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01-21-2003, 04:47 PM
I posted one of my weird dreams in another thread, which can be found here (http://entmoot.tolkientrail.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=176554#post176554post176554).
The dream had to do with going to war in Afghanistan together with the villan from the movie Die Hard III :D

01-29-2003, 08:05 PM
Whoa... ok, I dreamed of reforging Anduril... and I stuck this huge jewel in the hilt. Hmm, like a crossover with the Belgariad...

01-30-2003, 05:34 AM
Originally posted by Elvedans
I saw this programme about Narcolepsy that said if we didn't have this chemical thingy in our brains we'd be asleep forever. I was thinking "Great I'd love that, no more education or long dancing lessons just s lifetime of Weird Dreams!" But then I thought I'd miss seeing PJ's version of ROTK Which would mean that my LOTR Dreams would be incomplete. And then there's always the risk that i might not dream of LOTR at all and just have nightmares or dream about endless dance lessons which is worse than real ones because there's no certainty that they'd end and at least when I'm awake I can control what i do and i can eat coz that's another thing I like my food and I don't think I've ever eaten in a dream is it Possible? I always seem to wake up just as i'm about to eat or drink and wake up hungry and thristy and i can never be bothered to get up for a glass of water so i try to go back to sleep to dream about the food and drink again but it just happens again and- *pants* I think i'm gonna shut up now coz I'm in one of those rambling moods and If i don't stop now I'm just gonna go on and on and on and on and on and...

EASY HUNEY! Endless dance lessons! Don't frighten me! I'm shuddering at the thought! Endless LOTR dreams however- oh yeah!

01-30-2003, 02:01 PM
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh that sounds great!

02-01-2003, 03:48 AM
Yay! Viggo Mortensen was in my dream!
No! He was playing Nick Davis (from American Yakuza) instead of Aragorn!

02-01-2003, 10:04 AM
Had excessively creepy dream last night. Enough to seriously re-evaluate what my mental status is. :D

Ok, apparently my dad was King Arthur, my mum was Gwenivere (sp?), and I was a little princess. I lived a in a big stone castle, and my advisor/companion was Gollum-cum-Dobby.
The country of Camelot was under attack by orcs. Actually, Uruk-Hai. So these orcs and UH are flooding through the kingdom, but my parents are kinda uninterested and lazy, so they say they're not going to fight back, and that I'm forbidden to leave the castle. I immediately leave the castle to round up some defense. I keep coming across these blue trucks full of men in blue factory-suits. I recruit them all.
The next day, my parents and I are standing on the wall, looking out at our soon-to-be-ruined land, when an array of fifty semi-trucks full of blue men drive into sight. My parents just give me a weird look and go inside.
I'm in the T.V. room of our castle, which looks exactly like the T.V. room in my house. I have a new advisor now, a young man who has this look of perpetual boredom. I am called to my mother's chambers, and as soon as I walk in I think, whats with the blue?? Because EVERYthing in that room was blue. The thick carpet under my feet, these little foam-like round stools, the ceiling, even the walls were made of this curvy blue glass. My mom said something, then I left.
As soon as we were back in the T.V. room, I sensed that something was wrong. So did my companion. We checked in the VCR and saw that someone had put a beanie-baby wrapped in a little blanket in the VCR. We looked up and saw Gollum standing in the doorway. We got up and ran at him. The chase took us to my parent's room, where we discovered that the evil squirt had stole about 30 cds and so a massive cd war ensued. I clearly remember hitting Gollum with four cds at once, right between the eyes.
Then we both got that "something-is-not-right" feeling again. We could here war horns outside. I don't remember much of the following battle, excpt that my dog seemed to keep popping up. She was killing orcs left and right. Every time I was cornered, she was there, whirling and snapping her teeth and generally causing chaos among the UH and orcs. I could tell that she was wounded, but it didn't seem to slow her down.
Finally the battle was over. My mother was dead. Her blue chamber had been invaded and she was killed. My father had been shot down from the walls. My horse (in the dream it was a mare) had been killed in battle. The gollum-creature was also dead. In the blue room, I was helping the living soldiers lay the dead in rows so they might be identified, when I saw my brave dog. When I had seen her, she trotted off. I followed her. We came to a stone tunnel leading into a green pasture.
For the first time I could fully see her injuries. Her lower jaw was gone and her mouth was bleeding heavily. She was missing a back leg. My poor dog was bleeding in a hundred different places. before I could run to her, she trotted through the tunnel and dissapeared.

02-01-2003, 05:13 PM
That's more like a nightmare than a dream. I always get dreams about someone dying or fancying someone. Or else it'll be something weird that i can't think of now.

02-04-2003, 07:09 PM
I had a very twisted dream last night, but for all my meditation, I can't remember any of it.

02-05-2003, 08:46 AM
I had the weirdest dream last night but luckily for me it wasn't a bad one! Elvedans and anyone else I'm close to will get the jist of this but I have this sort of prince Charming dream- you know, handsome guy, big white horse etc etc. Well for ages now I've had this dream but the guy's never had a face and never spoken. Well a few nights ago a face did appear but I didn't recognize him one bit, no-one I knew or a film/tv star or anything like that, just a very random bloke. Then while I'm trying to puzzle who he is out the guy speaks but its all in French. Now I'm a french student so I understand him but why would a random guy who I don't recognize be riding up to me on a white horse and spoutig french at me? Anyone any good at interpreting dreams? Any insight would be welcome. Much love Mx

02-05-2003, 06:06 PM
Maybe it's saying that Jack is the guy for you *don't hit me!* but you don't know something about him yet. Or maybe he has a friend?

02-05-2003, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Elvedans
Maybe it's saying that Jack is the guy for you *don't hit me!* but you don't know something about him yet. Or maybe he has a friend?

Don't know quite how to take the term "friend" considering the circles I run in but I am inclined to agree with you that Jack maybe more than just an ex! Oh God help me for feeling this way- I shouldn't! Oh well, maybe tonight's dream will give me a little more insight. Mx

Narsil's Master
02-05-2003, 08:23 PM
Yes i have

one day wathed jurassic parc3 and fell asleep watching it and i dreamed i was running through my house being chased by a raptor wearing sandals carrying a speargun! freaky huh?

02-06-2003, 06:02 AM
Originally posted by Narsil's Master
Yes i have

one day wathed jurassic parc3 and fell asleep watching it and i dreamed i was running through my house being chased by a raptor wearing sandals carrying a speargun! freaky huh?


03-24-2003, 01:22 AM
Whoo-ee. Had a very strange dream recently, involving the most disturbing image of Voldemort, in an orange leotard and pink tutu, dancing a pas de deux with Sauron, who was wearing a Superman costume that had the One Ring in place of the S on the chest. :eek: Was frightened muchly.

03-24-2003, 04:39 PM
I had a weird dream last night involving miranda and i standing on the tables in the school cooking room and dancing and singing very loudly to Bon Jovi - while everyone was washing up and fixing the lights!

03-24-2003, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by TinuvielChild
Whoo-ee. Had a very strange dream recently, involving the most disturbing image of Voldemort, in an orange leotard and pink tutu, dancing a pas de deux with Sauron, who was wearing a Superman costume that had the One Ring in place of the S on the chest. :eek: Was frightened muchly.
Eep! *runs and hides from the Evil mental image of DOOM!* Mental floss! Need mental floss!!!

03-24-2003, 08:32 PM
A couple nights ago I had this really weird dream.

I was in a supermarket that was really small. There was a crazy guy there and we had to check all the isles to find him. Upstairs was this Nazi/white supremisy meeting. I went upstairs in this lobby area next to the room where they were meeting. Anyway, the crazy guy came upstairs with this hypodermic needle that was about four inches long. It was full of drugs. He stuck it in my head and left it there while he went into the next room and gave drugs to all the people at the meeting. I stumbled into the wall and slid down it until I was sitting on the floor with my back against the wall. Then the crazy guy came out again and I called out to him for help. He came over smiling and then squatted down, grabbed my right calf (which was bare) and stuck another four inch hypodermic needle through my leg!!!

Then I woke up.

03-24-2003, 09:07 PM
I had a dream that I was playing poker with Stephen King, Stephen Hawking, and Billy Boyd. I had four tens (I think). However, it turned out to be no match for Mr. King's straight flush (I think yet again). Then Mark Hamill, who was sitting at the adjacent table, walked over and cut Mr. Boyd's head off with a magenta colored lightsaber. I have to get a dreamcatcher. Anyone know where I can find one?

03-25-2003, 01:11 AM
Whoa, a hypodermic? Hope you're not scared of injections!
OK, I had a weird dream - wait, what was it? Oh yes - memory like a very holey thing I have. My two sisters and I were in my big sister's very dodgy car. I lifted up the seat, and there was a tape (as in audio tape that you put in a Walkman or whatever) under there. My sister drove us all to this little house that must have dropped straight out of a fic I was reading (the Bagenders. Read. Laugh. Cringe in sympathetic pain). But I didn't get to see anyone. :(

03-25-2003, 06:11 AM
Oh - I just remembered. I had a *terrible* dream last night. I dreamed that I was taping the Oscars (which in reality I'd stayed up most of the night taping) and Buffy was on at 8:30PM!!! On a Monday! It was so scary - Buffy's *never* on that early! and I missed it because I was taping the ****ing Oscars!
*runs off to have a panic attack*

03-25-2003, 07:50 AM
This thread sure does make me think of a certain Abfab quote:

Yes, but I pay you to interpret my dreams so why can't you at least find a hidden depth!? I'm not willing to believe I'm simply THAT obvious! Why, if you are bloody psychic psychologist, how come I'm always having to call YOU, hmm!? (Edina Monsoon - Absolutely Fabulous)

OK - I'm not gonna get into detail about my psycho dreams - but you know you have problems when you have to scuba dive to the library only to find your membership has expired & so has yer oxygen

03-25-2003, 12:20 PM
Once I had this dream that these people grabbed me and choked me with this chlorofoam (sp?) rag thing and I passed out... then when I woke up they shot me and then I came back to life and.... well, it was really weird.

Then, there was the REALLY creepy one where I lived in a mansion and was Nancy Drew and there was this murder dude some where in the house and I could hear him breathing through the air ducts. Then our nanny got locked in a closet and was tied up and he had done it. Then, at the end, he was chasing me through my house and he had a gun then I tripped and... then, thankfully, I woke up.

I've also had A TON of weird dreams when I fell and landed on water then hit the bottom then came back up and found I was in the Colorado River...? Most of my dreams are kinda creepy and really weird.

03-25-2003, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Baby-K
This thread sure does make me think of a certain Abfab quote:

Yes, but I pay you to interpret my dreams so why can't you at least find a hidden depth!? I'm not willing to believe I'm simply THAT obvious! Why, if you are bloody psychic psychologist, how come I'm always having to call YOU, hmm!? (Edina Monsoon - Absolutely Fabulous)

OK - I'm not gonna get into detail about my psycho dreams - but you know you have problems when you have to scuba dive to the library only to find your membership has expired & so has yer oxygen

Yay! Abfab Rocks! I (word that might be wish) I got it on my TV. I don't have cable.

03-25-2003, 03:24 PM

i once had a dream of being drowned in fruits, i mean all kinds: grpes, apples, guavas, but thank god no bananas.

and then as i fell into the heap, i went lower and lower, and then there was this godess! deep down below, with ready grapes. it was like She had emerged from the core of the earth or something, and came out just for me, to answer my prayers n all.

the godess was in her pure form. just like the fruits without their covering n all.

but yeah, it was time and I had early mornin school, so had to interrupt it.

by the way, i think the godess is still kinda wating their, so will their be a PART-2 ever? I really wudnt like her to wat their n all, get over with the ceremonies, have the fruits and get going.

03-25-2003, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by Elvedans
I had a weird dream last night involving miranda and i standing on the tables in the school cooking room and dancing and singing very loudly to Bon Jovi - while everyone was washing up and fixing the lights!

Whoa ok Grishnakh! The day you find me in the cooking room these days will spell the end of the world. Haven't had any weird dreams recently- just happy comforting ones about my friends. Mx

03-25-2003, 04:40 PM
well, theses havent happened reccently (thank g-d) but i used to have these two reoccurinng dreams. I wont go into details, but one was that i would be sleep walking, and my dad would try to stop me, but id end up stabbing him to death. the other one was that there was a fire in out house, and my mom and my sister and i were trying to get out a window, i got first, and i slip, so it takes me like 2 seconds more, and then my sister goes out, but before my mom goes out, she catches on fire and dies, because i took the extra time.

After like 2 months of this happening almost everynight, i told me mom. She said that it was cuz sub conciously i was feeling guilty for the divorce...so i got whisked off to a psyciatrist...

Insidious Rex
03-25-2003, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Legolas_Frodo_Aragorn

After like 2 months of this happening almost everynight, i told me mom. She said that it was cuz sub conciously i was feeling guilty for the divorce...so i got whisked off to a psyciatrist...

wow your mom is pretty astute.

03-25-2003, 05:11 PM
Last nightI dreamed of all the things that can happen to make school go off. There was a fire, the basement flooded, it snowed four feet in the night, the furnace broke, the principal was in a car crash and was fatally injured, rats were over-running the school....just about anything. Oh, yes, someone had pumped toxic gas through the halls....There was a bomb in the school....I just kept "waking up" and hearing my mom talking on the phone to someone who called to say school was off...this may have been influenced by the fact that we did get a call at 6:30 am this morning.

I also had a dream I've had before, but this time it was a little different. I work at this place, apparently, that keeps tabs on pony herds in the wild. All members start at the lowest rank, which I was. Those members get a flying chair that folds, a small bow, two blunt arrows and a book. The chairs have pouches on the back to hold the stuff. Me and my partner were out monitering herds, when that damn Moody just shows up out of nowhere and starts bothering me. I tell my partner where I'm going, then tell the Damned One to clear off. He doesn't, so I aim my bow to shoot him.

