View Full Version : If Frodo turned evil...
Indril Anarion
06-27-2003, 08:09 PM
"What were you saying about elves?" said Arwen, coming up behind him. She crossed her arms.
Aragorn's face was at a loss for words.
"Save your excuses, we'll settle this argument later. We need to get to Frodo."
The last sane person
06-27-2003, 10:40 PM
Roya: *gazes into palantir with Frodo* Ha! a marital spat!
Frodo: Poor Aragorn! That she elf will probably finish him before you do!
Roya: I dont doubt it!
06-28-2003, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by Indril Anarion
"What were you saying about elves?" said Arwen, coming up behind him. She crossed her arms.
Aragorn's face was at a loss for words.
"Save your excuses, we'll settle this argument later. We need to get to Frodo." "It would just be kinda nice if we could hold on to one of our prisoners for a couple of minutes, dear. Anyhow, lets get over to the Lonely Mountain and see what we can see of the ELB and Sam. I don't like these rumours that they have another hobbit prisoner and that Gollum is still skulking about."
06-28-2003, 05:11 PM
ooc: YEA GODS! This thing went up TEN AND A HALF PAGES whilst I was away! Anyway, I think I got the general gist. I gotta question, how were Frodo and Roya communicating? Palantir? CONFUSED HERE! "Throw me a frikin bone here people! I'm the boss. Need the info."
ANyway, we need a rule that says that if the people you want to interact with arn't avalible, you can act for them. So you have my permission to write for me. I'll probably only be able to go on every two weeks anyway.
Just then the great fiery eyeball that is Sauron floated in. Roya looked over and shouted "About damn time!" Sauron might have looked shamefully at the ground, but it was hard to tell because he had no eyelids.
"I'm sorry I'm late," Sauron said in his usual raspy voice. "But I was having a Body Abandonment counciling session with Lord Voldemort." From the tone of his voice it was hard to tell if he was giving counciling, or getting it. "So, what's happening?"
OOC: Ooh, and I am glad you joined, Roya.
Indril Anarion
06-28-2003, 06:18 PM
Aragorn and Arwen raced to Mount Doom, where they saw Roya, ELB, Sam, A female hobbit, the wretched creature Gollum and Sauron's eye.
The evil made her shudder. She watched silently, using her keen senses to pick up any useful information.
Dreran the Green
06-28-2003, 06:40 PM
Gandalf: We have found you at last Frodo!
ELB: That's Evil Lord Baggins to you! You, you....wait. You were killed by a Balrog!!
Gandalf: Hmmm? Oh, right; you weren't there. I came back quite a long time ago, actually. See? Now I'm Gandalf the White. Hi Sam, Hello Rosie!
Sam and Rosie: *mumbles of hello*
Eye of Sauron: *Thinking to himself* why am I standing here if my ring is less than two feet away??? Oh yeah, I'm an eye.
06-29-2003, 12:34 PM
At this last thought Sauron got extreamly angry. "That's it!" he said. "I'm sick of not having a body! If no one here is friendly enough to let me use theirs, I'll have to summon someone who will."
There was a flash and a bang, yadda yadda yadda, and Sauroman was standing next to Sauron.
"There is the ring!" Sauron hissed. "Get it fool!"
Sauroman just blithered.
"Curses!" Actually Sauron swore a lot worse than that. "I forgot you are only a broken stupid wizard now. But, you are the only one I can use."
Sauron dissipeared and Sauroman, now Sauron, stood up brushing his robes off.
06-29-2003, 03:33 PM
OOC Come on guys, where's the rest of the team?
IC Sauron dissipeared and Sauroman, now Sauron, stood up brushing his robes off. "Oh my God," said Aragron "a naked Wizard!":p
The last sane person
06-29-2003, 05:05 PM
Roya: Ack! every one shade their eyes! *they do so and she takes the ring to the now embodied Sauron* My lord! I daresay this was yours!
Sauron: Thank you! *he starts flinging every body-save roya- off mount doom*
Gulio, Strength of Many
06-29-2003, 05:29 PM
ooc: So Sauron has the Ring now right?:confused:
ic: Gimli stared in horror as Roya (Curse the stupid Elves for losing her!!!) handed the Ring to Saruman/Sauron. He lunged at the Dark Lord, swinging his axe.
06-29-2003, 06:45 PM
Everything happened so fast Pippin wasn't sure what to think. All he knew was that Frodo was corrupted and he was also standing less than 20 ft away. Then, he saw Rosie, "How did you get here?" he asked.
06-29-2003, 07:12 PM
Rosie: Gollum brought me
Pippin:how did he get you so far so fast?? It seemed to take US forever!!
Rosie: I'm not sure but I think his shortcuts were of some help
ooc: How did Roya get the ring from frodo so easily?*looks back in thread* oh right his eyes were closed!:rolleyes:
06-29-2003, 09:56 PM
ic: Gimli stared in horror as Roya (Curse the stupid Elves for losing her!!!) handed the Ring to Saruman/Sauron. He lunged at the Dark Lord, swinging his axe.
OOC: How does one kill an eye?
IC"You are all alright." Legolas says with a sigh of releaf."How is Frodo?"
Adrian Baggins
06-29-2003, 10:02 PM
*unconcious state* *darkness*
06-29-2003, 10:03 PM
OOC: He must have fainted when he noticed his ring missing.:p
The last sane person
06-29-2003, 10:11 PM
OOC: Well katt, what can we say- Save-YEA GODS! It is a fun thread!
Roya: heh...That was simple!
Sauron:*testing his body* Indeed! Thank you! Now i do believe we have some people to kill! *smacks away gimli and legolas and the rest of the bunch*
Roya: You first my lord!
Gulio, Strength of Many
06-29-2003, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by Silme*Christian
OOC: How does one kill an eye?
ooc: I was assuming that he could take physical from now, having his ring back now and all.......
06-30-2003, 12:48 AM
Ooc: At my grandma's house: can't post till Friday, and can't read posts till then. :( have to go now!
