View Full Version : Whay Sirus
06-30-2003, 09:59 PM
Okay here's a question that has been bugging me. Why did she kill off Sirus? He was in what, 3 books? This is just sooooo annoying. Why not someone else?
06-30-2003, 10:19 PM
yea im pissed he left. but im sure hell be back it would be wierd to lewave outs harry sort of best friend
Lady of Rohan
06-30-2003, 10:42 PM
I want him to be back. But it seems, whatever I hope for never happens, so maybe I should just wish he wont come back and them he will! :D
Hmm.... she could have killed of Crabbe! I wouldn't have minded! ;)
06-30-2003, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by Lady of Rohan
I want him to be back. But it seems, whatever I hope for never happens, so maybe I should just wish he wont come back and them he will! :D
Hmm.... she could have killed of Crabbe! I wouldn't have minded! ;)
i think this is part of JKR crazy plan. In the end of book 7, the same thing will happen as in book 4, but then sirius will ome out and kill Voldemort, and all the death eaters. (just a guess)
07-01-2003, 12:31 AM
Gollumsome#s, that would be a horrible ending and highly unlikely.
Why not kill Sirius? Get over it, he wasn't that great of a character in the first place ;) Seriously, I liked him enough but sometimes he was just annoying. She did not really kill off any major character;we can do without him.
07-01-2003, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by HOBBIT
Gollumsome#s, that would be a horrible ending and highly unlikely.
that was supposed to sarcasim. I gues i should of put that in my post. *makes mental note*
07-01-2003, 12:50 AM
"that was supposed to sarcasim. I gues i should of put that in my post. *makes mental note*"
Maybe you don't know what sarcasm is? Oh well. Or maybe it was clear and made sense in your mind, but sarcasm does not always convery well on computers. Your prediction made little sense either way.
Makes mental note? I care not if you add that you were being sarcastic, which I doubt you were (or if you were, you messed up horribly imo), or not. If you are going to change it, just change it. Don't talk about changing. There is an edit button for crying out loud.
07-01-2003, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by HOBBIT
"that was supposed to sarcasim. I gues i should of put that in my post. *makes mental note*"
Maybe you don't know what sarcasm is? Oh well. Or maybe it was clear and made sense in your mind, but sarcasm does not always convery well on computers. Your prediction made little sense either way.
Makes mental note? I care not if you add that you were being sarcastic, which I doubt you were (or if you were, you messed up horribly imo), or not. If you are going to change it, just change it. Don't talk about changing. There is an edit button for crying out loud.
im thinking you dislike gollum9630 very much:rolleyes: :eek:
07-01-2003, 04:57 AM
JKR moves in mysterious ways. :D
07-01-2003, 11:32 AM
She said she had to kill someone, and there wouldn't be much point in killing off a character Harry/the reader didn't care about, would there? Also, this is a war. People die in wars.
Radagast The Brown
07-01-2003, 03:49 PM
Yeah, but Sirius was stupid. That's why he died.
Only a pair was still battling, apparently unaware to the new arrivel. Harry saw Sirius duck Bellatrix's jet of red light: he was laughing at her.
'Come on, you can do better than that' he yelled...
.... The second jet light hit him squarely on his chest... :confused: what was he doing? Probably JKR wanted to kill him, but had no idea how.
07-03-2003, 11:42 AM
my friend pointed out to me that sirius DIDNT DIE when the jet of light hit him, he was merely stunned. his expression changed from laughter to shock, so therefore he wasnt dead. BUT then he fell through the veil, so he.... i dunno.... went to the place where dead wizards go. so the question really is.... will he return? (very unlikely, but i hope that is the case..... must stop contridicting myself...)
07-03-2003, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by EyeSeeYou
my friend pointed out to me that sirius DIDNT DIE when the jet of light hit him, he was merely stunned. his expression changed from laughter to shock, so therefore he wasnt dead. BUT then he fell through the veil, so he.... i dunno.... went to the place where dead wizards go. so the question really is.... will he return? (very unlikely, but i hope that is the case..... must stop contridicting myself...)
I was thinking something along those lines too. Here's a guess:
Remember Dumbledore mentioning that it was the Death Chamber where the others were left when he was talking to Fudge after Voldy and Bella escaped from him?
Remember that Harry and the others were just about mesmerized with that waving veil in the middle of the Death Chamber where Sirius fell through?
What I'm trying to say is that, perhaps the chamber is a place of execution where souls are beckoned from their bodies. It seems like a humane way to die and Sirius just left the world serenely. Just a thought...
