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Lady Arwen56
10-11-2003, 10:22 AM
for those of you who have read my fanfic in writers workshop know that it is also named this, but their two DIFFERENT stories, kay? So here it goes.

A long time ago, about 8,000 years ago, a prophecy was made, stating that seven childeren would be born, and on the day of destruction they will save or lose middle earth to the dark forces that are trying to take over. You get the whole idea.
:) :) If you dont just ask me some to-the-point questions and I'll gladly answer them.

Name: Andrithalalei (Andrith)
Race: Elvish Warrior (She used to be a dark elf Queen, but now she's good, and works for Elrond)
Age: 1,560 (pretty damn old for me eh?)
Gender: F
Description: Waist length black hair, with fine white streaks in it, one blue eye, and one indigo, tall, slender, quite beautiful.
Personality: As always, short tempered, yet calm at most times.
Likes to take revenge I'm afraid.
Weapons:A long blade, named Terren, it's hilt made of mithril, plus the scales of a dragon. Poison Daggers, Bow and Arrows embriodered with a circular symble which represents her family crest, (although her family died years ago).
Animals: A black leopard with silver spots, a blue eye, and an indigo eye, name Isil.
Clothing: Formal; A long, silk dress, her family's crest sewed onto the corners. Usual: Black leggings, with a silvery-blackish tunic, that she tucks in.

10-11-2003, 12:33 PM
I'm so stupid, this is my tenth rpg, but its cool,
name:Silivryn (sil' iv rin)
status: kinda opposite of lady's charactar, used to be good, but steadily going bad.
appearance: very fair face, but sinister eyes. They are deep violet and beautiful, but they also show his pain, anger, and sinister evil. His slick jet black hair is cut unusually short, and spiked.
clothes-when he's around good elves he wears a light green tunic with matching leggings. when he's by himself being evil, he wears a long black silk cloak, and black pants.
weapons- two long blades riddled with magic.
animals- dragon! I have been wanting my chractar to have a dragon in forever! not fully grown, only about 3 ft tall, dark violet scales that can become invisible on command. her name is, Saphira.

ain't he cool? boohahahaha!

Lady Arwen56
10-11-2003, 02:06 PM
ooc: I'm just going to give everyone who joins a head start here.

ic: Andrith gripped her blade tightly in her hand, swinging it at her trainee, Arwen Evenstar, teaching her to block attacks, and to dodge them. It had only been ten weeks since Lord Elrond had hired her to teach his daughter, and already she was a superb student.
"Alright, now Arwen, when I swing to your left side, you block me with your right." She said, softly yet clearly. She thrust her sword to the left, and Arwen did an quick block. Just as she was about to teach her some more dodging attacks, an elf with broad shoulders, and light brown hair approached them, his eyes unmoving from Andrith's as she gazed at him in surprise.
"Yes, Captian Tehltian?" She muttered, sweeping back her black and white sweaty hair with a just as sweaty hand.
"Lord Elrond requests your company." Tehlthian said with a quick glance at Arwen. Andrith nodded, and turned back to the young Mistriss.
"We'll finish this later." She said softly, turning on her heel to follow Tehlthian to Elrond's private chambers.

10-11-2003, 03:05 PM
Silivryn sat under a tree in Rivendell, outside of the last homely house. He silently watched Arwen's lesson, <Getting better> he thought. He had been watching her everyday, not Arwen, Andrith. He had once admired her, when she was dark and evil. He had been bound to the life of the good, kindly elf forever. His mother didn't want his dark roots to take over his life. She brought him to live in Rivendell. But nothing could keep who he was away from him. Silivryn brought his dark gren hood over his face and vanished.

Gulio, Strength of Many
10-11-2003, 03:51 PM
ooc: I be a dwarf okie:)

ic: Hendel wandered the forests around Rivendell's edge. His short, stocky form moved with surprising grace in the thick bushes. He paused, and removed the hood of his deep forest cloak. His great red beard was the focal point of his face, and it drew the attention away from his kind green eyes. Hendel stood for a moment, listening to the sounds of the forest. He gazed ahead at what was visible of the great elven city of Imaldris.

Lady Arwen56
10-11-2003, 05:26 PM
ooc: Okay Gulio.

ic: Andrith entered Elrond's chambers, and immeidiatly dropped down in the nearest chair, awaiting his explination. He sighed, his face creased with many wrinkles yet still looking extremely younger then he truly was.
She looked about 21 compared to her true age, 1,560. "You called?" She pressed.
Elrond looked up. "Yes. Something is happening, we have yet to discover what it is, but something is...stirring close to Mount Doom...and we need you to go and...meet a group in Bree, might you be up for it Andrith?" He asked.
She hesitated, not sure if she wanted to leave Arwen in the middle of her studies. "...Alright. How long, though?" "Until what?"
"Until I leave, when I come back, stuff like that." Elrond nodded. "You leave when you wish, if you could make that in about a fortnight it would help, and when you come back I do not know. I bid you well young Andrithalalei Daughter of Andriathinale, Prince of the World across the seas." She stood, and quit his chambers, preparing for her leave, which she would take at dusk the next day.

10-11-2003, 07:12 PM
It was becoming harder and harder for Silivryn to stay in Rivendell for long periods of time. The city of Imladris bore into the part of him he wanted to keep hidden. He threw aside his green tunic and robed himself in the long black cloak. He stood in a great hall, made purely of a cold, hard black stone. A shrill whistle escaped is lips, and the slow, rythmic beating of dragon's winges echoed in the tall cavern. Saphira landed at his feet and neatly folded her wings behind her. "You were'not gone long." she said, her saphire-blue eyes meeting the deep violet ones of her master. "I can't stay long anymore." He replied, "It is getting heavier, I am not meant to stay in Imladris." A small fireball formed in his hand. He musingly lifted it up in the air and it burst into small flames. "We have to travel to Mordor, he called me." Silivryn said to Saphira. He mounted is dragon and waved his hand over her, making them instantly invisible. They flew unseen into the night.