06-30-2003, 03:26 AM
OOC (1) Sauron has a body now (Saruman's) :rolleyes: and so can be killed (2) Can't see how Frodo would have simply let Roya take his ring just cos he had his eyes closed:mad: (3) Thought the "it's a naked wizard" line deserved some sort of accolade, round of applause, standing ovation - or at least somebody noticing :p :D
IC Aragorn shouts at Sauron "Look over there!" and whilst the Dark Lord turns his back Aragorn quickly grabs the Ring [hey, TLSP, you were right, getting these rings really is that easy :p] and throws it over the edge of the Cracks of Doom, and into the molten lava.
With the Ring gone, all hell breaks loose. "Gandalf," shouts Aragorn "will Frodo survive? Will Sauron survive?"
"Now, where's that pesky Roya, I have a bone to pick with her!"
Adrian Baggins
06-30-2003, 10:59 AM
*still unconcious, still black*
Dreran the Green
06-30-2003, 11:17 AM
OOC: Gone less than 24 hours and we have a posessed naked wizard running around!!:eek: Thats great!:D
Gandalf: How in Eru's name should I know?! FRODO! *Slaps Frodo's face* Wake up!!!!
Gollum: No, he's not Frodo-he's Evi-
Gandalf: I know who he is!! The Ring's gone, stupid!
Gollum: *Terrified* WHAT?!?!?!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!! PREEEECIOUUUUUUSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Leaps about trying to throttle everyone at once*
Adrian Baggins
06-30-2003, 11:31 AM
[COLOR=red]"Mommy I don't wanna go to school, go jump in the lake Gollum," I muttered, still unconcious.
"Well, what will we do wil him?"
"AHHHH, EVIL FLYING BROOMS, WITH MEN ON THEM! AHHHHH!" I screamed, bolting upright and waking up.
06-30-2003, 02:28 PM
Pippin looked at Frodo with a confused look on his face, "Wow.....that was easy. Flying brooms? Gandalf, I think you might have hit him to hard."
Adrian Baggins
06-30-2003, 03:00 PM
"No, I really saw it, it was some sort of game, it was like, an outer body experience in another demencion(sp)."
Dreran the Green
06-30-2003, 06:56 PM
"Tell me Frodo, did there happen to be a strange looking kid with a scar on his forehead?"
Adrian Baggins
06-30-2003, 06:59 PM
"YOU"VE HAD THAT DREAM TOO, yes, there was."
Dreran the Green
06-30-2003, 07:11 PM
"Uh-oh, This is serious. I hate to be the one to tell you Frodo, but I'm afraid you've had an out-of-book experience."
06-30-2003, 11:16 PM
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! (Won't be able to post again for a while, maybe)
I'm confused!!!!!!!!
Adrian Baggins
07-01-2003, 10:09 AM
"An out of book experience huh, well, thats weird, I guess I'll never know much about it unless, no, nevermind," I said, pulling out Sting and sitting on a rock.
07-01-2003, 01:29 PM
OOC Er? Is there any chance that we might be, er, losing the plot a tad here?
IC "Pippin, Merry! Grab Frodo and tie his hands behind his back. Sam, are you with us or against us? We're trying to help Frodo. Gandalf, how do we deal with Sauron, Roya and Gollum?"
07-01-2003, 04:54 PM
Pippin and Merry went to tie Frodo's hands behind his back as they had been insructed but with caution for Frodo still had Sting in his hands.
07-01-2003, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by LutraMage
IC "Pippin, Merry! Grab Frodo and tie his hands behind his back. Sam, are you with us or against us? We're trying to help Frodo. Gandalf, how do we deal with Sauron, Roya and Gollum?"
"I'm .........with you right wiiiiiiiiiiiiiith you yeah"
Indril Anarion
07-01-2003, 08:00 PM
Arwen sat agaped at the whole situation, especially when Sauron/saruman began flaunting around naked. Why someone with such a small pepperoni would go flashing it around, she had no clue. She watched as Aragorn snatched the ring from the naked wizard.
"So that would make him stupid and tiny," she said to herself.
She sighed happily as heroic Aragon tossed the ring into Mt. Doom.
"My hero!" she said.
She got up from behind the rock and hugged him.
"Okay, and now to help Frodo," she said, looking up at him and then over to Frodo.
07-01-2003, 08:04 PM
*Fortunatly before the ring was destroied, Sauron transformed Sauroman's body into his own beautiful body. All covered in armour and all that.*
Sauron: Yay! Body back! Sad! Lost the ring. Oh well! I'll make another one! This one'll be all sparkilly and different colors! *Hums* Coming Roya? Oh, put the nice boys down.
*Roya was being attacked by quite a lot of people. However, she was just picking them up and tossing them away.*
OOC: I just got a really bad thought about what Sauron could do now he has his body back. Comming Roya?
I just know you're gonna slap me later.
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-01-2003, 09:34 PM
After seeing Saruman/Sauron in his birthday suit, Gimli wispered to Gandalf, "So THIS is what you meant when you said there were older and fouler things then orcs! I have been scarred for life!"
"Oh my virgin eyes!" Theoden cried, covering his face.
The last sane person
07-01-2003, 11:48 PM
OOC: Right you are (about the slapping thing)
Roya: Comming! *follows Sauron* It was about bloody time you showed up!
Sauron: Sorry! I had things to do, places to burn. Ya know!
Roya: yeah....yeah.....
Indril Anarion
07-03-2003, 07:28 PM
Arwen rushed over to Frodo. Merry and Pippin had tied him.
"Frodo, are you alright?"
07-03-2003, 07:49 PM
Legolas stepped up. "He does not look hurt or damaged, save his pride."
Indril Anarion
07-04-2003, 12:04 PM
Arwen smiled.
"Seems that way, doesn't it?"
The last sane person
07-04-2003, 02:24 PM
OOC: Katt, i hope you're not going to do the thing with Saurons body that i think you are doing...Are you?
Roya:*slaps Sauron* You know i hate it when people are late for their own party!
07-04-2003, 10:24 PM
Legolas looked at Frodo with great pity. "get him up," He said "and give him a drought to lighten his spirits." Legolas turned and looked at Gandalf and Aragorn. "We should be moving soon, and think of what we are to do about our situation(sp?) with Sauron and Roya." He said.
07-05-2003, 05:28 AM
"Well, it looks like Mr & Mrs Sauron have gone off to consumate their marriage. Better do something to stop that, just imagine the offspring of Sauron and Roya - they'd probably call it Soya - and we all know what that's like!" Witty chuckle!:D
07-05-2003, 09:37 AM
OOC:hehehe:rolleyes: :D
Dreran the Green
07-05-2003, 10:05 AM
OOC: lol:D
07-05-2003, 10:46 AM
This is going slow.
