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Fat middle
05-03-2000, 01:09 PM
for those of you mp3-addicted, here´s a link (http://www.elfenomeno.com/lotr/multimedia/default.asp) to an Spanish site where you can find 17 themes composed by P. Deceuninck inspired by LOTR.

i really don´t think they´re that good (i cannot bear midi sound) but i enjoyed some of them, especially "The Curious Gardener" (with a theme "stolen" to Debussy, methinks) though it lacks of a good final, and the begining of "One Night in Bree" and "The Chamber of Mazarbul" (that sounds sad and dwarvish).

05-03-2000, 06:16 PM
"i cannot bear midi sound"

MIDI songs can be extrememly good, but that depends on the sound synthesis your computer can generate. You should either get a good card with on-board synthesis, or there are good software synthesis out there (one of the best is Yamaha's SoftSynthesizer S-YXG100 (http://www.yamaha-xg.com/english/xg/s-synth/syxg100.html).)
MIDI is often compared to a punched paper roll in a mechanical piano: the cheaper the piano itself, the cheaper the music generated by the paper roll will be.

05-16-2000, 01:48 AM
Thanks so much for giving that link, I saw some of these on Napster and wanted the whole set, even if they're not too exciting. I like the last one the best, Chamber of Mazarbul. Most of the songs are very similar, and repetetive, and dull, but some are nice. Visit to Edoras even has a hint of "James Bond" in it ;)

I can't wait to hear the music from the LotR movies...

05-18-2000, 06:09 PM
I downloaded some other LotR-related songs by Leonard Rosenman and they are much better than the Deceuninck ones. Apparently the Rosenman ones are the soundtrack to the half-LotR animated movie.

05-20-2000, 05:04 AM
bmilder, you zaid zat you found zome of hiz work on Napster....
You wouldn't happen to remember ze namez of ze people whom you zaw wiz ze muzic, would you?
Anyone with a "red" connection?

05-20-2000, 02:32 PM
Why, is that you? ;)
Because red is the slowest... green is Cable modems, T1, and T3.

Fat middle
07-19-2000, 04:17 PM
The cited site have just added new work from Deceuninck: two remixings and one new composition.

i haven´t heard it yet.

Fat middle
07-20-2000, 10:35 AM
i have been trying to hear those files but they don´t seem to work :) i´ve emailed the webmaster to fix the problem...

07-20-2000, 02:57 PM
Yeah I noticed that too. None of the files seem to work.

Fat middle
07-21-2000, 11:28 AM
problem solved. :)

currently i´m downloading the songs...

btw, there are three new songs.

07-21-2000, 10:44 PM
Four, if you count the Shire remix. I like how she's woven her short early themes into full fledged compositions. I wish she would do some with a little more excitement in them, in the style of The Imperial March or the battle music from Gladiator. :)

08-01-2000, 01:02 AM
i found a LOT of Deceuninck pieces in mp3 form at fan.tolkien-movies.com the other day - haven't listened to them yet, because my mp3 player is royally screwed up. but they have (at least parts of) the de Meij symphony - my school's band played "gandalf" 2 years ago & i instantly loved it. anyone else heard it?

aryne *