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Dreran the Green
06-12-2003, 08:45 PM
Hi everyone. This is my first time starting an RPG and I am really nervous because I don't know if anyone will join in:eek: I wasn't really sure how to do this, but E,LoR helped me out. Thanks, Eowyn.

Anyway, This is the idea: What if at the end of LOTR Frodo kept the ring and somehow (no one said it had to make absolute sense:rolleyes: ) turned into a dark lord, got some evil minions, and tried to conquer Middle Earth. We'd need a Frodo, and probably the rest of the Fellowship members and other important people like Sarumaun, Elrond, Eowyn, ect. We could just start with Frodo being evil and go on from there with everything. I claim Gandalf.
Someone please join me. I'm really nervous about starting this.

06-12-2003, 10:51 PM
Question. May I be Jessira, an elf who traveled with Gandalf? It's kind of silly, but when I read, I sometimes pretend that I am a new character, and I rewrite the story to fit it.

Bilbo and his group found Jessira inside the goblin's cave. She had gone in to sleep, just like the group, and got pulled in after them. She traveled with them, and was the one that actually shot down the dragon Smaug when Bard's arrow glanced off. Later, she travelled with Gandalf and Aragorn. When Frodo began his quest, Jessira went with them, but was called away on an urgent errand when they met Farmer Maggot. She traveled with the Fellowship, helping out when Gandalf fell into shadow. She did many things, parting company with the remains of the Fellowship when they went to the Paths of the Dead. She nudged Eowyn toward the idea of traveling with the company, and then rode swiftly to Minas Tirith. She rejoined Aragorn and the others when they stepped ashore from their boats, and rode with them until the end of the War.
(This is rather complicated, I know, but I would like to play her.)

06-13-2003, 12:39 AM
Hey! Could I be Pippin? And if no one else wants to, can I be Faramir too? If anyone else wants to be him though I can just be Pippin.

Dreran the Green
06-13-2003, 10:08 AM
Kalile, of course you can be Jessira. And I don't think there's any problem with Aewionen being two characters for now, but if some more people join in you might have to give up Faramir.

Wow. My RPG is working:D Lets wait a little to see who else joins, then we can get started.

Adrian Baggins
06-13-2003, 10:21 AM
Just because I like being EVIL, I wanna be FRODO yes I will be Frodo, and you forgot 1 important detail, did Smeagol/Gollum die?

Cause if he did I wanna be Frodo's sister but if he didn't I wanna be Gollum.

Dreran the Green
06-13-2003, 10:26 AM
No, he didn't. I don't want to kill Smeagol off, he's always very amusing in these RPGs:)

So wait, do you want to be Smeagol now or Frodo?

Adrian Baggins
06-13-2003, 12:39 PM
both please, Smeagol is a minion and trusted advisor

Dreran the Green
06-13-2003, 02:39 PM

I hope some other people come soon.

06-13-2003, 06:24 PM
Okay, I'll take Aragorn. I didn't take the Paths of the Dead and fight my way across Rohan and Gondor just to see one Dark Lord replaced with another (however diminutive)! :p

Dreran the Green
06-13-2003, 06:39 PM
Great! So now we have Gandalf, Jessira, Pippin, Faramir, Frodo, Smeagol, and Aragorn!:D Cool!

06-14-2003, 10:08 AM
Hello, may I join?

06-14-2003, 03:05 PM
Welcome Silme, I'm sure you can join, just let us know what character you want to be.

Are we ready to get started yet?

Dreran the Green
06-14-2003, 05:29 PM
You don't have to ask to join, just tell us your character:)

Seems like we have a good amount of players. Should we wait for a few more or start now?

06-14-2003, 08:57 PM
Character from LOTR or just made up?

06-14-2003, 09:35 PM
From LOTR, only mine had a plausible background, so if you have a made up character that fits into the story, you can be it.

I think. :p

06-14-2003, 09:37 PM
OK. Ummmm, Is Éowen taken?

06-15-2003, 01:30 AM

06-15-2003, 09:24 AM

Lady of Rohan
06-15-2003, 07:32 PM
Can I be Merry?

Dreran the Green
06-15-2003, 08:43 PM

06-16-2003, 12:40 AM
Let's go!!!! :D

06-16-2003, 12:24 PM
Who starts, and where do we start?

06-16-2003, 01:49 PM
Can I be sam?? I don't really know how to work this rpg thing but I'm sure I will catch on, with some help of course!;)

06-16-2003, 02:34 PM
I don't think Sam is taken

06-16-2003, 03:47 PM
:) Lets start!:)

06-16-2003, 03:59 PM
As the Goddess of Evil Villians, I will volenteer to be Sauroman and Sauron, my two closest evil doers. You guys need us two. We are the main compeditors against Frodo.

Dreran the Green
06-16-2003, 04:23 PM
Allright, great! So , heres the list so far

* I (DtG) am Gandalf
*Kalile is Jessira
*Aewionen is Pippin and Faramir
*Adrian Baggins is Frodo and Smeagol
*LutraMage is Aragorn
*Silme*Christian is Eowyn
*Lady of Rohan is Merry
*turtlelover is Sam
*Katt_knome_hobbit is Sarumaun and Sauron

Allright, that seems like enough! Lets get started! Um, should I start? Help me here please. I don't know how it should start.:rolleyes: :D

06-16-2003, 05:39 PM
I don't know how to start but let me try. We can skip the Shire right?

Dreran the Green
06-16-2003, 07:29 PM
Yes, we start off when Frodo turns evil.:)

Adrian Baggins
06-16-2003, 08:41 PM
should Frodo turn evil in between Amon Hen and Shelob, most likely time frame, and I also think that either you DtG or I should start this, considering......

Dreran the Green
06-16-2003, 08:47 PM
Yes, I think thats a good time frame. How about right before they encounter Shelob?

Silme I am very sorry but Adrian makes a point. I think erm, Adrian I don't know what gender you are:confused: But anyway since you are the one who turns evil perhaps you should start out and write how that happens.

Adrian Baggins
06-16-2003, 09:39 PM
ooc: I am a girl, in real life, but I can act like a guy with ease. so anyway, now to begin, Frodo will be in red, Gollum in blue, and Smeagol in black(multi personality)

ic: I sat near master and listened as he talked in his sleep, I was worried about him, he was growing evil, I had noticed. He talked more and more about the Precious, and it worried me, he was growing cruel, very cruel.

I awoke to find Smeagol beside me, I liked him better as Gollum. "Smeagol, wake Sam up and let's get going, I'm in a hurry, leave. NOW!" I commanded, wanting to be alone. Once he was gone I pulled out the ring, looking at it longingly. "Precious, we shall rule, and Gollum will help us, yes. He will, in time, and Samwise to, yes, evin sweet, innocent Sam. In time."

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-16-2003, 11:48 PM
ooc: ooo ooo ooo! I wanna be Gimli!!!!!!! Gimli rox!!!! Can I please be Gimli!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!

Dreran the Green
06-17-2003, 10:02 AM
ooc: Sure:)

Gollum crawled over to Samwise and shook him "Wake up, sssstupid, sssssleeping hobbit! Master says get going! Yesss! Go now!" Sam groaned, and Gollum crept away.

Sam sat up and rubbed his eyes. He saw his mater. Frodo was huddled in a corner, stroking the One Ring and laughing quietly to himself.
"Mr. Frodo? Are you allright?" Frodo hissed and stared up in alarm
"Yes! I'm fine Sam! Leave me be! Come on, we should start moving now" Sam shook his head, got up, and started following his master deeper into Mordor.

06-17-2003, 01:48 PM
Sauron, massing his armies, paused a moment. "I feel he wants it. It tempts him daily. Soon HE will be mine."

Sauroman, feeling a lapse in his master's concentration, grasped his palantir. "Master, what has distracted you from the war at hand?"

"I feel the small one. His power grows, as does his desire. What was mine once, shall be mine again. And soon."

But Sauron underestimated Frodo's power. "The will of such a small creature could never match mine." Here he was breaking rule number 24 of being an evil overlord: "I will maintain a realistic assessment of my strengths and weaknesses." But, his fatal flaw was yet to come.

Dreran the Green
06-17-2003, 01:59 PM
Far away, Gandalf sat outside Minas Tirith, smoking a pipe thoughtfully. His mind was bent on Frodo. He felt the little hobbits desire to claim the Ring for his own. Even he did not think Frodo had the power to weild it, not yet, but he knew that if Frodo abandoned the quest, the battle for Middle Earth would be lost.

"Gandalf?" came a small, unmistakable voice that could only have been Peregrin Took. "What were you thinking about?"

"The quest." said Gandalf, after a while

"You mean Frodo?" asked Pippin

"Yes, I do mean Frodo. And Sam, if you haven't forgotten him. And....others."

That was all Pippin could get out of him. Dismayed, he turned to go for a walk

Adrian Baggins
06-17-2003, 02:29 PM
ic:I walked back to master, happily after having made the stupid hobbit called Sam angry. 'Master, all is ready, we can continue," I informed him. He stood up and grinned mercilessly, I liked that about him lately. "Good, let's get going," he said, walking towards the other hobbit. He whispered a few words in the others ear and then walked off by himself. Sam turned with fear in his eyes and picked up his and master's pack, that was odd.

Smeagol has returned and we are starting again, Sam is going to be alot of work but I think I can get him onto my side, I can feel Sauron watching me, he knows I am planing to take the Ring, but he doesn't thik I can handle it, he's wrong, oh so wrong, my will is stronger than he thinks, much stronger, soon he will see my true strength, soon I will show it to him.

ooc: Shelob doesn't beat Frodo, she sees his true power and fears him, comes to his side, if that's all right with you DtG.

Dreran the Green
06-17-2003, 02:34 PM
OOC : Mwahahaha I love it!:D

Adrian Baggins
06-17-2003, 02:51 PM
"Master, we must go through this cave, yes, we must go through here to get to Mordor."

"Fine, lead on or shall I get out Sting," I prompted, Gollum walked into the cave and Sam and I followed. "What was that!?" I demanded, something had moved ahead, and it wasn't Gollum. "Master, I don't know, I will go look," he replied, slinking off into the dark. Suddenly a huge spider reared up in front of us and I stopped, pulling out Sting. "Who are you?"
"I am Shelob, the guardian of this pass, none may pass through here witout fighting me," she said, I saw Gollum cowering behind her, the little sneak, it was all part of his plan, but I had foiled it. I put my hand on the Ring and I could feel my true power comming out.
My voice boomed and echoed through the cave as I said, "I am Frodo son of Drogo, a Hobbit, and I shall pass through, I am the Bearer of the Ring of Doom, I am the new Master of the Ring." The spider cowered back as I finished my sentence, an evil grin, a smirk on my face.

Dreran the Green
06-17-2003, 02:56 PM
"Mr. Frodo!" Sam cried in alarm
"Silence!" called Frodo, and turned to Shelob again.
"You, you can help us." he said slowly. "I command you to swear loyalty to me or die!"
"I swear, O' Frodo ." said Shelob, and Frodo's smile grew wider.