Indril Anarion
07-05-2003, 01:21 PM
Arwen chuckled at Gandalf's witty joke, as she let Frodo drink from her flask.
"I hope that makes you feel better, Frodo," she said.
Dreran the Green
07-05-2003, 04:59 PM
"Thanks" said Frodo between gulps. Then he looked around. "Where did Roya and Sauron go, anyway?"
"I don't know..." Aragorn thought aloud "he did mention something about making a new multicolored ring of power..."
"To the Bridge of Kahazad Dum!" shouted Gandalf. Everyone stared at him.
"Uhhh, didn't that part happen already?"
"Hmm? Oh, right you are. Well wherever Sauron and Roya are!"
"After them!"
07-05-2003, 05:13 PM
"before we go does anyone know where sam is?" gandalf askes
" I'm over here i'm coming" saays sam as he walks out from behind a bush yawning;)
07-05-2003, 05:59 PM
"This is more like it," said Aragorn "the Old Fellowship back together again and the old enemy (and hisé! Let's go kick butt!" :)
Dreran the Green
07-05-2003, 06:00 PM
" Woohoo! Onwards to the butt-kicking scene!":D
Adrian Baggins
07-05-2003, 07:14 PM
ooc: I'm online and at my mom's so if I don't get on much, well, you get it
ic: "Yes, it's good to be back, though it is somewhat desturbing, so, onward to fight!"
The last sane person
07-05-2003, 10:33 PM
OOC: Ack!
Roya: hold it bub! *thwacks Saurons hard over the head* nonna that!
Sauron: I wasnt thinking of that.
Roya: good! now what are we to do with these annoying poeples who are chasing us?
Sauron: um, well, i was wanting to make a pretty and shiney multicolored ring for myself.....
Roya: Do we have the time?
Saurons: *shrugs*
Roya: Rings are getting old! why dont you choose something else...Like a hair clip for instance?
OOC: The squeaky!
07-06-2003, 06:09 AM
Aragorn: "Actually, I think the most destructive thing we could do to Sauron is let Roya marry him - listen to her go, she's all ready hen-pecking him to death!" lol :D
Gandalf: "Yep, but we can't be too complacent, once she's finished nagging him to bits she'll turn on us again, sure as eggs are eggs. Best to sort them both out while she has them distracted choosing out net curtains!"
Dreran the Green
07-06-2003, 09:15 AM
Roya: hold it bub! *thwacks Saurons hard over the head* nonna that!
OOC: Sane, dare I ask exactly what you meant by that?:eek: :p
Frodo: So what do we do then?
Gandalf: We wait a little and THEN we go get'm both.
Frodo: How long do we have to wait?
Gandalf: I dunno, we could jut have some lunch first...
OOC: I wrote this because I'm really hungry:rolleyes: :D
The last sane person
07-06-2003, 06:58 PM
ooc: Read above posts by LutraMage and you'll see. :rolleyes:
Roya:Well, now that you have your new pretty and shiney and multicolored ring...Can we get back to war?!
Sauron: What? *looks up from admiring his new ring*
Roya: Never mind! *grabs Saurons ear (does he have one??) and leads him away to meet the followship*
Sauron: Owch!
Roya: Oh quite whinning you ninny!
*they meet the fellowship who are eating lunch on a picnic blanket*
Sauron: Hello all! what lovely weather we're having!
Roya: *stamps foot and folds arms*
Sauron: *cough* right! Ha! you puny mortals dont think to try and best me do you? uh...Prepare to meet your doooooom...yada, yada, yada....and this is where i start to fling you all about with a chunky mace! *starts to fling them about with a chunky mace*
Roya: thats more like it!
*starts flinging them about with nearby Katana yet before Aragorn can do a Isildur and destroy Sauron, Roya and Sauron flee the scene leaving a very banged up fellowship*
Indril Anarion
07-06-2003, 08:04 PM
OOC: I missed a lot...oh well, I'll pick up where Sauron's flinging people everywhere.
IC: Arwen notices Sauron's new fancy ring.
"That is sooo five minutes ago!"
Arwen shot an arrow at Sauron, but it was dodged and she was flung against a rock and knocked aout for several moments. When she came to, Sauron and Roya were gone and the Fellowship was scattered everywhere.
"Ouch," she said, rubbing her head and getting up.
Where was Aragorn? Wasn't he supposed to slice the ring off Sauron's finger?
"Oh, well, maybe next time," she mumbled to herself.
She stumbled over to Aragorn.
"Are you alright, melamin?" she said softly.
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-06-2003, 09:29 PM
Gimli sat up and brushed himself off. "Stupid mace thingy," he muttered.
Thèoden leapt to his feet, and ran over to his horse. He had to make sure the horse was all right. "What?" he asked after getting various disapproving glares.
07-06-2003, 10:34 PM
sam sat up and groaned" ouch, lets not do that again!"
07-07-2003, 12:00 AM
ooc: wow I missed alot
ic: Pippin groaned as he sat up, only to lay back down again. Merry looked over at him, "Are you alright Pip?" Pippin opened his eyes and mumbled, "Pain.....lots of pain."
Dreran the Green
07-07-2003, 09:40 AM
Gandalf: *groaning from own cuts and bruises* Merry! Is Pippin okay??
07-07-2003, 09:52 AM
Legolas sat up with a (yet another) groan. "All hope is lost." He said.
07-07-2003, 04:44 PM
Before Merry could answer, Pippin sat up somewhat and gave a forced smile. "I should be alright," he said with a groan. "Here comes one big migrane," he said quietly to himself.
07-07-2003, 06:19 PM
OOC: Bugger! This always happens!
Sauron: Whee! That was fun! Let's have a wedding!
Roya: WHat?
Sauron: Shant we get married then eh? I could whip everything up in a jiffy and the wedding night could be tonight.
Roya: Bloody feck Sauron! What's gotten into you?
Sauron: You mean, you never heard about me in the first age? I was quite the swinger.
Roya: And now you want to settle down?
