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11-27-2002, 11:27 PM
In the land of "Mundane Earth" (that's where we live, folks), there existed a group of fantasy writers known as the Writewraiths, people from all over the world, bonded by their love of writing and of Tolkien. One day as these Writewraiths "met" on the internet to discuss their writing, each of them met with a power, a power that would transport them to their favorite fantasy realm of all time ... Middle Earth!

My Character Description

Name: Katharine Welsh
Age: 16
Occupation: Part-time High School student, full time Writewraith, Tolkienite, and daydreamer. (Afterwards Empress of the Writewraiths in Middle Earth.)
Appearance: chestnut brown hair, hazel eyes, tan skin, 5'4.

Okay, Writewraiths, come on in!:D :D :D

Fred Baggins
11-27-2002, 11:34 PM
Faith Lowe(pronounced Love)

age: 15

occupation: Student, author, Tolkinite, and Writewraith, and later Advisor to Empress

appearance: Shoulder length blond hair, contacts, wears a ring on her right ring finger, which is a blue topaz stone and Lothlorin leaves(ok, so there grape leaves...I can dream can't I?)

Personality: One word: WILD! specally when tired! When quiet though (Is a rare thing) can be found on computer or staring into space. Loves hobbits.

11-27-2002, 11:35 PM
Oh, and another thing, when the Writewraiths go into Middle Earth, they transform into whatever race they want to be! So if you've always wanted to be an elf or hobbit or ent or even hasty orc:rolleyes: -- go for it!

11-28-2002, 12:23 AM
ooc: Okay, I'm starting up this RPG!

ic: Faith and I were in computer class together, laughing and chatting about our favorite characters in stories we had written, Belladona and Primrose. We got odd looks from the rest of the class, the non-Writewraiths, but neither of us really cared. Then the computer teacher, Ms. Brant, walked over to us.

"Welsh! Lowe! Be QUIET! Do I have to separate you two?"

We got quiet, but Faith looked at me and grinned, showing that the fun wasn't over.

"Today, we will learn how to use the internet," droned Ms. Brant. I sighed -- I'd been surfing the net for years, and we'd had these lessons at school three times already!

Faith rolled her eyes and scribbled something down, showing it to me. I giggled, then quickly clamped a hand over my mouth.

Fred Baggins
11-28-2002, 12:33 AM
This was tooo much. I knew how to use the internet. It's not like it's o-so-impossible. I rolled my eyes, and wrote something down, showing it to Kathie. She giggled, but that wasn't the end of it. Glancing up every so often to make sure Ms. Brat wasn't looking, I got on to Entmoot, and posted in one of my RPG's which involves our characters. "Writewraiths," Kathie whispered, "See if anyone's saying anything there." I nodded, and went over to Writewraiths as fast as the dinosaur would let me. I finally got there and Ms. Brat saw us. <Great> I thought,<Now she'll mad...> Not that that ever stoped me before...

11-28-2002, 12:49 AM
Faith looked up defiantly at Ms. Brant and typed in a reply to the last message as fast as she could, hitting the "submit reply" button before Ms. Brant had time to reach us. All at once, there was a blinding flash of light. Ms. Brant screamed, and I felt the sensation of being lifted up into the air. I looked over at Faith, who seemed to be enjoying herself immensely. Trust Faith to enjoy something bad! As I was lifted higher and higher, I closed my eyes, waiting to fall and dreading it more and more.

And then the fall began. I screamed, and I heard Faith, still beside me, do the same. I hurtled faster and faster towards the ground. I braced myself for impact ... but suddenly the fall slowed nearly to a stop, and I landed lightly on the ground. I opened my eyes, and realized that I was not at Walker High School anymore.

11-28-2002, 12:50 AM
ooc:If you dont mind, I would like to join. Charactor:
name: Starlight Adams
age:14; Is a girl; likes to write poetry. Is the new student from New Zeland. ok, here it goes:

ic:* I walked down the hall passing rooms. 13...14...15...there it was, room 16, my new 3rd period class. I sighed heavily and walked in.*

M.B.: Are you our new student?

*I only nodded.*

Good, well, you may sit down next to, hum, how about...Faith. Faith, raise your hand. What was your name dear?

Starlight.*I was one of the quiet kind of people. I walked over and sat next to the girll who raised her hand, and pulled out a leather bound notebook, inside were my free lance pieces, and poems.as Faith and the girl sitting next to her were lifted into the air, my notebook was too. Of coarse I had to go after it. Holding on, it seemed that where ever the were going, so was I.*

Fred Baggins
11-28-2002, 01:02 AM
The first thing I noticed upon touching ground was my feet. They where hidious! Not only that but I thought I had remembered to where my shoes this time...
The second thing was Kathie. Last I cheacked I was two inches taller than her, and now she's at least a foot and a half taller than me! Talk about growh spurts... She looked at me in amazement and shock.
The third thing I noticed was that the new girl was also taller than me! And they both had pointy ears!
The Fourth thing I noticed was we wern't in Walker High anymore...

11-28-2002, 01:04 AM
*I hugged my notebook to my chest.* Talk about a bad first day*I sat down* Here I am, not knowing where I am, in some forest thing, whith strangers!!!

11-28-2002, 01:12 AM
I looked around and noticed a girl nearly two feet shorter than I was, staring at me in shock. She looked like ... a hobbit?! No, more than that, she looked like my best friend Faith! And the new girl, the exchange student from New Zealand, was also with us, but she had pointy ears!

Whoa, what if that IS Faith ... where are we?! I thought.

Being the inquisitive and rather silly type I am, I had to find out. I turned to the short girl, knelt beside her, and said "Are...are you Faith?"

Fred Baggins
11-28-2002, 01:13 AM
I looked at her. "O pardon me, I havn't introduced myself. I'm Faith Lowe, spelled L-o-w-e. A lot of people call me Frad, or Fan though..." I bent down and picked up a poem she dropped and read it. "This looks familar." I showed it up to Kathie, and if she where a little less shocked I think she would have agreed. Then i panicked. "WHERE"S MY BACK PACK! MY NOTEBOOK!" Starlight pointed to my back, and I reached back feeling the backpack and calming down. "Now the the matter at hand, where are we and why are my feet hairy, and how can you grow so fast!" I turned to Kathie* Of course you silly goose, who else would I be. And stand up, your making me uncomfortable squating like that. You two should see yourselves! You look like elves from down here!

11-28-2002, 01:17 AM
I'm Starlight, but most people call me star, or by my RPG charactor, Lubyla. I just move from New Zeland. Where are we?*A bird flew down and looked at her. Starlight is afraid of birds.*

11-28-2002, 01:19 AM
"Me?! An elf?" I said, giggling a little. Then a thought occurred to me. If Faith has changed and Starlight has changed too, then maybe...I became more serious, and carefully touched my ears. They felt like they'd become pointy! I yelped and jumped back.

Fred Baggins
11-28-2002, 01:22 AM
"Lubyla! I knew your poem looked familar!" I handed the poem back to her "You're a Writewraith! You'll know me better as Fred Baggins, and her as Silverstripe then." Then a strange looking man approched us. "Why is everyone taller than me all of a sudden?!"

11-28-2002, 01:23 AM
*seeing the creature, i did as my first instinct told me to. I reached behind my back and pulled out a bow and a brightly coloured arrow.* Who are you?*I said to the dwarf, bow aimed at him* where did this bow come from?

11-28-2002, 01:26 AM
I stared at Starlight and the dwarf, then quickly checked to see if I...yes, I did. Like Lubyla/Starlight, I also had a bow!

Fred Baggins
11-28-2002, 01:29 AM
I saw the two of them with bows, and looked around for my own weapon "If you two have weapons then I do to!" I had none. "Darn guess no one trusts me with a weapon."

11-28-2002, 01:29 AM
*the bird hobbled over.* That bird looks like Andodulin, you know, the bird from my RPGs. This is all too strange. I am sorry sir, for you see, I am lost.

11-28-2002, 01:34 AM
I heard Starlight's words and nodded in agreement. And as for Faith, she is DEFINITELY the type no one would trust with a weapon!
"Um...yeah, we're lost...can you tell us where we are, sir?"

Fred Baggins
11-28-2002, 01:36 AM
Um...Star, we're all a little lost...though from my hairy feet I think I can guess at where we are...Ya, know, that bird looks like how I would imagine you RPG bird! O...wait...ya said that already...Hey! If i'm a hobbit, which I must be, then I DO have a weapon!

11-28-2002, 01:37 AM
*The bird came a bit closer, and cawed, yet, I understood it.* Go AWAY FOWL BIRD!!!!!! I am not her!!! I am Starlight! Not Lubyla. Lubyla is not real. Just as Fran and Andodulni aren't real.*i began to cry* Stupid...new...school...stupid.

11-28-2002, 01:41 AM
"So, Faith," I said, "You think we're in Middle Earth?! But if we are in Middle Earth, then we really aren't human!"

"Of course not!" snapped the dwarf, looking impatient. "Never heard such nonsense, even from elves!"

Fred Baggins
11-28-2002, 01:42 AM
I was pocketing a million rocks when I heard Star start to cry. I looked at her, not seeing a white warg nearby. I hate it when people cry, it always ruins a good mood. "Star, it's allright, I know your not Lubyla."

11-28-2002, 01:47 AM
At that point I bombarded the dwarf with questions, things like, "I'm an elf? How did we get here? Where in Middle Earth are we and what's the date?"

Fred Baggins
11-28-2002, 01:54 AM
I sighed, it was quite obvious to me that we where in Middle-Earth...then I saw something out of the corner of my eye, a giant white warg, and man did he look mean. I fingered one of the rocks in my pocket, while watching him. Then I heard a voice in my head, and I stared at the warg. "What? No, of course I'm not Belladona, I'm Faith Lowe!" The other two looked strangly at me, adn I pointed the warg to them. They didn't see him though!