Adrian Baggins
06-17-2003, 03:04 PM
"Now, to deal with you," I said, truning to Sam and grinning wider. "Shall you join us, or will we have to do this using force, Gollum, come up here with me, stand here!" I commanded, motioning him foreward. "Yes master," he replied, moving foreward. "Good, now Sam, be a good little Hobbit and follow your Mr. Frodo, that's it, good Sam," I said as sam moved foreward, hipnotised by my words. "No, you're not my Mr. Frodo, you're just evil, and I'll never be on your side!" he said, snapping out of the trance my words had made on him. "Sam, think about Rose, you don't want anything to happen to her now do you," I said, an evil glint in my eyes. "You, you wouldn't!" Sam said, stagering backwards. "Oh wouldn't I Sam, with the Ring I can control the world. Yes Sam, all of Middle Earth, and yes Sam, I can and I would harm Rosie, with you watching...."

06-17-2003, 04:29 PM
Pippin sat by a window in Minas Tirith. Like Gandalf, he had been thinking about Frodo. "I wonder where he is?" he thought, "and how he is dealing with the Ring." He sighed and soon began thinking about Merry. Pippin missed him terribly.

06-17-2003, 07:00 PM
What's been happening?! Did Frodo turn evil?! I missed so much in one day!

Dreran the Green
06-17-2003, 07:08 PM
OOC: Frodo, Sam, and Gollum just met Shelob and Frodo declared himself the new master of the Ring and now Shelob is in his command. And he wants Sam to join him and if he doesn't he'll hurt Rosie. Meanwhile, Sauron and Sarumaun don't believe Frodo can weild the Ring and they think they can get him and reclaim the Ring. Gandalf doesn't believe Frodo will be able to either but he's worried and so is Pippin. Thats about all we got to. You should just read the thread:rolleyes: :)

06-17-2003, 07:16 PM
OOC: Where is merry? Éowen?

Dreran the Green
06-17-2003, 07:17 PM
We haven't got to them yet. You can post about them:)

06-17-2003, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by Silme*Christian
What's been happening?! Did Frodo turn evil?! I missed so much in one day!
Me too! I'm probably not going to be able to post again for a while, the computer needs fixing, and my mom is taking it until Friday. Then it will be upgraded, but still it's a real pain. :(

Ic: Jessira felt something strange in the morning air. Someone was despairing and in great pain, in the direction of Mordor. She ran to find Gandalf.

"Do you think that it is Frodo?" she asked worriedly, after telling Gandalf what she sensed.

Lady of Rohan
06-17-2003, 09:45 PM
ooc: merry's here! I've been keeping up with the thread, I just didn't know where I should start, or waht to really say. :) (And at the moment, Merry is with Aragorn right?)

ic: I looked around the feild. Nothing was in sight, save the people who where riding with us. I was still tired (and hungry), and felt on the verge of sleep.

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-17-2003, 10:07 PM
ooc: Is anyone Legolas yet? Where are Legolas and Gimli right now?

ic: Gimli laid down to rest. It had been a long, hard ride today. He cursed under his breath from the stiffness of riding a horse. The only good part was that he got to ride with his best friend, Legolas. Gimli chuckled at what his father, Gloin, would think when he found out that Gimli's best friend was prince of the Mirkwood elves.

06-18-2003, 12:55 AM
ooc:im not sure where Faramir is now so i will just say he is still out doing the patrol thingy

Faramir couldn't sleep. He a feeling that something terrible was happening to the hobbits...but different things. "I hope Frodo isnt being weighed down too much he cant bear it." he murmmered to himself, "he might take it out on Sam." Though he didn't want to believe it, he had a feeling he was some what right.

Dreran the Green
06-18-2003, 09:27 AM
OOC: Just if you wanted to know where everyone was in the book at this point, my ROTK appendix says that if Gollum just led Frodo into Shelobs lair, then Faramir should be retreating from the Causeway Forts, Theoden is camping under Minrimmon, Aragorn is driving the enemy towards Pelargir, and the Ents are defeating the invaders at Rohan. It doesn't say anything about the others. But we don't really have to go along with everything in the book:)

Gandalf stared at Jessira through a cloud of smoke and sighed
"I will never get any peace between you and Peregrin" he said. "Yes," he continued "As I have already told our young hobbit friend, I have sensed Frodo's pain as well. If you really want to know, I fear he will try and keep the Ring"
"Can he do that?" asked Jessira, once again amazed at the will power of the halflings
"If he can't, then Sauron will take it back"
"And all our hope will be gone at last"
Gandalf nodded slowly, and turned his thoughts once again out to the land of shadow, where somewhere, though he didn't know it yet, Frodo had already done what he feared.

Finrod Felagund
06-18-2003, 10:28 AM
OOC: I'm my usual Fimbren the elf

Fimbren entered the room. Gandalf was uprised to see the elf lord but smiled anyways.

Dreran the Green
06-18-2003, 10:46 AM

06-18-2003, 11:04 AM
I will just say Éowen is 'hunting' on her fav. horse with her best friends!:D

Finrod Felagund
06-18-2003, 11:05 AM
OOC: Actually, just to tell you it's Eowyn, with a Y!

06-18-2003, 11:10 AM

06-18-2003, 01:22 PM
With the Hosts of the Dead (the Oathbreakers from the Paths of the Dead), Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas bring war to Pelargir and capture the black fleet. But even in this moment of triumph, Aragorn suddenly feels a sense of impending doom. Taking the Palantir of Orthanc he looks into the crystal and, after wrestling the focus of the seeing stone from Sauron he makes use of it to seek out Frodo. When he sees Frodo in company with Shelob, and Sam bound and under guard by Gollum, he guesses the awful truth.

"Gimli, Legolas! Ah, I have news and it is very bad. Frodo has betrayed us all. He has succumbed to the lure of the Ring. Time is now shorter than it has ever been. We must take these ships to Gondor and from there we must ride fast to overtake the new Lord of the Ring before it is too late. Come, we sail!"

06-18-2003, 05:32 PM
So depressing!!!:( *wimper*

06-18-2003, 05:42 PM
ooc: wow I missed alot!!

ic:"whatever is compelling you mr.frodo fight it you can beat it!"
Frodo continues smiling evilyand says"but this is what I want it would be so easy to destroy all resistance!And if you won't join me then poor Rosie will pay the price"thinking i'll just go along with it for now until I can find a way to stop this and contact Gandalf for help I said "Promise you won't hurt Rosie!!" "of course I won't I amnot a liar!" "I will stand beside you!"

06-18-2003, 05:57 PM
ooc: poor sam:( :D

ic:Pippin wasn't quite sure what it was but he had suddenly got a feeling that someone was in trouble. "I should go talk to Gandalf," he thought at first but then he decided not to because Pippin was a hobbit and Gandalf was a wizard so he most likely already knew. He tried to think of other things but he couldn't get it out of his mind. With a sigh, Pippin went to look for Gandalf.

06-18-2003, 06:21 PM
OOC: Ohh Sam!:(

The last sane person
06-18-2003, 06:32 PM
OOC: Sounds fun! I wanna be evil but Katt took all the evil dudes! Who could i be?

06-18-2003, 06:34 PM
OOC: You can be an evil Orc, or Nazgûl!

The last sane person
06-18-2003, 06:37 PM
OOC: ACK! No orcs! I will be the evil middle eastern queen that has allied herself with sauron! (Hell, why not! middle eastreners are always the bad guys... Stupid american paranoia.....:mad: :rolleyes: )

06-18-2003, 06:39 PM
OOC: so your the Whitch King Éowyn kills?

The last sane person
06-18-2003, 06:42 PM
OOC: No... I am not....First of all i havent the faintest Idea what a "whitch king" is....:D and second.....He is merely from the east...I am from the middle east.... so there! and no, Eowyn does not kill me!

06-18-2003, 06:44 PM
Then who the bloody hell are you?!:confused:

Dreran the Green
06-18-2003, 06:59 PM
Great to see you've joined Sane:D

Pippin came back to the place where he had last seen Gandalf, but he was not to be found. The only one there was Jessira, the elf. Pippin trotted up to her and asked her if she had seen the wizard.
"He only just left" she said, "He didn't tell me where he was going."
"Oh" said Pippin, and looked out at the sky. Jessira did the same.
"Are you worried about Frodo too?" He asked her
"Yes. Gandalf told me he might try to keep the Ring." Pippin kicked a stone at his feet.
"He didn't tell me that, but I guessed that's what he thought anyway"
"I wonder if he's right?" asked Jessira.
"I hope he's wrong."

But as we all know, Gandalf is very, very rarely wrong. And things were already worse than they thought.

OOC: Yeah, who are you anyway???

The last sane person
06-18-2003, 07:19 PM
OOC: I am *drumroll* Roya, the Evil Scary Middle Eastern Queen!

Dreran the Green
06-18-2003, 07:51 PM

Lady of Rohan
06-18-2003, 08:09 PM
Ooc: Oops! iF Aragorn is at the paths of the Dead, then I (Merry) am at Rohan, with Theoden! (Do we have a Theoden? No... but we have an Eowyn right? Yess.....)

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-18-2003, 08:53 PM
ooc: So, Gimli is on the paths of the dead with Aragorn right? I can be Theoden, cuz Theoden is cool like Gimli. :D

Adrian Baggins
06-18-2003, 09:27 PM
"Come on now Samwise, give in, power, land, wealth, and Rosie, all you've ever wanted, it can be yours, just come to my side, together, you, me, and Gollum, we can rule, with Shelob as our protector, we can defeat Sauron, take his lands, his castle, and stay there," I said, leaning foreward, I could see the look in his eyes changing, he was comming round, he was going to join. Then he spat in my face, "NEVER! I WILL NEVER JOIN YOU! BUT DON'T HURT ROSIE, PLEASE! I'M THE ONE WHO WON'T COOPPERATE, KILL ME!"
"Now why would I want to do that, I need your help Gamgee, and I plan to get my way."

06-18-2003, 10:10 PM
When Pippin had heard the news of what might of happened to Frodo, his heart sank. Could Frodo be in pain? But how? If he had the Ring and was going to use it, what could hurt him? If the Ring had truly corrupted him, Frodo most likely wasn't going to give it up so easily. He might even....Sam! Sam must be the one in trouble! But why...how? With all these thoughts going through his mind Pippin knew he had to find Gandalf. So until he could speak with him, Pippin would just have to endure through these thoughts.

06-19-2003, 11:55 AM
Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas stood together on the deck of the largest warship they had captured at Pelargir (after they had already passed through the Paths of the Dead). As the ship, followed by a host of other smaller vessels, rounded the large bend in the River Anduin the Great at Harlond, suddenly the tall city of Minas Tirith came into full view.

"Cast loose the banner!" cried Aragorn, and upon the ship a great standard broke, and the wind displayed it as she truned towards the Harlond. There flowered a White Tree, and that was for Gondor; but Seven Stars were about it, and a high crown above it, the signs of Elendil that no lord had borne for years beyond count.

