View Full Version : Bree to Moria RPG
06-07-2002, 02:46 PM
"The Eldar shall never be forgotten, Fimbren. And I hope Men shant either, in the West." And no other words were spoken between them that night. They sat there in silence until the break of day.
06-07-2002, 05:18 PM
When dawn came Maew, Kal, and the Gondorim had left the valley of the Loudwater and were deep in the country of Hollin. Wide and grey it stretched before them, stepping up to the wall of mountains to their left in high rocky clefts or rugged hills. Just before dawn they had stopped to rest. Maew had slept for a few hours and now lay with his ear pressed to the ground, after a while he rose and pulled some of the food they had recieved in Rivendell. He went and sat by Kal, tossing her an apple as he did so. 'The country is troubled, few animals walk here, they feel the evil in the mountains.' Kal smiled at him, 'All the more reason to make haste! Don't be so gloomy, friend, we will win through in the end.' He grined at her, 'Aye, press on indeed! Well, we probably should...' They still had many miles to travel before reaching the passes over the mountains. Most of Halbarad's Gondorim were about and repacking baggage, and within half an hour they were headed for the mountains.
samwise of the shire
06-07-2002, 07:59 PM
Alaird rode Perri in a brooding silence, he could not believe Merry had given him this heirloom for protection(he was SURE it was Merry. After all the rascal had helped him pack). It was enough that His Grandfather had given him Sting...but Alaird would have been happier if his coat of mail had been normal steel and NOT mithril...the very stuff he was risking his life for. He shook his head. He could have guessed that Merry would have sneaked the coat wrapped in tissue into the bottom of his pack to be found when he went through his pack in Rivendell.
The young hobbit kept shaking his head over the absurdidty of it all. Then he remembered he wanted to talk to Katt. He rode foward to where Katt was riding a borrowed pony from Rivendell. She smiled as he rode foward and he grinned back somewhat nervously, He swallowed. "Ummm Katt I was wonderin', you've been lookin'...bored I guess. Umm why?"
She sighed "Because I haven't been a help to anyone. I'm just a nuiscance." Alaird looked at her in suprise" Well now I need your help. Would you like to be my assistant in herbs? I'd need help with the wounded an' all." Alaird held his breath as he waited for her answer....
Handmaiden of Yavanna
06-07-2002, 08:31 PM
Lara had riden with Maew, Kal, and Halbarad the next morning. She held the reins of her horse lightly. Her head ached with anticipation
"Lady Lara, has all gone as planned so far in your mission?" She heard a voice behind her say. It was Halbarad, "I told you you would do well," He added with a grin.
Lara blushed and smiled, "Yes you did sir, and I thank you for your encouragement," She answered.
"Well, it was the least I could do," He answered with a smile, riding by her...
06-07-2002, 09:15 PM
Traveling south from Rivendell they encamped once in the land of Hollin and continued on the next morning. It was nearing evening when they came within sight of the West Gate of Moria. The orcs had reopened this passage and where the doors use to be, there was a large jagged gap.
"Well, we're here. Hopefully Maew and Kal have reached the forces on the eastern side." Halbarad looked about him and everyones eyes were fixed on the gap opened on the side of the mountain. The entrance to Moria.
06-07-2002, 10:59 PM
Eäráng knew he wouldn't be able to defeat the Balrogs by himself, but no one else was there. Dorong the dwarf was killed, slain by the Uruk-hai. None of the company that had left from Bree was any where around. He was trapped, by the Captain of the Balrogs, no less. The huge wings of the Balrog were hideously strong as they scooped Eäráng up. The Balrog was looking at him, those huge eyes of red gazing into the sea-gray eyes of the elf. The elf was not afraid of death, he had nothing to live for now. The Balrog was just about to swallow Eäráng into his maw, when suddenly Eäráng yelled out, "FIMBREN! AVENGE MY DEATH!" The Balrog was so suprised with the elf's scream that he abruptly and promptly dropped him on the sharp rocks below, knocking the elf out cold. The Balrog couldn't find him, so it just went back into the shadows with the others.
Finrod Felagund
06-08-2002, 01:52 PM
Fimbren felt a twinge of pain. He clearly heard a voice in his head yell 'avenge me Fimbren'.
"Earang" yelled Fimbren. Lara looked at him. "He has been hurt, probably killed in Moria. Let us make haste for I sense great evil there."
Handmaiden of Yavanna
06-08-2002, 04:05 PM
Lara, Fimbren, and Halbarad entered the huge opening in the mine, keeping their swords up and ears alert. The inky black air seemed thick with fear. Fimbren strode ahead, followed by Lara than Halbarad. All held their breaths.
Suddenly a groan erupted from beside them. All swung their swords around in the direction and found it was Earang on the floor. He looked wounded terribly. Fimbren knelt to the floor beside the elf, while Halbarad and Lara stood, holding their swords high with anticipation.
"What happened friend?" Fimbren asked Earang.
When the elf did not answer, Fimbren realised that he was unconcious.
"Quickly now," Halbarad said nervously, "We must get him and us out of here now."
Halbarad and Fimbren lifted the limp elf as Lara led the way through the shifting darkness, holding the torch they had brought aloft. After a while of walking Lara began to feel desperate.
"Fimbren," She said not turning, "Do you know where we are?"
06-08-2002, 04:20 PM
As Lara and Halbarad looked around in the dim light they could see the approaching torches of the rest of the company.
"The orcs have done some construction of their own. Well, here begins our true peril and mission, Lara."
06-08-2002, 09:28 PM
Maew and Kal reached the edge of the large encampment by the thin light of a waning crescent moon. As they approached the fringe of firelight that fenced the camp, three men bearing the livery of the Tower of the Rising Sun materialized from the gloom and crossed their spearshafts before the head of the foremost horse. The leading man looked them over, he noted the presence of the Gondorim, but addressed himself to Maew as the apparent leader of the group, 'Whence come you in the company of Gondorim soldiers over the mountain passes to our camp?'
Maew answered, 'We have ridden hard and far to bring news from Rivendell of the orcs in Moria to your commander.'
The man searched Maew's eyes for a moment then nodded curtly to the two men with him, as he led them though the ordered rows of tents the men fell in behind them.
A few words were exchanged through the canvas door of a large tent, obviously that of the commander, and they were admitted. The soldiers that had led them in now led their horses to the nearest picket. The commander was of strong build, but with keen eyes that they felt assessing them from the moment they entered the door. He gestured to two camp chairs erected for Maew and Kal. 'Greetings friends,' he began, but Maew waved away the formalities. 'We have littletime talk, sir, and much that must be said. We have ridden hard from Rivendell to bring you news from Lara and Halbarad, who were sent to find witness and aid to this battle about to be fought; I see you know their names. I am Maew, a Dunedan of the North, this is Kalnarnen, a companion of ours since Bree, and these men were brought to aid our quest by Halbarad of Gondor.' The commander introduced himself, Targon was his name. Maew then recounted for him the account of their first attack and the rumor they had had of orcs massing outside of Moria, telling him of the size of the force Lara would lead and the time the would arrive at the West-gate. 'But what of you, Captain?' he enquired. 'I sense from our welcome that all is not well this side of the mountains, and what of the dwarf host from Erebor, have they not arrived?'
'We have been much harried by orc raids on our journey north,' Targon replied, 'but we have heard naught of any dwarves from our scouts.'
Kal frowned, 'You should have met their scouts by now, surely, but one thing is certain, you must enter the gates at dawn tommorrow with or without them. All counts on your winning through to our friends, they are valient, but they could not possibly hold the mines for long without being crushed, and our best hope of beating hte orcs lies in capturing them between us. You should leave some parties here to wait for the dwarves, and attack first thing on the morrow.'
To this Targon agreed and as dawn's pale fingers stole across the heavens, the battle for Moria began in earnest.
06-11-2002, 12:03 AM
Maew and Kal were at the fore of the host's right flank. Kal had left Linsul with fond words; no horses were entering the mines save those that helped bear the great wooden bridges that would be used to span the gap from the First Hall. Just before dawn the scermishers had cleared the orcs and held the outer doorway, but within they reported frightening numbers of foes. Then, just as light first touched the peak of Zirak-Zigil far far above them, a trumpet sounded and they plunged into the dark.
The orcs within had not been idle, they peeked out from every crevas and eyot in the rock with black arrows knocked onto their bows, and many more waited on the floor and beyond the arched doorways to other levels. They had the advantage, their enemy had to force it's troop through the narrowed doors, but in that moment, Maew knew that the first hall at least would be taken. Steadily they gained ground, Gondorim archers snipeing at orcish ones until the vast orcish host rushed forward to greet them.
Maew felt rather than saw the battle around him. He instinctively moved away from the line of soldiers, knowing that in his bloodlust he might unwitingly injure a friend, andin the tide of the attack was swept away from Kal. Once again redness decended on his sight, the blur of his sword rang about his head. Kal had stayed with the archers, and her oddly crafted arrows ended many an orcish sneer. Dimly Maew heard her call his name, but he did not heed it. The flash and clang of metal comsumed his being. The main host had swept beyond him now, swinging away to the left towards the second hall, but to him it was but a passing blur on the edge of his vision, seemingly unrelated to the fighting at hand. He felt a crooked blade slice through leather and flesh at his shoulder, and dispatched the blade's owner with a thrust, but as he did so, he exposed his back to the archers who still inhabited the overlooking galleries. Sharply, the pain in his back appeared, bringing him to his knees. Bile and blood rose in his throat and darkness clogged his vision. Acutely, he was aware of the pain both in his back and stomach now. His breath came in gasps Why can I not get air into my lungs? and he collapsed on the body before him, yet he did not notice. The battle passed on before him, the fist hall at least had been taken. All thought left him. Slowly he felt his senses fail, first sight, them the smell of the orc benieth him, then even the ringing clang of the battle and the trundle of the carts bringing the bridges. All he was left with was the pain within him and the hot splash of his own blood, and then, in the end, that too stopped, and he welcomed the relief.
samwise of the shire
06-11-2002, 12:28 AM
(I'm supposed to write for Katt until she can think fo something)
Katt smiled at her hobbit companion"I'd be happy to be your assistant Alaird." Alaird smiled back at her and then noticed how pretty her eyes were"No Alaird. Dont do this. You're a warrior. You cant be weak." He nodded "Right then. What do you have in the way of herbs?" Katt named them off and Alaird nodded approvingly. "Now where should we set up the hospice? I mean Outside inside what?" Katt asked Alaird thought about this new problem for awhile "I'll ask Halbarad what he advises."
