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03-17-2004, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by Nurvingiel
I'm not just saying this because I know you're more knowledgable than me, ;) but love of Tolkien isn't solely based on knowledge. It also depends how long you've had the opportunity to read the books. A 15-year-old has had at most seven or eight years, while a 35-year-old could have been reading the books for over twenty years.
But you have to be 35 to be President anyway... right? :confused:
03-17-2004, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
Right now, people may still vote. Hector is leading with 7 votes, while Jonathan trails with 4.
Don't look now, SGH, but you've moved up to second.
I'd offer to write the questions ( ;) ), but I wouldn't mind taking it myself. Should VP running mates tackle it too? Just to show what kind of hands Entmoot would be in, in case something... happens??? :(
Sister Golden Hair
03-17-2004, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by Valandil
Don't look now, SGH, but you've moved up to second.
I'd offer to write the questions ( ;) ), but I wouldn't mind taking it myself. Should VP running mates tackle it too? Just to show what kind of hands Entmoot would be in, in case something... happens??? :( Well, all this is just an idea. I would think that it has to have approval from the electoral college. Is that right Fat Middle? Maybe I should say something in the mod forum.:)
Edit- Btw Val, Jonathan and I both have 5 right now.
03-17-2004, 06:32 PM
Accidently deleted my first post but now it has been retyped.
Originally posted by Linaewen
A question I'd like to put forward to all candidates and/or their campaigners. (If it hasn't already been done) What have you contributed to Entmoot, and what can you contribute to Entmoot, as President? I don't mean the usual blah like 'I will make Entmoot a friendlier place' and stuff, I mean, how can you make ME happy that I voted for you? How will you make it fun, or more interesting?
Also, why exactly do you want to be President? (I wonder what ulterior motives you all have, except for Jonathan :D)
What have I contributed to Entmoot? Well for starters I have blessed the mooters with my extremely well-formulated and intelligent posts, which have rarely been off-topic. My spamming has also been kept to a minimum :p
Seriously though, I have contributed to discussions in the Tolkien fora, and I have started quite a few threads myself. I would have taken part in the Silmarillion project if I had had more time, however I hope I can contribute to the newly started LotR project.
In the RPG forum, the NationStates sub-forum was started thanks to the initiative of JD. However, I was the one told JD about the online game and together he and I founded the Continent of Entmoot, where I have had the honour of getting elected UN Delegate.
I have been active in the 'Other topics' fora as well. I especially enjoy the language thread, in which I have contributed with posting linguistic quirks and other things.
I have started a few threads in GM which seem to have been quite popular. Last year, I made the Most Wanted Mooters list (, which I hope the mooters could laugh at. I also hope that you found last year's Mud Wrestling Competition ( intriguing and pleasant. I put a lot of work into it but it was well worth it.
And I hope you liked that nice little *cough* calendar too. Though I can't take credit for it - it was entirely the devilry... I mean work of BoP, JD and the others :D
Why do I want to be president and what will I do if I get elected?
I want to be president because I have plans for Entmoot. Now that the three LotR movies are out, I want to make Entmoot the 1# Tolkien message board to raise consciousness about Tolkien's world and his books. The movie goers need to learn that there is a lot more than PJ's films, and the Tolkien lovers should be able to have a safe haven where they can discuss not only the books and films, but anything they want. Entmoot is perfect for that.
Now some of you might say "We're already #1, so why try harder?". I think that there is always room for both improvments and new members, and if Entmoot actually is #1 (Of course we are! No offence intended to the SF-Fandom members. SF-Fandom actually has more members and threads, but Entmoot has more than twice as many posts), we should strive for streangthening our position as the leading Tolkien message board and get more new members here.
I have a question for SGH and Falagar; Which Tolkien message board would you want to see as #1? Entmoot or SF-Fandom?
Anyway, if I am elected president, I will represent Entmoot on other message boards. Being president would be an advantage if we would want me to try and attract new members from those other boards. To me, it feels like it is the older mooters who are the most active, not that many posts are posted by the newer mooters. I would like more of those cute little saplings, hobbits and entlings, actively posting, PM-ing and starting threads with soul and heart. Wouldn't that be nice? :)
Another more personal reason for me to want to be president is that I would be able to get myself a cooler title ;)
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
I thought we could add a little more fun and challenge to the election. God knows it needs it.:rolleyes: I'm not sure when this poll closes, but I thought it would be fun to test the winner's knowledge of Tolkien. This would also show if the winner deserved the win. We, or someone could write up a series of question from several of the books, LotRs, the Silarillion, Unfinished Tales, and let the winner answer them. we would of course have to trust them not to cheat by looking up the answers. Say a series of 10 questions. What does everyone think?:) I support this idea. Just as long as the questions aren't too hard so that even the average mooter would have difficulties with them. But a little "Who knows the most about Tolkien" competition would be fun :)
03-17-2004, 07:49 PM
Is that a John Kerry pic you used? the woman on the right looks like his wife, Teresia Heinz Kerry (or something like that).
03-18-2004, 07:45 AM
There's only a week left until the ballot boxes open, aren't you candidates supposed to be debating or something? Poor old Jonathan typed up the response to my questions twice. With great answers. Are you other candidates trying to dodge the awkward questions? *Suspicious*
The Tolkien Quiz is a good idea. They should also have to sit an Entmoot test too. :D
03-18-2004, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Linaewen
There's only a week left until the ballot boxes open, aren't you candidates supposed to be debating or something? Poor old Jonathan typed up the response to my questions twice. With great answers. Are you other candidates trying to dodge the awkward questions? *Suspicious*
The Tolkien Quiz is a good idea. They should also have to sit an Entmoot test too. :D
drat! i missed those questions.
where are they? i'll go ahead and answer them now.
03-18-2004, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
drat! i missed those questions.
where are they? i'll go ahead and answer them now. They're on this very page, look at the posts above. Oh well, if you can't see them, I'll give you a link ( :p
03-18-2004, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by Linaewen
Yeah, where are all you other candidates and your campaign pictures? How do we know whether you smile and shake hands and kiss babies and all that? :D
A question I'd like to put forward to all candidates and/or their campaigners. (If it hasn't already been done) What have you contributed to Entmoot, and what can you contribute to Entmoot, as President? I don't mean the usual blah like 'I will make Entmoot a friendlier place' and stuff, I mean, how can you make ME happy that I voted for you? How will you make it fun, or more interesting?
Also, why exactly do you want to be President? (I wonder what ulterior motives you all have, except for Jonathan :D)
I cant say I have contributed much to Entmoot already, except a couple of memorable threads.
To tell you the truth, I cant promise that I can make Entmoot a more interesting place than it is now. Its up to All Mooters to make it a great, interesting, fun place. I can only Rule the moot with a kind heart and ana open mind, and a good logic.
Bringing newbies to like this place is one of the things that I have been tryijng to do, via personally pm'ing them, welcoming them.
Of course I cant always do this, since some newbies turn off thier pm options, and since I'm not always on to see who joined etc...but I try.
My ruling the moot with a kind heart, an open mind, and good logic, thats some thing you can be sure of.
Sister Golden Hair
03-18-2004, 01:49 PM
What have you contributed to Entmoot, and what can you contribute to Entmoot, as President?Well, I have been a member for over 3 years and I would like to think in that amount of time that I have made many contributions to Entmoot, not only as a staff member, but as a mooter. I have always tried to be informative to book newbies without making them feel inferior to other's knowledge of Tolkien. I am not one for starting a lot of threads, but when I do, I try to make them as thought provoking as possible. Although, I handed over my chapters to re-assignment in the Sil project, I have been instrumental in the success of the project of that forum. These are just some of my contributions to the community as a mooter. As an admin, I have always attempted to be fair with members and provide them with guidance. I believe everyone deserves a second chance. As a moderator, I make a great effort to keep discussion moving smoothly and flame free. Moderating for Entmoot has been a labor of love because of its warm, close community. and I don't mean the usual blah like 'I will make Entmoot a friendlier place' and stuff, I mean, how can you make ME happy that I voted for you? How will you make it fun, or more interesting?Well, as an admin, it is my job to make Entmoot a friendly, flame free enviroment and to make everyone's stay here as enjoyable as poosible. How I can make you happy that you voted for me depends on what you want. This is too hard to narrow down in one sentence. By looking at the qualities, histories, and personalities of each candidate will tell you, I think, what you will get from them as president. So your vote will determine your happiness.
Also, why exactly do you want to be President? (I wonder what ulterior motives you all have, except for Jonathan :) I think it is time for a change. I think we need a President that is active and cares about the board.:)
Sister Golden Hair
03-18-2004, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by Jonathan
I have a question for SGH and Falagar; Which Tolkien message board would you want to see as #1? Entmoot or SF-Fandom?This is a very difficult question. SF-Fandom is very dear to my heart. It was the first MB I ever went to when I first came on the internet. I moderated there first, and I owe part of my love of Tolkien and my love of moderating both here and there to SF-Fandom. One thing I have learned about both SF-Fandom and Entmoot, is that they cannot be compared in some ways. I think you will find a much older and conservative crowd at SF-Fandom. SF-Fandom also is a bit stricter in its posting policies compared to Entmoot. If I want to enjoy extreamly serious discussion about Tolkien, than SF-Fandom is the place to be. If I want to enjoy discussion on a more personal, free, and layed back level, Entmoot is where it's at.
Just one thing- In your comparison of SF-Fandom and Entmoot, I want to point out that SF-Fandom is the oldest and largest Tolkien site on the web, but they had a major server crash a little over a year ago and lost everything. So it may be a little unfair to compare them, by amount of members, threads, or posts since SF-Fandom is still recovering from such a devistating loss. I must say that although their comeback has been slow, they have made an impressive recovery.
Too answer the question: They are both #1 in my eyes.
Very good honest answer, Sister Golden Hair.
So, what is going on here, can I pose a question to the candidates, or is that something only candidates can do?
(and can I even post here anymore :eek: ?)
Sister Golden Hair
03-20-2004, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by Beor
Very good honest answer, Sister Golden Hair.
So, what is going on here, can I pose a question to the candidates, or is that something only candidates can do?
(and can I even post here anymore :eek: ?) You certianly may post here and pose questions Beor. Fire away. :)
03-20-2004, 12:09 PM
Just one thing- In your comparison of SF-Fandom and Entmoot, I want to point out that SF-Fandom is the oldest and largest Tolkien site on the web, but they had a major server crash a little over a year ago and lost everything. So it may be a little unfair to compare them, by amount of members, threads, or posts since SF-Fandom is still recovering from such a devistating loss. I must say that although their comeback has been slow, they have made an impressive recovery.
Too answer the question: They are both #1 in my eyes.
I have to say that I would disagree with that statement. I highly enjoy Entmoot's friendly atmosphere and good moderation, I was discouraged by a member there from joining SF because it was very probable that I would be banned from it because the way that I post.
I personally don't know how could such a place be in the same status as entmoot, regardless of the scholarly content in there.
Sister Golden Hair
03-20-2004, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by Maedhros
I have to say that I would disagree with that statement. I highly enjoy Entmoot's friendly atmosphere and good moderation, I was discouraged by a member there from joining SF because it was very probable that I would be banned from it because the way that I post.
I personally don't know how could such a place be in the same status as entmoot, regardless of the scholarly content in there. What statement is it that you disagree with, that they had a major server crash, or that they have made a slow but impressive recovery?:D
Seriously though, as I stated, Entmoot is much more layed back and friendly. Did I not say they could and should not be compared in many ways. They are both good boards, both dedicated to Tolkien, but they each provide an individual atmosphere.:)
03-20-2004, 02:15 PM
Seriously though, as I stated, Entmoot is much more layed back and friendly. Did I not say they could and should not be compared in many ways. They are both good boards, both dedicated to Tolkien, but they each provide an individual atmosphere.
How can a board be good if one of the mods advises me not to join that forum because I could get banned because of the way that I post. I love the works of JRRT and I like discussing them, shouldn't the mod of that place encourage people like me to join that forum too?
I will stick with entmoot all the way.
Well, I havent been there, and I dont really plan on going, but I can say that the question asked Sister Golden Hair to compare them, and she did. Her opinion and experiences with SF Fandom obviously differ from yours, and thats cool. I'm not trying to be a dick, either, I am just defending my candidate.
Here is a question to the candidates: What exactly do you think your job as President of Entmoot entails? What do you intend to do on a daily basis, and what would you like to approve?
Sister Golden Hair
03-20-2004, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by Maedhros
How can a board be good if one of the mods advises me not to join that forum because I could get banned because of the way that I post. I love the works of JRRT and I like discussing them, shouldn't the mod of that place encourage people like me to join that forum too?
I will stick with entmoot all the way. Now Maedhros, when I told you that you would probably get banned there, that was a long time ago and when you first came to Entmoot and told me about all the other MBs that you had been to and had problems with. You would be more than welcome to join SF-Fandom. My remarks were based on what you had told me about the other boards you had been on, not on your posts here at Entmoot.
