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11-02-2003, 06:20 PM
Okay this is my idea for an rpg, i'd like peoples input please.. or intrest etc...

There's a quest for 11 diamonds (i dont know why 11) and when brought together to they let out there magic, (each diamond has a certian type of magic) And there trying to find these diamonds to defeat an army of dragons before they destroy Rivendale, Shire and that area.


Akamai Deredal
11-02-2003, 06:32 PM
I like the idea, actually. But the thing is, can you come up with the 11 different magic elements? And why dragons? lol, they're not so evil. (Sorry, I'm in love with dragons, which is partly PippinTook's fault, but that's explained in a different thread at a different time.) All in all I love the idea. Maybe once everything is all figured out I will join your RPG... if you'll have me that is...

11-02-2003, 08:28 PM
that sounds like a really cool idea. i love dragons too, but the 11 diamonds thing is cool, if like Akamai Deredal said you can think of 11 different types of magic. i would join that rpg if you would have me!:)

11-02-2003, 09:12 PM
Yes i'd have you, i don't know why dragons we could change it to wizards or something. the only reason i said dragons was because i was thinking of my name on T.O.D which is DragonGirl7, i love dragons too so ya.
Now 11 diamonds of power....
1 - Fire - Red
2 - Water - Blue
3 - Ice - White
4 - Earth - Green
5 - Spirit - Yellow
6 - Air - Cream
7 - Love - Pink
8 - Life - Purple
9 - Death - Black
10 - Peace - Silver
11 - Ability - Orange
oh ho ho i did it, if anyone has better ones than we can mix and fix.

Akamai Deredal
11-02-2003, 09:41 PM
If I'm allowed to participate, I claim Death's Diamond. I have no idea why, but it sounds neat. *laughs* And yes, you did fine, EF. I really hope you allow people to help you with your RPG, me being one of them. *hint hint* :D

11-02-2003, 10:13 PM
can i hae peace if im accepted into this PRG please? rettypretty please with sugar on top?;) :) :D

11-02-2003, 10:26 PM
yes it is my 'fault' that Akai loves dragons, but I prefer to say, blessing! I want to join! purty pleez! and if I can I'd like the fire diamond, *evil smirk*

Gulio, Strength of Many
11-02-2003, 10:58 PM
I'd like to be ice, if that's okay with y'all:) Seems fitting, considering that I live in Alaska:rolleyes: (No snow yet!:( :( :( ) And after reading the Sil, I'm scared of dragons. They're eeeeeeeevil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:P

11-02-2003, 11:09 PM
*gasp!* you need to read Eragon! right akai? of course right! (I love fiddler on the roof!)

11-02-2003, 11:50 PM
grr. all these good ideas.. I'd like love please...

11-03-2003, 12:15 AM
we needed a new rpg, alot of other ones died! I am watching the matrix for the first time. yes I am pitiful. you didn't need to know that, but now you do!

11-03-2003, 12:26 AM
Well you know while the dragons in Eragon might not be evil, the dragons of Middle-earth certainly are. Meh; if I am accepted I will have this bio:

Name: Órëlvëa/Órëmîr [can't decide]
Race: Silvan
Sex: Female
Age: 826
Height: 6'5
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Violet
Diamond: Love

Akamai Deredal
11-03-2003, 12:28 AM
*snatches the diamond of death and runs with it* I'll come up with a bio if i'm allowed to.... but I am SO claiming this diamond... *licks it to prove her ownership* Mine!

11-03-2003, 12:42 AM
Eeeewww, she licked it!!!:eek: I got Love! Noone lick Love *glares at Akai*

11-03-2003, 02:23 PM
I'd love to join! :D

Name: Shayla
Race: human
Gender: female
Age: 18
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: brown with a little green in them
Diamond: Spirit (Yellow)

Oh, and by the way, I like the plot. :D

11-03-2003, 03:32 PM
erm, Earloth, hate to break it to ya, but Nariel already claimed love. sorry, pal. I am fire!!!! feel my power! heehee, well here is my bio, remember I just watched the matrix,

name-Aiya Ailediel
race-half elven
hair-long jet black
eyes- bright emerald green
age- about 20 (yes she can live forever, but they have to start somewhere!)
appearance- always wears a long leather cloak, (kinda like trinity from matrix)
weapons- two long knives slightly curved with deep engravings. cancatch on fire
personality-very solemn, but brave, doesn't open up to alot of people, but those she really trusts

I'll try, she might end up like a hobbit by the end.

11-03-2003, 04:32 PM
Okay I'm going to list who's who so that we can work ths out...

1 - Fire - Red- PIPPINTOOK
2 - Water - Blue
3 - Ice - White-GULIO
4 - Earth - Green
5 - Spirit - Yellow-ELIXIR
6 - Air - Cream
7 - Love - Pink-EARLOTH
8 - Life - Purple
9 - Death - Black - AKAMAI
10 - Peace - Silver- EOWYNGIRL
11 - Ability - Orange

since love is pink and I HATE pink, I'll let Earloth have it... I choose Water... *licks water*

Now for my character:
Name: Daisy Brandybuck from, big surprise, Buckland
Race: I'll give you 3 guesses, the 1st two don't count.
Gender: female
Age: 33
Hair: reddish-brown
Eyes: green
Diamond: Water (blue)

11-03-2003, 04:39 PM
alright nariel! go hobbits, go hobbits! Hobbit-power! anywho, on with the story! this is gonna be good!

11-03-2003, 09:10 PM
Wow, i wasn't expecting so many replies!

Own diamonds....
1 - Fire - Red- PIPPINTOOK
2 - Water - Blue - NARIEL
3 - Ice - White-GULIO
4 - Earth - Green
5 - Spirit - Yellow-ELIXIR
6 - Air - Cream - ELVISH FAERIE
7 - Love - Pink-EARLOTH
8 - Life - Purple
9 - Death - Black - AKAMAI
10 - Peace - Silver- EOWYNGIRL
11 - Ability - Orange

Bio's so far...

Nariel is Daisy Brandybuck
Race: i don't know, so ya. i've never rpg'd with you.
Gender: Female
Age: 33

Pippin Took is Aiya Ailediel
Race: Half Elven
Age: 20
Gender: Sorry don't know never rpg'd with you either.

Elixer is Shayla
Race: Human
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Earloth is Orelvea/ Oremir
Race: Silvan (what is slivan )
Age: 826
Gender: Female

ElvishFaerie is Malrash
Race: Elvish decent but is part faerie (what?!lol)
Age: 566
Gender: Female.

Yes your all joining whether you like or not. *laughs* Yes.....
I'm Glad you feel the same way i do about the rpgs Pippin, i couldn't stand it all of mine died and i was left alone in a world of rpgs that had more than 2 pages, i wasn't going to try to jump in somewhere.

11-03-2003, 09:49 PM
oops, sorry Aiya is a female, I jus forgot to say that. and Nariel is a hobbit, I think she was kinda hinting to the name Daisy Brandybuck. unless there are some dwarves or eves named Daisy Brandybuck! so, we should get started, though we are missing three diamonds, maybe we should just get rid of them, or not, this is your rpg, nvm. anywho, I am excited!

Gulio, Strength of Many
11-03-2003, 11:45 PM
ooc: Don't feel bad about the Matrix thing, Pip. I just saw the Matrix Reloaded the other day:)

I guess it's bio time

Name: Elwryan
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Female
Age: I dunno....um.....60? (Not to old for a Dwarf)
Appearance: Elwryan is shorter than most Dwarves, only reaching 4'8''. She is sturdily built, with white-blond hair and blue eyes.
Personality: She tends to remain aloof, preferring her own company to that of others. But she is kind, and when she does warm up to you, she is a loyal friend.
History: Elwryan is the daughter of Hendel, Dain's cousin. She left Erebor and currently dwells in the mountians near Rohan.

There, how's that?

11-04-2003, 01:22 AM
How do you prononce that gulio? I am not good with names. at least 'pip' is easy to say (and type!) but what with Kalile, gulio, Akamai, Earloth, it is hard to keep up with all the names! anywho, On with the story! I actually haven't seen reloaded yet, was it good? I have alot of catching up to do.

11-04-2003, 06:26 AM
Originally posted by PippinTook
erm, Earloth, hate to break it to ya, but Nariel already claimed love.

Bugger; didn't see her post I guess

As for the character I think I'll finalise her name as Órëmîr. And I forgot sumthin in the bio:

Temperament: Dreamy; introvert

btw Faerie, Silvan Elves are wood elves; for example Legolas and Thranduil were Silvan (& if theyre not i'm in trubble.... :( :rolleyes: :o )

11-04-2003, 12:56 PM
Name: Lily
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Hair: blond and wavy
Eyes: deep bluish green
Personality: very enegetic, grumpy when tired, never ever! does anything stupid
Weapons: sword and bow and arrow
Diamond: peace (silver)

*spits on diamond (it might be dirty, so why bother lickign it?)*


11-04-2003, 04:29 PM
I think it's time to start the game... Just a thought

*** darn 90 second rule!!! Why do these pages have to load so fast? At home it would take at least a minute just to find the darn page!!!

11-04-2003, 06:01 PM
earloth, Nariel said you could have love, cause she hates pink, she took water. so now all we need is earth and ability, i vote we just toss those and get on with the story! i am excited to start my charactar, she's kewl! anywho, on with the show!

11-04-2003, 07:39 PM
lol, ya...hobbit duh! Really tired sometimes when i'm on, nothing really clicks.... wasn't there life too? Ya, we'll drop them unless somebody else decides to join and maybe we'll bring them back. Kay here goes nothing...

ic: It was a gloomy day, the sun was hidden by dark black clouds that covered the sky, i couldn't even see through them. I heard a screech from the blackened sky and a dark black dragon swooped down and nearly nabbed me. I grabbed the letter i had been given by Gandalf and jumped on my horse and ridded out to give the message to those Gandalf had told me to seek.

First off Daisy Brandybuck, Brandybuck hmmm, Where was that list, i searched through my satchel and found the piece of paper and moving my hood that cloaked my eyes i read the paper. "The shrie maybe? Nope," i said glancing at the paper, "Buckland hmm, not familiar with that one, ahh Who knows, off i go." I said to no one in paticular since there was no one to really talk to but Narri my horse.

I rode into Buckland late my second night out, and all i could see was tiny lights, that were trying very hard to brighten the darkness that was starting to fall across the land and not just the sky.

ooc: i know i hate the 90 second rule too, what a pain, my comp loads too fast. And i'm a quick typer. Well Nariel knock yourself out, (don't literally) unless someone wants to jump out and scare me..lol. Or start somewhere else or something. Amuse us.

11-04-2003, 08:11 PM
here we go!

ic: Aiya leapt nimbly upon her horse, Celebre. It was dark, but the breathe of the dragon lit the sky. "Noro lim, Celebre!" she urged her horse forward. They sped away from the city that was now being attacked by two dragons. Her jet black hair flew behind her like her cape. She was fleeing from the place where she had lived, but it was not her home, she had no home. Soon the cries of the town were far behind her, and the fire blazing city was nothing but a thin trail of smoke, seeping into the sky. Ahead she saw lights. Aiya spurred Celebre towards the unknown lights.

Akamai Deredal
11-04-2003, 09:36 PM
OOC: Bio time! Wheee!

Name: Rhiannon Tarun
Age: 18
Race: Lynethe (my own little made up race, pure of blood, though with the characteristics of a half-elf)
Gender: Female
Appearance: 5'7", Fairly slender, lean muscles, almost a wiry sort of look. Silver eyes and straight black hair that falls just below her chin. Dark skinned and nearly as graceful as the elves. Usually hides her features under a veil or hood of somesort.
Personality: Fairly friendly, but very edgy when she first meets people. Grows uncomfortable under the "spot light" or around large groups of people. Trustworthy, but untrusting. Easy to anger on certain subjects (past, alliances etc), and quick to start a fight (and I don't mean word fight, lol)
History: The branch of lynethe Rhiannon was raised by dwelled in the desert, so her clothing is somehwat like what those arabian dancer thingies wear, though perhaps not as revealing. Their lives were built around rituals of dancing and or fight, and many things were aranged by how well one fought (men) or danced (women). However, once women were married, they fell down nearer the lower status of slave. Rhiannon was to be forced into her marriage, and fled from her home, not wanting to be trapped in that situation.

(Dunno why i put all that in, but hey, maybe it'll clear things up, yes? lol Bah, ignore me -_-)

11-04-2003, 10:12 PM
okay i dont really know how to start, but ya...

ic: Lily smells the dragon before she sees it. It smells of burning flesh and dried up blood. (pleasent i know) SHe looks up and sees the huge beast hurtling towards the small village that she lives in. Knowing that there is nothing she can so to save the small hut that she lives in with her pet cat, she decides to makea run for it. Lily attempts ot leap gracefully onto her horse, but falls on her butt instead. **** she swears, and less gracefully heaves herself up onto the saddle. Lily is very pretty, though slightly plump, as she is one who enjpys eating very much.
When she has succesfully mounted her horse, she cries into the darkeing skies 'to infinity and beyond!' and takes off at a steady gallop for her friends house in hobbiton, about two days hard ride away.

ooc: if this interferes with anything you had plannded elvish farie. just tell me and ill change it or delete it or something. cheerio mate!

Akamai Deredal
11-04-2003, 11:23 PM
Screams rent the air as Rhiannon's current residence burned to the ground. A huge beast hurtled through the air, it's monstrous roar followed by a huge spurt of flames. Pulling her hood over her veiled face, she dug her heels into her stallion's flanks. The creature neighed and reared up, cleaving the air with its unshod hooves. The beads that dangled from her clothing jingled quietly, overridden by the sound of the crackling blazes behind her, and the shouts of fleeing people. The dragons had been attacking every city for miles around; at least that's what the residence had said. Rhiannon suspected her hometown had already been burnt to the ground, and she didn't care really, but she did worry for her younger brother, Fendrial. As long as he was all right. The dragon's roar shook the night air, making Rhiannon's mount scream in terror and bolt across the sandy dunes, leaving the village far behind.

OOC: Hope that will work, EF... If not, please let me know.

11-04-2003, 11:28 PM
Aiya was begining to get weaker. She wasn't sure why, was she just tired? She crossed a bridge, and entered what seemed to be a small city. She had just entered into the borders of Imladris. Aiya heard voices ahead. Something told her she was safe. Slowly she drifted into unconciousness.

11-05-2003, 03:02 PM
I dibs on earth!

Names: Eclipse

Height: 6'5

Hair: Black as pitch cept for green streaks, very long, held in a loose ponytail[much like Lucius's style in HP, cep't much lower] by a silver tube halfway down his back, and multiple escaped sections around his face.

Eyes: Dragons eyes [shift with mood ex: orange: annoyed, red: ticked, dark blue: calm, silver: thinking, etc. etc.] Fine, arched eyebrows [black of course]

Race: Demon [Not Inuyasha demon (Looks human cept for slightly pointed ears )]

Diamond: Earth [green rocksl!]

Personality: Very strange, doesn't have much sympathy for others, seems to loom over others, very calm and reserved [well, most the time], very charismatic, and smiles much

Sex: M

Skin color: Pale, flawless skin

Weapons: Magic, blades attached to his wrists that retract into holders [much like swords in .Hack//sign], knives, enchanted bow, arrows hat burst into flame when let loose

Clothing: Black shirt[long sleeved, cut just below collar bone], black long pants, mostly covered by a long forest green robe, with a hood that covers his eyes, and a single earring, long w/ a crescent moon at the end of it.

11-06-2003, 07:52 PM
IC: Daisy came out of the pub giggling. She looked around at the darkness, not frightened by it. She started on her way home and nearly ran into a horse. "Hello, she said to the rider.

11-06-2003, 08:15 PM
I lept down from my horse, to try to look at whom had said hello, but as i got down i realized there was no one there when i looked down remembering i was looking for a hobbit, and there whoever it was, was. Standing on the ground but didn't even reach my hips not even close. small little creature, suprised it's not afraid, "Hello, I am looking for Daisy Brandybuck, she shall be coming with me, and you shall help me find her," i said to the hobbit and meant it as a statment not a question.

