View Full Version : Writewraiths in Middle Earth
12-26-2002, 03:14 PM
At Swift's statement, I grinned (a wargish, not human, expression).
'Aye, I know my friend wasn't afraid, Swift, but the question is, who was she looking FOR? No, I'm not worrying, Swift, not yet. I know Faith would be doing something important, and it may mean trouble -- or it may not. I'd just like to know what happened, and then I can decide what to do about it!'
Adrian Baggins
12-26-2002, 03:18 PM
On my way back to the others I changed back to wizard for and found Faith standing there talking to a white warg.
'Come let us go back to the others,' Swift said to Rraella. 'Yes lets,' she replied.
(sorry I just needed to answer for you that one time)
12-26-2002, 03:39 PM
Swift, Hunter, and I made our way back to the rest of the Writewraiths. There, in the center of everything, was Faith, and a white warg... 'Snowstorm! Sister!' I cried in delight. 'Ah, Snowstorm, it has been long since I've seen you!'
'Aye, too long, and I'm afraid I'll have to leave you again soon, Sister. I stay only to deliver a message to the Empress of Writewraiths, or to her friend.'
<What is the message?>
Adrian Baggins
12-26-2002, 04:04 PM
"What happened Adi?" Calliman(Brandon) asked when I got back. "I don't know. I think I shifted," I told him catching my breath for I had ran back to check to make sure nothing was wrong. "Shifted? Into what a wolf?" Celrond(Bobby) questioned prying into my bussiness."Yes Celrond, a wolf," I answered as I shifted again, this time into a hobbit.
Adrian Baggins
12-26-2002, 05:32 PM
"Oh this is great another shift form. I can't even control what and when I change into something! Luckilly I think this is my last form. Now I can learn to control it," I said exasperatedly sitting down. "It's not that bad Adi," Grace said sitting down beside me, "I mean it could be worse I mean you could have one more form...," as she said this I changed into an elf."So I was wrong this is my last form." Calliman and Celrond sat down beside Grace and I while Swift, Rraella and Hunter came walking back and Faith stood talking to a white warg.
"Yes Hunter for the hundredth time I understood you the first time you spoke, do not fear my mistress she will not harm you unless you harm me or one of her friends," I heard Swift say and was startled till I realized I could understand him because he was my friend an I could shift into a wolf. "I still don't like her," Hunter said.
12-27-2002, 12:25 PM
'And, Swift, you still haven't answered my question. You admit that your mistress is not one of us, yet she can still transform into a wolf. Why? And who is she, really?'
<The hour is come! Before, you were hidden from the eyes of this world; now you may be clearly seen. Danger has come, but is not for you to fear, and the hunter does not seek to harm his prey. Empress, go to your kingdom with your friends. You will find that you know the way.> Snowstorm paused. 'And that's the entire message, Ca-Rraella. I must go; it was good to see you again!' The white warg ran into the distance.
ooc: In case anyone's getting confused, no, Calien's "brothers" and "sisters" are not blood kin.
Adrian Baggins
12-27-2002, 12:42 PM
'I do not know. This question must be answered by the Emperess,' Swift told Hunter walking over to me and laying down, 'All I know is she is my mistress and I serve her loyally.' "Thanks Swift, for standing up for me," I wispered grateful he did not let Hunter get into the frame of mind that I was not good in all.'Don't mention it. It is my job, Princess,' he muttered saying princess so that none could here. The bad thing was that Hunter read his lips. 'Princess? Princess!? Swift did you just call her Princess!?' Hunter exclaimed looking at him in suprise and anger.
12-27-2002, 01:18 PM
'She's not the Empress, Hunter,' I said quickly, 'if that's what you're thinking.'
'Then you know who is?'
'Who is the Empress, then?'
Opening the Link to Hunter alone, I said, <I am.>
Hunter growled softly. <Then I am loyal to you forever. Or did you not guess why I was seeking the Empress? In a dream I saw that the Empress was coming, the Empress of a people called the Writewraiths, and she would be a wise and fair ruler. This I saw, too: that I would be a leader of her forces, the first to join her great army.>
Adrian Baggins
12-27-2002, 01:30 PM
'You thought she was the Emperess didn't you Hunter,' Swift said, 'No I knew she was not, She is Princess of a different race though I know not which one. Only the Emperess will know. I had my suspicions about the Emperess because of this dream I had. This dream said that the Emperess would posess the power to shift without being a shifter. It said she would be a werewolf.'
12-27-2002, 01:47 PM
ooc: Adrian, please read the last few pages again. Calien isn't exactly a werewolf! She IS a type of shifter, but not the *same* type as your character.
Adrian Baggins
12-27-2002, 01:51 PM
Sorry Swift didn't know. Besides you call yourself a werewolf to Faith
12-27-2002, 02:01 PM
ooc: Actually, I was saying it was a bit LIKE the stories of werewolves. But that's okay. It IS somewhat like being a werewolf...but not exactly. :)
ic: <We must seek the kingdom of Writewraiths.> I told Hunter and Faith. <I know the way. The others may come with us or stay, but I know I have to go there.>
Fred Baggins
12-27-2002, 02:31 PM
I panicked. Why had Ileft my friend, I couldn't remember. I remember thinking that she was going to be very dangerous, that only a warg could stop her. I was a hobbit! Not a warg, so why did she think i could help. then, one thought entered my mind, and it is all I could remember. I ran back, rushing for my backpack. 'Still be in there please!'I prayed. I looked around and pulled it out...the elvish blade(Glamdring, but she doesn't know yet.) Buddy was there. "Let me go back Buddy, please."
"No wizard, I can not let you. If she hurt you, so soon after your arrivel your powers would be lost." Every one else heard him say 'wizard' Lubyla glared at me, and Starletta kinda gawked. I myself, must have have been qawking as well.
"What do you mean wizard. I'm no wizard."
"You hold Gandalf the Grey's powers. There is no other way you would be able to control me the way you do."
I would have argued, but at that moment a white warg ran up to me. 'You are a friend to the Empress?'
I tried to make my mind shift gears. 'Um....I think...yes I am.'
'I have a message to be delivered.'
(I'm lazy and assuming at this point you are still a warg Kathie.) Another silver warg ran up and exchaged words with the White one. I...just...kinda sat there. My brain didn't really shift gears right, and now I was VERY confused. What was all this about a wizard and what was with all the wargs? Then, a mind link...<We must seek the kingdom of Writewraiths. I know the way. The others may come with us or stay, but I know I have to go there.>
<And I must go with you, Empress. I have a mission here, I now know. I remember what happened back at the castle. Starletta is comeing, and Lubyla if she wishes.> There where no if's ands or buts about Starletta comeing. Like I said...I now remembered what had happened at the castle.
12-27-2002, 02:38 PM
I nodded. 'So Faith, Starletta, and I are going on a journey. Of course Hunter and Terwell should come with me, and naturally, Buddy will be coming. As for the rest of them... tell them they may come if they wish. Except the Ent, I think he HAS to come.' I snarled a bit. 'And this is no time for me to be a warg! I will go and transform back, and this time, none need go with me.' I ran back through the trees.
Adrian Baggins
12-27-2002, 02:38 PM
Starletta and some of the others turned to me and my friends. Faith and (are you still a warg or not Calien/silverstripe) Calien stepped up to me and said, "Will you come with us to the Emperess of the Writewraiths palace?" "Yes," we answered at the same time.
Adrian Baggins
12-27-2002, 03:11 PM
As she(Calien) left Grace, the guys, and I talked it over and decided to go with the others.
12-27-2002, 03:11 PM
*I looked at Faith.* I too remember what happened in the castle.*I patted my blade* I also remember what I didn't understand.
*Looks around at Faith and Starletta* Well, heres another! Why are ther so many WIZARDS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
*Andodulin in elf form walked up* What do you mean so many? *he said loudly* There is only one that I know of, and thats Starletta.
*Starletta looked up* Huh? I'm no wizard. At least I dont think I am...o...I dont know!!!!!*sits down in a feble position*
*looks at Andodulin* You idiot! Now that she knows she will be like all the other poncy wizards who turn into Mary Sues!!
Fred Baggins
12-27-2002, 07:23 PM
~Starletta...a wizard? Of course, it makes since now...though I think you would have seen Gandalf in the cas- no, I'm getting my friends and her characters confuslated. Starletta is the wizard, not Star...wonder if I'll ever have my dear friend Star back. Wonder if I'm using Star's and my mind link right now. Huh, who knows. Wonder if that castle was...nah, that's impossible! Where's Kathie? huh, guess she probably had to chage again or something. O dang it all Dash it all Darn it all...woah, picking up Star's terminology here. Now...where's the sword...uh oh..where is it! Dang it all! Here sword come here, come on swordy swordy sword. I'd whisltle but I'm thinking...hmmmif I think a whistle will it come?*thinks a whistle* O there it is! Mine, my own my pressciousss. My pretty sword.~
12-27-2002, 07:29 PM
~How am I a wizard...O! Duh...I guess I am. O golly gee willikers. I've been here too long. Can't even remember my RP character. Fun, now Lubyla will hate me. O yeah, Faith, I herd that:)~
Fred Baggins
12-27-2002, 07:32 PM
~Huh? O guess I was using~ our link. That's wierd. Kinda neet. Anyway remember when I was knocked out, in that caslte, in~Ireland?~
12-27-2002, 07:34 PM
~Using Ireland?? What?????~
Fred Baggins
12-27-2002, 07:37 PM
~Sorry, that was wierd. Just getting used to this whole thing I guess. Do you remember when I blanked out, in that castle in Ireland? Then I thought there was an old man there?~
12-27-2002, 07:39 PM
~yeah, what about it? Beside the fact you scared me half to death, and I got my sword?~
Fred Baggins
12-27-2002, 07:41 PM
~Sorry i scared ya...IF, I wasn't hallucinating, there WAS an old man there, but you couldn't see him cause he was dead.~
12-27-2002, 07:42 PM
~Then this would turn into the Sixth Sence. Which I hope it's not.~
Fred Baggins
12-27-2002, 08:02 PM
I slaped my forehead ~No. He was Gandlaf...the Gray that is. So technically not dead. I gues...~
12-27-2002, 08:08 PM
~ok...then why were you knocked out?~
Fred Baggins
12-27-2002, 08:13 PM
~I wasn't. I was compleatly conscious for the whole thing, I just never remembered until Buddy called me 'wizard'. I don't know maybe it was meant to happen like that. You're not going to belive me...but I think I hold the powers of the wizard Gandalf the Grey! See, because I remember him telling me that it wouldn't come in handy in this world, but it would in another. That I was going to rise and become very famous, along with a good freind of mine!~
12-27-2002, 08:18 PM
~Well, at this point I'm apt to believe anything.~ *TO myself* You have another good friend here, and she is the emperess.*sigh* O well
Adrian Baggins
12-27-2002, 09:14 PM
I stood up and changed back to wizard form. "I think I am getting the hang of this. Anyone seen my staff?"I asked, "Wait. Did I just say that calmly?WHERE IS MY STAFF?" Caliman brought her staff out from the bushes, "I hid it because somebody," he said shooting a quick look at Celrond, "got the smart :rolleyes: idea to try to use it when you were gone." "What I like doing that sort of stuff? I don't even know why I am an elf," Celrond commented trying to make an excuse for yet another attempt to break borrow or use another of my things without asking.