Sister Golden Hair
03-20-2004, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by Beor
Here is a question to the candidates: What exactly do you think your job as President of Entmoot entails? What do you intend to do on a daily basis, and what would you like to approve?Well, that first question may be a little difficult to answer. The position of President of Entmoot holds no power for the winner to be capable of doing much. I am an admin already and have as much power as there is, so nomatter who wins, nothing really will happen as far as being able to exercise any real changes.
One of the things that the president should make a big effort to do, is to attempt to promote more serious discussion of Tolkien's works in the book forums. There are few discussions going on that are intense. I along with Maedhros have attempted to revive discussion in the Sil forum with Maedhros' wonderful Silmarillion project, which has been a great success. azalea has followed with the book project in the LotRs book forum. Although probably every aspect of Tolkien has been discussed, it is a deep work that I am sure offers many in depth topics that if we try, could be brought to the forum. It only takes a little thought and study.
Indeed, it does, but how do you encourage people to take the time to put thought into it, and study it? Is there anything you think you could do to promote something like this?
I agree with your answer, I am just trying to pick your brain. Hope I aint gettin' you mad, or anything.;)
Sister Golden Hair
03-20-2004, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Beor
Indeed, it does, but how do you encourage people to take the time to put thought into it, and study it? Is there anything you think you could do to promote something like this?
I agree with your answer, I am just trying to pick your brain. Hope I aint gettin' you mad, or anything.;) C'mon now, getting me mad? I'm not that sensitive.:D
The inspiration to do that should already be there as Tolkien fans. It's more a matter of not being lazy, or making time to do it. Some are lazy, some are busy, but the inspiration is there.:)
Cool. I'm satisfied:)
Any other candidates want to throw in their two cents? Cmon, dont be scared. Hector? Jonathan?:D
03-20-2004, 03:52 PM
A question to all candidates:
This message bored is based on Tolkien, but of course it has other aspects mainly in the fields of entertainment and 'healthy' debate (in GM). Apart from your knowledge of Tolkien what can you and more importantly, what have you add/added to these sections of Entmoot?
Sister Golden Hair
03-20-2004, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
A question to all candidates:
This message bored is based on Tolkien, but of course it has other aspects mainly in the fields of entertainment and 'healthy' debate (in GM). Apart from your knowledge of Tolkien what can you and more importantly, what have you add/added to these sections of Entmoot? Well, to be honest, outside of moderating in the other sections, I have added very little. I don't go to the movies much, and I don't watch a lot of TV, so there isn't much for me to add in the Entertainment forum. I hated Star Wars, so there's nothing in that forum for me. I haven't read Harry Potter, because I am too narrow minded to give any other fantasy novel a chance, outside of Tolkien. I could participate in the General Lit forum if I had a mind to, and I just don't really care much about the Writers Workshop forum.
I came to Entmoot for Tolkien, so those forums are to me what's important here. It would be nice to see some other popular forums created. I love Star Trek, so that would be one I would be active in.
03-20-2004, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
A question to all candidates:
This message bored is based on Tolkien, but of course it has other aspects mainly in the fields of entertainment and 'healthy' debate (in GM). Apart from your knowledge of Tolkien what can you and more importantly, what have you add/added to these sections of Entmoot?
I have posted quite a bit in all the forums, except harry potter forum, which ive never read (and never will, because as SGH said, I dont give much other fantasy stories a chance)
I have contributed several original threads in the LOTR movies forum, such as the "LotR remake cast and crew plans" thread, in which I displayed my responsibility to organize a crew (which was growing rapidly).
03-20-2004, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by Beor
Here is a question to the candidates: What exactly do you think your job as President of Entmoot entails? What do you intend to do on a daily basis, and what would you like to approve? As SGH said, it may be difficult to answer this question. The President will still be an ordinary mooter and there is nothing that the President can do that the other mooters can’t. If I get elected, I will do about the same things as I have always done, that is to take part in discussions about Tolkien’s universe and talk about non-Tolkien related things in GM.
As I see it, the function of the President is to represent the mooters,. The President shouldn’t have a higher status or anything but the job should entail some extra responsibility. If I was elected to be the representative of the mooters, I would do my best not to spam, flame or in any other way violate the rules of Entmoot. As President, I would want to set an example for others to follow if they want – if the newbies see an all-around nice President who posts intelligent things and contributes to discussions in all fora, they see what a friendly atmosphere Entmoot has. I may be naïve but hopefully, the newbies will get the message that the rest of the mooters are equally nice, which is absolutely true. The newbies might want to take after the President and the mooters and make sure Entmoot continues to be a nice little oasis on the internet. I want to see that the warmth and kindness, which I find so characteristic of this community, remain for as long as I’m here (an eternity?).
I beg the mooters, vote for the candidate who you think will represent you the best.
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
A question to all candidates:
This message board is based on Tolkien, but of course it has other aspects mainly in the fields of entertainment and 'healthy' debate (in GM). Apart from your knowledge of Tolkien what can you and more importantly, what have you add/added to these sections of Entmoot? As I said in a previous post in this thread, I have contributed with a few things. I was part of the Entmoot Book Club and participated in the reading of and discussion about Lord of the Flies. (Azaela, sorry that the discussion died out. I know how much you enjoyed talking about the book and I loved reading your posts after each chapter. I wish we could have done all of the chapters and finished the book).
I arranged last year’s Mud Wrestling Competition ( and believe me, it was hard work :). I hope someone else wants to arrange a new competition this year, one competition was sufficient for me :). Besides I don’t think the mud wrestlers want to see me as the absolute referee again :D
One of my earliest “contributions” to the Moot was the Most Wanted Mooters list (
*looks at list*
Hmm, I think maybe it needs to be updated with a few more new names… :evil:
As long as I am a mooter (forever?), I will try to come up with new funny things to say or to do. No new Mud Wrestling competitions though – I only work with new fresh ideas ;). There must be countless numbers of ways to help keeping up the friendly spirit and atmosphere of the Moot and I will try to do it in my way :)
I was thinking - does anyone think that there should be an oath for the President to swear after he or she gets elected? Something like “I swear to represent the mooters the best I can and to honour the memory of Tolkien, so help me Eru”. What do the voters think, what oath should their President have to swear? :)
03-20-2004, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
A question to all candidates:
This message bored is based on Tolkien, but of course it has other aspects mainly in the fields of entertainment and 'healthy' debate (in GM). Apart from your knowledge of Tolkien what can you and more importantly, what have you add/added to these sections of Entmoot?
I post a lot in the General Messages forum, contributing to the interesting and intelligent debate in "The REAL debate thread for RELIGION" and "Evidence for Creationism" among others. I also started the fun gathering place of the Teacup Cafe, which many Mooters have come to enjoy.
Hector works there as a waiter, Mooters can identify with such a hard-working and down-to-earth fellow.
I have posted a fair amount in the Harry Potter thread, which I've read and enjoyed
I also participate the Fantasy and Sci-Fi Novels forum, where I started the "Arthurian Legends" thread. I've read quite an extensive variety of fantasy and science fiction novels.
Hector and I are the perfect team! He is an excellent Tolkien lover, so devoted that he can't bring himself to read another fantasy novel, yet, working in harmony with Mooters from all walks of life in the Teacup Cafe.
Vote Hector for President, and you'll bring in an intelligent leader who identifies well with all Mooters.
03-20-2004, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by Jonathan
As I said in a previous post in this thread, I have contributed with a few things. I was part of the Entmoot Book Club and participated in the reading of and discussion about Lord of the Flies. (Azaela, sorry that the discussion died out. I know how much you enjoyed talking about the book and I loved reading your posts after each chapter. I wish we could have done all of the chapters and finished the book).
Aw, thanks, Jonathan.:) I tried to revive it, but I didn't see the sense in just posting six or eight more posts in a row by myself. Besides, I was eager to start the new LotR project!
Anyway, you just stole my vote away from FF (who had won it with cheesecake) for that sweet personal comment to me. :) Of course, I could be swayed towards a different candidate at the drop of a hat (Aren't I a sad statement on how easily a vote can be bought?:D )!
Everyone is doing so well replying to the questions, BTW! Good job to all!:cool:
03-20-2004, 10:30 PM
It's not sad, it just shows how great all the candidates are! :D
I'm participating in the LotR project, care to vote for "The Council of Entmoot"? ;)
03-20-2004, 10:54 PM
Ah, yes! Well, no one said picking a winner among so many great candidates would be easy.:)
03-21-2004, 06:41 AM
Originally posted by azalea
Aw, thanks, Jonathan.:) I tried to revive it, but I didn't see the sense in just posting six or eight more posts in a row by myself. Besides, I was eager to start the new LotR project!
Anyway, you just stole my vote away from FF (who had won it with cheesecake) for that sweet personal comment to me. :) Of course, I could be swayed towards a different candidate at the drop of a hat (Aren't I a sad statement on how easily a vote can be bought?:D )! Since I never had time to participate in the Sil project, I would very much enjoy contributing to the LotR project instead :). I'll look into which chapters I want to do and post in the LotR project thread later.
Oh, I guess the LotR project is more important to you than the book club right now, but if there's ever a book you want to read and discuss, just let me know ;)
03-21-2004, 08:42 AM
What I want to ask the Council for Entmoot is; if you do win, are those members of the council going to actually do their 'jobs'? You know, will the Minister of Culture or whatnot actually do something about Entmoot's Culture; what affairs will the Administrative Affairs person actually manage, and so forth?
I'd hate to think you'd be giving people titles just for the sake of it. ;)
03-21-2004, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Linaewen
What I want to ask the Council for Entmoot is; if you do win, are those members of the council going to actually do their 'jobs'? You know, will the Minister of Culture or whatnot actually do something about Entmoot's Culture; what affairs will the Administrative Affairs person actually manage, and so forth?
I'd hate to think you'd be giving people titles just for the sake of it. ;)
of course we will.
Minister of foreign affairs will deal with introducing newbies (because he's the foreign affairs administrater!).
minister of culture wil deal with racist problems when needed (:p)
Besides, there is nothing wrong with having a title for no reason except for show. We all have those, dont we?
I'm a down to fangorn forest type mooter, and of course I want all mooters to treat each other equally (that goes for my team and myself as well).
.......sounds to me like you've been talking to Jonathan a lot, Lin :p
Fat middle
03-21-2004, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by Jonathan
Since I never had time to participate in the Sil project, I would very much enjoy contributing to the LotR project instead :). I'll look into which chapters I want to do and post in the LotR project thread later.
Oh, I guess the LotR project is more important to you than the book club right now, but if there's ever a book you want to read and discuss, just let me know ;)
... candidate promisses:rolleyes:
Why do you say you never had the time to contribute to the Sil. project? It is still going on!
With that kind of assertions your credibility is reaching zero :p
03-21-2004, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
of course we will.
Minister of foreign affairs will deal with introducing newbies (because he's the foreign affairs administrater!).
minister of culture wil deal with racist problems when needed (:p)
Besides, there is nothing wrong with having a title for no reason except for show. We all have those, dont we?
I'm a down to fangorn forest type mooter, and of course I want all mooters to treat each other equally (that goes for my team and myself as well).
.......sounds to me like you've been talking to Jonathan a lot, Lin :p
Actually, everyone welcomes the newbies. :) That's what the Welcome thread is for. :)
And the other problems you are talking about are dealt with by the admins and mods. :o
Personally, I can't say that I'd do any admin or mod job, since I'm not one. So, I will not promise any of those things. If elected as vice president, as a representative of our beloved Entmoot, I would try to make this the best Tolkien forum on the Net. I would do this by starting thought provoking threads, posting informed, well written responses, and defending the honor of Entmoot whenever necessary.
Well, I dont know if this question is for me at all, but as Foreign Minister of the Sister Golden Hair Administration, I will, using my handy location in Iraq, continue to BURN!!! BURN!! here in Iraq, so that you can enjoy an Entmoot that is Saddam Hussein free;) :rolleyes: ! Actually, I do plan on trying to unite the American and Canadian and Mexican and Latin American and South American Mooters with the European, Asian, and African, and Middle Eastern Mooters, but I can only do so much. However, I will do as much as I can to keep the continents not so far apart.
03-21-2004, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Ruinel
Actually, everyone welcomes the newbies. :) That's what the Welcome thread is for. :)
And the other problems you are talking about are dealt with by the admins and mods. :o
Personally, I can't say that I'd do any admin or mod job, since I'm not one. So, I will not promise any of those things. If elected as vice president, as a representative of our beloved Entmoot, I would try to make this the best Tolkien forum on the Net. I would do this by starting thought provoking threads, posting informed, well written responses, and defending the honor of Entmoot whenever necessary.
yeah but, the newbie thread isnt always seen by newbies, thus i welcome them via pm and show them to the newbie thread.
it was ages before i even knew that other forums existed here at the moot besides the movie forum. most people are going to come in through the lotr movie door (thats why they joined), and wont realize the other forums till later. SO THERE.
03-21-2004, 04:35 PM
Twista and Falagar will work together quite a lot since recruiting often leads to new members. They will fulfill their roles, that's why we picked them.
I will fulfill my own duties as well, supporting Hector as President, as well as being there to temporarily take over if, for whatever reason, Hector has to leave for a while. That way, Mooters can be assured they're never without a leader! :)
03-21-2004, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Fat middle
... candidate promisses:rolleyes:
Why do you say you never had the time to contribute to the Sil. project? It is still going on!