11-28-2002, 11:47 AM
*the bird sat and cawed, saying only to me, "Lubyla, we need to press on."* But I am NOT Lubyla!!!!

The dwarf looked at me, examining every detail, and finally said," Lubyla, Lubyla Greenleaf of the Stars? Well, you must be. You have her bow, her attitude, and her beautiful looks."

But I am NOT Lubyla. Does it look like I am clad n white?*I looked down, ok, so maybe I was.* Ok, well, then if I'm Lubyla, where is my horse, Ithilsila?

*The dwarf looked at me.* Are you three alright? Strange times these are. Of corse you are in Middle Earth

Fred Baggins
11-28-2002, 03:30 PM
It was my turn to look at Lu-er...Starlight strange. Now she was talking to an unseen bird!

ooc: This is my idea...coming a little off of what Lubyla has done. We all look, and act a little like our favorite characters, and see there, 'companions' the animals they often travel with, but no one else sees our companions...make since?

ic: I stared at Lubyla, wondering what was wrong with her, and why the others couldn't see...was it Merry, or Naa Tel'raa? I assumed it was Merry, since Naa Tel'raa wasn't to fond of Belladona any more. But how could either of them exict? How could any of this happen?

11-28-2002, 03:55 PM
Hey this is interesting I wanna join.

Name: David McCartney
NickName: Zavron lord of the dark(although is good)
Description: male, 5,4, Ash brown hair ( a Kind of grey), blue eyes wheres black contact lenses, Not the most thinest person in the world.
Personality: Good humoured, interested in the dark side of the Tolkien books, Whitewraith, and tolki-net member.

I sighed and let my head drop on the keyboard, I started to slowly drift off to sleep...until...

''David!!!! Don't you dare fall asleep in my class!!!!!!''

I started sharply, and looked around wildly.

''Wha? Wh..wh..whats going on? Whats wrong!!!'' I said

''David!!! That's a detention tonight!!!''Ms.Barnet bawled covering the whole class in flem.

<I hate life> I thought. <I wished I was a magical being in Middle-Earth!! And away from this HellHole>

I looked up at my computer screen and started to begin typing again. I looked around and then I went on the Entmoot while Ms.Barnet wasn't looking, and then upon the screen there came a PM. I opened it, and my jaw dropped as I read in amazement.
'So you wish you were in Middle-Earth do you, Then come with me' It said. The message letters suddenly reformed to say in large black letters 'Enter if you dare!'.

suddebly the computer screen started to swirl and soon everything in the room started to swirl, and the last thing i saw was Ms.Barnet shouted at some other Kid, When every colour and Image swirled and drained as if in a huge plug hole. And suddenly the colours were thrown back out again and spread into a new world, The world i had always dremt about in my dreams, MIDDLE-EARTH!!

11-28-2002, 03:57 PM
ooc: I repeat Where did you get the cool avatars, lubyla and fred.

11-28-2002, 04:04 PM
I want to go home, I dont want to be here, where they say I am the Prrincess Lubyla Greenleaf. Faith, do you know how we got here?*I had placed the note book into my pack, and was now sifting through to find it. While searching, I stumbled across a star shaped compact.* Look at this you guys, doe it not look like the compact Lubyla carries?

Fred Baggins
11-28-2002, 04:09 PM
ooc: Ask Lubyla, and I'm adding another thing to human Faith, that she wears a replica of the Phail on a neacklace.

ic: *I looked at the compact, and reached up and felt my neaklace, not noticing the warmth it was emiting suddenly.* It sure does. I think we got here when I replyed to that last post in Writewraiths, the one Lu-er I mean you posted about your poem. That was the last thing I remember anyway.

11-28-2002, 04:22 PM
I looked up in amazement as i saw the history of Middle-earth played out infront of my very eyes. I was amazed. Soon the visions slowed and eventually stopped.

''Wow that was cool! I wonder? What the devil!!!''

I looked down at my feet only to see i had no feet only wisps of dark cloud. I tried to move but all i di was hover a few inches forward.

''COOL!! I can hover.''

I looked at my hands and they were as black as the night. I had claws kinda like of the game Legacy Of Kain: Soul Reaver. I saw a village quite near so i started to walk...well, Hover towards it. The people there fled in terror befor me. I walked...Hovered into a house and...hovered over to a mirror. I looked in amazement.

I was as black as the night With a scar on my right cheek, My teeth were sharpened down to points, I was dressed in flowing black robes and upon my head there was a Crown Made of black Iron and set in it were...

''The silmarils!! WOW!!!''

At my side I had a Huge black sword that glowed with a black radiance. I unsheathed it and stared longly at it. I looked at the mirror again. I still had my usual facial features and I was exactly the same height and weight. This was all so amazing!

i hovered out the house and hovered back into the forest from which I came from. I touched a plant and it withered and died before me. I continued not knowing where I was going, and soon voices came to my ears. I drifted silently towards the cause of the sound, and ther were some Kids about my age talking they looked as bewildered as I was. I hovered to them and to my surprise they did not run away. One of them had pointed ears like an elf. She saw me and said....

ooc: I'll leave that to lubyla to continue!

11-28-2002, 05:05 PM
ooc: actually I'll continue myself

''Who are you!!'' she said as she withdrew a bow and an arrow and pointed it at me. Then she blushed and lowered the bow and arrow.

''Sorry, Guess I'm A little trigger-happy!!

''Hey I know you?'' I replied.

''Your Lubyla Starlight from the Entmoot!!! I'm from the Entmoot too!! I'm zavron! and your Belladonna Gamgee!'' I said to the Hobbit that was among them.

''And your...I know all of you!!! WOW!!! Do you know how we got in Middle-Earth? Because if this aint it than I'm not a writewraith!!''

<This is one weird day!!> i thought.

Fred Baggins
11-28-2002, 06:17 PM
*I rolled my eyes.* Please, IF you will, Fred Baggins, or Faith Lowe, spelled L-o-w-e. I am NOT Belladona Gamgee! Now will you tell me your real name so I may call you that, instead of Zavron. Yes, this is Middle-Earth, and I'm not quite sure how Lu-Starlight Kathie and I got here, all I remember is typeing a reply to a wierd post, then we where all flying and then we where, here, and everyone's taller than me!
ooc: By the way Zavron, it's two here, so I thinkg Lubyla's eating her turkey dinner.

11-28-2002, 06:20 PM
"You're a Writewraith too?" I asked Zavron. "What if -- what if the rest of the Writewraiths are here somewhere?!"

11-28-2002, 06:26 PM
*I sniffed and cried:* NO!!!! WHY WONT YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*I sat on the ground in a feble position.* I AM NOT YOUR PRINCESS LUBYLA!!!!!!!

11-28-2002, 06:28 PM
"It's all right, Starlight," I said, "we all know you're not Lubyla -- if you were, and Faith was Bell, I'd be Primrose, and I'm not even a hobbit!" I smiled at Star, trying to reassure her.

11-28-2002, 06:35 PM
I know you know, but tell the bird that. He keeps saying I am.

Fred Baggins
11-28-2002, 06:40 PM
I looked at Starlight (I didn't have to bend down, she was just my hight in that position) and wondered what to do.I hate it when people cry. I clutched at my neaklace, THIS time feeling the warmth. Then I could just feel the presance of that animal behind me, and Flew around, taking a rock out, and hitting it squarly on the nose. Then I took Sting out (Who knows where it came from) and rushed at it, trying to scare it away. "Get away from me you creap!"

11-28-2002, 06:43 PM
"Faith, no!" I screamed. "Don't do anything until..." I spun around to see a large eagle, looking at me curiously.

11-28-2002, 06:45 PM
*I stopped.* Wait, if I am Lubyla, then I know what will scare you off fowl bird.* I sifted through the quiver of arrows untill I found a black one, deep and evil looking. At the second I held it up, the bird became visible to all.*

11-28-2002, 06:55 PM
The sight of the eagle frightened me, for she resembled Eyla, occasional companion of my half-elven character Alasse. The eagle spoke to me; to my surprise, I could understand her perfectly.

<Greetings, Alasse. Who are your friends?>

<I am not Alasse!> I told her.

She merely "laughed," and disappeared. Back to her home in the other dimension, I supposed.

At that point I heard an angry Starlight yelling something unintelligible. I turned to see an evil-looking black bird.

"Hey, that bird looks exactly like I would've imagined Lubyla's Andodulin to look!"

11-28-2002, 06:57 PM
What do you think I've been saying this whle time?????*I fidled with the arrow a bit, as the bird steped back.*

11-28-2002, 07:05 PM
"Wait, did you say the bird thinks you're Lubyla? Well, this eagle seems to think I'm Alasse, and won't shut up about it -- okay, now I understand what you were talking about, Star, but what if..." I gulped. What if we got transported to Middle Earth as our characters?! Would that mean I was on the run from Saruman?!

11-28-2002, 07:11 PM
And that would mean I'm constantly running, am a Princess, am*has a dreamy tone* Legolas's sister, the most beautiful elf/ second most beautiful creature, and am a tempermental elf who...O SHUT UP ANDODULIN!!!!

11-28-2002, 07:17 PM
I shook my head. "No, not exactly, because if we actually were our characters, we'd have all their memories and none of our own. Unless..." I winced. What if we gradually forgot our true identities as we stayed in Middle Earth? What if we could never get home? What if...

Oh, be quiet, Katharine, you'll "what if" yourself to death! I thought angrily.

"Anyway, I think we got here by posting on Writewraiths, which means the others might be here too, and that gives us something else to worry about. Don't know about the rest of you, but I don't want to have to think about Saruman yet!"