11-07-2003, 12:46 AM
Aiya woke in a room, light spilling in through the windows. She sat up with a start, 'Where am I? what happened?' she thought to herself. "Are you okay?" asked a young female elf who had been sitting by the bed. Aiya's hand shot around and caught the elf's collar. "I don't know." she said, then loosed the girl. Aiya shook her head, "Where am i?" she asked. "In Imladris. We found you on the ground just outside our borders." the girl said. Memories of burning homes and flaming flesh reached her mind. "My town was attacked by dragons." she murmered. "You had better rest more." said the girl timidly. 'I am fine." Aiya said, standing up out of bed. She was clothed in a white gown, which contrasted her deep black hair. "Where are my clothes?" Aiya asked, almost disgusted by the nightdress. "Hanging in that closet." said the girl, poiting toward a door. Aiya opened the closet door, glad to find her black pants and leather cloak. She slipped into her old clothes, feeling much better by this time. "Where are my knives?" she asked suddenly. "They are being kept in the armoury, you have no need of them here." said the girl. Aiya glared at the girl. "What is your name?" she asked coldly. "Irin." said the girl timidly. "Irin, I am Elohai Aiya Alediel. I have fought battles with things more vile than you could dream. I am a warrior, and I will have my knives whether I need them or not." she said plainly. "I will get them." said Irin quickly. "No, you will not touch them. You will escort me to the armoury and show me where my knives are." said Aiya. Irin nodded and led Aiya out of the room. Suddenly Aiya stopped. "Irin, where is my necklace?" she asked slowly. "Necklace? Oh, yes, it was a red stone on a silver chsin right?" asked Irin. 'Yes! Where is it? You must give it to me!" said Aiya. "Oh, er, yes ma'am!" studdered Irin. irin pulled the necklace out of a pouch. Aiya snatched it, and placed it on her neck. "Thank you." she said quietly. Then they proceeded to the armoury

11-07-2003, 06:48 PM
It was a quiet night. The stars were shining and there was nothing to disturb the sleeping forests and fields. Peace was everywhere, one could almost touch it. Shayla was walking along the edge of the forest. She had been away from home all day, enjoying the wonders of nature. It had been a lovely sunny day and now it was a lovely quiet evening. There was absolutely nothing to fear, and she knew it. The darkness had covered land and water, but it was a warm and friendly darkness. The village was still far away, but Shayla loved the night. The Village Of No Time, they called it and it was a suitable name. Nothing ever seemed to change there, all days were happy and peaceful, and all people were friendly and joyful. Shayla took a deep breath and smiled. She could not understand it yet, but her life had been a paradise. She had lived in a place with no evil, no wars, just peace and happiness. She considered it a little boring and longed to see distant lands and places, to meet different kind of people.
Shayla stopped and looked at her reflection in the small lake she had reached. She saw herself at the water and the stars shining from depths. She smiled and wanted to leave, but could not. Something kept her there, a strange force, and she feared it. Everything was still peaceful and quiet but the Shayla in the water looked sad and worried, as if something terrible had happened. The real Shayla smiled and with horror realised that her reflection had not done it. You must stay, a voice told her, but she did not understand whether it had been said by herself or her reflection. Shayla sat down by the lake and raised her glance to the stars - at least they were peaceful, but why should they have been afraid?

11-07-2003, 09:49 PM
announcment!!! Legoles pmed me and said to annouce that she has left and will be back on sunday! anywho, don't forget about her, tee-hee, yeah like thats gonna happen!

your tea-hobbit and announcing person

11-08-2003, 11:00 AM
Shayla was sitting by the lake and everything around her was peaceful. But inside her there was no sign of peace. She was having a fierce inner fight, one half of her wanted to get up and run home while the other one did everything to stop her from doing that. I have to go. No, you must not go! But something terrible has happened, I can feel it. You must not go! But my family, my friends, I have to help them! There's nothing you can do about it. Yes I can. I have to. I have to save them, I have to go! You can't go. You must not go. There is nothing you can do to save them. But there is something you can and must do. You cannot help you friends and family, but you can and must help others. You are destined to do it. Shayla sighed. She knew her inner voice was telling the truth for as much as she wanted to deny it, she felt it with every cell of her body. You must go. When the run rises you should start your journey. Where must I go? You know that already. I know, she said. A tear fell into the lake and then everything was quiet again.

11-11-2003, 03:19 AM
OOC: Thank you tea announcer hobbit! Yeah like who could forget me? Also, ["" Means I quoted out of a book. A manga called Demon Diaries. Very good! Compliments to Kara.]

IC: Eclipse sat the Palace of the Demon Lord Reanef, watching the knight girl swing her sword around.<What a raccon> he thought, his necklace glowing slightly in the pale morning light. He slowly rose and went to see if Reanef had gotten back from the temple of Rasead. He saw a glowing sign appear, and watched it intently. Suddenly two boys appeared. One 15 and the other about 13. ""Master Ranef, exactly WHY DO YOU HAVE THAT THING. THIS IS NOT A ZOO, WE DO NOT NEED A RACCON AND A MONKEY!!!""
<Erutis, a raccon???>

*Much later Ranef goes on journey, Eclipse leaves for Imladrias, all is well.[well, except for the crusader[dragon type thing, not evil] that bumped into him. I'll leave it for your imagination.*

Eclipse walked down the road, sometimes looking at the sky and other times looking at the ground. He bumped into a girl running away in terror. "Miss, what is going on?"
"Dragon...attacked...village..." She then fainted and fell into Eclipse's arms. He carried her up the road. If passing a village, he shouted that a dragon had attacked a nearby town, and left the townspeople in panic. <Hmph!> He thought with amusement. <Interesting scene.> He walked on until he reached Imladrias.

OOC2: I hope that this is okay. I'm sorry if you didn't want this to happen Akami. [and BTW, have u been reading "I am Morgan Le Fay"or something, 'cause that's where I first heard about that name....?]

11-11-2003, 03:20 AM
OOC: Thank you tea announcer hobbit! Yeah like who could forget me? Also, ["" Means I quoted out of a book. A manga called Demon Diaries. Very good! Compliments to Kara.]

IC: Eclipse sat the Palace of the Demon Lord Reanef, watching the knight girl swing her sword around.<What a raccon> he thought, his necklace glowing slightly in the pale morning light. He slowly rose and went to see if Reanef had gotten back from the temple of Rasead. He saw a glowing sign appear, and watched it intently. Suddenly two boys appeared. One 15 and the other about 13. ""Master Ranef, exactly WHY DO YOU HAVE THAT THING. THIS IS NOT A ZOO, WE DO NOT NEED A RACCON AND A MONKEY!!!""
Ranef:<Erutis, a raccon???>

*Much later Ranef goes on journey, Eclipse leaves for Imladrias, all is well.[well, except for the crusader[dragon type thing, not evil] that bumped into him. I'll leave it for your imagination.*

Eclipse walked down the road, sometimes looking at the sky and other times looking at the ground. He bumped into a girl running away in terror. "Miss, what is going on?"
"Dragon...attacked...village..." She then fainted and fell into Eclipse's arms. He carried her up the road. If passing a village, he shouted that a dragon had attacked a nearby town, and left the townspeople in panic. <Hmph!> He thought with amusement. <Interesting scene.> He walked on until he reached Imladrias.

OOC2: I hope that this is okay. I'm sorry if you didn't want this to happen Akami. [and BTW, have u been reading "I am Morgan Le Fay"or something, 'cause that's where I first heard about that name....?]

11-11-2003, 01:40 PM
Daisy raised her eyebrows. The Tookish side of her started stirring up and she felt a bit mischevious. "Where's Daisy going?" she asked.

11-11-2003, 07:21 PM
Aiya sheathed her two long knives, glad that no one had tampered with them. 'What am I to do now?' she thought. She was still a bit weak, though she didn't want to admit it herself. "Where can I get something to eat?" she asked the elf girl. "The dining hall, i will show you the way." she said. They walked through the city, Aiya felt uncomfortable, all th others were staring at her. She looked herself up and down. She was wearing black pants and a long black leather cloak. Her two weapons, were openenly strapped to her sides. All the other elves wore light green, orange or violet tunics. She rolled her eyes, she never felt much like an elf, though she was half-elven and she looked like one. They soon arrived at a small table, laden with bread, meat and fruit.

11-11-2003, 08:20 PM
<This is a waste of time!> Eclipse thought sullenly. "Well, there's Imladrias." He said to himself. He turned down the path, and carried her through the busy streets, right into the house of Elrond. "Master Elrond, I have an injured and unconcious woman in my arms. Where can I put her so that she will be healed and brought back to conciousness. I have some questions to ask her." Elrond led him to the houses of the healing, where she was laid on a bed and he left here there. He knew that he was being stared at because of his strange clothing.

11-12-2003, 06:59 PM
"Hello? Hobbit? Are you alive? Quit staring at me so blankly! is this Daisy Brandybuck dead or something? Am i too late? I need to find her! Snap out of it!" i screamed frantically shaking the small hobbit, doing so lightly so as not to hurt the poor thing. After i had spoken it had gone ghostly white.

ooc: Where is whoever is playing Daisy? sorry can't remember exact name.

11-13-2003, 08:27 PM
adrian baggins is daisy i think, or maybe it was little cat, no ait, it was nariel! yes nariel! and um someone needs to find me, i have beenwondering around rivendell for a while. someone get hungry and meet me in the dining hall!

11-13-2003, 08:51 PM
ooc: uh Took, i don't think anyone is in Rivendell.

11-13-2003, 10:13 PM
geez.. I posted like 5 posts ago... don't you guys read the posts?


"Okay, okay, stop it already," said Daisy. "I can see you're not the type to fool around with. I'm Daisy Brandybuck. Who are you?"

Gulio, Strength of Many
11-13-2003, 10:35 PM
ooc: Ooo, I wanna join. Are there any spots left? (Can't read back, computer being dumb)

11-14-2003, 12:43 AM
ooc: Gulio your already on here! your ice i have ur bio from before so just start your a dwarf named Elwryan you have ice, tell u more later sorry gtg.
Sorry, Nariel didn't notice, i swear it wasn't there before!

ic: "NO! i am not one to fool around with, i am a very serious uh elf yes.....elf," I darted my eyes, "You are Daisy! Good good, let's go, where's this home of yours, we shall get your stuff and be off, no more than five minutes! You are needed! And so am i and others i have yet to find! we must go! quickly now, young hobbit, i shall not hurt you, but you and your kin and everyone you know is in jeporedy if you do not come!" I stated firmly, "by the way my name is Malrash."

ooc: goes to write everything else down.

11-14-2003, 03:05 PM
"Alright," said Daisy. "You seem a little stiff to me, but I don't want to find out how bad you are. My hole is just around the corner. I don't need much, but I do expect and explanation as soon as we get going." Daisy went to get some travelling things and returned in a few minutes. She brought her pony, Mischief, and mounted. "What is going on?" she asked as they started riding off.

Gulio, Strength of Many
11-14-2003, 04:36 PM
ooc: Oh, right. *Sheepish grin* Well then, Off we go!

Elwryan wandered the forest around the city of Imladris. She wasn't sure if she'd be welcome, seeing as she was a Dwarf. Elves and Dwarves didn't get along well, for some strange reason.

11-14-2003, 06:49 PM
Shayla started her journey at the sunrise. Away, away from home she went. Many times she turned around and started walking back home but after some hundred steps she stopped and continued her journey east, into the sun, away from her village. She tried not to think about what had happened but it was hard to ignore those terrible pictures her imagination had drawn. Furthermore, she was quite sure that reality had been even worse. Shayla didn't know what she had to do. She knew it was important, crucial to everyone. And she knew that she would never see her family nor friends again.
She knew where she was going though. It wouldn't be the final destination of her journey, but a place she could rest, a place of goodness and light, the place from where most quests against the dark forces had started. Shayla had never been to Imladris, but she had heard of it. She didn't know where exactly it was but she knew she would find the way. And she did.
Shayla was tired and angry and sad. It had been raining all morning, all afternoon, all evening and all night too. Now it had stopped and the sun came out just as she entered the magnificent valley of Rivendell.

11-14-2003, 09:04 PM
here you all are! now, everyone find me! haha.

11-15-2003, 12:16 AM
"Man I'm hungry. Wonder what they have. <Mmm... mutton> "Very strange creature that is! Ill go talk to it." He walked over to the hobbit and asked "Hello, who are you?"


11-15-2003, 01:44 AM
hahahahaha!!! I think my half-elven warrior might be a bit offended what with you calling her a hobbit! though they are a very honorable race! I know I am usually a hobbit, and i still am. this charactar will probably end up turning into a hobbit. anywho,

ic: Aiya whipped her head around, "I am Aiya." she said, "Who are you?" she asked the elf.

11-15-2003, 02:07 PM
The sight was so beautiful and amazing that for a moment Shayla forgot all her troubles. She looked at the waterfalls reflecting the first sun-rays, the water glittering as gold and diamons, birds welcoming the new morning with their melodious songs, rainbow-coloured butterflies flying by or sitting on the bloodred flowers in the greenest grass. This was the place of beauty and peace. Shayla felt her anger and sadness fading away and her mind and soul filling with peace. She took a deep breath and with a surprise discovered that she wasn't tired anymore. She felt fresh and happy and ready for everything that may come.

11-16-2003, 02:23 AM
Irin left Aiya's side and walked round to the other side of the table to stand by a dreamy-looking Elf, who had her chin propped on her left hand as her violet eyes stared out into space; she waved a hand in front of the Elf's pale face, receiving no response.

"Órëmîr," she called softly. " Órëmîr!" she took a handful of the girl's silver, dead straight hair and yanked at it; the girl started and blinked; "What?" she said abstractly. Irin laughed. "You are eight hundred and twenty-six years old, Órëmîr," Irin reminded her. "Try to continue aging in the real world."

Órëmîr frowned as if in deep concentration. Then she shook her head. "Whatever, look:" she broke off and looked around her. "Where is the Hall of Hearth… thing…how – do I get there from here?" she blinked dazedly.

Irin raised an eyebrow. "Four decades since you left Mirkwood to live here and still you walk into walls and do not know that the Hall of Fire is just down the hall."

Órëmîr blinked again, her eyes beginning to glaze over. "Mmm…" she muttered. Then she shook her head; "Is…that all you woke me up to say?" she asked irritably.

"No," Irin assured her. "We have company at Imladris." She nodded towards Aiya.

"We always have company at Imladris," Órëmîr stated.

"New company; that is Aiya."

"O…" Órëmîr glanced across the table and gave Aiya and the man standing by her a weak smile. "Hello," she murmured to them. She stood up, her silver-grey gown falling loosely about her ankles. "I'm going to the Hall of Fire," she informed Irin, and with a final glance at Aiya and the other man she left.

11-16-2003, 02:38 AM
Sorry Pip.... I thought you were a hobbit again... *Hits self on head*

"I'm Eclipse." He said extending his hand. When she didn't take it he let his hand fall down to his side, then said, "Aiya, why are you here?"

11-16-2003, 03:03 AM
Órëmîr sat down in a large armchair by the heart in the Hall of Fire, pulling out a pink diamond from the inner pockets of her gown and gazing sleepily into it.

"Hello…?" said a voice from behind her. She jumped and shoved the pink gem back in her pocket and turned around. "Hello…" she replied uncertainly.

btw, that could be anyone, pplz

11-16-2003, 01:31 PM
'These elves are so nosy!' Aiya thought. "My village was attacked by dragons." she said icily. "Why are you here?" she asked.

Gulio, Strength of Many
11-16-2003, 07:56 PM
"Hello...?" Elwryan asked the spaced-out elf hesitantly. The elf turned around, shoving a pink gem into her pocket. "Hello..." The elf replied just as uncertianly. "Uh, do you know where I can find Lord Elrond?" Elwryan asked the elf.

11-16-2003, 08:34 PM
ooc: hmmm I THOUGHT we were gathering together to find the diamonds, was there a change i wasn't told about, or is this a plot twist? hmmm confused, pm if you don't want to say full intentions to everyone so i'm not soo confused or edit it! :rolleyes:

ic: "you haven't heard? Cities are under attack by dragons and you and others have been chosen, for you are to be pure of heart, there is one being from every race that is doing this, and if we do not hurry and end this great war, the dragons will destroy everything, i hope that donkey's fast were off to Rivendale!" I spoke gently now and began ridding a little faster trying to make sure that the hobbit and pony was okay with the speed.

11-16-2003, 10:07 PM
ooc: um, no i don't think its a plot twist. I thought we were already suposed to have the diamonds, anywho, what are we gonna do? keep the diamonds, or go and look for em?

11-16-2003, 10:17 PM
ooc: I don't know, your sugestion? i was thinking that if we already have them then its a short rpg, what's stopping us from completing it after we come together? There's no real conflict then? No danger...

11-17-2003, 12:31 AM
<By the way, I'm not an elf. I'm a demon, Miss Aiya.>
Aiya looked at him like he was a freak.
"I'ts an uncommon gift. I can read people's mind. Oh, and I'm here because I rescued a girl name Rhiannon whose village was attacked by dragons. Now excuse me.' He said as he walked off.