With that kind of assertions your credibility is reaching zero :p Actually, those are things that I will do regardless of my being elected or not.
And I am aware of that the Sil project isn't really finished yet, but the last chapters are already assigned so unless someone drops from the project, it will be impossible for me to contribute.
03-21-2004, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Jonathan
I was thinking - does anyone think that there should be an oath for the President to swear after he or she gets elected? Something like “I swear to represent the mooters the best I can and to honour the memory of Tolkien, so help me Eru”. What do the voters think, what oath should their President have to swear? :)
That's a brilliant idea. It would be good to see/read a public oath, so the Mooter's know that whoever they pick as President will stay true to the Moot.
And I've been meaning to ask, why isn't HOBBIT running again? Since it does say in his sig that he's going to be president forever, I would have thought that he'd want to try and be re-elected.
03-21-2004, 05:00 PM
I will, using my handy location in Iraq, continue to BURN!!! BURN!! here in Iraq, so that you can enjoy an Entmoot that is Saddam Hussein free ! Actually, I do plan on trying to unite the American and Canadian and Mexican and Latin American and South American Mooters with the European, Asian, and African, and Middle Eastern Mooters, but I can only do so much. However, I will do as much as I can to keep the continents not so far apart.
I think that I would find it very interesting if you could explain to me the difference between Mexican, South Americans and Latin Americans to me.
yeah but, the newbie thread isnt always seen by newbies, thus i welcome them via pm and show them to the newbie thread.
Now this is really nice.
I have a question for all of the candidates. I'm more of a book fan than the movies. I have seen a candidate post that if he/she wins they will try to make entmoot the best forum on the net. My question is, why would you need to be elected in order to do so. Why don't you do it just because of the love for Tolkien.
I don't know if azalea is a part of someones campain but with her LOTR book project she is doing just that, bringing intelligent discussion in which everyone can participate and have a chance to see other points of view. Now that would be someone that I would definitely give my vote to.
And I am aware of that the Sil project isn't really finished yet, but the last chapters are already assigned so unless someone drops from the project, it will be impossible for me to contribute.
This is true in a way. While it is true that the Sil project has all of the remaining chapters assigned, that doesn't inhibits or prohibits anyone with involving themselves in the discussion of those chapters. The Sil project is more of a discussion than a monologue of the person appointed to do the introduction.
Ladies and gentleman, do I have a surprise for the people when the next chapter Ruin of Doriath will be discussed.
Last Child of Ungoliant
03-21-2004, 05:02 PM
Oath to be taken, one hand on The Silmarillion, one hand on heart
Here do i swear fealty and service to Entmoot, and to the mods, admins and mooters of that realm, to speak and to be silent, to do and to let be, to come and to go, in need or plenty, in peace or war, in living or dying, from this hour henceforth, until my lord release me, or death take me, or the world end.
So say I, [insert name] son/daughter of [insert father's name] of the Shire of the Halflings.
03-21-2004, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by Maedhros
IThis is true in a way. While it is true that the Sil project has all of the remaining chapters assigned, that doesn't inhibits or prohibits anyone with involving themselves in the discussion of those chapters. You are right. I meant to say that there are no more chapters to assign to anyone.
Btw, one might think that SGH is rooting for herself in the upcoming election. Not true. According to this thread - Which Character President ( - SGH states that she is actually crossing her fingers for FF.
;) @ SGH
03-22-2004, 03:30 AM
Originally posted by Linaewen
What I want to ask the Council for Entmoot is; if you do win, are those members of the council going to actually do their 'jobs'? You know, will the Minister of Culture or whatnot actually do something about Entmoot's Culture; what affairs will the Administrative Affairs person actually manage, and so forth?Ooooh, I just saw this. But Lin, how could you ask a question like that? :( ;)
This is a Tolkien message board, and Tolkien's books is culture at its best imo. As a Minister of Culture I will continue to do what I've always done on this board: Support and contribute to any idea and project which will promote the books (all of them, not only the most well-known like The Hobbit or LotR), like the Silmarillion project and the new LotR project. IMO These projects have increased, and will continue to increase, the quality of Entmoot.
I will also continue to urge and encourage everyone new to Tolkien to continue reading. Some members come here because of the movies, and that is a great opportunity for us to show them the beauty of Tolkien's books! There's nothing wrong with the movies btw, but though based on Tolkien they are PJ's work, and I do love the books so much more.
Also, I will try to make more known many of the great Tolkien-inspired artists out there, and I would also like to see members create their own pieces of art, like paintings, music etc.
I'd hate to think you'd be giving people titles just for the sake of it. My dear Lin. ;) I do (immodestly :D ) think I've earned my title and my place in the council through my posts on this board in general, and through my active posting in the Sil project in special, a project which is dear to my heart. Thanks Maedhros, Ben, and SGH! The LotR reading project has got a flying start too, I think it will be a great success, and I will do my very best to add to the quality of it.
03-22-2004, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by Artanis
This is a Tolkien message board, and Tolkien's books is culture at its best imo. As a Minister of Culture I will continue to do what I've always done on this board: Support and contribute to any idea and project which will promote the books (all of them, not only the most well-known like The Hobbit or LotR), like the Silmarillion project and the new LotR project. IMO These projects have increased, and will continue to increase, the quality of Entmoot.
I will also continue to urge and encourage everyone new to Tolkien to continue reading. Some members come here because of the movies, and that is a great opportunity for us to show them the beauty of Tolkien's books! There's nothing wrong with the movies btw, but though based on Tolkien they are PJ's work, and I do love the books so much more.
Also, I will try to make more known many of the great Tolkien-inspired artists out there, and I would also like to see members create their own pieces of art, like paintings, music etc.
Here's hoping you'll do this ANYWAY... even if Jonathan or SGH or someone else wins! :)
My dear Lin. ;) I do (immodestly :D ) think I've earned my title and my place in the council through my posts on this board in general, and through my active posting in the Sil project in special, a project which is dear to my heart. Thanks Maedhros, Ben, and SGH! The LotR reading project has got a flying start too, I think it will be a great success, and I will do my very best to add to the quality of it.
Then why on Middle-earth does the Entmoot Council run its most qualified person at the bottom of the ticket? :p ;)
03-22-2004, 10:14 AM
Then why on Middle-earth does the Entmoot Council run its most qualified person at the bottom of the ticket?:p;)
and its not true!:mad: I would not have chosen any of the people for my council if they had not been capable. in fact, I didnt. Nurvingiel did. and of course we all know how great and talented she is.
03-22-2004, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by Valandil
Here's hoping you'll do this ANYWAY... even if Jonathan or SGH or someone else wins! :) As goes for all the promises of all the candidates. :p
Then why on Middle-earth does the Entmoot Council run its most qualified person at the bottom of the ticket? :p ;) Hmm - thank you - I think...
03-22-2004, 10:24 AM
talk about big government... seems to be becoming more of a collective that a council :p
i updated my sig in the interest of less scrolling for the masses ;)
03-22-2004, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by Maedhros
I have a question for all of the candidates. I'm more of a book fan than the movies. I have seen a candidate post that if he/she wins they will try to make entmoot the best forum on the net. My question is, why would you need to be elected in order to do so. Why don't you do it just because of the love for Tolkien. I agree completely. One can come with promises of all kinds of things that you will do if one is elected, but really - whatever one comes up with, one would be able to do anyway. Being President doesn't give you new powers or abilities or anything.
Like I said earlier, to me it doesn't matter a lot if I am elected or not, I will still contribute to the Tolkien community and promote Tolkien's works.
However, being President might give make you more motivated to try to turn Entmoot into the best Tolkien forum. The fact that you are representing all the mooters would probably be a very good incentive to stay active and take part in discussions.
Being President wouldn't be imperative, but it would give you a kick in the right direction.
Therefore, I think that everyone should vote for the candidate who not only represents them the best, but who gives the most back to Entmoot. Make that person more eager to continue doing so.
Originally posted by Maedhros
I don't know if azalea is a part of someones campain but with her LOTR book project she is doing just that, bringing intelligent discussion in which everyone can participate and have a chance to see other points of view. Now that would be someone that I would definitely give my vote to.
Azaela is not part of my campaign if that is what you think :). But I am very happy that she is thinking of voting for me. It is not the big things but the smaller ones which makes you smile the most :D
As you say, someone who involves others in interesting discussions and who shows his or her love for Tolkien, would definitely be a good President. Hopefully, you will find someone among the candidates with such qualities.
Pick me, pick me! ;)
Finrod Felagund
03-22-2004, 10:54 AM
BTW, when was this Lord of the Flies discussion?
03-22-2004, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by Artanis
As goes for all the promises of all the candidates. :p
That's why I was so happy to jump on board with SGH... it's so easy to talk about what she has already done around here, and what she still does continually! :)
03-22-2004, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by Artanis
Also, I will try to make more known many of the great Tolkien-inspired artists out there, and I would also like to see members create their own pieces of art, like paintings, music etc.
I'll take the chance to present my favourite Tolkien-inspired artist. Her name is Anke Eissmann and has her own website here - Anke Eissmann (
Originally posted by Finrod Felagund
BTW, when was this Lord of the Flies discussion? It was started in September last year. Here is a link to the discussion - Lord of the Flies (
The actual book club has its own thread here - Entmoot Book Club (
Do come with suggestions of books that we can read together :)
Sister Golden Hair
03-22-2004, 11:28 AM
I find it interesting that you say this:Orginally posted by Finrod Felagund
As you can see, my skills and interests encompass all aspects of the board, Tolkien or otherwise. And then ask this:BTW, when was this Lord of the Flies discussion?
03-22-2004, 01:41 PM
Boy... Jonathan's answers to Tessar's REALLY seem to echo SGH's, don't they? At least the GOOD answers! :p
And what's up with all the spam-slinging of the 'Entmoot Council'???
And is Tessar REALLY an objective moderator of the campaign debates... or is he an undeclared candidate, running a "Stealth Campaign"... as it appears with his name on the poll?? :)
C'mon people... wise up! SGH has already demonstrated her fine quality ('the very highest'!) to the rest of us... time after time, month after month! To vote for anyone else would be to short-change yourself! :) :cool:
Well, let me tell you all a little story of when I first popped onto the Entmoot. I was new to computers and everything associated with them. I didnt know how to do much of anything, other than turn them on, and search for Tolkien stuff. So I signed on, and hung around a bit, didnt post much, no problem, right? Well, I posted once, I think in the Unwritten Book thread, or something to that nature, and who was the first to jump on and welcome me? Sister Golden Hair. And since then, she has always been happy to help, no matter how inane may query was, and she has always guided me in the matters of Mooting, for she is among the wise. It was for these reasons that I nominated her to run in the first place, before even taking her council, because I knew that she would always be a ready counsellor to any Mooter, a fair and impartial diciplinarian, and a good friend, to all Mooters. This is why you should vote her for president. The title of President of Entmoot does come with great responsibility, and it is not just a title. Think about what it encompasses, and then think about who you want to fill that role. If you fairly and impartially judge each candidate against the other, you will realise that Sister Golden Hair will always be the leader of the Entmoot, and I cannot think of a better candidate to represent all that this board stands for. Thank you.
03-22-2004, 02:10 PM
is that the same SGH who subtly tries to campaign in the B-Day thread?:p :p
I am not only an intelligent fellow, but also very easy going, and easy to get along with.
SGH needs no more power, she will always be the true ruler of the moot no matter who gets elected, she will always be the real moving force behind the moot. So actually if she is elected, you will only have re-elected her.
Is this the same hectorberlioz who campaigned in the Welcome thread?;) :p
Electing her as president would be more as recognizing the great effort and love that she has put into the Entmoot and its members, and the vast ammount of time and devotion she has invested into this board. Is that really a bad thing? If you do good in a class or something, you like to get recognized. We would be merely thanking her for her undying dedicatin to us and the board.
03-22-2004, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
is that the same SGH who subtly tries to campaign in the B-Day thread?:p :p
THIS from the guy whose team is turning practically EVERY thread into a 'Campaign Thread'?? Sheesh! :p The 'Welcome Thread', 'The Teacup Cafe', 'The Avatar Shop' ("Hey - we'll make you an avatar if you vote for us!!" ;) )... it just goes on and on!! :p
Sister Golden Hair
03-22-2004, 02:17 PM
Thank you Beor and Valandil. I would like to point out to the mooters, that I realize they may hesitate to vote for me because I am an admin, but think about it: what better candidate than one that already has the power to help with your requests and take care of all your mooting needs? I have always tried to be fair and reasonable with all members, and am always at your service. I have never wanted to use my admin status to win the election and I am not trying to do that now. I just hope that my status does not sway you from voting for me. As I have said before, I am a mooter first, but, since I am an admin, I can take it a step further for all mooters, but nomatter the out come of the election, I am here to serve.:)
03-22-2004, 02:19 PM
is the same SGH who bribes her VP?:p
Yes, but if she is prez, then she's hogging all the tolkien love for herself, and not giving another someone a chance to express his/her love for the Moot.
Also she would be burdened with having admin and mod duties. where will she get the time? and so many duties on the moot would vex her, and not let herself enjoy much.