Alaird trotted Perri up to where Laredith sat talking with Lara and Halbarad. He waited until they were finished and then Alaird spoke to Laredith "Katt and I were wonderin'. Where would the best place for the wounded to be? I mean you seem the best to ask." Laredith thought and then spoke...
06-11-2002, 11:02 AM
"Hmmm..." Laredith thought. Finally, she was wanted again! "Well, it seems like the best place would be outside. I mean, I think some fresh air would be helpful to the wounded." She then began to help Alaird with the wounded.
Finrod Felagund
06-11-2002, 12:05 PM
Fimbren suddenly grew alarmed.
"Keep going!", he said, "we must reach the chamber of Mazarbul and beyond if possible, the battle has started!"
Everyone was suprised, how did he know. Yet they followed him for he had been to Moria once before and had very good eyes.
"Alaird and Katt shall stay here with a few elves and Gondorians the rest on, quickly!"
And everyone went into the cave.
(OOC: Alaird, Katt, come in after us later! ;) )
06-11-2002, 05:18 PM
"Huh? Where am I?" said Eäráng. He found himself in the Mines of Moria, and his head was pounding furiously. Obviously that fall at the wings of the Balrog was not good for his head. He decided to look further into the caves, and found the either very seriously hurt or dead Maew, in his own blood, stabbed and shot in the back by Orkish arrows and a large gash in the shoulder. He heard some scurrying and found an Orc that had gotten lost. Using Maew's blade, he sliced the Orc's head cleanly off his shoulders. "Hmm, this seems like a very fine blade. I think I shall take it with me." His own blade Glamdring was thrown into the abyss, lost forever, along with its mate Orcrist, never to be seen by eyes again. He journeyed down the Mines, only to discover that there was a warpath laid, he knew, by Fimbren. Thousands of Orcs lay on the ground, blood spewing from severed veins. Eäráng knew that this occured only about half an hour ago, so that meant that Fimbren was not too far into the caves.
Several lone Orcs had found their way into Eäráng's path through the mess, and havoc had ensued. Their heads had come clean off, and they still had looks of surprise on them. Eäráng had heard the voices of the warriors that were here to save Moria, and hurried to meet them, not knowing who they were...
Finrod Felagund
06-12-2002, 12:28 PM
OOC: don't forget the company and I are coming from Hollin and the Gondorians with Maew from the other side.
Nariel Starfire
06-12-2002, 04:39 PM
It was long before Kal noticed that Maew was not fighting beside her. she feared that, in his doomsday mood, he would allow himself to be killed. "Maew!" she called. "MAEW!!!!" She doubted he could hear her in the din of the battle, so she gave up her useless calling. Soon she was out of axes to shoot. She began picking up arrows from dead orcs and men surrounding her. Then, those were used. Now she must join in combat. Taking her sword, she stepped over bodies of men and orcs alive, realising that Death had no favorites. She stepped over a body with an arrow in its back. It looked familiar. She turned it over and recognized the face. Putting her fingers to his neck, she realised with more than great dismay that Maew was dead.
"NOOO!" She cried. In anger, she struck down more orcs than she could count. Before she knew it, she was on the other side of the host, near the edge of the ravine that had swallowed up so many. Still there were orcs to hunt. So, with anger fueling her exhausted body, she dove into the middle of the battle, hoping in some way to avenge her friend.
samwise of the shire
06-13-2002, 12:40 AM
OOC:Righto Finrod!Ok Laredith are you gong to be an extra assistant? Or will you be going into battle?
Alaird was glad of Larediths advice and took it gladly. While the other prepared for battle he prepared his camp with Katts and Larediths help. He then loosend his sword in it's sheath and prepared his staff and laid it close to the fire where a small grey tent had been set up and inside were the herbs and bandages and some bedrolls for those who were greviously injured. Katt went in search for water and Laredith brought Earang over for bandaging despite numerous protests that he was fine, but Alaird silenced him with a glower and a nod indicating where he was to sit."Well Master Earang of all the wounds of any man I have ever seen you have had the most. In our last battle you took a knock across the head and here you are with yet another terrible head wound. I'm suprised you haven't gone mad with all the bangings." Earang laughed at the hobbits pertness "Nay, I am not yet mad master Hobytlan but I do think that if I stay in your company I shall be soon." He rose and left.
Katt in the meanwhile filled up her pans and brought them back to camp without too much trouble. She did think once that there was a grey blurr of movement in the bushes to her right but she thought nothing of it, but she did not hear the stealthy pad of bare goblin feet behind her. She walke don as a company of orcs watched her from the shadows of the bushes. They would wait until nightfall to strike and then they would have prisoners and horse flesh.
By the time Katt walked into camp there was Alaird sitting by the fire smoking a pipe and thinking as he gazed into the flames. She brought him the pots and he laid them to start boiling on the flames. She sat down next to him to bring out her herbs and sort them for quick use but before she could Alaird pulled Sting half way out of the hilt for some reason he knew not why and it shimmered at the edges. "Orcs" he whispered to Katt. "Go and tell the others to be on alert. They are not near but tell them to be ready." Katt nodded and slipped off towards those who could do battle. Alaird grippe his staff and held onto Perris bridle. He was ready...
ps. Who's with the herb party?
06-13-2002, 12:55 AM
Soon the company was engulfed in a sea of orcs issuing from many fissures in the wall. Halbarad glanced around and then realized the folly of coming to this dreadful place. As he looked at the snarling faces of the orcs he remembered his fallen father and rage sprouted within him. Screaming "Halbarad of the Dunedain!" he plunged into the orcs, caring not what might befall him. Very soon the entire companies hearts were afire. The battle there was long and horrible, for the numbers of the orcs were renewed while theirs dwindled. Still screaming with tears in his eyes Halbarad struck at the chest of an orc and his sword was notched. The huge orc then overbore him and had him on the ground. As the breath of the orc was on Halbarad's face, the orcs entire head was soon of its shoulders. The face of Halbarad was covered with a mixture of both his own and the orcs blood. When he looked up Lara was standing above him.
06-14-2002, 01:27 PM
Eäráng, using Maew's blade, had hacked and slashed his way through walls of Orcs. He now found himself in a chamber, and it was nothing like he had seen before. The cavern walls were vaulted, very high and very dark. The only thing he could see was the remains of several Orcs that had preserved themselves in this tomb. He found a book, lying open, that had not been as well preserved. There was also a tomb in this chamber, and Eäráng now knew where he was... So did the Balrog.
Eäráng saw the runes on the tomb, and it said:
He knew that he was in the same place that the Fellowship of the Ring had been in some odd years earlier. The Balrog only knew where the unsuspecting elf was. Eäráng, wounded beyond comprehension, turned and saw that the large shadow of the Balrog was behind him, complete with sword and whip. The Balrog picked up the small elf, and with one last breath the elf was gone, swallowed up in the Balrog's maw. Maew's sword fell down, clattering to the ground right in front of the fiery demon. It gave one flash of light, knocking the Balrog to the ground, turned a black hue, then disinegrated. That was the end of Eäráng. No funeral, no honor. Just gone in an instant.
Finrod Felagund
06-14-2002, 01:53 PM
Fimbren entered the chamber of Mazarbul just in time to see Earang swallowed up by a huge dark shadow. His breath caught in his throat. "A Balrog!" he cried. Another balrog, even after what Mithrandier did, another came. Lara, Halbarad and the rest entered the chamber. They all gasped and stepped back. "Go through the chamber!" yelled Fimbren, "I'll hold off the Balrog, you must get through to the dwarves and Gondorians!"
Then, drawing his two swords he advanced. One of his swords was glowing a bright blue-white.
"Do you see this?" asked Fimbren, "It was made in Valinor and has been the bane of more than one Balrog."
He held up his other sword, black as the balrog.
"This," said Fimbren, "is Anguirel, mate of Aglachel or Gurthang, which slew your master Morgoth's pet, Glaurung."
Fimbren advanced his armour and weapons flashing and the Balrog blinked. "GO NOW!!!!!!" screamed Fimbren.
Everyone ran to the other side f the chamber except for Lara and Halbarad, who drew their weapons.
"NO!" shouted Fimbren. "I will say the same as Mithrandir, this foe is too much for you. Fly! I have fought Balrogs before." Then to Halbarad he said, "Look into the night sky, there is Earendil, who the Dunedain called Gil-Estel, the star of hope. Child of Elf and man, he was the saviour of the children of Iluvatar. He carried the light of the Valar in the gem of Feanor to Valinor and was set in the sky. This same light saved Sam and Frodo from the watchers and Shelob. See the star of hope, and remember the firstborn, the eldar, the elves. And we shall remember our brothers and sisters, the second comers, the edain, men. Now go!"
Halbarad saluted and the company ran out the door where sounds of another battle could be heard.
Then Fimbren turned to the balrog.
"Remeber Gothmog your lord?" he smiled, "slain by my friend Ecthelion, and the balrog slain the same day by Glorfindel, and those slain by Rog and the house of the hammer of wrath, and the balrog destroyed in this very city by Mithrandir, and the seven great wounds of your king Morgoth by my king Fingolfin? Prepare for thy doom."
