View Full Version : Entulesse ana Lothlorien
06-26-2003, 08:06 PM
((For non Quenya speakers, the title means, Return to Lothlorien))
This is during the Ring Quest. Lothlorien has fallen under attack from the Isengard Uruk/Orcs, but the Border Guard is having serious trouble keeping the forest free of evil. Elrond has decided to send Rivendell Elves to defend the city. Among them are Glorfindel, Gildor, Figwit, and Elladan and Elrohir are on the way. This is the journey to Lothlorien from Rivendell, and what happens in Lothlorien after the arrival of the companies of Elves. Men, dwarves, and of course elves are welcome to join, no specific number.
Name Astarien Fuiniel
Race Rivendell Elf
Weapon Hadhafang (sword)
Descrip. Tall, dark, black hair, blue eyes, youngest daughter of Elrond. She is quiet but fierce, loyal but suspicious.
07-09-2003, 11:57 PM
Me join
Name: Ilwin Evenstar
Race:Silvan Elf
Martial status: not married
Eyes: Dragons eyes, thin black eyebrows and thick, long lashes
Hair: Waist length silvery blond hair that is thin styled in Legolas's fashion, two braids in front, and a small ponytail in back
Weapons: Everstar, her elvish long sword that glows with a blinding light when enemies are near, a small silver harp, her voice, which is smooth, melidous, and haunting, a falschion, and a Galadhirim bow with fire and steel tipped arrows
Details: Tall, gracefull, and thin. Can read minds, magical ability's, a bard, wears a simple thin chain of silver around her neck. Has forest color clothes. A jacket, sleeveless shirt which cuts at her midriff, and long pants that reach down so they can tuck into her black boots. With ruby, emerald, diamond, and sapphire earrings that go from the end of her earlobe to the tip of her pointed ears
07-10-2003, 01:38 AM
Okey dokey, I'm in for a lot of writing. Here goes (again)
Name: Kalile Alako
Class: Windwalker
Race: Silvan elf
Eyes: Large, lapis lazuli eyes with fine golden eyebrows
Hair: A shoulder length, silver blonde mane, left loose in the breeze
Weapons: a scimitar, a composite longbow, a flute, and her voice itself.
Details: Kalile has traveled with Gandalf since Bilbo's day, and has helped considerably in the War of the Rings and before.
Her appearance is somewhat fey, even for an elf. She is often seen meditating, oblivious to the world around her, and, it is said, can even walk upon the wind, becoming ethreal. She has a silver kyree who is her partner, and together they make an eerie presence.
Kalile wears the soft grey leather of the Windwalker, in balloon pants fuller than those she used to wear, and a shirt with long sleeves, her pointed ears shining with lodestones.
07-10-2003, 01:55 PM
Oh yay people are joining! :D If we can wait a little bit until we get more ppl, that'd be spiffing!
07-10-2003, 08:04 PM
I'll join
Name: Nienna
Eyes: hazel
Hair: Blackish/Red
Clothing: An elven coak covering her navy blue dress.
History: Nienna is the daughter of Palnar, a palace gaurd in Mirkwood, and Anacemiel. She is in Lothlorien currnetly visiting her cousin.
07-10-2003, 09:05 PM
I'll join.
Name: Sulfea (wind spirit)
Race: Descendent of Laiquendi Elves
Eyes: A sparkling golden color
Hair: Long, raven's wing black, and waist length, usually bound in a tight braid.
Weapons: Two silver dirks.
Background: Sulfea has usually been alone, even from her childhood days. Her only companion is her hawk, red-gold and wild. Together they blend perfectly into the silent shadows which they love. Sulfea shares a strange bond with her hawk, which enables her to talk to it and truly become a "wind spirit": this bond allows her to run with the wind, faster than any bird. She has traveled to Lothlorien to see what is happening, and if she should help.
07-10-2003, 09:12 PM
Ooh! Like another windwalker! :D
07-11-2003, 09:50 AM
Okey days, I think we have enough ppl, and if more want to join, that's absolutely ok!