Jumping down the gangway from the ship as soon as it had docked, Aragorn, flanked by the dwarlf and elf, strode forward looking for Gandalf the White. They met by the city gates and Aragorn said to the Wizard "I see in your eyes that you know the disaster that has befallen. Come, my old friend, will you now guide us in our quest to find the hobbit before he destroys himself and us all?"

The last sane person
06-19-2003, 12:21 PM
OOC: Huzzah! This is where I shall join in the battle!

Aragorn had just jumped from the gangway and was barreling to aid those on the field with his fresh troops when out of no where, a great horde of Easterlings jumped up and had at him. At their lead was a terrible Queen. (If you though the witch king had the scary look going on, you had not seen this girl!) Any way, She rode ahead of the horde and went to challenge Aragorn head on. She tripped him and slashed his back.

Q: Ha! Lets see what that old peice of steel can do!

Aragorn: Die wraith! *attacks*

Q:*defends* Wraith?! Excuse me? I dont think so!

Aragorn: You're still evil!

Q:*attacks* You're damn straight on that one bud!

Aragorn: Ack! *he was stabbed in the leg*

*The easterlings had effectively diminished the crowd that came from the ships and were leaving to go to Sauron in Mordor, the Queen mounted and as she rode away called over her shoulder*

Q: Well, arent you going to heroicly limp off to help these trapped Gondorians?

Aragorn: Grrrr... *addressing the remaining warriors* Onwards to the aid of Gondor!

*the easterlings were riding off to Mordor and had left the battle field*

Q: ha ha! Onwards and upwards forever and ever!

Dreran the Green
06-19-2003, 01:38 PM
As the easterlings rode away, Gandalf waved his staff at them menacingly.
"You'll be sorry! You all shall pay!"

"That doesn't sound like Gandalf" Gimli said to Legolas

"Sssh. He's in a terrible mood" At this moment, Gandalf began to shout challenges and hack at the dead orc bodies on the ground. Those watching backed away from him in fear. He then turned to Aragorn and sighed.
"A new quest begins. Yes, I shall be your guide. But first you must save the people of Gondor"

"Right you are, Gandalf." With a cry he gathered all the warriors and they continued on to Gondor.

The last sane person
06-19-2003, 01:49 PM
*From afar, a great red arrow came and peirced Legolas deep in the side, jutting out the back*

Roya: Ha! take that! I never did like elves, we shall see who pays! So far it has been you, the price steeped in blood!

Legolas: Help....me....

*he sinks to the ground clutching his side and gasping in elvish, finaly falling face forwards*

Aragorn: Legolas! No!

Gimli: Get him to the house of healing quickly!

06-19-2003, 03:06 PM
"Yes," said Aragorn, "we must get him to the healers, but first I have one job to do." Turning swiftly to a nearby Gondorian Archer, he grabs the man's huge longbow and a shaft of arrows. Quickly notching an arrow to the bow string he turns towards the retreating Easterlings, steadies, takes aim and let's fly.

With a deathly shriek Roya is cast from the back of her horse, with a huge Gondorian arrow protruding from her back. "Two can play at that game!" cried Aragorn, then he turned with no more ado, and intended to help Gimli and Gandalf to carry Legolas into the healers.

To his great surprise, Legolas was standing, with Gimli's help. "She wounded me, but not as badly as she thought." Said the elf. "Thankfully, the arrow got caught up in my cloak from Lorien, and what looked like a flesh wound is, in reality, only a scratch!"

The last sane person
06-19-2003, 03:13 PM
OOC: Ack! what part of my description of what happened to legolas did you not read?

Roya: *pull out arrow* Ha suckey long bow! It cant do much at that range save give me a sore back! Onwards to Sauron! *she mounts her horse again*

*they reach Mordor by night fall and go up to the tower to have a word with the flaming Eye*

06-19-2003, 04:37 PM
Ooc: :p You guys are mean!

I get to post today, but maybe not for a while again. :( Who knows...

middle eastreners are always the bad guys... Stupid american paranoia.....
Hear hear!!!!
(laalaaAnd I'm proud to be an Americaaan!)

Ic: Jessira watched the retreating queen. "What the hell was that?!"

The last sane person
06-19-2003, 04:42 PM
OOC: *Sticks toungue out at Kalile* It is nothing to be proud of! btb have you gotten the new computer?

06-19-2003, 04:58 PM
Ooc: No, my mom and uncle are gonna try again soon... maybe Friday... (fixing the computer and getting all new crap costs about $250. Getting a new one costs more. A lot more.)

The last sane person
06-19-2003, 05:04 PM
OOC: Heh, god bless laptops! (especialy if they're yours!)

Dreran the Green
06-19-2003, 05:10 PM
I hope ya get it soon:)

IC: "That was a retreating queen. " said Gandalf to Jessira. "Come on, lets go take Legolas to the Houses of Healing."

"But I'm allright!" insists Legolas.

"Oh. Well then, what do we do now?"

"Go kill more bad guys?" asks Gimli

"Good idea! ARRRGH!" Gandalf turns around and slashes the head off of an Uruk Hai. "To Gondor!"

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-19-2003, 09:14 PM
Gimli looked at Legolas, concern written on his face. "Are you SURE you're all right?"

The last sane person
06-20-2003, 01:00 AM
OOC: Well dont post whether or not he is alright until i settle it with Lutra Mage. She (or he) totally disregarded my discription that i posted before.

06-20-2003, 12:18 PM
You mean the post that had a band of Middle Easterlings somehow creep up on four of the heros of Middle Earth, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn, in broad daylight, over the flat Fields of Pelennor, shoot an arrow at Legolas, and then happily slip away across those same plains without one of them noticing or doing anything to stop you or revenge your attack :confused: ? I somehow think not:D .

You were lucky we let you escape with your life. Legolas lives!:p

Dreran the Green
06-20-2003, 07:57 PM
:rolleyes: So is Legolas wounded or not??

The last sane person
06-21-2003, 01:11 AM
OOC: I dunno! I am evil after all! I hate to see good win over! (and I never said you couldnt shoot me back!)

06-21-2003, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by The last sane person
OOC: I dunno! I am evil after all! I hate to see good win over! (and I never said you couldnt shoot me back!)
Okay, agreed. Both Legolas and Roya are lightly wounded, but not dead or incapacitated.

Roya (The last sane person) is heading off to link up with Sauron (Katt_knome_hobbit). Its time for the group of heroes in Minas Tirith to start trying to hunt down Frodo. So Gandalf, what do you want us to do?

Us being, I think, Gandalf (Dreran the Green), Aragorn (LutraMage), Legolas (nobody playing Legolas yet, anyone want to join in?), Gimli (Gulio, Strength of Many), Jessira (Kalile), Pippin (Aewionen), Éowyn (Silme*Christian), Merry (Lady of Rohan), Theoden (also Gulio, Strength of Many) and Fimbren (Finrod Felagund).

Faramir (Aewionen) is in Itheniel.

Frodo (Adrian Baggins) and Smeagol (also Adrian Baggins) and Sam (turtlelover) are with Shelob (I guess Adrian Baggins is currently controlling Shelob too unless anyone else wants to join in?) are setting off to find the Mountain and beat up Sauron for control of the Ring. And Sarumaun (Katt_knome_hobbit) and Sauron (also Katt_knome_hobbit) are plotting in Isengard and Barad-Dur respectively

Does everyone agree :confused:

Dreran the Green
06-21-2003, 09:59 AM
sounds good to me:)

Allright, so we are hunting down Frodo. Mwahaha, this is gettin' good:D Perhaps Legolas should get some help before we leave, though.


The warriors reached Gondor, and Legolas was immediatly taken to the Houses of Healing. Gimli stayed by his side worried while Aragorn and Gandalf tried to console him. After his friend's wound was tended, they agreed that they must find Frodo and stop him. But to do so, they would need a new fellowship.

06-21-2003, 01:38 PM
Don't kill-off anyone good.

06-21-2003, 01:42 PM
I can play Legolas!

06-21-2003, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by Adrian Baggins
"Come on now Samwise, give in, power, land, wealth, and Rosie, all you've ever wanted, it can be yours, just come to my side, together, you, me, and Gollum, we can rule, with Shelob as our protector, we can defeat Sauron, take his lands, his castle, and stay there," I said, leaning foreward, I could see the look in his eyes changing, he was comming round, he was going to join. Then he spat in my face, "NEVER! I WILL NEVER JOIN YOU! BUT DON'T HURT ROSIE, PLEASE! I'M THE ONE WHO WON'T COOPPERATE, KILL ME!"
"Now why would I want to do that, I need your help Gamgee, and I plan to get my way."

how can you?? nobody will follow you not me not anybody those who are not already in leauge with Sauron are dead set against ALL evil and you used to be to!!! don't do this you will fail!!!!!

The last sane person
06-21-2003, 02:45 PM
OOC: Sounds fine to me. I had no intention of killing him. but i have got to link up to Katt to see how we're going to play this.

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-21-2003, 05:24 PM
ooc: Gimli talk will be normal, and Theoden's will be in green.

ic: Gimli stood over his friend, worried. He knew that Legolas would be all right, but he still was worried for his safety. Gimli also worried about Frodo. "He is so small, to be carrying to fate of all Middle-Earth. Aule protect him" Gimli thought, beseeching the creator of the Dwarves to protect the hobbit.

Theoden was speaking with Aragorn over what path to take from here. "Do we follow the easterlings, or keep on the path to Gondor?"

06-21-2003, 05:34 PM
"Well, as we appear to be in Gondor at the moment ;), I think we should head off in the same direction as the Middle Easterlings. But, if you will take my advice, Oh Theoden King, I would suggest we don't try to catch up with the Witch Queen, but instead, we try to track Frodo." Aragorn turned to Gandalf, "You have ever been our leader and advisor, do you agree my old friend?"

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
06-21-2003, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Dreran the Green
Hi everyone. This is my first time starting an RPG and I am really nervous because I don't know if anyone will join in:eek: I wasn't really sure how to do this, but E,LoR helped me out. Thanks, Eowyn.

Anyway, This is the idea: What if at the end of LOTR Frodo kept the ring and somehow (no one said it had to make absolute sense:rolleyes: ) turned into a dark lord, got some evil minions, and tried to conquer Middle Earth. We'd need a Frodo, and probably the rest of the Fellowship members and other important people like Sarumaun, Elrond, Eowyn, ect. We could just start with Frodo being evil and go on from there with everything. I claim Gandalf.
Someone please join me. I'm really nervous about starting this.

You're welcome Dreran. This is a great Topic! Good luck!!! :) :D Can I be two ppl?

Name: Herin
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, Arwen age
Weapon: A bow and two long white knives
Race: Elven
Other: Herina's twin brother, from Rivendell

Other person just incase I can play two:

Name: Herina
Gender: Female
Age: Arwen age
Weapon: A silver bow
Race: Elven
Other: Herin's twin sister, from Rivdendell

Dreran the Green
06-21-2003, 06:52 PM
Thanks E,LoR!!!:D half the people here are playing two characters, so of course you can too:)

IC: Gandalf turned to Aragorn and Theoden, forehead crinkled in thought. "Yes, I agree, my friends. But we must be swift in our hunt, for I do not kow how much time we have before the dark forces strike"

06-21-2003, 08:46 PM
Meanwhile, in the HoH, Legolas, with feever, was tossing and turning in his daze, discovers peace all of a sudden, and dreams of his home in Mirkwood.

