dream and then you wake up and don't know whether it was a dream or it was real freak me out a bit too!!
I had a dream that i was in Sleepy Hollow the other night and i was a nurse and me and Johnny Depp were the only one's who didn't have our head cut off!! :(
Starr Polish
11-17-2002, 12:38 PM
I once had a dream that I went through the entire day with only a few weird things happening. When I woke up I didn't know if it was real or not, and was incredibly exhausted.
My weirdest dreams have already been posted somewhere around here. I'll dig them up later.
11-17-2002, 01:58 PM
Feeling of relief that I'm not the only person who has bizarre dreams. I have to say though my most bizarre dreams do give me the best inspiration for my writing. My LOTR fan fic- which I might not be posting because I'm scared you'll laugh- was inspired by a weird dream. I'd gone to see LOTR and then come home and put on my Moulin Rouge CD. Went to sleep and the next thing I knew I was dreaming about Legolas and a few other elves dancing to rhythm of the night (I can see elves being really good dances- sort of your Isadora Duncan types) any way, next thing you know. Gandalf has taken Zidler's part in Like a Virgin and he's singing it to Pippin about some girl. I woke up the next morning with a izarre but intriguing storyline and I immediately picked up a pencil and within six months I'd written a (Wait for it!) 32 chapter fan fic called An Immortal Love. Arghh its called the Precious though at college because I flip out like Gollum when I forget where I've put it!!!! Dreamt of the Fellowship in general last night as I'd just seen FOTR extended- YAY*! Bad dreams predicted for tonight though- school tomorrow *hiss* love ya all, Mx
11-17-2002, 02:34 PM
YES! Weird dreamland!! :p I always get crazy dreams after I've been stressed out. Like last week...
I dreamt that a mysterious sniper/like person was intruding in my family's TV store. (No, my family does NOT own a TV store!) Anyway, he kept shooting poisoned darts in our throats. I got one in me, but it was only a tranquilizer. He shot my grandma and my mom's friend with real poison, though. Except we didn't KNOW that until it was too late. When we DID, I somehow snuck up on our "killer" and jumped on his back. He gave me a piggyback ride around the room while I called 911. Then I woke up...strangely, I thought that this was really happening.
*shudder* I've no idea where that came from, and I wish it hadn't. It kind of scared me...:p
11-17-2002, 05:03 PM
Oh yes I forgot that was so! I get ideas for stories out of dreams sometimes. One was about this guy whos last name was apparently Kuhn. Anyway there was this little video game battle thing tha we were all inside, and my brother was the leader, since he is really good at video games, after all. So we are hidin gout in this totally secret hideout and here comes young inexperienced "Kuhn" into the place. My brother gets mad because he could've given us away, and basically sends him on a suicide mission even though he has a wife at home and he has strep throat. The point was that in a video game the life didn't matter, only the fact that the person could still be of some use. It was a freaky drea. Later on i was hiding in the girls locker room and throwing coconut bombs around.
11-17-2002, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by Sween
i had a dream last night that someone had set up a thread pointing out how much i p*** you all off.
That wasn't a dream - Ben just deleted the thread. :D
Sister Golden Hair
11-17-2002, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by jerseydevil
That wasn't a dream - Ben just deleted the thread. :D Nah, I did it.:D
11-17-2002, 08:28 PM
Anybody ever dream that they were an LotR character or related to an LotR character? I *think* I can guess the answer there. :rolleyes: But what about one of the LotR villains? I have one really vivid, complex dream where I was somehow related to Sauron and had to help destroy a second, this-world-based One Ring. It was VERY strange!
11-17-2002, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Anybody ever dream that they were an LotR character or related to an LotR character? I *think* I can guess the answer there. :rolleyes:
I *wish* I had dreams like that, but I don't. :rolleyes: My last wierd dream that I remember was that this guy who I know from uni came to my house and I really, really liked him. The thing is, I don't like him (I don't even know him) and he is some kind of genius who skipped about 5 grades. Then we walked down the street and these idiots were shouting out stuff and then I was touching his chest. Agghh, crazy. I do have dreams about posting stuff on the 'moot too. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has funny dreams.
11-17-2002, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by cassiopeia
I do have dreams about posting stuff on the 'moot too.
LOL. So do I. Just goes to show we spend too much time here, doesn't it? :D
11-18-2002, 06:11 AM
Wouldn't say I dream about posting on the Moot- that realm is reserved for Legolas Greenleaf only!!! Didn't sleep last night though because a) I was in a stress about how ineloquent I was on one of the threads, b) I had school to worry about and c) I wanted to get downstairs and watch LOTR all over again. When I did get to sleep though I had a frightening dream abotu Phil Mitchell from Eastenders- why? I ask myself- why? That's too scary for such a young hobbit mind. Also had a dream about Pippin because I called Roxie about FOTR and she found every one of his new parts endearing- bless! He has to be the sexiest of the four hobbits- closely followed by Merry (Soz Rox if you sign up and read this but I'm letting you off with the Harry Potter thing so I'm entitled to fancy Merry!!!!) I have to say though Silverstripe- I've never been related by blood to any of the LOTR characters- though I did once have a dream that Gondor was in fact modern day Russia and it turned out that Tsar Nicholas etc were descendants from the line of Elendil- very bizarre- I can just see Rasputin running around Ecthelian! Mx
11-18-2002, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by Miranda
I had a frightening dream abotu Phil Mitchell from Eastenders
Do what? Yer aving a larf, ainch ya? ;)
11-18-2002, 08:25 AM
Seriously- it was really strange! I can't remember what happened but I remember him being there and that I was really scared of him. I also dream about seeing my friend who's ill back at school when I knwo she won't be there. Most of the time I just have really nonsense dreams that I can't remember and one recurring one that I always have about my Prince Charming and an Ivory Tower- I've been watching too much LOTR and Neverending story!!! Tee hee! Mx
11-18-2002, 09:45 AM
Do you have a Prince Charming in mind? Tell me it's not Phil Mitchell!
Might be interesting to have crossover dreams - how about Phil Mitchell as Sauron?
" 'Ere, 'obbit, yer aving a larf ainch ya? Sling yer hook from my gaff and take yer poncey jewellery wiv ya!"
11-18-2002, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by Draken
" 'Ere, 'obbit, yer aving a larf ainch ya? Sling yer hook from my gaff and take yer poncey jewellery wiv ya!"
LMAO! Sauron isn't Phil Mitchell!.............He's the never-dying spirit of Dirty Den!!:D
11-18-2002, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Miranda
Silverstripe- I've never been related by blood to any of the LOTR characters- though I did once have a dream that Gondor was in fact modern day Russia and it turned out that Tsar Nicholas etc were descendants from the line of Elendil- very bizarre- I can just see Rasputin running around Ecthelian! Mx
11-18-2002, 11:10 AM
Last night, I stayed up waaaaaaaaaay too late writing, went to sleep (slept 3 hours) and dreamed about the characters! And all the characters said they were my characters!
11-18-2002, 11:15 AM
Also, I had a very odd dream about one of my rings taking on an evil personality ... but it wasn't the One Ring, it was one of the rings of the Thallem (from one of my stories, but if I told you, I'd have to kill you) which aren't supposed to be magical in and of themselves!
11-18-2002, 02:31 PM
Last night I spent half an hour describing one of my childhood repetitve nightmares. Then my PC decided to turn itself off. I now have better things to do than be double-crossed by my own computer.
Let's just say that I was being chased around my house by a really slow walker with no face on.
11-18-2002, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Draken
Do you have a Prince Charming in mind? Tell me it's not Phil Mitchell!
Might be interesting to have crossover dreams - how about Phil Mitchell as Sauron?
" 'Ere, 'obbit, yer aving a larf ainch ya? Sling yer hook from my gaff and take yer poncey jewellery wiv ya!"
Phil Mitchell as Prince Charming?! I think not- he'd be hard pushed to fit into a panto dame role. No my prince charming is your regular swash buckling, white horse riding, sweep you off your feet type guy who goes and does anywhere and anything for you- he doesn't even mind if you leave your ballet shoes lying on the bedroom floor- my ex used to hate me doing that!!! Actually my prince looks decidedly like Legolas Greenleaf- funnily enough. I tell you who I can see as Sauron- my history teacher- when she's in a mood- RUN!!!!!! I did have a dream once about the Ringwraiths taking off their hoods and the witch king was Richard O'Brien in his Riff-Raff gear from Rocky horror. OMG!!! I've just had visions of Elrond singing sweet transvestite and Arwen going with a bit of the old Toucha Me!!! Arghh!! Bad dreams forecast for tonight. Mx
11-18-2002, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
Phil Mitchell as Prince Charming?! I think not- he'd be hard pushed to fit into a panto dame role. No my prince charming is your regular swash buckling, white horse riding, sweep you off your feet type guy who goes and does anywhere and anything for you- he doesn't even mind if you leave your ballet shoes lying on the bedroom floor- my ex used to hate me doing that!!! Actually my prince looks decidedly like Legolas Greenleaf- funnily enough. I tell you who I can see as Sauron- my history teacher- when she's in a mood- RUN!!!!!! I did have a dream once about the Ringwraiths taking off their hoods and the witch king was Richard O'Brien in his Riff-Raff gear from Rocky horror. OMG!!! I've just had visions of Elrond singing sweet transvestite and Arwen going with a bit of the old Toucha Me!!! Arghh!! Bad dreams forecast for tonight. Mx
Oh that's done it! I now have Gandalf loosening his robes to reveal stocking, suspenders and various other unmentionables:eek: I'm sure Ian has very nice legs, from a certain point of veiw, but it's not an image that is going to give me pleasant dreams:eek:
The Fellowship of the Ring play The Rocky Horror Picture Show?......the mind boggles:eek: (although Boromir would make a fine Eddy;) )
11-18-2002, 06:28 PM
And Legolas a fine Magenta or Columbia I should imagine!!!!!!! Gandalf as Dr Scott maybe to avoid the whole suspender thing. Actuall Ian in his younger days had lovely legs- he was great in Macbeth with Judi Dench. It was him and Mr Darcy in Pride and Prejudice that got me through my english lit GCSE with an A*!!!! Will have to go and listen to Rocky Horror now and decide who's who. I'm working on a scene from it at drama at the mo and trying to persuade my teacher (jon) to be Frankie!!! It would be so funny! I auditioned for the british tour a while back but I was too young (17 then) *cries* but hey my time to strut it as Columbia will come- LOL. Mx
11-18-2002, 08:30 PM
I'm always having weird drems. Last week before my horseback riding lessons I dreamt that I was late for them and when I got there Bill Ferny was trying to whip poor ol' Bill into a lather. *sniff* I then proceded to kick Ferny and hand Bill over to Sam who had the voice of my riding instructor.
I also had a dream that I lived in Rose Red- you know, the Stephen King thingy that was on ABC a while back? THAT was disturbing...
11-18-2002, 08:56 PM
In the latest weird dream I had, I went to the Tonight Show (but it was held at my church:confused: ), and Jay Leno got sick, so David Letterman had to take his place. It was disturbing.
11-18-2002, 10:32 PM
Last night I dreamt I was going to Japan! I was so disappointed (sp?) when I woke up...:(
I live in Australia - just so you understand. My sister went to Japan on an exchange trip a while ago and I'm hoping to go sometime.
11-18-2002, 10:37 PM
Well, personally, I wouldn't be disappointed if I woke up and I was suddenly in Australia ... scared, but not disappointed (I'm American).
11-18-2002, 10:42 PM
I often dream that I'm the worm in the bottom of a bottle of tequilla..............must be a premonition of heaven;)
11-19-2002, 06:10 AM
Well it happened!!!! When I finally got to sleep last night what was I dreaming of?! Elrond in fishnets and high heels (forgivable as have you seen Hugo in Priscilla Queen of the Desert?) Gandalf controling it all, Boromir dressed as Meat loaf, Aragorn strutting it in Riff Raff gear, Galadriel playing the innocant Janet and Legolas and Arwen doing a mean Magenta and Columbia. It was Rocky Horror meets LOTR and it was frightening (I think I prefer my Ringwraith nightmares.) It then progressed to Legolas, Aragorn etc in Can-Can skirts when I put Moulin Rouge on before school- WILL IT NEVER END?!!!!!!!!!! Oh the horror! the horror! Well gotta dash, love ya all, Mx
11-19-2002, 06:25 AM
Originally posted by Miranda
Well it happened!!!! When I finally got to sleep last night what was I dreaming of?! Elrond in fishnets and high heels (forgivable as have you seen Hugo in Priscilla Queen of the Desert?) Gandalf controling it all, Boromir dressed as Meat loaf, Aragorn strutting it in Riff Raff gear, Galadriel playing the innocant Janet and Legolas and Arwen doing a mean Magenta and Columbia. It was Rocky Horror meets LOTR and it was frightening (I think I prefer my Ringwraith nightmares.) It then progressed to Legolas, Aragorn etc in Can-Can skirts when I put Moulin Rouge on before school- WILL IT NEVER END?!!!!!!!!!! Oh the horror! the horror! Well gotta dash, love ya all, Mx
We should have some Rocky Horror style audience partici.....pation in LOTR. At the end of FOTR when Aragorn despatches the Uruk for instance we could yell "Where's your ******* neck?"