Sister Golden Hair
03-22-2004, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
is the same SGH who bribes her VP?:p
Yes, but if she is prez, then she's hogging all the tolkien love for herself, and not giving another someone a chance to express his/her love for the Moot. I never bribed my VP! And, how would my becoming president hog all the Tolkien love? I am a firm believer of freedom of speech, and would never inhibit any mooter from expressing their love of Tolkien. So, what's your point?:confused:
03-22-2004, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
I never bribed my VP! And, how would my becoming president hog all the Tolkien love? I am a firm believer of freedom of speech, and would never inhibit any mooter from expressing their love of Tolkien. So, what's your point?:confused:
slander:p my point is to slander:p
I told Val that you guys are wlcome to do the same to me;)
Finrod Felagund
03-22-2004, 02:27 PM
What have/can I bring to other sections of Entmoot...well...I work in a video store, so I can see all movies even before their official release date, as well as knowing the release of both theatre and video/dvd movies. Even before I began working there, I was what you'd call a movie buff. I am also well versed in the musical theatre world.
I have been an avid participant in several RPGs, including Tolkien Lover Anonymous, without argument the biggest, most epic RPG series ever on Entmoot. I am also a Member of
I have a fair amount of Star Wars and Harry Potter Knowlege and do quite a bit of writing in my spare time.
My chapter in the sil Project will be up soon, and I am booked for 2 chapters for the LotR project as well.
Ass you can see, my skills and interests encompass all aspects of the board, Tolkien or otherwise.
In fact, in matters vegetable animal and mineral, I am the very model of a modern major general...errr...presidential candidate.
You know what? I respect all of the other candidates. Every one of them has a great deal they could do for Entmoot. SGH, has already done a lot, then again, she doesn't need to be prez to do that does she?
Jonathan has contributed some of the funniest threads ever (Mud Wrestling, Mooters Calendar) as well as serious discussion.
And Hector is definitely a well versed, well thought, intelligent, intellectual and romantic youth. And he's the director of the new LotR. LOL!
All worthy adversaries, and as far as things are looking, at least one of them is bound to beat me...however,I will continue to campaign, and even if I lose, continue to try to make Entmoot the best place on the net!
03-22-2004, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
is the same SGH who bribes her VP?:p
Yes, but if she is prez, then she's hogging all the tolkien love for herself, and not giving another someone a chance to express his/her love for the Moot.
Also she would be burdened with having admin and mod duties. where will she get the time? and so many duties on the moot would vex her, and not let herself enjoy much.
Hahah-hah! Hector, this is SO laughable! Yeah - like SGH has REALLY made a habit of clamping down on others who express their love for Tolkien and the Moot! Hah! Well... it's great to have a clown for one of the candidates!! :p :D
Frankly, I think SGH has held back so much in campaigning because some have given her 'heat' for running because she's an admin. Search your hearts Entmoot... isn't SGH the BEST Candidate for this position?? She's truly the tolkienest!! :D :p :cool:
The fact that some may have it in their hearts to fire upon Sister Golden Hair for running even though she is an admin is ridiculous. If I remember correctly, every member of Entmoot was eligable to run, so if you want to say that she cannot run, or should be ashamed to run, because she is an admin, then you are saying that she cannot be a Mooter, and that if she is, she should be ashamed to be, because she is a mod, and that is utterly ridiculous.
The fact is, that even if she wasnt an administrator, she woud still do the same great stuff she does now, only with less power to back her up. She would still help people in need, and would still try to keep flaming and spamming at bay, she would just need help to do it.
03-22-2004, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Finrod Felagund
What have/can I bring to other sections of Entmoot...well...I work in a video store, so I can see all movies even before their official release date, as well as knowing the release of both theatre and video/dvd movies. Even before I began working there, I was what you'd call a movie buff. I am also well versed in the musical theatre world.
I have been an avid participant in several RPGs, including Tolkien Lover Anonymous, without argument the biggest, most epic RPG series ever on Entmoot. I am also a Member of
I have a fair amount of Star Wars and Harry Potter Knowlege and do quite a bit of writing in my spare time.
My chapter in the sil Project will be up soon, and I am booked for 2 chapters for the LotR project as well.
Ass you can see, my skills and interests encompass all aspects of the board, Tolkien or otherwise.
In fact, in matters vegetable animal and mineral, I am the very model of a modern major general...errr...presidential candidate.
You know what? I respect all of the other candidates. Every one of them has a great deal they could do for Entmoot. SGH, has already done a lot, then again, she doesn't need to be prez to do that does she?
Jonathan has contributed some of the funniest threads ever (Mud Wrestling, Mooters Calendar) as well as serious discussion.
And Hector is definitely a well versed, well thought and intelligent man. And he's the director of the new LotR. LOL!
All worthy adversaries, and as far as things are looking, at least one of them is bound to beat me...however,I will continue to campaign, and even if I lose, continue to try to make Entmoot the best place on the net!
Thanks for the nice comment FF:).
but I'm not a man:p (yet). I'm 16 yrs old, and considered very mature for my age despite my extravagant sense of humour :p (whatever that means).
As for you FF, you're a good hearted mooter with a good head on his shoulders, two beautiful women (sgh and ruinel :p), and a good profile of responsiblity (as fas as i know).
Finrod Felagund
03-22-2004, 02:49 PM
I know you're sixteen 'bout "young man"?
03-22-2004, 02:49 PM
*pokes Valandil*
He's just having a little fun. :rolleyes: You know, get some good old-fashioned rivalry going. Don't you guys know how to have some fun? :D
03-22-2004, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by Nurvingiel
*pokes Valandil*
He's just having a little fun. :rolleyes: You know, get some good old-fashioned rivalry going. Don't you guys know how to have some fun? :D
That's what I was having... 'til you POKED me! :mad:
:p ;) :D :cool:
Sister Golden Hair
03-22-2004, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
slander:p my point is to slander:p
I told Val that you guys are wlcome to do the same to me;) Now what could possibly make slandering your opponants attractive to the voters?
03-22-2004, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Finrod Felagund
I know you're sixteen 'bout "young man"?
more like intellectual romantic youth:D
First of all, Nurv, Val, we are all having fun (;) ), and if I catch anyone not having fun...I'll...lets just say, it is in all of your best intrests to have fun, huh;) :p ?
My question mark works again, by the way
Nay, slander is not attractive, it comes about when someone has no viable arguement against an opponent, so they make it up;) .
*scans for anyone not having fun*
03-22-2004, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
more like intellectual romantic youth:D
You don't think highly of yourself
03-22-2004, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
Now what could possibly make slandering your opponants attractive to the voters?
attracting voters is not the point either.
the point is to liven up this race with some good harmless, humourous slander;)
03-22-2004, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
You don't think highly of yourself
what do you mean?:D
03-22-2004, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
what do you mean?:D
Nothing. Nothing at all.
03-22-2004, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
Nothing. Nothing at all.
hmm....where the heck are those smileys that you usually use in abundance?:D
you seem quite somber today.
Sister Golden Hair
03-22-2004, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
attracting voters is not the point either.
the point is to liven up this race with some good harmless, humourous slander;) You are not interested in attracting voters? I don't understand how you are leading the race with that line of reasoning.:confused:
03-22-2004, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
You are not interested in attracting voters? I don't understand how you are leading the race with that line of reasoning.:confused:
you know its just a bit of fun;).
I'm sure no one in thier right senses would take this slander stuff seriously.
Sister Golden Hair
03-22-2004, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
you know its just a bit of fun;).
I'm sure no one in thier right senses would take this slander stuff seriously. You never know. Now I have to go think of some slanderous remarks to post about you.:D
03-22-2004, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
hmm....where the heck are those smileys that you usually use in abundance?:D
you seem quite somber today.
I buried them all.
I was chilling with hectorberlioz the other day, and we were listening to the Great Gate of Kiev, from Pictures at an Exhibition by Modest Mussorsky, and he said, proud as all hell, "Hey, Beor, this is a really good rendering of the 1812 Overture, huh?"
And I looked at him, and said, "hector, this isnt even Tchicausky (Sp?), its Mussorsky."
But he refused to believe me, then later, he confused Finlandia with Farandole!
Do you really want him as president?
(and he supports Arwen riding Frodo to the ford);) :p :D
03-22-2004, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by Beor
I was chilling with hectorberlioz the other day, and we were listening to the Great Gate of Kiev, from Pictures at an Exhibition by Modest Mussorsky, and he said, proud as all hell, "Hey, Beor, this is a really good rendering of the 1812 Overture, huh?"
And I looked at him, and said, "hector, this isnt even Tchicausky (Sp?), its Mussorsky."
But he refused to believe me, then later, he confused Finlandia with Farandole!
Do you really want him as president?
(and he supports Arwen riding Frodo to the ford);) :p :D
whos's tchicausky?:p talk about the unlearned:p .
I suspect Lalaith_Elf halped you with your history on that one Beor (I knew she was just playing sick, and she really isnt. its all a big prank on me...).
Besides, I know the 1812 overture by heart, if you were here, I'd hum it all for you.
And as for Pics at an Exhibition, I know that by heart as well.
as for arwen, thats a bunch of rubbish.
Finlandia for Farandole! lol!:p
try to bash me in soem other category, because in this one, you fail miserably:p
Sister Golden Hair
03-22-2004, 03:30 PM
(and he supports Arwen riding Frodo to the ford)
The fact that he supports this, should make him ineligible to run for president. That is a complete breach of a true lover of Tolkien.
03-22-2004, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
The fact that he supports this, should make him ineligible to run for president. That is a complete breach of a true lover of Tolkien.
is this the same SGH who has a legolas pic as her IM buddy icon?:p
now THATS true irreverance to Tolkien, especially since its true.:D
03-22-2004, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
I suspect Lalaith_Elf halped you with your history on that one Beor (I knew she was just playing sick, and she really isnt. its all a big prank on me...).
I haven't done anything. I didn't even know of that mistake!:mad:
03-22-2004, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
I haven't done anything. I didn't even know of that mistake!:mad:
yeah yeah....;) you expect me to believe that?
Lal did not help me, the truth helped me!;)
And just because I cant spell doesnt mean I am unlearned!!
Also, I heard hector talking to someone on the 'Mootphone the other day that the sign at the top with Treebeard should be changed to read "Dedicated to the Works of Peter Jackson, with some side forums dedicated to Jonny T. "
What was that, hector?!?!? What the heck was that?!?!?!?!;) :D :p
03-22-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
yeah yeah....;) you expect me to believe that?
A candidate who doesn't believe his fellow mooters?! A lier for a candidate?:rolleyes: Typical!
Beruthiel's cat
03-22-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
whos's tchicausky?:p talk about the unlearned:p .
I suspect Lalaith_Elf halped you with your history on that one Beor (I knew she was just playing sick, and she really isnt. its all a big prank on me...).
Besides, I know the 1812 overture by heart, if you were here, I'd hum it all for you.
And as for Pics at an Exhibition, I know that by heart as well.
as for arwen, thats a bunch of rubbish.
Finlandia for Farandole! lol!:p
try to bash me in soem other category, because in this one, you fail miserably:p
But you don't know if your namesake owned a lot of kitties and was so fond of them that he cut off the sleeve of his robe rather than disturb one of them while it was napping...(, wait...that last part was Mohammed...).
I checked with my ex and he says that Berlioz was the composer I was thinking of...
So, friends and fellow 'Mooters, if this "expert" on Berlioz (and classical music) doesn't know all the pithy details of his hero's life, how diligent will he be as our Fearless Leader??? Hmmm...
:D :D :D :D :D
**the cat twiches her tail decicively and turns around, heading for the sound of maniacal laughter in the distance**
Arwen at the ford??? WHAT???
03-22-2004, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Beor
Lal did not help me, the truth helped me!;)
And just because I cant spell doesnt mean I am unlearned!!
Also, I heard hector talking to someone on the 'Mootphone the other day that the sign at the top with Treebeard should be changed to read "Dedicated to the Works of Peter Jackson, with some side forums dedicated to Jonny T. "
What was that, hector?!?!? What the heck was that?!?!?!?!;) :D :p
does that compare to SGH wanting to turn this place into an all Orli lovers board?;) or her idea that all mooters should have a quote by Jackson in thier sigs? or of her idea to change the banner to one with Orli and herself on it?
03-22-2004, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by Beruthiel's cat
But you don't know if your namesake owned a lot of kitties and was so fond of them that he cut off the sleeve of his robe rather than disturb one of them while it was napping...(, wait...that last part was Mohammed...).
I checked with my ex and he says that Berlioz was the composer I was thinking of...
So, friends and fellow 'Mooters, if this "expert" on Berlioz (and classical music) doesn't know all the pithy details of his hero's life, how diligent will he be as our Fearless Leader??? Hmmm...
:D :D :D :D :D
**the cat twiches her tail decicively and turns around, heading for the sound of maniacal laughter in the distance**
Arwen at the ford??? WHAT???
I did soem research on it myself.
before I had thoguht maybe it was Berlioz' student Saint-saens, but after more research it was Berlioz.