The balrog's sword appeared, red and glowing and his whip cracked at fimbren, but Anguirel slashes the tails from the whip and the balrog cast it aside, useless.
He slashed at Fimbren with his sword but Fimbren dove under and drawing back both arms, he slashed the balrog's legs with his noldorin sword and stabbed deeply into the Balrog's chest with Anguirel. The balrog gave a great cry and the cavern shook. Fimbren pulled out his swords and ran back, pulling out his bow and firing half a dozen arrows into the balrog's face and running from the chamber as the balrog fell, and twitched a few times, no to move again.
06-14-2002, 07:26 PM
OOC: yes, Alaird, I will stay with you to help the wounded.
Laredith sat with Alaird and thought. "I have a feeling that something terrible is going on in there. I wish I could go in there!" she said to herself. It was just audible so that Alaird heard it.
"Well, it would seem that your skills would best be used here. We don't need you dying," Alaird told her.
"Oh, and why not? I'm useless. Might as well die heroically in battle," Laredith moaned. Alaird thought for a bit, and then answered her.
"But you've done a lot for us. You alerted us to the strange riders, you found the strange...thing, and you are helping me. You are not useless. Besides, didn't Pippin and Merry (especially Merry) felt they were useless, but in reality they were vital additions to the fellowship," Alaird told her. Laredith nodded and thought upon his words.
Handmaiden of Yavanna
06-14-2002, 10:24 PM
Lara fought beside her companions, the orcs seeming to grow less numourous and horrifying as they fought.
"We're winning!" Lara thought to herself.
She then looked around. Everyone could still be seen alive and fighting except... Halbarad.
Lara looked around frantically, trying to find her friend. And she did, underneath a dead orc. Alive. She knelt to the ground and pushed the orc off of the captain with all of her might. Halbarad breathed still, his face red, and black with orc blood and his own. A large gash ran down the captain's forehead.
"Halbarad," Lara said, "Halbarad, are you gravely hurt?"
"No," He said trying to sit up, "I believe I can walk,"
"We need to get you to Alaird," She answered, looking around, "You must live,"
Halbarad chuckled, "And you just noticed that?"
Halbarad was stading but he walked with a limp. The two soon were out of the mine and into the now hazy sunshine. The light stung Lara'a eyes as she helped her wounded friend along. They reached Alaird in one piece but just barely.
"Alaird," Lara said as they two aproached the hobbit, "Halbarad's been wounded. Can you do anything?"
samwise of the shire
06-15-2002, 07:59 PM
Alaird smiled at Laredith. She stared into the flames in deep thought. Alaird stood, his hand on his sword hilt. Laredith noticed his uneasiness and asked"What troubles you Alaird?Why so restless? Nothing is going to happen." "I'm not so sure of that Laredith. I drew Sting a moment ago and it glowed blue. A sure sign of evil. I think it's orcs as they seem to be the foes here, but who knows what may be hidden in the depths of Moria. Who knows?" Laredith nodded "I've been aware of their presence for awhile. Some bushes swayed without the wind and there's a stench in the air only an orc can produce. They'll wait till nightfall. I suggest you add more wood to the fire and move closer to the Gondorian camp." Alaird nodded at his friends advice "Katt has gone to warn the Gondorians of the attack and I've seen a few move into the shadows and more loosen their swords." It was then that Katt returned with Halbarad and Lara in tow.
"Halbarad's wounded. Can you help him?" Lara sked with worry in her eyes. "Sit him down on this rock here. Laredith I want you to get some sage,yarrow,and shepherds purse and you Katt please get bandages and add more wood on the fire." Alaird then turned his attention to Halbarads wound. It was deep but thankfully no bone was visible, but what Alaird worried about was poison. After a few moments of insepcting the wound Alaird proclaimed the wound unpoisoned. No one saw it but Lara sighed with relief.
Laredith set out the herbs and ground them and Katt removed the now boiling water from the fire to cool for a poultice. The hobbit lass dipped the bandages in the water as Laredith used some dried herbs to make a paste and smear it across the bandage. Alaird then took the bandage and wrapped it across the wound. As they worked none of them noticed that the shodws were lengthening as the sun set behind the western mountains...
06-16-2002, 09:50 PM
A man sat at a fire in the Gondorian camp. He was tired, cold, and very wet, mostly from persperation. This was going to be a long night, he told himself. He brushed some hair out of his face, and nodded to himself. He was musing on what was out there, about any evil that was out there. He, being an old man himself, became very tensed, for he sensed an evil coming closer to the camp. One of his fellow soldiers, a captain by the looks of it, came to him. "What are you thinking about, huh?" the captain asked his soldier. "Evil." was the soldier's answer. "I really don't like you when you're like this, Falinaur. You really creep me out when you pull this thing on me." Yeah, you wish, the soldier said to himself. You aren't an elf trapped in a man's body, he thought.
He really didn't know how he ended up in this position. The last thing he knew was that he was swallowed up by a Balrog. That was it. He hadn't wanted to end up in a body, especially that of a man, who was mortal. Well, his name Falinaur was still used. That was good. No one knew who he really was. That was good too. He was in a mortal body. That wasn't good. He needed to get to Fimbren fast. Maybe he knew how to get his old self back...
Finrod Felagund
06-17-2002, 08:42 AM
Fimbren saw Lara and Halbarad go past back out of the caves but ignored them. He had had a sudden feeling that something was terribly wrong. He entered another chamber to find most of the company engulfed in a new wave of orcs but these were weak grunts. The orcs seemed to be losing.
Suddenly the Rivendell elves shouted in horror. Fimbren looked up.
"Another Balrog!" screamed Kalnarnan.
Fimbren swore to himself, he had already used so much strength. He was about to charge the balrog when the sound of elven bows twanged and several spears went flying through the air. The balrog roared as several Arrows and spears met their mark. Then Fimbren ran, Noldorin sword drawn anmd shining. He vaguely saw someone beside him. He turned to see that it was Kal. He was quite suprised that she hadn't left him to the Balrog but pleased nothenless. With the arrows pelting this Balrog, they made short work of it but before it fell it's whip slashed at Kal's head and she fell, a great gash from her head. Fimbren hewed te Balrog and it fell. Fimbren knelt down to cradle Kal's head in his lap and she awoke.
"You must get up" said Fimbren, "We've gotten too far to go back now unless you must" Kal nodded and Fimbren helped her to her feet. Then they continued on. Desperate to meet up with the Gondorians and Dwarves.
samwise of the shire
06-17-2002, 04:35 PM
Alaird finished Halbarads poultice. "You wont be able to back into the battle until the wound is entirely healed which will be a day or two at the most." The hobbit then turned to Lara "You can return back to the battle front Lara. If we're lucky we'll see you before the end of all." She gave one glance towards Halbarad who was gazing over his shoulder at her and then whispered "I will return if I am left alive" and then she left.
Laredith began taking down the tent with Katts help and moving it closer to the Gondorians for protection. Alaird followed and half drew Sting and it glowed faintly. Suddenly it blazed in a sudden blue fire like a star that had fallen to earth. Alaird had no time to think for an orc a chieftain of orcs had begun the attack. It had sighted out the young hobbit as the most likely prey and it had sprung giving the signal to it's followers. Alaird had turned too late and saw the orc spring from the shadows. He fell with the creature on top of him, his last thought being before his head hit a rock hidden under the earth was "This is the end."
06-17-2002, 07:15 PM
The Gondorian camp was ablaze. There were attacking Orcs, some as big as trees, attacking the camp. Falinaur rose his sword over his head, eager for some action. The Gondorian blade he now wielded was not as strong as his other swords, but it still cut through Orcs, nonetheless. He had hewn an Orc down when he remembered something, back at Bree...
Maew and Lara weren't trusting of him, or at least Maew wasn't, so he needed a sign to redeem himself. He took out a ring, gold with a red stone in the middle. It was a very beautiful ring, as it was made by the Elven-smiths. He held it up for them and asked, "Is that the proof you need?"
Falinaur reached into his breast pocket and beheld the most beautiful spectacle he'd ever seen. The ring Narya was emblazoned with his crest, and it was fitted just for him. He put on the ring, and he was instantly transformed into his old self, his old elven self! He had the ring on now and was killing Orcs, left and right. He found Alaird and had him in his arms, now, protecting the unconcious Halfling from the darts and spears of the enemy.
Finrod Felagund
06-18-2002, 09:05 AM
Fimbren continued on, seeing many dead orcs and Gondorians and realzing with suprise that there wasn't a single dwarf among them.
He saw a crack in the ground before him and prepared to leap. As he leaped, an orc, not quite dead, grabbed at his legs and he toppled down into the chasm.
When he came to, he was in a darkness so thick that he could feel it. He pulled out his Noldorin sword which glowed faintly. He noticed two glowing blue shapes and rrealized that they were Noldorin swords. He went and picked them up and was shocked to see that one was the sword Glamdring ansd the other Orcrist. He picked them up and ran on deep beneath the earth. Several times he felt something brush past him but he kept running until he found a stairway. So he went up the stairs. They went up and up and up. They opened onto a new level several times. He kept going for what seemed like forever as he got higher he found the stairs cracked and covered in debris and burn marks. He then realized that this was the endless stair.
Finally he came out into a tower, the roof of which had collapsed.
It was Durin's Tower, he realized and he looked out. There on the side of the mountain were some of his companions, those who had remained behind. On the other side was the remaining Gondorians who had not gone into the mines. And in the dikstance and moving forest. Ent? he thought, but then he looked closer, it was the dwarves at last. He ran down the stairs to the first level and came out to see the cracked remains of Durin's Bridge which Gandalf had destroyed so long ago.
Then suddenly, as if summoned by the memory of that battle two balrogs appeared before him. One was the largest he had ever seen save for Gothmog himself.