11-28-2002, 07:25 PM
*speeks with Lubyla's wisdome*We may not want to, but what will happen to us if we die here?And what if, what if our charactors WERE our memories, and we were transported to that world, from this one, and actually ARE Lubyla, Fran, Zavron, And Allase(sp)? Perhaps we were, are, will be. Notice our names sort of went with our charactors? Notice mine, Starlight. What is Lubyla's full title? Lubyla Greenleaf OF THE STARS. Faith. How she is/was FAITHFUL to her word. You, well, I dont know your charactor very well, but will think of something.

11-28-2002, 07:45 PM
I stared for a moment, taken aback by Starlight's sudden speech. "You mean maybe we were from Middle Earth?" I asked.

She was right, though, it was a possibility. After all, my middle name is Alina, which means light, and Alasse was the bearer of a great light.

"You're right, Lu-Star. We do have to think of possible dangers, but if other Writewraiths are here, we should find them, too."

11-28-2002, 07:52 PM
Wait, let me try something.*I sat down next to the bird, and spoke in normal tounge.* Are you really Andodulin?Are there other writewraiths ere, from stories of old, who were lost?

11-29-2002, 01:17 PM
''yeah!! Because everyone calls me lord of darkness because I'm so strange and my carachter is zavron the lord fo the darkness!! Hey!! But I'm not evil I don wanna be a bad guy I've allways been a good guy!! Unless I'm supposed to keep Evil things from doing bad...Yeah that would work!!! Hey let me try something...''

I reached inside my Robes and withdrew a turquoise amulate. I stared at it for along time then I felt wind and suddenly I wasn't with the others I was in Moria!! I looked at it again and I was back among my fellow writewraiths.

11-29-2002, 02:17 PM
I'd like to join.

Name:Rhiannon Davies(everybody calls her Rhia)
Bio:She's in 7th grade. She write's poetry and has an overactive imagination and complicated mind.

11-29-2002, 03:18 PM
ooc: I need help!! You know when you press the right button on the mouse it comes up a small box with all these things in them, How don you get rid of things of that!!!

Ms. Undomial
11-29-2002, 03:41 PM
Zavron- you can't get rid of that. it is the way the mouse is.
Can I join please?
Name: Rose Aurora; everyone calls her Rosie
Age: 13
Bio: She is in 10th grade. loves to daydream, and when she gets the chance she go's to the entmoot.

ic: "grr, annoying biology." I said hoping now one would hear me. "Miss Aurora, What did you just say?" said the extreamly annoying teacher Ms. Aldridch. "Nothing M'am. " she then ignored me and I snuck onto the entmoot, to one of my favorite RPG's. "Sweet," I muttered under my breath, "I wish this actually was real and not just in a RPG. " then suddenly I was lifted out of my chair and through the celling up into the clouds. when the clouds cleared I found my self on a black horse galloping over the plains. "Wo girl!" I said, I was a expert horse woman and could stop any horse very quickly. I got off the horse and exaimed her. "you look a awful lot like my dream horse Namarie." I then looked more closely and saw: she was all black, white star on her forehead, scar on her neck from where she was shot. "Namarie! " I yelled overjoyiously. I mounted her again and let her go where she pleased. we came out into the open and I saw some people talking as if they just got here. I rode up to them and dismounted Namarie. "Who are you people? and do you know how I got here? Last thing I remember is that I was on the entmoot enjoying my self."

11-29-2002, 03:46 PM
ooc: No I want to get rid of a link thats on it!

11-29-2002, 03:49 PM
A person on a horse rode up, dismounted and asked 'if any of us new how she had got here! She turned and looked at me and she screemed.

''I seem to be getting a lot of that these days!!

She quitened and said....

Ms. Undomial
11-29-2002, 03:50 PM
ooc: uh... What do you mean?

ic: "Oh my goodness!! you look like Zavron!!! am I dreaming?"

11-29-2002, 04:18 PM
The two of them turned as they heard another rider approaching. She was dressed in a flaming red garment.
"Which way to the kingdom of writewraiths, please?" she asked.
"Who are you?" Rosie inquired?

Ms. Undomial
11-29-2002, 04:31 PM
ooc: actually there are not two of us, there are 5 of us.

"Well that was a great help." I said sarcasticly.

11-29-2002, 04:53 PM
"Well, I am Rhiannon Davies. I was composing a poem and now... I'm an Elvish Bard."

11-29-2002, 05:02 PM

11-29-2002, 06:48 PM
Who ARE all you intrusive people???? I wish some peace!*I started to walk a bit, as I was greeted by a silver horse.*

Ms. Undomial
11-29-2002, 09:21 PM
To Lubyla/Star: "I am Rose Aurora. Who are you? Why, Your an Elf!" I brought my hands to my ears and yelped with suprise. "I am a elf too! What in the name of Eru has happend? " I then gasped, and said: "am I.... Losillewen? are we in Middle Earth? OMGoodness! if we are in ME, and if I am Losillewen, and if This is Namarie, and If I have Nenya, Wait a second!! if all this is true, then I just got out of a second dimension, then Alasse, Elrond, Cirdan, and I have to go destroy Saraman! This is HORRIFIC!!! What are we going to do?"

11-29-2002, 10:11 PM
*I was a bit annoyed now.* Well, I THINK I am Starlight,yet here, I believe I am called... Lubyla.

11-30-2002, 07:31 AM
''Guys!! don't you realise this is a gift I want to explore, and I want to teat my new powers. The only power i kow I have is when I touch things they die!! Lets' try some magic.''

I waved my hands and concentrated. A wind started to blow quite a fierce one two and suddenly it started to lash down in rain and thunder and lightning struck.

''hey stop that!!! Lubyla shouted.

i looked down at my feet...well, whisps of cloud and said ''I don't know how!!''

''we should seek shelter!!!'' Bell cried in the wind.

''How about that villagw over there!!'' I pointed to a small vilage.

''Hey that loks like Bree!!!''

ooc: I'm using the same colours as in the Quest For Aragorns Heir

Fred Baggins
11-30-2002, 03:10 PM
"WHY IS EVERYONE TALLER THAN ME! O...yeah...I'm a hobbit...this'll take some getting used to...I kinda forgot that I'm one of the only people who used hobbits in her RPGs." Kathie glared at me "Besides you Kathie." I did not notice that I still had Sting drawn and The Phial drawn out, until Merry began to growl and slowly change. As he made the slow transition from warg to Ringwraith every one saw him. And every one saw him attack me and stab his sword into my side...

11-30-2002, 08:48 PM
From what I knew about the RPGs, I tossed Faith my blade.

You always seem to use it, get up for Belladona Gamgee cannot die, not untill the quest is over, and looking around, I fear the shadow still lingeres.

11-30-2002, 09:11 PM
Maybe we aren't our characters, I thought, worried. For Faith's sake, I hoped we were -- at least here, in Middle Earth.

"If I am Alasse," I whispered to Losillewen, "I may have her healing powers." I feared I would need them soon.

11-30-2002, 09:15 PM
I sat down in the grass, for I feared not a storm, and tested something. From a simple patch of grass, a patch of mushrooms appered.

Ms. Undomial
11-30-2002, 09:17 PM
"yea well, if I am Losillewen, then I can kill that wolf type of thing very easily."

11-30-2002, 09:23 PM
I shook my head. "If she's Belladona Gamgee, that
'wolf-thing' is probably Merry! And you heard what Lu-Starlight said, Bell can't die yet!" I sighed. The truth was, even if we WERE our characters, our adventures were not finished, nor fully written yet; anything might happen. And now we could not control it...

12-01-2002, 12:21 PM
The wind still howled as they entered Bree.

''Where shall we go now!!''

''lets try the prancing pony!!''

Fred Baggins
12-01-2002, 06:35 PM
*I caught the sword with surpriseing ease, and shifted it to my other hand. One thing about Bell, is that she's left handed, and I'm not! But if I was Bell, then wwhy was I fighting with my right? It did not take Merry long to calm down, for his fits are supposed to be short, but it varys really. He took on his normal form again, and I turned around, pocketing the Phial, walked back to Kathie, seeking safty from her a little I think. I looked at Rose.* No doubt you could kill him with little ease. I could as well, for he is a weak challenger. But to kill my best-I mean Fran's best friend, wouldn't be the wisest idea, since I-I mean Fran-or IS it I...would kill you. And Lub-Star, please, do not go spilling Bell's secrets to the whole world until the fanfic's finished!

12-01-2002, 06:39 PM
Sorry, it was the only way to keep them from attacking.* The Andodulin look a like flew onto my shoulder.*

12-01-2002, 06:47 PM
I laughed, but my laughter held little humor. "No, killing Merry would not be wise, for if Bell didn't kill you, Primrose and Cyrell would track you down, um, assuming they exist here. I'm not sure your fanfic will ever be finished, Faith. Not unless we figure out some way to get home. But if I'm Alasse, and she's Losillewen," (I pointed to Rose) we need to go find Ala--" I dropped my voice to a whisper. "My grandfather," I finished, quietly enough that only Faith, Starlight, and Rose could hear.

Ms. Undomial
12-02-2002, 01:18 PM
"oh my goodness, <now horrificly enough, I don't have a clue why we have to go find your grandfather.> OH MY ERU!!!!!!!! *to Alasse/(insert other name here)* Did that work?? "

12-02-2002, 01:33 PM
I jumped back in surprise.