He flys back to my house and lands outside the door. He says, go ahead, shoot me. He doesn't think I'll actually shoot him. You'll miss anyway, he says. I say, at this range, I can't miss. He grins. I shoot, but oddly enough, It doen't hit him. We're only ten feet apart. I should have hit him. He pulls out a longbow. His arrows are tipped with metal points. Mine only have sharpened wood as a point. He tries to shoot me. I grab his arrow out of the air and break it over my knee.

I don't remember much else, except for how vivid it all was. Every emotion felt just like it does in real life. My dream perfectly copied my hatred for him, how much I would love to work with horses....everything. Ah. If only my dream could be reality. :(

Starr Polish
03-25-2003, 06:08 PM
Last night I dreamt I was in an ornithopter with the Lady Jessica Atreides (from the book Dune). We were on Arrakis/Dune, but all of the sand was gray blue. I also remember that we were addicted to spice savagely, and we were looking for it, but couldn't find it. Also, our eyes weren't blue within blue, which was odd. Then we got swallowed by some huge metal thing.

03-26-2003, 05:51 PM
I had the weirdest dream last night! I had a dream that I was in the cafe Boheme in London with my friends when Kate Bush walks in! That's not the weirdest part though- she was my mother!!!!!! It was so surreal because I wasn't surprised at all! She was really lovely too! Oh well, weird dreams! Wouldn't mind her money though! Mx

07-13-2003, 06:22 PM
I drempt that HUMAN PI was walking around in a daze and I hit her with a notebook

07-14-2003, 03:34 PM
I fell asleep in the changing room at dancing earlier and woke up making strange squeaking noises - must have been having a weird dream - luckily the room was empty!

07-14-2003, 03:35 PM
I dreamed I was a turtle.

Varda Oiolosseo
07-15-2003, 03:27 PM
I drempt i was a a fish! A pretty tropical one! :D

07-15-2003, 03:35 PM
I had an extremely unusual dream last night. My grandpa invided me, Anglorfin, and a bunch of friends to drive around in pickup trucks during a Jewish festival and run over Jews. It was kind of a nightmare because I have nothing agains Jews and I can't understand why some people do. I woke up before anyone died.

08-05-2003, 05:19 AM
I had a cool/weird dream last night. It's long and involved. All my dreams are.

Part the First

I was at a movie theater but I had gone back in time, and me and my parents were at the movie too so I had to avoid getting seen by them. I was in my black trench coat. To avoid being seen, I went to the lobby and got some candy. I picked up a swiss roll and asked for some toffies too. The guy behind the counter said the swiss roll was one dollar.

I complained. "But it's only 25 cents! It's even printed on the lable!" The guy said "We have to raise the price. We're a movie theater and all. I'll tell you what; I'll make it two dollars for the swiss roll and the bag of toffees." I grumblingly paid him.

Back at my seat I discovered that instead of toffees I had gotten three small lollies, Strawberry, Lime, and Cola. They were gross, but the swiss roll was good. I got twice as much as you normally do, and they were a bit squwooshed.

After the movie I needed a ride to Seattle without my parents or myself seeing me. I got a ride south with a creepy guy who was going to work in Seattle. He worked in the U-district and when I got out, I had caught up to the time I left and my mom came and found me and we went home.

Part the Second

At home we were having a party on the roof. To be more specific, it was my party; it may have even been my room on the roof. We were laughing and talking and listening to music, and my aunt Annie was there. She said she needed a drink. A real drink. I guess I already knew she was a vampire because I suggested my hamster that won’t die.

Then it fast forwarded. Everyone had left except a friend of mine named Allie. She was a vampire and I asked her to turn me into one. The next part was interesting. She grabbed my neck and pulled it onto her lap, but I could still see as if I was sitting cross legged in front of her. She said something like “No need to grab me, don’t move a muscle” as if comparing me to some other victims. Then she bit and I passed out.

Part the Third

I “woke up” (still in the dream) curled up on the roof. Allie was kicking me and putting on her jacket, telling me to get up. I did so. It was time for me to hunt. Allie sent me off alone to search the neighborhood.

Our house was almost the same, but it was on the wrong corner. I jumped off the roof and walked over to a telephone pole. I was trying to climb it, but it wasn’t working. Then I said to myself “I can do anything a cat can do” and climbed it with ease. A mail carrier came around the corner, which was odd because it was night. However, I knew it was a dream and I have dreamed odder things. I froze to the pole and became invisible. The mail carrier turned her back and I dropped to the ground. She turned around and saw me. I shrugged. Why shouldn’t I be out running around the neighborhood at night? There was nothing wrong with that.

I turned and ran up the street. I was very fast and I had a lot more stamina than I do in real life. As I was running, all the neighborhood dogs came out and started chasing me. They weren’t so much chasing me as lazily running down the street waiting for their masters, but I was scared all the same. After all, I am a cat. I climbed a tree on the corner across the street from my house. A lady came out of the neighboring house with her cat. She said her cat got chased by dogs into that tree all the time and there was only one way down. My thirst for blood was very strong, but I couldn’t get any dogs because their masters had come out of their houses and collected them, and a human at this point was out of the question. I gnawed viciously on a carrot to calm my cravings. The lady asked if she could get me anything to drink. I said, “Uh, how ‘bout some apple juice?”

I walked down a wobbly branch and crouched on a chain link fence. The dog owners collected a little ways up the street. I crouched for a while before I saw the lady’s cat slip in through my door and I found my chance. I jumped off the fence and sprinted to my door. Once inside, I ate the cat.

The cat, if you wanted to know, died a very happy death cradled in my arms. It was white with streaks of gray.

End. Epilogue

After I woke up I contemplated how in the heck I was going to tell my parents that I was a vampire and that I had to leave so they wouldn’t get in trouble.

OOC: 4445 characters in this post. Phew!

08-05-2003, 11:07 AM
i drempt that i was a sleep and that i suddenly woke up to find that my arms and legs had been cut off and my lips had been sowen together...............i know y i had that dream tho........its cos a few of my close m8s were in iraq at the war(cos they are in the army and they are now home and doin great:D)and i felt so useless cos i cudns help them and i didna know wot to say to them when I wrote them letters and sent off parcels.

i have a weirder dreams...........but they are just really disturbin:confused: :( :p

08-05-2003, 06:10 PM
I dreamed last night that my Mum got a pirate DVD of - you'll never guess - Pirates of the Caribbean!!! It hasn't even come out in cinemas here!!! And Mum was going to put it on for a bit and was saying stuff like: "Oh, this looks like a lovely movie, what a great story" or stuff like that, and I was trying to stop squealing like a fangirl (like???) and I woke up and I still haven't seen it!!! :"""""""""""""(

08-09-2003, 12:49 AM
I had a dream I had sex with a vampire. She didn't want to turn me though. damn

08-09-2003, 12:51 AM
i have weird dreams all the time. they are very fun. too bad I always forget them as the day goes on! I usually remember them when i wake up though, then I forget them.

I find it easier to remember dreams when you sleep during the day.

08-09-2003, 07:18 AM
I had a dream I had sex with a vampire. She didn't want to turn me though. damn
what a strange dream hehe:p

08-09-2003, 09:04 AM
I've been having v. v. weird dreams. Last night, I dreamed a strange one.

My mom and I were walking around who-knows-where. We each had a machine gun in our backpacks and a smaller gun in our pockets. We were supposed to use the guns on the chance that the police would come after us. So we're wandering around. Through the course of the dream, we stay in a bed and breakfast where it's overcrowded and everyone has smallpox. The owner of the place is insane. Then we start walking to Atlanta, Georgia, using our guns along the way. When we reach Atlanta, mom says that my dad is walking down to meet us, so we start walking north again to meet him.

I don't get it. :confused:

08-09-2003, 09:26 AM
I can only remember the dream that is happening right before I wake.

This morning I had to laugh at myself....I dreamt I was painting, and absent mindedly started putting brushstrokes on the canvas of the woman who was seated across from me. She got fairly upset, and I started to laugh! This woman is the same local lady who gives lessons when she really needs to take them (IMO! :p ) So funny! I just acted like Geez, chill out! Course her still life was in oil, and my brush was loaded with acrylic...what does she care? Her stuff looks like crap anyway! :D MEOW!!! :D

08-09-2003, 10:19 AM
I can only remember the dream that is happening right before I wake.

Same with me! And then in the morning i forget it! Appart from a few dreams:p

Varda Oiolosseo
08-09-2003, 10:50 AM
Yup. I'll remember then when i wake up and then forget them throughout the day. But when i'm about to sleep that night it will come back to me.

I keep having wierd dreams and they all take place at sea. I've drempt i was a fish a couple of times but at the moment it't been on boats and ships.

Last night i was on a pirate ship with Johnny Depp. lol that one explains itself seeing as i had seen POTC earlier that day. But ALL my dreams seem to be about sailing which is kinda strange. Like my school is a ship etc very strange. lol :rolleyes: :p

durin's bane
08-09-2003, 01:02 PM
I had this one weird dream where I was being chased by this skeleton murderer guy. He chased me around and stuff and then he stabbed me in the back. When I woke-up my back stung... It was really creepy.
I also had this dream where my friend lived across from a murderer, and I saw her killing someone.
I also had a dream where my grandma was murdered.

Good grief. :rolleyes:

08-20-2003, 01:46 AM
The other night I dreamed that Eminem and 50 Cent (the rappers, not the confectionery and money) were having a tennis match in my backyard. Hmm. And then I was dressed in this filmy little pink number to be a bridesmaid, but I don't know whose wedding. Double-hmm. I don't even know where the wedding was!

08-31-2003, 01:13 PM
Last night we watched the Two Towers DVD, and then I had a wild dream about Éowyn, / Miranda (http://maidenfair.net/miranda/julie4.jpg). I wont go into details. ;)

09-03-2003, 04:40 PM

Varda Oiolosseo
09-06-2003, 01:05 PM
The other night i had a dream that this woman was going around killing people with paper clips. lol It was very wierd. :rolleyes: :)

09-07-2003, 12:58 AM
Last night I dreamed that I'd worn my favorite Old Navy flipflops clear through, and there were big holes in the soles.

09-07-2003, 05:21 PM
I dreamt I was skydiving in really cool areas,then
fighting off cool looking monsters in a high tech building with fellow members,trying to destroy the beasts and clear the reactor.(I had two guns,and looked completely different...I was great with da guns!wOOt!)

09-08-2003, 06:03 PM
First of all, I went on a trip this summer with 30 other kids my age.

I had a dream last night that I was staying in a hotel with my really awesome friend from the trip(who probably doesn't want his name mentioned.). But we never slept, we just invited everyone in our room and we ate a whole bunch of corned beef and cabbage until we were vomiting. So we kicked them all out and talked for the rest of the night until my friend Grace came in and woke us up.
For some reason I recall this part very vividly: I looked at the clock and said "Whoa, it's really 7, isn't it?" I turned to my roomate. "You know what that means." He askes "What?" I say "These sleeping arrangments ROCK!" And the dream immediately ended.

09-08-2003, 11:55 PM
Whoa! Another POTC dream! (2 days...) Captain Jack Sparrow and Will were having a sword fight on board some ship and Will pitched Jack over the side - to the sharks! :eek: :(

09-10-2003, 03:35 PM
I have had many strange dreams... Like growing huge, floating around the earth as it blows up, and then I died. :confused:

09-13-2003, 08:08 AM
I haven't slept well a night this week. Damn dreams. Some samples:

1) POTC-themed. A ship, in the middle of a meadow lined with trees. Filled with captives and pirates and such. Some random outsider coming in and slaughtering every single person in the ship. Pirates, ladies, children alike, you know? When peoples' heads cracked open the insides looked like watermelons. :eek: In the end, the entire field was COVERED in blood, and corpses, and....ugh.

2) I dreamed about Paul, who supposedly was a kid up the street. This poses a problem because there is no Paul up the street. But anyway, I've had this dream before. Each dream builds on the last dream. Did I mention that Paul's real name was actually Ivan Ivanova? :confused: :confused: :confused:

09-13-2003, 11:11 PM
I remember that, when I was about 3 or 4, I had the most bizarrely freaky dream ever. It went like this:

I'm at a party with my two friends. Mind you, I'm 3. One of my friends is a girl and the other is boy. We're playing with toys or something like that downstairs in the living room while our parents are all chatting at the dinner table. All of a sudden, the door opens, and a person in a big grey bunny suit is at the door. He walks in, and randomly starts picking people up and turning them upside-down, so they stood on their heads. After they're upside down, they can't turn right-side-up for some reason. So my friends and I start to run up the stairs. He chases us. First we hide in the pile of coats on the bed of the guest room. He finds us, and he turns my female friend upside down. Then my male friend and I run away as fast as we can and hide on the top bunk of my bunkbeds in my room. The man in the bunny suit finds us, but I jump down and run downstairs. I assume that my male friend had been turned upside down. In my kitchen, the refrigerator isn't completely pressed up against the wall, so there's a space that someone can fit in between that and the wall. It was a very popular hiding place back in the day. Anyways, I'm hiding there, breathing heavily, my heart beating as fast as ever. Then I see the guy in the bunny suit walking really slowly past me. I though I was home free, but then, his head suddenly jolts and looks at me. Then I woke up.

Remember, I was like 3 or 4 at the time, and I remember the dream in exquisite detail. It may seem very strange or bizarre, and I agree. But still, it was one of the most frightening dreams I've ever had. I don't like people in bunny suits.

09-14-2003, 08:48 PM
I hope it's okay if I laugh Agalayth.

When I was little, I'd have a nightmare over and over again, where I'm in the middle of this desert, and there's a one-room schoolhouse. The teacher and for some reason my uncle would march us outside and force us to kill baby bunnies by stretching them out like Silly Putty. Then once, I dreamt that after we killed a whole bunch, we went inside the school and made rabbit traps to kill some more, and then made rabbit stew and were forced to eat it.

To this day that was the most petrifying dream I ever had.

09-14-2003, 11:26 PM
Any Wheel-Of-Time fans: I dreamed the Seanchan were invading and we were all forced to eat spaghetti in one huge room.
And some POTC dream where Elizabeth was "not welcome to the Caribbean" according to Jack, and he kept leading Will around without telling him whatever he was planning.

