View Full Version : what are you reading right now?
12-22-1999, 11:20 PM
Well I started Vector Prime but never got around to finishing it... :o (Maybe during vacation) I'm reading Great Expectations for school as well
Original message plus recent replies here:
12-22-1999, 11:47 PM
Star Wars X-Wing #8 Isard's Revenge
12-23-1999, 01:08 AM
This board! ;-)
12-23-1999, 01:12 AM
Vision of the Future
Son of a Hutt
12-23-1999, 02:41 AM
I was too slow, my reply was already taken.... :( I was going to say that I'm reading this thread right now.
12-23-1999, 03:04 AM
Very clever answers you two :P Let me rephrase the question: What book are you reading right now?
12-23-1999, 03:22 AM
My personal pic has nothing to do with this topic :P
12-23-1999, 05:33 AM
Hey, how do you like Great Expectations, bmilder? Fun, huh. I'm rereading various things, and am still slogging through Les Miserables unabridged (though not very constantly). If I could find my Sil I'd be reading that, but Gimli lost it... Other than that, I'm looking for ideas. Any good ones?
12-23-1999, 06:35 AM
Currently, I'm reading "Vision of the Future" to myself and "Vector Prime" to my son.
Fat middle
12-23-1999, 10:58 AM
Hei, i read Great Expectations last summer. Enjoy, bmilder. Now i´m reading Dune and LOTR.
12-23-1999, 01:31 PM
Fat Middle, I loved Dune!! Where are you at right now? How are you liking it? How many times does this make for LOTR?
Son of a Hutt
12-23-1999, 05:36 PM
Dune was weird... I'm not reading any books right now, I can only read one thing at a time and right now I'm reading this message as I type it.
12-23-1999, 10:06 PM
yes, is was.....I liked it that way :)
12-23-1999, 10:10 PM
I´m reading a book called Vägen till Jerusalem ( the road to Jerusalem ). It´s set during the Crusades and the events happen in Sweden. It´s very good and historically accurate. :)
12-23-1999, 11:14 PM
Wow, that does sound cool!! :D
12-24-1999, 12:24 AM
Yam, that sounds interesting!
12-24-1999, 03:50 AM
For school i am supposed to read the pearl, but i dont want to so i wont. I was quized on the first 4 ch i didnt read. I got a 95 on the quiz and a b on the essay. My teacher said it was good butit lacked examples from the story. I have to finish the book and do a 3 essay project thing. I dont intend on reading it.
Fat middle
12-24-1999, 09:55 AM
Hey The Pearl is really great! When i finished my first LOTR i couldn´t find any worthy book... till i found The Pearl. Enjoy the first arriving to the city... Anduin: i don´t know how many times i´ve read LOTR. I often re-read single chapters of it and Sil (... and Hobbit ;)). But this is the fist time i read it in English: *t´s awesome, but i still haven´t accustom to Frodo Baggins instead of Frodo Bolsón or Strider instead of Trancos... About Dune: yes it´s very weird but i´m enjoying a lot. Now Muad´Dib have just became a knight of the sand, riding his first sandworm. SoaH: Don´t you find many parallels between Dune and Star Wars? I´d like to see a little homage from Lucas to Dune in the prequels. I´m sure he has read the book.
12-24-1999, 01:17 PM
Fat Middle I agree with you about similarities between Dune and SW....after I finished reading it, I thought "I KNOW Lucas read this book." The Bene Gesserit are proof enough.....almost exactly like Jedi, except for the BG exclude males from their training. Are you reading Dune in English? Do you have either ICQ or IM?
12-24-1999, 02:47 PM
I got the question, "What do the beggars stand for wrong?" wonrg. the choices were a. humility c.hypcropscy(sp) d.gossip
12-24-1999, 06:00 PM
Well, I've never even heard of that book, but if they're all multiple choice no wonder you did so well ;)
12-24-1999, 09:30 PM
Would you be able to answer that question without reading the book?
12-25-1999, 03:47 AM
I don't even think the way you phrased the question makes any sense.... ;)
12-25-1999, 05:04 PM
I didn't phrase anything, stupid. The quiz did, and it was a book test. I talked with tristan, i mean jonathin yesterday.
12-25-1999, 05:06 PM
Well, maybe you're remembering the question wrong.. it sounds more like Bobo-ish than English ;)
Fat middle
12-25-1999, 06:06 PM
Nope, i´m reading Dune in Spanish. And again nope, i haven´t ICQ nor IM (yet). You haven´t said what are you reading...
12-25-1999, 10:56 PM
Gimli gave me the Sil for Christmas, so now I can read it! Fat Middle, I'm reading a Costa Rican book, Alli donde el mar recuerda, in espanol. It's weird, but fun.
12-26-1999, 12:19 AM
this thread dumba$$...;) j/k :D
12-26-1999, 03:12 AM
So many clever ppl...where do you all come from?!! :P
12-26-1999, 03:17 AM
beats the **** outta me...:P
12-26-1999, 06:47 PM
I got Morgoth's Ring for Christmas, so that's what I'm reading now!
Darth Tater
12-26-1999, 07:08 PM
I'm re-reading The Hobbit, and reading Tales from Watership Down, a sequel to Watership Down.
12-27-1999, 10:04 AM
I´ve finished Vägen till Jerusalem a couple of days ago. Now I´m reading Vector Prime. The start was a little slow, IMO, but after 130 pages it got bettter :).
Fat middle
12-27-1999, 01:53 PM
Elanor: i don´t know that book. Who´s the author? BTW, i´ve planned to read Coriolan when i finish Dune. Have you read it?
12-28-1999, 06:13 AM
Sandra Benitez, but I don't expect anyone to have heard of it. It's extremely odd, about this witch doctor or something who has all these mystic objects in her little hut by the sea, and this guy who makes special salads, I think. I'm afraid I had to skip most of the unfamiliar words to even keep going through the story. I'm halfway through the Sil now, and it's great! Go, Fingon, go! Ah, he's so heroic.
05-22-2000, 06:22 PM
I´ve picked up leisure reading again since this semester is nearing its end. I am reading Iron Fist ( book number six in the Xwing series ).
05-22-2000, 06:49 PM
I've read that one. I just finished re-reading Return of the King and I'm reading an interesting little book called "The Language's of Tolkien's Middle Earth."
For school we have to read the play forms of "The Diary of Anne Frank" and "Romeo and Juliet."
05-22-2000, 07:08 PM
Cool.....we are doing The Diary of Anne Frank next year at Stage One. :)
The One Ring
05-23-2000, 12:44 AM
I'm finishing up The Fifth Elephant, the hilarious new Discworld book by Terry Pratchett. I also recently finished There and Back Again, a funny sci-fi retelling of The Hobbit. I've got a thread about it in the Hobbit forum that no one has replied to yet.... but I'm too lazy to link to it now.
05-23-2000, 02:00 AM
I loved Dune and Watership Down. Great reads, both of them. Currently I am re-reading LotR, since I finally replaced my former set (very very very sad shape) and Traveller by Richard Adams(another one I re-read from time to time).
05-23-2000, 11:52 AM
YAY!!! Another Dune fan!! :) You may be interested to know that there is a Dune topic in General Fantasy started by Fat Middle. It is a little stale right now though. ;)
I too am rereading LOTR....not too far into it though, Fellowship....chapter Many Meetings. Where are you?
05-23-2000, 04:32 PM
In my reading, the Fellowship has just left Lothlorien.
Thanks for the info about the Dune discussion, I will have to check that one out.