<Yes! Losi...um, Rose, we have to find Alasse's grandfather-- Elrond. If we are our characters, or take on their roles in this world, all of us have jobs to do. And apparently this is after the time in the Second Dimension, because Alasse looks...I look elven, not human.> I sighed. <But I believe Saruman's power has not yet been ended.>

Ms. Undomial
12-02-2002, 01:40 PM
<oh yea, thats right. we; you, me, elrond, and cirdan, have to go help destroy saraman! you definitly look like you are at least half elven, but what are we going to do now?>

12-02-2002, 01:47 PM
<You and I have to find Elrond, the others have different tasks. Faith's Belladona is on her own great Quest. Lubyla/Star may accompany her, I don't know about Zavron or this Rhiannon.>

Then what Rhiannon Davies had said earlier finally sank in.

"Kingdom of the Writewraiths?!"

Ms. Undomial
12-02-2002, 01:53 PM
<ooooookkkkkkkkk. When do we start?>

"What? Writewraiths? oh yea, again thats right. we are all writewraiths. but, what did you mean by that?"

12-02-2002, 04:26 PM
''This is all very confusing!! According to my carachter I'm supposed to got to Angband and rule their. Well i guess it is time to go our seperate ways. Unless...''

12-02-2002, 04:31 PM
"Unless what?" Rhia asked. She had quietly withdrawn from the conversation, and was now a little annoyed at being left out.
"I guess I am a wanderer," she said dejectedly,"While you are all on quests, I am forced to find my way to the Kingdom of Writewraiths. The Queen must receive a message. I don't suppose any of you know where it is?"
She looked around. "I guess not. Does anyone wish to come?"

12-02-2002, 05:50 PM
<We, at least should go with Rhiannon Davies. Elrond knows of our presence, he is waiting for us there.>

My eyes went wide. How had I known THAT?!

"I'll go with you, Rhia," I said.

<Are you coming, Rose? For I believe we must act as ourselves as well as our characters. We are them, yet we are NOT them. Perhaps one day we will know who we truly are, but that day is not today.>

Ms. Undomial
12-02-2002, 05:58 PM
<yes I am coming. Why wouldn't I?>

"I would like to come also, Rhia. "

12-02-2002, 06:06 PM
I smiled. Mind messaging wasn't easy to get used to, but it certainly would come in handy.

"So you see, Rhia, you won't be alone. I don't think any of us will have to be alone."

12-02-2002, 06:09 PM
<are you sure you are not needed elsewhere? if needed I can manage. thanks anyway>

"Thanks. I guess we should leave at dawn.(ooc: what time is it?)"

Ms. Undomial
12-02-2002, 06:13 PM
ooc: it is 2:12 pm here. since when did you have telepathy??

12-02-2002, 06:19 PM
ooc: *shrugs* She has telepathy since now, I suppose. I think it is evening now in Middle Earth.

ic: <Eventually, yes, we will be needed elsewhere, but first we must journey to the Kingdom of Writewraiths. Of this I am sure.>

12-02-2002, 06:22 PM
ooc:I did not tell anyone if I had telepathy or not! so there *sniffs* just joking.

Ms. Undomial
12-02-2002, 06:22 PM
ooc: sorry bout' the time; I thought you meant our time.....

ic: <we do? this is new to me!> "alright see you at dawn! I am going to go exploring. would any one like to join me?"

12-02-2002, 06:28 PM
"I will join you, Ro-Losillewen" I said.
<That will give us time to talk about anything we need to. We'd better call each other by our Middle Earth names, though.>

12-02-2002, 06:47 PM
Must I choose a ME name?

Here it is: Maerin.

12-02-2002, 06:56 PM
ooc: If you haven't become a character, then you don't have to have a ME name.

ic: "Coming, Rhia?" I asked. "If we'll be going to this Kingdom of Writewraiths together, we may all have some things to talk about."

Ms. Undomial
12-02-2002, 07:02 PM
"Rhia, do you have a horse? Alasse, where is Ellaire?"

12-02-2002, 07:15 PM
"Ellaire?!" I'd nearly forgotten about my horse! And suddenly the beautiful chestnut mare was there, galloping toward us, snorting and tossing her head, as if to say 'Where have you BEEN all this time?'

I grinned. "Well, there she is."

<Do you think certain aspects of our characters appear when we think of them?>

I shuddered, sincerely hoping that was not the case.

12-02-2002, 07:19 PM
WAiT!!!! I dont want to be all alone in this new world. Can I go with you? I have good traveling knowledge frm living in New Zeland.PLEASE>!>!>!>!>!>!>!>!>>!>!>!>!>!>!>!>

12-02-2002, 07:26 PM
I smiled.

"You can come with us, Lubyla," I said. "Though you wouldn't have to be alone, anyway. I was under the impression you and Fran would be traveling together."

<Does this work with you, Starlight? It ought to, but we can't be certain unless we try.>

Ms. Undomial
12-02-2002, 07:29 PM
"shall we go now?" I mounted Namarie and started off towards the west.

12-02-2002, 07:32 PM
Um...Fran...er...uh...hum...Faith? Are we going with them, or on our own path?

*I tried to mount Ithilsila, but fell off the other side, when distracted by Andodulin sitting on the hed of her*

Ow...That hurt.*I began to laugh*

12-02-2002, 07:40 PM
I nodded. "Yes, we leave as quickly as possible. Fran, Lubyla, you may come with us if you'd like." I mounted Ellaire and set off after Rose/Losillewen.

Fred Baggins
12-02-2002, 08:12 PM
*I Held back, for an unknown reason.* Somethings wrong though. I-I have to go the Rivendell, I think. *I looked at Kathie and Rose.* I have to compleat my-er Fran's quest, but I don't wanna go alone, even if I will have lu-Star and Merry and the rest. This is to confusilating. *I found myself doing something that was nither common to me or my character. I sat down and cried. Bawled my heart out. This couldn't be happening. Not now, not here! What if we where stuck here! I'd never see my mum and dad and my anoying sisters again. This couldn't happen! I couldn't be destined to live such a lonely life! Then I remembered the Arrow. My-Fran's bane! The most important thing about her. I looked up to see faces all around, and Kathie asking if I was ok. I lifted my tear streeked face, and relized my selfishness.* Yes, I'll be ok, if I have a smoke. *Then, as though I did this every day of my life, I pulled out a pipe, filled it and lite it, breathing deeply of the smoke then letting it out in a blue smoke ring. Kathie just stared at me. Then it hit me like a rock. I was smoking! Ech! And yet, it was calming...* I think Star, that we can go with them for awhile, before we must go our seperate ways.

12-02-2002, 08:21 PM
"Rivendell, eh? Yeah, I think you're right we'll have to separate at some point, since Losillewen and I have a different quest than Fran and Lubyla. Now come on, let's get going," I called back to my friends.

<We should all use our Middle Earth names when speaking aloud!> I "told" Faith and Starlight. <We'll arouse too much suspicion with "Lu-Star" or Fra-Faith.>

Fred Baggins
12-02-2002, 08:30 PM
I must have been puffing like a fish by now, sending out all sorts of smoke rings, and designs. I nodded to Kathie, I mean Alasse.<It'll be hard. Especailly when I'm talking to you. I don't wanna leave you Kathie. Your my best friend, I'm mean Lubyla and I where pretty good freinds on the internet, but->I couldn't go on. I sounded so babyish!(Fran hates whiners, so that would be a little of Fran speacking up, not Faith at all.) "Hey guys cheak this out!" I blew a smoke unisus."It's Fimm!" Just as I said that I heard a whiny of glee, and turned around slowly, then nearly screaming my fool head off when I saw who was behind me. Freddy jumped off Fimm, and clamped a hand over my mouth. "Hush Fran, not around stranger." I just kinda stared at him. You see I never really had an image of Freddy in my mind before, but now that I see the real Freddy, I'm glad of that cause my Freddy would have been ugly, and the real Freddy...well...he certantly was Fine!"Kathie, tell me I'm seein' things, just tell me I'm seein' things."

12-02-2002, 08:35 PM
<Remember, Faith, don't call me Kathie out loud! I hope Freddy's not very observant!>

I smiled. "Of course you're seeing things, Fran!" I said cheerfully.

<Why am I Alasse and not Primrose? Perhaps Primrose is -- is NOT, in this world. Or perhaps you will meet her, and that will be a little like meeting me.> I tried to reassure Faith, though I was very upset myself at the moment. Destroying Saruman's power would be no easy task.

Fred Baggins
12-02-2002, 08:46 PM
I rolled my eyes. "You wheren't supposed to tell me that. Do you see what I see? That's Freddy! And Fimm! THAT"S A REAL LIVE UNISUS!"

Freddy looked a little lost. "Of course I'm Freddy, who else would I be? Are you all right Bell?"

"I TOLD You a million times not to call me that! I'm Fran! Fran! Bell, is not my name!"

"Merry gets to call you Bell."

"Merry's my best friend. I'm Fran to you. Never, NEVER call me Bell! Do you understand!" I could feel a fire in my eyes, and imense anger growing. Why was I so offensive of that name? O...right... Naa. And besides, he was Freddy! My head hurt a little. I turned to Kathie. "All right Allase, looks like we have anoher joining us. Finally someone shorter than me!" <I'm sorry Kathie, but you know me! I see someone cute, or a unisus, and my mind blanks. I see both and I might as well not be here at all!>

12-02-2002, 08:55 PM
I laughed, forgetting to act as if she hadn't spoken. Fortunately, my laughter was taken as a reaction to what Faith had said aloud.

<And I think ... that you will meet Primrose, Faith.>

"All right, let's go now, before we acquire any more companions!" I pretended to sigh dramatically, then turned and smiled at Freddy. I had always liked the character, if my own hobbit character, Primrose, felt differently. So I guess it's good I'm Alasse.

Fred Baggins
12-02-2002, 09:04 PM
Merry trotted up to me. "Want a ride?" I climed on.