10-11-2003, 08:00 PM
to lazy to make a character...now

10-11-2003, 08:39 PM
New character!!!!!!
Name: Sesso-mare
Race: Elf/Demon = 1/2 Demon
Age: 1,000
Hair: silver- white, It is long, so she wears it in a ponytail
Eyes: Oarngish-yellow, with silver eyebrows, and long black lashes.
Weapons: Mithril mail, Titanium rapier, w/ black handle, wrapped in black leather, leather arm bands, Lorien fashoned bow, and quiver of leather with a multitude of ash arrows,and small, secret throwing knives
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 120
Description: Crecent moon mark on the back of her right hand. pointed ears, graceful, fast.
Jewls: A small, almost invisible chain with a topaz decorated by diamonds, a tiny silver anklet, and a wolf shaped silver pendant that dangles from a gold chain
Clothes: All of her clothes are multi. shades of black, grey, brown, green, and purple. They include: a long cloak, skin-tight shirt with long billowing sleeves, thick leather boots, cotton&wool socks, and black pants

Lady Arwen56
10-11-2003, 09:17 PM
ooc: Hey, you can all join, it's fine with me. :)

ic: Isil paced heatedly back and forth across Andrith's room, glarring nails at her. "We cannot leave Arwen! Not when she is just beginning!" Isil snapped at her.
"She will be fine." Andrith said calmly. "I could have sworn ever since you turned good you've been oddly strange about doing what your told, Andrith!" He said, jumping on the silk, white covers laid over her bed.
"Isil...please, don't talk about...then...when I was...different then now." She whispered, shaking off a headache. Isil made a deep growl, and sat his head in her lap as she laid down on the bed next to him.
She stroked his fur, and gently, yet swiftly fell into a lightly sleep, having three dreams before the dawns early light peirced her window, and then her eyes, waking her.

10-12-2003, 12:55 AM
This is my character.

Name: Robin
Gender: Female
Attitude: Unlike my other wild wolf person, she is not human, nor is she good or bad. She just is.
Appearance: Robin has pale green skin and long, long, forest green hair that has never been cut. Her eyes are not of this world, being all the colors of the earth and sky at once, and are disconcerting to look into.
Clothing: A simple tunic of plant fiber woven into cloth
Weapons: None
Bio: Robin is a changeling child who runs in the forest. Many hunters have seen her, smiling impishly from the bushes; some claim she brings good luck, while others picture her as a trickster. For some, the last sight they ever saw was of her childish face smiling secretly and half hidden behind her vast hair...
In the spring, Robin runs throughout the land, waking it up.

Ic: Robin slipped into the window of Elrond's room as she had so many times before; though he lived in a city, Elrond was friendly to the forest. "I have news from Mount Doom," she giggled.
"Most distressing."
Elrond sighed. Robin had no concept of human cares or worries; life was a game to her as often as not.
"What news?"
"There's been flying things coming, searching, searching but not finding yet. No, not finding because of me!" she crowed, and Elrond breathed a sigh of relief that she hadn't decided to play games with him there.
"Thank you. I'll inform Andrithalalei."

Lady Arwen56
10-12-2003, 01:18 AM
ic; Andrith sat up in bed, as Elrond suddenly rushed into her room, stealing glances at both her, and Isil. She had falled asleep in her tunic and leggings that night, so he was very lucky she had been decent.

ooc: I forgot something in my clothing thing.

Nightwear: usually a long, silverly black night gown, that bares more then it covers, although at times (as we found out) she will sleep in her normal clothing.

10-12-2003, 01:30 AM
Silivryn and Saphira circled above the gates of mordor. <go to the tower> Silivryn spoke to her with his mind. <why?> she asked. <I have no business with those orc rabble.> Saphira's wings filled with air and they glided down infront of the mighty citadel. <stay here> Silivryn slid off her smooth scales, landing on the hard ground. He made his way to the top of the tower. "Lord? You called me." he said aloud. "You have been faithful to me, Silivryn." a voice came, echoing off the walls. "I do what I can, Lord." He replied. "Whats news from Imladris?" the voice asked. "They have heard news of something brewing, though they don't suspect you." Silivryn smiled. "They mustn't find out anything else!" said the voice. "They won't, they won't!" Replied Silivryn. "You may leave." Silivryn spun around, making for the door. "Thank-you, Lord Galbatorix."

ooc: if anyone wants to be the big bad guy, go ahead, you can change his name if you want.

10-12-2003, 01:52 AM
can we be evil?

Lady Arwen56
10-12-2003, 01:54 AM
ooc: Of course you can. But I ask that we keep our number of evil peoples down to a limited 3, I really don't think we can handle more then that in this RPG :)

10-12-2003, 01:55 AM
yep! don't you like me evil dragon dude? boohahahaha! evil hobbits don't really fit well, but cool sinister elf guys are cool! plus I like his name, very evil, Silivryn, oosh, gives me chills! ok, i'm just weird, forgive me.

Lady Arwen56
10-12-2003, 02:05 AM

10-12-2003, 02:52 AM
Name:Haritsu Kimandai
class:destroyer MUYHAHAHAHAHA!:D
looks: Eyes: are firey orange / hair:black / skin: pale white with a tint of grey
armer: He wears black plated armer from shoulder to toe
weapons: A strange large crimson sword
info: He lusts for power and destruction. He has no mercy and no concept of good. He lives in a large evil fortress somewhere...
(I am not so motivated for large details today)

Lady Arwen56
10-12-2003, 04:17 AM
ooc: Zone...are you...completely there at all times?

10-12-2003, 04:43 AM
Ooo, this looks totally coool.

Name: Ghâshbúrz
Allignment: Good
Race: Maia
Sex: Female
Age: Infinity
Height: 6'0
Hair: Black; wavy & chest-length
Eyes, lips, clothes: Black
Skin: Grossly pale
Weapons: Arrows made of fire, sword made of fire.

Status: 1 of the 7 children; used to be evil [was somehow related to Haritsu Kimandai, perhaps a sibling, distant cousin or mistress, I don't care] but then...changed...for some reason...Makes up for lack of evildoing by frequently being a smartarse.

Lady Arwen56
10-12-2003, 04:57 AM
ooc; I just realized most of the seven children either are evil, or once were. lol.


10-12-2003, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Lady Arwen56
ooc: Zone...are you...completely there at all times?
are you talking bout my fortress.....no I just wanted to add that in there ( because I like evil fortresses:D )

10-12-2003, 06:17 PM
Oh. :o Ok

Ic: "Er..." Elrond shouldn't have been surprised to find the other sleeping, but had forgotten the hour.
"Sorry... But...." he regained his composure and started over.
"One of my spies," he began, fibbing a little already,"has news from Mordor. 'Winged Ones' are flying over the land looking for something. Or someone. You should start as soon as possible, taking those who are willing with you. While you get ready I will make the annoucement, but prepare as quickly as you may."

Lady Arwen56
10-12-2003, 06:38 PM
ooc: yes, Zone I was talking about the Fortress.

ic: Andrith nodded, and stood, brushing past Elrond, and into Arwen's room.
The lady Arwen lay asleep, breathing softly. Andrith leaned over her, and kissed her on the forehead. She had become very attached to this young girl who had since the very first day of their meetings, claimed her friendship.
"Goodbye, I will be back soon." She whispered, quitting her room, and walking silently into the stables, Isil at her side.
She would need a horse.

