View Full Version : Do not download ICQ ver. 3

08-16-2000, 06:20 PM
It has a Bug or virus in it.

08-16-2000, 07:37 PM
Haha, I'm STILL on ICQ99. It rules.

08-16-2000, 07:39 PM
3? I thought there was just 2000. What's version 3? Anyway I use 99a.

Shanamir Duntak
08-16-2000, 09:37 PM
I have ICQ 2000... and I should have kept ICQ99a! But now that these data banks are updated, there are no turning back!

Darth ATAT
08-18-2000, 11:15 AM
If we all used a decent OS like LiNUX, viruses would not exist.

08-18-2000, 01:08 PM
But if none of us were amateurs, then LiNUX wouldn't be special.

If OSs were toasters, Linux would be able to adjust the crispiness of all the atoms in a piece of toast. But still, most of the good dough works with Windows.

Grand Admiral Reese
08-18-2000, 05:58 PM
I'm fine with my ICQ99a. I won't download ICQ 3 if you say so, but I wouldn't change mine anyway.

Shanamir Duntak
08-20-2000, 02:32 PM
Too much time needed to learn linux. Saddly I don't have that kind of time at my disposition :(

08-23-2000, 12:25 PM
I really hate my icq 2000... 99 was SOOOO much better, but I guess I won't get the new icq then, if you say so:)

Shanamir Duntak
08-24-2000, 12:20 AM
... Could it be worst than Icq 2000? I don't think so! :p

I think ICQ is evolving a lot like winblows!... hum, that deserve a new thread

Lord Silverblade
08-06-2001, 02:30 AM
I just came from the ICQ website after recieving a message such as that. THERE IS NO ICQ VERSION 3. You would think that there would be SOMETHING on their own website if there was.

Manwe Sulimo
08-06-2001, 05:35 AM
Ehh... well... if you notice the dates on their posts, you'll see that they are about a year old, and much change in a year. It has probably been developed further, and the version 3 has been removed...

Anyways... was there ever a thread about Winblows-development started? if so, where? :p

(I use ICQ 2000b, and win98... I hate my computer as much as that...)

Shanamir Duntak
08-06-2001, 10:41 AM
Huh... I don't remember... but, welcome to the board SilverBlade!

Manwe Sulimo
08-06-2001, 10:51 AM
Oh, I forgot about that... Welcome to the board, Lord Silverblade!

08-06-2001, 01:48 PM
I'm still on 99a. I don't really see the need to switch, especially since my authorization crack only works on 99a :p . At this point I rarely add users to my list any more though so it hardly matters.

Lord Silverblade
08-07-2001, 09:47 AM
For your warm welcome everyone :)

I didn't notice the post was almost a year old. How I came across this board was that I recieved a mass message a few days ago saying DO NOT DOWNLOAD ICQ VERSION 3. IT HAS A VIRUS ATTACHED. Well, being the inquisitive person I am to clear up any rumors, I set out to look for this ICQ ver. 3 if it even existed, and if so, if it even had a virus attached.

And what do you know....here I am....and what do you know I'M A TOLKIEN FAN TOO! I loved Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit....hehehehehehe

So is there a chat room to this place or what?

Anyway, LOL! My ICQ number is 113214622 for those of you who want to chat with me over my 2000b version.

Thanks for the welcome again :)


08-07-2001, 11:39 AM
Currently there isn't a chatroom, nor will there be one in the future. Bmilder feels that they are a waste of time and they take posts away from the board. :p

Manwe Sulimo
08-07-2001, 11:39 AM
Ehm... is there a chatroom attached??? I have no idea whatsoever...
I suppose mainly it goes via ICQ or something... I can try to find my number at home, I never even tried to memorize it... :p

This is a really nice place to discuss Tolkien, and I think most here agree as to loving LoTR and the Hobbit... I know I do... :)

Manwe Sulimo
08-07-2001, 11:52 AM
Oops... it appears I was posting at the same time as anduin... ah well, at least I got an answer...