06-22-2003, 06:25 AM
OOC - That's great - assuming Herin and Herina are joining us in Gondor (E,LoR are you happy with that?) that makes 12 of us in the new Fellowship [Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Jessira, Pippin, Éowyn, Merry, Theoden, Fimbren, Herin and Herina.] I assume that makes us the Dirty Dozen :D :cool:

IC - After his dreams Legolas awoke refreshed and anxious to get back on the trail of the Ring Bearer. The New Fellowship members began packing their horses early that morning. In a final meeting before they mounted and headed after Frodo, Aragorn asked the group for their opinions on a problem he had been wrestling in his mind:

Is this a quest to kill Frodo, the new Lord of the Rings, and regain the evil ring so that we can destroy it, or does anyone here believe that Frodo is not irredeemably corrupted, so that we are on a quest to bring Frodo back to the Light and then get him to help us destroy the cause of his fall? Sometimes those who succumb to the lure of the Ring can redeem themselves; think of Boromir.

"We must decide quickly, and then ride out to meet our Destiny, and the Destiny of the Free Peoples of Middle Earth!" Moves into shadowy corner to listen to the thoughts of the others.

Dreran the Green
06-22-2003, 09:31 AM
But Pippin and Merry could only stare at him in horror with the thought of their lifelong friend being killed. How could they be thinking such things?

As if reading their thoughts Gandalf turned to them " The Frodo we kill would not be the Frodo you knew. He would be corrupt, evil, perhaps even he would want to kill you." Everyone stared at Gandalf.
"You're going to kill him?!" cried Merry and Pippin
"I didn't say that! You were not his only friends, remember! But we will kill him, if it comes to that"

OOC: I think we should ask Adrian too, since she is Frodo: How do ya feel about everyone wanting to kill you???

Adrian Baggins
06-22-2003, 03:06 PM
Okay, everybody may WANT to kill me, but nobody will kill me.

Adrian Baggins
06-22-2003, 03:16 PM
"Master, we thinks we can get the ssstupid lazy Hobbit on our side, yes, we thinks so," Gollum hissed, looking up at me. "Do you now, and how would you go about doing so?" I asked lazily, reaching into Sam's pack and taking out his pipe, lookin gfor something to smoke. "We thinks that if we leaves the Hobbit in a dark cave with no escape and offer him his freedom for his service, he might change his mind," Gollum replied, laughing slightly and digging through Sam's pack till he found a puch of weed Sam had been hiding. "Hmmm, yes, I think that might work. Shelob! Take this, insubordinate lazy good for nothing deserter and put him in one of your many rooms with only one way out, guard that exit with your life!" I commanded, taking Sam's sword and hitting him in the face with the blunt side. "I'll give you one more chance to help me before we do this."

"NEVER!" he shouted. "Take him Shelob, Gollum, go quickly and get the Hobbit Rosie, bring her here!"

06-22-2003, 03:19 PM
Well I guess it looks like we're gonna have to kill him then!;)

Dreran the Green
06-22-2003, 03:22 PM
Dun Dun Dun!!!;) :D

Adrian Baggins
06-22-2003, 03:26 PM

06-22-2003, 03:27 PM
Jessira spoke softly. "I feel great evil, but I believe that it is the ring. I think that, were the ring taken away from him, he would be, in time, almost the hobbit he was."

Shelob grabbed the stout Sam and put him in the narrowest, darkest tunnel she could find. The two free ones waited in silence for time immeasurable until Gollum's return was heralded by a hiss of pain and a female voice. "You nasty, creepy thing, let go of me and take me home!"

Gollum slunk in the cave entrance, and Rosie cried,"Frodo! Are you all right? Where's Sam?" She twisted out of Gollum's grip and ran to him.

"Nasty hobbit hurts us all the way here, keeps escaping," Gollum pouted, licking at various scratches and bruises.

Ooc: that makes 12 of us in the new Fellowship
Yay! We have the Nazgul outnumbered!!!!

...Wait... does that make us bad people? :D

Dreran the Green
06-22-2003, 03:28 PM
Ok. Don't worry we were just joking. See? ;) winking smilies! It wouldn't be a very good RPG if the main evil character got killed

Dreran the Green
06-22-2003, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by Kalile
Jessira spoke softly. "I feel great evil, but I believe that it is the ring. I think that, were the ring taken away from him, he would be, in time, almost the hobbit he was."

Shelob grabbed the stout Sam and put him in the narrowest, darkest tunnel she could find. The two free ones waited in silence for time immeasurable until Gollum's return was heralded by a hiss of pain and a female voice. "You nasty, creepy thing, let go of me and take me home!"

Gollum slunk in the cave entrance, and Rosie cried,"Frodo! Are you all right? Where's Sam?" She twisted out of Gollum's grip and ran to him.

"Nasty hobbit hurts us all the way here, keeps escaping," Gollum pouted, licking at various scratches and bruises.

Yay! We have the Nazgul outnumbered!!!!

...Wait... does that make us bad people? :D

OOC: Hmmm... :D

Is anyone Rosie yet? Or is Adrian going to be Rosie?

IC: From behind them and seemingly far away came a very distant, small little voice, calling out Rosie's name.

"Sam!! Is that you?!" She cried.

"Silence! Both of you!" Frodo shouted loud enough for even Sam to hear. Then his voice became higher, and filled with cruelty and malice
"Saaam. Sam? Are you listening? Rosie is hear now. You've heard her. You know I'm telling the truth. It would be horrible if Gollum had to hurt her, wouldn't it?" Rosie looked like she was about to scream.
"Have you changed your mind yet, Samwise??? Or do you need to hear her scream before you come back to me?"

OOC: Poor Rosie and Sam:(

06-22-2003, 03:39 PM
OOC: I'm getting depressed!:(

06-22-2003, 03:47 PM
Ooc: Don't make me depressed; I'm bipolar. *sigh*

Ic: "I'm not going to scream, Frodo," Rosie stated,"No, you don't deserve the name. I'm not afraid of your... your pet, Slime! He could barely get me here, and I'm not going to be bullied by you!"

Dreran the Green
06-22-2003, 03:48 PM
ooc: Go Rosie!:D Thanks for undepressing me!:D

06-22-2003, 03:52 PM
Ooc: Heehee! Rosie is cool! :D Hobbits are as tough as old shoe leather! Heehee.

06-22-2003, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by Dreran the Green
Ok. Don't worry we were just joking. See? ;) winking smilies! It wouldn't be a very good RPG if the main evil character got killed

DtG got it spot on, winking smilies and all :D

Adrian Baggins
06-22-2003, 03:55 PM
ooc: I will be Rosie till someone is her for me, I can handle it

ic:"Sam, what about it? Are you going to come the easy way, or does someone have to get hurt?" I asked, inching closer to Rosie, motioning Gollum back. "Master, what are you doing?" he asked, confused. "I'm going to do this myself, it's easier, and, more effective. SAM! Any wishes for Rosie before pain is the only thing she knows!?" I screamed, pulling out an elvish dagger I had hidden in my cloak. "DON'T HARM HER, PLEASE! I'LL DO IT, I'LL HELP YOU, JUST PLEASE, DON'T HURT HER!" Sam shouted. "SHELOB, bring him here!" I commanded, moving into the shadows behind Rosie. "Sam, don't worry about me," Rosie said as soon as she could see him. "No, Rosie, I don't want to see you injured, you don't worry about me, and I want you to know, that whatever happens, I'll still love you deep inside, even if I'm corrupted on the surface, you'll always be in a special place in my heart."

06-22-2003, 03:57 PM
Ooc: Sniff sniff... snxxx :(

Dreran the Green
06-22-2003, 03:57 PM
OOC: Awwww....that's so touching!

06-22-2003, 03:59 PM
I can see the movie version already - what a great love scene sniff.

06-22-2003, 04:02 PM
Back in Gondor it was time to move, the Dirty Dozen had decided that Frodo should live if at all possible - although Gandalf warned the others "if we take the ring from him, he may die in any case..."

Aragorn organised the mounting of the horses and the New Fellowship set out. Jessica rode to the front of the group as she was an expert tracker, and between Aragorn and Jessica the Fellowship missed nothing along the trail.

06-22-2003, 05:23 PM
Ooc: Whoa. How'd you guess my name?:p

06-22-2003, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by Kalile
Ooc: Whoa. How'd you guess my name?:p
Er? Not sure if this is a trick question? [Nervously notes Winking Smilie] Er....? Because you told us?
Originally posted by Kalile
Question. May I be Jessira, an elf who traveled with Gandalf? It's kind of silly, but when I read, I sometimes pretend that I am a new character, and I rewrite the story to fit it.
I'm assuming since Gandalf knew who you were (you're first IC post seemed to suggest you knew each other) you're identity wasn't a secret. Sorry if I got that wrong:confused:

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
06-22-2003, 07:16 PM
Herina: Hello!
Herin: Herin, you do know we shouldn't be talking to strangers...
Herina: Stop it.
Herina: Come up here!

Dreran the Green
06-22-2003, 07:42 PM
OOC: Up where? Are we still riding? Ok Ill assume we are...

IC: *The fellowship rode up to the meet two elves*

"Hello!" said Gandalf "You don't have to worry about us, we're decent enough people to speak with. But who are you?"

The last sane person
06-22-2003, 07:43 PM
OOC: I have yet to wait for katt but i have an idea....Is sauron going to fall or what?

Adrian Baggins
06-22-2003, 07:51 PM
maybe, when he trys to attack Frodo, I'm waiting for Sam's real player to post

Dreran the Green
06-22-2003, 07:52 PM
I'll pm her.

The last sane person
06-22-2003, 07:53 PM
OOC: She rarely checks her box.

Dreran the Green
06-22-2003, 08:02 PM
You mean you already tried? Well its worth a shot anyway. Oh well, g2g for now.

06-22-2003, 11:49 PM
OOC: On with the story!

06-23-2003, 12:56 AM
Er? Not sure if this is a trick question? [Nervously notes Winking Smilie] Er....? Because you told us?

Well, actually, you posted me as Jessica, and that is my real name. :p
Jessica rode to the front of the group as she was an expert tracker, and between Aragorn and Jessica the Fellowship missed nothing along the trail.

I just thought it was funny that a typo ends up creating my name.

06-23-2003, 01:21 PM
OOCOriginally posted by Kalile
Well, actually, you posted me as Jessica, and that is my real name. :p See?
I just thought it was funny that a typo ends up creating my name. Humble apologies most illustrious Kalile, I now see your point. It wasn't a typo (your diplomacy is greatly appreciated) it was mere incompetence :o did not notice the subtle distinction between Jessira as you posted and the name I already knew, Jessica. However, am most gratified that you saw the funny side :cool: and will now have to devote IC life to defending Jessira to make up for blunder. Your most humble servant madam.