Fred Baggins
12-27-2002, 11:14 PM
ooc:Not to be rude Adrian but I'm kinda lost with all yer characters. I know I speak fer at least two of us, and maybe more when I ask, narrow it down! It's very confusilating.
ic: *The anthro watched her. She refused to belive him, but she would have to eventually. There was only one thing he could do. A slow smile crept across his face as he snuck off the find the only one he knew would make her belive.*
12-27-2002, 11:17 PM
The transformation from warg back to elf seemed much more natural. This time, there was no loss of control on my part, no sudden urge to kill. I ran back to the others, feeling very relieved. But something at the back of my mind was nagging me, something I couldn't quite remember. Something about wargs, and Buddy, and Faith.
Fred Baggins
12-27-2002, 11:28 PM
I saw Kathie come back and was happy again. "Are we going now. I really don't think I could sit still any longer." Buddy was about to speak, but before he could I shot him a look that said If Kathie knows anything about my being...or haveing wizards powers, you're dead.
Adrian Baggins
12-27-2002, 11:30 PM
ooc:Before I take people away let me try to straighten this out. Grace and I are the only girls in my group. Grace is a hobbit I am a shifter. Brandon is an elf and so is Bobby. Brandon is going by Calliman and Bobby is going by Celrond to make them sound more elvish. Swift is my pet wolf. Not warg, wolf. The group or club of writwraiths I started with them is called LOTRFANFIC.W.W.
We used to go to the same school in elementary. Then I went to the private Christian school for 1 year. Then went to the public school.Got that?
Fred Baggins
12-27-2002, 11:33 PM
ooc: ok, I'm sowwy, it's just it gets really confusing with 5 diff ppl.
Adrian Baggins
12-27-2002, 11:40 PM
Fred Baggins
12-27-2002, 11:41 PM
ooc: WOAH! Chill! I count animals as people, not animals.
12-27-2002, 11:42 PM
"Yeah, let's go before anything else happens." What is it about wargs, about THAT warg in particular? I thought.What is it that makes me wary of my own Kin?
Adrian Baggins
12-27-2002, 11:46 PM
ooc:sorry I didn't know that. Why does it seem that everyone on these rpgs knows everyone else. Anyone from Texas, Greenville, Celeste, Commerce, Campbell, Houston, Deer Park?
ic: "Lets go guys," I said following Faith and Calien and the others away from where we had been gathered. Where we were going I had no idea.
12-27-2002, 11:54 PM
I laughed. "To the Kingdom of Writewraiths. But some of you haven't heard of it ... we must go North from here." Adrian stared at me in shock; the others just looked confused. "Adrian Baggins, what is your problem?" I asked, not knowing that I'd just answered a question which had never been asked.
Adrian Baggins
12-28-2002, 12:02 AM
ooc:must go to bed now it is past 10 o'clock here and my mom is making me.
ic:"You just answered a question I didn't even ask. How did you know I didn't know where we were going?" I asked moving foreward at her statement then freezing in my spot.
Fred Baggins
12-28-2002, 12:02 AM
I nodded and and messaged, though what I was talking about, i later relized I had no idea what meant. I think I was wavering back and forth from wizard to me. <You have the gift then. You have the making of a powerful one indeed Empress.> Little did I relize I myself was leaning on a wooden staff.
12-28-2002, 12:11 AM
I was about to lie to Adrian Baggins, to tell her she simply looked confused ... but no. I could tell she was one of my people, and could be trusted. I had no reason to lie. "I don't know. It's just something I--" At that moment I felt a surge of panic coming from someone nearby. Someone was afraid ... but who?
<Yes, Calien> said Hunter quickly. <Of course a leader -- the Empress of the Writewraiths -- must be powerful. Especially with such powerful subjects as Starletta and Faith.>
<Wait, what do you mean, "Faith"?!>
At that moment, Buddy howled.
Fred Baggins
12-28-2002, 12:22 AM
When Buddy howled I looked up startled, back to myself, though I still held the staff. I thought quickly back to my studies of the wolves. Wargs are much like wolves, and there howls, I had learned in the short time I had been there, meant much the same thing. Relived, I relized he was just howling a hu-wait...a hunt song? I listened again. Good I was mistaken. It had just been a howl. I noticed Kathie looking strangly at me, and Hunter suspiciously.
12-28-2002, 12:27 AM
"Tell me, what would Hunter mean by calling you powerful?" I asked, gazing at Faith intently. "And, yes, I will know if you're lying. Though I don't think you will."
Fred Baggins
12-28-2002, 12:35 AM
I drew back wary of the gaze that met mine. For the first time I relized who she really was, of the power she truely held over me. I have to frightened me. I was not ready to be kept under the power of another yet. These thoughts and many more poured through my head in a split second, and if I could have watched myself I'm sure I would have seen a child, of 15, who is off on an adventure, and doesn't quite know what to do, a frightened child. But then, I'm sure the face of the child must have aged to 20, or 30, or older. In the place of fright was instead a smug contented look.
"I know you will know a lie. I never thought to lie. It is true I have a power, unlike that of anyone else in this world at this moment. I hold the power of Gandalf the Grey."
12-28-2002, 12:48 AM
I knew that I'd startled Faith, and smiled to reassure her, and myself. I was beginning to discover my new powers, and they frightened me. I wondered, not for the last time, if I should refuse to be the Empress. But something told me, then, that that wouldn't be right.
"Aye, and p'raps you should be glad his beard doesn't go with it!" I teased.
Unfortunately, this seemed to frighten Faith more, perhaps because I showed little surprise at her statement. I looked away, close to tears. I wanted so much to reassure my friend.
But no matter what powers I had, or how confident I might try to seem, I was still a frightened sixteen year old girl at heart. Not even a frightened young elf: I simply felt like a scared young human girl. Katharine Welsh, not Calien. Or was this Calien, too? I couldn't decide.
"I'm sorry, I just, I-I don't know what to say," I confessed.
Fred Baggins
12-28-2002, 12:55 AM
"Nah, it's ok, I'm not much used to it I guess. It feels so wierd when it comes out, and I'm not sure how to react." Like just now. I thought I almost had a feeling like you where my worst enemy.
"But what can I say, it may be awhile before any of us get used to this." Buddy's howl changed tones, and I became worried. They where threatening, commanding tones. I know little of the wargish tounge and he spoke so fast I hardly understood it.
'She will not will not tell her...ruin everything.'
12-28-2002, 01:05 AM
My eyes flashed, and I drew myself up to full height, reminiscint of something my aunt Losillewen had often done. Anyone who'd seen that would've sworn I grew at least six inches then. 'My brother. What, Snakesnout, do you not want them to tell me?!' And why did I just call you THAT?! Then I backed down, looking at Buddy, our leader, in horror. 'I'm sorry, my Eldest Brother.' Buddy smirked.
Fred Baggins
12-28-2002, 01:20 AM
I watched Buddy smirk at her and say, "Snakesnout. I have not heard that for many a day, Nadorhuan. Perhaps next time you should watch your mouth when speacking to your leader." He began to walk away, and I saw a surt of something wake up in Calien. She had not got her answer, and wanted it. "WHAT, do you not want them to tell me!" The foolish warg contined to walk. I started in this time. "Danger! Answer her, you may be her leader but you are still under MY command." He turned around, and stared at her for a long time. "Of your...other reasponsibitlys."
12-28-2002, 01:26 AM
"Other responsibilities?" I was close to a growl now, perhaps as close to an agressive human version of Killer as I would ever be. 'Wait...I've called you Snakesnout before, have I not?' I shouted in the tongue of the Kin, the tongue only my brothers, sisters and I knew (and Faith). 'Why? How did I ever dare?!' I glared at Buddy. 'Tell me what you mean by my "other responsibilities."' My heart was pounding, for I knew he, as leader, could punish me for speaking to him that way, for trying to command him. But I was so angry that I had spoken without thinking, and my rage still allowed me to glare at the warg.
Fred Baggins
12-28-2002, 01:34 AM
I watched as Buddy seemed to get very upset at her. No this was not Buddy, it was Danger. He seemed to grow slightly himself, and now LOOKED more powerful then Calien, but I knew where the real power lay, I could feel it, just as Belladona was able to feel Nata-of forget those stupid fanfics. Woah, did I just say that?
"Perhaps you have forgotten your real line here. Forgotten who is above you? Shall I be forced to put you in your place?"
He was still grasping on that last little bit of line of the leadership which was no longer there for him. He'd blown it. I could tell from the look on Calien's face. She was very angry, and he knew it and she lashed out a little at him. He cringed, then stood straight again, the power still lingering.
"Or perhaps, I shall gain what is rightfully mine, from you. The leadership."
12-28-2002, 01:47 AM
"So." As I realized what "Buddy" had been doing to me all this time, I was filled with a wrath I had never known, and I poured all my anger and contempt into that one word.
Fred Baggins
12-28-2002, 01:52 AM
As I watched I saw a strange sight. An elf, tall and great, powerful, more than I had ever seen, and a warg, almost as powerful, perhaps more so. The warg circled Calien.
"Your Leadership!" Growled Danger. "It is rightfully mine! It belongs to me! By all rights it has always been mine. You"(and he spit that word out)" are nothing more than an obsticle"
12-28-2002, 01:54 AM
I watched Snakesnout circle me, and now I knew exactly what to do. I transformed into my warg form, and this time, I was able to control myself from the start. Snakesnout and I circled each other, snarling fiercely. Yet there would be no blood shed on this night. This was to be a contest of magic, not of physical strength.
Fred Baggins
12-28-2002, 01:59 AM
Danger chanted a quick spell in the tongue of the Kin, immobilizing all who were not in the fight,though we could still watch.
12-28-2002, 02:05 AM
I looked at Snakesnout, saying no words, silently casting a spell. Snakesnout flew into the air, and crashed heavily to the ground. He got up, panting a little, and I braced myself for what he was about to do.
Fred Baggins
12-28-2002, 02:15 AM
'Silent one, are you now?' growled Danger. 'Then I will give you a reason for your silence!' He jerked his head violently, and suddenly Rraellia was struggling to breath.
12-28-2002, 02:23 AM
I looked at Danger in anger and grief. The warg was aiming to kill! Had he forgotten he was fighting Kin? No, he had truly become so evil that even the Kin no longer mattered to him. Carefully, quickly, I countered Snakesnout's spell, but it was draining; already I was beginning to tire. Without hesitating, I threw Snakesnout high into the air, and this time, I held high into the air. I could have killed him then, but he was my brother still, and I could not bring myself to do it. 'Surrender, brother,' I said. 'Yield now, and all will be forgiven.'
