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07-15-2003, 03:31 PM
With a groan, Aewionen finally awoke. She opened her eyes and lifted herself up with one arm. She saw Tamuril and Imharwen were alright. Aewionen then turned her head to see Relasin. "What is it you so desire with us?" she asked him in a calm voice. Aewionen had a feeling she already knew the answer, but she hoped she was wrong.

07-17-2003, 03:21 AM
"There must be a way in!" I said intensly and tried to penetrate the door with my energy beam. Yet, as before, it had little effect. "No use." I sighed in disappointment and finally stopped.

Gulio, Strength of Many
07-19-2003, 03:45 PM
Gulio hurled himself against the door out of pure frustration. As expected, it didn't help at all. "We could circle about, maybe there is another way in," he said, rather hopelessly.

Indril Anarion
07-19-2003, 06:17 PM
OOC: where is Relasin? We haven't heard from him in a while...

07-20-2003, 03:58 AM
ooc: yeah, were is the bad guy anyway?

ic: "I don't think there is another way in." I said, looking blankly at the door. "At least we can see what's happening in there." The others turned to look at me, staring as if I were crazy. I smiled, understanding their thoughts and turned my eyes back at the door. My companions did the same. A second later, as if the door had turned invisible, we were looking into a magnificent room, with crimson wallpapers, a beautiful full-length mirror, a big gold leafed bed with pure red coloured sheets and pillows and a wooden chair next to it. On the bed sat Tamuril, while against a wall near it, sat Aewionen, looking confused, and next to her was Imharwen. Relasin was in a chair next to the gold leafed bed, and he seemed to be enjoying watching Imharwen helping Aewionen, as an evil smile spread in his face. "At least they seem to be ok." I turned to the others, breaking the silence and at this the door recovered its solid form and brown colour and the image of our friends was lost.

07-22-2003, 07:58 AM
ooc: hello? where did everyone go?

Indril Anarion
07-22-2003, 09:41 AM
Tamuril walked over to Relasin.

"What is it that you want with us?" she asked again, seeing that he had not answered the first time.

She was growing impatient and just wanted to slice his bloody head off. She composed herself and sat back down on the foot of the bed. She had gotten hungry and those grapes in the corner looked very tantilizing. Her better judgement told her to refrain from eating them, but she was very hungry.

Before she could stop herself, she ate a grape. It was delicious. She began to eat more. After she had eaten ten, the room began to look fuzzy and all she could see clearly was Relasin.

07-22-2003, 03:52 PM
"Oh lord! Tamuril.... what have you done to her..... you *****! OH I'll get you for this! Tamuril, face me! please Tamuril listen to me! OH Relasin when I ge outta here you are dead!" she drew her sword and tried to chop him up, but to no avail. He blocked her and sent her sprawling into the grapes in the side of the room. She gave him a look of pure hatred before she blacked out.

Gulio, Strength of Many
07-22-2003, 05:09 PM
Gulio heard a shout from the other side of the door, followed by a crash. We have to get in there! he thought desprately.

07-22-2003, 06:26 PM
"Imharwen!" Aewionen went over to where she lay. She glared at Relasin, and increased that glare when she saw him smile and give a small laugh. Aewionen looked at the grapes that were now on the floor. Hunger began to try her. So she wouldn't eat any, she squished every last one. Aewionen looked from Tamuril to Imharwen. "Why?"

07-22-2003, 10:31 PM
Um scince Kalile's at camp, I'll post for her.
"Because, I am the most powerful person in Middle-Earth, and I have a right to do whatever I want!"
Imharwen stirred then using Aewionen as a support, she slowly stood up. " You are not all powerfull, and I can prove it!"
"Just try!"
OOC2: I hope this is what Kalile would say!

Indril Anarion
07-23-2003, 09:28 AM
As Imharwen had looked over her, all Tamuril saw was a blurred figure. All she could see clearly was Relasin. However, she could hear just fine. She heard what Relasin had done to Imharwen and what Aewionen had said. The anger within her was great, but the hold of the grapes was even stronger.

Must...defeat...Relasin she thought.

She got to her feet and stumbled over to Relasin, stumbling because she could barely see the ground she walked on.

"You think you have won," she said, getting up to his face. "But you are terribly mistaken."

07-23-2003, 05:05 PM
"You are the most powerful being in your imagination and you have a weak point....that is that you underestimate the power of us and overestimate the power of yourself." Aewionen looked Relasin in the eye and this time did not look away.