Galabdriel innocent? Nah, card-carrying domonatrix I'm sure, bad casting!
11-19-2002, 06:55 AM
Totally!!!!!!! I can just see PJ's face when we create the box office extravaganza of 2020 with Rocky Horror show 50 years on and on the tour of Middle Earth!!!!!! Can I please, please, please, please, please, please (do you get the point) play our Janet come Galadriel because I've always wanted to bang out Toucha me at the top of my lungs and if we can get Orli to play Rocky (okay he'll be in his forties but who cares) I won't need to act!!!! I'm sure there'll be people on here up for a bit of Rocky Horror fun. Perhaps we should start up an RPG about it? It would be quite interesting to say the least. If you've seen the extended FOTR I can just see the bit where Frodo asks Gandalf the way to Mordor and he comes back with "its just a jump to the left and then a step to the right!" Later Mx
11-19-2002, 11:14 AM
Another type of dream: I am off questing for something, trying to accomplish some difficult task, or maybe just running around Middle Earth. Anyway, when I wake up, I'm tireder than when I went to sleep in the first place! It's rather annoying!
Or: Dreaming about getting hurt, then waking up and finding that I DID hurt myself somehow (for instance, dreaming I was trying to see how comfortable flying a broomstick around was ... it WASN'T, and I fell off)
Either of these ever happen to you? :p
11-19-2002, 04:26 PM
Waking up tireder yes- its a bugger isn't it? Never hurt myself before badly- fallen out of bed after fighting eith orc warriors but I've never done anything to bad. Have totally embarrassed myself a couple of times though!!! Have reportedly spent a sleepover at my mates crying "Orlando! Orlando!" at the top of my lungs. Only bugger is that I can't remember the dream and if it was that good I wanna!!!!! Trying to dream up inspiration for my story at the mo but bloody Ringwraiths start turning up and ruining it- they have no manners! Mx
11-19-2002, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by Draken
Galabdriel innocent? Nah, card-carrying domonatrix I'm sure, bad casting!
It's always the serene one's isn't it? wonder Celeborn always looked so dour;)
Lief Erikson
11-19-2002, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Or: Dreaming about getting hurt, then waking up and finding that I DID hurt myself somehow (for instance, dreaming I was trying to see how comfortable flying a broomstick around was ... it WASN'T, and I fell off)
Here's a dream that I'm sure most of you would consider odd. It was summer(Not in my dream, in real life), and I dreamt that a flea was crawling across my right foot. I woke up and felt something crawling across my right foot. It was a flea.
11-19-2002, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
Waking up tireder yes- its a bugger isn't it? Never hurt myself before badly- fallen out of bed after fighting eith orc warriors but I've never done anything to bad. Have totally embarrassed myself a couple of times though!!! Have reportedly spent a sleepover at my mates crying "Orlando! Orlando!" at the top of my lungs. Only bugger is that I can't remember the dream and if it was that good I wanna!!!!! Trying to dream up inspiration for my story at the mo but bloody Ringwraiths start turning up and ruining it- they have no manners! Mx
LOL. Personally, fell out of bed after dreaming of trying and failing to fly a broomstick. Decided it was more fun to fly alone. No, Ringwraiths have no manners. Hmmm. Have you ever tried to teach "yours" any better?;)
Random Comment: If life were really like a dream, I wouldn't like to see ANYONE'S diary...although some of the more coherent entries of the cleaner-minded people could be interesting. :D
11-19-2002, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Well, personally, I wouldn't be disappointed if I woke up and I was suddenly in Australia ... scared, but not disappointed (I'm American).
neuther would I. I'd hitchhike my way to New Zealand and the Hobbitan set!!! :D
11-19-2002, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by elvendrummer87
neuther would I. I'd hitchhike my way to New Zealand and the Hobbitan set!!! :D
Yeah! Let's go! I'm all for it. Oh, wait, we're not in Australia. :( Um ... let's hitchhike to New Zealand anyway! Everybody get a map, a compass, and some scuba gear.
11-19-2002, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by Khadrane
In the latest weird dream I had, I went to the Tonight Show (but it was held at my church:confused: ), and Jay Leno got sick, so David Letterman had to take his place. It was disturbing.
i once had a dream about being on Politically Inncorrect. I ended up summoning the spirit of my dead cat.
I don't think I ever hurt myself much when I was sleeping, or at least not that I can remember... I'm sure I have though. It's just something I would do.
Ok I don't really like beer very much, but last night I had a dream about drinking beer, only it tasted like champagne. It was like, "hey, maybe i like beer after all!" since I love champagne. I would drink chanpagne instead of pop if I could. I am not sure how I tasted in my sleep, but hey, whatever. Onc or twice I could've sworn I felt pain while dreaming, but who knows.
One more thing: do most of you when you're dreaming usually know it's a dream once you think about it? The other day I actually thought to myself in a dream "this is kind of like a dream, only I am awake" and I actually thought i was awake. Usually I can tell...
11-19-2002, 08:39 PM
Had a mucho scary dream again...dreamt that I was in Rivendell, in the council on Elrond, except his name was Enron. I guess I was like a miniture hobbit, because, try as I might, I could not get anyone to look at me! And then all of a sudden, Enron starts talking baby talk and Gandalf is exclaiming to the world that he's a magician, not a wizard after all. At the same time, Borimir suddenly starts yelling about how totally fascinating hobbits are...and then these orcs come in bearing tea cups. All falls silent, and then Enron asks 'Anyone for tennis?" Mucho scary dream.
11-19-2002, 10:27 PM
I have alot of dreams about running, and falling. Go figure.
So I am runnin' down this hill, steep hill. Big lake at the bottom, I am being chased by the Grizzly lookin' guy. I run and I fall real hard, and hurt my..rear...come to find out, I sitting on the floor of my bedroom, covers askew. I am not a good sleeper. Obviously.
Lief Erikson
11-20-2002, 03:34 AM
Oh, I just thought of another dream experience I can relate. This is the only sleepwalking incident I've ever had that I can remember, and I remember this one very well because it only happened a few months ago. It's not a dream, so I suppose it doesn't quite qualify, but it still might interest some of you.
At this time me, my brothers and my sisters were living in apartements because our house was undergoing remodelling.
I came out of my sleepwalking as I was pacing up and down outside the apartement door. It was night, the doors were both closed and locked, and I was outside. That night, I had gone to sleep in my bed, but URGH! That wasn't a pleasant experience. I considered simply sitting down and going to sleep outside the apartements (Our apartements were secluded from all the others, so it wouldn't have been potentially embarrassing in terms of meeting someone I didn't know out there), but I decided against it (For, I think, very understandable reasons ;)). So I knocked on the doors for a long time until my brother woke up and let me in.
One more thing: do most of you when you're dreaming usually know it's a dream once you think about it? The other day I actually thought to myself in a dream "this is kind of like a dream, only I am awake" and I actually thought i was awake. Usually I can tell...
I sometimes can tell and I sometimes can't; usually I don't think about it. The first time I really wondered was a long time ago, when in my dream I was in an airplane with my Mom and Dad, and the pastor of our church was standing on the airplane's carpet looking at the roof, tapping his foot and saying "Tut, tut, tut."
11-20-2002, 05:05 AM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Yeah! Let's go! I'm all for it. Oh, wait, we're not in Australia. :( Um ... let's hitchhike to New Zealand anyway! Everybody get a map, a compass, and some scuba gear.
Stop off in London on the way and pick me up!!!!!!!!! I desperately want to go to New Zealand- don't know about the scube bit though. May try a bungy jump like Orli did. Can't remember me dream last night but woke up with a thumping headache this morning- probably due to too much Ringwraith activity- I wonder if they'll respond to obidience lessons like dogs do and leave me to get some sleep. Nasssssty little Nazzzzguls, hatess them forever we does!!!!! *whoa Gollum back in your cage boy- don't make me get the hose!*- sorry having Smeagol problems! Tee hee. Later All Mx
11-20-2002, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by Miranda
Stop off in London on the way and pick me up!!!!!!!!! I desperately want to go to New Zealand- don't know about the scube bit though. May try a bungy jump like Orli did. Can't remember me dream last night but woke up with a thumping headache this morning- probably due to too much Ringwraith activity- I wonder if they'll respond to obidience lessons like dogs do and leave me to get some sleep. Nasssssty little Nazzzzguls, hatess them forever we does!!!!! *whoa Gollum back in your cage boy- don't make me get the hose!*- sorry having Smeagol problems! Tee hee. Later All Mx
Oh so you want to BUNGY JUMP to New Zealand? Well, I guess it's worth a try;).
LOL. I can see it now. "RINGWRAITHS! Come! Sit! Stay! Go! Oh, good (er, bad) Nagzul!" *pats Ringwraith on head*
11-20-2002, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Oh so you want to BUNGY JUMP to New Zealand? Well, I guess it's worth a try;).
LOL. I can see it now. "RINGWRAITHS! Come! Sit! Stay! Go! Oh, good (er, bad) Nagzul!" *pats Ringwraith on head*
It could be interesting to try to bungy jump to New Zealand but I need a partner- ANY OFFERS???!!!! As for the Nazgul- sounds like what I yell at my dog. I can just see the witch king doing unspeakable things to my friend's leg when they come over and jumping up on the counter to nick the roast chicken!!! Wonder if Frodo etc should have tried a rolled up newspaper or a slipper rather than those stumpy little swords to duff them up! Tee Hee Mx
11-20-2002, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Miranda
It could be interesting to try to bungy jump to New Zealand but I need a partner- ANY OFFERS???!!!! As for the Nazgul- sounds like what I yell at my dog. I can just see the witch king doing unspeakable things to my friend's leg when they come over and jumping up on the counter to nick the roast chicken!!! Wonder if Frodo etc should have tried a rolled up newspaper or a slipper rather than those stumpy little swords to duff them up! Tee Hee Mx
Ah, personally, I'll just hitchhike, thanks.
Well, nobody would try to get the roast chicken BACK, now would they? And you don't hit Nazgul with rolled up newspapers, you whack them with a badly written poem! :D
11-20-2002, 07:43 PM
I once dreamed that I had two toads, one named Ross and the other named Intellectually (yes... an adverb). We were having a conversation about peanut butter.
11-20-2002, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by tuthezeng
We were having a conversation about peanut butter.
Oh, I had a dream like that...except, I was talking to a slipper and a pair of pliers...and I think we were talking about candy wrappers...or something like that...
11-21-2002, 12:03 AM
I was talking to these two fish in the fish tank. They were argueing with me about how they were gunna do things their way, and if they wanted to fly dammit they would fly.
11-21-2002, 01:06 AM
My English textbook was narrating a story about me, and I got into an argument with it because it kept having me go off into this string of cuss words, which is really not me.
11-21-2002, 09:52 AM
Had a weird dream last night about a girl I used to see years ago (15yrs to be exact).
Kinda wierd because I can't remember conciously thinking about her for a looonng time.......maybe it means I'm going to meet up with her again soon:confused: (hope so, she was good company and very beautiful).
11-21-2002, 03:30 PM
Had a very weird but inspiring Tolkien-esk dream last night. Was writing my book and then decided I was too tired to think, picked up Silmarillion and decided to read a couple of chapters before I went to sleep (normal so far) Then I went off into dream land and had a really strange dream about Illuvatar. I dreamt he came to see me in the computer room at school but he looked like Legolas. I was like wow- you're Orlando Bloom!!!!! He smiled and laughed and spoke (but it was Chris Lee's voice- v scary) and said that he was Illuvatar but he'd come as Legolas so I wouldn't be frightened. Then he handed me my notebook where I write my story and said I was the last of his Ainur and if I sang my book would be finished before new year. So I sang and then the book changed into my dog eared copy of The Hobbit. It was so strange and I don't remember anything after that but the beginning was so vivid. I really need to stop reading LOTR before I go to bed- what with my nightmares about Ringwraiths at dog obidience lessons and now talking with THE god of Middle Earth- arghhhh what's next? Much love all Mx
11-21-2002, 03:33 PM
Had a very weird but inspiring Tolkien-esk dream last night. Was writing my book and then decided I was too tired to think, picked up Silmarillion and decided to read a couple of chapters before I went to sleep (normal so far) Then I went off into dream land and had a really strange dream about Illuvatar. I dreamt he came to see me in the computer room at school but he looked like Legolas. I was like wow- you're Orlando Bloom!!!!! He smiled and laughed and spoke (but it was Chris Lee's voice- v scary) and said that he was Illuvatar but he'd come as Legolas so I wouldn't be frightened. Then he handed me my notebook where I write my story and said I was the last of his Ainur and if I sang my book would be finished before new year. So I sang and then the book changed into my dog eared copy of The Hobbit. It was so strange and I don't remember anything after that but the beginning was so vivid. I really need to stop reading LOTR before I go to bed- what with my nightmares about Ringwraiths at dog obidience lessons and now talking with THE god of Middle Earth- arghhhh what's next? Much love all Mx:D
11-21-2002, 03:42 PM
I know an obedience trainer. I wonder what she'd do if someone came into class with this Ringwraith?:D
As for this new dream, all I can say is -- keep singing and writing, and hope it was some sort of premonition!:)
11-21-2002, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
I know an obedience trainer. I wonder what she'd do if someone came into class with this Ringwraith?:D
As for this new dream, all I can say is -- keep singing and writing, and hope it was some sort of premonition!:)
SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!! Or I would anyway!!! Don't know why my computer decided to post my last msg twice- very bizarre- the gremlins have got into the circuitry again- little buggers. Let's hope its a premonition hey!!!! I could be a writer yet- here's hoping. Mx
11-21-2002, 03:58 PM
Me too! *pictures scolding Ringwraith for barking too much*
Gremlins, eh? That happens a lot with computers, 'specially with Microsoft. I've heard that Bill Gates stepped on a gremlin's tail (or was it perhaps his foot?) when he was young.
