View Full Version : Weird Dreams....
09-29-2007, 12:33 PM
Whoa whoa! hold the phone! Did you say the K-word?! :eek: :confused: :eek:
Tell me about this dream!!! :eek: :D :eek: :)
It was really weird. I'm a pirate and the ship gets stuck on something so the captian sends five pirates down to see what's up. One of them is messing around as he goes down. The first four go under the water just to hurry up and get it over with. The fifth one finally stops playing around and goes under right about the time the Kraken eats the first four pirates. He hauls butt back to the ship and tells the captian the Kraken just ate the others. Then we're fortifying the ship with, of all things, sand that looks a hell of a lot like the Spill Magic we use at work to clean up oil and grease spills :confused: . Then about that time my alarm went off. Stupid thing.
He looked more like the squid like thing in this Sci-Fi channel movie that came on a while back called Kraken.
It has been forever since I've seen Clash of the Titans.
09-30-2007, 06:56 PM
I never saw Clash of the Titans.
10-01-2007, 12:27 PM
I never saw Clash of the Titans.
:eek: :eek: I thought everyone had seen Clash of the Titans. I had three teachers that made us watch it duing our mythology study
10-01-2007, 12:31 PM
I've seen bits and peices but never the whole thing.
10-01-2007, 01:48 PM
10-06-2007, 12:09 PM
I really need to quit playing this arcade game called "Silent Scope" Now I'm having dreams that I'm a sniper :D That was fun
Lief Erikson
10-06-2007, 01:20 PM
Keep playing it and giving yourself fun dreams ;).
10-09-2007, 12:20 PM
And my mom wonders why I like to sleep in :D
10-09-2007, 06:28 PM
Reeeeeeally disturbing dream the last few nights...
I'm on this military-type ship, and there are a bunch of army people with me.
There's this... thing... sort of like the creature from the alien movies, if you've ever seen them, only... lots less silly :rolleyes:.
So this thing is going through the ship and it's pulling out people's insides and turning them into more creatures like itself. It does it by grabbing you from behind, and then punching through your ribs and digging out your insides.
... yeah.
So, at the end of the dream, this thing finally sneaks up on me as I'm trying to warn someone else, and the last thing I remember is being grabbed from behind, and then having the thing jab its hand into me and start digging out my stomach.
10-09-2007, 06:59 PM
Yuck. Sounds like a wierd dream I had once (which I dont think I'll share).
10-11-2007, 12:21 PM
Gheeze Tessar. Looks like you got everyone beat on the creepy dreams. *shivers*
Miss Cassandra
10-12-2007, 08:46 AM
I have dreams like that all the time...
Is it normal to dream that you are other people, who you don't even know and never seen before?
Sounds like someone's been watching too many horror movies... Tessar...
*points finger and shakes sternly at the person who's frightening everyone on this thread...
10-27-2007, 10:04 AM
I've had a dream where I've been chased by lots of different sized purple dragons, these dragon would breathe fire on you and you'd become one of them.
Then I realied that I was in a computer game for the playsation 2, yet I could pause the me whenever I wanted. When the Dragons found me I tried to pause the game, yet the controler was stuck.
Just as they were about to breathe fire on me I paused the game and forced myself to wake up. :confused:
10-29-2007, 12:20 PM
I had a very weird dream last night
There were these two huge robots. One had several tentiacle arms and the other was had cannons for arms. People were sending out smaller robots to battle them, but the 2 robots would distroy them in one swing. Three of my friends and myself discovered we had superpowers and went out to fight them. One could shapeshift, one could grow into a huge rock, one was like spiderman and I could fly. (I know wierd) We defeated the robots, but then the people thought we were dangerous so we had to run. We met this witch who said we would save the world again.
About that time I woke up
10-29-2007, 12:30 PM
Weird, but entertaining nonetheless :D
The last sane person
10-29-2007, 03:07 PM
I have dreams like that all the time...
Is it normal to dream that you are other people, who you don't even know and never seen before?
I dont know whether it is normal or not, but I do that all the time. Its really weird, cause my dreams are nothing fantastic, it's like they are just going about their every day routine or something, then something happens.
10-30-2007, 12:29 PM
It's fairly normal. I dream I'm someone else all the time and so does a few other people I know
Nautipus, oh it was entertaining allright :D
10-30-2007, 12:36 PM
I had this really wierd dream, I was with some people that I know from my old school (and dont particularly like) and we were driving around my hometown in a VW van thing, complete with psychodelic paint job. We all had on those crazy hippie clothes and fake afros, then we went to this big wooden playground and were standing around. Then these fingers (same size as a normal finger) started attacking us. But I woke up before anything elso happened.
Thain Peregrin Took I
03-29-2008, 04:55 PM
I had such a weird dream a few days ago.
I was in my 20's or 30's (but I don't remember if I looked any older) and I was getting married. I never saw my fiance's face (I might have, but I don't remember what he looked like). The church that we were getting married in was a mix between the church where I live and another one that we go to sometimes that is farther away. The priest was our local priest. My fiance and I were sitting in these pews that were off to the side with his family I guess. None of my family or friends were there. Then the priest motioned to us to get up. My husband was Jewish, and instead of putting on the Jewish hat, he put on a black felt cowboy hat (0_o) and I had to put on this really ugly off-white hat. Then we stood up in front of the priest and had to walk backward in a weird pattern until we were in front of the altar.