Sister Golden Hair
03-22-2004, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
is this the same SGH who has a legolas pic as her IM buddy icon?:p
now THATS true irreverance to Tolkien, especially since its true.:D I do not deny that I have a Legolas icon on my IM window, and as I explained, my computer had to be re-formatted, and my brother did the work while I was away. He knew how much I loved Tolkien and thought he was surprising me by putting up the icon and a screen saver, along with wallpaper from the movies. I didn't change it because I didn't want to hurt his feelings. He thought by doing all that I would be happy. So there!:p
03-22-2004, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
A candidate who doesn't believe his fellow mooters?! A lier for a candidate?:rolleyes: Typical!
whats a lier eh precious?:p
Aha!! he doesnt even try to deny it, just to shift the attention to Sister Golden Hair the Noble. Typical.:D ;)
Beruthiel's cat
03-22-2004, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
I did soem research on it myself.
before I had thoguht maybe it was Berlioz' student Saint-saens, but after more research it was Berlioz.
"soem" research is a dangerous thing, Hector...but I'm glad you concur...
But in all honesty, I like Saint-Saens better...:p
(Uh, she's done it, hasn't she, precious??!!!)
03-22-2004, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
I do not deny that I have a Legolas icon on my IM window, and as I explained, my computer had to be re-formatted, and my brother did the work while I was away. He knew how much I loved Tolkien and thought he was surprising me by putting up the icon and a screen saver, along with wallpaper from the movies. I didn't change it because I didn't want to hurt his feelings. He thought by doing all that I would be happy. So there!:p
I'll never believe that;) .
or maybe i day.
03-22-2004, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
whats a lier eh precious?:p
*Looks up 'lier' in the dictionary*
Definition of 'lier':
hectorberlioz, candidate of the presidential elections of Entmoot, the greatest Tolkien message board in existent.
EDIT: See, SGH is even caring of people outside the moot!
03-22-2004, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by Beruthiel's cat
"soem" research is a dangerous thing, Hector...but I'm glad you concur...
But in all honesty, I like Saint-Saens better...:p
(Uh, she's done it, hasn't she, precious??!!!)
indeed she has precious....*fingers SGH's stick of wrath...*
hmmph!:mad: I bet you havent even heard any Berlioz!!!
;) ;) :)
03-22-2004, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
*Looks up 'lier' in the dictionary*
Definition of 'lier':
hectorberlioz, candidate of the presidential elections of Entmoot, the greatest Tolkien message board in existent.
EDIT: See, SGH is even caring of people outside the moot!
.......forgive them O'Eru, for they know not what they do (:eek:!!)
03-22-2004, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Beor
Aha!! he doesnt even try to deny it, just to shift the attention to Sister Golden Hair the Noble. Typical.:D ;)
I dont try to hide my faults from people:) . maybe you guys on SGH's team are all about that, but my team is not.
03-22-2004, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
.......forgive them O'Eru, for they know not what they do (:eek:!!)
I know exactly what I'm doing.
03-22-2004, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
I know exactly what I'm doing.
voting for SGH?
Beruthiel's cat
03-22-2004, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
indeed she has precious....*fingers SGH's stick of wrath...*
hmmph!:mad: I bet you havent even heard any Berlioz!!!
;) ;) :)
Symphonie Fantastiqe is played frequently on our public radio station. And, after living for 25 years with a classically trained musician, I've heard quite a lot of all kinds of music. Including Berlioz (though he wasn't a favorite of my ex -- he's a Baroque geek...)
Is SGH's Stick of Wrath anything like a Klingon Pain-stick???
If so, I take it back...
03-22-2004, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
voting for SGH?
Who says I'm voting for SGH?
I told you in my PM that I'm trying to decied who's best for Entmoot. I can't vote for you just because your my friend, can I? It wouldn't be fair.
03-22-2004, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by Beruthiel's cat
Symphonie Fantastiqe is played frequently on our public radio station. And, after living for 25 years with a classically trained musician, I've heard quite a lot of all kinds of music. Including Berlioz (though he wasn't a favorite of my ex -- he's a Baroque geek...)
Is SGH's Stick of Wrath anything like a Klingon Pain-stick???
If so, I take it back...
you just need to listen to more Berlioz, thats all.
try something more calming and beautiful of his...
L'Enfance Du Christ
Les Nuites d'ete
Beatrice et Benedict
Sister Golden Hair
03-22-2004, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
Who says I'm voting for SGH?
I told you in my PM that I'm trying to decied who's best for Entmoot. I can't vote for you just because your my friend, can I? It wouldn't be fair. Now that's what I like to see. Voters that don't just vote blindly.:)
03-22-2004, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
Who says I'm voting for SGH?
I told you in my PM that I'm trying to decied who's best for Entmoot. I can't vote for you just because your my friend, can I? It wouldn't be fair.
You know I wouldnt want you to vote for me for the sake that I'm your friend.
03-22-2004, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
Now that's what I like to see. Voters that don't just vote blindly.:)
:) I care about the moot. I spend most of my time here - forsaking the RL and sleep - I want the best candidate to win!:)
Whether I believe that it is SGH, Hector, Jonathan or FF, I haven't decieded yet.
You know I wouldnt want you to vote for me for the sake that I'm your friend.
Yep I know. That's why I'm not part of your team.
03-22-2004, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
:) I care about the moot. I spend most of my time here - forsaking the RL and sleep - I want the best candidate to win!:)
Whether I believe that it is SGH, Hector, Jonathan or FF, I haven't decieded yet.
Yep I know. That's why I'm not part of your team.
03-22-2004, 04:35 PM
Hmmm... maybe.
Beruthiel's cat
03-22-2004, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
indeed she has precious....*fingers SGH's stick of wrath...*
hmmph!:mad: I bet you havent even heard any Berlioz!!!
;) ;) :)
Oh, and one more thing, Hector. Four words Eastman School of Music .
It's in my home town, kid. :p
Heard of it????
03-22-2004, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by Beruthiel's cat
Oh, and one more thing, Hector. Four words Eastman School of Music .
It's in my home town, kid. :p
Heard of it????
five words
Self Taught Music History Historian
I dont need a school for learning music history. It wouldnt be enjoyable that way. so there.
and dont call me kid.
Beruthiel's cat
03-22-2004, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
and dont call me kid.
Okay. I won't. But I sure wish someone would call me one!
03-22-2004, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by Beruthiel's cat
Okay. I won't. But I sure wish someone would call me one!
getting to be an oldie? kid?:p :D
Beruthiel's cat
03-22-2004, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
getting to be an oldie? kid?:p :D
...but a goodie! :p :p :D :D
Good luck in the election!
03-22-2004, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by Finrod Felagund
Jonathan has contributed some of the funniest threads ever (Mud Wrestling, Mooters Calendar) as well as serious discussion. Thanks :). I enjoy reading your posts as well.
...and he [Hector] supports Arwen riding Frodo to the ford
...the same SGH who has a legolas pic as her IM buddy icon Shocking indeed. This might seriously affect the outcome of the election :p
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
:) I care about the moot. I spend most of my time here - forsaking the RL and sleep - I want the best candidate to win!:) That's the way to go! Lalaith for president! :D
03-22-2004, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by Jonathan
That's the way to go! Lalaith for president! :D
Um... :eek:
*attempts not to burst into laughter at the thought of her being president*
Thanks for that Jon but I think I'll leave it to the proffesionals!
03-22-2004, 07:16 PM
I am confused as to whether I am still running or not because I haven't been onto the debates in three hundred years and have not spoken to Finrod since he asked me to be his VP.
So, how are the campains going?
03-22-2004, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by Katt_knome_hobbit
I am confused as to whether I am still running or not because I haven't been onto the debates in three hundred years and have not spoken to Finrod since he asked me to be his VP.
So, how are the campains going?
going good, and FF still admires you, as does everyone else;)
03-23-2004, 02:49 AM
Lol Hector, when you set out to liven up this thread, I had no idea!
Beruthiel's cat I'm afraid I have to confirm your suspicions! SGH was seen beating a man in a pub, because he said he liked spam! Sources confirmed later that he had been talking about food. He wasn't a Mooter, so don't worry none of your friends here were harmed in this unfortunate incident. But this unfortunate violent outburst does not bode well for Mooters. Policed have seized the Stick of Wrath for examination. Updates will be released when more is known.
Sister Golden Hair
03-23-2004, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by Nurvingiel
Lol Hector, when you set out to liven up this thread, I had no idea!
Beruthiel's cat I'm afraid I have to confirm your suspicions! SGH was seen beating a man in a pub, because he said he liked spam! Sources confirmed later that he had been talking about food. He wasn't a Mooter, so don't worry none of your friends here were harmed in this unfortunate incident. But this unfortunate violent outburst does not bode well for Mooters. Policed have seized the Stick of Wrath for examination. Updates will be released when more is known. This sounds like words of desperation. First hector resorts to slandering his opponants and now we resort to making up lies, lies lies. For shame Nurv!:p
Nurv, it was a mooter, and she was beating me, for I had requested to be beaten to attone for watching the movies again. It was a terrible weight on my conscience, and I had to get rid of it. I could have chosen the way of power, but I chose the way of Pain . Oh no!!! There it is again!!!
There we go.;)
03-23-2004, 04:00 AM
If memory serves me correctly - Hector was a lover of the movies. He claims he's seen the light - but I think he sneaks peaks at the movie when no one thinks he's looking. I would rather have someone who comes clean about their feelings about the movie even if it is that - as hard as it is to say - that they actually LIKE the movies.
SGH on the other hand - doesn't care enough about Lord of the Rings to be worried about it - but "Jackson had better not touch my beloved Silmarillion" as she says. I see a future two tier society where she thinks that Lord of the Rings fans are lesser citizens to ones who prefer the Silmarillion.
I think we need a president who likes ALL the ages of Middle Earth and can represent ALL the people of Entmoot. I don't think Hector or SGH is that person.
So who is it then? It is Jonathan. VOTE for Jonathan. He's the only one who can really unite the mooters and represent them all.
EDIT - I also like how hector's sig says "
Jonathan is a great guy, and we don't condone negative or slanderous signatures." I guess he thinks nothing of slandering the other candidates in his posts though.
03-23-2004, 05:06 AM
I think you envision a two-tiered society JD, one where people who like the movies are considered second-class citizens. They may not agree with you, but they are worthy Mooters too. Hector loves the books and enjoys the movies, therefore he's the ideal President for all Mooters.
Beor! You wanted to be beaten by the so-called Klingon stick of Doom! :eek:
EDIT: I noticed your edit. We put that in our sig, because Radagast the Brown had something about us in his sig. I forget what it was, I think he's changed it though. Maybe we should upgrade too. What do you think Hector?
03-23-2004, 05:26 AM
Originally posted by Artanis
Ooooh, I just saw this. But Lin, how could you ask a question like that? :( ;)
My dear Lin. ;) I do (immodestly :D ) think I've earned my title and my place in the council through my posts on this board in general, and through my active posting in the Sil project in special, a project which is dear to my heart. Thanks Maedhros, Ben, and SGH! The LotR reading project has got a flying start too, I think it will be a great success, and I will do my very best to add to the quality of it.
[Small voice] Sorry, Arty. [/Small voice] ;)
I didn't want to use you deliberately as an example; I picked your title because it was one of those whose job I couldn't work out. (The others are quite straightforward). I honestly wasn't picking on you, or your Council, I was merely curious. :( You, among others, are well aware of how strong my curiosity is :p. Your Council is great, even if our Jonathan-campaign and yours happens to have a small rivalry :D. I'm helping Jon a bit with his campaign; it follows that I have to talk about him a bit Hectorberlioz! ;)
*Is sad she unintentionally hurt a good friend*
Finrod Felagund
03-23-2004, 10:51 AM
Well...well...I did enjoy the movies , AS MOVIES. However, as adaptations of the books, (which are what I consider to be the epitomy of Fantasy) they fall very short. And yes, If Jackson touches the Sil, I think he will be assassinated by...someone...
03-23-2004, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
This sounds like words of desperation. First hector resorts to slandering his opponants and now we resort to making up lies, lies lies. For shame Nurv!:p Tisk tisk... now you are attacking the mooters. My my... how desperate. :D Will you be giving them a whack with your Mighty Admin Stick of Discipline? ;) :p :D
Sister Golden Hair
03-23-2004, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Ruinel
Tisk tisk... now you are attacking the mooters. My my... how desperate. :D Will you be giving them a whack with your Mighty Admin Stick of Discipline? ;) :p :D I am not attacking the mooters. She spoke a falsehood and I just set her straight. And please stop interrupting my train of thought. I am working on a reply to JD. He is on Mars.:rolleyes: Must be sleep deprivation.:)
03-23-2004, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
I am not attacking the mooters. She spoke a falsehood and I just set her straight.
:eek: Don't hit me with the Admin Stick of Pain! :eek: EeeaaAAAHHHH!! :eek: I'll be good! honestly!!!
And please stop interrupting my train of thought. I am working on a reply to JD. He is on Mars.:rolleyes: Must be sleep deprivation.:) I thought JD was in NJ? Or is Mars and NJ the same place? :D
I don't think it's sleep deprivation... hmmm... could it be senility? Or are those strange, evil voices in your head getting louder again? :p
*runs screaming from SGH's wrath*
Sister Golden Hair
03-23-2004, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Ruinel
:eek: Don't hit me with the Admin Stick of Pain! :eek: EeeaaAAAHHHH!! :eek: I'll be good! honestly!!!