Star looked hurt. "O sure, when you just have to travel a little, you take the ride, but when you're life is in danger you won't!"

I was reminded of my-well, Fran's speed, and smiled at Star. "Guess I forgot about that!"

Freddy looked yet more confusalated. "Forgot about what?"

"My speed"

"How could you forget about THAT!"

"Nevermind Freddy, I'm not sure you would understand."

"Hey, I may look stupid, but I'm smarter than that!"

I just had to laugh, and Star and Kathie joined in.

"I didn't mean that Freddy, I ment- O just go to sleep."

Freddy, trusting Fimm compleatly fell fast asleep

12-02-2002, 09:18 PM
After Rose and I went exploring, we came back to find that nearly all of the others had gone to sleep. However, I couldn't sleep.

I always try to think things through, even when it's almost impossible to do. I was certain there was a REASON we'd been transported to Middle Earth, and hoped there was a way to get back. I looked over at Rose; she, also, was still awake.
<Hello, Rose. Looks like we'll be splitting into two parties soon, doesn't it? I need to think about why we're here and what to do about it. Do you want to help think of ideas?>

12-02-2002, 11:34 PM
I sat in the grass, a bit farther from the others. If I had to be Lubyla, I at least wanted to think like her. Then a thought hit me and I stood up.

Resta!!! He will be he most definatly, and..and*I fell into one of those teenaged fan transes* Legolas.

Fred Baggins
12-03-2002, 12:05 AM
I lay on my back, looking at the stars, not quite being able to sleep, on thing I admired about Fran, is that she didn't relly need sleep. So I named the stars...another thing I admired about Fran, was her incredible knowledge of the night sky, she was after all Belladona Gamgee of the Night Sky. Freddy...lay near by, his breathing slow, and I began to really wonder about him, since i had not spent to much time working details out about his character.

12-03-2002, 12:11 AM
I heard Fran naming off stars, and I walked over near her.

Hullo Fa-- Fran. Tis odd isn't it, that we met.

Fred Baggins
12-03-2002, 12:21 AM
<Yes, esppecially since your such a new writewraith. Or do you mean at school. Bet you think I'm more of an ideot than when you just knew the computer me huh?>I picked up a rock and sat up, throwing the rock and hitting a knothole. <Somehow, I think that would bring more saticfaction if I actually learned how to do it. You remember the story? Remember Bell's affliction? I'm afriad Star. Bell is strong and could handle such a thing, but Faith is not. I made Bell with some of my weaknesses and some thing which I wish to have of her. Perhaps I am making no since, I'm sure. But I'm just afriad. Plus, Bell has a reputation to keep up. Hating Freddy's guts. How could I hate someone who's so cute?> Lubyla looked over at Freddy, and grimaced at the hairy feet. <Well, I should try to sleep a little, for I'm still Faith, with a little Fran. It sure is nice to know that one of my close friends will be traveling with me...>

Ms. Undomial
12-03-2002, 12:29 AM
Alasse and I came back to the camp later that night; we had found nothing of importance on our explorations. I went to bed, but not to sleep. Fran and Lubyla were making nosies in the backround, and I was hoping that they would soon stop. when I was sure that they were asleep I went to Namarie and mounted her. "hey girl. c'mon, lets go for a ride. " I sped off and then heard Ellaire whinne after us.

12-03-2002, 12:39 AM
Ellaire is very swift, swifter than I had imagined her to be, so I soon caught up with Rose and Namarie. <Alasse usually follows Losillewen, remember? Only this time, it seems to have been Ellaire's idea!>
I was amused, in spite of myself, remembering how the tall chestnut mare had raised a racket until I finally mounted her and rode of after Rose.

Ms. Undomial
12-03-2002, 12:46 AM
ooc: :D

ic: I rode Namarie to a patch of green grass, and then let here graze; what Losillewen normaly does. Alasse/Katherine soon caught up to me, and let Ellaire graze also. "How is it that you always follow me? not that I mind, I have just been wondering about it."

12-03-2002, 12:50 AM
"Well, THIS time, Ellaire wouldn't let me alone until I did! The other times.... Dunno. Your character did raise mine, though, maybe that has something to do with it?"

Ms. Undomial
12-03-2002, 12:57 AM
I smiled and said: "Ellaire definatly doesn't like to be left out of stuff. I don't think that my character has anything to do with it. you couldn't sleep?"

12-03-2002, 01:00 AM
I smiled. "No. I couldn't, I was trying to think some things out. And you?"

Ms. Undomial
12-03-2002, 01:04 AM
"the usual. I got fed up with the noise and I wanted a ride on Namarie anyway, so I got up and left. since when was there a kingdom of Writewraiths in ME?"

12-03-2002, 01:38 AM
I shrugged. "Well, since now, I suppose. But that's one of the things I'm wondering about. See, if we're our characters, and only our characters, there shouldn't be a Kingdom of Writewraiths. Some of us should be royalty, but we shouldn't have our OWN kingdom. Therefore, I can only conclude that we are TEMPORARILY our characters, or else we've made them take on yet another role."

12-03-2002, 01:15 PM
"Hey! Wait up!" I, Rhia, cried. Donalwe, my horse, had wandered off. (ooc: I am getting confused!)

Ms. Undomial
12-03-2002, 01:18 PM
ooc: What are you getting confused with?

12-03-2002, 01:24 PM
ooc: Why must you leave me out of everything!!! I am going to sulk in a corner if nobody else cares about my carachters!!!!:mad:

12-03-2002, 01:25 PM
ooc: I'm not sure who's talking in the story. Sorry, zavron or what your character's name is.

12-03-2002, 01:36 PM
ooc: You're right, Zavron, it looks as thought we should all be in Bree, but everyone seems to be sleeping outside, anyway! :confused: *bangs head with 2 by 2* well, come on back in, I'll try not to leave you out this time!

ic: Alasse has a great deal better intuition than I do, I thought, AND she definitely wasn't me. So I'm me, not her, and I want to keep thinking like myself. I was rather stubborn on that point. I wasn't Alasse, I was Katharine Welsh, I might have to take on Alasse's role, here, but I was NOT her.

12-03-2002, 01:54 PM
''I think we should not go to any of our adventures or tasks that are in ou R.P.G's I believe there is more to this then we know, There must be someone in Middle-Earth that brought us here, We should find whoever..or whatever brought us here.''

12-03-2002, 02:07 PM
I jumped back as David McCartney appeared out of nowhere. But I had to agree with what he had said, at least in part. "Wise words, Zavron. There is definitely more to this than it seems,"

<Does this work with you? You seem to be the only other person trying to actually think things through around here, and not just as your character would! I would like to speak with you, then.>

Ms. Undomial
12-03-2002, 04:43 PM
ooc: What exactly do you want us to do now??

12-03-2002, 04:46 PM
ooc: I think Kathie, Rose, and David are supposed to discuss theories on why they are in ME and what to do about it.

Ms. Undomial
12-03-2002, 04:50 PM
ooc: ok, but Zavron isn't here. what are we supposed to do?

12-03-2002, 05:03 PM
ooc: Then I guess Katharine and Rose start the discussion, and Zavron (David) can come in whenever he likes.:)

12-03-2002, 05:09 PM
ooc: what am I supposed to do?

12-03-2002, 05:13 PM
ooc: Guess you can join the discussion!

Fred Baggins
12-03-2002, 07:44 PM
I stood up, still unable to sleep. Ok, so this was one of the not so good parts of Fran. I wandered around for awhile, throwing rocks at trees, to make sure Merry didn't follow me. He never followed Bell when she threw rocks...for that matter no one follows a hobbit when they throw rocks. I eventually came up to the new gathering place, and since I wasn't watching what I was doing almost knocked Alasse in the head with it. I sighed. "Sorry Alasse, guess I wasn't watching what I was doing."

12-03-2002, 07:48 PM
"It's okay, Fran," I said, "we've all just decided that since we can't sleep, we'll talk here."

<Talk about how we got here and why, and what we should do now. I think most of us can mind message, but we should speak aloud, too, about other issues. It will look odd if we're all just staring at each other!>

12-03-2002, 07:53 PM
I went to a nearby grove of trees, and climbed up one. Andodulin flew over, and sat on a branch. He "spoke" to me in bird.*

What? no insults, no nagging? You surly have changed Lubyla, I must say. The others seem to be having a meeting, why do you not go and join?

I go not where I am not wanted. Beside, I know them not, and I do not trust what I do not know. Please Andodulin, walk in your other form for now.

As you wish*In a few seconds, the elf Andodulin sat in the tree next to her.* Better?

Fred Baggins
12-03-2002, 07:57 PM
"O" I sat down, folding my cloak over my head, another thing very common to Bell I'm afraid. Perhaps that's why I was so glummy to. I had to get myself out of this slump! I had to figure something out! I found myself digging in my pack, and pulling out a notepad, then writing down every thought that entered my head. Kathie looked at me a bit worried. Faith, me, I always write down my thoughts, when I am trying to figure out what to do, or when I'm worried, or both. Don't ask why or how it started, cause I've done it all my life. I heard once that nothing bad ever happens to a writer because it's always material, and for me that was true. I carefully read over what I had wrote, then wrote some more.

12-03-2002, 07:58 PM
<I'm not sure that Star can receive mind messages; I tried to send one earlier, and she didn't respond. That worries me a little. She's the one acting most like her character, and something her character can do, she possibly can't?!>

"So we leave at dawn," I said, "Very well. And Zavron, don't raise any more storms for now, please."

12-03-2002, 08:17 PM
ooc: Ok, I am going to try something, if you guys dont like it, I can change the whole thing, it was just an idea that poped into my head, and I was taught to say "yes" to every creative idea. So here it goes:

Did one of the girls try to send you a message?