Finrod Felagund
09-16-2003, 11:31 AM
Okay, so I'm looking for my parents, and someone tell me their in this casino at the top of the Holiday Inn. So I go there and some chick gives me a glass of wine. And I go in and my parents are totally hammered (funny 'cuz they don't drink) and so I send the, home, but not before my mom and I fill baskets with like, nuts and m&ms etc. (disappointed when I woke up...I forgot t eat them)

After thinking that I shouldn't have let my parents drive home, Some of my friends showw up and we proceed to go through hotel room and stole CD's. There was this one hall where we pushed over tis old lady. And in one room, bowls of peaches and applesauce appeared and we had to grab them before they faded. And my friends wanted to put the CDs back, I said to keep them a few days. And one CD had DC Talk's "Jesus Freak" with Strongbad (of Homestarrunner.com) talking on it. We were abot to escape down a back stairway when I woke up.

09-16-2003, 03:44 PM
:confused: Wierd dreams. Killing rabbits, being chased by them. Strange...:confused:

09-16-2003, 04:13 PM
Alexander Graham Bell invented the phone, and the first person he spoke to over it was his assistant.

I dreamt that I travelled backwards in time, took the place of Bell's assistant, and had Bell call me instead of him in what was the world's first phone call ever.

09-16-2003, 09:55 PM
I dreamed I was at a "young ladies college" or some such and we were training to be "ladies". At some social gig, we were mingling with a bunch of people and waiters were coming around with pizza for the guys and these stupid little posh canapes and stuff and I wasn't allowed to eat the pizza!!! :eek: So I said something rather rude to one of the waiters and ate it anyway.
:p to you domineering people!

11-16-2003, 10:33 PM
Okay, does it count as a dream or lucid dream or daydream when you're vaguely aware that you're awake in the early hours of the morning (around 9AM) and start thinking and it turns into a dream? Because that's what happened on the weekend. I started thinking about Doctor Who (because I've been watching it a lot) and it turned into a dream when I was on a beach and Daleks were coming to get me and I was saved by the Tardis popping out of the sky. Not like Daleks could have gotten me on a beach anyway, because sand is pure death to wheels.
So, was it a lucid dream at the start, because I had control? It got weirder and harder to remember later, and I didn't have any control over that bit so that's normal.
In other words... *bump*

11-17-2003, 01:53 AM
well finnaly a dream thread...(i was to lazy to look it up:D )

here are the basics of my most weird dreams:

a)-i am watching a ups truck go up a mountain. i am not on the mountain myself; i am watching from below. suddenly he is about to crash into a a large boulder right in the middle of the highway. he jumps out just in time. the truck simply bumps into the boulder and starts backing down toward the man who is behind;he isnt looking, so the truck hits him; and he comes falling/flying down toward me laughing/screaming; clean off the mountain.
he lands on top of me. and the dream ends.

b)-i wake up (in my dream) and see a scary large spider which i cannot kill. it is there materially; but i cant hurt it. it can hurt me though.
this is last nights...
c)-i'm watching a movie about a little brazilian boy who gets captured by Napolean. And I must 'transfer' myself into the movie to help him.
the movie (in my dream only) is a recording of the real thing; it really happened, and if i save the boy in the movie, the event will be erased from history.

02-07-2004, 12:46 AM
My friend had a dream that my other friend was mad at her and they don't know each other very good. I was in it to, talking to the mad friend. It made no sence cuz they have only met like 3 or 4 times. It was confusing:confused:

02-07-2004, 10:40 AM
i had been watching lotr as i was falling asleep and i dreamt that i was at a concert and we were all told that orcs were attacking, so we had to run, and then we were all in my back garden and they were coming from the house and the garage and chasing us round the garden with fish (i had also been watching monty python a couple of hours earlier) and they were killing people with these dead fish and then the leader/commander orc came out with a real sword and killed me.... and then i woke up for no reason at all from a deep sleep, so it still felt like it was happening.....:confused:

02-07-2004, 11:11 AM
As a kid I used to dream that I was inside a giant house, together with many tiny dinosaurs. And then some really big dinosaurs came and we ran from room to room and hid on shelves behind toys and small pots...

Never remember what I dream these days, probably because I don't get much sleep.

02-07-2004, 02:51 PM
I dreamt last night or the night before that my boyfriend told me he was gay. my friends are always joking to me that he is. i just reckon that there persistence has started to convinceme that he is or something!!

02-07-2004, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Hanza
I dreamt last night or the night before that my boyfriend told me he was gay. my friends are always joking to me that he is. i just reckon that there persistence has started to convinceme that he is or something!!

school kids are always making jokes about gays. i wouldnt worry too much about it.

02-07-2004, 04:52 PM
This is very interesting to read. :) It would be even more interesting if people tried to interpret their dreams according to Freud's book..:D

02-07-2004, 04:58 PM
I have a book at home. (Oh, I'm away now anyway.) I can't interperet dreams, but I do know that Hector's displayed a lot of intelligence.

And we should recruit someone to interperet all of our dreams. I think Spock is into that stuff. Let's make him do it.

02-07-2004, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Nerdanel
This is very interesting to read. :) It would be even more interesting if people tried to interpret their dreams according to Freud's book..:D
Please, let us try to keep this PG 13. ;) Had a project on dreams once, those metaphores were sick...

02-07-2004, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by Falagar
Please, let us try to keep this PG 13. ;) Had a project on dreams once, those metaphores were sick...

I know! And my psychology teacher loves him..:rolleyes: He tries to convince us what dreming about snakes means..

02-07-2004, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Nerdanel
I know! And my psychology teacher loves him..:rolleyes: He tries to convince us what dreming about snakes means.. *crick tries to tactfully direct the conversation away from Freud*

How many of you have dreamed that you could fly? Was it hard to keep in the air, or very easy? Whenever I have that dream (not very often anymore :(), it's very easy--just take a dive off of the arm of a chair, or a coffee table, and I'm airborn, just like Peter Pan. One of my buddies said he flew like superman, and another friend said it was very difficult to stay in the air...she had to always be thinking about flying or she would drop.

02-08-2004, 06:15 AM
*take out dream book (not Freuds;) ) and coughs and in a very proffesional voice reads*:

To dream the you are flying:

Free: Means that you will achieve your ambitions easily.

Floating/Flying at a Low Altitude: If you manage to float by flapping your arms or peddiling your feet, success is indicated through dogged but determined effort. If your exhausted in it, it indicateds a relief from your problems.

Trying to take off and Failing: Your frustrated or held down with mundane aspects of your life and unable to find a way forward. Your ambition is way beyond your grasp.

Losing Altitude: Suggests that your ambition is waning. To experiance erractic flying implies either a fear of the heights of success or ambivalence towards your emotions.

Flying Towards the Light: A rare and unusual dream that refers to experiances that have been lost. Recconecting with an aspect of your life. If your flying towards someone who has died it is time to let go of those memories.

Becoming Hampered in Flight: Relates to setbacks. A lack of confidence may be present.

02-08-2004, 07:40 AM
I keep dreaming in anime. It's all Grace's fault and I may have to kill her for it.

And lately I've had a ton of recurring dreams. I've interpreted the main one, but it's soo long that I think I'm missing parts. Running in the drain thing like at Burns Park, only it's really long and next to a low, long building with rice paper walls. There's a child behind me somewhere and a man in a tree to my left and guards and a horse pasture at the end.

See? Exhausting to think about.

02-08-2004, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by Elenka
I keep dreaming in anime. It's all Grace's fault and I may have to kill her for it.

And lately I've had a ton of recurring dreams. I've interpreted the main one, but it's soo long that I think I'm missing parts. Running in the drain thing like at Burns Park, only it's really long and next to a low, long building with rice paper walls. There's a child behind me somewhere and a man in a tree to my left and guards and a horse pasture at the end.

See? Exhausting to think about.


If your running, but next to a wall, it seems like your trying to run away and break free from something, but you are still being 'protected' and that you may want some more privacy. The child probably represents your innocence and could suggest that you want to develope something about yourself. The horse sugests a happy life.

02-08-2004, 02:23 PM
Last night I dreamed that I got rear-ended. But I didn't mind, because it wasn't a serious accident, and I was thankful that it wasn't my fault. We both pulled over into a parking lot, and the guy got out of his car, and asked if I didn't want to take my guitar out of the back seat of my car. This sounded like a good idea, so I took the guitar, and we walked through this school building to a courtyard on the other side, (sometimes I was carrying the guitar, and sometimes I was pushing a bicycle) and left the guitar/bike there. I came back to the cars, and my Canadian history prof was there, and he was trying to fix the head light on the car. I told him not to bother, because the damage to the front end was from my last car accident. there were about 15 other people around (including a man who I thought was another professer, but Dr. S. kept calling him 'counselor'). They took a vote, and decided that I wasn't at fault.

about this time i realized that the guitar I had left on the other side of the building was my dad's, and I ought to go get it before someone stole it.

then I woke up.

02-08-2004, 02:28 PM
You want me to try and interpret it???

Last night I dreamed that I got rear-ended. But I didn't mind, because it wasn't a serious accident, and I was thankful that it wasn't my fault. We both pulled over into a parking lot, and the guy got out of his car, and asked if I didn't want to take my guitar out of the back seat of my car. This sounded like a good idea, so I took the guitar, and we walked through this school building to a courtyard on the other side, (sometimes I was carrying the guitar, and sometimes I was pushing a bicycle) and left the guitar/bike there. I came back to the cars, and my Canadian history prof was there, and he was trying to fix the head light on the car. I told him not to bother, because the damage to the front end was from my last car accident. there were about 15 other people around (including a man who I thought was another professer, but Dr. S. kept calling him 'counselor'). They took a vote, and decided that I wasn't at fault.

The accident could mean some unexpected change or some sort of upset. The car can symbolise your personal power. The school can mean that you have the skills to resolve this problem and the bike means that you will have to make an important decsion. The headlight could mean that you are ready to face reality and the damage to the car could mean that you are ready to restore or replace something.

02-08-2004, 03:15 PM
I had a somewhat similar dream before, actually a whole bunch of times: I don't have my driver's liscence, but for some reason I was forced to drive my brothers and myself to school as fast as the car could possibly go, I think in order to save my dad from something mysteriously connected. But others cars kept trying to kill us on the way, so I'd would drive back home once I got to school, swerving like a drunk and speeding like a demon. Then the dream would kind of play in loop for a while, until I would have some miraculous epiphany about what I should be doing about Dad. Then I'd wake up without ever finding out what dream-me was thinking.

02-08-2004, 03:19 PM
Do you want me to interpret this??? I seem to be doing it anyway....

02-08-2004, 03:21 PM
Sure, if you want. That'd be interesting.

02-08-2004, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by Bombadillo
I had a somewhat similar dream before, actually a whole bunch of times: I don't have my driver's liscence, but for some reason I was forced to drive my brothers and myself to school as fast as the car could possibly go, I think in order to save my dad from something mysteriously connected. But others cars kept trying to kill us on the way, so I'd would drive back home once I got to school, swerving like a drunk and speeding like a demon. Then the dream would kind of play in loop for a while, until I would have some miraculous epiphany about what I should be doing about Dad. Then I'd wake up without ever finding out what dream-me was thinking.

The brother aspect of this could represent a fellowship, quarrels or the masculine aspect of your self. The school represents discipline and the car represents your own personal power. Driving back to your home shows the centre of being, and your spiritual self. It's your shelter and can also represent a basic need being fulfilled. Acting like a drunk shows denial and the fear of loosing control or the wish to gain control. The demon aspect also shows denial and can be an image of self-doubt. There could be something between you and your greater consciousness. It shows that there are negative forces.

02-08-2004, 03:43 PM
Whoa. That sounds bad. :D But as long as it's all in the subconsious.

02-08-2004, 03:47 PM
Yeah, sorry.... didn't mean to make it sound that bad... but I only interpret was is written.

Does any parts of your life come close to the description? I would really like to know how close these interpretations are to real life.

02-08-2004, 04:00 PM
I don't know. It might, but dream interpretations are all really general. I think they represent things that only may be also, as if to say "Things are lookin' bad for you." (Not exactly the Mirror of Galadriel in other words.)

02-08-2004, 04:12 PM
Yeah. If you see most descriptions they are always close to each other... like a car will generally mean the same thing in two dreams.

02-09-2004, 11:52 AM
Last night I had a dream that I was trying to become a stripper. It was really weird...this guy was supposed to teach me how, and his grandparents were there at first. Then they left, and I was wearing these sort of disconnected sleeves (know what I mean?) and a silky dress. I swear, I thought I could feel the dress. Then the sleeves became a sweater....

02-09-2004, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
like a car will generally mean the same thing in two dreams. I often dream about underground trains, buses and trams. Cars are common too. I'm positive all these vehicles have some subconscious meaning, haven't managed to figure out what though.

02-09-2004, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by Jonathan
I often dream about underground trains, buses and trams. Cars are common too. I'm positive all these vehicles have some subconscious meaning, haven't managed to figure out what though.

Well the underground represents secrets or hidden feelings, and trains can represent connections, followers or telling you to be aware of changes in your life. And like before cars represent your personal power or your ego.

hmmm.... some of this could be related to the Entmoot Presidential Elections.... power.... followers.... changes in life.....:eek:

02-09-2004, 02:16 PM
Well, it's obviously about sexual repression! Geez. :rolleyes: ;)

02-09-2004, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by BeardofPants
Well, it's obviously about sexual repression! Geez. :rolleyes: ;)

I was getting to that part!!!:o:p

02-09-2004, 02:32 PM
Mebbe he wants to have sex with a goat, but feels like he can't? Doesn't want to cheat on the cow, y'know?