I have meant to ask you, anduin, is your sig from Wind in the Willows? I know it is familiar, but I have not yet been able to place it definitely.
05-23-2000, 05:54 PM
I finished Iron Fist this morning. I have read all Xwing books before, I just needed something like that after some heavy books on history. This evening I started reading Raymond E Feist´s Rage of a Demon King. I had forgotten how fast paced the action in Feist´s books is.
I wish the library here could get the first books in the Dune series. All this talk about them has made me interested in reading them :) .
05-25-2000, 12:27 AM
...Just finished "Those who Trespass by Bill O'Reilly" on to "Karma and Chaos by Dr. Fleischman.
.......a bit of lite reading :rollin:
05-25-2000, 02:15 AM
Hey Spock!! It's been a long time....where have you been? :p
05-29-2000, 01:02 AM
Indeed, I have been absent but only from this board. Seems by the time I check all of the boards (as reader, poster and in some case moderator) I begin having isp problems with connecting to Entmoot and invariably give up. Thus I haven't actually been even able to read the board until recently. Let's see how long that lasts.
05-29-2000, 01:19 AM
I've decided to finish "Claudius the God" by Robert Graves so I'm reading that now too.
05-29-2000, 01:49 AM
Right now I'm reading Sahara by Clive Cussler... not really a deep or meaningful novel in any way, but entertaining. Better than Clancy.
05-29-2000, 03:14 AM
.....I understand, too bad you don't have more time. Still, it is cool when you stop by unexpectedly. :)
06-05-2000, 01:29 AM
Hehe, this forum already has more posts than the Collecting and Games forum ;)
I just finished reading Deathwatch for school.
06-05-2000, 08:21 AM
I have finished Rage of a Demon King as well as Shards of a Broken Crown. Right now I´m reading Waterland by Graham Swift, an excellent novel about a history teacher trying to get his students interested. This is probably the best book I´ve read in a long time.
06-11-2000, 01:11 PM
I'm rereading the Pern series by McCaffrey. I hadn't even picked the books up in 15 years, but they were still on the shelf so I figured what the heck. I'm up to The White Dragon and still find the series entertaining. But I think I enjoyed it more when I was younger.
Dunno what I'll read next. Probably good ole JRRRT :)
06-15-2000, 05:21 AM
i too am rereading LotR, but not geting very far (you'd think after graduating from highschool & not working in the summer i'd have more time!) - they just crossed into Rivendell. i'm also reading Tehanu by Ursula K Leguin & Sandman: The Kindly Ones (i always read multiple books at a time - i dont' know why)
i stole a copy of Sil from my mom, & will probably read it on that ungodly long flight i'll be on this summer. also Dune has been on my "find & read this" list for a long time - i keep telling myself i'll start it, btu havne't yet.
aryne *
06-15-2000, 02:56 PM
Hey, isn't "Tehanu" the name of the guy who helps run TOR.N? Weird that he wouldn't select a LotR name for that kind of site...
Puc conDoin
06-16-2000, 08:49 AM
Reading Daughter of the Empire from Raymond E. Feist.
06-17-2000, 05:51 AM
don't know about TOR.N...
but i heard somewhere that JRRT used the name Ea for a part of his world - UKLG (she has weird initials - reminds me too much of Ugluk) has an island in Earthsea named Ea also.
this is probably in Sil, which i REALLY NEED TO READ!
aryne *
Grand Admiral Reese
06-22-2000, 03:19 PM
Right now, I am(literally) in the middle of Chapterhouse: Dune. Great book.
06-22-2000, 08:10 PM
I was going to start the Harry Potter books this week, but I decided to attempt Sil again... hopefully I'll get further than Valaquenta this time...
06-23-2000, 08:28 AM
I´m reading a very good book on Swedish history now.
Maybe I should reread Silmarillion. It´s been too long since the last time and I remember I thought ut was more interesting than LOTR :) .
jedi master princess
07-08-2000, 05:08 PM
i'm plugging through the source by james michener, perfume by patrick suskind, and crying because i can't afford books 2-4 in the harry potter series. :)
Grand Admiral Reese
08-10-2000, 06:54 PM
I'm currently reading: Stranger in a Strange Land, by Robert A. Heinlein.
08-11-2000, 01:21 AM
Lord of the Rings, thats why you won't find me in any of the JRR Tolkien forums for a few weeks.
08-11-2000, 02:24 AM
I could have sworn that I read Hitchiker's Guide, but I just read it, and nothing in it rang a bell....nothing...oh well. :) I was getting ready to read The Restaurant At the End of The Universe, when I picked up The Hobbit instead.
Grand Admiral Reese
08-19-2000, 03:38 PM
I'm now on So Long and Thanks for All the Fish in the Hitchhikers series. That's about 5 books I've finished, read and started in the last 9 days. Maybe I actually will get all the books I wanted to read read this summer.
08-19-2000, 07:28 PM
The Crystal singer series, by Anne Mcaffrey
Very good, but somewhat strange ending, when the heroine suddenly wakes up and finds out it's all been a dream!
Ups, spoiler alert :)
No, just kidding. It wasn't all a dream :)
Grand Admiral Reese
08-22-2000, 03:05 PM
I'm now reading The Silmarillion. I finished the Hitchikers Series on Sunday.
08-22-2000, 06:08 PM
I'm rereading the TPM novel. Then I'll probably start with Jan Guillou's last book in hist "crusader trilogy" about early Swedish history.
08-23-2000, 11:59 PM
I`m in the middle of `Massacre at Montsegur` by Zoe Oldenbourg. It is a fairly heavy tome about the Albigensian Crusade.
BTW, emilsson, if you are interested in this and other related topics, Oldenbourg`s book, `The Crusades`, is one of the best of the many volumes I have read on this subject.
08-24-2000, 08:14 AM
Thanks, Taimar. I love the Middle Ages and books set in that time ( both fiction and non-fiction ). I´ll remember that book. :)
Grand Admiral Reese
08-26-2000, 11:41 PM
Right now, I'm about halfway through Jack London's The Sea-Wolf. I needed a break from SF/Fantasy works, and have to read it anyway.
08-29-2000, 04:05 PM
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien and J.R.R. Tolkien: A Biography by Humphrey Carpenter.
08-29-2000, 05:33 PM
I've now read a third of Guillou's book. Then I probably read Malcom Barber's books on the Templar Knights.
Grand Admiral Reese
08-29-2000, 07:26 PM
Nothing. I'm out of books. I read everything I was going to this summer.
Grand Admiral Reese
09-03-2000, 10:27 PM
Now I am reading something. Tom Clancy's latest novel The Bear and the Dragon. A very good book so far.
09-04-2000, 01:00 PM
LOL, that didn't take too long. :)
09-04-2000, 06:09 PM
Yesterday I started Malcolm Barber's The New Knighthood. So far I think it is good.
Pippin Skywalker
09-10-2000, 04:01 AM
Shakespeare plays:Hamlet,Macbeth,King Lear,Much Ado About Nothing,Comedy of Errors,As You Like It, A Middsummer Night's Dream,The Tempest,Romeo and Juliet,Two Gentleman of Verona,Antony and Cleopatra,Othello,Julius Ceaser,Taming of the Shrew,A Merchant of Venice,Twelfth Night,Or What You Will,All's Well That Ends Well,(and one I've forgotten the name of).