11-17-2003, 06:46 AM
"Maybe…"Órëmîr replied distantly. "I' could never…give directions," she said slowly, glancing about her as though unsure of her surroundings. "Just – follow me, I might be able to remember the path to his chambers." She stood vaguely and blinked dreamily. The Dwarf gazed up at her strangely; that she could understand. She stood at 6 foot 5 inches tall; her light misty purple eyes and aloof nature did not belong to that stature. She knelt, coming face to face with the Dwarf.

"I'm…" she searched her memory for her name. Words never came easily to her. "Órëmîr." Unsure of what to do, she extended a pale hand. "Elwryan," replied the Dwarf, and took Órëmîr's hand in his own.

"Well," Órëmîr began, standing back up and staring towards the exit of the hall, "If you can find it within yourself to be patient with me, I'm sure there will be no cause of friction…" Her silver-grey garment floated about her like a bright cloud as she led Elwryan out of the Hall of Fire and down the hall, passed many doors and chambers, realising she had retraced her steps several times before finally reaching Elrond's own room. "Sorry," she said sheepishly to Elwryan, and aloofly let her hand wander towards the doorknob. She started and turned her gaze towards the man she recognised as the demon from the banquet hall. A smile drifted across her face and as she leaned against the wall she inadvertently let her mind begin to wander; she found that as she relaxed she could sense something in her head, a faint tickling deep inside her head. She fondled the gem in her pocket and felt the feeling intensify. She blinked and shook herself of the feeling and turned to Elwryan; "This is his room," she assured the Dwarf; "In fact I think I might wait to speak with him myself…" her words became slower and softer towards the end of her sentence as she began to stare into space.

11-17-2003, 01:49 PM
Aiya shrugged, 'demons, elves, whats the difference?' she thought. she knew she was half-elf but she still was hostile. AIya finished her meal and wandered aimlessly around Rivendell. She suddenly bumped into a elf in a silver dress, who seemed to be waiting outside a door.

thats you gulio!

11-17-2003, 07:15 PM
isnt gulio a dwarf?

Originally posted by Gulio, Strength of Many
Name: Elwryan
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Female
Age: I dunno....um.....60? (Not to old for a Dwarf)
Appearance: Elwryan is shorter than most Dwarves, only reaching 4'8''. She is sturdily built, with white-blond hair and blue eyes.
Personality: She tends to remain aloof, preferring her own company to that of others. But she is kind, and when she does warm up to you, she is a loyal friend.
History: Elwryan is the daughter of Hendel, Dain's cousin. She left Erebor and currently dwells in the mountians near Rohan.

and i was the elf in the silver dres...meh

11-17-2003, 07:54 PM
"Hmmph!" said Daisy. "I don't know anything about any diamonds. And my pony's plenty fast enough." She kicked Mischief into gear and the pony kept up quite well with the elvish horse.

11-18-2003, 12:22 AM
<Interesting. She is very strange. Very srange indeed.>"Ah, Master Elrond. How nice to meet you at last. You know what I came to discuss, right?" Elrond just nodded his head, and motioned him inside. "Thank you."

11-18-2003, 03:11 AM
Órëmîr leaned against the wall, her head slightly tilted, her sharp ears poking out the sides of her silver hair. An Elven-looking creature came around the corner absent-mindedly and nearly knocked into her; Órëmîr didn't notice until the other was almost upon her. She squinted at her for a moment:

"I know you from somewhere," she murmured. "O yes: you were in the dining hall. Aiya…"

Aiya nodded curtly.

"Forgive me," Órëmîr said softly. "I too often forget things: and so you never chanced to learn my name; I am Órëmîr." She bowed her head and motioned towards the Dwarf by her side. "That is Elwryan," she informed Aiya. "And I have forgot why I did come here, other than to show Elwryan to Elrond. I will take my leave." She bowed again and walked slowly past Elrond's door.

"Órëmîr!" Órëmîr glanced up: it was the fastest present record of response when her name was called. She turned slowly and entered the company of Elrond, the source of the calling.

Why would he want me? she mused to herself as she crept silently into the room. She fondled her diamond nervously Am I in trouble? Because I can't remember doing anything…then again I can't remember doing much of anything, really… She felt it again: a tingling shooting round the inside of her skull.

"Yes, Master Elrond?" she asked solemnly, trying to block the feeling out. Elrond looked at her gravely.

"Órëmîr, you are already acquainted with Eclipse – somewhat, in any case – therefore I do not assume it should be so hard for you to accept what you are to embark upon with him forthwith." Órëmîr glanced at Eclipse and shrugged. "Depends on what you wish me to do, my Lord…" she muttered.

Legoles you can make something up:p

11-18-2003, 07:18 AM
The moment of pure carefree happiness shattered into pieces when an elf kindly asked Shayla if she could help her in any possible way. Now she had to think again. "Yes, I..." she said but fell silent. She had come here, as a mysterious force had told her to do, but she had no idea why she had come here. It couldn't have been just because it was a safe place for she knew she was expected to do something dangerous. But what? The elf stood in front of her smiling and waiting for her answer. What should she say. Shayla sighed. "I was asked to come here," she replied. "Follow me," the elf said and to Shayla's great relief didn't ask who had called her here. Where is she taking me, she thought, and what will I say? The elf stopped by a closed door. "Go in," she said, "you are waited." I am waited? But, but... She took a deep breath and hoping that someone inside can answer all her questions, Shayla opened the door.

11-18-2003, 07:22 PM
ooc: can we use ooc's please so we know whats going on, now have we taken vote on the whole diamonds idea? should we find them or i'll tell everyone later if they choose "something else".

ic: We (being Daisy and myself) arrived in Rivendale just as the sun went down. Magnificant sunset really i thought, and fair speed for a pony.
"Elrond!" my voice echoded through the halls as Daisy stood behind me or was she beside me?
"Who is it?" Elrond said from between two other elves. A grim face on them all.
"It is I, Malrash, I have come, have the others? or am I to go and find them?" I stated firmly, and a touch annoyed.
"Yes, yes, there is some here i don't think it is all of them, but i can't even remember all their names, why dont' you go have a looksie, their in the dining hall." Elrond answered as if trying to remember something important.
"Come now Daisy, you are in good company i assure you, plus i bet you are hungry as well?" I questioned the small hobbit. Hobbits what funny things, so small and yet so pure of heart...almost like elves but elves would betray you...I thought.

Upon entering the dinning hall Malrash (myself) noticed quite a handful of people around the table. Daisy quickly found her footing and sat down at the long table and began to help herself, i was right in suspecting her hunger. The company turned and looked at Daisy then looked on toward the doorway and saw me standing well leaning in the doorway.

"You shall all state your names if you please...and then i shall tell you mine and i will tell you why you are all here, but i do not see Oremir where is she? She is to be summoned." and as if on cue she appeared and took a seat with the others. I took a seat at the head of the table and awaited a reply from someone. I began to wonder if Oremir even knew who i was probably not, since she is 266 years older than myself, though i knew of her not only because of the mission though, but because of her wanting to fondle everything, she was like a dwarf really, fondling gold and anything shiny never wanting to give it up.

11-19-2003, 06:21 AM
ooc; okay 1: Órëmîr was talking to Elrond so technically Malrash would have known where she was
2: she [Órëmîr] keeps to herself and only fondles her own diamond [precious…]
3: why wouldn't she know about someone who was born after her [young people these days…]
4: she's only 260 years older than Malrash
5: you say she's like a Dwarf like it's a bad thing :( I like Dwarves…

ic; Elrond frowned as though trying to find the right words to address Órëmîr with; it was almost trademark that she was to be treated as a child. "Órëmîr, Eclipse is to accompany you and several others on a quest to rid Eriador of a recent infestation of Dragons," he began. "You I have selected to embark upon this journey for the invalue of the use of your Diamond."

Órëmîr's hand closed around the pink gem in her pocket. She didn't want to have to relinquish it.

"You will not have to," said Eclipse quickly, and Órëmîr turned her gaze sharply towards him. Of course he read minds. She should have expected it; he [I]was a demon. Elrond nodded.

"It is unlikely that you would have to wholly forfeit it," he said. Eclipse glanced at Elrond, then looked to the floor.

An Elf entered the chamber: Órëmîr turned slowly and recognised Malrash, a maid 260 years her junior. She spoke with Elrond briefly and left.

"You two return to the dining hall," said Elrond. Órëmîr bowed hesitantly and took her leave.

Upon entrance of the dining hall Órëmîr sighted several Elves whom she knew, a Hobbit with whom she was not aquatinted and yet more unfamiliar Elves; Malrash, sitting at the head of the table, shot her an almost disdainful look as she sat down.

11-19-2003, 02:45 PM
Shayla took a deep breath and opened the door. A moment later, she wished she hadn't. It was a large beautiful room, actually, but all she could notice were the people sitting at the table. A lot of elves, too many as she thought, and other kind of people, an hobbit for example. She felt everyone looking at her and she didn't like it. Shayla wanted to close the door and leave as quickly as possible, but the elf, who had brought her here, stood right behind her blocking her way of escape.

Shayla liked people, she was sociable, but she liked people who she knew, or at least of her kind. What she didn't like was to stand there in a strange place, far from her home, with so many eyes looking at her and examining her, stand there silently without being able to say anything. What must she say? Hi, I'm here, now please tell me why am I here? That sounded riddiculous. But she couldn't think of anything better either, and as the silence was starting to become rather uncomfortable, she gave up and said: "Hi everybody, I'm here, could anyone please be so kind to tell me why am I here?"

11-19-2003, 07:09 PM
ooc: 1) i meant no offense to you
2) i thought you had finished talking to Elrond.
3) I was trying to keep the whole elves not like dwarves thing as orginally said by tolkien or the creater of middle earth Iluvair (i think that's right)
4) The reason you might not know malrash is because Malrash isn't elven really....and she wasn't born anywhere near Rivendale.
5) UH lets just say i caught you fondling something in your pocket and immediatly assumed whatever, so it's not like i really know you, btw Malrash also keeps to herself, she rarely draws off her hood.
anyhow no more fighting.

ic: "we were about to say all of our names, and i was about to explain to those who don't know why you are here if you would just take a seat, please." I said trying not to look as stern as i felt. Why was Oremir being so crude?

11-19-2003, 07:24 PM
OOC: sorry i havent posted for so long... got side tracked.. a little confused at whats going on...
OOC: do we have the diamonds, or are we looking for them?

IN: Lily bursts loudly in through the doors! Heads turn to glare at her.

"err sorry im late" lily stammers, "i got lost you see, and then i met this guy...so i spent a couple days with him...." notices people are starting to give her odd looks... "right. well! the point is im here. Now could someone kindly tell me what is going on?"


Gulio, Strength of Many
11-19-2003, 09:29 PM
ooc: So, do we have the diamonds? *is confused*:confused:

ic: Elwryan nearly made a remark on the elven obsession over stupid things, such as hair, nails, clothes, etc., but she stopped herself; Lord Elrond was in the room. Instead, she shot a cold glance at the elf. "Right, what exactly is going on?" She echoed the human.

ooc2: Elvish Faerie, don't take it personally:) I always RP like it's me there, and so my character does what I would do. AND DWARVES ROCK!!!

11-19-2003, 11:11 PM
"We are introducing ourselves. Miss Lily. I'm Eclipse, as half of you already know."

11-19-2003, 11:32 PM
ooc: No offense taken acutally it fits nicely but uh *cough* not an elf! I'm only part elven like a quarter, i only ended up with a glistening face and the accursed ears *laughs* just kidding, just kidding. Kay idea about the diamonds.....yes good idea.... kinda of wierd makes me think of some wierd cartoon too but hey it works.....anyhow.

ic: "Well thanks for everyone's name!" i said sarcastically. "My name however is Malrash, and would everyone quit thinking i'm a bloody elf! no offense to elves since i am a quarter elf myself. You are all here for one reason, most of us are each of a different race, we have to find well um these diamonds and when we have we have to figure out their power and how to use it before it's too late.." i said dreaily.
"Till what's too late?" Someone asked but i was unsure who it was.
"If we can not figure out their power and how to combine them into one, the dragons will destroy all of middle earth." A hush fell as my last words hit to the heart of everyone. i wet my lips and began again, "What we do know is that there are different coloured diamonds and they all have their own power, i believe Oremir may have already found hers."
"Where do we find these diamonds? And when we do how do we unlock their power?" someone else in the room asked.
"The diamonds will be in a place where we find comfort but that place may just be guarded by an enemy..."
"How so?" someone interupted me.
"Let's say one of them lays in Lorien, orc's may be surronding the forest just outside...you see the problem? To unlock the power is to find the greatest power in you."
"sounds easy enough." someone pipped up.
"Not really you have to prove that it is you who has that power and not someone else and it's probably not handywork with a sword, ax, or bow or even magic, we have to stick together so nothing can over come us. As you have noticed we have Daisy a hobbit, two humans, a half elf, an elf, a demon, a dwarf and a lynethe. Oh maybe i should mention what i am," laughs lightly, yes, um, i'm well a quarter elven but i'm a faerie. "

ooc2: reminder of diamonds to whom.
(Life, ability still open)

11-20-2003, 01:10 AM
"I have mine already." Eclipse said softly, just so that no one could hear him. <Well I'll leave the meeting and get my stuff ready, this is gonna be one LONG journey>

11-20-2003, 04:15 AM
Originally posted by elvishfaerie3088
ooc: 1) i meant no offense to you
2) i thought you had finished talking to Elrond.
3) I was trying to keep the whole elves not like dwarves thing as orginally said by tolkien or the creater of middle earth Iluvair (i think that's right)
4) The reason you might not know malrash is because Malrash isn't elven really....and she wasn't born anywhere near Rivendale.
5) UH lets just say i caught you fondling something in your pocket and immediatly assumed whatever, so it's not like i really know you, btw Malrash also keeps to herself, she rarely draws off her hood.

keke no offence to u either, i was just bein a dickhead...as is the usual for me, i'm sure...:rolleyes:

Originally posted by elvishfaerie3088ooc2: reminder of diamonds to whom.
(Life, ability still open)

and spirit! don't forget spirit!

ic; Órëmîr was paying more attention to Malrash than she ever had to anyone over the entirety of her life: the other two thirds was paid to her diamond. "What we do know is that there are different coloured diamonds and they all have their own power, i believe Oremir may have already found hers."

Eclipse murmured something that she could not comprehend: she withdrew her hand from her lip and reached deep into her pocket, drawing out her vague pink Diamond and placing it on the table. It was flawlessly shaped and should have been commented on likeness to a rose quartz had it not been for the strangeness of its depths, appearing as though a soft rose vapour was trapped within it. It was heavy in the hand and weighed down Órëmîr's arm when she bore it; but now when she placed it on the table it made now sound as it settled on the wood. She chewed on her tongue.

"It's love," she stated. "I assume that much is obvious: the colour, internal details…" she trailed off. Malrash stared at her questioningly, but Órëmîr was unwilling to say more; she seized the gem and shoved it back in her pocket uncomfortably. The Elves around her slowly turned their gazes back to Malrash; Eclipse was staring at her strangely. Órëmîr was not partial to attention and leaned back in her chair.

11-20-2003, 12:35 PM
ooc: I have spirit (yellow)

ic: Shayla sat at the table staring in front of her but not understanding anything that was happening. She had been cut off from reality by hearing the word "dragons". All those horrible pictures her imagination had drawn were nothing compared to what she saw now. Everyone saw her sitting quietly at the table, but she wasn't there. Shayla was in her home. She saw something big covering the sun, she heard those terrible cries of that beast, she felt the fire burning everywhere, she saw her house in flames, her little sister crying, her mother running. She heard the screams of terror and pain of everyone she knew and loved. She saw her family and friends dying. And she couldn't do a thing about it. She couldn't help, all she could do was to stand in flames and watch everything she loved being destroyed. But she stayed alive though she didn't want that. She wanted to die, too. But it was just a vision, a dream. And it ended. Then came the pain.

Shayla stood up and left the room, the house. She went outside, but the beauty of Rivendell couldn't cure her pain. But it gave her hope, as a tiny fly it landed in her mind and kept her from doing what she wanted to do, kept her from going to her family.

11-20-2003, 07:38 PM
occ: so sorry Elixer i knew i had missed someone thoughs, *feels very bad* :( ...See!

ic: Well obviously she knows what it is, but there's no way she knows how to use or control it, she can't even love anything besides that stupid diamond...I thought to myself, HEY! Be nice! another voice in my head said. "Shayla, I demand you come back here, you oviously know or have something of VALUE to share with the rest of us since you got up sooo quickly seeing how as no one else has moved." I stated firmly glaring at Shayla as if she were a mere blade of grass.