There were a ton of people there, none of whom I knew. I don't really remember what happen, but at one point the priest said something, and everyone shouted "Children of Yahweh!" Then a select group of people got up and did this dance in the space between the front pews and the steps leading up to the altar. My husband-to-be and I weren't sure how we should dance, because everything we did seemed awkward compared to what everyone else was doing. So we decided to basically hug each other and dance cheek to cheek. (Which makes no sense, because if everything else seemed awkward, why would dancing really close be un-awkward?)
There was no Consecration of the Eucharist, but instead pre-consecrated hosts were brought up. Only like 3 people came up for Communion. And that's all I remember.
I told you it was weird. :D :p
Hehe :)
Never knew this thread was here. I hardly ever dream, but I had a weird one not too long ago.
I was with a family of kids and they were showing me around their house where they had hidden the skeletons of their brothers and sisters that they had killed. I was just watching it all, feeling mildly interested when I was in the shed with one of the youngest kids who was showing me another skeleton when the FBI stormed in and yelled "Freeze!" at us.
Then we were in prison at a long table where we were eating. I was teaching the kids to eat with chopsticks but they weren't doing very well because we were eating with the wrong side of the chopsticks. I noticed that they were the wrong (thus thick) side, but I didn't feel it was necessary to change it. Then the doors opened and there was a little perfect family (classic picture of a perfect family from the 50's) and a warden. The kid they had was truly adorable, but he had a running nose so I took a napkin from the table to let the boy blow his nose and he just kept blowing and his nose kept running! Meanwhile I was wondering why a perfect family would allow their kid to be in a prison with kids who had murdered...
Then I was in church all of a sudden, sitting next to my sister. For some reason all the benches were facing the exit. It was very bright. Then some nutter got up and stood in the isle, pulls out a gun and starts shooting people! I didn't hear much, but I saw people screaming and panicking and getting shot, but it didn't bother me. I didn't feel anything and just watched. Then my sister got up and tried to pull me up to search for a safer spot. She passed behind the shooter and his behind a bench further back and I got up to follow her but the nutter turned around and looked right at me. He continued shooting while staring at me and didn't harm me. I walked back to the bench and ducked behind it. And then I suddenly got scared that I would die, or that my sister would die. She wanted to get up and see what was going on, and I got absolutely terrified and tried to pull her back down...
and then I woke up :D
03-29-2008, 11:26 PM
OOOOO, that's pretty freaky, Mari! :D
I had this one about three days ago:
My mother, two older sisters, and I were at home doing... something. Dishes, I think. We were talking about how a little girl had vanished at a theme park (I mean a place with roller-coasters) near our church three days ago, and how it was strange that she hadn't been found.
My family decided to go visit a nun who lived near the park and was praying for the girl's safe return.
As we drove closer and closer to the church, everyone started feeling really uneasy, and it got dark very quickly till finally it was at that point where it's just barely night time and there's still a tiny purple glow on the horizon.
Then I remember someone saying, "Is that the little girl?" as we drove into the parking lot, and there was a little girl with long black hair wearing a white summer dress standing near the church, with her face looking down. I got this incredibly powerful sense of dread, and I said something like, "Mom, there is no way this girl survived for three days. She's possessed."
Then the little girl looked up at our car, and she started scrambling on all fours up the wall of the church, still looking over her shoulder at our car, and I -knew- she was coming for me.
We were trying to drive as fast as we could to the place where the nun lived, because we were afraid the girl would try to kill her, but I was freaking out because I knew she wasn't after the nun, she wanted me.
The last part of the dream I remember is watching the girl and being able to make out that she was looking at me with these red-yellow eyes and she mouthed, "I'm coming for you,"
...aaaaaaaaaand then I woke up.
Lief Erikson
03-30-2008, 12:50 AM
Sounds like a good dream. The nun got her prayer answered :).
Thain Peregrin Took I
03-30-2008, 01:30 AM
OOOOO, that's pretty freaky, Mari! :D
I had this one about three days ago:
My mother, two older sisters, and I were at home doing... something. Dishes, I think. We were talking about how a little girl had vanished at a theme park (I mean a place with roller-coasters) near our church three days ago, and how it was strange that she hadn't been found.
My family decided to go visit a nun who lived near the park and was praying for the girl's safe return.
As we drove closer and closer to the church, everyone started feeling really uneasy, and it got dark very quickly till finally it was at that point where it's just barely night time and there's still a tiny purple glow on the horizon.
Then I remember someone saying, "Is that the little girl?" as we drove into the parking lot, and there was a little girl with long black hair wearing a white summer dress standing near the church, with her face looking down. I got this incredibly powerful sense of dread, and I said something like, "Mom, there is no way this girl survived for three days. She's possessed."
Then the little girl looked up at our car, and she started scrambling on all fours up the wall of the church, still looking over her shoulder at our car, and I -knew- she was coming for me.
We were trying to drive as fast as we could to the place where the nun lived, because we were afraid the girl would try to kill her, but I was freaking out because I knew she wasn't after the nun, she wanted me.