IC Aragorn: "It would greatly strengthen our Fellowship if a Lord and Lady of the Firstborn would care to join us. Are Lady Herina and Lord Herin willing to take up with us on our quest?"

06-23-2003, 01:25 PM
*giggle* :o You flatter me, Lutra Mage :p

By the by, what's going on in the Middle East there, Sane?

The last sane person
06-23-2003, 01:27 PM
OOC: Its rather easy to do! :D

06-23-2003, 01:28 PM
That's why my username isn't Jessira; then everyone would be posting me as Jessica. :)

06-23-2003, 01:30 PM
was mere incompetence :o Makes mental note - READ the Post, READ the Post, READ the Post :D

06-23-2003, 01:34 PM
Whoa! Clam down, Lutramage. Nothing to worry about, or anything. :D

Now can anyone think of something to add to the story, or should we wait for the "two" elves to start talking?

06-23-2003, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person
OOC: Its rather easy to do! :D Now TLSP, don't be unchivalrous :p

06-23-2003, 01:35 PM
Now don't be unchivalrous


The last sane person
06-23-2003, 01:43 PM
OOC: I believe that was directed to me Kalile. And by the way, Chivalry Lives! dispite what others say! Huzzah for those who keep it alive! Also, Lutra, Kalile and i are.....uh.....friends you could say and we like to kid around.

06-23-2003, 01:45 PM
ooc:wow! I missed alot!

ic: Pippin tried not to think about Frodo as they rode up to meet the two elves. He turned to Merry, "Do you really think that we might have to kill him?"
"I'm not sure Pippin," Merry replied, "I just hope we won't have to come to make that decision."

06-23-2003, 01:46 PM
Heehee, yes.

Chivalry does live! My Grandfather and Grandmother were baron and baroness of a kingdom in the SCA, and are very chivalrous. :D

Ic: Jessira rode in silence, wondering what had happened to Frodo and Sam. Especially Sam.

The last sane person
06-23-2003, 01:55 PM
OOC: Whoa! From Jessira you morphed into Kalile! Oh, nothing except alot of confusion and anger. And riots. and other less pleasent stuff.

06-23-2003, 01:59 PM
Oops! I'll fix it before anyone else sees, and you'll look silly. :p

The last sane person
06-23-2003, 02:02 PM
OOC: *sticks tongue out at Kalile.* No, that will just show your incompetence! DAMN 90 SECOND RULE!!!!! GAR!

06-23-2003, 02:06 PM
I've run afoul of that rule five times today. AAH! THERE IT IS AGAIN! TWICE ON THE SAME *!$ POST!

The last sane person
06-23-2003, 02:08 PM
OOC: Yeah, I got ya beat though. 16 times so far today!


06-23-2003, 02:09 PM

Darn it! Again!

The last sane person
06-23-2003, 02:11 PM
OOC: boy, Kalile! you and i are just like two viings! Go in and conquor any Rpg that we join! Wait, i bet as soon as i hit the "post" button the Rule will come up....

06-23-2003, 02:17 PM
Heehee! And anyway, has anyone thought of anything constructive to say yet? I havn't!

06-23-2003, 02:36 PM
OOCOriginally posted by The last sane person
OOC: I believe that was directed to me Kalile. And by the way, Chivalry Lives! dispite what others say! Huzzah for those who keep it alive! Also, Lutra, Kalile and i are.....uh.....friends you could say and we like to kid around. Right On TLSP. The Age of Chivalry is not yet dead!

IC Herin and Herina join the group and they all make haste to head into the Mountains of Shadow searching for the Morgul Vale. Once past Minas Morgul they will attempt to climb the stairs to Cirith Ungol and hopefully meet up with Evil Frodo whilst he is still in Shelob's lair trying to gain Sam's cooperation.

06-23-2003, 05:03 PM
Does anyone know what to do now?

The last sane person
06-23-2003, 05:38 PM
OOC: No, it appears as if we dont. I am still waiting for Katt. Bugger all.

*Roya and her crew were almost to Barad-Dur and had seen the floating eyeball atop it.*

Roya: Here men! Here is our fearsome Evil lord!

Random warrior: Fearsome? He is just a floating eyeball.

Roya: *shrug* yeah well, the elves are scared enough of him. And i have i mind to help over throw him andtake his place! But it is better to stay in his grace for now! Onwards!

Dreran the Green
06-23-2003, 06:08 PM
OOC: Wow, a lot has happened. Specifically curses upon the 90 second rule:D

Darn, We have to wait for the others to write something. Hurry up, people!:rolleyes: :D

06-23-2003, 07:19 PM
ooc: calm down dtg i'm here now (what is all this talk of chivalry??)

ic: "set her free!!" I must know she is safe*thinking to himself* if i can last long enough i am sure the others will come to help eventually "SET HER FREE!" "alright, alright"gollum muttered and grabbed a dagger to cut the ropes that bound Rosie. once she was freed she ran to sam and hugged him ferociously(sp?) "what must I do?

ooc: what should sam call frodo? :confused:? It seems wierd to call him Mr. frodo or even frodo cause he is not really the same person:confused:

The last sane person
06-23-2003, 07:32 PM
OOC: Chivalry has made a come back in this RPG thanks to LutraMage and i!

Adrian Baggins
06-23-2003, 08:11 PM
ooc: Sam should call Frodo..............hmmm........................... .......thinking.........................

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
06-23-2003, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by Dreran the Green
OOC: Up where? Are we still riding? Ok Ill assume we are...

IC: *The fellowship rode up to the meet two elves*

"Hello!" said Gandalf "You don't have to worry about us, we're decent enough people to speak with. But who are you?"

Herina: We're decent enough elves to speak with...
*Her eyes trail over the elves in the fellowship*
Herin: I hope...
Gandalf: I too...
*Herina hits Gandalf over the head*
Gandalf: Ok, com'mon...
Herin: Where?

The last sane person
06-23-2003, 08:51 PM
OOC: How bout ELB for short?

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-23-2003, 09:18 PM
ooc: Chivalry lives!!! Yes, it has been a while since that was discussed but I haven't been on in like three days so there!

ic:Gimli noticed that Merry and Pippin seemed troubled. "What's wrong?" he asked them. Pippin's eyes filled with tears, "We might have to kill Frodo!" Gimli was taken aback. "Kill Frodo?" he thought, "I swore to protect him with my life. To break an oath such as that, it is unthinkable! Oh, Aule, save him from the foul treachary of the cursed Ring."

Can't think of anything for Theoden to say right now, but as soon as I post I probably will. Curses!

06-23-2003, 11:32 PM
ooc: Faramir will be in blue and Pippin in chocolate

ic:Faramir sat upon a rock and appeared to be staring at nothing. He was having flashbacks of his brother, Boromir. Flashbacks of their childhood, and of right before Boromir left for Rivendell. After he "saw" the images, they faded away as if a last memory never again to be awakened. A hand on his shoulder startled him. He turned only to find no one. Once agian, his thoughts turned to Frodo. Faramir knew something was amiss between Frodo and Sam. He just couldn't think of what might be happening for he had seen how the hobbits seemed so close and protective of each other. With a sigh he got up from where he had been sitting and turned to walk. To where, he did not know but it was as if a hand was on his shoulder leading him to where he was to go.

06-24-2003, 12:01 AM
OOC: Good! Now we are getting somewhere!:)

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-24-2003, 01:01 AM
ooc: And with that 100th post rolling by......I'm now an official Elven Warrior, no longer a silly Enting!!!!! :D :D :D :D

bic: "And what might your names be?" King Theoden asked the newcomers. "And what business do you have with us and our quest?"

Gimli eyed the new elves suspiciously (sp?). He only trusted two elves in all middle-earth, Legolas and Galadriel. *Drools over Galadriel*:D No, he didn't trust these elves farther then he could kick them. Which probably wasn't far, considering they were at least twice his height.

06-24-2003, 11:39 AM
Legolas catches his suspicious glare, he bends down to his friends ear and whispers: "Gimli, my friend, these elves may help us yet. Treat them with respect, as you treat me with respect. You would not trust me as far as you could throw my when we first met, and yet in time we have become the best of friends!:) "

06-24-2003, 11:56 AM
Congratulations Gulio! I am glad you are now an Elven Warrior!:) :D :D :)

06-24-2003, 12:21 PM
OCCOriginally posted by Gulio, Strength of Many
[B]ooc: And with that 100th post rolling by......I'm now an official Elven Warrior, no longer a silly Enting!!!!! :D :D :D :D Hey lad, steady on, some of us are still silly Entings!;) but congrats on showing us there is light at the end of the tunnel!:D

IC I too am interested in knowing how Herin and Herina think they can best help. However, I think they should explain as we ride. The Evil Lord Baggins has a good headstart on us. Let us ride on and try to find the Lord Faramir, who is rumoured to be near here in North Ithilien, perhaps in the ruins of Osgiliath. Perhaps he will have word of the hobbits, for they must have passed through the land he guards.

06-24-2003, 12:28 PM
Herin and Herina may be helpful with a sword," says a doubtful Legolas" or swift with bow. There should be some good use to them, or they would not have come."

06-24-2003, 12:29 PM
"That is a wise course of action," Jessira assented, in one of the longest sentences she had said in a while. :p

Ooc: Apparently Jessira is a thinker rather than a talker. ;)

I didn't even notice when I became an elven warrior, but now I'm going for elf lord! :cool:

06-24-2003, 12:37 PM
How many posts do you need to become Elf Lord?

06-24-2003, 12:38 PM
500 posts :o That's a lot!

The last sane person
06-24-2003, 12:40 PM
OOC: Have any of you seen Katt post latley? All the evil people are going into thin air! Oh, and kalile, I beat you to it!


*The really evil people were in Barad dur searching for their errant master*

Roya: Ello! Any body home?

soldier: Guess not!

Roya: Then i am sure he wont mind if i nip over and have a looksies in his Palantir!

*She goes over to have a look and sees the forces of the "mighty" Dirty Dozen. She was pleasently surprised at the sight of good ol' Leggy there with them.**

Roya: It seems that they too are after the Ring. *notices Leggy* Heh, looks like i didnt pop him off! And it appears the Aragorn's leg is healed too! Well, I am not going to waste men on these people...so....Send out a nice big welcoming party for them on our evil lords bill!

Soldier: Sure, what shall be in it?

Roya: Oh, you know. The usual goodies! Make sure there are plenty of Archers and Trolls would you?

Soldier: Yes'm! *salutes and goes on his way*

*Later a rather large and mean force are on their way to go bug th Dirty Dozen*

OC: Just cause Katt isnt here doesnt mean i cant have fun....

06-24-2003, 12:42 PM
500?!:eek: I shall never make it.:( Damn that 90 sec. rule!:mad: I hate it!

The last sane person
06-24-2003, 12:46 PM
OOC: As do most of the people here! Now what shall all of you do with my welcoming party that is currently tracking you? WHO WAS THE SMARTY WHO INVENTED THAT RULE?