11-20-2003, 08:20 PM
Daisy looked around. Everyone seemed to have at least some idea what was going on. Everyone except her. What would mother say to her being on an adventure?
"Excuse me," she said, standing up. (this made her tall enough for everyone to see... the elvish table came almost up to her forehead when she was sitting down. They all looked back at her. Doubtless, some of them hadn't even seen her. "I don't understand. I'm just a Brandybuck from Buckland. I've never even heard of the diamonds. And I have no desire to be involved in anything concerning the End of the World. True, I did wish for an adventure, but I had hoped it would be of the Nature of that of Bilbo Baggins. I will be most glad to liberate an Oppressed Land, but I do not wish to save the World."

11-21-2003, 01:12 AM
Aiya sat in the corner, her black garments fading into the shadow. She had a gem, she wasnt sure whether it was a diamond, or even the ones they were talking about, 'Why should I tell them? Its mine.' she thought to herself. (btw, NO mind reading here!! that means you legoles demon person!) She sat silently, listening intently to the others. She hated it here, all these elves. But the hobbit, rather mezmerized her. Something about her was honest and homly.

*huggles daisy*

11-21-2003, 09:00 AM
Shayla turned her head to Malrash who had spoken to her. "Something of value?" she repeated her words, "but I have nothing, nothing but my life, and you can take it, if you want." Finished her sentence, she went back to the table and sat down.

For some moments there was a silence and others just stared at her. Shayla felt that something must be said. "All right, let's go then! We have to save the world and the sooner we do it, the better," she said and smiled. This probably confused everyone, and it would have confused herself too - the fact that one moment she wanted to die and the next she sounded almost happy - but she didn't think about it. She let go of her past, started a new life, concentrated on her new mission. She knew it was her duty, her destiny and for being able to do it, she had to forget all what had happened to her, all those terrible painful things. And for some reason, though it sounded truly unbelievable, she succeeded in doing that.

11-21-2003, 11:08 PM
I left the meeting with a shake of my head and a audible sigh. The quarters that I was given were unfamiliar. Painted all in pink.<I'd rather sleep outside.> I left the room, got all I needed and ran into that little hobbit person.
"Hullo!" She said cheerfully.
I smiled at her, not a mean smile, just one that said please leave me alone!"Hello miss Daisy. How're you doing this fine evening?"

11-22-2003, 08:26 PM
ooc: okay sure let's all leave the hobbit standing alone at the table and then make her repear out of no where, great idea everyone....great idea (sarcasm)

ic: I had a strange feeling about Shayla, odd feeling, didn't like her much, snotty little thing.. So much for being nice, the voice that told me to be nice earlier said. And i don't much desire to spend the night, i'd prefer to leave...like now. I trudged towards the garden, hoping for guidance from someone, what a troublesome bunch, how are we ever to get through this, were all fighting, no one's co-operating and Daisy has no wish to even save middle earth or anyone in it. Maybe this was hopless, i thought sitting down on a bench in the garden. Hopless that's what all of this was, to imagine, men, elves, dwarves, hobbits, demons, lynethe's, half elven's anf faeries getting alon. Men and elves could do it years ago but now everything seemed hopless, and those that seem to have the diamonds have been taken by the power somehow, selfish really, could all of resist that kind of force, or maybe that was just their personaility hard to tell, and no one seemed to want to share thier diamonds, letting all of us know that they had them, or if they didn't. Pointless, completly pointless. A single tear staggered down my face and i wiped it away quickly. If that's the way it's going to be maybe i'll find a way to do it myself, but for now, i'll think some more.

11-24-2003, 11:27 AM
ooc: I'm confused. I thought we were introducing ourselves at the table...

11-24-2003, 04:30 PM
Dear fellow RPG'rs,
Hey guys... I'm gonna be gone for 5 days or more. I'll *see* ya then.

11-24-2003, 07:20 PM
bye legoles! WE'll miss ya! hope you have fun where ever you're going. we'll try to manage without you!

Gulio, Strength of Many
11-25-2003, 12:55 AM
ooc: Bye Legoles!!!! Have a good time wherever you're going!!!

ooc2: Uh, I r more than a tad confuzzled. What exactly is goin' down at the table. (I'm a wee bit hyper, and feel like typing wierdnessfully:))

11-26-2003, 02:35 AM
ooc: How about for one thing we use the ooc, and for another thing we just don't disappear from meetings, *looks pointingly at, Legoles.* Confuse everyone why don't you! See Legoles decided the meeting was over, not realizing it wasn't so, we had her walk out then she dragged Daisy with her, so i worked around it, doing what i could, ya, so were saying we've introduced ourselves and it's past sundown now about 8 or 9 i guess and everyone is doing their own thing, everyone get it now? Some people need to learn to READ! *goes on mumbling, remembers something* Oh ya Have FUN Legoles *can't keep story straight!*

11-28-2003, 01:46 PM
Shayla walked through the garden, thinking. She was deep in her thoughts, although if someone had asked later what was on her mind at that particular time, she couldn't have answered it. There was still a fight going on inside her - to care or not to care about the world, to go and try to save it or to run away to a distant place - but this was a subconscious struggle, and she knew it not, just felt something strange happening to her.

Suddenly she bumped into someone. Looking up, Shayla understood it was Malrash, who wasn't very happy to see her. She wanted to walk away but considered it not the best thing to do - as she didn't have any friends anymore, she didn't like to have any enemies either, especially one that she must save the world with. Starting a friendly conversation seemed a better idea, though she felt it was the last thing Malrash would want to do. Shayla decided to give it a try, she had nothing to lose. "Hi," she started but didn't know how to continue. After thinking over all suitable and unsuitable themes in her mind, she picked the most appropriate one to ask in a situation like this. "Do we have any chance at all to save this world?" she asked.

11-29-2003, 03:34 AM
eh..heh..heh I went to Disneyland....and California adventures. Rocked... well.....uh.. yeah. Okay then...Sorry to confuse you. I left early.

11-30-2003, 06:33 AM
Órëmîr's gaze followed Malrash as she left the hall, seemingly unnoticed by most; she stood silently and walked after her, her soft footfall on the cold stone floor light and soundless as clouds, her silver-grey mantle sweeping about her ankles like a cool starry mist. She walked with her head down, her amethyst eyes occasionally glancing up to witness Malrash's bearings.

Malrash stepped quietly out onto a porch, sitting serenely on a wooden bench that looked out across the valley: a powdery golden glow hung on the gully like a yellow mist, the gentle lights of Rivendell trembling in the breeze, falling smoothly through the dark leaves of trees to stroke the bubbling water of Bruinen will long silvery fingers.

Órëmîr leant against the doorframe for a moment; a girl she did not recognise as Shayla approached Malrash and spoke softly to her; Órëmîr sighed and withdrew ungracefully to the hearth of Rivendell.

12-01-2003, 12:58 AM
Aiya mumbled as she sat silently in the corner. "Well, this meeting is a success!" she thought. She slipped from the room and stumbled along the hallways ungracfully. she suddenly bumped into Órëmîr, "What are you doing here?" she asked, as she rubbed her sore nose which had colided with Órëmîr's. "I thought you were still back in the meeting?"

12-01-2003, 08:56 PM
ooc: especially one that she must save the world with lol, you've already decided you are going through with it but you haven't noticed that subconsiciously have you, *has a good laugh, goes on*
BTW: It's okay Legoles just don't let it happen again :D

ic: "Hello, Shayla isn't it? We have a chance if all of as are willing, and strong not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well, and if everyone is able to come to terms and see that they must bring forth what they have if it shall help. But already the future is swaying in favour of the dragons as every moment as every day creeps by, we are missing our chance if we do not go, i do not wish to loose anymore than i have already lost....are you?" I asked just as quitely as a few more tears strolled down my cheek, since my hood was still covering my face i hoped that Shayla couldn't see them.

Gulio, Strength of Many
12-01-2003, 10:17 PM
ooc: Welcome back Legoles. I've been gone for the past week too, but not on a trip. Been grounded:( All better now, though:)

ic: Elwryan wandered around Rivendell, confused and a bit frightened about the whole thing. She had heard more than a few tales about dragons, and they were the last thing she ever wanted to face. She shook off her worries for the moment, and went to go find some of her new companions.

12-03-2003, 12:24 PM
Shayla knew that she must go to the journey and she knew that she had known it from the moment she left her home. Then she had hoped of course that it was all a mistake and that she could go back and continue living her usual life. Now she could not even hope that any more. "Lose more than you already have," had Malrash said. Shayla had nothing more to lose, but others did. Malrash had something to lose, everyone else who she had met had something to lose, and they were ready to take some action, hopeless or not, against it. If they really needed her that much, wouldn't it be an extremely evil thing not to help them? She had lost her family and friends. The dragons will destroy many more families and friends and cause much more pain, will she be able to just look at all the destruction and do nothing about it? Wouldn't it be as bad as destroying it all herself? What would her mother say, if she goes to her and tells that she had been able to save the world, or at least try, but she didn't do it, that she let others die? Shayla could imagine very well what her mother would say and she didn't want to give her any reason to say so; she could wait - after the world is saved, she will join her family and friends, and if they fail, then at least she had tried.

12-03-2003, 04:18 PM
Daisy was angry, frightened, and tired. She didn't want to save the world. She wanted to go back to the Shire where her biggest adventure would be stealing mushrooms. And no one could convince her otherwise. But then she heard a noise that was surprising. It was singing. The elves were singing. It was beautiful. It made her feel better. Suddenly she wasn't so afraid anymore.

12-04-2003, 09:12 PM
ooc: sorry haven't been able to get online till now.

ic: Dawn awoke early, though you never would have known by how black and bleak the skies looked. The sun a mere dot in the unpleasentness. I fingered the edge of my sword making sure it was sharp...yep still sharp as always, i put it away pulled my hood up over my eyes and began to go to room to room rousing everyone from a dreamless sleep well at least mine was dreamless, "hurry, hurry, breakfast now and shall we go?" I whispered in everyone's ears, i was not in the mood to eat and just packed away a few things for later, as i finished waking everyone i went and sat on the bench just outside the dining hall.

Gulio, Strength of Many
12-05-2003, 08:58 PM
Elwryan woke from a light doze when Dawn spoke quietly to her. The bleak sky glared down at her, like a premonition of what was to come. She sighed, and made sure she had everything she would need on the journey ahead. Once she was prepared, she went outside to find the others. She spotted Dawn sitting on a bench outside the dining hall. "Hullo Dawn, how're you?" She asked, sitting down next to the girl. Her feet didn't quite reach the ground, as usual, but Elwryan was well used to being shorter than everyone else.

12-05-2003, 09:36 PM
Aiya rolled over at Dawn's words, slapping her in the process.
"In the name of Pete, Elf! Leave me alone!" Of course by this time she was awake and reluctantly stuffed her things in her pack.
"Stupid elves, never giving me a moment's peace!" she Climbed upon her black horse, Celebre, and waited for the others.

12-06-2003, 02:08 AM
"Good morning! Sleep well?" I said with some amusement in my voice. They all looked a little disheveled from getting up so late. They looked at me flatly, adn passed me by, as I munched on my bacon, sausage, and omlet.

12-06-2003, 06:57 AM
Órëmîr hadn't actually slept; she had just lay atop the covers of her star-silver mattress, staring at the ceiling. She got up and mindlessly wandered around the tall corridors of Imladris an hour before anyone had risen; she took a quill and three rolls of parchment from a large public study and made her way back to her room.

Órëmîr shoved the writing implements into a light grey pack along with her light colourless nightgown, which she used now not so much for nightwear but more fore the veiling of her Diamond, wrapped securely in the folds. Slipping her usual silver-grey shift over her head, Órëmîr draped about herself a long ice-blue cloak, buttoned at the neck with a butterfly brooch the light violet hue of her eyes. Using the moonlight that filtered through hemlock leaves into her room, Órëmîr selected the few things she would trouble herself with on the journey; she left her room again before anyone bothered awake her.

Eclipse was already at mess when Órëmîr arrived, quietly taunting a small horde of elves. She sat down next to him and smiled weakly: she rather enjoyed his company, though she didn't know him and was too demure to ever say anything to anybody. She forced herself to eat some toasted bread, though she detested it: it clung to the roof of her mouth and she could not swallow it, and finally she abandoned it for favour of seeing to her steed.

To Órëmîr's knowledge here was no other animal like Tintil: he was a giant pure white stallion, sleek in form and swift in step; his hooves were shining silver and his height was greater than that of even Órëmîr's; and though his nature was soft in her presence, his temperament was ardent when he bore her and in her omission; and his eyes were the softest of nightly blues, and his name* was borne by the presence of a long, silvery white horn that emerged from his broad forehead and curled smoothly into a pointed white spike that could all but pierce mithril armour. Órëmîr lay her head upon his giant shoulder and whispered softly to him as the other busied them with their own possessions and horses.

*Tintil means 'Gleaming Horn'

12-06-2003, 06:45 PM
ooc: okay i didn't realize i changed my name to Dawn but sure whatever.

ic: "You are late to rise many of us have been up for hours, how can you sleep while the world rests in your hands i shall never know," I shook my head, "Shall we go? I am ready to go but if you are to have breakfast go now for it might be the only hardy meal you have for a long time."

ooc2: oh...i see where you got the idea i changed my name, i meant that dawn like the sun rising seemed to come earlier than usaul. *has good laugh at own mistake*

12-07-2003, 01:27 AM
I left my plate at the counter and went to check on my horse. I had left him outside to roam the land *Whistles* "Tinuviour!" A black stallion with silvery dusting in his shiny coat. His violet eyes held a firey spirit. I lept upon his bare back and sped off to the stables, where there was ample water for his thirst.

12-07-2003, 05:27 AM
Órëmîr looked around hopelessly: suddenly she felt very awkward (for once being aware of her surroundings) and rather useless; she sighed and mounted her steed as Eclipse came riding up behind her, leading his own horse to the water. It was a handsome black stallion whose fur glinted silver in the sun; Órëmîr was surprised at the similarity in height of the two animals when her Tintil stood at 6 feet 7 inches all, although he, nor Eclipse's horse, either had the almost cumbersome bulk of a Clydesdale. The two creatures approached each other warily, Eclipse's horse lightly aware of Tintil's menacing horn.

"Strange animal," commented Eclipse steadily as Tinuviour shifted restlessly.

"He's a Unicorn," Órëmîr replied coyly. "Yours is beautiful…" she extended a hand uncertainly and let Tinuviour scent her hand; the horse butted its head up in an almost aggressive manner; a slight blush arose in Órëmîr's cheeks. "What–What's his name?" she stammered hesitantly.

12-08-2003, 02:42 PM
They were almost ready to leave, when Shayla noticed a difference between her and her companions. She didn't have a horse! Now that she began to think about it, she couldn't believe that she had come all the way from her home on foot. Shayla wasn't sure how far her village was from Rivendell, but she was sure it was quite a long way between them for her home seemed to be so isolated from other places of Middle-Earth. For a moment she wondered how the dragons had found it but then she realised that they were flying and from the heights they could see faraway places.
A horse, she thought, coming back to more important questions. Shayla looked around and asked the first elf who passed by if she could borrow a horse. "Of course," the elf answered and left, but soon came back with a beautiful white horse. "His name is Celebel," the elf said, "that means Silverstar for when it's night and the stars shine, he glows silvery." "What a beautiful name," said Shayla, "thank you." The elf smiled and left.

Gulio, Strength of Many
12-09-2003, 08:58 PM
ooc: *reads elvishfaerie's post* Ack! *slaps self in forehead* Sorry. Been having one of those days ever since school started. Not good for the brain, all this learning.

12-10-2003, 11:57 PM
OOC: I must agree Gulio! Why don't they just let us take fun classes like art, dance, and chior?

"Tinuvior. He usually likes new people. This is the fiorst time he's done that..." Eclipse sounded slightly concerned. "but I'm sure that he will get used to you eventually. Oh, here come the other assortment." Eclipse gestured towards the group heading toward them.

12-11-2003, 03:03 AM
Aiya nudged Celebre forth, and stood beside Tinuvior and Tintil.
"IS that a unicorn?" she asked Órëmîr. She marveled at the long horn purtruding(sp) from the horse's forehead. Celebre shuffled uncomfortbly, her red eyes shifting from Tinuvior to Tintil. Aiya calmed her horse and looked around, waiting for the others to arrive. She thumbed her blade, Elohae with impatience

ooc: is everyone here? teehee, faerie, thats funny.

12-11-2003, 05:53 AM
Originally posted by Legoles
"Tinuvior. He usually likes new people. This is the fiorst time he's done that..." Eclipse sounded slightly concerned.

Ooops...meh I'm sure someone can make some sort of plot-defining twist that'll explain that. Just not now; g2g

12-11-2003, 01:47 PM
Daisy approached the group. Alone. Well, not exactly alone. Her pony was there. She had decided to help and no one was going to talk her out of it.