07-24-2003, 08:13 AM
"We must get in!" I called in despair, not being able to keep myself patient any more. The lavender energy beam hit the shut door violently again, and this time, it created a small hole in it. Even though the door was made with magic, eventually it couldn't withstand the strong energy beam that constantly tried to penetrate it.

Indril Anarion
07-24-2003, 02:07 PM
A loud noise made Tamuril look towards the door and she tried to walk towards it for a better look. However, she lost her footing and fell, ending up sitting on Relasin's lap. She tried to get up, but all was a heavy blurr and she could see nothing but Relasin's evil face.

07-24-2003, 03:40 PM
Aewionen looked towards the door and saw that a small hole had been made. She then saw Tamuril in Relasin lap. Aewionen unsheathed her sword and tried to move towards him. Some sort of magic held her where she was. Aewionen sheathed her sword and got out her bow. "Release her!" Her bow and arrows fell to the ground. Aewionen was furious. Relasin never looked away from Tamuril.

07-25-2003, 09:10 PM
ooc: Oh, dear, I haven't been posting... I'm really sorry. :(

Ic: "So, these are the ones that I want," Relasin murmured softly, "They can't even touch me when I am on guard... but they have hurt me, which is more than others have."
He yawned theatrically, and raised his voice. "I grow bored. It is time to commence the ceremony. A pity," The villian looked around the room," that you will all have to die in this ceremony. Oh well."

07-26-2003, 01:49 AM
Die! I did not come all this way to die at the hands of this git! I dont think so! Aewionen thought of saying this but she thought better of it. Instead she said, "What kind of ceremony?"

07-26-2003, 02:08 AM
Relasin considered her a moment, amused. "Exactly why should I tell you?"
When no one volunteered any answers, he continued anyway.
"Your group has great power. I need that power. The others will eventually win through the door, but not before they are exhausted. When all of you are incapacitated, I will be able to use your power and energy to gain... divine help, if you will."

Indril Anarion
07-26-2003, 06:22 PM
Tamuril was feeling woozy. She heard Relasin's plan and felt her stomach churn.

07-27-2003, 01:40 AM
Aewionen felt the anger boil inside her. She wanted to run her blade through his heart. So, the 'great' Relasin needs the power of us? Did he not say that he was the most powerful being in Middle Earth? Why would he need the power we have? Perhaps he is weak..... Aewionen was not going to be through with so easily yet, she did not know how to stop him. Standing therem she felt helpless, she looked again at Tamuril and Imharwen and then took a quick glance at the door. Nothing came to mind. Suddenly, she felt as thought she had gotten heavier. Aewionen felt herself being pulled to the ground. "No," she whispered. When she was about to give up, Relasin laughed coldly. She stared him in the eye. Her hatred towards him told her to not give up, stay strong. Aewionen fell to her knees but did not look away from Relasin's eyes. She felt cold, and as if all emotions and feeling left her, but she did not care. All she cared about was to kill him. With all her strength, she pushed herself up to stand. Aewionen's eyes never left his. When she finally again stood, everything came back to her and he stopped laughing and his smile faded. "I will not be through with so easily, and not at the hands of you!"

07-27-2003, 02:18 AM
"Good, good," Relasin said softly, but inside he was beginning to be a bit worried. Perhaps now was time.
"Shirak" the door opened for just a second, to pull in the person closest to the door.

07-28-2003, 12:07 AM
Relasin had just opened and closed the door. The person who was brought in was lieing on the floor, face down.
Imharwen was fighting the best she could. She felt herself being dragged to Relasin's side. She tried to resist, but failed misribly. He pulled her closer to him even though she fought. "You are strong, for a she-elf."
" Oh and is this why you need my power so badly? Because I'm a shape-shifter? Or is it because you are in a weakened state, and you're a frikin wimp. Is that it? Hmm?"
"SILENCE! you rotten little she elf!" he roared. "My patience is wearing thin!"
"Well, well, losing our temper are we? Sorry to break up the party boy, but I'm not gonna let you get away with this!" Using all of her remaning strength, she broke away from the spell and tried to slap him in the face. She was caught back up into it as she touched him. He drew her face down to his and.....
[cue Kalile]

07-28-2003, 01:54 AM
:eek: Aack! I am a girl that gets embarrassed very easily! (okay, I lie) Puhlease don't make me post anything even remotely raunchy, my family already giggles every time I say something...

Indril Anarion
07-28-2003, 10:39 AM
OOC: Okay...let's see...hmmm...I got it...