Sauron: Well, it only seems fair. Dark Lord, Dark Lady. So what d'ya say? *winkwinknudgenudgesaynomore*
OOC: Can we get married Roya?*winkwinknudgenudgesaynomore* Even if you say no I think we aught to have a relationship. How better to corrupt these fresh young mooters?
OY! Where the bloody hell were you on the fourth of July? I tried callin!
07-07-2003, 08:53 PM
OOC: Get a room love birds!:D
The last sane person
07-08-2003, 02:22 PM
OOC: OH BUGGER ALL KATT! YOU ARE WORSE THAN A RABBIT! i was with the "Cap'n" on the fourth i paid er a visit! we blew things up(and drank heavily, unlike her character, she cant hold her liquor)! hehehe, i love the americans 4th of july, a reason to blow things up and drink booze! you really missed out!
Roya:*shakes head* you're one fecked up dude, you know that sauron?
Sauron:*joyus* course! thats where all the fun is!
Roya: hey! i am all for fun, so why not? A wedding there shall be!
Sauron&Roya:*very evil laugh*
*so it seems that the Dark Lord shall have his Dark Lady, what evils will come the fellowships' way now?*
OOC2: katt, i have a funny feeling i will regret this. and you are right! it is fun to corrupt people!
Indril Anarion
07-08-2003, 05:29 PM
Arwen helped Aragorn up.
"So what should we do now?" she asked. "What will be our next move."
Dreran the Green
07-08-2003, 06:24 PM
OOC: If Sauron and Roya get married, I think Frodo should be Ringbearer:D
07-08-2003, 08:51 PM
ooc: that is funny *manages a small smile* hat is the happiest i have felt in awhile;) :( ;)
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-08-2003, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by Dreran the Green
OOC: If Sauron and Roya get married, I think Frodo should be Ringbearer:D
Hee hee hee witty.:D
The last sane person
07-08-2003, 10:48 PM
OOC: Heheh, i think we could arrange that!:D Why are you so sad turtlelover?
The last sane person
07-08-2003, 10:50 PM
OOC: *Sane gives turlelover a virtual huggle*
07-08-2003, 11:07 PM
Silme gives Turtle a BIG hug to cheer her up. "Don't worry! Be happy!
Dreran the Green
07-09-2003, 10:36 AM
OOC:*Dreran gives turtlelover a big huggle too*
07-09-2003, 06:10 PM
Are you happy now Turtle?
07-09-2003, 06:24 PM
OOC: Dreran, um, I think your sig is a wee bit too long.
*And so Middle Earth had a break from war and got ready to attend the biggest wedding of the third age.*
Sauron: And it will be big.
*Yes of course.*
Roya: Filled with sharp pointy sparklie objects.
*That goes without saying.*
Sauron&Roya: And don't forget the booze!
*Pipe down and I'll describe it. Ahem--*
*They had the cerimony atop Mount Doom, flame spurting up around them. All of the fellowship was there, sweating a bit from the heat. Shelob stood in the center of it all and prepared to speak.*
Shelob: In the beginning, Illuvitar created the valar, and Melkor was the strongest of all. When the valar desended into Middle Earth, Melkor was cast asside in his glory, to keep his wonders to himself. Still, he was sad.
Sauron: *approaching Shelob* I am alone.
Shelob: He searched through Middle Earth for a power to equal his own. Then, in the shadows he found a creature that he had created with his discord. Ungolient.
Roya: *approaching Shelob* I am strong.
Shelob: Melkor was jelous that he had given Ungolient so much stregnth. Melkor wanted to distroy her, but Ungolient was wise.
Roya: If we combine our power, no one could stand against us.
Shelob: Melkor rode through Middle Earth on Ungolient's back and for the first time the Valar felt fear. They reigned for an age together. Here I stand as a decendent of Ungolient. Here I stand to bring these two powers together.
*Shelob looked from Sauron to Roya.*
Shelob: Sauron, decendent of Melkor, do you swear to give Roya your power and reign with her on high forever and an age?
Sauron: I swear.
Shelob: Roya, Queen of the East, do you swear to give Sauron your power and reign with him on high forever and an age?
Roya: I swear.
Shelob: Let it be now known that these two powers are joined as one.
*Roya and Sauron kissed as the congrigation clapped politely.*
Sauron: Now for a week of drinking and partying before getting back to war!
*A cheer went up. The fellowship came down from the mountain in one group.*
Pippin: That was interesting. But she didn't mention the part about the men and elves ending that reign in a bloody war.
Merry: Or about how Sauron lost his body.
Gandalf: Of course she wouldn't. Whoever is in control writes history.
Indril Anarion
07-09-2003, 06:35 PM
Arwen stood next to Aragorn. All this wedding stuff made her stay closer to him and start thinking of their own wedding. she kept her thoughts to herself, not wanting to upset Aragorn.
"Let's paartaaay!" she said, doing a little dance and throwing her hands in the air.
Music blasted throughout the reception hall (or wherever the reception was being held).
"I never thought I'd be so cheerful in the presence of the enmey," said Arwen with a sigh. "Oh, well. Let's dance, Aragorn! Or if you won't will someboday dance with me?"
Adrian Baggins
07-09-2003, 06:42 PM
"Yeah, it was odd, no mention of me either, oh well, that's too recent. Well hello," I said, spotting a young looking hobbit girl.
"FRODO!" Pippin shouted as I hit her bum.
"What! She's cute!" I said at Pippin's protest.
"but she'syour sister!" PIPPIN wailed as the Hobbit walked to him.
"Hey Frodo, long time no see, wanna see ethe 3 unknown rings, I have them you know, didn't you see me, I was Roya's bridesmaid. Oh, well, I gotta go meet David, he's got the kids, you're an uncle now. HEY SANDY, DAVID, ERRIN, DERRYK! OVER HERE!" she said, calling to a hobbit surrounded by three children, all looking alike, the oldest, a girl was giving the two boys sweets.
Dreran the Green
07-09-2003, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by Katt_knome_hobbit
OOC: Dreran, um, I think your sig is a wee bit too long.
:rolleyes: I deleted a few paragraphs, but its still pretty long:rolleyes: :D
Dreran the Green
07-09-2003, 06:55 PM
Gandalf: Frodo! What the heck kind of weirdo are you?! She's your SISTER!!!
Frodo: Yeah, but I didn't-
Gandalf: Sometimes I worry about you.