The last part of the dream I remember is watching the girl and being able to make out that she was looking at me with these red-yellow eyes and she mouthed, "I'm coming for you,"
...aaaaaaaaaand then I woke up.
That's really... creepy. And Mari, yours was also kinda creepy too.
I'm not sure of the last time that I had a creepy/scary dream. Mine are usually just plain weird. :D
03-30-2008, 01:58 AM
Sounds like a good dream. The nun got her prayer answered :).
.... um... Lief, are you being ironic? :p
A possessed girl who climbs walls is not exactly a 'safe return'.
Thain, it wasn't creepy because I was very calm and just kinda floated through the dream in a detached emotional state. Actually I was happy with it, because I hardly ever dream ;)
Tessar... that's scary man... very scary. What did you do?! (Could have used the interro-thingy here :p)
Thain Peregrin Took I
03-30-2008, 07:38 PM
Thain, it wasn't creepy because I was very calm and just kinda floated through the dream in a detached emotional state. Actually I was happy with it, because I hardly ever dream ;)
I guess creepy wasn't really the right word. More like potentially scary because you were calm in your dream, therefore potentially scary.
Lief Erikson
04-05-2008, 11:42 AM
I had a really weird, and unpleasant, dream last night.
I dreamed that I met RÃ*an in person, and we got into an argument. She got so angry during the argument that she said she never wanted to see or speak to me again! :eek::eek:
04-06-2008, 01:28 AM
Oh dear. O.o
I had a very slightly similar dream the other night... In the dream, I had just walked out of a master class on singing. I started talking about the class with a group of people, and I got into a huge argument with one of my best friends about whether or not the teacher knew what she was talking about, and we ended up screaming at each other. O.o
I just woke up with one of those, "what the eff?" feelings after that dream.
Gwaimir Windgem
04-06-2008, 01:35 AM
I had a really weird, and unpleasant, dream last night.
I dreamed that I met RÃ*an in person, and we got into an argument. She got so angry during the argument that she said she never wanted to see or speak to me again! :eek::eek:
I DID meet Rian in person; we didn't have heated argument, though.
Lief Erikson
04-06-2008, 02:28 AM
That's logical, of course. I don't think I've ever had an argument with her before. She's a wonderful and extremely kind friend :). As I said, it was a very weird dream ;).
I think it reflects my fears of rejection and alienation, fears that have grown strong as my religious positions come to differ from those of everyone I know. Except a very small number of Catholics I've met who seem receptive to a good deal of my thinking. But I've had some extremely heated arguments with people very dear to me about religion, and these have hurt us all.
It's depressing. That's why I had the dream, I'm sure.
04-06-2008, 08:04 PM
Herm. Wrong thread.
Thain Peregrin Took I
04-09-2008, 08:26 PM
I had a dream where one of my friends walked up to me and MB, and he had identical tattoos on both of his shins. They were these eyes and then a curly mustache. I asked him what it was supposed to be, and he said that it was a tattoo of Zorro. I told him that it didn't look at all like him. Then he turned around, and on his calves was a tattoo of the back of "Zorro's" head and his body, except the head was really big and the body was tiny. O_o
04-09-2008, 09:07 PM
Haha.:D That made me laugh a little.:)
Lief Erikson
04-10-2008, 02:36 AM
Yeah; quite a quirky dream.
04-10-2008, 11:54 AM
The dream me was walking along a beach with a friend. I saw this smallish Gundam-style giant robot, and I noticed there was a guy piloting it too, using standard hand controls with levers and what-not, doing some construction project. "So," I thought, "you really can pilot a mech that way! I thought it'd be too clumsy without something like the system in Eva..."
Anyway, we watch him for a while, and then he came and sat down on a raft with us. He was vaguely similar to my RL boyfriend, but older and with big sunglasses and long-ish hair, and more friendly and laid back. It was pretty much love at first sight. We all talked on the raft for a while.
Later, maybe much later, we ended up going back to my house (where I lived with my parents, much older and different from my real parents) and a butler. I took him to my room, and closed the door (the butler noticed!), and I guess since there were no chairs or because I was in bed in real life, we climbed into bed. We were just laying there talking, but I was really excited. It felt like falling in love again. :) That was my favorite part.
Then before too long I half started to realize I was dreaming and it started to fall apart a little. I remember we had to run away, first it was just from my parents or something, then from something scarier. There were a couple other scenes too involving hanging out in a workshop but I won't go into it.
Anyway, it was a fun dream. :)
04-10-2008, 06:30 PM
Just for fun, here's another version of the same dream. It's not supposed to be a complete story, just something to better explain the feeling. I think I felt something like this when I woke up.
He was wearing sunglasses, stylish but practical. His hair was a little bit long and unkempt. He smiled.
She was young and innocent, in a flower pattern spring dress. Her hair was soft light brown.
She liked to watch him as he worked. He was a builder and a creator. He liked to work with his hands. She watched his hands and felt inexplicably lonely. She raised her gaze to his gentle face, and smiled.
She noticed something hanging in the window. She asked him what it was for, and he smiled as he told her. “Some of these things don't have a purpose, really. They're just for capturing dreams, is all. They're manifestations of something beautiful I felt.â€
They found that they liked to hide out in her room.