02-09-2004, 02:53 PM
I had a series of dreams last night that woke me up each time...

some I don't remember
some I do...
- dropping my keys into the fan of the air conditioner in the backyard, it breaks, and now I have to pay for it. :(
- walking into class only to find out there's a test that day that I wasn't prepared for. :eek:

I'm friggin' tired now ... (-_-) zzZZZZ

02-09-2004, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
Well the underground represents secrets or hidden feelings, and trains can represent connections, followers or telling you to be aware of changes in your life. And like before cars represent your personal power or your ego.

hmmm.... some of this could be related to the Entmoot Presidential Elections.... power.... followers.... changes in life.....:eek: Nah, I don't think so. I've had those kinds of dreams for years and I'm having less and less of them.
And I don't think the trains and cars represent those things at all. Maybe I'm just restless, can't stay in one place in my dreams but travels all the time :)

Originally posted by BeardofPants
Mebbe he wants to have sex with a goat, but feels like he can't? Doesn't want to cheat on the cow, y'know? Ooo, that was low.

02-12-2004, 05:41 PM
I am playing through final fantasy X for the first time, so I keep dreaming about that. First Auron was there, and we were in a mall, and he just went to the bar. Then, in the next dream, I got ot the end, only it wasn't really an end. So I tried again. Tidus, Seymore, and some other characters were eating dinner at a table, when Tidus rebelled. He stood up and said, "Everone, I hate Seymore! Whoever's with me, join me in a chorus of 'seymore is a homosexual'!" It was sooo random. And I neither think he's gay, nor have a problem with those who are...

02-12-2004, 06:51 PM
i dreamed i was watching/living in the movie Vanilla Sky. never seen it, but now im gonna watch it to see if there alike in any way.

02-12-2004, 09:14 PM
:eek: I had the weirdest dream the other night!

I am standing in front of my mirror brushing my hair when all the hair on the right side of my head just falls out! It apparently does not bother me and I just calmly start trying to brush my hair in a way that will cover the bald part. lol! Quite humorous, actually. You wanna try to interpret that one for me? ;)

02-12-2004, 10:11 PM
Weird and disturbing dream last night

I was going someplace and I needed to use the restroom... I had two choices...

1) a really gross shack outhouse that was full to the brim with crap (shades of Trainspotting!)


2) an old trailer that was set up with showers and toilets in rooms with shower curtains for doors.

I chose #2.

So, I go into a room... there's really two shower curtains... one initial one that leads into a shower area, and another that leads beyond to the toilet.

There are other people there, and they keep walking in on me. I say :mad: "HEY! SOMEONE'S IN HERE!" I mean, I can't even get my pants down without someone coming in! Freakin' RUDE!!!

Anyway, I finally finish (but it's not like I actually went or anything... just sat down and then up again... weird) and I look to my left as I'm leaning over to flush the toilet... and there's this blond, mentally challenged boy (about 10 or 11) eating a granny smith apple and a peanut butter sandwich at a dinner table. Where that came from, I have no idea. So, I start talking to him and asking him what he's doing there alone. I finally find his mom and reunite them, and he wants to give me a kiss, but on the mouth! So, I said, no... on the cheek only. And he was very insistent, but I was solid on my decision... only on the cheek and he finally gave in and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I don't recall any other parts of the dream... but it was weird nonetheless.

02-13-2004, 06:17 AM
Originally posted by jellyfishannah
:eek: I had the weirdest dream the other night!

I am standing in front of my mirror brushing my hair when all the hair on the right side of my head just falls out! It apparently does not bother me and I just calmly start trying to brush my hair in a way that will cover the bald part. lol! Quite humorous, actually. You wanna try to interpret that one for me? ;)

The mirror symbolises your identity. If you dream of hair means that you are careless in your personal affairs and will lose advancement by neglecting mental application. The head means intellect and baldness can represent wisdom.... or sexual issues.

02-13-2004, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by Ruinel
Weird and disturbing dream last night

I was going someplace and I needed to use the restroom... I had two choices...

1) a really gross shack outhouse that was full to the brim with crap (shades of Trainspotting!)


2) an old trailer that was set up with showers and toilets in rooms with shower curtains for doors.

I chose #2.

So, I go into a room... there's really two shower curtains... one initial one that leads into a shower area, and another that leads beyond to the toilet.

There are other people there, and they keep walking in on me. I say :mad: "HEY! SOMEONE'S IN HERE!" I mean, I can't even get my pants down without someone coming in! Freakin' RUDE!!!

Anyway, I finally finish (but it's not like I actually went or anything... just sat down and then up again... weird) and I look to my left as I'm leaning over to flush the toilet... and there's this blond, mentally challenged boy (about 10 or 11) eating a granny smith apple and a peanut butter sandwich at a dinner table. Where that came from, I have no idea. So, I start talking to him and asking him what he's doing there alone. I finally find his mom and reunite them, and he wants to give me a kiss, but on the mouth! So, I said, no... on the cheek only. And he was very insistent, but I was solid on my decision... only on the cheek and he finally gave in and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I don't recall any other parts of the dream... but it was weird nonetheless.
wow Ruinel. thats disturbing.

Lady Ravyn
03-04-2004, 10:05 PM
i'm always having these really, really disturbing, frightening dreams. they don't always phaxe me anymore, but last night i deamt that my family and i moved to this old victorian house (we were dressed like we were in the 1800s). when we first got there, my dad saw a crow or raven (heh heh; not with a "y" ;) ) and shot it cuz it was going into the house. after he killed it, the sky turned this weird green color and mist started forming everywhere. but (being dream people) we ignored it and went inside where our servants (:eek: ) began serving us dinner. in the middle of dinner the clock struck midnight (:confused: ) and the servants went nuts! they started throwing carving knives at everyone, but they didn't hit anyone. so my parents ran upstairs and my brothers and i ran into a closet. for a long time, everything was quiet, but then i heard screams from upstairs and the door to the closet we were hiding in flew open suddenly.
then it got REALLY bizarre because it was like i was a spirit or something cuz i looked down and saw my dead body. then i looked to my right and saw the servants and ghosts that had appeared killing my brothers (:( ) with knives and swords and maces. then my "spirit" floated upstairs and saw my mom dead with a knife in her stomach and my dad hanging from a rope in the ceiling. i started screaming (or rather, my "spirit" did) and all of a sudden i was in the body of an old lady who was being murdered in another part of the house. i kept channeling from person to person through the whole dream, dying over and over again...it was a bit scary, but kinda interesting.....in a warped sort of way...

Insidious Rex
03-05-2004, 02:02 PM
good grief. No more late night snacks with your horror movies for you young lady.

03-05-2004, 04:22 PM
:eek: Wow, Lady Ravyn. Scary. I have had scary dreams before but I don't think they were ever quite so...graphic...

Once I had a dream that took place thousands of years from now. This weird chemical had gotten loose and it killed everything. All plant life and so on... People lived in these giant bubble things. Nobody could travel between the bubbles (which were thousands of miles apart) except this one man who had been foretold about in some prophecy. (think matrix) Really weird. There's more to it but I have to go! I'll tell the rest later...

03-15-2004, 12:51 AM
Ahh....I had a really weird one. This is totally for real: I (in the dream of course!) had a baby. I was excited to go to school, and when anyone asked me what I did over the weekend, I'd say, "I had a baby!" Someone pointed out to me that I sure didn't look pregnant before. We eventually came to the conclusion that it was really a rabbit, and so it was small, and didn't show much. Yeah, basically, I had a dream that I gave birth to a bunny. :)

03-15-2004, 01:07 AM
not too long ago i had this dream that i was walking in the park, and there were these boys skateboarding (on gravel!).
eventually i got to talking to one of them. we were talking about the skateboarding competition that was coming up; and i asked him if he knew a certain friend of mine who skateboards.
and he said "yeah dude, but the guy ho thinks he's the real hotshot is this guy..." and he pulls out a newspaper and shows me and article about the the competition, and I see a pic of Christopher Walken, who was in the skateboarding competition!:p

Lady Ravyn
03-15-2004, 04:16 PM
i had a...bizarre dream last night. iwas going to work, and all of a sudden this guy on a horse gallops behind me (i was walking to work) and pulls me up behind him. for some odd reason, that didn't phaze me in the least (:confused: ) and i asked him where we were going this time. he said we had to save my 2nd grade teacher from being eaten by a lion (:confused: ) and we had to hurry. so we got to this part of a forest where my teacher was sitting, chatting with this HUGE lion, and she asked me to sing a song. i started singing "piece of my Heart" by Janis Joplin (:eek: :confused: ) then i woke up....

03-15-2004, 10:28 PM
Ok, I had the weirdest dream last night. It was really and truly bizarre.

So It's me, the sisterhood, brian, pierre, grace....some other people too, and we're all kind of hanging out somewhere. The hard part being that "somewhere" happened to be a wet, dripping cave with no apparent way out. We were supposedly miner-type people, and we were using drugs of various (illegal) sorts as dynamite to keep blowing up the next section of tunnel. It got even weirder when we were suddenly transported by some unknown means and deposited into a third floor hallway in what I instinctively knew was a school, though it wasn't a school I'd ever been to. And then we were all in the french room at my current school....

03-15-2004, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by Elenka
Ok, I had the weirdest dream last night. It was really and truly bizarre.

So It's me, the sisterhood, brian, pierre, grace....some other people too, and we're all kind of hanging out somewhere. The hard part being that "somewhere" happened to be a wet, dripping cave with no apparent way out. We were supposedly miner-type people, and we were using drugs of various (illegal) sorts as dynamite to keep blowing up the next section of tunnel. It got even weirder when we were suddenly transported by some unknown means and deposited into a third floor hallway in what I instinctively knew was a school, though it wasn't a school I'd ever been to. And then we were all in the french room at my current school....
wow. that is weird.
I would freak out if I had a cave dream...

03-16-2004, 07:44 AM
Had a no-dream night because (yay!) the sleeping potion works so I actually slept for once! *happy*

Katie of the Golden Wood
03-16-2004, 04:33 PM
I had a weird dream last night. I'm a very shy person & sometimes have trouble expressing myself. I had an oppurtunity a little while ago to really be myself, but it didn't work out because I was too scared. That same night I had a dream I was a slave on top of a mountain, but I didn't know what I was a slave for. All of a sudden I fell of the edge of a cliff and and looking below me I saw a village. The people were happy and free, but I wasn't sure if I could make it down. I knew I would be free if I made it, but I didn't take the risk. I called for help and I made it back on the cliff and started working. All of a sudden a voice whispered, "you should have let go." Then I woke up.


Mrs Maggot
03-16-2004, 08:51 PM
Wow, that's areally interesting dream… probably relates to you feeling trapped in some area of your life and wanting a change but being too afraid to let go of the current situation. I had a weird LotR-related one last night… I was playing a game of soccer or something and then gandalf appeared and said 'The walls have to hold' and I remember I was all confused cos I'm like 'No, he's meant to say 'The defences have to hold'' but anyway, I go 'They will hold'… how bizarre. I hardly ever have Tolkien-related dreams!

03-16-2004, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by Katie of the Golden Wood
I had a weird dream last night. I'm a very shy person & sometimes have trouble expressing myself. I had an oppurtunity a little while ago to really be myself, but it didn't work out because I was too scared. That same night I had a dream I was a slave on top of a mountain, but I didn't know what I was a slave for. All of a sudden I fell of the edge of a cliff and and looking below me I saw a village. The people were happy and free, but I wasn't sure if I could make it down. I knew I would be free if I made it, but I didn't take the risk. I called for help and I made it back on the cliff and started working. All of a sudden a voice whispered, "you should have let go." Then I woke up.

whoa... i never have dreams that seem so significant, or relative to real life in any way, shape, or form. i always get the feeling that something has happened in my dreams and then it happens in real life, but that's more of a "deja vu" thing i guess. like today, i was in math class doing this worksheet and i looked up and just thought to myself "i have seen this scene played out before exactly like it is now." crazy.

03-16-2004, 11:04 PM
Last night I dreamed that a friend at my school had brought a gerbil to school and that she yelled at me for walking inbetween her and a person she was talking too and I got mad and stole the gerbil and ran around with it and let it go somewhere and she was crying... then there was this slutty girl who waas nobody in particular and she was putting on a dance performance on the floor of a room and like two people were in there and it was on live TV or something and I was really mad at slutty people so I ran up there and molested her... and nobody ever came to pick me up... so I somehow got home, walked maybe somehow and I asked my mom why she didn't pick me up and she said it was because I got in trouble and wasn't allowed to leave school until 10 pm...

Yeah my dreams aren't relevant at all I don't think.
I told the girl with the gerbil about my dream and all day she's been like 'YOU STOLE MY GERBIL HOW COULD YOU?!" lol

03-30-2004, 01:01 AM
Hey, I'm back! Didja miss me? I've been gone for months... real life getting in the way.
Still dreaming though - last night... um... okay, forgotten it. But a few weeks ago I dreamt Richie Fidler was covetting my dad's twelve-string guitar! Very happy at that... (Richard's the guitarist from comedy band the Doug Anthony All Stars, just if you didn't know... I've only recently got onto them. Pity they've been disbanded 10 years, isn't it?)

03-30-2004, 09:32 PM
Last night I dreamed about Paul McDermott! (who probably none of you know, but he's a guy in a band and he's really funny and a bit of a sleaze with a bad reputation for everything up to and including dogs) But I was soooo happy. It's Melbourne International Comedy Festival time and I might be able to see his show soon! :cool: :D Sorry, I'm a comedy nerd. They should never have let me near the stuff...
But anyway, I dreamt he turned up at school and did a lecture-y thing. And then he played a board game with my friends and I and he cheated.

03-30-2004, 11:01 PM
I had a dream that's not strictly pg-13....no, it was not perverted...well,yes it was but it's not what you're thinking. And anyway, it left me feeling deeply disturbed. Like, in this case, no dream interpretation guide was going to accurately interpret this. Just...the entire tone of the dream was disturbing...even now, four nights later I'm *still* getting it out of my mind. :(

03-31-2004, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by Lanelf
Last night I dreamed about Paul McDermott! (who probably none of you know, but he's a guy in a band and he's really funny and a bit of a sleaze with a bad reputation for everything up to and including dogs) But I was soooo happy. It's Melbourne International Comedy Festival time and I might be able to see his show soon! :cool: :D Sorry, I'm a comedy nerd. They should never have let me near the stuff...
But anyway, I dreamt he turned up at school and did a lecture-y thing. And then he played a board game with my friends and I and he cheated.