Fimbren's mind raced, he had no chance against two balrogs. Yet he braced himself. On the ground next to him he saw an axe, it shone in the firelight. he quickly realized that it was Durin's axe and picked it up. Then with the axe in his hand and four swords in his belt, he slowly moved forward, prepared for his doom, wishing that he had Earang there to help, or Kal or Lara, even Halbarad or Dai or Katt, Alaird, Kal, Maew or Laredith. But then, they were dead or disappeared, he thought. Oh well, I won't go without a fight.
Nariel Starfire
06-20-2002, 04:30 PM
Kal woke up and found it hard to breathe. There was a body on top of her. BLack armor told her it was an orc. Now she remembered. It had tried to sneak up on her, but her keen elvish ears had picked it up. She remembered drawing her sword and swinging around. The orc's head had flown off, but the body fell forward and before she could get out of the way, a shoulder spike had pinned her down and knocked her unconscious. She mentally added another wound to her growing list.
The group had been separated somehow. There was no one to help her. So with a heave, she sat up and threw the body off of her. She took a piece of her tunic and shoved it into the wound in her arm, hoping to stop the bleeding. Then she tried to stand: too fast. She found herself on her posterior. Let's try this again. She moved so that she was on her hands and knees. Then she rose slowly. Her head swam, but she forced herself forward. Fimbren had been right. It was too late to turn back now. Ahead of her was a flight of stairs. She stumbled up it, and found herself in a tower. There was Fimbren, his back to her. He was poised for battle and soon she found out why. There was a flickering shadow around the corner. She took her place next to him and drew her sword.
"Are you alright, Kal?" asked Fimbren.
"Never better," she joked.
Fimbren sighed. "Kal?"
"Yes dear?" she gave him a mischevious grin.
"I'm sorry for any problems I may have caused for you in the past."
"I don't think this is the time for apologies, friend. Get me out of here alive and I'll forget the whole thing."
06-21-2002, 04:37 PM
Eäráng heard in his heart the thoughts of Fimbren. "Fimbren, I'm coming!" the elf yelled as he charged into the fray. He was going to thake revenge on the Balrogs that had hurt him, that had taken his life. He ran into the chambers, killing Orcs that got in his way, and finaly found them; the Balrogs were staring down Fimbren as he approached them. He yelled at the top of his lungs, "For the house of Fëanor!" and charged the two Balrogs, with a transformed blade, the blade of Anduril, now in the hands of this elf. He didn't know it until he had taken off the leg of the Balrog nearest him. The wound burned the Balrog, and so did the blade as it went right through the flesh of the demon. He had on Narya, the Red Ring, and it had powered him up. He had been slicing and dicing the Balrog, but for some reason it wouldn't die. It grabbed him, but he cut off its hand and both he and the deceased hand fell to the ground. Fimbren yelled, "Eäráng! What are you doing here?!?" The other elf answered, "I'm here to rescue you!" with a crooked smile. Fimbren looked at him sternly. He said nothing, because the larger of the two Balrogs had grabbed him.
Finrod Felagund
06-22-2002, 03:44 PM
OOC: NOOOO! You can't have the sword of Mormegil. It is buried beneth the stone of the Hapless with Turin and Morwen. Any other sword but that! Please! You grave defiler!!!
(j/k about that grave defiler thing but please change the sword.)
Fimbren and Kal stared, shocked, at Earang. Fimbren grabbed him and quickly calmed him, gently calming his spirit.
"Control my friend." said Fimbren, "here's Orcrist...let me keep Glamdring for a while." Then he turned to the Balrogs only to see Kal grappling with one on the edge of a chasm. He ran at the balrog and it fel screeching, into the chasm, Kal also began to fall but Fimbren caught her and pulled her up, handing her Anguirel. "You'll need this, it's Eol's sword and mate to the blacksword of Turin" he said, "be careful with it."
He held aloft Glamdring and Ringil, the swords of Turgon and Fingolfin, and Durin's axe he had strapped to his back, and the armour of the dwarves and of Eol and of Valinor was upn him and he turned on the last, largest balrog.
OOC: I'm going to make an interestin request, could Earang and Kal smehow get separated from me and have Halbarad help me with the balrog? Even if Tar-Elendil isn't her, I'll write for him.
samwise of the shire
06-22-2002, 05:29 PM
As Earang ran into battle he let Alaird down just inside the door of Moria. He then ran on to find Frimbren. Laredith,Katt,and Halbarad proved to be unbeatable. The two swords of Laredith and Halbarad shone in the light of the fires that had caught on the tents of the Gondorians. Laredith fought like a lioness to avenge her young companion whom she thought had died and now lay buried beneath the fallen. And many were the orcs that fell hoping to make and easy capture by sneaking up on Katt(who was tryng to put the remaining herbs and bandages in an orderly pile so that they would be on hand). Too late would they see the black staff in her hand until suddenly they too were among the slain. Katt would continue as if nothing had happened though fear gripped her heart and tears stained the earth where she worked.
Inside the door orcs hoping to escape to Moria with goods and horses were killed by Gondorians. Soon orcs lay piled up by the doors. Underneath one such grisly pile Alaird stirred and groaned, his head throbbing with pain and the stench of orcs. He couldn't breath, but from his pile he hear mutted through the bodies the clash of swords coming closer and closer. He tried to get out to escape from the stench and heat, but to no avail...
ps.Laredith you still in on this?Katt you still in on this?
Nariel Starfire
06-23-2002, 11:26 AM
Kal took Anuirel and stood. Her balrog was defeated. However, Earang still had one. She charged at it and it fell into the abyss. Not being able to stop herself, she plunged off the edge as well. Earang grabbed her by the ankle, but her momentum was too great and the two of them went tumbling down.
Kal awoke with surprise. She never thought she would awake again after that fall.
"Kal!" she heard urgently whispered. She turned her head to see Earang hanging off the precipice where she had landed. She quickly stood and pulled him up. They were on a bridge. To either side were dark tunnels and above them was the Tower. But which way should they go?
06-23-2002, 07:13 PM
Eäráng was stunned at this turn of events. Fimbren had left Kal and himself there, on a narrow bridge, in the middle of a dark cavern. Not even Eäráng, with Narya on, could see into the darkest depths. He had figured out that he could control Narya's power over him, but it wasn't helping very much here. "I propose, we go that way," pointing to a source of light the both of them couldn't see. They held hands, fearing another fall, and Eäráng was in front, for his elven eyes could see farther than Kal's. They finally found the source of the light; they had traveled to the exit. Kal asked him, "Aren't we supposed to be on the other side of this mountain?" He didn't know, but he didn't want to have to deal with this woman, who he had seen in battle and knew that she could kill. "Yes, we are, but it seems like we have lost our way..."
06-23-2002, 09:04 PM
ooc: the balrogs' mustve grown weaker over those eyars..alot weaker:rolleyes: ;)
Halbarad, feeling refreshed, led a company of Gondoreans into the gate of Moria. The battle was still thick under the mountains and corpses lay there to rot.
The forces to retake Moria were slowly advancing to the center from both sides, yet Halbarad still feared the Orcs hadnt revealed their full strength. Many of Halbarad's men carried torches to light the dark passages and soon they were waylaid by a group of orcs near to a large fissure in the ground but the foul monsters were soon slain or driven off.
As they had just tasted victory a shadow and wind came among them and the torches flickered out. It was if they were blind, all they saw was dark. After a few minutes of this there was a blaze of fire from the fissure and out of it issued a gigantic Balrog. Their eyes were still adjusting and the Balrog swept many of them away with a flick of his fiery whip. Soon Halbarad stood alone and he charged the monster but with its black axe had smote the ground near Halbarad. There was a deep rumbling and the ground caved in. Halbarad fell and hit the ground while his legs were buried underneath rocks. All around him was totally black and there was no sign of the balrog. He was underneath the passage where his comrades had fell.
Nariel Starfire
06-23-2002, 11:29 PM
ooc: remember, Earang, that Kal is half Elf, so she's got good eyes and ears. perhaps not as excellent as yours, but better than the average dwarf.
"Lost our way?" They had come out a secret entrace, or exit, as it was, of the mountain. they were now standing in the snow. "Looks like we've got to go back."
"But how shall we know which way? Even Narya cannot see in the darkness that rules Moria. My Eyes give me no clues."
Kal smiled. "I have been here before. And it is not your eyes that you must depend upon in Moria. It is your ears and your nose. There are many scents that shall lead us to our correct exit."
"Then you must lead," said Earang.
"Indeed, my fair-faced friend. Indeed." So call grabbed hold on Earang's hand and once more they plunged into the depths of Moria, hoping to find a way to the other side.
06-24-2002, 01:31 PM
OOC: Sorry Sorry Sorry! I've been off for a while. I'll post in a minute as soon as I catch up.
06-25-2002, 12:56 AM
Kal leading the way, Eäráng wasn't sure he could trust her sense of smell, or her hearing. Being half elf was sure hard on the half dwarf, he reasoned, and it might have degraded her senses some. Oh well, he thought, at least she's the one leading, and not me. It was comforting to know that she was leading, and not him. He had already proved that he was not very good navigation-wise, and the only thing he had going for him were his eyes, and those were failing him in these deep, dark tunnels. The two turned a corner, just in time to find a legion of Orcs, filled to the gills with weapons. They both knew they would have to fight. They drew their swords, both knowing that they would fight to the death if they had to...
06-25-2002, 09:41 PM
Everything was packed. Katt knew she should get away from the fighting. But she also knew Alaird was alive. She had to get to him. After all he did for her, she could not leave him like the coward she was. Katt grabbed a knapsack with few supplies in it and covered herself with a black blanket. Orks won’t notice the dead, she thought. Or will they? She fought to push this thought out of her head. Katt slowly crawled to where she last saw Alaird. Katt started to make a tunnel by propping up dead Orks with bits of armour. She felt something soft. It was Alaird. He was unconscious, but alive. Katt used all her might to create a cave around him and her. Katt couldn’t move much and could barely light a candle. Alaird had a slight concussion and a sprained wrist. Nothing Katt couldn’t treat. But it was stuffy in here. Katt was afraid that they would use up their oxygen before they were rescued. Katt could still hear the battle raging close by, and every now and then, the roof shook as another dead body fell on it. Silently Katts tears dropped onto Alairds face.