Other Stuff:The Lord of the Rings Trilogy,Old Man and the Sea,Billy Budd,Sailor,Moby Dick,Dante's Inferno,Milton's Paradise Lost,The Canterbury Tales,Black Beauty,Pride and Prejudice,The Prydain Chronicles,The Hobbit,The Silmarillion,The Chronicles of Narnia,Out of the Silent Planet,Farenheight 451,The Nancy Drew Stories,The Hardy Boys,Heidi,Little Women,Tom Sawyer,Wuthering Heights, "etc"
Note:This is like a life time list of books ;) All this has been read between the ages of 8 and 15 (my current age).
WHAT I'M READING NOW:Les Miserables,War and Peace,and All's Well That Ends Well.
Dosteyevsky:The Idiot,Brothers Karamosov,Crime and Punishment. Others:Faust,Beowulf,The Iliad,The Odyssey,The Aenid,Donquixote,Great Expectations,Nicholas Nicholby,Emma,Sense and Sensibility.
I love classic literature,fantasy,fairytales,mythology,poetry,and a dash of philosophy :)
09-24-2000, 09:16 PM
See my sig!
Everyone knows what I am reading!
Grand Admiral Reese
09-24-2000, 11:57 PM
After spending an inordiante amount of time reading Tom Clancy's The Bear and the Dragon, I have moved on to a new book. Currently I am reading R.A. Salvatore's The Demon Awakens.
09-25-2000, 07:55 AM
Today I will start rereading the Fellowship of the Ring. It's been three years since the last time and this is a good time for some LOTR.
The Demon Awakens is good, probably my favorite book together with The Demon Spirit by RA Salvatore.
09-25-2000, 03:34 PM
Was The Bear and the Dragon any good? I was thinking of reading that, cause I liked the direction Clancy had taken with Jack Ryan.
Grand Admiral Reese
12-25-2000, 08:27 PM
The Bear and the Dragon was great, Gilthalion.
I'm just about to start on Homer's The Iliad.
the Lorien wanderer
12-26-2000, 03:44 AM
I've just started re-reading Atlas Shrugged. Anyone here an Ayn Rand fan?
dunedain lady
12-26-2000, 06:50 PM
I just finished re-reading Macbeth for English class--I looove that play!! Now I have to read Death of a Salesman over break. I'm also reading The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles--fascinating! If I get tired of the heavy stuff I've also been reading various Discworld books--just read The Fifth Elephant. I also should finish Silver on the Tree sometime...
dunedain lady
12-26-2000, 06:51 PM come my picture and signature won't post?
dunedain lady
12-26-2000, 06:52 PM
Huh...there it went! *shrugs*
01-01-2001, 09:50 PM
I'm reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
X Rogue
01-02-2001, 12:45 AM
I am working or Robert Jordans' Wheel of Time series. I'm up to book five, the Fires of Heaven.
And I'm crying because my mom borrowed my LOTR books.:( But at leasr she's going to read them and find out what all the fuss was about all this time. :lol: :)
01-04-2001, 03:07 AM
Emilsson! Congratulations! You are reading one of the wittiest, nicest books of the English language. Jane Austen is one of my top 5 favorite authors.
I suppose I had better reply to the question asked...
Among various other books that have been put on pause, I am reading "From Beirut to Jerusalem," by Thomas Friedman.
01-04-2001, 02:13 PM
Actually, I just finished the third book, and ordered the fourth one yesterday. I got the first one for my daughter for Christmas so I could read it, and then I had to rush out and get the next two, which I tore through in two days. I should have just gotten the fourth while I was in the book store! But I needed an excuse to put in an order on-line, because I can never find HOME XI and XII in the store. So I ordered HP while I was at it, and I can't wait to get it!
jedi master princess
01-07-2001, 10:35 PM
i'm finally picking up otherland by tad williams now. :)
01-09-2001, 02:13 AM
Well, I'm still reading that Friedman book...
Anyways, meanwhile! I just finished The Tragedy of King Richard III, by Shakespeare. Wow, what a great villain! If any of you haven't read Act I, Scene II, do -- what could be more villainous than the Duke of Gloucester wooing the woman whose husband and son he killed even as she grieves? And who but the most skilled, manipulative villain could actually succeed?! Can't wait to see the movie with Sir Ian McKellen -- he made a great villain in "The Scarlet Pimpernel (Andrews/Seymour) and I have a very high opinion of his acting abilities.
01-15-2001, 08:07 PM
Well, I liked P&P but it's not among the best books I've read. Have you seen the TV version made by BBC? If you have not, I hope you do it. It's lovely and it catches the mood of the book very well.
Right now I am reading Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt.
01-16-2001, 02:15 AM
I've seen the movie multiple times (assuming, of course, that you're talking about the more recent BBC production, with Colin Firth & Jennifer Ehle). The book doesn't pack a weighty philosophical or emotional punch, I admit. And it's difficult, a little slow, at first (although I contend that it is requires no more investment of effort than Tolkien.) Charlotte Brontë didn't like it (found it shallow, passionless, etc.) and Mark Twain hated it, which I think is a wee bit extreme. I, however, haven't found Jane Austen's better for entertainment value (of course, it's a matter of opinion). So... what are the best books you've read? I'll check what you wrote in the favorite books thread. Hawthorne is probably my favorite American author. Among English authors, Jane Austen reigns along with C. S. Lewis, Shakespeare, Tolkien and MacDonald (especially for his fantasy). But I have many favorites!
Most recent reading: I read Shakespeare's "Measure for Measure" on the recommendation of my Illyria friends. I'm still working on that Friedman, and I am about to re-begin (I've never ended) Tolkien's "Silmarillion." Cheers! This is going to be fun!
01-16-2001, 02:22 AM
Hi, Emilsson, I just checked the "Favorite books" entry. Tolkien, Leroux and Dumas were great choices -- I loved "The Count of Monte Cristo." I haven't read most of the books on the list, though. "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?" Isaac Asimov? I've heard of their names, but what are they?
01-18-2001, 02:38 PM
Isaac Asimov's books are scifi. He writes about the rise, and the downfall of a galactic empire at some point in our distant future. What I find so interesting is that Asimov spends a lot of time focusing on behaviour, human thinking and ideas rather than action.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams is probably among the most amusing books I have read. in a sense it's a parody of scifi, but on a more profound level he jokes about human thinking.
I don't remember what I put on that list. I'm glad to see there are others who like Leroux.
As for Pride and Prejudice, the best part is that the points of pride are interesting. That one form of pride is justified if it takes the form of self respect.
dunedain lady
01-21-2001, 08:46 PM
I've just finished reading Better than Life. It is an absolutely hilarious Red Dwarf book! But now it's over, and there are only the two books. :( I'm gonna go read it again!! ;)
I also need to read Hamlet, Pride and Prejudice, and Les Miserables once finals week is over.
Grand Admiral Reese
01-22-2001, 01:50 AM
Right now I'm reading The Dragon Reborn, the third Wheel of Time book.
dunedain lady
02-04-2001, 07:28 PM
I just started Les Miserables. I'm really enjoying it so far, even though I'm on something like page 68...out of 1400!
02-25-2001, 07:20 PM
Someone actually heard of RD???
Currently reading 3 musketeers, The Truth, Martin Chuzlewit(sp?), and many others. I always seem to end up reading many books at once. Oh.. another great book is Good Omens, by terry pratchett and neil gaiman. And sweet clarinat, which I only read because I play the clarinet, but it's a really great book. It's about wartime england. Does anyone know who wrote it?