The skin on his arm was smooth and warm. She blushed at the contact between her hand and his body. She nuzzled her face into her pillow a little bit, and closing her eyes, thought she might sleep.
04-11-2008, 02:24 PM
I had a dream about entmoot last night! I don't remember much, but that I was talking to Sas and Curu and Sis was mad at me for some was...odd...
04-11-2008, 02:46 PM
ROFL! What were we talking about, anyway?
04-11-2008, 02:50 PM
you are going to fall out of your chair when you read this..
Sas and I were talking, and he goes "you're hot" HAHAHA, I know..and I think you and I were just talking about random stuff and Sis was just all like "you're annoying" and things like that. It was very very strange
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
04-14-2008, 11:26 PM
you are going to fall out of your chair when you read this..
Sas and I were talking, and he goes "you're hot" HAHAHA, I know..and I think you and I were just talking about random stuff and Sis was just all like "you're annoying" and things like that. It was very very strange
Nice! I'm flattered that someon had a dream about me! I had a dream about entmoot too. All the mooters had a big get-together right down the road from me. I mean ALL the mooters. A big convention. So I was walking home and all of a sudden I see Link, Sis and Hector following me home. You guys basiclly just hung out at my house for what seemed to be only a few hours, but when we went outside it turned out to be 6 and a half years! :eek: How weird is that?!
04-14-2008, 11:58 PM
I had a dream about entmoot last night! I don't remember much, but that I was talking to Sas and Curu and Sis was mad at me for some was...odd...
you are going to fall out of your chair when you read this..
Sas and I were talking, and he goes "you're hot" HAHAHA, I know..and I think you and I were just talking about random stuff and Sis was just all like "you're annoying" and things like that. It was very very strange
:( No! Really I'm nice.
Nice! I'm flattered that someon had a dream about me! I had a dream about entmoot too. All the mooters had a big get-together right down the road from me. I mean ALL the mooters. A big convention. So I was walking home and all of a sudden I see Link, Sis and Hector following me home. You guys basiclly just hung out at my house for what seemed to be only a few hours, but when we went outside it turned out to be 6 and a half years! :eek: How weird is that?!MUCH more likely, lol.
We'll have a get-together, y'all will see. We'll meet, and eat, and wear Earniel's shirts. :)
Gwaimir Windgem
04-15-2008, 12:35 AM
Nice! I'm flattered that someon had a dream about me! I had a dream about entmoot too. All the mooters had a big get-together right down the road from me. I mean ALL the mooters. A big convention. So I was walking home and all of a sudden I see Link, Sis and Hector following me home. You guys basiclly just hung out at my house for what seemed to be only a few hours, but when we went outside it turned out to be 6 and a half years! :eek: How weird is that?!
It was just a dream about you telling her she was hot; you're the flatterer here, not the flattered. :p
Nice! I'm flattered that someon had a dream about me! I had a dream about entmoot too. All the mooters had a big get-together right down the road from me. I mean ALL the mooters. A big convention. So I was walking home and all of a sudden I see Link, Sis and Hector following me home. You guys basiclly just hung out at my house for what seemed to be only a few hours, but when we went outside it turned out to be 6 and a half years! :eek: How weird is that?!
Sas, are you sure you want to spend 6,5 years with Hector? :eek: :p
Sounds like fun though.
[hypnotizing voice]Someday you are all going to come to the Netherlands and we will have a great time[/hypnotizing voice]
04-15-2008, 08:43 AM
Nice! I'm flattered that someon had a dream about me! I had a dream about entmoot too. All the mooters had a big get-together right down the road from me. I mean ALL the mooters. A big convention. So I was walking home and all of a sudden I see Link, Sis and Hector following me home. You guys basiclly just hung out at my house for what seemed to be only a few hours, but when we went outside it turned out to be 6 and a half years! :eek: How weird is that?!
haha!!! Thats great, Im not sure that I would follow anyone home though...
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
04-15-2008, 06:50 PM
I have had this strange re-ocurring dream where I'm in a mall. A big mall and I fall asleep on one of the benches. Next thing I know, I'm trapped in the mall! :eek: I decide to wait 'yill morning but (and here's the wierd part)..... MORNING NEVER COMES!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Thain Peregrin Took I
04-15-2008, 09:40 PM
Yeah; quite a quirky dream.
Well, I am quirky, so... :D
Nice! I'm flattered that someon had a dream about me! I had a dream about entmoot too. All the mooters had a big get-together right down the road from me. I mean ALL the mooters. A big convention. So I was walking home and all of a sudden I see Link, Sis and Hector following me home. You guys basiclly just hung out at my house for what seemed to be only a few hours, but when we went outside it turned out to be 6 and a half years! :eek: How weird is that?!
Was I there? :D
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
04-15-2008, 09:50 PM
Was I there? :D
Yes. Everyone was there. As a matter of fact, You, Mari, Curu and I got in a very lengthy discussion about middle-earth!
Thain Peregrin Took I
04-15-2008, 09:53 PM
Yes. Everyone was there. As a matter of fact, You, Mari, Curu and I got in a very lengthy discussion about middle-earth!
What did I look like? :p
I don't really remember any recent weird dreams. I know I had one last night, and I kinda remembered it in the morning, but now I totally forgot it.