11-21-2002, 04:00 PM
So I can blame all my future tachnical difficulties on him then can I? Great fun. Gotta go, Ma wants the computer!!!! Might go and write a bit of story or dream of Legolas!!!!!! Mmmmm!!!!! Night night all, Love ya loads Mx
11-21-2002, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
[B]So I can blame all my future tachnical difficulties on him then can I? Great fun.
You mean you weren't doing that already? ;) :D
11-21-2002, 04:54 PM
No I mainly blamed my little bro- any excuse to be malicious!!!! But gremlins are always blamed when my music goes wrong at dancing- or the Phantom of the theatre- I can't go into the dressing rooms on my own- they're so spooky!!!! Oh God will dream of scary men in funny masks hauting my ballet class now- oh hang on that happens- its called Greek Drama!!!! Mx
11-21-2002, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
No I mainly blamed my little bro- any excuse to be malicious!!!! But gremlins are always blamed when my music goes wrong at dancing- or the Phantom of the theatre- I can't go into the dressing rooms on my own- they're so spooky!!!! Oh God will dream of scary men in funny masks hauting my ballet class now- oh hang on that happens- its called Greek Drama!!!! Mx
I wish I had a little bro to blame for all MY troubles...pesky at times, those gremlins are. Perhaps try taking them to obedience school along with the Nazgul?
11-21-2002, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
I wish I had a little bro to blame for all MY troubles...pesky at times, those gremlins are. Perhaps try taking them to obedience school along with the Nazgul?
Little bros are far too much hassle even if they are good for blaming things on. Can just imagine taking the gremlins to obedience class with the Wraiths- whoever's taking the class better be wearing armour!!!!! May consider bringing Lurtz along for a ride too- he should spice things up a little. Mx
11-21-2002, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
Little bros are far too much hassle even if they are good for blaming things on. Can just imagine taking the gremlins to obedience class with the Wraiths- whoever's taking the class better be wearing armour!!!!! May consider bringing Lurtz along for a ride too- he should spice things up a little. Mx
What about Ugluk?
All right, Miranda, let's find an obedience class somewhere in England, and you can take the Nazgul there -- I'll bring the gremlins and orcs.
The only thing about poor Lurtz is, he'd probably be attacked and killed by everyone who is a fan of Tolkien's work but somehow hated the FotR movie. Poor orc. :rolleyes:
11-21-2002, 10:31 PM
Lately I keep dreaming of swimming underwater and being able to breathe perfectly normally there.
Any of you ever heard of lucid dreaming? It's when you're dreaming but you know you are and can change it to however you like. I've read about it and next time I dream of underwater breathing, I'm going to try it! Yaay!
11-22-2002, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Lanelf
Any of you ever heard of lucid dreaming? It's when you're dreaming but you know you are and can change it to however you like. I've read about it and next time I dream of underwater breathing, I'm going to try it! Yaay!
I've done that! I LOVE being able to change my dreams. What was scary was the time I knew I was dreaming and couldn't do anything about it. :eek:
Another dream I have frequently: flying (free, like a bird) through a large city, usually either London or New York for some reason. I have been to the former but not the latter, and the London dreams tend to get combined with LotR or ANY other English fantasy novels, which makes things truly odd.
Lief Erikson
11-22-2002, 01:32 AM
I've only flown once or twice in dreams, but I've had enormously fun high jumping dreams several times. What I do is press in my head, and then I become lightheaded, and then I am lightweight, and then I can leap into the sky, and soar upwards, with only a small gravity tug that eventually brings me back down.
Twice I remembered that I was dreaming, and so I knew that I could fly. And because of that, and that I remembered the method, I was able to do so. Only one of those times, when I was landing from a particularly fun jump, I landed in a tree and got all scraped up. :mad: Not fun.
The main time when I have control of a dream is when I'm about to wake up. That's when I have the greatest control, and I usually have some sort of a knowledge that I'm soon going to wake up, so I'd better make an end to my dream quickly, or else there won't be an ending.
11-22-2002, 02:29 AM
Originally posted by Lief Erikson
I've only flown once or twice in dreams, but I've had enormously fun high jumping dreams several times. What I do is press in my head, and then I become lightheaded, and then I am lightweight, and then I can leap into the sky, and soar upwards, with only a small gravity tug that eventually brings me back down.
Twice I remembered that I was dreaming, and so I knew that I could fly. And because of that, and that I remembered the method, I was able to do so. Only one of those times, when I was landing from a particularly fun jump, I landed in a tree and got all scraped up. :mad: Not fun.
The main time when I have control of a dream is when I'm about to wake up. That's when I have the greatest control, and I usually have some sort of a knowledge that I'm soon going to wake up, so I'd better make an end to my dream quickly, or else there won't be an ending.
I *wish* I could control my dreams before I wake up and bring them to a nice conclusion. Oh well.
Lief Erikson
11-22-2002, 03:14 AM
Usually in the end of my dreams, I just try and make the bad guys get creamed, or the quest accomplished as soon as possible. My dreams are very action packed, but I don't have many bad dreams anymore, and usually I don't even remember my dreams. But there definitely are times when I do, and those are nearly always action packed.
Has anyone had that unpleasant sort of dream where you get stuck, can't move and are uncomfortable? Or your movement gets slowed down (Sometimes while you're in the middle of a game of tag :()?
11-22-2002, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Lief Erikson
Has anyone had that unpleasant sort of dream where you get stuck, can't move and are uncomfortable? Or your movement gets slowed down (Sometimes while you're in the middle of a game of tag :()?
I haven't -- unless you count one scary dream that I KNEW was a dream, where I could not wake up or even scream and something was slowly killing me...and I really couldn't wake myself up at first! I have no idea why I had that dream, but needless to say, it made me get very paranoid for a while. I didn't get any sleep at all the next night, and not a whole lot the next night, but then I decided that lack of sleep had caused the dream in the first place.
11-22-2002, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by Lief Erikson
Has anyone had that unpleasant sort of dream where you get stuck, can't move and are uncomfortable? Or your movement gets slowed down (Sometimes while you're in the middle of a game of tag :()? I used to have that dream all the time! Sometimes when the bad guys were chasing me, but usually when I was playing tag wity my friends.
I had the flying dream a lot when I was a kid. I would have to stand at one end of the couch, and then I could just take off. It was so real that in the morning my mom would catch me jumping off the couch, trying to fly.
11-22-2002, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
What about Ugluk?
All right, Miranda, let's find an obedience class somewhere in England, and you can take the Nazgul there -- I'll bring the gremlins and orcs.
The only thing about poor Lurtz is, he'd probably be attacked and killed by everyone who is a fan of Tolkien's work but somehow hated the FotR movie. Poor orc. :rolleyes:
I'll bring my rolled up newspaper to smack anyone who tries to beat up dear little Lurtz- better make sure there's no-one there with the surname Mortensen!!!! I'll find us a place at Crufts in London and we can show off our pedigree Nazgul and all their new tricks. We could even throw the gremlins into the agility section- the speed they navigate around my computer we should be a dead cert to win. Mx
11-23-2002, 02:04 AM
Originally posted by crickhollow
I had the flying dream a lot when I was a kid. I would have to stand at one end of the couch, and then I could just take off. It was so real that in the morning my mom would catch me jumping off the couch, trying to fly.
You know, I once dreamt I was flying, but I forgot how in midair, splatted to the ground and got resurrected as a hologram. The only thing I said about it was "Oh, dagnamit, I've died!". Too much Red Dwarf for me...
11-23-2002, 04:58 PM
Definately too much Red Dwarf. Had that dream about Illuvatar again last night- its getting pretty recurrent which is good in a way because it stops the Ringwraiths knocking about and causing havoc in my head!!!! Beginning to believe more that it is some strange elven premonition!!!! I can't believe this thred has so many pages to it already- I thought it would die out in two days. Got to know a lot about this place in the few weeks I've been on and I don't know who I've been talking to about LOTR before I met you lot- never knew it could be discussed on so many plains *wipes a tear of joy from her eye and launches into Oscar winning type speel* Thanks Moot, you've really opened my eyes to a world I only thought existed in my own head. Love ya all Mx
11-23-2002, 05:12 PM
Had a dream about going to London and taking Lurtz and Ugluk to obedience school and meeting up with the Nazgul.
The obedience instructor kept making the Nazgul jump through rings of fire, and the "poor lil' Ringwraiths" were crying because they couldn't get the ring. The only two people in the class were a half-elven version of me and a half-intoxicated elven maid who was whacking people with rolled-up newspapers anytime they got within two feet of Lurtz. Of course, not many did. For some reason, most were avoiding our little group. :rolleyes: :p
Fred Baggins
11-23-2002, 06:09 PM
Who wants to hear my wierd dream!? Well to bad you have to hear it anyway.
K, well it started one night when i woke up to find that my room had been invaded by ants, and where crawling all over me. *Shivers* haven't been able to forget that for months... so anyway I had to go sleep in my sis's room for the rest of the night(She's at collage) and when i sleep on a bed I'm not used to is the only time I have dreams. So I dreamt that I had been apart of "Lord of the Rings:Fellowship of the Ring" and we wear at some type of awards, to accept some type of award.(Yea I know real descriptive huh?) Anyway I saw EW! But he was all old and sick and ugly...but he still had those gorgouse eyes! Yep so then we wear kicked out of the building we were accepting the award in and had to go to this specail ed classroom to accept the award. I kinda woke up after that.
11-23-2002, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by Lanelf
Lately I keep dreaming of swimming underwater and being able to breathe perfectly normally there.
Any of you ever heard of lucid dreaming? It's when you're dreaming but you know you are and can change it to however you like. I've read about it and next time I dream of underwater breathing, I'm going to try it! Yaay!
Actually, being able to breathe underwater, and running really slowly in dreams is because of your physical state. You can breathe underwater in your dreams because you can breathe while sleeping. Same with running, you cant run fast, because when you're sleeping you (((NORMALLY))) aren't running.
Lucid dreams often occur at the very beginning of REM cycles, when you are more conscious, and at the very end, before you wake up. For most people anyway.
11-23-2002, 09:23 PM
Lief, you are lucky you don't have bad dreams. 90% of mine include either MY killing someone, someone killing me, or someone killing those close to me. Robbers are a big theme in my dreams, I think I am burglar-o-phobic.
OR that I some how age ultra-quick or ultra-slow. And everyone else is dying around me, or I am dying and no one else is.
OR I have dreams that I'm dead and I am at my visitation and all my relatives and the like...arent sad...and they say I have lived a terrible scares me...alot...
11-24-2002, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Had a dream about going to London and taking Lurtz and Ugluk to obedience school and meeting up with the Nazgul.
The obedience instructor kept making the Nazgul jump through rings of fire, and the "poor lil' Ringwraiths" were crying because they couldn't get the ring. The only two people in the class were a half-elven version of me and a half-intoxicated elven maid who was whacking people with rolled-up newspapers anytime they got within two feet of Lurtz. Of course, not many did. For some reason, most were avoiding our little group. :rolleyes: :p
I can imagine!!!!! Half-intoxicated elvenmaid- uh huh and you've never even met me!!!!!!! I've got a TTT advent calendar from my friend and you get gold jelly rings with it so I'll save them for the Wraiths so they can have a treat- bless their hearts!!! But if any of them come near my lil' Lurtz it'll be more than a rolled up newspaper- it'll be a slipper!!! Mx
11-24-2002, 10:55 AM
I had a very freaky dream last night. I've kinda had this dream before, but kinda not exactly...Oh well. On with the dream.
I was riding a dark bay horse in a sea of dark colored horses, all with dark haired riders with brown skin, inside what appeared to be a banquet hall/auditoriom. There was a platform raised in the center of this odd hall, where my old orchestra teacher, Mr. Long was "conducting" all us riders. It seemed that all the people were part of this tribe and that I was borrowing one of their horses to ride in formation with them. So Mr. Long is conducting, and we're riding in these awesome formations and doing really cool tricks when some guy pops up next to Long and tells him to step down, he's taking over from here. After Long leaves the hall, we go on for a bit and then the news reaches us that Long was killed. However, no one will tell us how he was murdered. The riding stops and we all go to take care of our horses. But I of course am riding one of the tribes' horses, so I take care of that one first.