Frodo: I KNOW, but I didn't think-
Gandalf: You get it from Bilbo, you know.
Gandalf: Oh! Hey look! Sauron brought a keg! *walks away happily*
Frodo: *hits head*
Adrian Baggins
07-09-2003, 07:16 PM
"I DIDN"T KNOW SHE WASMY SISTER! SHEESH! Now, who's who? You must be Sandoria, she's quite pretty."
07-09-2003, 08:18 PM
OOC: thanks 4 the hugs guys i feel a little better i was sad cause my boyfriend has been being a loser and I am going to dump him I tryed to today but I couldn't find him and I didn't want to leave it on a message on his answering machine:) :( :)
The last sane person
07-09-2003, 09:33 PM
OOC: That sucks major, turtle. Sheesh! Good luck! Katt, what did i kiss? Your helmet?!
*ahem, every body was having a swinging time with all the booze and music and happiness that was going on. As of now every one was dancing to "peaches" by the presidents and no one noticed when Sauron and Roya slipped off to be, ahem, alone*
07-10-2003, 10:43 AM
OOCOriginally posted by turtlelover
OOC: thanks 4 the hugs guys i feel a little better i was sad cause my boyfriend has been being a loser and I am going to dump him I tryed to today but I couldn't find him and I didn't want to leave it on a message on his answering machine:) :( :) Sorry to hear that turtlelover, but you're right about not leaving it on a message or answering machine.
IC Originally posted by Indril Anarion
Arwen stood next to Aragorn. All this wedding stuff made her stay closer to him and start thinking of their own wedding. she kept her thoughts to herself, not wanting to upset Aragorn. Gulp!:eek:
Aragorn peered around the room "Where's the happy couple?" He asked. "We're right here." said Arwen, smiling in a strange way. "Oh," said Aragorn, "actually, I meant Sauron and Roya; you know, the bride and gloom?" "Don't you mean 'groom'?" asked Arwen. "Have you met Sauron?" replied Aragorn. :D
"Still, I suppose if the forces of darkness can have a marriage, then us good guys should also give it some thought - I'm thinking not a long engagement, say two or three years?" "Ah," said Arwen, "I think what you mean my beloved is 'months' - yes, 'months' has a much better ring to it. But why put things off so long, what would be wrong with striking whilst the iron was hot?"
"Er...?" said Aragorn.
"Of course, I'd have to find a dress." said Arwen, "See you in a few minutes beloved."
"Er...?" said Aragorn.
07-10-2003, 10:50 AM
OOC: thanks 4 the hugs guys i feel a little better i was sad cause my boyfriend has been being a loser and I am going to dump him I tryed to today but I couldn't find him and I didn't want to leave it on a message on his answering machine
Don't look into his eyes, repeat these words, my boyfriend is a loser and I hate him and I am going to dump him, anmd think of ONLY the BAD times you had with him!
07-10-2003, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Silme*Christian
Don't look into his eyes, repeat these words, my boyfriend is a loser and I hate him and I am going to dump him, anmd think of ONLY the BAD times you had with him!
thanks for the tips I tried to do it today but there were people at his house and i'lltry again later
wish me luck
The last sane person
07-10-2003, 06:00 PM
ooc: Very well, Good luck!
*mean while the party was in full swing and Sauron and Roya had come back into veiw. They were both drinking something.*
Indril Anarion
07-10-2003, 06:01 PM
Arwen soon returned whereing a shimmering long white dress. She soon found him by the punch table.
"There you are, melamin! I've been looking everywhere for you! I'm ready. How do I look," said Arwen, spinning around in a circle.
Aragorn cleared his throat.
"You look, uh, hehe, really nice," said Aragorn.
"What's the matter, Aragorn? Don't you love me?" said Aragorn, putting on a puppy-dog face.
"Well, yeah, but-"
"Then let's get married," she said, grabbing his hand and dragging him up to the altar.
07-10-2003, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person
*ahem, every body was having a swinging time with all the booze and music and happiness that was going on. As of now every one was dancing to "peaches" by the presidents and no one noticed when Sauron and Roya slipped off to be, ahem, alone*
OOC: I take it we aren't going to write that scene are we? ;) :D (Winkwinknudgenudgesaynomore)
The last sane person
07-10-2003, 06:06 PM
OOC: Eh, noooooo. I dont think i want to scar these people that bad.
07-10-2003, 06:24 PM
OOC: Oh come on. No scaring, no fun!
OOC: Hey! THis is my 663 post! Just like you! For my 666th I'm gonna start a new thread.
The last sane person
07-10-2003, 06:31 PM
OOC: Alright! go ahead, scar them all you please! Just give me some dignity!
07-10-2003, 06:36 PM
OOC: Ah! Let's get started! Remember the story about the elf and the telepath Roya?
OOO2: @$#@%! library computers! My time is up! Farewell!
Dreran the Green
07-10-2003, 09:01 PM
*meanwhile, Arwen has dragged Aragorn struggling slightly to the altar*
Gandalf: We are gathered here today because our arch nemesisises got married by a spider and threw a cool evil party with lots of booze and sharp pointy sparkly objects. So we decided, what the hell? We'll go and marry some good guys too! Arwen Undomiel, do you-.....know where Aragorn is? *Aragorn has disapeared*
The last sane person
07-11-2003, 12:24 AM
OOC: Ah! no katt! NOOOOO! I repeat! NOOO!
Indril Anarion
07-11-2003, 11:11 PM
Arwen looked around. She could spot her love anywhere.
"There he is," she said, spotting him hiding behind a nearby rock.
"Come now, you can't be a dignified king without a queen! And I will be that queen," said Arwen, dragging Aragorn back up to where Gandalf was seated. "Please continue."
Dreran the Green
07-12-2003, 11:41 AM
Gandalf: Where was I? Oh, right; Arwen Undomiel, Evenstar of your people, any other titles or names you might have, yada yada wanna marry Aragorn?
Arwen: Yes!
Gandalf: Aragorn, son of Arathorn, hier of Isildur and all that other stuff, you wanna marry Arwen?
Aragorn:.......................................... .....
Arwen: *nudges Aragorn* tell him yes, sweetie.
Gandalf: Well?