Yes, but you know me, I do not respond well. It is hard trying to act like one of them, though I was amongst them for quite some time I must say. We need them, our land needs them, they were the chosen ones, I could feel it when we were...what is it called...er...Role Playing? I belive that is it! Well, I do hope they dont go off, or figure us out.

You almost gave us away earlier, but covered it with the Ithilsila trick.

Yes, now, I wish you to fly to their meeting, for I need to know what I am dealing with.

As you wish*With that he turned into a bird, and flew off to the group, landing in the middle.*

12-03-2002, 08:23 PM
ooc: I like it!:D

ic: Then Andodulin flew into our midst, and I almost fell off Ellaire. I, of course, was somewhat wary of the "bird," but managed to hide most of my surprise at his coming, remembering that Alasse didn't know anything about him.
<I wish I were Primrose and not Alasse, then I could be part of the Link> I told Faith.

12-03-2002, 08:25 PM
*I opened my compact, and gazed upon thier meeting.* Hum, he must ALWAYS make an entrance, musant he?

Fred Baggins
12-03-2002, 08:33 PM

ic: "ANDODULIN!" I ran up to the bird, and nearly strangled him, forgetting about my notebook left on the ground. "Andodulin! I know you! Of course I do!"I giggled, yep, I was back to myself, if not a bit more disillusioned...I did not see Kathie pick up the note book and read throught it quickly, until I turned around again. I saw her and got mad snatching the book from her.
"How dare you read my personal things! How dare you-you THREATEN me!"
Alasse looked confused. <But you always let me read your book...>
<Well, I guess not anymore. It-it has things in it I don't want you to know...> I Held the book close to me, as though I would die if she read it.

12-03-2002, 08:43 PM
Andodulin looked my way, as he wobbled around, trying to catch his breath. I only laughed, but my laughter was too loud, for they all heard it.

12-03-2002, 08:52 PM
From far off, I heard Star laugh. I was too busy thinking about what Fra-Faith had said.

I REALLY wish I were Primrose...

They say that at that moment, I disappeared. Where I went, I'll never know, but the next thing I knew, I was hurtling down through space again...and there, in the midst of the words, sat Faith, Rose, David -- and an elven-looking person who could only be Alasse. And all of them, save Faith, now towered over me.

12-03-2002, 08:56 PM
*I walked over* Dash it all! The spell went wrong! *I sat down in the grass, as Andodulin walked over, and in bird, spoke*

Nice way to blow your cover Lu, best hope none of them heard you.

Fred Baggins
12-03-2002, 09:07 PM
I followed my ears, to the place I had heard it. "Star-I mean Lubyla? Why don't you join us? O, and I'm sorry Andodulin, I just-it just...I mean..."I couldn't find the wrods to make myself understand what I meant, much less Star and Andy. I shrugged and went back to the rest, and noticed there was another hobbit, and that Alasse looked a little...strange...

12-03-2002, 09:09 PM
Alright, I shall come*I walked over and sat in the grass, as many a tmes I do.* So what have you all figured out? Anything yet?

12-03-2002, 09:14 PM
<I was afraid something like this could happen!>

Alasse looked very confused.

"Hello Alasse, I'm Primrose Brandybuck," I said, hoping I was right about my guess, "do you remember me?"

Alasse nodded. "I just had the strangest dream. Or was it a dream?"

<Who are you, truly?> she asked. <I have been transported into another dimension before, and believe it may have happened again.>

I frowned slightly.

<What was it like, Alasse?>

12-03-2002, 09:17 PM
*I laughed* perhaps it DID work*I said aloud*

Fred Baggins
12-03-2002, 09:18 PM
I tried something on a hunch. <Primrose, is that you? How did you get here, travel from Bree? Do you know them?> I motioned to the others when I asked if she knew them.

12-03-2002, 09:22 PM
*hits Lubyla with his wing*Nice going genius.

O Andodulin, you dont believe they are THAT stupid, do you? They would have found out sooner or later.

12-03-2002, 09:27 PM
<I am Kathie.> I said, hoping that Cyrell's mind link, which allowed no one to eavesdrop on our mind messages, would work. <I don't know what happened, but I need to figure it out!>

Alasse seemed to know that something serious was going on, and spoke directly into my mind.

<I went, or dreamed that I went, to another place, which was not Middle Earth, I believe it was called a "school"...> she went on to describe what could only have been Walker High, how the teacher yelled at her (addressing her as "Welsh") and a girl they called Faith Lowe for being on Entmoot, how the class was talking about something they called a power outtage, and how this "Faith" had claimed that she was actually Belladona Gamgee.

I knew it was safe to tell the truth.

<Alasse, I am Katharine Welsh.>

Fred Baggins
12-03-2002, 09:31 PM
I heard it, and although was very lost was also very panicked. "Wait a minuet. You mean Fran is in my body getting yelled at by my teacher. Not good, not good at all! She'll kill her! I mean Fran will kill the teacher. She doesn't like people accusing her and yelling at her!" Only to late did I relize I said all this out loud. Opps.<Opps. Wait you're Kathie? But how! wait...think I'm understanding...>

12-03-2002, 09:32 PM
Andodulin looked at me

Ok, so maybe it didn't work. WHY DO I ALWAYS GOOF UP THE SPELLS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!* At this point, every one was looking at me.* Did I say that out loud?

12-03-2002, 09:37 PM
<Yeah, fun, isn't it! If we're them, they're us! If we ever get back, people are going to try to give you professional help, Faith! Probably me as well, because Primrose will be in MY place! Oh, at least Primrose already knew about this, she can hear your mind messages, remember?>

I sighed.

<You and I don't belong in Middle Earth. Only our characters do. If we can't get home, or get our bodies here, soon we will no longer be ourselves. Don't you see? I love Primrose and Alasse both, and I put much of what I wanted to be in them. But I'm still Katharine Alina Welsh!>

12-03-2002, 09:40 PM
*I stood up* You...I mean we... cannot go home, not yet anyway. For they shall not cause too much havok in the other world...I hope. You see...you.er..we were sent here, to help me- Middle Earth

12-03-2002, 09:43 PM
ooc: Reminder: you shouldn't be able to hear us unless we purposely include you -- which we did, but remember that.:D

Fred Baggins
12-03-2002, 09:43 PM
<She'll kill her! They'll make me have therpy for another year! I hate that wacko! He has serious issues! And I don't mind being here, I'd just rather be me, and not Fran. The weirdo's nuts! He needs therpy himself! Ergh!> Spells...spells...that's right Star's character is magical! This was to much, I needed rest! I had to get back home! I went back to the camp, and read over my notebook, carefully reading, and rereading what I had wrote. Then, joyful occasion!, I found something that would, help, something that could eventually get us all back home! Well that is...the rest of the Writewraiths.

12-03-2002, 09:48 PM
ooc: oops, sorry :D My bad

Well, I sure am tired, aren't you, lets all go back t camp, for the sun shall rise soon, and we must make haste, Who wants food?*I was trying to cover up for my little...mistake*

Fred Baggins
12-03-2002, 09:53 PM
I got up and began to dance for joy! I yelled out a verse from my favorite poem.
"'And hast thou slain the Jabber Wock?
Come to my arms my beamish boy!
O Frabjous Day! Callo! Calay!'
He chortled in his joy."

And the rest came over staring at me. I sat down, muttering something about being sick and lay down.

12-03-2002, 10:18 PM
*I looked nervously around. I hoped that no one was watching, as I took out my compact, and gazed into it.*

12-03-2002, 10:38 PM
<I don't think I'll be going back> I said sadly, letting Lubyla in on the link. <In fact, I'm almost certain I won't.>

I'm having a "knowing," like my characters. Why?! And why was I the only one fighting the change?

Star had given in right away, if she'd EVER been from our world, and I had my doubts. I was beginning to suspect 'Star' had sent us all here in the first place!

Rose and David were well on their way to becoming their characters, and even Faith was succumbing, As for me, this was probably having an effect on me, too, but I'm incredibly stubborn, so I could perhaps resist longer.

But what about Rhia? She'd never had a character in the first place, yet she was from our world, and she was here. Maybe Rhiannon Davies held part of the solution to our problems.

Fred Baggins
12-03-2002, 11:02 PM
<Why Kathie? Why won't you be comming? You have to come back home.> I spoke as though I was home already, though I knew wasn't.

12-03-2002, 11:06 PM
*I listened to thier conversation, and looked at Andodulin* Do you believe they know?

I dont think they ALL know, but I think at least some

Do you think it will be ok...to tell them?

Not right now

12-03-2002, 11:10 PM
<I don't know why I won't. I just have a feeling that ... Middle Earth is the place I will spend the rest of my days.> I hesitated, wondering if I should tell Faith what I suspected about "Starlight." I decided I should confide in my best friend, even if she WAS becoming Fran.

<I think it's possible that Starlight sent us all here, that she was REALLY Lubyla> I told Faith.

<I'm going to put my hunch into play, but slowly and carefully, I don't want to upset Star if I'm wrong.>

Alasse smiled at me, finally overcoming her confusion.

<So you are Kathie. You and Cyrell, Fran and Merry have a mind link, right?>

I looked up at her, startled.

<You left an RPG thread up for all to see, Katharine! I did find out many things about Primrose Brandybuck which others do not know.>

12-03-2002, 11:13 PM
*I walked over to where everone was, rying to act like Starlight would, and saw no one speek* What, has the warg caught yer tounge?

12-03-2002, 11:19 PM
"No, not the warg, might be Zavron, I think," I said.

<We all learned a lot here, especially Star, right Lubyla?> I asked. I intended to watch her reactions carefully, to see if my suspicions were just.

Fred Baggins
12-03-2002, 11:22 PM
Merry seemed to growl a "Very funny."