Nariel Starfire
06-26-2002, 05:48 PM
ooc: I'm about to bring in some odd mythology that wasn't even mentioned in Tolkien. Please don't jump on me about it.
Kal drew her sword. It shone bright blue. As she looked at it, she saw something faint in the reflection. There, behind her. She looked at the orcs, at earang, then at her sword. The orcs were standing there, obviously waiting for an attack. Odd. Orcs usually attacked first. What was going on?
Earang screamed out his battle cry, but Kal cut him short, yanking his arm and fleeing into the hole she saw in her reflection. A yelp escaped his mouth. Kal knew that if there was one place the orcs wouldn't venture near in Moria, this was it.
She had been here before. Looking around, she found what she was searching for. There was a chasm at her feet. "We have to jump, Earang."
"What? Surely you can't--"
"You have to trust me."
Earang rolled his eyes. "Very well." Kal took his hand and they leaped into the chasm, landing not ten feet below. She ran into another cave and ended in a large room. There it was. On the floor, just where she had left it, was her father's staff and sword. It must have been a good five years since she had been to Moria, but even the orcs knew better than to touch it.
"What is it?" asked Earang.
"The staff of Dinfli. It is no wonder that you have not heard of it. An old man- grey in clothes and face- gave it to my father many years ago. It contains in the stone a light brighter than the sun which shines when orcs near it. Only dwarvish eyes of my father's line may look on it when it shines, for it will blind even elves. This will keep us safe until wer leave this place. Now, this way. It is not far."
06-26-2002, 10:53 PM
Eäráng turned to look at the Orcs outside the chamber. They were going to get a nasty suprise... Then again, so was he. Narya could probably protect him from the flash of the staff, but he wasn't sure. Oh well, they would have to try it. Kal raised the staff high into the air, then it let loose a blinding flash, followed by light. They both looked into the shadow. A lot more than these Orcs had been caught in the flash. There were cave trolls lining up in front of the chamber entrance, and they were all blinded by the flash. Good, Eäráng thought. The Falinaur side took hold of him, though, and he was mighty in slaying these Orcs and cave trolls. He had even almost gotten Kal, had it not been for the Red Ring. It flashed brightly in his eyes, and then he had been knocked out of it.
He looked up at Kal and asked, "What happened?"
Kal answered, "You went into some Orc-killing mode and destroyed all of them." Both looked at the chamber now. Trolls, Orcs, and what not were lying on the ground, with blood spurting out of vessels.
"I did that?" the elf asked.
Kal answered him, saying "Yes. It was an amazing sight to behold, but the consequences might have not been good. You almost killed me, and would have, had it not been for the ring you wear. What is it, anyway?"
"Oh, this?" the elf asked. "It's Narya, one of the Three Elven Rings the "Verse of the Ring". I believe you might know of it." They looked at each other, then they both heard a sound. A strange, moaning sound...
OOC: Just in case you want to know, yes, Eäráng's schitzophrenic (or however you spell it)
samwise of the shire
06-28-2002, 12:32 AM
DONT POST!!! I'm out of time on the comp and I just...ran out of time. SO DONT POST!!!I'm SERIOUS about this. I'll be on tommorrow in the morning.
samwise of the shire
06-28-2002, 10:49 AM
Ok I'm back.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While he was awake Alaird wondered what was happening outside of his mountain of orcs. He felt himself slipping back into darkness"Stay awake Alaird. You've got to make your way back to the Shire. And what...of...Katt?" With that Alaird slipped back into darkness and pain. As if in a dream he still heard the clashings of swords and the screams of the wounded and fallen. But those too were fading. Alaird completely blacked out.
What woke him was a light that hurt his eyes and hot drops of water that fell on his eyelids and cheeks. He opened his eyes and slowly they blinked into focus. Katt was sitting above him with his head in her lap and she was slowly wrapping his wound. "Lay still Alaird. You have a small concussion and a sprained wrist. Try not to breath too much. We dont have that much air in this stifling cavern." She looked around her at the dead bodies piled up around them. Leering orcs peered down at them as thier torsos were propped up by bits of evil weapons. "A bit eerie isn't it?" He asked as he let Katt bandage his wrist. He winced "Did I hurt you?" Katt asked concernedly. Alaird smiled wryly "No YOU didn't hurt me. Those STUPID orcs are the guilty ones. And I will certainly have my revenge. Which wrist is sprained?"
"Your left"
"Wonderfull. I can still fight with a sword."
"Alaird" Katt looked straight into his face "You have a concussion. You cant go out there unless you want to be killed. And besides the orc that jumped you was killed by Laredith. Heaven knows where SHE ended up. Shut up and stop talking. We'll run out of air." They were silent as Katt finished up her work. Alaird bent his hand"I dont feel a thing. What did you do?"
Katt hit him on his right arm a little too hard for his liking. He winced. "Great look at this. You have to wrap my RIGHT arm. Never hit the wounded. Bad form you know?" Katt laughed and then laying her finger to her lips listened intently.
A rumbling sound followed by abrief clash of swords and then silence.
Thanks for not posting guys. And thanks for rescuing me Katt.
06-30-2002, 03:36 PM
OOC: Your welcome sam. I'm just posting this so the thread doesn't get closed.
06-30-2002, 04:04 PM
Katt thought the battle sounded fainter. She decided to go outside and take a look. "I'm going to blow out the candle," she told Aliard. "We don't want to burn down the place." Aliard smiled and Katt blew out the candle, and crawled out the passage. She was worryied when she could not see the end of the tunnle. Then she hit and ork and realized the end was blocked. But, from around the ork, tiny pinpoints of daylight shone through. Katt manuvered herself (which was hard to do in that tiny tunnle) until her feet were pressed against the ork. She pushed with all her might, until she succeded in rolling the ork over. She had to crabwalk out of the tunnle.
Katt was right. The battle had moved on. So had Laredeth and the Gondorians. Katt could no longer see them. "Well," she thought to herself, "We'll have to establish a base out here. They won't be able to find us in there anyway."
Katt crawled back to Aliard, lit the candle, and started packing her supplies. "We're going to have to move. The battle is gone. So slowly now. On your elbows. Stay off your wrist!"
It was slow work. Katt in front, Aliard behind. At they emerged into the sweet, well, bitter smell of at least somewhat fresh air. Katt wanted to examine Aliard right away to make sure he hadn't worsened his wounds.
"Oh all right," said Aliard and Katt examined him. She said he was in good shape.
"Right then, let's go!" said Aliard.
"Not that good shape," said Katt, gently but firmly pushing him down. "Rest here for a bit."
samwise of the shire
06-30-2002, 06:01 PM
Alaird sat down with a resigned sigh but then he looked about the place of battle. The healers tent was gone,stolen or destroyed. There was no living soul amongst the carnage. Gondorians and orcs lay as they had fallen,crumpled,bloodied, completely destroyed by cruel orc blades. The foul blood of orcs mixed with the blood of those Gondorians brave enough to stand against the onslaught and now all lay quiet and still though at times a breeze would stir the tattered remains of once pure white tents. Alaird didn't know where his friends were. Brave Laredith, Lara,Earang,Halbarad. All to him were dead gone forever in a blaze of smoke and glory. And he had been knocked senseless instead of staying aware and ready to fight to his death. Tears sprang to his eyes and he quickly wiped them away.
Katt felt the same loneliness as she gazed aobut the battle strewn doors of Moria.
06-30-2002, 10:29 PM
Meanwhile, the pair of adventuring elves, rather, elf and half elf/dwarf, went exploring the caves, trying to fine where the brunt of the battle was. It didn't seem to be in this corridor, Eäráng though, so he went to Kal, who was leading the way. "Do you know where we are going?" Eäráng asked her. She was obviously paranoid about his transformation, and just nodded. Uh oh, he told himself. That was not the best thing in the world to do, but I couldn't control it. I didn't even know it was happening. Oh well, they were headed in this particular direction that he didn't know, into a particular chamber that he didn't know either, where was she taking him?
Handmaiden of Yavanna
07-02-2002, 10:09 PM
Lara stumbled about the battlefield. Her clothes stain with orc blood, the blood of her comrades, and her own. She felt nothing, like she was numb. She felt as though she could not even feel the blood coursing through her veins. All was dead.
She looked up, her eyes blurry. She could see Katt and Alaird standing nearby. She smiled weakly, glad to see two friendly figures.
"Katt!" She started to call, her voice hoarse, "Alraird!"
Then it seemed as though everything went black. The last they she saw before she hit the ground were the hobbits running toward her.
samwise of the shire
07-03-2002, 11:47 AM
Alaird reached Lara first. She was lying face down on the ground with a terrible wound on the back of her head. She also had cuts from swords and whips, and on her left arm were four deep scratches made by an orc with iron claws on it's fingers. Katt came up behind Alaird carrying the packs filled with medicinal herbs and salves. "How're going to get her out of this place of filth and death and get her to cleaner place? We cant carry her." Katt asked as she came to rest on her knees by Lara's head. Alaird nodded"I was thinking the same thing. What we need is a pony. I'm sure carried off or killed in the skirmish but we can try." He raised his fingers to his lips and whistled sharply.
A whinny in the distance told them Perri had survived. Alaird stood up and smiled"So he didn't go as I commanded him. Good old Perri" he thought. He whistled again. The whinny was closer and they could faintly hear the thud of small hoofs on the earth.