10-12-2003, 06:56 PM
Robin watched the elf wander down the hall, and decided to have some fun. She swung along over the other's head using the horizontal rafters supporting the roof. As the elf came to a corner, she jumped down right in front of her, letting her green hair fall around her until it looked like she wore a cloak of green.

She did it in total silence, and had the satisfaction of seeing the elf jump a little. "Hi!"

Lady Arwen56
10-12-2003, 07:14 PM
ic: Andrith, slightly startled by the others appreance, jumped a little. "Oh, hello. I am Andrith, your name?" She asked, realizing that no harm would come from her.

10-12-2003, 07:14 PM
Saphira bore Silivryn back to his fortress, hidden somewhere in middle earth. She landed in the middle of the great cavern, the sound of her wings revribating against the cold stone. He lept from her back, walking over to a large black stone. It was circluar and polished smooth. Silivryn leaned over the ball, his violet eyes seeming to pierce the stone. He saw visions of his ally, Haritsu. "Not very busy, are you my friend?" he smirked. Pulling himself away from the palantir he turned to Saphira, who was snoring happily. 'My ally is lazy, my Lord is disembodied, and my dragon is asleep." He sighed, he needed something evil to do. Suddenly a horribly sinister idea came into his black mind. He stepped into a room, quiet and solitary. he didn't come out for hours.

10-12-2003, 07:17 PM
"I'm Robin. Are you the one that Lord Elrond wanted to tell my news too?"

Lady Arwen56
10-12-2003, 07:20 PM
ic: "Yes. I suppose I am."

10-13-2003, 08:14 AM
OOC: Okay, am making self the former mistress of evil Haritsu Kimandai dude. Might as well.

IC: The light of Imladris spilled out into the gully, illuminating the valley's trees with a soft golden glow. Ghâshbúrz glared down upon the elegant city, her raven thatch swirling around her chalky face in thick dark curls, the bright blackness of her dark eyes enviously piercing the leaves and mists that clouded Rivendell. She so easily could have been familiar with the upright of the Elves and the other Maiar; but her seduction from valour had initiated in the Music. She had submitted to Morgoth, and by such she was damned: trust was harder to regain that to attain, and so it was: no one was ever going to forgive her. With a flutter of her cloak she disappeared into the darkness towards the city.

Ghâshbúrz stopped dead: before her she perceived a being, darker than even herself; there was consummating darkness within the shadows presented to her: a deathly form slithered in the blackness.

"Ah, the Lady Ghâshbúrz," a voice softly hissed from the shadows. "What an honour to stand before you–" a small crouching figure, hideous in form and character, emerged from the darkness. "–before the very Mistress of Evil; but evil no more, it would seem–"

Ghâshbúrz seized the vile creature by the throat. "And what foul animal," she murmured vehemently to it; "should I declaim of my past to?"

The reptile-like creature gagged, and spat: "One with a very important message to you, My Lady, from Lord Kimandai." Ghâshbúrz sneered in contempt and grudgingly released her captive.

"Wherefore should I hearken to any word or missive of His?" she spat.

"I cannot understand His endeavour to call you back," the creature replied coolly. "He demands of your return to His alliance," it continued. "His Lordship is not of humble attributes, but should you choose His dominion now over this trifle affiliation with the Elves, you might receive His pardon. However, should you choose to reject this summons, when the domination of the World is at His hand, your torture shall be relentless. And slow, and cruel; and your blood shall douse the gardens of His empire afore you fall," it sidled up to Ghâshbúrz and whispered in her ear ominously; its voice deepened, sinking into a whisper of cracked malevolence: "Your beauty shall appease the lust of all the evil of His domain, and your screams the resentment of all those whom you, in your time, have tortured."

Ghâshbúrz's face twisted into a mask of bitter hate and penitence at the creature's final words: she drew her sword and drove the fire-blade into the beast's crux.

Ghâshbúrz walked the halls of the House of Elrond ominously, aware that her presence amongst the light and life of the Elves was bitter and dark. She sighted two elves in a corridor leading away from her;

Robin watched the elf wander down the hall, and decided to have some fun. She swung along over the other's head using the horizontal rafters supporting the roof. As the elf came to a corner, she jumped down right in front of her, letting her green hair fall around her until it looked like she wore a cloak of green.

She did it in total silence, and had the satisfaction of seeing the elf jump a little. "Hi!"
Ghâshbúrz shook her head disapprovingly and continued towards the chambers of Elrond.

"Morien!" she heard her name, reverted to Elvish from the Black Speech, being called, and bracing herself Ghâshbúrz entered the company of Elrond.

10-14-2003, 05:04 AM
OOC: It seems that the thread is dying. I like this story, and I don't think I'd be the only one! Don't let it die! *tear*:(

Lady Arwen56
10-15-2003, 06:13 PM
ooc: this thread will not die for I will not let it. I must wait for Kalile to post I am afraid.

10-15-2003, 11:45 PM
A girl with flowing long hair walked into the hall of Imladrias. She looked around and saw the girl she was looking for. "Robin! where is Lord Elrond?"

10-16-2003, 04:01 AM
IC: "You sent for me, Master Elrond?" Ghâshbúrz asked.

"Yes, Morien," Elrond replied gravely. "As I'm sure you would know, there has been a great amount of evil activity lately…" he trailed off, but Ghâshbúrz showed no emotion. "…Rumours have come to me that suggest the central purpose of this is to claim the lives of several beings: a few are in my keeping, others are yet to come – they include you. However I am assigning you to gather the remaining children with the few that are here assembled. You are already familiar with Andrithalalei," the corner of Ghâshbúrz’s mouth twitched a little: it was perhaps the closest she had come to a smile at that point. "Sesso-mare, Hendel, Robin –"

"Robin?" Ghâshbúrz interrupted.


Ghâshbúrz narrowed her eyes. "Frivolous…green…?"

"Yes," repeated Elrond.

Ghâshbúrz shuddered. "I could endure any other torture, why do you choose to bear this one down upon me? I will not tolerate such fatuity."

"You will," Elrond responded sternly. Ghâshbúrz sighed.

"As you wish," she muttered grudgingly. She bowed and took her leave.

OOC: Nothing personal, Kalile

10-16-2003, 10:06 PM
Ooc: Heehee! Robin is kinda like a young Puck. Actually, that was what I sort of meant to happen; I knew it would, naming her Robin. (Puck's name is really Robin Goodfellow)
Sorry I haven't been on all week; concerts, mountains of homework, and 5:20 bus pickup time do not make good conditions for mooting.

Ic: "Maybe I won't tell," Robin said slyly, turning slowly, "but if you really want to know..."

10-17-2003, 12:35 AM
"Yes Robin, that would be wise. I have traveled from my home in the other side to get here, and my patience runs thin. I also need to clean my blade afore it starts to cake with blood. Where is he?"