Fred Baggins
12-28-2002, 02:25 AM
I watched in horrer as the warg just snarled.
'Go ahead and Kill me.'
12-28-2002, 02:31 AM
For a moment I hesitated, unsure of what to do. He had discovered my weakness: he knew I could not harm Kin! In the moment of my hesitation, Snakesnout freed himself from my spell. 'Soft-hearted fool,' he said as his feet touched the ground. Again he jerked his head, this time throwing me against a tree. Before I could react, he picked me up and threw me again. I knew I had broken bones, and was bleeding.
Fred Baggins
12-28-2002, 02:39 AM
As I watched I saw that Calein was bleeding, and I cried, the only thing that was awake in me. Danger saw the tears, and hesitated himself. Then he did the most unsuspected thing. He found a loophole.
"No I will not kill you as I originally planed Nadorhuan. For it would ruin all my beautiful plans. I wish to lord it over you, THEN kill you, when I have you in my grasp." He bagan to walk away, the battle was finished, though it was not sure who was the winner. Would Calien come back with one last move. Danger seemed to think so, for we where still frozen.
12-28-2002, 02:57 AM
I snarled. 'For the sake of the Kin, for the sake of a friend, for the sake of this world, you must never lead!' I snarled in the tongue of the Kin. 'Addi, merra shal loran ralesk anmarell tiran!' I cried, words in a language not even Snakesnout knew. And I threw the invisible cords I had created around Snakenout, rendering him helpless. I then shifted back into elven form, then into the form of an imperious eagle, as only the leader of the Kin can do. Snakesnout knew by this that the fight was over. I stared him down, then again became Calien the elf.
"You are in my power, Snakesnout. I should kill you -- but I will not. Instead I leave you powerless forever against the Kin; you can never challenge me again." I spat. "Now get out of my sight, Snake."
He turned to follow my command, but stopped, coughing and spluttering, trembling on the ground.
'Lady, he cannot leave Faith, nor can he go against your command. If you don't release him, he'll die.' said Hunter, 'As, indeed, he deserves.' Hunter looked at Snakesnout, growling.
"No. He is still Kin." I sighed. 'Stay, then, Snake: but remember, you are in my power and in Faith's.'
Fred Baggins
12-28-2002, 03:09 AM
Then Calein truned around and Freed us. I did not know what to do, to run to Buddy, or to Calien. To my mistress or my charge. I chose the former.
"Calien, are you all right?" I cried. "I never want to feel helpless like that again. You know how annoying it is!" I tried to laugh but found only sobs pour from my mouth. Buddy came up and nuzzled my arm, attemtim to offer sympathy, but it was wasted on me. The tears turned to anger.
"AND YOU! YOU DISOBEYED MY ORDERS! Of course I suppose it started before I came here, but if I ever find you anywhere from no one, but by my side, the punishment will be great. I will not be as mercyful as Calien." Then, I relized I was not talking to Danger anymore, but Buddy. He cowerd like a whipped puppy. Then I melted.
*The wicked mind of Danger died down in Buddy. It's last thought was the worst imaginable...well at the moment anyway.* I will have my revenge on you Calien. Yea, it may be many years, but it will go faster with the help of a very good halfling friend of mine, Faith Lowe.
I spoke up again."O just come on. Can we leave now? I wanna see this palace place...or do something. My legs are stiff. And if you ever just make me watch I swear I will go insane!"
Adrian Baggins
12-28-2002, 11:52 AM
Iwatched in horror as the fight started. Finally I thought it was going to end but Calien wouldn't kill the other warg. Finally it was over and we were released. Grace who can not stand to see anyone injured fell to her knees which had buckled and wouldn't hold her weight but had been suported by the spell. Faith wanted to leave but I called out, "No we can't leave yet. Grace can't walk. The fight made her fall to her knees. We have to wait till she has strength enough to walk unless somebody wants to carry her." At that moment Swift walked up to me and said, 'She can ride on my back, I will not jolt her and I will walk at an easy pace.' "Swift will carry her," I said picking my friend up(I am strong) "Thanks *sob* Swift," Grace said hugging his neck so she didn't fall off.
12-28-2002, 12:47 PM
I nodded, resisting the urge to flee from the others and weep. I turned away from the group and gritted my teeth a bit, ordering myself to be calm. And when I turned back, I said, in the calmest voice I could manage, "Yes. We can go now." In that moment, I envied some of the others, who could leave any time they wanted to. As I could have, once, but I knew I would never be carefree again. Hiding my fears as best I could, I motioned for the rest of the group to walk with me.
Hunter watched the youngest of the Kin, their leader, and knew she had changed greatly. He could sense a new kind of strength in her; a quiet strength, which would only be visible to those who knew her. This was not the young, somewhat scared warg they had chosen to lead them not so long ago. She was Calien, the Empress!
Adrian Baggins
12-28-2002, 01:23 PM
I walked by Swift making sure he did whathe said he would do even though I knew he would. He was as trustworthy as the sunrise in the Shire. I sensed that this trip was not going to be just a walk in the park.
12-28-2002, 02:36 PM
*As everyone walked on, I stopped, hesitantly, and waited, talking to Lubyla.* "Truely, tell me, am I truely a wizard?
"Yes, why else are your horses the fastest? And that is only the good part of your power, you are the creater of the rains, the reader of the wind. I think you knew these things in Helm's Deep, when you comanded it to rain, for that you knew would give Rohan the advantage. So yes, you are a powerful wizard, of the elimints of a storm that is. Even in your old world, you could feel it, though you did not know it. The sword you picked up at the castle, yes, I was there, is your sword, and staff too perhaps. You have no colour, but the red you wear."
I looked around, a bit confused about what I had just heard. " What about the young girl in my drems?"
"She is the one you raised, not your daughter, but a friend. The others are far, far ahead of us."
Adrian Baggins
12-28-2002, 02:43 PM
After about an hour had past Grace got off of Swift and started walking by Celrond. Caliman, Swift and I rushed up to the front with Faith and Calien."So, when do we stop?"I asked Faith trying to sound casual. "What, tired already?" she asked looking at me, "You don't look tired." "No," I replied, " I was just wondering. And I am a bit hungry."
12-28-2002, 03:10 PM
"Should we not be off to catch up with the others?
"Yes, we do need to get going, call your fastest horse. We shall leave as soon as possible."
12-28-2002, 03:22 PM
At Adrian Baggin's comment about being hungry, I laughed. "An' that's the hobbit in you speaking, Adrian, I'm sure of it. Still, we can stop for a minute or two." I looked at Faith, then at her companion, my brother. The hatred and fear I saw in his eyes grieved me, but I held his gaze until he finally averted his eyes. "We may stop here."
12-28-2002, 03:24 PM
I called out for Summer, my newest horse, and one of my fastest. She arrived there quickly, as Lubyla mounted Ithilsila, and I mounted Summer. We were off, and caught up with the others quit quickly.
Adrian Baggins
12-28-2002, 03:29 PM
Adrian pulled the rest of her snacks from her bag(about 2 weeks worth of bottled water and stuff including 3 tubes of unopened raw cookie dough:) yum) and started eating like she hadn't ate in months. When she had finished off the last little bite of cookie dough she stood up and said, "I'm full now. We can go."
12-28-2002, 03:31 PM
As she stood up, the two of us made our way there, and arrived. " What, were you thinking of leaving us behind?
"Yeah, you forgot about us."
*pulls out compact and starts to stare into it.*
Adrian Baggins
12-28-2002, 03:38 PM
*turns to hobbit form then to wolf form. then to elf form and finally back to wizard*
"I think I have the hang of this. Now I will be right back," I say and walk off.*huge explosion and flash of light* I walk back with black stuff all over me *cough cough choke choke* "Nope, it didn't work Celrond. I tried it. All it did was make it hard for me to breathe." "Well it worked on Harry Potter, try this one," he said handing me a piece of paper and shrugs, "This one is form that Disney movie Halloweentown." "Then it won't work," I sat tearing the piece of paper up and throwing the paper on the ground, "This isn't some movie, you know. This is real."
12-28-2002, 03:40 PM
I shook my head. "DEFINITELY hobbitlike, that." I decided against giving Adrian a lecture on rationing her supplies more carefully. "Is there..." I began. At that moment, a pair of horses came galloping over to us. Their riders were Lubyla and Star, who, I now realized had not been with us for some time. In fact they had left just before my battle with Snakesnout. Yet I did not ask where they had been; if it was truly important, they would tell us.
"So, what took you guys so long?" asked Faith.
12-28-2002, 03:43 PM
"Explanations of things." I snapped a quick look at Star, and she seemed to understand." How long have you been stopped for?"
12-28-2002, 03:51 PM
"Not long," I said calmly. "Our little hobbit here," I gestured to Adrian, "had to eat. And now she's trying to, er, do something. But, Adrian, stop, stop, you're going to hurt someone like that," I said after her latest failed experiment. "Now what exactly were you trying to do?"
12-28-2002, 03:57 PM
"Truely, what ARE you trying to do. If your trying to conjor cheep tricks, then I must be even more powerful than you." I laughed at this, for true, I did have magic, I never used it, and all asumed I didn't have it at all.
"Hum, food DOES sound good." Pulls a cookie from her pack." I did have time to cook while you guys left"
Adrian Baggins
12-28-2002, 04:08 PM
"No I am not conguring cheep tricks. He," I stoped and pointed at Celrond then continued, "told me to go try some stuff that he knew wouldn't work as a prank. I suspect I will figure out some stuff about my magic, such as what kind it is and what I can do. Now if you'll excuse me I am going to go wash myself off it that stream over there.*pointing and walking off* "What stream?" Calien asked. I realized I had found water without even looking I had just thought of water and I knew where it was. I left and came back drenched. "Yep," I said, "I guessed right there is a river over there that flows down to a waterfall and then forms a pool. It is quite refreshing to the taste and I am going to go fill up my water bottles. We might do a bit of fishing over there. There are some nice trout in the pool." Reaching into my backpack I found noy just my water bottles but a book which I had definately not got from Mundane earth. It was a spellbook. I opened it up and written ion the first page which was blank except for the writing were the words: For Adrian, May this book be a help and a guide to your powers. There was no name, no indication of whoit was from. I closed the book and sat donw a dased look on my face.
12-28-2002, 04:18 PM
I followed Adrian to the stream this time, hoping she wouldn't try any more of "Celrond's" solutions. I found her looking down at a book, a confused look on her face.
"Adrian, let me look at the book," I said calmly, "for it comes neither from Mundane Earth nor, indeed, from Middle Earth. I do not yet know where it is from. Please, I must make sure that it is not...dangerous. Whoever gave you this book can wander freely between the worlds, and those who are capable of that are few." And Snakesnout is among them. So am I...
12-28-2002, 04:29 PM
"Um...Lubyla...Since I am who I am,"in a lower tone" Is Morier after me?"