12-11-2003, 07:50 PM
"Glad you've joined Daisy," I smiled at the young hobbit as i lead faydra along.

ooc: I know pointless post, but i'm here so ya...

Gulio, Strength of Many
12-11-2003, 09:37 PM
Elwryan led her shaggy grey pony to where the others got ready to go. They were all gathered around a strange creature, much like a beautiful horse with a huge, razor-sharp horn. Could that be a unicorn? She wondered.

12-13-2003, 08:31 AM
Órëmîr, looking around, noticed a plump ashen pony being led by a cordial Dwarf she recognised as Elwryan; she dismounted and led Tintil towards her.

"Hello," she murmured, smiling meekly at the Dwarf. She reached with her left hand to Tintil's muscular throat; he snorted and dropped onto his knees to observe the pony as Órëmîr sank to her knees to address Elwryan.

"Have you any idea as to what you might accomplish upon the succession of this quest?" she said, slowly and dreamily. "Not just for Middle-earth, but for yourself? I mean...what Diamond do you suppose you'll find? Malrash said that the qualities of the Diamond reflects our own personality."

Gulio, Strength of Many
12-17-2003, 09:31 PM
"Mine's probably snow, or some such thng," Elwryan joked, "I tend to to prefer my own company to that of large groups." She sighed. For some reason, if you aren't always in a huge crowd of people, there's something wrong with you, She thought bitterly.

12-18-2003, 01:05 AM
Órëmîr smiled and looked at her lap. "Me too," she replied. "Sometimes it is hard to detect whether it is I or others who direct company from me, but generally I don't really care; I don't really believe that being popular or esteemed necessarily makes you an honest or benevolent person."

12-18-2003, 08:42 PM
ooc: srry i haven't been on in a while, exam time, but now that that's over, let's get a move on.

ic: "Hey! You'll have time to chit-chat later right now is not the time! Let's go!" I yelled, slightly irritated that no one was seeing this as a serious matter, but i told myself to calm down though that didn't seem to help much, i pulled on Faydra's reins.

12-19-2003, 12:45 AM
"If you stay silent, you're a fool, if you speak you're insolent," Órëmîr remarked, a smile slowly creeping across her face. "Very well then." She leant on Tintil and stood up, mounting him as he arose. He tossed his thick mane onto the right side of his neck and pawed the ground with his massive silver hooves as Órëmîr waited for Elwryan to mount her pony.

Gulio, Strength of Many
12-19-2003, 07:00 PM
Elwryan flashed a smile at Oremir, and mounted her pony. "That's a relief, I thought I was the only person who felt that way," She said to her new friend, "Or at least that's what it felt like," She added.

Akamai Deredal
12-19-2003, 09:00 PM
OOC: Sorry i was gone so long everyone... Got grounded :( But I'm back now, and I would still very much like to jump into this RPG again. But could someone get me caught up to speed? I'm leavin' for my mom's house tomorrow, so I won't be on much tomorrow, and I have to clean and pack today, but after that I'll be on.

Gulio, Strength of Many
12-19-2003, 11:35 PM
ooc: Okay, here goes: Evil dragons are burning and destroying Middle-Earth, and we need to go find these diamonds to help us get rid of the dragons, and save Middle-Earth from certian doom. Okay?:P

Welcome back from the evil pit of despair that is the life of one grounded. Glad you survived and are still sane:)

12-20-2003, 12:11 AM
"Wish for a small race, while the rest of them slog around? I asked Oremer.

Akamai Deredal
12-20-2003, 01:04 AM
OOC: Still sane? You've got to be kidding me! *twitches* hehe, thanks though, Gumbo. (lol) It's good to be back. Now... lemme read and catch up...

Gulio, Strength of Many
12-20-2003, 02:22 AM
ooc: Well, my term of 'sane' is rather broad... basically, if you can type, you're okay by me Akki:) Can I call you Akki?:)

Akamai Deredal
12-20-2003, 11:34 AM
OOC: Akki will work just find. You can call me anything pretty much. ^_^ I'll answer to it. lol Now... back to reading. *blinks*

12-20-2003, 04:35 PM
Shayla looked around. They were all ready to leave. I wonder where are we going, she thought, into danger and death, of course, into danger and death... "Well, we should start going then," she said quietly to herself.

12-21-2003, 07:51 AM
"I doubt it feels much different for others," Órëmîr commented. "For the deepest of thinkers, meditation is the loneliest of activities: a mind may be vaster than all the spaces of the universe, with noone but yourself contained within it – though it must be a region into which many must retreat."

They spoke softly for several minutes, before Eclipse rode up beside Órëmîr. "Wish for a small race, while the rest of them slog around?" he asked..

"I'll be back," Órëmîr assured the Dwarf, and kicked Tintil into a canter. "Across the bridge and back?" she suggested, indicating the overpass just outside 500 metres away.

12-21-2003, 02:51 PM
"That'll be fine." "On your mark... get set... GO!" I shouted. Our horses jumped out of the starting line, and sped off towards the bridge. We reached the bridge in a matter of seconds, then turned around,and raced back. We finished neck to neck. "Well, that was interesting. No one has ever matched Tinuviel's speed. Bravo."

12-21-2003, 05:29 PM
Akai will not leave again. Akai is now bound to the moot. *hugs* where did the whole "gumbo" thing come from? I think I missed that one. *hands out tea* ah yes, everything is back to normal. Kalile is back, Akai is back, Kalile is writing a novel everytime she describes her charactar, and everyone has tea! *sips*

Aiya sat silently, waiting, waiting, waiting. Some random elf made a comment that they should get going, and so they did, over the bridge and into the wild.


Gulio, Strength of Many
12-22-2003, 12:59 AM
ooc: ~*~*Warning, hyperness ahead*~*~
Thank ye kindly Pip! Far too long has it been since your tea passed my lips. *Drinks tea* Wonderful as ever! More refreshing than the Elven miruvior. As good as the ale at the Green Dragon, and that's saying a lot:) Whooo hooooooooooooooo!!
~Fifteen cups later~
*Hic* Loverly shtuff, Pippers! *hic hic hic* Thish ish shpelendi*hic*feroush, really! *hic* Anyone elshe want shome? Good shtuff, I don't want ter hog it all!:)

12-22-2003, 01:09 AM
Gulio, I do believe it is time for a song! What with all this drinking, I can't see how we can bear not to! I wish I knew the words to that loverly ale song that Merry and Pip sing in rotk. just lovely. I think I can remember parts of it.

*hops on table*
Have a cup of tea,
Don't worry, it's on me
Drink it down
Go to town!
My tea is the best,
Better than all the rest.
Go drink your ales and cider
Drink them by the flagon,
But no tea can surpass me,
Not even the Green Dragon!

ah, that was jolly!
*hops down off of table*

12-22-2003, 02:49 AM
Lets get back on topic, before the mods descend upon us like the dragons we're trying to fight.

12-22-2003, 07:52 PM
*hops on legoles' head* oh lighten up! you could do with a bit of tea, Miss getbackontopicorearniel'swrathwillsmiteyou!

Aiya sat on her horse dumbly


12-27-2003, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by Legoles
Lets get back on topic, before the mods descend upon us like the dragons we're trying to fight.
ooc: Nice comparison! ;) :D :p

ic: They were riding on their horses and the scenery around them was dull. It would have been amazingly beautiful at other times, not certainly in other time of year, but if they had been happier and carefree, if they had had another purpose for riding through the wilderness. Now they were riding in silence, everyone deep in their own thoughts which were dark and sad. They had left Rivendell so now there was nothing to cheer them up, or at least free them from the burden they were carrying. Maybe this will change, Shayla thought, maybe one day we can be happy, truly happy with no worries in the whole world. But probably we don’t live that long. But at the moment she had many worries. Shayla understood that if she wanted to succeed she must give up her wish to die and be reunited with her family, she must fear death or at least dislike it, and try to survive. But how? She had no fighting skills for she had never needed them. She had lived in peace and even thought had dreamed of dangerous adventures, she was not prepared to face them. She didn’t even have any weapons! On the other hand, she wouldn’t been able to use them anyway. The elves at Rivendell could have probably given her something, but Shayla had not asked. Then she had had other problems, even the fact that she didn’t have a horse came to her at the very last moment. How will she survive if she can’t even fight?

12-27-2003, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by elixir
ooc: Nice comparison! ;) :D :p

thank you!!

12-28-2003, 07:24 PM
we need to liven this baby, I am fresh out of ale songs, hmmmm.

Gulio, Strength of Many
12-29-2003, 01:46 AM
ooc: Then it is time for a song remake!:)

Ahem, this song is called the Rohirrim Theme Song. Once, before it was taken and twisted by me, it was Toby Keith's Whiskey for My Men.

Well a man come up in front of the King
Said somebody's been shot, somebody's arm's in a sling
Somebody burned a village, somebody stole a cart
Somebody got away, somebody didn't get too far
They didn't get too far

My grandpappy told my pappy "Back in my day, son
An Orc had to answer for the wicked things it'd done
Take all the rope in Rohan, find a tall Ent...thing
Round up all of them Uruks and hang 'em high in the street
For all the people to see

'Cuz justice is one thing you should always find
You gotta saddle up your boys, you gotta draw a hard line
When the arrows settle we'll sing a Rohirric tune
And we'll all be back at the local saloon
We'll raise up our glasses against Sauron's forces singin'
"Whiskey for my men, beer for my horses!"

Too many Uruks out there murdering
Too much corruption because of the Ring
Time the long spear of Rohan put a few more in the ground
Send 'em to the Valar, they'll settle 'em down
Yeah they'll settle 'em down

'Cuz justice is one thing you should always find
You gotta saddle up your boys, you gotta draw a hard line
When the arrows settle we'll sing a Rohirric tune
And we'll all be back at the local saloon
We'll raise up our glasses against Sauron's forces singin'
"Whiskey for my men, beer for my horses!!!!"

*Pleads to the mods* Please don't kill me, it was just a little fun. I don't mean no harm!:)

12-30-2003, 03:53 PM
ooc: sorry i've been gone so long, 8-10 hour shifts at work, stupid people and their stupid holidays.....anywho....

ic: "Are we going to be blessed this whole journey with galavanting games and such?" I laughed, but decided the games were of mere fun decided to join and raced off, daring others to follow, as everyone caught up or surpassed myself, then as quickly as we had started we came upon a ledge. The ledge was rough and rugged like no one had ever set foot on it, i hopped off my horse and strolled closer to the edge, i peered over the edge only to find a great darkness, just darkness nothing more, not a single sight of life, not the murmur of a brook or river, nothing but emptiness all around. I walked back slowly and got upon my horse once more now with a frown upon my face, "Let us go, the war over middle earth has already begun and we are yet so far behind."

12-30-2003, 04:19 PM
Daisy had been thinking quietly for some time. diamonds. They were all in charge of a different diamond. And that had something to do with her. The others had discussed which was theirs. Which was hers? She didn't even know what her choices were. "Wait a minute," she suddenly said. "Can someone explain to me how exactly we were going to retrieve our diamonds from the dragons?"

Gulio, Strength of Many
12-30-2003, 05:23 PM
"Yes," Elwryan added, "A plan might help. We can't just stroll up to a dragon, ask for a diamond, and be done!"

12-30-2003, 07:19 PM
yipee! I do believe that was the best one yet my friend! A cup of tea for you! Now, heres mine, was once Breathe by Faith Hill before I twisted it.
Nazgul's Song

I was once a king, but now I'm undead
I'm stuck here in this baggy rag, ooooo
I'm gona find you, stab you in your bed
I can't see but I can hear youuuu

I can hear you breathe
Chase you till you leave
Even though I know I can't see you
I'm riding on my steed
Gonna stab you till you bleed
Just go and put it on,
Then you will be gone
They can't see you, but I know that I can feel you,
and I can hear you breathe

Chase you down on your big white horse
All nine, and I am thier lord
now I'm catching up on the course,
Oh no, I'm drowning in the ford!

I may be gone, but I'm not dead
my horse is, but I can replace that
Sauron my daddy will get me a new one,
a fell beast? now what is up with that?

Now I can hear you breathe
Chase you till you leave
I know I still cant see you
but now I can fly,
Up really high
How on earth do I drive this thing?
but I can hear you breathe

Just breathe

and thats the end. *ducks from earniel the dragon*
not as good as gulio's but I tried.

12-31-2003, 02:10 AM
"Dragons? Who said anything about getting the diamonds from Dragons, now that would be a suicide mission! I didn't think we were crazy...you must have missunderstood somewhere along the line. The diamonds will be found when you have met or found what it is to behold them, and the line shall be learned when thy is ready. For example let's say mine was earth if i began to notice the earth and love it for what it was, the diamond might appear between some brambles, and the verse could be something such as....*pause* Green as earth i control thee set all thy power free, i don't know, i couldn't tell you, maybe someone with a diamond could tell," i glanced around, "No??? Didn't think so...on we go."

12-31-2003, 04:58 AM
Órëmîr rolled her eyes; she was again riding next to Elwryan, and leaning off Tintil whispered to the Dwarf:

"What would you suppose the ballad of Ice shall be?"

"We don't even know that I'm getting Ice yet," replied Elwryan, beginning to smile.

"I know, I was just thinking about what you said before," commented Órëmîr, grinning. She began to snigger as she summoned random words to mind.

Clear and cold as Ice, my mind
No wisdom now has left behind;
But irritability too is set:
My heart with scorn and rage beset,
Temper neither manner soft
As by this Diamond held aloft –
But now tongue and emotion free,
To say: piss off, you're bugging me.

Órëmîr paused, and her gaze seemed not to focus on anything in front of her. Finally she turned to Elwryan. "Do you want Love, and I can have Ice?" she asked.

12-31-2003, 01:01 PM
Daisy dismissed the mystic talk. When you begin to appreciate that medium. Ha! She didn't even know what her medium was. She enjoyed ale. Maybe it was ale. All kinds of drinking songs came to mind. Speaking of drinking... she was suddenly very thirsty. There was a stream flowing near their path. The trees and grass surrounding it made it gleam like a blue diamond in an emerald sea.
She felt drawn to the water. She knelt beside it and scooped up a handful of the wonderful liquid. It was cold in her fingers and she marveled as it flowed through. She picked up another scoop and let it flow. It was hypnotizing. She looked at the fish swimming through and instantly loved their sleek flowing bodies. She watched them swim, she watched the water flow, loving it more all the time, and suddenly there was something gleaming brightly in the water. And then, without notice, the words came flowing, as smoothly as the river, out of her mouth.

Thou glorious river flowing sweet
Till powerful ocean thou dost meet
In all thy glory, power, fame
Thou flowest always, ne'er the same
Now to assist the world to save
I free thee from thy earthy grave.

Daisy reached in the water and pulled out the gleaming thing. It was nearly the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. It fit right in her hand. And she suddenly felt very enlightened.

12-31-2003, 04:43 PM
I stopped in amazment and puzzlement, Daisy's diamond was oviously water, but how could that be, i was sure hobbits didn't like water....maybe the diamonds were completly different than i thought.

01-01-2004, 03:40 AM
ooc: cool post, Náriel

ic: Daisy's sudden recital had caught Órëmîr's attention, though not in the fashion one should expect. "I wonder where Daisy comes from," she murmured, more to herself than to anyone else; "Shire-folk aren't generally partial to water, though maybe they might be enamoured of the beauty of it…perhaps she is of Buckland, or akin to Stoors."

Órëmîr reached into her pack, slung over Tintil's lower back; she relieved it of a quill, a tightly capped bottle of ink and a long roll of parchment. Unscrewing the bottle carefully, she scribbled something hastily on the scroll and shoved it back in her bag.

"How do you suppose one should compose a linnod of Love?" she questioned Elwryan. "Especially when it was not forged or fashioned when the Diamond was found."

01-01-2004, 02:51 PM
ooc:great post nariel!

ic:Soon they camped. Aiya tied Celebre to a nearby tree and sat on the edges of the encampment. People sat around the fire, warming themselves and whatever meat they found. She sat in the darkness, alone. For some reason she had the sudden urge to build her own fire. She set a few small sticks on the ground and looked at them. Suddenly, as if she had no saying in it she spoke,

Licking flames of fiery red
I realease the from thy flaming dread
Burning hate and the shadow of fear
Evil shall flee when you are near
Power within your flame lies
Be released ere the sun shall rise

a fire burst onto the wood and she reached into it and pulled a red jewel. Her hand remain unmarred, but the gem was hot, and burned an oval in the palm of her hand. She cried out in pain as she dropped the diamond. Warily she picked it back up. It was cool. She looked around at her compainions, who were all watching.