10-17-2003, 05:39 AM
"In the seventh door on the right down the hall and left," Ghâshbúrz informed her; she had been standing behind her, leaning against the wall, her presence dark and ominous against the bright liveliness of Robin and even the worn (but fair) traveller that had enquired of Elrond. She turned to Robin. "He would like to address you too, but separate from...forgive me, I have not the knowledge of your name."

10-18-2003, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Eärloth
OOC: Okay, am making self the former mistress of evil Haritsu Kimandai dude. Might as well.

IC: The light of Imladris spilled out into the gully, illuminating the valley’s trees with a soft golden glow. Ghâshbúrz glared down upon the elegant city, her raven thatch swirling around her chalky face in thick dark curls, the bright blackness of her dark eyes enviously piercing the leaves and mists that clouded Rivendell. She so easily could have been familiar with the upright of the Elves and the other Maiar; but her seduction from valour had initiated in the Music. She had submitted to Morgoth, and by such she was damned: trust was harder to regain that to attain, and there it was: no one was ever going to forgive her. With a flutter of her cloak she disappeared into the darkness towards the city.

Ghâshbúrz stopped dead: before her she perceived a being, darker than even herself; there was consummating darkness within the shadows presented to her: a deathly form slithered in the blackness.

"Ah, the Lady Ghâshbúrz," a voice softly hissed from the shadows. "What an honour to stand before you–" a small crouching figure, hideous in form and character, emerged from the darkness. "–before the very Mistress of Evil; but evil no more, it would seem–"

Ghâshbúrz seized the vile creature by the throat. "And what foul animal," she murmured vehemently to it; "should I declaim of my past to?"

The reptile-like creature gagged, and spat at her: "One with a very important message to you, My Lady, from Lord Kimandai." Ghâshbúrz sneered in contempt and grudgingly released her captive.

"Wherefore should I hearken to any word or missive of His?" she spat.

"I cannot understand His endeavour to call you back," the creature replied coolly. "He demands of your return to his alliance," it continued. "My Lord is not of humble attributes, but should you choose His dominion now over this trifle affiliation with the Elves, you might receive His pardon. However, should you choose to reject this summons, when the domination of the World is at His hand, your torture shall be relentless. And slow, and cruel; and your blood shall douse the gardens of his empire afore you fall," it sidled up to Ghâshbúrz and whispered in her ear ominously; its voice deepened, sinking into a whisper of cracked malevolence: "Your beauty shall appease the lust of all the evil of his domain, and your screams the resentment of all those whom you, in your time, have tortured."

Ghâshbúrz’s face twisted into a mask of bitter hate and penitence at the creature’s final words: she drew her sword and drove the fire-blade into the beast’s crux.

Ghâshbúrz walked the halls of the House of Elrond ominously, aware that her presence amongst the light and life of the Elves was bitter and dark. She sighted two elves in a corridor leading away from her;

Ghâshbúrz shook her head disapprovingly and continued towards the chambers of Elrond.

"Morien!" she heard her name, reverted to Elvish from the Black Speech, being called, and bracing herself Ghâshbúrz entered the company of Elrond.
...heh Did you know I actually forgot my name...... And couldn't figure out who Haritsu was...

10-18-2003, 12:34 AM
Meanwhile far way where darkness covers night and day.Where cracks of lightning shatter through the land. Where the land is grey sand a cliffs.Is a Fortress made of black steel and plated with silver.

Haritsu was stand in a large room of nothing but space except for a green fire in the middle of it. He was looking into the fire seeing things images from far beyond his land.The fire seemed to be mostly aimed on where Ghashburz and Robin. "Why have you left me......to rot in this skum ... Why did throw away your life......,Gashburz?....You have betraded me.....so I must judge your actions. So I must find you...." mumbled Haritsu to himself.

10-18-2003, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by zone
...heh Did you know I actually forgot my name...... And couldn't figure out who Haritsu was...
OOC: Heheh that would've been a stunning revelation :p "I'm MARRIED? O-kay, NO more drunken parties..."
Originally posted by zone
Meanwhile far way where darkness covers night and day.Where cracks of lightning shatter through the land. Where the land is grey sand a cliffs.Is a Fortress made of black steel and plated with silver.

Haritsu was stand in a large room of nothing but space except for a green fire in the middle of it. He was looking into the fire seeing things images from far beyond his land.The fire seemed to be mostly aimed on where Ghâshbúrz and Robin. "Why have you left me......to rot in this skum ... Why did throw away your life......,Ghâshbúrz?....You have betrayed me.....so I must judge your actions. So I must find you...." mumbled Haritsu to himself.
IC: A great pain seized Ghâshbúrz’s heart, as though an ice-cold hand that scorched like fire had caught her by the breast. She doubled over, coughing, and in the darkest regions of her mind she heard the voice of her lord; cold and menacing. I will find you, Ghâshbúrz. The words sprung in her thought like newly kindled flames, burning into her memory. The wrath of the very evil incarnate is upon you now; you shall pay dearly for your betrayal, my judgement is not lenient, even upon you… These and other terrible thoughts echoed around in her head in a matter of nanoseconds. You will sorely regret ever leaving your home, my love, when I get my hands on you again…Do not think you might escape me forever; I shall soon recapture you, it would be wise on your part to beware… Ghâshbúrz’s eyes widened in horror: Haritsu had ever and always been her one weakness, and even now her heart was not hardened against him as it were with everyone else; even in the Beginning it was he who chiefly seduced her to abandon the brilliance of light to the mystery of the Darkness, and in his own right was dangerously able to do so again – or such was her belief. For he occupied much of her thought, and despite all the repugnance he received from her, and all her curses and hostility, she had, all her life, given her heart wholly to him.

10-18-2003, 04:39 PM
A knock came to Haristu's door, "My lord?" came Silivryn's smooth voice. He slipped through the door into the dark room. "They are ready, your army." he said, staring straight ahead at his master, his dark figure blending into the darkness, his violet eyes piercing the abiss.

10-19-2003, 02:02 AM
Ghâshbúrz stood up straight again; all doubt and pain had left her, and with a swift disdainful glance at Robin, who stood eyeing her playfully, turned and made back down the hall towards where she knew Elrond to be. She stopped before the door and knocked on it, however didn’t wait for an answer before she entered.

"Lord Elrond…" she began; she did not wholly have the heart to denounce Haritsu. "I…I-I think…I’m not sure…" she stammered; "But – I believe that…Haritsu has the dominance of an army," she declared. Elrond frowned at her.

"How do you know this?" he asked sternly.

Ghâshbúrz shook her head doubtfully. "I – don’t know," she replied dumbly. Elrond nodded and beckoned for her to leave.