Aragorn: ......*falls over and plays dead*
Indril Anarion
07-12-2003, 12:55 PM
Arwen: *has upset look on her face* *Doesn't buy Aragorn's stunt for nothing* I thought you loved me! Hmph! Fine, if that's the way you want it! I'm leaving! And after all I've done for you!
*Marches off very upset and disappears into the crowd*
07-12-2003, 01:34 PM
*Roya and Sauron stumbled into their "bouduar". (ooc: sp?) They were both raging drunk and laughing uproariously. After they fell onto the bed their laughing stopped. They staired fixedly into each others eyes and--*
*What's the matter?*
Katt: I thought this was going to be erotica and not a sappy romance novel!
*Well you thought wrong.*
Katt: Aw bugger all! I'm skipping to the end of the scene.
*Ok. Ahem, the bedroom was trashed--*
Katt: What?!? How did I miss that?
*Well it's to late to go back now so deal.*
Katt: Wait! No! Go ba--
*Ahem, the bedroom was trashed. Clothes and bedclothes were tossed everywhere. Somewhere in the middle of it all, Sauron was passed out. Roya was looking out of the window, clothed in moonlight. As she watched the harbour (don't ask me where they were where they could see a harbour) a ship with black sails drifted into view.*
OOC; heh heh. You wanna finish this one Roya? hehehehehehehehehheheeeeee!
The last sane person
07-12-2003, 03:29 PM
*Roya was sitting, clothed in moonlight, gazing at the ship of her "beloved"*
Roya: *murmur* The Pearl...Jack!
*Sauron was still passed out, and feeling rather naughty, Roya ran down stealthily to the pearl, then a handsome and perpetually drunk pirate came into view*
Jack: *floundering drunkenly with a bottle of rum* ello, love! nice dre....hey! You don’t have anything on!
Roya: So you noticed?
Jack: hehehe.... I thought you were married to Mr. Bad up there...?
Roya: Oh, its okay, we signed an agreement making it non-monogamous relationship…
Jack: well, then I guess it’s all right! *Grabs her waist* come on then! To the Pearl!
Roya: away to freedom!
*They exit the scene and sail away, not to be heard have for a very long while*
Indril Anarion
07-12-2003, 04:22 PM
OOC: I just saw Pirates of teh Caribbean yesterday. It was soooo cool...although Will Turner was really hot and daring....Captain Jack Sparrow was soooo funny....together they made the movie the best film I've seen all summer!
The last sane person
07-12-2003, 04:34 PM
OOC: It was hilarious! I loved Jack!
07-12-2003, 08:23 PM
OOC: I dunno, I loved Jack, but I think Barbosa was pretty cute!
The last sane person
07-12-2003, 08:27 PM
OOC: yeah, he was alright, but Jack was the best. (pity orlando didnt get the Axe)
*meanwhile the two got onboard the pearl with Roya back in her ninjas costume*
Jack: all hand ta yer stations! were going back out ta sea!
07-12-2003, 08:39 PM
*Just then, a cat came prowling up on deck.*
Roya: Bugger off puss!
Jack: Ey! Lay off Cion. *picks up cat* Short for El Maldición. The curse.
OOC: I think the war might be off gents. This could get interesting.
Edit: ROYA! CLEAN OUT YOUR PM BOX! Go to view private messages from and scroll down to "the beggining" then go to sent messages and do the same thing.
The last sane person
07-12-2003, 08:58 PM
OOC: I did! now what?
07-13-2003, 06:14 PM
Pirate: Avast ye maties! Hoist the anchor! Pull in the topsail! Full speed ahead!
*Jack and Roya look at each other*
Jack: Gents!
*Roya smiles as the pirate is tossed overboard*
Dreran the Green
07-13-2003, 07:42 PM
OOC: So now we've gone from stealing a ring from a hobbit, to marrying the bad guys, to a pirates of the carribean rpg?:D But where do the rest of us go? Do we get a ship to?
The last sane person
07-13-2003, 09:16 PM
OOC: I dont know. Do you want to come after us?
Dreran the Green
07-13-2003, 09:37 PM
OOC: Sure. I'm not staying at some dead party:D
The last sane person
07-13-2003, 09:43 PM
OOC: Now why would you want to come chasing after two pirate lovers?
Dreran the Green
07-13-2003, 09:49 PM
OOC: No clue. But thats where the RPG seems to be going:rolleyes: Unless something is still happening in Mordor.....
The last sane person
07-14-2003, 02:19 PM
OOC: Yeah, Sauron is still there!
Indril Anarion
07-14-2003, 07:50 PM
Arwen sat weeping in a corner. She is soon joined by a very lightly clothed Sauron.
Arwen: *sniff* What happened to you?
Sauron: My wife left me for some bloody pirate. You?
Arwen: My true love doesn't want to marry me.
Sauron: Well, at least we can cry together.
Arwen lies on Sauron's shoulder and crys. Sauron tried hard to look dignified, though he was heart broken.
Dreran the Green
07-15-2003, 10:01 AM
OOC: Sauron has a heart?:eek:
Gandalf: What are you two doing?
Arwen: *sob* being miserable *sob*
Gandalf: Well cut it out! You're killing the party!
Arwen: true love-
Gandalf: Who cares?! Now you get to be immortal!
Arwen:'re right! *stands up* Hey everybody! Look! I'm immortal!
The last sane person
07-15-2003, 02:48 PM
Roya, upon hearing Sauron sob, called over the wind:
Roya: oh you silly overlord! we had a nonmanogomus relationship! I can see people, as can you! you are not truely bound to me, nor am i bound to you!
Sauron: ALRIGHT! HAPPY HOUR! *goes and dances with Arwen*
Indril Anarion
07-15-2003, 06:43 PM
Arwen danced with Sauron a while.
"You know, your not so bad. Maybe being evil is under-rated." She shrugged. "Well, it was fun dancing, but now that I'm immortal, I have some other elves to dance with."
She looked around and spotted Legolas.
"Hey there," she said, walking up to him. "Want to dance?"
The last sane person
07-15-2003, 11:07 PM
Sauron: Yeah! evil is great! *goes and dances with elves and others*
07-17-2003, 07:34 PM
OOC: Are Roya and Jack gonna come back so Jack can fight Leggo/Orlando/Willie?