01-01-2004, 10:34 PM
ooc: thanks, guys...btw, do we have any guy chars here.. can't remember

Daisy smiled when she saw the fire jewel. Water and Fire... Perfect. She understood their quest now. With a glazed look in her eyes she approached Órëmîr.
"You cannot compose the verse, for then you do not truly understand. It comes to you. You must love, truly love, and it will come. But be wary, for if you try to love, it will not come. And it will not be a love so as you think it, but a true, deep, self-sacrificial act in which you find what love means in its purest sense."
And then Daisy sat down and began to hum.

01-01-2004, 10:46 PM
"I will leave you for a while." I slowly calmly walked toward the forest, then nonchalntly bent down, and examined a small Ivy plant growing upward. I took out my diamond, and chanted,

Glorious forest thine never end,
Earthen path thine hast been trodden,
Earth everchangeth, day-by-day,
I freest thee from thine unknown prision,
Color of the forest shadow,
Leaves of Ivy intertwined,
Glorious yea that may you be,
Foundation to everything,
Earthen glory will be thine

"Seems my diamond is earth." I said calmly, a sarcastic smirk playing at my lips. I looked over at [elvishfaerie's char] and smirked wider still.

01-02-2004, 05:07 AM
"A lovely jewel indeed, i had not the idea you had one Eclipse, tis a marvelous jewel none the doubt. I grow weary though, it's almost as if everyone knows, everyone seems to have found theirs and yet here i stand a whisper in the wind with naught a single thing to show except for my name, and my sword. The things i have done long forgotten, named i was long ago, it seems for things i did, five hundred and fifty six years ago, but that's only when memory serves me as Malrash, I have been here longer than most, but who can say of the world around us, i fear there is death yet to come, a death or something to be tainted, who, what or where i do not know." I spoke whisply at first talking only to Eclipse and then i felt as if i was talking to the sky which i did so many summer nights ago.

Suddenly a loud rustle i heard, not one of the companians, it didn't feel right something was wrong. I pulled my sword and the moonlight glinted off of it. I stepped closer to the bush in which i was sure the noise had come from, a man cloaked in black came out waving a sword, it clashed with mine. "Malrash, take heed and be fore warned this path you choose i shall walk with you, but until a later time i won't come forth but be careful," And with that the man was gone. As my eyes began to fill with salted water i heard some small whisper beside me, "Malrash who was that and what did he mean?" "Tis only an old friend, come back to help us fight, he is still here but won't reveal himself for he does not choose to do so yet, he only came to give me this," I held out my hand and in it sat a necklace of pure silver and on the end an enchanted vail in which seemed to be filled with a light. "It was mine so long ago, i thought i had lost it." I clutched it hard in my hand and fastened it around my neck. "Let us get some sleep, we move at dawn."

01-02-2004, 01:19 PM
teehee, Nariel, thats one un-hobbitlike hobbit ya got there. Very wise, not saying that we hobbits aren't, just in a different way. very good rpging though.

ic:Aiya clutched her diamond in her left hand and gazed at the mark in her right. She didnt think it would heal, but maybe she didnt want it to. It was like her trademark, her evidence of what just happened. She smiled and finally fell to sleep.

01-03-2004, 02:50 PM
ooc: pip, the point is that the diamond changed her. She wouldn't normally have acted like this at all. She doesn't even like water... normally. But somehow it's changing her. So it's not really Daisy talking, it's the diamond.

Gulio, Strength of Many
01-03-2004, 06:49 PM
ooc: Oooh, scary. The jewel sort of 'taking over'....don't think me char will take too kindly to that:) Of course, she probably won't have a say in it. Still, the whole idea is freakish to me.

Earloth, the Ballad of Ice RULES!!!! It fits me too:)

01-03-2004, 08:22 PM
Shayla was walking through the woods. It was dark, but that didn’t matter for she knew she was safe. Just there behind that hill was her home, her little house in a little village. Slowly she walked closer to it, saw the lights and heard the voices. Her house was in the middle of the village, on her way home, she passed the homes of her friends. Lily was in the garden and waved to her, when she passed. Shayla sent her a smile. Oh that Lily, she looks so innocent, but really she’s a little devil; Shayla shook her head when she thought of all they things they had done together, most of them hadn’t been very noble and then they were punished; but that didn’t matter, they had lots of fun together and usually no one found out that they were behind the current mess. Oh, what wonderful times did they have together. Not just with Lily, there was also Dany and Steffy and others, but Lily was her closest friend. Oh, poor Lily, now she can never be naughty again. She had reached her house. Her mother had come to open the door, she smiled when her daughter entered. "The dinner is ready," she said and closed the door behind her. Shayla sat down and watched her little brothers and sisters quarreling over something until mother told them to stop it and behave nicely. When her father came with Eleseus, Shayla’s big brother, they all started to eat. It was just as any usual dinner, the little children giggled and shouted and behaved not nicely at all, the others were trying to have a conversation. Shayla tried to be happy, tried to enjoy but whenever she looked around, saw her family surrounding her, she had to try very hard not to start crying. "What is matter with you, darling?" her mother asked, "you seem kind of sad. Is there anything wrong?" "Everything is all right," Shayla said and understood that she can’t hold back her emotions any more. "Everything is all right," she said and her eyes were filled with tears, "for now. Everything is all right for now. But when I wake up and can’t deny anymore that it was just a dream, well then it isn’t all right anymore." Shayla started crying. "No, then it’s not all right, not at all," she sobbed. "Calm down, honey, don’t cry anymore," said her mother, "we are all here for you. We are all here for you, now and always." "But it’s just a dream," Shayla said, "just a dream…" Her mother took Shayla into her arms and comforted her: "So what? We are still here for you. Nothing can keep us apart, not even death, we are always there for you, remember that, we are always there to help you, whenever you need us." She paused and looked into her eyes: "Stop crying now. Good girl! Let’s finish the dinner now and later on we can talk about all that worries you."

01-05-2004, 03:50 PM
Dreams are funny things. They may last just a second but you can see yourself living your life for many days or you sleep all night and see only one moment, one flash. Shayla lead a normal life, a good peaceful normal life and the only thing that ruined her happiness was the fact that she knew she will have to wake up once. She ate dinner with her family, they laughed and talked together and for a moment she forgot it was only a dream. But when the dinner was over, and her little sisters and brothers had gone to bed, the four of them – Shayla, her parents and her older brother – sat down to the table. For a while the were all silent, but then her mother started to speak: “Tell me, darling, how are you doing? Tell us about your problems. I am sure we can help you.” Shayla opened her mouth: “Well, there are those dragons…” “Yes, we know,” her brother Eleseus interruped her, “we have seen them, remember. Well, one of them actually. Hard to forget the last thing you saw before dying, especially if that thing caused your death.” He laughed bitterly. Shayla continued: “Well, we have to fight them. There are these diamonds…” “Yes?” her mother tried to encourage her. “The diamonds that help us defeat the dragons. I know that sounds a little silly, but these diamonds help us to find our inner strength. Or something like that,” she concluded her story. There was another moment of silence. Shayla ended it quite soon: “I don’t think I have any strength, inner or outer. And I have no fighting skills.” Her mother smiled: “Of course you have your inner strength. You have already used it once.” Shayla was surprised: “What? That cannot be. But I have not done anything yet.” Now her father intervened in the conversation. “Yes, you have,” he said slowly, “you have done something that was extremely hard and required a great effort from you. You have abilities that are important and essential for your quest for it will be long and difficult. But you are the right person for it, you are the chosen one, and if you cannot do it, then nobody else can. It is your destiny, your fate, your mission of life. Think about it. It is in you, in your soul, the ability to survive and to find a way how to achieve what you want. It is all inside you and you should never doubt that you are the chosen one, the only person to fit in the place, in the destiny of yours. Now go and do what you have to do.” “But how can I leave you?” Shayla was in tears, “how can I leave you again?” “The same way you left us before. It will be hard, but you can do it. You have the strength to do it as you have the strength to do other things.” Shayla stood up. Her mother came to her, and held her in her arms. “Be strong, sis,” her brother said when Shayla embraced him. Her father opened the door. “Remember what I told you, never forget who you are,” he said. Shayla swallowed her sadness and stepped out of the door. “Remember, we are always there for you,” she heard her mother say and then the image was gone.

01-05-2004, 11:53 PM
"Shayla, Shayla, Wake up, were leaving," I whispered in her ear. As i lightly shook Shayla again i heard a holler from only a few feet away, at least it seemed so, someone from the group had screamed, but who and why? I squeezed Shayla's arm in one last effort before going to find out what the trouble was. As i walked nearer to the group i noticed the look of dread, of discouragment, what could have happened in those short minutes when i awoke the company? "Who screamed?" I asked still puzzled and confused. "I did..." Daisy said scarcely. "Why?" yet another question. Oremier patted Daisy's back as she answered me, "The horses....There gone, there not here, there nowhere, we can't find them, the ropes seem to have been cut." I stood there shocked and bewildered, what were we to do without horses, so far away from any city or village. "It was that man! That man that came to the camp last night, he did it, i know he did!" Elwryan said. "OH hush! It wasn't him, not his style, nor would he have a place to go, since he is following fairly closely. Someone else must have someones' against us, trying to ruin our plans, but who I can not say. I hope none of you had anything of great value in those sachels."

01-06-2004, 01:28 AM
*Whistles loudly* "Tinuviel!!!" *Horse comes back, dragging his satchel along w/ him* "Well, my horse will always come when called. Not sure about the rest of you..." He said with a slightly discouraged tone.

01-06-2004, 01:09 PM
AIya called for Celebre, but nothing happened.
"He's not coming back." she said dismally. "Something has happened to him, I know it." she said, her voice faltering. She punched a nearby tree, which soon burst into flames. She looked at it, and then at her palm, which glowed. Then she smiled, "I think I'll like this." she said

ooc: stole a little bit from Master Paolini, so sue me, its just an rpg, lol.

01-06-2004, 10:58 PM
"I've heard that a horse ill always come when called... but.."

Gulio, Strength of Many
01-06-2004, 11:09 PM
Elwryan didn't even bother calling for her pony. She and Cinder had never gotten along that well. Cinder was your typical pony; stubborn, fat, and lazy. We did have a few good times... Elwryan thought. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm gonna miss the stubborn little orc-spawn.

Her thoughts turned back to the strange cloaked man from last night. I KNOW it was him, it must have been.

01-06-2004, 11:33 PM
ooc: Hope no minded that i used certian peoples names...i just kinda looked for names not really caring who it was...i would have used Shayla since it was the first name i saw but she was asleep. I can change it if it bothers anyone.

01-07-2004, 05:34 AM
Originally posted by elvishfaerie3088
"I hope none of you had anything of great value in those sachels."

"Just my Diamond," called Órëmîr, her voice deep and strangely calm.

Órëmîr looked out over the plains; she had not bound Tintil to their encampment, and always allowed him to roam wherever he wanted at night; she had never really bothered to tame him, though he would ever return to her without fail. A horn of pearl and silver hung by her side: she lifted it to her lips and sounded three loud calls on it. She sat down next to Elwryan resignedly.

"When you cut off a unicorn's horn, it is virtually painless and the spike will inevitably grow back," she said softly, as much to herself as to the Dwarf. "The horn that one fashions from the appendage will always summon the creature to them should need ever be dire and the animal's survival debatable or uncertain."

A white shimmer emerged form the shadow of the trees upon the edge of the plain: Órëmîr waited patiently for Tintil to reach them. Checking that her Diamond was still in the felt bag slung over his back, Órëmîr fed him and patted him rewardingly.

"He is a large steed, and, as a Unicorn, stronger than most horses;" she said, turning to Elwryan. "I think he could bear you."

Órëmîr created a foothold with her hands and hoisted Elwryan onto Tintil's back before mounting herself: there was still room on his broad back for another rider, but with a Dwarf's heavy armour and bags besides she thought the steed may not have the strength for it. Bending down off Tintil's back, Órëmîr wrapped her arms around Daisy's torso and lifted the Hobbit up and sat her in front of her.

Órëmîr grasped the reins, her hands reaching from either side of Daisy; Elwryan sat behind her, her hands loosely gripping the Elf's waist for support. Tintil shifted restlessly. Estelio hýn, aran anvanya, taren roch-Tilion… Órëmîr murmured. Tintil stood still, but remained restless.

"We will not be more than an hour," Órëmîr called, sensing his discomfort. "We will look for a short time in the wood for the other horses." <if Daisy or Elwyan didn't want to go, here is where Órëmîr lets them off>

Kir in sûl! Toltha in taur; telco ná thalion thartalath; dan thang thaur; arë laurë tinta til lîn celeb ve rië in silmë-rána. Kir in sûl! Órëmîr whispered, and Tintil set off at full gallop.

01-10-2004, 04:11 PM
It took a little time until Shayla got up and faced the reality. It took some more time until she decided that now she is ready to face the reality in front of her companions. As soon as Shayla saw them, she understood that something was not as it should have been, and then she heard about the horses. Órëmîr had gone to look for them, though the situation seemed quite hopeless. Good if she finds them, but what if she does not? I guess we have to walk then, thought Shayla and smiled bitterly. If you do not have a horse, then you don't have any other option but to walk, or find someone who can give you some horses. Which, if you are in the middle of nowhere, is a pretty difficult thing to do. Shayla sat down and felt her hope slowly leaving her mind. She remembered an old saying used in dangerous and hopeless times, not in her village, of course, which had been the home of peace, but elsewhere. Shayla said it to herself: "There is always hope." And maybe there is. Maybe things do work out well in the end, just like in adventure stories and fairy-tales. Maybe there is something or somebody watching after them, and helping them to succeed. On the other hand, maybe there isn't, but Shayla decided that positive thinking is a need in such a situation. So she tried to feel happier and hopeful, and have a nice morning snack while they are waiting. But then she realized that her food had gone with her horse, and that staying cheerful with an empty stomach wasn't easy at all in a situation like this.

Gulio, Strength of Many
01-10-2004, 11:57 PM
"Thank you," Elwryan said, "I hope this isn't too much for Tintil..."

01-13-2004, 11:11 PM
ooc: i'm lost for ideas at the moment

Gulio, Strength of Many
01-17-2004, 10:17 PM
ooc: *Gasp* WRITERS BLOCK!!! Noooooooooooooooooo!!! Wait, I know! *Plunks loverly orange hat on head* There, all better!:D (Seriously, it works!)

ic: They went at a slow pace, not wanting to tire the remaining horses. They kept a sharp eye out for the missing ones, but no trace was found.

Later that night, they camped next to a stream. Elwryan ended up with first watch, which was good. She wanted to have a little chat with the cloaked stranger if he showed up again. This time, he would have a rather angry Dwarf to deal with, regardless of whose friend he was.

ooc: There, now Elvishfaerie can bring Malrash back in, and I can yell at people! Huzzah!:D

01-25-2004, 12:30 AM
As Malrash walked along slowly and grimly staring only at the ground, hoping it would open it up and swallow her whole, but to no avail. A test, a quest all the same thing in her mind, and it was becoming harder and they hadn't even reached a half way point. How was anyone suppose to lead such a dismall company and mission? Especillay when the leader couldn't even find out their own power to find their "diamond", everyone else had seemed to find their song. Once again the shadowed figure appeared, just as Malrash herself was ready to cry into the missary of her own self pity. She gasped as she finally took notice of his presence, "Dunedain! What are you doing here? The dwarf and a few others i'm sure are out to kill you, and you choose to show up NOW?!" "Yes i choose to come now, they will not harm me though, i doubt they've noticed me. Why so sad, you've done things far harder than this, lift your head up, good things may still be ahead." Duedain now as he was to be called walked along beside Malrash for a long time, still covered in his cloak, until finally someone noticed him and really took off.

01-31-2004, 01:57 AM
*hits nintey second rule over the head with a japaneese radish*
*then attacks it with a wooden sword*

Gulio, Strength of Many
02-02-2004, 10:46 PM
ooc: So can I yell at him now?:D Oh heck, might at well, I've seen dead moosies move faster than this! (I know moose is the correct plural of moose, but really, how fun is that?)

ic: "YOU!" Elwryan shouted at the man, "You have a lot of explaining to do!"

"Elwryan, wait," Malrash said, "Dunedain had nothing to do with-"

"I'm sure he didn't!" Elwryan replied sarcastically, "Because it is most likely mere coincidence that the same night he shows up, our horses disappear!"

Dunedain said nothing. He just looked at Elwryan, an infuriating half-smile playing across his lips.

"You have nothing to say for yourself then?" Elwryan said, trying hard not to show her exasperation at Dunedain's response (or lack thereof), and failing.

ooc: Hope you don't mind the godmodding, it's just hard to yell at people one-way, if you understand me.