...spits in her face.

Relasin: You will learn to respect me!

Slapping her, Relasin flings Imharwen against the wall, knocking her out and places her on the bed.

Still on Relasin's lap, Tamuril was beginning to get her vision back. Apparently, Relasin's powers had been focused on Aewionen and Imharwen and had loosened on hers. A thought occured to her. If they could all get Relasin to divide his powers among them, he would weaken and could be destroyed. The person on the floor caught her eye, but her attention was soon diverted to the unconsious Imharwen. Out of rage, Tamuril took out a knife stowed in her boot and stabbed Relasin several inches away from the heart.
"I will not let you toy with us as if we were rag dolls," she said, driving the blade further in.

Gulio, Strength of Many
07-28-2003, 03:08 PM
"What is going on in there?" Gulio asked impatiently.

Indril Anarion
07-28-2003, 03:26 PM
The knife took Relasin by surprise, and he let all of his guard down for a moment to try and deflict the pain.

The door open wide and Tamuril's vision returned fully.

((look, I'm sorry if I'm moving things along to quickly for everyone's liking, but I'm kinda tired of posting the same things. Everyone on the outside is pretty much bored out of their mind with nothing to do, while only four of the quest is inside, still a bit bored...so I thought I'd liven things up....srry if this is inconvenient to anybody...just PM me and I'll edit the post))

07-28-2003, 03:55 PM
When Tamuril stabbed Relasin, his grip on Aewionen loosened. She drew her sword and went towards him.

07-28-2003, 05:10 PM
OOC:Too early, too early!
Relasin put up a hand and stopped Aewionen from attacking. He simply put a hand where he had been stabbed, and it closed back up. He rose and said," You really think that any of you can withstand me? I laugh at your feeble attempts to hurt me."

07-28-2003, 06:19 PM
Aewionen winced when Relasin stopped her. A surge of pain went throught her body. Feeble? Then why does he need the power we have? Aewionen felt as if she was being lifted of the ground. Everything began spinning around. She got an idea and collapsed to the floor.

07-28-2003, 11:48 PM
I'm on computer suspension for god knows how long. See ya later guys!

07-29-2003, 12:54 AM
Ooc: Poor friend. I'm sorry. (Not like you'll see it until you get back, if then)

Ic: Relasin knew that the wound healing would throw them, but was becoming worried. He was surprised that his voice still sounded sure. These people were begginning to surprise him, and now all of them were in the room together!

Kalile sprang through the door as soon as it opened, harp in one hand and sword in the other. As she began to play, however, Relasin struck out blindly. His blow hit the instrument on the side, sending it spinning away to smash against the wall. The Bard went numb with shock, running over to the pieces of her magic and slumping to the floor.

Indril Anarion
07-29-2003, 01:49 PM
"Kalile!" said Tamuril, running the elf's side. "Are you alright?"

07-30-2003, 12:12 AM
"My... harp... my mother's harp... the oldest." Kalile was babbling and she knew it, but this harp was old, the oldest there was, the most endowed with magic. And now it was gone.
Against all of her better judgement (and her worse judgement, too) Kalile drew her sword and rushed Relasin. Unlike last time, he was ready for her and simply jumped out of the way, using his bag of frost to make the floor slippery in a path to the wall.

Kalile hit it just as Relasin threw the bedside table at her back. As she slumped, Kalile could have sworn she saw two grey eyes...

Ooc: Kalile will eventually become a Windwalker: she needs her companion, and I decided to make him appear now.

07-30-2003, 12:15 AM
Aewionen listened to what was happening around her. She wanted to get up and help Kalile as she heard her fall but she stayed down.

08-01-2003, 05:55 PM
Imharwen got up and said, "Relasin you are weak, you know you are in trouble,why don't you give up now?"

08-01-2003, 06:40 PM
By laying on the floor, Aewionen gathered up more of her strength. She had also seen something when her eyes were closed. She wasn't sure what it was but she had a feeling she was going to find out. Slowly, Aewionen stood up.

08-02-2003, 03:08 AM
Imharwen looked around and saw a pair of Grey eyes. (A Kyree,) she thought. (Hmm that means Kalile's a windwalker, figures.)

08-02-2003, 04:06 AM
It was indeed a kyree, bright silver with grey eyes. Its head and tail were lupine, but its build was that of a mountain cat, and the teeth it bared were needle sharp. The kyree placed himself between the senseless Kalile and the rest of the room, snarling.