07-03-2003, 01:03 PM
Hmmm....a very good thought. But I don't really think Sirius is coming back, I mean if he did then why couldn't Harry's parents come back? But I think that there is some significance to the mirrior that Sirius gave Harry. I've never heard (or rather read) anyone else mention the mirrior I geuss it was just to much of a minor point in the book but still even if Sirius didn't have the mirrior (which i think he did, but Sirius was to busy at that momment to notice that Harry's head had poped up in the mirrior) Harry could give the other one to Ron and then they could get into more trouble.
07-03-2003, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by Fimbrethil
Hmmm....a very good thought. But I don't really think Sirius is coming back, I mean if he did then why couldn't Harry's parents come back? But I think that there is some significance to the mirrior that Sirius gave Harry. I've never heard (or rather read) anyone else mention the mirrior I geuss it was just to much of a minor point in the book but still even if Sirius didn't have the mirrior (which i think he did, but Sirius was to busy at that momment to notice that Harry's head had poped up in the mirrior) Harry could give the other one to Ron and then they could get into more trouble.
No, he most likely will not come back, nor will Harry's parents.
First of all, what is a mirrior? Do you mean mirror? And second you don't make any sense - sorry.
Also - we know nothing about the veil except it has something to do vaguely with death. From what we know - what is beyond that veil is death. He is stunned before he falls into it - but once he passes that veil - he is dead, gone - as far as we know anway.
What are you talking about here: " I geuss it was just to much of a minor point in the book but still even if Sirius didn't have the mirrior (which i think he did, but Sirius was to busy at that momment to notice that Harry's head had poped up in the mirrior) Harry could give the other one to Ron and then they could get into more trouble."
What????? Sirius is DEAD - we don't know anything about the wizarding afterlife yet - but he is DEAD. He probably can't look through any mirror that connects to the living - and even if he could, he could not - and does not - respond.
How in the world could Harry give the other 'mirrior' to Ron???? We don't know where the other one is - maybe serious had it when he died and thus, it is GONE FOR GOOD - or it is in that awful house somewhere with Kreacher. But it doesn't matter really because Harry SMASHED HIS. Of course I guess they could always repair it, but still.
10-03-2003, 08:59 PM
As much as I want Sirius to come back, I'd rather they not 'mess' with his death. *sigh* :(
10-12-2003, 08:39 PM
Waht I was getting at was that Sirus was just to busy being dead to notice that Harry was talking to him in the mirror.
Maybe he could use it maybe he can't we jsut don't know.
If he didn't have the mirrior then Harry would probably find it and give it to Ron. Once he accepted the fact that Sirus was gone this would be easier to do.
I hope taht's clearer.
Percy Weasley
10-17-2003, 11:23 PM
Sirius is dead.
Both Lupin and Nearly Headless Nick confirmed it.
However, I would like to offer an alternate theory - that perhaps his death was not as random as it seems.
For those of you familiar with the novel Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, the central character, Jean Valjean, is a convict who has been freed from prison after serving nineteen years for committing a menial crime. He breaks his parole, and is forced back on the run, slipping into despair and debauchery until he saves the child of a woman who dies due to mistakes that he himself made (unwittingly) in the past.
It is the love of this child, and Valjean's love towards her, that leads Valjean on the path from crime to redemption, from evil to Righteousness, and eventually wins him his salvation, when he makes the ultimate sacrifice for this child's happiness.
I think perhaps JK Rowling is doing a similar thing with Sirius. In watching out for Harry, Sirius is paying the weregild owed to James and Lily for his part in their betrayal or death. While not directly responsible, I believe that he feels guilt for being the one to suggest the change of Secret Keepers to Peter, the move that directly lead to the Potter's death. It is only by making a sacrifice of equal value that Sirius can redeem himself in his own eyes. It is through his death in an attempt to save Harry's life that Sirius finds salvation from his guilt, and freedom from the law that would always have hounded him.
Sirius' death, therefore, may not be tragic, but redemptive.
10-20-2003, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by Percy Weasley
In watching out for Harry, Sirius is paying the weregild owed to James and Lily for his part in their betrayal or death. While not directly responsible, I believe that he feels guilt for being the one to suggest the change of Secret Keepers to Peter, the move that directly lead to the Potter's death. It is only by making a sacrifice of equal value that Sirius can redeem himself in his own eyes. It is through his death in an attempt to save Harry's life that Sirius finds salvation from his guilt, and freedom from the law that would always have hounded him.
Sirius' death, therefore, may not be tragic, but redemptive.
Are you suggesting that Sirius deliberately sought a redemptive death, or that, occuring without his volition, it was a fitting end for him? I would be more inclined to support the second idea than the first. Sirius died saving Harry, as he believed was his duty, but surely he also believed that he could better protect Harry while alive. We can see that nothing in his life became him like the leaving it, but to Sirius and Harry it's still an untimely and unnecessary death.