02-26-2001, 08:30 PM
Elrond: How nice to see you! It`s been some time! What have you been up to? Yes, there ARE some of us out there who actually know of Red Dwarf! Dunedain Lady: I commend your monumental efforts on delving into Les Miserables. It IS a good read if you have the stamina! : ) Enjoy! As for me, I`ve most recently been reading a lot of history books. Stephen E. Ambrose is a favorite author of mine. His books are excellent. I finished up two of his in the past months - Undaunted Courage (about Merriwether Lewis and Thomas Jefferson and the opening of the West) and Nothing Like It In The World (about the Transcontinental Railroad). I also just read James Bradley`s and Ron Powers` Flags of our Fathers (about the men who raised the flag on Iwo Jima). I`m now delving back into Marion Zimmer Bradley`s Lady of Avalon, The Forest House, and The Mists of Avalon. It`s been many years since I`ve read those. I want to reacquaint myself with those before the TNT miniseries of "The Mists of Avalon" airs in the Spring. It doesn`t look too bad.
02-26-2001, 11:06 PM
DARN! Why is it that my paragraphs look fine on the preview but always disappear on the final post? What am I doing wrong guys? HELP! Sorry to go OT but I`m wondering why that always happens. Anyone? Elrond, I believe I know that book you are talking about but I cannot remember the author, either.
02-27-2001, 07:44 AM
Right now I'm reading In the Shadow of a Rainbow, which is a story but isn't fiction.
I'm also reading Antarctica: the furtherst south expedition, 1918 by Ernest Shackley, which isn't fiction either.
I'm also reading Dhalgren by Samuel R. Delany, although I halted at that because it got a bit too... depressing. I simply didn't have enough stamina to bear the weight of that book that is being extremely pessimistic without admitting it in the story...
I recently read Sorcerer's Son (which I give a 9 out of 10) and its sequel, The Crystal Palace (which I give a 6.8 out of 10).
02-28-2001, 01:05 AM
Sorry, but I haven't a clue what could be causing your problem.
Right now I'm reading Ishmael by Daniel Quinn.
02-28-2001, 08:57 PM
Hi Galadriel!
Have now discovered Jane Austen. Managed to read Pride +Prejudice in one night (admitedly I stayed up a little late), and am now going 2 read Emma.
02-28-2001, 10:02 PM
Ahh, delving into the classics I see? I, admittedly, have never read P&P or Emma. I`m not familiar with many of her works. I never read much of her books for some reason. Perhaps one of these days. You must`ve liked P&P to have read it in one night! I get like that when I`m reading the LotR books. I stay up until all hours of the night! They`re so hard to put down! Hi Anduin. How are you?
02-28-2001, 10:22 PM
Niffiwan: Are you referring to the story of the man and the wolf and the friendship that developed between them? It`s an interesting book. Do I detect an interest in nature, etc. there? The Antarctica book sounds interesting. I read a lot of nonfiction especially if it has to do with history, science (astronomy, nature, weather, etc.) or music. I don`t know of Dhalgren. What`s it about? It looks like there are a lot of us on the board that read several books at the same time! I`ve been known to read up to 4 at the same time! :)
03-01-2001, 03:57 AM
Dhalgren is the most unorthodox book you'll ever read.
It starts on half a sentence and the main character has multiple personalities and amnesia.
For more info, look it up at (
Do you detect an interest in nature? Yes, you do.
03-02-2001, 05:45 AM
Gabby....In between moves. We are buying a house but are unable to move in until the sellers can move into the house they are building. So I am currently a little displaced and longing for a permanant place to live. Other than that, I'm doing dandy. Glad to see you around here. :)
03-10-2001, 05:32 AM
IP's reading update:
Currently on C.S. Lewis' The Last Battle, wrapping up my Narnia marathon. At the same time, doing Sophocles' Oedipus Rex and Saint-Exupery's Le Petit Prince ( The Little Prince) for school.
On my short-term to-read list, which includes a few re-reads: Mitchell's Gone With The Wind, Palanhiuk's Fight Club, Vonnegut's Player Piano, Beowulf, and of course LOTR again. And I might actually re-read the Harry Potter books after that, even though I just went through them for the first time only a month ago. On my school to-read list: Euripedes' Medea and Aesychlus' Agammemnon.
03-10-2001, 09:28 AM
I gotta read Of Mice and Men, Blood Brothers (a play by willy russell for anyone who doesn't know, but it's pretty famous.) and some poens by Seamus Heaney for school. Apart from the poems, it sux. I HATE willy russell's plays, although everyone else seems to like them, and of mice and men isn't exactly fun.
03-20-2001, 12:53 AM
Hey there ANDUIN: It`s nice to be chatting with you again. I`ve been extremely lax on emails the past few months. Guess I`ve gotten a bit lazy over the winter months. It happens. Sounds like you`re in limbo as far as the house goes. Any word yet on when you might be able to move in? NIFFIWAN: That sounds like a rather tedious book. Think I`ll pass. Not the sort of reading I want to do right now. ELROND: I know of Seamus. I like some of his writings. Any certain works of his you like? Or are you not really into his style?
Idril Celebrindal
03-28-2001, 07:11 PM
we're actually only doing a couple of his poems. One is The Early Purges. It's a little strange. I got into a lengthly debate on animal rights over it in English W/my teacher, who wasn't impressed that a) I understood the poem without his help and b) I chose to express my Views in the middle of his class... still... he's not used to people like me. I like the style of the poem, but dont some of the content of that particular one.
04-03-2001, 04:17 PM
I just finished reading The Club Dumas by Arturo Perez Reverte. It is a good page turning read dealing with antique book collecting, the devil, and The Three Musketeers. Three of my favorite topics? :-) It is the book that the movie The Ninth Gate was based on, and as is usual is far more more entertaining than the movie.
I am currently reading Western Skies by John Barsness which is a collection of essays on upland bird hunting in the Western United States.
04-09-2001, 07:22 AM
04-16-2001, 03:40 PM
J.R.R. Tolkien: Artist & Illustrator.
Wizard of Ozymandias
04-18-2001, 06:03 AM
Thornhold by Elaine Cunningham. I picked up Scott's Ivanhoe, but I have a few books ahead of it on the reading pile right now.
Fat middle
04-26-2001, 09:19 PM
LOL! anduin, i've just bought Pictures by JRR Tolkien
just finished Ethan Canin's Of Kings and Planets. didn't like it much
currently reading Much Ado About Nothing
04-28-2001, 03:52 AM
I just finished "Winter Solstice" by Rosamund Pilcher. Before that, I read Bruce Edward Hall`s "Tea That Burns: A Memoir of Chinatown" which I found to be very interesting. I`m just starting Jon Land`s "A Walk In Darkness". I haven`t read any of his before. It sounds interesting. Next up: another of B. E. Hall`s - "Diamond Street". Those should keep me busy for about a week! hehe
04-28-2001, 03:59 AM
I`m embarrassed to ask this but what is "Pictures" by JRR Tolkien? I don`t know that one! Is it something that`s just out recently? ??? :o
Fat middle
04-28-2001, 08:36 AM
well, i've got a Spanish edition, but it says that is the title of the original edition, by George Allen & Unwin, 1979 and 1992.
04-28-2001, 07:52 PM
Spanish? :) At risk of being more embarrassed, what is the book pertaining to?? Is it about LotR? Is it biographical? Is it just pictures? ???
Fat middle
04-28-2001, 08:25 PM
just pictures. all originals by Tolkien, but sometimes it adds a coloured arrangement by other illustrator.
04-29-2001, 03:41 AM
Is there not any text??