10-19-2003, 11:10 PM
Back at the fortress

" No...... Do not send them.... it has no use to me right now since I am leaving this filthy muck of a fortress. I am going to take a journey that I might not come back from. If so I will make one of my second in command, command this scum pot. But for now I do not want any battles, I have enough things to worry about without them. I have made a note on the north gate on who will be commanding this fortress.... but for now I must say good bye ." said Haritsu in a sad but quickened voice. He stood up and opened a door that actually looked like part of the wall. Then went inside and shut the door and never came back.

10-19-2003, 11:42 PM
"I'm Robin, and you're not very fun," she commented matter-of-factly, leaning nonchalantly against the wall.
Ooc: Dammit! The one time I make a trickster, the rpg is for cool and serious characters!!! Why me? :p Now I have to make her a little serious.

A moment later she was up again as though stung, her eyes widening. The person before her was writhing, but that was not the object of her alarm. Robin's nose caught the whiff of something not rank, but evil and horrible just the same. It was unmistakable.
He was here, in spirit.
Letting out a cry of rage, Robin gathered the quietness of Rivendell to herself and smashed it with a blow of her power, channeling it through the girl, using her as a catalyst to shove her fury through into the man on the other side.
"Damn you, Hirutsu! STAY AWAY FROM MY LANDS!" she shouted, knowing that he could hear her.

10-19-2003, 11:45 PM
ooc:How do people twist my character in to this evil cold hearted ars without me knowing?

10-19-2003, 11:48 PM
I thought he was supposed to be evil! isn't he supposed to be evil?

10-19-2003, 11:48 PM
Um... I dunno. I thought you were going for evil-ness...

10-19-2003, 11:50 PM
But I have a different type of evilness then what they have been making my character do before I even got to post
(curse 90 seconds curse it all)

10-19-2003, 11:52 PM
oh, ok, I get it. *yawn* :o I am tored, but must wait for akai to post at inheiritance, zzzzz

10-19-2003, 11:54 PM
But he has,pip.


10-20-2003, 12:47 AM
*gasp*:eek: you did not just say stupid hobbits! I will tear you to pieces! YOU DO NOT CALL MY HOBBITS STUPID! grrrrrr evil evil evil! (btw, i think akai is a girl)

10-20-2003, 05:57 AM
ooc: Yeah, you gotta be pretty evil to say something as depraved as 'stupid hobbits':( (:p). But it is (almost) logical that you could have a character that is a destroyer and not wholly evil-hearted...I guess...

Actually I reckon it'd be good for you to post a semi-long script about like Haritsu's history/flashbacks, whatever you want, so we can get the idea and run with that in our writing.

And Kalile, do NOT make Robin serious. She is almost the comic relief character, the light and liveliness in the midst of the sinister and dark journeys (Bum bum BUM!!!!).

10-22-2003, 01:01 AM
Originally posted by PippinTook
*gasp*:eek: you did not just say stupid hobbits! I will tear you to pieces! YOU DO NOT CALL MY HOBBITS STUPID! grrrrrr evil evil evil! (btw, i think akai is a girl)
No I was only immitating gollom in a non gollom accent:D (....sorry akai I got your name mix up with someone Kalile has been talking bout)

I will but I like to make character development slow and hard to understand until I post all of it (which will be through out the story) so when I post all you will say "OH I get it";)

(If you understood what I just said[which I didn't] then you my friend are a genius!)

10-22-2003, 05:48 AM
I got it; I think...

Neway, back to story...I can't think of anything to say!!!:( - go Kalile!:D :eek:

10-22-2003, 10:24 PM
"Y'know Robin... that was very strange. By the way, I'm Sessho-mare." With that she picked herself up off the ground, and went to find Elrond.

10-23-2003, 08:36 AM
Ghâshbúrz sat on a bench in the gardens of Imladris, glaring retrospectively at the grass. If Haritsu was at the foundation of the gathering war, it may be required of one of Elrond's charges to slay him; and she was not in the least favourable of this resolution. She stood abruptly, and made to see Andrithalalei.

10-23-2003, 01:38 PM
my charactar is tired, I am tired, I am sooo not good a bad people, maybe he will slowly turn into a good person. maybe he will slowly turn into a hobbit! teehee

10-25-2003, 08:24 AM
ooc: Okay Lady Arwen isn’t in it any more and Pip’s turning good again…who will I have to be semi-evil with? :( [granted that zone isn’t wholly evil…] Also Ghâshbúrz was just about to pay visit to Andrith…meh I’ll make something up; btw, a bit of godmoding on my part here [sorry Pip!]

Ghâshbúrz entered a large room where she had believed Andrithalalei to be; instead she found Silivryn. She glared at him with her coal black eyes.

"What are you doing here?" she demanded curtly.

"I do have the admission of Elrond to be in Rivendell," he replied darkly.

"Where is Andrithalalei?"

"Why would you expect me to know of her whereabouts?" Silivryn retorted. Ghâshbúrz narrowed her eyes and left, once in the hall running straight into Robin.

Lady Arwen56
10-25-2003, 08:44 AM
Wait! Wait, I'm back! Sorry...like I said looong story...sorry... anywho, someone care to fill me in?

10-25-2003, 11:20 AM
MAMIT I am evil just an honorific evil(if that is a word)

Lady Arwen56
10-25-2003, 12:18 PM
I just need a position, and wtf we are doing, and I'm good to go. It's nice to know you're evil Zone.

10-26-2003, 07:02 AM
Originally posted by zone
MAMIT I am evil just an honorific evil(if that is a word)

You mean honourable?

Okay Lady, I'm gonna do this in dot points...kinda; just seperate paragraphs.

Haritsu [zone] is the main bad guy and is pissed off because his mistress left him.

Silivryn [Pip] was good, now is evil, according to Pip may be slowly turning back to good. He assembled an army for Haritsu to command, but Haritsu (evidentally) sees no profit in open war at this stage.

Meanwhile Hendel [Gulio] has just arrived in Rivendell;

Robin [Kalile] is almost like a spy for Elrond (ala gets intel on the activity around Haritsu's fortress...evidentally at least) but doesn't take the job that seriously.

Sesso-mare [Legoles] has arrived in Rivendell from halfway across Middle-earth and is speaking to Elrond about her role in present war (or so I gather).

Ghâshbúrz [Eärloth] is the former mistress of Haritsu:Haritsu is the main bad guy and is pissed off because his mistress left him and is working for Elrond, dislikes Robin for evident fatuity and is permanently in a sh/tty mood, and has just had a wierd dizzyspell-like interlude wherein she discovered only that Haritsu wants to find her and that he seemingly has an army at his command.

I presume you know your own character; just pick up where you left off.

I think that's it...