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
04-15-2008, 09:55 PM
What did I look like? :p
I don't really remember any recent weird dreams. I know I had one last night, and I kinda remembered it in the morning, but now I totally forgot it.
Kinda like Pippin actually. You were short, had big glasses and frizzy brown hair.
Thain Peregrin Took I
04-15-2008, 09:57 PM
Kinda like Pippin actually. You were short, had big glasses and frizzy brown hair.
Oh gosh. Why did you have to imagine me like that? :p
I dreamed again... 't is a miracle!
I was holding a pretty bouquet of red, yellow and orange flowers which looked like gerbera's but weren't and, like silk, they would change shade. So they got dark and light depending on how you held them.
I was wearing a dress in the same colours, but in order to change the shade of the dress, you had to turn it inside out.
Now it was the next day and I was holding the same flowers and wearing the same dress, but this time it wasn't the flowers changing shade, but the dress and in order to match the flowers with the shade, you had to turn the flowers inside out! :eek:
I have no idea how I could turn the flowers inside out, but I did it... weird... :D
Thain Peregrin Took I
04-16-2008, 09:42 PM
I had this dream last night that started with MB buyig two really ugly floral print fabrics. Then I don't remember what happened, but I ended up being a prisoner wiht these two guys. Our guard usually stayed in the basement, which was accessed by a trap door sorta thing in the middle of the room. Then the guys and I started lining the corners and floorboards of the walls with quarters. The guard came up, and he said something, but he didn't seem to really notice the quarters. So we just talked a little bit, then he went back down.
Later, the guard was somewhere else, so we went down into the basement and got two boxes. One was a box for a little Icee maker in it, and I don't know what the other one was. Then we brought them back upstairs. After we put down the boxes, we went into another room the led to a balcony with a really beautiful view. Then I woke up.
04-16-2008, 09:45 PM
That is definately weird.:)
04-18-2008, 01:26 AM
I had an Entmoot dream the other night. I dreamed Curufin replied to my post in the thread about how did you start to like LotR thread. It was something similar to what she actually said. I wrote a reply. Then I woke up.
I dreamed about Sis last night. She allowed me to dress her up and braid her hair. She makes a lovely faerie :D
Then I was dressed up like one too all of a sudden (though the me in my dream didn't look like me) and we were playing tag in a huge yellow and white flower field, with flowers in our hair. I had fun! :D
Weird huh?
04-27-2008, 08:09 PM
I forgot about this thread.
I had the weirdest dream the other night.
Some sort of virus was turning everybody into zombies. Me and a bunch of people I know in RL hid out in this department store. In the ceiling of the store was the only thing that would keep the zombies from attacking. The zombies broke into the store and I ran into the bathroom while everyone else scattered. I locked the door and climbed into the ceiling. Two zombies broke into the bathroom and came after me. As I crawled through the ceiling, I noticed that the ceiling had no enforcing stuff to keep it up. So I'm practaly flying across the interior of the ceiling, while where I touch falls, taking out a few zombies in the process. The two chasing me are still on my tail. Then I find the anti-zombie just as one grabs my ankle. I turn around and shove the thing in its face. It screams and falls out of the ceiling. The other sees what I'm holding and jumps. The zombies tear out of the store. I look down and see the anti-zombie thing is a... ceramic frog. We chase a few more zombies off before i woke up.
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
04-28-2008, 06:06 PM
I look down and see the anti-zombie thing is a... ceramic frog. We chase a few more zombies off before i woke up.
Sounds like an Earneil kinda dream. :p
Thain Peregrin Took I
04-29-2008, 09:27 PM
I forgot about this thread.
I had the weirdest dream the other night.
Some sort of virus was turning everybody into zombies. Me and a bunch of people I know in RL hid out in this department store. In the ceiling of the store was the only thing that would keep the zombies from attacking. The zombies broke into the store and I ran into the bathroom while everyone else scattered. I locked the door and climbed into the ceiling. Two zombies broke into the bathroom and came after me. As I crawled through the ceiling, I noticed that the ceiling had no enforcing stuff to keep it up. So I'm practaly flying across the interior of the ceiling, while where I touch falls, taking out a few zombies in the process. The two chasing me are still on my tail. Then I find the anti-zombie just as one grabs my ankle. I turn around and shove the thing in its face. It screams and falls out of the ceiling. The other sees what I'm holding and jumps. The zombies tear out of the store. I look down and see the anti-zombie thing is a... ceramic frog. We chase a few more zombies off before i woke up.
Sounds kinda like I Am Legend except... not. :p Just the virus that turns people into zombies.
I haven't really had any dreams lately. I know I've had a few, but I don't really remeber any of them.
04-30-2008, 08:19 PM
Sounds like an Earneil kinda dream. :p
Well, I was Mooting before I went to bed. I thought of Earniel when I woke up.
And for the record, I haven't seen I am Legend.
Thain Peregrin Took I
07-12-2008, 08:42 PM
I had this weird dream recently where MB and I were in some house that was sorta set up like a restraunt in that it had a bunch of round tables and chairs set up. There was this incredibly fine black dude that was sitting at a table with us, and we were going to go to a dance. It was the day of the dance, and we had just gotten a note that said that the dance had changed from semi-formal to casual. We weren't sure what to do, because we weren't sure if this was some kind of joke. So I said "Well, I guess I could still wear my dress, because it could be casual." But MB and the guy didn't know what to wear, because they didn't want to wear jeans and have everyone else all dressed up.