Then, I really want to see my horse, who came with me to this weird place for some reason, and I realize I have no idea where he is. I ask someone and they say to ask the people in the T-Shirt Corner Store. Yes, that was the name of the store. I ask, and a really nice cashier takes me way back in the store. On our way, we pass an open door and I'm looking back into the hall place, where all these tables are set up and loads of people are sitting in there. Apparently it's a banquet/funeral for Mr. Long. For some odd reason, my parents are both there and next to them is my principal. Then we go back even farther and someone comes out leading my horse, who is so happy to see me, he rears up and come back down and licks my face.
Mucho weird dream.
11-24-2002, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by Elenka
I had a very freaky dream last night. I've kinda had this dream before, but kinda not exactly...Oh well. On with the dream.
I was riding a dark bay horse in a sea of dark colored horses, all with dark haired riders with brown skin, inside what appeared to be a banquet hall/auditoriom. There was a platform raised in the center of this odd hall, where my old orchestra teacher, Mr. Long was "conducting" all us riders. It seemed that all the people were part of this tribe and that I was borrowing one of their horses to ride in formation with them. So Mr. Long is conducting, and we're riding in these awesome formations and doing really cool tricks when some guy pops up next to Long and tells him to step down, he's taking over from here. After Long leaves the hall, we go on for a bit and then the news reaches us that Long was killed. However, no one will tell us how he was murdered. The riding stops and we all go to take care of our horses. But I of course am riding one of the tribes' horses, so I take care of that one first.
Then, I really want to see my horse, who came with me to this weird place for some reason, and I realize I have no idea where he is. I ask someone and they say to ask the people in the T-Shirt Corner Store. Yes, that was the name of the store. I ask, and a really nice cashier takes me way back in the store. On our way, we pass an open door and I'm looking back into the hall place, where all these tables are set up and loads of people are sitting in there. Apparently it's a banquet/funeral for Mr. Long. For some odd reason, my parents are both there and next to them is my principal. Then we go back even farther and someone comes out leading my horse, who is so happy to see me, he rears up and come back down and licks my face.
Mucho weird dream.
I take it from that you like horses!!!!! ;) I'm always having dreams about being on stage- I'm an actress!!! Seems your subconscious does as you would do!!!! Although I do also have the famous Ringwraith dreams!! Mx
11-24-2002, 08:35 PM
I always have a dream that spiders are eating me, and then I wake up and think my bed is infested with spiders and can't go back to sleep for a day or 2.
11-25-2002, 08:28 AM
Originally posted by Duddun
I always have a dream that spiders are eating me, and then I wake up and think my bed is infested with spiders and can't go back to sleep for a day or 2.
ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH GOD I HATE SPIDERS- I'll be in a panic when I go to bed tonight now. I once had a really bad experience like that with ants. I was in Provence in a hotel and the ants got in through the open window- they have really big bugger ants in France. They were crawling all over my bed and in the end I had to beg to sleep in the other bed so I wouldn't be near the window in case they came back. I'd never stay in a ground floor room again!!!! Mx
11-25-2002, 01:23 PM
Had another dream featuring "the Thirteen" (Nazgul, Lurtz, Ugluk, "us") but in a very different scenario! For some reason the elven characters were Kara (me) and Alana (the half-intoxicated one), not proper names for elves but oh well...
Apparently, after obedience class, we all just rushed off and went to this big international event that the leaders of several countries, including all of the Big Five, were supposed to attend. As we came in, for some reason (I can't imagine what) everyone stared. Then this orchestra suddenly appeared and started playing dance music, in a slow, smooth, "graceful" rhythm. So Alana starts dancing with Lurtz and I'm dancing with Ugluk, and the Ringwraiths (literally!) snatch partners and sweep them off their feet. Then the music goes faster and faster and faster and we're all dancing wildly about (with orcs and Nazgul!) in front of leaders from many countries, and then Saruman appears in the middle of the room and we form a circle around him chanting,
"Daft old bird! Daft old bird! Daft old bird!"
And get transported to Middle Earth.:D
Then I woke up. :mad:
11-25-2002, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Had another dream featuring "the Thirteen" (Nazgul, Lurtz, Ugluk, "us") but in a very different scenario! For some reason the elven characters were Kara (me) and Alana (the half-intoxicated one), not proper names for elves but oh well...
Apparently, after obedience class, we all just rushed off and went to this big international event that the leaders of several countries, including all of the Big Five, were supposed to attend. As we came in, for some reason (I can't imagine what) everyone stared. Then this orchestra suddenly appeared and started playing dance music, in a slow, smooth, "graceful" rhythm. So Alana starts dancing with Lurtz and I'm dancing with Ugluk, and the Ringwraiths (literally!) snatch partners and sweep them off their feet. Then the music goes faster and faster and faster and we're all dancing wildly about (with orcs and Nazgul!) in front of leaders from many countries, and then Saruman appears in the middle of the room and we form a circle around him chanting,
"Daft old bird! Daft old bird! Daft old bird!"
And get transported to Middle Earth.:D
Then I woke up. :mad:
How strange!!!!!!!! I know I'll dream about murdering my classics teacher tonight!!! She said I should give up dancing and teaching to spend more time on my school work- not happening. I live to dance and the kids I teach are so special to me I could never give them up. But then again I'll only dream about killing her if I go to sleep- I'm so stressed by school that I only slepp about two hours a night and fret the rest of the time. I've lost a stone in weight in two months and that's not healthy- just because I'm always too upset to eat. Think I'll go and write my book or read LOTR and disappear into another world for a while. Mx
11-25-2002, 06:38 PM
Yes, it was quite strange! Murdering your classics teacher ... hmmm, nah, all you have to do is transport her Elsewhere (like, say Middle Earth?) Better yet, forget her! Transport yourself and the rest of us there! Please...:D
I'm tempted to watch FotR with friends and scream out, "Sharkey! Sharkey! Daft old bird!" at appropriate moments.
11-25-2002, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Yes, it was quite strange! Murdering your classics teacher ... hmmm, nah, all you have to do is transport her Elsewhere (like, say Middle Earth?) Better yet, forget her! Transport yourself and the rest of us there! Please...:D
I'm tempted to watch FotR with friends and scream out, "Sharkey! Sharkey! Daft old bird!" at appropriate moments.
Yes and they'd wheel you straight to the asylum!!!! I wouldn't let my classics teacher anywhere near Middle Earth- she'd probably tell Legolas or Arwen to stop living in a fantasy world!!!! I'd take all of you guys though and we'd have the biggest party the Shire's ever seen. I might just have to take Legolas off to a secluded room of Bag End for a while though LOL!!!! Hey you could bring your dancing Ringwraiths!!!!
11-25-2002, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
Yes and they'd wheel you straight to the asylum!!!! I wouldn't let my classics teacher anywhere near Middle Earth- she'd probably tell Legolas or Arwen to stop living in a fantasy world!!!! I'd take all of you guys though and we'd have the biggest party the Shire's ever seen. I might just have to take Legolas off to a secluded room of Bag End for a while though LOL!!!! Hey you could bring your dancing Ringwraiths!!!!
No, they wouldn't wheel me to an asylum, you don't know my friends! They all say stranger things than that! As for your party idea: sounds great! I'll get all the Ringwraiths together, also Lurtz and Ugluk, as they weren't bad dancers.:D
11-25-2002, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
No, they wouldn't wheel me to an asylum, you don't know my friends! They all say stranger things than that! As for your party idea: sounds great! I'll get all the Ringwraiths together, also Lurtz and Ugluk, as they weren't bad dancers.:D
Yeah I can just see Lurtz shaking his thang to boogie wonderland and a bit of the old saturday night fever!!!! Do you think Legolas would be my slow dance for the evening!!! ANyone else touches him and I'll be there with a rolled up newspaper and setting my alcoholic computer gremlins on them!!!! Will now dream of partying with Nazgul and smacking Aragorn with a newspaper- better than my classics teacher anyway. Mx
11-25-2002, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
Yeah I can just see Lurtz shaking his thang to boogie wonderland and a bit of the old saturday night fever!!!! Do you think Legolas would be my slow dance for the evening!!! ANyone else touches him and I'll be there with a rolled up newspaper and setting my alcoholic computer gremlins on them!!!! Will now dream of partying with Nazgul and smacking Aragorn with a newspaper- better than my classics teacher anyway. Mx
Just another average day...
11-25-2002, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Just another average day...
You betcha!!! But then days are never average!! Mx
11-27-2002, 09:22 AM
Dreamt about orcs brutally murdering my classics teacher last night- good ol Lurtz, those obedience classes really paid off. Mx :D ;) :D ;) :D ;) :D ;)
11-27-2002, 12:17 PM
So that's why Lurtz wandered off all of a sudden in my latest ME dream!(I borrowed a Nazgul-type black cloack and went riding with the Ringwraiths 'cause one of them had a cold, and then I wouldn't give back the horse In the meantime, Alana and Ugluk capture Legolas.:D)
I REALLY hope that's not what my subconscious actually wants to do! Well, except the horse part.
11-27-2002, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
So that's why Lurtz wandered off all of a sudden in my latest ME dream!(I borrowed a Nazgul-type black cloack and went riding with the Ringwraiths 'cause one of them had a cold, and then I wouldn't give back the horse In the meantime, Alana and Ugluk capture Legolas.:D)
I REALLY hope that's not what my subconscious actually wants to do! Well, except the horse part.
Was Legolas okay?!!!!!! Wouldn't mind riding with the Wraiths myself but elven bare back style nto with all the funny bits and bridles and what not...can you tell I'm not a rider? That's my cousins job. Mx
11-27-2002, 06:38 PM
I had the weirdest dream last night, I was talking to my friend Sarah and for some reason she sniffed my fingers, and said, "err, youv'e been cooking roasted vegetable"
and that was it. my dreams never make sense.
love charlotte
11-27-2002, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Charlotte
I had the weirdest dream last night, I was talking to my friend Sarah and for some reason she sniffed my fingers, and said, "err, youv'e been cooking roasted vegetable"
and that was it. my dreams never make sense.
love charlotte
Worried about you now darling!!! For a Mooter you must have Nazgul at obedience training dreams- telepathically sending you on now- enjoy!!! Mx
11-27-2002, 06:44 PM
and ur the one thats worried..... ;) only kidding sweetie I know LOTR takes up about 50% of your brain, dancing and singing and writing 49.9% and the other 0.1% goes on school. I think Miss Beston knows that too ;)
love charlotte
11-27-2002, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Charlotte
and ur the one thats worried..... ;) only kidding sweetie I know LOTR takes up about 50% of your brain, dancing and singing and writing 49.9% and the other 0.1% goes on school. I think Miss Beston knows that too ;)
love charlotte
More like 0.0000000000000000000001% goes on school the rest of the time I'm just Legolas....Legolas....Legolas....Legolas....Elrond (hey Hugo get out of my brain!)...Legolas...Legolas...oh and I forgot, sexy, sexy, sexy Merry!!!!!!!!! Mx
11-27-2002, 06:51 PM
How can u forget the godliness that it pippin, or strider? Miranda Im ashamed of u!!
11-27-2002, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by Charlotte
How can u forget the godliness that it pippin, or strider? Miranda Im ashamed of u!!
Oh they're there but hey, a girl can only take so much at once and I'm still reeling from the Elrond intervention!!!! Pippin, Aragorn, Frodo, Boromir, Sam are all as sexy as Merry and Legolas but you know my desperate feelings for my Angel!!!! Mx
11-27-2002, 06:58 PM
well on that happy note ill leave go 2 visit middle earth..... i mean go 2 sleep. dreams of elves, hobbits and men with big swords (wahey!!) await me. see ya 2moro Miranda, try and get some sleep tonight
11-27-2002, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
Was Legolas okay?!!!!!! Wouldn't mind riding with the Wraiths myself but elven bare back style nto with all the funny bits and bridles and what not...can you tell I'm not a rider? That's my cousins job. Mx
"Was Legolas okay?!" It wasn't like you were planning on hurting your one true love!:D
11-27-2002, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Charlotte
well on that happy note ill leave go 2 visit middle earth..... i mean go 2 sleep. dreams of elves, hobbits and men with big swords (wahey!!) await me. see ya 2moro Miranda, try and get some sleep tonight
Will try. Enjoy Middle Earth- I'm off there too but I'll be locked away in a certain room in a certain elven citadel with a certain elven prince. Oh the Precious and my imagination!!!! Mx
11-27-2002, 07:08 PM
Who's in love with legolas? I'm not. I like aragorn.
11-27-2002, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by AudrentheRanger
Who's in love with legolas? I'm not. I like aragorn.