06-24-2003, 12:51 PM
Welcoming party tracking me? :confused: What do you mean?

06-24-2003, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Silme*Christian
Welcoming party tracking me? :confused: What do you mean? Well, S*C, I guess he means the small army of orcs, trolls and other ner'do wells he has set upon us. Thinks - might be good idea to find Faramir now and hope he still has his Ithilien Rangers with him (especially those nice archers) - "Oh Faramir, where are you?":eek:

The last sane person
06-24-2003, 12:55 PM

06-24-2003, 12:59 PM
Well, S*C, I guess he means the small army of orcs, trolls and other ner'do wells he has set upon us. Thinks - might be good idea to find Faramir now and hope he still has his Ithilien Rangers with him (especially those nice archers) - "Oh Faramir, where are you?"

Thank you LutraMage, very much for giving me a flat out answere:) unlike some crabby people who can't handle little questians here. (you know who you are)

"We must be swift," says Legolas" there is something wrong in the air."

The last sane person
06-24-2003, 01:02 PM
OOC: :D yep, What can i say? i never get any sleep.

06-24-2003, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by Silme*Christian
[B]Thank you LutraMage, very much for giving me a flat out answere:) unlike some crabby people who can't handle little questians here. (you know who you are) No problemo S*C, "not all those who wander are lost" but those who are lost shouldn't be left to wonder! (Get it?) :D [Thinks, am spending too much time reading TLSP's postings]!:p

06-24-2003, 01:07 PM
I half get it:D

The last sane person
06-24-2003, 01:10 PM
OOC; What about my posts?????????

*meanwhile Roya and the boys are making themselves feel quite comfy awaiting saurons return*

06-24-2003, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person
[B]OOC; What about my posts????????? Don't worry, its a compliment really - the zany humour is beginning to rub off that's all.:p

The last sane person
06-24-2003, 01:17 PM
OOC: AH! *bows* thank you! I am quite pround of my humor myself! Keeps me from going over to the Sane side! :D Insanity Rules!

*The evil dudes were now becoming very comfy with the current situation and start to pick up on a game of soccer*

Roya: MEthinks that if Sauron doesnt show and the ring isnt all its cracked up to be..we could just stay here and freeload! I mean, come on! We are middle eastreners after all! How could we possibly be the good guys even if we wanted to be!

Army:*cheers and resume their soccer match*

06-24-2003, 01:33 PM
The Deadly Dozen companions ride swiftly through Itheilien until they reach the ruined city of Osgiliath. By the broken bridge over the Anduin stands a solitary figure. At first the figure looks stern and threatening, but then he suddenly spies Gandalf among the approaching riders.

"Mithrandir! Is it truely you? I heard rumours of your death (obviously somewhat exagerated). It is great to see you. But tell me, where are you going with these fine ladies and gentlemen (oh, and a dwarf too)!"

Gimli glares at the young nobleman.

"We hunt a friend of ours in great peril - indeed, in peril of his very soul. Have you seen two hobbits, or halflings passing through your green lands? They would have looked akin to these two." Indicates Merry and Pippin.

"I have indeed, the Elf-friend Frodo and the worthy Sam. I gave them aid and allowed them to continue their journey into the Black Land. I hope nothing is amiss?"

"Alas, Frodo is now the Evil Lord Baggins and has fallen foul of the Ring of Power. Can you aid us in tracking him?"

"Ah, what terrible news. Of course I shall aid, and not just me."

Suddenly the Dashing Dozen realised that they were surrounded. In all of the ruined buildings, which had previously seemed empty, arrow heads pointed out in their direction. "Put down your weapons men, they are friends." Out of the ruins stepped the Rangers of Itheniliel. And so the Tremendous Thirteen set off once more, but now backed by a veritable army of veteran Gondorian troops.

The last sane person
06-24-2003, 01:37 PM
OOC: No, no, no if anything its the Thrashed Thirteen! for so far you have accompished nothin and your plans have all gone amiss!

06-24-2003, 01:40 PM
OOCOriginally posted by The last sane person
OOC: No, no, no if anything its the Thrashed Thirteen! for so far you have accompished nothin and your plans have all gone amiss! In your dreams oh evil one!:p

The last sane person
06-24-2003, 01:42 PM
OOC: I shall, and in the meantime i shall cause nightmares! Mwahhahahaha!

Adrian Baggins
06-24-2003, 03:12 PM
ooc: I like chicken, I have nothing to post, ohhh, evenesence Bring Me To Life is on on the Edge, must listen

06-24-2003, 03:36 PM
OOC: What is our position? No one has anything to say?

The last sane person
06-24-2003, 03:56 PM
OOC: As it would appear, no one quite knows what the hell is going on.

06-24-2003, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person
OOC: I shall, and in the meantime i shall cause nightmares! Mwahhahahaha! Ah, but are you going to call your nightmares 'Glorfindel'? (Sorry S*C, couldn't resist)

And for those who think we've cracked, you got to see the other RPG Thread

IC "We will ride out and scatter the miserable army of the Middle Easterlings, rescue ELB from himself, help Sam to marry Rosie, send Shelob to her final resting place, and still be home in time for tea.":cool:

Dreran the Green
06-24-2003, 04:34 PM
IC " Onward!" Cried Gandalf, waving his sword wildly, And they all rode forth, right after the Istari accidentally steered Shadowfax the wrong way and and ran into a tree.:D

OOC: WOW. I haven't posted in a while. I THOUGHT I did but my sister turned off the computer before I submited a reply:rolleyes: Ah well. Sooo, when shall we be attacked by near'do wells?

The last sane person
06-24-2003, 04:54 PM
OOC: No, since they are nightmares i would call them Galadriel or Luthien!!!

Roya: *gazes into Palantir andd munches popcorn* Heh, if anything we are not misrable!

Soldier: and what does he mean by scatter? We are in perhaps the best fortress in middle earth.

Roya: *shrugs* I dunno. Westerners have always been full of hot air and very fond of words and long speeches that sound bold but never get done. And so far we havent really done anything in the war except embarrassed them a bunch.

Adrian Baggins
06-24-2003, 05:21 PM
ooc: I am STILL WAITING for Sam's owner to post his confession of loyalty (it's a trick, he plans to escape after a period of time) and I wanted to grace all you cool people with the honor of this thread having my 500th post! WOOHOO! YEAH!!

06-24-2003, 05:30 PM
No, since they are nightmares i would call them Galadriel or Luthien!!! Excellent!:D v. funny!:DBy DtG
Sooo, when shall we be attacked by near'do wells? Actually, DtG, I rather think its time for us to do some attacking of our own. Where's everyone else got to? I think its time to break a few evil heads. Roya may have eaten so much popcorn that its gone to her head and she's now hallucinating:And so far we havent really done anything in the war except embarrassed them a bunch.:rolleyes: But I think its time to - how do the American's put it? - kick @$$!

IC The Terrifying Thirteen soon reached Minas Morgul, but the Valley and the citadel were both silent and empty. So, taking the paths into the mountains they soon reached the Endless Stairs leading to Cirith Ungol and Shelob's Lair. Behind the Heroes wound the Rangers, stealthy and valiant. "Right," cried Aragorn "how do we want to tackle the ELB, Gollum and Shelob?"

The last sane person
06-24-2003, 05:38 PM
OOC; oy vay! more american machoism!

Soldier: ENEMY AT THE GATES!! (which by the way was a good movie!)

Roya: *throws away popcorn* Archers Attack! *archers start raining arrows on the Trashed Thirteen*

Roya: Nazgul! Forward on the right flank! trolls on the left! Onwards Warg riders! For wrath and ruin and for those really tacky robes the nazgul wear!!

*and thus many screams were heard issuing from below as the unlucky thirteen had erroniously decided to attack on a friday!*

Gandalf: Retreat!!!!!!! *an arrow knock off his wizard hat as he retreats.*

Aragon: perhaps we should have waited for saturday!

*they beat a hasty retreat*


Adrian Baggins
06-24-2003, 05:42 PM
ooc: hi again, nobody wants to attack me, WAAAAHHHHHH

The last sane person
06-24-2003, 05:47 PM
OOC: Sorry. I am not in attack mode now! I am in my sit-on-my-ass-and-eat-popcorn-while-watching-every-body-else-fights mode. I dont think i want the ring and since Sauron hasnt shown up i think i will just be a home body and attack any and all door-to-door salesmen that pester me!

Dreran the Green
06-24-2003, 07:38 PM
Which gives me an idea...

BTW, Congrats Adrian on reaching the 500 mark!:D What will your custom title be?

IC: The Terrible Thirteen have retreated to a makeshift camp where they are all leaning over a table with a big peice of paper on it...

Aragorn: Allright, so they made us retreat. Bad luck that we came here on a Friday. But we think we've worked out a plan. Gandalf-Gandalf?
*Gandalf is sitting in a corner, making himself a new pointy hat*
Gandalf: *muttering* Damn arrow, had to stick through the hat...had that thing for two-thousand bloody years...Done! *Sticks new pointy hat on head* There. *Walks over to table and takes out a pen*
Gandalf: Okay, so if this is them *scribbles several stick people holding weapons near a tower* and we're...here *scribbles thirteen other stick figures* Then we do this *draws lots of arrows* and then.....erases the heads off of the other stick figures*
Faramir: Erm...that seems rather vague...
Gandalf: Think you can do better?!
Faramir: Actually, I-
Gandalf: That's what I thought! Allright, lets go kick some middle eastern @$$!! *everyone cheers*

Adrian Baggins
06-24-2003, 08:32 PM
I want it to be Frodo's lil sis Harry P. and LotR Fan, or something like that

06-24-2003, 09:32 PM
I just wanted to say:
You're all crazy :D,
I'm confused,
I'll never become an Elf Lord,
Westerners have always been full of hot air and very fond of words and long speeches that sound bold but never get done.
Is that directed at a certain large Western country? Because I'll have you know that I'm from the West of that Western country, and I won't stand for you insulting all of the casinos and strip clubs in my town, or the git George Bush who is currently trying to kill education, and darnit I'm going to thrash you and anyone else who hates America! ...wait... you're all across the ocean. Never mind. I guess it'll never get done. :p

Oh, and Penguins would rule the world if they weren't stuck a few thousand miles from nowhere.

Whew! I feel better now. :D

06-24-2003, 10:19 PM
ooc:I'm with you Kalile please don't dis my country guys!!
btb congrats Adrian for getting past500 posts I fear it will be a long time before I get that far. And also Adrian for me to be "loyal" to you don't you have to have me do something to prove my loyalty *hint hint ;) ;) *

Adrian Baggins
06-24-2003, 10:27 PM

ic: "Sam, let me see, to prove your loyalty, hmmm, I want you to sneak into Sauron's tower and steal something, his Palantier if you are able, but get something from his stronghold, I will await you near here, but not in this place, I will be near Mt.Doom."