Fat middle
05-05-2001, 06:09 PM
uuuh, sorry for my delay...
text? only a one-page "prologue" by Christopher Tolkien and one paragraph for each picture to say when was it drawn, a little quote referring to the picture and little more.
but the good point is the format: about 32x32cm.
05-26-2001, 03:51 AM
Right now I'm reading The Hobbit (finally starting the LOTR books, yay!), The Last Full Measure by Jeff Shaara, and Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck (for English class).
Mace McClain
05-26-2001, 10:33 PM
I'm re-reading The Bear and the Dragon.
06-09-2001, 09:47 AM
I'm currently reading a book on Byzantine history by Treadgold. When I'm finished, I'm planning to reread the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant; at least, if I can put my hands on an English version. Or mb I'll read HoME III: the Lays of Beleriand.
06-17-2001, 06:45 PM
I actually read the last Umberto Eco novel, called Baudolino, instead of the Chronicles.
06-18-2001, 05:03 AM
Ah! Umberto!
So, he laid another golden egg?
What's the subject of his last novel?
(as for rereading the Chronicles, did you like them originally?
There was a thread ( opicID=26.topic) here on the Chronicles,
but it didn't last long... )
06-20-2001, 02:38 AM
Finished re-reading the five Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy books as a tribute to Douglas Adams. Also finished John Knowles' A Separate Peace for school.
Next, I will attempt a Robert Jordan novel for the first time, starting with The Eye Of The World.
06-20-2001, 09:34 PM
What's the subject of his last novel?
Like you would read it! ;)
I will finally be moving into a new house and will be getting all of our stuff out of storage. The only books that I brought with me were LOTR, Hobbit, Sil, and various Tolkien reference books. I have regretted not bringing along the Hitch Hiker's series.....especially since I never got to crack open book 2 before we moved.
06-20-2001, 10:02 PM
i'm currently working my way through the Dune books, i'd only read the first one before and that was 4 or 5 years ago... i'm currently on God Emperor of Dune and loving them, although I was a bit put-off at first when i started reading the second book because the subject matter is such a departure from the first book and i didn't like seeing the characters in the situation, but i got over that fairly quickly.
06-21-2001, 06:23 AM
"Like you would read it!"
Well... after giving me the subject of the book, I might have persuaded him to tell me the whole story...
But ya blown' it sista!
Fat middle
06-21-2001, 02:29 PM
The only books that I brought with me were LOTR, Hobbit, Sil, and various Tolkien reference books. I have regretted not bringing along the Hitch Hiker's series.....especially since I never got to crack open book 2 before we moved.
well... you carried Sil...
Like you would read it! :p
06-21-2001, 09:23 PM
OUCH! :evil:
06-22-2001, 09:43 AM
juntel, it's a quick read, so you won't loose much time if you read it yourself. The other Eco books are far better though IMHO.
I think the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant are great! Even the first time I read them. Some people find them a hard read, others don't like Thomas' character and stop reading, but I find the the greatest fantasy series but Tolkien's.
06-22-2001, 05:53 PM
I only read two Fantasy stories: Donaldson's and Tolkien's (in chronological order).
I tried others... quite infantile they all were...
I guess they have their market...
07-02-2001, 01:44 AM
I'm reading The Guns of the South by Harry Turtledove. Billed as "alternate history," it's about people who travel back in time to give AK-47s to the Confederacy, causing them to win the Civil War.
07-02-2001, 11:31 AM
Finally, I yesterday started in part one of The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever. Still 5.9 great books to go!!
merry linger
07-02-2001, 01:44 PM
gday i read the thomas covenant series from go to wo over summer (southern hemisphere). I found the first half of the first book amazing but i have to say it was all downhill from there. Why did i keep reading? because it sucked me in!! even though in general i thought it was pretty trashy.
i must say the only real decent series i've read besides tolkien of course is the tad williams books - Of Memory, sorrow and thorn. Another good read is Marion Zimmer bradley's mists of avalon but her other books don't match up to the quality of this one....
happy reading
07-02-2001, 07:46 PM
Illearth War is, for me, the best of all the six books, followed of course by Power That Preserves.
In general, I find the first trilogy more enjoyable than the second.
07-02-2001, 11:48 PM
I downloaded a text of one of the "Tom Swift and his .....) books from the Gutenberg Project. Have to say I find the book oddly and funnily naive.
The Government was something to be trusted in those days, there were foreign cover up operations but the Govt was something to be absolutely trusted in. And it kept referring to Tom's friends as "chums"..... aaagghhkkkk.
Also reading Herodotus' History of Egypt.
08-03-2001, 03:31 AM
I'm almost done with Tales from Watership Down, the sequel to Watership Down!
Manwe Sulimo
08-03-2001, 06:45 AM
I'm reading Harry Potter right now... The prisoner of Azkaban, I think it's called... great book, really...
08-03-2001, 01:13 PM
Theodred.....There's a sequel to Watership Down?! I had no idea. How is it, is it as good? What's it about?
Manwe.....I just finished the first Potter book, and I'm getting ready to start the second one. What did you think of the second one? Of the ones that you have read already, which one do you think is the best?
08-03-2001, 02:00 PM
IP update: After having finished The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan and The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende, I am now about halfway through Book 2 of WoT, The Great Hunt.
08-03-2001, 03:08 PM
The Sequel to Watership Down is called Tales From Watership Down, it contains Three sections: The first two involving stories of El-ahrairah, and the third involving several short stories about the rabbits of Watership Down!
I thought it was pretty good, though you can't beat the original!
I also read the Harry Potter series, I I think that The second one is the scariest one! I don't want to be a *spoiler* so I won't talk about it! :)
08-03-2001, 08:01 PM
Cool, thanks for the info!
And thanks for not spoiling.....I would have had to ban you. ;) Can't wait now to start #2. :)
08-03-2001, 11:16 PM
Regeneration by Pat Barker. Rather interesting, about a man in WW1 who refuses to fight and is taken to a military mental hospital. I won't go into the details right now, but when I'm finished I'll make a thread about it. :)
By the way, on the back was a review from the New York Times Book Review which supports my theory the reviewers themselves don't know what they're talking about (this theory began upon reading a review of J. R. R. Tolkien filled to the brim with ****-for example it called Smaug's sarcasm an admirable trait). It says, "A NOVEL THAT MAKES THE MADNESS OF WAR MORE THAN A METAPHOR". War is not a metaphor! If it is, what the heck is it a metaphor for?! Possibly they liked the novel so much because it accurately describes what must be their very long stays at asylums.
08-04-2001, 01:21 AM
Finished Tales from Watership Down, it was a good book! :)
Starting Wild Trek by Jim Kjelgaard!
Manwe Sulimo
08-04-2001, 01:25 AM
anduin: I read the first a long time ago, and is halfway throught the third one... they are all great, I won't choose one as my favorite...
IP: Great books, aren't they? Read the entire series twice(WoT), mainly cause I was bored and looking for something to read, and found them again, but never the less, they are great books!
08-17-2001, 12:35 AM
woooow this is a long thread.... I am reading The Silmarillion .
08-17-2001, 07:37 AM
hay Varda im trying the sills too and finding it a hard slogg ive had a go at it 5 times in the last two years bit i will get there. I still dont think you can beat the hobbit for a truely entertaining read.:)
08-17-2001, 10:49 PM
That's right, the Hobbit is the best! ;) ;)
Right now I'm on a muder mystery called "The Nine Tailors".
08-18-2001, 03:35 PM
ive got to be in the mood for murder novels but i do like Steven King, and Dean Koontz.
