View Full Version : Diamonds
08-22-2004, 07:35 PM
Some of them more trusting than others, they followed Órëmîr and the elves deeper into the woods. It seemed a dangerous place as the trees grew close to each other and in places completely shadowed the sky above. The forest had a thousand eyes, all of them turned to the group of foreigners. The path they followed branched into two or more tracks so often, that Shayla soon lost counting and had no idea which way they had come. This was a forest you do not want to go through unless you know the way, especially if you're not sure you are wanted here.
The way seemed to be endless, taking them deeper and deeper into the unknown darkness. Finally they came to a strong wooden gate made between two high trees with branches forming a huge arch high above the ground. As they approached it, their guide shouted something and voices answered to him from above. There was a moment of silence, and then the gate opened and they went through it.
Shayla gasped in awe at the sight she had come to face. Thousands of lamps shining as bright as the stars in night-sky, a great area surrounded by tall trees forming an impassable wall, in the middle of it a great castle with trees at its four corners, decorated with lights and high as towers. About it hundreds of trees with branches that curved and touched the ground making a hollow place around its trunk, all illuminated with lamps, white and round as if they were gems or snowballs or even little moons and suns.
08-23-2004, 07:45 AM
ooc; post Elixir...i shall wish to elaborate on that somehow... :cool: somehow...
ic; Órëmîr glanced around the Company and saw Shayla staring about her with wonder; she dropped back a little to walk by her.
"We are all about Night and Oblivion in the Drydan Forest," she whispered sideways to her. Shayla only gave her a puzzled look, and so Órëmîr continued: "It is the time of concentrate of power and content here; in Lothlórien they are golden, and Galadriel is the Morning; in Rivendell sometimes dwells the Lady Arwen, the Evening Star. Here nothing trusts the outside world so that they might venture abroad – even within the borders of their own land – when the sky is pale as twilight. Everyone and everything this Forest harbours is in love with the night sky, and nothing sleeps during the darker hours. The Alpador are learned in all the constellations, and draw much of their happiness and hope from Varda's intended beacons.
"My parents were born in this Wood: they migrated to Mirkwood only twenty years after my birth – and though it sound perhaps a good length of time to the ears of a human, the lifespan of a mortal often only extends to the childhood of an elf. They were slain on the path to Greenwood; Lygarma was our herald; he accompanied me further to Rhovanion. It was forbidden of us to return to this land: the alliance between Mirkwood and these woods was then young, and twenty families’ accommodation in Mirkwood was one of the conditions of the affiliation; it was quite affective, too: no dispute has arisen between Mirkwood and the Drydan Woods since our conversion to the Silvan colony, though the connection has long been all but severed."
Tintil drove the side of his large head against Órëmîr’s shoulder; she put his arm about his neck and cooed him softly in response. She felt a light touch on her shoulder: Lygarma had dropped back, and spoke to her quietly for a moment in the woodland tongue. Órëmîr refused to mount Tintil, much to the steed's dislike; instead, her companion looking more tired than Órëmîr was comfortable with, she took Shayla's hand in her own and instructed Lygarma to give the girl a foot-up in mounting the Unicorn. Tintil pawed the ground contentedly, pleased with [attention] a rider, and bore Shayla steadily and proudly.
08-23-2004, 04:44 PM
ooc: I got to ride a unicorn! I got to ride a unicorn! :D Thanks! :) :p ;)
ic: Shayla felt suddenly such a relief and such happiness she didn’t remember ever having experienced at all. It is true what they say about the elves and their realms – they do offer comfort and peace even at the first sight already. All the beauty makes people happier and gives them hope, if there are still places like that in the world, then not all is lost. That was what Shayla felt – pure hope. Suddenly she was ready to believe that they might succeed, and that she is able to find her diamond. Slowly riding on Tintil, she was happy again, happy as a child, happy because of all the beauty around her, happy to be riding a unicorn. So happy, so calm, so hopeful – enjoying every last bit of the sight she saw, her miserable past and dangerous future disappeared from her mind and thoughts. She even forgot to thank Órëmîr for letting her ride her beloved unicorn, being so touched and engulfed by the surroundings.
09-06-2004, 10:00 PM
Eclipse sighed inwardly. <Other races and their stresses.>
09-09-2004, 09:44 PM
I wondered where we were going, i thought i was in charage but i was willing to let somone else be especially when i didn't know these elves.