Then this blond girl came in, went up to the guy, and said "You better have gotten my leater jacket." He hadn't, so we went out and bought the jacket. It fit MB, so we went back and gave it to her. She tried it on and said "This doesn't fit. I don't care if it fit you!" and she left.
So we were sitting at the table again, and MB said to the guy "You're really hot." and I said "Yeah, you are hot." Then MB said "I really want to go out to dinner with you before the dance."
Ok, so later, we're at the dance (I never found out if MB and the guy went to dinner or not...), and everyone is wearing jeans, etc. and are either high or drunk.
Then my dream cuts to me in the car with my friend (who, besides MB, is the only person in my dream that I actually know outside of the dream). My friend is driving (even thought she's not old enough to drive.), then my mom calls me on the house phone, which I have with me in the car for some reason. She says "You have to go home right now!". It sounded like an emergency, so my friend drove me home, and I go up to my room. I'm freaking out, and then I see a sticky note on my blinds that says "Pack your stuff and go the the college." I'm panicking, because I think that it's some emergency and we have to evacuate, so I start packing. Then my mom calls again. I couldn't tell what she was saying at first, but then I heard her say "You're going to be picked up there." Then I find out that this was all because a sleepover had just been planned at one of my friends' house, and I was being picked up there by her mom and being taken to her house (which didn't make sense, because it would be an impractical place to meet.).
07-21-2008, 09:42 AM
I think that when you start to dream about the websites you visit - it´ ( time to take a break into reality - a trip to the beach, a picnic in the park - something like that! And stop eating cheese before bed!
07-21-2008, 12:13 PM
Now that is a weird dream, Pip.
Thain Peregrin Took I
07-22-2008, 11:07 PM
Now that is a weird dream, Pip.
That's the reason I posted it. ;) But I've had weirder. :D I can't think of any I had recently. I know I had a dream last night, but I can't remember what it was about.
The last sane person
07-23-2008, 04:39 PM
Strange dream last night/this morning.
I was being chased through the woods by a killer hamburger that wanted to eat me.
I was terrified at the time but woke up really confused (a WTF moment, to be sure. Then I had started to remember the dream) then started laughing...
07-23-2008, 04:42 PM
I've been either watching too much t.v. or reading too many fantisy books
Last night I dreamed me and three other people were traveling through a creepy forest then we traveled by river. We're in two boats minding our own when something starts rocking the boats. We start paddling faster then the boat I'm in starts to tip. The guy in the boat with me jumps out and grabs onto a tree. I jump into the other boat. The we see what was making the boat rock. Three wumps rear up and start chasing us. Me and the two in the 2nd boat paddle as fast as we can and end up beaching the boat pretty far onto the riverbank. We jump out and run. The wumps try to follow us but can't catch us because they're so slow on land. I'm running and the next thing I know I'm at a cliff. I can't stop in time and end up hanging off it. I look down to nothing, then look up for a better handhold. I start slipping and soon I lose my grip, but something grabs my arm before I can fall. I look up to see Pippen holding onto my arm. He pulls me up and then the alarm clock went off.
Damn clock!
08-11-2008, 06:37 AM
Last night i watched the new indiana jones film ( and the preceeding dream was quite bizaare! I was walking to work and on the way fell into a ditch (a little Alice in wonderlandesque) befire being met by Harrison Ford, which might seem appealing but he was evil - and in the dream resembled more of a golem - type creature ( (very Un HF)but had a ball and chain around his foot. He proceeded to unsucessfully chase me around the streets of Chester (the time was 1856) before i fell into a newsagent where i bought a mars bar. Left the shop arrived in Paris before mounting a goat to galllop home and waking up!!
What on earth! It was fun in a way but definatly one of my more entertaining dreams!
08-11-2008, 12:24 PM
That was just funny.
09-01-2008, 03:34 PM
I dreamed I was in a concentration camp, and after the shower thing they cut off people's head to make sure they were dead. They cut off mine but I survived. Then I was running away from the camp but I kept worrying about the scar all around my neck.
09-01-2008, 10:40 PM
Strange dream last night/this morning.
I was being chased through the woods by a killer hamburger that wanted to eat me.
I was terrified at the time but woke up really confused (a WTF moment, to be sure. Then I had started to remember the dream) then started laughing...
Thats really odd, I dreamt I was a giant burger chasing someone.......
09-01-2008, 11:21 PM
You know what's super odd? I dreamed about a giant killer pizza that was trying to bust into the toilet and get me.
09-01-2008, 11:29 PM
Was it a sausage pizza????
09-02-2008, 01:48 AM
I... don't know. It was big & round & red all over if that helps at all.
Gwaimir Windgem
09-02-2008, 04:20 PM
You know what's super odd? I dreamed about a giant killer pizza that was trying to bust into the toilet and get me.
Did you eat a giant killer pizza shortly before going to bed? That could explain it. ;)
09-02-2008, 04:47 PM
No. I gave up eating pizza hut years ago. ;)
09-02-2008, 07:16 PM
I haven't remembered my dreams for a while but the one from last night stuck in my head.