<The first to lay a hand on her loses that hand. And his head.> Kyrees speak through thoughts, rather than in words, and the force behind his was such that Relasin's hands flew to his temples in pain.

08-02-2003, 02:29 PM
ooc: I am going to be gone for about a week at camp.

ic: Aewionen looked at the Kyree and how Relasin was in pain because of it. She saw that Feilix had come through the door and came over to her. He snarled as he passed Relasin. Upon seeing the kyree, Feilix cocked his head to the side and perked up his ears. Aewionen bent down beside him, not knowing how he would react.

08-02-2003, 11:10 PM
Imharwen drew her sword at this moment and charged. Relasin never saw it coming. She drove the sword into his chest, right next to his heart.

08-03-2003, 01:21 AM
Relasin choked, sputtering, preparing a healing spell quickly.

pesant - !
On the last word Relasin paused, a look of surprise coming across his face. Warrl finished his leap, blood now leaking from his muzzle. Relasin, his concentration broken, sank to his knees. He gave a shuddering gasp, and was still.

08-03-2003, 01:36 AM
Imharwen drew her sword out of Relasins dead body. She kicked him into a heap on the floor."Goodbye, and good riddance!" she declared. Suddenly weird things started happening.

08-03-2003, 01:54 AM
A booming crack rent the air, as an echoing chasm opened behind Imharwen. A shadowy, incorporeal form emerged, its red eyes burning with malice.

<One of the Greater Dead!> Warrl growled loudly, <The death of a powerful mage has opened Death to Life for an instant, and he has come through!>

The kyree rushed over to Kalile, who was sitting up.
He ordered her to stroke him, and she did so, confused. Suddenly, she was unclasping a bandolier, meant to be worn across the chest with its pouches hanging down.

<These are the bells that you need.
They are, in order of smallest to largest,
Ranna - the sleepbringer
Mosrael - the waker. It is a seesaw, sending the ringer into death, as it brings the listener to life.
Kibeth - the walker. It is a contrary bell, which can either give freedom of movement to one of the Dead, or send it further into Death.
Dyrim - the vioce that the Dead often lose; it can be used to give someone a voice, or take it away.
Belgaer - another tricky bell that seeks to ring of its own accord. It can restore independent thought, memories, and all patters of a person. Or erase them.
Saraneth - the Binder, it binds the Dead to your will.
Astarael- the Banisher. It will, properly rung, cast all those who hear it almost to the final gate of death. Including the ringer.>
Kalile stood shakily, and belted the bandolier on.
"What's going on?"

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-04-2003, 12:04 AM
Gulio ran through the door, which had sprang open for some reason. He saw Relasin face-down on the ground, most likely dead. He also saw a shadowy wraith-like thing emerging from a huge rift behind Imharwen. Gulio grasped his sword, not quite sure of what was going on. "What is that?" he cried.

08-04-2003, 12:41 AM
<This is one of the Greater Dead! The energy released by the death of this mage has opened the gate between Life and the first bate of Death. This spirit has come through!> Warrl quickly turned and pushed his front paws into Kalile.
<I will give you my knowlege of these bells. It will hurt.>

08-06-2003, 12:59 AM
Imharwen turned around, gasped and ran in the other direction. She looked at the windwalker and the Kyree. she sat next to them and tried to listen in on what they had to say
"These are the bells..."

08-06-2003, 01:03 AM
The Dead being slowly crept closer, its mouth opening from ear to ear, burning hideously.
<There.> Warrl took his paws away, and Kalile clutched her head. "Ow."
<You know what you must do.>
Kalile's hand rested on the largest bell.

"Everyone get away from here."
Several people made voices of prostest, but were silenced by her, "NOW!"

Ooc: I don't know if all of you want to end it or not. If you do, then let me die. If not, it could open up a whole new quest of trying to find and return me to Life. Depends.

08-06-2003, 01:06 AM
Imharwen grabbed as many people as she could[including Gulio, Imhuriel, and Awieonen] and ran out the door. She went back in and got anyone that she had forgotten and closed the door"Shirak."

08-06-2003, 01:10 AM
A sound welled up from the room, clear and pure and sad.
Astarael, the Sorrowful. Even where they were, everyone felt a desire to slip into Death, to go past all of the stages into finality.
Shortly following, a howl of some unidentifieable emotion came to the party's ears, and then it too was silent.