02-03-2004, 12:36 AM
ooc: lol god mode Dunedain all you want! He's just an add in right now to make it a tad interesting, and i don't mind that tad bit of god moding my character, something i would or she would say anyhow.

ic: "To say anything would be a penniless thought for i can not give you a reasonable answer that would statisfy your mind, if you wish to kill me do so, but i will fight back." Dunedain said to Elwryn with a slight grin on his face

Gulio, Strength of Many
02-03-2004, 01:06 AM
Elwryan wanted to strangle him. But that would most likely put the whole quest in jeproday, for Malrash would probably not approve of such a thing. "The only thing that keeps me from doing so is the severity of our quest, of which I'm sure you know every detail of," She said.

By this time her shouting had roused the rest of the sleeping fellowship, and a few came to see what was going on.

02-03-2004, 01:40 AM
"What in the seven hells are you going on about Elwryan? I had just gotten to sleep too." Eclipse sighed. "Oh well, now I'll never get back to sleep." He mumbled to himself.

Gulio, Strength of Many
02-03-2004, 09:30 PM
"This-this" Elwryan couldn't think of an insult that quite expressed her deep rage at Dunedain. "He is the one who stole our horses! I know it!"

02-03-2004, 09:48 PM
"Are you sure? You're making an awfully large accusement. Do you have any evidence to back up your claims? Or are you crawling in the dark?"

02-04-2004, 07:14 AM
"I would not support either argument:" said Órëmîr, strongly but softly, her hand resting on Elwryan's shoulder. "Elwryan's accusation or that it is wholly implausible. I do not judge any likely suspect in our Company who might have freed the horses, and it is indeed suspicious that he –" she nodded towards Dúnedain "– was seemingly first sighted the night they escaped; I would not blame Elwryan for misgivings about him. It is unnatural that the horses may have wandered so far as to have escaped the hearing of our calls or chase, and I do not see what purpose his secrecy has served. You demanded trust and loyalty of us, Malrash, I would not believe you to be one in position of obscurity."

02-04-2004, 02:39 PM
Shayla joined the conversation, which she had observed for a while. She usually liked to be alone and think or remember but this time she felt a need for company. She had noticed Malrash and Elwryan talking to a man she had never seen before. That had caught her attention and she had listened to them before letting them see her, in order to find out what it was all about. Then Eclipse and Órëmîr had come and expressed their opinion, and Shayla felt that now would be a good time to express hers. She stepped out of the shadows and said slowly but firmly: "We can argue about this as long as we want, but what good may come out of that? Why don't we just ask him, instead of all this accusing. Besides, if he is a friend of Malrash and she trusts him, why shouldn't we." She felt some sarcasm in her tone and wondered if anyone else had noticed that. Then, turning to the stranger, Dúnedain as others called him, she asked in a rather kind voice: "Just say yes or no, ok? Did you steal our horses?" But Shayla already knew the answer. She felt it in her heart.

Gulio, Strength of Many
02-04-2004, 10:20 PM
Elwryan rolled her eyes, Why ask him? It's not like he'll admit to stealing our horses! She thought. She remained silent, however. If the others will just believe a secretive stranger without hardly any question, this quest is doomed to failure anyway!

She wasn't sure how she knew Dunedain was behind the disappearances of their horses, she just felt it. Following similar feelings had saved her life many times, so she had learned to trust herself.

Why she was so angry, though, she had no idea. Usually she didn't let things like this bother her so much. She had had horses stolen, and worse, before, and she had never been so upset. Maybe it's all catching up to me, She thought, Or maybe I just need someone to be mad at.

02-05-2004, 07:44 PM
"No, it was not I who let your horses go or stole them as you have so 'nicely' put it, thank-you, um.....i'm sorry i do not know your name. But i do wish to help you along, not only because i may be of some great use, but there is one thing you may not know." Dunedain looked at Malrash and then at her company, "I too hold one of your precious diamonds, and no i did not steal it from any of you, for it is black, i do not yet know the secrets it holds, but i know we are meant to do this, if we can not work together how will this quest ever stay afoot?" Dunedain looked on and hoped that someone would come to his aide, though Malrash already had by standing by him.

02-05-2004, 10:49 PM
"I'm getting sick of all this talk. Dunedain I side with you." Giving her a sypathetic look I said,"Sorry Elarwyn. I read minds, remember?"

02-06-2004, 02:49 AM
ooc: wasn't Akai's diamond black ? or has she left this thread...

ic: Órëmîr shrugged. "I would not begrudge Elwryan for any further suspicion," she said softly, as much to herself as to anyone else. "But I do not favour confrontation, nor the rejection of aid when it is offered. But you speak of working together; how did hiding yourself from us prompt our cohesion upon this Quest?"

02-08-2004, 12:29 AM
ooc: is it? if it is i can change that but i thought black was the only colour no one had...i dunno for sure though.

ic: "I hid because, well, i wasn't sure i'd be accepted, everyone else is quite open about everything, and i'm not ready to do anything of the sort and it would probably throw a lot of you off, and some of you are still warry of me and i can see that clearly." Dunedain said as quickly as he could.

02-08-2004, 02:57 AM
Aiya rolled her eyes, I wouldn't be accepted...I didnt steal the horses...no one likes me she thought mockingly.
"I agree with you, Elwryan" whispered Aiya. "Well, I suppose we will need a fire." said Aiya off-handedly. Actually, she just wanted a reason to set something alight without burning down the forest. She strechted out her palm and lit a bunch of dried wood.
"Well, whatever we think, majority rules that you are accepted, so, sit down, have something to eat. Oh, wait, we dont have anything." she said sarcastically.

hiding could he not come up with a better excuse than that? the Dunedain weren't as smart as they were said to be.

02-10-2004, 11:38 PM
"How bout I go hunting? I need a bow, and arrows. Thanks." I said as Dunedian handed me his.
"Be careful with that Eclipse."
"Sure thing."
*Hour later*
"Damn these things are heavy!" I exclaimed, bringing in a buck and two deer. "That shoud comfortably feed us. Now excuse me while I take a rest." I walked towards the small stream, and washed the blood off of me.

02-11-2004, 01:26 AM
Aiya rolled her eyes, "Really, Eclipse. I'm sure a buck would have fed us all. But if you insist upon showing off your supreme hunting skills, by all means, show away." she said as she roasted a bit of meat.
"I need a horse." she thought to herself. That last ride on the back of someone else's beast wasn't exactly comfy.

02-14-2004, 12:40 AM
"Knowing how some of us eat... and considering that supposedly dwarves, and humans eat a great deal.....No offense Elrwrayn." I added hastily. "I meant, that it would keep for days, and we wouldn't have to hunt for a while. If we keep it carefully preserved... unless you like eating hardtack."

Gulio, Strength of Many
02-18-2004, 12:49 AM
"Sorry Elwryan. I read minds, remember?" Eclipse (is that your char's name, Legoles?) said, seeming condescending to the rather miffed Dwarf.

But can you read the soul? She thought.

"I agree with you, Elwryan" whispered Aiya. "Well, I suppose we will need a fire." said Aiya. She proceeded to light a warm, crackling fire. "Well, whatever we think, majority rules that you are accepted, so, sit down, have something to eat. Oh, wait, we dont have anything." She said, making it a point to look at Dunedain while saying it.

"How bout I go hunting? I need a bow, and arrows. Thanks." Eclipse said. Dunedain handed her his, wanring her to be careful. She returned after a time with two does and a buck, enough to feed a small army, in Elwryan's opinion. Might as well let her show off. It seems that I'm not in such good standing with the others anymore. Instead, they support some random stranger who has been HIDING from us! She sighed, Well, here's one Dwarf who won't be easily decieved. She only half-heard the crack Eclipse made about Dwarves eating a lot. It took all of her willpower not to strangle the pompous show-off.

ooc: Anything I say or do ic does NOT reflect how I actually feel about a person! Just a disclaimer:)

02-18-2004, 01:44 AM
teehee, I'm not too sure about that, gulio. j/k. I am tired *yawn*

ic: Aiya began to prepare the meat, which is a nasty business if you ever happen to try. Dunedain proceeded to help her,
"I can do it, thank you!" snapped Aiya moodily.
**half an hour later**
Aiya needed help. Not like she was ever going to admit it. "Stupid pride." she thought to herself as she fumbled with the knife. She was stripping off tiny peices and adding them to the water. Eclipse walked over and began skinning part of the buck. This time she didn't do anything, she just acted as though he wasn't there.

I am sooooooo tired wait I already said that. well, in that case. good night all!

02-20-2004, 12:02 AM
ECLIPSE IS A GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[There, got that outta my system GULIO, PAY ATTENTION! [j/k;) ]

02-20-2004, 01:29 AM
teehee, you don't play guys very often leggy, you are the girly elf-bopper type. Does someone want to post something meaningful? Ok, well, I won't anyway. Not like I ever do, lol. I am too tired.

Gulio, Strength of Many
02-20-2004, 01:57 AM
ooc: Eeeep. Sorry, Leggy. It's just thatyou are always, like Pip said, the elfybopper/warrior maiden with a hint of anime type of person. No meaningful postage here, Pip!:P

02-20-2004, 01:04 PM
ooc: srry ive been gone so long.

ic: Everyone slowly finished they're meal still unsure of who this Dunedain was, but most were willing enough to accept him to join but it was another thing to get them to co-operate. "If all of you are done, can we head on? we have a long journey to go, and how many of us still need diamonds?" I asked, because of my forgetful mind. "or shall we sit here and let the enemy take us?"

02-20-2004, 04:10 PM
"I don't have a diamond," Shayla said and wondered why she felt embarrassed because of it. Seconds, minutes and days passed by but she hadn't found her diamond yet and she felt a growing need for it. She wasn't a good fighter, and this seemed to be the only thing that could help her with fighting the dragons. She tried hard not to lose hope for there were others who hadn't found their diamonds either. But as sitting at one place doesn't do any good, they had to continue their journey anyway. "I suppose we go then," she said and stood up.

02-20-2004, 08:49 PM
Aiya finished the last of her stew and packed her bowl back into her pack. Daisy quickly put out the fire with her newfound water powers(that was daisy, right? or oremir?) Aiya looked around as people began to mount thier horses. 'Dear Eru, I don't want to ride that nag again.' she thought as she looked woefully at Malrash's horse. The horse was plenty valiant and sleek, but you see it in a different veiw when you are riding on the rear-end.
"Don't you have a horse?" asked Dunedain as he nudged his horse towards her.
"As a matter of fact-" she began
"Because if you don't you are welcome to ride mine. I am sure she wouldn't mind." replied Dunedain, cutting Aiya off. "I'll let you have the saddle, I know it's not too comy sitting in the back." he said with a smile.
Aiya did not want to have anything to do with dunedain, but she had no choice. She was not up to a beating on the back of Malrash's steed.
'Okay." she said, stepping closer to the mare. Dunedain dismounted and proceeded to give her a leg up, but she leapt up to the saddle herself. Then he climbed on to the rear of the horse.
"Ready?" asked Malrash.

02-20-2004, 11:33 PM
As we rode off towards distant hills, i rode closer to Shayla and whispered quietly, "That makes two of us without diamonds, makes you feel out of the loop and want your's pretty badly doesn't it?"

02-21-2004, 05:34 PM
No, that doesn't bother me at all, Shayla wanted to answer but then understood that she wasn't that good a liar. "As long as we find them before the dragons find us, everything should be fine," she said. No, it isn't, she thought, we must find them as soon as possible for every moment we waste, dragons destroy this land and its inhabitants. It's probably my fault that I haven't found it yet. But then again, she hasn't found hers either, and she knows a lot more about these things than I do. Shayla sighed. "I hope we both find them soon," she said in a quiet voice.

02-29-2004, 05:08 PM
ooc: Sorry i'm leaving the moot for good, i have too many priorities, sorry carry on if you wish...

Gulio, Strength of Many
03-01-2004, 12:21 AM
ooc: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: WHAT?!?! Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:( :( :( :mad: :eek: :confused: I'll miss you!!! Don't leave! Or I'll have to follow you too!

03-09-2004, 11:03 PM
okay, okay maybe i won't....really u'd follow me? well that would make life intresting.

03-11-2004, 11:29 PM
Hey! Gulio, don't forget me! I'm following you too ElvishFaerie!!!!

03-13-2004, 03:33 AM
ooc: lol you sure make life intresting. So where were we in the rpg though?

ic: We had travelled for days Shayla and i still not being able to find our diamonds, everytime i thought i had gotten close i would find it was merely something to catch my eye and make me stop, nothing more. On about the 8th day of our travelling we came upon a river that seemed familiar but was stained with blood, as we crossed the river we found a ruined city, houses in ruble and dust, faces of dead children and women. "Tis a sad, sad sight, we are not quick enough we have already failed one city how many more have we already failed or are about to fail? The dragons are gaining and we do not yet have enough power to defeat them. I feel as if this is my fault. What are we to do? We have no idea even on where we are going anymore, everything seems at a loss." I said, trying not to look up at the sky with tear filled eyes yet i knew it was hopless, i was dragging everyone down.

Gulio, Strength of Many
03-13-2004, 05:01 PM
ooc: Fear the little orange rowboat of DOOM! ;) Somewhat confused, oh well. We're of to see the dragons, the evil old dragons of....... uh...... evilness? (I'm gonna be a songwriter when I grow up....NOT!)

Elwryan rode along, (No wait! I don't have a horsey anymore. Dunedain STOLE IT!;)) Okay.... help me out here.....

03-14-2004, 09:08 PM
Suddenly as we stood at the edge of the river a boat came sailing down, with many orc's aboard. "Look a boat, we should kill the orcs and take their boat we can go faster than walking and doubling up on the horses." Dunedain said.

ooc: i know it's lame, but it works thanks for the idea Gulio.

03-14-2004, 09:11 PM
"Done." I said blowing off my finger as if it were a gun. The orcs in the boat were all dead.
"How did you?"
"Demon magic. We all can do it. Not very impressive. Shall we?"

03-16-2004, 08:31 PM
"We shall, but who will navigate i have little knowledge of boats?"

03-19-2004, 10:33 AM
"I'll do it." I said with an inward sigh,'some of theese people are sooooo incompetant' I thought.

03-20-2004, 12:58 PM
That was quick, Shayla thought with great relief. Seeing the orcs aboard, she had assumed that a great fight would come of this. Courageous warriors, as she had been told as a child, always rode into battle on their white horses with no fear in their hearts, with no hesitation, with the acceptance of their fate. Why was she chosed for this mission? Had there really not been a better candidate? There should have been, almost every person in the world would have been a better choice. Why had she been chosen? And why, oh why was she so scared when she saw the orcs? Everyone she cared about was dead, why was she afraid of dying? Back in Imladris she had told herself that she was not afraid of death and she had believed it. She had even gone as far as to consider taking her own life. But she hadn't done it. Why? Because she had felt it was her duty, her fate. But was it? If she had died, either back in her village or by her own hand in Rivendell, would there have been anyone else to claim her place, her mission, her fate? If there had been someone else, then that person would have done much better, that person would have found his or her diamond and would have been greater help to everybody. That person would have had a chance to succeed, a chance to save this world. But what if there was just her, and if she had died all hope would have been lost? The mission would have been cancelled because only together all the diamonds have enough power to destroy the dragons. Maybe the mission would have still taken place, for as long there is life there is hope. Or at least it is said so. Shayla felt hopeless again. Yes, they had got the boat, and they had got it without any sacrifices from their side. Why don't I have such magic? Shayla said to herself, it would be very useful. But no, she didn't have any magic, nor had she her diamond and in addition she was probably the worst fighter in the world.

Sitting in the boat and watching the trees at the river-banks sliding past them, she thought what many in same and other kind of situations had thought before. Why me?

Gulio, Strength of Many
03-26-2004, 01:53 AM
Elwryan gripped the side of the boat tightly. She had never been in a boat before, and didn't know how to swim, should the boat tip over. Everyone else seemed at ease, and Elwryan tried to relax. "So, Shayla," Elwryan said, trying to start a conversation to take her mind off the tempramental boat, "What brought you to Rivendell?"

03-29-2004, 09:39 AM
Shayla thought about it and had to admit to herself that it was a good question. What had brought her to Rivendell? An inner voice, the sixth sense, intuition - that was it. Or was it? She had heard about this magical place of peace and beauty, but she had not known where it was. But she did get there, she did follow the shortest road to her initial destination, and she never doubted getting there. It felt as if someone or something had been guiding her. Or maybe she just knew things she didn't know she knew.

Elwryan was waiting for her answer. "I had to go there," Shayla replied, "I just couldn't do anything but to go there."