Astarien walked out into the courtyard, a saddle in her arms, and a bridle in her hand. The sun was just starting to rise, although the mountains blocked the light. The sky was the tranquil grey before the dawn as many elves prepared to leave. She found Aerlind, her shimmering grey stallion, and slipped the bridle over his nose, securing the leather into the slim elvish buckles. She moved to his back where she lightly placed the saddle near his whithers, and she secured that as well. The saddlebags were already in place, and her provisions were packed as well. Astarien looked around and spotted her Father, Elrond amidst a ring of Elven Lords, who would lead the company. They were talking in hushed voices, so she decided not to interfere. Instead she looked around at the odd asortment of elves and men gathered in Rivendell. Astarien studied them, then adjusted her dark blue cloak over her blue tunic and leggings, pulling her boots to test their fit. With one last check to see if Hadhafang was sheathed and safe, Astarien decided to talk to a particular elf she didn't know. She walked over to the elf and bowed. "Greetings, and welcome to Rivendell. I am Astarien."
OCC Enter anyone!
07-11-2003, 04:03 PM
"Greetings, Astarien. I am Kalile Alako; I will be riding with Elrond.
Say," she added thoughtfully," you resemble Elrond quite a lot. I assume that you will be riding with him in the front as well?"
07-11-2003, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Kalile
Ooh! Like another windwalker! :D
Yep, guess so. Not that I'm trying to copy you or anything, it's just what I wanted Sulfea to be.
07-11-2003, 06:39 PM
Nienna was sitting in her favorite spot looking at the setting sun. She gave a sigh as her cousin, Alialei, walked up to her. "Beautiful, isnt it? It is even better when we are not going into battle," she said with a small laugh and a somewhat forced smile. "I bet it is," Nienna said quietly. After a long silence, Alialei said "Shall we go down and see what is happening," Alialei gestured with her head showing a group of elves talking. "Alright," Nienna sighed, "let's go."
07-12-2003, 03:14 PM
Yep, guess so. Not that I'm trying to copy you or anything, it's just what I wanted Sulfea to be.
No, I know! I think it's great! :D
Ic: Kalile sighed, thinking. What had Gandalf sent her here for, when she could be helping the Fellowship?
"Wizards!" she muttered gloomily.
07-12-2003, 09:13 PM
"I suppose I will be riding near the front, Kalile." She looked around, curious, and when Kalile muttered 'wizards' she cocked her head to one side. "Sorry? I don't seem to understand."
07-13-2003, 01:33 AM
"Oh," Kalile sighed again. "You've probably heard of the Nine Walkers. Well, I was along too, with Gandalf. Now that the siege of Helm's Deep is broken, however, Gandalf seemed to think I needed to be here." "Not that this isn't important, or that I don't want to be here!" she added hastily,"it's just... I could help more there, I think."
07-15-2003, 06:21 PM
Sulfea walked along, feeling happy. She usually felt happy when she ran or walked quickly, she didn't know why. Her bird, wheeling in the air, came down and alighted on her shoulder.
There are horses over there, 'fea. Want to go check it out?
No, not really, she thought back.
"Well now", said a cold voice, "'ere's a strange find! A little elf with a little birdie!"
Turning quickly, she pulled out her dirks.
"Now I wouldn't try that if I where you, elf!" The orc snapped his fingers, and ten more orcs appeared behind him.
Seeing that she was outnumbered, Sulfea spun and ran, panic flooding her.
"Little thing runs fast," said an orc behind her, and then she couldn't hear them anymore.
She had hit a person. The person had strange silvery hair and blue, lapis lazuli eyes. Sulfea's hawk flew at her, startling the person. Cursing, elf and bird retreated back into the shadows...
07-15-2003, 09:13 PM
Kalile staggered as something slammed into her, accompianed (sp?) by a large bird. Rather than stay upright when the bird was flying at her, Kalile fell easily to the ground in a sort of backward somersault and got to her feet. "Who are you?" she asked, hoping that there was someone out there, "are you a friend?"
07-16-2003, 06:32 PM
Nienna and Alialei went their different ways so Nienna went to look around and see the beauty of Lothlorien. She went to her favorite spot and let the wind carry her hair. While she stood, Nienna thought she saw something move in the wood. Orcs! was the first thought that came to her mind.