08-06-2003, 02:54 AM
Imharwen opened the door again. "Shirak!" and rushed inside, only to find Kalile sitting on the floor with her head lolled on top of her kyree. "Kalile! Kalile, get up! Please get up!" Imharwen shook her. She broke down sobbing onto the floor. Suddenly Kalile's head popped up and she shouted,
"Ooooh, Kalile! I'm gonna strangle you!" She ran around after her finally catching her and hugging her.

08-06-2003, 02:59 AM
Warrl growled fiercly, deep in his throat, gripping Kalile's wrist in his mouth. <Don't do that again. I was preparing to enter Death with you, to follow you. How on earth did you resist Astarael?>
"That's the strange things, Kalile replied, sobering, "after I rang the bell, I entered death, but it repulsed me! And... I glowed."

<That is very strange. But for now, let us turn to happy thoughts. We have won.>

Indril Anarion
08-06-2003, 01:04 PM
Tamuril had been silent throughout the entire event. As the wraith emerged, fear had grasped her. She was prepared to die in battle, but was pulled out of the room by Imharwen, protesting none the less.

Now Imharwen had rushed into the room and Tamuril slowly walked in behind her. To her joy, Kalile was alive! Suddenly, a thought came to her.

"We have won," she said. "Do you understand this? We have prevailed over the evil of Relasin."

She walked over to Kalile.

"All thanks to you," she said, noticing the glow that surrounded Kalile's being.

08-06-2003, 06:56 PM
"Me? No way. If you all hadn't been here, I would have been dead long ago, and it was Imharwen who killed Relasin. All I did was ring a bell."

08-06-2003, 09:46 PM
"Yeah, well I'm the idiot who caused that wraith thing to come, but Kalile, If you wern't there I'd be dead already!"

08-06-2003, 11:58 PM
Aewionen smiled and walked over to Gulio, "Well, now that it is over, and thank goodness it is, where will you be headed?

08-07-2003, 12:07 AM
"I need to return to mirkwood. I was supposed to meet my brother there, but I was caught by that stupid Elf."

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-07-2003, 02:24 PM
"I'm not sure. Probably back to Gondor." Gulio replied.

08-07-2003, 03:32 PM
been reading the book "Sabriel" Kalile?
imhuriel:"Well, my friends, I beleive this is where we part. Imharwen, I shall go with you to Mirkwood, place of my orgin."

08-07-2003, 07:32 PM
Yay!!! Someone knows what Sabriel is!!!!!! I've read Sabriel and Liriel, and am reading them again before starting Abhorsen. :D
Oh, and I like the card you sent us. I collect pretty ones and put them on my wall. Yours is there now.

Ic: "I don't know where I'll go from here. Probably south, to find the Sea again."

Ooc: We've actually completed a story! Well, almost. It's a miracle!!! :p

08-08-2003, 02:13 AM
I'm like on the last few pages of Sabriel and going on to the next one. Yay! It's mine too! One less thread to worry about!
Thanks, I think it was a Thomas Kinkade card or somethin!

Indril Anarion
08-08-2003, 01:20 PM
Tamuril looked around. It seemed like everyone had a destination to return to. She, on the other hand, did not. She had always run away from the bitter memories of her past. Yet, now, Relasin was defeated and her family was avenged. It was at that moment that she decided it was time to stop running. Confident in her decision, she looked again to the others.

"I believe that I will go towards the Grey Havens. I have many things to sort out and perhaps more adventures lie in store for me," said Tamuril. "Perhaps we shall meet again, but until then, I must depart. Namarie (farewell)."

And with that, Tamuril departed from the Company and made her way out of Relasin's lair and towards the Grey Havens, relieved that her family had been avenged and prepared to meet life with a whole new disposition.

08-08-2003, 03:11 PM
"Farewell Tamuril." Aewionen said as she watched her go. "I had better be off as well to Minas Tirith. Farewell and perhaps fate will have our paths cross again." Aewionen headed out of the lair and set off in the direction of home, with Feilix close behind.

08-08-2003, 10:10 PM
"And I have much to learn as well. I..." Kalile sighed. "I will very much miss you all."
Warrl's ears drooped appropriately, and Kalile smiled sadly.
Picking up the bells, she walked slowly out of the cave without looking back.

The end.

08-08-2003, 10:50 PM
nope! I have to say goodbye as well!
Imharwen: "It was nice meeting you. May the stars shine on our next meeting."
Imhuriel: "I shall miss you dreadfully, until we meet again!"
They left the cave, never to return to it.

now it's the end!

08-09-2003, 12:11 AM