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Frodo Tarpols
01-30-2001, 03:48 AM
"Hello, I'm Frodo Tarpols, Captain Tarpol's older brother."

ooc: hmm any good rps here that i can join?

Lief Erikson
01-30-2001, 04:06 AM
I'm not sure. Fangorn Forest would be my top suggestion, so if your interested in doing an awful lot of catchup work, there's a number of places you could join in there.

If you want to, you could have a person in Iron Heart, one of my castles. Or you could take a corsair lieutenant of Unvar's. Or you could use Narsh, an elf, if that's still open.

Or, if you wanted to join into an RPG that is not very far at all, and has a need for more players, you could enter Mithlond. I started an RPG called Esgaroth, the Lake City. There's only three of us operating there, so we could certainly use you.

Or, if you want, you could join into a different one, at Elvenhome, which is called Lothlorien. It's also pretty fun.

My top suggestion is that you do some serious background reading, and join into Fangorn Forest, but the others could certainly use you too. :)

01-30-2001, 09:21 PM


NO ONE!!!!!


Lief Erikson
01-30-2001, 10:51 PM
What RPG?

captain Tarpols
01-30-2001, 11:41 PM
what is he talking 'bout?

Lief Erikson
01-31-2001, 12:21 AM
Which of us? Me or Bullroarer?

01-31-2001, 02:38 AM
Bullroarer is actually running several RPG's at once, some of which he plans to unify (I think). Anyways look at the sign in thread if you're interested.

Frodo Tarpols
01-31-2001, 03:00 AM
ok thanks! wow, i've never seen some of you........I usually post in general messages :)

01-31-2001, 03:18 AM
Wow, I just made Elven Warrior, woohoo! Yea, I just post in the LotR, Hobbit, and RPG threads. I don't have enough time to keep up the others.

Frodo Tarpols
01-31-2001, 03:40 AM
yeah, i didn't know this part of the board existed ;) I'm the cool moderator, captain Tarpols, under my new name Frodo Tarpols! I'll see if there are any good Rp's going on...

Lief Erikson
02-15-2001, 04:52 PM
We have an RPG going, called 'The Great Quest.' It's a sort of a sequal to Fangorn Forest, but we would like more players. If you, or any others want to join in, you'd be welcome.

Eriol Aelfwine
02-20-2001, 11:15 PM
Hi, I'm ready to become an Entmooter and start playing! I've tried joining games on other boards, but the posting there is too slow (I'm not talking about Elvenhome, I'm still lurking there, in order to get a feel for the game), so I'll try here, since it seems plenty busy.

For those of you who know me as a different username, please understand that that is a character I play, and so is this, but both reflect the real me, albeit different aspects of my personality.

Don't worry, I'm not a schizoid, either. As Blackadder put it

I'm a complicated person, you see. Sometimes I'm nice, and sometimes I'm nasssty.

Lief Erikson
02-20-2001, 11:23 PM
Good to have you here! For the benefit of those who don't know about your character, you might want to give a brief history about him in the discussion forum for The Great Quest. We are by no means to far to accept new players, and it'll be nice to have you.

And things here probably won't be slow, as I'm checking this RPG four or five times a day to see if anyone has posted.

The Black Lieutenant
05-16-2001, 03:41 PM
I'm back in black! Sorry, I can't post as Eriol anymore, because I forgot the password and used an email address that is no longer valid, so I can't even use the forgot password feature. Anyway, I know I was gone a long time but I was busy with my board. However, now that I have another admin to help out I will have more time to play games like this.

I can still play Eriol in the game, naturally. But I wanted to use that account so other players wouldn't confuse my evilness with the character I'm playing; Eriol is good, or maybe neutral--we'll see--but he's definitely not evil.

Anyway is the Great Quest still open to new players? I signed up for one of Bullroarer's games, too but he hasn't responded yet.

Elbreth of Carhouth
05-16-2001, 04:06 PM
Hi, Wow, it's nice to have new members. Sorry I've not been around. I've left most of the info side of things in Mathron's and Lief's capable hands, and it seems they've done well. The Great Quest is open to anyone, but feel free to start your own story if you want. Lief ( :p ) has a tenancy to usurp the storyline, so feel free to tell him off... ;)
I'll be around, although I'm still really busy. I do read what's going on, and Lief and Mathron have been kind enough to keep me in the story for when I come back.

Lief Erikson
05-16-2001, 10:39 PM
The Great Quest is drawing slowly to a close, in my opinion, so it might at this point be a bit late to start making entirely new plots into it. There is certainly still room for side characters, however.

Will you be wanting an overview of what has happened so far, or not?

The Black Lieutenant
05-17-2001, 01:56 AM
Sure! That would be great. And playing a side character is fine for me, because Eriol is a wanderer. If this were a D&D game, he'd be a Bard. So I guess you can classify him as a wandering minstrel, and rogue. Is there death in this game?

Lief Erikson
05-17-2001, 03:55 AM
On rare occasions. Main characters don't get killed often, and if someone's playing that character, they only get killed by the person who's character it is.

As I said earlier, we're very close to the end, so I'm not even sure where to begin to tell this tale. It'd be a great one for Eriol to make a song about, if he can get anyone to tell it to him.

Okay, I won't relate all of the characters' previous adventures in finding out all of this, but I'll just give you the information as to what's going on.

When Morgoth was imprisoned, the link to the void he was settled in was in Middle Earth. The link was a castle, and through it his prison could be accessed. The prison's key was passed from generation to generation in a family, and was in the possession of one woman named Ayna until a person named Vardor took it from her. This person Vardor is in charge of a great deal of magic and shady characters, as well as a great deal of ground troops. It is his goal to release Morgoth from his prison. He now has sent fighters to the valley of Ethrilien, the location of the invisible castle link, to uninvisiblize the castle and open the door to let Morgoth out. The company is set about the goal of hindering him. They've evacuated the villagers who live in Ethrilien and are gathered with a small band of freedom fighters to defeat Vardor and end his evil scheme.

Meanwhile, Mathron has a whole other bunch of characters who have been involved in this, working for their own ends. They captured Malagar and stole his magic, and from what it seems, they have been doing this to many Maia, Istari or other magical people for some time. Their men are completely devoid of magic, and some of them have jewels which are actually negative magic which counteracts any magic used on them.

I hope this is clear enough.

The Black Lieutenant
05-17-2001, 01:12 PM
Sounds great! Around when is this adventure taking place? Which Age, I mean?

Lief Erikson
05-17-2001, 01:19 PM
It takes place around the time where Saruman hasn't turned bad yet, but he is coming very close. I think that it is a while before The Hobbit, but not too long.

Mace McClain
05-17-2001, 07:51 PM
Thanks, as well.

The Black Lieutenant
05-19-2001, 01:48 AM
Cool. So what do I do, just jump right in?

Lief Erikson
05-19-2001, 04:31 AM
He could launch himself in and meet anyone he wanted. I think it would probably be best if he met up with Ayna and the villagers, but he doesn't have to. When the battle is over, it'd be a very nice wrap up for him to come in and get the history.

Then they could all prance off into legend . . .

The Black Lieutenant
05-19-2001, 04:44 PM
Yeah, that would be pretty cool.