I know who he is! I saw him on TV the other night at the Melbourne Comedy Festival. I remember when he was on that show, Good News Week. Never heard anything about him concerning dogs, but he's funny. I think he's kinda cute; I wouldn't mind dreaming about him. ;) :D

03-31-2004, 09:15 PM
Yeah, he's not bad is he, Cass? The 'dogs' thing was from his Doug Anthony All Stars days. But not a bad dream, huh? ;) Wait till I get him in my dreams again... :D ;););):o

04-10-2004, 04:52 PM
I had a pretty wierd dream the othernight. I dreamt that I was going to hang myself, but I couldn't find the room where I had set up the rope. I spent ages trying to find this room and when I eventually did, it turned out to be my schools common room. It was empty except for one person with his back turned to me at the fire escape. I walked towards him and as I got closer he turned into a living cigarette and burst into flames, but with a humans voice screaming for help. Then a masked person ran into the room after hearing the screams and put a rope around my neck because I had been acused of smoking the King of England's cigarette. And then the guy I like ran into the common room which turned into a courtroom saying he had done it. I ended up outside this room again and then I woke up.

04-27-2004, 01:08 AM
Anyone else always get bad dreams on days you want to be good? On Christmas day a year or so ago, I got terrible nightmares, took the shine off the day. And on Easter, too.... does this only happen to me?

Beruthiel's cat
04-27-2004, 09:17 AM
This has happened before, and I'm not even sure it could be called a dream. It usually happens before I wake up in the morning -- right before my alarm goes off.

I hear someone call my name very loudly and urgently, usually just one time. I wake up, thinking someone else in the house is calling me, but no one is...

BUT... my cat is usually on the bed, nudging me and wanting some attention...

I'm wondering if he is the one who called out my name!! :confused:

What do you think??? :confused:

Insidious Rex
04-27-2004, 01:12 PM
Your subconcious mind is probably aware of the cats need for you (because hes physically in contact with you) and it translates this into a shout for you by name. Sounds pretty straightforward to me. now you know what your cats voice would sound like if he were human. :D

Beruthiel's cat
04-27-2004, 03:28 PM
That seems logical. The voice I hear isn't like anyone else's. It's a tenor voice, not definately male or female. He and I bonded the moment we saw each other and I have never been as connected to a cat in my life. (And I've had many, many cats.) I'd like to think that he's found a way to call me on a psychic level.

Insidious Rex
04-27-2004, 03:41 PM
Ive learned my cat only has a few things to say really:

most of the time: "Hey! Feed me! You! Up there! Feed me! Where are you going?!”

but other times theres: “Why are you staring at me?! Youre making me excited! Whats going on!”

or: “Let me out. Let me in. Let me out. Let me in. I said let me in. Hey! Let me in!!”

or: “watch it! Im agitated. Cant you tell by my tail for cripes sake! Yet I want affection. Where are you going?!”

or the occasional *CAT SCREAM* “You #%&*!!! That was my tail!!! Damn that hurt!! Hey why did you jump out of your skin like that…”

oh and then theres those occasions where shes talking to herself when she thinks Im not around. Its kind of odd...

Beruthiel's cat
04-27-2004, 03:48 PM
Jasper has a similar vocabulary. He also has this kind of bird-call thing he does when he's watching kitty tv -- er -- looking out the window at all the avian activity.

He also talks in his sleep sometimes, and twitches, so he must be dreaming...

(I wonder if he dreams of me???) :D

Thain Peregrin Took I
03-12-2006, 04:51 PM
Well, I had a really weird dream once. Actually, I've had a lot of weird dreams. In fact, most of my dreams are weird, but I'll just start out with some of the weirder ones.
I was in a store, and I was riding around it one a bike. Everyone else was doing the same thing. Every time I went around the store once, I had to wait in line and then sit on a nurses lap. So one time on my way around the shop, some sticky thing stuck to my arm. So once I got to the nurse, she said "You're going to need asparagus for that."
Talk about weird. :p

Thain Peregrin Took I
03-19-2006, 12:22 AM
Like a year ago or something, I had a dream where for some reason that me, MB, and my mom were walking to the post office. MB and I were a lot younger. Then a guy from a grocery store walked up to us and said "I'll help you with your cart."
Our mom agreed, even though we didn't have a cart, so he walked next to us. When we went into the post office, the dude working there said "You were good girls. Here, have a lollipop." Then he gave us (and our mom) some lollipops.
I think there were balloons floating around outside, too.

05-18-2006, 07:24 PM
I had a pretty strange one recently.

Me and some other people were at an event at Vatican City to hear the Pope. Somehow I ended up bieng a security guard to the Pope himself. Ended up that I had to carry Benedict around in my arms (presumably) because the loss of the use of his legs. He usually wanted to use the library, so I had to stand for a long time holding him while he read.

There were also two spies who kept fighting with eachother. One was a young girl, and the other a young guy. I think they were competing for something, and the scenes of their fights kept alternating between a laundry mat and the library, where Benedict kept asking them to please stop...

05-24-2006, 12:49 AM
i had a dream i was throwing live rabbits out of a plane miles and miles above ground...but no worries, they had cute lil parachutes on = P hahaha

oh yeah and i also had another dream recently where i snuck onto the set of american idol, shot paula abdul, then took off with chris daughtry's truck, which happened to be made out of ginger bread...yeah...haha

E, LoR
05-24-2006, 08:27 AM
i have frequent dreams about suicide, water, and the holocaust. not very fun. very strange.

and actually, I have a character that visits me in dreams repeatedly. she's got blue hair, and carries a cello. She's completely drawn, like an anime character, except everything around her is realistic. it's very strange. She always runs away from me...

05-24-2006, 08:29 AM
i had a dream...crazy dream...any place i needed to go...anyone i needed to know...[chocolate cookies to anyone who knows what that is] :D

E, LoR
05-24-2006, 08:29 AM
heyyyy are you mocking me or something?! :D

05-24-2006, 08:30 AM
no...it's a reference to something...LIKE I JUST SAID! :rolleyes: :p

E, LoR
05-24-2006, 08:33 AM
no...it's a reference to something...LIKE I JUST SAID! :rolleyes: :p
surrrreeeeeeee.......... that's what they want you to think!!! :p

05-24-2006, 08:42 AM
no, any fan of this will get it...insidious rex...yeah...he would...

05-24-2006, 11:05 PM
I had a dream last night in which I fought Darth Vader at a subway station, then i went to a swimming pool and for no reason at all, jumped off the tallest diving board into the pool, but it had no water in it. I fell feet first and some how ended up on my face (it was quite odd actually, i felt the pain). But the dream did not end there. i got back up (after hitting my face), and went to the nearest shopping mall, planted some explosives, AND BLEW IT UP!!!!! :eek:

05-25-2006, 02:05 AM
haha! O_O freakin weird dream sam! it's so weird in dreams where you sometimes literally feel the pain of the weird things that happen in them O.o

05-31-2006, 06:54 PM
yeah, it is quite odd, i wonder why i didn't wake up :confused:

06-08-2006, 04:37 AM
I had a prophetic dream the other night you guys! Ok, tell me if you think it`s a coincidence or what.

I have this friend, who I hadn`t seen since early March. I`m also friends with his girlfriend, who I also hadn`t seen in a while, but I didn`t know for sure until today they were going out- I just assumed. Anyway, last Saturday morning, I had a dream about him. It started out with me being at a hot spring resort with a small green towel. Then all of the sudden out of nowhere I saw him, and I was like "Woah, long time no see!" The girlfriend was there too, and in the dream they were married. Anyway, they were in the girl`s locker room for some reason (only it didn`t seem weird- it was just kind of a sense of being on "this side") and he said he was looking for something and asked if I had seen it. It made a really strong impression on me, like I was actually there talking to him again. More than I`ve ever felt in a dream before. I thought this from the start. Also, this is the first time he (or the girl) had ever appeared in my dream.

I woke up the next morning, got in the shower, and when I got out I realized that I had forgotten my towel and so I had to use just the green one from in the dream. It was also the first time that had happened. I thought it was a funny coincidence. I wondered if maybe I`d see that guy too- I looked for him all day and told my friend to be on the lookout too. Then, yesterday, 4 days later, I was in school. I walked out of the classroom after 6th period, and both of them were standing there on the balcony! The reaction was just like in the dream. It wasn`t like other times when you see an old friend from afar and go after them or wave or something- we were suddenly all face to face like it was in the dream. We were all surprised and happy. Anyway, after a minute he asked me if I had seen this certain teacher, his homeroom teacher from last year. We found her eventually. Note- the only hint I had before that those two were going out was one time when I was talking to the girl she was like "Let`s go talk to him" and we all three chatted for like a minute. Other than that I`d never even seen them together. And they happened to be together just like they were in my dream.

So what do you think? Coincidence? Do you think there was some connection?

Thain Peregrin Took I
08-03-2006, 05:07 PM
I had a dream recently that MB and I were in this huge souvenir store that was the size of the grocery store. Allen from Jurassic Park was in the store with us. Our mom had given MB and I $3 each to spend. But the only thing that we could afford was some cheap little American flags. In another part of the store, there were 11 boxes lined with trash bags that were filled with 11 different types of lemonade. You were allowed to have a glass of lemonade per hour. So Allen went over there and got 3 cups of lemonade. Then I was looking at a pink shirt to see if I had to money to buy it, but it cost $30.

Finrod Felagund
08-12-2006, 01:59 PM
Last night I dreamed that there was a new religion/cult thing taking over, and Christians were being persecuted, I wouldn't convert. And so my parents snuck me to a boat, sent me across the lake at the camp I go to, to this cool catacomb type hideout, where a whole lot of Christians were holed up. It was very strange.

Maybe a premoniton for what may happen in the future?

Gwaimir Windgem
08-12-2006, 02:37 PM
Or maybe a burrito or pizza flaring up. :p

08-16-2006, 02:34 PM
Sounds like you watched the History channel recently. :)

10-03-2006, 04:24 PM
I had a disturbingly amusing dream about Data from Star Trek the other night, and I wanted to post it but I'm not sure if it's appropriate. It was a little racy... Maybe if I just put it in spoilers?

10-03-2006, 04:37 PM
Just post the darn thing :)

10-03-2006, 05:27 PM
I had a disturbingly amusing dream about Data from Star Trek the other night, and I wanted to post it but I'm not sure if it's appropriate. It was a little racy... Maybe if I just put it in spoilers?

Racy? Data? :p ....this sounds interesting....

10-03-2006, 05:30 PM
Last night I dreamt that my mother was a Vampire who was kidnapping children for some evil scheme and that one of my sister's and I had to try and stop her. But we had to keep it a secret from my brother, because he's afraid of vampires and he'd cry. At least, that was the very strong feeling I got about it. Unfortunately, the alarm went off before we got to do any vampire-slaying.

10-03-2006, 05:32 PM
Last night I dreamt that my mother was a Vampire who was kidnapping children for some evil scheme and that one of my sister's and I had to try and stop her. But we had to keep it a secret from my brother, because he's afraid of vampires and he'd cry. At least, that was the very strong feeling I got about it. Unfortunately, the alarm went off before we got to do any vampire-slaying.
Dreams always end like that...at either the most convenient or inconvenient moment... ;)

10-03-2006, 05:56 PM
Racy? Data? :p ....this sounds interesting....

o.0 I just watched the episode where data boinked lieutenant yar. that was... interesting... enough thankyouverymuch.

10-03-2006, 06:22 PM
Ok, well I guess I'll just explain. It's not that bad.

It started out I don't know why but I guess I wanted to test out exactly how much sensory input Data was programmed to appreciate? Don't ask. It was a dream. You know you've all had dreams you don't wanna admit either. Anyway, after, I suddenly got real paranoid that he was gonna tell the crew mates or something.

10-03-2006, 08:44 PM
NOTE: I was bieng SARCASTIC!....>*100% Innocent*<....

Gwaimir Windgem
10-03-2006, 09:11 PM
If someone tries that hard to prove his innocence, he severely undermines it.

Especially if he is a political figure.

10-04-2006, 11:33 AM
I'm sorry Spock! I knew I should have stayed quiet. ><

10-04-2006, 12:28 PM
If someone tries that hard to prove his innocence, he severely undermines it.

Especially if he is a political figure.

i.e. Mark Foley? :p ...now he was molested by a clergyman, did you hear? ;) ...and he's in rehab for alcohalism! :p

10-04-2006, 12:48 PM
I like to think I give the benefit of the doubt in most cases; not in this one. It is just too much that *suddenly* he admits this.

10-04-2006, 01:31 PM
Indeed...far too convenient. I'll start a thread....

Gwaimir Windgem
10-04-2006, 03:19 PM
I like to think I give the benefit of the doubt in most cases; not in this one. It is just too much that *suddenly* he admits this.

Your right, Spock. Hector claimed innocence just too abruptly.

10-04-2006, 03:21 PM

10-04-2006, 03:22 PM
Your right, Spock. Hector claimed innocence just too abruptly.

Shaddup, you...immoral monarchist-anarchist :p

Gwaimir Windgem
10-04-2006, 03:41 PM
I object to some of the words you applied to me! :p

10-04-2006, 04:55 PM
Last night, I dreamed I got a job making sushi in some kind of high-speed production line. Then I left that job for a boot-making factory, and I was wearing stiletto cowboy boot type boots with the running socks my boyfriend just got. This job paid a lot more but I only had to work thirty hours a month.

Then, aliens took over the factory and killed everyone but myself and one other person. We had to fight them by trying to get something off a tree.

And that's when things really got weird.

My dream shifted to me running for the Liberal MP of Kerrisdale (my neighbourhood) and winning. I told my friend from elementary school (who was a big supporter of the provincial Liberals at the time) that I really like the ideas of the NDP, though they weren't that good in practice.

He said that the Liberals were way better, but I didn't tell him I was not a Liberal MP. Somehow, I was an MP while still attending university.