No, I didn't say you were in love with Legolas, and it's a good thing you aren't, 'cause he's Miranda's sweetheart! (and as for me, I think I'll be happy as long as I get to ride horses and go questing:D )
11-28-2002, 06:11 AM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
No, I didn't say you were in love with Legolas, and it's a good thing you aren't, 'cause he's Miranda's sweetheart! (and as for me, I think I'll be happy as long as I get to ride horses and go questing:D )
Definately- he's my Angel!!! Mx
Eruviel Greenleaf
11-28-2002, 06:25 AM
i have had a few wierd dreams lately...sadly i can't remember any of them. . .
11-28-2002, 06:47 AM
Originally posted by Eruviel Greenleaf
i have had a few wierd dreams lately...sadly i can't remember any of them. . .
Well if you remember them let us know and we''l go into our Tolkien analysis!!! Mx:D ;) :D
Eruviel Greenleaf
11-28-2002, 06:49 AM
Originally posted by Miranda
Well if you remember them let us know and we''l go into our Tolkien analysis!!! Mx:D ;) :D
Gladly will :)
i sort of vaguely remember something about being in the Chamber of Secrets, but that's Harry Potter :rolleyes: :D
11-28-2002, 06:51 AM
Originally posted by Eruviel Greenleaf
Gladly will :)
i sort of vaguely remember something about being in the Chamber of Secrets, but that's Harry Potter :rolleyes: :D
HISS!!!!!!! Taboo word in London is POTTER!!!!! But hey each to their own- someone's gotta like him!!! The only dream I've ever had about Potter was when the characters from it faced the Fellowship in battle- can you guess who won? Mx :rolleyes:
Eruviel Greenleaf
11-28-2002, 07:00 AM
Originally posted by Miranda
HISS!!!!!!! Taboo word in London is POTTER!!!!! But hey each to their own- someone's gotta like him!!! The only dream I've ever had about Potter was when the characters from it faced the Fellowship in battle- can you guess who won? Mx :rolleyes:
oh, i don't like potter...*evil grin*
from what i can remember of my dream, i was in the chamber of secrets watching that whole scene in which harry is talking to tom (riddle) and fighting the basalisk and i couldn't do anything to help tom and the basalisk and i was really mad at the outcome of the battle. *hiss* stupid potter...:D
11-28-2002, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by Eruviel Greenleaf
oh, i don't like potter...*evil grin*
from what i can remember of my dream, i was in the chamber of secrets watching that whole scene in which harry is talking to tom (riddle) and fighting the basalisk and i couldn't do anything to help tom and the basalisk and i was really mad at the outcome of the battle. *hiss* stupid potter...:D
Good another anti Potter ally!!! I have to say Potter and Grishnakh have replaced some of the more choice words of my vocabulary. If I don't like something its either refered to as POTTER or GRISHNAKH now rather than the usual explitives!!! Mx
11-28-2002, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
Good another anti Potter ally!!! I have to say Potter and Grishnakh have replaced some of the more choice words of my vocabulary. If I don't like something its either refered to as POTTER or GRISHNAKH now rather than the usual explitives!!! Mx
I'm with you. Down with the evil Potter! Except, if something annoys me, I say "Narfo." Don't ask where it came from. I don't know.
11-28-2002, 03:46 PM
Y'all are just jealous of JKR because she's got enough creativity to write her own stories, while the rest of you only nick someone else's characters, and call it fanfic. HP may not be that well written from a technical aspect, but the sense of humour, and the creativity are immensly appealing.
but I shouldn't have to defend JKR. After all--she's published, and you're not. :p (no offense intended, just stating a fact)
scrolls back to the top of the thread...oh yeah, dreams. Haven't had any lately. At least not coherrent ones. I do remember a bit the other night where I dreamed I had forgotten to take my final exam for one of my classes. hmmm...that sounds like a Hermione-type of dream...
11-28-2002, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by crickhollow
Y'all are just jealous of JKR because she's got enough creativity to write her own stories, while the rest of you only nick someone else's characters, and call it fanfic. HP may not be that well written from a technical aspect, but the sense of humour, and the creativity are immensly appealing.
but I shouldn't have to defend JKR. After all--she's published, and you're not. :p (no offense intended, just stating a fact)
scrolls back to the top of the thread...oh yeah, dreams. Haven't had any lately. At least not coherrent ones. I do remember a bit the other night where I dreamed I had forgotten to take my final exam for one of my classes. hmmm...that sounds like a Hermione-type of dream...
11-28-2002, 05:25 PM
*grabs French Horn of Doom* I'm gonna kill you...
I can't wait to see the movie...:mad:
Eruviel Greenleaf
11-28-2002, 07:49 PM
oh, i like HP the books, i just don't like potter himself. the books are great. :)
i only write fanfiction for fun though. not because i can't come up with my own characters and worlds and stories.
i had a dream about a bluebird being eaten by an eagle.
11-28-2002, 08:54 PM
Yeah, the HP books are pretty good, but the
11-28-2002, 10:20 PM
*calms down a lot* I realised you meant the character, but really! How can you not like such a cute little guy! And in the movies-! Check out the hairdo!;)
11-28-2002, 10:50 PM
Okay, since we are talking about HP. Let me just state...I imagine Draco really...really hot. Anyone else? Anyone ? Anyone?
hold on...I'm getting a little ferklempt.
I'll give you a topic.
Rhode Island.
Neither a Road or and Island.
Talk amongst yourselves.
*wipes tears off face*
Yeah it IS that time of the month...I get emotional for no reason. :D
Anyway, my dream
Okay, I'm in my house, someones peakin' in the windows...I look out the windows...there are TONS of reporters...with guns...I run and hide. Intense almost caught scenes. Flagrent language. Violence, my dream had it all...:D
Eruviel Greenleaf
11-29-2002, 03:40 AM
Oh, yes, i imagine draco to be veeeerry hot :D
(just don't let tom hear me say that ;))
11-29-2002, 05:41 AM
Didn't dream last night in the sense of running away to ME and doing unspeakable things to a certain elf prince or Nazgul training as is usually expected but I had terrible Nightmares!!!!!!!! It was horrible- Huge scary blocks with samurai swords came into my ballet class and started threatening all the little kids I teach. They started cutting their throats and said they'd keep doing it until we met their demands but they wouldn't tell us what they were so me and my friend were helpless to stop them. It was really frightening, so much so that I'm scared to go to work tomorrow in case it happens!!!!! I've never had such vivid nightmares before. When I woke up I was crying my eyes out!!!! I was so scared. Really worried about work tomorrow as its watch week so the parents can come in but I don't know the parents well enough to recognize them so anyone could come in!!!! Arghhh!!! Mx
11-29-2002, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
CLAWS IN HUNEYBEAR!!!!!!:D ;) Mx no claws here. It's all in good fun :D
11-29-2002, 05:32 PM
that was a terrible nightmare! I have ballet classes too, and I hope that never happens!
11-29-2002, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by AudrentheRanger
that was a terrible nightmare! I have ballet classes too, and I hope that never happens!
Hey it was only a stupid dream I doubt it'll happen but I'm planning on being very alert tomorrow- those kids mean the world to me! Mx
11-29-2002, 06:23 PM
you must be a good teacher, then.
11-29-2002, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by AudrentheRanger
you must be a good teacher, then.
I'm okay- I'm still learning but the kids give me so much to work and live for. I have it pretty rough at school so looking forward to teaching them every week gets me through it. Its just nice to have such responsibilities at such a young age and to know that they respect me so much. Its the last lesson before Xmas tomorrow and I know I'll cry but we're gonna have fun- we're doing all our dances to Xmas music and I have sweets for them all. Will have happy dreams tonight I hope, it nearly destroyed me having to see the things I saw last night. Mx
11-29-2002, 09:24 PM
I had a really scary one last night... I'd just seen Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (YESS!) but it was the Gryffindor Triumvirate getting stuck in this stone room and unable to get out and a ghost was coming and there were Petrified people all over the place and really really scary!!!:eek:
11-30-2002, 03:48 PM
Horrible scary dream of a man with a sword at ballet wasn't a premonition- thank God!!!! Classes went very very smoothly and it was a great last day of term. Mx
11-30-2002, 09:11 PM
I had a dream where a bunch of Hugo Weaving clones were throwing laptops at me. Then I fell into a room where Al Pacino was giving a lecture on quantum mechanics to some hamsters. Then I woke up.
12-01-2002, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by tuthezeng
I had a dream where a bunch of Hugo Weaving clones were throwing laptops at me. Then I fell into a room where Al Pacino was giving a lecture on quantum mechanics to some hamsters. Then I woke up.
Now they're the kind of dreams we like here. LOTR references but they make no sense!!! Keep dreaming everyone!!! Mimi will be. Mx
12-02-2002, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by Eruviel Greenleaf
Oh, yes, i imagine draco to be veeeerry hot :D
(just don't let tom hear me say that ;))
We have some rather scary people here, really! Well, I suppose I can't talk, I is a scary peoples too!:p
Had a very odd "character" (playing someone other than self) dream after reading all the comments about HP, it combined LotR and Harry Potter, with a dash of a weird story I wrote once. :eek:
I (Alexandra) had somehow wound up in Gryffindor, even though Lexa/I was a descendent of Voldie. And Sauron. There was this second One Ring Lexa/I was supposed to wield. Also she/I was a shapeshifter.
Spent most of the dream running around trying to avoid falling to evil on either side of the family. Set dancing Ringwraiths on Voldie at one point. Fun!
Such an interesting family tree... :rolleyes: :p
All in all, quite a busy and complicated life. The scary thing was the even halfway plausible explanation of events!
12-02-2002, 06:09 AM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
We have some rather scary people here, really! Well, I suppose I can't talk, I is a scary peoples too!:p
Had a very odd "character" (playing someone other than self) dream after reading all the comments about HP, it combined LotR and Harry Potter, with a dash of a weird story I wrote once. :eek:
I (Alexandra) had somehow wound up in Gryffindor, even though Lexa/I was a descendent of Voldie. And Sauron. There was this second One Ring Lexa/I was supposed to wield. Also she/I was a shapeshifter.
Spent most of the dream running around trying to avoid falling to evil on either side of the family. Set dancing Ringwraiths on Voldie at one point. Fun!
Such an interesting family tree... :rolleyes: :p
All in all, quite a busy and complicated life. The scary thing was the even halfway plausible explanation of events!
Hmm!!! Most interesting Silver my dear. Don't know if that's scary than Nazgul obedience lessons. Mx
A mass setting I wrote premiered on Sunday. The Wednesday night before the Thursday choir rehearsal with the cellist I had a dream that instead of playing his cello like a sensible concert performer, the cellist was bogeying like a jazz bass player... pizzicato eat your heart out! He was moving around to the beat which was very odd, considering that the mass setting itself's steady beat is just a crochet pulse... :S
Last night I had a dream from which I woke up laughing.
I dreamt I was in a large auditorium. Mary and Joseph were sitting in different places in the audience. I think Jesus was somewhere further towards the front (also in the audience). I was having a conversation with Joseph, who looked remarkably like the organist from my parish. He said, "Well, I wouldn't exactly worship Anthony you know." (Anthony is the organist's son and he's had a few problems this year.)
Totally weird. Too much Christmas and Advent stuff already, to be dreaming about it! :S
I have had LOTR and Harry Potter dreams, but couldn't remember them for the life of me!
12-02-2002, 08:54 AM
Hmmm!!! Wonder how many more strange Xmas style dreams people will have? Keep them coming!!! Mx
12-02-2002, 11:40 AM
Uh-oh! Now I'm going to dream about Christmas Nazgul!
12-02-2002, 04:24 PM
I had a dream about Nazgul. But it just kept replaying around in my head again and again. These wraiths kept trying to climb through my window. Ugh.
12-02-2002, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Elenka
I had a dream about Nazgul. But it just kept replaying around in my head again and again. These wraiths kept trying to climb through my window. Ugh.
Sounds like those Nazgul need obedience lessons!!! Silver!!! Get the news paper my dear- we have some new aquisitions!! Mx
12-02-2002, 05:58 PM
That'd make an interesting business. I can see it now: "M&S Ringwraith Obedience School"
Dreamed of Nazgul becoming so obedient they copied everything that I did. (And as far as I can remember, I was doing this elaborate ballet/tap dance...with a water gun!)
12-02-2002, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
That'd make an interesting business. I can see it now: "M&S Ringwraith Obedience School"
Dreamed of Nazgul becoming so obedient they copied everything that I did. (And as far as I can remember, I was doing this elaborate ballet/tap dance...with a water gun!)
Hmmm! *no further comment can be thought up for such a strange notion at this time* Mx
12-02-2002, 06:07 PM
I've been having really weird dreams at the mo', probably because I have flu:(
Anyone else find their dreams get weird and become more vivid when they are ill?
"M&S Ringwraith Obedience School"?? You folks have got to stop eating those toasted-cheese sandwiches before sleep:D ;)
12-02-2002, 06:12 PM
No, my dreams don't get weirder and more vivid when I'm ill, my dreams are just like that, vivid and weird.