Alaird laughed and turning gave Katt a huge hug. She laughed as he spun her around picking her feet off of the ground. But then they remembered where they were and sobered up.
Perri arrived carrying the extra packs filled with food,herbs and rolled up in a small bundle a blanket that would sufice for a tent.
The two hobbits woke Lara enough to get her onto Perri and they went towards a cleaner site for thier hospice. They found one circled by huge trees, protective cliffs with a little stream that had aparently been forgotten by the orcs and that ran clean and fresh. Katt gathered some water, and Alaird started a fire."Katt,dont go too far.We dont know if there are toher orcs out there." He called after her. SHe turned and glowered and raised her finger to her lips. Alaird got the hint and shut up fully intent on starting the fire.
07-03-2002, 07:02 PM
Kal heard something in the distance, and Eäráng was oblivious to what she heard.
"This way." Kal said to the elf. Wha? What was going on? He followed her outside, where they saw three figures standing in a sea of death. It wasn't the most comforting thought, surrounded by all these dead Orcs, rotting flesh, and who knows what else.
"Hey, isn't that--"
"Lara, Alaird, and Katt." Kal finished for him. They ran to the group, and there was much rejoicing. There they were, five explorers, with two Hobbits, which was really unusual.
"How'd you find us?" Lara asked. She was perplexed over this situation, Eäráng saw.
"We used our eyes--"
"And ears, and nose." Kal finished for him, again. Eäráng was getting very annoyed at this. Why?!?
They all heard a groan just then, and they all looked at the source of the noise. A man had dragged himself outside, and was now staring at the group. He had been stabbed, cut, been used as a pincushion numerous times, and he had still managed to stay alive. But he looked very familiar, very...
MAEW!!! It was Maew! He was still alive! "Wha...wha' happened..." he asked.
"You almost got yourself killed. What happened to you?" Kal asked him. She had missed him very much after she had found him almost dead.
"I...I dunno...left here...Orcs find me...hurt me bad..." was all Maew could spit out before he went unconcious.
"He needs help." Alaird said, very sternly. "Katt, let's get him to a safer place. Here, I'll help." The two Hobbits picked him up and heaved him into a little clearing, where they could help him more. There they bound his wounds, and he was at least better than he was before. The others knew that they would have to find the others of their party soon, so they left Kal there to guard over the Hobbits, and Maew, and Lara and Eäráng went after the others.
samwise of the shire
07-08-2002, 12:11 PM
Alaird was overfilled with joy when he saw Earang and Kal heading towards their camp, but his joy soon turned to dismay when he saw the greiviously wounded Maew. They quickly got him back to camp and laid him on the softest wool they could find.
"I dont know if he will live. It's more than likely that there are some poisoned wounds amongst these, and he's so weakened already that the smallest knife wound could spell his end."
07-08-2002, 04:55 PM
Maew floated in an out of reality. He didn't seem to be able to move. What happened to me? he thought, but soon gave up on his cognitive skills, staying alive seemed more important at the moment. Faintly he was aware of a yielding material beneath him, but surprisingly, and worryingly if he'd stopped to contemplate it, there was no pain. He tried to focus on something, but he's eyes were gaumed shut and he could hear but faintly. Soon he sank back into he welcome oblivion of sleep.
07-09-2002, 01:14 PM
Meanwhile, Eäráng and Lara went back into the caves, looking for their comrades Fimbren and Halbarad. They had no idea where they were, and the eyes of the elf and the tenacity of the human were no mach for the hanging, thick darkness surrounding them.
"There isn't enough light to see. Can you see into these dark caverns?" asked Eäráng.
"No, I can't and if you can't see anything, then why did you think I would?" Lara answered with a question. She did have a point there. Everyone knew that elves had the best eyesight of any of Iluvatar's children, and that was not working in this large place. There were just too many caverns, just too much darkness to see. He would have to thank the Orcs for that.
They plodded on in the darkness, groping their way in the caverns, until they came upon a large, lighted cavern, with light coming in from outside. It was beautiful to behold, for in here the caverns were untainted by the Orcs, and there were crystals shining in all their beautiful glory. The light just hit them in the right spot, though, and Eäráng knew that they were in trouble. Behind the crystals, there was a dark shadow, a very big dark shadow...
Handmaiden of Yavanna
07-10-2002, 10:12 PM
When Lara saw the shadow she felt fear grab her in its harsh cold fingers. She felt unable to move.
"What is it?" She whispered, her voice just above a whisper...
07-13-2002, 10:54 PM
Katt kept flitting nervously over Maew. She kept rechecking his bandages and cooling his forehead with a damp cloth. Katt had never actually seen someone die. She always turned her head when the fatal blow occured. But it was a hundred times worse watching someone she knew, slowly taking their last breaths. Katt couldn't just stand by and watch.
Finally Aliard came over to her. "You've done all you can," he said. "Come, you must rest."
"No!" Katt insisted. "We can save him, you know we can."
"You haven't slept in a day," countered Aliard. "Sleep is nessecery for a good healer."
"I still have work to do. Here, you watch over him while I run to get more herbs."
Aliard grabbed Katt's wrist as she jumped up.
He hesitated and said, "Be carefull."
Katt smiled, bit her lip, and sprinted off into the distance.
07-13-2002, 11:01 PM
"That, my friend, is the large, dark shadow of a Balrog..."
Lara huddled next to Eäráng, now missing Halbarad. Where was he?
"What are we going to do?" she asked.
"Uh, well, now... we run."
The two leaped backwards and ran as fast as their feet could take them. The Balrog noticed from the other side of the crystals the movement, and it crashed through the crystals as if they were glass.
Handmaiden of Yavanna
07-13-2002, 11:33 PM
Lara screamed as she slid on the crystal floor and went under a clear ridge. She felt her heart thudding in her chest as she watched the balrog get closer. Eäráng stood out in the open, his figure small to that of the being.
"Run Lara!" He yelled to her.
Lara obeyed running toward over to where they had entered. She heard Eäráng's steps close behind her. Behind his, not far off she could hear the balrog's sickening tread.
Finally the Balrog's footsteps ended and faded off into the distance. Eäráng stopped.
"Wait!" He called to Lara.
Lara obeyed turning, "What?" She said breathlessly.
"His footsteps, their gone," Eäráng mused, "Where did he go?"
"I don't know," Said Lara taking his arm and beginning to drag him out, "But lets go while we have the chance."
They managed to slip out unoticed and make it back to where everyone else was camped out.
"Hows Maew?" Lara asked walking up to Alaird.
07-16-2002, 11:13 PM
Eäráng knew he had to go back, to fight that evil monster. He left the group unnoticed and went back to the caves. He looked in, and he went inside.
He explored around, and then found it; the biggest, most powerful Balrog Arda had ever known. He didn't know how it had gotten this way; perhaps it might have eaten Orcs and such. He stood with his sword pointed at the monster, and decided this would be it. The Balrog noticed him, yet again, and stood up to it's full height. It stood an easy nine, ten meters, maybe even more. The elf backed up, aware of the evil presence he felt as if it clung to his clothes. This was the powermonger, the one that took the cake, so to speak. He shifted his feet, moving them further apart, and got ready to fight...
07-17-2002, 12:52 AM
Katt returned to the group. "I gathered what herbs I could," she said. "How is he?" By 'he' she ment Maew. Everyone had been asking the same question so much that Aliard couldn't answer.
Finally he shouted, "OY! He is getting better. He will regain consiousness soon, but you must let him rest! You too!" He pointed at Katt. "But -" she started to say. "You need some rest too." Aliard lowerd his voice. "Now that we're all together there is no need to worry." Katt looked a little puzzled. "Are we all here?" she questioned. "Our group looks smaller."
"Where's Eäráng?" The cry started faint, then as others heard it the panic grew.
"He must have gone back in," said Lara. "We cannot leave him to face the balrog alone."
07-17-2002, 04:40 PM
Lara was trying to figure out a way to calm down her companions, the last thing she needed was all of them charging maddly around in the mines. She raised her voice to say something, but just then Maew groaned where he lay beside her. Looking down, she stooped quickly at the edge of the mattress. His eyes stared unseeingly past her, white showing around their rims. He remained thus for a moment then collapsed into coughing. Looking at Lara, he spoke two words, 'Halbarad... pain...!' Looking into his eyes she understood, Halbarad was somewhere out in the mines in pain, and she had to find him.
samwise of the shire
07-17-2002, 11:05 PM
"Balrog? You mean there are still Balrogs deep within the mines?' Alaird asked his eyes wide with amazment and fear."How can that be?" "I know not Master Halfling."Lara replied as she stooped down to her knees, she put her hands on the young hobbits shoulder. He nodded and returned to his work"Maew's bandages need to be renewed. Katt what are the herbs you've gathered?" He asked turning to find the hobbit lass. She was standing behind him, and he jumped at the sound of her voice. She handed the herbs wrapped in a bandage to Alaird. He riflled through them smelling them and pressed them gently with his fingertips. "Katt, where did you find these? Athelas, Willow, onion,dandelion,shepherds purse,nightshade,sage so many herbs I dont know what to do with them all, and look Potatoes and asparagas! Katt you're a wonder!!"He laughed, but She shook her head "I am no wonder Alaird. Aren't we by a stream? Many things grow by water."
Suddenly an exclamation from Lara caused them to turn. She was on her knees by Maew's pallet. "He spoke. Halbarad's in pain in the mines. I need to find him." she said as the hobbits stood in shocked suprised by her side. "But Lara...that'll make mincemeat out of you." Alaird protested.
Lara shook her head,stood and loosend her sword in it's sheath"I need to find Earang and Halbarad. Stay here and gaurd Maew." They nodded and she turned to pack her pack. She chose some herbs,rope, and food. She nodded farewell to the two hobbits. "Get some rest and stay on your gaurd." were the last words she spoke to them before turning to find her other comrades.