I was on a bus with Mari (I think it was a school bus) and we went to this beautiful house on the beach. The lady that owned the house helped kids with problems, but didn't say what kind of problems. When we got there, the lady had a baby in a crib in one of the rooms. In the living room on the wall facing the beach was a wall of windows with a beautiful view of the ocean. We step toward the windows and we see skulls and bones on the beach, but its just in one spot. I ask the lady about it and she said they were left over from an ocean battle with Alexander the Great. Mari looks at her crazy like and says "In Mississippi?" The lady says "yes". We go to one of the bedrooms to go to sleep, but we can't sleep. I get up and go back to the living room, where I see the baby has turned into one of my coworkers and is leaving. She says "Get out before they come," I ask who, but she doesn't say anything and leaves. I go get Mari and we try to follow her. We can't find her, so we go out to the beach to see how old the bones are. We look at them and decide they are very old. We also find small containers the size of pill bottles full of rice and grain. We leave the beach and go into the woods where we find a group of women wearing yellow and looking like they stepped out of a fantasy warrior movie. We go with them and find they are fighting some strange creatures that are killing their men. While we are there, one of their men collapses and we rush him to their healer. Then we are attacked by some deer looking creatures and some Greeks come to our rescue. After running off the deer people, the greeks tell me and Mari we are the only ones that can help them and that we have special gifts. The deer people come back and start to pick off the Greeks. Mari and I lead them to this huge cavern and we make the floor turn to ice.
And at this point I woke up.
Wow! Acally, we were cool! Woohoo! :D
Thain Peregrin Took I
09-04-2008, 10:31 PM
Ok I had this dream last night where I was in this town that's kinda like where I actually live, except a little different. I was at some kind of grocery store or something (it looked like a K Mart), and there were a lot of amish-looking people around. The store was surrounded by country. I'm hanging out outside the store with a few of the amish people (they're my friends in the dream, but I don't acutally know them. It's strange how many dreams I have where I don't even know the people that are my friends in the dream.) Anyway, so apparently we rode bikes to the store, because we all have bikes there. We decide that we want to ride to K Mart (which is strange, since the store looks like K Mart...), so I find my mom and tell her that I'm going. She says fine, but tells me to pack a lunch. I go back to my friends, and we start filling up this huge cooler, which seems incredibly impractical, especially considering we were going to ride bikes. A huge part of my dream is spent filling this cooler. I don't remember many of the details of filling it, but I remember opening up a carton of eggs, but all of them are cracked. Apparently that's what we wanted, because we just pour the eggs into the full cooler without the shells. By now it's really dark outside, but I look at my watch and it says it's 10:30 in the morning. This doesn't seem right to me, since it's so dark, so I check a few other clocks. Then somehow I magically end up in my room, so I can check the time on the house phone, and it's the same time there.
I wake up because my alarm clock went off to early, so I fall back asleep, and have a new dream. This dream is at a school. The only reason I know it's a school is because I see the outside, and then my dream moves on to this woman lying in a bed in a room that looks incredibly like MB's room. This guy comes in, and he's dressed in Medieval clothes. He's kneeling in the doorway. Pig from "Pearls Before Swine" is kneeling outside on the non-existant windowsill, with his arms raised excitedly in the air. O_o
Then I wake up...
09-05-2008, 11:40 AM
Whoa! :eek:
Meriadoc Brandybuck
09-05-2008, 07:11 PM
:eek: You forgot to mention that one to me. :eek:
Lief Erikson
09-05-2008, 08:04 PM
You sure remember a lot of detail, when dreaming, Thain.
Thain Peregrin Took I
09-11-2008, 08:34 PM
You sure remember a lot of detail, when dreaming, Thain.
Well, when I do remember them (which is acutally pretty often...). Sometimes I'll know I have a dream, but can't remember anything about it.
A few nights ago, I had a dream where we were preparing for a hurricane or tornado or something. So I was trying to pack up a bunch of food and water. I carried a bunch of water bottles (a lot more than I could realistically carry) along with some bags that looked like ice packs, but were actually powdered water (O_o). I guess I put them in a bag, I don't really remember, but then I went to try to see what kind of food to pack. I saw a big bag of rice, and thought that would be good, but then I wasn't sure if I should bring it uncooked, which would be more portable, or cooked, which would be convienent. So I started making a bunch of rice, then my mom told me that we had to go. I ran to my room to get some books so I would have something to do. I just grabbed some books that were next to my bed (and actually are next to my bed): The Light of Eidon, Questions Catholics Ask Father Sheedy, and a book that has four of Dickens' works in it. I think I woke up after that.
09-17-2008, 04:38 PM
I'm having a hardtime remembering my dreams nowadays :(
09-19-2008, 05:46 PM
i had a dream were i was running through like spiderwebs and there were like spiders chasing me the size of shelob or however you spell her name anyway it was really weird and crazy.
09-21-2008, 05:43 PM
I usually don't remember my dreams, but lately the opposite has been true. In between the times when my alarm goes I off and I hit the snooze button (which happens at least three times in the morning) I've been having dreams that continue through these semi-sleep periods.