No, it's not toasted-cheese sandwiches -- more like listening to the LotR soundtrack right before going to bed.
12-03-2002, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
No, my dreams don't get weirder and more vivid when I'm ill, my dreams are just like that, vivid and weird.
No, it's not toasted-cheese sandwiches -- more like listening to the LotR soundtrack right before going to bed.
My dreams are always weird and the Ringwraith ones are triggered just by looking at all my LOTR posters on my wall before I turn out the light and will myself into Legolas' arms (whoa!! Easy Tiger) Mx
12-03-2002, 03:48 PM
LOL. I have an LotR calendar, and the picture for the month of December is Legolas, fortunately I am NOT an obssessed fan!
12-03-2002, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
LOL. I have an LotR calendar, and the picture for the month of December is Legolas, fortunately I am NOT an obssessed fan!
On my calendar Legolas was May or June- I have sexy Saruman for December- MIAOW!!!! Tee hee Mx
12-03-2002, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
On my calendar Legolas was May or June- I have sexy Saruman for December- MIAOW!!!! Tee hee Mx
lol. I thought they tried to put their favorite character for December?! Oh well.
Last night, I dreamed of Nazgul w/Santa hats dancing gleefully and squirting Saruman with water guns while Ugluk and I went Christmas shopping in London with Treebeard and Eowyn, and Alana and Lurtz captured Legolas!
12-03-2002, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
lol. I thought they tried to put their favorite character for December?! Oh well.
Last night, I dreamed of Nazgul w/Santa hats dancing gleefully and squirting Saruman with water guns while Ugluk and I went Christmas shopping in London with Treebeard and Eowyn, and Alana and Lurtz captured Legolas!
POOR LEGGIE LOU LOU!!!!!! I dreamt about my blooming audition last night but for some reason my music teacher was there dancing with me- my music teacher is far from your dancer type!!!! It was strange. Will have sweet dreams of Legolas tonight as I have been working on a scene for my fan fic and I always dream of him when I do that. Mx
12-03-2002, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
POOR LEGGIE LOU LOU!!!!!! I dreamt about my blooming audition last night but for some reason my music teacher was there dancing with me- my music teacher is far from your dancer type!!!! It was strange. Will have sweet dreams of Legolas tonight as I have been working on a scene for my fan fic and I always dream of him when I do that. Mx
Miranda, your term for Legolas left me laughing for about a half hour! I'm picturing reactions to his being called that!
12-03-2002, 10:21 PM
last night i dreamed about being in school, only most of my classes took place in a big big tree, like i pictured lothlorien. it was weird because we didnt learn anything. we just talked about birthdays and stuff. my teacher was like "and who's birthday is it today??" there was silence for a minute, then my friend Cody was like "it's mine!" and nobody cared...then someone asked me how to spell my mom's name (Julye) and i said J-u-holy spirit-l-y-e. it was so weird! it was like "holy spirit" was a letter in my mom's name! then i saw one of my other friends who wasnt in school yesterday and i asked him where he had been. he said something about darjeeling tea. speaking of which i just made some tea which i bet is getting cold...
12-04-2002, 05:08 AM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Miranda, your term for Legolas left me laughing for about a half hour! I'm picturing reactions to his being called that!
I can't claim that its my term for him. Its what Graham Norton called Orlando when he was on his show ages ago- along with Pointy Eared Bow Twanger (which sounded very rude at the time!) I think Leggie Lou Lou suits him though!!! Mx
12-05-2002, 06:17 AM
Very weird dream last night!!!! I went to see the Levellers last night and they were awesome. To set up the dream I need to explain that when a fan dances properly to the Levs its known as dancing with the devil. So you can guess what happened in my dream. I dreamt I was at the concert and the ground opened ap and this really sexy devil guy came out of the ground and we danced. It was so strange because all I kept thinking when we were dancing was- I must tell my friends about this on the Entmoot, they'll come to dance too and I wanted to leave so I could get to the internet to post to you all!!!! It was well weird! Mx
12-05-2002, 12:06 PM
I've had TONS of wierd dreams! (probably because i am wierd!:) )
anyway, i was driving my car (not that i have one in reality) along a really long country road. my sister was with me (sitting in the back), and she pointed out someone in the road, and it was too late when i *cough* accidently ran over the person, who turned out to be Sean Bean! like, oops...;)
my sister then turned to me and said, "well...he was gonna die anyway..."
I turned round to check if Sean Bean was acctually dead, when I saw Lurtz in the back! He was gonna stab me, when i woke up...
i've had numerous other dreams...too many to mention...:)
12-06-2002, 05:05 AM
Originally posted by Elf.Freak
I've had TONS of wierd dreams! (probably because i am wierd!:) )
anyway, i was driving my car (not that i have one in reality) along a really long country road. my sister was with me (sitting in the back), and she pointed out someone in the road, and it was too late when i *cough* accidently ran over the person, who turned out to be Sean Bean! like, oops...;)
my sister then turned to me and said, "well...he was gonna die anyway..."
I turned round to check if Sean Bean was acctually dead, when I saw Lurtz in the back! He was gonna stab me, when i woke up...
i've had numerous other dreams...too many to mention...:)
You'll give me nightmares!!!!! Lurtz! Stabbing people!!! He hasn't been concentrating in his obedience lessons- quick Silver the newspaper my dear, this Uruk-Hai needs some Mimi discipline. Mx
12-06-2002, 06:13 AM
Miranda, sweetie, all this talk of training and discipline is going to attract entirely the wrong sort of people! ;)
Well I dreamt I was stuck in an office trying to produce budgets for 40 cost centres against the clock... oh **** it's real! Better get on with it....
12-06-2002, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by Draken
Miranda, sweetie, all this talk of training and discipline is going to attract entirely the wrong sort of people! ;)
Well I dreamt I was stuck in an office trying to produce budgets for 40 cost centres against the clock... oh **** it's real! Better get on with it....
I'll gladly discipline anyone- there's no such thing as the wrong sort of people- they'll be too scared after they've witnessed the power I have over the ringwraiths with a mere newspaper!!!! *Down Nazgul! Bad Nazgul... Eat my classics teacher Nazgul! (pitiful scream from the evil one)...Good Nazgul!* Mx
12-06-2002, 04:37 PM
Had very pleasant and very weird dream last night. See, this one TV channel did a behind the scenes thing for the Two Towers. I was doing barn chores at the time, but my mom taped it for me to watch. Well, I went to bed right after I watched it. I kept having these cool dreams about New Zealand and Helm's Deep and I remember something about getting a phone call from PJ saying to come immediately because I was going to have a major part in the Two Towers and Return of the King. It was weird. :D
Elven Archer
12-06-2002, 05:54 PM
i've had dreams like that when i go to bed watching TV.
I fell asleep listening to some tapes and i had dreams about the guy talking in the tapes. but once i realized he was in my dreams i started thinking he shouldn't be cause i'm awake, but if i'm awake then why am i dreaming, so then i woke up.i don't think i was ever fully asleep though. after i woke up i turned off the tapes and went back to sleep and then my alarm went off and i was listening to the radio untill i fell asleep again and i had the same kind of dream again. it was really wierd.
I had a really weird dream last night too. i dreamt that my mom was wearing my jeans that i was gonna buy today. and then today my mom was getting ready to take me shopping and she sad "i think i have you jeans on." and she did. it was weird cause it was like my dream came true sorta.
12-06-2002, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
I'll gladly discipline anyone- there's no such thing as the wrong sort of people- they'll be too scared after they've witnessed the power I have over the ringwraiths with a mere newspaper!!!! *Down Nazgul! Bad Nazgul... Eat my classics teacher Nazgul! (pitiful scream from the evil one)...Good Nazgul!* Mx
*evil grin*
Last night I dreamed about walking around in the rain in London in short sleeves, singing about tea (nothing particularly unusual there), and I wandered into an Underground station and started having a conversation about writing with this English girl. We got odd looks from everyone (also not unusual.) Then we both started running around London and took off into the air! The flight was going along smoothly, until all of a sudden ... we both crashed into Westminster Abbey. But for some reason, no one really cared. The only one who even REACTED was one guy down on the ground laughing hysterically.
The scary part? When I woke up, I had a British accent and it wouldn't go away! It stayed until late afternoon, then was suddenly gone.
12-06-2002, 07:28 PM
Dont laugh :)
I used to have absolutely terrifying dreams about the Whale in Pinochio (the Disney version). I had it last year, and after I took a shower I was still half in the dream. Ya know what I mean?
And sometimes I have dreams about things before they happen. Like the night b4 my dog got hurt I had a dream taht she got hurt and we had to take her to the vet. of course i didnt tell my mom this till later. much later :)
12-06-2002, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
*evil grin*
Last night I dreamed about walking around in the rain in London in short sleeves, singing about tea (nothing particularly unusual there), and I wandered into an Underground station and started having a conversation about writing with this English girl. We got odd looks from everyone (also not unusual.) Then we both started running around London and took off into the air! The flight was going along smoothly, until all of a sudden ... we both crashed into Westminster Abbey. But for some reason, no one really cared. The only one who even REACTED was one guy down on the ground laughing hysterically.
The scary part? When I woke up, I had a British accent and it wouldn't go away! It stayed until late afternoon, then was suddenly gone.
Ah so my transatlantic evil english accent creating ray gun worked!!!!!! *evil laugh* HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Mx
12-06-2002, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
Ah so my transatlantic evil english accent creating ray gun worked!!!!!! *evil laugh* HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Mx
LOL! The way things are going, I'm inclined to believe that explanation!:D
Especially as it's coming back every time I mention England (maybe it's genetic; my father gets a really strong southern accent when talking about the South, don't know why!)
12-07-2002, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by Miranda
Ah so my transatlantic evil english accent creating ray gun worked!!!!!!
Uh-huh, yep, absolutely, yeah-right-sure. Whatever. Zap-o. Any chance of hitting me with it?:D
12-07-2002, 11:21 AM
I just had a really wierd dream. I was climbing up and down a building for no reason. Then I fell and walked away and went up and down another building.
Fred Baggins
12-07-2002, 04:07 PM
I had a wierd dream. what was so wierd about it? It was compleatly normal! I was getting redy for school! It was to wierd, cause then I woke up and had to really get ready and I though I WAS ready. That was night before last. Last night I first dremt that I had a brick wall fall on me so I could win a pager! Then I was chasing my dad around a lake hanging on his moter propeled raft for dear life!
12-08-2002, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by Elenka
Uh-huh, yep, absolutely, yeah-right-sure. Whatever. Zap-o. Any chance of hitting me with it?:D
Um ... wouldn't you want to find out about the other side effects first?
12-08-2002, 01:50 AM
Hit me too!
12-08-2002, 11:17 AM
I had the most horrible weird dream last night!!! Before I went to sleep I was at a party with all my drama friends and we were having a great time. I hadn't seen my ballet teacher all night but just before I went home I saw her over the other side of the room and decided I'd pop over and say Merry Xmas as I'm not going to see her now until January. We're usually really good friends but she was really snappy with me, so I left without really speaking to her. When I got to bed I tried to work out what was bothering her but couldn't and fell asleep and the dream went like this. We were at the party and she was well upset and ran off to the Green Room. I went after her and asked her what was wrong. She told me she had cancer because she smoked too much (which she does) and that she was going to die. I burst into tears because I love her to bits and she had a go at me for crying. When I woke up I was still bawling my eyes out and so I txted her earlier to ask her if she was alright and she hasn't replied. Oh I hate dreams like that, especially when its about someone I really care for. Mx
12-08-2002, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
Ah so my transatlantic evil english accent creating ray gun worked!!!!!! *evil laugh* HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Mx *that's* what the water gun the weird English girl squirted me with actually was!
*bangs head with 2 by 2*
12-08-2002, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
I had the most horrible weird dream last night!!! Before I went to sleep I was at a party with all my drama friends and we were having a great time. I hadn't seen my ballet teacher all night but just before I went home I saw her over the other side of the room and decided I'd pop over and say Merry Xmas as I'm not going to see her now until January. We're usually really good friends but she was really snappy with me, so I left without really speaking to her. When I got to bed I tried to work out what was bothering her but couldn't and fell asleep and the dream went like this. We were at the party and she was well upset and ran off to the Green Room. I went after her and asked her what was wrong. She told me she had cancer because she smoked too much (which she does) and that she was going to die. I burst into tears because I love her to bits and she had a go at me for crying. When I woke up I was still bawling my eyes out and so I txted her earlier to ask her if she was alright and she hasn't replied. Oh I hate dreams like that, especially when its about someone I really care for. Mx
I hate dreams like that too.:( Fortunately, none have ever turned out to be true.
I hope everything turns out okay!!!!
12-09-2002, 03:54 AM
OMG! I had this really scary one just the other night:
I lived in this big castle - as a servant or something, not the lucky bleeping nobles - and a noble child's christening or something was coming up. This evil queen told me that there were going to be these sacrifices at the ceremony and there had to be a human one - and I was it!:eek: And if I didn't just let them kill me, then the whole peasant population of the castle would have to be killed - so I had to take my necklace off (like it woulda stopped my head getting cut off?!) and get killed off!AaaaAAAAAaargh!