"Well Katt, You must get some rest. I will stand gaurd first, have my cloak. I wont need it." He unclasped his cloak and handed it to the weary hobit lass. She smiled and he smiled a small breif smile back " Thank you" she whispered, "You're welcome" he muttered as he busied himself with Maew's wounds. Katt held the cloak to her face and slept with the faint scent of herbs about her.
Handmaiden of Yavanna
07-18-2002, 12:57 PM
Lara entered the mines, the darkness enveloped her immeadiatly, till it seemed as though she breathed, consumed, and lived black.
She wandered for sometime keeping her eyes to the ground in case of tripping over something. She felt like she was a grave robber, exploring the inner reaches of a catacomb.
She suddenly saw in the distance a bright red light, growing in size and fury till it took shape. A being made of darkness and fire. The smell of it covered Lara till she felt as though she could not breathe. Sulphur and burning flesh it seemed to radiate the scents of.
Lara hid behind a large boulder. To her horror she watched a small figure stand up against the being. She knew automatically who it was, Eäráng.
She suddenly heard a groan beside her. Lara turned in surprise and saw a figure lying prostrate upon the floor. Lara knelt beside it and turned it face up. In the dim light of the balrog, not far away, she saw the face of whom she had been seeking. HalBarad's face looked up at hers. His eyes were closed.
"Oh no," muttered Lara.
She put her ear to his chest and listened intently for a heart beat, a breath, anything. She heard a faint pumping and her head lifted gently as Halbarad took a slow breath. Lara sighed softly in relief.
She saw that had been knocked unconcious by something, a scimitar or other orc weapon. A large gash streched along his forehead. She put some of the herbs on the wound and ripped a bit of her cloak and wrapped it around his head as a makeshift bandage.
To her surprise his eyes opened a bit.
"Lara," came Halbarad's voice, slow and wearied, "I wondered if you would come,"
"Shhh," Lara ordered, "You must keep silent, there is one of those creatures nearby, the balrogs,"
"Oh," Replied Halbarad, he seemed distance and did not make sense, "One of those monsters, I'll murder him with my own hands,"
"I'm sure you will," Lara answered sitting him up and slinging his arm over her shoulders, "But for now, lets get you out of here. Why does it always seem like I'm saving you?"
"Your just lucky," Halbarad said.
They managed to get out of the mines alive and without being seen by the balrog. Lara made it back to the camp dragging a now unconcious Halbarad.
"Eäráng," Lara panted, "He needs help,"
07-19-2002, 12:07 AM
Halbarad lay in a deep and pleasant dream. He walked in a land where it seemed war had never touched. No thoughts of Moria or his company came to him, except for one. He seemed to be searching for something. but what it was, he knew not. Walking on a lawn of green grass he beheld something out of the corner of his eye. It was a woman. She had long flowing black hair and was clothed in white. But when the figure turned around and gazed upon him, he woke up and saw Lara, her face lit with a red glow. In that moment he was truly happy for the first time in his life.
Nariel Starfire
07-19-2002, 11:25 PM
Kal had elected to stay behind when earang and the others went back into moria. Even if she was a half dwarf, she had had enough of caves for a long while. Besides, they needed someone to keep watch outside and she wanted to keep an eye on Maew.
She sat by the fire fingering the staff she had retrieved. It was a wonder that it was still there, even if the orcs dared not touch it. Just then Maew stirred. She went to his mat.
"Maew? DO you need anything?"
He opened his eyes. "A new head might be nice. This one keeps spinning."
She smiled and reached for a warm moist rag and wiped his forehead with it. "You gave me quite a scare back there. I'd thought I'd lost you for good."
He reached up and hand and touched the wond on the side of her head. "Looks like you kept busy in my absense, though." She winced. "I'd forgotten about those. I should probably clean them." She sat next to where Maew was lying and ripped the shoulder of her tunic open. There was a large slice below her right clavicle that she began cleaning. She also cleaned and wrapped the wound on her leg, but realized that she couldn't see the one on her head.
"Alaird!" she called. "Could you help me out here?"
Looking at Maew, she found he had fallen asleep again.
07-20-2002, 08:40 PM
Eäráng looked the Balrog in its very deep, very dark eyes. It was going to be in this one for a long time. By this time, Eäráng had learned how to control Narya's power, and this was a good thing, for several Orcs came rushing in. He harnessed the power of the ring, and the entire cavern became lit. The Orcs became blinded, and the Balrog had to turn away from him. He then slashed at the Balrog, and black, acidic blood came forth from the wound, and splashed onto the ground. Eäráng brushed some hair out of his face, and prepared to go at it again. He surely missed Fimbren, and he yearned for help, but he knew that he would have to fight this battle alone. He then jabbed the sword into the Balrog's foot, and it yelped in pain (if Balrogs can do that).
Handmaiden of Yavanna
07-20-2002, 09:51 PM
Lara heard a deafening scream as she ran into Moria. It sliced into her heart, fear reverberating through every part of her mind, soul, heart and body.
The ones who were not injured, including Lara, ran down the deep dark halls of the mine, seeking Eäráng to give him aid in his battle against the balrog. They seemed to be drawing closer to a light, not the red forboding light of the balrog but a white light, clean and pure.
They came just out of reach from the tips of the rays. They saw in the illumination Eäráng. Before him the crumpling figure of a dying evil. Eäráng turned and saw them. He motioned for them to stay where they were. They held back and watched as the elf made the last blow upon the creature. It fell to the ground, dying flames spurting from its vanishing body, till all the darkness had been chased away and the light from Eäráng had doused the flame of which the evil creature had been forged. In a failing cry of death, the balrog descinagrated completely. The room seemed to shake with its last breath. The earth trembled beneath them.
"Run!" Cried Eäráng.
They all obeyed, the elf's footsteps close behind. A deafening crash followed as some of the rocks from around fell in, crushing the remaining orcs. The company stoped and turned, dust cloaking them thickly till they looked like ghosts. Silence came and settled upon the room. The last Balrog had been vanquished.
samwise of the shire
07-21-2002, 09:35 PM
Alaird turned from his gaurd post and ran over to Kal, she was holding her hand to her head, on her leg was a quickly thrown together bandage and her shoulder was bleeding. "What've you done to yourself?" he chuckled as he began cleaning the wounds. Kal winced "Take it easy halfling. I only have one skin." Alaird looked up "Do you want an infection? I have to scrub at these or else I'll have to lance the wounds WHICH(may I remind you) hurt ALOT more than just a good scrubbing.Hold still." The wounds were soon clean and bound up with some sage and yarrow, Kal stood and limped to the guard post and Alaird began a stew with some rabbit found in one of his traps and a few of the potatoes Katt had found. He looked up from his work towards the sleeping Katt.
Her face was turned towards the fire and on it was a look of peaceful content, the shadows created by the flames danced across her face creating an eerie and strangly beautiful design.
Alaird felt himself blush, he had the strangest feeling as he paused in his work and gazed at the slumbering maid. He quickly blinked away a tear and turned back to his work, but inside he knew that he felt protective of Katt. Before he had left the Shire to fight and go to adventures in lands unknown to him, now he wished only to stay and protect the wounded and (to his suprise)Katt.
Deep in the glade somthing had seen the light of the fire and was now watching the camp with hungry eyes...
There finished,
07-30-2002, 12:37 AM
Katt dreamed.
She drempt of them never leaving the camp. She drempt of waking amongst thick ferns. She dreampt of stepping into a clearing where Aliard was busy cooking sausages. Lara, Halabred, Maew, everyone was sitting around the fire in the late morning sun. Their swords were polished and hung from trees as ordiments. What was a large pile of orks in waking, had turned it to a hobbit hole. Her's and Aliard's hobbit hole. The entrance to Moria was just a solid rock wall. They were home.
Then darkness covered the sky. Everything turned pitch black. Then she was in Moria. She had never really been there, but it was worse than the under the pile of orks. She could hear her friends calling to her, but she could not see anything.
"We are all going to die!"
"Help me Katt!"
"I'm bleeding! Help!"
"We are ALL going to DIE!"
"Katt, pull me out! I'm buried under these rocks!"
"Katt, some herbs please..."
"KATT!" It was Aliard's voice. She reached out to grab him, but she was falling into a patch of thick blackness.
Katt awoke with a startled half scream, then a gasp as she saw she was still in darkness. She saw the flames of the small fire and woke herself fully. Aliard was near her now. She grabbed him and steadied herself. "We can't go into Moria," said Katt. "It will end in disaster. We will all die."
OOC: Ooh! Forshadowing!
samwise of the shire
07-31-2002, 05:10 PM
Alaird had just finished dressing the rabbits and putting them into the pot when Maew called him."Master Halfling...water...please." Alaird knelt and smiled "Of course Maew. And you needn't call me Master Halfling, Alaird is fine, water? All right. I'm cookin' a bit of a stew so we can have somethig substantial. A gift from Katt." His smile faded and he rose to get the water. He was getting the water when Katt woke with a start and grabbed his jacket, her eyes wide and staring.
He stifled a scream, but held back "no need to be scaring the poor lass Alaird" he thought. She grasped his waistcoat in desperation "We cannot go into Moria Alaird. It will end in ruin." She sat up to look him in the face "We cant Alaird. The others must get out." her eyes pleaded with him "Katt it was only a nightmare. You're all right. We wont go into Moria." she ighed a shaky sobbing sigh "Oh Alaird" "It'll be alright."he whispered as he held her, keeping her safe from night fears. Then he remebered Maew...
ps. I'm leavin' tommorrow. We need reinforcements for the conquering of Moria. Where is everyone?
Nariel Starfire
07-31-2002, 11:00 PM
Kal heard the commotion Katt was causing and smiled, amused. "Silly creature," she muttered to herself. Then she got back to her singing. She was great at composing songs, but her voice wasn't very good. Another of the mixed blessings of being half-and-half.
