View Full Version : Why Elrond?

08-31-2003, 10:35 AM
I think it is very odd that when Haldir arrives at Helm's Deep, he said that "Lord Elrond" sends us. I mean, he comes from Lorien, from Galadriel, who holds seniority over Elrond by a long shot. I think he should have said that Lady Galadriel sends her greetings. Plus, Elrond is more disdainful of men and Middle-Earth than he was in the first movie, while Galadriel is more hopeful, or at least more caring.

08-31-2003, 11:01 AM
But I believe Elrond is the one who thinks elves should help men in this last bit. (before they leave) Elrond set up the Fellowship!

08-31-2003, 01:55 PM
I also think we're going to see more about this in the EE, from what I saw in the preview.

08-31-2003, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by azalea
I also think we're going to see more about this in the EE, from what I saw in the preview.


Also, while Elrond has appeared to be disdainful towards mankind, he has always been one to reach out to men, at least those of a certain line of men anyway :D Remember Elrond's brother began the line of Numenor, he also knows Aragorn is destined to help his people, Elrond did have a strong alliance with men at one time as well and even though he see's the weaknesses in men, he also sees the other side as well, the side Aragorn has shown him. Although I don't see why the Elves going to Helm's deep ocurred, I can understand the rationale for it in a couple different ways...

08-31-2003, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by Balrog_of_Morgoth
I think it is very odd that when Haldir arrives at Helm's Deep, he said that "Lord Elrond" sends us. I mean, he comes from Lorien, from Galadriel, who holds seniority over Elrond by a long shot. As far as I remember (just gave the DVD to a good friend), Haldir said something like "I bring words of Elrond from Rivendell".
IMHO that means:
He comes from Lothlorien, but the people of Rohan do not know the Lady of the woods, they surely know Rivendell and its Master, so he tells them a name they know. And at least Elrond 'spoke' with Galadriel earlier.

But I do hope the EE explain more. :D

08-31-2003, 06:33 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Finarwe
[B]As far as I remember (just gave the DVD to a good friend), Haldir said something like "I bring words of Elrond from Rivendell".
IMHO that means:
He comes from Lothlorien, but the people of Rohan do not know the Lady of the woods, they surely know Rivendell and its Master, so he tells them a name they know. And at least Elrond 'spoke' with Galadriel earlier.


09-01-2003, 12:50 AM
Most of these responses are describing the Elrond in the books. In the movie, he is pretty much done with men and is only concerned with heading to Valinor and persuading Arwen to go with him. Yes, the Fellowship starts from Rivendell, but really, he had little to do with it except telling Gandalf to get the ring out of there, because, "the time of the Elves is over...we are leaving these shores." The Fellowship took form of its own accord while he stood by and watched.

Maybe Haldir should have said, "I bring word from Lady Galadriel and Lord Elrond...etc."

Actually, that whole telepathic thing between Galadriel and Elrond bugs me. If they had to add that part to the movie, it would have made more sense to me if Galadriel had sent them anyhow, since the Fellowship had visited Lorien only a few weeks or so before that and was in more of a position to know their plight.

I guess we all come away with different perceptions of the whole thing...

09-01-2003, 02:57 AM
Originally posted by Spock
I AGREE WITH THIS LINE OF REASONING....CAPS LOCK STUCK. You can hold down the shift key to change it back... if you can be bothered...
Woops! Off-topic!:eek: :o :cool:
Erm... Yes! The Elrond-Galadriel telepathy thing annoyed me too. Like Galadriel's Miss Exposition for TTT...

09-01-2003, 09:12 AM
The most common reason, aside from the key sticking sometimes is that I've left my glasses in another room or downstairs and so using the capitals allows me to see what I'm writing.
......I didn't want you to think I was computer illiterate.:D :D :D

09-01-2003, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by Balrog_of_Morgoth
Most of these responses are describing the Elrond in the books. In the movie, he is pretty much done with men and is only concerned with heading to Valinor and persuading Arwen to go with him. Yes, the Fellowship starts from Rivendell, but really, he had little to do with it except telling Gandalf to get the ring out of there, because, "the time of the Elves is over...we are leaving these shores." The Fellowship took form of its own accord while he stood by and watched.