08-18-2001, 07:22 PM
This is my first time through The Silmarillion. I'd have to say it is difficult at first. It really reads like a history book, so it ends up being one of those books where you read a couple pages without really paying attention to what you have just read (at least for me). I'll probably end up rereading it a few times. And so many different names and all... makes it hard to keep track of. Yet I think it's well worth it. Once you get past the writing style being different, I think it really is more satisfying than The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings . But that's just my opinion. :)
08-19-2001, 08:44 AM
I Know what you mean about not paying attension when reading a few pages that is generally why i have to go right back to the begging, but i'll definately try harder now i've just read what you have written:D
08-19-2001, 03:42 PM
well now i am done with that book, and I am rereading The Chronicles of Narnia to give my brain a rest. I read over 70 pages in under an hour, and I am a slow reader. But it's easy when I've read it like 3 times or more, and seen both the animated and live action movies many many many times...... sooo yeah... fun's fun... ta ta!
08-20-2001, 07:11 AM
Do you not find when you come to reread a book you find things in the story that you missed first time round. Ive just finished Steven Kings The Stand, and now ive just found out there's an uncut editors version so off we go again.:)
08-21-2001, 04:03 PM
I just started Dune Messiah.....pretty good so far.
08-21-2001, 07:28 PM
Rather bored today so I started to read the hobbit for the third time when my Stephen King book I ordered The drawing of the three arrived. So im reading that now. Try the dark tower series if you are looking for something to read, its quite good.
08-21-2001, 09:28 PM
Hmmm...Dune Messiah, I should read that soon!
I really liked Dune, and I want to continue reading more about it, but there are so many books that I have bought and not read yet!:eek:
08-25-2001, 12:40 PM
IP's check-in:
I finished The Great Hunt and The Dragon Reborn, and now I'm continuing my WoT marathon with The Shadow Rising.
Though I plan to continue WoT until I'm all caught up, in the meantime I plan to re-read Harry Potter and LOTR, as well as make a run at the two latest Clive Cussler novels, Atlantis Found (which my dad enjoyed a lot) and Valhalla Rising, which I purchased yesterday. I'll probably end up re-reading Gatsby and House of the Spirits at school, too.
08-29-2001, 09:10 PM
Right now I'm reading Star Wars: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth.
09-02-2001, 11:25 AM
I seem to be missing out on lots of great books:eek: which is a real shame, any suggestions on what i should read next!!!!!!:)
09-13-2001, 09:46 PM
I'm reading Gulliver's travels, it is a great book, very imaginative
09-14-2001, 06:02 AM
Thanks for that i'll look out for that one on my next book hunt. at the moment i'm having another go at the silmarilion:( and it's taking me a long time:eek:
09-15-2001, 06:55 PM
I'm well into WoT #5 now (The Fires of Heaven).
09-16-2001, 01:59 PM
I changed my mind about the sills:( and started readin Harry Potter what a great book:D
09-24-2001, 08:25 AM
I finished Dune Messiah and have also read Harry Potter #2 and #3, and have started Children of Dune. :)
09-24-2001, 03:59 PM
Ive finished the first which was brilliant and im now on the second,:) now i just need the third
09-27-2001, 08:20 PM
I'm reading The Ultimate Hitchhiker's guide from Douglas Adams. I've been told it's a great book, so I'll have to see for myself:confused: Momentarilly I'm eagerly awaiting the next book of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time saga, I especially enjoyed the last part of Winter's Hart. I'm looking forward to how the Seanchan plot will spill out;) Hope the story will soon find it's continuation.
Pippin Skywalker
10-03-2001, 08:49 PM
I'm reading Brothers Karamazov.
11-08-2001, 12:03 AM
sadly i havent been able to read much for myself recently..... just text books.. though the text book for my history of jazz is sort of interesting... oh and i read cs lewis' the screwtape letters recently.... short book but very very good
11-09-2001, 02:19 AM
Since my last post, I've re-read LOTR and the four existing Harry Potter books. I'm now on WoT #6, Lord of Chaos. I'm also doing L'Etranger (The Stranger or The Outsider) by Albert Camus in the original French.
11-09-2001, 01:06 PM
I don't know, IP, maybe you already said it, but have you read Dune? I liked it...
Are you enjoying WoT? I'm trying to get my boyfriend into it, but he's reading other stuff....shame on him!
I'm not reading anything currently...Oh wait. Stardust by Neil Gaiman. How could I forget??
11-12-2001, 06:36 PM
Right now I'm reading Mossflower, the second boook in the Redwall series. It's actually pretty cool. It's all talking animals, mice and moles, and foxes, but it's still neat. As for Dune, I haven't read them yet but everone says that they're cool, so they're going on my to-read list.
11-13-2001, 11:39 PM
I just finished re-reading "the Chronicles of Amber" and right now I'm reading "Tom Sawyer" I haven't read it since I was in grade school!
11-29-2001, 06:27 AM
Alright everyone own up who's rereading TFOTR before the film comes out.:D
11-29-2001, 12:36 PM
Oh, that would be me :o hoping I finish at least the first book. I tried to start it the other day but got bogged down in the introduction and prologue -- do I really need to bother with that?
I'm also reading Jane Austen's Persuasion.
12-01-2001, 02:02 AM
I finished WOT #6, finally. It kept seguing to and fro between "bloody boring" and "captivatingly intense", and ended on the second... I'm going to be taking quite a break before I go on to #7 (Crown of Swords) though.
I'm re-reading The Hobbit right now. After that I plan to take down The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler, The Silver Pigs by Lindsey Davis, and re-read some Jules Verne or Kurt Vonnegut or George Orwell for a bit.
On another note, this book club thing I'm a part of chose Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game for discussion... it's bloody hard to find a copy of it around here, and I'm not even sure I have time to get to it.
12-03-2001, 03:09 PM
I’m reading “the Epics of Celtic Ireland” by Jean Markale.
12-12-2001, 03:08 AM
I can say what I'm reading right now, but it won't help you, because it's a Russian author. All I can say is that it's Sci-Fi, and it's about Virtual Reality (That's a new theme for a book :p). Afterwards I'll be reading the end of the book I'm currently reading, which is a book itself.:rolleyes: :D
12-18-2001, 02:58 PM
I just started re-reading, of all things, M.M. Kaye's The Far Pavillions . I was cleaning out bookcases and came across my copy and decided to give it a shot. It's a fairly interesting read given the current political climate, and bearable as far as epic historical romances go. I also dug out my copy of Kaye's The Ordinary Princess, a wonderful children's story that is being re-released in 2002.
Also reading Patrick McCabe's Emerald Germs of Ireland and Chris Moore's Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove.
12-29-2001, 02:17 AM
A biography of Terence Rattigan by Geoffrey Wansell.
12-31-2001, 05:45 PM
Well right now it's kind of complicated. I'm on the seventh chapter of TTT, but that's gonna have to wait for a while, because I'm in this group called Honors Reading at school. You have to read @ least 2 books within the chosen topic, and then you go on a trip somewhere. The Winter 2001 - 2002 theme is Elvis & the NBA, so I'm reading a book called Last Train to Memphis by Peter Guralnick. After that I'll prob read a short biography of a WNBA player (Mrs. P said WNBA counts) to finish that. Then I'll read Company Aytch (dunno who the author is) for History Club, and then, FINALLY, I'll be able to finish LotR without any interruptions!