As she sang, she thought she heard something. She continued to sing, but at a reduced volume, as to keep an ear open. There it was again. A howl. Three leagues southeast of her position. Another. A league and a half directly east. And another. Northeast, half a league. She swore under her breath. She opened her mouth to call the halfling, but he wouldn't do any good. She needed an elf. She left her post momentarily to kneel by Maew.
"Hey Maew. Do you hear that?"
"Yes." he replied. The warg have returned. Sound the alarm."
She stood to her feet, and just then saw six beady eyes staring at her from the bushes. She lifted her head and shouted. "POSITIONS!!! WARG!!!"
08-01-2002, 07:27 PM
Maew saw the eyes and groaned inwardly, struggling to a sitting position. Alaird and Katt jumped at Kal's call, Alaird's hand flew to the knife Katt had been using to cut herbs as he stood over the maid. Maew grabbed the nearest weapon to hand, a large billet of firewood, and got his back to a rock. He could not stand, but he'd be damned if he would lay by helpless while his friends fought for his life and theirs. The Gondorrim that had been with the healers had gone back into the mines with Lara and the rest. They were alone. Six pairs of eyes stared at them unwinkingly for a single interminable second, and then the first gigantic warg leaped into the firelight.
08-01-2002, 11:15 PM
Eäráng walked out of the cave, very badly beaten, and very tired. Yes, that's what he needed, a nap. He made it back to the camp, and found a nice bed to sleep in. When they all found him, he was dead, worn out from all the work that he had performed.
08-10-2002, 03:44 PM
dont let this die down!its to fun reading it!
Nariel Starfire
08-12-2002, 10:27 AM
As the first Warg leapt, Kal shot at it. Her arrow struck true, right below the nwck, and the animal fell motionless to th eground in mid-leap. She quickly drew again, ready for the second attack. But what happened surprised her, and everyone in the camp. The warg did not attack one by one, but scores of them leapt at a time. There were too many targets and though her bow sang, there were not nearly enough arrows.
Maew threw his billet as soon as the nearest warg got within 10 meters of him. Then he began throwing stones, knocking out the wolves, and killing the occasional one.
Kal couldn't see what Alaird anf Katt were doing, but she was sure they were helping in some regard. Or at least she hoped they would be. Now she was out of arrows. Looking around, she saw a large, bopne-shaped rock. She ripped off a strip of her garment (and made a note to herself that if she kept doing that, she wouldn't have any more garment to rip) and tied it to the thinnest part of the stone. She began swinging.
08-13-2002, 06:55 PM
Maew was in trouble. Katt had been crouching behind Alaird fighting, like Maew, with anything that came to hand. Maew, sighting a rock on a warg threatening to sneak up on Kal, saw a particularly large warg come unexpectedly out of the darkness in front of her. The creature leaped at her and caught her leg and Maew saw her go down. Alaird was busy defending himself from another; Maew lunged out and managed to sink his nails into the fur a the nape of the warg's neck. Taking the rock in his hand, he bashed it into the enraged animal's face. The warg snarled and released Katt only to turn his attention on Maew. Lightning swift, it sank it's teeth into Maew's side, he stiffened in pain, recoiling violently to the fetal position and, in the process, elbowing the warg very sharply in it's left eye. All of a sudden, Katt was there, belayboring the warg with a piece of fireword until finally it's jaws released and it rolled over dead. 'My thanks,' Maew coughed as the maid turned and set about one of Alaird's assailants. Maew hurled a rock at a warg just entering the firelight, and it turned tail and fled the circle. Most of the assult was over, half a dozen dead wargs littered the hospital area, the rest had departed into the night, but they all knew they would be back, and in greater numbers.
Nariel Starfire
08-14-2002, 03:35 PM
Kal fell panting to the ground. Alaird ran to attend her, but she waved him off. "I'm just out of breath, Halfling. No need for any of your plant remedies. A good drink of water will do." Alaird fetched her a skin and she drank thirstily while he watched. "You might want to check out Maew," she suggested, pointing to the man lying prostrate on the ground. "I think he's in more serious condition than I am."
08-15-2002, 01:34 AM
Maew attempted to brush away the hobbit's ministiring hands, but Alaird would have none of it. The warg had torn and lossened the bandage around his wound, and crimson blood dampened the dust beneath where he lay. He could sit though, and waited patiently enough, with gritted teeth as Alaird removed the soiled bandages and replaced them, carefully covering the warg bites as well. He glanced meaningfully over at Kal, 'We could not withstand another attack like that for long,' he said. 'They're coming back, they won't be long, we should get inside the Mines; at least there we won't be so much in the open.' Katt opened her mouth to protest, remembering her dream, but the sound was cut off by a loud and frighteningly close howl. As one accord they rose and backed towards the Gate.
samwise of the shire
08-17-2002, 12:37 PM
ooc: I'm only back for today. KATT!!!
Katt and Alaird both slipped under Maew's arms and helped him stagger into the entrance of Moria. "Deeper we must go deeper." Kals voice called out from the front. "I cant go any further. It has been in vain...there's only four of us left out of a whole regement of Gondorians...why are we staying here?" Katt's voice sounded weepy and weary. Alaird felt sorry for the maid. She had never been out of the Shire before let alone on a long quest. But then neither had he. "Katt listen I know you're weary and tired...but I remember when I was a lad my Grandpa Gamgee telling me not to give up until all hope was gone, and if hope left then I was to go on hope or not. Indeed he told me that what kept him on his legs on those last miles in the Dark Land was revenge for Gollum and pity for his master Frodo. But we still have hope. We have the small group we have left and I'm not giving up until hope has gone, but right now what little hope we have comes from life which we still have plenty. So keep going." Alaird said to the dark.
The way was rough and uneaven and often times the hobbits toes were stubbed on fallen bits of rock. Suddenly Kall let out a yell and her footsteps stopped. "What's up with Kal?" wondered Alaird when suddenly he found out. He,Katt, and Maew found themselves falling down a chasm. Each one of them thought of the rocks at the bottom and thier most likely end. "You knew it was coming least you'll die with the others...though I will miss the Shire and Grandpa Took." "Finally death when it is needed. I was weary of life." was what flashed through maews mind and an image passed through Katts head only this time it was pleasant. A small hobbit hole in the side of a hill by the Brandywine. It was a nice small little hole. Enough for a nice family of hobbits. At the entrance she saw Alaird and herself and then it was gone. "What a pity...if only it was like that." she thought.
Suddenly they hit the floor but it was not rocks as they had thought but soft straw mats. "Who's there?" Kals shakey voice called out from the dark. "It's only us Kal. The halflings and myself" Maew gasped.
"Well well what have we here?" a deep voice asked "Thank you kindly for dropping in. It has been a while since I had vistors. Wont you come in?" Suddenly a torch was lit and the travel weary warriors found themselves in a small cave facing a white bearded dwarf...
Finrod Felagund
09-11-2002, 12:03 PM
I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!
samwise of the shire
09-11-2002, 08:17 PM
I dunno if people are still doing this Finrod. It's been awhile since anyone posted here...*shrugs* wait and find out I guess.
Nice to have yah back,
09-17-2002, 10:36 PM
Hey! Glad your back! :) Please post something! :rolleyes: I don't want the rpg to die, but I can't think of anything in particular to add to it. :(
Finrod Felagund
09-18-2002, 01:56 PM
Fimbren was alone. No one near. His companions dead or injured, the dwarves and Rohirrim, at least a day away. But he was a Noldo and an inner fire burned within him, the fire which smelted the golden beauty of his Vanya side and tempered with the shining water music f the Teleri. he was not alone. He had his heritage and the swords of Fingolfin and Turgon, and the axe of Durin and armour beautiful and terrible to behold. And upn his finger he wore a gift, the ring of barahir, yes Finrod and Aragorn were with him in that gift. he stood, suddenly taller, as a huge Balrog rose before himone of the greatest to walk the earth.
09-18-2002, 06:18 PM
OOC: "The balrog went 'I'm tiered of this stupid existance!' and blew up. The mountain colapsed and everyone died. THe end." :p I really don't know what to write. I know! An unhappy ending! Everyone can do the death they always wanted to do! Just a sugestion. :D
09-18-2002, 11:03 PM
Kal hald her staff in one hand and her sword in the other. To her left were Alaird and Katt. To her right was Maew. They faced the entrance of the cave, knowing that they now had the upper hand on the Warg, for only one at a time would be able to enter, so small was the opening. But behind them there was the unknown. Without a light, they had no idea how many orcs or anythings there were there. And they were all afraid. Soon the warg stopped coming. The four formed a circle formation, each terrified to move, and all keeping their eyes and ears open. Then, all at the same time, they heard footsteps.
Finrod Felagund
09-20-2002, 11:51 AM
OOC: Nariel, the wargs are done, you are in Moria and have unexpectedly met an old dwarf with Maew, Alaird and Kal.
samwise of the shire
09-20-2002, 07:09 PM
It's still going? YAAAAYYYYYY!!! :D,
I can change my post if you want?
Finrod Felagund
10-08-2002, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by samwise of the shire
It's still going? YAAAAYYYYYY!!! :D,
Well...It was for a while...:(
10-08-2002, 02:03 PM
Katt was scared, tired, and compleatly unaware of what she was doing. All she knew was there was a threat and it was near. She didn't know where she was but it was dangerious. The footsteps kept getting closer. Katt didn't care who they were. If they had any kind of bed or food they were friends.
Katt steped forward. "Hello," she said before being dragged back by Kal.
"This is it," thought Kal. "That stupid hobbit has betrayed us and we shall all die."
"Hello," came a voice back. "Who walks in our land? Friend or Foe?"
10-16-2002, 06:26 PM
hey folks!:)
been away from the moot for awhile now..
are people sitll posting on this rpg?
10-17-2002, 01:40 PM
Somewhat. It is really sucking right now.
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