"Yes, he was after you even in the other world. Why do you think Andodulin attacked you that day on your horse when the arrived. Your new black one was of no good."
Adrian Baggins
12-28-2002, 04:42 PM
I sat the book down and staired off into space. "This is so confusing. First I get sent to Middle Earth, then I find out I am a shifter, now I get this book from somebody I don't know or I might know I just don't know who gave it to me and I can find water without looking. Why does all the weird but cool stuff I dream of happen to me?" "I really don't know the answer to that Adrian," Calien said sitting beside me and picking up the book and looking through it, "All I know is that you need to get a grip before you go nuts." Swift came walking up to me and layed down putting his head in my lap. "Swift did you give this to me?" I asked. He sat up and shook his head while saying, 'No but I know who did.' "You know who gave this to me Swift? Tell me please, will you?" I asked shocked that he hadn't told me this when I found it. 'I can not say. He told me not to.' "Was it a friend?" I asked moving closer. "Yes, he is a friend. He is not an enemy and he is from Middle Earth. Or at least this is where he was born and raised. He doesn't live here anymore. He saild after the end of the War of the Ring at the end of the third age. That is all I can tell you now.' Swift said pushing me back into a sitting position and laying his head back into my lap. Somehow Calien heard what Swift said to me and put the book down.
12-28-2002, 04:49 PM
I laughed. "Oh, don't look so surprised, Adrian. Remember, I'm a shifter too, and, as you have seen, the leader of the Kin. Come on, we should go back."
12-28-2002, 04:50 PM
I looked up with fear " The black one I could not train, who turnned against me, and who tried to kill me? That was Morier?"
"Yes, that was Morier. He knew who you were, though you didn't. I think Faith remembers that day as well."
"I think she would."
12-28-2002, 05:00 PM
Adrian nodded, and we went back to where we had left the others, to find everyone engaged in a conversation. There was a large group conversation, and two smaller conversations: Faith was talking with Hunter and Terwell (who had followed us, of course) and Lubyla was speaking to Star.
<You left me behind,> said Terwell, sadly. <I didn't even see Rraellia fight Danger.>
<I know you wanted to help your friend, but you couldn't have even if you'd been there, Terwell. He had frozen us all.>
Adrian Baggins
12-28-2002, 05:05 PM
"How will we talk to everyone with this going on?" Calien asked looking at me. "I don't know, lets just try yelling at them and telling them to be quiet. Okay?" I asked looking at her then at them. "Let me try first," Calien said, "After all I am their leader."
12-28-2002, 05:10 PM
"This means you need to keep out of trouble. talk to none you dont know. Trust only the ones you do know, and tell no one what we speek of."
"Alright, I'll try to remember that. Wait, is Faith in danger too, with Morier out to get me, he would want her too, right? I mean, she knows about me more than anyone."
"Yes, I shall talk--"
"--no, let ME talk to Faith. I think she will listen to me."
""Alright, tell her as much as she needs to know, and no more. The more she knows, the more danger she is in."
12-28-2002, 05:13 PM
ooc: LOL. I really don't think Calien would do that, but okay...
ic: I decided against simply yelling, for there might be important conversations going on. I went to the largest group first, stepping into the middle of the group... and the Adrian took matters into her own hands. "Hey, everyone, be quiet!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. Well, it worked: everyone quit speaking and stared at her.
Adrian Baggins
12-28-2002, 05:21 PM
Instead of yelling Calien moved over to the largest group to see if what they were talking about was important. So taking matters into my own hands I yelled as loud as I could and told everyone to be quiet. It worked. Unfortunately Calien, who was not very pleased with me, ran back over to me an started chewing me out(if you don't know what that means you are a dumb as a stick in the ground and so I will tell you that it means starts griping and telling me of and scolding me and all that sheesh I hope you aren't that dumb though)."Sorry, I was just trying to help," I said backing away.Calien started talking and I ignored her because for some strange reason it felt like the book was tugging me away. I went to the streambank and started practicing spells from it.
12-28-2002, 05:33 PM
"That girl is a bit foolish. Calling out so the whole of Middle Earth could hear. Truely, it will come back to her, if not on all of us."
"What do you mean?? Sure she was loud, but nothing is around."
"Nothing yousay? A new evil is around, one more powerful than Sauron. It is rising, as the stars say."
12-28-2002, 05:33 PM
I realized I was being somewhat hard on Adrian and apologized -- but told her not to do that again. As I told the others it was time to go, Adrian Baggins went to the stream again.
12-28-2002, 05:34 PM
"I agree Calien, it is time to go. We have stayed here for too long. Are there no horses?"
Adrian Baggins
12-28-2002, 05:40 PM
I was on my 15th spell and was doing it for the 15th time. I was getting pretty good. I could do the spells well enough that they came out right but I still needed practice before they were perfect.
Swift came to tell me it was time to go but the spell I was doing was a freezing spell and he got "in the line of fire" and froze. Oh no, I couldn't find the undo spell. It was in there I knew it was. I had just lost my place. I was undoing the spell when Calien came to get me.
12-28-2002, 05:47 PM
"No, not yet, but there will be. The ent needs no horse, and neither do the wargs or the wolf. As for Terwell and I..." At that moment, a bay mare came galloping into view. "Ah, here she is."
12-28-2002, 05:50 PM
"The horses make traveling faster. Such a beautiful horse yours is, who is it's trainer?"
12-28-2002, 06:04 PM
I smiled. "You were Anmara's trainer, Star." There was a yelp from the direction of the stream. I sighed. "Well, I guess I should go find Adrian."
12-28-2002, 06:19 PM
"O, I guess that is why she is so fast."
12-28-2002, 06:24 PM
"Yes, she did have the best trainer in Rohan." I smiled, then mounted Anmara and went to the stream to find Adrian. She was sitting near her wolf, who was frozen, trying frantically to undo what she'd just done. Although it took her a couple of tries to get the spell right, she did manage it.
Adrian Baggins
12-28-2002, 06:37 PM
ooc:sorry my last update for now my mom is making me get off. I will try to get on later though.
ic: "Come Adrian it is time to go," Calien said walking up to me. "Okay, Swift lets go," I said as Swift walked up to me. I got on his back and he started walking, following Calien. When we got back to the others Faith and Calien walked up to the front and for some strange reason she halfway motioned for Swift and I to follow her so we did. I had wanted to anyway.
ooc:Bye for now
12-28-2002, 07:18 PM
ooc: Bye, Adrian Baggins!
"Now, do you and your friends have any horses, Adrian?" I asked. She shook her head.
"Then we must get you some."
ooc2: Yes, I am about to get more horses. They'll be "here" in a moment. :D
12-28-2002, 08:06 PM
ooc: Are you going to upload them?:D Sorry.
ic:"No horses? It is easier to travel wit them."
"Much. Lubyla, where is Andodulin?"
"He is off somewhere. I am not sure where though, but he shall be here soon."
12-28-2002, 09:34 PM
I whistled, and four horses (one was a pony, really) came running over. I pulled the first of them, a beautiful white horse, out of the group.
"This is Relladren, and he is to be Adrian's horse," I said. She nodded, came over, and took him from me.
I turned and got the next horse, Alarian, the sorrel. "This is Alarian. He will be Calliman's horse." Calliman seemed excited to have a horse, but said nothing as he ran over and grabbed Alarian's reins.
I turned and gently led the third horse, a palimino mare, over to Celrond. "Celrond, this is your horse, Celemar."
I walked back over to the white pony, little Snowbunny, but did not lead her to Grace. Instead I addressed Adrian, Calliman, and Celrond.
"These horses I give to you. They are of a noble line, all of them: intelligent, courageous, faithful. But they will expect your loyalty and kindness. As I expect you to care for them well."
"Grace, come here," I said. She came, looking a bit hurt that she hadn't gotten one of the noble horses.
"This is Snowbunny, perhaps the best of the horses I summoned.
"She is a descendent of Bill the Pony. Yes, the very pony that carried Sam on his famous quest." I handed Grace the pony's reins, and Grace stepped back to join her friends, looking much more cheerful now.
12-28-2002, 09:39 PM
I looked at Starletta" Are these of your training?"
"I dont think so. I never train my horses with rains.*
12-28-2002, 09:41 PM
I heard Lubyla ask Starletta if she'd trained the horses, and heard Star respond. "No, these horses were not trained by Starletta. I wasn't sure if everyone could ride horses without reins. Some are beginners."
12-28-2002, 09:44 PM
I looked at Calien<Where are these horses from? Who trained them?>
12-28-2002, 09:49 PM
<Well, Snowbunny is a descendent of Bill the Pony, as I said, and, as for the others, ah... you could say that I trained them. For I have owned all three of them since they were foals.> I realized, from the fact that she hadn't spoken aloud, that she knew this was more than it seemed.
12-28-2002, 09:51 PM
I noded my head<then they are a good band of horses.>
12-28-2002, 09:59 PM
I smiled. <Thank you. That is why I chose them ... because they are loyal, swift, and brave. Of course I also had to make sure they were suitable for beginners.> Some horses, however well-trained they were, I would NEVER want a beginner to ride. But these four, although they weren't really "beginner's horses," would be gentle and patient with their riders.
12-28-2002, 10:03 PM
*walks up to the horses* These horses are very well trained.
12-29-2002, 12:37 AM
I stroked Anmara's nose. My faithful Anmara, who had always come when I called. She had come twice even in the years I was on Mundane Earth, though I hadn't thought much of it at the time.
"Thank you. I hope they were good choices for their riders, as I believed they would be." I smiled. "All right, let's go."
I then mounted Anmara, and the others mounted their horses as well.
Adrian Baggins
12-29-2002, 01:20 PM
"Swift," I said walking over to him and sitting down so my eyes were level with his. Putting my hand on his head I continued(hand sort of belyeen his ears), "Keep a good pace but don't tire yourself. If you get too tired walk by Grace. I remember riding horses at camp(same one every year at the same camp horses name at camp was Sun Chaser Chaser for short) and I think once I get used to this one I will be able to run him, okay?" 'Yes my misterss," he said looking into my eyes and smiling in them. "Good boy."
12-29-2002, 01:23 PM
ooc: Where is my carachter?
12-29-2002, 03:57 PM
ooc: You're with the rest of us Writewraiths, but you haven't told us your name or anything yet.
I turned to the Writewraith who had become and ent. "Now, we know you're from Mundane Earth. But who are you, and how, exactly, did you get here?"
12-29-2002, 04:31 PM
I spoke up. "The same way you all did. I called you. It is no secret anymore. The kingdome of the Wrightwraiths is falling to ruins.We needed you back."
ooc: Arg! Stupid 90 sec. Rule!!!! I know why its here, its just so gosh darn annoying:)
12-29-2002, 04:34 PM
I nodded. "All of us belong in Middle Earth, then?" <But I know you didn't call ALL of us.>
12-29-2002, 05:02 PM
<No, I didn't call ALL of you. I think Starletta did some of it on accident, but o well, the more hands the better.> I am not sure, though most of you do belong.