Lady Arwen56
10-26-2003, 01:04 PM
okay then.

ic: I walked into the stables, and choose a pure white horse. I saddled her quickly, and threw myself over her back.
Alexiel glared at me. "Just run fast." I muttered to him, digging my heels into the side of the horse.

ooc: we're we suppose to meet at the Prancing Pony in bree?

Dreran the Green
10-26-2003, 01:39 PM
OOC: I want to join! Ok with everyone if I join?

Name: Demsey (Dem-see)
Race: Elf
Age: unknown
Gender: F
Description: Tall with pale skin and layered brown hair tipped with green. green-gold eyes. Wears a red blouse with long bellsleeves, grey cape and pants, and tall brown boots
Weapons: Sword, bow and arrows, dagger, double sided spear.

10-27-2003, 02:35 AM
Silivryn sat quietly in his chamber. "Whats the matter with me Saphira?" he asked his dragon who sat nearby, eating a piece of meat. She looked up at him, staring into his eyes. "This isn't what you were meant to do." she said. "What do you mean? Do you really believe that I am supposed to be with them! All those hypocritical, stereotypical blockheads!" he said, standing up. Saphira stared at him again. She said nothing, just looked at him, straight in the eye. He unseccessfully tried to tear his violet eyes from her gaze. "What do you think? Do you really believe that you are supposed to be here, sitting in the dark, waiting for some corrupted evil being to call you to his will?" Saphira replied calmly, but forcfully, not letting her gaze fade. "Do you really believe that your mother would have wanted you to be like this? You were not meant to take after your father." She dug deep into his heart. Silivryn's eyes were wide, looking back into the saphire ones of Saphira. A tear slid down his pale cheek. Saphira let him go and he fell back in his chair.

10-27-2003, 06:47 AM
Ghâshbúrz looked out her chamber window to see Andrithalalei spurring a great white horse westward; she found Elrond and inquired of her bearings.

"Andrithalalei and you – and the rest of your potential company – shall assemble in party at Bree," he answered. "Thereat is an inn dubbed The Prancing Pony; you may have to wait a number of days, however all the promised fellowship shall be gathered there." Ghâshbúrz frowned.

"And what is it that you wish for us to render thereafter?"

"That is for you to resolve," Elrond replied. Ghâshbúrz glared at him and took her leave, entering the stables and receiving her own horse: a great black stallion named Snagaburzum (who amongst Men and Elves was only called Moroch) with red eyes and a foul nature whose only rider was Ghâshbúrz. Originally he had been tamed and corrupted by Haritsu and presented as a gift to Ghâshbúrz with little apparent thanks or appreciation. Now she mounted him bareback and urged him to bare her west to Bree.

10-28-2003, 01:07 AM
"Thank you for you time Lord Elrond." She bowed and took her leave.

10-28-2003, 01:08 AM
um, earloth, alexiel is lady's snow leapord, not the horse. we all know alexiel very well. she shows up in every rpg that lady is in. *pets alexiel's head* LADY! YOUR SNOW LEAPORD BIT ME! j/k ;)

10-28-2003, 07:26 AM
I havent READ every rpgs shes been in:( meh i'll change the thingo majiggo

10-28-2003, 11:05 PM
its ok earloth, you are becoming one of 'us'! hmm, who is 'us'? I am a hobbit, thats all I know, and legoles used to be the demon elf, but I haven't seen you do many evil charactars lately! kalile is infamous for her sea-elves, gulio is predominately a dwarf. adrian and I are the official hobits!

10-31-2003, 10:06 PM

shouldn't we get back on topic?

11-02-2003, 09:06 AM
Ghâshbúrz dismounted Snagaburzum and led him by the reins towards the great gate of Bree, banging heavily on the wood; a face appeared at a hole in the door, eyeing her suspiciously.

"I wish to stay at the Prancing Pony;" she said.

"Who are you?" the gatekeeper asked irritably.

"Ghâsh– …Morien," Ghâshbúrz replied sullenly. "My name is Morien."

"What be your business?" the gatekeeper inquired. "We're accustomed to asking strangers questions after dark," he added quickly after Ghâshbúrz sent him a withering look. Her charcoal eyes set his nerves on edge; she glared at him icily.

"Why do you assume I care? I am accustomed to keeping out of others' business, and to having them keep out of mine." She thrust a bag of coins in his face. "Just open the door and be done with it."

The gatekeeper resentfully let her pass and Ghâshbúrz entered Bree.

11-03-2003, 05:05 PM
Silivryn rode his horse through woods untill he came to the gate of Bree. He was sure he was late, but hopefully, the others hadn't left without him. The rain began to pour down, he covered his head with te hodd of his black cloak. The gatekeeper opened a window, 'What business do you have in Bree?" he asked gruffly. "My business is for me to know, now let me in." Silivryn said cooly. "Now you had better tell me what you are doing here if you want to get past this gate!" demanded the gatekeeper. Silivryn great stalion shifted, his muscles rippling under his sleek black hide. Silivryn uncovered his face, the rain dripping from his short black hair. "I have come to meet friends at the prancing pony, any other usless questions may be answered with this." he said, tossing the man two coins. The gate keeper snarled, but let him in.

11-04-2003, 07:34 AM
ooc; a bit of meddling here – sorry Pip; I generally try not to, and I shall make your character a third evil two thirds good…If it is not void to do so; I guess I can't really tell, though. Meh; but I'm making Ghâshbúrz and Silivryn dislike each other; you can change that if you want.

ic; A black figure halted rigidly before Silivryn; Ghâshbúrz turned slowly, ominously revealing her deathly white face beneath its garland of shadow; Ghâshbúrz glared softly at him as he passed through the gate and walked alongside her.

"Silivryn," she murmured in a singsong voice, as though sarcastically greeting an old friend. "O, how bright the lanes of Bree shall glow now that you have decided to grace them with your company."

"And O, how joyous the world beyond the gates shall be, if but for a little while, now it is free from you," Silivryn replied coldly.

"In lacking?" asked Ghâshbúrz with mock affliction in her eyes.

"Your hostility, your vice…your presence," offered Silivryn.

"Vice and hostility?" Ghâshbúrz mused. "Again you underestimate your old comrade in arms."

"And again you overestimate the stability of this association."

"Ostensibly: identifying with the once amoral, what would you mother say?"

Silivryn turned and struck Ghâshbúrz across the mouth; a trickle of blood ran down from her lip and dripped off her chin. Snagaburzum snorted and fidgeted restlessly. Ghâshbúrz rolled her eyes and collected what blood she could with her tongue. Then she gathered her strength and returned the punch to Silivryn's nose. Silivryn turned away, wiping a stream blood from his top lip vainly. He turned back to Ghâshbúrz and grabbed the neck of her mantle, pinning her against a brick wall of a house in the village.