I thought JD was in NJ? Or is Mars and NJ the same place? :D
I don't think it's sleep deprivation... hmmm... could it be senility? Or are those strange, evil voices in your head getting louder again? :p
*runs screaming from SGH's wrath* You have misread my post.:rolleyes: Yes, NJ and mars are the same place. And I was referring to JD's sleep deprivation. I am not sleep deprived.:p
03-23-2004, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
You have misread my post.:rolleyes: Yes, NJ and mars are the same place. And I was referring to JD's sleep deprivation. I am not sleep deprived.:p Oh.. how sad ... then it's senility, is it? :( *is sad for SGH*
Sister Golden Hair
03-23-2004, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by Ruinel
Oh.. how sad ... then it's senility, is it? :( *is sad for SGH* Spare me your sympathy. The only one I feel sorry for in this election is poor Jonathan. He has such a confused VP.:p ;)
03-23-2004, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
Spare me your sympathy. The only one I feel sorry for in this election is poor Jonathan. He has such a confused VP.:p ;) oops.. your jealousy is showing ;)
03-23-2004, 04:03 PM
I think we need to have "candidate disclosure" (or whatever the term is) when others sling mud for a candidate.;) IOW, so-and-so slings mud in favor of SGH, there must be a sentence at the beginning saying "I'm SGH, and I approved this post.":D
A question for the candidates: If you are elected, will you petition the admins to update the poor Tolkien Trail?:( :)
Edit: Oh, I just looked, and there was a little update a few days ago.:o
03-23-2004, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by azalea
A question for the candidates: If you are elected, will you petition the admins to update the poor Tolkien Trail?:( :)
ANYTHING you ask, muh dear! We're easy! :p And QUITE eager to please as the actual voting draws closer! :D
I'm sure it'll be unanimous on this one! ;)
Radagast The Brown
03-23-2004, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Nurvingiel
EDIT: I noticed your edit. We put that in our sig, because Radagast the Brown had something about us in his sig. I forget what it was, I think he's changed it though. Maybe we should upgrade too. What do you think Hector? No, I did not change it. And there's nothing slanderous in my sig. :rolleyes: 'don't vote for hectorberlioz' is not slanderous, really.
03-23-2004, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by azalea
A question for the candidates: If you are elected, will you petition the admins to update the poor Tolkien Trail?:( :) I can ask the admins to do that even if I'm not elected.
SGH! Do Azaela's bidding! ;)
03-23-2004, 04:15 PM
A few questions that arn't really connected to running for president, but the answers should add a little insight into the minds of the candidates.;)
If by being elected President of Entmoot allowed you to change one thing about the movies, what would it be? If you could be one character from any of Tolkien's books, who would it be and why? And if Tolkien was to appear suddenly alive and well, saying that he wanted to write a new tale with you as the main character, who would that character be and what would they do?
(I apologize for these questions, they're pretty random I know, but I thought they'd be good to answer even if no-one else thinks it!)
03-23-2004, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
A few questions that arn't really connected to running for president, but the answers should add a little insight into the minds of the candidates.;)
If by being elected President of Entmoot allowed you to change one thing about the movies, what would it be? If you could be one character from any of Tolkien's books, who would it be and why? And if Tolkien was to appear suddenly alive and well, saying that he wanted to write a new tale with you as the main character, who would that character be and what would they do?
(I apologize for these questions, they're pretty random I know, but I thought they'd be good to answer even if no-one else thinks it!)
I think they are good questions, and I would like to answer them, even though I am only runny for vice president.
For question one, I would get rid of that insidious goodbye at the end of Return of the King, and add back in the Scouring of the Shire.
If I could be one charactor in Tolkien's books it would be Wormtounge because he understands the power of words. I also belive that the bad guys are the ones that make the story interesting, so that is why I sympithize with them more often.
If I were in a Tolkien tale, I would be the person from the "real world" thrown into another world who belives in what is happening. I would not be the person who is in denial about leaving their own world.
I feel very presumtuous answering these questions, but I have never run for anything before. I have ideas about what people want, but I have never had the opportunity to do something until now. Thank you.
03-23-2004, 05:19 PM
If I could change one thing in the movies, I would change Faramir’s character because that was the one single thing that bothered me the most. I would scrap the whole Osgiliath business and make Faramir let the hobbits go while still in Ithilien. In the books, Faramir understood a lot earlier that he had to let go of the Ring and the hobbits whereas in the film, he is portrayed like some kid who wants to make his dad Denethor proud by giving him a Father’s Day gift. And Denethor? In the books, Denethor was an intelligent man but PJ made him a complete lunatic. That was the second thing which bothered me the most.
But there are a lot of things I would like to change as well, even though I enjoyed the movies very much.
I know Hector would not want to change the part where Arwen is riding Frodo to the ford :rolleyes: ;)
If I could be a character from any of Tolkien’s books, I would like to be an ordinary hobbit. I don’t think anyone in Tolkien’s universe were happier and enjoyed life more than the carefree hobbits.
Though, I would enjoy being Denethor too, mainly because I think he is one of the most interesting persons in LotR. His character got quite complex when the Palant*r began to influence his mind. He might have been a mean man but he was never truly evil. He was just poisoned by the evil of Sauron.
It would actually be fun to be an anti-hero like Denethor.
If I were a person in a Tolkien tale, I would be a hobbit setting out to see all the wonders of Middle-Earth and to seek adventures just like Bilbo. Imagine how great it would be to discover Tolkien’s fantastic world through the eyes of a hobbit!
03-23-2004, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by Jonathan
I know Hector would not want to change the part where Arwen is riding Frodo to the ford :rolleyes: ;)
03-23-2004, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
A few questions that arn't really connected to running for president, but the answers should add a little insight into the minds of the candidates.;)
Excellent questions Lal. :)
If by being elected President of Entmoot allowed you to change one thing about the movies, what would it be?
Only one eh? ;) (I'm extremely tempted to change the part where Frodo sends Sam away, or fix Denethor, Elrond and Arwen, but one thing it is. I want to add the Scouring of the Shire as well, but within the scope of the movie as it is, I feel that 'helping out' Legolas and Gimli would have more benefit. )
I would emphasize the true characters of Gimli and Legolas. This would include removing all lines and actions that made them looks like buffoons (Gimli), or Captain Obvious (Legolas). It would also include the deletion of the "dwarf-tossing" scene at Helm's Deep, and Legolas' silly stunts (the Mumakil thing, and the skateboarding thing). It would also include the addition of them becoming great friends in Lorien, and their newfound respect for each other.
If that doesn't really count as one thing, then I'd delete Arwen from the Flight to the Ford, give Glorfindel his proper role, and have Frodo ride alone, defying the Nazgul at the Ford.
If you could be one character from any of Tolkien's books, who would it be and why?
One character. It's amazingly difficult to choose only one of his wonderful characters. I would like to be Sam, because he's is my most favourite character, and I've always identified well with him. We have a few things in common, Sam and I. I would be friends with him if I ever had the wonderous good fortune to actually meet him. We both love trees and nature, are good cooks, enjoy food and a well-earned pint, and we're both foresters. I am also a loyal friend, but I don't know what I would do if I was faced with such a difficult trial as he did. No one can know what they would do in such a situation until they're faced with it. That's why I would like to be Sam.
And if Tolkien was to appear suddenly alive and well, saying that he wanted to write a new tale with you as the main character, who would that character be and what would they do? After I thanked him profusely for creating such a wonderful and beautiful world, I would tell him I'm supremely grateful that he will write another Middle-earth book, where I would like it to be set. I would want it to be set in S.R. 1442, when Sam, Rosie, and Elanor rode to Gondor, and stayed there for a year. Tolkien no doubt would write brilliant events before, during and after, but I would hope this one event would be included. If I was to be included in the story... hmm... maybe the character would just be loosely based on me, as someone they meet in Gondor.
03-24-2004, 11:16 PM
You good Entmoot folks need yet another reason to vote for SGH? Well... just in case you do, referrals!
hector: 1
jonathan: 0
SGH: 10!!
That's right, SGH has led 10 people to discover Entmoot! Remarkable, I'd say! :)
03-24-2004, 11:58 PM
She probably threatened them with the Klingon stick of pain, which she tries to disguise as an admin stick! :D
03-25-2004, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by Valandil
You good Entmoot folks need yet another reason to vote for SGH? Well... just in case you do, referrals!
hector: 1
jonathan: 0
SGH: 10!!
That's right, SGH has led 10 people to discover Entmoot! Remarkable, I'd say! :)
She bribes them from SF-Fandom - that's why. :rolleyes:
BTW - Jonathan was a moderator on the #1 Tolkien chat on ICQ.
03-25-2004, 12:24 AM
actually my referrals would be right up there with SGH's.
just that the people i persuaded never posted and stuff....:D
03-25-2004, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
actually my referrals would be right up there with SGH's.
just that the people i persuaded never posted and stuff....:D
So you bring do nothings to entmoot. I don't think that is the type of president we won't here. :p
03-25-2004, 12:30 AM
No one wants to ask the VP's anything?
03-25-2004, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by Ruinel
No one wants to ask the VP's anything?
They aren't important unless the president gets killed. We'll come to that when we get to it. :)
03-25-2004, 12:41 AM
I disagree - who you select to replace in an emergency reflects greatly on your character. :)
03-25-2004, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by Nurvingiel
I disagree - who you select to replace in an emergency reflects greatly on your character. :)
Yeah - but no one wants to hear from them until then. :p
03-25-2004, 12:54 AM
Originally posted by jerseydevil
So you bring do nothings to entmoot. I don't think that is the type of president we won't here. :p
now ask yourself, are any of SGH's people still using the moot?
maybe, maybe not.;)
03-25-2004, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
now ask yourself, are any of SGH's people still using the moot?
maybe, maybe not.;)
Actually I think she has created multiple names and then she just increased some of her referrals that way.
03-25-2004, 01:08 AM
Originally posted by jerseydevil
Actually I think she has created multiple names and then she just increased some of her referrals that way.
03-25-2004, 03:29 AM
Originally posted by jerseydevil
She bribes them from SF-Fandom - that's why. :rolleyes:
BTW - Jonathan was a moderator on the #1 Tolkien chat on ICQ.
What... and he couldn't get a single person from it interested in coming to Entmoot? They musta loved HIM! :p
Sheesh! You guys are REALLY taking a positive about SGH and turning it into a negative, aren't you? Just because your own candidates don't measure up! ;)
03-25-2004, 04:52 AM
Originally posted by Valandil
What... and he couldn't get a single person from it interested in coming to Entmoot? They musta loved HIM! :p
Actually it was because ANOTHER member of that ICQ chat told him about entmoot - so he couldn't get anyone to come here. Because he loved it so much here, he actually abandoned that chat for entmoot though. SGH is still very active at SF-Fandom. I think people would want a president whose loyalties are firmly with Entmoot - not a competing Tolkien board.
03-25-2004, 04:52 AM
Originally posted by Valandil
What... and he couldn't get a single person from it interested in coming to Entmoot? They musta loved HIM! :)
A lot of them all joined at the same time- Lalaith, I Rex and Congressmn. :)
Jon has his reasons for not wanting to bring real life friends to Entmoot...namely something to do with a certain Thong and Calendar. :p
Sheesh! You guys are REALLY taking a positive about SGH and turning it into a negative, aren't you? Just because your own candidates don't measure up! ;)
Well, why not? If you can turn a positive into a negative, good for you, that's what politics is about, innit? There's got to be some aggression around the place. (I refer to the elections only)
Originally posted by Ruinel
No one wants to ask the VP's anything?
Ruinel, are you going to assasinate Jonathan to secure your power as President of Entmoot? And if you do, will you wait for him to be elected, or do it right now? ;)
I suggest waiting, just a hunch.;)
Okay...ahem...Ruinel, and any other vice president, if your candidate is elected, and you do become vice president, what do you suppose your duties will entail, and how will you help your president? Is there anything in particular that you wish to focus on (other than the above mentioned course of action)?
03-25-2004, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by Beor
Okay...ahem...Ruinel, and any other vice president, if your candidate is elected, and you do become vice president, what do you suppose your duties will entail, and how will you help your president? Is there anything in particular that you wish to focus on (other than the above mentioned course of action)?
Ummm... I THOUGHT it was to wait for the President to DIE!!... Oh yeah! AND be 'President Pro Temp' of the Entmoot Senate! :D :p
03-25-2004, 08:12 AM
Originally posted by jerseydevil
Actually it was because ANOTHER member of that ICQ chat told him about entmoot - so he couldn't get anyone to come here. Because he loved it so much here, he actually abandoned that chat for entmoot though. SGH is still very active at SF-Fandom. I think people would want a president whose loyalties are firmly with Entmoot - not a competing Tolkien board.