Huh? O, I see now.*A fury of wind passed, chilling everyone to the bone.* Not again.
12-29-2002, 05:18 PM
I gave the ent a puzzled, somewhat suspicious look. Why was he refusing to tell us his name? Then a cold wind whipped past us. I had a sudden thought as to what might be happening -- and feared that I was right!
12-29-2002, 05:27 PM
"Starletta, you are the reader of the wind, what did it say?"
"Nothing good"
I looked dow, for I knew that was not just a common wind."We must keep a lok out."
12-29-2002, 06:05 PM
I nodded. "Aye, we must be watchful. Caution is best now, for they know we are here. And we should avoid being seen whenever possible. You know, it is very unusual for elves, wizards, ents, hobbits, and wargs to be traveling together!"
12-29-2002, 06:12 PM
"Quite unusual. The most is the Ent. Who are you sir ent, and yes I do need to be Hasty."
12-29-2002, 06:15 PM
"Well, he's probably still kind of dazed that we're calling him an ent; he is from Mundane Earth, remember, where they -- we -- all thought ents weren't real."
12-29-2002, 06:17 PM
"It's true. But you always kinda had a feeling..."
12-29-2002, 06:26 PM
"Yeah, but we couldn't tell anyone that, could we? We'd just get teased about it. But now we know we're right." I sighed. "Before, I would've said we shouldn't be having this conversation aloud -- but unfortunately, our presence is no longer secret. He's known we were here since Faith, um, linked herself to Buddy."
Fred Baggins
12-29-2002, 06:33 PM
I began to clean some of the blood stains off of Buddy's fur while riding him. I wasn't to sure what else to do. I felt as though this whole thing had been my fault. bothersome warg. I looked over to Calien, she was talking to Starletta, though I couldn't hear what about. Me probably, and my stupidity. Ah well, I guess no one's perfect. Buddy looked up to me and whispered.
"Will you stop humming please? It's getting annoying."
I looked at him puzzled. Then I relized I must have been doing it again. Aunty always yelled at me when I did that. I wouldn't mind hearing her yelling again right now. I sighed. Buddy growled a little.
"I mean it! It's really getting annoying." I laughed.
"Get used to it. It could be a very long time before I get out of that habbit."
12-29-2002, 06:56 PM
"It is true. He has been watching us every since, even before."
Fred Baggins
12-29-2002, 07:10 PM
Buddy shut up. I relaxed. I relized I still carried the staff, and I looked at it. It looked very familar, like a walking stick I used to have back home with my name and b-day engraved on it. In fact the only dif was this had added to my name...Faith the Blue. Blue I thought seemed very strange if it was Gandalfs powers I held would it not be the Grey? I puzzled over this until Buddy spoke up again.
"Well if you won't stop humming, do it a bit quieter at least, so you can hear when your name is being called" I looked up to see who had called me.
*the anthro knew of a woman who would help Faith remember. He knocked on her door, and she came out. She looked like a witch, for she wore black and had grey hair, though the wart on her nose was missing. She listened to his plea, and cackled out a question about payment. The anthro brought out a small bag, and emptyed it into his hand. The old woman got mad, shouting about the magic is what she wanted, the magic! The anthro reluctantly drew out of his pocket his prized poession, a microchip. The woman snatched it and agreed.*
I looked up to see the annoying anthro and an old woman. "What do you want?" I found myself snapping the woman...who looked a lot like a witch...spoke up.
"Now Faith dearest, is that anyway to speack to your and his friend?" We talked awhile, long and low. Her voice was silky and convincing, bringing back many memories of my brother. I looked at the anthro. "You really ARE my bro arn't you?"
*The brain locked deep inside buddys, watched all this from far away, thinking. He'd have to get after that old woman, pay her well. She could help him, she could convince Faith for sure. If he could have he would have smiled. He would have his revenge on Calein.*
12-29-2002, 07:20 PM
I looked back to see Faith, the Anthro, and an old lady."Who is that?"
Looks back "I dont know. Do not bother them though, I feel hostility between the warg."
12-29-2002, 07:26 PM
I winced. Suddenly, I could sense the presence of the "Snakesnout" part of my brother Mauluk, Faith's warg Buddy. But though I knew he was plotting something, I had no idea exactly WHAT he intended to do.
Fred Baggins
12-29-2002, 07:36 PM
I glanced back at Calien. Then to Freddy. "Are-are you a writewraith then?"
Freddy smiled, and the old lady turned to leave. Buddy caught her before she left, and I figured they where freidns or something. "No, I do't even kow what a writewraith is."
"Then how did you get here?"
"That, is a very long story. Plus I don't feel like getting yelled at right now. Wanna come over to my tree house?"
"Can't sorry I've buisness to attend to, but I'm sure we will meet again someday."
"O. Allright then. Someday, of course. Then I suppose I will see you later."
12-29-2002, 07:39 PM
"What do you think they are talking about?"
"I am not sure, I do not read minds."
12-29-2002, 07:54 PM
"I don't know what they're saying, but I do know this: Snakesnout is planning something. Be on your guard. For though he can never again act against the Kin, he's still dangerous."
Adrian Baggins
12-29-2002, 07:59 PM
Finally I got used to the horse I had been given. I had been saying his name over and over in my head. He looked just like Sun Chaser so rembering his name was Relladren was kind of hard but I finally had it. I urged Relladren to go faster, and faster he went. I was happy. I loved doing this. I was for a few moments back at Camp Ravenwing Being The Hobbit, which was my camp nickname, and I was riding Sun Chaser. Then reality hit me. I wasn't at camp, I was a shifter, and Sun Chaser was dead. He had died the week before I left camp last year. I was sad now. Nothing, not even Swift could cheer me for a while. Not yet.
12-29-2002, 10:32 PM
I buried my face in Anmara's mane to hide my tears. O, Mauluk, my brother, why did you choose this path? Of all the Kin, he had been the closest to me, and the one I trusted most. But that was before my time in Mundane Earth, before I learned what he was REALLY like.
Hunter looked at the traitor Snakesnout; his contempt for the scum he had once called brother would never fade.
You are a fool, Snake. For you were Rraella's advisor before you left, and had nearly persuaded her to step down and let you lead. You were too greedy to continue to be her closest confidante: you had to challenge Rraella openly.
He was glad Snake had not been wise enough to see, or sense, how easily Calien might have been persuaded to yield the leadership of the Kin to her "eldest brother." For Snakesnout was unfit to lead the Kin; unfit even to live.
Rraellia, my sister, you are far more merciful than I would ever have been.
Yet that was one of the reasons she had been chosen to lead. He remembered vividly the day of the choosing, how the contest had finally come down to two: strangely enough, the eldest and the youngest of their Kin.
They had seemed nearly equal in power and intelligence, though Mauluk was by far the wiser of the two.
Hunter remembered all the arguments that day; how some of the Kin backed Mauluk for his wisdom and his seniority, and others backed Rraella, for her kindness. Even then, many had sensed the biggest contrast between the eldest and the youngest.
Mauluk, wise, cunning, and cruel -- and Rraella, somewhat naive, but just and compassionate.
Thus, the Kin had chosen Rraella to lead them. Yes, it had been very close, and the Kin had taken longer to make a decision than they EVER had on any issue, but in the end, it was Rraella, not Mauluk, who had become the chosen leader of her people.
And Snakesnout will never forgive her for that.
He looked at his youngest sister, who had finally come into her own, and thought again of how deeply Snake had erred!
12-30-2002, 03:03 PM
I thought it was time I spoke up!
'' I am called, well my ent carachter is called BarkBrows. I am an ent that is peace loving and cannot stand the mistreating of any life except for fellers of Trees like Orcs!! Boora RUM!!!'' I said to my surprise. I felt anger that the trees were being feld and a sheer hatred towards Orcs.
12-30-2002, 03:11 PM
I smiled. "Very good, we will call you BarkBrows. But what were you called before you came here? I was called Katharine Welsh."
12-30-2002, 03:16 PM
''I was called David McCartney...Is called'' I said.
12-30-2002, 03:39 PM
"The ent speeks. I am Princess Lubyla Greenleaf of the Stars. I have no name of your old world, for i am of here."
12-30-2002, 03:41 PM
"David McCartney? Hmmm, I think I've heard that name before. This must be what you're really supposed to look like, then. And you already know who we are."
Fred Baggins
12-30-2002, 04:59 PM
I stepped up, after Freddy left, unaware of the tear still trickling down my cheak.
"And I am Faith Lowe, I have no different name hear, unless you where to call me Faith the Blue...I think." I tried to laugh.
*The warg laughed a little* "You have another name, even if you won't find it out for awhile. We all have several different names, especially travelers." *He turned to Calien, Buddy, and Danger no more. A compasion was in his eyes.* "Right?"
I could tell by his woeful face he had no other position here. No one would bother to be kind to him. He had but one friend. I wept inwardly for him. I looked at him puzzled, but decided not to bother about the name thing right now.
Adrian Baggins
12-30-2002, 05:12 PM
I rode up and introduced myself to the ent and asked Calien if she could possibly stop and let me dismount. She saw the sadness in my eyes and complied. I got off Relladren and instead of walking mounted Swift. Calien asked me what I was doing and I replied, "I need to ride on something else. The horse brings back to many sad memories. Come Swift."
12-30-2002, 05:14 PM
"I, too, think I have heard of you...or maybe it was Paul McCartney. I am Starletta of the Rain, aka, Starlight."
12-30-2002, 05:16 PM
I looked down at Mauluk, at my brother and my advisor for many years, and for a moment I remembered him as I had seen him before my time in Mundane Earth, before his betrayal. I wanted to run to him, to tell him how much he had always meant to me. But then I recalled his words to me just before our battle.
You are nothing more than an obstacle...
And I looked at Snakesnout with a kind of hardness in my eyes that had never been there before. Mauluk, my dear brother, was gone, and nothing could ever bring him back. For a moment I looked him in the eyes, with only scorn for the warg. It was in that instant I made my own greatest mistake.
"You will always be Snakesnout," I whispered harshly.
Fred Baggins
12-30-2002, 05:23 PM
*The wargs eyes, filled with hate, but just for a moment. Then he smiled contemptedly* "Perhaps, lady I will be. Friendless, evil, hatefull Snakesnout. But I have one friend yet, and she will always be there for me. Always."
*Calien found that he spoke it, aloud but so that only she could hear it.*
12-30-2002, 05:43 PM
"I would..." I began to reply. But I could not finish my statement. Suddenly my eyes were flooding with tears that I was powerless to stop. I couldn't let the others see me like this!
"I need to be alone," I told Lubyla. Then I rode Anmara off into the forest, to a little stream in the woods. There I sat weeping, mourning the loss of my brother: not by his death, but by his own choices.
And then I did the most natural thing for a Writewraith, the only thing I knew to do. I picked up my journal, hidden in a small pouch, and began to write.