"Perhaps she would question as to which alliance the once amoral is most suited to," he spat. "And in which triviality seems embellished. You do seem to have lost much of your…verve, shall we say, in this affiliation than in such that allows torture. And it is my thought now, Lady, that you would rather return to torment…however I do not assume you pay heed to what component by which you compose it," he narrowed his eyes. "I wonder too at what you truly wish for; to what lengths you are willing to attain it. Could you, in truth, destroy Haritsu Kimandai?"

Ghâshbúrz drove her fist into Silivryn's stomach and brought her knee up into his crotch, and gathering Snagaburzum's reigns again, lead the giant black stallion towards the Prancing Pony.

ooc; zone you said Haritsu's a 'destroyer MUYHAHAHAHAHA!:D' - would you mind describing the actual qualities of such a being?

11-04-2003, 06:23 PM
ooc: oh, earloth, you should godmodd for me more often! wow, you should rent out your rpging abilities!

ic: Silivryn gathered his composure and mounted, Rhohatar. The stallion grunted as he was spurred forward into Bree. The rain had not stopped, and Silivryn's head was drenched. He saw Gashburz enter the pub. He snarled, wiping a drop of blood from the corner of his mouth. He tied Rhohatar to the post and swung the inn door open. Silivryn covered his face again, and walked up to the inn keeper. "Yes'r what can i get for you?" he asked, while he shined an ale mug. "I am meeting some friends here, have you seen them?" Silivryn asked cooly. 'Oh, yes, that one over there?" the man asked pointing to Gashburz who had sit down. Silivryn grimaced, "Are there no others?" he asked, his voice begining to strain. "No s'r!" said the man, who continued to wipe the mug. Silivryn nodded icily. He slowly walked over to where the woman sat. She gave him a smug smile. Silivryn snarled, "Why haven't the others come?" he asked, trying to keep his cool. He uncovered his face, showing his violet eyes. A waitress came to the table, "Can I get you anything?" she asked politely. Silivryn quickly turned his head, and glared at her. She seemed to jump back, away from his piercing gaze. "No, and I don't expect to see you at this table again, hmmm?" he hissed. She quickly nodded and strode away. Silivryn rolled his eyes, and looked back at Gashburz. "So what do they call you now, Gashburz?" he asked, his voice seething with despite.

11-04-2003, 08:42 PM
"Morien," replied Ghâshbúrz. "As with everywhere; and if I remember correctly it is required of you also to refer to me as such." She frowned at the table; "Do not bother with it,” she murmured. She looked up and almost smiled: her own smug version of narrowing her eyes and lowering her chin, and raising an eyebrow said: "At your – most gracious – entrance, I titled you to present to them as Luthurtapuc Raspûta." Her voice deeped and she cackled evilly as Silivryn glared at her.

ooc; btw, Pip, Luthurtapuc Raspûta is supposed to piss Silivryn off because it means 'Bunnyfluff Hornblower' in the common tongue.

11-04-2003, 09:42 PM
Silivryn glared at her. "This will be one heck of a journey...Morien." he said the last words with distaste. He ran his fingers through his spiked black hair. "How did you leave him?" he asked, almost inquisitively.

11-05-2003, 04:54 AM
Ghâshbúrz focussed all her energy into fixing Silivryn with the loathsome glare she had ever bestowed upon anyone; a mistake on her part, as was evident when he stared evenly back at her, ensnaring her with his violently piercing eyes.

"There was a point where I became tiresome of lustful threats, and the pointless torment of weak hosts," she replied darkly, already half-lying: had it not been for her love of Haritsu, Ghâshbúrz would have abandoned the practice of torment earlier than was reality…by but a little, however.

Silivryn smirked. "You loved Him," he asserted. "You still do." Ghâshbúrz glared.

"I was evil, I loved myself," she equivocated.

"Then what grieves you now?" he pressed.

"The most arrogant, annoying little Elf," Ghâshbúrz snapped, making Silivryn laugh. "That my presently moral status forbids me to assassinate." Silivryn continued to gaze at her; Ghâshbúrz sighed and said: "You said it yourself: it is my thought that you would rather return to torment, regardless of what component by which you compose it. Yes, I love Him." She glared steadily back at him. "How do you steel yourself against Him? You, with dark roots and the foulest of natures," she narrowed her eyes again. "How do you keep away from Evil?"

11-05-2003, 01:42 PM
tee-hee thanx earloth! i luv it when you godmodd for me!

ic: Silivryn leaned forward in his chair, "How long will it be, Gashburz, before he has you in his grasp? How long can you hide from him? He will not stop calling you. You will always be hiding, runing from his iron hand. He will not stop hunting you." Silivryn ended solemnly.

stole a line from fotr, oh well, pj can get over it.

11-05-2003, 10:26 PM
ooc; lol s'alright Pip

ic; Ghâshbúrz sighed. "And is it not also inevitable that the End of Days shall come, and all the World be lay to ruin that you might yet see? Do you not think of that? Or might you not wish to?" But Silivryn had not been listening to all she said: "He will find you, you believe it;" he said; "I never proclaimed it inevitable."

"You haven't answered my question," Ghâshbúrz said, quickly and equivocatingly. "You are of evil heritage, why do you not serve Him? His gold and favour bares much more fortune than that of the Elves'…" she narrowed her eyes grimly. "I would know, as I suppose you would."

11-05-2003, 10:47 PM
<I guess I should travel elsewhere, for my assignment is not yet ready for me. Where to go though? Bree, the Shire, Rohan, Where? I've been almost everywhere except Mordor.>
"Hullo Sesshomare! What are you doing glooming about? Come on! Lets go do something."
Sesshomare looked at the person talking to her and saw a blond young man, demon I should say, right in front of her. "Well, well, Reneaf, whattre you doing here? Running away again, I suppose?'
"Actually no Sess. I'm enjoying a vacation, miss demon grump- meister."
Sesshomare sighed at the old nickname, and gave him a mock withering look. "Well Reneaf, I thought that you only used that name for Eclipse." Reneaf looked at her uncomfortably for a moment, then he started laughing at the mention of his old tutors name.
"Well must be off." He said gaily. Sesshomare then exited Imladrias, heading off towards Bree. <Must have some of Barliman's beer. I hope it's still as good as I remember...>

11-10-2003, 06:14 AM
ooc; I dont get it; wasnt Elrond gonna send them all to Bree? Meh…

ic; Silivryn didn't have a chance to reply: at that moment an elf they both recognised as Sesshomare from Rivendell entered the tavern.

"And so the saints come marching in," Ghâshbúrz muttered sullenly. "Wasn't she supposed to come here at the will of Elrond?" Silivryn whispered. "As far as I know," replied Ghâshbúrz. "Sooner." She raised her voice and called to Sesshomare: "Don't worry, we've got all the time in the world, we wouldn't want to think we were in any way possible impeding your leisure."