I sat silent, and Freddy woke up. "Oi, what's goin' on! Who're all these people Fran?" I rolled my eyes, and set to explaining. "Well, that's Alasse, that's Primrose, you know her, that's Losiwellen, that's Zavron, and I'm not sure I know the rest, and then of course that's Lubyla, you know her to.

12-03-2002, 11:23 PM
*I looked at her, and gave a grin* <Tis true we have learned a lot, and are to learn very much>

12-03-2002, 11:26 PM
Then a little fox came trotting up, and I knew that he was Cyrell.

<Yes I heard the whole thing Kathie.> he said before I could ask.

<Don't try to explain anything. I think you ARE supposed to stay, and maybe even stay as Primrose. Because you -- had to help another person, in something that, for you, went wrong. You stayed too long. You lost your memory completely, the other came close.>

12-03-2002, 11:29 PM
I mumbled something quite intelligent, like "Huh?"
<I'll explain later.> said Cyrell. <Or perhaps you'll figure it out on your own, for you were more clever and -- deductive -- than you gave yourself credit for.>

12-03-2002, 11:31 PM
Well, what are we to do today, why dont we all truely introduce ourselves, so as we know who we are, since we know eachother from the...er...internet, thats it!

Fred Baggins
12-03-2002, 11:33 PM
Freddy looked a little more than confusilated. "What's the "Internet"?"

12-03-2002, 11:36 PM
"It's an inn where we all met -- oh, but you weren't there, I forgot," I said quickly.

Fred Baggins
12-03-2002, 11:40 PM
This was to wierd for me. I couldn't take it. Not only did I know that wasn't Star, but I knew that it wasn't the girl I had known on the Internet. She had been a good-no a best friend to me. This wasn't her. I wasn't.

12-03-2002, 11:41 PM
Well, if you dont want to...I mean...welll...you know...just...O FORGET IT!!!! I NEED PEACE!!*I started to walk over to Ithilsila*

12-03-2002, 11:46 PM
<Let's talk, Lubyla Greenleaf,> I said. <I know that you are not who you claim to be, but who you seem to be.>

If she WAS Star, she shouldn't know that this wasn't simply my character, being cryptic. As far as Starlight Adams should know, I was still Alasse!

12-03-2002, 11:47 PM
<Huh? What are you talking about?>

Fred Baggins
12-03-2002, 11:48 PM
Very well LUBYLA, I shall introduce myself then. I am Faith Lowe, spelled L-O-W-E. *i got a strange look from Freddy and relized is was introducing myself wrong.* HAHA! Gotcha! Erm...I'm Bella- Er...Fran Gamgee, daughter of Tolman Gamgee son of Samwise Gamgee.

12-03-2002, 11:50 PM
*I looked at her* Ok, who next?*I said with a fake grin, trying to seem a bit...er...carefree*

12-03-2002, 11:52 PM
Lubyla's reply rang false, somehow. It should've proved, to my satisfaction, that this was Starlight Adams. But ... Star would know to use a Middle Earth dialect with someone from Middle Earth, as she would've thought I was.

<You know who I am, then?>

12-03-2002, 11:54 PM
<What doyou mean? I dont know any of you really>*I was playing dumb, to see if I could throw them off my track, which I thought I had, for they would have taken me aside if they knew anything.*

12-03-2002, 11:58 PM
ooc: You're playing a little TOO dumb...

<So you DO know more than you're claiming to know! I KNOW, for a fact, that something is going on. Because unless you had something to do with our coming here-- something no innocent Writewraith should've -- you would have said you DID know me. You would simply have thought I was Primrose Brandybuck, friend of Lubyla.>

12-04-2002, 12:00 AM
<Just do not tell the others what you know.>*I smiled and walked into the forest*

12-04-2002, 12:06 AM
I nodded. Primrose never disobeys a direct command from Lubyla ... no! Suddenly I caught myself, remembering not to act as my character. This command, though, I would follow. Unless Lubyla gave me a reason not to.

<I'm not Primrose, I'm Kathie,> I told Cyrell.


<So I wasn't Primrose, eh?> I asked.<Why can't Faith and Merry hear us?>

<There's no four-way mindlink here and now, Faith isn't Fran, and you aren't Primrose.>

<Then why can *I* hear you?>

<Because you're my best friend.>

<But you just said I wasn't Primrose!?>


<Oh, you're no help...> I turned away from the confusing fox, scowling.

12-04-2002, 12:09 AM
After a molment alone, I walked back to camp, as Starlight, or as Starlight as I could be. It was easy to type things on the computer, harder to act them out in real.*

12-04-2002, 12:51 AM
This was starting to feel like Twenty Questions! I thought for a few minutes, trying to figure out how to phrase my next questions to Cyrell.

<Am I originally from Middle Earth?>


<Have I ever written about myself in the RPGs?>

<No. Ah, now you're catching on! Didn't you notice that rather than you becoming more like the character, your own personality has shown through more and more?>

I stared. He was right. Now that I thought of it, I wasn't acting the way I usually did -- but I wasn't acting like Primrose, either.

<Please just tell me what this is about!>

<Primrose Brandybuck... shouldn't be here. You're more like Alasse than Primrose, though you are not her, either. That's all I can tell you, Katharine.> said Cyrell.

Why did that make me feel like crying? I'd always known Primrose didn't exist! Now things were getting even more confusing, and Cyrell wouldn't even help me!

12-04-2002, 02:11 AM
ooc: Sorry, I know it's a bit confusalating at the moment, the Kathie/Cyrell talks. I had an idea, so of course I had to follow it!

ooc: Edit, not quote, Silver!

12-04-2002, 01:34 PM
During all this, Rhiannon Davies was waching quietly from behind, contemplating what was happening. Her mind was wandering. She was wondering why she was here, in Middle-Earth.

12-04-2002, 02:02 PM
I walked a ways and nearly collided with Rhiannon Davies.

"Oh, hello. Looks like none of us Writewraiths could sleep!"

I laughed a little in spite of myself.

12-04-2002, 02:34 PM
ooc: what's your ME name? I forgot.

"I was wondering how I got here and why?" Rhia asked, "How did you get here?"(ooc: can I use third person?)

12-04-2002, 02:51 PM
ooc: Sure, go ahead and use third person.:)

ic: <You can do this, right? It's safer not to speak of these things out loud.>

12-04-2002, 03:37 PM
Rhia: <I can mind message.>

<Okay. Faith and I were at school, in computer class, and we were supposed to get on the internet and go to these school-related sites. But Faith went to Entmoot instead, to a thread called Writewraiths, and posted a message, and next thing I knew, we were hovering in midair and then we, um, landed here. WHY we're here, I don't know.>

Ms. Undomial
12-04-2002, 05:43 PM
I walked up to Alasse, (I still thought that she was Katharine) and said: "Hello Kathie. How are you doing?" She gave me a really weird look and said:

Fred Baggins
12-04-2002, 05:54 PM
<Kathie, that's NOT Star. I know you know that, but I have Proof! I knew Star, way back when, before I moved to America. She was my best friend, when I lived in IRELAND. I've kept in touch with her ever since, and if she had moved to New Zealand I would have known, she is after all my best friend. That's Lubyla, NOT Starlight.> I know that it wasn't much proof, but it was true. Before I moved to America, when I was in third grade, before my famly dis-Star had been my best friend. She would have told me if she moved. Lubyla's mistake.

12-04-2002, 06:08 PM
<I know she's not Star. Yes, in fact she basically admitted it to me, after I'd guessed.>

"I'm not 'Kathie,' Losillewen, I'm--" then Alasse realized that this could be another person from the other world. <Or ARE you Losillewen?> Alasse had hoped that Losillewen had returned with her when she'd come back to Middle Earth; she needed someone to confide in.

Ms. Undomial
12-04-2002, 06:15 PM
She wasn't Kathie? then who was? I had to go talk to Fran imedeitly! "I am Rosie, you are the real Alasse??"

12-04-2002, 06:19 PM
"Yes, I am Alasse, and the one you call "Kathie...'" <It is best not to speak aloud of such things. Yes, I know of the Writewraiths, I believe the one called Katharine Welsh, is now a hobbit, being called "Primrose." > She was worried; they had to get the real Losillewen back!

Ms. Undomial
12-04-2002, 06:22 PM
<How do YOU know of the writewraiths? do you how we got here?>

12-04-2002, 06:29 PM
<I know of the Writewraiths because I was in your world for a time, and because ... but it is a long tale, and you may not wish to hear it now. As for how you got here, I cannot say.>

Ms. Undomial
12-04-2002, 06:32 PM
I excused my self from Alasse and I went to Primrose. "Primrose Brandybuck!! will you please tell me what is going on??"

12-04-2002, 06:42 PM
I am sorry all, I am just a bit...er...faint. It must be the trip and the new climate.*I laughed a bit, hoping my plan was full proof.* Primrose, may I have a word, alone?

12-04-2002, 06:43 PM
<Not Primrose Brandybuck, she's never existed. Katharine Welsh. And I know little more of what's going on than you do. Cyrell won't help, but he knows more than he'll tell me.>

Since I was upset, I had launched into a half-explanation of what had happened, probably confusing Rose very much.

<Cyrell says I'm originally from Middle Earth, but he won't tell me ANYTHING else! Trying to get information from anyone around here is useless.>

12-04-2002, 06:45 PM
Then "Star" called.

"All right, Lubyla."

12-04-2002, 06:47 PM
*We walked into the grove of trees, and I sharply turned around* Who knows? *Primrose seemed a bit confused* Who knows who I am?

ooc:silver, if you want me to change the bit from you, just tell me. That goes for all the times for anyone if you dont like what I type, nicely tell me, and I will change it.