The last sane person
07-18-2003, 02:16 AM
OOC: It is a possibility......Bugger that 90 second rule.....
Indril Anarion
07-22-2003, 09:47 AM
Arwen looked at Legolas, waiting for him to answer. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Aragorn watching her.
Arwen:*To Legolas* C'mon, let's dance.
Legolas: Are you sure? I mean, what about Aragorn?
Arwen: Forget him. He doesn't love me and won't marry me.
Legolas: *shrugs* Okay
Arwen and Legolas dance to a slow song. Arwen sees Aragorn watching her out of the corner of her eye. Arwen sighed softly, secretly wishing to be dancing with Aragorn.
Dreran the Green
07-22-2003, 10:09 AM
OOC: Huzzah! The rpg has been rescued from the accursed second page!
Gandalf: *lights bunch of fireworks* Hehehehe...BOOM! *hic*
*turns to Aragorn* Why the hell did you do that man? Now Arwen is dancing with Legolas!
Aragorn: Yeah, I noticed.
Gandalf: So are you gonna take that?
Aragorn: I dunno...
Gandalf: Hmph. Some King you turn out to be. Well, if ya need me...*hic*...I'm gonna go blow up some more of these with Pippin and Merry.
Aragorn sighed as he watched Legolas dancing with Arwen. Maybe he shouldn't have played dead when they were getting married, but there was nothing he could do about it now...
Indril Anarion
07-22-2003, 02:51 PM
Arwen saw the look on Aragorn's face. Why hadn't he come up and asked to cut in? Maybe he really didn't love her. A tear rolled down her cheek.
The last sane person
07-23-2003, 11:10 AM
*just then roya waltzes in with "Will Turner" and Jack*
Roya: Oh girl! Men are always such idiots! Thats why they have women to make all the big descisions for them!
*Legolas turns around only to be met by Will*
Legolas&Will: Ah! My alter Ego!!!! Ah! *both fall over in a faint*
Roya: Well, this is...Interesting.....
Indril Anarion
07-23-2003, 12:45 PM
Arwen: *somewhat shocked* Very interesting. You know, you're right, Roya. I can't believe I just said that, but whatever. Men are idiots. *looks down* Will they be okay?
Roya: Of course they'll be okay...Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some business to attend to with Jack here. *motions to the pirate next to her*
Arwen: Oh, by all means, carry on.
*Roya walks over the passed out Legolas and Will, taking Jack with her.*
Arwen marches up to Aragorn.
Arwen: *demandingly* Do you love me or not?
Dreran the Green
07-23-2003, 04:47 PM
OOC: Wasn't LutraMage Aragorn? She hasn't been on this thread in forever.
Aragorn: Okay! Okay! I love you! Got it?! But Pleeeeaaase don't make me get married!
*Meanwhile, Legolas and Will get up, and stare at each other again*
Both: Ah! My Alter Ego! Ah! *faint again*
Roya & Jack: Shut up over there!
Gandalf: Weird. They look exactly the same.
Frodo: Gandalf, they ARE the same. See, watch this...*Walks over to Will and Legolas and whispers:* Galadriel is prettier than you!
Will & Legolas: *Jump up* No she's not! Ah! My Alter-
Sauron: Cut it out already! We get it!
Indril Anarion
07-23-2003, 05:42 PM
Arwen: Why don't you want to mmarry me if you love me?
Dreran the Green
07-23-2003, 06:36 PM
OOC: LutraMage, if you're out there I'm stealing Aragorn until you come back:rolleyes:
Aragorn: Uh...actually I'm not sure. I just have a thing with commitment I guess. Ok, fine. *steals Elven ring of power from Gandalf and gives it to Arwen* Let's get married!
Indril Anarion
07-23-2003, 08:02 PM
Arwen: Really? I would love to! *gives Aragorn a big hug and kisses him* I love you.
The last sane person
07-23-2003, 11:18 PM
Roya: *from over in the corner with Jack* What can i say, i am a miracle worker!
08-08-2003, 12:52 AM
Sauron: Well not everyone is happy here. *Is sad and runs off*
The last sane person
08-08-2003, 01:39 AM
*roya goes over to the sobbing Sauron*
Roya: Oh whats the matter with you? It was a nonmanogamus relationship! Cant you find aother person to have your Jollies with while i am away?
08-08-2003, 02:17 AM
Sauron: No cuz I'm a guy! If I was Saurooookatt I could get back my relationship with-- *sudden realization* I'm omnipotent. I can do whatever the feck I want.
*There was a snap and a flash as turned into Saurooookatt*
Saurooookatt: There. I hope you don't mind being married to a girl. *Give Roya a look and a wink then moves off before she can get hit.* Now where is my precious little Grima?
OOC: There is someone for everyone. You just have to be the right everyone. :)
Oh and I really really really hope you don't mind being married to a girl. *winkwinknudgenudgesaynomore*
08-08-2003, 03:36 PM
*Clothed all in white, Saurooookatt stood in the main hall of Orcanith looking down at the ruined city of Isanguard. Grima Wormtounge stood by her side, clothed in black, not quite at the same eye level.*
SK: It saddens you, does it not? Our city, our modern paradise, smashed to ruins?
Grima: Yes Master. All our work brought down to nothing.
SK: Not nothing Grima. *turns to him* I have become the most powerful person in Middle Earth. Those who “oppose me” eat and drink at my table as friends. Now we are truly modern. We do not kill our enemies, me marry them or make them our friends. *Turns out to the sky* This is the dawn of a new civilization, and I am it’s Queen. But you know what they say, *Turns and stares into Grima’s eyes* every queen must have her king.
Grima: I do not understand Master.
SK: *turns out again* Of course, technically I am king and Roya is my Queen, *turns back to Grima* But it is a non-monogamous relationship.
Grima: *Surprised, starts to babble* Master, as you most humble servant I couldn’t hope to presume—
SK: *sweetly but still powerful* Dear Grima. What ever did I do to deserve you? How can I repay you? I know you wanted the Lady Eowyn, but that is impossible now she is engaged to Farimir; I would hate to create problems among “friends”. But *pause* you have me.
Grima: *Catching on* Master, I—
SK: It’s mistress, Grima. I am female you know. *moves close and lowers voice* Whisper your poisoned words in my ear, Grima. Twisted words that capture the soul. Whisper them to another king like Theoden on his throne. Poison my soul, my little Wormtounge.