Maybe Haldir should have said, "I bring word from Lady Galadriel and Lord Elrond...etc."

Actually, that whole telepathic thing between Galadriel and Elrond bugs me. If they had to add that part to the movie, it would have made more sense to me if Galadriel had sent them anyhow, since the Fellowship had visited Lorien only a few weeks or so before that and was in more of a position to know their plight.

I guess we all come away with different perceptions of the whole thing...

In my "The Lord of the Rings...The Two Towers Photo Guide", there is a page devoted to Lothlorien. The text says.....

"At the City of the Trees, Elrond calls a council of the Elves. He believes that they should help in the struggle against Sauron, but not everybody agrees." .....(picture of Galadriel here, with the caption "The Rings of the Elf Lords were not made as weapons of war or conquest. They cannot come to the aid of Men." .......below Galadriel's picture is Celeborn, with caption "The alliance between Men and Elves is over." )

How Haldir came to be the leader might be because there were no other elves introduced from Rivendell, just Elrond and Arwen. Wasn't Arwen originally coming to Helms Deep anyway?

Too bad they couldn't have given Figwit a real name and sent him! Fan girls would have grooved! Think what that would have done for that guy's career! :D

09-01-2003, 09:46 AM
Did anyone else have a version where Frodo and Sam are taken to Gondor? I really freaked at that. And I stopped counting differences in the movie and the book, 37 minutes into the movie. Overwhelming.

09-01-2003, 10:38 AM
What? Spock, didn't you see the movie in the theatre?

I love Lizra's Figwit idea. :D

09-01-2003, 11:25 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Artanis
[B]What? Spock, didn't you see the movie in the theatre?

No I waited until my pre-ordered DVD arrived.

After watching what they cut next time I'll wait for the extended version for sure.

09-01-2003, 11:40 AM
Hehe, that may be the most sensible thing to do. :p

Fat middle
09-01-2003, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by Spock
The most common reason, aside from the key sticking sometimes is that I've left my glasses in another room or downstairs and so using the capitals allows me to see what I'm writing.
......I didn't want you to think I was computer illiterate.:D :D :D


09-01-2003, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Lizra
In my "The Lord of the Rings...The Two Towers Photo Guide", there is a page devoted to Lothlorien. The text says.....

"At the City of the Trees, Elrond calls a council of the Elves. He believes that they should help in the struggle against Sauron, but not everybody agrees." .....(picture of Galadriel here, with the caption "The Rings of the Elf Lords were not made as weapons of war or conquest. They cannot come to the aid of Men." .......below Galadriel's picture is Celeborn, with caption "The alliance between Men and Elves is over." )

Maybe we will get to see this scene in the Extended Edition, I gather we will :D

09-01-2003, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by Spock
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Artanis
[B]What? Spock, didn't you see the movie in the theatre?

No I waited until my pre-ordered DVD arrived.

After watching what they cut next time I'll wait for the extended version for sure.

That stinks, movies like this are best scene on the big screen...

09-01-2003, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by Lizra

How Haldir came to be the leader might be because there were no other elves introduced from Rivendell, just Elrond and Arwen. Wasn't Arwen originally coming to Helms Deep anyway?

Too bad they couldn't have given Figwit a real name and sent him! Fan girls would have grooved! Think what that would have done for that guy's career! :D

Including Glorfindel could have come in handy after all...;)

09-01-2003, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by azalea
Including Glorfindel could have come in handy after all...;) :( No Glorfindel, no Figwit, no sons of Elrond! A dead Haldir!!! :mad: The first thing I will do after ROTK will be: Reading the books again! ;)