Even WITH SF-Fandom in the picture, SGH manages to spend MUCH more time hereabouts than Mr. Thong does... so I don't think an issue needs to be made of what she does when she isn't 'mooting! :p
03-25-2004, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by Valandil
... SGH manages to spend MUCH more time hereabouts than Mr. Thong does... She does? I don't think so. I see both hector and Jon here more often than her. :p
Finrod Felagund
03-25-2004, 10:47 AM
If I could change one thing in the movies,it would probably be either putting the scouring in, fixing Faramir, or changing Arwen to what she was meant to be (as much as Liv Tyler's a good actress...her role here was no good)
03-25-2004, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by jerseydevil
BTW - Jonathan was a moderator on the #1 Tolkien chat on ICQ. Yep, it was ranked #1 at ICQ's list of its best communities. Insidious Rex, Lalaith and Congressmn also come from that group, (and slynkycat, who signed up on Entmoot but never posted).
Originally posted by Valandil
What... and he couldn't get a single person from it interested in coming to Entmoot? They musta loved HIM! :p Actually, Insidious Rex brought some people over here from that group. Look at his referrals.
I was thinking of inviting a few other Tolkien fanatics who I know, but that was during that whole Calendar business so I thought "scrap that" :)
Originally posted by Artanis
She does? I don't think so. I see both hector and Jon here more often than her. :p Hear, hear!
Sister Golden Hair
03-25-2004, 01:17 PM
Artanis, you and Jonathan and I are in different time zones, so to address the issue of how much I am on Entmoot, I am here more than Jonathan. Because I moderate makes it necessary for me to be on as much as possible.
Jonathan, if you go to my profile, you will see that I have 10 refferals.
As for spending time at a rival Tolkien board (SF-Fandom,) I am hardly the only mooter that goes there. Also, I moderate there and moderated there before I ever came to Entmoot. I do spend much more time at Entmoot though, because it is a much busier board and I have greater responsibilities here than at SF-Fandom.
03-25-2004, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
Artanis, you and Jonathan and I are in different time zones, so to address the issue of how much I am on Entmoot, I am here more than Jonathan. Because I moderate makes it necessary for me to be on as much as possible.
I have to say that I see SGH on here alot more than I see any other of the candidates. Even on the weekends, when I spend pretty much my full day on the moot, (I'm not obsessed:o ) SGH is nearly always here!:p
03-25-2004, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
Artanis, you and Jonathan and I are in different time zones, so to address the issue of how much I am on Entmoot, I am here more than Jonathan. Because I moderate makes it necessary for me to be on as much as possible. But I see hector here more than you too, and his time zone is close to yours I believe. :D :p
And how can you say that you're in here more than Jon? How do you know how much time each member spends on Entmoot?
Sister Golden Hair
03-25-2004, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Artanis
But I see hector here more than you too, and his time zone is close to yours I believe. :D :p
And how can you say that you're in here more than Jon? How do you know how much time each member spends on Entmoot? Hector is one hour earlier than me. (CST) I am on Entmoot probably more than most. Work, home, at friend's. The only time I am not at Entmoot is when I am asleep, and I think I may be on even then, or it could have been a dream.:D
How do I know how much time members spend on Entmoot? Because I am all knowing.:p ;)
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
I have to say that I see SGH on here alot more than I see any other of the candidates. Even on the weekends, when I spend pretty much my full day on the moot, (I'm not obsessed:o ) SGH is nearly always here!:p Thank you very much Lalaith_Elf.:)
She knows all. She is Sister Golden Hair. And Valandil has a palantir in his tower now, so he can check it out from afar. Me? I am merely a Foreign Minister, I must be out alot looking after foreigners;) :D .
EDIT: I am so late, man
03-25-2004, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
Thank you very much Lalaith_Elf.
:D (Check out the sig. Cool eh?:D )
Originally posted by Beor
She knows all. She is Sister Golden Hair. And Valandil has a palantir in his tower now, so he can check it out from afar. Me? I am merely a Foreign Minister, I must be out alot looking after foreigners;) :D .
EDIT: I am so late, man
*stops dancing to the time warp*
They can both see me!:eek:
03-25-2004, 01:50 PM
I have some questions for Hector: You have 9 on the Council of Entmoot and received 9 votes in the 'poll':
President - Hector
Vice President - Nurvingiel
Internal Affairs minister - Falagar
Foreign Affairs minister - Twista
Minister of Culture - Artanis
~ Secretary - Janny
~ Campaign Manager - Nariel
~ Standard Bearer - Drgnslyer
~ Administrative Affairs - Last Child of Ungoliant
*How many do you plan to have on the CoE by the time this election is over?
*Will there be enough space in the 'sig' section to list them all?
*What's with all the 'Affairs' anyway?
:p :D ;)
03-25-2004, 01:52 PM
The thing is, I am always getting on usually at about 6 pm. regualrly.
I get on at other times as well, and when i am on entmoot its usually for a very long time.:)
in all I'd say I spend about half a week, each week, on the moot:D
Valandil, I can tell you, those nine votes are not all from my team.
Rosie Gamgee voted for me, and she's not on my team.
I'm not "paying" my voters if thats what you're getting at (though I dare say Lal Elf has told ya some fairy tales:p, J/K Lal!:D).
03-25-2004, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
*stops dancing to the time warp*
They can both see me!:eek:
Just keep on dancing... you're doing fine! ;)
03-25-2004, 01:53 PM
Actually I have to confess that I voted on the poll for Hector before I saw the light, so technically there should only be 8.:o
Then SGH would have 8 and they'd be neck and neck in the poll.:)
03-25-2004, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by Valandil
Just keep on dancing... you're doing fine! ;)
03-25-2004, 01:58 PM
It's looking like an interesting race anyway... good strong three-way, and who knows if there's potential for someone else to 'make a move up'...
Say, Electoral College, - I see that the polls are now open and that we can vote. I did not do so yet, but will soon. Will the results be displayed anywhere as we go... or will that be kept secret until all the votes are in?
The latter may be best - because otherwise those who are least interested may have a lot of power by being able to cast a deciding ballot in a tight race... just wondered if that's how it will be done or not.
Sister Golden Hair
03-25-2004, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
The thing is, I am always getting on usually at about 6 pm. regualrly.
I get on at other times as well, and when i am on entmoot its usually for a very long time.:)
in all I'd say I spend about half a week, each week, on the moot:D Well then, I have you beat.:p
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
Check out the sig. Cool eh? Very, very COOL!:D
03-25-2004, 01:59 PM
True Light? you cant see the true light intil the election is over;)
03-25-2004, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
Well then, I have you beat.:p
Very, very COOL!:D
but bieng on the moot more than someone else doesnt porve anything. it simply proves tha you are ONLINE more. not that you love the moot more;) . so THERE!.
03-25-2004, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
Very, very COOL!:D
Glad that you think so.:)
True Light? you cant see the true light intil the election is over
No I can see the light before the election, everyone else who's not supporting SGH, can see it after she's won!:p
03-25-2004, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
but bieng on the moot more than someone else doesnt porve anything. it simply proves tha you are ONLINE more. not that you love the moot more;) . so THERE!.
Yeah, but why would she spend all day on the moot if she didn't love it! The fact that SGH spends more time online and more time on the moot, automatically suggests that she loves it!:p
(Sorry SGH - I hope you don't mind me defending you....)
03-25-2004, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
Jonathan, if you go to my profile, you will see that I have 10 refferals. I thought everyone agreed that those referrals where just people you had bribed from SF-fandome?
03-25-2004, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
Glad that you think so.:)
No I can see the light before the election, everyone else who's not supporting SGH, can see it after she's won!:p
I know SGH is perfectly capable of taking care of the moot. Everyone knos that.
But, do you really want that kind of prez? a capable prez?
or a fresh young prez who takes new turns, makes the moot more fun and exciting, is innovative:D and in general a Very Nice Fellow Indeed.
Sister Golden Hair
03-25-2004, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
but bieng on the moot more than someone else doesnt porve anything. it simply proves tha you are ONLINE more. not that you love the moot more;) . so THERE!. First, I never said that it proved I loved the moot more. Second, Artanis is the one that brought up who is on more. I just replied to her. And third, so THERE!:p ;)
03-25-2004, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
Yeah, but why would she spend all day on the moot if she didn't love it! The fact that SGH spends more time online and more time on the moot, automatically suggests that she loves it!:p
(Sorry SGH - I hope you don't mind me defending you....)
nope, she's also online more because she has moderating and admin duties to perform.
03-25-2004, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
First, I never said that it proved I loved the moot more. Second, Artanis is the one that brought up who is on more. I just replied to her. And third, so THERE!:p ;)
well...:D are obviously trying to prove something in telling that you're on the moot more;)
Sister Golden Hair
03-25-2004, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by Jonathan
I thought everyone agreed that those referrals where just people you had bribed from SF-fandome? Well, that is not true. Those refferal were there long before the idea for this election dear. So how could, or why would they be bribes?:rolleyes: :p
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
(Sorry SGH - I hope you don't mind me defending you....)Not at all my dear, not at all.:)
03-25-2004, 02:15 PM
Come one, come all! As we say in Chicago; "Vote Early and Often!!" :p :D
03-25-2004, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by Valandil
I have some questions for Hector: You have 9 on the Council of Entmoot and received 9 votes in the 'poll':
*How many do you plan to have on the CoE by the time this election is over?
*Will there be enough space in the 'sig' section to list them all?
*What's with all the 'Affairs' anyway?
:p :D ;)
*My Council is complete, though I wish I had my 'Bearer of the Stamp' back;)
*nope, and I dont plan on adding anyone else.
*I dont know what you mean...:confused:
nope, she's also online more because she has moderating and admin duties to perform.
Right, and she shows that she has the proper level of responsibility daily, which shows that she is ready to be president, has been ready since God knows when. All she is lacking is the title (not for long!):D
I know SGH is perfectly capable of taking care of the moot. Everyone knos that.
But, do you really want that kind of prez? a capable prez?
03-25-2004, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
*I dont know what you mean...:confused:
Well... it says here you got; "Internal Affairs", "Foreign Affairs", "Administrative Affairs"... who know what other kinds of affairs?? And most candidates these days try to HIDE their affairs... you actually categorize yours! :p
03-25-2004, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
*My Council is complete, though I wish I had my 'Bearer of the Stamp' back;)
Not a chance!:p
I'm sticking with the best candidate.;)
Plus you have lots of people on your team to help you - all I was was a little pretty name next to a confusing and pointless title!
03-25-2004, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by Beor
Right, and she shows that she has the proper level of responsibility daily, which shows that she is ready to be president, has been ready since God knows when. All she is lacking is the title (not for long!):D
and I would be capable too-And a lot more fun.
03-25-2004, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by Valandil
Well... it says here you got; "Internal Affairs", "Foreign Affairs", "Administrative Affairs"... who know what other kinds of affairs?? And most candidates these days try to HIDE their affairs... you actually categorize yours! :p, I thought you were perhaps referring to my "escapades" in the massage parlor:eek: .
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
Not a chance!:p
I'm sticking with the best candidate.;)
Plus you have lots of people on your team to help you - all I was was a little pretty name next to a confusing and pointless title!
I know;)
03-25-2004, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz, I thought you were perhaps referring to my "escapades" in the massage parlor:eek: .
Well... there's that TOO! ;)
Sister Golden Hair
03-25-2004, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by hectorberloiz
But, do you really want that kind of prez? a capable prez? Oh, that should get you some votes.:rolleyes: :p
03-25-2004, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
Oh, that should get you some votes.:rolleyes: :p
you know my sense of horrendous satiracal nonsense;)
03-25-2004, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
I know;)
So your admitting that half of your team, could infact only be there for show, and that they're fake!!!:eek:
Now is this really a president that Entmoot wants? No I say. Do we want a president who brings him sleazy actions on to the moot through the Venting Thread!? No I say!
THIS MAN *points to Hector* IS A FAKE!!!
03-25-2004, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
So your admitting that half of your team, could infact only be there for show, and that they're fake!!!:eek:
Now is this really a president that Entmoot wants? No I say. Do we want a president who brings him sleazy actions on to the moot through the Venting Thread!? No I say!
THIS MAN *points to Hector* IS A FAKE!!!
Ha! free massages? how could anyone resist?;) even you couldnt:p
My giving massages doesnt prove I'm a fake. or the fact that I have a lot of people on my council;)
03-25-2004, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
Ha! free massages? how could anyone resist?;) even you couldnt:p
My giving massages doesnt prove I'm a fake. or the fact that I have a lot of people on my council;)
Actually I'm still waiting for a massage. Which proves that you don't like up to your promises!
You also promised to PM me poetry of some sort, and yet again I am still waiting!
If you can't keep your promises to one mooter who is meant to be a friend, how can you keep your promises (whatever they are) to the whole of Entmoot!!!:p
03-25-2004, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
Ha! free massages? how could anyone resist?;) even you couldnt:p
My giving massages doesnt prove I'm a fake. or the fact that I have a lot of people on my council;) It proves that you're trying to get elected by bribing people - both with massages and with letting them be ministers :p
and I would be capable too-And a lot more fun.Sister Golden Hair is fun! She is more fun than a [insert analogy], for crying out loud!!