Long I wrote; of the Kin and of Mauluk; of my mother and father, of life in Middle Earth and in Mundane Earth.
I sat by the side of the stream, finding comfort in the pages that I wrote. The writing gave me strength, just as it always had.
By the time I found my way back to the others, I felt much grief, yet I was content.
And I had reached my decision. Mauluk was dead; this traitor before me was Kin, yes, but not my eldest brother. Not my Mauluk.
I realize now, too late, who it was that truly "killed" Mauluk: me.
Adrian Baggins
12-30-2002, 05:51 PM
Swift knew how to comfort me. He would wait for a few minutes then he would start to hum this song that always cheered me. This time however he didn't wait long enough though in the end it worked. I became happy again and I started singing. All I needed now was a quiet place to write. I wanted to work on a story I had been working on for months then quit to start a new one for I had run out of ideas. Now I had a new idea for that story. All of a sudden the whole group stopped. I saw Calien ride off to the riverside and so quietly I followed her, being careful to go just a little bit backwards so as to stay out of sight. I saw her sit down and start writing in a book, feeling that I should write too, I pulled out my laptop and started typing.
12-30-2002, 07:36 PM
Hunter saw Calien ride Anmara off into the distance. He did not follow her, for he had heard his sister tell Lubyla she needed to be alone.
He wanted to comfort Calien, but he knew that he couldn't, not yet. Right now, no one could. He sat down near Terwell and waited for Calien to return.
When she did, there was no trace of tears in her eyes. There was great sorrow, yes, but a strong determination, too.
And then Hunter caught a flicker of something else in his sister's eyes. He looked away, startled, hoping he had misinterpreted what it meant.
Adrian Baggins
12-30-2002, 07:47 PM
I was so engrosed in my writing that I didn't see Calien get up and leave. I was at first suprised that she didn't seem to notice me. Then I noticed that she had left so I quietly got up to go back to the others but I felt a hand on my shoulder and was spun around. I had just enough time to look and see that it was Calliman and that he was very pleased to find me alone before he kissed me. I knew that my crush wasn't a crush. It was love.
12-30-2002, 08:06 PM
I looked around a bit, keeping watch for Calien. Something was a bit too awkward. I said in a low voice " Perhaps I should not have brought them all." At that point Calien walke by, and heard me. Starletta was off in her own dazed world.
12-30-2002, 08:16 PM
<What do you mean, you shouldn't have brought us all? Don't most of us, maybe ALL of us, belong here?> I asked.
12-30-2002, 08:23 PM
<Itwas a bit of a risk to bring you all. I know not of who is of here, and of who is not. That is part of the trick. There are many here who DO belong here. There has been too much fuss with the past.> Perhaps I shall send them back.
At this point I herd the last bit that she had said, and came to my sences. " Why? Were are needed here, are we not?Perhaps you should let them chose to go back."
12-30-2002, 08:53 PM
<Ah, yes, the past. It can always come back to haunt us, can't it, Lubyla Greenleaf of the Stars? What we remember of our lives here before Mundane Earth will not again be easily forgotten. Besides, you aren't the only one who could summon us back, and some who can might not share your noble intentions. It is far better for our Writewraiths to be in Middle Earth with one who abhors evil, than to be summoned back later by someone with an evil purpose. And that is exactly what will happen if they are sent back!>
Fred Baggins
12-31-2002, 02:51 AM
I found myself falling asleep, as I waited for the others to return. And I had the most horrifying dream, so that I woke up near tears. I saw myself, in a well-furnished room. I was talking to someone though to begine with, her face was blurry, and I could not identify her. She had two companions with her as well, a woman, and a warg. I was talking to the lady, she was royal I could tell though I knew not who she was. She spoke kindly to me at first, though I spoke harshly to her. I remember little of what was said, except for a few lines. I knew I had said something exceptionally cruel though what it was I knew not. Then she spoke.
"Please, call my by my rightful title, Empress. Countess, I am Countess Nicole De Lecrante. It would not do for others to hear my real name, now would it?" When I said Empress it was in such a mocking tone. I should have not come from me!
"Faith. My good friend Faith Lowe."
At this moment there was a movement in the corner, and she looked over to it. Her face hardened, froze as she saw the black warg walk to my side. I now knew who she was. Kathie, my dear freind Kathie, and look at how I treated her.
"Snakesnout. I would have guessed. You are the one who has been poisening her mind."
"I will thank you to show him respect. He is my true friend, my advisor, my ONLY friend." I looked at her for a few minuets, and this time I notice that the woman next to her is Starlight. That seemed to make me more mad than ever. "Now, leave my house, I no longer wish to speak with you" She turned to leave, when on last minuet I called to her. I noticed that my face had softened, just for a minuet. "Kathie, are we still friends?" She turned back to me, her face hardened, and yet signs of tears in her eyes.
"No, COUNTESS. I don't see how we could be. Besides, isn't BUDDY, your only friend?"
The face was soft no more, but harder than ever. "I had hoped not, but it seems so. Now, didn't I tell you to leave? Shall I have to call the guards?" And then I woke up, panting to regain control. I looked around wildly, afraid of what I would see. I found myself running up to Kathie, crying frantically, "We're still friends right, right Kathie? We are still friends right? I Kathie, I'm so so sorry!"
12-31-2002, 12:21 PM
''I...I think I know who you all are.'' I said nervously. Then without warning.
''Humm de dumm.'' I clasped my leafy hands to my mouth.
12-31-2002, 12:38 PM
Faith came running in, asking if we were still friends. I looked at her in confusion and horror. "Of course we're still friends. Why-why wouldn't we be?" I studied her face for a moment, not sure exactly what I was searching for.
12-31-2002, 01:22 PM
I started to ride faster. This was too much. All that was going on. I simply left, unable to tell where I was going. It was like I was blind to the world. I finaly sat down by some trees. No one, I think knew I was gone.
12-31-2002, 01:25 PM
I still didn't understand what was going on.
Fred Baggins
12-31-2002, 02:05 PM
ic: I looked around embarrased. "I-I'm sorry, it's was so real...and you know what they say, dreams are the windows to the future." I told her about my dream. "I didn't mean to act to...paniced, it was just so real."
ooc: Silverstripe is it ok, if one of us starts a disscusion thread for this thread. A little late I know, but with all these people, and characters, I think we need somewhere to post our characters and stuff.
12-31-2002, 02:09 PM
I second that Motion, fred.
12-31-2002, 02:53 PM
ooc: Okay, I started a discussion thread. It's called "Writewraiths in Mundane Earth" :)
ic: "I understand, Faith. Let's pray that your dream never, EVER becomes reality." I swore that if something like that did happen, things would be different. I would make things go differently.
12-31-2002, 02:58 PM
''Hey! Can I follow you Guys or something. Ya'know! This is a bit strange for me, so...can I follow you's?'' I asked nervously.
12-31-2002, 03:04 PM
Upon hearing the ent speak, I turned. "Yes, of course you can follow us!" I said, laughing a little. "Didn't you hear me say that you should come with us?"
12-31-2002, 03:12 PM
''I can come!!! Thankyou!!'' I gave a sigh of relief.
Fred Baggins
12-31-2002, 03:26 PM
I smiled, and felt a nudge on my arm. Buddy. He looked up at me with those puppy eyes, and then I looked from Kathie, to Bud, and back. I still didn't understand. i mumbled to myself. "Buddy, is DIFFERENT from Danger. They have separate minds."(ooc: Which by the way, is true...)
12-31-2002, 03:51 PM
I looked at Faith and "Buddy," worried. Faith, my friend, please don't make the mistake I did. I, too, had once looked upon that warg as a trusted friend, and he had betrayed me.
Fred Baggins
12-31-2002, 03:59 PM
<I know what you're thinking Kathie, and you're wrong. He has two set's of...minds, so to speack, two different sets of memorys, two different types of love and hate, two different ways of thinking. That's why, I call him Buddy, because he isn't harmful when he has that look, he's just a puppy.>
12-31-2002, 04:34 PM
I sighed. "Let me tell you a story, Faith." I paused.
"When I was very young, I discovered that I was a skin changer. I told no one of this discovery (save Terwell) until one day, I discovered a group of others who shared my ability to transform into wargs; very special elves and men who called themselves the Kin."
"Now the Kin had just lost their leader, and were looking for a new one. To make a long story short, they somehow chose a young fool called Calien. Me."
"But I needed the help of a wiser one, and she knew it. So I took my eldest brother Mauluk, my contender for the leadership, as my advisor. He was the one I turned to when I didn't understand enough to make the right decision, which was much of the time."
"Now Mauluk and I grew to be close friends. I trusted Mauluk with my life, and would willingly have given my life for him. Often I thought I should resign leadership of the Kin, in which case the position would pass to Mauluk. Once, in fact, I begged him to take the job. He refused, calmly stating that he would rather continue to advise me."
"And I thought I had a loyal and true friend in him. Yet look what happened after my time in Mundane Earth. My "friend," my brother, tried to kill me!"
Now tears began to run down my cheeks.
"I wish I could have Mauluk back. But you see, I don't think I can anymore. And I'm just afraid he might do the same thing to you."
Fred Baggins
12-31-2002, 04:46 PM
"That's touching, really, and I'm sorry, that Mauluk turned on you, but now let me tell you something." I pointed to him. "Right now, that's NOT Mauluk, nor Danger, nor Snakesnout, that's Buddy. That's-
"O nevermind, forget it. It's no use trying to explain it. Just remember, that I feel that I can trust him. I feel that I can even trust Danger, and Snakesnout, and Mauluk. Not because he told me that, or because he decived me, but becau-
"And there I go again. I'm done now. I'm done. And that dream? It's not going to happen."
12-31-2002, 04:55 PM
"No, the dream is not going to happen," I said as calmly as I could manage. Because I won't let it happen, I added silently.
"But please remember how strongly I believed that I could trust Mauluk, and be careful, okay? Because I don't think you know how much it hurts to have someone betray you like that."
You can never trust anyone completely, ever again! That thought startled me. Did that mean I didn't even trust Faith? I thought about it again. I wasn't sure...
Fred Baggins
12-31-2002, 05:00 PM
I nodded. "Right, well can we change the subject then? Like when we get to see this Palace? You know I've always loved castles, but I guess you did know that. I got my sword in an old ruinous castle."
12-31-2002, 07:11 PM
Then Terwell came to my side, and asked me if I was okay. I knew then that I would always have at least one friend I could turn to, whom I could always trust. I bent down and hugged the young fox.
And then I heard Faith say, " my sword in an old ruinous castle."
Huh? "Sword? What sword?!"
Terwell knew what his best friend, the elf he was Linked to, was thinking. <I love you, Calien.> He glared at Snakesnout, wishing he could kill the treacherous warg.