And I've kept that necklace ON ever since, thank you very much.
12-09-2002, 04:35 PM
Had no dreams: Was relieved and dissapointed.
12-11-2002, 08:35 AM
Had the weirdest, scary dream last night. Dreamt I was walking home from school and over the field by my house I was abducted by a Dragon!!! It was really scary- usually if I dream of dragons they're nice and are usually a friend or a pet but this one was hostile and held me to ransom!!! I cried and cried for my hero to come but he didn't...then my alarm went off!!! Very Bizarre!!! Mx
12-11-2002, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
Had the weirdest, scary dream last night. Dreamt I was walking home from school and over the field by my house I was abducted by a Dragon!!! It was really scary- usually if I dream of dragons they're nice and are usually a friend or a pet but this one was hostile and held me to ransom!!! I cried and cried for my hero to come but he didn't...then my alarm went off!!! Very Bizarre!!! Mx
Yes, quite bizarre. And it does sound scary! A hostile dragon?!:eek:
I for once had no dreams at all.
12-11-2002, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by Silverstripe
Yes, quite bizarre. And it does sound scary! A hostile dragon?!:eek:
I for once had no dreams at all.
What no Nazgul obedience lessons?!!! Oh no! They're probably running riot at the prem in Leicester Square tonight then!!! Good job Lurtz isn't there, he's still on a leash in the shed outside!!! Mx
12-12-2002, 08:25 AM
Had very weird dream. I think I've been reading these posts a bit too much cuz now I had a dream 'bout Nazgul obedience school. Very weird.
12-12-2002, 08:45 AM
Had very weird dream. I think I've been reading these posts a bit too much cuz now I had a dream 'bout Nazgul obedience school. Very weird.
Yes very weird.
I had a dream that Dooku, Maul, Vader and Sidious were after me with really big lightsabers *shudder*:eek: I really hope i don't have it again
12-12-2002, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by Elenka
Had very weird dream. I think I've been reading these posts a bit too much cuz now I had a dream 'bout Nazgul obedience school. Very weird.
LOL. Welcome to the club.
I dreamed about flying again. This time, the dream took place in the US, Canada, and England! I think it was supposed to span several years. Anyway, this time I actually had to discover I could fly, which is unusual in my dreams because usually if I fly, I just, well, can.
Then the college years in America flew by (no pun intended) and I moved to Canada to become a director. No, I don't know why I was directing movies in Canada! I just was!
THEN when I was about 30, I think, I became a successful writer and moved off to England, and had several very interesting experiences ... wound up writing non-fiction that everyone thought was fantasy. Even had to change a few things because my editor didn't think the readers would "believe" that I knew what I was talking about!
I then had a "perfectly normal" dream about opening a Nazgul Obedience School somewhere in Alberta.
12-12-2002, 01:18 PM
I ahd a strange dream.
I went to school and all the teachers were stripping!
It was a very scary dream!
12-12-2002, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by Blackboar
I ahd a strange dream.
I went to school and all the teachers were stripping!
It was a very scary dream!
:eek: :eek: :eek:
12-12-2002, 01:20 PM
I ahd a strange dream.
I went to school and all the teachers were stripping!
It was a very scary dream!:eek:
I also had a dream when I was Pippin. It wasn't a lot different to my real life!;)
12-12-2002, 05:26 PM
I'm in my teens and I havnt liked mickey mouse since..... a really long time and the other night i had a dream that I was leading a parade with him!
12-12-2002, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by gimli-son-of-gloin13
I'm in my teens and I havnt liked mickey mouse since..... a really long time and the other night i had a dream that I was leading a parade with him!
Now that is scary *shivers* Don't want to imagine marching behind a squeaky voiced mouse- would remind me too much of a certain teacher at school! Mx
12-13-2002, 05:08 AM
Didn't have a weird dream last night but slept properly for the first time in ages and dreamed nice, warm, comforting dreams- despite the fact that I HAD NO HEATING!!!!!! Arghhh it was freezing when I woke up this morning! Mx
12-13-2002, 05:17 AM
I was at a festival with Iain Duncan Smith (leader of the Conservative Party). He was trying to cultivate an alternative image by growing a beard. Then were sabotaging a fox hunt, but I got ridden down by some hooray henry and had to dive head first into a ditch.
12-13-2002, 05:20 AM
Originally posted by Dunadan
I was at a festival with Iain Duncan Smith (leader of the Conservative Party). He was trying to cultivate an alternative image by growing a beard. Then were sabotaging a fox hunt, but I got ridden down by some hooray henry and had to dive head first into a ditch.
Very bizarre! *lol* I think the Iain Duncan Smith bit would be the scariest. Mx
12-13-2002, 10:40 AM
Hmm, I've had some really wierd dreams....
Like once I dreamt I was leading a group of Megaman's(You know, that blue robot person)Through this humongous Movie Theater place, and all these bad guys kept running up and going :p Then I shot them all, somehow.
And there has been a lot lately where I grab this little tiny thing and start to fly.
Gwaimir Windgem
12-13-2002, 11:12 AM
I remember I had one dream in particular. When I was very young (as in under 6), I had a dream that my brother and I were in a sort of under-control version of Jurrasic Park. We were on this bridge that must have been hundreds of feet above the water. Suddenly, a vast ...(darn, I can't remember, Kronosaurus or something, the big one with the crocodile-like jaw, Oh well, I'll call it Kronosaurus) a vast Kronosaurus leaped out of the water; it was nearly as long as the bridge was above the water. It sprayed water everywhere, and as it was leaping, it was like it was in slow-motion. Then it suddenly started to fall in normal speed again, and that was it. I remembered that dream (at least that part of it) vividly and perfectly for many years; only about a couple years ago did it begin to fade.
12-13-2002, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by Gwaimir Windgem
I remember I had one dream in particular. When I was very young (as in under 6), I had a dream that my brother and I were in a sort of under-control version of Jurrasic Park. We were on this bridge that must have been hundreds of feet above the water. Suddenly, a vast ...(darn, I can't remember, Kronosaurus or something, the big one with the crocodile-like jaw, Oh well, I'll call it Kronosaurus) a vast Kronosaurus leaped out of the water; it was nearly as long as the bridge was above the water. It sprayed water everywhere, and as it was leaping, it was like it was in slow-motion. Then it suddenly started to fall in normal speed again, and that was it. I remembered that dream (at least that part of it) vividly and perfectly for many years; only about a couple years ago did it begin to fade.
I think that happens to all childhood dreams as we get older. Some of mine have faded too. Mx
12-16-2002, 07:58 AM
Had a brief dream that I don't remember much of: I think I was an elf, but can't be sure. Woke up at about 5:00 am FREEZING COLD, cuz I'd kicked off all my blankets (6) except my sheet. Brr.
12-16-2002, 08:05 AM
AHHHHHHHHHH creepest dream last night - i was in a lift that was falling, it hit the ground and i felt my back snap, then i woke up
why did i hit the bottom coz i thought that if you have a falling dream and hit the ground then you die????
12-16-2002, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by elendili
AHHHHHHHHHH creepest dream last night - i was in a lift that was falling, it hit the ground and i felt my back snap, then i woke up
why did i hit the bottom coz i thought that if you have a falling dream and hit the ground then you die????
I've heard that said before, but if i died everytime i had a dream of falling and i hit the bottom then i'd have died at least fifteen times. If you ask me all that stuff about dreams meaning things is just a myth -no offence to anyone who believes it or anything!
12-17-2002, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by Elvedans
I've heard that said before, but if i died everytime i had a dream of falling and i hit the bottom then i'd have died at least fifteen times. If you ask me all that stuff about dreams meaning things is just a myth -no offence to anyone who believes it or anything!
Ah so you've finally joined us my friend! I must disagree with you my dear, dreams have great meaning. I mean I dream of ballet dancing hobbits and surely that must mean something- it reflects very well in elementary- I look like a ballet dancing hobbit in that! Mx
12-17-2002, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by Elvedans
I've heard that said before, but if i died everytime i had a dream of falling and i hit the bottom then i'd have died at least fifteen times. If you ask me all that stuff about dreams meaning things is just a myth -no offence to anyone who believes it or anything!
Well, I would've died several times too. Only the weird thing is, when I hit the bottom in falling dreams, I most often walk off uninjured -- and when I do die, I'm sitting there happily watching myself be carried off in an ambulance or hearse. It's very odd!
And I believe that some dreams mean things, while others really don't...:)
12-17-2002, 02:24 PM
i recently had a dream which inolved two skinny blonds calling each other 'yohirito' and 'yoshie' and a number of kgb agents.
12-17-2002, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Wayfarer
i recently had a dream which inolved two skinny blonds calling each other 'yohirito' and 'yoshie' and a number of kgb agents.
LOL. I sincerely hope that was one of the dreams that does NOT have any significance.
As for me, I just more dreams about Nazgul Obedience School... but why are they all taking place in Canada now?!
12-17-2002, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Gwaimir Windgem
I remember I had one dream in particular. When I was very young (as in under 6), I had a dream that my brother and I were in a sort of under-control version of Jurrasic Park. We were on this bridge that must have been hundreds of feet above the water. Suddenly, a vast ...(darn, I can't remember, Kronosaurus or something, the big one with the crocodile-like jaw, Oh well, I'll call it Kronosaurus) a vast Kronosaurus leaped out of the water; it was nearly as long as the bridge was above the water. It sprayed water everywhere, and as it was leaping, it was like it was in slow-motion. Then it suddenly started to fall in normal speed again, and that was it. I remembered that dream (at least that part of it) vividly and perfectly for many years; only about a couple years ago did it begin to fade.
I've had Jurassic Park dreams too, except that it's when nothing is under control and all the dinosaurs are loose. Mostly it's I'm sneaking around with all these people that I've never met and we find this jeep and get in and start driving, but just before we get to the place where they're evacuating everyone a T-rex bursts out from the trees along the trail and slams into the jeep. Then I crash into a tree on the otherside of the road and the Rex looks over in my direction and walks over. Then I wake up as he's reaching down to eat me. I had a wierd dream last night too. I was in our local grocery store and there was some guy trying to sell my Mom something, but the thing he was selling was some freakish monster. It broke out of the cage and tried to destroy the store.
12-17-2002, 06:47 PM
I find I'm dreaming of Ireland a lot at the moment, especially a waterfall up Torc mountain in Killarney where I go with my family in the summer. I'm there, in my dance clothes of all things- lilac leotard and a chiffon type skirt with my free movement scarf wrapped around my shoulders- and I'm talking to this wise old Leprechaun. I never remember what he says but I'm desperate to go to the waterfall now, even though the path will probably be flooded and inaccesible at this time of year. The magic of the Emerald Isle seems to be calling me back to her!
12-17-2002, 06:59 PM
Very poetic:D
12-18-2002, 04:56 AM
Originally posted by Elenka
Very poetic:D
Suppose it is! Well I'm a hopelessly romantic poet at heart! Mx
12-18-2002, 10:33 PM
Any of you watch Stargate SG-1 ? Just a few nights ago I dreamt that Carter and Teal'c were snorkelling on a reef just meters from a tropical island that I thought was Valinor! Bleeping Valinor! Dunno where I get these ideas... and this other guy snorkelled (dis a very weird word!) past and tapped Carter on the shoulder but she didn't look aroud until he'd gone away. Musta been some very scientific coral down there...*shrug*.
12-19-2002, 06:31 AM
Well as could be expected last night was spent in sweet, sweet TTT dreams!!! I never knew I was so handy with a bow and arrow! Mx
12-19-2002, 11:24 AM
I've had Jurassic Park dreams too
Me too i always dreamed that this floppy palm tree was a t-rex that had come to eat me v. scary for a 7 year old
12-19-2002, 01:21 PM
You know how they always say that when you die in a dream, you die in real life? I now know that's false (or else I am a genuine ghostwriter). A couple of days ago, someone slit my throat at the BEGINNING of the dream. (I thought I could feel pain, too, but suppose I didn't.) This "someone" was a non-human with very sharp claws... *wince*
Anyway, the dream continued, except that not much had really changed. It was really kind of cool because I could fly around and no one could kill me again. I flew around for a couple of minutes and went to see a play. Then Someone called, and I was zooming joyfully homeward when the dream ended.:( Weird. I died, but it STILL wasn't a nightmare.
Last night, of course, I had TTT related dreams.:D
12-19-2002, 01:54 PM
I always have dreams about flying, only the weird thing is, its more like swimming in the air! :p I also have dreams about sitting in the splits very very frequently - can anyone tell me why?:confused:
12-19-2002, 02:08 PM
Not me?
I had a dream when I woke up as Miss Whalley! My form teacher!!!
It was really freaky!