11-10-2003, 03:13 PM
ooc: yrp, everybodys comin to bree!
Silivryn rolled his eyes, "What is she doing here?" he whispered. He straightened his back, and slapped a painfully sweet smile on his face. this was hell.

11-11-2003, 08:03 PM
"Stop it Silivryn, I can tell its fake, so knock it off. And now I'm a saint. How times have changed" She said bluntly with sarcasm dripping like honey off her words. "Oh and Ghashburz, I came here of my own free will. Elrond gave me no insturctions, he just said to hang around Imladrias for god knows how long." She rolled her eyes, and ordered a pint of Barliman's best ale, then sat at their table.

11-12-2003, 01:59 AM
Silivryn was surprised at the elf's reply, but soon had replaced hi sweet smile with a sarcastic snarl. "I need an ale." he said almost painfully.

11-12-2003, 05:55 AM
Ghâshbúrz sneered and began muttering under her breath: "Aþâra Mânawenûz, ayanûz amanaišal, ullu igas rušur ašata nin…or šaman hýn.*" This, and other phrases of Valarin jumbled with rare words of Quenya she muttered for several moments. Then a though struck her: "Where is Andrithalalei?" she asked "I saw her riding out from Rivendell, she should be here."

*Honourable Manwë, ainu unmarred, quench the heat of my hot head…or kill them.

11-13-2003, 08:29 PM
ooc: andrith was played by lady arwen who doesn't get on alot, if any anymore. we need to have a motive, somewhere to go, erm maybe go on a quest for the black moon, whatever that is.

11-15-2003, 12:13 AM
Sesshomare looked at him, then looked at one of the waitresses. "Miss, I'll have an ale please." She looked at Silvryn nastily. She knew he had little tolerance for such things, but always tried to pretend otherwise. <Stupid fool.> She thanked the woman for hte ale, and, with a slight smirk, took a sip of her ale, then coughed violently. "Frikin hell! Whats in this? BARLIMAN!"

11-15-2003, 01:46 AM
It was all Silivryn could do not to burst out laughing. "Lovely draught is it not, Sessomare?" he asked, his voice seething with evil sarcasm.

11-17-2003, 12:36 AM
"You did you mess with it? Oh, I'm gonna..."
"Miss Shessomare, whats wrong?"
"Taste this Barliman."
*Barliaman coughs and chokes, then spits out.* "GODS! Is this MINE???"
"Yes, unfortunetly, it is."
"Oh.. Dear."
"Just get me a beer."
"Right away!"

11-17-2003, 01:56 PM
"Did I mess with it? Why, I am shamed to think you would blame me for such monstrosity!" Silivryn said, enjoyin every minute of it. "Make that two, Barliman." he called. He smiled a Sessomare who was wiping her mouth clean of the drink. Then he looked over at Gashburz and winked.

11-17-2003, 05:38 PM
Ghâshbúrz returned the gesture and painted her face with a half smile; she waved away Barliman as he turned towards her and slid her arm under the table until her shoulder was almost under the wood; she emerged with a large black spider squirming in her hand. She examined it for a moment and, after realising it wasn't poisonous, let it scurry across the table before piercing it with her knife. It was still twitching when she shoved it in her mouth.

11-18-2003, 12:26 AM
"Did you have to do that Ghazburg? Gods..." Sesshomare rolled her eyes and thought,<Damn both of them. They are idiots. Both of 'em.> Barliman handed her the mug, and she quickly inspected it for any signs of tampering. Eyeing Silvyrin suspiciously, she took a cautious sip, then, finding it all right, drank the rest. She put down her mug, and went up to her room.

11-18-2003, 02:16 AM
Damn both of them. They are idiots. Both of 'em.

"I head that," snapped Ghâshbúrz, and sat in silence until Sesshomare retired.

"Twit," Ghâshbúrz muttered. "Do you have to do that, Ghâshbúrz? Gods…" she mimicked irritably. "One asinine little girl cannot handle spiders…" she began to mutter even softer. "Only her luck I didn't choose to take the form of one, can no Elf keep to themselves?" Silivryn shrugged and stared at his ale; Ghâshbúrz crushed a beetle with her hand but brushed it onto the floor.

11-21-2003, 01:21 PM
Silivryn watched Sessomare leave for her room. "What are we going to do now? I dont think I can stand another look of that elf!" he said despitfully. "Where in all of middle-earth is andrith?" (um guys, i think we should godmodd, or something, cause ladyarwen doesnt come anymore) Silivryn took a sip from his mug, "Thats not half bad ale!" he said, looking surprised at the half emtpy mug.

12-03-2003, 01:13 AM
ooc: I have come back for you kalile:D ...its been awhile


Haristu was on his horse riding on the dark grey jagged ground. Lightning was crackling throughout the ride and the wind blew harshly in the opposite direction. The rain was shooting out of the sky like a barrage of arrows. Haritsu didn't mind though he actually liked this kind of weather. His mind was not on the weather, it was on his brother, Furido. Furido was of the opposing side of Haritsu since parting. Since then he has been fearing his brother's confrontion. His shame of his fear will die away only after he confronts his brother.......

12-13-2003, 08:43 AM
"Right here," said a voice from behind Silivryn. Ghâshbúrz glanced up and saw Andrith, wrapped in her weather-beaten travelling cloak, flyaway strands of her black-and-white hair sitting discomposedly upon her fair face.

"Andrithalalei," Ghâshbúrz mused. "In the flesh, after all this time..."

"Will you get to the point tonight or shall I sit down?" Andrith replied impatiently. Ghâshbúrz raised an eyebrow and embraced Andrith.

Lady Arwen56
12-20-2003, 04:40 PM
If sum1 will fill me in, i'll join this thing again.

12-21-2003, 04:49 AM
You can pick up virtually right where you left off; everyone's just in the Prancing Pony, Haritsu's going to meet his brother and Ghâshbúrz is eating bugs.

01-03-2004, 06:49 AM
NOOOoooO!!! Thread mustn't die!!:eek:

01-03-2004, 06:23 PM
Ooc: :eek: Whoah, I wondered where this thread went! It got far! No, it shall not die when I have just found it again!

I shall charge in and.... ok, what's happening?

01-04-2004, 05:41 AM
..... READ:p
.... I can't sleep...

Lady Arwen56
01-04-2004, 02:09 PM
ooc: yeah, what is happening here? hmm? hmm? I would like some answers now.

01-04-2004, 02:59 PM
didn't That one person just tell you?

Lady Arwen56
01-05-2004, 12:37 PM
ic; I'm still confused.

05-12-2004, 07:15 AM
Where did it go wrong ? This thread was cool, how did it lose plot ? NOoooooo