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-25-2003, 12:05 AM
ooc: America ROX!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am from the farthest west (and technically east) state in the US!!!!!!!! Westerners RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, I'm done now. *Gets off soapbox*

bic: Gimli tried to trust the new elves, but failed. He still kept an eye on them, but figured that he would get used to them eventually. Suspicion WAS at the core of his being anyways.
"I hope we get a chance to do some REAL fighting!" Gimli said to Legolas, "Then I will have something to do, and an excuse to get off this (censored) horse! :D

Theoden sat on his horse, thinking. (Which means that, yet again, I can't think of anything for him to say. :D :D ;)

The last sane person
06-25-2003, 12:10 AM
OOC: Thank you for your opinoins. Yet, may i remind you that your sentiment is limited to your own country. Over here, I regret to inform you, you're not quite seen as the wonderful becon of democracy and light as you think yourselves to be. What we think of you over here is pretty much limited to, bombs, more bombs and Bush and oil loving politicians (and it has yet to be proven otherwise). And if you dont want me to bag on your country tell Bush to keep his "axis of evil" labels and bombs, off of mine. BUT ENOUGH! BACK TO THE STORY! Kalile, if you wish i could send you a ticket and we could have our little fighting match however....:D

*Roya went back to munching popcorn once the invaders had fled*

Roya: Thats better!

Dreran the Green
06-25-2003, 10:24 AM
OOC: I'm USA too , and when I say to you now I love my country, that means trees and purple mountain majesty stuff. Politicians I do not especially care for nomatter what country they're from. And whether any of you who aren't from America like Bush or hate him, OK-good fer' you. We're all a bit divided on that issue as well. But don't judge a whole country of people on one guy. Aw, crap, I'm picking a fight, aren't I?:rolleyes: I HAVE TO STOP DOING THAT!!! OK, completely disregard all of the above!! Stupid argument going to kill the RPG! ONWARDS!!!!


Gandalf: CHAAAAARGE!!!!!!!!! *The terrible thirteen charges violently on towards their enemys*

Roya: *Spits out popcorn* Arg! Attack! Kill them all!!!

06-25-2003, 10:33 AM
Legolas bends down to Gimli and says: "here you are, you get to do some real fighting just as you wished, my friend!"

06-25-2003, 01:41 PM
Pippin charged with the rest and immeadiently(sp?) started stabbing his enemies. Though he and Merry could only reach the knees.

The last sane person
06-25-2003, 01:56 PM
*Roya goes sprinting at incredible speeds in her Ninja outfit and katana and Kodachi at the ready {now, dont ask me why a Middle easterner is dresses as a ninja cause i dunno}*

Roya: HIIIYYAAA! *thwak**boof**bash*

Soldiers: Huzzah for the Queen!

Roya: SLICE'N'DICE TIME! WAZZAH! *she goes and kills a couple of the rangers*

Aragorn: NOOOOO!! *Kills a few middle easterners*

Roya: Ha you are but thirteen! I am many!

*at that they see a horde of evil things that come rushing through the Middle Eastren ranks and engulfs them*

Roya: *from somwhere behind the fell ranks* I hope you enjoy your welcoming party! And once your done with these then you can try out your skills on me! Oh and by the way. The longer you spend attacking me, the less chance you will have to save your friend and recapture the ring!

OOC: I Hate bush, but i also hate the bombs and guns he will launch at me, my family and my country. By the time he is done there wont be anything left of my home for me to love. And i dont hate you or the people. It just irks the hell out of me when they boast about how great they are when at the same time their troops are going and killing random people over in my side of the world and are aiming for me next.

06-25-2003, 02:30 PM
OOC:Where do you live TLSP?

The last sane person
06-25-2003, 02:37 PM
OOC: Take a wild guess.

06-25-2003, 03:00 PM
OOCOriginally posted by The last sane person
OOC: Take a wild guess. I tell you what, why don't we not take a guess and you just tell us?

The last sane person
06-25-2003, 03:19 PM
OOC: Pm me and i'll tell you.


And thus the terrible thriteen raged on in their war with the forces of Mordor.Intent on killing as many as possible, while still taking grevious damge to themselves.

Indril Anarion
06-25-2003, 04:00 PM
OOC: Okay, I'll be Arwen, modified Arwen, but Arwen nonetheless...and she's coming to save the day (hey they had lorien elves in TTT movie, so why can't I do this?) (oh, and I have this thing with evil people...I can't stand it when they even try to win...now witness my fury...Muahahaha!! *cough* well you get it)
OOC2: hey, TLSP, I've read this entire thread and they aren't just 13, they have all the rangers too...

IC: Arwen rode up on a nearby ledge and spotted the serious battle. The Terrible Thirteen and their ranger companions were extremely outnummbered. She looked over her shoulder to the army amassed behind her, sent by Elrond (hey, someone's gotta help).

"Charge!" came the shrill cry of her voice.

Thousands of warrior elves came riding down into the battle, slashing through waves of orcs, trolls, and evil minions. Arwen picks her way through the fray and reaches Aragorn.

"Aragorn, melamin, we must get to Frodo. Time is running out!" she said. "Take as many as you can. We must find the corrupted halfling," she said.

She turned around and, unsheathing her sword, beheaded an attacking orc.
"Hurry!" she said, riding towards Shelob's lair, and taking a few evil minions down in the process.

OOC3: Srry if this presents a prob to anyone...I just thought that The evil Frodo must be stopped and soon, before he kills poor Rosie and Sam. :(

Dreran the Green
06-25-2003, 04:37 PM
OOC: Sam's not going anywhere, he has turned to the dark side. Welcome to the thread!

OOC 2: Look! 3 more posts and I'll be an Elf Lord!:D


Roya: "Ha! We still outnumber your pitiful army!" At this moment Gandalf broke through the enemy line on Shadowfax, slashing the heads off multiple victims.
Gandalf: Not anymore!! Quickly! Let us finish this lot and find the hobbits!

Dreran the Green
06-25-2003, 05:06 PM
Hey everyone look! 500 POSTS!!! :D Weeeeeee!!!! Wow:) I need to get a custom title:)

06-25-2003, 05:15 PM
Congratulations DTG! How many do you need to get a costum tittle?

The last sane person
06-25-2003, 05:24 PM
Roya: You'll not kill me off that easily! *blows horn of Mordor and thousands more appear from their dens and caves* You have come to the heart of Darkness! not not think you can win so easily! Remember! you have not the forces of those that you had in the Last Alliance! No Gil-Galad or Numenorian kings of old! Merely a shade of the once mighty host you had! HAVE AT THEM!

*a buncha nasty things come forth and obliterate many of the elves, leaving only a few beside Arwen and the Terrible thirteen*

Indril Anarion
06-25-2003, 08:01 PM
"We must get to the Hobbits! That is our top priority," said Arwen. "I fear we may be too late if we even attempt to finish this battle. But it is up to you, Aragorn and Gandalf, to decide."

She killed off several attacking orcs.

06-25-2003, 08:25 PM
Ooc: Whoa! I didn't mean to start anything, I was just being funny by proving her point about long speeches that never get done! :( I guess that made people mad...

Just for the record, you people didn't read my "speech" all the way; it wasn't all complimentary. ( The part about Georgie boy was kind of biased: I am in school, and my mom's a teacher, so I'm a little ticked off at the "No child left behind" and the "Democrats want to raise your taxes, just so that your children can go to decent schools! Will we allow it? NO!")
You know, that kind of stuff, without even starting on the "war" with a bunch of people who we know we can beat into the ground ala Trojan war. :rolleyes: Don't get me wrong. I like living here, but I hate what we have come to stand for.

Ic: Jessira got seperated from the rest of her group, and found herself face to face with the Middle Eastern Queen.
Ooc: About that fighting match... ;)

06-25-2003, 08:25 PM
Faramir knew that they had to get to the hobbits, and as fast as possible. "We need to hurry," he said while killing an orc, "before it is too late."

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-25-2003, 09:28 PM
ooc: I hate politicians too.

ic: Gimli was having a great time, slashing and killing his enemies. The only bummer thing was, he saw a bit too short to quite reach the heads of the enemy. So, he comprimised. He slashed the middles, THEN chopped the heads off.:D
Then some people were yelling about retreat and such nonsense. He ignored it and went back to killing Roya's army.

ooc: Does Arwen HAVE to be in this? You and pj should hook up, inserting Arewn where she doesn't belong.:D :D :D :D

Theoden was slaying many a foe when Aragorn, Faramir, Arwen, and Gandalf were shouting about retreating and finding Frodo. He cut a path to the King and asked, "Do you wish to retreat?"

06-25-2003, 11:29 PM
OOC: Does he? Does he? getting excited here, but still don't know what to post. ARRGG! That stupid 90 sec. rule!:mad:

Adrian Baggins
06-26-2003, 10:05 AM
"Ah, Sam, what have you brought for me?" I asked as the Hobbit ran towards me, I was sitting in a sheltered spot at the base of Mt.Doom, and despite the nearness to the burning mountain, it was quite cool.

"I brought you this Lord," Sam said, pulling out a round object wrapped in cloth, Sam was hagard and worn after running in and out of the battle, trying to make sure noone saw him, both sides were a danger to him. Sam then saw Rosie, as peacefully asleep as was possible. "Also, I brought you some news, there is a great battle going on sir, and the forces of Mordor are being slaughtered by Aragorn and the rest of the Fellowship, minus Boromier, he is dead, yet Arwen and a host of elves are there, along with Gandalf, what are we to do, they talk of comming to kill you Lord," Sam added, watching as Frodo unwrapped the cloth from the sphere.

"Samwise, there is no need to worry, they think we are still at Shelob's lair, they will get less than they wanted when they get there, you have done well, you have brought me news and the Palantier of Sauron, this is more than I asked for, go over by Rosie, where it is more comfortable, and take a long needed rest, I will wake you if I need you."

"Yes Lord, thank you."

Dreran the Green
06-26-2003, 10:22 AM
ooc: Just a question here, where'd Sauron go, anyway?? Ah well.

Aragorn was bravely hacking several orcs to the ground, when something dashed across his line of peripheral vision. It was short, barefoot, and had a mass of dirt flecked curly hair. He turned around to run after the figure, but before he knew it it was gone

"Gandalf!" he shouted.
"What is it, Aragorn?" Gandalf called back through a mass of evil creatures.
"One of the halflings is here! I think it was Sam!"
"We are close then! We must hurry and find Frodo!"

Adrian Baggins
06-26-2003, 10:32 AM
I have no clue where Sauron is

06-26-2003, 01:45 PM
OCCOriginally posted by Kalile
but I hate what we have come to stand for. Kalile, don't start beliving the propaganda. I don't live in the US, but I think your country stands for decency and honour. Sometimes the US gets things wrong - hell, its run by people and people make mistakes - but by and large the US is a force for good. When men like Hussain and Ben Laden use hatred and terror to acheive their goals (like Sauron) they have to be stopped. "All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to stand by and do
nothing." The US are good guys.

Way to go on the 500 Elf Lord DtG!:cool:

IC "Right, let's start to make things happen here! Theoden - no, we are not retreating. You keep Roya and her happy popcorn eaters busy with the Rangers and Elves. Gimli, Legolas, Arwen, Gandalf and I will sort out Shelob and see where Frodo has got to. He can't be far if Sam is nearby."