01-03-2002, 04:48 PM
Good Omens by Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaiman, if you want to know what it is about go to the Terry Pratchet thread in fantasy/sci fi
Oh and LoTR (of course)
01-04-2002, 10:24 PM
I'm rereading LOTR because I haven't read it in a few years, and I am currently on The Two Towers. I have some books I got for Christmas that I have started reading, but I want to finish LOTR before I finish those books.
01-09-2002, 04:52 PM
I just finished Tigana, by Guy Gavriel Kay.
01-10-2002, 02:14 PM
I just finished the Redwall books. I've got my hands full, trying to finish both the Silmarillion and Sense and Sensibility.
01-12-2002, 04:48 AM
Originally posted by the Lorien wanderer
I've just started re-reading Atlas Shrugged. Anyone here an Ayn Rand fan? Yes. :)
01-12-2002, 12:00 PM
The Quest for the Quantam Computer and The Two Towers and The Silmarillion
02-07-2002, 06:51 PM
I'm never really "reading" anything, unless I have my nose stuck in a book. I'm a really fast reader, which is both a blessing and a curse. It takes me about an hour and a half, give or take ten minutes or so, to read the Fellowship. And Iluvatar only knows how many times I've read it . . . :D
Currently I am re-reading the LotR trilogy, and the Hobbit, and the silmarillion numerous times, and attempting to memorize all the songs and poems.
Starr Polish
02-07-2002, 11:42 PM
Whatever I can get my hands on.
02-08-2002, 12:50 AM
Woohoo! Just finished Mists of Avalon! Now I have to read The Red Badge of Courage (which I've already read once) for class, and Heart of Darkness, and Die Groenland Saga, and Adventures of Tom Sawyer and . . .
Starr Polish
02-08-2002, 12:56 AM
::hisses at Tom Sawyer:: HISS! Okay, I will read anything I can get my hands on, but that doesn't mean I'll like it :D
02-08-2002, 01:32 AM
What? What? Tom Sawyer is cute! He's amusing!
Starr Polish
02-08-2002, 08:58 PM
I had to read it in eighth grade, and I'm not really a fan of Mark Twain's better known books (the other being Huck Finn). ::shrug::
I also didn't like Homecoming, but that's for another thread :D
I am actually currently reading LOTR, Scarlett and a book called the Fiery Cross...the fifth in an AMAZING series.
02-10-2002, 03:34 PM
The Fellowship in an hour and a half? Whoa, Laurelyn! I'm older than you and it took me more than a month!!!!
02-15-2002, 12:36 AM
Now reading Dark Journey by Elaine Cunningham.
02-17-2002, 09:01 AM
Yay! I'm back to an exciting part of ROTK; the Ride of the Rohirrim! They're heeeeeeere!
03-02-2002, 01:18 PM
Sphere by Michael Crichton
03-02-2002, 02:04 PM
The Structure of The English language by Fries.
03-03-2002, 01:04 AM
I am reading a biography of JRR Tolkien. It's extremely interesting...I forgot the author's name though. Whoops.:o
03-06-2002, 01:36 PM
Clancy's B&D does move slowly in spots. I just finished "Executive Orders" and then went and got the one prior to it "Debt of Honor". Very prophetic given when they were written.
Glorious Glorfindel
03-06-2002, 05:29 PM
i read sphere sum time ago, am also reading space odyssey, oh yeah and an unknown book called lord of the rings. I doubt n e of u have heard of it though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:D :D :D :D
03-09-2002, 02:21 AM
Right now I'm reading Zane Grey novels. Today it's "The Call of the Canyon".
03-09-2002, 01:17 PM
Anything I can get my hands on for my paper for Canadian History.
Also: I just bought the LOTR movie guide! I KNEW if I waited long enough it would go on sale! 50% off! Beat that!
*crickhollow calms down* I'll never be so obsessed with something that I lose my bargain hunter tendencies. :)
Just finished C.S.Lewis' "Letters to Children" good short read.
03-10-2002, 11:43 AM
I am reading Bram Stoker's Dracula. It is extremely good. Even my dad liked it.
03-10-2002, 05:13 PM
The Foundation Trilogy by Isaac Asimov!
Fat middle
03-11-2002, 01:27 PM
i read at last "HP and the Philosopher's Stone". It's really good, but i think i expected something better, perhaps because i couldn't help to compare its quality with The Hobbit.
03-11-2002, 10:44 PM
I just read 'A perfect murder'. Now that's my idea of inspirational literature!
03-11-2002, 10:59 PM
I'm killing time with a harry turtledove novel "American Front" until his next novel "Rulers of the Darkness" comes out.
03-12-2002, 02:04 PM
fydor dostevsky's book "the idiot"
03-12-2002, 03:55 PM
i read at last "HP and the Philosopher's Stone". It's really good, but i think i expected something better, perhaps because i couldn't help to compare its quality with The Hobbit.
Yeah, I read Potter last summer. The one thing that sets Rowling apart from most children's authors, is her imagination, not her writing style. :) HP will never compare to Tolkien, but her imagination is amazing. I mean, I have an overactive imagination, but it's nothing compared to hers. Quality, and style-wise, HP is definately geared to kids.
03-25-2002, 10:56 AM
I am currently reading The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradburry. Weird....
03-25-2002, 02:45 PM
At the moment I'm reading several books. To begin with I'm reading my Star Wars books in order from A splinter of a mind's eye and have come as far as The Courtship of Princess Leia. Harry Turtledove's World War-series (the third book). Churchill's A history of English-speaking peoples Part one: The Birth of Britain.
03-26-2002, 03:57 PM
a book about hayao miyazake, the japanese anime giant.
04-03-2002, 12:00 AM
Hiya, everyone! At the moment, I'm reading:
Fer-de-Lance by Rex Stout
Faithful Heart by Al Lacy
And The Fellowship of the Ring (I'd put by J.R.R. Tolkien, but I get the feeling everyone knows. ;) )
And it may all change tomorrow. All though I'm determined to finish The Fellowship of the Ring this time. I keep getting stuck! But I can do it, it happened when I was reading the Hobbit as well.
My mom keeps telling me she read it in high school too. :D
04-03-2002, 09:44 AM
I'm waitng for the newest Harry Turtledove novel! Go harry go!
04-06-2002, 02:26 PM
At the moment I am reading nothing as I am typing on my keyboard.
Lets see...
The Amber Spyglass (PPullman)
His Last Bow (Sir. A.C.Doyle)
Mort (T.Pratchett)
The Name of the Rose (Umberto Eco).
04-07-2002, 12:23 AM
The Amber Spyglass! I just re-read that.
Am now reading Interview With the Vampire (Anne Rice).
04-07-2002, 06:12 AM
I read A Streetcar Named Desire (Tennesee Williams) a couple of days ago
04-18-2002, 08:01 AM
Currently reading the first Wheel of Time book.
04-18-2002, 12:11 PM
I read A Streetcar Named Desire (Tennesee Williams) a couple of days ago (crickhollow)
One of my FAVORITE plays, did you enjoy it?
I seem to have a habit of reading several books simultaneously. One inbetween work, another in the evening, one in the morning... anyone else do this??
Elfmaster XK
04-18-2002, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by FrodoFriend
The Amber Spyglass! I just re-read that.
I love that series!! I just read them all and have the copy that's one big book called 'his dark materials'
Now i'm reading 'the hobbit' and 'Stonehenge' by Bernard Cornwell.
I try to read several and do other things as well Earenya, but i tend to get easily distracted and it takes me twice as long to do any of the things!!