09-11-2004, 12:32 AM
<Theese elves talk way too much. We didn't need to know about the breakfast he had three months ago. Geez.>
09-11-2004, 03:52 AM
The party was led into one of the smaller house-trees. They were bought water to wash, food to eat and wine to drink. After a little rest and refreshment they were supposed to go to the central tree, to the Lord of these woods, who then will decide what he does with them. What he will do with us, Shayla thought, that sounds like we are his prisoners. But we're not, are we? She was troubled with that thought for a while, but then throw it aside. What comes will come, and there will be a better time to deal with it.
09-14-2004, 08:56 AM
Órëmîr had intended to accompany her fellows to the smaller hut that had been reserved from them in the short tree when word of their arrival had penetrated the forest, however Lygarma called her away. She was led down a staircase spiralling down the tree trunk, composed of strong ropes hung daintily from branches thrust from the stock of their host, then through a high arch about twenty metres from the camp site; beyond the high silverwood gates was the biggest tree Órëmîr had ever seen, so big that even in her long absence from the forest it had not dimmed in her memory. It was as big as a palace, and beyond its stout trunk its branches spread apart revealing a great flat, like the palm of some massive hand. The branches were thick and strong enough to support small houses, and white crystal staircases gleamed as they rode away up the elegant limbs. Órëmîr had been told that those families who had agreed to come from Mirkwood as she had from Drydan were housed there; she remembered the stories other elven children had spread about it: that the leaves were lined as Telperion himself had been, and that small faeries collected the light of the leaves to make stars. She enjoyed the trust she had invested in those stories: they seemed credible enough, now that she once more looked upon the white boughs and dark, shining leaves of the central Tree.
Once more she was set to climb a new set of stairs, but this was not rope: it was naturally formed, not to perfection but to practicability, stretching away up one great outstretched arm. At the end was another 'hand', but much more ornate: it seemed that a great silver pool lipped upon the edge of the staircase, a perfectly rounded sheet of diamond having been laid before the thrones of the King and Queen.
to be continued, guys -- i g2g to bed :mad:
09-27-2004, 10:00 AM
huzzah; i have jerked around for many a day and now the long awaited sequel is finally arrived. soz for the wait, guys
ic; No sound reached the great white hand of the King and Queen: while there was much bustle below the flat of that chamber, it did not reach their awareness by their ears. Órëmîr's very footsteps echoed on the cold diamond mirror on the ground, and the slither of her gown reverberated in the canopy. The sovereigns of the Alpador were somewhat elevated, their thrones being sat at the edge of a small pearly staircase.
Lygarma halted and bowed when he reached the bottom of the steps, but Órëmîr ascended them, stopping at the second-last stair; she would not assert herself to the level of her King and Queen. Nonetheless she could see every detail in the woven fabric of their apparel, and of the tapestry behind them: white swans glided across the soft skin of the Queen in silver threads, and their carven heads mounted the bows of the King's archers nearby. They wore circlets of white gems and flowers, and two swans bowed their heads as a girdle for the Queen. Her eyes were a kind blue hue, and her hair the same silver as Órëmîr's; whereas the King's hair was black as pitch, his laughing eyes a light purple.
"We know of your intent, endo," the Queen Tele'spania said. "And your Company is of noble intent, though you as yet seem to know not how to attain your goal."
"We understand you should wish to protect the innocent of Middle-earth," explained Vilverin, the King: "however your means are questionable; know that only with the completed assembly and power of the Diamonds will you have the ability to overthrow the dragons and the power that binds them." He motioned to Lygarma, who came forth to the throne bearing Órëmîr's light grey pack. She did not think of how he had attained it; but she knew why: she reached into it and drew out her Diamond.
"Would you entrust it to us?" asked Vilverin.
Órëmîr blinked. "Of course, my lord. Why would I not?" she passed the rose gem tentatively to the King's outstretched hand.
"A belt shall be forged for its burden," Tele'spania informed her; "for Love is greater a burden to be concealed. So shall it be for the other Diamonds – we shall not remove the Diamonds from your friends, but girdles shall be made: we shall insist that belts be taken, but when they shall be worn is not for us to dictate.
"In the meanwhile you may rest, you and your friends, for the time that you will. Come," Tele'spania suddenly arose, and took Órëmîr's hand gently. "We shall go to my chambers, and then to the Hall to greet your Company. Lygarma has seen that fresh garments are laid for them, if they should care to take them."
Órëmîr allowed the Queen's maids to take her clothes, and clean ones were assigned to her: she was fitted with a plain white gown and a circlet of silver and diamond was laid upon her head. Her hair was washed and small strands were braided, after she was assured the others would be offered the same treatment.
