View Full Version : Will Krum come to Hogworts!(SPOILERS).

06-04-2003, 09:24 PM
My bro and I were at Wal-Mart and saw a HP 5 stand. On it was a picture of Harry, Sirius Black, Mad-Eye Moody and...... who is that? Could it be Viktor Krum?

Think about this... in the fourth book, Krum comes to Hogworts, says that he doesn't like it at his school, and he becomes Hermiones boyfriend, and he lives in Bulgaria -- so how is that going to work? Then that same year, Cedric Diggary, the Hufflepuff seeker and Quiddich captainn, dies. If Krum came to Hogworts, which house do you think he would be in? And if he did get into Hufflepuff he would be the Quiddich captain and the seeker, don’t you think?

It leaves a perfict spot for Krum to come to Hogworts! Oh, it would cause so much trouble -- Harry would have to go up against VIKTOR KRUM in Quiddich, and Hermione would be cheering for them both, and Ron will be SO mad at Hermione for being friends with the “enemy”.

It seems like the kind of thing JK would do, doesn't it? I hope I'm right, it would be so cool! :D

06-04-2003, 09:27 PM
not too sure on some of your spelling(sorry) but i think that would be great because ron would be pissed off but his fav quidditch player goes to his school and harry would have a challenge

Elf Girl
06-07-2003, 01:28 PM
Krum would have graduated, he was 17, so he wouldn't be in the school as a student.

My theory is that he comes, dates Hermione, and dies, enabling Hermione to get together with Ron.

06-07-2003, 06:02 PM
Maybe he'll come coach the Quiddich teams?

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
06-09-2003, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by Fion
My bro and I were at Wal-Mart and saw a HP 5 stand. On it was a picture of Harry, Sirius Black, Mad-Eye Moody and...... who is that? Could it be Viktor Krum?

Think about this... in the fourth book, Krum comes to Hogworts, says that he doesn't like it at his school, and he becomes Hermiones boyfriend, and he lives in Bulgaria -- so how is that going to work? Then that same year, Cedric Diggary, the Hufflepuff seeker and Quiddich captainn, dies. If Krum came to Hogworts, which house do you think he would be in? And if he did get into Hufflepuff he would be the Quiddich captain and the seeker, don’t you think?

It leaves a perfict spot for Krum to come to Hogworts! Oh, it would cause so much trouble -- Harry would have to go up against VIKTOR KRUM in Quiddich, and Hermione would be cheering for them both, and Ron will be SO mad at Hermione for being friends with the “enemy”.

It seems like the kind of thing JK would do, doesn't it? I hope I'm right, it would be so cool! :D

Hmmm. Interesting...

Varda Oiolosseo
06-10-2003, 12:04 PM
Maybe he'll come coach the Quiddich teams?

Yeah because Wood left Griffindor so maybe they will have him as a coach just for Quidditch and Madam Hooch just general flying.

06-10-2003, 02:41 PM
Well it would be kinda neat...where do you people come up with stuff like Ron and Hermione are going to become boyfriend girlfriend? Maybe I need to read the books again but I never got an idea like that.

Varda Oiolosseo
06-10-2003, 04:24 PM
i didn't see anything between Hermione and Ron either.
I thought there was more between Harry and Hermione then with Ron.

but thinking back.....maybe.....yeah. :)

Elf Girl
06-12-2003, 05:20 PM
Ron/Hermione: well I think that whole fight the had right after the Yule Ball makes it a bit obvious... But maybe we're wrong!

06-13-2003, 04:23 PM
you know what they say "you fight with the one you love" or thats what my grade 5 teacher told us:p

06-18-2003, 06:29 PM
I was on a Harry Potter site where you can ask Rowling questions and ones that have been asked show up on a Rumor thread. It said that a Ron/Hermione relationship isn't going to happen. But you never know if she might change that in future books.....hmmmmmm:p

Elf Girl
06-19-2003, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by Aewionen
I was on a Harry Potter site where you can ask Rowling questions and ones that have been asked show up on a Rumor thread. It said that a Ron/Hermione relationship isn't going to happen. But you never know if she might change that in future books.....hmmmmmm:p
But how do you know it's genuine Rowling?

06-19-2003, 02:46 PM
See, I think there is a big set up for one of the foreingers to come in, but Fleur said SHE was coming to school the next year to work on her english.

06-19-2003, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Elf Girl
But how do you know it's genuine Rowling?

I'm not sure if it is but you can check it out on www.mugglepride.com. It is either on the Theory mill or Rumors. Some of them are interesting.:p