Fred Baggins
12-31-2002, 07:19 PM
*The warg caught the Terwells glare, and shrunk back away from him. Away from all of these humans. If only he could get further away. No one could relize what it was like to be him, to be held here, with these people that hate him, only because he could not excape.*
"Well, this sword of course. O, Kathie, I never showed you? Well, I s'pose I never would have the guts to take it out of my back pack. 'Course it was really stupid to keep it in my backpack, but now I'm glad I did. It almost looks elvish." I drew the sword from the sheath. It was glowing blue. "'s...glowing. Is that good." Kathie gasped.
"Do you relize who's sword that is? Who it belongs to! Faith, you have Glamdring!"
"Well...that explains why it's glowing." I looked over at Star, and we shared a shocked look.
Adrian Baggins
12-31-2002, 07:25 PM
ooc: sorry I had to clean house and couldn't get on the comp. for a while.
ic:I walked back to the group with Calliman, hand in hand. Grace and Celrond stairedat me as I walked. They had guessed what had happened. I made my way up to the front letting go of Calliman's hand with a look that said I would be right back. I had just thought of something and had to talk to Calien. When I saw her face I waited then told her that I felt that someone was plotting something. By the look she gave me I knew she sensed the same thing and knew who was ploting. I also told her that I thought Swift was ill. He was acting very strange since I had accidentally froze him.
Fred Baggins
12-31-2002, 09:22 PM
I heard Adrian tell about something being wrong, and I sighed. It certantly would never be any use to tell anyone, how I had spent hours wroking on the way Buddy's/Snakesnout's minds worked, telling them how it worked. No one would understand. They just don't get it. I shook my head and walked away, and Buddy followed...gladly it seemed to me.
12-31-2002, 10:15 PM
I rode away, to a small hill that overlooked a river. as I reached the top of the hill, a swift wind picked up and died down almost instantly. I could feel someone comming, and rode down the hill to the river. Something was not right, not right at all.
01-01-2003, 02:12 PM
I looked around at all of the Writewraiths, trying to figure out what hidden powers the rest of them might have, when I noticed something which seemed terribly wrong. Starletta was missing.
"Lubyla. Where's Star?"
01-01-2003, 02:21 PM
I looked up from my compact, and looked around." I don't know, have you seen Andodulin?"
I dismounted Summer, and sat in the grass, as a black bird hobbled over to me." Hullo Andodulin." Something was wrong, he looked...different.
01-01-2003, 02:24 PM
Somehow, this question worried me. I had a feeling that something just wasn't right. "No." There it was again, the uneasy prickling, which I had learned by now not to ignore. "We need to find Starletta."
01-01-2003, 02:31 PM
"Right, but what of the others? You cannot leave them here alone."
Andodulin hobbled over a bit more, so that I could see the fire glowing in his eyes. A memory struck me, like in those really bad '50's sitcoms, and I saw him...Morier, with his rider, as the dark rider said...I shall come again.
01-01-2003, 02:34 PM
"They can come with us, then, or if they don't want to come, or can't, I will ask some of the Kin to come and protect them."
01-01-2003, 02:37 PM
"Right,"I whistled a long, soft whistle.
"Andodulin...are you ok?...You dont look it...I is going on?" Andodulin looked at her, trying to make contact.
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 02:38 PM
Starletta was gone? And Andodulin...I wondered if Star still had that neaklace. That's when it had started, when She had found that neaklace on the ground, on the way to the stables. She had picked it up and pocketed it. Then the rider, and the bird. The bird had attacked her. Though I had brushed it off then, I now knew I couldn't. One of my best friends was in trouble.
Her horse was gone, I tried to think where she would go, and I hoped that I guessed right, running in that direction.
~Star, please answer me!~
01-01-2003, 02:41 PM
I looked up, hearing Faiths voice. But as I did so, Andodlin had made contact, and I fell, unconsious to the grond, only being able to "say" one thng...~--elp m--~
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 02:45 PM
I tried to follow the voice, and found her, with Andodulin bending over her. It was obvious she was unconsious.
"Andodulin, what are you doing!?"
I heard hoofsteps from behind me, and didn't dare to turn around, but rather just mumble, "Not again. I don't know what to do!" I had never been told the only way to stop Morier, without...I shuddered, to think of what would happen.
01-01-2003, 02:51 PM
He looked up at Faith, now as an elf, clad fully in black,he looked ike a Nazgul, though he wasn't "O, Faith, what are YOU doing here?" The hooves in the distance stopped, as if they heard the mantioning of Faith.
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 02:55 PM
"What am I duing here? Well I'm not quite sure. You see I was posting in Entmoot, when all of a sudden, Kathie, Star and I where picked up-"
"I MEANT, what are you doing HERE, not what are you doing in Middle-Earth."
"I don't know. Maybe you can tell me/ See I heard a cry of help from my best friend, Star. Now...why would she ask for help, when she has YOU to look after he while she sleeps?"
Ok, I admit, I could've been nicer, but I couldn't keep that sarcasim out of my voice.
01-01-2003, 02:59 PM
He smiled an evil smile at her sarcasm. "She saw a spider, now, I think she needs rest.The others are loking for you I think.You really should go."
Adrian Baggins
01-01-2003, 03:03 PM
Calliman ran up to me and told me the most awful news I could hear at that moment. Swift had colapsed. I ran back to where I had left Swift and sat down beside him. Then I shifted to wolf form and as Alidrinan, put my head on his shoulder. We could talk better this way. 'Swift, what is wrong?' I asked looking in his eyes which were filled with pain. 'I can't feel my back legs and I almost can't feel my front paws,' he said. I stood up and put him on my back(strong enough to do this in my wolf form). Then I carried him up front to Calien.
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 03:05 PM
"Right, like they really care that much about me. Actually they're looking for her. Andodulin, stop with the games. Starlight is my best friend, I know just about as much about you as if I would have made you up myself. I know about you're past, present and futer. Give, It, Up."
01-01-2003, 03:06 PM
"I'll go find Starletta, you are needed"I said as we were approached by 2 wolves. I turned Ithilsila, and rode off to where Starletta might be. I tried to message Faith. <Do you know where Starletta is?>
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 03:09 PM
<Yea, Lubyla. She's right here, in front of me. Unfortantaly so is the Dark Rider, standing between me and her. I'm not leaving her with him. Morier is close by to, though I'm not sure where exactly.>
01-01-2003, 03:12 PM
<right...I'm comming.> I quickly sped twards where they were.
"You may know all about MY past, but what about Lubyla? You never learned that. She is the truely evil one, not me. You could befriend Buddy, you see the good in him, why not me? What is wrong with me?"He said this in an almost hurt tone./
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 03:18 PM
"Lubyla?" What did I know of her past? It had never fully been compleated from what I understood, but never would be able to be finished. Lubyla was everywhere, though no where at all. What did I know> "O, I see you're refearing to the Battle of the Ring, when she shot you. Very funny. Yes, I agree, you DO have good aspects about you, and wrong ones. Don't try to trick me, you can't. And let me tell you something else. buddy, is so very different from any other-" I wasn't going to start on THAT again.
01-01-2003, 03:33 PM
"Trick you? I am but trying to warn you. Protect you if I may. You see, I am the non evil one. Yes, I have my times, but have you ever REALLY talked to Lubyla?? Even Starletta, the poor dear, is brainwashed by her. Are you bainwashed too?" The way he said this, it almost made you feel sorry for him.
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 03:42 PM
Maybe, I'm heartless, but It just made me more mad than ever. Perhaps, she didn't remember to well that she was Starlight, but she was NOT brainwashed, that I knew, nor was I. I found myself drawing Glamdring, and a chill ran through me. I had Glamdring! I held it at my side.
"Servant of Sauron, clean your foul mind or I will clean it for you! Perhaps you do not know who I really am? I am Doncamiel, wizard of the west, you deal with no mear mortal."
01-01-2003, 03:45 PM
I rode up just as Faith unshethed her sword. "Lower your blade." I said as I took out my own. "This is no mer flake, Morier is near fowl minded servant. Show me the REAL Andodulin, not you, for the fire has long been put out."
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 03:50 PM
I lowerd the blade, but it remained unsheathed. The staff I held, had become grander, not just a walking stick. I watched Lubyla, and yet the fire refused to die.
01-01-2003, 03:56 PM
I took out a black arrow, and placed it at his neck. "What are you doing? Where is Morier." I snapped a short comand to Faith." Take Starletta back to camp."
As Faith reached to pick up Starletta, Andodulin shirked away from the arrow, long enough to attack the both of them, leaving Starletta untouched.
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 04:04 PM
He nicked my arm, as I picked up Starletta, and I felt the anger grow in me, as I quietly spoke to him, so that no one else heard. "Perhaps the name Doncamiel, Wizard of the West, means nothing now, but there will be a day when even you will fear the name." I smiled and nodded to him, then to Lubyla, and began to walk back to camp. I met up with Buddy, who had remained about five feet from the action, and put Starletta on his back, I was not strong enough to carry her.
01-01-2003, 04:10 PM
Andodulin did not feel much like fighting, now that what he was fighting for was being taken off. He yelled into the wind:"Do not trust what you know, for security is a false emotion." "Lubyla, must we fight now?"
"Who said anything about fighting?"I said this just as I had sliced his neck with the black arrow. Black blood dripped, as he returned to being a bird. "I am keeping a more watchful eye on you." I mounted Ithilsila, and rode off after Faith.
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 04:20 PM
I looked over to Lubyla, and saw something on her arm. Uninterested I asked what it was.
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 04:22 PM
I looked over to Lubyla, and saw something on her arm. Uninterested I asked what it was.
ooc: Darn 90 sec rule!
01-01-2003, 04:25 PM
I looked over to see a deep gash in my arm. I quickly covered it." Just a gash from Andodulin." This had happened but once before, before the day I had taken Andodulin under, had "Killed" him. it was the days he was still with Morier. I began to cry a bit, but hastfully dried my eyes, for I was not the one to cry. "Andodulin shall be back, with Morier. We must keep watch on Starletta"
Adrian Baggins
01-01-2003, 04:38 PM
I was crying. I didn't know I could cry in my wolf form. I shifted back to wizard form and just sat there by Swift. Calliman came over and put his arms around me, trying to comfort me. It sort of worked. I was atleast a little bit calmer. I dried my eyes and looked into Calliman's. He was worried bout Swift as much as I was. He was also worried about me. Celrond and Grace came over. They too tried to comfort me but I couldn't be any more comforted. I was afraid that Swift would die.
01-01-2003, 04:41 PM
I stirred in my sleep, and woke up to find myself on the back of Buddy, with Faith...or at least I think it was, and Lubyla. I brought my hand to my forehead. "Why do I always wake up in the oddest places?" ~What happened~
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 04:47 PM
~The "Bird" attacked again, and his horse, though this time for real. Unlike what happened at home.~
01-01-2003, 04:50 PM
"What? What bird?"
"Andodulin and Morier attacked. I fear they arre in a league of thier own. I fear I may have stopped Andodulin for only a short time."
01-01-2003, 07:27 PM
"Um...thanks for saving me...I think. How did you find me?"
"I'll let Faith answer that."