By the time an hour was spent Alpadorin smiths returned with moulded mithril for their Diamonds: for Elwryan there was a sturdy belt, set with runes about the band; for Shayla they had carved an intricate headpiece, wrought with flowers. Aiya was destined for a strange bangle that reached down the hand of its wearer, curving into a pointed claw. Daisy had something that looked vaguely like a brooch and somewhat like a necklace, and Eclipse had a strange but aggressive-looking sort of mask that could be fitted over half the face and clipped at the back of the head, the Diamond resting over the eye; Malrash was to be equipped with a large and powerful-looking shield that could be strung to either arm. In each piece was a hollow that Órëmîr assumed each of the Diamonds could be fitted into. Órëmîr's own belt came with her Diamond already shimmering in the indentation.
She and the Queen then, accompanied by the King, descended from the great tree and to the Great Hall, where she was assured her Company would be waiting. Each of the mithril accessories was carried behind them on rich purple cushions, waiting to be collected.
ooc; that's also kind of rushed because it's been getting really really late over the time I've spent typing it out (also sorry for the long, long post! :() but if you don't like the Diamond-holder-thingo that I've written you or if I've forgotten someone just post what you'd rather have and I'll edit it
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-01-2004, 01:51 AM
ooc: I loveth it! ^^ 'Cept I do have one question: Elwryan doesn't have her Diamond yet, so... how will it work? Wait... she's a Dwarf, dummy! -smacks self on forehead- Very well, continuing on! ^^
ic: .....
ooc: Drat, stupid writer's block! -stabs writer's block with a spork- DIE DIE DIE!!!
10-03-2004, 07:56 AM
ooc: I loveth it! ^^ 'Cept I do have one question: Elwryan doesn't have her Diamond yet, so... how will it work? Wait... she's a Dwarf, dummy! -smacks self on forehead- Very well, continuing on! ^^
my thought is that all those without diamonds will just carry or wear them until they find the diamond and then clip it into chosen compartment of chosen accessory.
come aaaahn, replies: i can't write any more. for a hundred years
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-04-2004, 02:49 AM
ooc: Coolnessful. ^^ Anywho, I still have writer's block, but I'll try to force something out of my creativity-deprived mind. ^^
ic: Elwryan was suspicious of the Elves at first, but her uneasiness was slowly calmed as she stayed in the city. She spoke with the Elven smiths most, sharing different tricks of the trade, exchanging wild stories, and the what-not. When the smiths began working on a project they wouldn't tell her about, nor let her visit while they worked, she grew bored.
Needless to say, Elwryan was both surprised and pleased to recieve the belt, and wished to thank her friends as soon as she recieved the chance.
ooc: That's all I got. It took me 45 minutes to write that. Wow........
10-04-2004, 04:08 PM
Now that the initial excitement had grown somewhat less, Shayla felt sadness piercing her soul once again. It was so peaceful here, just as it had been at home. And looking at the delicate mithril headdress the elves had made for her, she remembered quite clearly now that she had no diamond. Every minute they wait, every moment she let's herself to be at peace and enjoy the wonderful surroundings, the dragons burn down more and more villages. This was the time to relax and enjoy so that later she would be ready for whatever comes next, but Shayla could not help but feel only guilt and grief as she stood in the middle of a wonderful hall lighted by thousands of lamps, peace and warmth everywhere.
10-30-2004, 10:08 AM
Later that day Shayla collected all her courage and went to talk to the Elven Queen. She could no longer hold back her feelings and do nothing about the shadow that took over village after village.
“I have tried so hard,” she told Tele'spania, “but I can’t find it. And now I’m here for your advice for I can’t wait any longer.”
The Queen looked at her long without saying a word, so long that Shayla started to feel uncomfortable and wondered if she should go. But she couldn’t for she really needed the answer.
“Your task is difficult,” she said at last, “you must be ready for this. Ready with your mind and spirit. You don’t need the diamond to get prepared for this fight of yours, you need to be ready for it in order to find the diamond. All of you,” she raised her voice so that others could hear it too, “this is your last sanctuary before the challenge you have to face. Use it well. Rest and be happy. But don’t forget. Train your mind. Make preparations. Try to get ready, physically and mentally. And try not to lose your hope. Especially you, my child, don’t give up yet.” The last was meant for Shayla and before she could answer, Tele'spania smiled her fairest smile and turned away.
This conversation was over and now Shayla had to think about what was said to her.
“You don’t choose the diamond, the diamond chooses you,” the Queen of the Forest had not said to her, nevertheless she had heard it.
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