10-24-2003, 08:48 PM
sirius was my favorite character and at first when i read his death scene i thought "oh no" but then i realized that even though sirius is dead he might still be an important character and, like harry's parents be mentioned often. Even more so cause harry knew him better, but for those of you that believe that sirius might come back, i didagree because as nick and lupin said he is GONE. though it is sad i do not believe he will be back.
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
11-29-2003, 05:14 PM
I almost cried. Sirius was one of my favorite Characters! :(
12-17-2003, 06:56 PM
I admit, I cried when Sirius died.
I think the main reason Sirius died is that he never grew up. He was a fairly immature teenager - as shown by Snape's Pensieve memory, and you get the idea that while 12 years in Azkaban robbed him of whatever innocence he had, it also caused him quite severe problems with his mental development. Although he tries to be responsible for Harry, when his own safety is in danger he doesn't consider anything. That's not Gryffindor bravery, that's just rashness, and failure to even think about what he's doing. Remus has accepted certain things, especially concerning the Maruader's past behaviour; Sirius still believes, roughly 15-18 years on, that luring Snape to the Shrieking Shack was fully justified, as was their bullying.
Also, Harry is a 'hero'. Heroes never seem to triumph until nearly everyone they care for is dead. (cynicism rules here)
Adrian Baggins
12-18-2003, 01:48 PM
I know everyone thinks he is...and I know what the veil is called that gives us good reason to believe it is true...and even the reactions of Dumbledore and Lupin lead us to believe that our beloved character named Sirius Black is dead....but I don't believe it....Sirius is alive....I don't know why, but I get this feeling that the veil, is only a test, if you fail, you die, if you pass, you can set foot out the other side of the veil, and be alive. I guess that this is proibably just another one of my silly conspiracy theories, been making alot of those lately, but I don't think he is dead, it just, doesn't seem right.
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-20-2003, 07:13 PM
I almost cried when Sirius died. So sad. But yeah, I'm pretty sure that he's dead and gone. Not coming back, ever. In (almost)every good book, at least one person dies. It's a bummer that it had to be Sirius, but oh well. I was still mad at him and James for teasing Snape, so that could be why I didn't cry. Maybe his death will help Harry grow up. He's fifteen years old, and he still has temper tantrums. Half the book was in capital letters because Harry was screaming and shouting.
02-15-2004, 03:41 PM
Sirius was my favorite character.
When I read the chapter in which he died, I actually put the book down and wouldn't touch it, until a few hours later, when I felt that I had to finish it off.
I know he's dead, but I get a feeling that it's not the last we'll be seeing of him....
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-22-2004, 07:54 PM
Okay, I'm over it. He's gone. And I don't miss him anymore. After thinking it over, I realized what an immature git he was. Probably because he was just...... I dunno......mean. Like a Jr higher. (No offence, it's just that Jr highers tend to be more petty and mean in my experience) Bye bye, Sirius! Have a good time being dead! Don't come back anytime soon!
Man, I'm gonna get toasted for this. *Puts on flame-proof suit*
02-22-2004, 08:39 PM
*lights flame thrower* :D
Well think of all he went through! Sure, he was immature in school, but he spent the period of his life where he probably would have matured a great deal being tortured in Azkaban! :mad:
He genuinely cared for Harry, so what if he had an irrational hatred for Snape? No one's perfect. Considering all he went through, and his appaling family, I think he was doing very well.
That wasn't really much of a flame. But Sirius was great. Doomed possibly, but underserving of your insults.
02-23-2004, 08:00 AM
I agree with Nurvingiel - Sirius has plenty of reasons for being immature. I think what he went through would screw anyone up. Or in other words, his psychlogical developement was stunted by his early experiences, and he tried to relieve his youth through Harry. Understandable, IMO.
How do we judge maturity anyway? I think Sirius is more mature than Snape, for example.
03-02-2004, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by gollum9630
i think this is part of JKR crazy plan. In the end of book 7, the same thing will happen as in book 4, but then sirius will ome out and kill Voldemort, and all the death eaters. (just a guess)
umm voldemort didn't kill sirius so why would he come out of his wand
03-09-2004, 11:21 AM
I think that she removed Sirius because she knew that he would be an awkward person to put in later. I have written plays and stories, and it is difficult, sometimes, to think of ways to keep people in the story without wracking your brains to think of ways to use them. So you kill them so you don't need to worry about it. It's a bit cruel, but it works. Another thought--maybe she was trying to make him seem like Jesus. I know I am treading sacred ground here, and I'm not religious, but he died to protect Harry, and went bodily into death, both like Jesus. There's also that looming question of whether or not he'll come back. I am eloquent, and sorry.
Cool quote (but I don't know who said it): We live in a time when lemonade is made from artificial flavoring and furniture polish is made with real lemons.
What is this world coming to?!
03-09-2004, 08:55 PM
I heard that she said that she killed Sirius for a reason. Maybe this'll be a big thing later on...
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