04-18-2002, 02:27 PM
I always read more than one book at a time. I start them, then I think I should wait to finish one before starting another, but by that time I can't stop. Then I get confused. :confused:
At the moment: Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy and something by PG Wodehouse I can't remember the name of.
04-18-2002, 11:34 PM
Currently I'm rereading on A pale horse and Have started the Dark Elf Triology.
04-19-2002, 05:01 PM
I just started Nicholas Spark's The Notebook. It's pretty good so far. I've never read anything by him before, so we'll see how it goes. :)
04-19-2002, 07:39 PM
Finished what I was reading before, now reading David Eddings Tamuli Trilogy
04-21-2002, 11:30 PM
"do you know what I shall die of? I shall die of an unwashed grape!"
I enjoyed "streetcar", but I really haven't had a chance to sort through it all yet.
I don't usually read more than one book at a time, b/c I pick one, and don't let it out of my sight until I've turned the last page. I take it with my on the bus, at lunch, in the breakroom at work, I can't rest until I've finished it.
I started Our Mutual Friend by Dickens yesterday.
04-22-2002, 11:53 AM
Ive just finnished 'the bible code' which is very scary indeed - dont know how true it is but there are lots of very dodgy coincidences in it, and the way things are in the middle east makes it that bit more frightening - i think i need a session of the hobbit next
04-22-2002, 12:31 PM
Crimeny, I'm always in the middle of about three to five books. Right now, let's see...
1.) The Two Towers - The Road to Isengard
2.) Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis)
3.) Always some part of the Bible.
4.) The 4th Harry Potter book (kind of lost ineterest lately)
5.) Bulfinch's history on the Age of Chivalry and the Knights of Chalrlemange
Whew! so many books, so little time. Wish I was in school again, so I'd be forced to read - and have time to do it :)
Tell me more about this 'Bible Code' viggosbeard. Is it one of those rapture-esque theory books? I always find those interesting...
04-22-2002, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Lelondul
Bulfinch's history on the Age of Chivalry and the Knights of Chalrlemange
I just read those... aren't they great? I really liked them...
Anyway! I'm currently reading The Education of Mary and one of the Redwall Books (Legend of Luke I think... I seem to always be reading one of these... lol).
04-23-2002, 11:06 AM
Will and Ariel Durant, "The Age of Revolution"
Napoleonic Era - Facinating, extensive detail, must love history
Robert D. Kaplan, "The Road to Tartary"
Follow up to "Balkan Ghosts" some repeat material but great on current affairs, politics, human nature
J. W. Rowling , "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" (to the boy)
entertaining, even though somewhat predictable.
J. R. R. Tolkien, "The Lost Tales (Vol. 1)
Some repeat from Silmarillion, but the commentary is interesting.
John McPhee, "The Annals of a Former World"
Interesting less as a geologic reference than as a geologic "narrative"
Lady of Darkness
04-23-2002, 03:25 PM
Right now I am reading 'The secret of Sarah Revere" by Ann Rinaldi. It's really good. She writes that Paul Revere tell Sarah who shot the first shot but you never find out even though you think you will:( :(. Poor me. Otherwise it's REALLY good!!!!! unless you don't like books will a little of everything in them.
:) :cool: :D
04-23-2002, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by Lady of Darkness
Right now I am reading 'The secret of Sarah Revere" by Ann Rinaldi. It's really good. She writes that Paul Revere tell Sarah who shot the first shot but you never find out even though you think you will:( :(. Poor me. Otherwise it's REALLY good!!!!! unless you don't like books will a little of everything in them.
:) :cool: :D
OMG!!! I love this book! Actually I love all of Ann Rinaldi's books! Have you read any others??
04-24-2002, 07:50 PM
I'm not reading them right now, but wanted to recommend to those of you who like fairy tales:
These are by James Thurber and very short/ easy to read but are geared to adults and children alike --
The Wonderful O
The Thirteen Clocks
The White Deer
Radagast The Brown
04-25-2002, 02:14 PM
the last book I read was the 5 book of Amber!! I didn't find the 6 in the library (sorry on my spell mistakes, I don't know so good English)
04-27-2002, 06:19 AM
At the moment I'm reading the third book in Timothy Zahn's three-bookseries: The Last Command.
Am still only at the beginning of Harry Turtledove's World War: Upsetting the balance.
Am thinking of continuing reading Kim Robinson's Red Mars.
04-27-2002, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by Imladris
At the moment I am reading nothing as I am typing on my keyboard.
Lets see...
The Amber Spyglass (PPullman)
His Last Bow (Sir. A.C.Doyle)
Mort (T.Pratchett)
The Name of the Rose (Umberto Eco).
Ohh, love Mort. I'm reading small Gods and have finally gotten my hands on Ranma 1/2 number 12
05-06-2002, 02:30 PM
Taking a pause in my reading of Star Wars novels, I have just begun reading Arthur Hailey's Airport and will continue to read all of them. I'm also reading Kim Robinson's Red Mars and the third installment of Harry Turtledove's World War-series.
05-06-2002, 04:46 PM
What's red mars like? It's a series right? I've been meaning to read them for ages...
05-06-2002, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by Grey_Wolf
Taking a pause in my reading of Star Wars novels, I have just begun reading Arthur Hailey's Airport and will continue to read all of them. I'm also reading Kim Robinson's Red Mars and the third installment of Harry Turtledove's World War-series.
Warning: Stay AWAY from NJO, it will bring you nothing but heartbreak.
05-07-2002, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by TwirlingString
Warning: Stay AWAY from NJO, it will bring you nothing but heartbreak.
Thanks for the warning. The killing off of main characters and the destruction of the New Republic doesn't exactly endear me to the NJO, so I'll stop buying them.
05-07-2002, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by BeardofPants
What's red mars like? It's a series right? I've been meaning to read them for ages...
Red Mars is the first book in a trilogy. The second is Green Mars and the third is Blue Mars. There is also an antology called The Martians.
05-07-2002, 05:18 PM
my apologies to everyone, when I said that I can't read more than one book at a time b/c it's too distracting. It would seem that I lied, albeit unintentionally.
now that school has ended, I find myself waist deep in:
The Problem of Pain~~C.S. Lewis
Boxen--this is a collection of stories about an imaginary land called Boxen that C.S.Lewis wrote when he was young. I mean really young, as in, age 8.
I'm still plugging away at Dickens's Our Mutual Friend
Just finished a short story by George Macdonald, and the title is something like: Son of the Day, Daughter of the Night. very interesting symbolism in that one.
Last night I started Molder of Dreams, by Guy Doud
have I got my plate full or what? I've also brought home a copy of Les Miserables, and my sister has promised me access to her copy of the Silmarillion...the list just keeps on getting longer.
05-10-2002, 10:54 AM
Ive just completed the Chung kuo series by David Wyngrove - absolutely fanatastic , I cant rate them highly enough . If you never read more than one more book in your life , please make it this one ( actually there is about 8 of them ) - whats it about ?
the quick version - future earth - everybody ( not quite everybody ! ) lives in giant domes over each continent - ruled by chinese emperors ( Li Yuan main man ) battles between expansionists and the emperors and some really nasty bad guy - Devore - maybe the most evil sadistic bad guy ever - tons of other stuff about mars and love and art and marrying your sister in law etc it really is a top read , go forth and purchase pronto.
05-28-2002, 11:11 AM
I'm fixing to start the fourth novel in Orson Scott Card's Ender series. I am enjoying those immensely.
I am also reading through the Silmarillion again....homework for the Inklings forum! Got to keep up with all those elves!!:)
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