Taking the other four with him, he enters the cave to Shelob's Lair. Suddenly the hideous monster attacks them from a side tunnel. Awen holds aloft a stunning Elven jewel which bursts into light, blinding the hateful spider. Gimli hews about him with his axe, cutting off Shelob's front claws. Legolas releases arrow after arrow into her eye clusters. Gandalf calls down the spirits of the Secret Flame of Arnor to batter her. Whilst Aragorn cries out to her "Where are Frodo and Sam? What have you done with them?"

The monster screams and falls back, but cannot escape. "They've gone to the mountain." she cries, desparate to get this troop of heroes away from her lair.

With the information they need, they slowly back out of the tunnels and allow Shelob to retreat, wounded and dismayed, to her underground caverns, there to lurk and fester over her wounds for many lives of men.

06-26-2003, 02:07 PM
Now it's getting interesting.:D

Adrian Baggins
06-26-2003, 02:12 PM
yep, come and get us, I'll wake Sam up in a sec

06-26-2003, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by LutraMage
OCC Kalile, don't start beliving the propaganda. I don't live in the US, but I think your country stands for decency and honour. Sometimes the US gets things wrong - hell, its run by people and people make mistakes - but by and large the US is a force for good. When men like Hussain and Ben Laden use hatred and terror to acheive their goals (like Sauron) they have to be stopped. "All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to stand by and do
nothing." The US are good guys.

ooc: I completely agree with you the US is not bad and we DON'T kill inocent civilians tlsp so get that out of your head!

ic: I awoke next to Rosie being roughly shaken by ELB and forgot where I was for a second the suddenly my memories from the past day or so came flooding back. I remember running through a gigantic battle sneaking into the giant building and stealing the Palantier of Sauron and bringing it back to lord baggins "Samwise, SAMWISE" I was being shouted at "Wemust leave now the beast shelob has given away our position we must leave" So I got up gently awoke Rosie and in the pitch dark stumbling over rocks and falling into tiny pits every so often we walked so much I thought my feet would explode after walking much further " Here we are" my lord announced"Where?" I inquired(SP?)

Indril Anarion
06-26-2003, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Gulio, Strength of Many

ooc: Does Arwen HAVE to be in this? You and pj should hook up, inserting Arewn where she doesn't belong.:D :D :D :D

OOC: Ha, ha...but i wanted to be part of the thread, and since we're modifying the story, why not? lol! Anyways...

IC: Arwen followed Gandalf and the others towards Mt. Doom. It's frame could be seen overlooking Mordor, it;s red hot flames bursting in restlessness, as the fate of Middle Earth was in a delicate balance, to be determined by the Terrible Thirteen.

The mountain grew closer and the figure of three hobbits and a wretched creature could be seen in the distance. They were scurrying to get away.

They stopped and hid behind a boulder.

"We are so close, Gandalf," said Arwen.
The weight of evil was pressing hard against her. she felt herself weakening. The sooner the ring was destroyed, the sooner she would feel at ease again.
"We must be silent, or else the actions of the halflings may turn drastic," warned Gandalf.

06-26-2003, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by Indril Anarion
My true Elven name is Idril Anarion, but I misspelled in the username, and now I can't fix it... Oh, well...now you know...
Hey Administrators, ain't there anything that you can do for the poor guy?:)

06-26-2003, 05:39 PM
She'll have to ask an admin directly if she wants it changed but I don't know whether it actually can be changed.

People, I would really appreciate if you keep the political discussions either in PM's or in the proper threads in the General Message forum. They're a little out of place in a role play game, don't you think? :)

Dreran the Green
06-26-2003, 07:14 PM
Yeah, its probably fer the best.

BTW, looky looky, custom title:)

06-26-2003, 07:16 PM
OOC: sorry.:)

IC: "we sould mov quickly." Said Legolas" if we sneak up to them and capture them, things may not go so bad."

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-26-2003, 09:56 PM
Theoden agreed with Legolas. He didn't want any harm to come to the hobbits. It was then that he noticed a female hobbit being dragged along by a disgusting looking creature. "How many hobbits went with you again?" he wispered to Gandalf.

Gimli gazed sadly at Frodo, no longer the bright-eyed, determined hobbit he once knew. Frodo, now Evil Lord Baggins, was starting to resemble Gollum. He was incredibly thin, and Gimli saw him bring out the Ring and stroke it. "We shall rule the world together, won't we preciousssssss," he crooned faintly. Gimli shuddered. It is such a sad fate, one that should happen to no one. Gimli's resolve hardened, "We MUST destroy it,'' he thought. He looked over to Merry and Pippin. "This must be even harder for them," he thought, "To have known and loved Frodo all their lives, and to see him like this."

06-26-2003, 11:07 PM
"No! Wait!" Legolas wispered" We can't TAKE 'it' from Frodo, we must trick him into GIVING the Ring to us" The companions looked confused, when Gandalf spoke up"Legolas is right, if we take the Ring from him, he will be like Gollum, seeking revenge for the rest of his life. He will never be the same. At least this way, he can give the Ring, and move on in his life, with a few scars to remind him. He would be at peace this way." Everyone looked doubtful.
"And how do you supose we do this deed?" asked Theoden.
"I will think of something." was the wizards reply.

The last sane person
06-27-2003, 12:14 AM
OOC: There is nothing wrong with popcorn munching evil dudes! And Kalile, that match of ours may very well go on!:D

Roya sighed and went back to battle ala ninja and was really bugging the elves-or what remained of them- when she was the short little halfing dodging about.

Roya: The halfling! Protect him men! let not the elves and men draw near!

Her forces made a thick sheild around Sam and allowed him to escape, yet Roya found her self shnoz to shnoz with Jessira.

Roya: Hello.

Jessira: Uh...what?

Roya: I said hello. you know, what one would normaly say when greeting someone....

Jessira: oh, i thought we were enimies.

Roya: well, that was before when i actually thought Sauron would amount to something. But now he is no where and you have attacked me and i am defending.

Jessira: Then lets have at it!

They do so and have this really cool crouching tiger hidden dragon fight scene that ends up with Jessira and the forces of Aragorn pushed back and Roya sitting atop her dragon steed with a bloody lip.

Roya: Not bad! but still no cigar. Archers! take aim! And please use the fire arrows this time!

A rain of arrows fell upon the attackers and drove them back. They had not noticed Roya's archers climb a tall hill behind them and take up position.

Roya: Well, its up to you now. Continue fighting with me or go save Frodo!

06-27-2003, 02:17 AM
Ooc: I reiterate! Jessira is not a fast talker. (Althought I'm beginning to think that she isn't a real fast thinker, either! :p)

06-27-2003, 11:37 AM
It was at this point that the Dwarfs from the Iron Hill arrived along the cliff face above Roya's archers. Falling upon the unwary bowman (who had been intent on the Elves and Rangers below them) the Dwarfs swept Roya's troops off the hills. Caught between the Dwarfs and the Elves/Rangers, the archers were soon wiped out.

"Well met, Dain!" cried Aragorn. "Just in the nick of time. Now, let us once and for all rid ourselves of this nuisance and her Middle Easterlings!"

With their new troops now vastly increased in numbers the Forces of Good were quickly able to beat the enemy back. Suddenly, as if some unspoken command had been given, the morale of Roya's army cracked, and the orcs of Mordor and scavengers of Middle Easterling were scattered to the winds, howling in fear and terror as they tried to escape back to their dens - "Mummy, mummy - help us, these Elves and Dwarfs have sharp shiny things that poke and cut, help, Mummy!" they cried as they deserted Roya like water from a duck's back.

Then Aragorn faced the Evil Queen. Unfortunately for her, her huge consumption of popcorn and other fatty foods (she had no idea what a healthy balanced diet was, and avoided vegetables like the plague - except those in her army of course) had finally caught up with her. Choking on the seed case of a vengeful popcorn, she missed her footing, bouced once on her overly large belly and was quickly tied and gagged by Legolas (he'd really taken a dislike to her for some reason)!

"Now, let us find the Evil Lord Baggins and try to trick him into relinquishing the Ring." cried Gandalf.

Adrian Baggins
06-27-2003, 01:26 PM
"We are at the secret enterance Rosie and I found while you were gone, it leads into Gorogorth, and from there we can get to Cirith Ungol(sp), let us rest here for a while though, I want to see were the enemies are," I said, taking the Palantier otu of my pack, Sam went over and sat by Rosie, waiting. "Ah, good, they are headign to where we were, Gollum will take care of them when they reach him, he will lead them to a place they will find hard to get through, once they loose their guide."

06-27-2003, 02:56 PM
As soon as Pippin saw Frodo, without even thinking he ran towards him. Then he saw Rosie and Sam. Pippin stopped. "Why is Rosie here?" he said aloud. He quickly ducked behind a rock hoping that Frodo had not seen him. He had to tell Merry! When it was all clear, he went to find Merry. When he did, he told him all of what he had just seen.

ooc: I won't be able to post for a while. About 2 days tops.

Dreran the Green
06-27-2003, 03:06 PM
The Terrible Thirteen and Co. moved quickly to the place where Aragorn had seen Sam run. Legolas and Aragorn retraced his steps on the ground, looking for any sign of the other halflings or Gollum. Suddenly, a sharp hissing came from above them and Gollum lept from above onto Legolas's back, trying to throttle him.

"Get him off! Get him off! He's creeping me out!"

OOC: We'll miss you:(

Adrian Baggins
06-27-2003, 03:11 PM
"Gollum, Gollum," I said, just as Master had told me to do, when I got off the elf's back I said, "We take you to Hobbits, yes, we can, for a price."

06-27-2003, 04:17 PM
"Heres the price!"Legolas said in anger. "You take us to the ring bearer(sp?) and we'll let you live!"

"don't be ssso hassssty, yess, they is hassty peoples, aren't they? Yes, presiouss they is! They is!"Said Gollum.

OOC: We'll miss you

OOC: Miss me? I'm not going anywhere am I?!:(

The last sane person
06-27-2003, 04:20 PM
roya: I am not fat thank you very much!

*to tell the truth, she wasnt. No evil Ninja is allowed to be fat. But as a fatal error made by the fellowship, she was left behind under guard of a few elves, she quickly burst out of her bonds ala Ninja and ran over to a secret passage way that lead to Frodo*

Roya: *Kneels to frodo* I wish to join you! I have a score to settle!

Frodo: Hmm... A ninja aye??? Now this has some major possibilities!

Dreran the Green
06-27-2003, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Silme*Christian

OOC: Miss me? I'm not going anywhere am I?!:(

LOL, not you, Aewionen:rolleyes:

06-27-2003, 05:21 PM
Ohh, good!:D *sigh of releaf*

06-27-2003, 07:57 PM
Aragorn surveyed the frayed rope and muttered "so, she has got away. We will rue this, as sure as the sun sets and the moon rises. Well, there is nothing we can do now, what will be, will be."

"Cursed elves, couldn't keep Gollum in Mirkwood and now can't keep Roya captive either - its always the same with inlaws!":D