This morning, my dream for some reason involved a big party, and then everything was doubled. Each person in the dream had a double doing everything they did at the exact same time, and I was putting together a jigsaw puzzle in record time. :confused:
09-28-2008, 10:23 AM
I think in the midst of my already strange dream, I dreamt that ElizabethAnnRogers changed her username because she didnt want anyone calling her EAR. hahaha I really dont know where that came from. I think it was because I was reading on some thread about someone asking if they could change their username....
10-14-2008, 09:01 AM
I had a dream about Sis last night. I was on campus in a drawing class, but there were a couple guys there too just hoping to see some nude models. Anyway, I was hanging out getting ready to draw and then Sis showed up. I went to pick up my sketchbook because I finally had an inspiration but I picked up hers instead, and it had some really good stuff in it, but it was mostly slight variations on the same picture. It was a landscape of Middle Earth, and the colors only changed a little bit depending on if it was Gondor, Rohan, etc. or maybe if you could see Mordor looming in the back.
Gwaimir Windgem
10-14-2008, 02:37 PM
I dreamed that one of the people in the class below me was a teacher, and I was in his class. And he was totally incompetent. :eek:
What did you tell him? :p
10-14-2008, 06:58 PM
Oddly enough, I used to work as a figure model. :)
10-14-2008, 07:02 PM
How funny! There's always postings around for models. So and so amount of money for clad, a little more for unclad. ;)
10-14-2008, 07:13 PM
Unclad is easier and more fun. :p
Getting something to "re-drape" properly is a PITA. ;)
The last sane person
10-14-2008, 07:16 PM
*sprite shoots out of nose*
Honesty, I couldn't do unclad at all...
"Who are all these people lookin at mah nudity?!"
I'm very selective in whom I let see me.
10-14-2008, 07:30 PM
Dreams are so strong and vivid ... it's so strange being woken up when you're really deep in a dream ...
12-20-2008, 02:45 PM
I've been having dreams lately that bother me...
Like last night, I had this dream that I was dating my boyfriend again, and I was at like.. a school or a church or something and there were three guys there (in particular, I mean, I tihnk there were more than three guys there) who liked me and I liked them back, despite the fact that I was already in a relationship. One of them.. the main one (i.e., the one I liked most), has a girlfriend IRL and I think he'd broken up with her in my dream, because he came sidling up to me and he said something (I forgot what it was... that was at the beginning of the dream, hence HOURS ago) to me that made me think he liked me. Then his best friend (who looked nothing like his real best friend, but this guy in one of my classes freshman year who I called Fish) comes over and holds my hand... he actually kissed me. I think that was the only kiss. And I had hints from this other, seemingly unimportant guy but i was just flattered to have three guys like me at once (doesn't happen... really ever).
Then this older dude came up and it turned into like... an Indiana Jones type of movie, where we were looking for something which I don't remember what it was, through this old area of whatever building we were in (I think it was a church because later in the dream, my entire youth group is there and doing fun churchy activities [actually not true.. it turns out that some of the activities were NOT church appropriate and I won't write them here because I don't really want to get kicked off Entmoot.. I don't know the extent of that clause, but I could probably at least get suspended for a while]).
I remember walking down the old area with the best friend and saying, "You know... this reminds me of Bag End, like the description from The Hobbit." because it did. It was very nicely decorated and homey and sunshiney from windows even though we were underground and I knew it. All of a sudden the old guy comes running back up the way with a sack that's moving and hissing and he says, "Don't go down there! I think it's a snake pit!" So we all go down as far we can without actually going into the room which he thought was the snake pit. It's like a trap door in the floor and when you look through it, you see a nice room and no snakes whatsoever. But he did have that huge hissing sack... So we just hang out in the room above the "Snake Pit" room. At one point we were baby-sitting and had little kids and we forgot about the open trap door which led to the snake pit. By good luck, we heard one of the older ones say, "Let's go down this trap door..." and we ran in there and didn't let the little kids go in that room again.
Then my youth group came and we had this variety show or something which everyone participated in, but no one watched. About that time, I woke up.
It's funny because my boyfriend used to say that he thought people were accountable for their dreams. I used to agree with him because I didn't know any better. Now I disagree. The whole thing gets kind of spiritual, so I won't go into it, but I feel like my dreams of late are temptations, as if that's a time when I'm vulnerable... Anyway. It's just a thought.
01-27-2009, 03:50 PM
You're going to laugh at me when you hear this. I had a dream that I was in the Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess game. And Link wasn't there, and instead I played his role. And it was horrible because I couldn't beat the "boss", or whatever. He kept blowing everything up, so I tried to run away into the woods (oddly enough into the neighborhood I lived in when I was a child). But Midna told me that it could follow us in there, and I kept thinking about how I failed everyone because I couldn't do the things Link did. I felt like a total failure :(
Awww. :(
Imagine how Zelda must feel: always getting captured and putting everyone (i.e. Link) through a bad time...
01-27-2009, 04:08 PM
I know, right! I've been waiting for them to get together anyway :)
I had a interesting dream a 5 days before Christmas last year.
I dreamed it was Christmas morning so when I woke up I got ready to go upstairs and open my stocking and then I realized that Christmas was in 5 days.:D
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