Gaaa! you are all so fast, and I am behind.
hectorberlioz, why did you not offer me a massage? Perhaps because you knew I was already loyal to Sister Golden Hair, and my loyalty does not budge, so you knew a massage for me was pointless, POINTLESS!!!!!!! My back aches too, hector!! MY BACK ACHES TOO!!!!:p ;)
03-25-2004, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith_Elf
Actually I'm still waiting for a massage. Which proves that you don't like up to your promises!
You also promised to PM me poetry of some sort, and yet again I am still waiting!
If you can't keep your promises to one mooter who is meant to be a friend, how can you keep your promises (whatever they are) to the whole of Entmoot!!!:p
thats true. and I feel really bad about it now...
BEOR- i onyl give massages to women;) :p ...and I gave Ruinel one, and she is Jon's VP!:) so there, I dont give massages to bribe, only to please:D
03-25-2004, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by Jonathan
It proves that you're trying to get elected by bribing people - both with massages and with letting them be ministers :p
not true.
A lot of my supporters are not on the council.
Besides, I didnt gather together the council...
Well, you danced with me, you could have at least followed through with a massage:D ;) :p
03-25-2004, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
not true.
A lot of my supporters are not on the council.
Besides, I didnt gather together the council...
i was not bribed (and i don't want a massage either)... i voted for him on day one
you can never have enough horrendous satiracal nonsense ;)
03-25-2004, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
BEOR- i onyl give massages to women;) :p ...and I gave Ruinel one, and she is Jon's VP!:) so there, I dont give massages to bribe, only to please:D No, you're giving massages to please yourself - otherwise you wouldn't have discriminated all the male mooters :D
Sister Golden Hair
03-25-2004, 03:10 PM
Let's face it hector, the massages, the PMs welcoming newbies, both started after you ran for office. Nothing wrong with trying to win over the voters, but bribery? I think you will see that throughout the election campaign, that I remained the same as before. I made no such offers to voters, nor did I resort to niceties that didn't already exist, just for the purpose of snagging votes. Let me ask you something. If you lose the election, will you still PM newbies and give massages?:p
03-25-2004, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by brownjenkins
i was not bribed (and i don't want a massage either)... i voted for him on day one
you can never have enough horrendous satiracal nonsense ;)
Thats True
;) I cant seem to get enough of it myself.
03-25-2004, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
Let's face it hector, the massages, the PMs welcoming newbies, both started after you ran for office. Nothing wrong with trying to win over the voters, but bribery? I think you will see that throughout the election campaign, that I remained the same as before. I made no such offers to voters, nor did I resort to niceties that didn't already exist, just for the purpose of snagging votes. Let me ask you something. If you lose the election, will you still PM newbies and give massages?:p
Yes. And I have pm'd newbies. not as much before the race I admit, but all the same.
And I'll give you a massage whenever (or rather, when I have the time) you want, you know that;)
Sister Golden Hair
03-25-2004, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by hectorberlioz
Yes. And I have pm'd newbies. not as much before the race I admit, but all the same.
And I'll give you a massage whenever (or rather, when I have the time) you want, you know that;) So, you admit that PMing the newbies was a political maneuver?
You have not answered my question. Do you plan to continue these things if you lose the election?
I don't need a massage, but thanks anyway.:)
03-25-2004, 03:47 PM
Hector has gone to study and garden, but he'll be back soon.
He did think of PMing new Mooters before the election was proposed. It wasn't a political maneuver, he was being friendly. Now, he uses it as a good example to show how he's welcoming and friendly. :)
A lot going on in here! w00t!
By the way Lal, I don't know what that whole massage thing was, but if you were promised one I'll give you a massage. :confused:
03-25-2004, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by Nurvingiel
Hector has gone to study and garden, but he'll be back soon.
He did think of PMing new Mooters before the election was proposed. It wasn't a political maneuver, he was being friendly. Now, he uses it as a good example to show how he's welcoming and friendly. :)
A lot going on in here! w00t!
By the way Lal, I don't know what that whole massage thing was, but if you were promised one I'll give you a massage. :confused:
Trying to bribe me?;) :p
03-25-2004, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by Nurvingiel
By the way Lal, I don't know what that whole massage thing was, but if you were promised one I'll give you a massage. :confused:
No - I think Hector wanted to massage all the girls... maybe he intended for you to massage the guys?? :confused:
;) :p
03-25-2004, 03:51 PM
No! :D I'm just saying that I'll fulfill Hector's promise if that is what he said. :p
03-25-2004, 03:52 PM
A president who lets his cronies full-fill his promises.
:eek: :rolleyes: :p
03-25-2004, 04:14 PM
We aren't his cronies, and since he made the promise on behalf of the Council of Entmoot, we can deliver on it! :p
03-25-2004, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
So, you admit that PMing the newbies was a political maneuver?
You have not answered my question. Do you plan to continue these things if you lose the election?
I don't need a massage, but thanks anyway.:)
I did answer your question. its the first thing I said.
03-25-2004, 05:47 PM
On behalf of the Council of Entmoot, I'd like to wish all the candidates good luck in the election. :)
03-25-2004, 06:12 PM
Hector has sent me many delightful emails (with personalized poetry) to brighten my days, :) massaged me, :) and told me I'm beautiful...several times :) I'm very ready to vote! Sigh! :D
03-25-2004, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by Lizra
Hector has sent me many delightful emails (with personalized poetry) to brighten my days, :) massaged me, :) and told me I'm beautiful...several times :) I'm very ready to vote! Sigh! :D
Oh he sends everyone else poetry, but not me! Not even when he promised!!!:mad: :o
Good luck to all the candidates!:)
03-25-2004, 07:08 PM
Yeah, good luck to all the canidates!
Oh wait, I'm a canidate.
I don't know how to sweet talk the masses.
Sing out for politics! *thp*
Finrod Felagund
03-26-2004, 10:40 AM
Yes, good luck,
BTW, in the matter of referrals, I have five, but I have been here less than half the time that SGH has, so ratio-wise, I have more...if that makes sense.
03-26-2004, 10:56 AM
Good luck to the mooters with finding a candidate to vote for :)
Sister Golden Hair
03-26-2004, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by Finrod Felagund
Yes, good luck,
BTW, in the matter of referrals, I have five, but I have been here less than half the time that SGH has, so ratio-wise, I have more...if that makes sense. Nope. that makes no sense.:p It's all in the numbers. :D
03-26-2004, 03:24 PM
when is the election by the way?
Sister Golden Hair
03-26-2004, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by brownjenkins
when is the election by the way? Well, this is it. You can go to the Entmoot Election 2004 profile and PM the account to cast your ballot. Voting is until the 31st I believe. At which time there will be two days or so spent by the electoral college to count the votes, and the winner will be announced at that point.
03-26-2004, 03:38 PM
thanks :D
So whats with the poll? I already voted there, so do I vote again, or just leave it lie?
Sister Golden Hair
03-26-2004, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Beor
So whats with the poll? I already voted there, so do I vote again, or just leave it lie? Well, that poll thing really didn't pan out right. Originally, the plan was to have several polls moderated by different mooters that revolved around different topics, but we only got around to doing one poll, and that was 'which candidate loves tolkien the most.' And that one didn't really work out.
Yes you are now able to vote for who will be the next President of Entmoot, by PMing the Entmoot Election 2004 account.
Thank you once again for that informative and prompt reply, Sister Golden Hair. You are, undoubtedly, the most remarkable candidate on the moot, both in your courage, and in your wisdom. May the Valar look favorably upon you, and may your songs ring like a host of silver bells and harps and trumpets in Valinor for ages to come, until the end of the days!
Sister Golden Hair
03-26-2004, 04:03 PM
Oh WOW! Um, thanks, but don't overdue it there buddy. Can't lay the crap on too thick for the voters.;) :D :D
Wha-? That wasnt for the voters, that was for you, dear Sister Golden Hair. My fingers type what my heart says, that is all;) :D
03-26-2004, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
Oh WOW! Um, thanks, but don't overdue it there buddy. Can't lay the crap on too thick for the voters.;) :D :D
Yeah - especially when you consider he's not the only one doing it. We're gonna have a pretty smelly group of voters by the time this election is over! :p
Sister Golden Hair
03-26-2004, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by Beor
Wha-? That wasnt for the voters, that was for you, dear Sister Golden Hair. My fingers type what my heart says, that is all;) :D Awwww, that's so sweet. XOXOXO!
03-26-2004, 04:20 PM
Oh I hope team Jonathan/Ruinel can gather a significant group of voters as well :)
Radagast The Brown
03-26-2004, 04:37 PM
Yes! With hope and will we shall win!
If you haven't voted yet - don't forget - Jonathan for President!!! (ooh, it rhymes ;) )
Well, youre welcome, Sister Golden Hair, but I should thank you.:), spewing rhymes, huh? Great ;) :D .
So, how will you respond to an Entmoot crisis, if there is one, such as the whole thing crashes, or errors start to occur. Is there anything one can do, and if so, is there a plan in the works for such a catastrophy?
03-26-2004, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by Beor
So, how will you respond to an Entmoot crisis, if there is one, such as the whole thing crashes, or errors start to occur. Is there anything one can do, and if so, is there a plan in the works for such a catastrophy? I remember that happened last year, Entmoot crashed. Luckily bmilder has back-ups in case such things happen :)
Really. Dang, that sucks. So what happened when it crashed? Did the whole place go down, so you couldnt even get in (I am pretty new at computers), or what, and how does he keep a backup? Does everything save in a couple of places automatically?
03-26-2004, 05:58 PM
Yes, the whole place went down. You couldn't do anything. It was quite funny actually, I returned to my old Tolkien group and posted there until Entmoot was restored. Or almost restored since the newest threads were gone and some people's posts had disappeared.
Bmilder has a backup database so if Entmoot goes down, there is no need to worry.
03-26-2004, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by Beor
Thank you once again for that informative and prompt reply, Sister Golden Hair. You are, undoubtedly, the most remarkable candidate on the moot, both in your courage, and in your wisdom. May the Valar look favorably upon you, and may your songs ring like a host of silver bells and harps and trumpets in Valinor for ages to come, until the end of the days! Have mercy. :rolleyes:
03-26-2004, 07:37 PM
Beor, and others... a lot of your questions have to do with what would an admin do in this or that case... not a president. Remember that the position of president does not qualify that person to have admin access to the board.
How about some non-administrative questions for the candidates.
Sister Golden Hair
03-26-2004, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by Ruinel
Have mercy. :rolleyes: You're just jealous!:p ;)
03-26-2004, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by Katt_knome_hobbit
Yeah, good luck to all the canidates!
Oh wait, I'm a canidate.
I don't know how to sweet talk the masses.
Sing out for politics! *thp*
I don't know how to sweet talk the masses either, don't feel left out. And Jonathan and I don't have a political machine behind us dishing out lavish praise or PM'ing sweet nothings to people. :p
All I can say is that what you see is what you get...
both Jonathan and I are Tolkien fans. JRRT never wrote a book we didn't like. I personally own many of the HoME books, as well as The Hobbit, The Sil, and all LotR volumes. I've read them many times.
Both Jonathan and I have opened many informative, thought provoking, and popular threads :o... including some that were quite entertaining :p.
Since the position of president does not hold any power at all at Entmoot, you can't expect that person to punish policy/rule breakers, or fix the Moot if it ever goes down. The president is only as powerful as he/she makes the position to be... IOW, you should be voting for someone that you think can
bring dignity to the position,
that is fair,
that knows the board fairly well,
that can assist new users and give them help when needed (example, tags, outside links, etc.),
that is wise and contributes to the threads,
that would not use the position for his/her own gain,
that above all else, knows his/her Tolkien.
I think that the Jonathan/Ruinel team represents all of those aspects. If I didn't think that Jonathan was a good candidate, I would have run for president myself, without him. But I chose to be his running mate, because I believe he'd do justice to the position and make Entmoot proud.
03-26-2004, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
You're just jealous!:p ;)
If I was unscrupulous (like some) and pandered to flattery (again, like some), I'd hold back on teaching Beor Quenya. But that's not my style. ;) I don't hold him not voting for the right candidate team against him... not in the least. :D
Sister Golden Hair
03-26-2004, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by Ruinel
If I was unscrupulous (like some) and pandered to flattery (again, like some), I'd hold back on teaching Beor Quenya. But that's not my style. ;) I don't hold him not voting for the right candidate team against him... not in the least. :D Well aren't you special?:rolleyes: I'm sure we won't hold it against Jonathan for his choice of the wrong running mate, not at all.;) :D Poor Jonathan.
03-26-2004, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by Sister Golden Hair
Well aren't you special?:rolleyes: I'm sure we won't hold it against Jonathan for his choice of the wrong running mate, not at all.;) :D Poor Jonathan.
I repeat...
vote for a candidate that...
brings dignity to the position
that would not use the position for his/her own gain,
that is fair.
If you are voting for SGH, you might want to rethink your vote. :p
03-26-2004, 08:27 PM
Erm..... isn't it illegal to campaign during an election? :confused:
Local regulations vary, but it seems odd... :p
Sister Golden Hair
03-26-2004, 08:43 PM
Ruinel, It's too bad that as we come near to the end of the election that you feel so desperate, that you have to resort to a smear campaign.:p
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