Gulio, Strength of Many
03-31-2004, 12:24 AM
"Oh," was all Elwryan could think to say, because her thoughts kept returning to the rickety floating contraption that fate - or Dunedain - had landed her in. She couldn't wait until she was back on solid ground.

04-02-2004, 10:53 AM
Shayla liked the gentle rocking of the boat. It made her sleepy. Everything went blurry and faded, it become mistier and mistier, all problems and thoughts were gone. Shayla closed her eyes. Then she opened them and saw it. It was beautiful, glittering and reflecting light. And it was yellow. Her diamond. She reached for it, she almost had it, she felt its coolness with her fingertips. Almost, just a little more, just a little more... She heard someone say her name, but the voice came from great distance and she could hardly hear it. Just a little more, just a little more, she can reach it, almost, just a little more...

It was cold and dark. Where was it? Where was her diamond? It should have been there somewhere. Just a little more... it was still there, it was down there, she could almost reach it. Just a little more... "Not yet," said a voice cold and so clear that Shayla startled. And then the reality hit her along with a great amount of cold water. She arose to the surface and into the bright light. She took a deep breath and looked at her hands hoping to see the diamond. It was not there, not yet. Shayla took another deep breath before swimming to the boat.

04-06-2004, 05:44 AM
ooc: useless post, but the thread is dying!...somewhat.

ic: Órëmîr took a coarse oar and was steering steadily from the back of the vessel. She saw Shayla sway and fall from the boat before her: immediately she leant over the railing and reached deep into the cold water, but Shayla had sunk out of reach of her grasp. There was a faint flicker of light near the floor of the lake, silhouetted against which Órëmîr could see Shayla's seemingly half-conscious form. Taking a deep breath, Órëmîr lowered her face beneath the surface of the freezing-cold stream, groping half-blindly for Shayla; her hand clasped her ankle and she wrenched the girl to the surface again. Water dripping from their clothes and hair, Órëmîr and Shayla climbed back into the boat. Órëmîr took the pale blue cloak from her sack and draped it about Shayla's shoulders; she folded her arms loosely athwart the human's chest, her long fingers clasping her damp shoulders.

ooc: like i said; useless.

04-07-2004, 01:33 AM
"Be more careful." I called back worriedly. Theese boats wern't as sturdy as they seemed. <I wonder...>

04-07-2004, 11:16 PM
ooc: out of ideas...anyonoe help!

04-08-2004, 12:04 PM
Shayla laid down in the boat, being cold and confused. Mostly confused. What had happened to her? Did she just have a dream or was it reality? It had been so close to her, and she wanted it so badly, she needed it so much. "Not yet" - Shayla didn't bother to wonder who had said this, but she thought what it meant. Why can't she have her diamond yet? Maybe she doesn't deserve it? Maybe she has to do something before she can have it?

Feeling a sudden chill Shayla looked up. There was a dark cloud in the sky. It had the shape of a... of a what? Of a dragon. So what? A cloud that has the shape of a dragon doesn't hurt anybody, Shayla thought. Then she understood that it was not a cloud.

Gulio, Strength of Many
04-08-2004, 07:40 PM
ooc: :eek: That's an idea . . . . .

ic: Elwryan felt a chill pass through her, cutting to her very bones. She looked up, and saw one of the most feared creatures in all Middle-Earth. The dragon was so big, it seemed to blot out the sun. It's shadow was more like a cut in space, in infinite blackness that absorbed light and warmth.

04-15-2004, 05:32 PM
ooc: Great idea!

ic: "What the.....great....just great......"

04-24-2004, 03:28 PM
Shayla stayed as quiet as she could. Maybe it won't notice us if we're still. Maybe it'll go away.

It didn't. Instead it turned its head and looked beneath it directly at the boat. Then she saw it opening its mouth. And then came the flame.

"Jump!" somebody shouted. "I can't swim!" another voice screamed. And then there were some splashes as they jumped into the water.

Shayla didn't. She still laid quietly in the boat, watching the arrow of flame coming closer and closer and closer.

Maybe we should move now? part of her mind said. But Shayla still didn't move. Why? Because another part of her said no. The part of her that had told her to leave home and brought her to Rivendell though she didn't know the way. And now it, her heart or her spirit or whatever it was said no, and she trusted it.

The fiery arrow came closer and closer and closer. It struck the boat.

There were little burning pieces of wood everywhere.

It was probably Malrash who found Shayla's limp body and took it to the shore. The dragon, happy with the destruction it caused, flew away.

ooc: I'm not dead yet, so please don't bury me

Gulio, Strength of Many
04-27-2004, 12:27 AM
"Jump!" someone shouted as the dragon loosed a blast of fire.

"I can't swim!" Elwryan replied frantically, but someone pulled her in anyway. It's a good thing too, for the boat that she had just been in was incinerated by the dragon's flame.

But, that still left a panicked Dwarf who couldn't swim struggling to remain at the surface. It didn't go well.

She was pulled out by someone, she couldn't really tell. All she could think about was getting air into her waterlogged lungs. After a while of coughing up water and forcing air into her lungs, she finally was able to see straight.

ooc: I'm tired, sorry.

04-27-2004, 07:13 PM
"Dunedain grab the dwarf! I've got Shayla!" I screamed jumping back into the icy water of the river and dragging an unconscious Shayla out. "Where are the others? Are we the only two conscious?" I asked trembling immensly.
"I don't know, i don't see anyone else, i'm going to look up and down the river, stay here and try and keep those two warm." Dunedain replied.
What was going on, why was this happening, darn that wind! "Cala era sin tay!" I screamed in a language unknown to men or elves, but that only known to faeries, the wind died down to a gentle breeze it was enough to keep them warm until i could start a fire at least....

ooc: Barry You! the thought never even crossed my mind.

04-29-2004, 11:24 PM
Eclipse walked out of the river, limping for a nasty burn wound, and carrying Oremir over his shoulder."Damn this all to hell." I siad angrily. I put Oremir on the ground then attended to my own needs. "Cae Steir Hienal!" The wound closed seamlessly. "Any of you injured?"
"Good. Oremir seems to be fine. I'm going to sleep. If you see another dragon, please wake me." He said rather snappisly. Then realizing his tone he apologised by saying,"I'm sorry for the tone, but I get tired after major magic."

05-02-2004, 11:42 PM
"Don't i know it." I sighed and fell asleep beside the fire, only to wake in the early morning to find that Dunedain still had not returned.

05-04-2004, 02:19 PM
Shayla looked at her right arm. It hurt. Actually most of her body hurt. No, she had no major injuries, just a few burns, some more serious and others less. She wasn't quite sure what had happened - at one moment she was in the boat and watched the fiery arrow approaching her, and then she was on land and her whole body ached. Judging by what was left of the boat, Shayla was almost certain that someone had pulled her into the water at the last moment, otherwise she wouldn't have survived. Maybe she did it herself, jumped out of the boat, but she had no memory of this.

But what tortured her even more than the physical pain, was her mind. Now why did she have to do this, she asked herself, but no answer came. No, she still didn't have her diamond and the only result of her stupidity was the loss of her companions' respect. Maybe they had never respected her in any way, but what she had done showed others how stupid and reckless and foolish she was. Now why did she have to do this!

Shayla looked at her arm again. It was seriously burnt, and it woula probably leave a scar. It will be a reminder to me, she thought, for the next time I want to do something stupid again. Whoever chose her for this mission, had made the biggest mistake of his life.

05-29-2004, 12:38 PM
Dunedain came a little before noon. "I have found a little hut not far from here," he said, "we should better go there. It's well hidden under the trees so the dragon won't see it if he comes back. It's more comfortable there for you all, and we need to make some plans." "What plans?" someone asked. "We have to deside where to go and what to do next. Some of you still don't have your diamonds and we need them all. You should concentrate on finding them, think about how you could obtain them. There might be some people we could ask for advice if we can't succeed otherwise."

Concentrate on finding all the diamonds? Shayla thought bitterly, I am concentrating already! That's all I do! But it hasn't done any good so far! But yes, we need to make some plans. For example, what if I never find my diamond - would it help if someone kills me and takes my place?

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-28-2004, 01:00 PM
What do you think I've been doing? Elwryan thought. But so far, no luck. I don't even know what I'm supposed to be looking for! She sighed, she did owe the man her life now. Drat him.

06-29-2004, 04:28 PM
It didn't take them long to reach the hut and after a few amendments they were willing to stay there. The hut was rather small and when they were all inside, not much spare room was left. There was a little table in the middle of the shack, around which they all finally gathered. "Plans," said someone, "you said we need to make some plans. Anyone having any suggestions? What should we do next?" Silence.

Gulio, Strength of Many
07-22-2004, 03:55 PM
Elwryan said nothing, not having anything important to say. She had no idea what she was even supposed to be looking for, never mind where to find it. She sighed. Why did I even agree to this? she wondered.

07-30-2004, 02:12 PM
"Well, first things first. Do any of you have any MAJOR burns, cuts, or other injuries?"

07-31-2004, 02:07 PM
Shayla felt slightly uncomfortable as Eclipse looked at her, just as he looked at everybody. "No," she finally got herself to say, "nothing I can't live with."

"I need those burns," she murmured, "I need them for the next time I feel like doing something so stupid."

07-31-2004, 09:40 PM
"We should get a move on soon then if no one is hurt and everyone warms up quickly enough i don't like the feel of the woods behind us..."

ooc: sorry i've been gone soooo very long now i have to figure out this :eek: new system....*sigh* it's nice though i like it.

08-01-2004, 08:31 AM
"Go where?" Shayla said abruptly, "where are we going at all? It seems that we just go and travel and get into some kind of trouble but we get nowhere. And the dragons are destroying more and more villages and towns and killing more and more people, and we just... I mean, some of us have the diamonds - can't they use them for fighting the dragons? Or can't we just go and warn people or help them somehow - make them ready for such an attack, or at least more ready than they are now. And how on Middle-Earth are we supposed to find our diamonds? Just concentrating doesn't help, believe me! I just can't sit here or go around in circles when something so terrible is happening every single minute!"

She fell silent and stared at Malrash quite angrily.

08-01-2004, 04:52 PM
"There is a place, in which we are headed. Dark and dreary, damp and reaking of the cold. A place no one has ever set foot in, nor has it ever been named. The road has been tough dear Shayla for they do not want us there, it can destroy the heart of them all, yes indeed we can destroy dragons with what diamonds we have now, but we will need all of them in order...in order to destroy them permently. I've warned most of the villages but they either won't listen or they think they can handle it, but most of these dragons are controlled by such a magic that they can not defeat not without another magic or something more powerfull, so this is the road we must take if you have a better idea i'm up to hear it! But this was the only choice i could see, ever since we left Rivendell i've been trying to think of another way but there isn't, there just isn't."

"So where is this place that we must go, it seems so undefined at the moment. I'd go anywhere and do anything for this earth and other things as long as it means a battle anything less i don't think i could do, such as fight a drunken man for his keep. Where is it, how do we get there what else are we up against?" asked Dunedain, looking hopefully around

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-02-2004, 03:22 PM
Elwryan shot a sympathetic glance at Shayla. The dwarf was curious as to where they would be going, and how they would get there. If it was too far, then all of Middle-Earth would likely be burned to the ground before they got there. And what if her diamond wasn't there? What if, after all this, it turned out that she wasn't supposed to have a diamond?

Elwryan glared at Dunedain, in spite of herself. She couldn't forget that he saved her life, and no doubt he would hold it over he head the next time tempers (mostly her own) flared.

08-02-2004, 08:39 PM
"Well, there is no use standing around here." Eclipse said suddenly. "Shall we go?"

08-03-2004, 01:47 PM
"We shall, but i a touch turned around i can not point us in the right direction till i know where we are...I kinda lost track when we were so dramatically thrown from that boat, anyone have any ideas?" Malrash asked.

08-04-2004, 08:41 AM
Órëmîr smiled gratefully at Eclipse and calmly began to smooth out her array as if nothing had happened. She wrung her hair and began to wind it into a tight plait as conversation progressed about her, droplets of water dribbling down her arms as the braid lengthened, escaping the pressure of her gentle twining and falling like grey tears to the soft soil beneath her.

"I can not point us in the right direction till I know where we are…anyone have any ideas?" Malrash said.

Órëmîr glanced up at Malrash and looked around. She pointed slowly to the wooded land to the right of the Company. "Those are the Drydan Woods," she murmured matter-of-factly. "It is inhabited by those Nandor that migrated West of their dwelling East of the Misty Mountains in search of the Grey Havens. They are called Alpador, the Swan People. They are allies to Mirkwood, my adopted home; considering our position on the River, we should encounter an Alpadorin scout without effort or orientation, should they come still to these the very outskirts of their lands."

08-04-2004, 08:44 AM
Yay! My character *knows* something! She has **connexxxions**!!! :p

08-04-2004, 01:40 PM
Shayla told herself to shup up but didn't. She wanted everything to be as clear as possible.

"Are you saying that there is someone who controls these dragons? And if we destroy that someone then we can get rid of all the dragons for good?" she asked and felt some kind of excitement. Now she knew where they were going, it was one certain destination, and despite their journey being hard and dangerous, it had a specific aim now.

You couldn't tell me that before, could you, she thought but felt no anger.

Her mind told her that it would be more difficult and dangerous to destroy the source of magic that controls the dragons than just the dragons, but her spirit was relieved and happy, though she didn't know why.

08-06-2004, 02:04 AM
OOC: I can't think of anything to say *Stupid brain*

08-09-2004, 01:06 PM
"Yes i am saying that someone controls these dragons, and it should stop all terror if we destroy this someone but it might also destroy us...meaning if we kill this person no one will have control of the dragons and then all havoc may still yet be brought forth so we either have to find a way of getting control of the dragons or we have to fight off every dragon that turns back on us. This someone is probably someone of higher magic, who infact will be hard to kill especially with dragons at his command," Malrash said and then turned and spoke to Dunedain, "I think going through the woods would be our best bet, and Oremir said they were our allies, i just wish we had a map so i could figure this out easier, never was good with geography and what not."

"I think you are right Malrash, we should probably head towards the forest hopefully meet up with some of Oremir's friends and get a good meal in, not that i'm complaining about some of our companies cooking...And i do fear this darkness is coming on too swift of feet we should move now," Dunedain said as the fire began to crackle as it died. But that was not the noise that startled Dunedain. He looked around as if half expecting something, someone to be in the darkness, nothing.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-09-2004, 03:13 PM
ooc: -points at Dunedain- See? Ebil-ness! E-B-I-L! :evil: <-- Dunedain! :D

Alas, I suffer from severe writer's block. More ebil-ness. No doubt ebil Dunedain did it! It's all Dunedain's fault! :D Anywho, can't reply at the moment. Sorreh...

08-11-2004, 06:07 AM
ooc; it happens to the best of writers, gulio

ah, contentedness :cool: . ( :confused: ) ...soz i just had to say that

ic; Órëmîr frowned. "But would not the Dragons concentrate their attack on us nonetheless if ever this so-called Higher Power learned of our intentions? Would they not be more inclined to leave us be should the Power not control them?"

There was a twitter from the canopies of the Drydan trees and Órëmîr glanced over and rolled her eyes. Abá-ná swarn; she called: e' caras lîn, dunnalm sciella lîn, boe an le cognea? Cáno o in Ealcwendar, ela! Im Órëmîr o in Formen-Rómen, a merin govannas vîn an-delia an dórilîn. Aipen merna autalyë, amin quenuva an in aran – ae boe.

At these words an elf dropped lightly from a treetop not far from the Company, followed by two or three more. He was tall and lean, and his face was strangely angular. His nose was pointed and the rest of his face seemed drawn back from it even to the tips of his silver hair, giving him a cruel, almost condescending look. Órëmîr seemed to relax somewhat. "Lygarma," she muttered. The elf nodded in acknowledgment.

"Órëmîr," he replied, coming over to her. Ú-boe an govannas lîn an auta, he assured her, bending down and whispering in her ear. Órëmîr smiled gratefully and nodded, and motioned the others to follow his lead into the forest.

08-12-2004, 03:57 PM
"Ah, so that was what I felt..." Eclipse shrugged off the feeling of being watched, because he obviously was surrounded by the exotic looking elves.

08-12-2004, 06:36 PM
Following the others into the forest, Shayla felt that everything was getting better and better. Now they knew where they were going and also had help, and a safe place to rest.

08-22-2004, 04:52 PM
"Dunedain would you stop looking around like something going to jump out, it was just some of the elfs you heard!" I said and Dunedain shifted around with his fingers curling and uncurling around his sword ready to fight.

ooc: sorry i've been gone so long again, had to take the comp in it had some major virus due to my sister, i wish she'd learn to run a computer.