Grima: *slowly* I would know not what to say.
SK: Tell me that the world is mine. Tell me with my trusted servant by my side I shall never fail. Tell me you have thought of this day.
*Their faces were inches apart. Grima looked into her eyes, his mouth opened slightly from the intake of breath that he used for his answer.*
Grima: Yes mistress.
*There was not much of a pause before she kissed him and wrapped her arm around his neck, causing him to pull back, but not too far. His skin was cold and soft like a salamander. His breath, like dragons, rasped against her cheek. He kissed her and wrapped his arms around her; like heaven to angels it was for these devils.*
OOC: Next part is censored not because it is too risky for entmoot, but I don’t think some of you *coughRoyacough* want to read it.
* Saurooookatt’s robe flew across the room. Grima struggled with his robe while Saurooookatt ran her fingers through his hair. Flying shoes almost knocked over the empty palantir stand. Grima ran his hands over Saurooookatt’s shoulders as she daintily stepped out of the pile of cloth that was her dress. Grima’s other garments hit the wall with a smack. Hands on each others hips, wearing only the most minimal underclothes (bra, underwear, boxers, for entmoot modesty), the two kissed for a long while. Saurooookatt broke away and held Grima’s hand at arm’s length.*
SK: Come.
*That was all she said. Grima followed his mistress to the stairs. You’d think the stone tower would be cold in your underclothes wouldn’t ye?*
*In the winding stone stairwell, Saurooookatt tugged on Grima’s arm and laughed. Grima grabbed her thigh and ran his fingers down her leg. He looked up with a wicked grin. Grima growled and chased his shrieking, laughing mistress up the stairs snapping.*
* Saurooookatt burst through the door at the top of the stairs. Grima grabbed her hips, pulled her to him, and kissed her. Saurooookatt pushed against Grima’s shoulders and they landed on the bed. She lay on her back, arms near her head, with Grima on his hands and knees over her. There was a pause. Grima craned his head down and kissed Saurooookatt very softly on the lips. Then--*
*Use your imagination as to what happened next. I sure did. (sigh!)*
The last sane person
08-09-2003, 12:59 AM
OOC: Oh eh! By god katt! Have more dignity than that!
*just then, Of all people, Roya waltzes in*
Roya: Oh dear.
Jack: WHat the feck! a shark attack victim fresh after the bite is a prettier picture than that! *gags*
Katt: *hurries to get something on* Uh, how nice of you to drop in, er, dear?
Roya: ANd to think i am married to that.
08-09-2003, 01:10 AM
OOC: DIGNATY? What do you call flouncing around with a bloody pirate (even if he is Jack Sparrow) like some Nancing Whore? At least this is my TRUSTED advisor. Lot more TRUSTED than YOU I assure you. :mad: :p
Katt: Damn it. I thought you were still in Mordor.
*Katt sits on the bed. Grima got out of bed wrapped in a sheet, but Katt pulled him back and kissed him before he left. Katt looked defiantly at Roya.
Roya: Grima? Grima Wormtounge? The slime?
Katt: Don't talk about Grima that way.
Roya: Ug! I'll never share you're bed again!
Katt: What, it's not as dirty as that pirate's!
Roya: *surging with anger* Jack, leave us please.
*Jack left rather quickly.*
Katt: Who elses bed have you been mucking around in?
Roya: No ones.
Katt: Then fine. The score is one to one. Not like you would beat me anyway.
Roya: HA! If anyone knew about your recent bedmate, there'd be lines to get away from you.
Katt: Oh and you'd do any better. The smell of that pirate would fend off anyone who thought your looks were any good.
Roya: I bet by the end of the week I'll have had a hundred more men than you.
Katt: Make it men AND women and name your price.
OOC: Ooh! Looks like fun!
The last sane person
08-09-2003, 01:21 AM
OOC: hehehehe....This is way to much for the moot...but the bet is on!
Roya: Oh? Well, then i will have you know i have bedded many people, not just jack.
Katt: WHAT?
Roya: Hey, when you didnt have the stuff to satisfy me, i go to others that do.
Katt: Are you mocking my equipment ?
Roya: Damn straight. Know i know why you invested in all the impressive armor, you were lacking something...
Katt: Hey, thats just mean!
Roya: ha, Celeborn and even Glorfindel have better skills-not to mention equipment-than you!
Katt: You slept with ELVES!!
Roya: Yep, loads of em. HEy if you sleep with that slime i sleep with them. Not only elves but also their Patron Vala too!
08-09-2003, 01:31 AM
OOC: I'm IMing my old boyfriend about this and he says he's a lot better than Grima.
Katt: I've slept with plenty of elves. The Twins for one, and dont' think that wasn't me. THAT was a night to remember. *laughs* I'll never forget the look on your face when you heard about that.
Roya: Now don't bring that up.
Katt: As for valar, I never actually got around to it. But you know I created the balrogs, and that get's you good and hot.
Roya: You didn't
Katt: Every single one. But you know the real way to crossbreed orcs and men?
Roya: Urg!
Katt: Of course, my fighting Uruk Hai were the best. *sigh* too bad they're all dead. *eyes light up* Hey, now there's a thought.
Roya: No you don't! You're not proving you've had more people than me, just that you're sicker!
Edit: Katt: Oh! I forgot about the off worlders. Maybe you don't want to hear about that. Did you know that Klingons--
Roya: *snapping* Stop it!
The last sane person
08-10-2003, 09:34 PM
Roya: Nor will i forget that time either. You are one sick puppy. I still am not quite whole from that.
Katt: *laughs insanley*
ROya: Aw shut up. *thwack. Katt goes out like a light*
08-11-2003, 04:38 PM
OOC: I was just about to ask why no one else has written in a while. Big mystery eh? We do seem to take over threads don't we Roya?
The last sane person
08-11-2003, 05:13 PM
OOC: Aye, buncha american marines we are!
08-14-2003, 05:32 PM
OOC: Oh. Bugger. I thought of it more as an infestation of ants or termites
The last sane person
08-18-2003, 01:17 AM
How so? We are but two? Ants are many! (i hate ants, I have fun dismembering them) I think this is dead. Get Ear to close it, or chuck it in the Moot garabage can.
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