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 07:30 PM
"I just knew. I knew where you would be likly to go, and ran that way." I felt the power begin to hide itself again, and by the time we got back to camp I was back to normal, well, my physical appearance was anyway, and that doesn't include the Staff, for it remained the same. I noticed Adrian's wolf, was sick, and I hung my head. I wished there was something I could do to help, but there was nothing.
01-01-2003, 07:33 PM
I saw the sick wolf. "what is wrong with it??"
Adrian Baggins
01-01-2003, 07:41 PM
After I was asked what was wrong with Swift by Starletta I turned my eyes away and onto Calliman's shoulder so that no one would see the new stream of tears flowing from my eyes. Calliman answered for me and said we didn't know. Then he returned hi attention to cheering me up. Swift looked up and said, 'Don't cry princess. Please don't cry. I will not die. I will be fine in a few minutes, I think. I don't rightly know when I will be better but I will get better just don't cry princess. Your tears have a power that no one has seen before.' Swifts words comforted me a little though I couldn't stop crying.
01-01-2003, 07:44 PM
I looked at Lubyla, then started to walk off. She rode p from behind.
"Yer not walkin off on yer own with Andodulin in his current...state. Faith, did he say anything to you?"
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 07:48 PM
"You must be joking. Of course he did. He said that I was brainwashed and that she was brainwashed and that YOU where brainwashing us! HA, and he also said that you where the evil one!" I told her. Then I walked away. I had to wash Bud's fur. It was annoying the heak out of me.
01-01-2003, 07:51 PM
"Ha, me the evil one...brain washing. Ah, what will he think up next? I'll be right back. Starletta, your comming with me, or Faith. you are not to be alone." I rubbed my shoulder.
"I think I wish to go with Faith, if she is all right with that?"
Adrian Baggins
01-01-2003, 07:57 PM
ic:The pain left Swift's eyes and he sat up. He was still weak but he could walk at least and he would probibly be able to carry me later. I quit crying and asked Swift what he meant by my tears haveing powers. But Calien had figured out what I was and she forbade Swift to tell me anything about my tears. Not now anyway.
ooc: I am the princess of the hobbits and I have powers from being a shifter. Also the princess of the hobbits was always a Baggins and a shifter with atleast 2 rings of power who had at some point in their life lived with elves and so had an elven family ring as well. Their tears have powers but I haven't thought about what kind yet. So I will tell you what kind later.
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 07:58 PM
"Yea, I'm cool with that! You wanna ride Buddy again?" I tried to joke, but the truth was, I was disgusted, and not in much of a mood to joke.
ooc: *slaps head*
01-01-2003, 08:03 PM
"Thats alright...I think I can walk."I laughed a bit."Why dont I give you a hand with washing him."
I started to walk off to the stream where I had fought wit hAndodulin ,this time, not on horseback.
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 08:07 PM
I tore off a small strip of the bottom of my dress, and tore that in two, handing one half to Starletta. "Here, ya go. I think I have some soap in here... Here we go, soap!" I quietly started scrubbing, though I wanted to talk so bad, but what I had to talk about couldn't be here.
01-01-2003, 08:11 PM
I took the cloth, and started to scrub Buddy."This reminds me of when we were-- nevermind."I hung my head.
Adrian Baggins
01-01-2003, 08:19 PM
Swift looked alot better in a matter of minutes. Calliman and I walked off to this small clump of trees to our left and sat down to talk. I was being serious and so was he although we were talking about two different things. I was talking about the strange things Swift had said and he was talking about us. I finally gave in and again he kissed me. I started practicing spells again shortly afterwards and he just staired at me like I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. This made me nervous and 1 of my best spells backfired and I had all this soot on my face. He started laughing and I did too. We were beginning to remember our lives that we had come back to. We were remembering how we had at first thought of each other as odd and then fell in love in Middle Earth along time ago. I still didn't remember anything about being a princess of any sort, and by the look in his eyes he didn't either. We walked back to the others smiling widely.
01-01-2003, 08:30 PM
"I actually dont remember.well, I'm talking to much.I must be acting like a babbling idiot. I'll shut up now."
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 08:32 PM
After several minuets, of finally being able to tell someone of how I felt, using the S&F link(Star and Faith, it's my new nick for it) I tried to change the subject, and lighten it a little.
"You know what I'm going to do when I get back to Mundane Earth? I'm going to bye back Wind Rider. I don't know why I ever sold her, she was such a beauty. I loved that horse. Wonder where exactly she is right now. What are you going to do Star?
01-01-2003, 08:38 PM
"I'm not sure...maybe get more horses, and train them to be faster than even my fastest ones, and start into smithing and bowwork I think, that is, if I can go back to Ireland," I held pain in my eyes.I looked down so that Faith would not see, though I knew she could tell. I knew not of what happened when Lubyla sent me here, in Mundane Earth, or what has become of my history. 'Perhaps I shall not even go back' I though.
Fred Baggins
01-01-2003, 08:41 PM
"We're going back, naturally!" I said it with conviction, but deep down inside I knew we where never going back, I least of all.
01-01-2003, 08:53 PM
"Perhaps."I went back to scrubbing.
neels beside the stream. "Andodulin...why did you do it. Of all the times to do this. Now you have them dobting me. Curse your evil ways." Takes a cloth out of her pack and wets it. After washing off the silver on her arm, she bandaged the spot with the cloth, and started to walk away.
Adrian Baggins
01-01-2003, 09:16 PM
I walked up to Swift and asked him how he was feeling. 'Fine,' he told me, 'I am doing fine Princess. How are you?' "I am fine Swift. I am starting to remember some stuff about my life here in Middle Earth, but nothing about being a princess," I told him waiting for Faith and Starletta to come back, waiting so that I could ask them if they knew anything about me being a princess.
01-02-2003, 12:11 AM
As we sat washing Buddy, I could feel someone, or something watching us. I looked up and in the distance, I saw a pair of glowing eyes."What do you think that is Faith?"I pointed to the eyes.
Fred Baggins
01-02-2003, 12:19 AM
I giggled "Maybe it's the guy who has a secret crush on you watching from a distance...and...somewhow got binoculars. Or maybe it's Gollum, or those giant squirels from Mirkwood."
01-02-2003, 12:21 AM
"Ok, first, no one in Middle Earth that I know of has a secret crush on me. Wanna go see what it is?" I hoped that she would.
Fred Baggins
01-02-2003, 12:28 AM
I giggled "Of course you won't know if they have a secret crush. It's secret! Sure let's cheak it out. Looks like Bud's done anyway. Why don't we dry him off first real quickly." I tore off another peice of the dress, so that it was just below the knees, adn we dried him off. And I made a mental note to stop in the nearest town and get some clothes, and supplys.
01-02-2003, 12:59 PM
"Good, but um, we have to keep a watch for Lubyla. She isn't too thrilled about me gallivanting off. Boy, her arm was sure betten up."
I returned back to camp, and walked over to Calien. "We have found her, dont worry. She is off with Faith. It seems well, I'm mesage the rest." <It seems the dark rider, and the dark one Ride again. He attacked her. Andodulin attacked her. Then he tried to kill Faith and I. Morier was not ar at hand, though I could not see him.>
01-02-2003, 01:10 PM
I stayed a little ways apart from the rest of the Writewraiths, sitting with Terwell and Hunter. I wondered if any of the others had given thought to what we would do after we reached our destination; what we might have to do.
Does Faith still think she can go home?
I hoped she'd realized that Middle Earth was her home now. Otherwise, it would be even harder on her when she learned.
01-02-2003, 01:15 PM
Then Lubyla came walking over and told me of some very disturbing news. <Morier has returned?> I stood up. "We must make for the Kingdom of the Writewraiths." <Then we should proceed quickly, but with caution.>
01-02-2003, 01:23 PM
<That is right.> "Now, where have those two gotten off to? I told Faith not to take her far."
Fred Baggins
01-02-2003, 03:28 PM
We walked slowly up to the eyes, our swords drawn. a sound, almost like purring came from the eyes.
Adrian Baggins
01-02-2003, 03:34 PM
I changed back into hobbit form and dug through my pack. To my surprise I found a container of ranch dip, some broccoli and carrots, some bread, and some cheese.(kind of odd how food just appears in my pack huh). I sat down and started eating, yet again I was acting like a hobbit(duh I am in hobbit form but oh well), infact I was acting like a starved hobbit.
01-02-2003, 03:43 PM
As we made it to the eyes, the creature stood up. It was a beautiful black, and its eyes glowed a soft yellow. "What do you think it is Faith?"
Fred Baggins
01-02-2003, 03:48 PM
I stood in awe staring at it, partly because it was so beautiful, and partly because it probably had pretty big teeth. I recognized it. "It-it's a panther. But if we walk away slowly and sick buddy on it I think we'll be ok."
01-02-2003, 03:52 PM
The panther started to walk up to us, as we stood debating it."I-i dont think we should sitck Buddy on it. I dont want any trouble."
Fred Baggins
01-02-2003, 04:14 PM
"Yea, and I don't wanna become dinner. Maybe if we just slowly walk away it'll leave us alone.?"
01-02-2003, 04:15 PM
"I dont think so..." The panther was but inches away. As it came closer, it started to purr in a panther like way.
Fred Baggins
01-02-2003, 04:21 PM
"Ok, that's just creepy. It's purring. Don't be fooled Star, he's playing Crocadile. You know crying fake tears. Just slowly walk away. Buddy, come here boy. Don't do anything."
01-02-2003, 04:25 PM
The panther continued to purr, as we started to back away.It followed us, so I did the first thing that came to mind. I opened up my pack, and threw an apple in the distance, hopeing it would follow it. "well, that didn't work"
Fred Baggins
01-02-2003, 04:28 PM
"And it wasted a perfectly good apple! Hrumph. Well what do we do now! I was supposed to make sure you didn't get in trouble but look at me." I thought for a minuet and slapped my head "What am I thinking. We have swords!"
01-02-2003, 04:36 PM
"O yeah huh!" As we raised our swords, the panther seemed to whisper...'You wouldn't hurt a friend, would you?' "Um...Faith...did you hear that?"
Fred Baggins
01-02-2003, 04:38 PM
"hear what? Kill it!"
01-02-2003, 04:42 PM
'Kill me? But what have I done but protect you m'lady? Huh?' The panther seemed to smile. 'Come now, it wouldn't be smart to hurt me. After all, I am Illali, do you not remember me?'
"I dont remember anything about a panther, even one named Illali. Faith, lets just go, we'll just tell Lubyla and some of the others about it."
Fred Baggins
01-02-2003, 04:49 PM
"yea, ok. That's fine with me!"
01-02-2003, 04:56 PM
"Yeah, lets go. I dont think it wil hrt us, but I dont think we can trust it."
'Why dont you trust me?'
"Your a panther, and I dont know you...therefore, I dont trust you."
Fred Baggins
01-02-2003, 05:04 PM
"Ok. You're talking to the panther. Should I be scared now? I think I will be. Can we GO?"
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