Then my dream shifted again, and I had to rescue some people on another planet in a flying car. Huge, flying aliens were trying to eat them.

Note to self: no cheese before bed! :D

10-04-2006, 05:06 PM
I wonder if it's true, eating before bed will make you dream? But I've had nights where I did eat before bed, and I didn't have any dreams...at least, I don't think I had...

10-04-2006, 08:35 PM
I was just kidding about the cheese. :D

But apparently eating before bed makes you sleep more restlessly or something.

Gwaimir Windgem
10-04-2006, 08:47 PM
Nurv, I'm pretty sure that dream couldn't be caused by any legal substance. ;) Though I believe you have parties working on that up there... :D

10-04-2006, 09:38 PM
Bwahaha, awesome.

I don't need pot man, smoked apple cheddar is as good as anything you might smoke in a cigarette. :D

10-04-2006, 09:43 PM
or a hookah.... (Ditto, Nurv;))*runs away* :p

Gwaimir Windgem
10-04-2006, 10:59 PM
As if YOU know about smoking things in a hookah, hector. :p You have not achieved the Sublime!

10-05-2006, 10:27 AM
...gee what ever you do don't say "mattress" around Nurv, :D

10-05-2006, 02:32 PM
Y'know, smoking from a hookah isn't any more sublime than smoking a normal cigarette, right?

10-05-2006, 05:35 PM
In fact, it might be worse for you...you take deeper breaths for a hookah, right? ;) More and more the cancer grows like a weed on your soul...and lungs :p

Gwaimir Windgem
10-05-2006, 06:38 PM
Define "Sublime". I am referring to the mere glory of the thing. And the hookah is manifestly more glorious than smoking a cigarette. It looks cooler, it bubbles, and it takes like candy air. :p

Cancer doesn't grow on the soul, silly hector. :p

And yes, I know perfectly well that it has carcinogens. It's not as bad as a cigarette, though; what you smoke is only about 1/3 tobacco, and it is filtered through the water. But of course, we're only talking about a matter of degrees; it's still unhealthy. I'm glad I'm not ruled by health. :p

10-05-2006, 06:42 PM
Stay on topic, please.

10-06-2006, 02:09 AM
o.0 Ookay, back to the Data sex then?

10-06-2006, 04:26 AM
Who's dream what that!?

...gee what ever you do don't say "mattress" around Nurv, :DMattress? :D

Is that a Stearns and Foster, or are you just happy to see me?

You know when you have had a dream, and you remember you dreamt, but not the dream actually was? Yeah...

Gwaimir Windgem
10-06-2006, 12:10 PM
I believe that was Katya's wierd dream.

10-06-2006, 04:10 PM
You know when you have had a dream, and you remember you dreamt, but not the dream actually was? Yeah...
I have that all the time! It drives me crazy trying to remember the dream.

And yes, that was my weird dream. :o

Thain Peregrin Took I
05-26-2007, 12:33 AM
A few weeks ago I had this dream that MB and I were in the back yard, then this huge black and grey striped cat jumped on the fence. We freaked out, and went inside. Then we watched an episode of Hogan's Heroes, and after it was done, we looked at the clock and saw that it was 9:30, so we're like "Oh, we can watch a few more episodes before we go to bed." Then we looked at another clock and it said that it was like 12:34 or something, and another one said it was 5:30. So we called Popcorn, and they said that it was 1:20 or something like that.

I had another really weird dream, but I can't remember it now.

Meriadoc Brandybuck
07-20-2007, 12:13 AM
I had a dream a while ago that was totally awesome in the most weird way that only I would think is cool.
So, a young woman by the name of Confidence (don't ask) with all the wit and sarcasm in the world is pretty much being trained at this ultra-cool spy training thing. And she's to the point where she is allowed to have a gun. So here she is in training, shooting at "bad guys" (cardboard thingies) with her partner, a girl who's name was never mentioned. It was sorta like a video game except... not. So, eventually, the find themselves at a hockey arena. There's a side door, and before they go in, the girl who's name is unknown says, "If there are any guys, I call the hot one." So in they go. Magically, there are two hot guys. One with a surfer cut and blond hair, and a taller one with brown hair. No name goes over to the blonde and Confidence gets the other guy. So Confidence is being all sarcastic with said guy when those even puppets from Sesame Streets start coming through the door, with has magically become smaller than the door frame. So Confidence shots them all, etc. Cut to:
Confidence and brown-haired guy are in a jeep in the middle of a forest and a giant eagle is chasing them. Cut again, to:
Confidence is being held by the lord of evil and Mr. brown-hair has to get her out by himself, as part of the training. And I forget the rest.

Interesting, huh? :rolleyes:

Thain Peregrin Took I
07-20-2007, 12:39 AM
I had a dream that we were at our music teacher's house, and then the house started shaking because graboids were eating the foundation. Then I said "Why don't we move with them, then it will stop." Se we wiggled around, but that didn't help, so we went upstair into a bedroom so the graboids wouldn't eat us if they came through the floor. There was a door to the basement, so we opened it and went it. (Which makes no sense, since graboids come throught the ground, so we would pretty much be like "Eeeeeeeat meeeeeeeee!")
Anyway, we were on this floor, and there were two staircases seperates bya a wall in the middle. Col. Crittendon from Hogan's Heroes was on the floor with us (me, MB and some girl with shoulder length blond hair), so we told him to go down one staircase, and we went down the other. Once we were in the basement, we sat on the floor around a coffee table. There was like and inch of water on the floor. LeBeau was there too, and he suggested that we get help.
Then my dream changed to the blond girl walking to a store and fixing her hair. She wrapped a huge flower arrangement in plasic wrap and wrote in marker "Size 5". Then this woman walked in, and the blond girl was like "Look, these flowers are pretty, like you." and the woman said "Yeah." Then the blond said "Look, they say size 5 on them. You're a size 5." Then someone else walked in and said "Turns out we didn't need to send you to help. LeBeau is equivalent to a woman's size 5." Then I woke up. I know, my dreams are unique. :p

07-21-2007, 01:21 AM
I keep confusing my dreams with reality all the time lately. Like, a couple nights ago I had a dream that was really realistic, and I thought it was really happening. Then I "woke up" into another dream where I told my boyfriend that I had just had a remarkably real dream. When I actually did wake up, I told him about what had happened, and he said "It was real in the dream," to which I replied "That's what you said in the dream too." Dream boyfriend had said the same thing when I told him about the first dream.

07-21-2007, 01:41 AM
Yeah, those "layered" dreams are weird!!!! You keep thinking you've woken up, only to "wake up" again!

Lief Erikson
07-21-2007, 11:30 AM
I keep confusing my dreams with reality all the time lately. Like, a couple nights ago I had a dream that was really realistic, and I thought it was really happening. Then I "woke up" into another dream where I told my boyfriend that I had just had a remarkably real dream. When I actually did wake up, I told him about what had happened, and he said "It was real in the dream," to which I replied "That's what you said in the dream too." Dream boyfriend had said the same thing when I told him about the first dream.
Sounds like you know your boyfriend pretty well ;).

07-21-2007, 12:47 PM
Heehee. Yeah. :)

Meriadoc Brandybuck
07-21-2007, 09:09 PM
I've had dreams where I'm getting ready in the morning. Then, I realize I'm still in bed, half asleep.

Miss Cassandra
07-22-2007, 09:06 AM
I've had dreams where I'm getting ready in the morning. Then, I realize I'm still in bed, half asleep.

I had one of those the other day. I had gotten up and made some lunch, realized there was no more bread, and went back to sleep. I thought it was strange, as we have plenty of bread....
I thought to myself, now didnt I get up already?

Just last night I felt something terribly spooky!
There is an apparition lingering in my house, I am sure of it, and have seen it twice now. It is definitely a strange happening.

08-14-2007, 03:12 PM
Ungh, I had the weirdest dream last night that I was... not the character, but sort of 'watching' and experiencing a small portion of what the kid felt.

For whatever reason, this kid was 'saved' from his parents who were... evil? I think. He was saved by his uncle, who looked like Liam Neson. I know. Very weird.

So his uncle was raising him, and there were some various odd things about the dream that I don't fully remember.... but the last part was where this kid was swimming in a lake, with a body guard who had been in other parts of the dream watching over him from a rowboat.

There was this narrator voice which said, "the boy was already showing signs of blossoming genius..." then it trailed off, and I was seeing from the boy's perspective. He bumped something in the water, and although he didn't know it, I knew it had been an alligator.

So the kid is swimming, when all of the sudden the alligator grabs him from behind by a shirt he was wearing, and starts doing that death-roll thing so fast that I (I sort of 'became' the kid in that moment) couldn't do anything but wave my arms around. The last part of the dream was me trying to regain some control of my movement, thinking that I couldn't panic because I was out of air and would die if I opened my mouth, and wondering where my bodyguard was.

Then I woke up. And I REALLY WISH I knew if the kid survived or not. o.O

Rosie Gamgee
08-14-2007, 03:48 PM
:D Great dream, Tessar!!

Uh.... Trying to remember the last weird dream I had. I know I had a weird one just the other night, but can't now think what it was. Last night I dreamed I went traveling--I was supposed to be taking the car to the bus station, but ended up just taking the car and going where I wanted to go, which I didn't realize until I was halfway 'there'. And then these bombs started going off, missiles whistling around and exploding, and all I could think in between praying was: "Isn't it ironic? I finally get to travel, and World War Three breaks out! Just my luck."

...And then my alarm clock went off.

Lief Erikson
09-16-2007, 03:45 AM
Weird one, Rosie :D.

Last night, I dreamed that I was walking across an intersection. I was on the crosswalk, crossing, and a Mexican woman in a truck wanted to turn right. I paused on the street because she looked like she was a bit pushy, but when I paused, she paused. Then the instant I began to move forward, she began to inch forward, and then we both stopped again. I was supposed to have right of way, being a pedestrian, but I also was a bit nervous about her based on her behavior. I tried going forward again and she at the same time decided I wasn't going to go forward, so she went forward. Then we both stopped, her still not having made her turn and me still trying to get across, but nervous to try it with her in front of me.

Finally, entirely exasperated and just wanting to get across the street, I started seriously marching forward. She decided the same thing at the same time, stomped on the gas at about the same moment and zipped forward, making the turn and careening by just in front of me, almost brushing me so close did she pass. Having made the turn, she stopped, rolled down her window and stuck her head out to look back at me. Then she hollered, "WHY DON'T YOU JUST MAKE UP YOUR MIND???"

Then the dream ended.

09-16-2007, 04:26 AM
Last night, I dreamed that I was walking across an intersection. I was on the crosswalk, crossing, and a Mexican woman in a truck wanted to turn right. I paused on the street because she looked like she was a bit pushy, but when I paused, she paused. Then the instant I began to move forward, she began to inch forward, and then we both stopped again. I was supposed to have right of way, being a pedestrian, but I also was a bit nervous about her based on her behavior. I tried going forward again and she at the same time decided I wasn't going to go forward, so she went forward. Then we both stopped, her still not having made her turn and me still trying to get across, but nervous to try it with her in front of me.

Finally, entirely exasperated and just wanting to get across the street, I started seriously marching forward. She decided the same thing at the same time, stomped on the gas at about the same moment and zipped forward, making the turn and careening by just in front of me, almost brushing me so close did she pass. Having made the turn, she stopped, rolled down her window and stuck her head out to look back at me. Then she hollered, "WHY DON'T YOU JUST MAKE UP YOUR MIND???"

Women and minorities, challenging you, kindly, and telling you what you already are telling yourself - "make up your mind!" as if you believe, deep down in your subconscious, that you're wavering about how you, YOU yourself in your heart, truly deeply think about them - women and minorities, that is. You see - she, a woman, had the wheel of a car - no, a TRUCK, even more powerful, while you, a white man, were merely walking, in no position of power at all, at the mercy of her decision - she was the Alpha Dog in this scenario, and you - were not. But she wasn't rubbing it in your face, she just insistently LEAD you to a response. She was leading you, and you followed her prompting, until she got fed up. - "why don't you just make up your mind..."

Was it Jung? or Freud? one of those dream-therapist genius gurus who said that when we dream, all the characters and figures in our dreams are all parts of us, they are all us, not "women" or "monsters" or "mother" or "little girl" or "celebrity" or "guy with gun" but all our own brain's manifestations of parts of our own psyche, parts of our own character. Our dream people are all us.

So, the minority woman in you is furious with you and is demanding that you take a stand, either against that part of yourself or for, but on your own terms, not on the terms of your political idology or religious dogma, that's what I see anyway from that bit 'o dream...

09-16-2007, 09:05 AM
Actually Lotesse, it seems to be a metaphor for the immigration issue...

Lief, this has to be the most interesting dream I've heard in quite awhile.

09-16-2007, 12:57 PM
Actually, it sounds like Leif ate too soon before bed :p.

I think you're both projecting yourselves onto his dream :p.

09-16-2007, 04:03 PM
Considering that I know Lief a little more than Lotesse, mine makes more sense;). We'll have to see, when Lief gets back to us.

09-16-2007, 05:09 PM
On the whole, it sounds like a rather mundane dream, Lief. You didn't even see any dragons, dancing mice or nightmares with commercials. ;)

Our dream people are all us.A bit a simplistic theory, I think. It doesn't, for one, quite explain the yellow dodo with duck feet and the bazooka... Or if it does, I'm not sure I want to know. :p :eek:

09-16-2007, 05:13 PM
A bit a simplistic theory, I think. It doesn't, for one, quite explain the yellow dodo with duck feet and the bazooka... Or if it does, I'm not sure I want to know. :p :eek:

You're just trying to get out of something;)...

See, we dream of what we like the most. And Earniel LOVES yellow dodos with duck feet and bazookas:D

09-16-2007, 05:39 PM
You're just trying to get out of something;)...
Oh? Like what?