12-04-2002, 06:52 PM
"I think ... Faith knows, but the others don't," I said slowly, "But I have a question for you: why does everyone here -- but me -- seem to know who I really am?"

ooc: I (Silver) know, I DO have a plan! :D

12-04-2002, 07:07 PM
Faith knows*I didnt look surprised* It doesn't surprise me.As for you...well...I know not, for you should still know, as I didn't screw up the spell THAT much.

12-05-2002, 01:33 AM
<Cyrell tells me ... that I am originally from Middle Earth, but refuses to say much more on the matter. Do you know what he's talking about?>

12-05-2002, 01:17 PM
ooc: Where is my carachter?

12-05-2002, 01:18 PM
ooc: Back with the other Writewraiths (minus Kathie, who's talking to Lubyla) and Alasse and Freddy.

12-05-2002, 03:24 PM
ooc: ok, I'll go with them!

12-05-2002, 06:26 PM
I know of this not, for I remember little of the past, when Primrose was here anyway, but let us leave that for another discussion.

12-05-2002, 06:36 PM
Now I was very confused. I believed Lubyla didn't know what Cyrell had been talking about, but something was bothering me.

<Does, or did, Primrose Brandybuck, live in Middle Earth? Cyrell says she shouldn't be here. Why?>

Alasse returned to find Losillewen/Rose, for she had confided in Losillewen, Cyrell, and her husband alone, and she could not now speak to Cyrell, nor was her husband close enough to speak with. Alasse now felt that she could trust Rose as she could Losillewen, and decided to tell Rose what she had told Losi'.

12-05-2002, 06:39 PM
Nay, I cannot say, for I do not remember. Though you shall learn in time.

In the distance, the clip clap of horse hoves could be herd.

Fred Baggins
12-05-2002, 08:07 PM
I heard the hoofsteps from a far, in fact before anyone else, except Merry, heard them. I left the others, un-noticed, deciding to meet this newcomer, before the rest, for I felt there was something else about her...something different.

12-05-2002, 08:11 PM
A young girl, of no more than 15, rode up on a chestnut brown horse,her blonde braids bouncing as she rode. She hummed a very annoying tune, (the song that never ends), and stopped when she spotted Fran/ Faith.

"Hullo, I haven't seen you in these parts before, Who are you?

Fred Baggins
12-05-2002, 08:14 PM
I looked at her, smiling at the memory of the song. "Fran Gamgee, of the Night Sky, and you are...?" She looked oddly framialr, and acted so.

12-05-2002, 08:18 PM
I am Starletta of Rohan. *her eyes showed a bright blue, and she smiled sweetly* It is odd what has been happening lately.

Fred Baggins
12-05-2002, 08:35 PM
"You can say that agian! One minuet I'm at chool with Ms. Brat, and the next-did you say Starletta? Starletta of Rohan?" Starletta was a character that Star had been working on for awhile. She had stopped telling me about it when our cooresspondents lessened for a couple months, then never mentioned her again. I though since Starletta was jsut an idea, she wouldn't excist.

12-05-2002, 08:38 PM
School? I remember making something up in my past, when I was younger, about a place where you go and earn from teachers. I didn't know this place was real.

Fred Baggins
12-05-2002, 08:43 PM
Well, of course it's real. Why, Back in-in the Shire we had to go to school everyday!(Make a certain something happen to Faith now pwease Lubyla? Nothings happening, and I can't think of anything...wait no not yet.)

12-05-2002, 08:49 PM
Lubyla started walking back to the others, hoping no one had noticed her absence.

The Shire, I have never been there, what does it look like, are there other hobbits aroud here? I had a friend once, she was my best friend, who was a hobbit, though she may have been as imaginary as everything else I remember.*hangs her head*

Fred Baggins
12-05-2002, 09:23 PM
Of course there are hobbits in the Shire! That is where all hobbits live.

12-05-2002, 09:24 PM
No, I mean around these parts, where we are. I want to find my old best friend, if she exists.

Fred Baggins
12-05-2002, 09:28 PM
Do you remember her name?

Ms. Undomial
12-06-2002, 01:34 PM
ic: I started walking in no perticular direction when I ran into Alasse. "Hello." I said "What are you doing?"

12-06-2002, 01:36 PM
ooc: Where should I go?

Ms. Undomial
12-06-2002, 01:41 PM
ooc; I dunno.

12-06-2002, 01:45 PM
"Hello, Losillewen! I have something to tell you," said Alasse, <which is of great importance.>

Ms. Undomial
12-06-2002, 01:47 PM
<uh, I am not quite Losillewen. but, you can tell me what you want.>

12-06-2002, 04:44 PM
Alasse laughed. <Indeed, I am quite aware that you are not Losillewen! I do know I can trust you as I would her. It's about one of your companions. I believe you call her Katharine Welsh.>

Ms. Undomial
12-06-2002, 04:49 PM
<oh, you mean the one that is Primrose right now? yes I know her.>

12-06-2002, 04:53 PM
Alasse sighed. <That she is Primrose worries me, and I will explain why later. The first thing you must understand about her is that she is not actually Katharine Welsh, though SHE thinks she is.>

12-06-2002, 05:15 PM
Unknown to Alasse or Rose, David McCartney was standing near, and the telepathic Writewraith could hear every word of the conversation, spoken and unspoken.

ooc: But he's the only one!:D

12-06-2002, 06:17 PM
*looks at her with sad eyes* I do not know. I don't remember, for if I did, it would make the whole thing simpler.

Fred Baggins
12-06-2002, 07:34 PM
I sighed."Well there is one other here, Primrose Brandybuck. I wake you to see her, if you like."

12-06-2002, 08:15 PM
I went to find Faith, because whenever something just gets to confusing for me, I talk to my best friend about it. When I found her, she was talking to another girl, who, while she wasn't a Writewraith, seemed somehow different than Lubyla, Andodulin, Freddy, and the other ones from Middle Earth.

"Oh, hello, Fran."

Fred Baggins
12-06-2002, 08:20 PM
Hello, Ms. Brandybuck. This is Starletta of Rohan. <Starletta was an inkling of an idea that the real Star had begun. I'm surprised she exists.>

12-06-2002, 08:27 PM
<Faith, we've all become people we supposedly made up, and if Lubyla was in our world, was Star in Middle Earth? And if Star wasn't Lubyla, she must have been this Starletta ... right?>

Fred Baggins
12-06-2002, 08:36 PM
<No...no, because Star dissappeard long before she became a Writewraith.>

Kathie looked strangly at her, and noticed she is playing with something, uncommon to Fran, but very common to Faith. It is an old watch, the kind that doesn't use batteries, that you just wind up.(ooc:And those went out of fashion because...?) ,What do you mean dissapeard?>

<She dissapeard...just like my parents, except SHE came back...I thought. She was gone a long time, for several months, even her parent's didn't truly know where she was. Then she just showed up again, and besides, Starletta can't even remember her past.>

12-06-2002, 08:51 PM
<But if Star didn't really come back, maybe she's still here somewhere!>

Fred Baggins
12-06-2002, 09:33 PM
Suddenly I relized something. I excused myself to "Releive" myself. When done, I noticed another hobbit not far off. She was asleep, and I woke her up, for she should not have been by herself. When she woke up she looked around widly.
"Where am I, what day is it!"
I told her and she really began to panic.
"I must go! I have to deliver this message to the Empress befor nightfall!"
'What empress?"
"Are you dense! Do you know of any other Empress in middle-Earth besides the Empress of the Writewraiths?!"
She turned around and seemed to dissapper into the blue. I turned around to go back when my angel appeared. My gardian(sp) Angel, who rescued me back home in Ireland, who I modeled Fran after. My angel wore a white dress, and was the size of a child. And a light shone as though she really did where the light of Erindiel(sp). But I only saw a glimps of her, a brief glimmer, then she to dissappeared.

12-06-2002, 09:59 PM
If you do not mind, please speek when you are around me, for I cannot mind message, as you can. As I have said before, I remember little of my past, before I was adopted I mean.

12-06-2002, 10:05 PM
"I'm sorry. My friend and I were wondering if your past could have...something to do with us." I smiled at Starletta. "You see, we, too, have memories that would seem odd here."

<Katharine Welsh!> I heard Cyrell call my name.

"I have to go find a friend of mine. Will you come with me, please?" I asked Starletta.

(Faith had not yet returned)

12-06-2002, 10:16 PM
Alright, perhaps I shall find a clue of who I'm looking for.

Fred Baggins
12-06-2002, 10:21 PM
I walked back to them, a little dazed. Could I have just seen who I though I saw, and what I thought I saw...? Kathie noticed my strangness.

12-06-2002, 10:21 PM
"Then come with me." I went to find the fox, hoping he'd called to explain more to me.

12-06-2002, 10:24 PM
On the way, we met Faith. I noticed that something odd was going on with her, but motioned for her to come along and kept walking.
<What happened, Faith?>

Fred Baggins
12-06-2002, 10:31 PM
<The oddest thing just happened...first there was this hobbit talking about an empress of writewraiths, and she disappeard, then I saw my angel and SHE disappeard>

12-06-2002, 10:33 PM
<Really?! That's weird. Kingdom of Writewraiths, Empress of Writewraiths, me being originally from Middle Earth-->

I cut off abruptly. I hadn't really meant to tell Faith that yet!

Fred Baggins
12-06-2002, 10:36 PM
<WHAT! Your from Middle-earth! But how! I've known you since thrid grade when I came to America! I can't be from Middle-earth! You can't!> What did she mean!? I just didn't get it! She couldn't possibly! I didn't wait for an answer, instead I just left, not knowing for sure where I went, and hoping I wouldn't be followed, as that is what tends to happen to my characters.