07-17-2003, 04:11 PM
Sulfea paused, furious at her carelessness. Just because she was running from orcs didn't mean she had to be as dumb as them! A few feet away, The stranger she'd bumped into was talking. "Who are you? Are you a friend?" Sulfea didn't answer. Hawk, she asked, can you follow the stranger? The bird nodded and left.
07-17-2003, 04:24 PM
Is it alright if I join even if you're in the middle(sorta)?
Name: Elvania
Race: Elves of Lothlorien(I guess she got lost?)
Eyes: Silver with white pupils
Hair: Long silver-white-blonde waist legth with black at the end
Status: Warrior Lady/Lord (whatever you wanna call it)
Weapons:Two silver daggers, a long bow as a gift from Galadriel, a hand-crafted elvish sword from Mirkwood, and a dwarf axe, a gift from Giren(I made him up), son of Gomin(made him up too.).
Steed: A tall silver horse with her eyes, named Asteroth
General Appearence: well, how any warrior elf would look, really.
Ok, that it? Good. Yay! :D
07-17-2003, 05:34 PM
A tall elf named Ilwin, was running in the forest tword the party of riders, her silver hair flying. She suddenly smelled a foul odor. She drew her sword, the glow was very bright, then suddenly an orc came out of the forest. She pointed her sword at him but he said" You betta' no' do tha' lil' missy!"
"And why not?"
"This's why!"
He lifted a finger and then 10 more orcs joined him.
"Do you really think I'm afraid of 11 orcs? That is funny!" She procedded to kill the leader and chop off the rest of their heads in a single swipe of her blade. She picked up an exceptionally large leaf and wiped the orc blood off it. She gave a shrill whistle, which was the alarm that orcs were near. She then ran top speed away running into Sulfea. " Sorry, did'nt see you there, have to tell Elrond that there are orcs in this forest. She ran off into the crowd of horses and riders, and finally found Elrond. He had been startled by the whistle, but had thought nothing of it. She yelled through the noise" There are orcs in the forest, I just killed 11 of them!!!"
07-17-2003, 06:16 PM
Nienna went down to where she had seen the orcs. Got her bow ready and waited to see if the orcs were coming towards her. A movement to the left of her caught her eye. "Show yourself," she said calmly, "or I will let loose my arrow apon you." Nienna watched as the orc stepped out of the shadows. "Ha!" it laughed mocking her, "I thought I would find a true warrior, not some silly she-elf. I have no time for this." The orc unsheathed it's sword and prepared to srike but Nienna shot it before it could take another step. The orc looked at her and gave her a look of pure hatred and then gave it's last breath and fell to the ground. Nienna went to warn the others that the orcs were once again entering the Golden Wood.
07-18-2003, 01:00 AM
"Ilwen!" Kalile grabbed ahold of her arm as she went dashing through. "Say no more, but go and inform Elrond. We may be able to take them by surprise." After the other had gone, Kalile called a breeze to her, and sent it out to scout and bring back conversations. After a few moments it returned, bearing the cry of a hawk.
I wish I were able to scry the wind... too bad there isn't anyone who can teach me: they've all gone mad, if there were ever any who could. She would have to wait and see if there was any importance in the hawk's sound. "Argh!"
It was bad enough being feared for her power, but not to be able to use it to see things far away?
07-18-2003, 03:09 PM
Sulfea jumped as an elf ran into her, saying, " Sorry, did'nt see you there, have to tell Elrond that there are orcs in this forest."
And she ran off leaving Sulfea feeling very confused.
07-19-2003, 02:02 PM
Hullo all! I'm going camping and to see Shakespeare. Be back in six days!
07-25-2003, 10:33 PM
Orcs, thougt Sulfea. In these woods, too. Well, I'll need to tell Elrond, I can probably get there faster than the other elf. Smiling rather grimly, she set off.
ooc: Of course, she didn't know that Ilwin had gotten there first.
07-26-2003, 01:43 AM
Nienna finally found Elrond only to see that he was talking to someone already. As she got nearer, she heard them talking of orcs. So there are more. And I guess he already knows...oh well. "Lord Elrond! I have seen them as well."
08-02-2003, 03:12 AM
"Ilwin is:confused: at the moment and can not talk to you right now....... Sorry.
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