See, we dream of what we like the most. And Earniel LOVES yellow dodos with duck feet and bazookas:D
That theory doesn't fly, my friend. I don't remember a single dream about frogs or chocolate. I do, however, quite vividly remember those dreams from which you wake up, scared to death because you have just realised you missed a final, only to remember well duh, you've been graduated for two years by now. I can say with absolute conviction I do not love missing deadlines. Compared to that, the dodo wasn't half as bad. :p

09-16-2007, 05:45 PM
Okay one time i dreamt that i was in rohan, and i was blowing merry's horn. Eomer came out and asked me what the problem was. I told him "the remaining orcs are starting to attack the shire!" with that treebeard and i went back to the shire as the hobbits started running. i saw there were 300,000 :eek: orcs( :confused: whait... how'd that many survive without sauron? :confused: :confused: :confused: ) I grabbed rosie and sam as they ran past. "Go into the hills. Take everyone with u!" sam looked shocked "Star?! U're alive?!!!" I pushed him "Duh! now get everyone into the hills!" they nodded and left. Merry came running up "Star? What are mad? U can't hold them off by yourself!" :( "Merry, I can stall them long enough for rohan to get here! now go!" he grabbed my arm "Star i won't let u die!" i tear ran down his cheeck "Merry i won't die. I promise, we'll see each other again!" Merry sighed and let go "Be careful Star! I...I..." He couldn't talk I smiled as the tears ran down my cheeks. "Merry, I'll be fine. I have something to fight for." He looked up at me "What? What could be worth risking your life?" :) "You." He looked AT me in shock. "Star, I...I..." he grew silent and i kissed him :D (That's a dream i didn't want to wake up from!) as i pulled away he smiled and left. "Bring it on!" I had killed 100 orcs when rohan arrived. after the battle was over Merry came out looking for me. "NO!" Merry ran to my side. I was lying flat on the ground. "Star! Star!" I moaned wearily "Merry..." he held me in his arms "I'm sorry.... so sorry..." with that i blacked out. when i unblacked out i was in a bed. Eomer walked in and thats when i woke up. weird huh? :)

Lief Erikson
09-16-2007, 06:56 PM
On the whole, it sounds like a rather mundane dream, Lief. You didn't even see any dragons, dancing mice or nightmares with commercials. ;)
B-b-b-b-b-b-but-but . . . BUT SHE ALMOST KILLED ME! :eek: :eek:
Considering that I know Lief a little more than Lotesse, mine makes more sense;). We'll have to see, when Lief gets back to us.
I hadn't really thought about interpretations for the dream. I was more focused on just how crazy a driver the woman was ;). I doubt Tessar's eating explanation, because I'd last eaten over three hours before I went to bed.

As regards Lotesse's interpretation, in the dream the woman was not kindly leading me but was nastily blocking me whenever I tried to move, because she was impatient to make her turn but at the same time was afraid to hit me.

I personally prefer Hector's interpretation, myself. It seems to me to make sense that her dangerous driving might be the result of her being an illegal alien and not having gone through a US driving school. It's not like I'm any kind of final word on the matter, of course. I could certainly be wrong and someone else right.

09-16-2007, 08:50 PM
That theory doesn't fly, my friend. I don't remember a single dream about frogs or chocolate.
I can explain that: you dont't really like chocolate and frogs!!:(

I do, however, quite vividly remember those dreams from which you wake up, scared to death because you have just realised you missed a final, only to remember well duh, you've been graduated for two years by now. I can say with absolute conviction I do not love missing deadlines. Compared to that, the dodo wasn't half as bad. :p
Earniel, you gotta admit...there's a certain thrill in missing a deadline:p.

09-17-2007, 02:54 AM
I personally prefer Hector's interpretation, myself. It seems to me to make sense that her dangerous driving might be the result of her being an illegal alien and not having gone through a US driving school. It's not like I'm any kind of final word on the matter, of course. I could certainly be wrong and someone else right.


You are such a chauvinistic American pig-dog :D :p.

I think you just had a really weird dream :p.

Lief Erikson
09-17-2007, 02:59 AM

You are such a chauvinistic American pig-dog :D :p.
I think you just had a really weird dream :p.
:D Very possible.

09-17-2007, 03:36 AM
In certain methods of dream invoking, you can gain control of your dreams and make them about what ever you want. In your subconscious you can actually retain the memory of, for example, everything that's in your house. That example was quite useful for me when I was trying to find something important that I had lost. Because of the dream I was able to find what I had misplaced. Dreams can actually help heal you, as afterall, dreams are a way of your brain to "defrag" or do a "disk scan" sort of. Some methods of dream invoking can be used to remove depression, which in and of itself can do a substantial amount of damage physically, due to the chemicals released or stored by the brain. The taking up of a chemical from the body, or the release of another, can make your body work less efficiently, causing someone to not heal as fast as they really should.

Some dreams though are quite mundane and very random. Some dreams have no purpose except for your brain to organize either useless or useful information when in the dream it just appears to be useless random information.

We live in a world where everything we see, hear, smell, taste, and feel can have some definition. But in the realm of thought, which involves the exchange of information in the brain, things are mostly undefined and reality means almost nothing in a dream. Subconscious control over them gives more definition to them, sort of how one would go about materializing matter from energy. Doing the exact opposite would be similar to using magic.

09-17-2007, 12:27 PM
That really doesn't explain why I have all these dreams where I am extreamly violent, like throwing my stalker ex- boyfriend off a building or engaging in battle with 300 spartians (I'm seriuos about that one)

Lief Erikson
09-17-2007, 01:54 PM
Sounds like you have really fun nights :D.

09-17-2007, 01:55 PM
Earniel, you gotta admit...there's a certain thrill in missing a deadline:p.
Oh riiight, the same thrill that's in having a heart-attack... :p

That really doesn't explain why I have all these dreams where I am extreamly violent, like throwing my stalker ex- boyfriend off a building or engaging in battle with 300 spartians (I'm seriuos about that one)
With dreams like that, you shouldn't worry too much about why you're having them, instead you should sit back and enjoy the show. ;)

09-17-2007, 02:48 PM
Oh riiight, the same thrill that's in having a heart-attack... :p

It's a thrill isn't it?;). Sheesh. Be content. :p

09-17-2007, 08:49 PM
I've had some wicked weird dreams in my day. There was this one where I was looking over this plain from the top of a hill. The plain was green and beautiful and had a huge river running through it. In the center of the plain was a city, like a modern day city that looked like New York. It was really bright and sunny. Then these clouds rolled in out of nowhere, they just kinda appeared, like the sky was on fire. The sun was blotted out and it was really hard to see anything at all. Every now and again the clouds would break up a little bit and silvery white light would stream through, like moonlight except brighter. Then, there was a darker shadow that stretched across the plain. I looked up and there was this huge thing flying over me. It had huge wings, I mean REALLY big, and a long skinny neck, at the end of which was a bulbous, misshappen head. It also had a long tail with smaller wings coming off of it and ended in a feathery or spikey protrusion. There were two arms that looked like T-Rex arms comming out of its chest, and instead of legs it had these two really long tendrils. It flew out over to the city and landed on these two buildings and ran the tendrils down around them to hold on. Its wings and tail just kind of hung there, and its head was hanging vertically. I went into the city and found some weapons, the city was deserted. Then I saw a single light in one of the buildings that the creature was on top of. I went in and found a guy and we left together. When we were leaving the city we looked up and there was some black fog coming out of the thing's head, which was made up of a bunch of eyes of different sizes, and this round perforation for a mouth. The fog was leaking out of the creases of the eyes. Then it spat this huge black fog-ball into the middle of the city. it punched through the ground and all this black fog began seeping out. The thing took off from the building and flew away, and out of the hole in the ground came all these red tendrils, that wrapped around the buildings and streets, then this big red thing came out of the hole, and began beating like a heart. Then I could see the hole planet, and there were these big flying things everywhere, and they were making the planet come to life, and there was this big thing coming from far out in space to eat Earth when it became totally organic.

This was a really creepy dream. What does it mean? :confused: :confused:

Lief Erikson
09-17-2007, 11:53 PM
That's pretty apocalyptic. Very, very weird. My feeling is it's symbolically describing the end of the world. It reminds me of a dream I once had, though mine was much less dramatic. In my dream, there was an alien army that was planning to conquer Earth, but before they could conquer Earth, they needed a certain amount of spiritual power. They dug down beneath the Earth's crust to the ruins of ancient Babylon, and there was a carving of a giant serpent on the ground down there. Then the serpent began to come to life.

That's rather similar to your description of an alien power from outside only being able to attack and eat the earth after an insidious power from inside the Earth has consumed it, consumed it with what IMO is sin. In yours it was a beating heart with black fog and red tendrils, in mine the devil and the ancient power of Babylon (the heart of evil, according to the Bible). Though yours, again, was far more dramatic than mine.

My opinion is that your dream shows sin consuming the world with the decline of the Christian era of dominance in world power, and then your dream describes the inevitable destruction of the world that will result when our evil has reached its fullness. But as your dream points out more than once, there are still places at which God reaches the world, places where the light still shines in spite of the overall darkness. In the same way, Jesus Christ still reaches the world today in spite of the decline of the knowledge of God and the ever increasing growth of sin and evil. The Book of Revelation in the Bible describes things that are similar to your dream. I believe that God gave you your dream as a remarkable gift, showing you the course of human history and its conclusion.

09-18-2007, 12:24 PM
Sounds like you have really fun nights :D.
You know me too well :p

Nautipus, that is one weird dream

09-18-2007, 04:56 PM
That really doesn't explain why I have all these dreams where I am extreamly violent, like throwing my stalker ex- boyfriend off a building or engaging in battle with 300 spartians (I'm seriuos about that one)

Enjoy those dreams! I would say those dreams are somewhat useful, and fun. :D

I've had some wicked weird dreams in my day. There was this one where I was looking over this plain from the top of a hill. The plain was green and beautiful and had a huge river running through it. In the center of the plain was a city, like a modern day city that looked like New York. It was really bright and sunny. Then these clouds rolled in out of nowhere, they just kinda appeared, like the sky was on fire. The sun was blotted out and it was really hard to see anything at all. Every now and again the clouds would break up a little bit and silvery white light would stream through, like moonlight except brighter. Then, there was a darker shadow that stretched across the plain. I looked up and there was this huge thing flying over me. It had huge wings, I mean REALLY big, and a long skinny neck, at the end of which was a bulbous, misshappen head. It also had a long tail with smaller wings coming off of it and ended in a feathery or spikey protrusion. There were two arms that looked like T-Rex arms comming out of its chest, and instead of legs it had these two really long tendrils. It flew out over to the city and landed on these two buildings and ran the tendrils down around them to hold on. Its wings and tail just kind of hung there, and its head was hanging vertically. I went into the city and found some weapons, the city was deserted. Then I saw a single light in one of the buildings that the creature was on top of. I went in and found a guy and we left together. When we were leaving the city we looked up and there was some black fog coming out of the thing's head, which was made up of a bunch of eyes of different sizes, and this round perforation for a mouth. The fog was leaking out of the creases of the eyes. Then it spat this huge black fog-ball into the middle of the city. it punched through the ground and all this black fog began seeping out. The thing took off from the building and flew away, and out of the hole in the ground came all these red tendrils, that wrapped around the buildings and streets, then this big red thing came out of the hole, and began beating like a heart. Then I could see the hole planet, and there were these big flying things everywhere, and they were making the planet come to life, and there was this big thing coming from far out in space to eat Earth when it became totally organic.

This was a really creepy dream. What does it mean?

Either what Lief said, or just the fact that that dream is totally awesome, or both. :p

09-18-2007, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Ingwe
Either what Lief said, or just the fact that that dream is totally awesome, or both. :p

I have to come clean, stale pizza may have been involved. ;)
But yeah, Lief, I think that may be a good interpretation of my dream. I beleive in spiritual illumination through dreams, and that God can speak through them, but it may not be as grand as you say. But why not?

Anyway, this dream came soon after another that I had which was similar.
I was at my house and woke up really early. It was winter break and I had plans to go to my friend's house, but it was just too early, so I decided to watch TV. While I was watching I fell asleep. When I woke up it was really dark outside and it was raining really hard. I mean, like sledgehammers on the roof hard, man. Anyway, I was like "Oh crap, I overslept." And I went to a clock that said 8:00. I thought it was 8:00 at night, but when I looked at another clock it said a.m. So I grabbed a coat and went to get in my car. it was winter break, but the rain was really warm, which was weird, and I drove to my friend's house. The sky had those weird rolling clouds with the silver light coming through, which I could see through the rain. I got to my friends house and we played some games and then we fell asleep. When we got up It was normal and bright and cold outside. We were hungry and went downstairs to eat something and the sky changed, and the rain and dark were back. So I went out under his porch which hangs over his garage and looked at the rain. Then this thing said something to me in my head, but i can't remember what, and the tall grass by the house was parting as something ran through it. I ran inside and grabbed my friend's brother's shotgun and ran upstairs to the first floor(the basement goes outside in the back of the house). I told my friend to get a weapon and out of nowhere comes this nine-millimeter pistol, it just appeared in his hand. Then the thing in the grass comes to the door and eases it open, sticking its arm through. It is on the ground like a salamander's arm and is really white and reflective. We shoot at it and the arm falls off, and the creature runs into the woods behind my friends house. the arm apparently has no bones, and is made up on the inside of long, thin gristle that is brown, with sharp, flattened edges. We chase the creature into the woods and fight it, it looks like those things from the movie Dreamcatcher (Two leg/arms and a tail and bulbous head with huge mouth and grey skin) Except it has no mouth or eyes and is white. It injures my friens by flailing out with the long strands of gristle hanging from the stump of its arm. I shoot it in the "head" with the shotgun and the head splits down the middle, then it makes a mouth out of the hole and reveals a round, whitish red orb in its chest, which I shoot. The thing falls over, dead.
Me and my friend come out of the woods and everything is normal, so we drive to the highschool that we attended (by the way, there are no people in this dream besides me and my friend) to look at the arm gristle under a microscope, leaving our guns behind. We get to the highschool and are in the lab when the rain comes back. Now, there is a hole in the wall of one of the bathrooms at that school, It is on the second floor, and in the dream I crossed the school to go to the bathroom directly beneath that one, my friend is with me. When we go back we go under a long hall that is suspended over a walkway, which is part of the school. Its there in real-life too. This thing comes out of the hole and is in the hall above us, it busts through the floor and tries to grab us, it looks like a cross between a hermit crab and an octopus and is also white. That's when the dream ends. But the last creature reminds me of a dream I had of a hermit crab that was black with red, triangle shaped specks on it. blue and white I thhink too, maybe orange. I had it for a while, but it died, But on the case it was in where I bought it was the name Teleamaust. Weird, huh?