12-19-2002, 02:12 PM
I've never had a dream. Or a Nightmare
12-19-2002, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by Elvedans
I always have dreams about flying, only the weird thing is, its more like swimming in the air! :p I also have dreams about sitting in the splits very very frequently - can anyone tell me why?:confused:
Errr... could it be that you're a dancer my precious!!! Hmm...hobbits in the splits, must try that next time we're in elementary my dear! I dream about sitting in the splits...wait, no I don't...that's saturday limbering class!! Mx
12-20-2002, 05:38 AM
Never , Zavron? I dream all the time, except I forget half of them. According to some book I read once, everyone dreams but you might not remember them.
Well, it's either that or you've got a disorder that eliminates REM sleep. Could be, you never know.:rolleyes: ;)
I haven't dreamt of TTT yet (dagnamit!!!) but I have of Harry Potter. (COS) It was really good, because it was all new footage that I hadn't seen (even though I've seen it twice already, my dreams are full of plotholes) but I had to leave. Bleep!!!
12-20-2002, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Miranda
Errr... could it be that you're a dancer my precious!!! Hmm...hobbits in the splits, must try that next time we're in elementary my dear! I dream about sitting in the splits...wait, no I don't...that's saturday limbering class!! Mx
Very funny my dear! Anyway, i wouldn't want to try it in Elly, I'd probably break something!;)
12-20-2002, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by Elvedans
Very funny my dear! Anyway, i wouldn't want to try it in Elly, I'd probably break something!;)
I'll do it then!!!! Hey, don't matter if I injure myself- can't do it anyway!!! We'll at least be warmer in the new studios to try out hobbit dancing! Will definately dream of our beautiful new home tonight! Vive la BSSPA!!! Mx
01-02-2003, 06:01 AM
I keep having these dreams where i just stop halfway through and think: "This shouldn't really happen in real life. I should be at home in bed right now in the middle of the Xmas holidays. This must be a dream so I'll wake up now" Then i shake myself and wake up. Is that normal do you think?
01-02-2003, 08:05 PM
Hey, I realised I was in a dream the other night, but didn't bother waking myself up. I like my sleep!
I dreamed just a night or two ago that I was taking a music exam *outside* and on trombone (which I've never played, let alone learned at all!) and I knew it was a dream so I wasn't nervous. Weird...
And two nights in a row Harry Potter turned up! In one, he was in the middle of my class excursion to a shopping center (:confused:) and in the other my whole school was asking to be his partner for a ball. And no, I wasn't reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire at the time.
01-03-2003, 11:02 AM
Had a VERY weird dream but can't remember a thing about it.
Had another REALLY weird dream that's too complicated to post.
01-03-2003, 11:28 AM
Yay!!! Im not crazy! I'm not the only person who has the most idiotic dreams!
01-03-2003, 11:52 PM
I keep dreaming about going back to school! Nooo! Demons! Back, fiend! Back!
And last night, I dreamt I went back to school and the first lunchtime I had there, I had to be at four different things and the break only lasted five minutes! NoooOOO!OooO! Horror!
01-05-2003, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Lanelf
Hey, I realised I was in a dream the other night, but didn't bother waking myself up. I like my sleep!
I dreamed just a night or two ago that I was taking a music exam *outside* and on trombone (which I've never played, let alone learned at all!) and I knew it was a dream so I wasn't nervous. Weird...
And two nights in a row Harry Potter turned up! In one, he was in the middle of my class excursion to a shopping center (:confused:) and in the other my whole school was asking to be his partner for a ball. And no, I wasn't reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire at the time.
Harry Potter turned up? I would go at him with a knife or something!
01-05-2003, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by Elvedans
Harry Potter turned up? I would go at him with a knife or something!
Good girl- I have you well trained my love. See you back at dancing sweetie!!! Many tales to tell of Grima Wormtongue and the frozen north, nuff said!!! Had many weird dreams this week, mainly under the affluence of incohol!!! Mainly about LOTR cast members singing queen songs!!! Don't ask! Mx
01-06-2003, 06:06 AM
Originally posted by Miranda
Good girl- I have you well trained my love. See you back at dancing sweetie!!! Many tales to tell of Grima Wormtongue and the frozen north, nuff said!!! Had many weird dreams this week, mainly under the affluence of incohol!!! Mainly about LOTR cast members singing queen songs!!! Don't ask! Mx
Hey that is such a great idea for another one of your stories! I can just imagine it now: Some guys from We Will Rock you get caught in dodgy exploding pyrotechnics and wake up in ME. They meet Bilbo on the way to the Misty Mountains and teach them to sing and dance Queen style. Then the dwarves all run into a cliff face and get knocked silly and wake up in the real world (did i say real? I mean human) and have to go on stage as the cast of WWRY! But the thing is, the real cast have to carry on with Bilbo's real quest while he's banging out classic Queen tracks...
01-06-2003, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by Elvedans
Hey that is such a great idea for another one of your stories! I can just imagine it now: Some guys from We Will Rock you get caught in dodgy exploding pyrotechnics and wake up in ME. They meet Bilbo on the way to the Misty Mountains and teach them to sing and dance Queen style. Then the dwarves all run into a cliff face and get knocked silly and wake up in the real world (did i say real? I mean human) and have to go on stage as the cast of WWRY! But the thing is, the real cast have to carry on with Bilbo's real quest while he's banging out classic Queen tracks...
Hmmm!!!! Maybe... having recently purchased Priscilla Queen of the Desert and seen darling Hugo Weaving as a drag queen I'm thinking more along the lines of all the elves in frocks singing Killer Queen at the top of their lungs!!!! :rolleyes: But the is one song from WWRY that would have to be in the Precious for darling Boromir- Only the good die young!!!! Might try and put pen to paper tonight- hey combine queen with our hobbit dancing and I reckon we're onto a westend sell out- westend of SOHO sell out that is!!! Mx
01-07-2003, 02:12 PM
well i had one it was where me and some mates where playing ball and it got stuck in the tree and this boy ran across and said he would get as he climbed up his finger nails grew and poped the ball.
then there was another part where someone is video tapeing and all you could see was the boy riping someones head of and it felt so real i couldnt sleep for the night.:eek:
Eruviel Greenleaf
01-07-2003, 04:01 PM
I had this crazy dream in which I was a boy, but I wanted to be a girl. . .*shakes head* that was just strange. . .
01-07-2003, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by Elvedans
Harry Potter turned up? I would go at him with a knife or something!
Hmmm, well, that would be interesting. LOL!
But I have a feeling that if you could think logically enough to do that, you could just sort of think him out of existence.
Personally, I'd just chew him out. :D
However, I have not had any particularly weird dreams lately, which is somewhat unusual for me.
01-07-2003, 07:04 PM
2 REALLY bizarre dreams:
1) new LotR cast: Eowyn was Glen Close (the doll does look like her) Arnold Swartzenager was Frodo and GAndalf was played by Lucille BAll (I think that came from the one where she had the beard stuck on her chin) OH! and Smeagol was Brad Pitt. *shudder*
2) i was running through a tunnel when it started raining roses. (:confused: ) then Hugh Grant started doing his roll from Kate and Leopold and wouldn't stop calling me Professor Plum (????) THEN he started waltzing with me and through me off a cliff when I woke up :confused: :confused: :confused: A psychiatrist would have a LOVELY time with me...
01-13-2003, 05:51 AM
Kill Harry Potter? My my, Elvedans, people will start thinking you're evil or something! ;) but really, I don't mind Harry. He's pretty cool.
I wonder what having dreams like that means. *imitates Professor Trelawney (of Hogwarts)* Aaah, when you dream of killing Harry Potter, it is a sure sign that a midget in glasses is going to die...
01-13-2003, 08:00 AM
hehe. :D
I had one weird dream: Ancient, hideous mummy coming to take me away (hehe!) but apparently had to come in through my window. Was scary. When I woke up this morning, the little glo-in-the-dark cresent moon that I always put near my bed when I sleep...It was half-way down the hall to my parents' room! I have a feeling something moved it in the night...
01-15-2003, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by Lanelf
Kill Harry Potter? My my, Elvedans, people will start thinking you're evil or something! ;) but really, I don't mind Harry. He's pretty cool.
I wonder what having dreams like that means. *imitates Professor Trelawney (of Hogwarts)* Aaah, when you dream of killing Harry Potter, it is a sure sign that a midget in glasses is going to die...
Ahhh but you see Lanelf I AM Evilll... ha ha haaa! No, I know Miranda will kill me for this but it's only the films that i hate with all my heart. The books I can read (though they can't compete with the likes of Tolkien). I'm sorry but the acting in HP makes me wanna puke.
01-15-2003, 07:34 PM
i had this weird dream once i was in a video game with these pirates that were happy looking, and they tried to chop me to pieces with swords. it was weird.
01-15-2003, 07:43 PM
:) :) Evenstar1400... I would be happy to interperate your dream for you... I have read many a book on dream reading... That's only becasue I was having reoccuring dreams at the time that I would fall off a building and die! on impact!:) :) very scary. but it turns out that I was just nervous becasue I was going to a new camp that year...
01-15-2003, 08:02 PM
I had a strange dream last night.
It involved smaug (the dragon of erebor) and some cute girl from gondor.
01-15-2003, 09:28 PM
I am not going to ask... because I really do nto want to know the gory details of your dream...
Lady of Rohan
01-15-2003, 10:03 PM
The other night I had a dream where we where at war with the boys against the girls (and the war was taking place in our school yard). We (the girls) had all of our teachers on our side, but the boys had an army of Uruk-Hai on there side. The boys sent some spies up to through poison darts at us. Then when the spies had gone back we saw the army of Uruks coming up the edge of the school yard. Then I woke up. It was very strange.
01-16-2003, 11:03 PM
Eh, last night I heard this really really really scary weird sound outside my window - it sounded like something breathing out really hard (*really* hard - I heard it through my window and blinds) then a scuffling noise. I could have sworn it was a spooky dream. I was so sure I said "wake up!" out loud - but it wasn't. It was probably just a fruit bat stuck in the netting over my peach tree, but it was sooo spooky sounding.
Anyway, so this isn't off topic - I've been breathing underwater in my dreams - again! do you know how irritating that gets when it comes back again and again and again? Someday I'm going to go swimming and drown because I think it's another dream!
01-20-2003, 02:15 AM
well here it goes
for some reason me and my friends were hanging out at my chemistry teachers house, and one of my friends was just like, "so you wanna smoke up with us" and she was like okay cool(she is a young teacher and she is really hot) and we smoked up with her and it was really cool until i woke up.
i really wish this would happen to me
01-20-2003, 10:04 AM
Well...After I found out that Lia is afraid of horses, I've been thinking of how I can get her on one, becasue it's painful for me that she hates something I love.
I dreamed that I was at this party thing. It seemed to be held in Orthanc/Mich. Football stadium. I was riding my horse with some other people inside the stadium and everyone was laughing and talking and drinking cocktails. Then, apparently something was about to start, so they asked that the riders come off the field. I did, and I put my horse in a third-story bathroom in a place a lot like Orthanc. The bathroom had a little curving balcony, and everything except the sinks and toilets were made of stone too. These two girls had followed me up, because I'd promised them a horsey-ride. So I (I don't get this part either) I pulled Max's reins over his head and made him jump off the balcony. Somehow, I'm holding the reins and he's just kinda floating, but he's also trying to gallop in mid-air. Then the girl riding called up to me, "THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!!"
01-20-2003, 11:09 PM
I don't normally have LotR dreams, but last night I dreamed that my yard was like Helm's Deep and I stood on my front steps slaying orcs and Uruk-Hai trying to keep them from breaking my front door down. No more sessions of the TTT video game before bed. :p
01-21-2003, 05:07 AM
Originally posted by Khamûl
I don't normally have LotR dreams, but last night I dreamed that my yard was like Helm's Deep and I stood on my front steps slaying orcs and Uruk-Hai trying to keep them from breaking my front door down. No more sessions of the TTT video game before bed. :p
LOL!!! I had a dream quite similar to that the other night but I'd just seen TTT at the cinema with a mate so no questions as to where it came from. I spent the whole of last night reliving my audition from yesterday so I'm even more exhausted this morning than I was when I went to bed!!!! Mx
01-21-2003, 04:42 PM
I saw this programme about Narcolepsy that said if we didn't have this chemical thingy in our brains we'd be asleep forever. I was thinking "Great I'd love that, no more education or long dancing lessons just s lifetime of Weird Dreams!" But then I thought I'd miss seeing PJ's version of ROTK Which would mean that my LOTR Dreams would be incomplete. And then there's always the risk that i might not dream of LOTR at all and just have nightmares or dream about endless dance lessons which is worse than real ones because there's no certainty that they'd end and at least when I'm awake I can control what i do and i can eat coz that's another thing I like my food and I don't think I've ever eaten in a dream is it Possible? I always seem to wake up just as i'm about to eat or drink and wake up hungry and thristy and i can never be bothered to get up for a glass of water so i try to go back to sleep to dream about the food and drink again but it just happens again and- *pants* I think i'm gonna shut up now coz I'm in one of those rambling moods and If i don't stop now I'm just gonna go on and on and on and on and on and...
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