09-19-2007, 03:42 PM
You have some awesome dreams, Nautipus.

My friend had a dream where she went into the freezer at work and had to get something from the very back. She keeps walking and thinking she didn't thing the freezer was that big. Suddenly, she's in this hug meadow with (in her words) a really hot Highlander. She turns and tries to go back the way she came but theres like a big sheet of glass preventing her from going back. She hollers at me to help her, but I start laughing at her along with everyone else that works with us. In the end me and her trade places.

I told her to lay off the romance books with the Scotsman in it. :D

09-19-2007, 05:49 PM
Reading that made me giggle like a schoolgirl-I mean, ahem, *coughs loudly* Laugh heartily like a MAN. :)

That is kind of a funny dream. I have had a few, and now their inside jokes between me and my friends. Like in one, Me and three other people were walking around a stadium that looked like it came out of a HALO game. Anyway, were walking in pairs, and my friend walking next to me says:
"So, I'm finally a werewolf."
And I reply, "Oh. So how's that working out for you?"
"Hmm, cool."
And we just keep walking

09-20-2007, 04:54 AM
Reading that made me giggle like a schoolgirl-I mean, ahem, *coughs loudly* Laugh heartily like a MAN. :)

That is kind of a funny dream. I have had a few, and now their inside jokes between me and my friends. Like in one, Me and three other people were walking around a stadium that looked like it came out of a HALO game. Anyway, were walking in pairs, and my friend walking next to me says:
"So, I'm finally a werewolf."
And I reply, "Oh. So how's that working out for you?"
"Hmm, cool."
And we just keep walking

Sounds like a good Red Versus Blue episode! :D

09-20-2007, 09:32 AM
Red vs Blue also makes me gigg- I mean- laugh. :D

09-20-2007, 11:19 AM
ROFLMAO, Nautipus.
My friend and I now have a joke running about Scotsmen in the freezer. It cracks us up to see the odd looks we get when one of us say "Tell the Scotsman I said hi"

09-20-2007, 11:23 AM
I want a peice of that action! :D

09-20-2007, 11:31 AM
:D :D :D We so need a lol smilie. And maybe a roflmao smilie, too.

:mad: The Rule must die!!! :mad:

09-20-2007, 11:35 AM
"Crusade against the rule!" declares the self-procaimed pope of entmoot. :D

Lief Erikson
09-20-2007, 12:05 PM
You have some awesome dreams, Nautipus.

My friend had a dream where she went into the freezer at work and had to get something from the very back. She keeps walking and thinking she didn't thing the freezer was that big. Suddenly, she's in this hug meadow with (in her words) a really hot Highlander. She turns and tries to go back the way she came but theres like a big sheet of glass preventing her from going back. She hollers at me to help her, but I start laughing at her along with everyone else that works with us. In the end me and her trade places.

I told her to lay off the romance books with the Scotsman in it. :D
That's a hilarious dream! :D

09-21-2007, 07:56 AM
this article (http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?chanID=sa031&articleID=239C577A-E7F2-99DF-38DA961471472CDD&pageNumber=1&catID=9) reminded me of this thread. Might be an interesting read. It links previous short REM-sleep with intensified dreaming afterwards.

09-21-2007, 08:38 AM
Thanks Earniel. That was a pretty neat article. We talked alot about that in my psychology class. And all of these other sleep diorders too.

09-21-2007, 09:59 PM
this article (http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?chanID=sa031&articleID=239C577A-E7F2-99DF-38DA961471472CDD&pageNumber=1&catID=9) reminded me of this thread. Might be an interesting read. It links previous short REM-sleep with intensified dreaming afterwards.

That was pretty interesting and informative. A good read indeed.

09-22-2007, 12:17 PM
I have the most ****ed up dream the other night.

Me and a friend were walking around down town Little Rock. We ran into one of my BFFs. She tells me she's trying to avoid her boyfriend. We're walking around when she sees her Boyfriend's car coming toward us, so we duck into this little store and wait until he passes. She tells us she left him because he's being abusive.

Later, me and my BFF (the other girl left and went home) are at my house and he pulls into the driveway with his kids. He sends the kids in there to get my friend. He's sitting in the car looking really pissed. I don't take a liking to men that beat women, so i grab a rifle and take up a sniper position from the neighbor's roof and shoot him in the head. Later, we're at this party and his brother shows up and I shoot him in the head so he can't fight for the kids.

Weird, huh?

I don't even own a rifle. I have a shotgun ;)

Lief Erikson
09-22-2007, 04:27 PM
:eek: Wow.

09-22-2007, 05:32 PM
Acalewia, your a little scary. ;) :D
I had a weird dream last night. I dreamed I was in Nashville, Tennessee, and me and a class from my college were there along with a couple of friends. Then giant spiders took over the world, and were eating people, but somehow the people won against the spiders and they made a video game about it. So me and all the people went back to Nashville to finish what we were doing and I met this really pretty girl who flirted with me and we got to talking and she said she was from Ohio, and I asked her what she came to Tennessee for, and she said she came for a hoe-down. Then we talked some more and I woke up.
It was funny.

09-24-2007, 12:36 PM
Acalewia, your a little scary. ;) :D
I'll take that as a complement. :D :p ;)

09-24-2007, 12:55 PM
I'll take that as a complement. :D :p ;)
Then your welcome. :)

You have got to hear this dream. I was on a rock faced island, me and some scientists were looking at the ecological population of a new species that was killing snails and living in their shells. We got some samples and were looking at them, when a huge storm came, but we were deep inside the island so we were okay. Then, somehow, the samples began controlling the mind of one of the scientists and he chases me to the top of the island, where there's a little balcony. i close and lock the door behind me but he's right behind it and I can hear what he's saying. He said he was going to put a bunch of those things inside me and let them eat me and stuff! Then i jumped off the balcony and landed in the storm-tossed waters, but instead of swimming I just sank, and everything was dark, but I could hear stuff, and I was really cold. Eventually everything became dark and cold and silent, then i woke up.

09-25-2007, 10:21 AM
:eek: :eek: Whoa! That like... scary.

I have an insane issue with blue convertables. Let me explain.

I had a dream that me and my neice were riding in a blue convertable (don't know what kind). She's driving. We are getting ready to turn on the road about less than a quarter mile from where we both live (we live a few blocks from one another btw) when we're hit by this truck. I couldn't tell what kind of truck but I know it was bigger than us. Everything starts spinning. Then I hear a voice saying "she died peacefully" I look around I find out my neice was killed in the crash. Then I'm riding the bus (at this point I have been out of school for two years) and I pass by the spot where she died and I start crying. Someone tells me to quit being a baby. I tell them they'd cry too if the lost their neice. Then I woke up.

I mean the dream felt soo real. I will not ride in a blue convertable since then

09-25-2007, 12:22 PM
That dream is so meloncholy....plus I'm listening to a really sad song, so now it really hits home. I had a frien die in a car wreck my junior year in highschool, she was cruising along and rounded a turn and a car was parked in the middle of the road. Just parked there!! I was so mad I could have screamed, what kind of f***ing idiot would park in the middle of the road!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: !! They were apparently getting their mail!! AAAAAAAAARRRGGH!!!! I still get steamed about it and it's been two years!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGH!!!! :mad:

09-26-2007, 03:12 PM
I few nights ago I had a dream about people useing a wierd machine to change criminals or something into mutants that looked like Dilbert from the comic strip (Which wasn't as strange as everyone looked like cartoon charicters)

Anyway, the Dilbert people were good workers as long as they kept these mind controll hats on (which only worked because of how their heads were) but when the hat fell off of one he started takeing or knocking the hats off others and it turned out that without the hats they were homocidal maniacs who killed (or blinded) people with lasers from their index fingers.
(Which again, wasn't as bad because everybody looked like cartoon charicters)

It sorta' reminded me of that Dilbert telivition show that was on some years ago.
"Thank. You."

09-26-2007, 03:25 PM
That dream's kinda comical but at the same time scary....
I never really watched that Dilbert show, but still, it's kind of a funny dream.

09-26-2007, 04:58 PM
Thay had a Dilbert show?

*gives a moothug to Nautipus*
I'm sorry bout your friend. Its always bad when you lose someone so young

09-26-2007, 05:01 PM
*returns hug, throws a French fry to Acalewia as well*

It was hard, we were actually getting pretty close, but oh well. I know it's bad to say but...the past is the past. :o

Enjoy the French Fry. :D

09-26-2007, 08:58 PM
*eats the french fry*
Thanks for the snack :p

09-26-2007, 09:03 PM
Your welcome, have another.
*throws potatoe*
oops sorry forgot to cook it. here you go.
*throws french fry, with a dab (just a dab) of ketchup/catsup*

09-27-2007, 12:18 PM
Your welcome, have another.
*throws potatoe*
oops sorry forgot to cook it. here you go.
*throws french fry, with a dab (just a dab) of ketchup/catsup*

Dude I had another one of those weird dreams last night.

This time I was a trucker. My boyfriend was with me and we were going to North Little Rock, but we didn't have a trailer :confused: We get to the River Bridge and the truck starts floating. I step on the gas and then we're flying above Little Rock. Pretty cool. Of course thats all I remember of the dream.

FYI, its been over 14, 15 years since I've been anywhere near a semi truck.

09-27-2007, 12:35 PM

Dude I had another one of those weird dreams last night.

This time I was a trucker. My boyfriend was with me and we were going to North Little Rock, but we didn't have a trailer :confused: We get to the River Bridge and the truck starts floating. I step on the gas and then we're flying above Little Rock. Pretty cool. Of course thats all I remember of the dream.

FYI, its been over 14, 15 years since I've been anywhere near a semi truck.

*snorts, snickers*

That actually is a pretty funny dream. :D :p ;)

Why do you avoid semi's? Is it because of the Blue convertible dream?

09-27-2007, 12:38 PM
No my mom used to drive a truck. We live in different states thus I'm no where near a semi. I'm going to leave it at that

09-27-2007, 01:02 PM
Oh, ok. I can sort of relate. My mom and dad divorced about nine years ago, and my dad remarried. But it was cross speceis cuz she's a b****. And because of the b**** my Mom and Dad arent even on speaking terms, and my dad lives in a seperate state, and he wants me to come and see him instead of my Mom because he says that the family with him is my only family because he's there, and it's like a four our drive, but he says that he shouldnt have to come see me, that I should come see him even though I can barely afford the gas because of college.

It's just an awkward situation, but I dont mind talking about it, especially since next year I'm leaving all that crap behind to go to college in North Carolina.

I dont know if that's anything at all like your situation, but my heart goes out to you none-the-less. :D :p ;)

09-27-2007, 07:24 PM
Last night I dreamed that some... person, or thing (the devil, possibly), was capturing my friends, cutting them in half, and then hanging them up on meat hooks for me to find.

Then I ended up in this dungeon place looking for one of my friends, only to come across her freshly cut in half, but only her upper body was hanging from the hook... so I realized the... thing... was waiting for me, and I turned and started running.

Right then I woke up, and I saw my dog laying at my feet, and for a split second I just KNEW that my dog had been possessed and was eating my feet while I had been sleeping. So I came about thisclose to screaming and giving my dog an almightily-powerful kick. I am SO GLAD I have that 'freeze in terror for a second' reaction to things that scare me, or I probably would have kicked the ever-loving crap out of my poor dog.

So then it took me about 30 minutes to finally calm down enough to go back to sleep, and I was scared to death for a while. I was literally afraid to open my eyes again, because I was sure I would see whoever had been chasing me there in real life.


09-27-2007, 07:54 PM
Sounds like a scary dreem, I've had nightmares that didn't make remote sence but still scared me so much I kept shakeing for no other reson!
(Trust me, that's saying alot :( )

So to avoid that now I read my Bible every night (Funny books work well too if they are only funny and not also strange)

Allthough the bit about almost kicking the dog :rolleyes: :D :p :D :confused: :D

09-28-2007, 12:32 PM
Poor dog :D :p

Tessar, I've had dreams where something's chasing me but I can't see it. Those are the creepiest.

Nautipus, I had a dream last night you'd like. :D :p

It had a kraken in it

09-28-2007, 12:37 PM
Whoa whoa! hold the phone! Did you say the K-word?! :eek: :confused: :eek:

Tell me about this dream!!! :eek: :D :eek: :)

Miss Cassandra
09-28-2007, 03:38 PM
You mean like this guy?


That would be pretty scary...
I had the strangest visual the other night in one of my crazy dreams, a kid that was only a hollow skeleton, with a guitar body for his stomach, and he had no face but was stringing the his stomach guitar with his bony fingers. and playing me a song.

I didnt know what to make of that one...

09-28-2007, 03:46 PM
That....is very, very wierd. :confused: :eek: :D

Isnt that picture from an old movie? I thought I saw it in one but am not sure which.

Miss Cassandra
09-28-2007, 03:49 PM
Ya I believe its an action figure, from what movie I dont really know. I just thought it was a cool photo of it. Pretty scary looking.

Lief Erikson
09-28-2007, 07:28 PM
You mean like this guy?


Clash of the Titans!!!!!!!

Cool :). It has been ages since I saw that guy, the Crackan, but it's good to do so again, and in full! No longer am I only seeing him from below . . .

Very cool :).

Miss Cassandra
09-29-2007, 09:14 AM
Clash of the Titans!!!!!!!

I thought he looked familiar! I knew I've seen him somewhere....
I didnt recognize him because of the huge tail, lol I have never seen it before!

He is pretty cool looking huh.